#all in a days work for a totally normal highschooler like myself
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bluntloyalist · 8 days ago
ijin will wield himself like a localized cataclysmic event killing 30 injuring 13 and then go to school the next day like wow 😊 im so normal 😊 i have a family and dont carry a gun 24/7 and regularly eat full meals instead of inhaling ration bars 😊 what a peaceful country 😊
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jrooc · 21 days ago
✨ w e e k l y t a g w e d n e s d a y ✨
Hi and hello from this Wednesday that feels like a Monday. For some reason I always think about those weird camel hump day commercials. Couldn't even tell you what those were for! I digress... today we're gonna be talkin' ragrets. All those shoulda, woulda and coulda's!
First.. the basics:
Name: Jess
Popular music/band/artist while you were in highschool: It's Britney bitch
Okay.. let's get into it...
What's one thing you wish you'd known when you were younger? Being normal is a fallacy 😆
What is a course or certification you wish you'd done? Pilates teacher certification and an MBA 😆
What's a style you wish you'd never rocked? Low rise jeans, just why!
What's a style you totally killed? Ripped jeans (or so I continue to tell myself)
Do you still wear it? Sure do!
Favorite pair of shoes you've ever owned: Rag and Bone heeled boots
Have you ever worn heels? Do you regret it? Do you wish you had tried to wear heels? Do you think heels are the devil? What are heels--Jess stop saying that word: I used to. I never need to again.
Name one bucket list item? Visit the Netherlands (waves obnoxiously at Pie and Willow)
What's something you would do if you could step outside all your insecurities/fears today? Speak out more about injustices in the work world. Some cycling stuff I have anxiety about. Hike
Is there another language you wish you learnt? French.. I learnt 60% of the language.. great place to give up 🤨
What's something you've done to your hair that you look back on and cringe? Why did I have bangs for so long? Better question.. why would I think it was a good idea to drink a glass of wine and cut them myself
Okay last one.. what's a real regret? Confusing comphet for my sexuality
Congrats! You are now freed from your regrets! Sprinkles fairy dust ✨
Hi waving at you... if you see this you have to do it! (Or just have a cookie 🍪 )
Taggiiinnnnnnggggg @deedala @michellemisfit @spookygingerr @gallapiech
@ian-galagher @creepkinginc @transmurderbug @stocious @runawaybrainsc
@blue-disco-lights @roryonic @romidoes @fireballazalea @geonbaeeeesblog
@kowhaifairy @runninonemptyy @echotrees @nozenfordaddy @sam-loves-seb
@samantitheos @deathclassic @lazystargazy @gallavich-annise @femboymilkovich
@spacerockwriting @mmmichyyy @spoonfulstar @darlingian @burninface
@rereadanon @thepupperino @suzy-queued @palepinkgoat @look-i-love-u
@callivich @sgtmickeyslaughter @heymrspatel @whatthebodygraspsnot @kiennilove
@solitarycreaturesthey @doshiart @guinguin1984 @mybrainismelted @crossmydna
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catsharky · 1 year ago
I've just discovered your Rolan x Tav comic.
It's SO neat and accurate, in matter of deign and details!
In case you don't mind, of course, I have some questions you maybe have answered before:
What software do you work with? What kind of pencils do you use? How do you manage to set so neat and clean results? Do you need many references for that or is just a gift you have? How many years have you been drawing to achieve those results?
I don't mind at all! And I don't believe I've answered any of these questions before, at least not since I started doing my comics.
For software I mainly use Clip Studio, though I do also use PaintTool Sai (v2) for certain things that I feel it does better. All of my Mass Effect comics are lined in Sai, for example because things like armour have a lot more inorganic shapes and require long, sweeping, unbroken lines, and I like the pen stabilization in Sai far better than CSP's for that sort of thing.
For how long I've been doing art, I've been at it basically nonstop since I was 9 (so 20 years now, jeez). I was in an art program throughout highschool, went to college for art/animation for 4 years, and I'll have been working professionally as an animator for 8 years in May! So there's a lot of practice there for sure.
And yeah, I use a ton of references. Usually a good chunk of the time I'll spend on something is just collecting or making the reference material I need for it.
I'm putting the rest under a read more because it's pretty long:
(Tumblr keeps eating my formatting so sorry if this is a little scuffed)
Because I'm normally working full time and doing this stuff in my free time after hours and on weekends, if I know I'm going to be drawing something a *lot*, I'll usually put together some kind of reference for myself in 3D so I can take some of the brainwork out of it and get more out of my evenings even when I'm feeling fried. It also means I put as little extra strain on my wrist as possible because I injured it a number of years back and it gets angry at me if I go for too many hours in a day.
But to give you an example, for Ember I have a Sculpt of her head that I can use to reference any angle I want, or to draw directly over top of for tricky angles. How I draw her isn't quite 1:1 to the model, but it gives me a base structure and landmarks I can build on top of.
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My basic workflow is to take the angle I want, draw over it using the model as a guide (while picking and choosing where to stay true to it and where to say fuck it and do what I want), then I get rid of the 3D and do another pass, tweaking and redrawing anything I'm not totally happy until I'm satisfied with how it looks. I draw Ember with a slightly softer, more rounded face than the model has, for instance. Just because something looks right in 3D doesn't always mean it looks right once translated to 2D and I don't care if something is technically "correct" if it doesn't feel right or isn't conveying what I want it to properly.
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I'm also always checking reference screenshots to make sure I'm in the right ballpark of how something should look. I actually have a wall of photos next to my desk and while I didn't put them up for that purpose, it has come in surprisingly handy for quickly checking face or hair details when needed. I also just have a big folder of screenshots and other saved reference material.
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I don't have a problem noooo~ 😅
Additionally, if my art has a background these days, there is a 100% chance that's a 3D set I built in Blender because I hate drawing backgrounds, but I do like building them in 3D.
Here's two examples: the area around Astarion's bed, which I built out of some of the in-game assets like a lego set (this was a pain in the ass, it probably would have been faster to just build it from scratch based on screenshots 😩) and a closet I modelled for something that's still a WIP.
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I'll get the angle I want, have Blender generate some linework from it and then grab a basic render of it to slap into CSP so I can draw the characters over top of it.
And as for brushes: the main brush I use in CSP is just the default 'Real G-Pen', with opacity effects turned off and these pressure settings: (I like to keep it simple, and I have a bit of a heavy hand so the altered pen pressure just helps me get a smoother taper). I change up the stabilizer settings depending on what I'm doing. Lower for things that need short, quick lines like hair and higher for most other things.
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For Sai, I use a 9B pencil I found a number of years ago on Deviantart (I think?) and I wish I could link you to the original post I got the settings from, but Deviantart's search is... bad and I'm unable to find it again.
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I hope that answered all your questions! If not, feel free to ask more!
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somewhat-adorkable · 10 months ago
Today at work a customer said "Are you having a fantastic day?"
Not "how are you?" and it gave me a moment of pause because I'm so used to "how are you?"
And that one is easy because I always just smile and say "I'm doing well! How are you?" so we can move on from the conversation and I don't have to expend any energy talking about myself and can keep the focus on them.
But no, "are you having a fantastic day?"
And obviously I could say yes and get it over with but the question made me freeze. Because no. I'm not having a fantastic day. But I can't say that because then she will ask why, and what am I supposed to say to that?
'Nah, you see, the godfather of my goddaughter decided to eat a fucking bullet in front of his girlfriend and it really shook us all up, especially her and my best friend. So I spent days staying up with them both to the point I ended up sick, and then on the third day I had to take a six hour car ride with my family while they screamed and fought constantly and I'm damned if I talk to them and damned if I don't because either way is a problem and I'm wrong. And then I had to spend three days around the extremely wealthy part of my family, which is uncomfortable enough at the best of times, but I had to pretend I wasn't completely devastated, exhausted, and heartbroken the whole time because that would have been a drag on everyone else. I'm also autistic so being out of my normal routine was extremely draining and having to mask so hard was seriously burning me out and I couldn't sleep because it was a hotel and not my house, and I spent the time I should have been at a funeral at my cousin's graduation instead and got to think about how he ate a bullet so now he will never see any of his kids milestones and how do you explain to a three year old that his dad is dead? I don't know how it feels to watch someone you love do that, but I remember standing with my hand over the muzzle of a gun and telling my friend if he wanted to kill himself then it had to shoot me too, and that resulted in me having a total mental breakdown so I can kinda imagine. They needed me to be there for them and I couldn't be because of my cousins graduation in another state which was just salt in the wound over and over. And then my family fought the whole time and fought the whole way back and it's exhausting to be around and I have an awful cough and a sinus infection but I'm at work anyway because I'm not rich like that side of my family I mean who the fuck thinks 64,000$ a year is a reasonable amount for highschool thats more than I make in a year and my friend is dead and I can't ask off work because the friend that killed himself was dating my boss's daughter and they are all back working so no I'm NOT having a fantastic day.'
In the grand scheme of things none of that matters so instead I say "I'm doing pretty darn good! How are you? How are the kids?"
And the world keeps spinning because your life goes on even when someone else's doesn't.
And the worst part of getting old is that some of the people that you love don't.
And I'm doing well, because that's what you're supposed to say.
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justreadertings · 2 years ago
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Coffee Shop Rules
Hi everybody! I made this to celebrate me putting in my two weeks notice at the one and only Bob Evans lol. I have worked saturday and sunday mornings this entire quarter of school (don’t ask how I don’t know how I did it either). But I officially have days to sleep in! Anyway, here’s to the brave thing I did. Also coffee shop aus can be injected in my bloodstream, I love it here. Also, mind the editing, this is the THIRD time I’ve tried to upload this to tumblr before I clicked out of it accidnetly. Twice. Please be kind to me. Ok, enjoy this little fic!- All my love, Magee
2900 Words
TW: Cursing, mentions of domestic violence, unwanted advances, working in a restaurant (this last one is for me)
Coffee Shop Rules
Rowan hated his job until noon. He had no one to calm him down, or rationalize that he couldn’t just snap at customers. But they were getting on his last nerve, today especially.
The Mistward was a restaurant that both he and his best friend worked at, and on Sundays, after the church rush, Rowan was at his wits end. He glanced at the clock. It was 11:57. But that meant he still probably had around ten minutes, because she was always late. He turned back to the register. 
“Hi there,” He said, just doing the motions, checking out customers one by one. He and Aelin both hosted, but she was much better at it than he was. She was always up there, making conversation with the customers, getting to know them, complimenting their jewelry. He’d asked her before why she complimented the old ladies with the most atrocious bulky necklaces the most, and she said it was a test, because if the old lady was thrilled about the compliment, it probably meant that her husband had stopped complimenting her. He was all very confused by her science, but he couldn’t deny how much he loved when Aelin would pop up on her toes and tell him in a hushed voice, “table 30? That guy is awful. She nearly cried, Rowan. Told me where to buy myself a set, too”
Gods, he wanted her to get here. He glanced down at the clock. 12:06. Rowan slyly took out his phone, quickly sending a you ok? text to her. She called him a buzzard when he got worried about her, but she’d already gotten into a fender bender once this year. His heart had nearly stopped when she had called him, asking him to pick her up.
Then, the doors opened, and there, in her golden glory, was Aelin. No apron, no nametag, and almost seven minutes late. Rowan smiled. She was fine, then. 
“Sorry sorry sorry,” she said, stopping to very quickly kiss his cheek before going back to put her bag away. 
The old woman at the register smiled. “I used to work with my husband,” she said, voice conspiring. “We just loved it.”
Rowan knew what she was insinuating, it was the same thing that nearly all the old couples suggested. Rowan knew that they just didn’t get modern relationships. That it was totally normal how close he and Aelin were, and it didn’t mean they had to be dating or anything. But Rowan had learned to let the comments slide. He gave her back her change, with a tight smile and a nod.
Aelin was pulling her hair up into a ponytail as she came around the counter. “Bye Pam!” She yelled, waving goodbye to the woman. The lady chuckled and waved back.
Rowan turned to her, an eyebrow raised. “How do you know her name?”
Aelin tied her apron around her waist, rolling her cerulean eyes. “I know all our regulars.” She finally looked up at him. “How do I look?”
His body warmed as he looked at her. Like she even had to ask. She looked as effortlessly gorgeous now as she did in freshman year. When she’d moved in all his classes, rivaling him for the best grades, the hardest worker, and the biggest kiss-ass to the teacher… well he wasn’t her biggest fan. In fact, they’d spent the first two years of highschool torturing each other, slipping mean notes into lockers, or setting each other up on fake dates. The problem was, his friend group since elementary school was all a huge fan of hers and her friends. Soon, they all became one group, and they’d had to just deal with each other. 
But it wasn’t until Aelin showed up at his house, the first to their group hangouts- which had been weird considering her petulance for running late- with a cleverly hidden bruised cheek, that they’d started talking. Growing up, Rowan’s closest friend, Lorcan, was two years older, and had tried to hide his own fair share of bruises. He’d moved out his senior year, but Rowan still knew how to figure that kind of thing out. He’d known her foster dad was an ass… but this was too far. She had sat in his house for probably ten minutes, insisting she was fine, until she broke down and told him. Everything. 
Since then, their friendship had grown, and he considered her his best friend. She just… understood him. They were on the same wavelength. He was very grateful that they got the summer before college to hang out, before they went to Orynth U together. He knew a lot could change in college, that they’d be busy. But he was also grateful that Aelin could get out of the hellhole that had been the last five years of her life.
Speaking of… Rowan’s eye caught on her wrist, circled with little purple finger indents. His chest tightened. He reached out, soothing his thumb over it.
Immediately, Aelin shook her head. “It’s fine. This one wasn’t… I was stupid.”
Rowan pressed his lips to the bruise, feeling horribly protective of her. “It’s not your fault.” He’d probably said that to her a million times. 
“I brought home a pregnancy test.” She said, as if that explained the bruises.
Rowan’s hand dropped her as his fell slack to his sides. Aelin pointed behind him. “Customers,” she said. 
Rowan shook his head a bit at her, questions soaring through his mind. But he didn’t even have time to ask her to clarify what the hell she was talking about before she was off making hot chocolates for Luca, one of their servers. 
He didn’t… he didn’t even know she was doing… that. Or at least, if she had, he assumed she would have told him. Not that he was entitled to her information but, they just told each other everything. She knew that he slept with Lyria Willow their junior year. He knew that she hadn’t slept with Dorian, or Chaol. He knew that she had almost slept with Sam, but decided against it at the last moment. She’d gotten freaked out and had come over, crying in his bed that something was wrong with her. Gods, as if that was possible. He was still trying to convince her that she wasn’t broken. In a lot of places. But she was pretty scared off from dating since then. 
