#all of this to say i mostly just keep a lot of my doodles to myself since theyre not fandom related and im too lazy for a central art acc
oozeandgoo-art · 5 months
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#oc#haven#rex#monochrome#contents: a little raunchy for tumblr#doodle#really high effort one but it's about the shapes more than anything else lol#meme redraw#comic#i may color this. the original plan was to color it. however i spent all my energy for coloring on drawing an aftermath coda#im fond of this one. there's a lot happening in it#haven and rex are both dressed "up'' to annoy the other's plus-one minor enemy#<- specific au element#rex is wearing a weezer shirt because haven knows that'll piss off taran. haven is dressed up like rex's best attempt at a mid-00s surfer#because he knows felyx cant fucking stand haven and is also into buff masc dudes dressed in jeans with rhinestones and thinks it'll be funn#to put felyx in the Lustful Colander#(he is right)#haven's house is not actually a cool neat influencer home or whatever there's no like open floorplan white walls light bamboo floor bullshi#going on here. it's all like green and red granite tile and shit. the man has been around for a very long time he knows what kind of decor#he's fond of. those ARE fish tanks in the walls though. and a spiral staircase#the man has been around for a very long time. he does not give a shit if what he likes is 'tacky'#also when the one speechbubble he says gets weird it is because he is using a magic power and forcing rex to put his cigarette out. rex is#naturally kind of annoyed about this. it used to make haven wince when he put his cigs out on his hands so he keeps doing it every time thi#happens but he has not yet cottoned on to the fact that haven has fully stopped wincing and now just thinks it's a normal habit he has#and has no idea that it's specifically aimed in his direction#also haven has no issue with giving head but rex isn't aware of that. they don't communicate well#and what Rex is actually aware of mostly consists of 'asking him to bottom turned into a giant argument and then a physical actual fight#and he broke my jaw in like four places over it and it was awesome but i didnt get what i wanted' and kind of gave up on the subject#he couldve been getting his d!ck sucked this whole time and he didnt know it. so sad#lineart
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todayisafridaynight · 20 days
do you have a side account for other doodles or do you just have your yakuza accounts
i have many side accounts and theyre all for different fandoms i like so yes but do i have one central art account. Lol.
#snap chats#yeah no. no i dont LMAOOOO#thats kiiiiind of what my twitters meant for but. uh.#i get awkward bout posting art there that deviates from. whatever i mainly post bout at the time#like i post rgg on my twitter rn but once or twice i posted shadow and final fantasy art#but i felt so awkward i just. never did it again- esp since they received such low attention jveALVJAELKJ#and ik ik Post For Yourself Yadda Yadda but its always nice gettin encouragement but Moving On#if its art that deviates from the current franchise ive been posting about at the time#then i usually wait until ive accumulated a couple of pieces of art or like. i KNOW im gonna be locked in for a while to start posting ther#i get very awkward suddenly inflicting my new interests onto people. and thats why i like tumblr#whenever i feel myself begin to really like another thing i can just make a new blog and start anew#at the same time im not abandoning the other thing i like and i can keep em separate and not confuse anyone#but with twitter thaaatts like. a whole thing. i dont wanna make another email im too lazy#plus getting noticed on there is a LOT more difficult compared to tumblr- like once you have attention then youre set#but starting's annoying so. lol#all of this to say i mostly just keep a lot of my doodles to myself since theyre not fandom related and im too lazy for a central art acc#or at the very least its not for a fandom i have an account for/ive drawn enough of to warrant air dropping onto twitter like a nuke#again i feel awkward about mixing interests if i have the easy option to organize it in regards to tumblr so. yah
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waokevale · 8 months
Introducing Follower gang!
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There. Finally did all the Bishops follower designs!
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The 7 deadly sins
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And some other follower gang, done with lineart this time because the other 2 pieces made me lose my soul for how long they took.
(Also a small HC if I may: Dr. Sozonius is trapped inside the mushroom on Sozos head, while the actual mushroom is controlling his body)
+ some more doodles
Info about the 7 Sins and more doodles below:
Jeg represents Greed - he was one of the first of Lamb's followers. (At first, it was very difficult for Lambert to indoctrinate people, due to their inexperience, this guy was like the 5th or so) Jeg has...a very specific personality to say the least, yet the Lamb can't help but be fond of him. They eventually nominate him the Tax enforcer role and...That might've been the worst decision of their life. But they did not take the role away. Jeg acts smug 24/7 and relishes in his new power, but deep down, dudes pretty insecure, ( but don't tell anyone!) He used to have a huge crush on the lamb, but then Narinder and eventually the other bishops came, and since their leader was for some reason head over heels for the ex god of death, Jeg grew bitter and often got into fights with Nari, as well as charging him and his other siblings more than the average follower. Though he's mostly mellowed out since then.
Brash represents Gluttony They despise Helob, since they used to fight for "food" a lot, and eventually Brash got really injured and was found by the Lamb. She tried to eat them, but was quickly disarmed. Despite this, they decided to spare him and bring his sorry ass back to the cult to indoctrinate. They were very cunning and didn't trust the lamb either, but eventually they cooled off and accepted the new life. She still eats people tho, just not from the cult, otherwise jail or *worse*
Yara represents Pride She is one of the core followers. She's very strict and somewhat self-centered, she likes things done her way, or if not her way, the lambs way. Period. No one else can boss her around or even give a helpful advice. She's actually a pretty stand up deer, and despite being incredibly stubborn still makes a good friend. She gets along with most people though Brash annoys her, since he keeps snatching body parts off corpses. She has always been extremely devoted to the lamb and will be annoyed if any follower dissents and tries to preach against them. She wasn't surprised in the slightest when they eventually took down all the bishops.
Thorn represents Envy He had a pretty terrible life before the cult. When he was brought in, she was bitter about her newfound situation. He wasn't very trusting of the lamb and thought they expected something out of her (which technically they did, but it's just work). He envies the fools who are so oblivious and just do everything as they're told and let their lives be guided by some amateur god. Similar to the other two, he puts on a mask, He often acts overly saccharine to hide his true feelings, but doesn't have any bad intentions. (Most of the time) She does genuinely like some people, but others, he only pretends to like to appease the lamb or to blackmail them. He hates when the people he actually cares about are threatened.
Jermo represents Wrath Jermo absolutely does not trust anyone. Similar to Thorn, and most other followers tbh, their life was absolutely horrible prior to the cult. They trusted some people, they got betrayed, and almost died several times because of it. It was extremely difficult for the lamb to make them stop dissenting. They legit had to give them the loyalty necklace in order for them to finally stop dissenting. Jermo keeps getting into fights with other followers, because they feel as though everyone is always against them or is constantly judging them. (They're technically not wrong) They've died 5 times, because they keep getting into fights with other followers. Lamb strongly considered keeping them dead, but decided to challenge themself with them (also they're too cuddly to just be killed off) Despite their many, *many* flaws, Thorn has a huge crush on them, since he's one of the people who managed to see their soft side. Jermo, deep, deep, deep down actually cares a lot, but they've been hurt too much by everyone, so they retaliate for the same stuff to not repeat.
Herett represents Lust At some point, she passingly heard about the cult and since it seemed like a peaceful place from the rumors (and also had hot people in it) she eagerly joined in. She's usually in the kitchen area, if not hanging around the love tent or babysitting some kids. She crushes on almost everyone, but for some reason she hates Kallamar (legit in my actual game she rejected him so hard, despite having the lustful trait and not caring prior)
Mateo represents Sloth Is perhaps the 1st or 2nd of Lambs followers, so they're absolutely not letting go of him, dudes lived 4 long lives and is tired of it, he keeps switching jobs since with age he's been slacking off more. He's currently stuck as a janitor (he hates it) He's also one of the few people who managed to befriend Jermo, his mellow, don't care attitude is somewhat comforting to them. Aside that, he gets along with almost everyone, as best as he can at least.
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Not much else to say about the gang in the third pic but Riley and Dannie are platonic bffs and were forced to babysit kids when the lamb was crusading. The lamb was a little incompetent here to give carnivores children to take care of, but thankfully they actually managed to be good with them and got used to being on nanny duty.
The capybara (Beige) is a retired teacher and adopted a little owlet to take care of (Chip)
While Femur is our below yellow cat, and that's my HC name for him. He's a gatherer here.
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septic-salad · 12 days
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I've gotten a few people who try to "disprove" my whole Adler being old, having a tummy and being gay, and really I just wanna say that if you're not into that that's completely fine!! I'm NOT the artist for you!! There are plenty of people who will draw Adler with a six pack and with a woman, go support them!! They're all cool too!!
I'm here for people who enjoy Adler no matter what form he's in, people who like to project onto him and see my version as closer to themselves, and mostly the gays and the theys as well.
It may be a bit extreme but I'm gonna start blocking people who use their time to argue with how I see Adler. It shouldn't matter, it's just some fps guy, if you think it's weird or gross then block me, move on, whatever you need to do. Most of you are 20+ so it's crazy that some don't even have the self control to just keep scrolling.
Anywho this is for a very small percent of people who find my stuff, a lot of you guys are really supportive and amazing!! You're all very cool and I can't wait to get to know you all even better as time goes on ^^
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swamp-chicken · 7 months
distant worlds, ethubs, 2042 words
“You know, I really should have established a timeline for how long I would be your employee,” Bdubs sighs, stocking boxes with enderpearls. “Because I’m sure not doing this forever.”
