#alexander shore
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transbookoftheday · 8 months ago
Hi, do you know of any trans m/f romances? I feel like the majority of them are m/m, which I enjoy, but I want some variety sometimes!
Yes! Here are some of my favorites:
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Book Titles:
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall
For the Love of April French by Penny Aimes
A Shore Thing by Joanna Lowell
A Shot in the Dark by Victoria Lee
Drag Me Up by R.M. Virtues
Chef's Kiss by TJ Alexander
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lgbtqreads · 1 month ago
Fave Five: Historical Romance with Trans Men
The Doctor’s Discretion by EE Ottoman (m/m) A Shore Thing by Joanna Lowell (m/f) A Gentleman’s Gentleman by TJ Alexander (m/m) The Companion by EE Ottoman (t4t4t f/f/m) A Bloomy Head by J. Winifred Butterworth (m/f)
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Ed Wood (1994, Tim Burton)
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loki-nightfire · 2 years ago
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New picture. The wedding one
Full ver. on http://boosty.to/Grizzlyhare
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tenth-sentence · 3 months ago
The hull drove ahead,
urged by the breeze, and beached on the shore.
"Beowulf" - translated by Michael Alexander
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spheresofdesire · 11 months ago
"In nature, as in the souls of men, there slumber endless possibilities and forces, and in suitable conditions ... they develop and will develop furiously. They may fill a world, or they may fall by the roadside ... Nature is perfectly indifferent to what happens ...
[But then you may ask] what is all this for? The life of people becomes a pointless game ...
[To this I reply that] you are like ... those very sensitive people who shed a tear whenever they recollect that 'man is born but to die'. To look at the end and not at the action itself is a cardinal error. Of what use to the flower is its bright magnificent bloom? Or this intoxicating scent, since it will only pass away? ... None at all.
But nature is not so miserly. She does not disdain what is transient, what is only in the present ...
We think that the purpose of the child is to grow up, because it does grow up. But its purpose is to play, to enjoy itself, to be a child."
Alexander Herzen, From the Other Shore
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steveshcrringtons · 11 months ago
“The Monster Mash is a classic. If you say otherwise, you’re a liar.” Halloween Prompt Camilla Alexander
Everything had been prepared in great detail. Camilla loved Halloween more than any other holiday, and up until a few years ago, she had only ever celebrated with family. Most of the time, she took her nephews trick or treating with her brother Hunter, but this year she had Phoebe as well. She had planned a Halloween party for her nephews and Phoebe to come over and carve pumpkins.
"Wow, Cam, this looks great." Hunter said as he walked through the door.
She smiled happily at the compliment before her nephews, Lucas and Brandon, ran through the door to hug her, both of them dressed in costume. Camilla pointed them in the direction of the kitchen where she had baskets of candy set out for each of them.
"Roy and Phoebe should be here soon then we can all start carving pumpkins." Camilla stated as she handed her brother a drink from the fridge.
She put on her Halloween playlist as her nephews were digging into their baskets already. Soon, Roy came through the door, Phoebe quickly slamming into Camilla for a hug. She was dressed as a little witch. Camilla smiled at the girl before hugging her back.
"Are you dressed like Uncle Roy, Camilla?" Phoebe asked curiously.
Camilla smiled as she looked down at her outfit, consisting of Roy's Richmond jersey and a pair of Richmond shorts, that were almost too big for her, and a long pair of blue Richmond socks.
"I am!" Camilla responded before looking at Roy, "A last minute costume choice." She admitted.
Phoebe smiled before she ran over to greet Lucas and Brandon and the three of them instantly descended into chaos.
"Did you make this playlist, Camilla?" Roy asked curiously.
"I did. Why? You got a problem, Kent?"
"Yeah. Why the fuck did you put Monster Mash on it?"
Camilla whipped around and looked at him, "Excuse me? Monster Mash is a classic, and if you say otherwise you are a liar."
"Monster Mash is fucking awful." He retorted.
Camilla faked a gasp as she shook her head at him, "I didn't realize I was dating a liar." She teased.
"I'm gonna have to side with Roy on this one, sis, Monster Mash is kind of terrible. I've heard it non-stop at the school. It's taken everything in me to not go mad every time I hear it." Hunter said.
Roy put his arm around Camilla and kissed the top of her head, "Don't worry, Love, you just have terrible taste. We still love you."
"Oh don't even get me STARTED on your taste in music, Roy Kent."
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venustapolis · 1 year ago
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Hero Waiting for Leander on a Stormy Shore (Alexander Rothaug, 1870 - 1946)
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exkowrites · 7 months ago
That Distant Shore
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This game is in the start of development. It is not currently planned out and is a test for me to learn twine. I can not promise when or if there will be a finished product. This game will be free and remain free if finished. Everything is subject to change.
Choose your first, middle, and last name.
Select from the three pronoun presets, or customize your own.
Customize your hair, eyes, skin, and facial details.
Trans, nonbinry, and intersex options.
Three gender selectable RO's and one nonbinary.