So was this a fling thing? Something she hadn’t thought about? Or was she dating someone and hadn’t told him? He hated the thought of that. Hated the thought of her with anyone, really, but… if she was buying a pregnancy test, this guy had to be-
He snapped out of his thoughts. Rowan was sure his eyes were as wide as saucers, because Aelin had a quirky little smile on her face. “It was for Lysandra.”
Everything in his body relaxed. He knew she would have told him if she’d had sex. If she was dating anyone. The relief in his chest was so heavy, he had to push it away, and not dig in on why, exactly he was so relieved. He was working, and he did not have time to think about the complexities of that question. 
 “Thank gods,” he muttered.
At that, she flicked the side of his head. “Are you saying I wouldn’t make a good teen mother? Because I take offense to that.”
He rolled his eyes. “I was just missing a biggg chunk of story there if that test had been for you.'' They began walking towards where they kept the pumpkin bread, beginning to package it and put it in the display case. It was pretty slow now, the cold weather warding off most of their customers. Since about ninety percent of their clientele were over the age of sixty, even their busiest days were slow when the weather cooled.
Aelin put the stickers on the boxes when Rowan finished removing the wrappers and placing them in the box. They worked like this a lot, in an assembly line. Mostly so they could talk. Not that Emrys cared that much. The owner had always told them, as long as everyone leaves fed and happy, you can do whatever you want.
He was a great boss.
“Look,” Aelin said, blowing a tendril of her hair out of her face. “Lysandra didn’t actually think she was pregnant. She was just a little late, and wanted to double check.”
He frowned, eyes still catching on her blue and purple wrist. “That still doesn’t explain why you went home with it.”
Aelin laughed. “Because her uncle would kill her if he knew she was sleeping with my cousin, who’s literally four years older than her.” Aelin cringed. “Gods that's gross.” 
Rowan was still frowning. “Doesn’t Lysandra know that Arobynn wouldn’t be too thrilled if he found it either. Which he clearly did.”
Aelin stiffened a little bit at his tone. “I was just helping her out. I honestly forgot it was in my pocket.”
Ignoring the problem for a moment, Rowan blinked at her in shock. “You put something she-” he lowered his voice for the sake of the people eating beyond the counter- “peed on in you pocket?”
Aelin actually laughed at him. “Please,” she waved her hand. “Lysandra and I have shared underwear before.”
Rowan made a horrified face.
“Did you see any lines in my prom dress?”
Rowan’s face heated at the thought of her prom dress. It was black, with a deep v neck, a golden dragon that rode up the back of her body and hugged every single one of her curves. He couldn’t deny she was gorgeous. You’d have to be insane to think she wasn’t.
His face heated further. “You told us all that you went commando.” His knee had hit the top of their table and rattled their drinks that night when she had told them all that fact. For the rest of the night, he’d struggled to forget. He couldn’t even dance with her like she’d wanted for most of the night, afraid of how little fabric actually was between them.
Aelin shrugged. “I did. But I tried on her supposed ‘no line’ underwear beforehand.”
Rowan muttered, “demon.”
Aelin just smiled, but turned her cheek to see a guy at the register. Immediately, she went for her nose. “Not it!”
Rowan sighed, before taking off his plastic gloves. He pinched her side. “You’re lucky you're cute.”
Aelin only laughed, after an aggressive bat of his hand away from her before slipping on the gloves he abandoned to finish wrapping up the bread.
After working so long at a place like this, Rowan had gotten used to not only reading people’s vibes, but also making snap judgements on people. And he didn’t like this guy. He was clearly a frat boy, but his face was… creepy. Rowan knew that he was objectively attractive, tawny eyes and dark hair, but he couldn’t describe him anyway else. He was just creepy.
Rowan just took the receipt though, doing his normal, “how as everything”, and such.
The guy had answered fine, but Rowan was already fishing out cash for him. 
“Damn,” the guy said. Rowan bristled a little, glancing up. But the guy was looking behind him. “Was she on the menu? I would’ve ordered that instead.”
Rowan’s muscles went taunt. Was this guy kidding? Rowan had seen his fair share of guys hit on Aelin, had heard enough old guys say weird shit to her… but seriously? Calling her a that?
“Excuse me?” Rowan just said, hoping to make him uncomfortable.
The man just smirked, and it felt slimy to Rowan. “I’m just saying, I would’ve much rather had her at our table than shrimp over there.”
Rowan just handed him the cash, hoping he’d leave. He just didn’t like the vibe this guy was giving off. And yeah, maybe he was an “overprotective buzzard” like Aelin liked to call him- but he wanted him gone.
Of course, because she had to be difficult, Aelin chose that moment to turn and start displaying the bread. The man called out to her, before Rowan could give her the signal to get out if she didn’t want to be hit on, “Hey babe.”
Aelin frowned, looking him up and down. “Unless you’re talking to our little pig plushies in the front, I don’t believe anyone here goes by that name.”
The man just kept smirking. “So, she talks.”
Aelin turned around to grab more bread, continuing her job. “Most women do.”
“And so feisty. I like that.”
“So did your mom,” Aelin snarked. Rowan smiled into his hand. Gods, he just loved her.  Loved her classic fire. It was all very Aelin. 
The man faulterd a bit, but recovered, a little bit of ire in his voice, “So she wants to play hard to get, huh?”
“She,” Aelin remarked, “Has a name. And she also has a boyfriend.”
Rowan’s heart nearly faltered until he realized she was probably just talking about him. He was her fake boyfriend all the time, when she needed it as a cover. They’d kissed a couple of times anyway, just little pecks, so it wasn’t that big of a deal. They’d never really set boundaries, but he knew it was good for a time like this. Even if it was sometimes… confusing.
The guy just stuck his hand over the counter. “Cairn.”
Aelin didn’t shake it, but said in the same tone, “Working.”
Cairn nodded to Rowan, who hadn’t left the counter, wanting to make sure this guy left. He sure as hell wasn’t gonna leave Aelin alone with this guy. Rowan had left her alone, had let her convince him that it was fine if he dropped her off at home one too many times. So yeah, he was probably too protective, but it stemmed from what his mom told him was anxiety. He guessed that made sense. Lorcan’s life had probably made him protective, and his dad’s death had definitely made him overbearing. But Aelin’s life had probably made him anxious. 
“This your boyfriend?”
Rowan squinted at him, but responded, “the one and only.”
Aelin glanced at him a thank you. He shot back, don’t mention it. 
“You can do better,” Cairn said, dismissively.
What the hell was wrong with this guy? Yeah, Rowan wasn’t her boyfriend, but what if he was? Now, could Aelin do better than him? Definitely, Rowan decided a long, long time ago. But this dick didn’t have to say that, and he definitely shouldn’t if he had a chance with her- which Rowan knew he didn’t. 
Either way, Rowan was done with this guy. He stalked up behind Aelin, who had the same “what the fuck is the matter with this guy?” look on her face. Rowan pointed to the door. “Sorry, no dicks allowed in here. Coffee shop rules.”
Cairn’s face went from entitled to pissed. “Who the fuck do you think you are?” His voice was raised loud enough that the few customers still left raised their eyes to the counter. 
Aelin slid closer to him, and Rowan was reminded how much she hated aggressive men. How triggering it was for her. It was the only thing that kept him from throwing the guy out on his ass himself.
“Get out of here, man. Take your fit outside, or find someone else to bother.”
Cairn looked her up and down again, and Rowan slipped his arm around her. “You’re a bitch.”
Aelin’s fingers dug into his arm, but she only said, causally. “And you’re pathetic.” She pointed to the door. “No dicks allowed,” she repeated. “Coffee shop rules.”
The man grunted but eventually stomped his way outside, not without slamming the door of course. Aelin jumped from it. 
Rowan turned to her then, slipping his arms around her as she leaned back against the counter, eyes closed. “You ok?” he asked, voice low. She nodded, but he knew it was a lie. He tucked that tendril of her hair that she could never seem to get clipped up behind her ear.
Aelin sighed a little. “We should have that sign made,” she said, voice low.
He snorted, but brought his hand up to hold her jaw. “How about I get you some water?” He knew she was bothered. Scenes like that didn’t normally happen here, which was part of the appeal. She’d always get really tense when they were around people arguing, and their quiet little breakfast place was supposed to be her haven away from the crazy. 
Aelin nodded, eyes still closed. He held her jaw there for a second more, before pressing a kiss to her golden hair, and grabbing her that water. When he returned with it, her eyes were open, but her damned bruised hand was brushing over her mouth, worried. She took it from him, grateful, but there was something churning in her eyes. 
“Fireheart,” he asked, knowing it was the name her parents had given her before they’d died when she was eight. “Whats-”
But before he could finish, she’d risen up on her toes and pressed the softest of kisses to his mouth. “Thank you, Rowan.” 
Customers came in then, and she was off, busying herself around, grabbing menus for them before he could even react. Rowan placed his own fingers on his mouth, trying to process. He was starting to think this no boundaries thing was going to be a problem.
If you want to be added to the taglist (an of course my secret society where I give you chocolates and forehead kissies) just let me know! Also, if would be interested in a part 2, I wouldn’t be opposed! 
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girlwholikestoread · 2 years ago
My least favorite to My favorite books I read in 2022
23: We are totally normal by Rahul Kanakia: Okay first thing first this book made me incredibly uncomfortable; however not because of the sex but because this book did an amazing job capturing how cringe,annoying, and mean highschool students can be which I enjoyed. When books have teenagers I feel a lot of stories feel the need to make them more mature to better fit the plot but in this book they felt like real people you probably went to high school with…take that as you will. Anyways the book is about Nandan who never before liked guys but hooked up with his friend Dave, Nandan starts his journey trying to understand his sexuality. I didn’t love this book but I didn't hate it. I was excited to give it a chance because it seemed pretty heavily disliked. I understand the hate because Nandan is incredibly unlikable at times and I do feel bad for Dave at times because Nandan's actions hurt him, however Nandan is written to be a confused teen and never doesn’t do anything bad on purpose. The ending for me wasn’t my cup of tea and personality. I didn't want Nandan and Dave to get together since I think them being friends works better but not horrible. Overall not my vibe, but it made me laugh at times and I liked the realistic portrayal of teenagers.
22: Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers: First this book cover is beautiful and I love the idea of an workaholic overachiever doing something crazy and reckless as they slowly find themselves and it was sapphic on paper this book sounds amazing…but it was just okay, the book was pretty boring and I practically had to force myself to finish it. Grace Porter, our main character, gets drunk and marries a woman she doesn’t know in Vegas and that sounds really cool but the execution was a huge disappointment. None of the people in Grace's life including her best friends/ roommates, her parents, or even her love interest are written to be very interesting and Grace herself is pretty boring. I did however like the writing style the author chose for this book and the way the author describes the characters, setting, and what and how they feel is written beautifully and I truly enjoyed that. Overall it was pretty mid, My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
21. Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli: I bought this book to get a discount from Barens and Noble not because I wanted it. I haven’t read Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda nor did I see Love Simon so I came into this not knowing anything about Leah or the other characters. Despite that I thought the book was alright, nothing too special and pretty predictable but fine. The book is about Leah who’s getting ready for Prom and preparing to head to college, she’s a plus sized bisexual girl which is great to see and all the side characters are pretty cool. I’m not a big fan of Leah’s personality at times and her romance with Abby is fine and at times really cute, I like Abby encouraging her to pursue art that was nice. I also liked seeing Leah bond with her mom’s boyfriend and find the perfect prom dress that was really nice. Overall cute story. fun characters, and a nice romance, Nick deserved better
20. Across a field of starlight by Blue Delliquanti: Fun space adventure and first graphic novel I’ve read with two non-binary characters as the main character. Fassen and Lu have had a long distance friendship. I loved the artstyle and the diversity but I found the storyline super hard to follow to the point I can’t even give a real description. Fassen and Lu are both cool and I liked the characters but the storyline wasn’t for me. Overall beautiful art but hectic plot.
19. The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang: Adorable and charming. I really liked the unique art style in this book and the relationship between Prince Sebastian and Frances is very sweet. The graphic novel is about Frances who is a talented seamstress who is secretly hired to make dresses for Prince Sebastian who enjoys wearing beautiful dresses but can’t let anyone including his parents know because of his royal status. Sebastian and Frances' friendship is sweet and I love how they treat each other. I felt like their falling out was forced and I didn’t really understand why Frances was upset, but the last two chapters made me so happy. Overall I loved the artstyle, loved Sebastian and Frances friendship, and loved chapter 11 & 12.
18: The girl from the sea by Molly Knox Ostertag: Morgan and Keltie are adorable and the art style was gorgeous. This sapphic graphic novel is about Morgan who lives on a small island with her mom, little brother, and has friends. After accidentally falling in the ocean she's met by a fish girl named Keltie who she once met when they were both children, after saving her they share a kiss, Keltie then comes into her life saying her love transformed her from a seal to a human girl. It’s cute, it’s silly, and it's sweet. Bittersweet ending but a fun read. Overall sweet sapphic love story, seal girls are better than mermaids.
17. The Gravity of us by Phil Stamper:It’s basically what would happen if the moon landing happened in modern day. We follow Cal, a 17 year old journalist who has to leave his life in Brooklyn to move to Houston when his dad gets a job working as an astronaut at NASA. Cal is probably the most unlikable protagonist I’ve read so far but he gets better as you read the book . The romance between Cal and Leon was really nice and I really like Leon as a character and found him the most relatable. Overall fun read, Leon should have his own book.
16. Conventionally Yours by Annabeth Albert: I love Geeks falling in love. It's my favorite holiday. This book is a duo POV with Alden and Conrad, while I didn’t see it as enemies to lovers as the book is advertised I still really enjoyed it regardless. We follow Alden and Conrad as they go on a road trip together to make content for a YouTube channel they both make appearances on called “Gamer Grandpa” which they play a card game named Odyssey also plan on playing at an tournament to win money and an opportunity to play the game professionally. Learning about both the characters' struggles, family lifes, and why they need to win the tournament all while becoming closer and closer was so fun to read. I really like Alden and Conrad and think they made a cute couple. I'll admit I knew who was gonna win barely half way through the story but that doesn’t matter to me. I liked the romance and where the characters ended up at the end. Overall this book was adorkable and I wished Odyssey was a real game.
