#aint I just beautiful
the-real-biana-vacker · 9 months
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cowboythewizard726 · 4 months
big fan of the gorgeous beautiful man covered in blood and sweat
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hayaku14 · 2 months
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soranker · 4 months
Favorite Trigun character?
teehee..... can u guess 🤪🙈
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mjtheartist04 · 6 months
Papa gen and his baby melon🥺💕🍉
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Idea came from the tags in this post THAT @hypocriticaltypwriter GAVE ME BDJSHSJSJSBDHJ I FRICKEN LOVE YOU!😭💖
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bmpmp3 · 10 days
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give him to me NOW!!!!!!!!!!! or i'll settle for a release date pwetty pwease
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snazum · 5 months
Little ster edit I made… Cause there needs to be more in the world :>
special thanks to like the 5-10 people on this website who upload ster clips. This is dedicated to y’all <3
Audio: noir.audioss on tiktok
Song: Like Me - Chase Icon
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banicraft · 1 year
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today marks the one year anniversary of when i met a special little cat known simply as Wall Cat. They just appeared on the wall of my backyard one day and i've been smitten ever since. Whenever they visited i would just go outside and talk to them and try to befriend them. I've never seen them off of the wall, and i've never gotten to pet them, but Wall Cat was there for me during a bit of a rough patch in my life, so i still looked forward to their visits. Wall Cat hasn't visited for months now, but they'll always hold a place in my heart <3.
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indigopoptart · 2 months
man i love the people im surrounded with. how did this happen. youre all so lovely😭
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marymekpop · 1 year
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Cry if you want. It’s okay.
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smileymaste · 29 days
im back on my etsy bullshit guys i updated my shop and even put it all on sale pls check it out
if theres any of my art that you would like to see in the shop lmk and ill add it if i can! now please enjoy a photo of peanut the cat (aka the bleppiest boy)
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fauvester · 1 year
omg iskra going back in time auau- but like- garak seeing two random cardassians on the station with no explanation why they r there, and they seem to know him like- what. Would they try to avoid him so he dont sus them out? what about names? They obviously cant say their surnames. And Ziyal 🥺 (sorry this is just such a edible idea anyway)
AWOOOOGH GARAK WOULD BE SO INTRIGUED! you KNOW he'd be hiding behind promenade pylons trying to get a drop on any information about the two cardassians that the captain has let stay on the station during the war against cardassia! You KNOWWW he'd be desperately trying to make eye contact with them at quark's! AND YOU KNOW ISKRA WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO RESIST THE TEMPTATION!
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Unfortunately Idan is a first year starfleet student and like any student is deeply passionate about the letter and not the spirit of the law, and thinks that they should barricade themselves in their quarters so as to prevent temporal contradiction (as recommended in the textbook). Iskra, who graduated a cardassian jurisprudence apprenticeship and has a degree in comparative galactic law, recognizes that every set of regulations has loopholes just waiting to be tugged open and wiggled through. And that involves meeting all her aunts and uncles in their glory days, causing trouble, making cryptic remarks and flirting up a storm.
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They probably do ask sisko to get bashir and garak off the station to minimize interference (Iskra also requests several other random crewmembers be kicked out. Just so that there's no implication about future events.) But not before she gets to meet her yadek! (and maybe get hit on by s3 era julian, eugh)
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Iskra goes by her birth family name when she's not on Cardassia to minimize assassination attempts, so they're both Ghilanas (until SOMEONE hacks into the computer on their rented shuttle and finds their ID info...)
And also Ziyal... wary of two shiny young cardassians but still trying to put on a brave face...swept up by their openness and enthusiasm but deeply wary of the secret they seem to be hiding...
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drdemonprince · 5 months
Today there's sun They said there'd be snow When all's said and done It's fun not to know! What keeps my heart humming Is guessing what's coming Let me be surprised!
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mitamicah · 5 months
One more little 'Micah having a self pity day': after having drawn the ice lashes I stand corrected - this was a mistake. Oh well you cannot win everytime
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toxooz · 1 year
ALSOOOOOOO i Finally got to ride a skateboard at the skatepark with bf n friends for the first time ever yesterday and i feel so 👀👀👌👌👌💯💯💯 i managed to be able to balance and push around and stop without falling and it was fun tbh!! i can see getting muscle memory and improvement by doing it consistently 😤 i just hope this aint too short of a phase for everyone so i can hopefully get me own board soon 🙏
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venusasnb · 6 months
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vulvine, reine d'extase (2022)
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