Etho is sitting at his desk, idly doodling in the corner of his accounting book. “Aw, you’re not?”
Bdubs stretches, cracking his neck. “No! I need to go and build stuff! Make things! I have my own life, you know.”
Bdubs’ pink shorts are riding up a little. Etho tries not to look. “Mmhmm.” he says instead, his go-to when he loses track of a conversation. The doodle on his accounting book is starting to look suspiciously like a series of little hearts. Etho hastily scribbles them out. 
‘You know, you don’t have to sit here and supervise me. I’m not going to wreck your shop or anything.”
“Yeah, but…” But it’s been years since Etho has had Bdubs like this, working at his side. 
Bdubs sighs dramatically. “You don’t trust me?!”
Etho spirals the pen around the page. “You’re a trainee, I gotta keep you on the straight and narrow.” In this case, lying is less pathetic than telling the truth.
Bdubs huffs, but doesn’t argue. They subside back into silence, Etho stifling a smile at the muffled expletive Bdubs lets out when a shulker box closes on his hand. 
The pen travels across the page.
Years ago, a day like this wouldn’t have been so rare. 
Bdubs was humming and hawing over Etho’s newly-constructed bridge.
“It’s bad,” Etho sighed.  “You can say it’s bad.”
“No, no, no,” Bdubs chided. “No one’s saying that. It just needs a little… umm…“ he rummaged through his inventory, then brightened. “Leaves! Dude, just add some leaves.” He scattered some across the bridge railing with a flourish. “See? Fixes everything.”
Etho hummed, unconvinced. “And then maybe some… trap doors under those?”
Bdubs clapped his hands. “Oh yes, that’ll do it.”
Etho placed the trap doors and stepped back to take in the full picture alongside Bdubs. “I dunno…”
Bdubs’ hand dropped to his shoulder and squeezed. His touch was distractingly warm. “It looks great! Very rustic.” 
Etho tilted his head. It did look a little better than before. 
Satisfied that today’s job was mostly done, he went to go empty his inventory. Bdubs decided to stick around as he worked. He had been doing that a lot more lately. 
Etho put away the final stack of cobblestone and cleared his throat. “There’s actually, uh, something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”
“Oh, yeah?” Bdubs was tooling around on Beyonc, showing off her elegant lines and five-block jump.
Etho watched them circle the area and tried to breathe through his sudden spike of anxiety.“Remember the game we worked on? In the modded server?”
Bdubs kicked Beyonc into a flying leap that landed her on top of Etho’s chest stack. “How could I forget? All those hours wasted!”
“Well, yeah.” Etho chewed his lip. “I was actually thinking of building something like that here. In vanilla.”
“You can do that? With redstone?”
Etho shrugged. “I can try.”
Bdubs snorted. “Friggin’ genius.”
“The thing is, though…”
Bdubs nudged Beyonc forward and she landed gracefully before Etho.
“The thing is though…” Etho continued. “I actually may need help—” 
“I’ll do it,” Bdubs interrupted, before Etho had even finished his sentence. 
“You sure?” Etho hesitated. “I don’t want you to put you on the spot or anything…”
“Of course!” Beyonc reared and Bdubs sat comfortably astride her. “We’ll do it together. As a team.”
It was Etho’s first time leading a big project, so he wanted it to do things right. He chose the location and dug out the area himself. He even decided to build a worker’s shack where he and Bdubs could sleep and store all of their materials. 
In retrospect, Etho thought as he mapped out the floorplan, marking two separate bedrooms for him and Bdubs, he shouldn’t have been nervous about inviting Bdubs to join. Bdubs was a kind person and they had already tackled several projects together.
Etho paused. So kind that he probably felt like he couldn’t turn Etho down. So kind that he unflinchingly put up with all of Etho’s various idiosyncrasies and insistences. So kind that, any time they had a disagreement, he would capitulate with a laugh, easy and unbothered.
“You don’t have to help,” Etho blurted the first time Bdubs came to visit the worker’s shack. 
Bdubs was standing in the doorway of the bedroom Etho had built for him, but still a glimmer of uncertainty crossed his face. “What, you don’t want me here?”
There was a lump in Etho’s throat. “No, I just…I don’t want to force you into anything.”
Bdubs placed his bed down in the room like a declaration. “There’s no forcing.” He met Etho’s gaze and smiled, so warmly that Etho felt it in his chest. “I’m gonna decorate this place so good.”
Etho had worked with Bdubs before, but he had never lived with him. It was different, not having to say their goodbyes at the end of the day.  Instead, they walked back to the worker’s shack side by side, chattering about everything and nothing. It was different, waking up in the morning and finding Bdubs already in the kitchen, sleep-mussed and cooking, asking Etho how he liked his eggs. 
It was different— Bdubs’ toothbrush in the bathroom, the wet puddle after he showered. The flowers that appeared in the windowsill and the laughter that echoed through the halls. Prepared meals, easy company, warm nights of doing nothing much but enjoying each other’s presence.
It was a different kind of torture, Etho learned, having Bdubs so near and liking him so much. He was too kind, making eggs just the way Etho liked, telling stories that made him laugh, helping unflinchingly with the enormous task of building this arena. He was so kind that Etho couldn’t help falling in love with him. 
Nights were the worst, were the time when Etho felt furthest from any semblance of rationality or self-control. Lying in bed, staring through the darkness, he felt hyperaware that Bdubs lay just a short distance across the hall. So kind that he just might let Etho climb into bed with him. 
Etho rolled over and willed himself to sleep. 
Days passed, and then weeks. Spring was pushing into summer and the days were getting hotter. One particular day the heat was so oppressive that it even invaded the underground bunker where Etho had been doing most of the redstone wiring. 
When the sweat started dripping into Etho’s eyes, he had no choice but to take a break. He stood, wiping sweat from his face with his shirt bottom, and took a deep draught from his water bucket.
Bdubs, he knew, was probably even worse off. He was building outside in the blazing sun. Etho decided to check on him. He felt bad that Bdubs was working so hard on a project that Etho himself wasn’t certain they could finish. 
The end of the season had been announced a week ago and since then they had been scrambling to complete the arena before they had to leave this world and go to the next. There was a pit in Etho’s stomach every time he thought about it. This had happened to them last time, and now it was happening on the project that he was leading— the project that he had roped Bdubs into, that they had spent so much time on.
The worst part, though, was leaving their home. Etho didn’t know when he had started calling the worker’s shack home, but he had. It certainly felt more like home than any other place he had built on the server. He couldn’t deny that was in a large part due to Bdubs’ presence. 
He didn’t know what the next world would hold. He didn’t know if he would find an excuse to live with Bdubs again. He didn’t even know if Bdubs would want to work with him again, especially after this project had turned out to be such a thankless grind.
Etho found Bdubs building on the outskirts of the arena. He was shirtless, sweat beading along his shoulderblades. The sight was so overwhelming that Etho almost turned to leave.
Bdubs was grunting with the effort of building a wall, dropping blocks into place. “You don’t have to push yourself so hard,” Etho ventured once he felt more in-control. “I’m not even paying you.”
Bdubs put his blocks down with a heavy sigh. “You think at this point my ego’s not all tied up in this too?”
Etho snorted and drew near. “Good point.” This close, he could see the smile lines crinkling at the corner of Bdubs’ eyes. “Want a break?” He held out his water bucket and a snack. 
“Golden carrots!” Bdubs exclaimed. “You spoil me.”
He took the water bucket first, though, and drank from it deeply. Etho’s eyes were drawn to his throat as he swallowed, to the sweat droplets that chased each other down his torso. 
“Ahh,” Bdubs sighed, refreshed, and Etho snapped his gaze upwards. “Do you mind?” Bdubs asked, gesturing to the water.
Etho shook his head, confused, but before he had much time to ponder, Bdubs was tipping the bucket over his own head, sending water crashing down around him. 
Etho squawked and hopped backwards out of the splash zone.
“Oh,” Bdubs groaned, “Oh, that feels so good.” His hair was dripping, plastered to his head. Water was still sheeting down his body and soaking into his jeans. His eyes fluttered open and he caught Etho’s shocked gaze. He blinked. “You said you didn’t mind!” 
There was a note of petulance in Bdubs’ voice that wouldn’t have been there a few months ago, before they had started living in each other’s pockets. Before Bdubs—before he was comfortable—
Something inside Etho snapped. 
Bdubs lifted the bucket uncertainly, “I can get more water, I didn’t think it would be a big deal.”
Etho carefully took the bucket out of Bdubs’ hands. 
“…Etho?” Bdubs was stepping back awkwardly, falling back on those sloppy forms that had gotten him killed by Etho more than once.
Etho grabbed Bdubs’ hand and Bdubs froze, blinking up at him from under his soaked fringe, eyes soft and worried. 
“You—“ Etho tried. “I—“ His ears burned with embarrassment.
He gave up on speaking and pulled the mask underneath his chin, pressed his lips to Bdubs’ hand.
“Oh,” Bdubs said. So kind that he didn’t pull away.
Etho turned Bdubs’ hand and pressed a lingering kiss to his palm.
“Oh,” Bdubs said again, voice hushed. “You don’t— do you?”
