#ai mentor
reallytoosublime · 11 months
AI co-worker refers to an artificial intelligence system or tool that collaborates with human employees in a workplace, contributing to tasks, decision-making, and overall productivity. The concept of an AI co-worker is to augment and support human workers rather than replace them. In this video, we'll be exploring AI co-workers and why your next colleague will be an AI.
As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, it's becoming increasingly evident that artificial intelligence (AI) will play a pivotal role in the workplace of the future. The notion that AI will be your next colleague is no longer a distant futuristic concept; it's a reality that's rapidly unfolding. Here's a long description of why your next colleague will likely be an AI:
Efficiency and Productivity: AI is a game-changer when it comes to efficiency and productivity. It can automate repetitive, time-consuming tasks, freeing up employees to focus on more creative, strategic, and high-value tasks. This means that AI isn't just a tool but a collaborator that enhances your work.
Rapid Technological Advancements: Over the past few decades, AI has evolved from being a theoretical concept to a practical tool. With advancements in machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision, AI has become more capable and versatile. It can perform tasks that were once exclusive to human workers.
Data Analysis: AI has a remarkable ability to analyze vast amounts of data at incredible speeds. It can identify patterns, trends, and anomalies that might be impossible for humans to detect. In roles that involve data-driven decision-making, AI can be an indispensable colleague, offering insights that can shape strategies.
Personalized Assistance: AI-powered virtual assistants like chatbots and voice-activated assistants have already made their way into many workplaces. They can help schedule meetings, answer routine questions, and provide personalized support, acting as a constant, readily available colleague.
Customer Interaction: In customer service and support roles, AI-driven chatbots and automated response systems can handle routine customer inquiries and issues. They can also provide instant responses, ensuring customers receive assistance 24/7.
Enhanced Creativity: AI algorithms are being used to enhance creativity. In fields like music, art, and content creation, AI tools can collaborate with human colleagues, suggesting innovative ideas and even generating content, while humans provide the creative touch.
Continuous Learning and Adaptation: AI doesn't stop learning. It adapts to changing circumstances, improving over time. This adaptability is a valuable trait in workplaces that require keeping up with evolving technologies and market trends.
AI Co-Worker: Why Your Next Colleague Will Be an AI
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youtubemarketing1234 · 11 months
AI co-worker refers to an artificial intelligence system or tool that collaborates with human employees in a workplace, contributing to tasks, decision-making, and overall productivity. The concept of an AI co-worker is to augment and support human workers rather than replace them. In this video, we'll be exploring AI co-workers and why your next colleague will be an AI.
As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, it's becoming increasingly evident that artificial intelligence (AI) will play a pivotal role in the workplace of the future. The notion that AI will be your next colleague is no longer a distant futuristic concept; it's a reality that's rapidly unfolding. Here's a long description of why your next colleague will likely be an AI:
Efficiency and Productivity: AI is a game-changer when it comes to efficiency and productivity. It can automate repetitive, time-consuming tasks, freeing up employees to focus on more creative, strategic, and high-value tasks. This means that AI isn't just a tool but a collaborator that enhances your work.
Rapid Technological Advancements: Over the past few decades, AI has evolved from being a theoretical concept to a practical tool. With advancements in machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision, AI has become more capable and versatile. It can perform tasks that were once exclusive to human workers.
Data Analysis: AI has a remarkable ability to analyze vast amounts of data at incredible speeds. It can identify patterns, trends, and anomalies that might be impossible for humans to detect. In roles that involve data-driven decision-making, AI can be an indispensable colleague, offering insights that can shape strategies.
Personalized Assistance: AI-powered virtual assistants like chatbots and voice-activated assistants have already made their way into many workplaces. They can help schedule meetings, answer routine questions, and provide personalized support, acting as a constant, readily available colleague.
Customer Interaction: In customer service and support roles, AI-driven chatbots and automated response systems can handle routine customer inquiries and issues. They can also provide instant responses, ensuring customers receive assistance 24/7.
Enhanced Creativity: AI algorithms are being used to enhance creativity. In fields like music, art, and content creation, AI tools can collaborate with human colleagues, suggesting innovative ideas and even generating content, while humans provide the creative touch.
Continuous Learning and Adaptation: AI doesn't stop learning. It adapts to changing circumstances, improving over time. This adaptability is a valuable trait in workplaces that require keeping up with evolving technologies and market trends.
