#alastairs kitchen
vwritesaus · 2 years
talking with @astriefer about Thomas and Alastair being excellent cooks/having a love of cooking. i mean, Thomas has Sophie Lightwood nee Collins who is in her own right a FANTASTIC COOK, and how can Alastair not be? Risa is right there.
however... Alastair being a great cook but a terrible baker? that's actually so funny to me.
it's perfect because cooking is based on intuition as well as technique and flavour profiling, and if you do it enough, you just cook without thinking or measuring anything (teaspoons who? just a handful, or a dash, or this looks enough).
but baking. baking you need to measure everything down to the last gram/ounce or there'll be hell to pay (not that i personally measure out vanilla extract or teaspoons of seasoning i.e. cinnamon like cmon :'D)
Alastair not measuring anything, just chucking it all in a bowl like yeah that looks fine, only to then get a cake that's so dense or biscuits that he added too much honey to and now they're swimming in a pool of melted sugar on the tray. just him staring at it like what'd i do wrong??
can picture the conversation between him and Thomas like
Thomas: did you follow the recipe? Alastair: of course Thomas: did you measure everything as it says in the recipe? Alastair: Alastair: yes Thomas: you liar! i saw you dump nearly half a bag of flour! the recipe calls for 1 and 1/2 cups! Thomas: and don't even get me started on the insane amount of honey you put in your dough. 3 tablespoons, Alastair. that's all you needed, not half the jar Alastair: who has time for measuring?? see, this is why cooking is better. who has time for baking, seriously...?
says the man who, also, makes exceptional nan-e barbari/Persian-style flatbread.
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zepskies · 10 months
Smoke Eater - Part 15
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Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x F. Reader 
Summary: Dean Winchester is the cocky, but well-respected Lieutenant at Firehouse 25. He leads by example, but he’s also known to break a few hearts. He’s starting to crave something he’s never had, though. Something stable. Something real. 
That’s when he meets you, on a truly terrible day, trapped in a rickety old elevator.   
AN: Thank you as always for the lovely responses on the previous chapter! It was a long one, so thank you for sticking through with me. We're about to lighten up a little with some Christmas spirit! ❄️🎁
**Also, if you're a fan of The Boys (and Soldier Boy), there's an awesome book you can check out, called Supes Ain’t Always Heroes: Inside the Complex Characters and Twisted Psychology of The Boys.
If you want to learn more about the book (including cast interviews and a character study on Soldier Boy), I wrote a review about it here!
Otherwise, on to some more firefighter!Dean!
🔥 Series Masterlist
Word Count: 5,800 Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! Smut, fluff, tinge of angst, hurt/comfort, lots of feels.
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Part 15: “The Good Part”
“How many damn arrests does that make?” Daniel asked. He gripped his pool cue with both hands while he leaned on it.
His son stood at the other end of the pool table, lining up his shot. He paused to think.
“Six,” Nick replied. His cue released, and it knocked two of his balls into the pocket.
“Six,” Daniel repeated, while Nick came his way to find an angle for his next turn.
Daniel shook his head. His lips were angrily pursed. His eyes might’ve been on the pool game, but he was playing chess in his mind. He had underestimated John Winchester for far too long, it seemed.
The man was stubborn as all hell. And he’d been busy lately, getting “Azazel’s” men busted for all manners of bullshit.
“Alastair’s mole says Winchester’s been calling in favors from his old friends in Narcotics, trying to bust our small fries,” Nick reported. “Getting them on everything from petty theft to drug possession, with intent to sell. But it’s nothing we can’t pull ‘em out of.”
“Time, money, added risk,” Daniel cited on his fingers all the reasons why John Winchester was a pain in his ass. “It’s only a matter of time before they get a warrant to rip apart Savage & Co., sweep the whole damn building. For forensic evidence, our files, all the jazz.”
Daniel’s fingers drummed thoughtfully against his chin. “A damn cop thinks he’s being cute.”
Nick missed his second turn. His hand fell against his thigh in annoyance, but he looked up.
“Dad, it’s your move.”
Daniel rubbed at his chin. His eyes were no longer seeing the board in front of him. Eventually, they slid up and met his son’s gaze.
“We’re going to start from the beginning,” he said.
Nick’s face gave away his confusion. “What? What do you mean?”
Daniel just smiled.
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It was Christmas Day, and John was late. Sam and Dean were used to that drill, so they weren’t expecting him until dinnertime.
Meanwhile, it gave you a chance to find your footing as you got to know Eileen. She had helped you bake the pies that were now cooling on the counter (pumpkin and berry crumble), and a few of the side dishes for dinner. Sam had covered cleaning up the rest of the house, while Dean tackled his favorites: the ham and the mac and cheese.
Now the guys were in the living room watching football while you and Eileen were still in the kitchen, decorating some gingerbread cookies you two had made. She enjoyed it; doing holiday crafts with her students had been bringing out her artistic side, she told you. You were happy for the help and the conversation.
You later tried to cover up your snort of laughter as she finished telling you the story of how Dean once dared Sam to wear women’s underwear for a whole week.
If he managed it, Dean had promised to do all the household chores for three months. If Sam couldn’t make it the whole week, then he would face the consequences: Dean would tell their dad about the bet.
“How old were they?” you asked.
Eileen scoffed. “Sam was a senior in college.”
You burst out laughing again. “So too old, is the answer… Did he win?”
Eileen gave you a mischievous smile.
“He did,” Dean said, as he appeared in the kitchen doorway with a familiar smirk. “I’ve got photographic evidence. It was a cheetah print thong, in case you were wondering.”
Your eyes widened on a laugh. “Oh my God.”
Cheetahlicious, you couldn’t help joking in your mind. Even if you’d rather not think of Sam wearing a pair of Victoria Secret’s best.  
Eileen giggled with you. Dean’s amusement gave way to curiosity as he eyed the little gingerbread men you two were icing. You warned him off with your eyes, but it took Eileen batting his hand when he tried to steal a cookie.
“Hey! Wait ‘til after dinner,” she said.
Dean pouted. “Come on, don’t be stingy.”
Rolling her eyes, Eileen sighed.
“You’re like one of my kids,” she said, while signing with her hands. But she caved and handed him a cookie. “Here. To tide you over.”
Dean smiled and signed back to her in ASL, Thank you.
“That’s why you’re my favorite,” he said. He leaned down to kiss her cheek in a brotherly gesture.
He shot you a wink before taking a bite of his prize. You shook your head at him, even though you were smiling. He came around to your side of the table. His hand rested on your back and he bent down towards your ear.  
“I actually came over for you,” he said. “Got a minute?”
Your brows rose, but you turned to Eileen in askance. “I’ll be right back. Is that okay?”
She nodded and made an “OK” gesture. “Of course.”
You smiled and let Dean lead you out of your chair, and even out of the apartment. He made sure you both grabbed your coats by the front door.
“Where are we going?” you asked. While you put on your coat over your sweater and jeans, you didn’t notice him grabbing two sets of keys.
“Just downstairs. No big deal,” he said, hefting on his own leather jacket.
You eyed him with some suspicion, but you walked with him down to the elevators and let him keep you close to his side. He smelled like the cologne you bought him for Christmas, and he was already wearing the new watch as well.
You’d struggled to find him the right gift. Nothing felt quite enough after everything he’d done for you the last few months. He’d assured you that he was grateful for both gifts, and had even tried to say the watch looked too expensive. (You’d shut him up with a kiss.)
Now, you had to wonder what he was up to as he led you into the parking lot, but not toward Baby. Instead, you two stopped in front of a shiny silver Chevy parked in a guest spot.
“Dean, what’d you do?” you asked, both excited and worried. He shot you a grin and dangled the keys in front of you.
“You like her?” he asked. His eyes were dancing. “You could keep her, if you ask nicely.”
Your face slackened. You looked between him and the sleek looking car.
“What?” You covered your mouth with both hands. Even after a few moments, your brain was still having a hard time computing. “No…what? Oh my God!”
You grabbed onto his jacket, just in case your legs failed you. Dean laughed and gathered you up in his arms. By the time you peeled your eyes away from the silver beauty to look up at your boyfriend, there were tears already swimming in your eyes.
“Dean, this is really too much. Where’d you find—”
“Bobby had it sitting in his garage for years,” he explained. His hand came up to brush your cheek, and the tears there. “I cleaned her up, dropped in a new engine, safe-proofed with new tires, new airbags, the works. Got her purring like a kitten.”
Your eyes grew a little wider with every admission. Then you softened, gripping the edges of his jacket while you bit your lip to keep it from wobbling.
“How much did he sell it to you for?” you asked. Dean dropped his head back with a sigh.
“Don’t you wanna take a test ride before we start hagglin’?”
You lightly smacked his chest. “Hey. How much?”
He let out another heavy sigh, but you eventually got it out of him. While the price wasn’t as bad as you might’ve expected, you still shook your head.
“I still have a decent chunk of insurance money left. I’m giving you at least half,” you said.
Dean shook his head. “This is my gift to you.”
Your lips pursed, despite the smile that wanted to peek through.
“Nice try,” you said wryly. “You already got me perfume.”
“That was just the decoy.” He grinned, and held you a bit tighter against him. He nodded towards the car. “She’s the main event.”
You wanted to sigh, but this conversation wasn’t over. You were definitely not letting him buy you a whole new…old car. You turned to look at it again.
“What model is this?” you asked.
“2002 Camaro Z28,” Dean rattled off. It sounded impressive, but you didn’t know much about cars.
He let go of you so you could get a closer look. Your hand passed over the hood, but didn’t touch, as if you were afraid of staining the paint with your fingerprints. He had to admit, he’d waxed it up good and managed to get rid of a lot of superficial nicks and scratches.
What he said was true though; Bobby had given him a frankly ridiculous deal. Because when Dean had told him what you’d been through after the car accident, dealing with your grandfather’s passing, and now your ever-mounting expenses, Bobby hadn’t let him walk away from Singer Salvage with anything else but this car. He’d even helped Dean get the new parts he needed to fix it up.
“Is it automatic or manual?” you asked, trying to peer through the driver’s window. “I haven’t driven stick in a hell of a long time.”
Dean came up from behind you and his warm hand found your hip. You let him draw you back into his arms, leaning against his chest.
His lips were close to your ear when he said, “I think you’re damn good at driving stick.”
It took you a second, but the heavily laden innuendo in his deep voice was hard to miss. You uttered a laugh and swatted his arm.
“You’re ridiculous,” you said. You were still smiling when you turned and twined your arms around his neck. Then you leaned up for a kiss—one that kept getting deeper with the full force of your gratefulness, and your love for this man.
“It’s an automatic,” he answered, between kisses. You giggled against his lips.
You barely felt the chill on the air. Your heart was beating fast, even when you pulled away from him. Your eyes slowly opened and met his. He smiled down at you and curled an errant strand of hair behind your ear. As usual, you had most of it clipped up.
“Merry Christmas, sweetheart,” he said. His voice was quiet, but steady.
You let out a shaky breath. Emotion was clogging your throat, making your tears burn anew.
“This is a bit more than a Christmas present,” you said. He gave a more self-deprecating smile.
“Well, it’s also kind of an apology,” he said. “For getting you mixed up in my ‘family business.’”
He still felt guilt beyond belief for putting you in danger. For your life being threatened. For being the reason you couldn’t go home.
You just shook your head. Your hand raised to press against his cheek. Your thumb drew tenderly along his chin.
“I thought you said you were part of my family now?” you said. “We’ll figure this out together, like everything else.”
Dean’s eventual smile lightened you, and his kiss warmed you down to your toes. 
“If you want, let’s go for a ride after dinner,” he said.
It was your turn to smirk. Your hands migrated under his jacket and teased at his belt.
“Well, I’m certainly down for a ride,” you said.
Dean laughed and squeezed your hips. “All right. I’m puttin’ you on my naughty list.”
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When John finally arrived, the brothers welcomed him in first with big man hugs and good-natured ribbing for him being so damn late.
In Sam’s words, Upholding a Winchester family tradition.
John had taken that with a chuckle. “Smells damn good in here.”
“Yeah, food’s been done for an hour,” Dean prodded at him again. His grin betrayed his teasing, however. His welcoming hand stayed on his dad’s shoulder until they reached the living room, where Sam had set up a longer fold out table and chairs to function as the makeshift dining room, since the table near the kitchen only seated three.
There you were opening a bottle of Jack Daniels. You smiled up at John.
“Figured you were more of a whiskey than wine kind of guy,” you said. You were a bit nervous to see him again, no doubt with flour in your hair and frosting staining your hands. He clasped your shoulder with a hint of a smile.
“You’d be right. Good to see you, darlin’,” he said.
“You too,” you replied. Despite the fact that the first and last time you two had met, it had been in front of your house as the police rifled through your life, looking for more explosives. He graciously didn’t bring that up as he greeted Eileen next.
Once dinner was on the table, there was a lot of catching up between the brothers and their father while you and Eileen continued talking, even through dessert.
“This really is amazing,” she told you, pointing her fork at her slice of berry crumble. “I can see why you went to culinary school.”
You blushed as Sam, Dean, and even John echoed her praise. All three men had generous slices of both pies. 
“Well, thank you. I’m glad you guys enjoy it,” you said, and your smile was genuine.
You loved making good food, but you loved feeding people even more. Whether it was a simple hearty soup or a rich dessert, you liked putting smiles on their faces and giving them a good experience; one they could share with their family and friends. Even better if it was your family.
Or as Dean would say, Your people. 
To you, that was life.
“I’m tellin’ you, if you opened up a bakery you’d make a killing in this town,” Dean said. He nudged your hand with the one that held his fork; it held a precarious piece of pumpkin pie.
You shot him an amused look.
“Don’t you look at me sideways, I’m serious,” he said, laughing a little, but his gaze was steady.
Your cheeks warmed against your will. He believed in your dream, even when you couldn’t quite let yourself.
“Hey, if you ever want to look into applying for a loan, I could help,” Sam said, earning your attention. “I have a friend who works at a bank.”
Your brows raised. “Really?”
He nodded. “Yeah, we were pre-law together back in college, but he figured he was better with numbers.”
You smiled. “Well, it would make it easier knowing I was dealing with your friend.”
“Yeah, his name’s Brady. Let me know if you want me to call him,” he said.
You bit your lip, but you nodded. “Thanks. I’ll let you know.”
Maybe they were right. Maybe you should start to believe in yourself, just a little bit more.
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“This was all real delicious,” John said to you, when you came back from bringing the leftovers to the kitchen.
Sam and Dean were already arguing about who was doing the dishes and who was drying them. Meanwhile, Eileen was putting away the food (and probably rolling her eyes).
“Yeah, it was a team effort for sure,” you replied. “Dean’s actually a really good cook.”
John chuckled. “Yeah, well, he didn’t get that from me. I can barely boil a damn egg.”
You smiled to yourself; you could imagine Dean got it from his mother then.
Meanwhile, John was watching you stack the empty plates as he grew more contemplative. He’d always been proud of his sons. They were good men, with strong heads on their shoulders.
