fromthelakes · 9 months
"It's nothing, just a scratch."
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Pairing: Maggie Rhee/Greene x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of injury, i think that's it?
Word Count: 2k
Summary: In the quiet of Hilltop at dusk, you wait anxiously for Maggie's return. When she arrives injured, you offer help despite her initial refusal. As you care for her wound, a tender moment unfolds, offering solace amidst the uncertainty of the world.
A/N: Heyy, thank you so much for all the love for my first fanfiction! I'm currently working on another Regina fic, but since I'm not quite sure what direction that will go, I decided to publish this Maggie x reader fic first. I tagged Maggie both as Rhee and Greene because why not. Anyways, I would die for this woman in a heartbeat.
The evening draped Hilltop in a soft, dusky hue as you sat on the well-worn couch by the fireplace, the crackling flames casting flickering shadows across the room. The rhythmic hum of cicadas outside provided a calming backdrop to the quietude within your cozy home.
The cushioned embrace of the couch enveloped you as you attempted to immerse yourself in a book you had randomly picked up. The weathered cover bore the weight of numerous readings, its pages slightly yellowed, but each word within still held the power to transport you to another world.
The day had been uneventful; scavenging, tending to tasks around the settlement, and engaging in the mundane yet necessary routines of life after everything changed. But amidst the routines, the anticipation of Maggie's return lingered, creating a gentle knot of concern in your chest.
You knew she had matters to attend to, responsibilities that came with leading the community. But it didn't stop the concern from gnawing at you, the desire for her safe return growing more pronounced with each passing moment. You knew Maggie was strong and capable, but the unpredictability of the world outside made waiting an agonizing endeavor.
You toyed with the pages of the book, your attention drifting, unable to focus on the words. Your mind kept conjuring scenarios, each more concerning than the last, despite your attempts to quell the rising worry. You found yourself constantly looking towards the door, half-expecting it to open with her arrival, yet it remained closed, a barrier between your anticipation and her presence.
The crackling of the fire seemed to echo the erratic rhythm of your heartbeat, each pop and hiss amplifying the quiet solitude of the room. As the warm glow of the fire danced upon the walls, the long awaited creak of the front door finally interrupted the serene atmosphere.
You looked over your shoulder to find Maggie standing in the doorway. She held herself together with that familiar resilience, but the way she moved hinted at something else beneath the surface. A facade of calm determination masked a hint of pain that lingered in the corners of her eyes.
A surge of relief washed over you, evident in the way your shoulders relaxed as you set the book aside. "Hey" you greeted, unable to conceal the relief in your voice.
"Hey" she replied, her voice a soothing melody in the quiet room.
You met her eyes, an unspoken question lingering in your gaze. "Everything okay?" you inquired, your eyes scanning her for injuries as she slumped next to you on the couch. Her clothing was stained with blood, and a nasty looking gash adorned her arm.
"You're hurt." you observed, your worry transforming into urgency.
Maggie's attempt at a nonchalant shrug was feeble. She tried to hide it, but you saw the way she winced when she moved her arm. "It's nothing, just a scratch." she deflected, attempting to sidestep your worry.
Maggie had always been fiercely independent, even in the most dire circumstances. It was one of the many things that drew you to her—the strength, resilience, and determination that radiated from her, even when faced with adversity. But her stubbornness could sometimes border on self-destructive, especially when it came to her own well-being.
"Let me take a look at it." you insisted. Maggie shook her head. "I can handle it, I've dealt with worse." she retorted, wincing as she attempted to unbutton her shirt with her injured arm.
You sighed before getting up to go gather the necessary supplies—a first aid kit, a bowl of water, and bandages—before returning to the couch where Maggie was still trying to unbutton the rest of her shirt.
"Let me." you offered gently, setting the supplies down.
Maggie hesitated for a moment, her resolve visibly wavering. Finally, with a defeated sigh, she relented, allowing you to gently remove her bloodstained button up shirt, revealing the wound that marred her resilient exterior.
The soft glow of candlelight illuminated the space, casting gentle shadows as you carefully examined the wound on her arm. "It's nothing, really." she murmured, trying to downplay the severity of her injuries.
You reached for the bowl of water, soaking a clean cloth and cleaning the wound gently, mindful of her discomfort. Maggie hissed through clenched teeth, trying to mask the pain, but her grip on the edge of the couch tightened.
"Sorry." you murmured softly, glancing up to meet her eyes before continuing the meticulous cleaning process, wiping away the dried blood to reveal the full extent of the injury.
