#agnes baker
mai-col · 7 days
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Mystic, Seeker, Survivor
Hmmmm, another species of brainworms (apart from the Malevolent ones, but can you see a pattern ?) have been hard at work, recently, so have some random drawings of the Arkham Horror Girlies (Core Set Edition).
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bewaretheidiotsofmarch · 10 months
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"Mansions of Madness" shenanigans with a draw the squad template.
Left to Right: Lily, Carson, Agnes, Mateo, Rita, William, and Jim. I love all of them so much and I've been developing an au with this cast specifically. It's very fun to me and sometimes i go a little insane over them😂
Friendly reminder that Lovecraft was a piece of garbage and this is not his work at all. Just inspired by the creatures and world. All my homies hate Lovecraft. I hope he's rolling in his grave every time I draw.
(They didn't have duct tape in the 1920s, just suspend your disbelief.)
ALSO WOW, I forgot to share my William and Mateo art I did earlier this year. I'll share some more of it I promise. I have a lot but not much finished.
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they-thespian666 · 6 months
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Children with godlike spooky powers who are doomed by the narrative my beloved <3
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rhywhitefang · 7 months
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My character designs for various Magnus Archives side characters :) I'm a bit new to the fandom, so I hope everybody is recognizable enough!
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colorhollywood · 1 month
Karl Malden, Agnes Moorehead, Debbie Reynolds, Carroll Baker. Film: How the West Was Won (1962)
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strawberryloveyyy · 1 year
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Boygenius everyone!
...But as random trios I found in Pinterest....
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
A Sea Psalm for a Penitent Soul: Stanza One: Paved with Good Intentions
Chapter One: Blood
Fic Summary: When Agatha Harkness is barely ten years old, she witnesses the trial - and execution - of a woman who'd looked after her since she was a baby.  As accusations from outsiders fly and as Agatha struggles with controlling her own dark magic, the world she knows and depends on is ripped out from under her.
Chapter Rating: M for adult themes. Fic Rating: M for adult themes. TW: Blood; menstruation; combustion; mentions of child loss and spousal abuse
General Note and Content Warning DD;DNE - It only gets worse from here.
previous chapter
“Alice Baker, are you a witch?”
She shouldn’t be here.
Agatha stands, half-crouched, just on the outskirts of the coven circle, hidden in the thicket of trees.  She’s small for her age – only ten years old, but that’s double digits, so she should be allowed, even if she’s not really an adult yet – so she can hide easily enough in the bushes, just behind a tree.  It isn’t fair; she’s older than Agnes by months, but she gets to be at coven meetings.  All because of that stupid blood maneuver!  She should have tried it; it would’ve been simply enough to catch some from one of the chickens Prudence cooks for supper; it’s just avoiding Prudence that would be the problem—
Her teeth grit and grind together.  No more thinking about Agnes, even if she can make out her best friend standing just next to a taller figure who has to be her mother – it’s hard to make out faces from this far away, and she can only make out what her own mama is saying because she, Agnes, Nicholas, and Nathaniel have played this game hundreds of times.
Fake witches.  Fake trials.
The other children always think it’s a joke, and it is!  Mostly.  Everyone in Salem knows that witches are evil, so whoever’s on trial has to die.  But it’s always a game, so they fake dead and then get back up in seconds. No one really stays dead.  And it’s always a short little thing they can do between all of their other chores and....
Well, it sounds a bit like public confession, and while the adults don’t really like that they’re witches, they don’t mind too much, other than giving them a very, very strong look.
But by this point, Agatha knows the beginning by heart.  She’s her mama’s daughter, so she usually plays the coven head, usually accuses Agnes.  Sometimes they switch.  Sometimes they let Nathanial be the head for the fun of it, even though everyone knows that boys can’t be the head of the coven, no matter whose kid they are.  But it’s not like Agatha will ever be head.  Charity, her oldest sister, will, and if something happens to her, it’ll be Prudence.  They’ve probably heard this hundreds of times from her mama, but Agatha’s only heard bits and pieces.
And she wants to hear the rest of it!
Agatha tucks back the dark strands of hair that have pulled away from her messy braid, and she pushes through the long dying grasses, around the bushes, and as close to the circle as she can get.  The sudden throwing back of all the coven members’ hoods covers the sounds she’s making; as cautious as she is, she can’t be completely silent.  But they’re all distracted anyway, focusing on the slender whip of a girl standing at the stake, thick, interlocking wisps of blue light writhing around her wrists and holding her in place.
Alice Baker has been part of the Salem coven since before Agatha was even born. Hers isn’t the first face that Agatha remembers seeing, but it’s close to it.  She’d been the age Agatha is now then, with bright rosy cheeks and equally bright brown eyes that always twinkled with mischief.  She would tweak Agatha’s nose, and Agatha would bat at her fingers – bite them, sometimes, with sharp baby teeth – to stop her from doing it again.  Her mama would always tell her to quit biting; Alice would just give her a wink and say she didn’t mind, that Agatha was just acting like the animals did when she tweaked their noses.  Then her mama would say that Agatha wasn’t an animal, and that would be that.
Except when Alice would take young Agatha next to the bubbling brook to make sure she was bathed correctly, to make sure she didn’t drown, and then she would tickle her chubby cheeks and Agatha would bite fingertips, and Alice would laugh and laugh with those sharp pointed teeth of hers.
Alice was kind to Agatha, once.  Before she got married to Thomas Thorne.