He often looked at Sam and saw that he seemed happy. Despite the demands of his job, he was learning to balance that with the life he led with Eileen. As a father, John looked forward to the day when they made a firm foundation, taking the next step towards building a life together.
But Dean had seemed to him, a little unstable. John was still proud of his eldest, but while he’d seen a glimpse of it that day at your house, he saw it even more today. Like his son finally had an anchor, tethering him to dry land.
Even so, he couldn’t help heaving a sigh. And he asked you something he knew he shouldn’t.
“Have you given any more thought to filing a report on Nick Savage?” he asked.
You paused in your plate and cup stacking. You looked up at him with a frown, but you thought about your words before you said something rude.
“Yes, I did,” you replied. “I decided my life and my peace were more important.”
He let out a short sigh. “I understand—”
“I’m sorry, John, but I don’t think you do,” you said. Your words were matter-of-fact, if a tad more sharp than you meant them to be. Your hands were starting to tremble.
You crossed your arms to try and steady yourself, but Dean ended up doing just that, by joining your side and resting a hand at the small of your back. He was frowning, glancing between you and his father.
“Tell me you’re not talking about what I think you are,” Dean said, addressing John in particular. “Not on damn Christmas.”
“Like you said, it’s her decision,” John replied. His gaze once again focused on you.
You let out a breath, mostly of exasperation.
“I’m going to bottom-line it for you. If I report that man, and you can’t guarantee me a job and safety until it’s all over, then I’m not poking the bear,” you said. “I plan to keep my head down until I can find another job. Until then, you can have at him all you want. Just leave me out of it.”
Part of you felt selfish. You knew what John was trying to accomplish, and you knew how personal this fight was for him, and for Sam and Dean for that matter. You just couldn’t shake your gut instincts here. You knew Nick far too well by now, and you didn’t want to underestimate him again.
“I agree,” said Dean. You gave him a grateful look.
John conceded with a nod, but all of you knew he wasn’t satisfied. It became a bitter ending to an otherwise brilliant day after he left for the night.
In your mind, it wasn’t quite over yet though. You had a plan up your sleeve for one Dean Winchester.
Sam and Eileen had their own time together while you and Dean went for a drive in your new car. You’d have to transfer your plate and registration and insurance, so it was technically an “illegal” drive, but it was already late and traffic was scarce.
By the time you pulled back into the parking lot, you were smiling from ear to ear, and Dean was giving you that smug grin that said, Aw yeah, I did good.
You couldn’t even fault him for it, because he did exactly that.
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Even when you and Dean were getting ready for bed, it didn’t quite feel real. You were living with your boyfriend of just a few months, you now had a new car, and a crime lord had threatened your life.
You chose to focus on the new car. And on your boyfriend, who sat on the edge of his side of the bed, rubbing his right shoulder through his shirt. You knew it must still be sore, though he likely wouldn’t admit it.
Hence, you were about to enact Phase 1 of your plan…
You hadn’t undressed yet from your jeans and sweater, but you crawled across the bed to come up behind him and drop a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“How’s your slugging arm?” you asked.
Dean quirked a smile at you over his shoulder. “Just fine.”
“Dean,” you said. Your tone was gentle, but warning. No downplaying.
You pressed your lips against the side of his head and soothed your hand along his shoulder and down his arm. Still, he was resistant.
“I’m fine, sweetheart,” he said.
You hummed. “Okay. I guess you don’t need a massage then.”
He paused. His head tilted just so, once again turning to you over his shoulder. You spied the edge of his piqued interest, his grin.
“Well, if you’re offering…”
You withdrew your hand from his arm, but you spoke close to his ear.
“Are you asking?”
He let out a small sigh, despite his lingering smile.
“All right. Will you please give me a lil’ massage?” he asked.
He couldn’t see your triumphant smile, but you happily kissed his cheek.
“I sure can,” you replied. You laid gentle hands on his shoulders, however briefly. “Stay right here. Don’t move, but take off your shirt.”
“All right, Miss Bossy,” he grumbled. You knew he was teasing by the amused look he threw your way.
“I thought you liked that,” you teased back.
You climbed off the bed before he could playfully grab you, and you giggled all the way to the bathroom. There you began Phase 2 of your plan. 
First, you collected a few different bottles from your designated drawer under the sink. Then, you made a quick wardrobe change, after popping back into the bedroom to grab something from your nightstand.
You also connected your phone to the speaker on his nightstand and put some music on a low volume. It was a playlist he’d made and shared with you a while ago, with songs he thought you’d like. The Eagles’ “Take It to the Limit” was definitely on the list.
By the time you returned to Dean, he was indeed shirtless, still in his sweatpants, and checking his watch.  
“I’m here, I’m here,” you said. You climbed across the bed with your small haul—a difficult feat with your hands full, but you managed.
Dean turned to look at the bottles of moisturizer you dropped next to him on the bed. He rose a brow.
“Twilight Woods. Japanese Cherry Blossom. Appletini. Are these my only options?” he asked. His face was half bemused, half reluctant.
You almost burst out laughing. “Which one strikes your fancy?”
He scratched the back of his head. You opened the second bottle first (your personal favorite), so he could smell.
“Not bad actually,” he muttered. You bit your lip so you wouldn’t giggle, but you managed to open the other two for him to get a whiff.
“Eh, the first one I guess,” he said.
Japanese Cherry Blossom. AKA: a classic from Bath & Body Works.
You finally had to laugh. “Just kidding. I’ve got this.”
You held up a jar you’d been hiding behind him. Its logo said: Massage Oil.
“I just wanted to see which girly moisturizer you secretly wanna slather all over yourself,” you said.
Dean shot you a wry look, but only then did he see what you were wearing.
“Oh, hold up,” he uttered.
Your hair was let loose, how you knew he liked, and you’d teased it out a little. You’d had to give away the red lingerie you’d bought, to rid both of you of its lingering memories of your work Christmas party. Instead, you’d found something in a vibrant emerald green: satin and lace.
Dean’s hand reached for your waist, probably to bring you closer. But you playfully slapped his hand.
“Eh-eh! Not yet,” you said to his surprised face. You smiled. “I have a plan for you tonight.”
Slowly, he smirked. His eyes still dipped to take in the rest of you, from your pretty face, to exposed skin and cleavage, to shiny satin that clung to your curves and draped down to mid-thigh. 
“I can see,” he said. His voice was a notch deeper. “Merry Christmas to me.”
Despite your blush and growing smile, you turned him back around by his shoulders.
“Just relax.”
You let your hands drift up the back of his neck to slide your fingers through his hair. There you began with a slow, gentle massage of his head. You felt him take a deep breath.
You couldn’t see it, but Dean’s eyes had closed at your ministrations. He secretly really liked the feeling of your fingers running through his hair. It made his shoulders loosen; with tension he didn’t know he had releasing from the neck down.
Aside from the rigors of his job, he also had to work out and condition his body to keep up his stamina. He probably didn’t spend as much time as he should on this aspect of things, making sure he wasn’t overtaxing himself.
He appreciated what you were doing though. He knew you cared about him, that you loved him. But he liked that you were also a caring person, who tried to take care of him. Dean hadn’t really had that…from anyone before. Sometimes, it was hard for him to let you.
…Damn, we really got too much in common, he realized.
When you migrated back down his neck, your hands left for a moment to gather up some oil. It was warm against his skin when you started between his shoulders, digging with the heel of your hands.
He groaned deep, surprising even himself.
Behind him, your brows were furrowed. “You’re really knotted up here. When was the last time you had a massage?”
Dean chuckled. “Never.”
You frowned. “Hmm. Okay, we’re definitely doing this more often.”
“No complaints from me,” he said with a grin.
Of course, you gave special attention to his right shoulder. You were gentler there, asking what was tender and what felt good, or too much. By then you had an easier time getting the truth out of Dean. He let you know when the pressure was too much, and you even helped him stretch out that arm until the muscles and joints were warmed up and the pain was gone.
You encouraged him to lie on his stomach in the middle of the bed, so you could start on his back. Your hands glided down planes of muscle and smooth slopes while you straddled his thighs. The only sounds you heard from him were occasional moans and rumbling, pleased sounds. That was also what let you know that he hadn’t fallen asleep.
“Okay, turn over,” you said, smiling when he groaned in protest. “I haven’t even gotten to the good part.”
“What the hell’s the good part then?” he asked. His voice was muffled in the mattress, but when he turned around, flopping onto his back, his eyes once again took in the green satin and seemed to remember what your real intentions were.
“Oh, yeah,” he said. His grin was lazy, now that he was beyond relaxed, but his hands found purchase on your hips. You smiled down at him.
You let the remaining oil on your hands glide up his chest, until you lowered down for a kiss. It was unhurried and sweet.
“I love you, you know?” you said.
Dean swept his fingers through your hair, tucking a few strands behind your ear.
He smiled. “I’ve got some idea, yeah.”
You both laughed, soft and true. Your hand rested against his cheek as you pressed your lips to his, soft and slow at first, but soon gaining in both passion and urgency. You felt his grip on your hips tighten, grinding your center against his growing length.
He groaned. No goddamn panties on. Good.
You kissed your way from his lips to his neck. Your teeth grazed his ear while you rolled your hips into his. It was a tease for both of you, but not for long, as Dean grew impatient enough to slide his sweatpants down, followed by his hands slipping under the satin covering your thighs. They traveled further still, squeezing your breasts and rolling hardened nipples under the pads of his thumbs.
Your breath hitched, and your pleased hum was music to his ears. By now you were bracing yourself against the mattress, but you used his shoulders as leverage to raise yourself up.
You took his hands and encouraged them to bunch up the satin and pull it over your head. Dean sat up with you still in his lap, and once his strong arm wrapped around your waist, it was skin to flushed skin.
You held his face and brought him down to you for another fierce kiss. He held you tightly against him, hands splayed across your back and tangling in your hair. His arms were a cage you never wanted to escape.
But you did press away from him, just for a moment, so you could reach down between your bodies to take a firm hold of his cock. You guided it to your entrance. There was already a small flood between your legs, and your core ached for him.
There was almost no resistance when you slowly sunk your hips down and down, until he was buried deep inside you.
You both made sounds of pleasure, with labored breaths as Dean’s hand cradled your cheek. He laid open-mouthed kisses to your jaw, teeth grazing down your neck.
You clung to his shoulders and began to move, slow in the way you let almost the full length of his cock escape you, before you slid back down. Dean moaned into your skin, and you let out a shuddering sigh.
You pushed at Dean’s chest until he was lying back, and you continued rolling your hips against his. He helped you create a steady rhythm on top of him, but he was being treated to a feast of the eyes as well as the pleasure rocking through his body. He watched the way you swept your hair back. The way your eyes closed and brows furrowed in concentration as you bit your lip.
But he couldn’t stay still for long; he knew he was close enough to practically taste his end, but you had some miles to go. He gripped your thigh with one hand while the other glided up between them, to further part your folds. His fingers found your clit, circling insistently like it was a button. It had your hips stuttering.
“Oh, God,” you uttered. “Dean—”
He managed to smirk through panting breaths. “Right there, right baby?”
You nodded, unable to speak. You continued to move as steadily as you could, but the feeling of him deep inside combined with his talented fingers playing you like a five-string guitar—it finally made you tighten on him, shuddering deep inside. Tingles broke across your skin, zipping up your spine as you gasped.
Dean helped you with the last few hard thrusts that brought him along with you, and you felt his warmth spilling inside you.
It was a heady feeling, and you needed a moment just to recover. Even though you were on birth control, every time he came inside you still felt like a dangerous, delicious game.
But after you slid off his lap and practically rolled into his side, him welcoming you with an arm wrapping around your waist, it did make you think, as you caught your breath.
It made you think about the first time you and Dean slept together. It had been the first and last time you’d asked him to wear a condom. The next morning, he’d made a remark that still hung in the back of your mind…
“You like kids, huh?”
The thought still rattled through your mind now, after you and Dean shared a quick shower, ridding you both of the oil clinging to your skin. The thought remained when you slid into bed, under fresh sheets and thick covers, and close to your man. He cupped your cheek and pressed a kiss to your forehead. You closed your eyes at the feeling.
Contrary to what this night had been, the whole “moving in together” thing hadn’t been all that easy. You two had bickered about the way he often left drawers and cabinets open and dirty clothes on the floor.
He had made remarks about your hair products taking up too much space in his drawers. Not to mention how morning routines needed to adjust because Dean liked to shower in the morning, but you needed the mirror not fogged up in order to do your makeup.
Right now, however, you had peace. You felt safe here, and you weren’t alone in a huge house filled with far too many memories.
“Can I ask you something?” you said.
Dean’s lips lingered on your forehead. “Hmm?”
“I know this situation is sort of temporary, me living here,” you said. “So much has happened that we haven’t really talked about…what we both want, down the line.”
He pulled back enough from you to see your face. His face betrayed a thread of confusion.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“I mean like…” you hesitated, but you realized you were probably going to have to be direct. “Are you a marriage and kids kind of guy? Is that even something you’ve thought about?”
Dean met your gaze. It took him a moment, but he let out a short sigh.
“You wanna know what made me want to start dating, for real?” he asked.
You blinked; you hadn’t expected that, but you nodded.
“I started thinking about what would happen if something happened to me on the job,” he said. You frowned, but before you could say anything, he raised a placating hand.
“I thought about what I’d leave behind,” said Dean. He quirked a wry smile. “It’s not much, besides my car.”
You frowned in earnest. Your hand flattened against his bare chest.
“That’s not true,” you said. “You have your brother, your father, and your friends. That’s plenty, Dean.”
He conceded that with a nod. “You’re right. But I just started thinking, maybe I want more. Like uh…like what my parents had, when they were happy. The house, each other, me and Sammy…a family.”
You couldn’t be certain in the near total darkness of the room, with only the moonlight filtering through the blinds and casting a glow behind him, but you thought you saw a shine in his eyes. Your hand crept up from beneath the covers to find his cheek. It was rough with stubble, yet you tenderly swept a thumb back and forth.
“I think that’s beautiful,” you replied.
Dean paused. He then huffed in amusement. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you smiled, hoping he could see it. 
“Then uh, is that something you’d be into?” he asked. You were amused by his tentative approach. 
“With you?” You pretended to think. Your fingers slipped into his hair. “Yeah, I think I’m into that.”
He chuckled. “Okay, then. Good to know.”
He grasped your wrist and turned his head to press a kiss into your palm.
And he spoke into the dark. “I love you too, you know.”
Your smile deepened as you rested your head against his arm. You whispered into the small space between your faces.
“Yeah, I’ve got some idea.”
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AN: All righty, how'd you like that fluff overload?
...Ready for some more drama? 😏
Next Time:
But the more you thought about what you’d heard, and Nick’s ominous threat about a cop, you found yourself scrolling lower in your contacts. You called John Winchester.
It rang a few times, and all the while you made silent, fervent prayers. Pick up, damn it! You could hear your own heartbeat in your ears.
“Winchester,” he answered.
“John, it’s me,” you whispered. “Azazel’s here. Or, he’s not here, here, but I know who he is. Well, I mean kind of—”
“Okay, wait. Slow down,” he said. “What about Azazel? You know who he is?”