Silence settled in the room, broken only by the crackling of the fire. Maggie's eyes followed your every move, a mixture of defiance and vulnerability swirling in their depths. You were her safe haven, the one person she could rely on without reservation. Your touch was gentle, yet firm, as you cleaned the wound and carefully bandaged it up, ensuring she would heal properly.
Once the wound was fully cleaned and bandaged, you looked up to find Maggie watching you, gratitude and affection shining in her eyes. "You didn’t have to do this." she whispered, her voice carrying a vulnerable undertone.
“I know.” you replied softly, giving her a reassuring smile. “But I wanted to.”
Your words hung in the air, laden with care and unspoken emotions that resonated between you both. The warmth of the moment enveloped the room, the dancing flames casting a soft, flickering light on the scene.
"Thank you." she whispered, her voice holding a vulnerability she rarely showed.
"Anytime." you replied, a gentle smile gracing your lips.
Leaning back against the cushions, Maggie released a contented sigh, her gaze drifting toward the fire as if drawing comfort from its dance. "It's quiet tonight." she observed, her tone carrying a hint of reflection.
"Yeah, it is." you replied, casting a glance outside where the evening sky painted a canvas of stars. "Almost makes you forget what's out there." you added, gesturing vaguely towards the window.
Maggie nodded in agreement, her eyes fixated on the flames. "Almost." she murmured softly, a reminder that even amidst tranquility, the world beyond their walls remained untamed and unforgiving.
After a beat, Maggie's gaze drifted to the book you had set aside earlier. "What were you reading?" she asked, a glimmer of curiosity in her eyes.
“Uhh… I’m actually not sure.” you replied, picking up the book from the side table. “I couldn’t focus on reading it so…” you shrugged as you ran your fingers over the weathered cover.
Maggie shifted, her gaze momentarily dropping before meeting yours again. "You worry too much, you know." she said, a hint of a smile playing on her lips, attempting to lighten the atmosphere.
"It's hard not to." you admitted, a soft chuckle escaping your lips. "Especially when you keep coming back like this." you gestured at her bandaged arm.
Maggie’s smile softened, her eyes holding a mixture of appreciation and affection. "But I always come back, don't I?" she said, gently taking the book from your hands and placing it back on the table. 
You chuckled softly, feeling the tension of the evening slowly dissipate. "Yeah, you do. Always keeping me on my toes."
As Maggie leaned back against the couch, a comfortable silence settled between you. The warmth of the fire and the presence of each other was enough to quell the worries of the outside world, if only for a moment.
Suddenly, Maggie turned slightly towards you, her gaze meeting yours with a hint of playfulness. "You know what would make you worry less?" she teased lightly.
"What's that?" you replied, genuinely intrigued by her playful suggestion.
With a playful glint in her eye, Maggie leaned in, closing the distance between you. Before you could anticipate her move, her lips met yours in a tender, reassuring kiss. It was a moment of quiet intimacy, a silent promise that spoke volumes, offering solace and reassurance in a simple gesture.
As she pulled back slightly, a soft smile lingered on Maggie's lips, her gaze fixed on yours. "Better?" she whispered, her voice warm and filled with affection.
You couldn't help but reciprocate her smile, feeling a rush of warmth flooding your chest. "Much better." you replied softly, your voice barely above a whisper, your gaze locked with hers.
Maggie's smile widened, a glint of mischief dancing in her eyes. "Good." she murmured, leaning in once more to steal another fleeting kiss before leaning her head gently against your shoulder, a contented sigh escaping her lips. The weight of her head against you felt reassuring, grounding you both in the comfort of each other's presence.
Without a word, you wrapped an arm around her, pulling her into a comforting embrace. The weight of the day's worries seemed to melt away in those moments, replaced by a sense of contentment that only Maggie's presence could bring. The fire crackled in the background, casting a gentle warmth across the room as the night enveloped the settlement in quietude.
Time seemed to stretch and bend in the tranquil atmosphere, each passing moment cocooning you both in a bubble of serenity. The worries that had been clawing at your thoughts began to ebb away, replaced by a sense of peace and tranquility that came with being close to Maggie.
Eventually, the fatigue of the day caught up with both of you. Maggie's eyes fluttered closed, a serene expression gracing her features as she nestled closer, finding solace in the embrace. The comfort of the couch invited a tempting lull, pulling at your eyelids and inviting sleep to claim its territory.
"You should get some rest." you murmured, pressing a gentle kiss on top of Maggie’s head, feeling her relax further against you.
"Mmm, you too." Maggie replied in a drowsy tone, her words barely audible as she nuzzled closer.
