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midnightwinterhawk · 2 years ago
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And before I posted this, I checked about 10 a/b/o fics and so far every alpha Derek tag leads to Pack Alpha, not Omegaverse. It looks like the omega Stiles lead to the right place though. (Eta: the Alpha Peter Hale tag looks to be in the same boat as Derek)
Wonder how they plan to work out those bugs.
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midnightwinterhawk · 1 year ago
Because he likes Stiles, but Stiles is most likely to come up with a murder plot that will actually work, so he’s not to be trifled with.
Love it when Peter has a healthy dose of respect for Stiles' abilities.
@like-lazarus kindly tagged me in a “Messy Draft Monday” and even though I’ve been too stressed to be actively working on anything right now, I wanted to share something. So have a little bit of one of the random steter stories floating around in my brain:
Peter finishes loading the last bag into his car and leans against the trunk for a minute. Overall, he feels satisfied. His revenge is complete, plus he’s an alpha, which is a nice little perk.
It’s a little galling to have to leave the Hale territory instead of ruling it, but if he stays here his nephew and that merry little band of budding psychopaths will kill him eventually. He’s lucky, but he’s not that lucky.
The sound of rapidly approaching footsteps catches his ear first, then a quick heartbeat. He knows that heartbeat. He memorized that heartbeat one night that seems so long ago, but really wasn’t that long ago at all.
He turns around.
“Stiles,” he says, low, dangerous. Because he likes Stiles, but Stiles is most likely to come up with a murder plot that will actually work, so he’s not to be trifled with.
The boy pulls up short, staying well back from Peter. He’s breathing hard, and those pretty pink lips are parted, his cheeks flushed. He really is very lovely, Peter thinks.
Stiles has a large duffle bag weighing down one shoulder, his grip on it white-knuckled. “Take me with you,” he says.
Peter blinks. He thought he was beyond being surprised.
“You want me, right?” Stiles goes on. “You wanted to turn me. I can’t let you bite me, but I can be pack. Just take me with you. Let me stay with you and I’ll be pack. I’ll cook too, and clean.”
“Can’t let me bite you?” Peter asks. It’s not the only question he has, but it’s the one that sticks out the most in what Stiles has just laid on him.
“I don’t think so. Maybe? But right now it’s a no.” He bites his lip, taps his fingers on his leg. “Yeah. Definitely a no right now. Maybe forever. But humans can be pack, right?”
Peter doesn’t know why he’s even still standing here. Of course he’s not going to take Stiles with him. “You don’t even know where I’m going,” he says instead of what he should be saying, which is obviously no. It’s definitely not happening.
“I don’t fucking care,” Stiles says, and he sounds suddenly weary. “As long as it’s not here, I’m cool.”
Peter tilts his head. Stiles is such a mix of scents it’s always been hard to get a read on him, but Peter has noticed the anguish that radiates off the boy in waves. It’s a layer that runs under everything else— a steady, overwhelming sadness. “And what would your father have to say about that?” He still doesn’t know why he’s even engaging in it, why he’s giving the boy any hope.
Stiles snorts. “I left him a note that he’ll find whenever he finally realizes I’m gone. He won’t come after me.” He looks down and to the side, his hand clenching into a fist.
“Listen,” Stiles says, and he raises those big brown eyes to look right at Peter, “I can’t stay here anymore. Please. Just please, take me with you. I know I can’t promise not to be any trouble, you’d never believe that, but I can be useful. I can be good for you. I can be pack.”
He’s desperate, and that shouldn’t matter. If it were anyone else it wouldn’t matter, but this is Stiles. Stiles is unusual. He’s interesting. Now that he’s had his revenge, Peter is at a bit of a loose end. Not without plans, never without plans, but the future already looks a little boring. Stiles is many things, but boring isn’t one of them.
Plus, Stiles is the Sheriff’s son, and absconding with the son of the sheriff sounds like a delightfully mischievous, if misguided, end to his run in Beacon Hills. “Alright, you can come along.”
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ghostieblr · 4 months ago
Peter's Vows
When Derek is born, there is an earthquake. Beacon Hills is many things, but it is not a place of earthquakes. This is an anomaly, this sudden shaking of the land, and Peter watches Talia go through the pain of birthing a cub, and he makes note of how her cries resonate with the moving earth. As the baby is brought to the world of the living, the earth shakes more; giddy, Peter thinks of the land. Giddy at this baby's birth. That's what it is.
The town reels with the destruction, however minimal it seems to be. It is the strangeness of the earthquake that has the people in a panic, and it takes two days of Mayor Yukimura calling for council meetings and community barbecues that they begin to somehwat calm down.
The baby is named Derek on the first day itself, born underneath the Nemeton, his pale blue eyes reflecting the moonlight in silver hues. Talia sobs with relief, Nathan beside her, stroking her hair. Laura is back at the pack house, safely tucked in the bed, the rest of the pack members keeping watch. Talia had wanted to bring her with them, fearing the worst of the anomaly, but their mom had convinced her to not do it. The birth of the Alpha's cub is a big deal, but it is also private: only the Mate, Emissary and Left Hand are allowed to be present, for comfort, safety, and protection, respectively.
It has been tradition since ages, and Talia is the last person to break it.
Derek is a calm baby. Sleeps through the night, doesn't cry for attention. Only does it for feeding, his survival instinct as strong as his lungs. Peter adores him, even if he may never admit it to anyone.
He is also curious about the boy. Why an earthquake? It cannot be a coincidence. Truly, he wonders how some people can be so dumb. Calling it a coincidence is insulting to the Powers That Be, which must have called upon such a natural reaction of the land for a reason. Derek is a special boy, and Peter vows to find out how.
Besides his incredibly compassionate heart, that is.
It is in his eyes, which have slowly turned into a kaleidoscope of colors, the kindness of him. Derek's trust is not so easily earned, but once it is, it is extremely difficult to dislodge it.
Derek is a boy destined to become a kind man, one that will be an Alpha with mercy in his heart but cunning in his mind. Peter sees the makings of it right from the beginning, the way the boy will procure solutions to his own problems as well as those he deems important to him. Laura is the first born and thus has the claim to being the next Hale Alpha, however Peter knows, somehow, perhaps instinctually, that Derek will be the Alpha.
Another piece of the puzzle falls in place when their emissary falls pregnant. She's an amazing woman, Claudia. Peter likes her wit and humor, and he enjoys the perspective of her husband, the deputy, and if luck is on his side, soon-to-be Sheriff of Beacon Hills. Peter is happy for the couple.
He is, also, astonished to see an almost five-year-old Derek climb onto Claudia's lap one morning, his small fists rubbing against his eyes, and his nose scrunching determinedly to find a scent.
Peter remembers the conversation well.
"Derek, honey? What are you trying to find?"
"Mine," is what Derek growls in reply to Claudia, and shoves his nose against her barely-showing belly.
Peter's laughing figure is shot out of the end of the couch and onto the floor by Claudia's impeccable throw of one of the decorative pillows from said couch.
Thereafter, it was peculiar but not unseemly to find Derek following beside Claudia, his whole little being focused on the life forming inside her. And when the night came, Peter wasn't at all surprised to witness the thunderstorm.
Claudia had plans of giving birth in the hospital, but due to miscalculated steps, or simply because of reasons not privy to them, the best possible option left for her seemed to be below the Nemeton.
John had lost his damn mind at the prospect. "It's raining! Heavily!"
"Talia gave birth in an earthquake," Claudia says through gritted teeth, "And the baby doesn't care, nor do I, John. It is—"
Her words are cut off by another scream, and she is right, of course. It is time.
Talia, John, and Peter are the only ones who should go with her, but Derek, the little sneaky wolf that he seems to have become, follows them. It isn't until halfway through that John, the human, realizes his presence first.
They move forward with the determined little boy, who is all sopping wet in his wolf onesie, and really, this is no laughing matter. Except it is.
Claudia is brought below the Nemeton, and the tree, big and branching and beautiful, hums in their presence. The canopy of it sheds them some, but not completely.
And so, under hard rain and sharp thunderstorms, Mieczysław Stilinski is born, his little body almost white under the moonlight, and his eyes, when they open, a shock of topaz, like a glinting jewel; a fallen angel, Peter thinks.
Derek carefully wraps the baby in the blanket Talia removes from the packed bag, her movements locked onto her son's and the baby's, while John tends to his wife.