Keep Reading: PART 16
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Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List (Part 1):
@hobby27 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb
@vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @this-is-me19 @emily-winchester @spnexploration @deans-spinster-witch @deans-baby-momma @iprobablyshipit91
@melancholictearz @nic-kolas @katherineann814 @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @lacilou @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman @brianochka @branj19
@agalliasi @venicesem @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @xsophianicolex @deansbbyx @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @ultrahviolentart @chernayawidow @beskarfilms @mimaria420
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annwe24 · 4 months
Part 2
Summary: You feel trapped in the luxurious cage that Lucifer created.
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Reading in dim light isn't really a good idea. Your eyes feel itchy and letters are running all across the page. Huffing in annoyance, you unwillingly close the book to go to sleep. Tonight is not just it, perhaps the lack of sleep has finally caught up to you. Your pillow feels a bit rocky as the book is carefully tucked under. That night, your dreams are made of angels joyfully singing their symphony, unaware of the angelic eyes watching your sleeping form.
Morning comes by as usual. You are woken up by the sweet smell of hot pancakes and the sight of a pair of neatly folded clothes thrown onto your bed. Lucifer has always insisted that you let him take care of almost everything around the house. You obviously don't agree. However, morning is something you would gladly give in. A big reason being his signature pancakes and the other being you don't have to wake up too early. Hastily put on the clothes he has put together for you, you rush to the kitchen, wanting to have breakfast as soon as possible.
Good morning! Did you sleep well? Lucifer cheerfully greets you with a toothy grin.
Very well! Are you going to be in the workshop today?
I’m afraid not, my dear. You see, Charlie insisted that we must make plans for the upcoming extermination.
Can I come too?
Your question makes Lucifer halts his cooking. You have expected this. He is always reluctant about you doing anything Heaven related, trying to steer your gaze elsewhere as if Heaven is the forbidden fruit of Hell. At least, that’s what it is in his eyes.
I’m sorry, sweetheart. You know what it is.
But don't you think it's time I-
Anne. We’ve talked about this.
Lowering your head, you patiently wait for the food. You know better than to make any moves with that hint in his voice. It is one of his turnoffs that you come to notice during decades of living with him; even Charlie, his daughter, wouldn't have caught it on the spot like you. Lucifer once said: No one has known me quite like you.
I had a really shitty day.
Lucifer says as he slumps his head onto your shoulder. Pulling the blanket closer to the both of you, you let out an acknowledged hum:
Mind telling me what went wrong?
That fuck head radio demon. Do you know him? I think his name is Alastair? Nevermind that. Nothing important. His jackass thinks he can just simply swoon over Charlie and convince her I’m replaceable. Ugh can't fucking believe that.
You don't… normally swear. I guess that demon is pretty rough huh?
Lucifer lets out a huff and turns up the volume of the TV:
Tonight is just one of those movie nights: Lucifer talks over the movie about anything to you. Today is just one of those days. Every day is the same. You are a being yet incomplete as a being. You realize you are barely alive. He chooses your clothes. He cooks your food. He soothes your pain. He is everything. Slowly, everything around you doesn't make any sense. The noise coming from the tv becomes static and Lucifer’s voice seems so distant. Why are you even created? Is your sole existence destined to be some sort of amusement for the King? And why is he so avoidant about Heaven? Are you the problem?
Y/n. Y/n!
You immediately snap out of your messy thoughts. Something about Lucifer always manages to pull you right back. Placing a hand on your shoulder, he asked with a worried voice:
Did something happen?
You quickly turn your head to look at him. Your eyes filled with panic:
Oh! I think I’m just sleepy. Yeah… That's all.
Still, you know better than anything that is not enough. Nothing is enough for him, especially if it’s something from you. He lets out a pitiful smile and quietly turns off both the tv and the light, steps out of the bed. Before heading out, he doesn't forget to say his usual goodnight to you. How ironic. You think. He knows you are not going to have a good night. However, you greatly appreciate the personal space he gives you. You give in to exhaustion and slump back to the bed. Like a habit, you reach out to take your book under the pillow. Last night, you left at the most interesting part-the dawn of humanity. Excitement fills you to the brim just thinking about-
There is no book.
Refusing to believe the loss, you throw the pillow out of your sight, only to be greeted with disappointment. Many scenarios play out inside your little head. There is no doubt this is the work of Lucifer. He must have known from the beginning and let you slip through for a while. You can't bear to imagine the things he would do if he losed control. Self-control is one of his greatest strengths. Although, you are not so sure about that right now. After evaluating everything, you decide that it is best to sleep right now and deal with the problem in the morning. That night, your dreams are made of demons gawking and gnawing at your frail form, unaware of the angelic eyes watching your sleeping form. Every day is not the same anymore.
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starrieshq · 1 month
Home [Thomastair ft. Jordelia]
here is my long-procrastinated Thomastair fic! It's a bit short, but dw! I have plans to write more fics in the future! (I take requests 😁)
Tag: @edwinspaynes
Thomas woke up to the sound of groaning coming from the other side of the bed.
Alastair rolled closer to him, his head resting next to Thomas’s face, his dark hair tickling his nose.
Thomas chuckled. Seeing him like this, with his guard down and happier than he had ever been before, was always his favorite part of the day.
“Good morning.” He said, rolling over.
Alastair scoffed sleepily. “A morning is never good.”
Thomas wrapped his arms around him and nestled his face into his shoulder. “With you, it is.”
His face reddened. “Damn you, Lightwood.”
They laid like this for some time, Thomas’s arms around Alastair, both drifting in and out of sleep, basking in the comforting warmth of each other. Eventually, though, they both heard crying, and had to get up.
He smiled as he got out of bed and headed to the washroom. As he freshened up, he could hear Zachary Arash from his nursery, having just woken up from his slumber and extremely displeased. Sona was at a Clave meeting in Idris and had left him in Thomas and Alastair’s care.
Alastair was an excellent brother. Due to Elias’s parenting, he had taken it upon himself to ensure that Zachary would never have to experience such trauma. Already, he was learning to walk, and had even said his first word (mama). Sona was delighted, and thus surrendered him to their care. Besides, Cordelia and James would have their own child soon. It’s not like there was anyone else fit for the job.
Matthew was on his travel year, headed to Paris, then London, then Reykjavík. James would be a father soon, and it took everything in Thomas to not think about where Christopher could have been.
He headed to the kitchen, where Alastair was preparing breakfast.
“Hello, Zachary.” He cooed, while Alastair rolled his eyes.
They sat down at the table, Thomas buttering a roll, Alastair sipping coffee, and Zachary fussing quietly.
“I never understood how you can tolerate that.” Thomas motioned towards his cup of coffee. “It’s awful.”
Alastair disagreed. “It’s an acquired taste,” He said. “It’s fine.”
Thomas shook his head as Zachary fussed. Alastair placed him in his lap and began calming the toddler, attempting to soothe him.
“Shall we head to Cordelia’s place after this?” Asked Alastair. “She’s due at any moment, and it’d be great to talk to her and James before they have their daughter.”
Thomas smiled. “Zachary would be delighted to have a new friend.”
After breakfast, they commuted to Curzon Street by carriage, Zachary waving out the window and babbling the entire trip there. Alastair held him with a parentlike yet childish manner, and Thomas felt like his heart would explode every time he looked at him.
“Zachary,” He remarked, hoisting him up, “As much as the citizens love to see you greet them with morning joy, my arms are screaming in pain in a way that is neither loving nor joyous.”
Finally, they rolled to a stop at Curzon Street.
Before they could knock, a very pregnant Cordelia opened the door, her hand helping support her belly.
“Layla,” Alastair said. “You look awfully big.”
She gasped playfully. “Alastair, you know that you’re not supposed to say that to a woman.”
James appeared behind her, an arm wrapping around her waist and resting lightly on her stomach.
“Thomas and Alastair,” He said, “What excellent timing. My parents left not an hour ago.” James peered curiously at them. “What brings you here?”
“Just thought we’d drop by before all of your time is riddled with screaming and crying.” Thomas replied, motioning to Cordelia.
She smiled, then winced as her other hand flew to her belly. “She’s a fighter.”
Cordelia continued to smile, however Thomas noted the slight grimace peeking through. She was extremely pregnant, and as she ushered them into the house, he noticed that her feet were swollen.
“Cordelia,” He said. “Should you be walking?”
James sighed. “I told her that she should be in bed, but she won’t listen to me.”
“Nonsense.” Cordelia said. “I can handle myself. I’m perfectly capable-”
She let out a small gasp and squeezed her eyes shut.
Alastair coughed pointedly. “You were saying?”
James ushered her to the sitting room, where she plopped down in an armchair. James took a seat on the couch next to her, leaving Thomas and Alastair to squeeze onto a loveseat. Zachary, the little traitor, settled in next to his uncle James, causing Alastair to disappointedly sigh. Out of habit, Thomas put his arm around him as Cordelia sighed in relief.
“My feet are killing me.” She complained.
“She’s due any moment now, according to Risa.” James said.
Alastair relaxed in Thomas’s grasp and subconsciously leaned his head on his shoulder. “I can imagine.”
Thomas lightly hit him. Alastair scoffed as he settled in closer to him.
After their visit, they decided to head back to their flat. Zachary was already asleep, and Thomas and Alastair decided to retire to bed early.
They laid awake in bed, Alastair’s head on Thomas’s chest, rising and falling with every breath. A strand of his dark hair tickled his chin, and Thomas batted it away.
After all these years in the dark, all those days of longing and loneliness, the days of yearning and despair, this was it.
This was home.
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spreadyovrwings · 10 days
64 Oslo Square
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"Companion' Middle English. From Old French 'compaignon', literally 'one who breaks bread with another.
Strapped for cash, John gets a job at a bakery as their new delivery boy. Juggling school and Queen and work is exhausting, but it's more than worth it. It's worth it because of you.
Warnings for this chapter: smut! slight sub/dom dynamics, i guess, i'm never sure, i just like being bossy. john gets topped, and i do mean topped!
A/N: i'm so sorry! i’ve been gone for ages! i've just got a million hyperfixations and they all take up a lot of energy you know how it is but but but hopefully this makes up for it
Chapter 11
Sweat beaded your skin, clammy and tight. Every breath you drew in was lukewarm and fetid, half someone else’s. Your feet hurt and your head was pounding and the floor was sticky beneath your new shoes, but you hardly noticed any of it.
John was pressed tight against you, and it was all you could think about, all you could bring yourself to focus on. His narrow body felt angular and hot; you could feel the heat coming off of him through his clothes.
It was Saturday night. The bakery had been yours for exactly six days. John had been yours for even longer. Now, pressed up against each other in a tiny Camden club, you could finally celebrate both.
The music was so loud, it had risen to a dull hum, pop music you were faintly aware of but didn’t know the words or the steps to. You weren’t being modest when you said you weren’t much of a dancer, but John didn’t seem to mind. In fact, his hands hadn’t left your body since he pulled you onto the dance floor, and he had enough moves for the both of you.
It had been an exhausting week, but the kind of exhausting that left your muscles glowing and your chest full at the end of the day.
Universities had finally broken up for the summer, so John had a lot more free time, and he’d spent most of it hunched over Gladys’ desk, running through 64 Oslo Square's accounts. He’d made it his solemn duty to uncover exactly what kind of impact Alastair had had on the bakery.
John was right, that night he walked you home and off-handedly wondered how the bakery could possibly be struggling considering it never lacked customers and the area was so affluent.
It turned out Alastair had been funnelling money out of the business for months, ever since he met Gladys. He had sought her out, plucked her from the vine, and pressed her between thumb and forefinger, squeezing her for all she was worth with a vicious smile.
Now he was gone, the bakery had come to life again. John found money ferreted away in all sorts of places, stored away for hard times, or just in case things went south for Alastair. Luckily, John’s astute head for numbers and figures got there first, returning what had always been yours back to you, like transposing music for one instrument to another.
Before too long, 64 Oslo Square could raise its head again. You didn’t have to beg for new kitchen equipment. You didn’t have to pray for a pay-rise. The scarlet front door could be painted for the first time in years, Mickey didn’t have to worry about taking care of his young family, and Gladys could hire more help, allowing you your first night out in almost a decade.
You met after work. John went home to shower and get changed, giving you time to figure out what on earth to wear on your first proper date with the boy you’d fallen in love with months ago. You kept having to remind yourself that you hadn’t actually told him yet; something about John’s pretty green-grey eyes made you lose all track of time.
When he picked you up, John looked less than pleased. Laughing softly at his turned-down mouth, you slipped a hand over his shoulder and pulled him down to your height so that you could press a kiss to his cheek.
“Alright, New Boy?”
“Hi, love.” John sighed. “Look, I’m really sorry.”
Frowning, you ushered him into your flat.
“Already? We haven’t even made it out the door yet.”
You smiled, hoping to reassure him, and it seemed to work. But John still looked troubled despite the little smile he summoned in return.
“C’mon, then. What’re you sorry for?”
With another, frankly dramatic sigh, John flopped down onto your couch like a sack of potatoes. He stretched his long legs out in front of him, splayed outwards in a ‘V’, his platform heels digging into the carpet.
It had been a while since he’d been in your flat. John looked so funny, collapsed on your couch. He was so tall and gangly, he made all your furniture look smaller, and tonight he was dressed up to the nines, his hair perfect, huffing and puffing on your second-hand sofa.
“I was telling Roger about tonight, you know, asking where we should go because he- And now-”
“He’s coming too?”
“And Freddie.”
John looked so despairing, you had to laugh. He looked like a teenager who’d been told he had to bring his little brother along to a party.
“I’m really sorry. I did try to tell them this was our first proper date but they’d already started planning what they were gonna wear, and you know what they’re like, I- We can just make this a night out, this doesn’t have to be-”
“John,” You spoke his name softly, gently, settling down on the couch beside him with an easy smile. “It’s alright. I really don’t mind.”
“You sure? We could always go to a different club or something. I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t notice.”
“Honestly, it’s fine. I like your mates. And hey, you know, we can always lose them in the crowd.”
Brushing your fingers along the seam of his black satin shirt, you pushed your fingertips in, just below his shoulder, squeezing gently, reassuringly, insinuatingly.
“You said you’ve got moves,” you murmured, your fingers dropping to play with his hair. “You gonna put on a show for me tonight?”
John’s ever-steady gaze never wavered, even as you curled his pretty hair around your fingers.
“Maybe I’ll treat you.”
His voice cracked when you “accidentally” tugged on his hair.
“Ohhh,” You grinned. “Lucky me.”
And now here you were, moving against each other in the dark.
John really did know how to move. It just came naturally to him. The music flowed through his veins, his heart beating in time with the pounding bass, and all you could do was watch him and admire the nice boy who’d so softly changed your life.
He bought you a drink, then another, politely refusing your offer to get the next round in.
As predicted, you lost track of his friends almost immediately. You’d almost forgotten you weren’t there alone until John leaned down and murmured by your ear,
“D’you wanna get some air?”