Etho wants to reach out, wants to take Bdubs hand, but he can’t. He’s too afraid Bdubs will run through his fingers like water, melt away like he has so many times before.
Bdubs is squirmy that way, surprisingly hard to pin down. One minute he’s swearing his eternal devotion, the next he’s mocking Etho, eyes gleaming with mirth. There’s months and years he’s not even there at all, times when he’s nothing but a sore spot in Etho’s memory. 
That day in the unfinished arena, Bdubs had kissed him. His hair had dripped into Etho’s eyes. Etho hadn’t thought anything of kindness that night when they curled together, Etho’s chin propped on his chest. Bdubs was too busy looking at him like he was a puzzle he had found the last piece to. 
Things change, Etho knows. That world ended, a new one began. Bdubs never kissed him again. 
It can never be like what it once was, Etho fears. Here is too distant from there.
“Done!” Bdubs announces. “Your enderpearls are all sorted. Now can I leave?”
Etho sighs, but he doesn’t have any good reason to keep Bdubs longer. “Yeah, that should be it for today.” 
Bdubs is already packing his inventory. He pauses on his way out the door. “You know, you didn’t even comment on my uniform.”
Etho is caught off guard. “I—I didn’t?”
Bdubs gives a spin. His legs are on full display. “I made it just for you!”
Etho swallows. When he meets Bdubs’ gaze, he winks. “I’ll see you tomorrow, boss.”
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neflil · 2 months
Hearthian oc time!!! Meet Nepheline
Below the cut for more info and doodles of them :3 vv
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So I caved in and made an oc. This is the first time I'm really doing something like this so hhhhh.
Nepheline, or neph, a half self insert - half oc! They're a bit younger than the Hatchling, so still considered a hatchling but almost an adult.
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They like to draw, paint rocks, and explore around timber hearth a lot! They're cool with everyone and friendly, but much prefer to sit in the background and listen instead of actively talking. That is of course until someone gives them enough time and trust that they'll listen to whatever neph has to ramble about.
They're interested in all kinds of things really. The nomai, physics, the weird quantum rocks ect. Even if they're not the brightest when it comes to that, they love learning about anything when given the chance.
As soon as any of the travellers get back from space, neph rushes over to ask them about what they saw or if something cool happened. Gabbro and Riebeck especially, as neph is interested in what they have to say the most.
As much as they value the village and it's people, they also value their alone time. Sometimes disappearing for days into the quantum groove or the old mines just... Vibing really, doing whatever. They also have a small piece of a quantum rock they call a "friend", of course it disappears every time neph let's their eyes off of it, but they compare it to the travellers going away and mainly- feldspar. It's a rock that keeps them company without actually needing to have someone *there*. Along with really liking to sleep in and let their mind wander in worlds far from here, people often joke that they remind them of gabbro (the pains of making a half self insert while relating to a character hhh)
Their interests and way the explain them isn't that common, so people often turn a blind eye to them. They mostly parrot cool facts people have taught them which results in situations like "but did you know that the nomai-" "yes neph, you've told us three times already". They just want to share the stuff they know
Esker is someone who likes to listen to them! But also share their own stories. Ever since neph was young they'd hangout nicely. Now they radio eachother. Neph is old enough to join the space program but seeing and they aren't that great with more technical stuff, they are afraid. They put off actually seeing gossan and talking about this so hey.
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Their scale pattern covers a big majority of their face at the front, it's a mix of lines and ovals. But when I draw them I just... Blehhh color. Also! Nepheline is named that I spired by the Greek word "nephele" which means cloud (and is also my name, hi lol). Since the rock turns cloudy when exposed/put in acid. Therefore, to somehow reference this, nephs face turns a cloud blue color when they're frustrated of angry!
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Once they fell asleep in the old mine (that sounds stupid but I swear I've imagined the whole situation, there's more than that trust, might make it into a comic) and people looked for them, worried as they couldn't find them. Once they got back they got grounded to not not leave for there again- especially alone.
Neph despite everything, went back. They drew a nomai, based off the skeletons there and everything they've seen so far. To prove that they need to get off their grounding since they're doing "work". They don't really have a speciality either so yyyea
They used to be named Nephrite but merry showed me a rock named Nepheline, so I HAD to change it because well- we have the same name lmfao
(if you saw me posting this before, no you didn't)
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
MCYT ; you ride a bike
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, & quackity
warnings ; language
I love passenger princessing my mom on her trike so here's this
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he's absolutely mortified to get on the back with you at first
you convince him to just ride him around the neighborhood nice and slow and he over time gets used to it because you suggest going short distances on it rather than taking a bus and stuff
he grows on it though
his helmet has some stickers on it, one literally says tommyinnit.store in bold font 💀💀💀
either holds on the sidebars thatre there for him to hold or around your waist
he finds the wind against him therapeutic
the butterflies when you turn around and ask if he's okay, especially when it's dark and cold
constantly snapping jack, freddie & tubbo pictures of him on your bike/riding around with you/where you go
posts a lot of pictures on his Instagram
most of them are you & the scenery
"do you wanna learn how to drive a bike?"
he unironically loves shouting at shit drivers who cut you off or try to get you killed
loves going over bridges
if he has somewhere to be after a ride, he'll gladly show up with his hair a mess and ass hurting since you need to put a few more pounds of air in his seat LMAO
"okay, so-"
"Tommy, why are you limping?"
he's 50/50 on being scared and wanting to get on with you
they man up and just do it after lots of reassuring
so many pictures lmao
litters his helmet with stickers and white marker doodles
has a sticker of the boober particle + one that just says ranboo.fashion in comic sans
he finds the air against him very therapeutic
loves going down backroads and finding new restaurants
always taking pictures, mostly of you
loves wearing his R800 jacket cause it keeps him warm + free promo
makes "I'll jump off rn" jokes
likes spreading his arms out like an eagle and will yell over the engine LMAO
loves bumps even though they'll hurt immediately after
you ask if he wants to come and he shrugs with a yeah
his first ride was at night so he got to enjoy all the lights and night life
takes a bunch of pictures and videos and sends them to Bill or Tommy
changes his insta bio to "my biker partners passenger prince" + bonus points if that's how he softlaunches your relationship
convinces you to go through a drive thru
eating lunch in the sun was a 10/10, will do it again
takes some cute pictures at stops/lights where he's leaning onto you a bit and he holds the phone in front of you to get both of you
wears dumbass hoodies/jackets w the dumb shit on the back to make ppl look at him weird or smile a bit
he'll show up to Tommy's live show (part of the bit) with messy hair and come on stage and tommy will look at him confused
Freddie asks him what's wrong and tommy just points and circles around his hair and the crowd laughs
"I was with my partner"
cue the laughing
"wait what?" Tommy laughs
"we were riding around the city before we got here, sorry"
she thinks it's so cool, trust me
but like Tommy, she's very nervous to get on at first
you take her for a little ride around a parking lot and she's like "Okay I liked that let's actually go now"
her helmet has all sorts of stickers on it, but they're placed to look cool
there's a snake hide looking one down the middle and some cool patterned ones on the sides
she loves the wind in her hair and the feeling of being free
loves taking pictures of the scenery and even using you as a model
loves posting those pictures online for her fans to see
her editor fans always edit the pictures you two take together when you're out and about and whatnot it's so cool
you custom made her a leather jacket that fit her aesthetic
and she's super attached to it
she'll change her insta bio to "that one biker chicks girlfriend" LMAO
she spoils you like you're the one with the large social media platform its adorable
he thinks it's really badass tho
he'll gladly jump on with you
he's honestly scared after getting on but loses the fear pretty quickly
lovesss holding his arms out like a bird it's so fun to him
constantly asking you to tighten his helmet LMFAO
he finds it really entertaining in general
although if he's not wearing a full face covering helmet and wearing one of the head covering ones, you'll have to listen to his wailing later
his hair isn't long enough to completely pull back and the wind obviously tangles it up bad
so you gotta sit him down and try and carefully like de-matte his hair
he loves taking pictures and posting them tho, especially ones of you LMAO
sometimes he'll go the extra mile to give it a corny caption too
you change his insta bio to "passenger prince of the year"
always feels a little special and giggly when you ask if he's okay, especially when it's getting darker and much colder
"I told you to just wear the-"
"I know! please just do it for me! it hurts!"
"either grow your hair out or wear the other, lex"
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bless-my-demons · 1 year
Redamancy: Chapter Three
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Jasper Hale x Reader
Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: None
Notes: So sorry last weekend’s chapter was late this week, I’m back to my regularly scheduled posting! I’m so excited so many of you like this series so far!!
Word Count: 1131
Series Masterlist
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• January 25, 2005 • Forks High School •
My second day at Forks high school started much smoother than the first. It was pretty much uneventful until I decided to eat lunch alone outside on the picnic tables in the quad. It was an overcast day much like all the others and maybe a little chilly, but still decent enough since it wasn’t currently raining. It made for the perfect condition being that no one else really wanted to eat outside.
That is, until I spotted none other than Jasper Hale headed in my direction.
“Mind if I join you?” He asks, pointing to the opposite end of the table I’m currently occupying.
“Not at all.” I respond, idly tidying my area self consciously.