Agatha thinks of him and shudders.
The waterfall thunders in the distance, loud enough to cover their voices from afar, loud enough to cover their voices from near, too, if Agatha doesn’t listen very carefully. She misses Alice’s vocal admittance, but she sees the witch’s head thrust back, chin tilted up, and she can imagine Alice’s bright brown eyes peering inquisitively down at her mama.
Of course, Agatha can see her mama clearest of all, straight across from Alice, with her two older sisters – Charity and Prudence – at her left and right hand.  Charity’s flat, dull brown hair looks drenched in the moonlight, but that’s as it always is; no matter how much she cleans it, it always ends up looking greasy and dirty.  Her hawkish nose peers out into the darkness, though Charity doesn’t look up at Alice, looks down at fingers clasped demurely in front of her, ruddy cheeks reddening from the torchlight on either side of her.  Prudence, on the other hand, gleams like a dying star.  Her thick black brows throw shadows over the softer curves of her face, which though beautiful in the light of day, now only make her look like a skull with a thick crop of black hair falling in waves about its sides. Even from this far away, Prudence’s green eyes glint in the flicker of the flames.
And her mama between them, staring up at Alice, ramrod straight, the light blue glimmer of her crown thin atop her greying hair.  Already, her mama is old, so much older than most of the town matrons. Even the Puritans – the real ones, not the fake ones they pretend to be to hide among them – look up to her mama as a fountain of wealth, even more so now that her stomach swells with what will hopefully be another little brother or sister for Agatha to play with.
Maybe this one will live.
She’d had another sister, once.  Younger than Charity and Prudence, but older than Nathaniel.  Not that she’d ever met her.  She’d died when Agatha was a baby.
By all accounts, Agatha should be dead, too, born in the frigid cold the way she was, right when everyone usually got so sick.  Babies born in the winter don’t live.  They die.  They—
“You have betrayed your coven,” her mother continues, voice soft over the thundering water, piercing eyes focused entirely on Alice.  “You practice the darkest of magic, and you murder—”
“I have murdered no one,” Alice interrupts, voice crystal clear, loud where her mama’s is so soft.  “I only defended myself against a vicious warlock—”
“—by draining him of his magic until he was nothing more than a mummified—”
“He would have done the same to me, and you would have done nothing to him.”
Agatha bites on her thumbnail, worries it, rips it a little too close to the quick, and winces, cringes, aches.  She stares at her thumb, catches the smallest bubbling of blood.  As Alice and her mama quip back and forth, she sticks her thumb between her lips, sucks the blood from it, and sneaks as carefully as she can around the outer edge of the circle, staying behind the trees. She’s seen her mom and sisters enough; she wants to see how Alice looks.  The bitter taste of copper fills her mouth, which is weird because normally ripping her thumbnail doesn’t cause her to bleed this much.  She pulls her thumb out, stares at it.  Just a drip welling up.  But the taste was so loud.
Every now and again, Agatha glances back to Alice.  The blonde witch has set her jaw, angled her head so that she leers down at her mama, and the shadows of the torchlight under the softer glow of the moonlight set Alice’s shape in sharp relief.  She’s gotten thinner since she lost her baby.  A lot thinner.  Agatha tugs her lip between her teeth and keeps creeping.
“What will you do to me, then?” Alice asks, her voice suddenly deceptively soft.  “For defending myself, what will you do?”
“There are ways to defend yourself without using dark magic,” Agatha’s sister, Prudence, suddenly snaps out.  “You could have—”  But she stops all at once, and Agatha pops her head up to see her mama placing a hand on Prudence’s wrist, giving a little shake of her head.
Agatha’s mama looks up at Alice, but Agatha has gone too far now to see her expression when she says, “You have endangered us, Alice.  Do you not have an answer for that?”
“I have endangered no one, and my defending myself, I have saved—”
“You broke the rules—” Prudence starts to shout out.
“They bent to my power!” Alice snaps out, glaring around at them.  In that moment, she wrenches forward, sharp teeth glistening in the light, held back only by the wisps of blue magic wrapped around her wrists. “You have no idea what it’s like, shackled to a warlock who cares nothing for you, who beats you for stepping an inch out of his plans, who chokes you near to death when your child—”  Her voice cuts off, chokes off, and turning to her now, Agatha can see that Alice’s head has lowered.  Light glistens off of her cheeks.  “I did what I had to do.”
Agatha’s mama shakes her head.  “No,” she murmurs, voice so soft that Agatha wouldn’t have been able to hear it if she’d been on the other side of the circle, “you did not.”  Her gaze never leaves Alice as she says, “You should have asked your sisters for help.  You should have told us—”
“And what would you have done?”  Alice sobs, chest heaving with breath.  “Nothing, nothing.”  She glances up again, meets Agatha’s mama’s eyes levelly.  “I did. what I had. to do.”
Her mama shakes her head again, slow.  “Dark magic is never what you have to do, Alice.  I’m sorry that we were not able to teach you that.”
At her mama’s words, the other members of the coven begin to chant in Latin. Agatha can just glimpse Agnes off to one side, staring up at her own mother, who gives her a little nod. Together, they raise their hands, palms out, towards Alice, just as the other coven members do, and all at once, beams of blue-tinged light rip out of their hands and pierce Alice’s skin.
