#alicent is jealous
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Devotion and Desire
Summary: Nymeria finally lands in Kingslanding, but they are in the middle of a political game.
part 1
The trip from Drone was long, too long, Nymeria had gotten her sea legs but was ill the majority of the time. Barely well, Cedra dressed Nymeria up in a golden dress, there was a blood-red jewel in the bodice, and the stitching was red. The colors made her skin smooth and made her look like she was glowing. She wore a headpiece of golden chain wrapped in her hair, bold with a blood-red jewel.
“You look beautiful, my lady,” Cedra said with a smile, looking over the shaking girl. “Don’t be nervous.”
“They won’t accept me.”
“No, they might not.” She said, now fixing the chain in her hair, as she had a slight curl at the end of her hair. “But I feel like they will.”
Cedra gave her lady a warm smile, and her eyes were wise beyond her years, causing Nymeria to relax as she grabbed her hands, clinging to them for dear life. They stood alone in the young Taygaren's room, trying to settle her nerves.
“Sister.” She heard outside her chambers, causing her to inhale deeply before sighing, as Cedra smiled encouraging her.
“May I come in?” He asked still at the door waiting for her to respond, as the girl shook whatever nerves.
Her brother Darvos walked in, and he was in a mustard robe, which clung to his body and made his skin like butter. He smiled, walking into the room, walking with more authority than he ever had before. His sword was nestled by his hand, and his dark hair looked inky under the golden sun coming from outside. Darvos looked over at his sister, smiled at her, and then back at Cedra. “You’ve done it again.” He said to Cedra but grabbed Nymeria's hand, clasping it and pulling her towards him.
“Truly beautiful Nymeria, you look like a princess.”
“I- thank you.” Nymeria smiled over at her brother, and he smiled back. He was different, more confident, more a figure in charge than he had been this whole time on the ship. It was worrisome that he was acting this way.
“It’s the Dornish way.” He said when she questioned him.
There was no greeting because they came as a surprise, but she settled up on starfyre and saw the looks from others. She held her head up high as the whispers became increasingly loud. She knows her sliver hair is enough to get people going, and she kept her head up high while she rode starfyre. She could see the many ladies whispering and talking to one another from the corner of her eye. She wanted to crawl into her skin before she was to ignore them; she saw a man, a big board man looking over at her. She tried to look at him dead on, but she was told to not look at anyone yet. She felt his eyes on her, and her skin burned; she wondered what he thought. She glanced just a second and saw a handsome man; he looked strong with a head full of curls. She gave a gentle smile, and as he smiled back, nodding his head, she quickly looked back ahead. She did not want to let anyone know her face yet
But he saw it
And she allowed him to see it.
She wondered if he would wonder if he found her beautiful or graceful; would he wonder about her? Her thoughts scratched the back of her mind as she did of him. She let her mind wander, thinking of him of his strength; she thought of his curls, softening his face. She felt her stomach filled with butterflies and couldn’t contain the burning feeling within her skin.
Before she knew it, she was greeted by the king and the new young queen herself. The Queen's eyes widen, seeing the sliver hair riding on a Dornish house. King Viserys looked interested and amazed as they rode in with their horses and house banner flag high in the sky. Her mouth was dry, and her voice caught in her throat; her tongue pushed against her tongue as she looked at them. She was trying to keep all cool, but her body now burning from anticipation rather than from a smile and warm hazel eyes looking at her.
“Lady Nymeria Targaryen, lady of Dorn, house of Dayne.” She was announced and her breath was gone, and her eyes saw black spots.
“Targaryen?” Queen Alicent whispered to her husband and king, looking over toward Nymeria with many questions.
“Yes, Queen Alicent,” Darvos said now getting down his horse with ease, as he looked up to her with a dashing smile. “You see, my sister is a Targaryen as her birthright.”
“Impossible.” The hand spoke spitting out the words now glaring at the pair, especially at Nymeria as she looked down at him, with her violet hues.
“She is Targaryen as your king, she is a cousin,” Darvos said over to the young queen.