Peter watches. He notes the way the baby is calmest in Derek's arms, the way Derek is mesmerized.
This is more than just being True Mates.
True Mates itself are the rarest of occurrences, but something tells him this is more than that. The earthquake, and this sudden rain, in April of all things, simply cannot be coincidence. There must be a reason, one that Peter must uncover.
In the coming years, he dedicates his time to the quest, and finds that, oh, this is something unique indeed.
Unique to the point of legend.
Of course, he gathers facts before telling anyone. Derek's control goes onto the list, as does his ability to switch between his shift as easy as breathing. Having such control at the age of seven is almost impossible, but he has it without the growing ego that would have inflated anyone else's with the amount of praise he gets.
Stiles, as Derek had nicknamed Mieczysław almost immediately post his arrival in the world, is no human. His mother's line has some pretty strong magical abilities, but the kind of power that this boy exudes surpasses imagination. Nobody notices at first, not even Peter, until Stiles is a couple of months past his third birthday. It truly isn't until Derek, almost nine, comes down from his room one day into the kitchen, says, "Which packet, Stiles?" that they realize it.
"Honey, he isn't a wolf. He cannot hear you," Nathan tells him, but Derek just shrugs.
"He is for today."
Peter hears the, "Blue one! Blue one! Blue is sooo pretty, Derek!" from Stiles, who is definitely sitting in Derek's room, upstairs.
Derek grabs the blue packet and goes upstairs, and Peter follows, followed by Talia and Nathan, who beckon Claudia as well.
Stiles sitting on the floor, a myriad of toys around him, while the packets of chips sit beside him, torn open, evidently by Derek's claws, who himself is playing with Stiles.
And they're both being fed flying chips.
The three wolves turn to Claudia as one. Her shaking head and awed face is enough to clue them in, and really, Peter thinks, this is fucking incredible.
Powers don't manifest as early as this in magic wielders. They're more of the puberty package, tied to emotions at the beginning rather than will.
This is... defying it.
Peter loves to see when the next piece of the puzzle will fall.
And it does oh so enticingly.
Years later, when Derek is fourteen and Stiles is almost nine, comes the first trial. The Alpha Summit & The Argent Treaty.
Peter doesn't believe Gerard's words to do no harm, so he sets up precautions in place. It pays off, because during the summit, he almost ends up blinding Deaucalion — something that could have turned super bad if left unchecked.
Gerard's attack is met with swift retaliation, but somehow, only his goons end up dead. Gerard himself remains free, and through sheer will, maybe, the old man manages to kidnap Laura.
By the time the adults sniff out their cub, they're too late.
Not in the sense of Laura being hurt, but in the terms of missing the action, somewhat.
When they enter the warehouse, they are faced with Gerard being held down by a black wolf, fangs around his neck, the eyes of the creature a deep, ruby red. Deeper than Talia's. At first, they all assume it to be one of the visiting Alphas, but then they realize Stiles' presence, too, and it clicks.
Stiles frees Laura from the painful looking electric rod, and comes back to Derek, coaxes him back to his human form as Peter and Nathan take care of the psychopath.
Laura lets Talia mother her, and then says, "We'll have two Alphas."
Talia looks at the now human Derek, and eyes shining with pride, she nods. "Come here, both of you," she beckons, and the boys run, Stiles' chattering a comforting sound for all of them.
A few weeks later, Derek admits to everyone he has a new friend, and talks about her often. Paige this, Paige that. Laura teases him, restrained in her words, trying not to upset Derek's control. Even Cora pulls back. Stiles, though, is almost worse.
He riles Derek to the point of him using his Alpha voice to shut up, and the whole Pack silences itself, even Talia. Stiles, though — an exception to all things sane — doesn't back down. The voice doesn't work on him, and Derek isn't phased by it. However, the smell of guilt filters through their home, and Stiles' sigh is followed by comforting words. There is no apologizing though.
Soon, they'll learn from Derek himself that he hates that everyone is walking on eggshells. That is why he kept bringing up Paige, so that someone would tease him, uncle Peter, Laura, Cora. Or that Stiles would rile him up.
"Why would he, though? He should be happy for you. I am." Cora's words are met with a laugh from Derek, and a groan of embarrassement from Stiles.
"He's weirdly possessive — don't push me, you know you are."
"Alright," Stiles sighs, "I am."
"And Paige is a great friend, but I don't nearly think about her as much as I might have let you all believe."
And that is when Peter sees it. The blink-and-you-will-miss-it purple flash of Stiles' eyes. Peter doesn't put thought into why now; he simply focuses on completing the puzzle.
And he does. True Alpha and Purple Eyes? That's easy.
That's legend.
Set in stone as the first Alpha and the first Emissary as well as Spark, who, arguably, also set in stone the sword of Excalibur.
That part of the legend has questionable sources, though. Sure, Merlin Emrys is, as per theories, the most powerful sorcerer of all time, and Arthur Pendragon the greatest ruler, the once and future king, but it doesn't have as much merit.
What Peter is sure about is that somehow, the Powers That Be decided that this is the pack to send these two to.
He watches Stiles argue about the best type of pasta with Derek, and thinks, suddenly, that perhaps this is their happy ending. What legends end happy? None. So this must be their time to be happy.
Peter vows another quest, then. To always protect Derek and Stiles.
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tonsillessscum · 10 months ago
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mikakuna · 9 months ago
i think because everyone in the family treats jason as the dumb one, he should show up at a gala and just act super bimbo. it's retaliation, okay? they all think he's below them in terms of intelligence so why shouldn't he take advantage of that?
cue jason pulling up to a wayne gala looking absolutely delectable. his curls are nice and pretty, lips looking soft and plump, cheeks naturally flushed, eyes all doe-like, lashes curled, suit literally stuck to his body and enhancing his thickness-- he looks gorgeous. the bats think, whatever, it's fine.
nope. bruce almost has a heart attack when his barely adult son walks up to a group of older men, places a gentle hand on one of their arms, and starts giggling. his barely legal son is leaning into these men, tilting his head and baring his neck just so, and putting on the most enticing smile. HIS CHILD is subtly sticking his hips out, pouting his lips, and leaning close to whisper who knows what into the ears of these leering grown men.
dick and tim do a double take when they see jason "clumsily" spill whine down the front of his suit and then begin unbuttoning his top with a ditzy, tipsy giggle of "oh no! :( would you handsome fellas mind helping me out?"
by the end of the night, jason has bruce sitting down with his head in his hands and contemplating everything.
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late-to-the-party-81 · 2 years ago
Thank you for reading and sharing 😙
Alpha Peter becomes unexpectedly protective of omega Tony and Tony doesn't know why at first until peter told him. Tony is pregnant
Alpha, Omega and ?
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AN: Hi nonnie - this took a little bit of a turn from what I originally imagined and your initial ask, but I hope you still like it.
I’ve never written A/B/O before, although I’ve read a lot. Whilst there are no explicit details in this, I am basing my Omegaverse anatomies on this guide by the wonderful @jro616, where male omegas and female alphas are either intersex people who have chosen their external presentation to match how they feel as a person, not their genitalia, or trans people who have decided (for whatever reason) not to have bottom surgery. You can read Tony in this fic either way.
In this story, when they meet, Peter is early to mid 20’s and Tony is approaching 40. Both of them are normal (omegaverse) humans.
Beta’d by @sidepartskinnyjeans, divider by @firefly-graphics, moodboard by me.
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WC: 3k, cos short fics aren’t my forte.
CW: A/B/O dynamics, age gap, mentions of bigotry and slut shaming, heats, ruts, claiming and consent, mild sexual content, mentions of masturbation, discussions of fertility, getting together, established relationship, fluff.
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Peter was tired. Absolutely bone-weary. He sank down into the worn, cushioned seat in the cab, as it whisked him away from the airport and towards home. He’d been away for two long weeks and was ready to be back where he belonged, in the penthouse, with his sweet omega.
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Many things had surprised him when he’d begun his internship at Stark industries all those years ago. Firstly, how Tony actually got himself involved at the ground level in all things, even if it was just a meeting with him to explain the background of a team's new development project. Peter had not been expecting that.
He’d also not been expecting to take one sniff of Tony’s omega scent and have his hind brain start shouting “Mine mine mine”. As inappropriate workplace crushes go, Peter knew this was a doozy.
The whole world knew that Tony was an omega, with more than one old-fashioned and bigoted person questioning, publically, whether he should remain in charge of the famous tech firm he’d inherited from his father. But he’d proved all the nay-sayers wrong, taking the company from strength to strength, despite his secondary gender and his personal life.