The instant before they hit her, Alice glances up.  She catches Agatha’s eyes, and her own widen in horror.  Then the magic hits.  Her entire body glows from within.  She screams.  She screams. She—
Agatha wants to turn away.  She shouldn’t be here, she shouldn’t be seeing this, she shouldn’t be hearing this desperately low animalistic growling.  But no matter how much it makes her stomach turn, she can’t look away.  She’s fascinated, focused so entirely, so completely on the way light runs thick through Alice’s veins, turning her into a golden human lantern.  Of course, Alice sounds like she’s in pain, but she’s….
She’s beautiful.
This is a whole new side of magic Agatha has never seen.  It scares her.  It rejuvenates her.
For the briefest of moments, Alice’s moans stop.  She glances up, yells out, “Do not forget me,” and then lowers her head and stares directly at Agatha.  Purple magic circles the pits of her pupils.  She meets Agatha’s eyes.  Winks.
Agatha can’t stop herself – she gasps.  Immediately, she covers her mouth with her hands, but it’s too late.  Her mama glances over her shoulder, catches her. She doesn’t look the way she always does; her face is lined like old, worn out leather, and her face is an ashen, ashy white.  For once, her mama doesn’t chide her for being somewhere she shouldn’t be, but she doesn’t hold out an arm to draw her in either.
She just looks.
Somehow, that disconnected, apathetic, uncaring look from her mama – as though she has nothing to say to her at all – is the most terrifying part of the entire experience.
Something lower than Agatha’s stomach clenches, and she doubles over as blood begins to trickle down her legs.
“My daughter,” her mama murmurs in that same, soft-spoken voice, “you are one of us now.”  Now, she holds out a hand, staring at her with eyes dark with shadows.  “Come, and join your sisters.”
Agatha grits her teeth, swallows, and stumbles forward, dripping and in pain.
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cultfaction · 2 years
Preview- Frankenstein: The True Story (Bluray/DVD)
Presented for the first time in high definition and featuring some incredible bonus material and stunning new artwork by Graham Humphreys, Frankenstein: The True Story is one of the most acclaimed versions of Mary Shelley’s masterpiece. The film features an all-star cast led by James Mason, Leonard Whiting, David McCallum, Jane Seymour, Michael Sarrazin, John Gielgud, Ralph Richardson and Tom…
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hotvintagepoll · 4 months
THE TOURNAMENT IS OVER! Eartha Kitt lounges in her deck chair in the sun, dipping her toes in the pool with Toshiro Mifune and sipping a brightly colored fruity something with an umbrella in it.
Far below in the shadow realm, however, the fallen hotties dance in the dark—let's take a minute to look back at them under the cut.
Claude Gensac, Silvia Pinal, Ewa Aulin, Rita Tushingham, Annette Funicello, Norma Bengell, Catherine Spaak, Brigitte Auber, Micheline Presle, Nanette Fabray, Libertad Lamarque, Vera Miles, Martha Raye, Catherine McLeod, Virginia Mayo, Elizabeth Allan, Belle Bennet, Virginia Cherill, Mary Brian, Ruth Chatterton, Agnes Ayres, Merna Kennedy, Marie Prevost, Corinne Griffith, May Allison, Virginia Brown Faire, Alice Brady, and Jetta Goudal
Angie Dickinson, Thelma Ritter, Geraldine Chaplin, Evelyn Preer, Vanessa Brown, Betty Blythe, Susan Hayward, Mae Clarke, Sally Ann Howes, Ossi Oswalda, Adrienne La Russa, Hermione Gingold, Barbara Bouchet, Melina Mercouri, Anna Karina, Edwige Fenech, Charmian Carr, Pina Pellicer, Marlène Jobert, Tsuru Aoki, Alice Roberts, Leila Hyams, Lady Tsen Mei, Geneviève Bujold, Dolores Hart, Anita Berber, Bonita Granville, Vonetta McGee, Claire Windsor, Zizi Jeanmaire, Tuesday Weld, Grace Darmond, Carol Channing, Deanna Durbin, Laraine Day, Mariette Hartey, Wendy Hiller, Candy Darling, Hermione Baddely, Valeria Creti, Ella Raines, Ann Miller, Dana Wynter, Dalida, Martine Beswick, Gale Storm, Simone Signoret, Cristina Gaioni, Mabel Normand, Stéphane Audran, Ruth Weyher, Anna Wiazemsky, Ann Sheridan, Sandhya Shantaram, Alice White, Anne Francis, Gena Rowlands, Lyda Borelli, May Whitty, Cathleen Nesbitt, Jessica Walter, Virna Lisi, Barbara Shelley, Iris Hall, Heather Angel, Anne Shirley, Joanna Pettet, Virginia O'Brien, Joan Collins, Greer Garson, Gracie Allen, Peggy Ryan, Frances Dee, Shirley Maclaine, Geraldine Farrar, Kathleen Byron, Margaret Hamilton, Eva Gabor, Francesca Bertini, Julie Adams, Olga Baclanova, Misa Uehara, Yvette Vickers, Milena Dravić, Jenny Jugo, Madeleine Carroll, Benita Hume, Olive Borden, Shirley Jones, Miyoshi