“Sorry, sometimes it’s a little overwhelming inside and I come out here to get away.” He says by way of explanation, laying down the sketch pad he carried with him along with a few pencils and a smudge stick. “Mostly I just come out here to draw uninterrupted.” He sits and flips to an empty page, tilting it a little away from my view.
“I get it, large crowds aren’t my thing either. Plus in the two days I’ve known Emmett I can already tell that he probably creates a hostile drawing environment.” I finish with a light chuckle, turning my attention toward the unfinished apple in my hand.
“You draw too?” He asks, eyebrows lifting as he begins a rough sketch on the blank paper.
“Oh heck no, I don’t have any artistic abilities like that, as much as I wish I did.” I frown, taking a bite of my apple.
“I didn’t think I had it in me either, but I took some classes, watched some videos online, and doodled around a lot. Finally got the hang of it although I still don’t really think I’m that good.” He trails off, concentrating on his pencil strokes. “It helps with the stress though, especially when there’s a lot going on.”
“That is… actually kind of neat. Having an outlet that’s also inspiring, creating art and it centering you in the process.” I muse out loud, watching a face beginning to take shape on his paper.
I’m about to ask who he’s drawing when the bell signaling the end of lunch rings out in the empty air surrounding us. I gather my trash and stand while he tucks his supplies away.
“Thanks for keeping me company today.” I tell him as I gaze into his beautifully golden eyes, not quite ready to part ways with him.
“Thanks for allowing me to disturb your peace and quiet.” And as if reading my mind, “Mind if I walk you to your next class?”
“Oh um, sure.” Trying not to seem too excited by the proposition of spending more time in this gorgeous boy’s presence. I tuck some loose strands of hair behind my ear and walk towards him.
“Lead the way, darlin’.” He announces, sweeping his arm in the direction of the main school building, a smirk on his lips.
I laugh and shake my head at his antics, a blush creeping up my cheeks as I walk past him in the direction of my economics class.
Ditching my trash in the trash can as we leave the quad, I miss the way he grins at the accomplishment of making me giggle. I also fail to notice the astounded looks of his adopted siblings as we pass them unaware of their presence through the windows of the cafeteria. Faces reflecting their shocked thoughts at seeing their brother openly flirting with a female compared to his normal stoic facade.
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“How did you do it?” Emmett asks, leaning against the locker next to mine.
“Could you be a little more specific?” I ask, a little confused by his blunt question.
“You’ve been here less than a week and my brother is wrapped around your little finger.” He says, holding up his pinky to wiggle in my face.
I laugh and shut my locker, “Emmett, I’ve had all of like two interactions with Jasper, you’re looking into this a little too much.”
“He usually keeps to himself, this isn't the normal Jasper we’re talking about.” He falls into step slightly behind me on my way to the last class of the day, his large build not moving through the throng of students as quickly as I am.
I turn to look at my new friend, “I literally have no clue, it’s probably nothing Em!” My heart picking up speed at just the thought of Jasper. Is he actually interested in me? Is that what Emmett is getting at?
There’s no way, beautiful people like him don’t go for people like me.
I turn and leave Emmett behind in the hallway as students finish rushing through the halls, the tardy bell ringing.
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American History, the class I share with Jasper Hale and it also happens to be the last class of the day. Unfortunately though, his assigned seat is on the other side of the room. At least it’s more forward than mine, leaving me to observe him for most of the class period without him seeing.
History is also my worst subject; whether it’s world or US history, I hate it all the same. So many mistakes and atrocities, I wish I could let it flow in one ear and out the other without having to remember it for tests.
Today though, I get the sense our teacher has had a difficult day since he’s decided to let us work together freely. Seeing as I don’t really know anyone yet, I’m forced to work alone.
As if he could feel my discomfort and irritation with the assignment, Jasper Hale appears at the edge of my peripheral vision, claiming the abandoned desk next to mine and turning a few heads of our classmates.
“You’re thinking so loud I could practically hear it from across the room.” He mutters lowly without looking up from his worksheet.
“I’m thinking too loud?” I respond defensively as I cut him a look that would normally skin boys alive.
“Would you like some help or not, doll?” He asks, a grin sliding across his lips as his eyes meet mine in challenge.
“I-uh, I hate history.” I manage to blurt out, a little flustered that he so easily bypassed my frustrated facade without a blink.
“I do want that explanation eventually, but we have work to finish and only,” He breaks eye contact to glance at the clock above the board, “thirty seven minutes left before you’re on your own.”
“Alright Hale, what did you get for number four?” I deflate and accept his offer to save me from the misery of suffering through this stupid assignment alone.
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no-name-blu · 3 months
Hello blu! Can you tell us a more about your other AU? Theater
I'm surprised you even heard of the AU. I keep trying to draw and make content for it just for the AU to get overshadowed by a different interest so many times
This is the only refs I made for the characters:
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Inspired by The Show That Goes Wrong this AU is about a theatre company with big dreams but terrible outputs. Just for AU reasons, they are all terrible people. Like genuinely, they are all egotistical and even fight each other a lot (it's normal) but in the end, they all love each other and have a close bond to this group they have formed found family core
Unfortunately, I wasn't a theatre kid so my knowledge for this AU isn't going to be accurate.
But I had @rae-ven13 to help me out with it and I made her co-writer for this forgotten AU
More explanation of the AU down here
the theatre group, the characters, and more doodles I made! :D
Welcome Home Organisation of Real Entertainment
This is the name of their little theatre group, only consists of 8 members, with Home (Wally's rich father) to support the organization.
It started out with Sally and Barnaby having a double act show together in college, with the help of Frank and Poppy backstage too.
Then when they graduated Sally found Wally and manipulated befriended him to convince his dad for a show. Which he agreed, only as long as he gets to join the group too.
And that's how they got the organization to this day
Bonus: Barnaby came up with the name for their theatre group, and Sally learned not to give him that trust ever again.
Sally Starlet
Role: The Director, The Writer, Actress
She started the whole group and made herself the leader.
Sally believes she is surrounded by amateurs, her actors are immature and full of problems. But no reason, she is a great director despite the anger and outburst caused by these people. Of course, she believes he is the best out of all of them and would've have a great show if she had gotten a little more respect. But in the end, without her, this group would be lost and confused.
Barnaby B. Beagle
Role: Actor, Writer
He is a self proclaimed co-leader to Sally despite the arguments they always have. Barnaby is actually the most egotistical in the group. One of the reasons he considers Wally as his best friend is because they can both be shitty people together. He's a little mean to the others and has a hierarchy built in his head. But the gang still loves him, no one slanders him for his actions and it made Barnaby have a soft spot for them too. He doesn't mean to be such a jerk, he genuinely cares.
Poppy Partridge
Role: Actress, Tech
She started out helping tech work with Frank since she's too scared to act. But there was an accident that got Sally knocked out temporarily and she had to replace her. She was scared, but as the show goes on she actually enjoyed acting, even though she had to wrestle with Sally for the role throughout the show. But after that chaos, Sally has never been more excited to finally give Poppy acting roles on stage.
Frank Frankly:
Role: Head Tech, Stage Manager
Sally tricked him to join by saying their shows will give extra credit. He still sticks around anyway and became Sally's most reliable and sane member of the group. Although he is overworked and stressed out mostly due to the whole stage keep crumbling over. His temper was just as bad as Sally's and they can be seen arguing a lot (If it's not Sally and Barnaby, then it's Sally and Frank) But, he's proud to be the most reliable member of the group and also the voice of reason.
Wally Darling
Role: Actor, Prop Design
He knew from the beginning that Sally was manipulating him and he still lets her have her show, only if she lets him join. Wally just wants to be a lil shit and play pranks, sometimes with Barnaby too. He's not good at acting and people would see him as a spoiled brat because his adoptive dad owns the theatre 💅✨✨✨ But he grew to love this group he's in and would always ask Home to keep supporting it.
Eddie Dear
Role: Actor, Tech, and Prop Design
He is supposed to be only tech, but Sally needed more actors and forced him into it. The problem is that Eddie keeps forgetting his lines and cues. It would lead to the entire plot being derailed. He even spoiled the plot twist by doing his cue way too early. It's frustrating that it happens, but to his surprise no one yelled at him for forgetting, he didn't get fired for it too.
Howdy Pillar
Role: Actor, Tech
He is the best out of everyone here. It's not an opinion, Howdy is an amazing actor and singer, he's very helpful in backstage works, but he's always overshadowed by others that people barely notices his talents. The only person that actually noticed him is Wally but Howdy doesn't have a nice impression towards him for being spoiled. Other than that he stayed humble and everyone still considers him an important member of the group.
Julie Joyful
Role: Actress
The newest member of the group! She used to be famous with her sisters until Julie lost her status and got cancelled online (idk what she did yet). Sally took this as her chance to invite Julie to the group so that they can probably gain some fame for it. She started out as a high status mean girl, she's cold and cruel, takes acting in this terrible show way too seriously. Sally considers her to be her best actress. But then also, Julie slowly takes the mask off the longer she stays with them and she's just as zany as the others, the most unhinged out of all of them to be honest.
So idk if I'm going to do any more content with this AU, if people are interested I might draw more. Glad these see the light of day, they've been sitting in my google docs for months.
ANYWAYS Here's a few more doodles
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Text: The set is created upside down & Sally's character is on her death bed
(It's also a redraw of a scene in the show that goes wrong)
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old art ew
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vampkittyxoxo · 3 months
Hello there!!!!