“Her dear mother was a Targaryen and should be treated as such. My sister, of silver hair and violet eyes, is the blood of the dragon,” he continued, looking over at King Viserys. “And it is her birthright to be here, to celebrate with the Princess.”
“Or to take the heir.” Otto sneered as Nymeria looked over at King Viserys with a soft but charming smile. She unmounted her horse, slowly in a theatrical way, to show she was regal, to show that she belonged. She reached the king and queen and bowed deeply, before rising up to look at the pair of them.
“I do not want to sit on the throne, my king.” She said to him. “I wish to be with family; my mother would have wanted that.”
“I’m sure she would, King Viserys this is impossible, this is a fake come here to take-“
“I am just a mere woman.” Nymeria cut him off, staring at Otto as if her eyes were sharpening a sword. “up here in your lands, women could not be an heir. I know the Princess is, and she is the rightful heir, in my eyes, raised as a Dornish woman and as the King says, but she is a rarity and not what is familiar. Before standing in this court, I would not dare put my head on the pike. I want to be family.” She said, looking over at Viserys. “that is all.”
Viserys looked over at her, almost examining her to see if she is the blood of a dragon. She allowed him to look her over, as she felt her hands were sweaty, she was nervous and she prayed her voice did not rattle while speaking to the hand.
“And who is your mother or father?” Visery asked, looking over at her as she gave a furlong smile.
“Saera Targaryen, my king.” His eyes widen a bit as he looked over at her, and as she rolled her lips between her lips keeping a steady hand.
“Little Saera?” He asked, gobsmacked as she nodded his head, and he let out a belly laugh. “I know Daemon got it from someone, Targaryen’s always wild a dragon and hot blooded too. Come here little one,” he said to her as Nymeria's hands shook even more, and her legs barely kept her up, she walked to the king feeling Alicent eyes on her.
“You look so much like your mother.” He said now pulling her into a hug, and she smiled over at him. “You are more than welcomed in my home.”
Otto was extremely irate but hid it too late for Darvos, he snarled his lip before walking into the king's home and protecting his sister. If he didn’t, who would?
Visery was very friendly to the newcomers, especially Dorne newcomers, while Otto was dismissive, which caused Darvos to make a remark back. Nymeria would share looks with Visery as they were in this sinking ship together.
“They say Dornish people are free with themselves,” Otto said, now looking over at Nymeria as she furrowed her eyebrows.
“If you mean in a sexual way, then yes, they are,” she remarked back with a shoulder shrug. “It’s very different here than it is in Dorne. Women are treated as equals rather than a shadow to their husbands.”
Otto peered an eyebrow over at her as she smiled over at him.
“It’s truly intriguing to see the different customs.”
“You are a Targaryen as you say then you have plenty.” He almost sneered but Darvos looked over at the king with a small winning smile. “Indeed.” The golden skin woman did back to him.
“Where is the Princess?” She asked, ignoring Otto.
“No doubt flying her dragon,” Visery said with a smile as her eyes widen. “You’ve never seen a dragon before?”
“No.” She shook her head with a smile, and eyes wide in wonderment. “I like to see one.”
“Yes, they truly are a marvel to look at,” Visery said. “When Rhenayera comes, you can go to the dragon pit.”
Nymeria excitedly asked as her brother smile over to her even though she could see him being worried.
“Oh, that would be wonderful.”
“Wouldn’t it be Darvos?” Otto smirked into his cup as Nymeria stared at the hand with distempered; she couldn’t believe this man was so cruel, even loud about it in front of the king. Dornes and Dragons usually don’t get along. Nymeria knew that as she could see her brother's unease, but she always wondered about dragons. Her mother always talked about dragons, so it was hard not to follow suit. She wanted to be a dragon rider and bond with her mother, but she never felt the bond as she had no dragon. Even as an outcast in Dorne and now an outcast with the Targaryens, she watched her brother play the game with Otto, alicent doting on the king, and the king talking about history. Nymeria sat there in her thoughts as she listened to him with a soft smile.