Umeki, Dorothy Lamour, Gale Sondergaard, Mary Anderson, Charlotte Greenwood, Sybil Seely, Mona Barrie, Kathryn Grayson, Katharine Ross, Madge Bellamy, Rhonda Fleming, Sally Gray, Jana Brejchová, Debra Paget, Madame Sul-Te-Wan, Evelyn Brent, Zelma O'Neal, Marie Laforêt, Türkan Şoray, Beatriz Costa, Irene Zazians, Eleanor Powell, Susan Luckey, Patsy Kelly, Lil Dagover, Norma Talmadge, Dorothy Mackaill, Madge Evans, Virginia McKenna, Amália Rodrigues, Mamie Van Doren, Valerie Hobson, Isabel Jeans, Beata Tyszkiewicz, Claire Luce, Aleksandra Khokhlova, Nieves Navarro Garcia, Janet Leigh, Carmen Miranda, Jean Harlow, Aud Egedge-Nissen, Nina Foch, Jean Simmons, Piper Laurie, Katy Jurado, Jayne Mansfield, Anita Garvin, Frances Farmer, Lizabeth Scott, Joan Greenwood, Una Merkel, Arlene Francis, Ethel Merman, Doris Day, Suzanne Pleshette, Ruta Lee, Carolyn Jones, June Richmond, Eva Nil, Diana Dors, Anna Chang, Colleen Moore, Alexis Smith, Yvette Mimieux, Ruby Keeler, Viola Dana, Dolores Grey, Marie Windsor, Danielle Darieux, Jean Parker, Julie Christie, Acquanetta, Leatrice Joy, Ghita Nørby, Julie Newmar, Joanne Woodward, Sandra Dee, Eva Marie Saint, Simone Simon, Katherine Dunham, Birgitte Price, Lee Grant, Anita Page, Flora Robson, Martha Sleeper, Elsie Ames, Isabel "Coca" Sarli, Glenda Farrell, Kathleen Burke, Linden Travers, Diane Baker, Joan Davis, Joan Leslie, Sylvia Sidney, Marie Dressler, June Lockhart, Emmanuelle Riva, Libertad Leblanc, Susannah Foster, Susan Fleming, Dolores Costello, Ann Smyrner, Luise Rainer, Anna Massey, Evelyn Ankers, Ruth Gordon, Eva Dahlbeck, Ansa Ikonen, Diana Wynyard, Patricia Neal, Etta Lee, Gloria Stuart, Arletty, Dorothy McGuire, Mitzi Gaynor, Gwen Verdon, Maria Schell, Lili Damita, Ethel Moses, Gloria Holden, Kay Thompson, Jeanne Crain, Edna May Oliver, Lili Liliana, Ruth Chatterton, Giulietta Masina, Claire Bloom, Dinah Sheridan, Carroll Baker, Brenda de Banzie, Milú, Hertha Thiele, Hanka Ordonówna, Lillian Roth, Jane Powell, Carol Ohmart, Betty Garrett, Kalina Jędrusik, Edana Romney, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Kay Kendall, Ruth Hussey, Véra Clouzot, Jadwiga Smosarska, Marge Champion, Mary Astor, Ann Harding, María Casares, Maureen O'Sullivan, Mildred Natwick, Michèle Morgan, Romy Schneider, Elisabeth Bergner, Celeste Holm, Betty Hutton, Susan Peters, Mehtab, Leslie Caron, Anna Sten, Janet Munro, Nataša Gollová, Eve Arden, Ida Lupino, Regina Linnanheimo, Sonja Henie, and Terry (what a good girl)
Evelyn Nesbit, Thelma Todd, Tura Satana, Helen Gibson, Maureen O'Hara, Rocío Dúrcal, Mary Nolan, Lois Maxwell, Maggie Smith, Zulma Faiad, Ursula Andress, Musidora, Delphine Seyrig, Marian Marsh, Leatrice Joy, Sharon Tate, Pina Menichelli, Teresa Wright, Shelley Winters, Lee Remick, Jane Wyman, Martita Hunt, Barbara Bates, Susan Strasberg, Marie Bryant, Diana Rigg, Jane Birkin, Rosalind Russell, Vanessa Redgrave, Brigitte Helm, Gloria Grahame, Rosemary Clooney, Bebe Daniels, Constance Bennett, Lilian Bond, Ann Dvorak, Jeanette Macdonald, Pouri Banayi, Raquel Welch, Vilma Bánky, Dorothy Malone, Olive Thomas, Celia Johnson, Moira Shearer, Priscilla Lane, Dolores del Río, Ann Sothern, Françoise Rosay, June Allyson, Carole Lombard, Jeni Le Gon, Takako Irie, Barbara Steele, Claudette Colbert, Lalita Pawar, Asta Nielsen, Sandra Milo, Maria Montez, Mae West, Alma Rose Aguirre, Bibi Andersson, Joan Blondell, Anne Bancroft, Elsa Lanchester, Nita Naldi, Suchitra Sen, Dorothy Van Engle, Elisabeth Welch, Esther Williams, Loretta Young, Margueritte De La Motte, Ita Rina, Constance Talmadge, Margaret Lockwood, Barbara Bedford, Josette Day, Stefania Sandrelli, Jane Russell, Doris Dowling, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Donna Reed, Ruby Dee, Diana Sands, Billie Burke, Kyōko Kagawa, Françoise Dorléac, Hend Rostom, Monica Vitti, Lilian Harvey, Marjorie Main, Jeanne Moreau, Lola Flores, Ann Blyth, Janet Gaynor, Jennifer Jones, Margaret Sullavan, Sadhana, Ruby Myers, Lotus Long, Honor Blackman, Marsha Hunt, Debbie Reynolds, Michèle Mercier, Irene Dunne, Jean Arthur, Judy Holliday, Tippi Hedren, Susse Wold, Vera-Ellen, Carmelita González, Nargis Dutt, Purnima, Harriet Andersson, Yvonne De Carlo, Miroslava Stern, Sheila Guyse, Helen, Margaret Dumont, Betty Grable, Joan Bennett, Jane Greer, Judith Anderson, Liv Ullman, Vera Zorina, Joan Fontaine, Silvana Mangano, and Lee Ya-Ching
