#alphabet squadron spoilers
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slyandthefamilybook · 3 months ago
thinking about how Yrica Quell, who only ever lived for others, ends up with Chass na Chadic, who only ever lived for herself
thinking about how Yrica Quell, who killed a planet, ends up with Chass na Chadic, who can't seem to die
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bo-katan · 1 year ago
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𝘖𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘶𝘥𝘥𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘥 𝘩𝘦 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥…
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izloveshorses · 8 months ago
listening to alphabet sqadron at work and
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000tragicsolitude000 · 2 years ago
EU/Canon Character Pairs
For fun - characters from the old EU and canon I think are similar in some way and some are more superficial than others (since I’m not necessarily familiar with all these EU characters nor the High Republic). I imagine them drawn together in pairs in the same way as the Legacy comic covers of Adam Hughes, but that's for good artists to do.
Ania Solo & Rey
Galaxy-roaming scavengers. 
Vergere & Ezra Bridger
Jedi lost somewhere far, far away.
Yord Fandar & Ganner Rhysode
Self-important Knights.
Dass Jennir & Kanan Jarrus 
Jedi forced to adapt to the dark times. 
Soontir Fel & Soren Keize 
Respected Imperial aces.
Mirta Gev & Sabine Wren 
Mandalorian women with complicated family history.
Ferus Olin & Cal Kestis 
Padawans on the run.
(As for Jedi Survivor, I’d pair that Cal fighting on his alone against impossible odds with Kerra Holt.)
Nomi Sunrider & Avar Kriss
Exceptional Jedi from long ago. 
Ysanne Isard & Gideon 
Imperial warlords and knowledgeable schemers.
Winter Celchu & Vel Sartha
Agents of the early rebellion.
Celeste Morne & Dagan Gera
Jedi of old, sealed away to receive a rude awakening in the future.
Ordo Skirata & Hunter 
Leaders of a family of unique clones.
Fenn Shysa & Bo–Katan Kryze 
Mandalorian leaders fighting against Imperial occupation.
Stormtroopers of the Fel Empire & First Order Stomtroopers 
Soldiers of the future.
Garm Bel Iblis & Saw Gerrera
Opposed to Mon Mothma and fighting their own war against the Empire.
Fordo & Rex 
Captains with Jaig eyes. 
Jacen Solo & Ben Solo 
Descendants of Anakin Skywalker, seduced to follow the footsteps of Darth Vader.
Natasi Daala & Ellian Zahra
Tarkin’s failed protégés.
Lorana Jinzler & Shin Hati 
Dutiful apprentices involved with Thrawn.
Hanharr & Krrsantan 
Powerful, fierce and estranged from their people. 
Tsavong Lah & Grievous
Proud warriors and commanders with a grudge against Jedi.
The Hand of Judgment & Clone Force 99
Deserters from the Empire.
Pors Tonith & Trench
Brilliant Separatist commanders foiled by Anakin Skywalker.
Warb Null & Marrok
Armored tools of the dark side.
Bria Tharen & Qi’ra 
Han Solo’s first love.
AG-37 & IG-11
More than just assassin droids. 
The Imperial Knights & The Inquisitors  
Force-wielding servants of the Empire. 
C-3PX & 0-0-0 
Protocol droids specialized in a different form of human/cyborg relations.
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flythesail · 2 years ago
Okay I watched and what
I don't think I can watch mando today :(
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idlemarginalia · 2 years ago
I have big feelings about rogue squadron
and just finished listening to book 3 in the series but I want to get some ideas and thoughts down before I go back to my Black Library books. Spoilers for a series of 25 year old books that are so non-canon the protagonist doesn't even get wiki articles.
The sound design, quality of voice acting and usage of SFX in these audiobooks is astounding. I've listened to audio dramas before that did similar things but typically they can only be a few hours long due to the obvious budget constraints of having not just a narrator but a full cast of VAs. The fact that Random House Audio is putting this much money into 10+ hour long books is astounding and makes the experience so much more enjoyable.