The Demo: (updated 8/6/24)
The story:
You and your siblings are displaced after your parent's death and the loss of your home. You suffer from a strange family ‘curse’ where each member will die one by one. Your flaws will be your undoing... Your dead parents, Adelina and Theodore loved you and your siblings.  So, what happened to all of you?
The characters:
Theodore -last name-
Your deceased father.
Adelina -last name-
Your deceased mother.
Victoria -last name-
Your prima donna sister. She doesn't like you. Can you change her perceptions or will you prove her right?
Alexander -last name-
Your kindhearted brother who took custody over you and your sister after your parents death.
Matteo/Madelyn Abbott (RO, gender selectable) "the bully"
Brash and abrasive. Despite being the principals child they refuse any special treatment and in fact take great joy over annoying their mother. They don't like you, maybe you used to be friends maybe you were strangers. Whatever your history, can you persuade them that you are not who they think you are?
Oliver/Olivia Campbell (RO, gender selectable) "the neighbor"
Typical golden retriever type. They are sweet but loud. You used to be neighbors, you two basically grew up together. O has noticed you drift since the accident. They wish they still lived by you so they could help more, but at least you'll see each other at school! Will you let them in?
Dylan Levine (RO, gender selectable) "the new kid"
A bit mysterious being new to the town. Dylan is your new classmate and is determined to learn about you and all the rumors surrounding you. You don't yet know what to think about them. Will they push you away when they find out about your so called curse, or will they stick around?
Jordan McKinley (RO, nonbinary) "the weird kid"
Jordan is known for being a bit... eccentric. They are kind and love making new friends, but your school has deemed them an outcast, not unlike yourself. Perhaps you two can bond over your loneliness?
My current plans:
Finish writing the prologue
Add/make any changes to the character customization
Publish complete prologue
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atheistcartoons · 6 months ago
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“Of all the animosities which have existed among mankind, those which are caused by a difference of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought to be deprecated. I was in hopes that the enlightened and liberal policy, which has marked the present age, would at least have reconciled Christians of every denomination so far that we should never again see the religious disputes carried to such a pitch as to endanger the peace of society.”
George Washington in a letter to Edward Newenham, October 20, 1792.
“History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes.”
Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Alexander von Humboldt, December 6, 1813.
“The civil government functions with complete success by the total separation of the Church from the State.”
James Madison, 1819.
“And I have no doubt that every new example will succeed, as every past one has done, in shewing that religion & Govt will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together.”
James Madison in a letter to Edward Livingston, July 10, 1822.
“Every new and successful example of a perfect separation between ecclesiastical and civil matters is of importance.”
James Madison, 1822.
“When a religion is good, I conceive it will support itself; and when it does not support itself, and God does not take care to support it so that its professors are obligated to call for help of the civil power, it’s a sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.”
Benjamin Franklin in a letter to Richard Price, October 9, 1780.
“As I understand the Christian religion, it was, and is, a revelation. But how has it happened that millions of fables, tales, legends, have been blended with both Jewish and Christian revelation that have made them the most bloody religion that ever existed?”
John Adams in a letter to F.A. Van der Kamp, Dec. 27, 1816.
“What influence, in fact, have ecclesiastical establishments had on society? In some instances they have been seen to erect a spiritual tyranny on the ruins of the civil authority; on many instances they have been seen upholding the thrones of political tyranny; in no instance have they been the guardians of the liberties of the people. Rulers who wish to subvert the public liberty may have found an established clergy convenient auxiliaries. A just government, instituted to secure and perpetuate it, needs them not.”
James Madison in “A Memorial and Remonstrance”, 1785.
“Congress has no power to make any religious establishments.”
Roger Sherman, Congress, August 19, 1789.
“We have abundant reason to rejoice that in this Land the light of truth and reason has triumphed over the power of bigotry and superstition. In this enlightened Age and in this Land of equal liberty it is our boast, that a man’s religious tenets will not forfeit the protection of the Laws, nor deprive him of the right of attaining and holding the highest Offices that are known in the United States.”
George Washington in a letter to the members of the New Church in Baltimore, January 27, 1793.
“This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it.”
John Adams.
“Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law.”
Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Dr. Thomas Cooper, February 10, 1814.
“Ecclesiastical establishments tend to great ignorance and corruption, all of which facilitate the execution of mischievous projects.”
James Madison.
“The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries.”
James Madison in an 1803 letter.
”I am for freedom of religion and against all maneuvers to bring about a legal ascendancy of one sect over another.”
Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Elbridge Gerry, January 26, 1799.
“Of all the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny in religion is the worst.”
Thomas Paine.
“I wish [Christianity] were more productive of good works … I mean real good works … not holy-day keeping, sermon-hearing … or making long prayers, filled with flatteries and compliments despised by wise men, and much less capable of pleasing the Deity.”
Benjamin Franklin in Works, Vol. VII, p. 75.
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whencyclopedia · 10 days ago
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Roman Egypt
The rich lands of Egypt became the property of Rome after the death of Cleopatra VII in 30 BCE, which spelled the end of the Ptolemaic dynasty that had ruled Egypt since the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BCE. After the murder of Gaius Julius Caesar in 44 BCE, the Roman Republic was left in turmoil. Fearing for her life and throne, the young queen joined forces with the Roman commander Mark Antony, but their resounding defeat at the Battle of Actium in 31 BCE brought the adopted son and heir apparent of Caesar, Gaius Julius Octavius (Octavian), to the Egyptian shores. Desperate, Cleopatra chose suicide rather than face the humiliation of capture. According to one historian, she was simply on the wrong side of a power struggle.