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buttfishfan · 1 month
Dbh fans who glaze machine connor but dont like Amanda are soooo weird to me.
Machine connor and amanda's ai are both just extensions of cyberlife policy that androids will complete whatever task they're given, no matter the cost.
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kaleidoru · 2 months
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"why do you take on a human form? do you not find it offensive to be stuck imitating such an unflattering appearance?" "I do not fear humans. I have respect for them, as our creators." "Are... Are you implying I'm only like this... out of fear?" "......." "h-hmph... I don't fear the humans either... I take this form because it's superior!"
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yorufi · 1 year
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i like venti a very normal amount,,
he means a world to me and i can write a lengthy essay on how important he’s to the story lore, his overall story, how he impacted every aspect of my life and-
anyways, happy b-day to Venti!!
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magnetocerebro · 2 years
PSA About AI in the news
Okay, so. In my professional life, I’m a fact-checker for a news organization. I get an email that an article has been completed, and it takes me a few hours to go through every paragraph to check the claims and make sure it’s both accurate and not plagiarized. 
Recently, I was asked to be part of a “new program” at my organization. This program would involve making listicles/fluff pieces purely from AI, and I would be in charge of fact-checking those articles.
I turned them down. I equivocated for a minute, because I don’t think AI articles should be going out without fact-checking, but I also didn’t want to be the fact-checker that allows them to stop hiring writers.
Now, I’m not getting nearly as much work as I used to. That’s okay. I’m lucky enough to be in a financial place that I can take that stand. But not everyone else in the industry can do that.
So, get ready to see AI-generated news stories. And get ready to scrutinize every one of those stories, because I doubt that every organization is going to care as much as mine did about putting those articles through a thorough fact check.
And the worst part? The worst part is that these articles, as far as I can see, are going to require just as much work on the backend as they would have taken to write in the first place. The human writers I worked with cited their sources, for one thing, which made fact-checking much easier. Sure, I had to go sleuthing for anything they didn’t source, and I had to get on to more than one writer for thinking rewording is the same as not-plagiarizing, but I could find where all their ideas were coming from. With AI, that’s not the case. A good fact-checker is going to be working twice as hard to avoid plagiarism when every single sentence could be pulled from a different place. 
Check the bylines of your news artiicles is what I’m saying. Misinformation and Disinformation is already a problem. 
Also, screw everyone who thinks automating creativity is anything less than dystopian. 
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catofaurora · 1 year
Going to the Sky wiki, sometimes I find useful stuff.
Sometimes I find this:
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Spinning mentor, Performance guide... why??
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rootsinthefuture · 2 months
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“In 2035, in the living room of a typical Western family, a daily scene unfolds that seems straight out of a science fiction novel: among the toys scattered on the carpet, a humanoid-looking robot sits next to Tommaso, a four-year-old boy. The robot, named HERA (Home Empathetic Robotic Assistant), is a psychodroid, programmed not only to assist with household chores but also to interact with family members in an empathetic and intuitive manner. HERA's presence in the family's daily life has become as normal as that once attributed to televisions or smartphones. However, unlike the latter, HERA has the ability to actively participate in education and play, becoming both a babysitter and a friend to Tommaso.”
Robots like HERA do not yet exist, but the interaction between children and robots is a subject of study in various fields of pedagogy and social robotics. According to research conducted by Breazeal, Harris, De Steno,and Kory,(1) children treat anthropomorphic robots as genuine sources of information, similarly to human interlocutors. From as young as three years old, children not only receive and retain information imparted by robots, but they also actively seek them out as informants. This phenomenon is particularly evident in robots that exhibit a rich range of non-verbal cues, such as glances, gestures, and facial expressions, indicating responsiveness and interactivity.
HERA's ability to display empathy is no accident; it is the result of sophisticatedprogramming aimed at emulating human non-verbal contingency. This aspect is crucial because children, as suggested by Breazeal and colleagues' research, prefer interactions with those who show a greater ability to respond appropriately and promptly to their communicative signals. HERA's artificial empathy allows it not only to understand and respond to Tommaso's emotions but also to anticipate his needs, learning from his daily behaviors. HERA's role extends beyond mere supervision. It is an educational tool that stimulates Tommaso's curiosity, proposing educational games and activities that encourage learning through play. Its presence encourages the child to question how things work, promoting a type of active and participatory learning that was less accessible with previous technological means.
As technology advances rapidly towards the imaginary reality of HERA(2), numerous advantages emerge, but also serious ethical issues(3).
