#btw this is not me fishing for compliments
mitamicah · 5 months
One more little 'Micah having a self pity day': after having drawn the ice lashes I stand corrected - this was a mistake. Oh well you cannot win everytime
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rascal-rose · 11 months
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hnghgnhghng the 2 wolves in me are mauling each other
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beskad · 2 years
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 9 months
when ppl on youtube say I am cool I ascend to my highest form btw. if u even care!!!
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minnaci · 19 days
gritting my teeth... smut does not have to move the needle of the contemporary fandom zeitgeist sometimes u can just suck and fuck for sucking and fucking's sake
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sherlock-is-ace · 10 months
enjoying other people's fanart is a double edged sword. cause i love seeing it, i love the various art styles and ideas, little artistic liberties they take with the canon designs, new outfits, cartoonish styles and hyperrealistic pieces, all wonderful
but then i look at my fanart and it sucks kdfjdfg
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hythlodaes · 10 months
honestly i find it harder to write dialogue than setting descriptions,, like i’ll rewrite a conversation ten times and still be like. this sounds so awk! let me talk about the light instead!!!
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sibelin · 1 year
i see it's feeling bad about what i look like o'clock
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micamicster · 1 year
I do mainly see writing as like a fun hobby i pursue when the impulse strikes me but i really do always want to improve! So because this is a blog im thinking about my writing goals for this current project:
Try to pull back and be more ambiguous when writing metaphors etc try not to state things so directly
Reduce the amount of like, buffer words, like she thinks or she feels. We’re in her pov we already know this is her thinking
Try to make my protagonist interesting without relying on her being funny (why didn’t I just write a funny protagonist?? what was I thinking!)
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valpurgatory · 1 year
I want to get into like actually posting my original writing works more...
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cookiescr · 1 year
Man like fuck dysphoria idk why I'm suddenly so affected by how I look
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sanfielle · 1 year
and likw yeah sure MAYBE i have a self obsession genersted by deep childhood trauma adn being raised in an environment where i can never do anythign right so to compensate im compeltely absorbed inmyself and hype myself up cosntantly but crumble at the slightest genuine critique from anyoen. but it is infintiely mroe likely that im just like. right. i mean look at me. LOOK at me. am i making sense
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soapsbaby · 1 year
just convinced myself everyone hated me bc the leon post got zero notes the first time i posted it but it was just because i forgot tumblr blocks posts with n/s/f/w tags on them lol
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quenthel · 2 years
ugh. suddenly im bummed out abt my own art waah
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wickedhawtwexler · 2 years
quora question: what are the advantages of being ugly?
me: finally, my time to shine
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darling-i-read-it · 2 years
wait no did you take ur latest fic down?? i was at the mall when u posted and was gonna read it later :(
I did I’m sorry 😔 I got a couple not so nice comments and I’m already kind of on thin ice with my writing so I didnt feel comfortable leaving it up. it was just making me feel worse to have the comments sit there. 
if it makes you feel any better it was apparently not that great anyway!
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