#aka like mother like son
misteria247 · 19 days
Timmy at 10 watching Cosmo flirt with Wanda
Timmy: Ew those were terrible. How do you stand those Wanda??
Wanda smiling and brushing his bangs playfully: You'll understand when you're older sweetie.
Timmy at 16 listening to Jimmy flirt with him
Timmy smiling: Oh god Nerdtron that was awful.
Jimmy smirking: Yet you're smiling so I guess that you don't mind it.
Timmy immediately hit with Wanda's words: Omg I do-
Wanda sitting on the couch relaxing when Timmy bursts into the room causing her to look up startled
Wanda concerned: Timmy what-
Timmy panting: Mom. Mom I get it I fucking get it holy shit-
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drenched-in-sunlight · 2 months
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this is how they are in my head
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cienie-isengardu · 7 months
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Mortal Kombat 1 Behind the Scenes AU: Why date a punk like him... (Lin Kuei Mom)
Author Note: A continuation to “Get. Lost.”, “Dating”, “Permission”, “Why date a punk like him”, “Panic (Mom is visiting)” & "Deep in trouble (Mom is visiting #2)". You can count that as the talk with mom Bi-Han mentioned in Deep in trouble.
[Cage’s Mansion] [Waiting for Liu Kang] [Special Bonus] [Grandmaster’s commentary] [Climbing scene] [Madam Bo’s Inn] [Cage’s Mansion 2 (fire extinguisher)] [Medic] [Shang Tsung’s sad face] [Smoke’s Fall] [Scenography (1)] [Scenography (2)] [Show off!] [Favorite brother] [Climbing on the wall (nonsense)] [Tomas’ commentary] [Perfectly fine] [Sexy, sexy man~♪] [Brothers between filming - Scenography(3)] [Wrong team!] [Since when you two are friends?!] [I like being evil sorcerer more] [I forgot my line, sorry!] [Read the script Kuai!] [Get. Lost.] [Dating] [Permission] [Why date a punk like him…] [Panic (Mom is visiting)] [Decapitation then] [Deep in trouble (Mom is visiting #2)] [Cultural differences (paid leave)]
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catboylaurance · 2 years
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happy 8 year anniversary 2 mcd!!!! i don't have much to offer so have dadroth :D
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magnusmodig · 6 months
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❝ i don't drink tea. ❞
@ofteaandmagic / ( starter call ! )
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belladonnaprice · 11 days
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ijustneedtoshout · 3 months
hot take here(maybe)
but when season 2 was hinted at and revealed as a possibility
I didn’t give a crap about Sam’s mom
like yea I get one of Sam’s main things is finding his mom duh
but I didn’t actually care about his mom
when the second season was announced I was expecting the journey of finding his mom not actually meeting her
ya know and honestly I felt so disappointed like why the hell should I care about her if that wasn’t my goal to begin with
again I was in it for the mystery not the actual character and to see her all of a sudden in the literal FIRST EPISODE was a huge let down again why should I give a single sh-t about this woman
I didn’t want an actual whole bonding thing with Sam and his mom I wanted an explanation and even that felt half -ssed at best like you couldn’t give us the most basic storyline ever given and instead gave us something extremely complicated and crumbled together that it left an AWFUL taste in my mouth like…..wow ok
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pynkhues · 1 year
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Succession Season 4 (2023) x Vredens dag / Day of Wrath (1943)
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chernayavidua · 2 years
started thinking about steeb which got me thinking about the absolute horrible writing that his character went through after cap 3. (which should NOT have been even considered a cap movie but that's for another day) literally no one on set or at mabel hq took a moment to say, “hey, having steve go back in time and stay there with a woman he shared one kiss with 70-something years ago doesn’t make sense because decades later he saw that same woman and knows she moved on and had a happy full life without him. maybe we can write steve/chr*s out another way that doesn’t back track on the path his character took in this last two stand alone movies and doesn’t have him acting like a love-sick teenager when he’s a grown man." 
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xoxo-devdas · 2 months
Thinking about Ledja again
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hauntingblue · 4 months
New episode.... it's been 84 years (one week)
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hehosts-moved · 9 months
i need to write not only ren's relationship but also his mother's relationship with the welfare system because he is getting government assistance technically, as did his mother (in a way)
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trollinstinct · 11 months
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the difference between my contacts for my dads first wife vs his second
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drenched-in-sunlight · 3 months
Theory: Messmer's timeline and story will only make sense if you consider him Marika's beloved firstborn
Aka, welcome to my doomed Mother & Son presentation slide 🔥🫡
This is written with the assumption that readers are aware of the big reveal regarding Marika's past.