Tony was known to play the field, not something considered a virtue in an omega, but he’d got away with it by mainly dating, or appearing at functions with, other omegas and some betas, both male and female. On the rare occasion he was spotted with alpha, it was a female one; female alphas were even rarer than male omegas, and it always seemed to feel like a publicity stunt.
Peter was taken aback by his reaction to his new boss, and tried to pack his feelings, and his desire, away in a box in the back of his mind. He told himself that Tony wouldn’t be interested in an alpha like him, especially one so many years his junior, and an employee to boot. He would be a model employee, a model alpha, and not let his primal nature affect his work. However, all his good intentions were scuppered by a couple of things.
To start with, Peter was clever, exceedingly so. It shouldn’t have come to Tony’s surprise, given the fact that he’d signed off on the internship, but nevertheless, his eyebrows had almost shot up into his hairline the first time Peter had stuck his hand up in one of the meetings and calmly told Tony that he’d made a mistake in one of his own calculations. Peter could still remember the way Tony had gaped like a fish, had started to politely reprimand him, before turning back to his presentation, cocking his head and then nodding.
“Well done, Parker, is it? I don’t know how I missed that.”
He had the boss’ notice now, and from that point on was picked for more and more important projects, until he was working alongside Tony everyday. It was this that led to the total failure of his plan to keep his attraction for the older omega under wraps.
Tony had arrived late, which considering he lived in the building, up in the top floor penthouse, was quite the feat. Peter was already working away, on his second cup of coffee and considering contacting Pepper, the CEO, when the door opened and all of his alpha senses went haywire.
He was obviously familiar with Tony’s scent, having reacted so strongly at that first encounter with it; oranges, whisky and motor oil, and he’d only got more attuned to it over the past few months. How the orange note turned sour when Tony was stressed, how the oily smell intensified when he was excited and deep in his work, and how the whisky became smokey when he was sad. Peter had never commented on his observations, though. They were work colleagues, albeit close ones, and it wasn’t socially acceptable to comment on the change in someone’s scent who wasn’t at least a close friend, if not a family member. If Tony wanted to speak about anything that was bothering him he would, and actually often did. Peter was glad of their strong rapport.
That day was different. All of Tony’s smells were stronger, from the moment he walked through the door, overlaid with the scent of brown sugar. Peter’s nostrils flared and he had to tamp down a growl, fingers curling into the worktop and turning white.
Mate. Mate the omega. Make pups.
Tony walked over, not looking his usual put-together self. His t-shirt was rumpled, and his hair not tamed to within an inch of its life. He took hold of Peter’s half mug of coffee and knocked it back in one go.
“Sorry ‘m late Petey, slept like shit.”
Peter didn’t trust himself to talk, just bit down on his lip and nodded, curtly, taking his now empty mug over to the machine in the corner of Tony’s private lab, refilling it, and making his mentor his own cup. Tony thanked him with a smile and moved to his own workstation to start his day’s work. Peter watched him, noticing the out of character sluggishness of the older man, and how he kept rubbing his calloused hand across his brow and then his lower abdomen. He knew what all those signs meant. His aunt, who’d raised him, was an omega. Their apartment had been tiny, so there was very little he didn’t know about omegas. Tony was about to go into heat, and just thinking about it, and breathing in his delicious scent only made the ache in his heart, and his loins, that much more difficult to ignore.
After about an hour of (attempted) work, and an unusual silence between them, Peter couldn’t take it anymore. Tony was head down in some calculations which were taking him longer than normal to work through.
“Mr Stark?”
“Yeah, Peter?” He answered, somewhat distractedly.
“Look, I’m afraid I’m gonna have to go home. I… um… can’t be in here with you right now.”
That got Tony’s attention. His head jerked up and he swivelled on his stool to look at Peter, face on.
“What d’ya mean? Have… have I done something to offend you?”
The scent in the air turned slightly more smokey, and Peter was shocked to realise Tony was saddened by the thought that he’d done something to upset him. The primal urge to soothe and protect a distressed omega, especially one nearing heat, rushed through Peter’s body. Without thinking his hands flew out to grasp at Tony’s forearms.
“No, no, it’s nothing like that, it’s umm…” His cheeks flushed and he dropped his hands away from Tony, as if scalded. He worried his lower lip, and realised there was no delicate way to say it.
“Well, I can smell that you’re… erm… nearing your heat, and I really need to get out of here.”
Tony’s mouth dropped open, almost mirroring the first time Peter had rendered him speechless. Peter backed away, drawing shallow breaths through his mouth, making his way towards his work station to pack up his things.
Protect. Mate. Claim.
He closed his eyes, Tony’s sweetened scent making him dizzy.
His eyes snapped open again, his gaze meeting Tony’s.
“My heat isn’t due for at least a week, I’m only just in pre-heat. You shouldn’t be able to smell a change yet.”
“But I can, Mr Stark, and I’m really sorry, but I gotta go. I’ll… umm, work in one of the other labs for the rest of the week, and come back here, whilst you’re, erm… indisposed.”
He ran out of the door as fast as his too tight pants would let him, embarrassed beyond belief at this turn of events.
He didn’t see Tony for the next two weeks. He received a message from Pepper after the first week to inform him that Tony was taking some ‘personal days’, so he returned to the lab. Despite Tony’s absence, his pre-heat scent had strengthened and now clung to the room. Peter would later admit to Tony that it wasn’t his finest hour when he’d had to go and jerk off in the bathroom, and then ask JARVIS to vent the lab and refresh all the air before he could risk returning. He’d never popped a knot so fast.
When Tony returned at the end of the second week, it was with a spring in his step and Peter had hoped that everything would return to normal. However, that idea was shot down when Tony insisted on taking him out to lunch. Peter had anticipated a local coffee shop or maybe a deli, but no, Tony had taken him across Manhattan, in his limo, to a small Italian restaurant, where he appeared to have his own private table in a secluded corner. The sour note to his scent gave away the fact that Tony was worried about something.
“Peter, I wanted to talk to you… about the other week.”
Peter put on his broadest, albeit fake, smile, eager to assure Tony that there wasn’t anything wrong.
“No need, Mr Stark, just, umm… if you let me know next time you’re nearing… you know… I can just go work elsewhere. It’s fine, really. Must happen all the time when alphas and omegas work closely together."
Tony reached out across the table, his hand covering Peter’s.
“Peter, we need to address something. The fact that you could detect that change, so early, points to one thing; that you and I are very compatible. No, not very, extremely. And I’m not gonna lie, I’m attracted to you. Like, a lot.” Tony smirked a bit, before he stared off into the distance, a dreamy, soft look in his face. “The favourite part of my day is when you walk in, all spring rain, sunshine and cinnamon. I really like how when you’re happy, or excited, your scent warms the room. And when that cinnamon gets spicy hot I know you’re frustrated and all I want to do is hug you and purr until it calms down. And I dread the days you smell soaking wet, because I know something’s eating away at you, just like it is now.”
Peter looked down at Tony's hand, the calloused fingers shifting to twine together with his own smoother ones.
“Peter, will you go out with me? Will you give us both the chance to see what we could be together?”
It was Peter’s turn to be shocked. Had they both been pining this entire time? He looked back up, this time with a genuine smile on his face, and a hopeful flutter in his heart.
“I’d really like that, Tony.”
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By the time Tony’s next heat had rolled around, three months later, they were at the stage where Tony was comfortable asking Peter to help him through it. He’d blushed so prettily when he’d made the request, not certain if Peter was ready for the responsibility that came with it. He’d have to be able to care for Tony during, and after, both emotionally and physically. He’d also have to keep a reign in his own alpha impulses; their relationship was too new for any discussion of claiming. However, despite the initial reservations that heat definitely confirmed their compatibility. Peter would never forget the moment he filled Tony for the first time, the omega crying out so beautifully, begging for more and more, harder, deeper, and taking everything the young alpha had to give.
Two heats later and Peter was finding it increasingly difficult to refrain from claiming his sweet omega, especially when Tony’s heat hormones made him extra clingy, and he’d be pleading with Peter to bite him. They loved each other, those words had come pretty quickly, but when back in his own head, without the chemical cocktail coursing through his blood, Tony was aware of how much older he was. He knew his fertility was waning and was worried he’d never be able to give Peter any pups.