15. Out of Characters by Annabeth Albert: More Geeks falling in love but now ex-friends to lovers version. This book is also a duo POV with Jasper and Milo, Jasper was a minor character in Conventionally Yours and in this one he gets his own story where his old childhood friend Milo comes to him needing help after he lost his older brother expensive Odyssey cards in a game. Seeing Jasper and Milo reconnect was adorable and their adventure was so much fun to read. I also loved reading about Milo getting out of his comfort zone, making new friends, and better coming to terms with his sexuality. It was so great and he and Jasper have amazing chemistry. Overall friends to lovers is underrated and I need more books with the characters cosplaying.
14. The darkness outside us by Eliot Schrefer: This book was a mindfuck and I loved every single page. This was one of my first Sci-fi books and it is amazing! Ambrose and Kodiak are both sent into space on a mission, they have no memory of the launch and the only company they have is each other and the ship’s operating system which tells them to do their tasks and encourages them to follow their mission to get on Titian. Since the book is mostly building suspense and leaving small clues leading to the plot twist the romance isn’t that developed but I still think Ambrose and Kodiak are good together and I really liked them. Overall a great book and the ending is so satisfying.
13. You should see me in a crown by Leah Johnson: This book makes me so happy! We follow Liz an black gay teenage girl living in a primarily white and rich neighborhood. She has no interest in popularity but when she finds out the winner of prom queen gets scholarship money that can help her pay for her dream school she starts running and works hard to get votes. I related to Liz so much when it came to friends, her family, and feeling like she needs to protect the people around her. Seeing Liz reconnect with her old friend, make new friends, and her relationship with Mack is just so wholesome. Overall great book and I wish Liz was real so we could be friends.
12. Infinity Reaper by Adam Silvera: This seems hit or miss with some people but I loved it! This is the second book in the Infinity series. It’s hard to explain the plot without spoiling anything from the first book but I really enjoyed it and can’t wait for the next one. Overall Ness is my favorite character and I hope Adam Silvera doesn't kill him.
11. Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller: The Hype is real. It’s the story of Achilles' life Achilles told by his lover Patroclus. The two meet after Patroclus accidentally kills another boy over dice and his father Menoetius banishes him away. The two become friends and later start a romantic relationship. We see Achilles' life from childhood to when he fights in the Trojan war. It's written beautifully and it’s truly heartbreaking. Overall terrific book, Achilles and Patroculs are the best historical gays.
Honorable mention. Rogue Sun volume one: Cataclysm: Okay so this was a book my brother really wanted me to read so I gave it a chance and it was really good. We follow Dylan who is a regular highschool student who recently finds out his father passed away, when going to the reading of his fathers will he finds out his dad was the town's hero named Rogue Sun and he passed down his powers to him. I liked it, I thought it was a good mix of action and real life emotions and Dylan was a great main character and really grew on me, I also thought it had a nice twist. Overall not my usual vibe but I enjoyed it nonetheless
10. I kissed Sara Wheeler by Casey McQuiston: Casey McQuiston has never written a bad book in their life and I kissed Sara Wheeler is great, We follow Chloe green who goes on an adventure to find her academic rival and most popular girl in school Sara Wheeler after she kissed her on prom night then completely disappeared she has the help of Sara’s boyfriend Smith, and another character named Rory who Sara also kissed on prom night. Sara leaves small clues for them to follow to help find where she is. My only real issues is while I like Sara and Chloe I liked the side characters even more and wanted to see more of them, I wanted to see more of Smith’s exploring his identity and his relationship with Rory, other characters like Ash, Benjy, Georgia, and more seem like interesting characters who could’ve been so fun to read if given more attention. Overall fun mystery and I need a second book about Smith and Rory.
9. Red, White, and Royal blue by Casey McQuiston: I’m a basic bitch I know but I really did love this book.This book is about the first son Alex falling in love with the Prince of Wales Prince Henry. I really don’t know what to say about this book that hasn’t already been said but I loved it. This book is super funny and Alex and Henry had immediate chemistry which was so much fun to read. I wish the side characters like Pez, Nora, and June got more attention but since this is a romance I understand why they were sidelined. Overall sweet political romance and obtuse fucking asshole is the most romatic line in any book ever.
8. One last stop by Casey McQuiston: It’s probably slightly controversial having One Last Stop ranked higher than Red, White, and Royal blue but the main reason I ranked it higher is because I loved every single character and felt like everyone one had a nice conclusion unlike Red, white, and Royal blue and I kissed Sara Wheeler where I wanted more attention on the side characters. I also loved seeing August and Jane's relationship build while also trying to help Jane understand what happened to her and seeing August find herself on the way was great. Overall another great mystery by Casey MCQuiston, I’m a sucker for sapphic romances
7. Extraordinaries by T.J.Klune: This book is the reason I downloaded back Tumblr it fucking amazing! Gay superheroes, fanfiction, and a main protagonist who is hilarious and relatable this book is fucking awsome. We follow Nick Bell who is the biggest fan of a neighborhood superhero named Shadow Storm who fights his arch rival Pyro Storm. In this world people who have super powers are called Extraordinaries and Nick desperately wants to be extraordinary and to make his fanfiction come true by being with the super hero of his dreams. I’ll admit I didn’t love Nick much at first but she really grew on me. Not only is the book great but it also has great ADHD rep and LGBTQ rep. Overall my favorite superhero novel better than marvel movies
6. Every word you never said by Jordon Greene: This wins for having the prettiest cover I currently own. This book is also a duo POV following Skyler Grey an nonverbal boy who was just recently adopted and enjoys wearing skirts and dresses and Jacob Walters who recently came out and dealing with shitheads because of it including his own father. The book is about Skyler fighting for his right to express himself when Jacbo’s own father tries to make rules to stop him from doing so. Skyler and Jacob are adorable and seeing them get closer and closer was heartwarming. However the book does talk a lot about politics and the ugly side of christianity which made me feel uneasy at times but the romance and message was so strong I couldn’t help but love it. Overall clothes have no gender!
5. Winter Orbit by Everina Maxwell: To be completely honest this is probably the best written book I’ve read all year. The writing, story building, character building, and explaining of the politics of the world was written, in my opinion of course almost perfectly.The book is about Kiem and Jainan who are forced to marry to seal an alliance between their respective empires after Jainan pervouse partener was killed suddenly. However it becomes more complicated when a Jainan becomes a person in interest in his death. Admittedly the romance in this book is pretty secondary in the story and is mostly about Jainan and Kiem trying to prove Jainan is innocent, I still liked the romance tho and seeing Kiem being sweet and patient with Jainan who has a lot of unresolved trauma was nice. My only issue is that the book felt kinda slow at times but the end result is totally worth it. Overall I felt smart reading this book. Kiem is a sweet cinnamon roll who deserves the world.
4. Delilah Green Doesn’t Care by Ashley Herring Blake: I don’t usually like adult books but this is a huge expectation. This book is a romance between Claire Sutherland who is a single mom with an eleven-year-old daughter dealing with an undependable ex-boyfriend and Delilah Green who is hired to be her estranged step sister Astrid photographer at her wedding. Delilah had it tough growing up with losing her mom, dad, and living with her uncaring step mother and Claire had her own issues with being a single mom and dating. Delilah and Claire are sweet together and I really liked their relationship and it was a nice story. My only issues is that there is a side plot where Claire and another mutual friend of her and Astrid wants to stop her from marrying her dick head fiance and that pretty much goes nowhere in favor of the romance, I love Delilah and Claire’s romance but I would’ve liked to see more of then trying to talk sense into Astrid. Overall Cute and spicy sapphic romance can’t wait to read Astrid Parker doesn’t fail next year.
3. Heat Wave by T.J. Klune: FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC ending to the extraordinaries, The dad squad had my entire heart, seeing everyone work together to stop Simion evil plan of taking over Nova city was epic and the epilogue at the end its probably the best epilogue I’ve ever read in a book. However I wasn’t a big fan of the ending and what they decided to do to Owen and I hated how they kept talking about how “You shouldn’t see things as Evil vs. Good because things are more complicated than that” when Simion was very clearly evil and had only bad intentions but with the great plot twist, sweet moments, and of course the amazing epilogue I was able to get past it and enjoy a great conclusion to a great series. Overall this series was extraordinary and Jazz is a badass.
2. Flash Fire by T.J. Klune: This is more just me. I tend to like the second book in trilogies the most and this wasn’t any different. Seth is my favorite character and in Flash fire he gets more attention and I loved that. This is also when we learn more about Nick’s mom Jenny who passed away 3 years ago and Nick learns more about himself, in this we learn more about Simion’s plans, we also meet new characters like Mateo/ Miss Conduct, Jerry the burrito guy, and T.K who are all introduced in a cool and funny way. Overall Second time is always the best and Pyro Storm is bae.
1. Cinderella is dead by Kalynn Bayron: Words can’t describe how much I love this book but I will try. This new dark retelling of Cinderella's story takes an unique and cool spin on a classic. We follow Sophia who lives in a world 200 years after Cinderella found her prince charming and “Lived happily ever after” Ever since the king forces the people in the village to live their lives following Cinderall’s story. Sophia has no interest in marrying a man and would rather marry her childhood friend Erin but is forced to go to an annual ball and find a husband or else. I love this fast paced story about fighting the patriarchy and learning the real story of Cinderella. Sophia and Constance bounce off each other perfectly and I love their chemistry, not much romance but the book was so good it honestly doesn’t bother me. I loved this book so much and it’s my absolutely favorite book in 2022. Overall I loved a dark retelling and Sophia is a girlboss.
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wolfgorlz · 4 years ago
Hi again! I’m the user that recently asked abt Klarion lol. Could I request a Klarion x Reader (one shot or head canon is cool I’m not picky) where they have an established relationship and live together? Klarion, despite being a Lord of Chaos, wouldn’t dare hurt his s/o, but does enjoy pranking them. I was thinking he could do a small prank for this one, like moving one of his s/o’s things inch by inch until it ends up in a different room or something? :)
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pairing: klarion x reader, pre-established relationship
a/n: I’m so sorry this took like,,, a longass time anon! I deadass had this drafts sitting as an open tab on my Docs for a longass time between school and everything else because i am, unfortunately, a second semester highschool junior :(
This is my first time doing headcanons on this blog, i hope you like it! I also took this ask as an excuse to rebinge all three seasons of yj for klarion content. ANYWAYS, enjoy this combination of general living with Klarion hcs and what happens when he pranks you
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Have you seen the guy’s hair? He both looks and acts like a devil - the mischievous fun kind, not the kind that’ll try to eat your soul (but when you poke fun at him for his “horns” he does throw a bit of a tantrum and threaten to do that. Since he’s the Lord of Chaos and all) and living with him is guaranteed to be like living with the kind of imp trickster you’d read about in a story book
And with his magic? Definitely uses them like he’s an imp - one of his favorite pastimes has been to use them to play little tricks on you. They’re still harmless, and the worst they’ve done is inconvenience you, like whenever you’d have an outfit planned out for whatever you have going on during the day and he uses his magic to change all the colors into something wildly inappropriate for whatever it is you have planned
You don’t ever get really mad at him, but you will roll your eyes and sometimes be a little annoyed depending on how far he goes, and to get back at him you’ll usually hog Teekl and take him to your room while you lock Klarion out (even though he can technically use his magic to get into the room anyways) and pretend to ignore Klarion while he whines about being totally neglected outside
This doesn’t usually last that long because you tend to cave in and let him in with you and Teekl
He’ll then proceed to drape himself all over you - not unlike a cat - and get into some sort of one-sided argument with Teekl about stealing your attention from him. You always end up having to pull Teekl away from him when he lunges at the cat (“Babe, you need Teekl if you wanna stay in this dimension” “He’s pure evil!” “And we can unpack your feeling about this some other day when you’re less inclined to throttle the cat-”)
He talks in his sleep- a lot. His chaos-addled mind already has him saying stuff like “holy carp” and “see ya later, armadillos” and things get even weirder when he’s asleep. The result? You’ve subsequently picked up these sayings for yourself and you mutter them around… a lot. Your coworkers have given you weird looks, but they’ve taken it for the equivalent of Robin’s “holy ____ Batman”, and at this point, it’s better than explaining that no, you’re not from Gotham, and your boyfriend is actually technically the supervillain Lord of Chaos from a different dimension
“I guess I’m from Gotham” is also a pretty good explanation as to why you’d show up to work in a hot pink shirt and neon green pants. At this point, this particular prank of Klarion’s with his magic and your clothes is one of the regular almost-daily ones
The more you had to show up to work looking like - well, a literal clown - a lot of the days, the more irked you got about it; but the more often it happened was the more you saw Klarion actually brighten up and laugh when you had to go to work instead of generally sulk the way he would when you had to leave for hours on end. So that made it pretty worth it to start getting an extra pair of normal clothes ready in your car
Another one of his favorite pranks to play is to mass-duplicate random things in your apartment - like you’ll open your closet, expect to see a neon rainbow from your old clothes greeting you, and instead dozens of clothes racks will just tumble out
The first time it happened, you think your brain literally short-circuited, and Klarion found you staring at the pile at your feet
“Babe - I don’t really know what to do with this - thank you?”
That definitely wasn’t the reaction he was expecting, but he gets smug about it anyways - “you should be grateful that a Lord of Chaos such as myself would do this for you!” - and then he takes it as a sign to do it at random intervals
He’ll do it with literally anything, but he does know to definitely avoid the kitchen after you open the cupboard and a dozen identical bowls nearly fell on your head
Hearing your subsequent shriek and onslaught of swearing is what alerts Klarion to your impending dilemma, and right at the last second he’s able to freeze them in midair and save you from an inevitable concussion (and probably worse)
Lesson learned the hard way: kitchen is off limits, along with anything above eye-level
He won’t admit it, but the incident freaks him out enough that he literally hovers around you for the next few days, in midair, and when you’re at work, Teekl will “magically” show up in your office
The pranks even stop completely for the next few days - he’s definitely spooked, even if he’ll never admit it out loud, and he plays it off as throwing a tantrum that the prank didn’t work the way he wanted it to
But it’s easy for you to see past his somewhat “childish” front. You also know well enough that if you confront him on it it’ll lead to a cycle of denial, more tantrums, and finally, denial
And you love him, and you don’t like seeing him worry in his own way (hell, it’s even affecting the things he says at night) so it’s more than easy for you to cave in after a few days
“Damn, I could really use dozens of the same exact clothes hanger to completely overrun my closet. It’s a real shame I don’t know any magic to do it, huh?”