The dependence on robotic assistants for the companionship and education of children could have negative effects on the development of
their social skills and make them excessively reliant on robots for various aspects of their lives. Spending too much time with a robot like HERA could limit fundamental human interactions essential for their emotional
and interpersonal development, leading to potential difficulties in forming real relationships and handling complex social situations. Therefore, it is essential that educators and technologists collaborate to create guidelines that balance the beneficial use of such technologies with the necessary interpersonal and emotional development of children, thus preventing the risks associated with excessive dependence on robots.
A crucial aspect to consider is the physical safety of children. Robots designed to interact with young children must be equipped with rigorous safety protocols to prevent physical harm. This includes implementing advanced sensors to avoid collisions and sophisticated algorithms to detect potentially dangerous situations. For example, according to the research of Tanaka et al. (2007), the inclusion of proximity sensors and the ability to quickly recognize and react to sudden movements are essential to ensure that robots can operate safely in home environments where children play freely. Additionally, the design of robots must take into account the physical characteristics of children, meaning avoiding sharp corners, toxic materials, and easily detachable components that could pose a choking hazard.
A study conducted by Sharkey et al. (2010) emphasizes the importance of rigorous and continuous testing of robots in real environments to ensure that any potential risks are identified and mitigated.
Psychological safety is another critical aspect. Robots must be designed to support, not overshadow, children's autonomy. This means that robots should be programmed to encourage children to explore and learn independently rather than becoming a unique and constant point of reference. As psychologist Goleman (2006) suggests, it is crucial for children to develop the ability to self-regulate and manage their own emotions without overly relying on constant external support.
Stuart J. Russell's research on AI alignment(4) is particularly relevant in his context. Russell emphasizes the importance of developing artificial intelligences that understand and respect human objectives, avoiding behaviors that could be harmful or unintended. In the case of robots like HERA, this translates into the need to program robots so that they not only respond to children's immediate needs but also promote their long-term development in a safe and healthy manner.
In previous chapters, we explored a near future where the convergence of technological acceleration and consequent economic accessibility could lead to the widespread adoption of humanoid robots in our homes. This transformation, far from being a mere futuristic hypothesis, is shaping up as an increasingly tangible trajectory that will radically redefine the concepts of "home" and "family."
Humanoid robots, initially conceived as simple domestic aids, could quickly evolve into complex entities integrated into the family fabric.
These active and interactive presences could soon occupy a central place in our lives, especially in those of our children. The idea that intelligent robots could become a constant presence in children's lives raises a myriad of ethical, psychological, and educational issues that we cannot afford to ignore.
This technological evolution fits into an already complex and problematic social context regarding parenting. On the one hand, the introduction of domestic robots could potentially free up valuable time for parents, offering them greater opportunities to interact meaningfully with their children. On the other hand, we must consider current trends in parenting, which paint a worrying picture. Recent studies(5) highlight a growing neglect by parents, often overwhelmed by work and sometimes immature, regarding their children's needs. This neglect manifests in various ways, including the excessive use of electronic devices in the presence of children. According to a survey reported by Psychology Today, which involved six thousand children between the ages of eight and thirteen, 32% reported feeling "unimportant" when their parents used cell phones, and over half said their parents spent too much time on devices. This behavior can significantly damage children's social and emotional development, depriving them of important face-to-face interactions and the necessary parental attention.
Moreover, the phenomenon of parental burnout is emerging as an increasingly widespread issue. Characterized by physical and emotional exhaustion, burnout often leads to emotional distancing and a loss of satisfaction in the parental role. This condition, exacerbated by factors such as work-family conflict, financial insecurity, and lack of social support, not only affects the mental and physical health of parents but also impacts children, leading to increased anger, neglect, and in the most severe cases, violence from parents.
In this complex context, the introduction of intelligent robots into families presents both opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, these robots could lighten parents' domestic workload, potentially freeing up time and energy for more meaningful interaction with their children.