Jean Hagen, Sumiko Mizukubo, Mary Philbin, Ann-Margret, Margaret Rutherford, Claudia Cardinale, Eleanor Parker, Jessie Matthews, Theresa Harris, Brigitte Bardot, Alla Nazimova, Faye Dunaway, Marion Davies, Anna Magnani, Theda Bara, Myrna Loy, Kay Francis, Fay Wray, Barbra Streisand, Bette Davis, Hideko Takamine, France Nuyen, Claudine Auger, Miriam Hopkins, Maylia Fong, Samia Gamal, Maude Fealy, Machiko Kyō, Sharmila Tagore, Lucille Ball, Ginger Rogers, Juanita Moore, Anna Fougez, Waheeda Rehman, Ruan Lingyu, Nina Mae McKinney, Ethel Waters, Nadira, Olivia de Havilland, Abbey Lincoln, Louise Beavers, Agnes Moorehead, Lana Turner, Norma Shearer, Maria Falconetti, Reiko Sato, Marie Doro, Clara Bow, Margaret Lindsay, Catherine Denueve, Madhabi Mukherjee, Rosaura Revueltas, Hu Die, Mary Pickford, Fredi Washington, Louise Brooks, Leonor Maia, Merle Oberon, Paulette Goddard, Vivien Leigh, Francine Everett, Savitri, Tita Merello, and Meena Kumari
Judy Garland, Dorothy Dandridge, Yoshiko Yamaguchi, Marilyn Monroe, Irene Papas, Lupe Vélez, Pola Negri, Gene Tierney, Barbara Stanwyck, Gina Lollobrigida, Lena Horne, Nutan, Jean Seberg, Kim Novak, Gladys Cooper, Tallulah Bankhead, Linda Darnell, Julie Andrews, Carmen Sevilla, Gloria Swanson, Glynis Johns, Anne Baxter, Angela Lansbury, Anita Ekberg, Toshia Mori, Deborah Kerr, Hazel Scott, Chelo Alonso, Cyd Charisse, Nancy Kwan, Devika Rani, Shima Iwashita, and Anouk Aimée
Setsuko Hara, Pearl Bailey, Joan Crawford, Madhubala, Marpessa Dawn, Keiko Awaji, Rita Hayworth, Veronica Lake, Ava Gardner, Greta Garbo, Grace Kelly, Xia Meng, Suraiya, Natalie Wood, María Félix, and Mbissine Thérèse Diop
Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren, Vyjyanthimala, Jane Fonda, Katharine Hepburn, Josephine Baker, Elizabeth Taylor, and Ingrid Bergman
Audrey Hepburn, Marlene Dietrich, Anna May Wong, and Lauren Bacall
Rita Moreno, Diahann Carroll
Hedy Lamarr
Eartha Kitt
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hooked-on-elvis · 4 months
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Elvis' photo shoot for "Loving You" (Paramount 1957)
Elvis Presley: Loving You album, released in June 1957
Written by Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller for Elvis' second movie score, "Hot Dog" was recorded at the Paramount Scoring Stage on mid-January 1957. According to Ernst Jorgensen in "Elvis Presley: A Life In Music", the song "lasted all of a minute and twelve seconds but took seventeen takes to record".
Recording it must have been tiring, but the hard work with this track wasn't over at the end of the recording session. It would follow to the filming of the movie (from January 21 to March 8, 1957).
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(1) Elvis' during filming of "Loving You" (Early 1957). (2) Page from article for the Silver Screen magazine (1957)
THE DAY ELVIS BLEW HIS TOP! When he's restrained by strict demand of movie-making, Elvis has got to explode somewhere, somehow - and explode he did! By Viola Swisher "Hot Dog!" That's how the lyrics go. Singing them, Elvis Presley spun into a forward lunge, one arm out-thrust, eyes afire. Hypnotized... hypnotizing. Hot dog? What did the words matter? Elvis exploded them as if some overwhelming earth force had hit him right in the heart. He hunched over to hug the sensation to himself. He swayed with the eternal rhythm of nature. Elvis was blazing through the action of his pre-recorded song "Hot Dog," featured in a country fair sequence of "Loving You," his new Hal Wallis picture for Paramount. Director [and co-writer] Hal Kanter called for a full rehearsal using about fifty extras bouncing and juggling to Presley's music at the fair. "All right" shouted an assistant. "Places, everybody." "Let's try it," Kanter nodded to the star. "Well, here's where I get censored," quietly commented Elvis in his understated, off-screen manner. But only a few alert ears caught the remark. He gave an experimental leg-quiver and looked at the director for an okay. Kanter shook his head in a pantomimed "no". What followed was a running series of dilutions, deletions and compromises for Elvis. Charles O'Curran, a top-rated dance director staging the routine, tried to make up some "typical Elvis Presley" action for the number. Only he kept getting nowhere. The more he struggled to gear the Presley-style to Hollywood's cameras, the more static and inhibited Elvis became. Things grew just a litle bit tense. Head lowered, the singer rolled his velvety eyes upward to level off at Charlie. Not a word exchanges. None was needed. Elvis remained quiet and courteous. No throwing his weight around. No acting big-big. Only his eyes making the polite plea: "Don't tell me how to do my stuff." Presley and O'Curran tried over and over again to get together on the routine. Elvis was aware of what he wanted, yet because it wasn't natural for him he couldn't get with it.