Early Relations with Rome
Rome's presence in Egypt actually predated both Julius Caesar and Octavian. The Romans had been involved periodically in Egyptian politics since the days of Ptolemy VI in the 2nd century BCE. The history of Egypt, dating from the ousting of the Persians under Alexander through the reign of the Ptolemys and the arrival of Julius Caesar, saw a nation suffer through conquest, turmoil, and inner strife. The country had survived for decades under the umbrella of a Greek-speaking ruling family. Although a center of culture and intellect, Alexandria was still a Greek city surrounded by non-Greeks. The Ptolemys, with the exception of Cleopatra VII, never traveled outside the city, let alone learn the native tongue. For generations, they married within the family, brother married sister or uncle married niece.
Ptolemy VI served with his mother, Cleopatra I, until her unexpected death in 176 BCE. Despite having serious troubles with a brother who challenged his right to the throne, he began a chaotic rule of his own. During his reign, Egypt was invaded twice between 169 and 164 BCE by the Seleucid king Antiochus IV; the invading army even approached the outskirts of the capital city of Alexandria; however, with the assistance of Rome, Ptolemy VI regained token control. While the next few pharaohs made little if any impact on Egypt, in 88 BCE the young Ptolemy XI succeeded his exiled father, Ptolemy X. After awarding both Egypt and Cyprus to Rome, Ptolemy XI was placed on the throne by the Roman general Cornelius Sulla and ruled with his step-mother Cleopatra Berenice until he murdered her. Ptolemy XI's ill-advised relationship with Rome caused him to be despised by many Alexandrians, and he was therefore expelled in 58 BCE. However, he eventually regained the throne but was only able to remain there through kickbacks and his ties to Rome.
When the Roman commander Pompey was soundly defeated by Caesar in 48 BCE at the Battle of Pharsalus, he sought refuge in Egypt; however, to win the favor of Caesar, Ptolemy VIII killed and beheaded Pompey. When Caesar arrived, the young pharaoh presented him with Pompey's severed head. Caesar reportedly wept, not because he mourned Pompey's death but supposedly had missed the chance of killing the fallen commander himself. Also, according to some sources, in his eyes, it was a disgraceful way to die. Caesar remained in Egypt to procure the throne for Cleopatra as Ptolemy's actions had forced him to side with the queen against her brother. With the defeat of the young Ptolemy, the Ptolemaic kingdom became a Roman client state, but immune to any political interference from the Roman Senate. Visiting Romans were treated well, even 'pampered and entertained' with sightseeing tours down the Nile. Unfortunately, there was no saving one Roman who accidentally killed a cat - sacred by tradition to the Egyptians - he was executed by a mob of Alexandrians.
History and Shakespeare have recounted ad nauseam the sordid love affair between Caesar and Cleopatra; however, his unexpected assassination forced her to seek help in safeguarding her throne. She chose incorrectly; Antony was not the one. His arrogance had brought the ire of Rome. Antony believed Alexandria to be another Rome, even choosing to be buried there next to Cleopatra. Octavian rallied the citizens and Senate against Antony, and when he landed in Egypt, the young commander became the master of the entire Roman army. His victory over Antony and Cleopatra awarded Rome with the richest kingdom along the Mediterranean Sea. His future was guaranteed. The country's overflowing granaries were now the property of Rome; it became the 'breadbasket' of the empire, the 'jewel of the empire's crown.' However, according to one historian, Octavian believed that Egypt was now his own private kingdom, he was the heir of the Ptolemaic dynasty, a pharaoh. Senators were even prohibited from visiting Egypt without permission.
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lgbtqreads · 3 months ago
Fave Five: Adult Trans M/M Romance
Rules for Ghosting by Shelly Jay Shore (Paranormal) The Key by Jo Morgan Sloan (Contemporary) Second Chances in New Port Stephen by TJ Alexander (Contemporary) What it Looks Like by Matthew J. Metzger (Contemporary) Coffee Boy (Contemporary) and Peter Darling (Fantasy) by Austin Chant Bonus: Coming in 2025, check out A Hex for Hunger by Alistair Reeves (Fantasy) and A Gentleman’s…
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courseyoulovemeyoudontknowme · 11 months ago
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Ed Wood (1994, Tim Burton)
Ed Wood is a 1994 film by Tim Burton, inspired by the life and cinematographic works of Ed Wood, defined as "the worst director of all time". The role of the director is played by Johnny Depp.
Presented in competition at the 48th Cannes Film Festival, the film, freely inspired by Rudolph Grey's biography Nightmare of Ecstasy, received two Oscars and numerous other awards. This is also Tim Burton's first feature film without music composed by Danny Elfman, due to creative differences between the two. The director chose composer Howard Shore.