Smiling softly, you hummed in agreement, letting out a quiet chuckle at Maggie's half-asleep response. With careful movements, you adjusted yourselves, preparing to leave the couch and retire to the comfort of the bedroom.
Carefully disentangling from Maggie's embrace, you offered her a hand, helping her up from the couch. Her weariness was evident, but her determination to keep going persisted, a trait you both shared. With a silent understanding, you walked together toward the bedroom, the soft light from the living room casting a warm glow in the dimly lit hallway.
As you stepped into the bedroom, the familiar sense of tranquility enveloped you both, the space welcoming and serene. Maggie moved toward the bed, shedding her stained and worn clothes before slipping into more comfortable attire, her movements slow and deliberate, fatigue weighing heavily upon her.
You mirrored her actions, changing into something more comfortable for the night. The soft, muted glow of moonlight seeped through the curtains, casting a serene ambiance in the room. As you both settled into the comfort of the bed, Maggie curled up beside you, her head resting on your chest.
You nestled close to her, an arm draping over her waist as she leaned into your embrace. The room was filled with a serene quietness, the only sounds the soft breaths you both took, syncing in a calming rhythm.
"I don't know what I'd do without you." Maggie whispered softly as sleep started to claim her.
Gently, you brushed a strand of hair away from Maggie's face, a tender gesture that spoke volumes. "Let's hope you never have to find out." you whispered back, tightening your embrace. Your fingers traced delicate patterns on her back, a silent reassurance that you were there, a steadfast presence in a world that often felt uncertain.
Maggie nestled deeper into your embrace, exhaling a sigh, the tension in her body gradually melting away. Her breaths became more even, the weight of the day slowly dissipating as slumber claimed her.
The moon painted silver strokes on the walls, a celestial artist leaving its mark on the canvas of the night. In the embrace of shared warmth, you drifted into a peaceful slumber, intertwined in a quiet intimacy that whispered promises of unwavering support and unspoken devotion that you had built together amidst the turmoil of the post-apocalyptic reality.
Ps: I had a nosebleed while writing this
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fromthelakes · 10 months
Jealousy, Regret, Reconciliation
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Pairing: Regina Mills x fem!reader
Warnings: none?
Word Count: 2k
Summary: In the midst of a lively evening at Granny’s Diner, Regina Mills becomes increasingly agitated by a misinterpreted situation between her secret lover (you) and Ruby, sparking a heated argument. The night brings a storm of emotions, keeping both you and Regina awake, haunted by the recent conflict.
A/N: Heyy, this is my first ever fanfiction and I honestly don’t know how to feel about it. I just wanted to try writing a jealousy fic of Regina because… why not? Also I’m not sure how to tag this because, again, I’m very new to writing fanfiction. Anyways feel free to leave any advice or criticism on how I could improve my writing (please be nice though, because I am sensitive af lmaoo). Oh, and the classic "english isn't my first language" applies to this
The atmosphere at Granny's Diner was as vibrant as ever, filled with its customary chatter and laughter. Regina Mills sat in the corner booth, seemingly focused on her drink. Yet, her gaze intermittently drifted towards you, engrossed in what seemed like an innocent conversation with Ruby Lucas, your laughters blending in with the diner’s ambiance.
Despite the celebration for a milestone achieved in Storybrooke, Regina's attention remained elsewhere. She noticed the way Ruby's gaze lingered on you, and a flicker of unease sparked within her. Though typically composed, Regina couldn’t help feeling a twinge of jealousy seeing Ruby direct playful banter at you.
Regina had always been protective, especially of you. The two of you had been friends for years, your bond growing stronger as time passed. Recently, however, your relationship had shifted, blossoming into something deeper and more intimate. You and Regina had been secretly dating for several months now, relishing the clandestine nature of your romance, keeping it hidden from the prying eyes of Storybrooke's inhabitants.
As the evening progressed, Regina found it increasingly challenging to ignore the growing jealousy that had taken root within her. Each playful exchange between you and Ruby fueled the flames of her simmering frustration, her jaw clenching with suppressed emotions.
Inwardly seething, Regina took a deliberate sip of her drink, a facade of composure masking the turmoil raging within her. The cool liquid did little to quell the storm of emotions churning beneath the surface as she maintained a poised exterior, concealing the inner conflict brewing within her.
As Ruby leaned closer to you—a gesture Regina interpreted as flirtatious—her jaw clenched further, the surge of jealousy nearly escalating. Her grip on her drink tightened, the glass threatening to shatter under the pressure of her clenched fingers. She had to look away, fearing that her emotions would betray her in front of everyone.