“Tony, don’t be silly, baby.” Peter held his omega in his lap, the first notes of brown sugar announcing the imminent arrival of the next heat. “Me wanting to claim you is about us, you and I. You told me to give us a chance. And you were right. I wanna be with you. You. If we both want children down the line, but we need help, we can get it. There are plenty of paths to parenthood. But I want the world to know you’re mine, that Tony Stark is officially off the market.”
He nipped at Tony’s ear, making him mewl, and bury in closer to Peter’s chest.
“You bring out the feral alpha in me…’mega mine. But I won’t do it if you don’t want to. I’d never claim you in heat without us having discussed it like we are now. Not even when you beg me so nicely.
Tony continued to whine and rubbed his face over the scent gland in Peter’s neck.
“Want it. Want it so much, Alpha. Wanna be your mate and for everyone to know it. Tony Parker-Stark has a nice ring to it.”
“Alright, baby. We’ll wait for your heat, yeah? Cos it might trigger my rut, and it could be a lot for you to handle otherwise.”
Peter’s ruts were irregular, normally affecting him about twice a year. He hadn't had one since before starting to date Tony, so he knew one was due any time, and if anything was going to trigger it, it would be claiming Tony as his, finally.
It turned out Peter was right, and from then on his ruts came in synch with every other one of Tony’s heats.
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That had been five years ago. After going through a lot of legal paperwork with Pepper, Peter was able to remain at Stark industries, working his way up the ranks. Now he carried out tasks Tony used to do, including tedious conferences all over the world, allowing his omega to take things easy, and spend nearly all his time tinkering, which he much preferred to schmoozing. Big parties weren’t his thing anymore.
Annoyingly, this most recent conference had had Peter flying out two days after Tony’s last heat and his own rut. The memory of Tony purring, all lax and fucked out beneath him, the pair of them locked together by his engorged knot, had kept Peter going whilst he’d been away. Tony’s heats were less regular now, although currently no less intense when they did occur. It had also gotten to the point that Peter knew before Tony himself when the omega’s body was gearing up for one.
The cab jerked to a halt, pulling Peter out of his reverie. He paid the driver, and made his way into the tower, nodding to the night security and loosening his tie as he walked over to the private elevator. It whisked him upwards at the touch of his thumb print, and Peter counted down the 30 seconds he knew it took to get from the foyer to the penthouse. His foot tapped the floor impatiently.
The doors whooshed open and Peter stepped out into his home. Immediately he knew something was different. There was a different smell in the apartment. It wasn’t Pepper’s calming, appley, beta scent, or Rhodey’s metallic alpha one. No, this scent was entirely unknown. 
He breathed in deeply, trying to separate the new, spicy vanilla chai smell from his and Tony’s so he could pinpoint it, wherever it was in the apartment, because the strength of it told Peter that the owner was still present.
“Tony?” He called through the penthouse, wondering why his omega hadn’t scented that he was home. 
Peter left his small case by the elevator doors and walked into the main living area. To Peter’s surprise it was empty; JARVIS would have let him know if Tony was in the lab.
“JARVIS, where’s Tony?”
“Mr Parker-Stark is in the bedroom, sir.”
“And who else is here?”
“No-one sir, only you and Mr Parker-Stark are currently present.”
Peter was confused, but toed off his shoes and strode across the plush carpet in search of his mate. Carefully, he pushed open the door and then came to a halt, a smile spreading across his face. Tony was curled up, asleep, on the bed, clutching Peter’s pillow tight to his chest, his face pressed into the top of it.
Peter settled down next to him, still curious about the alien smell pervading their home. He drew Tony’s sleeping form against him, his omega whining in his sleep and burying closer, seeking comfort. However, when Peter drew in another deep breath, realisation hit him. The foreign scent wasn’t his and it wasn’t Tony’s, but it was intermingled with Tony’s, emanating from him.
Tears of joy welled in his eyes, and he hiccuped, hugging Tony that little bit tighter causing his mate to stir and wake up. Tony turned, blinked up at him owlishly, and then smiled, throwing his arms around Peter’s neck, peppering him with kisses. 
“You’re back! I missed you so much. I’ve been feeling rotten since nearly the moment you left, just wanting to sleep. I thought bond sickness was just an old wives tale.” 
Peter just sniffed, a tear rolling down his cheek as he smiled back.
“What’s wrong, alpha mine? Why are you crying?”
“You don’t have bond sickness, sweetheart. Take a deep breath, tell me what you smell.”
Tony looked puzzled but sniffed. Some stirring thought seemed to pass across his face before he inhaled again, deeper and longer. Then he gasped, looking up at Peter, down at his own stomach and then back at Peter.
“I… I… I’m… We’re… oh my god!”
Peter ducked his head and kissed Tony, both of them pouring their joy and love into one another. Both of them were crying, holding onto each other as their lips met.
Tony ran his hand across his still flat abdomen, Peter covering it with his own, and he started to purr.
“I wonder what they’re going to be? An omega like me? An alpha like you? Or a beta, perhaps?”
Peter pulled Tony to lie back against him, the older man’s back to his front.
“I know exactly what our pup is gonna be, baby. Loved.”
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Tag list: @mrsmischief209 @marvelstarker-mha98
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casually-eat-my-soul · 9 months ago
Sterek Mafia au — Derek is handcuffed and being dragged away and into the cop car. Stiles is screaming at the cops, when Derek fights out of their hold to lean down and make out with Stiles in front of the police, in front of everyone watching the scene. Dragging his fanss over stiles lips as he’s pulled away, and licking the drop of blood.
He gets pulled off of stiles and gives him the most cockiest smirk calling him baby and telling him not to worry and that he’ll be home soon. Both Derek and Stiles know the cops got nothing on him, and even if there did Peter and Lydia (their lawyers) would get those charges dropped. Derek tells him to go back inside and get ready for him 👀.
Maybe Stiles dad is arresting him, or maybe he is a retired cop that was thought to be dirty and helped his son run the mafia empire.
Jordan definitely is one of the cops arresting Derek, and is in love with stiles. He is delusional and thinks he can “save” Stiles from Derek. (Kinda like @hedwig221b fics, Eros Mania Amor and crimson) (if you haven’t read those, definitely check them out)
Idk just something about Derek kissing stiles while his hand are handcuffed behind his back. And being all smug about it.
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in-over-my-head · 4 months ago
Why is Peter Hale considered a villain?
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Is Peter a villain because he killed a bunch of people? Because he killed Laura? Because he's an asshole?
They never really say in the show who Peter, specifically, lost in the fire. In 'Magic Bullet' Derek said that 11 people were trapped in the house during the fire, but they never say who those people were. Did he lose a wife? a child?
All they tell us is that he was injured and in a coma for 6 years, and his remaining family (alpha) left. They also say repeatedly that a wolf can't survive without an alpha. And yet, we call him a villain for lashing out when he was injured and abandoned.
Aside from Laura, everyone he killed was involved in the fire in some way. They also never tell us his state of mind when he killed Laura or his nurse Jennifer's actual involvement in any of it.
Sure, he's an asshole, but so is Stiles. Unlike Stiles, Peter is very good at making the pack think he doesn't care about anyone but himself. While that may have been true initially, he does start to change by the end.
All this to say that we know more about Kate Argent's past than we do Peter's, which is a sad state of affairs.
So, should he be considered a villain, or are we just uncomfortable with the fact that he did what we would all want to do in his shoes?
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thollandsgirl2013 · 5 months ago
Parings → Alpha! Peter Parker x Omega! Reader
Warnings → fluff
Summary → For the first time you're nesting in Peter's room.
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You let out a soft sigh of contentment as you finally finished arranging your nest. The mountain of blankets, pillows, and soft clothes was piled high, smelling exactly like Peter. His scent wrapped around you, filling the air with warmth and security. You nestled into the middle of the makeshift bed, hugging one of Peter’s worn shirts close to your chest.
May had been more than understanding when you knocked on the door earlier, cheeks flushed, and quietly asked if you could stay over for the afternoon.
“I’m nesting,” you had whispered, feeling shy.
Her eyes softened instantly. “Of course, sweetie. Come right in. Peter should be home after school. You know where his room is.”
You were grateful for how much she understood. After settling into Peter’s room, you had spent hours gathering every piece of soft fabric and clothing that reminded you of him. His bed was at the center of it all, now buried under the layers of warmth you’d created. You felt at ease here, knowing this was your space, your safe little corner of the world while you nested.