(spoilers for SoTE and long discussion from Messmer’s birth to his final moment)
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edit to add this dialogue from Gideon:
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EDIT 2: Messmer's helm description literally stated he accepted his fate. he was just brooding sitting in the dark minding his own business, & he'd have been fine for a long time more if the Tarnished hadn't sauntered in & triggered all of his insecurities at once.
hell, he's still maintaining the jar clinic, the Keep still shows signs of activities, his "suffering" is him not being able to see his mom. but it is what it is, he already accepted that. yet people still love to blame Marika while we are the one fucking his brain chemical up???
his bros are throwing a divine disco light party next to his house and he's like "i do not care 🫤 i do not see 😑". he doesn't even give a shit there would be a new God (as long as it's not his mom marrying someone he deems unfit). i think he'd even take up gardening while waiting for Marika to pick him up, no problem. why can't we just tell him his mom is imprisoned istg
EDIT 3: clarification on the mistranslation of Messmer's armor description
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six-eyed-samurai · 4 months
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SUMMARY: The three times Giyuu really wishes he was loud about his opinions because god damn if he wasn’t fed up with all the people hitting on you. A/N: You can read this as a part II to this fic, or simply standalone. WARNINGS: Reader is female and has already started a family with Giyuu. TAGLIST: @flogflower MASTERLIST/PREVIOUS FICS
Tomioka Giyuu was known for being a very silent wallflower, a mysterious man whom no one knew much about, not even the rest of the Hashira, as shown by how they never knew he had a wife until very recently. Usually that worked in his favour, as he hadn’t liked to be hounded by busybodies for his marriage to you or the birth of your first child Koji, but sometimes there really were moments where he wished he was as loud as Rengoku or open about his opinions as Shinazugawa because god damn if he wasn’t fed up with all the people hitting on you.
He finally found the time to secretly surprise you by taking you and Koji to that restaurant you were always raving about. You’d always wanted to have a meal with him there and to this day he was still very sorry he never had the time to go. It would be the first time you all would be out as a family and understandably you were very excited (underneath Giyuu’s mask of stone he was as giggly as baby Koji at 3 a.m. in the morning). Understandably Giyuu spent a lot of time planning and perfecting this outing from reserving a table to predicting exactly how much he’d have to spend on dessert (your pregnancy no longer excused your crazy cravings, but Giyuu was long used to it…perhaps not his wallet though).
Understandably Giyuu was rehashing the 101 ways to get rid of the patron flirting next to you. It looked like the first way, aka staring at him intensely in the most uncomfortable way, was not working as well as he hoped.
The audacity! Giyuu couldn’t even savor his salmon daikon now, not when he was fuming so quietly as he was forced to watch the brunet drop hint after hint of his interest in you. When he. Was. Right. There.
The sheer audacity!
…he wasn’t sitting that far from you, was he? Maybe the man assumed you both were strangers? Giyuu slouched in his seat, as unaware of how obviously he was sulking as the man shamelessly hitting on you of your marital status. Koji turned his head up in surprise at his father’s sudden stop at tilting the milk bottle into his mouth, babbling sadly.
Did he not see the ring or something? Giyuu wondered if he should’ve bought something flashier like Uzui had said some time ago. You were barely offering the man a fraction of your attention but even Total Concentration Breathing couldn’t accelerate his heart as much as it did now.
Go away, Giyuu chanted in his head, go away.
“Mamamammamamamamamamamaamam!” Koji suddenly squealed, squirming around in Giyuu’s hold, reaching out for his mother. You turn immediately, cooing at your precious boy. At other times Giyuu would be put out by how his son was choosing you over him, but today he couldn’t stop his mouth from twitching into a smirk when he watched the man’s priceless expression as he handed over Koji to you.
“Pass me the bottle, Yuu.” You cuddle your baby closer, oblivious to the staring match Giyuu was winning between the man and him over your bent head. “Aw, don’t fuss, don’t fuss, Daddy sucks at feeding you, doesn’t he?”