There was no mistaking the intent behind his words, the way they wrapped around you, the spark they lit in his dark eyes despite the low club lights. Your pulse raced, your body reacting to every touch, every look, just the proximity of him, the promise of his presence.
What he meant was, do you want to go home? And you did. You couldn’t imagine wanting anything more in all your life.
John’s back hit the bakery door with a dull thunk. Giggling softly against his mouth, you apologised over and over, half muffled as he tried to kiss you between laughs, reassuring you that it was fine while his big hands pawed at your hips.
He tasted so good, you couldn’t bear the thought of moving away from him for even a second, so you fished around in your bag for the door keys without once breaking the kiss.
After several shaky attempts (thanks to John tugging your bottom lip between his teeth) you managed to turn the key, and together, you fell into the shop.
Stumbling backwards in his stupid platforms, John clung to your hips for support as you guided him through to the kitchen.
The thought of getting the next door open seemed too mammoth a task to even attempt at that moment, so instead you backed John up against it, pressing your body as close to his as you could, until you had almost been consumed by one another.
The protruding angles and flat planes of his narrow body felt sharp and unfamiliar as you sank into each other. Your mind swam with the endless possibilities; running your hands over his slim chest, kissing across his stomach, your hands keeping him pinned down with the slightest squeeze at his hips.
Every niggling worry you’d ever had about being good enough for John, about being with someone for the first time in years, about trusting someone with all of you, it had all washed away. All that remained was a chest fit to burst with love, and a desire so strong, it was all you could do to stop yourself asking if you could just have him right there and then.
John could obviously sense where your mind was wandering to, even as he moaned softly into your mouth. He squeezed your waist, then your hips, kissing you so deeply, your knees threatened to give way.
“We can’t do this here,” he managed to gasp out between kisses. “Not in the bakery.”
When you huffed a little laugh, your warm breath fanned across his cheek and he couldn’t resist the shiver that slipped down his spine.
You smiled against his mouth, pointed and pleased with yourself.
“My bakery now.”
John groaned roughly at your soft, low voice, and again as your tongue pressed against his. He opened himself up to you, letting you take his mouth as you pleased, his breathing growing heavy.
He couldn’t decide where he wanted his hands, they were everywhere, in your hair, pressing into your back to keep you close, tugging at your hips, his touches waking up your body and making your head spin.
“It’s always been yours.” John’s dark gaze met yours. “And so have I.”
You laughed, airy and quick, hoping to disguise just how much that meant to you, but John knew, John always knew. The last thread keeping your doubt and your fear yolked finally snapped.
Taking your keys from your hand, John half-turned to open the door, his free hand still palming and squeezing at your hip.
You tripped up the stairs together, giggling and breathless in your eagerness.
“You have too many doors,” John muttered when you reached your flat. “It’s like a bloody funhouse in here.”
“That’s a bit dramatic, John.”
He pressed the keys into your hand then tucked himself behind you so that you had room to unlock the door. Or so you thought. A shiver ran over your skin when you felt John’s breath on your bare shoulder, then his lips against your neck.
As he mouthed at your hot skin and grazed you with his teeth, you shakily jammed the key into the lock, finally managing to wiggle it open just as John dragged his tongue over a spot that made you want to completely unravel.
There was no time to savour the ritual of undressing each other, neither you nor John had the patience for it right now. Instead, you practically tore his pretty satin shirt open, dragging the sleeves down his arms as you backed him up towards the bed, never once breaking the kiss.
“Oh God,” John laughed softly against your mouth when the cuff of one of his sleeves got caught on his watch. “Hang on, love. I’m not going anywhere, you know.”
“I know, but I’ve been wanting to do this to you for months. You can’t blame a girl for being impatient.”
“‘To me’?” John grinned as he shook off his shirt. “You mean ‘with me’?”
You just smiled and pulled him back down to kiss you.
Head still spinning from the nightclub, the rum in your blood, John’s aftershave, John’s everything, you hardly noticed him slipping his long fingers under the hem of your dress and pulling up and up and up, until you begrudgingly had to stop kissing him to let John pull it over your head.
“Oh, wow.”
It was all you allowed John before you planted both hands against his chest and pushed him into sitting on the edge of the bed.
You kicked off your uncomfortable shoes and got rid of your bra, and all the while John watched you with warm, full eyes, his mouth hanging open.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, and for the first time in your life, you believed a boy looking at you.
Your movements slowed under his heavy gaze. Something about the look on John’s face made you want to take a breath.
When he raised his hands, you moved closer without a word, standing between John’s knees while he looked up at you in awe.
“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he murmured as he dipped his head to press a kiss to your sternum.
When his fingers pressed into your bare skin, you tensed, sucking in a sharp breath.
John looked up at you curiously, his clever grey-green eyes so clear and bright.
“Sorry,” You smiled. “Not used to- It’s been a while. Not used to being touched there. Feels a bit…”
John punctuated his question with a soft kiss pressed sweetly to the swell of your right breast. His other hand came up to cup the other gently, his thumb sweeping across you, circling and circling, his sharp eyes never leaving yours.
“The last boy…”
“The idiot?”
You smiled.
“Yeah, that one. He didn’t really like the way I looked.”
“What’s not to like?”
John frowned.
It wasn’t really question but you felt the need to explain.
“Kept trying to “help” me. Used to piss me off no end. Eventually, he stopped touching me. Wasn’t seeing him for very long but he was the last person…”
John shook his head, his brow furrowed, his funny mouth all turned down at the corners.
“I can’t believe you gave him the time of day.”
“Well, he had his own car...”
“Fair enough.”
John briefly smiled, then he shook his head again, as if he couldn’t even joke about it.
“I’m glad you’re shot of him. Means I get you all to myself. And to me, you feel soft…”
He pressed an open-mouthed kiss to the middle of your belly, taking his time, dragging his teeth, his eyes closed to savour the feeling.
“And warm…”
Another kiss, this one to the left of your navel, while his fingers pressed into your hips and tugged you closer, until the tip of his nose was buried in your stomach.
”And inviting…”
Cheeks burning, you slipped your fingers into his hair, grazing your nails across his scalp.
John’s stare met yours as his hands slipped round to squeeze your arse, pulling you closer still. His open mouth split into a grin before he bent his head to drag his tongue across your skin.
“You’re perfect. You’re so beautiful, love.”
It wasn’t often you were left speechless, but if anyone was going to manage it, it would be John Deacon.
You bit your lip, shaking your head to yourself, as you quietly watched him press more and more kisses down the centre of your stomach.
“Been wanting to touch you like this since the first time I saw you.”
John had spent so long thinking about kissing you like this, imagining how you would feel, how you’d taste, the lovely sounds you’d make, how your body would feel against his, and now he’d got his answers, he never wanted to stop.
You laughed as you closed your eyes, letting your head fall back against your shoulders, giving yourself up to him. It was hard to focus, so you just let him press little kisses all over your body, round your hips, across your belly, down your thighs, until his fingers slipped between your legs and you gasped, electricity shooting through your veins.
Biting back a smile, you wrapped your fingers around his wrist and pulled it up between you, like you’d caught him stealing. The excited smile was wiped from John’s face when you leaned in close and murmured against his neck,
“You’re getting ahead of yourself, sweetheart.”
“‘s funny,” John stretched his long fingers out, splaying then relaxing them again, testing the strength and limit of your grip on his wrist. “I thought I was exactly where I needed to be.”
“Mm hm.”
“Not ‘wanted’?”
“The two get sort of mixed up when I look at you. You’re very- You make them, erm, homonyms.”
“I think you mean ‘synonyms’.”
“It’s hard to concentrate with your tits in my face.”
“Fair enough.” You smiled. “We’re getting off topic.”
“Are we?”
“You’ve been talking?”
He laughed when you batted his shoulder.
“Love, I can barely remember my own name right now.”
“You were getting ahead of yourself.”
“Actually, I do remember disputing that.”
“Of course you do.”
“What’s your point, love?”
“My point is,” You carefully placed your knee on the mattress beside John’s hip. “I didn’t say you could touch me there.”
John’s eyes switched excitedly across your face, but his easy smile faded as you straddled his thighs, settling in his lap.
You sighed and looped your arms around his neck, curling your fingers into his thick, dark hair.
“I didn’t realise-” John swallowed when your bare chest pressed against his. “I had to ask permission.”
Feigning confusion, you frowned quizzically, and all the while, you slowly grazed your nails across John’s scalp. He shivered against you, his muscles shifting beneath his pale skin.
“We’ve known each other for almost a year, John. Have I ever given you the impression that you’d be calling the shots here?”
There was a point in his neck, neatly positioned between his shoulder and his protruding collarbone. You could see the steady, perfect bass line of his heartbeat pulsing under his skin. It jumped when you rolled your body into his.
“Couldn’t help myself,” John let his heavy eyelids close, focusing on keeping his breathing even. “Did I mention you’re beautiful?”
You tilted his head back and kissed him, your tongue rolling over his, too riled up to wait for permission. You kept his chin up with your hand against his throat, the pad of your thumb pressing into his thready pulse.
Kissing John was unlike anything you’d ever known. Other boys grabbed at you, pressed selfishly into you, taking what they wanted and not caring how it felt for you. They were too rough, unimaginative, or simply just looking for a way to stave off boredom. But John…
As John’s lips moved against yours, it felt as if you were speaking the same language as someone for the first time in your life.
Skilled hands smoothed up and down your back, finding every part you wanted him to find, every part you wanted him to warm, as if he could read your mind. His lovely nose bumped yours whenever he turned his head and you could feel his smile every time you made an appreciative sound.
He was attentive, thoughtful, just like you knew he would be, just like he was when he played. He might look like his mind was elsewhere, but John was honed in on every note. He knew them all, he knew you too.
You must’ve shifted just where he needed you, must’ve slotted your body against his in just the right way, because John suddenly broke the kiss with a wet sound that made you swear under your breath.
He cut you off with a low, sonorous moan, his soft lips parting so you could see his pretty, pink, antagonising tongue.
“Just like-” He groaned again and this time his big hands found your hips, moving you so that you rocked against him just like he needed again. “That feels good. Shit-”
You could feel the hard outline of him through his stupid tight cord trousers. The friction alone was enough to send thrums of electricity through your body.
You hummed, pleased with yourself. You were admittedly a little rusty. Before tonight, you had half a mind to warn John just how long it had been since you’d been intimate with anyone, but it appeared you hadn’t lost the knack. Either that, or John was extremely receptive.
Beneath you, he moaned and let his head fall forward until his face was buried in your chest, his voice vibrating through you. All you were doing was rocking your hips into his, tugging on his hair, grazing your lips by his jaw. Yes, very receptive. You couldn’t wait to get your hands on him properly.
Then again, you had never dared to ask how long it had been for him either. You weren’t stupid, John had been with girls before you, at home, at uni. He’d never mentioned anyone. Maybe there was no one worth talking about. Anyway, everyone in your life seemed to agree that when quiet, thoughtful, reticent John finally did speak, the only thing he wanted to talk about was you.
You kissed him again, twice, three times, then squeezed his shoulder.
“Get comfy. I’ll stick some music on.”
You wobbled to the record player on unsteady legs and put on something soft and slow, warm and romantic.
When you came back, John had shuffled up the bed until his back was against the headboard. He looked so silly, sat there shirtless, his trousers and heels still on.
His sharp eyes followed you as you moved around the bed, but John wore an enormous grin, his face flushed, his slim chest heaving. He was the prettiest thing you’d ever seen.
“Did you mean to say that out loud?” John asked, his smile growing.
In an effort to mask your embarrassment, you wrapped your hand around one of his ankles and gently tugged him round until his legs were hanging off the side of the bed.
Giggling together, you hefted his leg up to your waist and pushed up his trouser leg.
“I love these shoes,” you murmured, admiring his black and white patent heels. “You’re such a bloody tease, Deacon.”
Sitting up on his elbows now, John raised his eyebrows as you started to unlace one of his platforms for him.
“You like them?”
“Like them? I’m trying to decide whether I should make you leave them on.”
You took off one shoe, then the other, dropping them to the floor so you could kick them under the bed. His trousers came off next, leaving you both in just your underwear.
You said it yourself, you’d known each other for almost a year now. That was a long time to wait to touch each other. John seemed to agree.
As you settled back in his lap, his hands immediately found your hips, pulling you down so that you could feel exactly what you did to him, and the infinitesimal strands holding the last of your reservations together finally snapped.
“You’re so pretty.” You murmured the words against his lips this time, so he knew you meant it. “I love your mouth so much.”
Curiosity sparked behind John’s eyes, and you wondered if anyone had ever said anything even remotely similar to him before.
With one hand resting on his narrow shoulder for balance, you took the other and dragged the pad of your thumb across John’s bottom lip, taking your time. They were a little chapped, he was always worrying them between his teeth, and a shade darker than usual tonight, bruised by your own.
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve been wanting to play with this pretty little mouth of yours?”
John’s eyes widened, his lips falling open as a soft moan escaped him, one you were sure was completely involuntary.
Beaming, you reached down between you and wrapped your other hand around him through his straining underwear.
Those eyes again, they gave away so much. John’s expression hardly twitched, but his eyes grew glossy and heavy as you worked him, purposefully slow, until he had completely melted into you.
“Goddd, feels so good…” His eyes rolled closed, his jaw slack. “Please don’t stop.”
“I won’t, sweetheart. Don’t worry.”
With the tip of your index finger, you grazed his bottom lip, then dipped in a little. John cracked his eyes open, you could feel him watching you with interest. Breathing shakily, you kept going, parting his lips to gently push your finger against his tongue.
“What do we say?”
John’s brow furrowed, summoning up a crease between his eyebrows that you couldn’t resist kissing away.
“Please,” he gasped out.
Your finger slipped into his warm mouth with ease. John immediately swirled his tongue around it, whimpering and moaning as he sucked gently, so needy for you that his hips bucked up into your hand
“Oh, dear…” you practically purred. “Someone’s eager.”
John groaned around your finger, his eyes widening when you added another. He squeezed your hips in time with every stroke of your hand, silently urging you to keep going while his mouth was occupied.
Once he’d got them nice and wet, you pulled back your fingers and drew your index along his bottom lip.
“Good boy,” you whispered, then popped your fingers into your own mouth to taste him with a moan. “You’re even sweeter than you look, my darlin’.”
John thought he must’ve died and gone to heaven. That was the only explanation for it. How else could he be here, with you, your lips against his and your hands anywhere you wanted them?
You kissed both his pink cheeks, then the corner of his lovely mouth, and all the while, you palmed him through his stupid tight pants.
John looked up at you like it pained him to not have your mouth on his properly, but your hand pressing firmly down on his hard length pulled his expression from agony to ecstasy.
“Love, if you don’t do something soon, I swear, I’m gonna-“
You removed your hand, eyebrows raised.
John bit his lip, trying heroically to hold back, but he couldn’t help it. He let out a disappointed whine.
He bucked his hips, trying to press himself into your hand.
Satisfied, you carefully clambered off him.
“Mm, that’s what I thought.”
John tried to pull you back into him but you distracted him with a deep, searing kiss, keeping his brain occupied so your hands could work.