The door of the apartment clicked open, the familiar sound of Peter arriving home. Your heart sped up, already feeling the connection between you and him grow stronger. Your Alpha was home.
You stayed curled up in the middle of your nest, listening as Peter called out to his aunt.
“Hey, May! I’m home!”
“Peter, your Omega is your room,” May called back from the kitchen.
There was a pause, and you could practically hear the confusion in Peter’s voice when he answered. “Wait, Y/n’s here?”
“She’s nesting,” May added softly, “in your room.”
Another pause.
You smiled to yourself, feeling a small wave of nervousness. You hadn’t seen Peter all day, and now that he was about to walk into his room and find you nestled in his scent, your stomach flipped with excitement.
You could hear his soft footsteps approaching up the stairs, then the door creaked open. Peter stepped into the room, and the moment his eyes landed on you, a slow smile spread across his face.
“Hey,” he said, voice soft, as though he were afraid to disturb your nest.
You sat up slightly, arms still wrapped around his hoodie. “Hi, Peter.”
He looked at the mountain of blankets and clothes around you, his eyes shining with curiosity. “Are… are those my clothes?”
You flushed but nodded. “Yeah. I hope it’s okay. I just—your scent—it’s comforting.”
Peter’s smile widened, and he stepped further into the room, letting the door close behind him. “Of course, it’s okay. I didn’t expect to find you nesting here, though. You usually like doing it at home.”
You shrugged, biting your lip. “I just wanted to be closer to you this time. I don’t know. It feels right, like… I need you more.”
Peter looked at you with an affectionate glint in his eyes, his heart clearly melting at your words. “You don’t have to explain,” he said, moving closer to the edge of your nest. “I’m just glad you feel comfortable enough to nest here. Do you want me to… I don’t know, help with anything? Or should I leave you alone?”
You shook your head quickly. “No, stay. Please.”
Peter didn’t need to be asked twice. He kicked off his shoes and moved to sit on the edge of the bed, careful not to disturb the nest too much. You scooted over, making space for him in the middle of the blankets.
“How was school?” You asked, trying to keep the conversation light even though your heart was thudding in your chest from how close he was.
Peter chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. “Same as always. Missed you, though. I kept thinking about you. I didn’t expect to come home and find you like this, but it’s a nice surprise.”
His gaze lingered on the nest you had built, and you could tell he was both fascinated and touched. It wasn’t often that you let him near your nest, but something about today felt different. You wanted him close, wanted his scent to surround you even more now that he was here.
“Can I…?” Peter gestured to your side, indicating if he could join you fully in the nest.
Your heart swelled with affection. You shifted slightly, giving him room, and he slid in beside you, his arm wrapping protectively around your waist as soon as he settled in. His warmth immediately soothed your nerves, and you leaned into his chest, sighing with contentment.
“This is nice,” Peter murmured, his chin resting on top of your head.
You nodded, closing your eyes as you soaked in his presence. “I feel safe with you here.”
His hand moved to stroke your arm gently. “I’ll always keep you safe.”
For a while, the two of you just stayed like that, wrapped up in the nest you had made, neither of you speaking. Peter’s scent filled the air even more now that he was close, his Alpha instincts kicking in as he pulled you closer, his protective side taking over.
“I wish I could stay here with you forever,” Peter said softly, breaking the comfortable silence. “Forget about school, patrol, and everything else. Just… stay with you.”
You smiled against his chest, your hand resting over his heart. “We’ll have plenty of time for that. But I do like the idea of you staying here with me.”
Peter let out a soft laugh. “You’d get sick of me after a while.”
“Never,” you replied immediately, your voice firm. “You’re my Alpha.”
His grip tightened around you, and he buried his nose in your hair, breathing in your scent. “And you’re my Omega.”
The way he said it made your heart flutter, and you could feel the bond between you two strengthening. It wasn’t just the physical closeness, but the emotional connection that made moments like this so precious.
Peter nuzzled the side of your neck, his lips brushing against your scent gland, sending a wave of warmth through you. “Your scent is so sweet,” he whispered.
Your cheeks flushed. “Peter…”
“I’m serious,” he said, his voice soft but insistent. “I love how you smell. It’s so calming, like home.”
You turned your head slightly to meet his gaze. His brown eyes were full of warmth and affection, and for a moment, the world outside didn’t exist. It was just the two of you, wrapped up in each other.
“Do you want to stay with me tonight?” You asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Peter’s eyes widened slightly in surprise. “Are you sure?”
You nodded, feeling shy but determined. “I want you close. Please?”
Peter didn’t hesitate. “I’d love to.”
He shifted slightly, making himself more comfortable in your nest, pulling you closer until you were practically lying on top of him. You could feel his heartbeat under your hand, steady and reassuring.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Peter whispered, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’ll stay with you for as long as you need me.”
You smiled, feeling completely at peace in his arms. “Thank you, Peter.”
“Anything for you,” he replied, his voice soft and full of love.
And as the evening drew on, you found yourself drifting off in his arms, feeling safe, protected, and loved, knowing that your Alpha was right there with you.
‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗
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winterspiderpurrs · 6 months ago
Tap. Tap. Pause. Click. Click. Tap.
The clerk sat back. She was a little pale, looking from the computer before looking over at the couple across from her. This has happened before, but .. normally not with such a public figure. Taking a deep breath before she spoke.
" I apologize for the delay, but there seems to be an issue. Unfortunately, we can not process the marriage certificate. "
" What?" " Why not?"
Pepper and Tony looked at each other and then back to the clerk. She cleared her throat.
"It appears that you, Mr. Stark are currently married. Looks like... 14 years ago?"
Tony sat back in his chair, processing the news and sorting through his memories.
" That was annulled."
Pepper nodded in agreement with Tony's statement. She had just started at SI when this happened. She wasn't high up yet, but she heard the whispers.
" Yes. I see where the paperwork was filed, but unfortunately, it looks like you did not actually sign it, Mr. Stark. "
Tony twitches for a moment before grabbing a pen off the desk.
" I'll sign it right now,"
"I wish it worked like that, Mr. Stark, but it's been 14 years. New paperwork would need to be drafted and submitted. We would obviously expedite the paperwork, no worries."
Tony sighs and rubs his eyes with the palms of his hands.
Pepper shakes her head and rolls her eyes over at Tony. Turning to the clerk, she offers her a smile.
" Thank you. We will be in touch."
Once Tony and Pepper get back into the car, Pepper hits Tony with her purse.
" This is why when you are given paper you you sign for it! God Tony. The wedding invitations already went out. What do you think the media is gonna say?"
" I'm sorry, Pep! You know that was a bad time for me. He signed the paperwork before, and I'm sure he will sign again."
" Make sure that he does. Cut him a check if you have to. I'll draft an NDA to send over."
Shaking her head, Pepper is alreasy typing away on her phone.
"Happy, get me to the airport. We are going to New York."
" On it, Boss."
Relaxing back into his seat, Tony adjusts his glasses.
" Alright, Friday. Get me everything you can on Peter Parker, contact the lawyer he used before. Once Pepper gets the paperwork ready, send it over to them. Schedule a meeting for when we land. Money is no issue, I'll cover everything. But get them to the Stark Industries tower."
" Contacting them now,"
Sighing, Tony closes his eyes and drags up the memories from all those years ago.
Tony and Peter meet in rehab. Which should have warned Tony off. But he was struggling in staying sober. And Peter? He was his ray of sunshine in that bleek place.
The omega was quiet, too skinny, but his brown eyes sparkled when they talked science. And they were both well on their way to recover. But when Tony was invited to a party. So he left the rehab and dragged Peter with him. Turned into a binder weekend. They partied and at some point found themselves in Vegas.
One speeding ticket and car wreck later. Tony was put back in rehab, and he offered to pay for Peter to go to a nicer facility, NOT where he also was. A month later, Tony checked himself back out of rehab, got his lawyers, and they sent out the paperwork. He was just thankful that Peter accepted, and he put it behind himself.
He tried not to look back on that time and move forward.
Friday pulled up an image from some social media page Peter had and he froze. His heart hammering loudly.
" Sir. I Think your having a panic attack. You need to breath."
" Tony? What's wrong?"
Tony just keeps staring.
There is Peter, happy looking, filled out, obviously older, a bright smile on his face. Arm around a teenager who looks close to 14 years old. And a toddler balanced on his hip.