That's when she heard the dragon cry out; Nymeria's ear perked up as she turned her head to look out the window, in passing seeing a Sliver of blonde hair flying behind them perched onto a yellow dragon. Nymeria's eyes widen in wonder, and a smile big on her face, causes Visery to watch the girl with a smile of his own. He knew a Targaryen when he saw one, and she was it.
She was waiting for the girl to make herself known, and Nymeria could feel her hands getting sweaty. The dornish girl was excited yet nervous about meeting the Princess, who was her age. She knew it might come across as if she was trying to become the new realm delight, but Nymeria knew she couldn’t become anything close to it. She was half Dornish and half Targaryen. She did not belong to this world or the other and never wished for it. But she wanted to have a friend; she was so lonesome in her world. She was kept away from others; because of the stares and looks. No one figured Nymeria would have anything close to a Targaryen look, and when she was born, her hair was as bright as the summer’s rays. She stood out just like her mother, and she knew she would be outcasted entirely because of her mixed bloodline. Dorne does not like the Targaryen as a whole- they’ve been at war and do not care to see one another, and she is a stark reminder of the war. Maybe…now she will find some companionship, and perhaps she will finally be welcomed. She knew Otto did not accept her, and Alicent, by extension, didn’t either. Darvos didn’t even dare to hide his distaste for the Hightower. It was becoming unsettling and unnerving to be there as Visery acted blind to the whole thing.
“Ah, Princess Rhaenyra-“ Alicent said, getting up, distracting everyone in the room; Nymeria turned in her chair to see the Princess walking windswept and beautiful. She gave the group a relatively small revered smile; she was guarded, cautious, and moving in slow strides. She was striking and dangerous; Nymeria's heart fluttered as she watched the princess with wide eyes. Darvos was up first, and Nymeria followed suit as Otto got up. Darvos glanced over to Nymeria, watching her enthrall with the princess, and he smirked, looking back over to the realm's delight. He quickly got up, meeting the princess, grabbed her hand, and brought it to his lips.
“Princess, your reputation truly does you justice; you are as beautiful as the golden day sun.” He smiled over at her as she now smiled back, but her eyes were determining if he was a lying man or if he was spilling out truths. These things usually are men being disgusting, but Darvos was being honest with a bit of arse kissing.
“A lovely thing to say from a man I barely know.”
“And I am utterly stunned by your beauty.” He said with a smile. “I am Lord Darvos Dayne, we come from Dorne.”
“Dorne? Came to kings landing?” She asked with an amused smile, now looking over Nymeria with piqued interest. “And you are?”
“I am Nymeria from the house of Dayne, I am your aunt,” Nymeria said as she stood up to let the princess look over her.
“So it seems.” She said, now looking over the girl from Dorne. “Do you claim the Targarygen name?”She was asking from the house, she was a protector, and she wanted to see what the Dornish girl would say or act. The golden skin girl looked at the princess with a smile as she knew the game they were playing.
“I am; I am Nymeria Targaryen my mother is Saera Targaryen. I am not a dragon rider, but I can and will speak Vaylerian.”
“Well, not all Targaryens ride a dragon.” She smiled over to Nymeria as the girl smiled back. “And we can always find you one.” She teased as Darvos let out a nervous laugh.
“I would like that.” Nymeria looked at the Princess with wonderment but slight attraction.
Rhaenyra was beautiful, a true Targaryen with long blonde hair, taller than most women, and stunning eyes, and she looked at you as if she was trying to figure you out. The look, the eyes, piqued Nymeria as she stared back with her own look. Nymeria was always known in Dorne as having flirty eyes; one look at you and most people would get flushed. When she was around people, most men did want her and tried for her hand, and for them to be between her legs, but she always dismissed them, pulled them long enough for them to desperately want her and she would always find a way to distract herself out of it. Nymeria hasn’t lost her maiden as much as Otto wants to make it seem. She was very to herself, teaching her history and being groomed by her family to be a Targaryen even her father would bound her time learning many things about Dorne. She was well-versed in politics, and she knew a lot of history on both sides. She also knew the North very well; her father always cried about her not being a man because in the Westro she would go farther as a man than when she was born. So now, with her as the heir of the kingdom, she wondered why her father stressed about men and how they would treat her.