I am a big fan of your work and I was wondering if it would be possible for you to write romantic relationship hcs for draco? Any pronouns are welcomed and appreciated!
Of course, I do hope not to pressure you! Please do take your time! And of course, if you do not wish to do this request, that is perfectly alright!!! 😁
(btw sorry if my request is incoherent😓)
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Thank you all for your requests!! I’ve gotten many people asking for Draco!
And may I say thank you for all the compliments!! You are all so sweet!!
I wasn’t sure if the unlabeled requests wanted romantic or just general hcs so I wrote both.
This is also my third time writing this because tumblr keeps refreshing the app if I even change the app for a second, so sorry if this feels rushed!
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Draco romantic/general headcanons
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~ Obviously, his favorite genre is metal. That doesn’t mean he likes all metal though— he can’t stand sludge metal or glam metal. However, he loves power metal and alternative metal!
~ I’d assume he’s around 23-24 in age, given that he had to have had time to build up his audience and find his sound.
~ Draco would be a bit on the tall side, maybe around 6’3-6’5 (roughly 190-196 cm). He has a nice build that comes naturally from a fast metabolism.
~ Admittedly… He really wants to start drawing. However, Draco thinks he’s too old to start now, so he opts for doodling dragons and wyverns in his free time.
~ Draco has quite a special interest in dragons… and of course, the obligatory hyperfixation on Wings of Fire in middle school. I mean, it was bad. He was telling all his friends about it, made every class project somehow correlate to Wings of Fire, and even wrote... fanfiction.... granted it was terrible considering he was 12. (I am not speaking from past experience with warrior cats.... no....)
~ He has a pretty decently sized vocabulary. This is mostly from reading lots of poetry and literature to help him with lyrics, but he is also smarter than he looks.
~ Draco has always been bad at making friends despite being popular now. He doesn't know how to talk to people for the first time and isn't sure what's all socially acceptable and what isn't. In middle school, he had a small group of four people, himself included, but he was always the odd one out. Then, in high school, he went through three different friend groups of varying sizes. It was very hard for him to maintain friendships, meaning lots of lunch periods were spent alone.
~ He was a theatre kid. I stand by this. Before he got actually good at singing, he practiced by getting supporting roles in school plays during high school.
Romantic Headcanons
~ Yes, he's popular. No, he's never had a real partner. You're what he considers his first.
~ Draco is very, very nervous at the start. The first time he saw you, even if you were dressed lazily, he was awestruck. Given his past with friends, he was very hesitant to talk to you. But God, the way you smiled at him, he forgot all about his past and made conversation.
~ While in the talking/friend stage, he gushes about you through song lyrics he writes in his journal. He would never show you or even tell you about it, though. Maybe 40 years past marriage, on his death bed he would...
~ As friends, Draco tells you about his music (if you're already not a fan... if you are a fan, that's another bullet point). If you react positively, he feels so validated and falls for you even harder.
~ Had you already known he's decently popular, Draco worries that you're only talking to him because of that fame. He obsesses over this fear for a week before finally giving in and asking for assurance.
~ He waits forever to ask you out-- he really wants to make sure you're giving signs that you like him before he does anything. And when he does, he doesn't make it a huge deal. After he takes you home one night, while saying your goodbyes, he pauses to ask if you would be his partner. When you say yes, he has to contain every ounce of his excitement to not look weird or desperate.
~ At the beginning, he's very hesitant to make any big steps forward. You're his first real partner, after all. He starts small with hand-holding, then gradually works up to other forms of affection.
~ He loves touching you, though. Even hand-holding is enough to get him flustered and giggling. He cuddles with you when watching shows or movies, before you're about to go to bed, or any other time he can make an excuse to hold you (or be held by you...). He's mostly the big spoon-- he loves the feeling of protecting you, so to speak-- but he enjoys being held every once in a while.
~ His main love languages are physical touch and quality time. Considering he probably gets gifts all the time from fans, gifts don't mean anything super special to him as it would to most normal people. He does appreciate it when you praise him or reassure him that he's not a bad person/musical artist/etc.
~ Draco will take you on every tour he goes on-- if you want to come with him that is. If you decide to go, he'll show you around every town you stop in, spoil you with good food and small presents, and make sure your trip is just as fun as his. Obviously, you get right up to that barricade at his shows.
~ He would discuss this with you first, but if you were comfortable with it, he would totally bring you up to the stage so you could sing the backing vocals for a song. He would introduce you as his partner (sorry to the other fans in the crowd... sorry Edgar...) and he would make sure the crowd likes you.
~ If you decide to stay home, he's facetiming you every chance he gets. He would probably set his phone up somewhere on the stage so you can watch the show as well. He misses you lots and lots and lots whenever he's away.
~ Draco has definitely written a few songs about you. He just prays you two never break up, because some are his most popular songs...
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This is all I can think of right now... if I ever come up with more I'll make a new post. Requests are open <3
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crystaldoodler · 7 months
A very long post of doodles relating to @theminecraftbee ‘s smallishsona AU (sorry for the tag again). I think of this AU while wandering Tartarus, so, I’ve had a lot of time to think. This post is really long and has a lot of rambling so, I’m putting it all under the cut. I’m sorry world I have too many words and rambles in me
First up, character designs!
I used primarily their mc skins for design, with only a few rl things thrown in. But, I didn’t bring them up so the colors are off a bit.
Starting off with Joel:
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He’s following the persona protagonist tradition of mostly wearing the school uniform correctly, but with some minor embellishments. I’m still debating whether or not to add more, but w/e. His signature color is green.
Then Skizz and Impulse:
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The greatest dichotomy of time to design, Impulse I knocked out on the second go, but I’ve done many iterations of Skizz and I still am not satisfied with this design. The ripped sleeves looked too out there (to me, at least) but nothing else seems to work so I settled for the shirt under uniform shirt look. Something I struggled with that these two emphasize is making them look like teenagers, and what they look like, and also keep to the anime style, and also my own incompetence with drawing facial features so It’s something all of these lack in. Impulse is yellow, and Skizz is blue.
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Scar and Grian are next up, Scar’s facial Scar is from summoning his persona, because he stabbed himself in the face lol. Not much to say about these guys, I settled on orange for Scar and red for grian, which I am still struggling with beacause mumbo:
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is ALSO red. So I guess they are just, both? red? If you look at the party select screens in persona though, the characters have pretty strong color coding, so I guess I’ll figure something out. If anyone is still reading: help. Anyway, mumbo wins the award for wearing the uniform the most normal (except for the tie)
Last but not least, Gem!
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She’s wearing a longer skirt than the usual uniforms and also some big-ass boots. Also, she’s a sea monster thing? So, I was thinking, staring at SEES cool new uniform things and thinking about the Phantom Thieves and how cool their outfits are and realized the persona games have at least some design change to separate their daily looks from shadow hunting. Even if it is only glasses in p4 lol. So, I thought maybe weapon holsters? but, that seemed a little too generic. So! I decided to combine how I normally draw the hermits (and a lot of the fandom does) as having non-human traits as the big things setting their combat looks apart. It is both a) fun to draw, b) creates an eye catching and distinctive design for combat and c) is really funny. I thought it was funny so I drew a comic about it:
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and here’s a sketch of what everyone looks like and also the transformation gives them very distinct eyes, for no reason other than I think it looks cool:
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mumbo is a normal human btw (or at least, he appears to be)
Welp,that’s all I got. If I look at these drawings any longer I will hate them so here they are, yippee. Also, Bee/OP, sorry for exploding; I am into persona and hermitcraft right now so this AU is like a perfect storm to give me brain rot.
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newtdrawz · 1 year
Outsider HC's but they're mainly about Ponyboy,, cuz he is my fav,,
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Most of these are just Pony interacting with the gang and his brothers 😭 are they gonna be OOC? Probably. Do I care? No. Am I right abt all of these? Yes. (No.)
ALSO alot of them are post-main story/mention Dally and Johnny's death a lot cuz I am unable to let my favs be happy 🫶 (! None of these are ships btw,, they're all platonic and stuff lol)
Ponyboy & Johnny
Johnny and Pony regularly have conversations quietly around the gang, most of the time they have a whole conversation with just a couple looks and jerks of their head. They both seem to get what they're saying while the rest of the gang is completely lost on what they're saying/talking about.
Pony is the only one who calls Johnny, J as a nickname.
"We're not scared because monsters don't live here." Was a sentence said many, many time in the abandoned church.
Pony and Johnny can lie pretty well, but when they have to lie together they suck.
Ponyboy & Dally (ft. Johnny)
After Johnny and Dally died Pony stopped drawing and reading or writing for awhile. He picked it up again and his sketchbook is full of doodles and sketches of Johnny and Dally.
Dally has a soft spot for only Johnny and Pony. It takes a lot for him to get soft with the rest of the gang. He's still mean and tough but more just teasing with Johnny and Pony.
Before the fire Pony would read out loud all the time while Johnny would just sit and listen, sometimes Dally would listen too but interrupt with questions and criticizing the characters. Now that they're both gone, Pony will sometimes read out loud on his own, pretending that both Johnny and Dally are there listening.