Though he missed you being close to him, John couldn’t keep the grin from his face as you pushed him down flat on the bed, his head safely nestled against the pillows.
In his chest, his heart was pounding like a bass drum. He wanted to shout so your neighbours could hear. He wanted to run to the windows and declare to the whole city that this was the greatest night of his life. He wanted to tell the world that he was the happiest he’d ever been and he was in bed with the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. But he settled for gazing up at you and thanking his lucky stars.
Kneeling beside him now, you took a moment for yourself to just enjoy the scene before you. It was selfish really but you thought John could stand to wait a few seconds while you took him in.
His long hair was spread out across the pillow, dark curls that took hours to set just right. You smiled to yourself.
He was a walking contradiction. He was such a low maintenance boy, so happy to do whatever you wanted to do. No fancy clothes, no ridiculous car, no expensive bad habits. But John cared about how we looked. He cared about doing well at uni. He understood music better than most and cared about Queen’s future. He just never made it anyone else’s problem.
It was only in the last few months that you’d really seen him open up. You couldn’t wait to discover the rest of him. ‘Easy Deacon’, they used to call him. Everything just came so naturally to John. You knew that wasn’t exactly true, but the thought of having a good, kind, lucky, sensible boy in your life, in your bed, might just be the most wonderful thing that ever happened to you.
“Can’t tell you how long I’ve been thinking about this,” you said.
John swallowed thickly when you pressed a kiss to the hollow of his throat, then his sternum.
”Oh, yeah?”
He was still so slim, even after all your best effort. You could pick out each of his ribs as John sucked in a deep breath.
Kissing your way down his chest, you paused to rest your chin over his heart, trying to feel for it.
John’s head was thrown back, his jaw high and his neck exposed, so he didn’t see your fond smile, or the pang of emotion behind your eyes as you turned your head, aching to hear the rounded, powerful, thump thump thump of his heart.
It pounded harder than you expected. You could almost feel it pulsing against your cheek, strong and full and just for you.
“You’re having palpitations, Johnny.” You raised your head and caught his eyes. “You wanna stop and catch your breath?”
John exhaled sharply, not quite a laugh, there was no humour in it. He obviously didn’t think that was funny.
“If you stop now, I think I’ll pass out.”
“Well, can’t have that.”
You kissed your way down his chest, taking your time, savouring the feeling of his hot, flushed skin against your lips.
You took note of every muscle twitch, your ears pricking at every sharp intake of breath. Learning what made the famously stoic and impassive John Deacon moan and squirm was going to be fun.
You peppered more kisses down his chest, taking the time to flick your tongue across both nipples, just to make John’s hips stutter. Face flushed, he groaned almost in protest, but didn’t move to stop you at all.
You pushed further, kissing your way down his stomach, until John was half giggling, half whimpering. He bit down hard on his lip, his long fingers reaching out and finding a home in your hair, where he tugged ever so gently, like he was trying to spur you on but didn’t want to risk making you stop again.
“Love, that…” John hissed through his teeth as you licked a stripe up his belly. “That tickles.”
You laughed softly.
“Does it? Sorry.”
“No, don’t b- Ohn…”
You looked up at John, the skin just below his navel still caught between your teeth. You let it go slowly, dragging at his skin, and all the while you watched his pretty face contort and soften, his teeth practically embedded in his bottom lip.
“Sorry, what was that?”
John huffed, his fingers tightening in your hair as you kissed down the front of his underwear, slow and hot, teasing him on purpose, drifting so close to where he desperately wanted to be touched, but never quite there.
Enough torture. You hooked your fingers under the waistband of his pants and slowly dragged them down his pale thighs, pausing only to place kisses on either side of his bony hips, and the contrasting softness of his inner thighs.
“Just relax, Johnny. It’s only me.”
You smiled against his skin, watching his face contort and shift as you tugged the waistband of his underwear down against him, a mean trick but worth it for the soft little noises he gave in response.
“I’ve got you, love. Just relax. Let me take care of you.”
John whimpered, his chest rising and falling fast. His eyes stayed fixed on yours as you pulled his pants all the way down, until his aching cock was pressed against his stomach.
“Oh, hello,” You laughed, disguising just how embarrassingly turned on you were with a quirked eyebrow and a wobbly smile. “It’s always the quiet ones.”
Despite his nerves, John huffed a little laugh too.
It had been a while since anyone had seen him like this. Somehow, it felt like the first time. You were the most important thing in his life, the most beautiful, wonderful person he’d ever known, it mattered what you thought, it mattered that you liked how he looked.
He watched you take him in, watched your pretty eyes cross his body, and for once, didn’t feel self-conscious under someone else’s gaze. John knew you wouldn’t care what he looked like but he couldn’t help blooming with pride, his cheeks prickling at the pleased look on your face.
John sucked in a sharp breath as your hand wrapped around him, moving up and down his length slowly, almost absent-mindedly, while you soaked up every new detail exposed to you, every new valley and slope, memorising every detail of his body until you could see him behind your closed eyes.
Then you squeezed him, testing the boundaries of his patience, and John lost all sense of bravado and decorum. He groaned, letting his head drop back against the pillow, panting now.
“Fuck, sweetheart, please…”
You tilted your head to the side, feigning obliviousness.
“Please what, love?”
“Just, please…” John moaned again, his hips pressing up into your hand, searching desperately for more pressure, friction, anything. “Please touch me. Feel like I’m gonna…”
You didn’t get to hear the rest, John’s eyes suddenly widened and he put his much larger hand over yours.
“Wait, this isn’t right. I should be- I should take care of you first.”
“What? Because it’s the gentlemanly thing to do?”
“No! Well, no- No, that’s not why I’m asking. I want to make you feel good. I should get you off first.”
Somehow, even though you had his dick in your hand, hearing John talk about ‘getting you off’ made you go all bashful.
“Why should you?”
“Well,” Looking oddly relaxed for someone in his position, John sat up on his elbows. “It’s just maths, innit.”
“Don’t say ‘innit’, you’re from Oadby.”
“I’m finally picking up the lingo. My point is, it’s maths.”
“Is it now?”
You smiled and sat back on your knees.
John’s eyes followed your hands as they left his body to drag across the mattress. Being cheeky had been a risky move and he’d miscalculated, you weren’t touching him anymore. He’d have to make sure it was worth it.
“I’m a bloke. You can cum again and again and again, but I get one shot at this. Two if I’m lucky… Three would probably kill me.”
“It’s tempting right now.”
“I’m just saying,” John’s grin was toothy and silly. He looked about the most relaxed you’d ever seen him. “I’d like to get a few in before I, you know, close up shop.”
You carefully placed your hands on either side of his body so that you could move over him. Placing your knee between his thighs, you leaned in close to murmur against his lips.
“How’s about I take care of you, properly. Like I’ve been thinking and dreaming about doing for… Hm, when did you start at the bakery?”
“30th January.”
“Right. Six whole months, John.”
“Almost seven.”
“Almost seven! Yes! Y’see!”
You kissed the tip of his nose, then his cheek, while John laughed softly, nuzzling his face against yours.
“How about… I take care of you. And then you can - what was it you said? - make me cum again…”
You kissed him.
“And again…”
Another soft kiss that made John’s whole body light up.
“And again…”
The rough pads of his bass-bitten fingers grazed your scalp as John slipped a hand back into your hair, keeping your mouth fixed to his, as if letting you move away would be allowing you, the night, that moment, to disappear.
Moaning softly into your mouth, John ran his tongue over yours, his eyebrows drawn together.
“You’re very persuasive.”
You grinned, feeling silly and happy and safe.
“‘s just maths, innit.”
“Mm,” John nodded and kissed you again, then pressed his nose to yours. “Sounds much better coming from you.”
“What was that about ‘coming?’”
“Oh-hoh, you’re on fire tonight.”
“Well, let’s see, shall we?”
You wrapped your hand around him and swallowed his surprised groan with a deep, slow kiss, matching the movement of your hand with your lips.
John shuddered beneath you, gripping you tight as your thumb absentmindedly swiped over the head of his cock.
Completely lacking all composure now, John’s hips jerked up into your hand, chasing a high you couldn’t wait to give him.
“You’re so fucking pretty, John.”
Cheeks tinged pink, he turned and buried his face in your forearm.
“Don’t say that.”
“Why not?”
“It’ll-” He choked, his hips jumping into your hand. “You’re gonna make me cum.”
Smiling, you leaned down to kiss him slowly.
“That’s kind of the point, pretty boy.”
The only sign that he’d heard and understood you was a keening moan.
John shut his eyes, his brow furrowed like he was concentrating, the same sweet little frown he got when he played the bass.
Your cheeks were starting to ache, you were so smiling so broadly. With one knee, you gently nudged his legs further apart, then hooked your hand under one of his knees so that his foot was firmly planted on the bed.
John opened his eyes but there was nothing behind them. He blinked at you, his mouth open, his pale, slim chest heaving. He had just enough wherewithal to ask,
Still smiling, you swapped hands, getting him off with one while you slipped the fingers of your dominant hand into your mouth.
John’s pretty eyes dropped to follow your hand as it fell between his thighs.
“Trust me?”
He bit his lip, eyes wide, when you circled his entrance, massaging it. You could feel his whole body seize up immediately, like you’d electrocuted him. Then, just when you thought he might ask you to stop, he said,
It was only a whisper, so you made him repeat himself, just to make sure.
John nodded furiously, repeating ‘yes yes yes’ over and over as you pushed your finger against him.
John’s legs instinctively rose to hook around your lower body, his ankles crossing almost delicately behind you while he gasped and huffed, kneading at your hips to keep himself grounded as you gently worked him open with one finger.
You swallowed his hiccuping moan with another kiss, keeping him distracted, getting him used to the unfamiliar feeling.
“Relax, sweetheart,” you said, dropping your other hand to soothingly rub his thigh. “Just wanna make you feel good. Can you take over, sweetheart, while I..?”
Without loosing a beat, John’s fingers brushed yours as he wrapped them around his cock. You gave him one final squeeze before you let go.
You could wiggle your finger around now, and you worked a second in, twisting and scissoring, dropping little words of praise and encouragement when John began to grind down on your hand.
“Ohhnfuuck…” he moaned, his head flung back to expose his neck.
You watched his Adam’s apple bob in his throat, watched his pulse jump under his jaw, and felt a swell of affection when John moaned your name. His tried to speak but his voice cracked, punctuated by sharp gasps whenever you pushed that little bit further.
“That’s it, pretty boy. That’s it. Just like that, sweetheart.”
Keeping your fingers moving steadily, you bent your head and nipped at his belly, then his pelvis, making your way down until you could nudge his hand away with your nose.
John seemed to begrudge the thought of letting go but you kissed his fingertips, then the base of his cock, and he released himself with a frustrated whine.
“Love, I’m-”
You stopped him complaining by dragging your tongue up the underside of him. John completely melted under your touch, his voice wobbling uncontrollably as you swirled your tongue around his head.
“Sweetheart, please, please, please-”
“Please what, Johnny?”
“Please don’t stop, please please please don’t stop, feels so fucking good when you- Ah!”
Though your muscles ached, you couldn’t imagine stopping now, not with John begging like that, so you shifted the position of your hand.
“When I what, honey?”
The new angle made John tense up again, his wispy little fringe now sticking to his forehead. But then you took him in your mouth, licking him clean and sucking at his swollen tip, and his whole body went slack.
“Ohhhn, when you fuck me like that.��
You couldn’t help it, you moaned around his cock, long and half feral, the vibrations making John’s eyes roll back.
Still your fingers fucked into him, stretching and pushing towards a pleasure that John wouldn’t have believed was possible, and then you hit a sweet spot inside him that made his back arch off the bed.
“Right there,” he gasped out, eyes squeezed shut, his body trembling. “Right there, that’s it, right there, right there. Don’t stop, don’t stop, please.”
”I won’t, I won’t. I’ve got you, sweet boy.”
He took himself in his hand again, squeezing and tugging. You couldn’t take your eyes off him. Seeing John like this, completely at your mercy, his mind completely disconnected from his body, it made your belly twist. He was completely yours, this was all just for you.
John cried out, begging you to go faster, so you did, and his hand sped up to match your thrusts. He squirmed against you, rocking his hips so he was practically bouncing on your fingers now.
“Ohhh, love,” You beamed against his bony hip. “You gonna cum like this, baby boy? With my fingers inside you?”
John half moaned, half laughed, almost in disbelief.
“God, I fucking am. Love, I’m-”
You leaned over him to brush his hair back from his damp forehead and kissed him softly, only slowing your thrusting fingers so that you could crook them inside him.
“C’mon, love. C’mon, Johnny, cum for me.”
Always so eager to please. Your only warning was one last sharp jerk of his hips before he suddenly came with another broken moan. It sent a jolt of white-hot desire curling in the pit of your stomach.
John’s grip on your hips was so tight, he was sure to have left bruises, and all the while he whimpered and called your name, his face flushed and pink.
Feeling just as breathless, you kissed and kissed him until John’s body slowly collapsed under you. You carefully drew back your fingers, just barely biting back a moan when John weakly protested.
He pulled you close, but it wasn’t enough, so - still gasping and buzzing with pleasure - John carefully guided your arms out from under you so that you had to lay on top of him, your bodies completely intertwined.
“You’re-” John kissed you lazily, his mind still somewhere out past Saturn. “That was amazing. You’re so beautiful. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
He barely knew what he was saying, he just had to let you know that you’d made him feel more than he ever thought possible. He couldn’t imagine ever wanting to be anywhere else other than right here, right now.
Content and warm, you buried your face in his neck, catching your breath as John dragged his hands up and down your back.
“You were so good, John. Thank you for letting me take care of you.”
He smiled. He couldn’t believe you were thanking him. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was. He couldn’t believe crossing the road to see about a job had led him to this. In bed with you, just before dawn, sweaty and sticky and exhausted and gasping for breath, John felt like he’d finally found the home he’d been looking for all his life.
“Yeah, well, it’s your turn next, sweetheart. Give me two minutes and I’ll do the same for you.”
“Just two? Look at you.”
“You’re very inspiring, what can I say.”
You smiled against his skin, pressing your thighs together at the thought.
You considered getting up to open the window and let in some fresh, cooling air. You wanted to help John get cleaned up before the next round. More than that, you wanted to lay back and let him kiss down your body, till he’d seen to the mess he’d made.
You kissed him again, slow and languid. There was no need to rush. You had all the time in the world.
The bakery was alive again.
Like a pot set to boil slowly, incrementally over time, you hadn’t realised how anaemic the place had become until it was too late. Almost too late. With Alastair gone and the summer at its peak, 64 Oslo Square was back to its former glory, a shining jewel at the far end of Kensington High Street.
You kneaded dough with motions you knew by heart. There was a rhyme and rhythm to it, a particular push of your hands, a drag of your fingers, a dig with the heels of your palms.
You rolled the dough between your hands, forming and shaping it like a potter at their wheel, until it was the perfect consistency to divide and drop into proofing baskets.