In 1952, the young and penniless artist Edward D. Wood Jr. runs a dilapidated theater company, and is looking for funds for his debut in the world of cinema. When he learns from Variety Magazine that the producer George Weiss is looking for a director to shoot a biographical film on the events of Christine Jorgensen, he enthusiastically goes to Weiss asking him to direct the film, certain that the fact that he also loves wearing women's clothes can represent a point in his favor.
Wood accidentally meets one of his idols, the elderly actor Bela Lugosi and accompanies him to his home, starting to form a sincere friendship with him. By promising him that Lugosi will be part of the cast for little money, she manages to convince him to direct the film about Jorgensen, which now has a new title: Glen or Glenda.
His girlfriend Dolores Fuller advises him to produce his new film alone.
The shooting of the film thus ends and the film is renamed Bride of the Monster. To make matters worse, it turns out that Bela Lugosi was a drug addict.
Wood manages to convince the religious congregation to which his landlord belongs to entrust him with the money allocated to produce a film on the Apostles of Jesus to make a science fiction film, letting him understand that with the box office receipts the capital would multiply allowing him to make many films with a religious background. The new film is called Plan 9 from Outer Space and Wood reuses some impromptu scenes shot by Lugosi before his death by having Kathy's chiropractor, Dr. Tom Mason, impersonate him for the remaining scenes.
The making of the film was disastrous to say the least due to the tantrums of the first actress, Vampira, the interference of the Baptist producers, the chronic lack of funds and not least the casual charlatanism of Wood, who didn't care in the slightest about how uncredible were the acting, the scenes and special effects. One day, in the throes of a nervous breakdown, Wood goes drinking in a bar, where he meets his idol Orson Welles, who is also worried about the troubled production of a film. The film ends with Ed Wood attending the premiere of Plan 9 from Outer Space, where he is greeted by enthusiastic applause from the audience, and then leaves the theater with Kathy and goes to Las Vegas and gets married.
Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski conceived the idea of writing a screenplay about Ed Wood's life while studying at the USC School of Cinematic Arts.
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heyjudeb · 8 months ago
Lake Secrets - Jude Bellingham
Chapter 2: You Can Trust Me
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Summary: Grace Alexander Arnold, an architecture student, looks forward to a quiet summer at her brother Trent's lake villa. Her plans change when Trent's best friend, Jude Bellingham, arrives with his family. As Grace and Jude spend more time together, a secret romance begins to grow. Amidst the peaceful lake and family gatherings, will their hidden feelings last, or will they fade away with the summer? Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: fluff, emotional moment, anxiety
Note: The story will develop more in this chapter, they will share intimate moments
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“Come on, Jude, that was way too far!” Trent complained as he swam toward the ball, which had splashed down several yards away. The sun was high in the sky, casting a golden glow over the lake.
“Sorry, my bad!” I called back, laughing. Jobe splashed water at me playfully, shaking his head.
“You always go overboard, bro,” Jobe said with a grin. “Literally.”
Everyone else was sitting near the shore, either deep in conversation or doing their own thing. Diane and my mom were chatting under a large umbrella, while Trent’s dad was stretched out on a lounge chair, soaking up the sun.
Grace was sitting on a towel, a book in her hands. Every so often, she would look up, watching us play. Her gaze lingered, and it was clear she was admiring the sight of us having fun in the water. She looked like she wanted to join in but was holding back.
She was wearing a white short dress with straps that stood on her forearms, revealing her bare shoulders. She always made sure to pull the strap up on her left shoulder as if to cover something. We would sometimes make eye contact and smile. Anytime I said something funny, I felt the need to look for her approval, which I got every time.
"Hey, Grace. Why don't you join us?" Jobe, my brother, called out. Her smile slowly turned into a worried expression, and she sat up from laying on her stomach.
"I'm good, Jobe. I don't feel like swimming today!"
"She's not into this, mate," Trent quickly spoke for her. I couldn't help but wonder if there might be something more to this, but I decided to let it go.
I also wanted to take a break. We'd been in the water for almost an hour, and I was hungry. Diane and Grace had prepared some delicious snacks that morning in the kitchen: cookies, mini sandwiches, and a variety of other treats. I had watched Grace make them while I ate a late breakfast of cereal at the dining table next to the kitchen. She looked effortlessly pretty while cooking, even in casual clothes and with her hair in a simple braid. Her face was slightly puffy from sleep, her skin clear and fresh. I couldn't help but think how lovely it would be to wake up and see her first thing in the morning. She seemed like the kind of girl who would understand you, truly get your inner self, and make life easier by being the best partner. She didn’t come across as complicated to deal with, yet she still held an air of mystery.
"Alright, how about we take a break to eat?" Trent said, as if reading my thoughts.
We all nodded and got out of the water. Diane handed each of us a towel and put the food basket in front of us where we sat. I munched on the mini sandwiches Grace had prepared, trying to catch a glimpse of her without making it obvious.
"Sweetie, do you want something too?" my mom asked Grace, making her look up from her book. She nodded and placed the book aside, moving to sit between me and Trent.
She grabbed a sandwich and started eating. Jobe was making everyone laugh, and her attempts to laugh without spitting out her food were very cute. Eventually, everyone gathered around to eat until there was no food left.