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marvelsgirl616 · 26 days ago
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his floofy hair 🫶🏻
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acinematicworld · 17 days ago
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🐺 — 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬 — 🐺
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[𝐭𝐯 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬:] 𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟏
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takaraphoenix · 2 months ago
I'm just sitting here, post De-Void, gently cradling Alpha Peter.
The fact that they called Peter, because they needed an Alpha with experience turning people (...when Derek turned more teenagers than Peter and Peter was feral at the time).
The fact that Peter was the one who figured out how to get Stiles back. Out of everyone. The reason we got Stiles back was because Peter sent Lydia and Scott into Stiles' mind.
The fact that, when Scott and Lydia were lost in Stiles' mind, it was Peter's scream that broke them out of the illusion and set them onto the right path.
The fact that, directly the next scene after that scream, is Lydia making Scott call out for Stiles to break Stiles out of the illusion because they're pack. Scott, as Stiles' Alpha, roared to get Stiles' attention to break him out of the illusion. Just like Peter had just more or less roared in the real world and helped break Scott and Lydia out of the illusion.
I am just having such normal feelings about all of this.
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atrwriting · 1 year ago
bffs -- alpha!peter parker x omega!reader
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hi everyone :) I know this is different than what I usually write, but like I had to lol. you'll see just trust me
as always, warnings: filthy unapologetic smut, alpha x omega relations, unprotected sex (wrap it y'all), dom!peter, sex between friends
your heat had come.
you knew it. for days, you knew it would come. there was nothing you could do to prevent such a violent attack on your senses, mind, and body — especially since there was no alpha that you would or could think to call to help you for a couple of days.
that type of… agreement required a lot of things. one, you had to be able to trust the alpha. they would have to be able to hold back their own urges to not injure you or claim you, and they would have to understand that this was an arrangement — not a relationship. that agreement also factored in how you would basically be bedridden and useless for a few days, needed to be absolutely coked out on oxytocin, and needed to be reminded to eat and drink for a few days. there were no alphas that came to mind when going over all of these requirements in your head.
well… that’s a lie, if you’re being frank with yourself.
there was one.
there was one, but he was off limits. completely off limits.
peter parker.
peter parker was your best friend, all throughout college. you studied different things, but had a few core classes together. that led to you staying close all throughout college and post grad. you weren’t exactly sure why you had hit it off so well, given the fact that he could be a bit goofy at times, always ran off to do something secretive, and was still in love with an ex that he wouldn’t cough up the name to. you didn’t even really understand how he could be an alpha — he could be quite nervous and not confident with his thought process or actions, but you surmised that made him more agreeable to be friends with. he didn’t have an ego, even though he was an impressive individual, and that’s why you admired him.
however, when you did think about him as an alpha… that was when the lines of friendship were crossed. all you could think about were the state of his eyes looked when he was focusing on something he deemed worthy of his attention. they would darken, and he would not tear himself away from the task until it was completed. before he was satisfied, there was a permanent crease on his forehead and between his brow. his lips would part slightly, and every so often his tongue would drag across his lips before his teeth tugged his bottom lip into his mouth. when he especially got frustrated with a task, he would do all of those things at once while he would lean back in his chair and deeply sigh. his impressive chest and arm muscles would be taut and on full display as he dragged his large, open hands throughout his hair and closed his eyes for a moment. you weren’t sure what was going on between those closed eyes in his brief moment of relief, but when they opened… nothing could stop peter parker.
fuck, you thought. i have to stop.
just thinking about peter like that made something twist and turn in your abdomen. part of you knew you were pathetic by how creepy and easy it was to rile you up if peter working was what got you, but you couldn’t care — not in this state.
that was when your phone buzzed.
annoyed, you grabbed your phone and the screen illuminated.
peter: still on for today?
fuck, you thought.
you: can’t. i’m sorry. something came up.
three dots appeared, and then disappeared. you immediately felt bad for cancelling on such short notice, especially to someone as sweet as peter. you hoped he wasn’t upset or angry with you. the three dots, signaling he was typing, then reappeared.
peter: you okay? what’s up?
fuck, fuck, fuck. you were and always strived to be punctual and considerate, and he knew that. he knew you would never cancel on him unless something was wrong. damn you for being such a good person, and damn parker for being so perceptive and an even better person. fucking christ…
you: i don’t feel well today. i’m really sorry
peter: no worries, feel better :)
you sent a quick thank you before clicking your phone off and rolling back into bed. you wrapped yourself in the covers, the shape resembling a burrito, and tried to sleep the best you could. the air conditioner was blasting as high as it could and the sheets were cool and crisp against your skin. your heat was not at its peak, thankfully, and because of that you were able to find some sleep for the next few hours.
that is… until you woke up.
to a fucking knock at the door.
startled, you ripped the covers off of you and whipped your head towards the door of your studio apartment. there was a person outside, as you could see from the shadow of two feet underneath the door. the person was whistling a tune you had heard before, and only one person usually whistled it…
fucking peter.
you adjusted your shorts and cropped shirt before hopping out of bed. you hadn’t smelled him yet, so you thought you would be able to handle a small interaction with him before politely kicking him out.
you opened the door, and immediately regretted the decision.
there stood peter with a small smile on his face, and food in hand. he was clad in a flannel, dark shirt and jeans, and thick boots made for walking in the city. his hair was perfectly tousled back, and his attractive face was on full display.
as was how delicious he smelled.
“fuck —!” you gasped, rolling away from the door to hide from the doorway’s view. you pressed yourself against a wall in your apartment. “peter — you shouldn’t —“
“what’s wrong?” he asked, immediately stepping into your apartment and in front of you.
god… he must’ve thought you looked so pathetic. there was a light sheen of sweat on your skin, skimpy pajamas, and your styled hair was ruffled from last night’s sleep. you were breathing quickly, with any part of your body you could manage pressed against the cool drywall.
he hurriedly placed down the food on a neighboring counter, and stepped towards you. “sweetheart, are you —“
“don’t,” you snapped sadly. “yes.”
“did you call anyone?” he asked, almost accusatory.
you shook your head as your body trembled.
“it’s dangerous not to,” he curtly reminded.
“i know, i know… ” you whispered softly.
“what can i —“ he began, not really sure knowing how to continue. “can i help with anything?”
you shook your head. “peter — you have to go — you smell so good and it’s — it hurts so bad, peter.”
the pain of desire and arousal spread from your core, to your womb, to your chest, and every single one of your limbs. you felt the top layer of your skin begin to buzz, and you whined at the feeling. you tried not to breathe through your nose, because when you did… every single muscle fiber in your body was screaming at you to reach for peter and ask him to help.
but your feet remained planted… just barely.
peter’s jaw clenched as his eyes drifted up and down your body. “...you smell good, too.”
your eyes immediately flicked up to his face, your expression wild. “don’t imply anything like that to me in this state. i have no control, and i don’t want to make you uncomfortable, peter — you’re my friend. please, peter, you should —“
“who said you were making me uncomfortable?” he took a small step towards you once more.
you stared into his eyes.
they were dark.
they were dark, and focused... just how you liked them.
you whined in pain, trying to mask it as a hum but failed.
“the question is...” he began. “am i making you uncomfortable?”
you tried to control of your labored breathing, but it was difficult when his scent invaded every single one of your senses. “no, peter, but —“
“would you want this,” he gestured his hand between the two of you, “if you weren’t in heat?”
you couldn’t stop yourself. you nodded in agreement, and looked down to the floor in shame. tears began to leak from your eyes at the pain that sent shockwaves all throughout your body. it was growing more and more difficult to remain upright.
“then what’s the problem, sweetheart?” he asked in his new york drawl. “you want me to take care of you?”
“fuck…” you seethed, his words scratching at every itch you had in your body. “you can’t say th-things like that, peter…”
“why not?” he asked, feigning innocence. “want me to stop?”
you didn’t answer.
he took one more step, and you could’ve crumbled then and there. “or do you want me to keep going?”
you sobbed, “i do.”
part of you thought that was all of the permission he needed to jump your bones, but he didn’t. he remained in his place, before he asked you another question.