“Hey!” Giyuu’s eyes widened, speechless. You giggle and press a quick kiss to his crumb-stained cheek (Giyuu was rarely one to gloat but he couldn’t resist when he flashed a triumphant smile to the man uncomfortably making some excuse to get up and leave.
“Here, hold him, I need to clean up your face.” Giyuu happily took back Koji and let you wipe at his face, reveling in the tenderness of your gaze. “I swear, Giyuu, even Koji doesn’t make such a mess - it’s like I’ve got two babies to take care of.”
“I thought you liked taking care of me!”
“I do!” You roll your eyes at his indignant expression.
“Mmmm!” Koji cooed and the corner of Giyuu’s lip twitched as he looked down. Saved by his baby to protect his other baby - oh well, better than the plan of extreme torture Giyuu had been dreaming of when that tiny spark of jealousy ignited.
He thought that jealous, angry spark was smothered and put out after a week or so went by with nothing else like that happening, but hell was he wrong and like the flames of hell the spark was bursting into.
How the hell did so many people not realize you’re married to him, for goodness’ sake? He wondered. For that matter why did this always happen the moment you handed Koji to him for even just a moment?
Giyuu trailed around you like a lost puppy, pathetically trying to remind you of his existence while you walked around town with your recently reunited childhood friend. After the initial introductions and usual hyped excitement at seeing a cute baby you and Aya had fallen to catching up on what the both of you had been doing for the past years and recounting silly memories. You were so delighted at meeting her again Giyuu had offered to take Koji from you and leave for privacy.
He was content with the bonding time he had spent with Koji, of course, but it was rather spoiled when he returned after the tuckered out child finally curled against him to take a quick nap to find the topic of conversation had turned to one of romance and relationships.
“Your fiance sounds like an amazing man! I’m so happy for you - you better keep your promise of making me your maid of honor!” Out of habit you slipped your hand into Giyuu’s when he sat down on the bench next to you.
Aya giggled, as lovestruck as Giyuu at the moment. “Of course I will! But eh, (y/n)-chan, haven’t you gotten married yet?”
You didn’t notice the slow turning of Giyuu’s head in her direction with a disbelieving face, only to beam and reply. “I am! He’s -”
“If you want I know someone, he matches your personality very well! He’s a close friend of my fiance actually. I mention you a lot to him, to be honest, and he said you sound like a lovely person. If you’re okay with it I can help set you both up!”
“Are you stupid?” Giyuu suddenly blurted out, unable to control himself anymore. “I’m her husband…”
“Can you tell Mama I’m sorry for me, baby?” Giyuu sighed, gently nudging Koji away from the edge of the futon. He cocked his chubby head to one side, blinking, then flopped over to wriggle his way closer to Giyuu. “She’s not talking to me but she won’t ignore you.”
Giyuu was dying (from the lack of cuddles). Ever since his childish outburst (a justified defense of himself) that had severely taken Aya aback and caused you to give him the cold shoulder for the rest of the day. He had been banished (sent off to go sleep in the living room) and starved (denied your delicious cooking and made to go find cold soba from a nearby food stall). At least he had one ally left (Koji had no idea what was going on; Giyuu had simply kidnapped him from his cot for company).
“Mmm. I’ve already apologized about ten times though. I still can’t believe Aya somehow thought I was just a friend following her though.” It was nice to pretend Koji could actually understand him, though he’d never admit it. “Hey, hey, don’t drool there.”
“Mmph! Bweeeh!”
“Maybe I’ll go buy her flowers?”
“Are you talking to the baby, Tomioka?”
Giyuu sat up straight and whipped around fast enough to crack his neck. You stood by the hallway with your arms crossed and lips pursed. Koji giggled.
“…no.” Giyuu frowned. “Don’t call me Tomioka.”
“It’s your name isn’t it?”
“Not for you.” He looked on the verge of tears. This man really knew how to tug on your heartstrings; you averted your gaze. “It’s Giyuu. Or Yuu. Anything but that. Are you that mad at me?”
“You didn’t have to be so rude, you know.” You crossed the room and sat down in front of him, helping Koji roll over to you. “I didn’t know she didn’t know we were married and that’s is kinda silly of Aya not to notice, but that’s not really a reason to be so insulting.”
“I’m sorry.” Giyuu lowered his head. “…am I not good enough to be your husband?”