As dusk approached, our parents decided to call it a day, leaving only me, Jobe, Trent, and Grace by the lake. They gathered everything and took the short walk back to the villa, leaving us with some towels and our clothes. "How about we take another swim before leaving?" Jobe asked, winking at me. I couldn’t quite understand what he was hinting at.
"Sure, bro. Let's do it!" Trent agreed, and we all stood up, except for Grace. She remained seated, avoiding our looks. "Wanna make a run for it?" Trent looked at me, and I laughed and nodded in response. Jobe held back as we made a run for it, but then I heard a scream from behind me, causing Trent and me to halt and spin around. Grace was screaming, and Jobe was carrying her towards the water, trying to make a joke of it.
"Please, Jobe! Put me down! I don't want to go into the water!" Grace continued to scream, kicking as Jobe neared the water's edge. There was a raw edge of panic in her voice, verging on tears.
"No, Jobe, stop!" Trent yelled, sprinting towards them, clearly alarmed.
Jobe sensed the seriousness of the situation and stopped, slowly setting Grace down on her feet. She clutched her chest, blinking rapidly, trying to compose herself and hold back tears.
"I'm sorry, Grace. I didn't mean to scare you," Jobe said, regret plain in his voice.
I approached cautiously, standing behind Trent, who was comforting her with soothing touches on her shoulders. Grace looked distant, trying to regain her composure.
"Hey, Grace. Are you okay?" I asked softly, my concern evident. I wanted nothing more than to hold her close and calm her racing heart.
"Yeah, I'm fine!" Grace quickly replied, her gaze darting between all of us, overwhelmed by the rush of questions. "It's okay! I just panicked because... It was sudden."
Trent wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple. "Hey, how about we call it a day, too?" We all nodded and gathered our towels. I kept my concerned gaze on Grace, which she seemed to notice. She flashed a faint smile at me and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, letting me know she was alright. I gave her one more questioning look.
"I'm okay!"
"Alright, good," I whispered back to her, feeling a bit awkward, like I was crossing a line between caring and flirting, especially with Trent nearby. We continued walking towards the villa, and Jobe kept apologizing to Grace repeatedly until she finally convinced him she was okay. She seemed chilly in her short dress as she tried to wrap a dirty towel around her shoulders.
"Here," I pulled her aside from the group and draped my zipper hoodie over her shoulders. She hesitated at first but then placed her hands on top of mine, gently squeezing them.
"Thank you, Jude," she said softly, walking beside me while the boys walked ahead. She held the book close to her chest, and my oversized hoodie looked like a dress on her.
"Still hooked on Bukowski, I see?" I asked, smiling at her.
"Yeah, another day, reading the same thing," she replied with a smile, glancing down. I noticed she found it difficult to maintain eye contact with me, even though her green eyes had been the subject of my daydreams since we arrived. I fought the urge to let her know that.
"You have beautiful eyes, you know?" I lost the battle. She seemed taken aback by my comment, continuing to look down but smiling nonetheless. "Thank you!"
"Are you always this shy?"
"Depends on who I'm talking to," she replied, finally meeting my gaze after a moment's pause. "Some people are intimidating." "Am I one of them?" I asked, feeling like I might have put her on the spot, but our conversation was going so well I wanted to keep it going. "Maybe!" she replied with a playful smirk, giving me a thoughtful look that made me laugh.
As soon as we reached the house, we took showers and changed into fresh clothes, all gathering on the backyard patio one by one. Grace was the last one to come down. We were all having a glass of wine by the firepit, laughing and talking. I couldn't really make out her figure until she approached fully because of the dark.
Her braids were out, and her hair lay on her shoulders, still wearing my hoodie. She looked comfortable in it, and it suited her better than me. Miraculously, the only empty spot was a bean bag next to me. She approached slowly and smiled at me as the fire illuminated my face.
"Hey," she spoke softly.
"Hey, you feeling better?" I asked, wanting to make sure she was comfortable after the incident at the lake.
She gave me an assuring smile. Our voices drowned in the noise of the others talking, the fire crackling, and lots of laughter. It felt like it was just the two of us. The darkness provided a sort of shield for me to freely look at her.
"Are you enjoying your stay so far?" she asked, keeping our conversation going.
"So far, so good. I really like this place!" I responded. "The house is very nice, and the view is breathtaking."
"It is," she said, either looking at my face or down at her hands while talking. "It will be a nice vacation break for you guys!"
"You said you've been coming here with your family every summer," I recalled her words from the first day. "Do you still find the place exciting?"
She sighed and leaned further into the bean bag. "Uh, yeah! But, the older I get, the more I want to experience other places as well. My dad isn't really a big fan of me traveling alone or staying someplace else... to study alone."
It felt like she was confessing an issue of hers. I wanted her to trust me, to feel comfortable talking to me about anything. I'm sure she doesn't do that very often. "I want to do my major abroad. But my dad wants me 'close' to him." she used air quotes and seemed hurt and defeated remembering her father's words. "Why is that?" "Just a stupid conclusion my dad has." She didn't want to continue the conversation, so I didn't push her any further.