“tell me what you’re worried about before we do that,” he ordered softly.
the command made your knees buckle, but you stayed standing as you sucked in sharp breaths of air. you wiped at your tears, trying to hold onto whatever sense you still possessed. “i don’t want to mess up our friendship — and i don’t even know if you would want this if i wasn’t like this —“
“baby, i’ve wanted you for a long time,” he answered lowly. his eyes were dark as he folded his lip into his mouth, licking the skin. “we can talk about it after, i promise, but right now… sweetheart, let me take care of you.”
something broke within you, and your knees buckled. “oh, peter…”
peter’s quick reflexes caused him to catch you before you fell, and he immediately pulled you up. you felt like you were floating then, finally in the arms of an alpha that seemed trustworthy. you felt his strong hand gently press against the base of your skull, and nudge you slightly into the crook of his neck. immediately, his scent hit you.
it felt like you were provided the sustenance you needed to at least be present in the moment once more. your heat had almost caused you to pass out, but being able to smell and lick at peter’s scent glands woke you up enough so that you were able to be aware of your surroundings and give into the carnal urge of taking the pleasure offered. peter held you upright and let out soft moans as you scented him, rubbing your back as you continued.
“fuck, you smell — that feels so good,” he rasped, his voice lowering. “so sweet.”
suddenly, peter’s fingers on the back of your neck tightened around your strands of hair and lifted your head back slightly. you broke from his skin with a gasp, saddened to have been taking away from the comfort you were provided, but then… it was peter’s turn.
he lowered his head to your scent glands and began sucking on the skin. you threw your head back into his hand and moaned into the open air above your head. you couldn’t see peter in your peripheral, but you knew his eyes were closed with a firm crease between his brow as his lips formed the perfect position to suck at your sweet and supple skin. the pressure was hard, and it hurt, but it was so fucking welcome. the electric shocks of pain were gone, and now were replaced with mind-numbing lust that made you selfish. you knew he would want some time scenting you as well, but you couldn’t let him. you needed him now.
“please, peter,” you whined. “i need you now, please…”
he chuckled against your skin, and pressed his flat tongue on the base of your neck and dragged it all the way up to your jaw. you gasped at the sensation before he planted a wet kiss by your ear. “you’re going to tell the alpha what to do, sweetheart, that it?”
you almost would’ve giggled and been playful back if you weren’t so consumed with desire. “i’m begging you, peter — please do something. it hurts so bad.”
“oh, you needy little thing…” he cooed before a heavy, large hand slipped its way into your shorts. “in these tiny little shorts…”
when peter finally slipped in fingers along your folds, you jumped in his hold. he chuckled darkly against your earlobe, which immediately melted you against him. you were putty to him then — a lust-numb omega who would do anything for him to make her feel good.
“so wet for me,” he rasped. “i was so mad at you when you told me you didn’t call someone — didn’t call me —“
“i’m sorry…” you whined. “please don’t stop…”
“oh, sweetheart, you feel so good i don’t think i could,” he spoke lowly. “you were so wrong not to call, but a pretty and needy thing like you doesn’t to deserve to be in pain like this, does she?”
you shook your head pathetically, tears coming to your eyes. “no, peter — please take the pain away.”
“i know, baby, i know…” he rasped once more as the pads of his middle and ring finger flattened against your bud, drawing rough circles. “you going to be good for me, now? tell me what you need?”
you pushed against his hand that held your head upright as the pleasure of his movements filled your womb with an intense feeling of warmth. you began to tremble in his arms, letting out small, pleased sighs… but you had ignored his question, and peter didn’t like that.
he slipped his hand away from your clit, and began to stroke the outside, drenched lips of your core.
“peter…” you begged in frustration, turning your head to look at him. you had never seen his eyes so fucking dark and focused — and full of desire. “peter — you promised.”
he laughed darkly. “i’ll keep my promise, if you promise to be good for me.”
“i’ll be so good for you,” you practically whined, eyes going wide and lips parting. “i promise i’ll be good for you, peter… i promise i won’t upset you again.”
“good fucking girl.”
immediately, he shoved his two fingers inside your entrance and pressed his thumb against your clit. before you could react, his mouth was on yours and stifled the moans that left your pretty lips. he shoved his tongue in your mouth, and the feeling of being so full made you whine in pleasure passed his lips. he swallowed your moans whole as he dragged the soda of his fingers in rough circles around your bud.
“oh, alpha…” you cried into him. “i needed this so badly. please keep going, please…”
“still don’t trust me?” he chuckled, slipping in his tongue to tangle with you. “trust your alpha, baby, i got you.”
...and trust you did.
peter immediately let go of you so he could lift you up by the back of your thighs. the pads of his finger dig deliciously into your flesh and the warmth of his body pressed so tightly against yours provided you so much comfort. you began to suck at his neck as he had done to yours, and a deep rumble sounded within his rib cage.
he was fast as he went for your bed, laying you down on the edge. you went to raise yourself and reach for him, but he wouldn’t allow it. with a smirk, he ordered you back down on the bed. begrudgingly, you pouted and laid back down.
peter took his time taking off his clothes, layer by layer, as he gazed down at you. a small circle of slick was collected by your shorts, embarrassment rising to your cheeks. you bit your lip as you gazed at his bare upper body. for a nerd, peter’s thick muscles were some of the most mouth-watering things you had ever seen. his shoulders, his traps, his biceps, his forearms — he was killing you as you stared at him, not allowing you to touch him.
maintaining eye contact, he fell to his knees on the floor. he was face to face with your clothed cunt and open thighs, but his eyes were on you. only you.
“don’t take your eyes off me, sweetheart,” he ordered. “do that for me?”
you nodded meekly.
he spread your folds so that nothing was standing in the way of him and your clit. almost immediately, his thick, wet tongue was working at where you were most sensitive. it was growing harder and harder to keep your eyes open and not throw your head back, lost in pleasure, but you kept your promise to him. you had folded your lips underneath each other to keep yourself upright and tamed, but you did what he asked.
what got you the most, though… was the fact that peter parker looked lost in a dream-like state as he ate you out. his eyes drifted closed and there was no crease in his forehead as tongue made the sweetest movements against your clit. one of his strong hands held one of your thighs in place, preventing you from moving either, when his other hand lifted up. he slid two fingers easily into you, and immediately started curling them and pressing them upwards into the wall inside you.
“oh my —“ your voice cracked as your eyes threatened to close. “god — christ — peter —“
you were barely making sense at this point. your hips were trying to roll against peter, but he held you down and in place. eventually, he pressed a flat hand against your lower abdomen and you thought you saw fucking stars. immediately… you threw your head back against the bed in defeat, writhing and on the verge of crying.
“hey,” he immediately snapped, taking his tongue off of you and rising so he was bent over you. “what did i say?”
with a whimper, you raised yourself to your elbows and looked at him shamefully. “to keep my eyes on you.”
his movements were halted, but his hand on your stomach felt so good as his fingers inside of you were still pressed against your upper wall and frozen in place. “was goin’ to be nice, but now i don’t think i am.”
he gave you a wet and sloppy kiss, but almost immediately withdrew as he kept his face inches from yours. you reached for his neck, holding the back of his head like he had held yours by the front door.
“please,” you whimpered. “i’m sorry… when you put your fingers inside me, and pressed down on my stomach… it just felt so good. please, don’t stop —“
you were on the verge of sobbing as he dangled what you wanted in front of your face. a smirk crept up onto his face, and you knew you were in for it. “felt too good for you, baby, that it?”
“i didn’t want it to stop,” you whimpered again, bucking your hips against his hand. “peter…”
“since you didn’t want to listen,” he began, slowly moving his fingers inside you once more. hummed in enjoyment, but kept your gaze on his face. “you only get my fingers for now. eye contact, or i take them away and leave. got it?”
“yes, yes.” you nodded frantically, twisting the ends of his hair in your fingers. “please, i’ll listen now.”
that was until his fingers started moving faster and harder.
his lips were mere inches from yours, but you were scared that if you kissed him that would obstruct your line of sight from his. you kept your distance, even though it was three inches, and tried your best to listen to him as peter absolutely wrecked the inside of you.
the sounds that left your lips were so fucking pathetic that it brought a deep blush to the tips of your cheeks. your womb felt like it was coming to life as peter worked and worked your sweetest and deepest parts, while pressing down on your stomach which only heightened the sensations.
“it feels so good…” you whined, tears feeling like they were going to spring from your eyes. “feels so good i could cry.”
“take it for me, baby,” he hoarsely said, eyes the darkest you had ever seen them. “show your alpha what a good girl you can be.”
he slipped a third finger in, and you were fucking gone.
he stretched you painfully and perfectly that you couldn’t stop the tear or two that leaked from your eye. your throat went hoarse with the pleasured gasps and sounds you were making, but your eyes never left peter’s unless it was to blink away the tears.