Dally is very supportive of Ponys hobby in art. He's usually the one who catches him sketching or painting and just watches until Pony is either finished or notices he's being watched. Dally always nods in greeting and says "keep it up, kid." Or "nice job, kid." But Dally will brag to his other buddies that aren't the gang about how talented the kid is. ("Nah man, the kid draws from memory. He drew this one picture of his big brother, yeah the big big one, looked exactly like him. Like a photograph almost. Kids real talented.")
Ponyboy & Steve
Steve says he can't stand Pony and is mean to him, but Steve is very high on the list of people who care about Pony. He's the most frantic (mostly angry) one next to Soda when Pony got jumped. He secretly cares about him a whole lot, like he's his own brother.
Steve will give Pony rides to places or offer rides time to time. (He only does it if Pony's gone awhile without annoying him lol)
Steve (and Soda, but surprisingly it was Steve's idea) took Pony to his first drag race. He definitely should have not been there.
Ponyboy & Two-bit
Two-bit and Steve started sitting in and listening to Pony read, they're not Johnny and Dally but Pony appreciates it nonetheless.
Two-bit was actually so obsessed with toddler Ponyboy, he always insisted on bringing him with the gang and letting him in on games, he always wanted a little brother. He loved how easy Pony was to entertain and make laugh.
Two-bit was the only one who didn't think twice about Pony and Soda's names.
Two-bit sometimes steals art supplies for Pony.
Ponyboy & Sodapop
When Pony would visit the DX Soda would walk him through fixing a car and even let him help out on small stuff. Even Steve would help too.
He'll leave notes everywhere for Pony and Darry and sometimes the gang. They're either dumb jokes or funny little drawings.
Soda gets very excited when Pony asks him anything abt cars, he'll talk for hours abt them.
Soda was so obsessed with Pony when he was born, all he wanted to do was hold him and hang out with him. He would brag to Darry that he's not the only big brother now lol.
Ponyboy & Darry (I'm so obsessed with their dynamic & their growth)
"Dang it Ponyboy you're giving me gray hairs at 20!" Is a regular sentence said at the Curtis residence.
Darry always tells the other guys to be careful with Pony when they're rough housing. Pony thinks it's cuz he doesn't want them to break anything in the house, Darry just doesn't want Pony to get hurt.
Toddler Pony would follow Darry and Soda/the gang everywhere but mainly Darry. If Darry was doing homework in his room then boom Pony would be in there quietly playing or sleeping on Darry's bed.
Darry regularly cuts Soda, Pony and his own hair. They don't have the privilege of going somewhere to do it so Darry just does it and he does surprisingly well. It's a whole day activity.
The night after Dally and Johnny died Pony had trouble sleeping, even though soda was there. The first person he went to for comfort was Darry. Darry was in the kitchen cleaning, trying to distract himself when Pony walked in. Darry held him in his arms the rest of the night.
On the first father's day without their parents Pony makes a card with a drawing of him and Darry on it and leaves it on the kitchen table for him because he's embarrassed. Darry keeps it forever. (He did get very emotional over it but not infront of anybody. When he got home he hugged Pony, smiled and walked away. Those actions spoke a thousand words between the two and Pony knew he said thanks.)
That's all 🥹 (for now 😦)
I will be doing more of these 🙏 I wanna try to do individual characters cuz ik some here didn't have a lot as well as ALL of these being pony centric and I love them all lol
OH ALSO feel free to add on to these (or ask me about them) or add your own HC's cuz I love outsider headcanons ❤️
Also can you tell I love when Dally and Steve are nice to pony lol? Love it. Love the idea that Steve actually cares abt him and shows it sometimes or Dally caring just as much abt him. THEY ARE ALL A HUGE FAMILY YOUR HONOR 🧑‍⚖️🧑‍⚖️🧑‍⚖️🧑‍⚖️🧑‍⚖️ I'm also so obsessed with Darry and Pony,,, they are so,,, complicated sibling relationships get me everytime
Are some of these good? Probably not. Do they make sense timeline and story wise? No and idc. Am I so normal about them? Yes. Most of these are based of fanfic versions of them anyways so yeah
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nocturnest · 6 months
I just had a great idea for tan x reader. So they are all in highschool. Tan and lemon just joined a new school and kind of keep to themselves and they just hang about at the back of the class kinda thing and a Few people are a little scared of them cuz people know not to mess with them. They are in the lunch hall or smth and a fight breaks out and with 3 people and its just reader beating the crap out of a group of people who started on her with everyone watching. When the fight gets broken up readers just smiling a little and just looks hardcore and tan just doesn't know how to process it. They are in a few classes together and he has a little crush on her now and feels a bit intimidated by her like a few other people do. Just a random thought that popped into my head :)
@kpopgirlbtssvt Thank you for submitting another request - feel free to submit as many as you'd like! Love this idea - so creative! Please enjoy! 🥹❤️
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A Crush
Fuckin' boring, this is.
Tangerine was adjusting as well as he could to his new school. He and Lemon were used to this, anyhow. The moving around from place to place - from school to school.
But today? Fucking maths? Tangerine was not having it today. When was he actually going to use any of this in real life? Of all of the classes he took, Tangerine found English the easiest. He had read most of the books on the course list anyways. While Lemon had his Thomas obsession, Tangerine had his books.
Beside Tangerine sat Lemon who was surprisingly paying attention. Tangerine kicked him in the shin to get his attention. Lemon bristled and stared back with annoyance, his eyes seeming to say, "The fuck you want, mate?" Tangerine shrugged back.
Tangerine scanned the room, observing his peers. Most of them were taking notes, the swotty lot of them. Some were zoned out. His gaze stopped on you. You were sat at a row to the side of him and Lemon. He observed the pretty profile of your face, clearly in concentration as you drew in your notebook - what exactly it was that you were doodling he wasn't not quite sure. As he leaned forward, he thought he could make out a face.
You were in a few of his classes. He wondered why he had never noticed you before. Tangerine can't recall ever speaking to you, but that wasn't unusual since he and Lemon mostly stuck to themselves.
Before his thoughts continued, however, the teacher, Mr. Higgins, paused, gauging the class' attention and calling on Tangerine, who answered the question with ease and a bored expression on his face, which clearly riled up the teacher.
"What an absolute wanker," Tangerine mumbled in response.
He heard a snicker and searched for the source, meeting your eyes. Tangerine's face flushed lightly as he felt the weight of your gaze. He barely believed it but you winked back at him as you continued to laugh quietly, slowly turning your attention back to your notebook.
Lemon, only now paying Tangerine any attention and having observed the exchange, nudges him with his arm. Tangerine shoved him back, scowling. Looks like Tangerine's not going to forget about you anytime soon.
Tangerine leaned against the wall of the bustling high school lunch hall, idly chatting with his brother Lemon as they observed the chaos around them. Their reputation as newcomers with a penchant for keeping to themselves had already spread like wildfire, ensuring that most students gave them a wide berth.
As the lunch period unfolded, a sudden commotion caught Tangerine's attention. Three students, their voices escalating into shouts, had drawn the gaze of the entire hall as their argument spiraled into a physical confrontation. Tangerine exchanged a knowing glance with Lemon, his interest piqued by the unfolding spectacle.
Amidst the flurry of fists and shouts, one figure stood out amidst the chaos – you. With a determined expression etched across your face, you faced your assailants with a fierceness that left Tangerine momentarily stunned. Blow after blow, you held your ground against the odds, your resolve unwavering.
As the teachers and staff intervened to break up the fight, you emerged victorious, your demeanor unshaken as you brushed off your clothes with a satisfied smile. Tangerine couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for you – there was a raw strength and resilience to you that he found undeniably captivating.
Well, fuck me.
In the days that followed, Tangerine found himself unable to shake the image of you from his mind. In the classes you two shared together, he couldn't help but steal glances at you whenever he thought you weren't looking. Little did he know that you were doing the same...
But there was something about your newfound reputation that left Tangerine feeling hesitant. Despite his growing curiosity and admiration, there was an undeniable sense of intimidation that lingered in your presence – a reminder of the power you wielded with ease.
It didn't help that he had started noticing other things about you, like the way you bit your lip when you were concentrated on something or tapped your fingers when you were impatient. It was cute.
Lemon, ever so observant, caught on to Tangerine's infatuation with you and encouraged him to muster up the courage to talk to you. And it was only a matter of time before he would. He would.
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Neurodivergent!Hobie Brown Headcanons - Hobie Brown having AuDHD
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Hobie Brown has AuDHD (Autism & ADHD) because I have AuDHD and I love him and want him to have AuDHD :) i was reminded of this and this is mostly me projecting so uhhh...here
Love the idea of Hobie Brown having ADHD and autism
Like his attention is shit. And he doesn't care.
He's always working or tinkering or planning away at something, writing some song, but he's never doing what 'he's supposed to do'.
He's Hobie - he's going to do whatever he wants to do and whatever strikes his fancy.
It's the ADHD. He procrastinates, and if you tell him to do something - yeah, he's not doing that
but when he needs to get something done he gets it done. ALWAYS. Somehow.
Miguel is asking for mission reports and he's like 'piss off m8'. He gets it done when he needs to don't ask questions
Super truthful. He doesn't see the point in lying. He's never mean about it, but he never hides the truth.
Stims a lot.