While having a good time with everyone, the fire slowly started to die down. I took a look and saw Grace already asleep on her bean bag. She brought her legs up to her chest, and put her hands all the way inside my hoodie, holding them near her face.
"Guys, I'm calling it a night. I'm really tired," my dad said, and my mother agreed, getting up to leave with him.
"Yeah, it’s been a long day," Trent said, stretching. "I think I’ll turn in too." He followed my parents inside.
Jobe yawned and nodded. "Me too. This vacation life is wearing me out." Trent's mom noticed Grace fast asleep on the bean bag. She approached her slowly, lightly tapping her on the shoulder. "Sweetheart, we're heading to bed. How about you continue your sleep in your room?"
Grace hummed in response, not really registering what her mother was saying. Diane looked at me, and we both smiled at Grace's sleepy state. Diane tried waking her up again, but Grace only opened and closed her eyes a few times, not fully awake.
"Do you want me to take her up to her room, Mrs. Arnold?" I offered, not wanting to disturb her. Diane looked at me gratefully and nodded.
I stood up from my bean bag and carefully scooped Grace into my arms. She naturally nestled her head into the crook of my neck, her hands tucked inside the hoodie's sleeves, close to her chest. She felt like the missing piece of my puzzle, fitting perfectly in my arms.
Once we got inside, I said goodbye to Diane. Her room was on the first floor. She wished me goodnight and entered quietly, trying not to wake her sleeping husband who had called it a night way before us.
I took slow and careful steps on the stairs, fully aware of their creaking. After each step, I glanced at Grace, ensuring she wasn't disturbed. When I reached her bedroom door, I struggled to open it slightly.
Thankfully, her bedside lamp was on for some reason, casting a soft glow and helping me navigate the unfamiliar room. I placed her delicately on the bed. She snuggled her face into the pillow as soon as it touched the soft surface, her eyes slowly fluttering open.
"Thank you..." she managed to say in a raspy, low voice.
"Of course. Have a good night's sleep, Grace," I responded. My inner self urged me to kiss her forehead goodnight. Instead, I gently pulled the bed cover up to her shoulders. That's when I noticed a scar on her left shoulder, where my fallen hoodie exposed her skin. It was on the side she had tried to hide earlier at the lake. I brushed my fingers on it slightly, causing her to shiver. I stood up from the bed and turned off the light next to her, slowly making my way out of the room and into my own. I took off my shirt and shorts and crashed into bed only wearing my boxers. I was a bit tired myself too, but I really wanted to know the history behind that scar. .....
It had been more than a week since we arrived. Our families' bond had grown significantly over these days. Aside from our morning exercises and evening talks, I rarely spent time with Trent alone.
Our mothers were really enjoying the villa, constantly cooking something new and sipping wine on the porch. Our dads engaged in debates over various topics, beers in hand, as they relaxed by the lakeside. And then, there were always the four of us doing things together.
And green is still my favorite color.
My obsession with Grace has grown. The more time we spend together, the more she begins to trust me. Now, she maintains eye contact while we talk. She opens up about her passion for architecture, detailing her studies, her close bond with Trent, and sharing her likes and dislikes. I find myself struggling with the question of whether Grace feels a deeper connection toward me or if she is simply being friendly. It seems more than mere coincidence that we always end up seated next to each other, and that chores are consistently assigned to us as a pair.
She still has my hoodie. The other night, as we both got up for some water, I caught sight of her in the kitchen, wearing my hoodie and shorts. There was a moment of surprise in her eyes when she noticed me. She quickly tried to explain, mentioning how comfortable it was and apologizing, saying she would return it.
Instead of insisting, I simply said, "No, keep it. It looks way better on you."
Her cheeks flushed slightly, a soft smile playing on her lips. It was a spontaneous comment, but one that felt right in the moment. Seeing her wear my hoodie, looking effortlessly comfortable and somehow even more attractive, stirred a warmth in me that I couldn't deny. Let's go for a swim today, lads," Trent interrupted my racing thoughts.
Jobe eagerly agreed, but Grace lowered her gaze and muttered something under her breath. It wasn't the first time she had declined to swim. Despite hanging out with us by the lake, she never ventured into the water.
Sitting together on the patio bean bags, Trent and Jobe moved to prepare for swimming while I stayed behind, drawing closer to Grace, hoping for a moment of privacy.
"Hey, is there a reason you never join us in the lake?" I asked softly.
Her discomfort was palpable, evident in the way she shifted in her seat." It's just not my thing-" she spoke quickly.
"Can you come with us this one time? Please!" I pleaded, hoping to convince her. But as soon as I noticed her beautiful green eyes getting foggy, I knew I shouldn't push her further.
"I'll just stay in my room this time," she said quickly, standing up and leaving before I could say anything else. Her sudden outburst left a lingering sense of concern in the air. .....
We we're back at the dining table in the evening, enjoying another meal after a tiring day at the lake with only us boys. Grace hasn't spoken to me since our last encounter earlier. She quickly munched on something and excused herself sitting at the far end of the backyard near the lake view in the complete dark, with the excuse of wanting to read in peace. Me and the others had a normal routine, had a glass of wine and then went to bed. In my room, I could still see her silhouette by the lake. I decided to go up to her. Everyone was asleep, the only source of light being the moon once again. I tried to make some sound while I approached her from afar, not wanting to scare her. She turned around to look at me, giving me a tired smile and then focused her eyes back at the lake. I sat next to her. Our shoulders brushing. "You know you can trust me, right?" I asked her directly.