“You’re from Dorne; what’s it like?” Rhaenyra asked, now sitting next to her, ignoring Otto, Alicent, and even Nymeria’s brother; she lifted her cup to her lips but kept her eyes on the golden skin Targaryen.
“Different than here, warmer, more welcoming, and the food is different more spices.”
“Really? She asked with a smile. “I wonder what it is like to eat there? And how much warmer?”
“Very. I’m quite cold here.” She said over to the Princess as her skin was covered in goosebumps, the Rhaenyra looked down at her arms, pursing her lips over at the girl. And a bright idea came to her.
“Want to go to my room? I have some firewood, and we can keep warm. Possibly drink spice wine, and you can tell me everything about Dorne.”
Nymeria didn’t know what Rhaenyra saw in her, maybe a friend, a companion, possibly even a better family female figure in her life, but she was happy about it. She dreamt of the day of she and Nyra were close; she wouldn’t figure they would be friends so quickly but she could see the loneliness in the young Princess's eyes, and Nymeria knew her eyes reflected the same.
“I would love that,” Nymeria said as Rhaenyra got up quickly, grabbing the girl's hands and intertwining their fingers together, causing Nymeria to smile and feel her chest burn up. She looked over the group, and Alicent had looked hurt, and dismayed over their hands as her eyes were locked on it. Visery smiled brightly over to them, as did Darvos almost a little smirk to his lips, before covering it up in a cup. Otto looked like he was murderous but he hid it rather quickly as if it was a fleeting emotion once he noticed both girls looking at him.
“Good night father.” Rhaenyra said with a small smile spinning on her heel pulling the girl with her.
“Oh, good night!” Nymeria said quickly as she was pulled out of the room with all the eyes on them.
She wasn’t sure if she was happy or nervous over the poor manners but she was with the Princess…nothing could go wrong….or she believed.
Part 3
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helaenalyst · 2 months
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he really said you should've stayed divorced
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spiderliliez · 1 month
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Rhaenyra crushing hard on Buffy, and the jealous wife! EMMA D’ARCY & OLIVIA COOKE Interview by Gay Times
[+] EMMA D’ARCY [GIF Collection] ✨ [+] COOKIE [GIF Collection] ✨ [+] ..more on “House of the Dragon” 🐉
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paperglader · 2 months
they really put alicent in bridgerton blue on the reunion and genuinely expected me to think that she didn’t in fact march all the way to dragonstone to get wifed up? bfr
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#I am only a girl living in a society#I make connections#she looks so pretty in blue though I want more#also you’re telling me that rhaenyra saw her walk in all cute looking to not completely crumble at the sight of her?#like my girl got all dolled up for you do something#rhaenyra IS a puppy dog when it comes to those bambi eyes shut up#Alicent was like you think you want her? I’m the love of your life you moron#and rhaenyra is like I KNOW#like she’s been trying to get the other woman to realize that very thing for the last 15+ years#and alicent’s all heartbroken like oh so you’re taking her to wife#and rhaenyra is like nO? WHAT?? all dumb and speechless cause jealous alicent was definitely not on her bingo card this year#whilst also having her own mental breakdown#because how on earth is she meant to explain this to her councel#or jace for that matter#that sure was goint to be a fun future conversation to have with her heir#but also Alicent just strutted into the room and started acting like a scorned wife?#which left rhaenyra feeling like the asshole parent who stopped paying for child support after the divorce#but also she never wanted a divorce in the first place?? and alicent doesn’t seem to get this?#like she’s already figuring out how to most efficiently empty daemon’s chambers for the woman to move in permanently#but alicent’s still yapping off about not having a place in court anymore and fleeing across the sea#and rhaenyra can’t help the bitter taste in her mouth as she states how that ship came in a little too late for them and it is messyyyy#hotd leaks#house of the dragon leaks#hotd spoilers#house of the dragon#house of the dragon spoilers#rhaenicent#alicent hightower#rhaenyra targaryen#bridgerton
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hikaaa-bi · 5 months
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a little too fast huh alice.. you can't hide your feelings with sarcasm and jokes forever
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shortnotsweet · 8 months
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Laena had known Rhaenyra since the two were only girls. They were the closest of friends—closer, even—under the watchful eyes of the castle and the upturned nose of the queen. Queen Alicent had a lovely face befitting for a lady and a brittle, jealous demeanor appropriate for a wicked stepmother. As much as Rhaenyra was drawn to her, she equally sought reprieve. Laena hardly worried, however, as Rhaenyra had the men, steel, and fortitude to rescue herself. It was only a matter of time.