“What?!” Your jaw fell open. “Why would you say such a thing? You’re the best thing this world’s ever given me! I love you so much I’d actually choke on air if you’re not there! I’d kill myself if you left me! How can you even say such a thing?”
“Not like that! I’m just -” Giyuu shrugged miserably. “Why doesn’t anybody see that? Is it because I don’t show affection to you a lot? You could do a lot better, everyone seems to think.”
“Giyuu. You’re going to look at me and have what I said drilled into your head.” Well, at least you weren’t calling him by his surname anymore. “When we started going out I already knew what I was getting with you. So what if you don’t feel comfortable kissing and hugging and holding hands out in public? I don’t know any other guy who’d buy me bouquets for no reason, try to cook me my favorite meal when I’m sick, make sure I don’t overwork myself during training. Whether people think I could do a lot better or not is their problem. I’m already doing the best there is, so don’t ever say that to me, Yuu.”
Giyuu definitely was not crying.
“I’m serious, Giyuu. If you do you’ll be sleeping out here for a week.”
“And this time I won’t be letting you bundle off our baby for yourself either.” The closeness of how much you were leaning into him and the way you were smiling though said otherwise. Giyuu chuckled, pushing away your hair from your face and pulling Koji onto his lap.
“Can I go back to the bedroom then?”
Giyuu was reasonably confident if someone were to repeat this mistake he’d be able to handle like a mature, grown man and not throw another childish remark around.
The universe didn’t seem to think so.
Shinobu had advised you to not go on any missions for the time being, reasons being you should be recovering after Koji’s birth. Giyuu and you were more than happy about that, both having agreed at the start that you didn’t want any babysitters. So for now you were saddled with minor jobs like scouting out an area or mostly, giving extra training to the lower-ranked slayers.
Giyuu was fortunately free that day, so he had decided to go stick around and if nothing else enjoy watching you relentlessly push the slayers into doing better. Somewhere along the way, however, Koji had somehow dropped his beloved stuffed rabbit and to prevent the inevitable temper tantrum and crying fit Giyuu wasted an hour looking everywhere for it.
Finally successful in finding the worn toy and putting Koji to sleep, Giyuu headed off to go find your training grounds.
“(y/n)-sensei is so pretty, isn’t she?”
“She doesn’t look married too.”
“Bet she’ll say yes if I ask her out!”
“You wish! Someone like you, stand a chance with her? Dream on! I’m far better than you, she’d say yes to me for sure!”
“Hah, wanna bet? You sure have an ego the size of Japan to think that.”
Giyuu stopped in his tracks with a scandalized expression on his usually stoic face.
The slayers you had been training were clearly on break. The two he had accidentally eavesdropped on were older than the rest, perhaps around the same age as him and clearly a whole lot cockier. You were too distracted answering some questions from others and calling out encouragement to a group of sparring slayers to hear them…but he did.
He walked in and everyone fell silent.
“Isn’t that the Water Pillar? He looks so scary!”
“What’s he doing here? I’m not going to be able to do well with a Hashira breathing down my neck!”
“Woah, whose baby is that? It looks so much like (y/n)-sensei!”
“Koji missed you,” Giyuu said abruptly, stopping in front of you and ignoring the circulating whispers, handing over your child. You quietly laugh - since Koji was born Giyuu started using him to express his feelings.
“Are you sure it was him or you - mmmph!”
Giyuu took a particular relish in seeing the looks of shock, embarrassment and horror on the two slayers as he yanked you into a heart-stopping kiss and flashed the hand with his ring on it at them.
“You’re done training for the day. All of you are dismissed.” He grabbed your hand, gestured listlessly at the others, and dragged you away firmly.
He made a special point to invite the two slayers to the Water Estate a couple of months later. They were very pleased indeed to be trained by the Water Hashira himself per personal request! Honorary Tsugoku!
“Why are you both so weak? You move so slowly any demon would eat you before you even draw your sword. Have you not been listening to my wife’s training? If you aren’t, don’t ever waste her time ever again. Even my son could do better than you both.”
There really was something very humiliating about being compared to the cooing, drooling baby pushing around his toys in the corner. Tomioka must really hate them to be speaking so much…
“Well? Get on with it!”
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vamprnce · 2 years
thinking of my old oc's lately that I wanna revamp (some design and story wise) for a horror adjacent story and having a single mom who's badass, protective and loving of her autistic trans son made me realize I'm projecting somewhat hegbehg,,
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