Excerpt from article on the Silver Screen magazine (1957 issue) , pg. 45.
More was written in this article about the filming of "Loving You", possibly something more about how the filming of the scene went on until the final result but I, unfortunately, haven't found the following pages online. I guess the most important story was told by this excerpt anyways. They got the scene. We know they did. I wonder tho how Charles O'Curran had imagined the number. What we see Elvis doing onscreen while singing "Hot Dog" is more Elvis acting like himself or something like Charles wanted him to look like?
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Pictures of the outfit Elvis wore to perform "Hot Dog" and, below, the King performing the song in scene featured in his second movie, "Loving You" (1957).
Scene from movie "Loving You" (Paramount Pictures 1957), starring Elvis Presley, Lizabeth Scott and Wendell Corey. Directed by Hal Kanter. Screenplay by Herbert Baker and Hal Kanter. Story by Mary Agnes Thompson. Produced by Hal B. Wallis.
Hot dog, you say you're really coming back Hot dog, I'm waiting at the railway track Hot dog, you say you're coming home for good Hot dog, I'm going to keep knocking on wood And baby, I can hardly wait I'm gonna meet you at the gate, hot dog I fell in love with you and then you went away But now you're coming home to stay Hot dog, soon everything will be all right Hot dog, we're gonna have a ball tonight I've got a pocketful of dimes It's gonna be just like old times, hot dog You went away and every day was misery But now you're coming back to me Hot dog, my heart is gonna go insane Hot dog, when you come walking off the train Oh how lonely I have been But when that Santa Fe pulls in Hot dog, baby, baby, hot dog
Lyrics by Jerry Leiber/Mike Stoller
I'm not American, and that's why I don't get slangs in English right away (and that's also why you'll find typos in my writing, sorry 'bout that). So, until this very moment, I never understood why the song was entitled "Hot Dog". I found it so silly... I thought about the food, not gonna lie, but I just googled the word and, in slang, it seems 'hot dog' can mean someone who's dangerous, a daredevil or something. So, the poetic persona in the song is calling out the lady for leaving him for a while. I guess that's it. Probably many already got it from the start (and if I got it wrong, please, correct me) but this note is here just in case someone needs an explanation. Oh, I also found an article about the meanings of "hot dog" as a slang, over the years. It's really interesting. Like I say, Elvis is always directly or indirectly teaching me something. Read more about the meanings for 'hot dog' here: today.com/food/hot-dog-meanings.
UPDATE - May 22, 2024: @thetaoofzoe and @lookingforrainbows helped us with this one. THANK YOU SO MUCH, BABIES. ♥ According to dear @thetaoofzoe, "I'm under the impression that 'hot dog' here means he's expressing delight or excitement about the girl coming back. Like a 'yay! I'm so excited'" and then I read @lookingforrainbows with: "hot dog in this case might mean ‘I’m so excited’. It was a saying in the 50s to mean something like ‘wow! that’s awesome’" -- There you go, friends! Solved!
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violetsandfluff · 9 months
Sugar Cookies & Santa Hats
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a/n: it’s been forever since I wrote for tumblr, so go easy on me! 😂 I will probably be less and less active in coming weeks, but I wanted to let you all know how much I love and appreciate you. happy holidays!!
wc: 1.5k
summary: girl dad!Harry sets out to convince his crestfallen daughter that Santa is real.
TW: …”Santa”
“Who wants to make some cookies for Santa Claus?” Harry asked and his suggestion was greeted by a shrill shriek of excitement from two-, nearly three-year-old Penny, who was standing on her tiptoes to peer inside her stocking, which hung from a coat hook near the front door. 
“Santa Claus!” she repeated, throwing her hands in the air and spinning around herself until she grew dizzy and came to an abrupt stop on the ground. 
The family cat, Agnes, eyed her through the corners of her unamused eyes before turning back to the crackling fire to continue licking her jet-black paws. 
Penny raced Harry to the kitchen, her bubbly giggles filling the room behind her as she ran. “I win!” she panted as she skidded to a stop before the refrigerator, followed by a triumphant, “I beat Daddy!”
Removing the family’s matching aprons from the pantry, you helped Penny into hers and handed her one to bestow upon Harry before donning your own. 
Contrary to her younger sister’s enthusiasm, Ruby stayed on the stairs and somberly watched her family disappear into the kitchen. 
“Come on, Rubes!” you called, hoisting Penny up to the sink to wash her tiny hands. “We need our master baker to show us how it’s done.” 
Ruby let out a soft sigh, refusing to respond. After a moment, Harry poked his head out of the kitchen, making eye contact with his eldest daughter, his brow furrowed with concern. “What’s wrong?” he questioned, but his toddler’s joyous shrieks drowned out his voice. He placed Ruby’s folded apron into her hands, but she thrust it back at him. 
“I don’t think I should make cookies for Santa,” she said after a moment, her green-gray eyes welling up with tears. 
“Why not?” asked Harry incredulously. “I thought you loved to bake cookies!”