"I know," she replied softly, her gaze still fixed on the lake.
"Why are you afraid to swim, Grace?"
She remained silent for a moment, as if weighing whether to open up to me. I reassured her with a gentle touch on her knee.
Her breathing became more audible, and a single tear rolled down her cheek.
"It's just..." Her voice cracked, and she fell silent again.
"It's okay. Take your time. I'm right here for you." I held her hand firmly, feeling it tremble slightly in mine. "You know that scar you saw on my shoulder the other night?" she asked. I nodded at her, but still surprised she could remember that in her sleeping state. "It happened when i was younger while swimming. Do you see that empty looking house right there?" I nodded. " That's where Lily used to live." "Used to?" I became curious of where she's going with this and why was it affecting her so much. "She died. She was my childhood bestfriend." She let out a small sob, i quickly wrapped my arm around her shoulder, providing her some comfort.
"There's an old pier on the other side of the lake, hidden away now. Lily and I used to go there to play. One day, we were climbing around it, and Lily slipped. She grabbed my leg instinctively, pulling me into the water with her. She hit her head on the metal as we fell."
She paused, her eyes distant as she relived the memory.
"Lily suffered a head injury and died instantly." Grace continued, her voice catching. "I had a hurt leg and some scratches, making it hard for me to stay above the water. But I managed to pull her now-red and bloody body from the water and call for help."
Grace looked at me with sad eyes, almost as if seeking closure. I kissed her forehead gently and rubbed her forearm in reassurance, but she still seemed scared and shaky after all these years.
"So you never swam anymore?" I asked softly. She shook her head, her expression pained. "I'm afraid something bad will happen," she murmured.
"I understand," I said, kissing her temple again. I held her like that for a long time, whispering sweet nothings to her. "But what if we try something different?"
I gently took her hand and helped her stand up. Slowly, I guided her towards the water, feeling her resistance as she shook her head vigorously.
"Hey, hey, hey," I murmured soothingly, holding both her hands. "I'm not going to push you or anything, sweetheart. Just relax."
She nodded hesitantly, her gaze locked with mine, her eyes reflecting fear and uncertainty.
"We will stop whenever you want to. Let's just try to put our foot inside the water," I suggested gently.
"No, no. Jude, no please!" Grace's voice was alarmed, filled with fear.
I cupped her face in my hands and gently placed her forehead against mine, holding her close. "You can trust me, Grace." .......... Coming up next:
Chapter 3: Favorite Poem
Warnings: fluff, physical contact, crying, angst
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demonmarker · 1 year ago
Beautiful with you Ch.3
So I'm going to have to post this in two parts cause apparently there's a character limit for each post so I'll link the second part under the fic. Thank you everyone for the likes and reblogs I love how much you guys are liking this story. Hope you enjoy
Trigger warnings: Mention of death, scars and lots of smut
Ch.1 Ch.2
You let out an exhausted sigh as you open the door for Nina, Regina and tail-wagging Alexander. Nina walks in, holding gently onto Alexander’s collar; she wasn’t too much taller than him so when she was down or exhausted he would aid her in just getting to her destination. You hold out your arm gesturing for Regina to go first, “Such a gentleman,” smiling that smile that only Regina George can. “With what you date, it’s not hard”….And the smile was gone from her face and now on yours as she glared at you. Your home was just that, a home, it wasn’t fancy or that big but you put pride in making it a safe, loving environment for Nina to grow up in. While most of the students at North Shore had their TikTok feeds show them the latest music and popular trends, yours was full of storage DIY tips and tricks, mum hacks for keeping the little ones happy, and the occasional sketchbook tour from artists with styles you like. “Well this is… cosy” Regina commented standing in the middle of the lounge room which opened up into the kitchen. You hook Nina’s bag up on the back of the front door, looking Regina’s way “Expecting a mansion like your own?” you walk past her to Nina. You could practically feel the mocking face she was making behind your back as you were bending down to Nina, and Nina’s precious giggles while looking behind you confirmed it, you rolled your eyes but kept a closed smile on your face so Nina knew you guys were joking… kind of. “How about you go put on your comfy clothes Princess and I’ll make you a snack?” As an answer Nina takes off running, one arm up in the air like a flying superhero while just announcing “FOOD!” in what you could only call her food goblin voice. “And let Alexander outside for a potty break please,” from down the hall you hear “Urgh fine,” in a tone like you were asking the world of her. You stand back up to your full height and give Regina a dirty look, “She’s known you for barely more than an hour and I’m already getting attitude.” Regina scrunched up her nose with a proud smile, “We have a bond.” Trying to rub it in your face. All you could do was shake your head and start making snacks.