Is it the easiest trick in the book? Yes. Does it work? Absolutely. And it brings a smile back to his face, even if it’s at the expense of your poor sanity at times - but that’s still part of what comes from living with him, and you honestly wouldn’t trade it for anything else
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icantthinkofanythingcool3 · 4 years ago
1 or 9 from the last if you’re still up to it :)
Not sure I'm happy with this, but I hope it was kinda what you were looking for. :) Just wanna make you guys happy with my stories. <3
Five months, five months I had been in Beacon Hills. Five months where I was meeting new friends, acing my classes, and genuinely just enjoying high school. Five whole months had passed and I had just learned tonight that apparently werewolves were real...and banshees...and a bunch of other things that I did not have time to get into. Something told me that hanging out with Stiles and his friends would get me into trouble. My dumb ass couldn’t resist those honey-colored eyes, though.
So as of 9 pm on this wonderful Friday night, I was in Scott’s house apparently at a pack meeting. A pack meeting that had to include me because somehow my life was on the line. Somehow even though I had only just found out about this stuff two hours ago.
“y/n, are you okay?” Stiles asked me cautiously.
“Oh yeah, I’m totally fine. Totally not freaking out that Scott, Isaac, and Derek are werewolves, Lydia is a banshee, Malia is a werecoyote, Kira is a Kitsune, and that you were possessed by a demon like a year ago. That’s all not mind-blowing at all….”
“You’ve definitely been hanging out with Stiles too much,” Lydia laughed. “We only have room for one sarcastic human in this pack.”
I couldn’t believe how normal everyone was acting. Like, calling yourselves a pack? How is this not a scene from a cheesy teen movie? Even though this kind of thing was something they had been dealing with for a while, they weren’t even freaking out at all. They all just seemed so casual that I could die at any second. Well, except maybe Stiles, he did seem to be very nervous.
“I think I need to go lie down.” I mumbled before leaving the kitchen and plopping myself on the living room couch. My mind was reeling. How was a person supposed to cope with learning that things that were supposed to be mythical and fake were actually real...way too real.
“y/n, is..is there anything I can do for you? I just, well I really feel so bad for getting you into this mess. I knew what you hanging out with us could mean, I was just being so selfish because I really liked you and I wanted to get to know you better. But I should have known it wasn’t a good idea, I never wanted you to be involved in this mess. I’m so sorry. Really I am, you don’t know-”
“So like was past tense? As in, you don’t anymore?” I asked, distracted from what I had just learned.
“What? I-I mean. Wait-all of that and what you picked up on was that I used the word liked?” Stiles eyebrows pinched up and he let out a confused breath.
“I mean, it’s pretty important information. I NEED to know the answer.”
“Well yes-I mean no….fuck. What I mean is of course I still like you. That’s why I’m freaking out now. I was hoping to at least get you to like me back before I dumped all of this on you. And now you’re freaking life is in danger and it’s all my fault.”
“You really are as oblivious as they all say.” I said, laughing at the boy standing in front of me in total shock. When he didn’t say anything after I continued. “Dude, I’ve literally liked you from the moment you ran into me and knocked down everything in my hands on my second day at school. Like how do you not know that?”
Before Stiles and I could continue our conversation, the others came out to tell us their plan. It involved using me as bait, and though Stiles was vehemently against the plan, it did make the most sense. And for some odd reason, I trusted this rag-tag group of friends. I knew that they would do anything to keep me from getting hurt. Most people you’ve known for five months could barely be considered your friends. Yet these people were willing to risk their own lives to save yours.
The plan worked out. I was mainly just hiding behind a wall as all of the pack fought tooth and nail. There was a lot of blood and a lot of wounds. I heard Lydia’s yell for the first time and boy was it absolutely ear-shattering. I watched Kira be a badass and handle two monsters completely by herself. I saw Scott use his alpha powers to keep his whole pack in sync. I even saw Stiles nail one or two with his bat, however most of the time he stood in front of where I was, ‘keeping the bad guys away’. Constantly asking if I was okay, even though he knew it was a stupid question.
After the fight finished, they were all giving each other compliments and talking about who did what. The energy radiating off of them was contagious. This group of highschool teenagers, really just fought off a pack of...I don’t even know what. They were really something.
“Hey guys, I knowwww you all kicked ass out there, but honestly I feel like I’m not getting enough credit for dealing with all this unmedicated.” I said, completely freezing the conversations between the friends.
When they all burst out laughing, I knew these were friends I would like to keep, even if it meant dealing with the supernatural.
Lydia interrupted the outburst of laughs, “I don’t know if that’s true. I think Stiles is like a drug to you...why else would you have listened to us when we told you all of these things. ANYONE else would have written us off as delusional and ran away.”
This resulted in another mynical laughing session from the group and a blush to creep up Stiles and my cheeks. I was definitely in for it with these people I called my friends. And I was even more in for it with falling for Stiles. Boy, was this going to be one interesting life from now on.
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mergeman · 4 years ago
MergeMaster part 2
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I looked up to see Caylan returning from his morning run. Damn he looked so perfect with his muscles slick with sweat and his tank clinging to his body. Caylan had been working with me to get in shape and I was happy to see the progress when looking in the mirror.
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As my fiance approached me he tilted his head up and gave me a sweet kiss before heading to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I was already dressed when he reemerged butt naked and gave me a farewell kiss.
It was a normal Monday at work going through the reports that had piled up. I had been here for 3 years now and was working on getting a promotion. That extra money and status would really help with my upcoming nuptials. I feel something bump my arm and look up.
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Mason the cute new intern was pushing the mail cart and while trying to deliver to the right desk. He stopped and stammered out an apology. I didn't mind, no harm was done, I did take a glance at his cart to see if I had anything thats when I noticed that he had a package labeled urgent for the VP of marketing. Crap! If old Bill ever found out that he didn't get this first Mason would be toast. I told him he needed to go to the 14th floor now and that that package had priority. Mason looked pale and frightened so I decided I'd be nice and show him the way. I got up and led him to the elevator. We rode up in silence to the 14th and I escorted him to Bill's office. We approached the west corner and I could hear yelling coming from behind the frosted glass door. Uh-Oh this was not going to be fun for Mason, in fact the poor guy looked like he was going to pass out. The door opened and Bill stuck his head out.
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He looked at us saw the mail cart half done looked back and motioned us inside. I was nervous but I had been through Bill's tirades before, his deep voice was intimidating and came with an air of expected obedience. His target though was poor Mason and Bill launched into a loud and verbose speach about company priorities and how the VPs were supposed to be first at getting mail. I was grateful at this point to be forgotten but I was still trapped in the spacious office.
"Hmmm those 2 would make an interesting combination"
The thought intruded in my head. I noticed the sound had stopped and I saw that everyone was completely frozen in place. Thats when my tattoo started to burn. Fuck! I remember this happening before back at the cafe. I concentrated on the 2 men as their bodies became semi translucent and started to overlap each other. Even though I felt like my entire arm was on fire, I was determined to see what was happening. The ghost like visages of Bill and Mason now were occupying the same space. A soft glow surrounded the two as their features began to equal out and become similar. The glow became brighter and harsher and I was unable to tell Bill and Mason apart. Even with my eyes starting to water I didn't look away. The glow began to dim and inside of it was whole different person. Sure I could see a passing resemblance to Mason and Bill, but the man who now occupied that space was someone totally different.
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The glow around the beautiful new man began to coalesce into a single bright point. The light then shot from his chest to mine. I could feel Bill and Mason's minds as what was left of them entered me. Bill's more masculine and somewhat toxic personality was mixed with Mason's younger excitement and outlook. I could feel both foriegn minds invading me, rewriting my life and changing my appearance. I could feel myself getting older and more muscular. My hair shortened and my face started to rearrange, my legs and torso got longer while any fat I had dissapeared. As all that was me merged with the last pieces of Mason and Bill, I could sense a presence within my tatto laughing.
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"Hey Adrien what's up bro"
The deep voice brought me back to reality. I shook my head and looked at my best friend Blaise. He was looking extra swole in his tight businessman attire. Blaise had been my best friend since highschool and had even been my best man at my wedding to Caylan. We were bros till the end.
"Dude we're going to my gym, remember?" I answered.
"Damn I forgot we changed times today" he quickly checked his phone. "I got 2hrs before my next meeting so we'll make it quick"
That was ok with me. Even though I was the gym's owner I didn't usually workout unless I had Blaise or Caylan with me.
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theyscreamjade · 4 years ago
hi!! i binged ur bakugo oneshots and headcanons and absolutely fell in love with your writing style!!
i have a kinda specific request, and if you don’t want to do it that’s totally fine!! Whatever makes you most comfortable :)
So, a oneshot where reader has the “gifted kid burnout” syndrome?? like she used to be good at everything, it came naturally to her, and she was always praised for being amazing, yadda yadda yadda. But when she hit highschool, nothing came naturally, she couldn’t do it all perfectly, so she just. loses motivation. to do everything. she either sleeps all the time or barely, and she’s been lectured by Aizawa for her grades slipping more times than she can count. Bakugo is kinda like her pining bestie??and he notices and asks her about it and she just kinda breaks down?? and they cuddle?? i’m rambling here, again if this is too specific or you just don’t want to do that’s totally fine!! Thank you for writing such amazing works tho!! (●’◡’●)ノ
I CAN RELATE TO THIS SHIT ON A THOUSAND LEVELS BECAUSE...high school was when I started self-harming and everything just crumbled after that. Trust me honey, it may seem hard now but it’ll get better. You don’t have to be perfect all the time, I’m still trying to break that habit. Thank you for being a Peep! The overwhelming support and everything, I never ever expected this. Thank you so much and I hope this helps!
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“You’re failing.” Your teacher said to you bluntly as he stood in front of you. The afternoon sun shines through the halfway closed blinds in the empty classroom.
You couldn’t lift your head to answer, your mind was focused on the words he said without a hesitation. You exceeded everyone’s expectations, you were your parents golden child. You were going to do the one thing that your parents gave up to do. You were going to become the best Pro-Hero out there and give your all.
“I-....I-I’ll do better next time.” You spoke to the older adult as he sighed, sitting down in the chair in front of you. “Listen, You’re at risk of being removed from my class. I’ve given and done the best I could to keep you here.” He explained softly while looking towards your hanging head. “You started off great and now you can’t seem to keep up with your peers..or even in training. Is everything okay?” He asked, showing a bit of concern for you.
Time to put those professional acting skills, you sat up and smiled, scratching the back of your head. “I’m okay! I’ve just been busy, that’s all!” You explained as he frowned a bit. “Y/N, You don’t have to be afraid to tal-“
“I’m sorry, Sensei! Trust me, don’t worry! I’ll be fine okay?” You reassured before standing up. “Those grades will be back to normal and everything will be fine.” You explained, waving his worries away before you made your way to the doors. The raven haired teacher followed and handed you your make-up work. You gathered the items needed before you left in a quick hurry. You just wanted to be alone.
Your feet tapped against the ground as the pressure was intense, your mind ran rapid while you prayed that they didn’t contact your parents. That was the last thing you needed. You sat in the common room’s dinning table and began doing your work. You grabbed your pencils and looked at the rows and rows of work as your grip became tighter.
“Heya Nuggs!” Denki said, sitting down in the chair in front of you. “Whatcha doing?” He asked, leaning over in curiosity. You and Denki were friends since elementary school, it’s crazy how retrieving a dime from his nose made you two the best of friends. “Not now, Denki.” You responded, trying to stay focused.
The overwhelming depression weighed down on your chest as everything seemed to be smaller. “Why are you doing work? I didn’t know we had homework.” Denki questioned, while looking over the paperwork. “Denki, Please.” You said, your voice at the urge of snapping as he chuckled. “Typical, Y/N. Always trying to be the best, ever since we were kids you always was the greatest.” He said as your blood began to boil.
“I guess that’s why you’re at the t-“ “IM NOT AT THE TOP DAMNIT!” You screamed, slamming your pencil on the paper, snapping it in half. “IM NOT THE BEST! IM NOT THE GREATEST! I CANT DO EVERYTHING IM FUCKING FAILING!!” You screamed as your friend looked at you, worried. You slapped your hands over your mouth, gathering everyone’s attention who was inside. “Y-Y-Y/N?” Denki started to say while you gathered the papers.
“Y/N! Wait!” Denki tried to call out while you ran out of the room, shaking as your body collided with someone else’s. You glanced at the person before you continued running. You could feel your body shaking as your worst nightmare was becoming a reality. Your shoulder touched the wall as you fought to keep yourself calm. The panic in your heart was rushing while everything felt a thousand times heavier. Your heart was slamming against your chest before you felt a hand lift you up. His head slipped underneath your arm as he swiftly lifted you to bridal style. It honestly surprised you to see your peer, Bakugo carrying you as if you were a princess.
The sheer randomness, somehow calmed your edging panic attack as you sat on your bed. “You okay?” He asked softly as you looked up at him. You nodded softly and sat your books on the seat beside your bed. “What the hell’s going on with you?” He’d ask afterwards. Though he only knew you for the two years of you two being in school after you transferred before your sophomore year. He’s worked with you and knew how you normally were, the sudden change made him worry, but he refused to let you know that.
“Nothing..” you quickly responded as he scoffed. “Don’t lie, What the fuck is wrong with you?” He asked, annoyance starting to show as he sat on your desk chair. You couldn’t lie to him, even if you tried. Denki, Deku and Bakugo were the only ones who could crack you open like a walnuts.
“.....I-I’m failing class.” You stated softly. “I-..I’ve worked so hard, I’ve done my best, gave everything my all and I’m fucking failing.” You continued as tears started to flow from your eyes, your hand gripped your scalp while you sat up. “How fucking pathetic of me, I-I went from flying through every test, being at the top with you guys and I’m failing. I-I can’t call myself a hero when I can’t save people! I can’t call myself the best when I’ve failed my tests! I can’t call myself anything! I-I can’t sleep! I-I barely eat or drink! I-“
“Shut up, Dumbass!” He snapped, looking at you. “You’re failing, so what? You’ll make it up won’t you?” He questioned as you looked down. “Oi! You said you wanted to be a hero, you said you wanted to save people just how your parent did, right?!” He asked as you nodded. “It’s a small drop, you should stop holding back your feelings and pushing yourself and relax for once.” He stated, crossing his arms. “When you fall down...I want to be there to pick you back up, just don’t give up Dumbass.” He said while blush covered his cheeks. His sudden wave of affection was way out his normal personality.
You couldn’t help but smile, wiping your tears away. “Thank you, Bakugo.” You replied softly as he scoffed again, making you laugh. Once your anxiety and mind was back in order, you continued on your work. Bakugo stayed and helped you completed it, helping you with every question. Nearing completion, your eyes began to droop. Your vision struggled to stay clear as your mind declared that it needs to rest. “Oi, Dumbass?” He called while you struggled. Considering it was nearly one the morning, who could stay awake after the day you had?