From: Electronic Mentors: Pedagogy in the Age of Empathetic Robotics
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delusional-mishaps · 1 year
BABAHAJAHSKNDKCJD (sounds of being shaken)
glad youre enjoying him bou 🫶 hes my little fucked up illy i love him so much
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violetrose-art · 3 months
I sure hope he's right about AI art dying sometime soon
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stepseduworldblog · 6 months
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Unlocking Opportunities: How a Trusted Education & Career Coach Facilitates Study in the UK
In the vibrant city of Dubai, where innovation meets tradition, the journey of Trusted Education & Career Coaches and consultants unfolds with promising opportunities and transformative innovations. As Dubai continues to position itself as a global hub for education and business, students in the region are witnessing a dynamic evolution in the way they learn, explore career paths, and prepare for the future. In this blog post, we delve into the multifaceted aspects of education and career opportunities for Dubai students, from emerging trends in learning to the diverse pathways in the professional realm.
Virtual Reality Classrooms: Stepping into Tomorrow
Imagine students donning VR headsets, transported to ancient civilizations or exploring molecular structures up close. Virtual reality classrooms are revolutionizing learning, turning textbooks into immersive experiences. In Dubai, where innovation is a way of life, VR classrooms are poised to reshape traditional learning paradigms.
One of the defining characteristics of modern education in Dubai is the integration of cutting-edge technologies that enhance learning experiences. Virtual reality (VR) classrooms have emerged as a game-changer, offering students immersive and interactive environments that transcend traditional teaching methods. Imagine a history lesson where students can virtually visit ancient civilizations or a science class where they explore complex molecular structures up close. VR classrooms not only make learning engaging but also foster deeper understanding and retention of concepts.
#AI-Driven Learning Platforms: Personalized Pathways to Success#Meet your digital mentor: AI-driven platforms that adapt to your learning style. From personalized lesson plans to instant feedback#AI enhances the educational journey for Dubai students studying in the UK. Imagine an AI coach guiding you through challenges or recommendi#Alongside VR#artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing education through personalized learning platforms tailored for students studying in the UK.#adaptive assessments#and real-time feedback. Dubai students benefit from AI-powered tools that cater to their unique strengths and areas of improvement#paving the way for personalized learning journeys that optimize academic success.#Global Networking Opportunities: Connecting Dubai to the World#Networking is key in a globally connected world. Dubai students access a vast network through virtual conferences#collaborative projects#and cross-cultural exchanges. The world is at their fingertips#broadening horizons from their classrooms.#Dubai's cosmopolitan environment opens doors to a rich tapestry of global networking opportunities for students. Through virtual conference#and cross-cultural exchanges#students in Dubai connect with peers#experts#and mentors from around the world. This global network not only expands their academic horizons but also nurtures valuable relationships an#Blended Learning: Bridging the Physical and Digital Divide#Welcome to blended learning#where traditional meets digital. Dubai embraces hybrid models#combining in-person interactions with online resources. This approach caters to diverse needs#customizing the learning experience.#Moreover#blended learning equips Dubai students with essential digital literacy skills#critical thinking abilities#and adaptability to thrive in the digital age. As technology continues to evolve#the integration of digital learning tools and resources enhances Dubai's education ecosystem#preparing students for success in an increasingly digital and interconnected world.#Skills of Tomorrow: Nurturing Creativity and Critical Thinking
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acrylicalchemy · 6 months
2 minute artist support talks
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stanford-photography · 7 months
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Portrait of Kealoha R.I.P. My dear Kealoha, my lover, teacher, guide, and mentor. By Jeff Stanford, 2024 Buy prints at: https://jeff-stanford.pixels.com/
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ex-foster · 8 months
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One of the neat applications of ChatGPT is how it can provide cooking instructions. This completely changes the game compared to conventional methods of recipes (cook books or google) because you can interact with ChatGPT and ask it follow up questions and even ask it to change the measurements to serve more or less people.
It's an amazing tool for people who were not taught basic life skills (what's up fellow former foster kids). ChatGPT can be utilized in meal planning, budgeting, and other skill based topics. This is really ground breaking to people who lack proper mentors.
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foraltruism · 1 year
@lielove asked: ❛ you shouldn’t be out here by yourself. ❜  ( for akane ! )
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She hadn't expected to meet her mentor all the way out here, what a coincidence! Akane smiles bright and wide at the sound of her voice and whips around.
"Ai-sama, hello!"
She only came out here to grab a snack for herself since at home had nothing she was craving. Curiosity dampers her smile a little as her head tilts with it. She holds up an unopened cream puff package.
"Ehh, how come? Did something happen out here lately? I've been so busy I haven't seen the news."
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turtleofdamascus · 2 years
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Apparently I don’t have to write fanfiction anymore. chat gpt will do it for me. and i’m passing away. 
“Kaz, you’re slaying it”
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