Three episodes of Bluey and a PB&J later and little Nina was sound asleep on Regina’s lap. Regina motioned to the TV with an open palm, while you gathered the small unconscious body into your arms, “This show is just downright amazing! Bingo is so cute she reminds me so much of me” spoken proudly by the blond. You scoff, “Oh please, you are Muffin through-and-through. Spoilt and cranky.” You acted like you didn’t take notice of Regina’s dropped jaw, but inside you were pissing yourself laughing. You tuck a still comatose Nina into her bed and ever so gently brush the hair from her closed eyes, leaning down to lightly kiss her forehead, Alexander splayed out down at the end of the little one’s bed like he does every day and night. You pat his head which he nuzzles into “Come get me when she wakes up, okay Bud?” Turning to leave you see Regina leaning against the doorframe witnessing the whole thing, she didn’t say anything as she moved out of the way as you slowly close Nina’s door, leaving it slightly ajar. You both walk back out into the kitchen in silence, you do as to not wake Nina, Regina however because of the question she wanted to ask. You start tidying up the small mess left from the snack eating when Regina spoke up, “Hey, can I ask you something?”
You knew what it was going to be. Letting out a large sigh you signal Regina to follow you. In for a penny, in for pound they say, and Regina was in for a heavy load. You lead her into your room and close the door behind you, there wasn’t a large chance of Nina waking but you can’t take any risks with this, she’s been through enough. You motion for Regina to take a seat on your Queen-sized bed, which she does and you sit next to her, taking and releasing one last large breath you let Regina in on everything. “We don’t have parents. Well at least not anymore.” You reach under the bed and pull out a large cardboard box and hand it to Regina who slowly opens it. She pulls out a yellowed newspaper dated back over three years ago, the main story, ‘Drunk driver crashes into family of 4 - kills 2 critically injured 1’, Regina’s hand covers her mouth in devastation while looking over the large picture of what was your family’s car turned into a scrap heap, crumpled into half its normal size. “I can’t remember the accident, I can’t remember the year leading up to it either.” Regina turns over the page and whimpers and her eyes land on a picture of a younger you with a purposefully blurred-out large piece of shrapnel sticking out of your right rib, little Nina can be seen screaming with a bloodied up head. Regina’s eyes scrunched as she saw the position you were pinned in, her head turning this way and that, trying to make sense of it, her face going pale, expression dropping as it clicked. “You shielded Nina.” She whispered looking at you, but you couldn’t do the same as the tears started falling silently from your eyes, you stare up at the ceiling trying to blink them away.
“I-.” your voice gets caught in your throat “I get flashes of the lights coming towards my side of the car, I still can hear my Mum’s scream before the impact but that’s it. That’s all I can remember.” You let out a sob you were trying so hard to hold back “I can’t remember being told I had a little sister for the first time, it’s just gone.” Regina sets aside the newspaper and gets down on her knees in front of you “May I?” her eyes go to the affected rib. With a sniffle, you nod silently, not able to meet her eyes. She reaches for the hem of your black long sleeve and slowly pushes it up, you help her by just taking the whole shirt off in the end. Her eyes went wide with shock as she sees the scarred flesh take up half of your toned stomach and stretch all the way round to the other side of your back. Without thinking Regina leans in, kissing all around the old wound, a soft moan leaving your lips as your hand instinctively tangles into her long blond hair, whispering her name. When she hears her name on your lips she lifted her head from your midsection to push hers against yours, her lips so soft against your own you subconsciously hoped that you’d be able to spend the rest of your life kissing these lips. The kissing was heating up and you found yourself reaching to lift Regina on top of your lap straddling you. You both continue to kiss once more, Regina starting to slowly grind herself on your thighs, reaching up to release your long dark hair from the hairband that held it up, twirling your long strands around her fingers, tugging your head back to expose your neck for her to feast on with her lips, licking from your collar bone all the way up to your jaw line, releasing a moan from your throat Regina pulls back “You know the colour system right?”, It took you a little bit to register what she was talking about since you were out of it from the arousal she stirred up inside you, but you eventually nodded “Of course,” “Good” Without warning you were pushed back onto the bed, Regina moving off you to start unbuttoning your jeans “Colour?”
@dark-hunter16 @natashamaximoff-69
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just-a-mer · 1 month ago
Rp starter!
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 193
Tw / Cw: None!
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"This is a leaf sheep," Odysseus explains, holding his hand out to reveal a rather small sea slug on the tip of his finger, mostly bright green. Yet, looking closer, one would be able to see the purple tips and little grey bunny-like ears on their head. "They're one of my favorites to observe. Unique little creatures with the ability to photosythesize like the plants on the surface. The sea bunny is also quite adorable - but the lack of color was never as intriguing compared to this species. At least for me."
It is clear the siren is rather excited to share this information if the sway of his tail was any indication. Or the bright shine in his eyes, those of which he revealed flickers of red and blue merging and creating a purple hue. Carefully, he lowers the creature back into the water at a safe distance until it is nearly invisible to the eye as he makes his way back to the shore to rummage through his bag. "Some of the marine life that I consume even leave behind some rather amazing sights. Plenty of pattered shells and little things."
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@thrpr0phetuseek @carousel-anon-aka-alexander @jump-into-my-op3n-arms / anyone else! (If you don't wish to be tagged, let me know please!!)
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