“I do,” Ruby began, shaking her head, “but I don’t think Santa…needs them.”
“Of course he does,” laughed Harry. “Cookies keep him awake so he can bring us presents, you know!” 
Ruby shook her head once again, her ashamed eyes darting from her father to the Christmas tree and back. “Daddy,” she whispered earnestly, lowering her voice so Penny couldn’t overhear. “Santa Claus isn’t real.” 
Shocked, Harry’s eyes dropped. He heard Penny in the kitchen, cheerfully singing, “Jingle bells! Jingle bells!” paired with the crackling of the fire. He felt his cheeks grow warm as he looked from his daughter’s tearful eyes to his fidgeting hands, and back. 
“Who told you that, Ruby Doo?” he murmured softly as she began to cry. 
“People in my class,” she sniffled, looking up at him with round, glassy eyes. 
“Do you know what, bug?” Harry asked, lowering his eyes to a whisper. “When I was your age, kids at school told me the same. But do you know what happened?”
Ruby shook her head, wiping her nose on the back of her hand and listening intently. 
“On Christmas Eve, I went to bed sad, but right at midnight, I heard jingle bells and hoofbeats on the roof.”
The six-year-old’s eyes lit up. “Reindeer?” she asked, and Harry nodded. 
“When I poked my head out of my bedroom, I saw Santa arranging our presents under the tree.” 
“Really?” Ruby asked, her eyes wide as saucers. “Did he see you?” 
“He didn’t,” Harry replied, feeling the pit in his stomach disappear at his daughter’s budding excitement. “When I woke up in the morning, he had eaten all of the cookies and milk and fed the carrots to his reindeer. He even left me a special note in my stocking.”
“What did it say?” breathed Ruby and Harry gave her an impish smirk. 
“That’s between me and Santa Claus. Now. I’m guessing it’s about time to cut out the cookies.” 
Before he had time to rise to his feet, Ruby sprang off of the stairs and donned her apron as quickly as she could. She sprinted into the bathroom to wash her hands before meeting the remainder of her family in the kitchen. 
“Just in time to help us roll out the dough!” you exclaimed, casting Harry a secretive smile as you pulled a step stool up to the counter for Ruby. 
“We’re making cookies for Santa!” cheered Penny, bouncing on her toes in excitement. 
Ruby held the handles of the rolling pin tightly and you placed yours over hers, guiding their movement over the dough. When the sheet sprawled across the counter, flat and smooth, you retrieved a bag of cookie cutters from the cupboard opposite where you were standing. 
“I want to make Santas!” shouted Penny, reaching for the bag as you set it on the counter before her. 
“I want to make trees and snowflakes and snowmen!” exclaimed Ruby, reaching for the bag. “I think Santa likes snowmen the best.”
“I want to make snowmen, too!” said Penny decisively. 
While the girls distributed the cookie cutters, Harry pulled you aside. Wrapping his arm around your shoulder, he lowered his lips to your ear and whispered a secret plan into it before returning his attention to his girls. 
“I’m making snowmen, Santas, bells, and reindeers!” Penny cried out joyfully as Ruby helped her press the cookie cutters into the sweet, malleable dough. 
You and Harry helped them make the most out of the sheet of dough, resulting in two pans of warm sugar cookies less than an hour later. While Harry and the girls were infatuated by a rerun of the Polar Express, you placed the cookies on cooling racks and mixed food coloring into small tubs of frosting.
“Are you ready to decorate?” you called into the darkened living room and Penny squealed excitedly. 
“We have a surprise for you, mama!” Harry called back. He, Ruby, and Penny appeared in the doorway, decked out in matching pajamas, aprons, light-up necklaces, and antler headbands.
Giving you a kiss on the cheek, he slipped a necklace on over your head and perched a Santa hat on your head. Whinnying, Penny galloped to your side, climbing onto the step stool and peering into the bowls of colored frosting. 
“Red, white, green, pink, blue…” she named the colors, accidentally poking her finger into the blue. She licked the frosting from her fingertip and would have been successful in going back for more had you not stopped her. 
“Now you’ve got to rewash your hands,” you chided, hoisting her up to clean her hands again. 
Necklace flashing merrily,  Ruby stepped onto the stool and reached for a cookie to begin icing. 
Presently, Penny sidled up next to her and selected a snowflake. The girls contentedly smeared frosting onto their cookies until their arms grew tired and their bedtimes encroached. 
They selected the cookies they saw most fit for Santa Claus and arranged them nicely on a plate with a handful of baby carrots and a glass of water (because milk would spoil if left out overnight.)
You and Harry perched on the edges of their beds--you on Penny’s and Harry on Ruby’s-- and read aloud as many stories as it took for them to drift off, dreaming excitedly of Christmas morning. 
Once they were asleep, you and Harry slipped into your own bed to discuss your midnight plan. 
“Ruby didn’t want to ruin Santa for me,” Harry smiled, just enough to make his dimple apparent. “So I told her about my experience with Santa when I was her age.” 
“When your mom was--”
Harry nodded, propping his head up on his elbow. “We should do the same. Be up by midnight?” 
Harry roused you five minutes before midnight. 
You awoke to a white, curly synthetic beard against your face. When you opened your eyes, you could distinctly make out the silhouette of your husband, decked out in a complete Santa suit, holding an armful of gifts and stocking stuffers. 