Having Starscream from TF prime as one of the lead antagonists makes me giggle and smile every time that poor fucker Loor just digs himself deeper and deeper into trouble.
I appreciate that the new republic is portrayed as falling into the same pitfalls all revolutionary governments deal with. They can't actually handle proper governance, have to compromise on their morals to retain power, rely on the infrastructure of the old regime and immediately put a horrible drug cartel monster into a position of authority.
It kind of sucks that the only ships they really talk about in detail are X-wings, but I know that in-universe it just makes sense to keep a squadron cohesive with matching vehicles for ease of maintenance/strategic planning. I am also aware that the Alphabet squadron books exist but frankly the name is so stupid I would need to see a decent review of the books to even check them out in passing.
Having the protagonist of a star wars book spend like a chapter or two dragging around a dead fat guy to use as a trap-checking tool like some 80s DnD adventuring party is wild.
Having the protagonist of a star wars book take 3 books to not only get a lightsaber but even be offered the chance to prestige class into jedi AND THEN TURN IT DOWN is ballsy and I appreciate the hustle.
If Tattooine is the space-wild west (Arizona, Nevada, California) then it sounds like the Ryloth is basically space-wild west (Juarez, Chihahua)
I wish they had done more with the asshole imperial officer from the mirror array, his only mention in the third book is that his shipspotting diary was a dead end for some clues related to the big court case.
Speaking of, having the vast majority of book three revolve around a court case was, uhh, certainly a decision. I sure bet that when that book was originally written the Stackpool knew damn well this wasn't going to be the end of the series.
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There’s an underlying theme in Alphabet Squadron about how the New Republic basically took the place of the Empire and it’s making me insane. It’s in the obvious stuff like how the New Republic has the superior number of forces, and how the Empire is fracturing into small independent groups trying to hold territory. But it’s also in the way that the New Republic acts like the Empire intentionally or otherwise. They’re arresting ex-Imperials in the middle of the night for unspecified crimes, they’re torturing prisoners, they’re carrying out orbital bombardments (on the orders of Hera Syndulla no less), and at the climax of the novel their collateral damage is compared to Operation Cinder multiple times. In any other novel, the side of the war that makes a main character kill their ex-colleagues would be the Empire, but somehow in this novel it’s an ex-Imperial who struggles with what the New Republic is asking her to do
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nodaudaboutitt · 4 years ago
What the fuck yrica ??????
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bluemilkpropaganda · 4 months ago
Alright! Thanks to @supersaiyanjedi14 I'm exposing everyone here to my madness
Basically I just finished reading both the Aftermath and Alphabet Squadron trilogies earlier this summer, and as you may know, these stories take place over the same time frame as a couple of games I also love (Battlefront 2 and Squadrons) between the Battle of Endor and the Battle of Jakku, and I wanted to figure out exactly how each of these media fit together relative to each other because of one major element introduced in the Aftermath trilogy and later expanded on in Squadrons:
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This absolute behemoth of a ship is the New Republic's first real crack at producing their own battleship, made from recycled Star Destroyers, it was produced in the Bormea Sector under Hera Syndulla's supervision, which is all well and good, except that Squadrons, following the process of creating and testing the first prototype Starhawk, seems to introduce a few contradictions into the timeline, minor spoilers for Aftermath, Aftermath: Life Debt, Alphabet Squadron, Shadowfall, and of course, Squadrons ahead.
The main center of seemingly contradictory evidence that we have here is pilot Wedge Antilles, who features as a main character in Aftermath and its trilogy, as well as a supporting character for a portion of Squadrons' story. What's most important to know is that in Aftermath, Wedge seriously injures his leg, to the point that he can't fly, and has to use a cane to move around for a while, all the way into Life Debt, which is set several months later, when his leg is finally healed enough for him to fly, but only by the last few chapters.