In this AU, Rhaenyra’s older stepmother, Alicent, remains a contrary source of vitriol, intrigue, and affection. Her fixation on her stepdaughter evolves, until her envy is not only of her, but those who love her and are loved in return. Laena is clearly one of those people, and has earned the favor of the nobility in her own right. She wears gowns of silver, blue, and gold, and will become one of the most revered dragon riders of their generation. What else can she inspire but awe and envy? To Rhaenyra, it seems that tenderness is there, and maybe relief. Fondness is the word. It leaves a bad, coppery taste in Alicent’s mouth. Alicent doesn’t have hardly anyone to be fond of in this wretched place. Her children, perhaps, however many she’ll have. Or her husband, her father, or noble, dejected Criston Cole. And—well. No. It’s out of the question. Still. What compares to the camaraderie of shared girlhood? Like knows like, a dragon and dragon sharing the sky.
Laena is Rhaenyra’s first love and closest friend, and the two toe an ambiguous line between platonic and romantic. While they may never wed, their affinity towards one another is an open secret and there is an implicit understanding between families that should Rhaenyra be forced to wed Laena’s brother, arrangements will be made. It is, after all, hardly the first time such agreements have been enacted. Alicent is disgusted, of course; marriage between and man and woman should stay that way. She’s seen the wandering eyes and shared smiles, and something low in her gut twists in revulsion, and for some reason, hurt. Why are they free to do what they want and with whomever they please? No one is free here, not even the blood of the dragon.
Laena and Rhaenyra are both young women, not quite adults yet. In this imaginary timeline, Rhaenyra enjoys a relatively smooth few years before she is forced to take up a sword against traitors and defend her own right to the throne. Despite their complicated history, Alicent’s role in a usurpation attempt on Rhaenyra’s crown has been discovered. Laena reassures her not only of her own conviction and loyalty, but reminds her of the gossip and hurt Alicent has inflicted in the past, rooted in her own resent.
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ceriseo · 13 days
the version of hotd that exists in my head alicent puts helaena and her in matching mommy & me fits 24/7. hair, jewelry, dresses. you'd think this started when helaena was little and alicent is just clinging to her childhood BUT actually it only starts after she and aegon get married. its a manifestation of both alicent's projection of herself and her youth onto her daughter & a manifestation of her guilt for putting her daughter through the same things she went through. in turn helaena dresses jaehaera and jaehaerys the exact same. there's no underlying psychological reason for this though helaena just thinks its cute :)
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b-rainlet · 2 years
The Green family dynamics are so interesting because like, Viserys is the father but due to his decay he seems more like the grandfather, whereas Otto is the Grandsire but seems to fill out the role of a father more, not only to his daughter but also her children, so he and his daughter are a mother/father unit but in some situations Alicent is treated like a sibling to her children (by Otto) and then you have the obvious Helaena/Aegon happening (siblings who are also husband/wife and mother/father to their children), but at the same time it seems like Aemond is the one trying to be the family's protector and attempting to step up as patriarch, with some of the scenes between him and Alicent giving off the vibes of equals rather than Mother and Son (like when they discuss Aemond finding Aegon) and his relationship with Aegon seeming like he's the big brother and not the other way around, in this essay I will-
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rheakira · 4 months
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Some doodles of Alice, the Soul of Patience. Featuring also Léo (Bravery) and Charlie (Perseverance).
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kjwaikiki · 2 months
HOTD fic idea:
The whole Rhaesaria thing definitely took me by surprise but I very much like the idea of them. My fic idea is that Rhaenyra and Mysaria got together much earlier in the series. In fact she was there for each of the boy’s births and loves them as if they were her own children.