There was music in the air. Mickey’s old radio oozed out Diana Ross, Tony Orlando, Free and Bowie, and he sang along to every word. How he knew them all by heart, you’d never know, but he never skipped a beat.
Equally vocal was John. He was leaning against the kitchen island, where he was supposed to be making butter cream. Instead, he had his head in the book he’d just bought, a textbook he’d need for his second year. He’d been reading out passages he thought were particularly interesting, and you and Mickey had been trying your best to humour him.
John recited a particularly convoluted paragraph, and Mickey actually laughed at how ridiculously complex it sounded.
“Hang on, say that one more time?”
You brushed off the flour from your hands, watching it cascade through the air like gold dust in the morning sunlight.
“Yeah, no, sorry, sweetheart. You’ve lost us.”
John turned the book around and held it up so that you could see the page he was reading from.
“Here, have a look!”
“My love, that might as well be written in Greek for all the sense it makes to me.”
“Well, some of it is Greek. It’s Physics.”
Behind you, meticulously icing fruit tarts, Mickey snorted.
You shot John a wry look.
“Well, I walked into that one.”
John turned the book back to face him.
You watched him with a fond smile, then pushed the loaves you’d made into the oven.
He got this look on his face when he was talking about his studies. John was completely in his element. All the nervousness and shyness dissipated when there was simple, honest, unconditional science to talk about.
He shrugged, shutting the thick book with a heavy snap.
“I know it’s boring-”
“It’s not boring, John, I just think it’s wasted on us.”
“Don’t be daft, you’re the smartest person I know.”
“Ta!” Mickey chimed in.
You ignored him, though it was nice to see Mickey so cheery. The last few months had been hard for all of you, but he had a family to worry about, a newborn, a mortgage. Now Alastair’s heavy chains had dropped from your ankles, the bakery was making enough for you all to live a little more easily, and Mickey had started to whistle again, bright and cheery and carefree.
While the bread proved, you set about preparing tomorrow’s croissants.
“The smartest person you know besides you, you mean,” you said to John, picking up the conversation again while you went to grab the right ingredients.
“Well, what else am I here for? Aren’t I the brains?” John smiled. “I’m not just a pretty face, you know.”
Grinning now, you tapped his thigh as you passed by.
“Don’t forget the legs.”
“I thought that was you?”
“Ohh, someone woke up in a good mood.”
“Wonder why.”
John reached out and tried to pinch your hip but you just slipped out of reach.
Plunking flour, eggs and sugar down on the metal counter, you took a deep breath before falling into the pattern of a lifetime. It was all second nature by now, like the steps of a dance or the words to a favourite song. You’d never forget the moves for as long as you lived, you could probably make them blindfolded, with one arm tied behind your back. It was good to be back.
“C’mon then,” You nodded to the textbook in John’s hands. “What else you got? Anything that’ll get you mixing faster?”
John huffed, lifting himself up to perch on the edge of the counter.
“It’s thanks to this book that you even have a mixer.”
“Oi, watch it, New Boy. I’m your boss, remember.”
John grinned at you across the island. It was an almost challenging look. Come shut me up. Come kiss me. I know you want to.
“Can bosses get the sack for fraternising with the staff?”
Startled, you looked over your shoulder at Mickey. You’d almost forgotten you weren’t alone in the kitchen with John.
Mickey tugged a cigarette down from where it had been tucked behind his ear and flicked it up, catching it in his mouth just to show off. He raised his eyebrows at you, then at John.
“I only ask cos I got an earful this morning I’m not gonna forget in an ‘urry. It’d do me a favour if you were legally obligated to never, ever do that again. At least while I’m in earshot.”
Cheeks burning, you refused to look at John.
Images of that morning flashed through your mind.
You had to be up early to get the bakery warmed up, and John needed to get on his stupid bike and make his rounds. You’d flung out a sleep-heavy arm to silence your alarm, and in the time it took you to draw it back under the warmth and safety of the covers, John had moved on top of you.
Between soft, slow, drowsy kisses, he lazily slipped inside you, dragging his hips back and forward against yours as you gasped into his mouth.
You came clinging to his back, your ankles hooked around his hips, his tongue in your mouth and your name in his throat.
When you came downstairs together. Mickey had already started warming up the ovens. You had paused, momentarily startled. Mickey was early for once. But you brushed your surprise away and slipped on an easy smile. There was no way he would've been able to hear you, and there were a hundred perfectly innocent reasons why John could’ve been upstairs with you.
“Oh,” You pulled a face, aiming for apologetic and ending up at awkward. “Sorry, Mickey.”
He just laughed and headed out into the alley for his smoke break.
Turning to John, you grimaced.
Looking about as embarrassed as you felt, he held out his hand to you. John guided you around the counter until you were standing between his knees, his hands immediately resting on your hips like it was second nature.
“Alright, so your walls are thinner than we thought. Lesson learnt.”
“Maybe if you weren’t so noisy.”
“Me!” John laughed. “Can I take you out tonight?”
“Depends. Where you taking me?”
“Thought we could go to the pictures? Get some dinner?”
“Sounds perfect.” You kissed the tip of his nose. “And your electric stuff is very cool, John. I was only teasing you.”
Smiling like a cat curled up in front of the fire, John squeezed your hips reassuringly.
“I know.”
“Not just a pretty face, eh?”
John looked sheepish.
“Well, you know, you’re always saying-”
You kissed him once, twice, then his nose again.
“You’re very pretty.”
John barely put up a fight. It was hard enough arguing with you at the best of times, he could barely concentrate when you were so close, your floury hands cupping his face, your lips so close to his.
“Yes! Twice as pretty as Roger.”
John let his head grow heavy, relaxing completely until all that supported him were your hands under his jaw. While you giggled at his exhausted expression, John shook his head
“Now you’re just being silly.”
Your heart felt so full, it threatened to spill over.
There had been a small worry, so small it barely warranted entertaining, right in the back of your mind. It liked to remind you that the dynamics of your relationship with John had forever shifted.
What if things felt different now? Under these new parameters, there would be no more longing looks across the bakery, no dancing and stumbling around each other, no more tension and uncertainty. What if the sudden expectations and roles made things awkward?
A smaller, even stupider part of your brain had even been afraid that John would wake up and - in the cold, harsh light of the morning - decide he'd changed his mind.
That particular worry was extinguished almost as quickly as it sprang into life. When John hooked one long, slim leg through yours and moaned into your mouth that you were absolutely perfect, you could have laughed at yourself for ever worrying if your mouth hadn’t been full of his name, then his tongue.
But no, here, alone in the kitchen where you came to know each other, looking and smiling at each other like you were the only two people in the world, you knew nothing good had changed. It made you wonder just how long you’d belonged to each other without knowing it.
“I mean it!” You laughed softly when you brushed your hand over his cheek and John pretended to nip at your fingertips. “You’ve got pretty eyes…”
You kissed a spot under both of his eyes, right on the apple of John’s cheeks. His smile pressed into your palms
“And pretty hair…”
“You’re so odd, love.”
“And nice eyebrows…”
John laughed, making the corners of his eyes crinkle.
“My eyebrows are nice?”
“And you’ve got a great nose…” You kissed it to prove a point, then grazed your fingertip along the outline of his bottom lip. “I love your funny little mouth.”
John raised his eyebrows.
“What’s so funny about my mouth?”
“My mouth works just fine, thank you.”
You grinned.
“I’m well aware.”
Shaking his head slightly, his cheeks tinged pink, John asked,
“You really think I’m pretty?”
“I really do, John.”
“I think you’re pretty too. I think you’re beautiful.”
John smiled softly as you leaned in to kiss him, and you could still feel him smiling against your mouth as you tilted his head back with one finger under his jaw.
He pulled you closer, his hands on the backs of your thighs at first, before they slid up and bunched up your apron.
You had half a mind to pull away and check over your shoulder, just to make sure Mickey wasn’t about to walk in on you. You could hear Gladys a mile away, so you didn’t have to worry about her catching you, but you’d never live it down if Mickey had to bleach his eyes as well as his ears.
John brushed his nose against yours sweetly, his eyes half-lidded and heavy. He was so handsome when he was like this, all relaxed and confident and putty in your hands.
“That thing you did,” he said quietly. “Last night.”
You hummed, only half listening as you leaned down to kiss him again.
“Think you’re going to have to be more specific.”
“I don’t think I do.”
John raised his eyebrows and you bit back a smile, feeling somehow simultaneously sheepish and proud of yourself.
You’d been waiting for him to bring it up, but when he didn’t say anything last night or this morning, you wondered if maybe he didn’t like it. His body certainly reacted positively, but sometimes there was a disconnect, a barrier, between what was felt physically and what was felt emotionally.
“Is that something you’ve done before?”
“Maybe.” Though your cheeks burned, you kept up your grin, never wanting to give away just how much John flustered you. “Or maybe I just saw you there, all wet and desperate, and couldn’t help myself.”
John’s eyes widened a fraction, like he couldn’t believe you would dare to say something so outrageous within a few feet of your colleagues and countless hungry customers.
Bending his head, he let his forehead rest against your chest, his hands tense on your hips.
“You’re terrible,” he grumbled, the sound muffled against your apron.
You couldn’t resist, you slipped your fingers into his thick hair, combing it through and playing with the odd curl.
He really was so wonderful, a ridiculous mix of pretty boy and handsome mechanic. There wasn’t anything John Deacon couldn’t do. He played every part so well without ever not being himself, and he was all yours.
“Did you like it?” you asked, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.
John quietly huffed.
“I think that was fairly obvious.”
“Because we could do it again. And more, if you like.”
John raised his head.
You kept your hand in his hair, grazing and tugging his curls around your fingers. It kept you grounded, kept you from pulling back and changing the subject and apologising for even asking. It wasn’t exactly embarrassing, just a lot to say out loud, especially with John looking at you like that.
“Yeah, you know…” You shrugged, fighting back a smile and losing. “I could use more than just my fingers.”
“Oh.” John’s eyes widened a fraction but that was all he gave away. “Would you… Want to?”
“Yes. Would you like that?”
The tension between you was building again, a push me, pull you of daring looks and lingering touches, toeing the line a little more with every word passed between you.
“I…” John opened his mouth, closed it again, then said, “I trust you with me.”
There was a flicker of nervousness in his grey eyes but no hesitancy, no uncertainty.
Even just thinking about it left your mouth feeling dry, and from the way John’s fingers tightened on the backs of your thighs, threatening to slip up under your dress and beyond, he was thinking about it too.
“Still can’t really believe it,” he said softly.
“Well, you know, it’s not that uncommon. You’d be surpri-”
“No, I mean,” John laughed softly and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. “Can’t believe I’m here. With you.”
“Oh!” With a grin you brushed back his hair and tucked it behind his ear for him. “Well, I’m very glad you decided to stick around, New Boy. Well, not so new anymore.”
John hummed and leant his head in your hands again, nuzzling his cheek against your palms.
He’d gone all soft on you. You tried to pinpoint exactly when that could have happened, but came up empty. He’d always been sweet but recently, perhaps over the last few weeks, John had shown a vulnerability that he’d hidden behind clever words and smiles.
When did give himself over to you? Welcoming him into your little family had done wonders for John’s confidence, giving him somewhere that he felt safe and secure, where he had a set role and no doubt that he belonged.
But when had he become yours? When you were one of six people in the crowd to see his band play? When you took him into your home and patched him up, offering him love and comfort and a warm place to sleep? Or maybe it had been immediate, when you sent a stranger home with food just because he looked cold and hungry? Or maybe it was only recently. Maybe seeing how his friends welcomed you into his own odd little family had been the final nail.
Running your fingers through his soft hair, you knew you wouldn’t ever know when this started, when John had solidified himself in your life, but you were oh so very glad that he did.
The bakery door opened. You barely registered it, just a faint chime in the back of your head. You almost, almost ignored it. But something about the sound sent goosebumps shivering up your arms and down your back. Something told you to look up and pay attention.
Through the kitchen doorway, you could hear familiar voices. The same customers came by every day, or weekly, you knew them all by heart. They knew you as you knew them. There was a warmth there, a rare connection for this part of the city.
One voice, cold and discordant, cut through the rest like a bow pulled too sharply across violin strings.
Without taking your eyes off the kitchen doorway, you squeezed John’s hands, then gently let them go.
“Hang on, love.”
Heart thudding, you made it to the doorway just in time to catch Alastair moving round the counter towards Gladys.
Immediately, a coppery taste rose under your tongue, like blood, adrenaline. Your hands balled into fists and you didn’t know if you were afraid or furious or just shocked, but you froze in the doorway, unable to move any part of you apart from your wide eyes.
“Gladys, love,” Alastair smiled like an anglerfish as he drew closer. “You have to give me another chance. I was just trying to do what’s best for you.”
The bakery door closed behind the last customer, you caught the movement out of the corner of your eye. The shop was empty, apart from one woman, seated at a table in the corner, busy fussing over her baby.
“You’re being ridiculous, love. You know I wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt you. I just want to help-”
You stopped him with his hand raised in the air, reaching out to Gladys, fingers curled inwards like claws. The big bad wolf.
“What the hell are you doing here.”
Alastair slowly dragged his gaze away from his target. His lip curled in irritation, almost like you bored him. You were just something to scrape off the bottom of his custom-made Italian leather shoes.
The sound of his name caught John’s attention. You felt his chest against your back but he didn’t touch you, just kept close, keeping watch but never interfering. Still, it meant there was now another man in the room, and Alastair’s attitude shifted accordingly.
He straightened his long back, pulled back his hand and tucked it behind him. His mouth shifted into something more friendly but his eyes he had less control over. They stayed cold and steady and fixed on you.
“There you are.” He tried to smile but didn’t understand the mechanics. “Look, we got off on the wrong foot, darling. But now everything’s out in the open, I really think we can come to some kind of agreement. I mean, you’re sitting on a goldmine here, sweetheart.”
Behind you, John scowled.
“Don’t call her that.”
Alastair pretended not to hear him.
“You don’t even know what you have here.”
You caught Gladys’ eye. This place was just as much her home as it was yours, if not more so. She bought a tiny corner of a bomb-stricken street, fixed it up, loved it into living, and filled it with good things to feed her community.
Until recently, until Alastair, she’d never had a day off, she’d never called in sick, she never complained or argued or admitted defeat. The fire that burned in her had been dampened but never snuffed out, and now it was back, roaring and clawing past the bars of its cage. And she’d passed it on to you.
“I do, actually,” you said, and Gladys smiled.
Alastair laughed drily, humourlessly, and there was no doubt that he thought you were beyond stupid, that you were all beneath him, that he understood the world better than any of you ever could.
“Honey, in ten years, this city is going to look completely different.”
He took a step towards you and you felt John tense.
“Twenty, thirty years down the line, this space will be worth triple what she bought it for. More than that. If you give it to me, I can talk to the right people, I can get you a good deal. Sweetheart, I can make you rich.”
“Alastair, I’ve been waitin’ a long time to say this: get the fuck ou’ of my bakery.”
Frantic now, he turned his gaze to John.