“that good, baby?” he taunted with a smirk. “making you feel that good?”
you hummed in approval, nodding pathetically. sobs left your lips as your nerve endings felt like they were shooting lightning. peter was fucking you with his hand like his life depended on it — like your life depended on it. your hips were struggling to writhe under the weight of his palm and all you could do was tell the man before you how good he was making you feel. his smirk and the lust in his eyes grew before his thumb began to draw circles on your clit.
you saw white.
you couldn’t help it — you had to close your eyes. nothing could stop them from slamming shut as your orgasm overtook your mind, body, senses, fucking everything as it flooded through your veins, warming every part of your being. it was warm, it was comforting, and it was fucking everything to you in that moment. you pressed your forehead against peter’s and just fucking sobbed.
“that’s it, baby,” he cooed. “that’s it.”
you whined in approval at his words and how his movements did not stop as you rode out your orgasm.
“such a good girl, taking everything i give you…” he pressed a wet kiss to the side of your face. “i know, sweetheart, i know… just keep cumming for me.”
you were shaking as you rode out their last wave of your orgasm before you smashed your lips to peter’s. it was sloppy, the way your tongues tangled with each other. his fingers still played gently inside of you as you shivered, moving away from his hands.
“you sensitive, baby?” he laughed. “can’t take it?”
your teeth sank into your lip as you shook your head. “need your cock, peter. please.”
he immediately straightened and stood up. you were sat on the bed, arms fully locked and extended behind you, with your knees bent and feet planted on either side of the bed. your pussy was drenched with your own juices, leaking down into the once perfectly clean sheets. your cheeks blushed as you gazed up at the man before you through your thick lashes.
“greedy girl,” he stated lowly, returning your gaze. you watched his long fingers unlatch his belt before you helped him pull his pants and boxers down. “your hips were fighting me so badly, baby. what? you wanna get on top?”
part of you was taken by surprise. it was common among omegas and alphas to fuck in missionary or from behind, and you were expecting that. however, part of you grew excited at the thought of having control and being able to take whatever you wanted. you smirked up at the man.
“can i?” you asked innocently. “want to feel you as deep as possible.”
he chuckled darkly before he laid back against your headboard. it was mesmerizing to see peter parker, the most accomplished man on this planet, smirk at you with such confidence. you wasted no time in swinging a leg over his hips and rushed to have him inside you.
you positioned him at your entrance, and immediately sank downwards.
if you had gone slower, the pain may have dissipated, but you needed that stretch as you lowered yourself. there was something to fucking erotic about the man below you being so big that even after being fucked by his three fingers, drenching you, you still craved that bittersweet sensation of being too small for him.
and he felt it, too.
“pussy still so tight for me,” he rasped. “you’re too good for me, aren’t you?”
you giggled at him before you began to roll your hips against him. the tip of his cock was pressed against a spot inside you that you could never dream of reaching, and it was something electrifying. it sent shivers up and down your spine, and all you could think about was how much you loved him buried inside of you.
suddenly, he sent a small slap on your ass. you gasped, and began to move faster and rougher against him.
“that’s it, sweetheart,” he grunted, hands now resting on your waist as he rolled your lower body with his. he pumped his hips upwards to meet yours, and those small whimpers began to leave your lips once again. “that’s more like it, baby. i know what that pussy needs.”
this entire time, peter had been focused on what your heat-dazed mind and body needed… and you couldn’t have cared less about what he needed. you didn’t even listen to him before, for chrissakes… you needed to be better — and you knew just the thing.
you planted one hand in front of you on his pelvis, and reached the other behind you to cup his balls. they were heavy in your hand, and your core tightened at the sensation. he let out one of the loudest and surprised moans you had ever heard in your life. it was music to your ears, and sent sparks right to your pussy. you clenched around him as he threw his head back, closing his eyes and scrunching his brow together as his lips parted in ecstasy. you rolled your hand and your hips at the same time and threw your head back. moans and whines were leaving your lips like no one could hear you, like there was no one in the world besides you and peter.
suddenly, peter pulled you towards him so you were practically pressed front to front. you continued to smash your hips with his and roll his balls in your hand as your next orgasm quickly approached. his face was at level with your breasts, which he greedily accepted the view of. he brought one hand up to roll one of your nipples between his fingers, while he roughly sucked on the other. your senses went crazy then, and all you knew was to drive your hips up and down and front and back to ensure peter’s cock never left your pussy.
“your cock’s so big, alpha,” you whined. “makes me feel so good…”
“being such a good girl for me,” he groaned against your chest, breath hot on your skin. “your alpha’s so proud of you.”
“oh, fuck, fuck, fuck —“ it was all growing too much, the pleasure. your head felt like you were swimming, and your hips were growing sloppy.
peter noticed immediately, smiling menacingly. “you got too greedy, hmm?” he threw you off of him, back flat on the bed, and you gasped in surprise. “need you to take my knot, baby. your pussy is just too good.”
he bent your thighs backwards, so your feet were in the air close to your head. immediately, he shoved his long and thick cock inside you. the head of his cock was red and angry, and you gasped as you watched it enter you and felt it press against your upper walls once more. peter planted two strong arms on either side of you as the veins in his arms made an appearance, looking more pronounced than ever. his hips were snapping against yours, and you lost all control at that moment.
“finish inside me, alpha,” you begged. “need your knot so badly.”
"oh, fuck —"
immediately, peter wrapped your hair around his fist and pulled you taut to him. you were clinging onto him for dear life — the very sustenance that he promised to give you and was giving to you tenfold. whiny, pathetic breaths and gasps were shoving past your lips and were music to peter's ears. he could practically hear, feel, taste, see, fucking sense your orgasm creeping up on you, holding you hostage. he needed to make you finish, he had to. he had to because you were in need, sure — but on some level, on some animalistic, carnal level — he needed to see you in a state of pure bliss for his own selfish need.
and he knew just what you needed.
peter immediately attached his lips to your scent glands on your neck and sucked as hard as he could. his hips drove themselves against yours, and he himself fell victim to the fall of immense pleasure. it blindfolded him and shoved him straightforward, backwards, sideways — he didn't know... he couldn't tell. all peter knew was that when he came as hard as he did, he felt his knot growing and latching itself inside you... and that's when he knew.
your tight, sopping wet pussy clenched around his knot and you came with a scream. every ounce of pain you had felt over the course of the day had left you. you were a stranger to it, any kind of pain. the only thing you knew was peter and his warm skin that felt so good against yours. your hips thrashed against his, unable to deal with the pleasure, but his strength held you down so you could not shy away from the immense relief you were so grateful for.
"good girl..." he growled. "such a good fucking girl..."
everything went black... but you knew you were safe. you were always safe with your best friend. 
the end. hehe
-L xo
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pandafishao3 · 6 months ago
Posting order for Kinktober 2024
It is here, it has been decided, there is finally a LIST with the posting order!! Four months of work coming together! Let's get hyped for Kinktober! I've taken a lot of your suggestions, and I'm really happy that so many has sent hem, so thank you for that. This Kinktober, we have a good mix of things. It's mostly Stucky, but there's also Spideypool, Loki/Mobius and Poolverine. I've mixed Top!Steve, Top!Bucky, pre-and post serum boys, Omegaverse, AU's, Canon, you name it. This year has it all!
And like always, it will be posted on my Ao3.
Comment your thoughts and questions, tell me which one you're excited for, tell me if you're posting for kinktober too, just talk to me friends :)
Dirty talk 
Can’t get it down
Fucking Machine
Glory Hole
Car sex
Brat getting punished
1950's Housewife AU
Nude Modelling
Sex Pollen
Rope Bondage
Cum eating
 The Second circle of hell/Demonfucking
Anal gaping
Alpha on Alpha
Foot fetish
Sex Therapy
Tentacle Sex
Tumblr media
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artofhazbinhotel · 9 months ago
I did something I find HILARIOUS, I assigned hazbin hotel characters omegaverse roles, you're welcome
Charlie- omega
Vaggie- beta
Alastor- beta
Rosie- beta
Cherri- alpha
Sir pentious- omega
Angel- omega
Husk- beta
Niffty- alpha
Lucifer- omega
Lilith- alpha
Valentino- beta
Vox- omega
Velvette- alpha
Lute- alpha
Adam- beta
Saint Peter- omega
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