I just want Mysaria to be right there with Rhaenyra all throughout her time in King’s Landing. I want Mysaria to give Rhaenyra the support that none of the men in her life could due to absence, grief, or the malicious rumors swirling around.
I want Mysaria comforting Jacaerys when he hears the rumors about him and his siblings being bastards. I want Mysaria planning the downfall of Crispy after the seeing how he trains the boys, HER boys. I want Mysaria to threaten Alicent after she made Rhaenyra walk to her chambers after giving birth (maybe she threatened Daeron and that is why Alicent sent him to Oldtown. Maybe she killed him and that is why we never see him).
I want Mysaria to love Rhaenyra so much and I want that love to be returned. Rhaenyra May love Harwin and Daemon and even Laenor (as a cherished friend), but none of those men have ever been able to support and defend her the way she needs. I want Mysaria to be the one who holds Rhaenyra and tells her what she needs to hear, whether that is that everything will be alright or that she needs to be a dragon and protect the children.
Rhaenyra may still marry Daemon but I want Mysaria to still very much be a part of that relationship even if it is just Rhaenyra refusing to let Mysaria go and her and Daemon very begrudgingly getting along for the sake of the children and Rhaenyra.
I just want Rhaenyra and Mysaria to live their best life with their hoard of kids as they subtly scheme and plot against the Greens. I want all the love, all the devotions, and I want to see the unhinged lengths they will go for each other and their kids.
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tweedfrog · 3 months
Ok I've been thinking abt it some more and maybe the Alicent/Criston/Gwayne scene is meant to represent an inversion of normal relationship dynamics in the same way other relationships Alicent has are inverted?
There's a post going around by Mylestoyne talking about how Alicent/Otto are a father and a daughter who act like a husband and a wife while Alicent/Viserys are a husband and wife who act like father and daughter.
With Gwayne he's been away at the Hightower for years and theyve barely seen one another. Their whole interaction on screen in ep 3 is Alicent mentioning that she's happy that they are together "even briefly" and him insulting someone she's close to and then he kisses her hand and walks away.
Meanwhile Criston and Alicent have spent half their lives together, and they bicker at small council meetings and she bosses him around like an older/younger sibling. Except they're actually fucking. And then he embarasses her by asking her for a favour while she glares at him (annoying brother behaviour methinks)
So you've got Alicent in another inversion of normal relationship dynamics with a Brother who gets a Lover's parting and a Lover who she treats more like a Brother.
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jarofalicesgrunge · 3 months
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More pics of camping day; Layne and Demri with friends, it’s too rare to be not showed ;) Leavenworth, Washington, 1991.
About Demri ❀˖
"She was a beautiful young woman. She was kind and caring. It was always a kick to talk with her, She was awesome. Lost way too soon."
~ Joanna Bell, friend.
📸courtesy by Dean Hottner; Shared by Chay Wilkerson Moore.
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cult-of-the-eye · 7 months
The way when it's just her and Gwen, Alice seems to drop the lighthearted part of her interactions and go straight for pure hatred, she is straight up Not Having A Good Time Right Now
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nonbinarylesbianherb · 3 months
"She has a gentle heart. And Rhaenyra is a cunning spider. Long ago, she drew Alicent into her web. Intoxicated her. It is not your mother's fault."
"She holds love for our enemy. That makes her a fool."
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bone-apple-teeths · 7 months
"alice is evil and has a secret agenda for asking sam to work at the oiar": boring, unoriginal, wrong because she's literally perfect and blameless in all scenarios
"alice still has feelings for her ex and inviting him to share a creepy night job is just a long con to get him back": genius, correct, so real of her and if my girlfriend isn't like this then i don't want her
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magpod-confessions · 2 months
How the hell did we get from “we used to be” to “ you’re trying to control me again” from sam. It feels like the writers had a relatively nice relationship with sam and Alice to just go fuck it and write Alice to be this force that’s angry and jealous at the relationship of Sam and Celia . It’s not a good look at all 🗣️
yeah . yeaaah . i don't get it . - deceit
Dramaaa - rosette
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