Much earlier in Life Debt, while still unfit to fly, Wedge is there to see the first mission of one of the first Starhawks created, the Concord, describing them as "brand-new"
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Now completely shifting gears, we start to get into the Alphabet Squadron and the Squadrons game and how they interact. Simply put, early in the second Alphabet Squadron book Shadowfall, Hera leaves on a mission to help Vanguard Squadron in the Bormea Sector, before eventually returning to Alphabet after she's done, which doesn't sound all that interesting unless you've played Squadrons, wherein you play as Vanguard Squadron to help protect and ensure the safety of the Starhawk project in the Bormea Sector, meaning that Squadrons takes place at the same time as Shadowfall
One random tidbit that is also worth mentioning is that very early into Shadowfall, it's confirmed that Grand Moff Pandion, a side character from Aftermath, has been killed, which happens right at the end of Aftermath, putting Shadowfall, and subsequently, Squadrons, after Aftermath, but before Aftermath: Life Debt because the Starhawks aren't finished
All of this seems to line up nice and neatly together into a little sequence of events, going Aftermath and Alphabet, then Shadowfall and Squadrons, and then finally Life Debt, right?
Except for one glaring issue.
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Wedge Antilles helps the player (and Vanguard Squadron) on their mission to create the Starhawks, which means that we have a few pieces of contradictory evidence to examine here:
Wedge hurts his leg badly enough not to fly in Aftermath
Shadowfall and Squadrons take place after Aftermath, but before Life Debt
His leg still hasn't healed by the time the first real Starhawk is flown in Life Debt (The one you help with in Squadrons is a prototype that gets destroyed)
I want to make a part 2 to this later, but if anyone thinks they have any ideas as to how the timeline could fit together without being contradictory I'd love to hear them, I have a few ideas of my own but I want to see what other people have first
If this post gets 1 whole note I'll share my current personal project that's eating away at my brain like a worm (I'm making an overly complicated and detailed timeline of a certain period in star wars)
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veritascara · 6 years ago
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Oh my poor heart. 😭
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slyandthefamilybook · 4 months ago
the ending to Victory's Price was so bittersweet in the best way possible. It wasn't a happy ending, but it made me happy
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narkinafive · 6 years ago
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corelliaxdreaming · 6 years ago
Headcanon you can pry from my cold, dead hands: Wyl’s ship loves him just as much and talks back even if he can't hear/understand it. Maybe it's cracky, but idgaf, my feelings need this.
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girlbossk · 6 years ago
is it bad that the most excited i’ve gotten while reading this book is the brief mention of airen cracken
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cafffine · 3 years ago
wait Alphabet Squadron is actually really compelling.
the stark contrast between the imperial defector pov and their subsequent framing of the rebellion as a terrorist organization that they now have to play nice with vs the the Rebellion pilots pov and their immediate deification of the Skywalker twins as they continue to suffer and die under the Empire’s dwindling forces is fascinating.
Like the Emperor’s only been dead for a few months but the New Republic infantry is still so desperate for hope that Luke and Leia are already spoken about like saints and angels. So good.
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kanerallels · 4 years ago
Never read Bloodlines, and now I DEFINITELY won't. That doesn't sound like Jaina at ALL. It sounds highly enraging.
And my sister was the same way with the Alphabet books-- or at least about the make better choices bit. Alphabet Squadron really does that to you, though.
I was less like that, since I was prepared. Except when Wyl Lark challenged Soran Keize to a duel. Then I lost it.
The. The what trilogy? Is…. is that the actual name?
The actual name of the trilogy is The Dark Nest Trilogy by Troy Denning. It takes place after the end of the New Jedi Order megaseries and before the beginning of the Legacy of the Force megaseries.
The explanation for the Artoo thing was simple enough. Legends was not allowed to use Padme until after RotS was released and these were the first books to come out then.
As for the A plot being about Jacen, Jaina, Zekk, Raynar and a few other characters who I can’t remember off the top of my head getting dragged into a bug driven mind meld and having orgies… they gave him extensive creative freedom with this trilogy and he sure did make choices.
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