Always fidgeting with something. Doesn't carry stim toys cause he always loses them - fiddles with anything his hands come across instead
Chews on pens when he's trying to think or write a song
Fiddles with his piercings and lip ring a lot
Constantly losing his guitar pick, gets pissed off and can't find it even though it's right in front of him
He has ADHD-combined so sometimes he's pacing back and forth and other times he's just zoned the fuck out daydreaming
DOODLES on everything.
STICKERS everywhere.
Doesn't mask AT ALLLL
If he doesn't understand a joke he will ask - especially if he can tell it's meanspirited
Sleep schedule is wrecked. He hates the AM - and gets up at like 4pm. he's up at 2am playing electric guitar on the loudest volume and drinking a coffee at 8am before going to bed
Bounces his leg really really hard then tells people to piss off when they demand he stops
CONSTANTLY repeating song lyrics, even random ones. Repeats them to himself while pacing as a way to relax
Stims on his guitar, plays the same chord over and over and over.
The chords of 'Immigrant Song' - by Led Zeppelin is a popular choice of his
Gwen stims by tapping and drumming on things so they can be sitting there and play-stimming a song without even noticing
Doesn't follow rules he doesn't understand or thinks are unreasonable
Will argue with someone over it when confronted and tell them exactly why their rule makes no sense
He'll 'talk back' to authority and someone will be like 'Hobie you can't say that!!!' and he will genuinely be like 'why???'
Used to get put in 'time out' A LOT. Big 'problem child', always talking in class, wandering off, etc
Light sensitive.
His room dark as fuck boooooyyyy
Black out curtains, no clothes in the drawers, 12,000 unattended water bottles everywhere
NEVER makes the bed but has other cleaning routines he HAS to do
loves planning shit, planned out all of ASTV in detail, keeps really detailed notes of stuff
but his handwriting only makes sense to him
remembers everything about his friends but doesn't know what day it is
Time Blind as FUCKKKKKKK. So hard to get a hold of him or get him to text back.
You see him when you see him - either he's early or he's late as hell.
Says 'five minutes' but gets distracted or severely underestimates the time.
Special interest is his records and they mean a lot to him
Knows everything there is to know about every album he owns, takes really good care of them and his player - the only thing he'll spend money on
Very creative, has many creative projects he starts and stops and never really completes
10,000 half finished patches and prototypes
But he's really talented and handy because of it
Like he knows random ass statements in dozens of languages cause he memorizes the weirdest stuff and sometimes run into situations where he really needs it
Like the first time they go to Mumbattan looking for Pavi Gwen is like "ugh how are we gonna ask people 'have you seen this boy' in Marathi?" and Hobie is like "i got this" and she's like "Bro HOW"
REAL ASS AUDHD EXPERIENCE: Being able to memorize copious amounts of information about things that don't matter at all
Hobie has so many facts inside of him that he just drops so casually
And people are like how are you so smart
and of course he's like 'i was smart this whole time'
People think he's rude or an idiot because he doesn't make eye contact or doesn't face people when spoken to
but he's not at all, and he's very good at picking up little details
Dry but hilarious sense of humor that takes seven layers of irony and 3 years of context to even process
Probably has one completely left-field unrelated hyperfixation that catches people off guard. Is completely unashamed about it
When he's overstimulated he gets very irritated and snappy and fidgety -
Has to leave the room immediately - will stop everything and just get up and head straight to the door
If he can't leave he'll start covering his ears or put his head down against a table
Has loss of speech episodes sometimes, but not only when stressed. Lots of times it happens while relaxed or really deep in thought/daydream. His closest friends can understand him perfectly fine, and can tell when he's just chilling vs when he needs support
Will stand up in a 'quiet' room and say "what's that noise??" cause he can hear electric buzzing and it's pisses him off
He still blasts his music loud as hell in his headphones
Puts something into one of his many pockets then immediately begins to look for where he put said thing
Always pulling stuff out of his pockets, looking slightly impressed but confused as to how it got there, or how long it's been there
Has the weirdest palette. Weird ass food combos. The type of guy to put one sauce on everything
Probably eats beans on toast like twice a day
His comfort food is a Gregg's Sausage Roll from a very specific branch in East London, others taste a bit off to him and he can tell if it's not the right one. He'll still eat it, but he can tell it's not right
Most of these are SUCH a projection but I love him so so so much ok bye bye
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fadingdaggerr · 1 year
Hey can I request a melissa schemmenti x femreader based on season two episode 1.where maybe the reader is rlly stressed out and maybe she can’t park bc Ava is using her parking spot to celebrate the eagles game and maybe mr Johnson comes into to tell the reader her is getting toed away so her,Melissa and the other teachers run outside and maybe the reader is getting angry and shouting at the man,melissa is begging her to calm down.and then she does what Janine did in the actual episode and she gets in the car and try’s to drive off and everyone is telling her to stop and Melissa try’s to get her out the car and out of rage she kicks the car and hurts her foot and then maybe the reader storms back into the school and melissa goes to find her when the school day is over and the reader has a panic attack and Melissa comforts her. Tysm ❤️
delphinium blooms
pairing: melissa schemmenti x gn!reader
summary: request above! i made little changes, mostly just so i wasn’t just rewriting janine’s scene but with r and mel but i hope you still like it :)
warnings: hurt/comfort, r has a morning of unfortunate events, r is kinda mean (to a man so it’s fine), stress/anxiety crying
note: i rewrote so much of this because i kept thinking of things and creating nonsense lmao but i had a lot of fun writing
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development week has always been the calm before the storm. you had everything planned already: each month’s separate decor to keep a lively room, the giant drawing paper for the wall so students could doodle during free time (and you could proudly display their art), and even the seating chart was done. everything was perfect and in order, everything just needed to be set up.
but sometimes the storm comes before the calm, or the calm packs its things and jumps out of the moving car.
the coffee maker in your apartment died on you, only about half a cup of watery coffee in the bottom of the pot. you didn’t have the money, nor the time, to stop that the cafe one block over. rent’s more important, we can get coffee at work, you tell yourself. you soon found that it was nearly unbearable to eat breakfast without your coffee and splash of oat milk creamer. coffee and maybe breakfast at work, i guess.
at nine in the morning, there is a full-on barbecue in the parking lot of abbott elementary. janine’s parking spot was a grill station. your spot, which was two down from janine’s, was currently being used as a blow-up pool splash zone. you roll down your window when you see ava close by.
“ava! what the hell is this?” you yelled out your window.
“it’s a development day party!” the principal responded with a big, happy grin.
you sighed, “your party’s in my parking spot.”
“pay valet or park somewhere else, i have a party to host,” she waves you off as she turns to talk to whoever approached her. after a, give-or-take, nine hundred point turn, you parked your car on the street. you prayed to the meter-maid goddesses that you’d have time to move it before someone came and ticketed you.
you pulled box after box out of the backseat, stacking them in your arms, creating the leaning tower of heavy-as-shit. as you slowly walk towards the fourth grade classrooms, you top few boxes get lifted away, easing the load significantly. you look to see who it was, expecting gregory, but instead you’re met with jade green eyes and fiery hair.
“trynna show off carrying all these?” she says with a laugh.
you laugh with her, “oh, of course. how else am i going to impress the ladies?” melissa snorts a laugh at this, opening the door to your classroom and letting you in ahead of her.
“and who are these ladies?” she jests.
you look at her, taking in the smirk on her face before answering, “we both know it’s just the one.”
she helps you spread out the boxes and get everything open before asking, “ready to head to the opening meeting?”
“you mean the ava show?”
she laughs, “yeah, come on.”
you half-listen to ava’s little speech and flirts to gregory, your eyes trained on melissa’s rings instead of ava’s vacation photos. you only perked your head up when janine mentioned donuts at her little mixer.
“and why would i wanna go to that?” melissa answered janine, barbara nodding in agreement beside her.
“you said donuts?” you ask janine, she nods eagerly, “then count me in teagues, but if there’s no strawberry frosted i’m leaving.”
there was no strawberry frosted. you dropped into a seat next to melissa, who was happily eating a chocolate frosted donut. she sees your pout and offers you a bite, which you accept with a smile. she wiped a blue sprinkle that managed to land on your cheek, the action is enough to make you smile a bit, warmth spreading through your cheeks.
just when you think the worst part of the morning is over, the tried and true mr. johnson walks into the library.
“anyone drive a beat up sedan?” all the hands in the room rise up. “who drives a silver one?” less hands, but still a good amount. “one with a sticker that says ‘if you see this, thank a teacher’ on the bumper?”
janine pipes up, “oh that’s mine!”
“you’re getting boot on your car, young lady,” he answers, and janine immediately is running out with jacob, gregory, and barbara behind her.
“oh and anyone got a green sedan? little cat bobble head on the dash?” mr. johnson speaks up.
melissa turns to look at you before you say, “don’t tell me it’s being booted.”
“course not,” you sigh in minor relief, “you’re about to get towed.”
you’re immediately running out to your car, melissa hot on your trail. you get outside to see a boot placed on janine’s car and the tow guy is rigging your car to the truck.
“aye, back off the car! what are you doing?” you yell, getting close to the tow operator, eric.
“no parking zone, can you read? it’s for the buses. we’re pulling ya,” he says as he continues his work. you groan in anger, walking closer to the car where he had already hooked it up.
“what fucking buses? school hasn’t started yet,” you counter.