Your head fell at his shoulders as he smiled softly, watching you finally close your eyes. It was sudden instinct and he just wanted to make sure you actually slept for the whole night, your head laid on your pillow while he laid beside you, his back facing the edge of the bed and the door. While he stared, his vision stayed on you while he admired how cute you were in such a peaceful manner. This was something he looked for, the person you originally were. His mind began to drift onto dream world while you were found in his arms, your breathing moving in perfect harmony.
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cupiiid · 4 years ago
//March 27th 1967//
Chris heard the door close from her place on the floor. "Babe, I'm home!" Ginny's cheery voice bounced from the doorway. She heard the clatter of keys and the dropping of a bag. it all she could think about was how much of a disaster her day had been. First, she'd been late to the office because her train had been late, then she realised she'd forgotten her lunch and finally, the asshole higher-ups had humiliated her again because she was a woman. If was bullshit! She was better than half the fuckers there.
"Honey?" Chris was snapped out of her thoughts by the sound of her lover's voice searching for her.
"'M in here, Gin," she whined from the floor of their living room. Before she knew it, Ginny was standing over her, a confused look on her face, tilting he'd head in that adorable way she did that made her look a lot like a puppy, a habit she'd adopted from Neil.
"What're you doing down there, love?" Chris groaned again and put her hands over her eyes. She felt Ginny sit down next to her and pull her head into her lap, gently stroking her hair.
"Rough day?" She asked gently. Chris nodded, not removing her hands from her face. "D'you wanna talk about it." Chris sighed.
"It's just been a bunch of shit honestly." She removed her hands to get a look at Ginny, resting them on her stomach instead. She saw her lover's face harden.
"Is it those squares from the office again? If they've messed with you again, I'll kill them myself." Chris huffed a laugh at her lover's antics.
"It's just the normal stuff, no need to get involved." Ginny gave an irritated sigh.
"It's not fine, Chris. They're treating you like shit for no reason. Your writing is incredible! Why does it matter that you're a woman?" Chris smiled up at her, the other woman didn't notice, too caught up in her antics. "It's such bullshit! Do you think Todd would have to go through shit like that? No. You've worked just as hard as he has and and people still don't take you seriously." Chris hummed and traced Ginny's lips with her fingers.
"Todd still has to deal with a lot of shit. Being a woman just isn't one of them." Ginny frowned.
"Yeah, that's true. Still sucks though. I hate having to watch people belittle you. You're the most amazing person I've ever met." Chris grinned and sat up, facing her lover. She took the brunette's face in her hands.
"Look, it sucks. I'm not going to tell you it doesn't. Everyday, I wish it wasn't like this and that I'd be respected by everyone but that's just the way it is." Ginny was about to cut in but she didn't let her. "But, that doesn't mean I'm going to stop fighting. I've earned my place here. Plus, I have you and Todd and Neil and Charlie and while I'd love outside approval, the only real approval I need is you guys'." Ginny's hands came up and over her own, smiling proudly.
"I love you. I love you so much." Chris leaned forward and met her in a dizzying kiss, trying to communicate the pure love and adoration she had for the woman in front of her.
"I love you too." She whispered into her lips. "I love you more than anything." Ginny's lips traveled down her throat and for a while, she didn't think of work (or anything other than Ginny for that matter) at all.
Some while later, the two of them sat of the couch together, watching the Andy Griffith Show. It was a nice evening, it was sprinkling lightly outside and the cool weather made Chris feel better. Around five thirty, Ginny checked her watch.
"Shit," she muttered. Chris pressed a kiss to her jaw.
"What's wrong, love?"
"Todd's out late tonight, meeting with someone about his book or something and I don't think he left Neil anything to eat." Chris snickered. Neil, as lovely as he was, couldn't cook for shit. If they left him to his own devices, he'd end up with burnt mac and cheese and half the kitchen blacked with soot.
"Should we invite him over for dinner then?" Ginny looked at her.
"Are you sure? We can just relax with the two of us if you're not up to it."
"Have him over, he is your husband after all." Ginny huffed before speaking.
"You know that's only a technicality, Noel!" She said before playfully hitting Chris on the shoulder as she laughed. Once their laughter died down, Ginny pressed her lips go Chris' in a silent thank you.
It was true. Earlier that year, all four of them had a wedding ceremony. First, a hurried one at a cheap chapel where Neil and Ginny exchanged vows (trying their hardest to make the other laugh) before Chris and Todd did the same thing (also making up total bullshit). Then, after that trainwreck, once they were legally married to avoid suspicion, the four met their friends in Chris and Ginny's living room for a real (and very much illegal) wedding.
Neil and Todd went first, Charlie as Neil's best man and Jeff as Todd's while Knox 'officiated' the rest of them crowded around in the way too small room and cheered once they kissed at the end.
Ginny and Chris were second. It's still the happiest day of her life. Even though she's legally married to Todd, the look on Ginny's face when she read her vows and the hollering and champagne and cake made everything worth it. Cameron was her own best man, Charlie's partner, Alex, being Ginny's (those two had made fast friends and they were overjoyed to be Ginny's best person)
They were luckier than most. They had managed to find a house for people like them in New York, two buildings connected by a basement door. Chris and Ginny lived in one with Neil and Todd in the other, creating an allusion of two straight couples living next to each other instead of the truth, one person from each household being able to switch quickly if necessary. She wouldn't give up this little life if hers for the world.
Chris got up to start making the pasta as Ginny ran to go fetch Neil. As the water was boiling, the two brunette's trailed into the kitchen, Neil carrying a bottle. He smiled brightly when he saw her.
"Chris! Thank you for having me over." He pressed a kiss to her cheek before passing the bottle to Ginny and leaning against their dining table. "I brought some wine as a way to thank you." He smiled his classic Neil Perry grin as Ginny examined the label.
"Neil," she snorted, reading the label. "this is grape juice." Chris burst out laughing as Neil hurried over and took the bottle from Ginny.
"No, no, I could've sworn this was wine." The two women laughed at Neil's fumbling.
"Jesus Perry, you get one role without me and you become a mess!" It was true, for one of the first times in their careers, Neil had gotten a rather large role without her. Shortly after, Ginny had managed to snag an equally impressive part in another show but it still felt weird not seeing them together.
Neil grinned and rolled his eyes. "Well, it'll have to do."
Neil sat at the dining table as they worked on the spaghetti, not trusting him to help after what happened last time. Once the dish was done, the three of them migrated to the living room with their plates and glasses of grape juice.
They squished on the couch that was really only made for two (there was another couch plus a couple of arm chairs but that couch had the best view of the television and none of them were going to give that up) and watched some sappy soap opera that was playing while laughing at the characters and talking about their days.
"...and then Lizzie stepped on my toes again!" The girls wheezed, almost falling off the couch in the process. "It's not funny! This is the seventh time it's happened!" Ginny wiped tears from her eyes.
"Like you didn't do that when I taught you how to dance, you hypocrite!" Neil waved his hand around wildly.
"Yeah- when I was seventeen!" The hysterics dies down after a while and they all sat in a comfortable silence.
"Do you remember when I taught you to dance so you could impress Todd at the Welton-Henley dance in highschool? The one Chris snuck into." Neil nodded along knowingly. Chris looked at them shocked.
"That's what you two were up to?" She asked. Neil nodded.
"Yep. And if didn't even work." He sighed. Chris looked at him indignantly.
"Are you kidding?!? You should have seen him, he was all over you when you danced with Ginny. We couldn't stop looking at you two all night." Neil blushed before realising her words.
"Wait- we? You were looking at Gin?" Now it was Chris' turn to flush as she felt Ginny's eyes on her.
"Well... yeah. That's what got Todd and I bonding in the first place. Both of our pining for two hopeless theatre kids." She was met with two sharp 'hey!'s.
After Neil had left, they got into their bed and Ginny circled her arms around Chris' waist, resting her head on the nape of her neck. Chris hummed in content. "Was what you said earlier true? About watching me that dance?" Chris laughed and placed her hands on top of Ginny's.
"Of course. I couldn't take my eyes off you. I drank so much spiked punch just to get away from the feeling really." She felt a soft press of lips to her neck.
"I love you, Chris. I love you so much I don't even know how to describe it." Chris turned in her arms to face her lover.
"You're such a sap." She said lightly, tracing her face with her fingers. Ginny closed her eyes and reveled in the feeling. "I love you too. So much." A smile tugged on the brunette's lips.
Chris' life wasn't perfect by any means. She was living as a lesbian with a secret lover in 1967 and trying to make her way as a journalist in a male dominated industry while misogyny ran rampant without consequence. It would always be hard, at least to a degree, but right here, in bed with the person she loved more than anything in this world, all was good.
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moons-and-stars-and-shit · 4 years ago
Hi, I love your blog! Can I request a cake, if you’re still doing them? It’s fine if you’re not though.
If you are, can you do it for a boy? I’m generally considered tall (I’m 5’7”) and I have really curly brown hair with green eyes and really pale skin. I’m Irish-American and I’m an Aries. My hobbies are; photography, reading thriller or historical fiction novels, writing fanfiction, and listening to music (specifically punk rock or really obnoxiously loud Irish rock). I’m quite shy when it comes to new situations or places and I have an anxiety disorder, so I’m usually quite anxious and generally considered quiet (which makes my music choices ironic). Before people get to know me, people think I’m a b*tch or that I’m cold because I tend to stick with the same people and not generally talk to others unless I’m forced. Even my friends have said they thought I was mean before they actually met me. I can be pessimistic at times, but I care about the people I’m really close with and I’ll defend them no matter the situation. I can be annoying, I overthink everything, and I am insecure about literally anything and everything about myself (from my body to my writing)
I’m generally considered one of the smarter ones in my friend group, usually my friends come to me when it comes to writing essays or having to read a book for class, since I’m good at analyzing things. I’m the friend that usually everyone tries to protect from things, from fear that I might “break” or something like that, which can be annoying but I know it means that they care. Though I would prefer that people be straight forward and honest with me instead of walk on eggshells or keep secrets, because contrary to popular belief, I can defend myself just fine. My friends say I have a hard time letting people in since I don’t want to end up hurt, so I have a tendency to keep people at arms length because I’m afraid to have my heart broken.
I don’t know if that’s enough information or if I over-shared (I have a tendency to do that), but if you are still accepting these kinds of requests, I hope this is enough.
🍰 for @lifewouldbebetteronmars
Hello my Aries sister!!!!
Romantic Matchup
Tsukishima Kei
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How yall met
Ok be prepared to be shocked
But Tsukki needed a tutor
He was having a difficult time understanding the new topic they were doing in class
So the teacher recommended you as a partial tutor
At first he didn't really like you
It really wasn't anything you did
He just hated that he needed someone else's help
And he was kinda embarrassed about it
But as time went on he started to warm up to you
Some could even say he looked forward to your tutoring sessions
So when he didn't need you to teach him anymore
He tried to find excuses to hang out with you
He's just too prideful to say that he likes you and wants to hang out with you
And even though you knew that was probably the case
You didn't want to call him out like that
So you would just hang out with him whenever you could
And the bond between you two grew with every passing day
And eventually you guys started dating
What they love about you
He loves how intelligent you are
Tsukki is pretty smart himself
So if he thinks that your smart
Bb you're a genius
And although he resented your smarts when he first met you
He's come to realize it's one of your most admirable traits
He loves how you care so deeply for your loved ones
He knows you would do anything and everything for him
But he also knows you would do the same thing when it comes to any of your friends and family
Like he's literally seen you telling off somebody for picking on one of your friends
He made a mental note to be careful who he picks on that day
He loves how straightforward you are
Ok so this is Tsukki were talking about
He doesn't really like overcomplicated people or people he can't understand
And you are anything but that
Tsukki can read you like a book
Maybe its because hes spent a lot of time with you
Maybe it's because he pays more attention to you than other people
The world may never know
What you love about them
You love how he doesnt try to “protect you”
Now don't get me wrong
Tsukki would take a bullet for you if it ever came down to it
But he knows for the most part you can take care of yourself
So unless you specifically ask for help hell leave you be
You love that he understands your limitations
Tsukki knows you have anxiety
So he tries to make social exchanges as comfortable as possible
If he notices that your uncomfortable talking to someone
He’ll swoop in and remove you from the situation
He tries to get you to step out of your comfort zone from time to time
He knows just as well as you do that being social is just apart of life
And he doesn't want you do always be dependent on him when it comes to being social
So he just gives you little nudges
Until eventually its like your anxiety never even existed
Favorite things to do together
Ahem anyways
Mans loves to have a good study date with you
It's really just you two doing homework and reading together
But he loves those little intimate moments with you
Late night walks
You guys take late night walks ALL the time
Once again it's nothing more than just walking round and listening to music
But Tsukki finds comfort in your presence during these times
Random Hc
The team was very very shocked when they found out you were Tsukkis gf
Like Tsukki + a relationship = error
Definitely got bombarded with questions when you met the team
He keeps some of the photos you've taken in a little box in his room
He proofreads all of your fanfics
One time it was your turn to pick the music for a study date
He was very shocked when hard core irish rock started playing…
When you guys first met there were a lot of moments when you just stared at eachother like
Because you didn't know how to talk to each other
Sometimes he acts like he doesn't know something just so he can be around you
Aries + Libra
Compatibility 62%
However difficult it might be to reconcile these two natures, remember that this is a primal opposition that represents partners by signification.
Aries and Libra are the couple of the zodiac, as much as any other opposing signs, for they are each other’s seventh house, house of relationships.
Even more so if we acknowledge the fact that Libra is the sign of relationships in general.
Any problem they might have with each other is something to be worked on, because it shows what their personal problem with any relationship is.
When they are madly attracted to each other and fall in love, there is almost nothing that could separate them, no matter the differences.
Wouldn’t we all like to find the middle ground with our loved one? They need to work on their bond, that’s a fact, but their relationship is a promise of a perfect fit of two souls meant to be together.
Friendship Matchup
Tendou Satori
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How yall met
You guys have been friends since middle school
You saw how other people treated him and you just didn't think it was right
So you befriended him!
You guys were attached at the hip all throughout middle school
Then he left for highschool while you stayed in middle school
Then when it was your turn to go to high school you had went to karasuno
So you guys lost touch
But then one day you saw a familiar head of red hair at one of your boyfriends matches…
It was Satori!
You were so excited to see him again that you practically sprinted over to him to reunite
He was so happy to see you again!