“You, you’re the boyfriend, right? Can you talk some sense into your girl? She’ll listen to you. You’re a smart bloke, I can tell. You can see what they can’t, right? C’mon, you and me, we know we can’t leave decisions like this up to- Well, a couple of girls playing business. We both know it’s too much for them.”
“Skip asked you to leave,” John said, terse and stern. ”Much more politely than you deserve.”
When Mickey came to see what was going on, Alastair took a step backwards. A smart move but not nearly quick enough.
Without a word from any of you, Mickey immediately understood what was happening and knew what the situation demanded.
Alastair raised his hands, his warped smile trembling at the corners. He shrank back as Mickey made his way towards him.
“Michael,” He shook his head, his cold eyes darting everywhere. “Michael, you-”
“Oh, mate.” Mickey grabbed Alastair by the scruff of his spotless jacket. “You’ve just made my day.”
Struggling against Mickey’s grip, Alastair cried out to Gladys, his hands wrapped uselessly around the much larger one dragging him out the front door.
Together, you watched Mickey throw Alastair onto the pavement, ruining his nice suit and removing him from your lives forever.
You looked up when you felt John slip his fingers through yours. Drawing in a soothing breath, you squeezed his hand back.
“Well,” Gladys turned to you with a smile. “I think I’ll stick the kettle on. Anyone want a brew?”
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edwinspaynes · 9 months
the nature of love
Love is complex. It's a convoluted, messy web, and no one knew that like the girl with the second clockwork heart. With clever eyes as gray as her name, she looked on at those around her scrambling to grasp love's straws between world-weary fingers, trapped in a spiderweb of her own that tore her heart into two evenly-broken parts.
But love was also devastatingly simple.
She sat on the couch with her husband, meeting his bright laugh and blue gaze with a smile as he looked down at her. Her head rested against his shoulder, the stubble on his face scratchy and comforting against her skin, and suddenly she was overwhelmed by raw emotion. His warmth, his smile, his silly songs and ridiculous notions. Everything that made him Will was the perfect mesh for everything that made her Tessa, azure and slate paints stirred into the hue of a stormy sky.
She couldn't help herself. She kissed his shoulder.
Tessa Gray-eyes-and-painfully-real-emotions was not the only one who understood the devastatingly easy affection of a shoulder kiss. Her son did, too. He sat across from his wife in front of a chess board, her blazing red hair framing her shoulders in thick curls, her kind but capable mouth twisted into an expression of contemplation. She reached out one elegant hand to move her pawn before his king, and he realized with a daunting feeling that those lips were shaping the words "checkmate."
The light gleamed off the golden globe necklace around her neck, and James Herondale thought in that moment that no one could ever be as blazing as his brave Cordelia, the woman who could slay armies with nothing more than a pawn.
So he stood up to get her more chai from their kitchen, placing a hand on one of her silk-cloaked shoulders as he moved around her. When she turned to giggle, he placed a quick but heartbreaking kiss on her breathtaking shoulder.
Sometimes, though, a shoulder kiss could breathe life into another. Across London, Cordelia's brother sat before a fire with his arm intertwined around his partner's, his hamsar-am's, his breath's. The fire crackled in both dark brown and hazel irises as they quipped over the film reviews between the newspaper's black-and-white lines.
Alastair, whose inkstained fingers were getting smudges onto Thomas's arm, insisted that the ridiculous columnist simply did not see the vision of the story; Thomas, who noticed the smudges but accepted them with grace, listened to the animated brushstrokes of his voice speak in the bright, colorful hues that a film reel could not yet capture.
He spoke deeply; he spoke with feeling. There was passion there, but Thomas's heart was calm as he leaned down and kissed Alastair's shoulder with an almost devastating gentleness.
With that tenderness, Alastair stopped quibbling. Instead, he exhaled, at peace with both hands now resting on Thomas's.
Shoulder kisses were for both children and their parents, and somewhere far, far away, Thomas's mother was getting one of her own. Sophie Lightwood slept peacefully in bed, her head resting on her husband's lap as he stuck his finger in the raspberry jam on his plate. He did not like scones, never had, but he enjoyed the sweetness of the jelly as he brought it to his mouth. The explosion of flavor was a confection, a conglomeration, as complex as the idea of love was.
But Sophie slept on, and love felt easy. Love felt like peace. Much like it did for his son, love felt like home to Gideon Lightwood.
So he set the jam aside on his nightstand. He lay down beside his wife and reached out to pull her in close with still-sticky fingers. And he pressed a kiss to her shoulder before falling asleep with his face resting there, quietly and quickly, asleep but alive in all the ways that mattered.
But shoulder kisses were not only for the living.
There was a girl, once, who tried hard to forget her name, the name that her mother had told her in a hard voice between harder slaps. That monster of a woman was gone now, but she still could not get it out of her mind.
Now, she sat before a lab table, mixing chemicals and starting the fires that her love had once adored so. Sometimes, if she got a formulation perfectly, she would hear the name that she only loved on Christopher Lightwood's lips: Grace.
Sometimes, when an experiment went perfectly, she could feel the ghost of soft pressure on her shoulder. And somehow, she knew that he was there. That she was not alone, and that she was not a monster.
And some people did not even need another to give them the love that lay in a shoulder kiss. A boy with golden hair sat somewhere in South America, his arms wrapped around a mug of black coffee and his elbows resting on a copy of Dorian Gray. But he was not paying attention to any of that; he sipped idly, watching the people go by in their colorful clothes, with their bright personalities.
Hand-in-hand. Arm-in-arm. Love was simple for them in a way that it had never been for Matthew, who had felt it as bitter as his coffee.
But loving himself had proven a simple challenge that he had not foreseen conquering, so when no one was looking, he pressed his fingers to his lips and tapped the pads in the shoulders of his brocade jacket.
Many years later, Tessa Gray-skies-but-the-sun-is-coming-out did the same thing. Matthew was long gone by then, in America or China or South Africa, and her beloved Will had gone to the place where memories were silent.
She had thought there would be no more shoulder kisses, but love in all of its simplicity was also complex.
One day, it would all come back to her.
And eventually, decades later she sat on the couch of a massive manor house, one that had known many shoulder kisses from when Thomas and Alastair had made their home there. And her second husband would smile as she rocked their daughter, and he would walk over to her. "Wo ai ni," Jem Carstairs would whisper to both of them, his rune-scarred cheeks pulled upward into a smile and his dark eyes danced with life.
He leaned down and kissed Tessa's shoulder.
He kissed Mina's, and Tessa's heart melted.
Because love was not temporary. Love was not an ephemeral thing meant only to last one lifetime. It binds us through the ages, a pulse that beats after all other pulses stop.
Love, in all of its complexities, is the best thing we do.
@themimsyborogove, thanks for ruining me with that shoulder kiss post!
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youchangedmedestiel · 9 months
How often/When do you think Cas watched Dean without him (and us) knowing?
Like I just rewatched episode 4x15 "Death Takes a Holiday" and it made me think about that because when Cas tells Dean:
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Just before this scene there is this dialogue:
CASTIEL: What just happened? You and Sam just saved a seal. We captured Alastair. Dean, this was a victory.
DEAN: Well, no thanks to you.
CASTIEL: What makes you say that?
DEAN: You were here the whole time?
CASTIEL: Enough of it.
This means Cas watched them doing all the work without Dean (and us and Sam) knowing, at least until he says it. And of course there is also episode 6x20 "The Man Who Would Be King" with the famous scene of Cas looking at Dean in Bobby's kitchen saying that the worst part was...
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Also, every time he watched him sleep (4x03 "In The Beginning" Cas sitting on the edge of the bed / 8x10 "Torn and Frayed" Dean startling on the couch because he sensed a presence and spilling his beer / 8x08 "Hunteri Heroici" Cas suggesting the idea of watching over them while they sleep).
But those scene are the only time Cas watched Dean without him knowing THAT WE KNOW OF. What about those we don't? Do you have some ideas of when this could have happened again? A scene in particular? Let me know because I want my mind to be blown.
Wait, is there a fic about that? I'm sure there is. Like Cas watching over Dean across seasons (at least until he can't fly anymore. But, wait, can he hide from people without his wings? That's a real question. Like can he spy on people without being seen once his wings are broken?) It could be a fic with Cas's POV and dialogues when Dean surprises him. Wait, I need to stop. I'm just writing my thoughts as they come to me but this post wasn't supposed to be this long. Sorry...
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I was so taken by those stairs that Jay-Works submitted this morning, that I just felt that the house was something special. Never have I been attracted to any other death stairs. Coincidentally, I was browsing thru one of my favorite online mag’s this afternoon, “The Wealden Times,” and lo and behold, there it was!
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Alistair Hendy, the owner, is a chef, writer and photographer. After five years of painstaking restoration he has succeeded in returning his 16th century merchant’s house in Hastings Old Town, UK, to its pared-back Tudor glory.
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He calls it the Christmas House b/c he opens it to the public in December. Entering the house straight into the drawing room, its sizeable inglenook, stone floor and wood paneled walls stand out.
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Alastair brought his log store inside, so there’s a plentiful supply of bone-dry logs to stoke the open fires.
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In rooms where candle light isn’t enough, he installed simple lighting in the form of adjustable pendants.
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The shutters are rarely open b/c Alastair doesn’t like to see the modern street.  Sunlight illuminates wisps of smoke that swirl from the open fires.
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After peeling back centuries of updating, it has a pared down, utilitarian look and even the fixtures and fittings look as they might have when they were first installed.
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Previous owners actually did more harm than good, modernizing in a pedestrian and thoughtless way, adding carpets and curtains and other urbane fixtures and fripperies. “It’s been more of a re-creation than a restoration project,” says Alastair.
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Mod cons like plumbing and lighting are cunningly concealed out of sight in the rest of the house, but hints of modern-day living and appliances can be seen in the kitchen.
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Alastair’s remarkable and imaginative conversion of the kitchen area, which was once a little tv room.
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Alastair is also trained in theater and costume design so all the additions are meticulously executed, like the set of an elaborate production.
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You can see where the floor has been lowered and the ‘new’ stair carefully slotted into an original beam.
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The kitchen and dining room are situated in the rear wing of the house that was used as a mortuary, right up until the 1950s.
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And, here they are- the stairs. 
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This is the pretty room we glimpsed from the stairs. 
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Alistair’s vision and hard work have gone into creating a house so interesting and atmospheric that it’s turned into a tourist attraction.
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The Xmas decorations are subtle and understated, and also have a European feel.
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The main bedroom has a raised bed enclosed by wood paneling and shutters.
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The bathroom furnishings are from many different countries and periods, but they all share the same raw simplicity.
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In the attic bathroom, is an original bathtub lined with lead. Its sheer weight meant that the floor had to be reinforced to safely support it.
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A trap door in attic bedroom floor opens to reveal the room below.
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whoisalastair · 1 year
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California Love // L. Hughes (pt. 1)
Wherein Luke Hughes meets Trevor Zegras’ younger sister, Jane Zegras, and the two hit it off despite attempts from Trevor.
I'm writing part of the first part of this series in my prom outfit 🤭 -Alastair
— — — — —
“You must be the Hughes brothers,” I sighed in exhaustion, unfortunately answering the knock on my family’s front door in my pajamas. The one who looked the oldest looked anywhere but at me, while the one I recognized as my brother’s friend Jack glanced over my shoulder to look for Trev. The third, a tall boy with curly hair, stared at my face with a look I couldn't decipher.
"Jack!" Trevor shouted from behind me, pushing past to bro-hug his best friend. I huffed and rubbed my eyes, clearing the bleary glare from them. I noticed the placing of a hand on my shoulder, it feeling soft but strong as it guided me to the couch. Looking up, I found that it had been the tallest Hughes, whose name escaped me.
"Thanks," I hummed. He simply nodded and draped a blanket over me.
"She doesn't need more sleep, stop being a simp Luke!" Trevor complained, thankfully reminding me of his name without me having to ask. Luke chuckled, somewhat nervously I would imagine, and sat on the opposite end of the couch.
"She looked cold." As I snuggled into the flannel-print blanket Luke had covered me in, I let it sink in that they had all seen me in my pajamas, which consisted of a cropped tank top and shorts with no bra (which explained the eldest's reaction to seeing me). Flushing red, I scanned the room to see what they were all doing. Luke had migrated onto his phone, texting faster than I'd seen in a while, as Jack and Trevor were turning on the TV for Spotify to turn on some country playlist.
"Do you two ever not listen to country?" I asked, accepting a mug of hot tea from my mother.
"Do you ever listen to me, ever?" Jack snorted at Trevor's somewhat confusing retort, to which I rolled my eyes and smiled a little. I love my brother, I really do, but his way with words was nonexistent.
"So, Jane, you go to Irvine?" Luke asked, glancing up from his phone to meet my eyes. I nodded and sipped some tea, pursing my lips at its heat.
"Yep, I study criminology." He nodded as his eyes grew wide.
"Like on Criminal Minds?" I giggled and shrugged, not quite sure what he meant but finding it cute that he stayed interested. Usually, people assumed I wanted to be a cop and ended the conversation there. I scooted closer to Luke as I pulled out my phone, searching up ‘Criminal Minds’.
“Ooh, this guy is cute,” I smiled, pointing to a picture of a man with brown hair and doe eyes, wearing a sweater vest. Jack snickered while Luke wrinkled his nose in annoyance.
“Reid? I guess so… I’m cuter though.” Trevor pretended to gag as I squeaked in surprise at Luke’s words.
“I mean, yeah, you are,” I whispered, looking up at him with confidence I somehow mustered. The tips of his ears turned pink as he bit his lip, trying his best not to smile. Trev huffed and flopped between us, wrapping an arm around both of our shoulders.
“Jeez, Jane, how about today’s weather,” Trevor said, trying desperately to change the subject. I huffed in exasperation and removed his arm, him giving me puppy-dog eyes in return.
“It sure is weather.” Jack snorted out a laugh, amused by my dry response. Luke glanced between me and Trevor, a look of confusion gracing his features.
“Zegras, let Jane talk to Luke,” Quinn sighed. “It’s not like they’re making out yet.”
“Yet?!” Trevor shouted, looking at Luke accusingly. I flushed red and bit my lip to hide a smile. I mean, I wouldn’t be opposed to kissing Luke, but nobody needed to know that.
“Yeah, Lukey has been simping over Jane ever since we pointed her out at a Ducks game,” Jack revealed. I squeaked and glanced over at Luke, who had blushed a deep scarlet and could only look down at his hands. Trev pouted and stood up, heading towards the kitchen.
“I’m never letting y’all in to a Ducks game again.” Jack and Quinn tried not to laugh as the barrier between Luke and I disappeared, both of us looking down at the awkward space where Trevor had been.
“Need me to sit there, lovebirds, or can you handle it,” Quinn teased, his face somehow still as monotone as ever. I smirked and scooted closer to Luke, placing my hand on top of both of his in an attempt to stop his fidgeting and simultaneously admiring the size difference.
“Gross,” Jack whined, “I’m going to join Trevor’s pity party.” I giggled and looked at Quinn, who shrugged.
“Doesn’t matter to me, just don’t start kissing.”