Ruby's laughter crescendoed, a sound that grated against Regina's frayed nerves. Each interaction between you and Ruby felt like a dagger twisting in her chest. Regina's mind raced with irrational thoughts and deep-buried fears. The ache in her chest had morphed into simmering anger, a blend of jealousy and frustration.
Eventually, the tension proved too much to bear. Regina abruptly rose from her seat, the sharp clicks of her stilettos echoing across the wooden floor of the diner, drawing your attention. Your eyes met hers, capturing a glimpse of something raw and untamed within Regina’s usually composed expression before she stormed out of the diner, her sole focus on escaping the suffocating atmosphere.
You watched her leave, a furrow forming on your brow, a mixture of confusion and concern evident. Sensing the tension that had soured the once cheerful atmosphere, you quickly excused yourself from Ruby's company.
Outside the diner, the cool night air failed to offer any relief as Regina briskly walked down the sidewalk, the echo of her heels punctuating the silent night with each determined step. The weight of unresolved emotions hung heavy in the air, evident in her gait and tense posture.
“Regina!” you called out, your voice cutting through the stillness of the night. Regina hesitated for a moment, the rhythmic click of her heels faltering before she continued walking, determined to distance herself from the scene that had stirred up a storm of emotions in her.
Desperate to bridge the growing distance between you, you quickened your pace, the echo of your own heels resonating as you tried to catch up to her. “Regina, please!” you called out again, the urgency evident in your voice.
Regina slowed down, hesitating for a fleeting moment before reluctantly turning to face you. Despite the distance, the streetlights illuminated the conflict etched on her features, a blend of hurt and frustration.
As you finally caught up to her, you were slightly taken aback by the look on her face. "What's wrong?" you questioned, worry lacing your voice.
"What's wrong?" Regina scoffed, her eyes flashing with suppressed frustration. "Can you not see it? How you entertain every flirtatious remark from Ruby as if it's some kind of game?"
Your brows furrowed into a puzzled expression. "Regina, Ruby and I are just friends." you defended, a hint of frustration creeping into your tone.
Regina's facade cracked, her voice rising with pent-up emotions. "Friends? Can't you see how she looks at you? How you laugh at her jokes and bask in her attention?
"I don't know what you're talking about," you retorted, a surge of defensiveness colouring your voice. "Ruby is just a friend, and you know that."
"Don't play ignorant!" Regina's words cut through the air like a knife. "I saw the way Ruby practically threw herself at you, and you seemed all too eager to indulge her!"
Confusion swept over you. "Indulge her? Ruby was just being friendly!"
"You don't see it, do you?" Regina's voice wavered between anger and hurt. "I've watched the way she looks at you, and it's not just harmless banter!"
Caught between Regina's piercing gaze and the unexpected accusation, you felt a surge of frustration rise within you. "Regina, it wasn't like that! Ruby and I were just having a conversation—"
"You can't be that naive!" Regina cut in, her frustration boiling over. "She was flirting with you right in front of me!"
You let out a scoff of disbelief. “Are you serious, Regina?” you questioned, eyebrows raising in astonishment. “Are you actually suggesting that? Or are you just fucking jealous?” you shot back, your disbelief now mixed with irritation.
Regina’s eyes widened, her initial frustration giving way to a mix of surprise and indignation. “Jealous?” she snapped back, letting out a breathless chuckle. “Don’t flatter yourself. I’m just pointing out the obvious.” Her words carried a sharp edge, her frustration still palpable.
“You’re overreacting!" you retorted, anger and hurt evident in your voice. "Sorry I didn't realise I needed your permission to talk to someone!"
The words hung heavily in the air, each sentence fueling the fiery argument. Regina's jaw clenched, her emotions unravelling with each passing second. "This isn't about me. It's about you and your constant need for attention from others!"
Her words cut deep, and you felt a surge of frustration mingled with hurt pride. "Is that what you really think?” you questioned, the words coming out with a mixture of hurt and astonishment.
Regina’s gaze hardened, the tension palpable in the charged air between you. “It’s not about what I think, it’s what I’ve seen.” she retorted sharply, her voice tinged with a mixture of exasperation and lingering hurt.
You stared at her, a lump forming in your throat. The air around you seemed to disappear, making you feel suffocated. “After everything—” you paused, struggling to contain the tumultuous emotions threatening to spill over. “Do you not trust me?” you whispered, tears threatening well up in your eyes as you swallowed the lump in your throat.
Before Regina could say anything, you turned away and stormed off, leaving her standing there in the chilly autumn night. Regina watched you disappear behind a corner before she let out a frustrated groan. 