Ngl the entire Karasuno team was very confused on how you knew the guess monster of Shiratorizawa
Why you became friends
Like I said you saw how people treated him all throughout middle school…
So even though you were 2 years younger than him
You decided to befriend him
He was shocked by your kindness
And honestly a little hesitant
It wouldn't be the first time someone pretended to be his friend just to stab him in the back later
But for some reason he thought you were different
So he became friends with you
He was super sad when he lost contact with you :(
He always thought about how you were doing
But hey fate decided to bring you two together again
And it was like nothing changed
You both still had the same strong connection you had way back in middle school
What yall love about each other
He loves how out there you can be
Like there was a time where you two just blasted music in a park and just were dancing and vibing
He loves how your able to channel your creativity into your photography
He compliments every picture you take
Even if it's not a good one
He loves that how you look vs how you act are two totally different things
He won't lie to you you definitely have RBF Syndrome
(resting bitch face syndrome)
It almost reminds him how ushiwaka looks
But the difference is behind you rbf is a generally warm person
You love how fun Satori is!
Moments with him are always filled with laughs
Never a dull moment with that one
You love that he does not allow what others say get to him
Oh and on the days they do
Your right there to pick him back up and get him back to normal
Overall you guys love that you can depend on each other
Random Hc
Tsukki felt a little intimidated when he found out satori was your friend
Their rivalry during their game may or may not have had something to do with you…
You guys had homemade friendship bracelets as kids
And he kept his in his room even after you lost touch
Ironically enough he WILL NOT allow you to be insecure
He's like Insecurities we don't know her ❤️
Aries + Libra
A friendship between an Aries and a Libra brings in the inherent polarity of the Zodiac itself.
The constellations of Aries and Libra lie opposite to each other in the Zodiac, at an angle of 180 degrees between them.
This polarity is displayed in their characteristic traits as well. Each sign has qualities that the other sign lacks.
Add to it the fact that Librans have a natural desire to be harmonious, and Aries and Libra form a relationship of great equilibrium.
The polarity of Aries and Libra could be described as self versus other.
But the differences go much further than that. Aries are impulsive, excitable, and willing to jump into things immediately.
Libra are indecisive, peace loving, and prefer a calm, quiet view of everything.
Star signs with opposite polarity often share a zealous relationship with each other.
In general, polar alliances turn out awesome when they are good, but rather challenging when they are bad.
Polarities could twist and knot together if the signs didn’t understand each other well.
However, Aries and Libra are a well balanced pair.
Libra are charming, well cultured, and have pleasing manners that could compensate for the brazen nature of Aries.
On the other hand, Aries are strong willed and decisive, which could compensate for the irresolute nature of Libra.
Aries could help Libra reach resolutions more easily and make them more spontaneous.
Libra could, at times, show Aries that they are not always as right as they think they are.
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potential-fate · 4 years ago
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previous // first // next --------------------------------------------------------------------------
“So.” she took a sip of her coffee before continuing, “You’re conflicted, because this girl you like, who you’ve had a crush on for years and had previously written off as ‘never gonna happen’ is a possibility?”
“I’m conflicted because of the reason why it’s a possibility.”
“Right, right. Because, she’s getting married in a few months. But, it’s an open relationship?” He nodded in confirmation, “But you want… something more domestic, move in and have a family type stuff, which isn’t gonna happen if she’s already married.”
“...Exactly.” He sighed, “I mean, I like her a lot Chloe, but.. I dunno. I just… I want someone to come home to, you know? I’m okay by myself and all, but if I’m gonna go in, I’m all in.”
“Hey, man, look. That’s totally fair. I’d be fine partying it up for the rest of my days, but I get that. That sounds complicated to navigate. I wouldn’t want to do that either. Trying to work around two other people’s schedules, plus your own? Not for me, I don’t think.”
He agreed. He wasn’t sure what to do about it though.
“And look. You seem like a ‘settling down’ type dude, ya’know?” He wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or not coming from Chloe, seeing as she was clearly not a ‘settling down type’. “Like I know you’re a bit older than me, and this girl of yours, but I’m betting you were always wanting to just be domestic and stuff with the girls you were serious with. Am I right?”
He rolled his eyes at yet another correct guess, but nodded anyways. He had always been that type, even in his ‘wilder’ teen years and 20s. He’d met Darleen pretty young, and they’d hit it off in their senior year of highschool. And Not long after they’d graduated they had gotten married and she’d found herself pregnant. And he wouldn’t change any of that for the world.
“Maybe… in that case it’s time to move on, man.” Chloe said after a moment. “You said you’d been friends for years, right? If she’s your friend, she’ll understand you wanting to stay friends too.”
He sighed again. He was fairly sure she was right, of course. But he’d held onto the feelings he had for Cassie for so long, he wasn’t really sure how to move past them, “I wouldn’t know where to begin, Chloe.”
“Well, for the most part, you… date.” She grinned again, “You gotta go on dates to see if you want to date someone long term, you know?”
“I have been out of the dating game for over 20 years. You make it sound so easy.”
She laughed joyfully at this, “cause it really is. And besides. Dates are fun. You get to do stuff you normally wouldn’t, and go places you wouldn’t have thought of! And meet people you wouldn’t normally.” He frowned slightly. Her opinion on dating was a lot more… optimistic than his. He remembered dating being tiring and stressful. Had he been doing it wrong before he met Darleen?
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sachigram · 5 years ago
I think a lot about Hearts Like Ours because I've been wanting to comment on the last chapter since it came out and I finally think I can. On another note, I read that "send me some Shizaya prompts you'd like to see! Who knows, maybe I'll write a few" please, don't feel obligated at all, but I can't write myself and I've been thinking about a story for a long time, about Izaya being in love with Shizuo since Highschool but extremely hurt because he hated him on sight, and then on present time +
“And then on present time Izaya finds out that someone is going to hurt Kasuka, Shizuo doesn't answer his phone so Izaya goes to the place himself and without thinking puts himself between Kasuka and the guy who has going to stab him, Kasuka takes him to Shinra and after this Shizuo gets obsessed with trying to know why Izaya would almost die for Kasuka.”
For you, @murasaki19! I wrote this very quickly, and I am sure there are errors, but I hope it cheers you up! <3 Your reviews mean a lot to me, and I’ve missed seeing your name in my notes. I’m always around if you need to talk! 
It happens by accident, really.
Izaya keeps tabs on everyone and everything; it's part of his informant position. Even the most trivial of information can be useful later, like pawns making it across the chessboard. Honestly, it has nothing to do with Shizuo or his family. Still, Izaya stumbles across a plot to kidnap Kasuka, and wars with himself on what to do about it.
On one hand, he hates Shizuo, and therefore, he hates Kasuka. He should revel in the idea of Kasuka being killed or worse, should love the thought of the anguish it would cause Shizuo to lose his precious baby brother.
On the other hand, Izaya has sisters, and he knows Shizuo has helped keep them out of trouble more than a few times, even while hating Izaya.
Something else entirely, Izaya doesn't want Shizuo to lose Kasuka, and it makes Izaya so sick of himself that he can't even look at his reflection on his dark phone screen.
“Fuck,” he mutters, shoving back from his computer. He picks up his phone, goes to Shizuo's contact, hesitates. He can call Shizuo and let the beast handle it. Whether Shizuo believes him or not, Izaya can say he tried, and that should settle his conscience, right? It should be the end of Izaya's involvement.
He presses the 'call' button. It rings once, and then goes to voicemail, and Izaya clenches his teeth, knowing Shizuo ignored the call and likely would delete a voicemail before listening to it. Izaya can't blame him, but still, being ignored always pisses Izaya off beyond anything else.
“Should just let him lose his fucking brother,” Izaya grumbles to no one. Namie left for the day, and no one else will be coming by. Shinra likely would ignore a call from Izaya as well. He's alone in this, as he normally is.
For once, he finally feels the emptiness.
He's in the city— He doesn't have a clue what he's doing.
The men who are going to take Kasuka have his work schedule figured out. It's not hard to attain information like that, as long as you know the right people. Izaya himself buys most of his information, and turns around and sells it to whoever asks. It's possible some of these men work with Kasuka, or some of them could have hacked into his file, his schedule, his manager's schedules. Something like this just happened with Kasuka's little girlfriend, right? And then Shinra got attacked. Everyone should have learned a lesson from that, but...
“The more things change,” Izaya mutters aloud.
“Hello?” A man's voice answers him. Izaya sighs, realizing Kasuka heard him and is addressing him. Kasuka is alone— Why is he alone? Where's security? Where's the driver? The car is parked, so where is the fucking driver? “Oh. Orihara-san?”
“Yes,” Izaya says, quieting the questions zipping through his mind. He has an image to maintain, if nothing else, and even if he wasn't consciously planning on coming here, he's here now, and he has to make it look like he meant to be.
“Did you...need something?” Kasuka asks, and Izaya can only imagine how confused Kasuka must be. He's heard awful things for years about Izaya, true things, and all Kasuka knows is that Izaya hates Shizuo, and Shizuo hates Izaya.
“Why are you alone?” Izaya asks, stalling. He moves away from the wall he was leaning against and inches closer to Kasuka.
“My driver is across the street, grabbing to-go food. The guards are right by the door,” Kasuka says in his usual bored tone.
“Inside isn't close enough to stop something from happening,” Izaya says, and Kasuka tilts his head.
“Are you going to attack me or something?”
“I'm only saying, it would be better for you to have someone around, anyone.” Izaya looks over his shoulder, paranoid. He doesn't care about what happens to Kasuka. He's told himself that over and over, and yet, here he is.
“Well. You're here,” Kasuka says with a shrug. “And my driver will be right back.”
Izaya is about to answer and say something along the lines of, 'why wouldn't a big celebrity have his own bodyguards?', or, 'isn't your girlfriend some kind of monster with inhuman strength?', but he doesn't get the chance. Everything happens so fast from there, and even afterwards, Izaya still doesn't know what exactly happened.
All he knows is, he wakes up at Shinra's, and there's a hole in his stomach.
“I'm just. I'm floored, you know? I'm totally flabbergasted!” Shinra says jovially as he applies something to Izaya's wound. “Kasuka-san called me and was as close to panicking as can be allowed. He hasn't sounded like that since Hijiribe-san got injured. He drove you here and said you took a knife for him! Could it be that my influence from all those years ago rubbed off on you?”
“Would you please stop talking?” Izaya asks, irritated for many reasons, one of which being Shinra's voice. He has another scar from a knife wound. Izaya doesn't ever want to get stabbed again. It's not fun at all. He wouldn't recommend it to anybody.
“I just wanna know what was going through your head!” Shinra chatters. “Did you know what you were doing? It seems like you don't remember. Did you know the news is reporting you as a hero? They used your name! Hey, are you listening?” Shinra leans over Izaya, squinting at him.
“I don't remember it,” Izaya says, shoving Shinra away. “I was on autopilot.”
“Ah, well,” Shinra says. He leans back in his chair and shrugs a bit. “I think maybe you're working on clearing your bad name. Unfortunately, you'll have to get stabbed a lot more.”
Celty walks in, and Izaya sees his reflection in her helmet. He closes his eyes, not wanting to deal with her, but Shinra laughs at whatever she tells him.
“Kasuka-san is here to visit you. We told him you were awake.”
“What!” Izaya tries to sit up, regrets it immediately. He falls into the sheets with a wince. “I don't want to see him.”
“Sorry,” Kasuka's voice says, already in the room. “They said it was okay.”
“One day, I'm going to sell Shinra to pirates,” Izaya says.
“That might work. A doctor always has value,” Kasuka replies, and Izaya nods. There's silence for a few moments, and then Kasuka clears his throat. “You saved me.”
“I didn't. Or, I didn't mean to.”
“I wanted to thank you.”
“Don't. It's gross; I don't want your thanks.”
“Still,” Kasuka insists, and when Izaya looks over at him, Kasuka is giving him an earnest expression. “I could be in this bed, or much worse. I could be dead. Thank you.”
“Thanking me would be acceptable if I went with the intention of saving you. I didn't. I didn't think about it, and I don't remember it. So really, you don't have to—“
There's a bang in the next room, followed by Shinra shouting.
“Oh,” Kasuka says, and then he stands. “Shizuo's here.”
“Fucking great,” Izaya mutters. He wonders if Shinra can give him more drugs.
Heavy footsteps thud towards the door, and then it's flying open, revealing a frantic Shizuo. Immediately, he's on Kasuka, looking him over, talking so quickly that Izaya realizes he's already on a lot of drugs, because he can't focus on it. Izaya giggles and moves his hands around in the air, finally feeling the effects of whatever Shinra gave him.
“Why's he here?!” Shizuo barks, and Izaya drops his hands and pouts up at the Heiwajima brothers.
“Can't you have a reunion elsewhere? I'm recovering from an ordeal,” Izaya says, and he blinks as his words slur. “Shinra! What did you give me?”
“Morphine,” Shinra calls.
“I like it.”
“Most people do.”
“Orihara-san—“ Kasuka begins.
“Gross, call me Izaya,” Izaya interjects.
“Uh. Izaya-san saved me. He took a knife for me,” Kasuka continues.
“What? That's fucking impossible. I'm sure he's probably the one who hired those guys to begin with,” Shizuo says, and Izaya tries to be offended, but can't really argue.
“No. Izaya-san showed up on his own, and then some men charged us. Izaya-san jumped in front of me, and then my guards came out from all the noise.”
“I don't buy it. He was involved,” Shizuo argues.
“Even if he was, he paid a price for it,” Kasuka says. Izaya is back to waving his hands around, and he pauses when he feels that everyone is looking at him.
“Am I supposed to say something profound?” Izaya asks. “I think— I think I'm stoned.”
Shizuo marches over to the bed and hovers over Izaya. He glares down at him, and Izaya tries to remember the last time they were this close. Didn't Shizuo headbutt him?
“Why the fuck would you do that? Why would you save my brother?” Shizuo asks.
“I didn't save anyone,” Izaya says, and then he reaches up and touches the tip of Shizuo's nose. “Boop.”
Shizuo snarls down at him, and then someone, probably Celty, drags Shizuo away. Izaya looks up at the empty space Shizuo left and misses Shizuo occupying it. Then, someone else hovers over him.
“I won't forget this, Izaya-san.” Kasuka puts his hand over Izaya's and squeezes. “Thank you.”
“Oh. Go away,” Izaya mutters, and he rolls over. “Being thanked so much reminds me why I'd rather everyone cursed me.”
“I'm sorry you feel that way,” Kasuka says.
“Don't thank him! Don't apologize to him! What the fuck!” Shizuo barks from somewhere, and then Izaya passes out again.
Next time he wakes, he's alone.