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morbidology · 1 year
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46-year-old Penny Bell lived a life that most would envy. She ran a catering business and her husband, Alastair, was a successful estate agent. The couple lived in a large detached home in the prestigious area of Bakers Wood, Denham, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom, with Penny’s son from her previous marriage, Matthew, 11, and their daughter, Laura, 9.
It was a balmy British summer day on the 6th of June, 1991, when Penny left her home. She said goodbye to the builders who were working on a kitchen extension and told them that she was running late for an appointment. She climbed into her powder blue Jaguar XJS and set off on her way. 
Less than three hours later, at around 12:15PM, the mutilated body of Penny was discovered ten miles away, slumped over in the driver’s seat of her car in the car park of a leisure centre in Greenford, Middlesex. 
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞:
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radio-web · 3 months
shhh, shhh. thats it. you're doing so well. gently placing my hands on your jaw, i crane your neck up. look me in the eye. there we are, pretty boy. are you ready?
my hand slips down and tightens on his neck. he whimpers and his eyes go wide like the prey animal he is. i squeeze, choking him until his eyes start to fade. i let go, and as he recovers, i tie a gag around his mouth. i prefer fabric.
as he struggles to recover his breathe, i choose my tool. i trace the very tip of my knife from his clavicle to pelvis. i do this again, applying more pressure, watching his blood bead and run.
i can taste it in the air.
here he is, laid out and tied down just for me. my doll, my prey, my dinner.
I plunge in my blade, his gasps and moans the most beautiful noise. i can feel the layers of flesh, muscle, and organ as it digs deeper. i pull.
he screams into the gag as i tear through his stomach, eviscerating him. i pull my blade out, savouring his sharp, fleeting noises. i think he is screaming again.
i reach one hand in, moaning at the sensation. warm, sticky, wet, in between my fingers. for a moment, i understand.
leaning over my prey, his eyes wide and afraid, i lick my fingers clean.
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vwritesaus · 1 month
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It is no secret to anyone who knows him that Alastair Carstairs is an exceptional cook. Armed with the knowledge passed down from his mother and Risa, he felt it was his duty to keep the Persian traditions alive in their family, and the only way he felt comfortable doing it was through cooking. It was his escape when the piano keys felt slimy and sticky under his fingertips, and when his thumb and index fingers slowly became more and more smudged with ink stains from the mundane newspapers. Cordelia was the taste tester every time, no matter how burnt or salty or under seasoned his food was. He could trust her to give him an honest critique—and she always did, without preamble.       ‘Dadash, did you empty the entire Dead Sea into this? My tongue is burning.’       ‘Oh, this is better than last time! Just needs more chilli, it’s a bit on the mild side.’       ‘Alastair, this is extremely chewy. It’s meant to be softer, no?’       Though he would roll his eyes and pretend to be offended by every one of his sister’s comments, Alastair was glad for it all. It was their little pocket of solidarity in an otherwise distant relationship. Alastair’s own doing, of course, but he felt it necessary at the time.       He was four years old when he first showed an interest, according to Sona. By eleven, Alastair was comfortable enough to cook a couple of simple dishes without any help. By fifteen, he was a self-proclaimed master. Yes, he made mistakes sometimes—as all good cooks do—but he knew his way around a kitchen, just as Cordelia knew her way around Cortana. Naturally it was something he kept to himself: if he had disclosed to any of the boys who bullied him at the Shadowhunter Academy that he, a male, loved and knew how to cook, and was taught how to by the women in his life, it would have given them yet another few reasons to belittle and assault him.       Being his father’s son and a boy with darker skin was already too many reasons. So Alastair kept his passion quiet, known only to his mother, his sister, and Risa. He’s sure Elias never knew, for if he had, Alastair is certain he would have put a stop to it somehow. All it took was one remark to have Alastair give up and push it down. His love for piano and singing, for instance.       But Alastair and Cordelia made it a regular occurrence to take over the kitchen and get under Risa’s feet, in her words. He cherishes those memories, where flour would coat the front of his waistcoat and parts of Cordelia’s hair, and the fragrant aroma of cinnamon, cardamom and clove would fill the entire room alongside their laughter. They were just some of the good things he held onto whilst at the Academy.       But the Academy days are no more, and Elias’s domineering presence has fizzled out through fire and ash. Alastair is free to do whatever he wants to do and be whoever he wants to be, and cooking is only a part of it.
continue reading on ao3
well well, it has been a long time, hasn't it??
but here i am, back for good hopefully!! and with a wee fic i wrote for my bestest girl @drunkonimagination for her birthday back in july ✨ it's based on one of our first interactions together before we hit the dms and the hill i will die on that is alastair carstairs is great at cooking but a terrible baker. only just got around it posting it jkahdjasd. hope you all enjoy it, and i'll be back with some more fics soon!!
also pls ignore the title, it's the best thing i could come up with :')
tagging people who might be interested: @edwinspaynes @purplebass @angeldaisies @faithfromanewperspective @tessherongraystairs @celias
let me know if you’d like to be added to or removed from the tag list!!
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purplebass · 6 months
Happy Birthday @alastairstom !!!🎂💜
I wrote you a little something involving some of your favorite blorbos doing something together and I hope you like it 💜💜💜
“Be quiet, Matthew,” Alastair whispered. “Thomas is asleep.”
Matthew raised an eyebrow. “How am I supposed to be quiet when I have to stir the dough?”
“Use a quietude rune like I did,” he replied. “I can’t risk him waking up because I’m crushing nuts.”
“He won’t,” he said, and applied the soundless rune on his forearm. “He is a heavy sleeper. He told me as much.”
“Yeah,” he agreed. Thomas could sleep through thunderstorms. “How much time do we need to bake this?”
“Mother’s recipe says sixty minutes,” Matthew glanced at the clock. “Which means we need to put it in the oven in five minutes or you can’t give it to him for breakfast.”
“By the Angel,” Alastair cursed. “Why must nuts be so hard to crush?”
“Cut them into bigger pieces.”
“Thomas doesn’t like big pieces.”
“Why must you be a tough nut to crack, Carstairs?”
“Math –” he looked at the door, trying to hear any sound coming from upstairs. “Stir the dough. We are running out of time.”
“You crush the nuts.”
Alastair frowned at Matthew but didn’t say anything. They didn’t talk much while they waited for the pie to bake, in case Thomas could hear them. Matthew also dozed off on the chair by the table. Not that Alastair needed him anymore at this point, but he wouldn’t just ask him to leave yet. For some reason, he needed moral support until the pie was ready and he knew it was as he expected it to be.
“It looks good from the outside,” Matthew commented a little before seven in the morning. They had just taken the pie out of the oven. “I wonder how it tastes.”
“I am afraid I can’t offer you a slice,” Alastair quickly said. “Can I offer you something else, instead?”
“No, but thank you, Carstairs,” he grinned. “If you don’t need my help anymore, I think I should go. Wouldn’t want Tom to find me here and ruin the surprise.”
“Next time, then.”
Alastair followed him to the foyer where he took his coat from the rack and put it on. 
“I’m sure the pie is good,” Matthew said. “He will love it. He loves nuts. And he loved my mother’s pie every time he ate it.”
“Thank you for helping me on such a short notice,” Alastair said. “And at night. I was quite desperate.”
“Don’t mention it,” he replied. “That’s what friends do, right?”
“Right,” he managed a smile. 
“Good luck,” he said. “I’ll wish happy birthday to Thomas later. Goodbye, Alastair.”
“Goodbye, Matthew.”
Alastair sighed. It was time. He went to the kitchen to retrieve the pie and climbed the stairs one at a time. He didn’t want Thomas to hear him but he also didn’t want to slip accidentally and fall and throw the pie he had spent so much time preparing on the wooden floor.
The door was open, just like they liked to leave it. This was their house and they had their privacy. They wanted to live their love out in the open here. They wanted to be free.
Thomas stirred in bed and the first thing he saw was Alastair carrying the cake. 
“You didn’t,” he muttered, his voice sleepy. “You are nuts.”
“About you? I’m quite certain I am,” Alastair offered him a loving smile and sat next to him on the bed. “Happy birthday, hamsaram.”
“Is it…?” he wondered, and he nodded. “You are completely nuts. Put the pie on the nightstand so I can properly kiss you, khoshgelam.”
Alastair did as he was told and kissed his partner vehemently. “Asheghetam,” he said once they stopped, both out of breath. 
“Asheghetam,” echoed Thomas. 
And then they ate the cake.
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scotianostra · 5 months
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April 15th 1924 saw the birth of Rikki Fulton.
Robert Kerr “Rikki” Fulton was a Scottish comedian and actor best remembered for writing and performing in the long-running BBC Scotland sketch show, Scotch and Wry.
The youngest of three brothers, Robert was born into a non-theatrical family at 46 Appin Road, Dennistoun, Glasgow. Fulton completed his education in 1939 and decided to enter the world of acting after a backstage visit at the Glasgow Pavilion Theatre.In 1941, aged 17, Fulton joined the Royal Navy. The following year he was posted to HMS Ibis, but that November the ship was sunk in the Bay of Algiers. Fulton spent five hours in the water before being rescueHe later joined the Coastal Forces for D-Day, travelling back and forth between Gosport and Arromanches with vital supplies. In 1945, four years after signing up, Fulton was invalided out of the Navy due to blackout, leaving with the rank of sub-lieutenant
In the early 1950s, Fulton moved to London and became the compère of The Show Band Show, working alongside the likes of singer Frank Sinatra.
After a short period, Fulton returned to Scotland to perform for Howard & Wyndham Ltd inn pantomime from 1956 at the Alhambra Theatre, Glasgow with Jimmy Logan and Kenneth McKellar followed by the “Five Past Eight” summer revues with Stanley Baxter and Fay Lenore. In 1985, under the pseudonym “Rabaith”, Fulton, along with Denise Coffey, adapted the French playwright Molière’s, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme as A Wee Touch o’ Class.
Alongside his Scotch and Wry co-stars Gregor Fisher and Tony Roper, Fulton made two appearances in Rab C. Nesbitt; once in 1988 and 10 years later in 1998. Although he would reprise his famous Rev I.M Jolly character one last time for a short skit on New Year’s Eve 1999 as part of the “Millennium” celebrations. Rikki’s early shows include,The Rikki Fulton Show The Five past eight, The Adventures of Francie and Josie but he also acted in various shows like Charles Esquire , Square Mile of Murder, It Ain’t Half Hot Mum, Bergerac, Local Hero, Gorky Park, Comfort and Joy, The Holy City, The Girl in the Picture, Supergran and the aforementioned Rab C. Nesbitt. Notable Characters Scotch and Wry Supercop a frequently dimwitted traffic cop who rides a motorbike, his trademark is how he removes his goggles (pings off and flies off camera), is often getting into more trouble than those he stops.
Rev. I.M Jolly a very downtrodden and pessimistic minister of the Church of Scotland, presents a fictional show “Last Call” where he has a heart to heart with the audience where he tells them what he has been up to that week. his tone is always low-key and down beat.
Dickie Dandruff owner of “The Fourways Café” also goes by the moniker “The Gallowgate Gourmet” and presents a cooking segment called “Dirty Dick’s Delicat'messen” where he prepares food in comedic style from his filthy café kitchen in the Gallowgate area of Glasgow.
Fulton’s death sparked numerous dedications in his memory. The then-BBC Scotland Controller, John McCormick, said “he [Fulton] was a legend for people across the whole country.”
Fulton’s funeral took place six days after his death. In tribute to his Scotch and Wry character Supercop (a police traffic officer), police motorcyclists escorted the funeral cortège as it made its way to Clydebank Crematorium. The Reverend Alastair Symington, who was a close friend of Fulton, led the service, which featured tributes from Fulton’s widow Kate Matheson and Tony Roper.
Symington had previously collaborated with Fulton on the book, For God’s Sake, Ask!. Both Rikki and his Kate were strong supporters of the Scottish SPCA, which received a financial donation following Fulton’s funeral. A Scottish SPCA inspector represented the animal welfare organisation at the service.
Fulton's funeral took place six days after his death. In tribute to his Scotch and Wry character Supercop (a police traffic officer), police motorcyclists escorted the funeral cortège as it made its way to Clydebank Crematorium.
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artymcart · 2 years
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Day Twenty Three / Sleepless Nights
Everyone was tired.
Deep to the bone exhausted. Dean wasn't able to keep his eyes open on the road, so he had to switch with Jack a lot, who gladly wasn't as affected from Sam's Night Terrors as everyone else in the bus.
The kids were cranky, if Kiara wasn't screaming her lungs out she was clingy and whiney, her brother the same, so Cas and Sam tried to take care while Eileen puked her guts out every twenty minutes.
And Cas tried, he really did, until he had to put Robert into Sam's lap at some point and told him he had the worst intrusive thoughts about shaking the kid until it stopped screaming.
You were able to cut the tension between everyone with a knife. Sam had told his brother that Eileen was pregnant again, which resulted in a very very loud fight and with Dean leaving the bus for a few hours because man, he was just so damn tired.
More and more the bus was illuminated with red, Sam who tried to stay awake as long as possible, to get his family some rest but when he fell asleep he triggered everything dark and hidden in everyone's mind.
At one point they sat together at their little kitchen table again. A moment of silence told everything about their situation. Cas at Dean's side had chewed his nails nearly down to the bed, Eileen looked pale, her hair a greasy bun on her head.
It was Dean who put his gun on the table, literally. Tears in his eyes he looked at his brother "If I have one more dream , about the rack and Alastair again, I'll put a bullet in my brain and this time, no one is around to heal this".
The silence was deafening.
"We need help, Sammy. Heaven, Hell, Witches, Voodoo, I don't care, but we need help."
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edwinspaynes · 10 months
fic snippet from my wip
“If you go senile before the age of thirty, I shall lie to you about all kinds of matters. Not your name, or mine, but perhaps I will tell you that those who do not eat celery with every meal shall implode, or turn into dust.”
Thomas rolled up the slip of paper that had been serving as a bookmark and threw it at Alastair. His hamsar-am caught it with a bright laugh, slipping it into his pocket. “Now you must go without a bookmark. That ought to teach you what happens when you are quite rude to me.”
Thomas rolled his eyes. “Alright. In any case, when I was very young, I spent most of my Christmases in bed, of course.”
“We are both horribly maudlin, aren’t we?”
“I don’t think so. One year, I was feeling well enough that my father and Uncle Will took me and Jamie to the Christmas markets down in Chiswick. I was amazed by the snow. The flakes were quite large, the patterns intricate – but no matter. That was not the memory.”
“Oh, now you have multiple memories. I find myself proud; you have overcome your senility.”
“Each year, my mother would make a sort of cinnamon Christmas bread. My father helped, and Babs and Genie. But I could not, because… well. But they would always bring the bread into my sickroom and pull chairs up around me, if I was unable to make my way down to the kitchen. I was never forgotten.”
“My pride is slipping. Senility clearly does not run in your family; there was little to overcome.”
“Do you wish for me to throw another slip of paper at you?” Thomas raised an eyebrow.
Alastair chuckled and sipped at his hot chocolate.
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