Regina got into her car, slamming the door shut with an echoing thud and driving away. Both of you retreated to your respective homes, leaving the echoes of the heated argument haunting the empty streets of Storybrooke.
As the night settled in Storybrooke, both you and Regina sequestered in your separate residents, enveloped in the lingering aftermath of the argument. The thunderstorm raging outside seemed to match the intensity of emotions both you and Regina were experiencing, leaving you both unable to sleep.
Regina sat by the window of her dimly lit bedroom, the occasional lightning illuminating the shadows that danced on the walls. Her mind was a chaotic whirlwind, replaying the argument with you over and over again. Frustration mingled with regret as she pondered her rash actions. She knew her emotions had gotten the better of her, unleashing a torrent of pent-up feelings she had desperately tried to conceal.
Regina continued watching raindrops race down the glass pane, mirroring the tears she had refused to shed. Her thoughts drifted back to the moment she had stormed out of Granny’s Diner, her heart aching with the realisation that she might have irreversibly damaged something precious with her outburst.
Meanwhile, you sat in your own dwelling, the distant thunder echoing the turmoil in your mind. The argument replayed in your thoughts like a broken record. Confusion and frustration gripped you as you pondered the misunderstanding that had spiralled out of control.
Despite your best efforts to push the heated exchange aside, you couldn’t shake off the unease that lingered. Regina’s words cut deep, leaving wounds of misunderstanding and hurt. You hadn't anticipated this level of conflict, especially with someone as close as Regina.
As the night wore on, the storm showed no signs of relenting, as if mirroring the unresolved tension between you and Regina. Each raindrop that splattered against the windowpanes seemed to echo the unspoken words and emotions that lingered between you.
In a sudden surge of determination, Regina couldn’t let things remain this way. She couldn’t shake off the unsettling feeling of discord that had settled between you two. Despite the pouring rain outside, Regina made a decision.
Grabbing her coat, Regina dashed out into the storm, the raindrops pelting against her skin. She hurried through the deserted streets of Storybrooke, the only sounds being the rhythmic drumming of the rain and the occasional distant rumble of thunder. Each step towards your house felt heavier than the last, fueled by the urgency to clear the air and mend what felt irreparably broken.
Lost in your thoughts, you were startled by the sharp knock echoing through your home, interrupting the solitary brooding. You hesitated, puzzled by the unexpected visitor in the midst of such a storm. As you approached the door, the knock came again, more urgent this time.
Opening the door, you were taken aback by the sight before you—Regina stood there drenched, rainwater streaming down her face, making her usually impeccable appearance dishevelled.
"Regina, what—?" Your words were cut short as Regina closed the gap between you in an instant, her hands softly cupping your face and her lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss.
Your initial shock quickly gave way to a surge of warmth as you reciprocated the kiss. Despite the storm raging outside, this moment felt oddly serene—the only thing that mattered was the feeling of her lips against yours.
Regina pulled back slightly, her eyes searching yours, a mix of apology and vulnerability reflected in their depths. “I’m so sorry.” she murmured, the words tinged with sincerity. “I didn’t mean for things to escalate earlier. I just...”
Regina’s lips parted, but no words escaped. You reached out, gently brushing a rain-soaked strand of hair from her face. Your gaze held a silent understanding, an unspoken acknowledgment of the tangled emotions that had led to this moment.
“I overreacted.” Regina admitted softly. “I let my insecurities get the better of me. I never meant to hurt you.”
The sincerity in her gaze was undeniable. You could sense the walls she had meticulously built crumbling down, exposing her raw feelings beneath the surface.
You gave her a sympathetic smile before pulling her into a tender embrace. Regina’s arms wrapped around you and her breath hitched slightly as she buried her face in the crook of your neck, breathing in your familiar scent.
"I didn't mean to upset you either." you whispered into her hair. Regina’s embrace tightened slightly as a silent acknowledgment of your words.
You both lingered in the embrace, finding comfort in the closeness that transcended words. However, as if nature had its own timing, a sudden rumble of thunder echoed through the sky, reverberating around you. Regina instinctively pulled away, her eyes widening slightly in realisation.
You glanced towards the downpour outside, the intensity of the storm painting the world in shades of grey. The reminder brought a faint chuckle from both of you, a brief interjection in the midst of the emotional intensity. 
"Come on, I don’t want you to catch a cold." you said softly, a playful smile tugging at your lips as you pulled her inside your home, away from the rain-soaked night. As Regina stepped over the threshold, you closed the door behind her, shutting out the storm and the chaos of the outside world.
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