He reaches for his phone on the table next to the bed. He has messages from Namie, from Shiki, from his sisters. He grumbles and reads through Mairu's babbling about how much she loves him for taking a knife for Yuhei. He replies with a series of emojis, most of them the dancing red dress woman.
Namie asks if Izaya has a brain tumor.
Shiki wants to know if Izaya will return to work now that he's an A-list hero.
“Feeling better?” Shinra asks, and Izaya looks over at him. “You've been pretty out of it.”
“Am I still high?” Izaya asks.
“I hope not. I've been lowering your dosage. Are you in pain?”
“Mm. A little.”
“Do you want more medicine?”
“No. I'd like to think clearly.” Izaya puts his phone down. “I really don't remember it. I just...acted.”
“That's okay,” Shinra says. There's a beat of silence, and then, “You told me some...interesting things while you were doped up.”
“Ugh.” Izaya covers his eyes. “Were we alone?”
“Yeah. Yeah, Celty was in bed. It was just us.”
“Are we alone now?” Izaya asks, his voice muffled from his hands.
“What did I say?”
Shinra laughs. “You said you didn't want to give Shizuo-kun another reason to hate you.”
“...is that all?” Izaya prompts.
“You might have mentioned loving him. Once or twice.”
“I changed my mind, I want more drugs,” Izaya says, and Shinra laughs again.
“It's okay. Really. I already kind of knew. You aren't as hard to read as you think you are,” Shinra says, and Izaya peeks up at him.
“I knew you knew.” Izaya groans and rubs his eyes. “It doesn't matter.”
“It matters,” Shinra says softly. “Loving someone always matters.”
“Oh, shut up,” Izaya says. “Anyway, can I go soon?”
“I want to keep you a little longer. Your wound is still bleeding a bit, and I can't let you go before I know for sure your stitches won't pop open. It'd be bad if your intestines started to escape, you know?”
“I imagine it wouldn't be good.”
“Have you thought of telling him?” Shinra asks. “Shizuo-kun, I mean. You could tell him.”
“And then what?” Izaya prompts. “He wouldn't believe me, and I wouldn't blame him. No, it's better he not know. I'm glad he wasn't in the room when I was out of it.”
Shinra sighs. “I wish he would have been.”
The day passes slowly. Izaya replies to messages on his phone, barks at Shinra for a charger when his phone starts to die. He and Shinra play cards, and Izaya's chest clenches when he thinks of how long it's been since he spent time with Shinra like this.
“You know, you can come over sometime,” Shinra says, clearly thinking the same. “I'd like that.”
“Your girlfriend hates me,” Izaya says.
“You think everyone hates you. You think it before they even know you. Besides, Celty is a forgiving angel. She doesn't hate anyone. Except, well, I guess she hates cops.”
When the sun starts to set, Shizuo comes back. Izaya pretends to be asleep, but Shizuo isn't having it. He shakes Izaya roughly until Izaya looks up at him through narrowed eyes.
“What?” Izaya asks, and Shizuo glares at him.
“Why'd you save my brother?”
“I told you, I don't know!” Izaya hisses, and he tries to roll away from Shizuo.
“Well, I decided I'm not leaving until you tell me!” Shizuo replies.
Izaya groans at the ceiling, and then he turns to Shizuo.
“You got me. I saved him so you'd owe me one. Now, I can ask you to do anything, and you have to do it.”
“Bullshit,” Shizuo says. “You think I don't know when you're lying? I can tell.”
“I don't know why,” Izaya says.
“Bullshit,” Shizuo says again.
“I don't know what you want me to say. You won't believe me no matter what my answer is.”
“You could try telling the truth. You know, for once.”
Izaya turns over and pulls his pillow over his head, refusing to answer. True to his word, Shizuo plops down into the chair Shinra was occupying earlier and refuses to leave.
“Are you staying for dinner?” Shinra asks a bit later.
“I guess,” Shizuo says.
“I always wanted us all to hang out!” Shinra says happily, and Shizuo and Izaya tell him to 'shut the fuck up' at the same time.
After dinner, and after Shinra offers to hand-feed Izaya for the tenth time, Shizuo winds up falling asleep on the chair, his arms crossed across his chest, his head lolling to the side. Even asleep, he looks irritated. It's not the first time Izaya's seen his sleeping face, but it's interesting nonetheless.
“I guess he's staying,” Shinra says, entering the room. He tosses a blanket over Shizuo. “I think this is progress.”
“He's just a stubborn monster,” Izaya mutters, and when Shinra leaves the room and turns the light out, Izaya is left listening to Shizuo's quiet breathing.
It's been a long time since Izaya slept in the same room as someone. He's used to his sisters falling asleep on him, and he's stayed with Shinra a few times, but this is something new. His worst enemy is unconscious next to him. Izaya knows he should be taking advantage of this, but he doesn't. He spends his time scrolling through his phone, and when he's bored of that, he watches Shizuo sleep. It's creepy, he knows it is. Izaya's always watched people because it's easier than interacting with them. Like this, it's almost like they could be friends, neither of them talking or arguing.
Shizuo twitches in his sleep and makes a noise, and Izaya tears his eyes away.
“I saved him for you,” Izaya whispers, knowing Shizuo won't hear him anyway. After a few minutes, Izaya sits up and carefully detaches himself from various wires. He can't stay here anymore, stitches be damned. He steps past Shizuo and pads down the hallway, collecting his things before he exits the apartment and arranges for someone to pick him up.
It's easier to be alone.
A week passes. Izaya works from his bed, relents to letting Shinra come give him checkups, and tortures Namie into bringing him things. By the end of the week, Namie is threatening to smother him with a pillow, which is actually pretty tame for her. Izaya isn't too worried about it. He knows she carries a paralyzing serum with her, after all. The fact she hasn't used it yet means she doesn't hate him too much.
She tells him she's leaving for the day, and he grunts at her, his eyes glued to the screen of his tablet. He's reading about Kasuka's latest gig, silently appraising the raise of security around Kasuka since the incident. Izaya's sisters have since cursed him, saying they'll never get through all the people around Kasuka now. Kasuka recently sent Izaya a fruit basket, and Izaya considers calling to Namie to bring him a pear, but he thinks better of it. She's pretty pissed at him already.
Next thing he knows, someone is in the doorway of his bedroom, loudly crunching on an apple.
“Shizu-chan,” Izaya says, setting the tablet down.
“That lady let me in,” Shizuo says as he strides across the room. “Did Kasuka send you this? The arrangement looked expensive.”
“He did. I don't suppose I could convince you to bring me a pear?” Izaya asks.
“I'll bring you one if you answer my questions honestly,” Shizuo says.
“Still caught up on that, huh? I've already said all there is to say.”
“Your loss, I guess,” Shizuo says with a shrug. “I'll start eating the pears next.”
“I hate you,” Izaya hisses. He crosses his arms and grumbles. “I wish I'd let your brother get stabbed instead.”
“Yeah, well. You didn't.”
“I should have. I wanted to.”
“Did you? Want to?”
Izaya exhales loudly and dramatically. “No. You wouldn't have let my sisters get stabbed. It's the same.”
“Yeah, but... It's not the same,” Shizuo says. “Kasuka is a grown man, and he's supposed to have guards on him. He's supposed to have people. Your sisters don't have anyone but you, and sometimes you're...”
“Inadequate?” Izaya asks.
“One person,” Shizuo corrects. “You're one person, and they escape where you can watch.”
“Dota-chin helps them, too. A lot of people do. I appreciate it, even if I don't say so.” Izaya groans and rubs at his wound under his shirt.
“Does it still hurt?” Shizuo asks.
“Yes. It's not too bad, though.”
“Shinra told me he took a knife for you once. It was crazy. I was pissed at him because I thought, if someone had just killed you then, I wouldn't have had to meet you at all.”
“I might have died,” Izaya says. “Nakura-kun hated me. He might have aimed somewhere more lethal the second time.”
“You didn't care though, did you? You wouldn't have cared if he wanted to kill you. You never cared when I wanted to,” Shizuo says.
“Who can say?” Izaya asks, and then he smiles. “I might have cared a little.”
“I don't want to hate you anymore,” Shizuo says. “You saved Kasuka. No matter what your reasons were, you saved him. And even before... Before, I was thinking I didn't want to hate you. It just seems like if we stay this way...”
“We'll die?” Izaya asks. Shizuo nods.
“I don't want to kill you, and I don't want you to kill me. I don't want to explain to your sisters that I murdered you.”
“So then, what do you propose?” Izaya asks.
“A truce? We can... I guess we don't have to be friends, but we could try not to kill each other. How's that?” Shizuo asks.
“That's fine. Whatever.” Izaya stretches, and then he pouts at Shizuo. “Now can you bring me a pear?”
“Brat,” Shizuo says, but he does just that.
They spend hours together. Izaya has a TV in his room for just this occasion, him getting injured and being bed-bound. Shizuo likes trash TV as it turns out, and Izaya delights in making fun of him for it. By the time Izaya's eyes are drooping, Shizuo is already hunched over, resting his head on Izaya's bed.
“You can stay. If you want.” Izaya wants to rest his hand on Shizuo's head, but he resists. “It's pretty late.”
“Yeah. I will, then,” Shizuo says, and Izaya expects Shizuo to either go down to the couch, or to the guest bedroom, but instead, Shizuo is climbing in bed next to Izaya and settling in.
“I hope your monster scent washes out with regular detergent,” Izaya mutters, hating the way his heart soars and then pounds in his ears at Shizuo's close proximity.
“Oh, fuck you,” Shizuo says, but he doesn't sound mad.
They're quiet for a while, and Izaya thinks maybe Shizuo has fallen asleep, but then Shizuo laughs softly in the darkness of the room.
“What is it?” Izaya asks.
“Just this. Us. If we tried to talk sooner, maybe we could've avoided a lot of things.”
“You wouldn't have listened. I wouldn't have listened either,” Izaya says.
“I know. It had to be this way.” Shizuo hums, and then he moves closer, tossing an arm over Izaya, who tenses up at the contact. “Is this okay?”
“It doesn't hurt?”
“Oh. No, I mean, it's fine. This is fine.”
Shizuo laughs, moving closer. He inhales Izaya's hair, nuzzles into it.
“For a smart guy, you're an idiot, you know?”
“How so?” Izaya asks, bristling.
“You just are. You're easy to read.”
“I am not!”
“Mm.” Shizuo pulls Izaya closer, and Izaya wills himself to calm down or die, either would be fine at this point. “Tell me, why'd you save my brother?”
“Because I wanted to,” Izaya says, finding there is truth in that answer.
“Okay,” Shizuo murmurs. “That's good enough for me.”
Shizuo's lips press to Izaya's, and Izaya gasps softly, his hands on Shizuo's shoulders.
“I already know why, anyway,” Shizuo says, and Izaya pulls him into another kiss before they can argue.
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byul-bit-arae · 5 years ago
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Okay I know I say in this in every single bf post of mine but liSTEN.
Boyfriend chan,
Is all you could ask for.
First of all,
This guy knows how to make you fall head over heels for him
Even if he's not actually aware of it
Every single thing he does -most of the time unintendedly- would leave you with big, big heart eyes
Lucky for him he doesn't really have to try too much and you're under his spell
But also he's a lil humble bitch that doesn't know how much of an amazing person he is so he wouldn't actually KNOW he's already got an effect on you
And like whenever he talks to you and you're flustered or you blush he just assumes? that you're that kind of person?
You know, that person who stutters and becomes a mess in the presence of one single human being and acts totally normal around the others? Yeah definitely not fishy
He's not dense, he just doesn't want to make you feel uncomfortable
And also doesn't want to get his hopes up
Although everyone around you is just waiting for y'all to announce something
Like?? You're almost always together?? And you're so close??
But even you didn't want to get your hope up bc hello? He's the most amazing human on earth and he's just being nice and you're probably getting the wrong idea?
Anyways it all probably happens one day at like 4am
And basically both of y'all are just sick of pretending and denying what's so obvious and decide to spill the tea
I am not suggesting a specific scenario for this because I thought of way too many that I just gave up and also I'll let y'all just assume wtv you think would be right
where do I even start
First of all, very, and I cannot stress this enough, very considerate
This boy wouldn't initiate anything unless he knows you're comfortable with it
But once he knows, you better brace yourself for this koala
He looooves hugs, cuddles and any sort of affection
Obviously if you're not comfortable with pda he won't do it but he's still gonna hold your hand bc wtf he needs love
Would probably be into cheesy shit like-- wait a minute let me rephrase that
Would TOTALLY be into cheesy shit
Like couple clothes and mugs
Would 200% give you his sweaters even if you don't ask like he'd just pretend he forgot them at your place or smtn
Also would 200% lose it if he sees you in his sweaters without a warning
Boi needs his countdown his heart is not ready
Would still die anyway
Y'all know how chan doesn't really show when he's going through stuff? Like he's always this goofy smiley ball of optimism
And he's literally always there whenever you're having a bad day or need someone and really all the time
But when you show up at his studio in the middle of the night with food or tell him how proud you are of how much he's achieved or just cuddle him and treat him like a precious baby? He'll appreciate it to no end
bc he works so hard and is so selfless that he puts everyone, including you obviously, before himself
that's why I think he needs a s/o who's really affectionate and is ready to always show him love and take care of him
A very chill bf
You could tell him you want to make cookies at two in the morning and he'd be like sure babe like he's so supportive of whatever you do
Would call you by your name/nickname, baby, princess, angel, darling
Depends on the situation and the place
If you're with the guys he'd call you by your name, although he wouldn't mind if a "baby" accidentally slips
But he will have to suffer if it's another one #thekidsareonthelookout
Would love and cherish every time he gets to stay home with you and just cuddle
Since he's always busy
And although most of the time he's a big spoon and likes to feel like he's taking care of you and how you look smol in his arms
Even if you don't, he still thinks you're his smol baby
He would love it as much if he's tired and you let him rest on your lap or chest or just sleep as you play with his fluffy hair
Chan is a very passionate person himself so I think he'd fall for someone who also is passionate about something and works hard on it
Like he'd admire that so much and would be so down to listen to you rambling about your major/ what you love doing
even if you think you're sounding like a total nerd, he'd think you're the cutest thing and listen to you attentively
But there are also times where you won't even be needing words to communicate
Like you'd just stare at each other with the dumbest smiles for a ridiculously long time that it almost becomes a staring contest
Until one of you feels awkward and buries their head into the others chest
Like it wouldn't even be something romantic or anything
Like you'd throw a sassy remark at him and he'd look at you like tf dude did you really say that and you'd look back at him like yes I did until you just break into laughter
But sometimes he says something v cheesy and you try to do the same to him
But then you give up bc he's just so cute staring at you so seriously after saying that, that you can't help but feel flustered and look away
He's gonna make you look at him again and watch you become a mess :')
The way he just flips between babie channie mode and highschool jock chris mode is scary
Also I KNOW this sounds very cringey (again, I said chan would be into cheesy shit) and I myself think this is SO CRINGEY WHEN I READ IT AND CANT PICTURE IT AT ALL BUT LISTEN
Like you'd usually exchange short pecks filled with nervous giggles in between
Sometimes you would be standing in front of him or smtn and he just suddenly pulls you into his lap and peppers you face in kisses as you struggle to break free from this affectionate koala (yknow just like how he jumps on the boys from nowhere and hugs them to death? Exactly)
Other times he would be more calm about it like you'd be working on something and he just waddles to you like a penguin and stands there with his :] face until you give him attention
Or if you're working while standing he'd just attach himself to you like you're a fucking tree and just stand there and make it so hard for you to move while you do what you're doing until you just turn around and give him attention
"chan are you just gonna keep hugging me as I move around the kitchen at snail speed" you say amusedly as you're too familiar with the scenario and he just hums
"You know this isn't comfortable for neither of us so why don't you sit down as I finish cooking?"