“it’s still a bus zone, and you’re still getting towed,” eric says.
before you start throwing hands with the guy, melissa steps in, “how much to not tow the car?”
he laughs, “you can get it back at the lot, should be two hundred. might be three for wasting my time. you’re not getting it back now, it’s parked illegally.”
you see red when he mentions raising the cost, you couldn’t even afford the original one, “wasting your time? your time?! i’m supposed to be in that building making lesson plans for children who will be here next week, and i’m wasting your time?”
“yeah, you are. now move your ass or i’ll move you,” the man answers angrily.
you bravely taunt him, “try then.”
“sweetheart…” melissa tries to reach for your arm, but you step just out of reach.
barbara and gregory say your name at the same time, both of their tones advising caution. melissa is stuck between wanting to help and letting you just handle it. she wearily watches as you squat down and start undoing clasps and hooks, taking the chains off the car. you’re movements are fast, getting two wheels free from the rigs.
“hey! you can’t be touching that!” eric yells once he hears the disconnect. he stomps over to you and grabs your arm, harshly yanking you away from the car with a tight grip. “stupid little shit,” he mutters.
“touch me again and i’ll break your fingers,” you threaten, and by the look on your face, melissa knows you’re serious. now is when she has to step in, she knows that much.
“twenty bucks says our scrappy-doo over here wins!” ava yells over, holding her phone up, ready to record if you followed through.
“not helping ava!” barbara and melissa shout at the same time.
melissa moves to gently wrap her arms around you from behind, pulling you away from your car and away from the tow guy. when you try to pull away, she tightens her hold, muttering to you to calm down and slow your breathing. you’re irritated, and melissa can feel you shaking against her. she knows you’re using your anger to coverup how much you want to cry.
once the car is all set, the man speaks to melissa only, “here’s the address of where to pick it up. and thanks for keeping your dog,” he pointedly looks at you, “on its leash.”
once he drives off with your car, melissa releases you slowly. your chest rises and drops with every unsteady breath, and you groan loudly. immediately, and without much thought, you repeatedly kick the stone wall around the entrance, even when pain strikes after the first one.
“sweetheart. baby, stop…” melissa grabs you again, “you’re going to hurt yourself.” barbara ushers away everyone else, giving the the redhead space to calm you.
it took a few moments for your breathing to slow, but when it stuttered, melissa turned you in her arms and hugged you tightly. your face instinctively tucked itself away in the junction of her neck and shoulder, your arms firm around her waist. you could feel her arm around your shoulders, the other rubbing soothing circles on your back and she swayed from side to side, in hopes the motion would help you focus your breathing.
“baby?” melissa asks with a hushed tone.
you pull away from her to sniffle but tuck back into her skin before answering, “i can’t afford a cup of coffee. i can’t afford a new coffee maker. i haven’t eaten since we had dinner last night. and this half-wit just stole my car and put it up for ransom, because there was a pool in my parking spot.”
the accumulation of everything from today being said aloud made fresh tears fall from your eyes. melissa held you tighter, whispering soothing words to you even if they fell on deaf ears. after you’ve calmed down again, she coaxes you back so you can see your face. her hands hold your face delicately, thumbs stroking away left behind tears.
“i will hand deliver you coffee every morning until you find a new coffee maker,” she says making you huff through your nose, “and i’ll buy you lunch, maybe make you dinner too, if you want,” she sees you perk up at the offer, “and i’ll stab a hole in the pool.” you laugh for real this time, making melissa smile. these days, she found that making you laugh was her favorite thing to do.
“what abo-” you start, but melissa cuts you off.
“oh, you’re not paying a dime,” you go to tell her not to pay it, but she’s ahead of you. “and neither am i, trust me. i could pull a uncle carlo and get them to give me three hundred bucks, for my time.”
you shake your head, “you bringing the bat or just that cute face?”
melissa cheeks grew rosy at your words, “you were crying five minutes ago and now you’re flirting?” you nod, biting your lip, but still waiting for an answer. she gives in, “the bat will be stay in the car unless they really deserve it. scout’s honor.”
you laugh and press a kiss to her cheek, mumbling against her skin, “thank you.”
she turns her face, pressing her forehead against yours with her eyes closed. she leans in and presses a sound, loving kiss to your lips, then your cheek, then the other, a final one placed on your forehead. she holds your face once more, “you needed me, and i was there. you don’t have to thank me, i love you. it’s what i’m supposed to do.”
you kiss her again, very quickly, then say, “i love you, too.”
after she bought you lunch, she didn’t drive you straight back to abbott. no, melissa was parked in front of market street towing company. she wordlessly got out of the car, but motioned for you to stay when you went to undo your seatbelt. you just watched her walk away nervously until she disappeared inside.
two songs and one radio ad later, you see your car pulling out of the fenced lot, melissa behind the wheel. you jumped out of the car as she got out of yours, grabbing her tightly.
“oh my god, thank you, thank you, thank you,” you say excitedly, only hearing her laugh a bit.
“no one was harmed, except maybe a couple egos,” she says before pulling back to drop your keys in your hands. “we still on for dinner?”
you grab her chin between your forefinger and thumb, bringing her lips to yours in a slow kiss. when you pull away, you revel in her stunned look, and it’s just too tempting to kiss her again, but she beats you to do. she breaks the kiss for air, and you speak quietly in the small space between you, “dessert, too.”
i hope u like this anon and i hope i did ur vision justice <3 feedback appreciated as always
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emerxshiu · 6 months
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I started this drawing yesterday around afternoon and finished it just a few minutes earlier.
I went with a messier type of drawing instead of more clean like the elfilin one from yesterday, i find it fun doing it like this, mostly cause i dont have to worry about making it perfectly so i dont get as frustrated as normal. Id place this one as my second best digital drawing. im pretty sure i havent posted what i consider my best digital drawing here, tho i do have it in instagram, i might post it here one day, tho these two are way too tied up, i love how this came out, its not exactly like how i imagined it but its really close to it, and also itd say that since i dont tend to play around lighting that much, this was such a joy to draw and i cant help but stare at it a lot, at least until i start hating it because i made quite a lot of errors. i also changed my elfilis gijinka just a tad bit from last time, but its not that big of a difference, mostly.
ofc i had to draw elfilis for forgotten land's anniversary, i tend to deny it in my head but yeah they're my fave of the kirby characters even tho i hate them a bit. I wanted to draw some more doodles, like, elfilis eating cake, kirby car, a bunch of other stuff (not elfilin cuz i already drew him yesterday) but when i tried i couldnt draw anything more, guess this drawing burned me out a lot, huh?
you can definitly tell i spent all the efforts on him cuz if you look a bit closer to the bottom part you'll see its almost barely detailed, but i mean, they're the focus so make sense i guess for me not add that much detail there. um also, maybe because i dunno i had OVER 130 LAYERS jeez no wonder firealpaca was slowing down so much, i need to manage my layers better next time, tho i did do something i keep forgetting, wich is naming them (most of them at least) that was a real life saver
Also, antares (fecto elfilis' spear/cadaceus), as always, was a pain to draw, but this time its probably been draw the most accurate out of every other drawing ive made with it in it, i didnt notice it was like, a little curved when it reached the blade
some close ups since his face is a bit hard to see
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silly :3
fun fact! actually, this is technically a redraw, somewhere around between february and march i started a fecto elfilis drawing for the first anniversary, but i couldnt finish it in time, and i never finished it
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thats...quite the improvement! (i remember being so proud of it)
also his wings are like that cuz i did not want to draw the pattern, its way too hard, i literally copy pasted it, wait, i was talking about the 2024 version but i looked at the 2023 one and i just noticed it also has the pattern copy pasted, i guess some stuff never changes since i still abuse the ctrl+c ctrl+v to this day
Also i ended up making a huge error there, i was planing to add the phantom spears from orbital pulsar (the attack he does first when you battle them at lab discovera) but theres an innacuracy, when they do the attack, they always close their eyes, i had actually sketched him (well i mean both these drawings are basically the first sketch (2023) or second sketch(2024) with some color, shadows and lighting. i didnt do lineart in the 2024 one cuz i wanted to be a bit like the og i made (too bad i sketched that one with black since the og was sketched with white due to me drawing the bg first)) with his eyes closed but them decided to make them open for a reason i cant remember, maybe i thought itd look nicer? idk
ive had the idea of redrawing this for quite some month now so it was kinda already planned
background cuz i think it came out really pretty
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doesnt have the little stars since without elfilis and the structures it looks fucked up. the actual sky in game is more blue, but the clouds have some orange, in the 2023 ver. i made the sky orange, and in the 2024 ver i wanted it more accurate, but i didnt wanna loose the orange sky, so i did a gradient. pretty...
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also here's a screenshot i took when i was like halfway trough it, its barely noticeable but i changed his mouth in the final drawing
I really love katfl, like a buncha whole lot, its basically almost my first mainline kirby game. 100% the demo, finished the game in almost one day, i literally play it monthly, like, every month i put the card in my switch, start it up, get morpho sword, and go shred elfilis in lab discovera. i would probably not even be here on tumblr and the kirby fandom if it werent for it. and i love it so much i genuinly cannot express how much i like it and treasure it with words or anything
Thank you for reading my unnecesarily long rambles lol
I hope i'll post tomorrow and dont forget like usual
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