"Channie is comfortable like this" he'd say back stubbornly and you just sigh
"Sure sweetie whatever makes you happy"
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radishaur · 5 years ago
can u do a zuko x reader high school au where the reader (female or gender neutral) is part of the gaang's friend group and is a huge nerd? (in math or science or english or everything because there aren't enough nerd readers mam) feel free to do anything you want with that! ty!
As a fellow nerd, I am so in love with this idea! I actually love this idea so I think I’m gonna be turning this one into a series! I hope you enjoy this!
- Zoe
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Highschool AU (Zuko x Reader)
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff, Highschool AU, some angst
Part: 1/?
Summary: Zuko was, by no means, your typical student. He was super popular despite having relatively no friends. He was quite shy and mostly kept to himself. Every girl was swooning over him, but he never noticed. He also was pretty much barely passing every class he was in, besides PE and Theatre. So when the school appoints you as his personal tutor, you wouldn’t say you were surprised. What did surprise you was how well the two of you got along.
The soft sound of the alarm going off brought you out of your sleep. You groaned in annoyance before sitting up. The sun wasn’t even up yet, but that didn’t matter. School started at 7 AM sharp, no excuses.
You swung yourself out of bed and hit the off button for your alarm. Stretching, you found yourself walking into the bathroom to get ready for the day.
It was the same routine every day. Get up and get ready for school. Eat breakfast and go straight to school. Go to your classes as expected and don’t cause trouble. Keep your grades up or else. Look out for your sister because she’s blind and “can’t take care of herself” (total bullshit). Come home and do your homework. Go to sleep. That was the routine for Y/N Beifong.
Having parents in politics meant you were constantly having to meet these insane expectations. You had to be perfect. There was no room to be a normal teenager. Not for me.
I sighed and got dressed before heading over to Toph’s room. She was usually a heavy sleeper and I had to wake her up.
“Toph! Sokka, Aang, and Katara are gonna be here any minute now,” I exclaimed as I turned the lights on in her room.
She grumbled slightly before sitting up. Her hair was everywhere and I giggled slightly.
“Come on. Get dressed so I can do your hair,” I told her before heading to the kitchen to make some food.
I put some fruit into the blender along with some ice and milk to make us both smoothies. I let it mix before pouring them into two cup and handing one to a sleepy Toph who shuffled into the kitchen.
“Rough night?” I asked as I began taming her hair.
“Nothing I can’t handle,” she replied as she hastily drank her smoothie.
I pinned her hair into her usual style. As I was placing the last bobby pin in, I heard a honk from outside. Definitely Sokka.
Toph and I both grabbed our bags before running outside and jumping in the car. The rides to school were always my favorite. We could just laugh and be ourselves. It was incredibly refreshing.
When we pulled into the school parking lot, we all went out seperate ways to class. I was the oldest of the group, a whole grade above everyone else. Sokka and Katara were only one underneath me and then Aang and Toph were both freshman. How is that even possible you might be asking?
Well, both Aang and Katara skipped a grade. They’ve always been slightly smarter than their age group so it didn’t really surprise anyone. As for Toph, pretty much everyone was surprised to find out that she was practically a genius. She didn’t care about school in the slightest, but she was incredibly smart. She had to take special classes because of her blindness, but she was a part of the school nonetheless. Honestly, it worked out great for me. I had all of my friends in the same place, even if I didn’t have any classses with them.
I went about my day as usual, vigorously taking notes and listening to the different lectures. Everything was going by as normal until I was called to the principals office before lunch. My teacher handed me the note before continuing his lecture.
The walk there had been absolutely nerve wracking. I knew I hadn’t done anything wrong and yet I still couldn’t calm down. Mostly out of fear for what my parents would do if they found out I was called there in the first place. I took a deep breath before opening the door to the principal’s office.
“Ah! Miss Y/N,” Principal Williams greeted with a welcoming smile, “Have a seat.”
“Good morning Mr. Williams,” I replied as I sat down.
I shifted nervously in my seat as I waited for him to tell me why I was here.
“Don’t worry. You’re not in trouble,” he prefaced, sending a wave of relief over me, “We’re just waiting on another student to arrive and then I’ll explain why you’re here.”
I cocked my head curiously, wondering what could possibly be happening. It wasn’t maybe a minute long before the door creaked open once more. Stepping inside was the last person I expected to see.
“Mr. Zuko! Late as always,” Principal Williams greeted, noticeably less friendly.
Standing in the doorway stood Zuko. He had a red cardigan with a button up underneath, black jeans, and a brown book bag slung over his shoulders. My eyes flicked to the scar that covered almost the entire left side of his face before looking over the rest of him. His brown hair fell lightly over his face and he shifted nervously in the doorway before sitting like he was told to.
“This is Ms. Y/N. I’m sure you’ve seen eachother around school before,” he said, pointing between the two of us.
Zuko nodded slightly before averting his gaze. I had indeed seen him around before. His father was also in politics and his sister, Azula, was one of the top students in the school and the two were never seen together at school. His scar was the spark of many gossip filled conversations you could hear while walking down the halls. Zuko himself was quiet. He kept to himself and didn’t have many friends.
“Zuko here is in need of a tutor. He’s barely passing any of his classes and his father is paying us to find him a student tutor. Seeing as you’re one of our top students and the same age, it only made sense to pick you,” he explained to me, barely even paying attention to Zuko at all.
“Oh,” was all I managed to say.
I had a million thoughts running through my head. I didn’t even know what to say.
“We’ll pay you for your efforts of course and the school will provide you with library space to work. All you need to do is tutor Zuko until his grades go up,” he continued, leaning back in his chair.
Zuko hadn’t said a word. You could see him blushing slightly out of the corner of your eye, presumably because he was embarrassed. You two had never spoken before and now he was getting bad mouthed right in front of me. I couldn’t help but feel somewhat sorry for him. Principal Williams did really put him in an uncomfortable position.
“When would I be tutoring him?” I asked, bringing my attention back to the situation at hand.
“Every day after school starting today until his grades improve. Then we can adjust the schedule as needed,” Principal Williams said before handing me a sheet of paper and adding, “That’s a list of all the subjects you’ll be covering.”
I nodded to conform I had heard him, but my head was elsewhere. This was a huge commitment I was being thrown into, but I couldn’t really say no. Besides, judging by the list of subjects I’d be teaching him, they were all ones I actually enjoyed. I would have to tell my parents and Toph about the new arrangement though and that wasn’t a conversation I was particularly looking forward too.
“Great. Why don’t you two exchange phone numbers so you can communicate and then you can be on your ways,” he said before ushering us out into the waiting room.
I stood awkwardly in front of him. He was only slightly taller than me, but it was enough to make me feel slightly intimidated. Despite his social awkwardness, he looked like someone you didn’t want to piss off. I shook my head and decided to introduce myself properly.
“So, I know that probably wasn’t the best way to get introduced. My name is Y/N,” I said, giving him a friendly smile.
“Zuko,” he said back.
This was the first time I had heard his voice. In all honesty, it sent a swarm of butterflies off in my stomach. It was quiet and held this almost gravelly tone that made my knees weak.
“It’s nice to meet you. Why don’t I give you my number so I can text you later,” I suggested, shoving the funny feeling in my stomach down.
He took his phone out and looked at me. His amber eyes met my (E/C) one’s expectantly. I repeated my number for him and then pulled out my own to get his. I was putting his contact name in when he spoke again.
“I’m sorry for getting you forced into tutoring me. My family was insistent on having a student tutor,” he apologized, a small blush dusting his cheeks as he did.
“That’s alright. I don’t mind. I’m actually really passionate about most of the stuff I’ll be teaching you anyways,” I assured him as I stuffed my phone back into my pocket.
He hummed to let me know he had heard me but he didn’t say anything else. I looked down awkwardly by my feet, unsure of what to do next. I was scrambling for what to say when the lunch bell rang.
“Well, I better get going. I don’t want to keep my friends waiting. I’ll text you after school,” I said before making my way to the lunch room.
I met my friends and we all got in line to grab lunch. I was grateful that our school provided actual food. Granted, this was a private school. It was incredibly prestigious. You had to either pay to attend or be here on a scholarship.
“So, I heard that you got pulled out of class to go to the principal’s office,” Toph taunted, poking me in the side with her elbow.
“Ms. Goody-two-shoes got sent to the office? No way,” Sokka said, grabbing his tray as we all began walking towards our table outside.
“What did you get called down for?” Aang asked out of curiosity.
We all sat down at the table and I began eating as I answered.
“I’m going to be a tutor for another student. I’m getting paid and everything,” I explained.
“Oh wow! Who is it?” Katara asked as she took a bite out of her sandwich.
“Zuko,” I answered casually.
Sokka choked on his drink and looked at me with wide eyes. Pretty much everybody at the table did besides Toph who just continued eating like nothing had happened.
“You’re going to be tutoring Zuko? Like the Zuko?” he asked in disbelief.
I rolled my eyes. Everybody at school acted like this. Sokka really needed to stop gossiping so much.
“I don’t see what the big deal is. He’s just like the rest of us,” I argued, taking another bite of my food.
“You’re insane, Y/N. Zuko is the mysterious hottie that everybody wants to date. Do you know how many people would kill for the opportunity you were just handed?” he exclaimed, waving his hands out to gesture to the many students milling around.
“Don’t tell me you’re crushing on him or something. Are you jealous?” I teased, kicking his leg slightly under the table.
Everybody laughed as Sokka scowled.
“Haha. You know I’ve had my eyes on Suki since day one,” he sighed, looking off in the distance dreamily.
We spent the rest of the lunch period like usual, just discussing our days and making plans to hang out this weekend. I went through the rest of my classses more anxious than usual, though. Normally I would be completely focused, but I couldn’t get my mind of tutoring Zuko.
His awkward demeanor did nothing to hide his look. I hated to agree with the opinion of the student body, but he was undeniably good looking. I also couldn’t stop thinking about how I had to spend the next however many hours trying to tutor him. I was nervous to see if I would be any good at it. What if we didn’t get alone well?
I was brought back to reality by the final bell. My heartbeat began to accelerate slightly, but I forced myself to calm down. I texted the group chat I had with my friends to remind them of my tutoring session and then made my way into the library. It was completely empty save for Zuko. He was already sitting down at a table and was fidgeting nervously with his sleeve. He had headphones in and I made sure to walk in front of him so I didn’t startle him.
“Hey,” I said, sitting down in the chair next to him.
He plucked the earbuds out of his ears carefully and turned to look at me. He gave me a halfhearted smile before shoving his headphones into his bag.
“Hi,” he mumbled.
“So, I feel like I should preface this by letting you know I’ve never been a tutor before. I’m not really sure how this is supposed to work,” I admitted sheepishly.
“Oh,” he said quietly.
I pulled my textbooks out of my bag and set them down on the table. I thought for a moment before deciding on what to do.
“Why don’t we get to know eachother better?” I suggested.
His good eye widened a bit in shock before his expression changed to one of confusion.
“Aren’t you supposed to be tutoring me?” he questioned me.
“I will. I just think it would help if we actually knew a little bit about eachother. That way we aren’t just total strangers,” I explained, turning my chair to face him.
He shifted nervously before finally facing me. He was definitely incredibly awkward. Luckily for both of us, I found it endearing. Besides, growing up with Toph you kind of have to learn to adapt. She’s not exactly known for being the most social.
“Alright,” he agreed.
“Great. I guess I’ll start. Ask me anything you want to know,” I said, leaning back in my chair.
His brows furrowed in thought. I had to hold back at laugh at his determination. He was taking this very seriously it appeared.
“What uh.....what do you do for fun?” he asked finally.
“I actually love to read. That’s usually what I do after school if I’m not hanging out with my friends. I also love studying environmental science,” I answered honestly.
“Oh. I’m not very good at either of those,” he admitted sheepishly, his cheeks growing pink.
“What are you good at?” I asked.
“I guess I’m good at sports. I used to take martial arts when I was little. Now I mostly just um......” he trailed off before mumbling something under his breath, his embarrassment growing clearer and clearer.
“Sorry, I didn’t hear the last part,” I admitted.
“I uh......I really enjoy theatre,” he admitted quietly, averting his gaze from mine.
“Oh! I didn’t strike you as a theatre person. That’s cool! My sister and I used to sneak out and watch some local plays before we got caught,” I admitted, laughing at the memory.
Toph used to insist on going, even though she couldn’t see. She said it was a good chance for her to practice her version of seeing. At first, I thought it was ridiculous, but she surprised me like usual. As long as her feet were on the ground she could sense where everything was.
Zuko was surprised. He had expected you to make fun of him, but instead you seemed completely unfazed. Theatre, as his father said, was for girls.
“You don’t think that’s weird?” he questioned, testing the waters.
“Why would that be weird?” you asked, your head cocked to the side in confusion.
He seemed to be relaxed slightly by your answer and for the first time, a genuine smile graced his features. It was small, but even that sent a small flutter alight in your stomach. You smiled back and continued to get to know him. After a while, you finally began tutoring him. You spent almost 2 hours there before you two decided to call it a night.
Now, you were laying in bed. Normally you would be out like a light, but tonight you couldn’t get a certain someone out of your head. You guys had clicked almost instantly after Zuko relaxed. You guys had more in common than you would have expected.
You sighed and turned on your side to look at the stars. As you drifted off to sleep, you couldn’t help but be excited to see him again.
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