With a charming smile, Harry extended a hand to you, helping you out of bed, but nearly losing a few boxes in the process. 
You helped him steady his load before creeping silently downstairs to arrange the gifts beneath the elaborate tree. 
Once the living room was finished, lit only by the tree, which was just bright enough to see the presents stacked beneath it and the empty plate beside it, you crept up the stairs and knocked lightly on your daughters’ bedroom door. Knowing Penny was a sound sleeper, you didn’t worry about awakening her. 
Ruby, who was drifting in and out of a restless sleep, sat up immediately at the sound. Tiptoeing so as not to wake her younger sister, she let herself out of the bedroom and peered down the stairs. The sight her awestruck eyes beheld was one she would never forget. She clamped a hand over her mouth to prevent a delighted squeal from escaping, lest she blow her cover. Silently, she watched the man in the red suit distribute presents beneath the tree and slip some candy canes into the stockings. 
After a few minutes of baffled silence on her part, the six-year-old began tiptoeing back to her room. She let herself in silently and slipped back into bed with a new kind of warmth and assurance brewing in her core. What a story she would have to tell her children one day.  ~~~
Taglist: @fishingirl12 @sortingharryshairclip @groovychaosavenue @madybeth21 @mrspeacem1nusone @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cayleyhannha-blog @whitemancumslut @xxrosebunny @daisyharry @madeintheniamh and I think that’s it? I could very well be mistaken as I’m doing this from memory. thanks for everything ❤️🎄
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William, The Conqueror to Catherine, The Princess of Wales ⤜ The Princess of Wales is William I's 27th Great-Granddaughter  via her paternal grandfather’s line.
William the Conqueror (m. Matilda of Flanders)
Henry I, King of England (m. Matilda of Scotland)
Empress Matilda (m. Geoffrey V, Count of Anjou)
Henry II, King of England (m. Eleanor of Aquitaine)
John I, King of England (m. Isabella of Angoulême)
Henry III, King of England (m. Eleanor of Provence)
Edmund, Earl of Lancaster (m. Blanche of Artois)
Henry, 3rd Earl of Leicester and Lancaster (m. Matilda de Chaworth)
Mary of Lancaster, Baroness Percy (m. Henry de Percy, 3rd Lord Percy) - Coat of Arms
Sir Henry Percy, 1st Earl of Northumberland (m. Margaret de Neville)
Sir Henry ‘Hotspur’ Percy (m. Elizabeth Mortimer)
Sir Henry Percy, 2nd Earl of Northumberland (m. Lady Eleanor Neville) - Coat of Arms
Sir Henry Percy, 3rd Earl of Northumberland (m. Eleanor, Baroness Poynings) - Coat of Arms
Lady Margaret Percy (m. Sir William Gascoigne)
Agnes Gascoigne (m. Sir Thomas Fairfax) - Gawthorpe Hall, family seat.
William Fairfax (m. Anne Baker) - Gilling Castle, family seat. 
John Fairfax (m. Mary Birch) Master of the Great Hospital at Norwich, Norfolk
Rev. Benjamin Fairfax (m. Sarah Galliard), Preacher at Rumburgh, Suffolk.
Benjamin Fairfax (m. Bridget Stringer) died in Halesworth, Suffolk.
Sarah Fairfax (m. Rev. John Meadows) died in Ousedon, Suffolk.
Philip Meadows (m. Margaret Hall)
Sarah Meadows (m. Dr. David Martineau)
Thomas Martineau (m. Elizabeth Rankin) buried at Rosary Cemetery, Norwich.
Elizabeth Martineau (m. Dr. Thomas Michael Greenhow) died in Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland.
Frances Elizabeth Greenhow (m. Francis Lupton)
Francis Martineau Lupton (m. Harriet Albina Davis)
Olive Christina Lupton (m. Richard Noel Middleton)
Peter Francis Middleton (m. Valerie Glassborow)
Michael Francis Middleton (m. Carole Elizabeth Goldsmith)
The Princess of Wales m. The Prince of Wales
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doubledyke · 8 months
what kinda music would the eds like?
oh dude
you'll be shocked to learn that all their tastes are based on my own.
to me eddy is a big Music Enjoyer™ and i think he goes through phases, but his overall taste is expansive. he's is obviously into disco - abba, sylvester, bee gees, EWF, kool and the gang, barry white. i see him enjoying old funk/soul/r&b - bootsy collins, the gap band, chaka khan, curtis mayfield, patrice rushen. pop/country oldies - nancy sinatra, dusty springfield, patsy cline, brenda lee, peggy lee, loretta lynn. 40s, 50s & 60s girl groups cuz that's what his mom likes- andrews sisters, mcguire sisters, ronettes, marvelettes, etc. 80s dance - the egyptian lover, pretty tony, debbie deb, newcleus, loose ends, madonna. 90s house and dance - crystal waters, la bouche, lisa stansfield, robin s, real mccoy. other 90s pop - aaliyah, britney, sugar ray, backstreet boys, nsync, aqua, smash mouth ace of base, TLC, destiny's child. a touch of ska with sublime, 311. other random stuff - fatboy slim, louis prima, azalea banks, limp bikit, shaggy, dua lipa (gay), the prodigy. there's so much more honestly but basically anything i like is what eddy likes 😳 he's like the catch all haha.
edd also loves music but i tend to think of stuff that reminds me of him vs. what he would actually listen to. crystal castles to me is edd music because i'm gay and emo but i don't think he'd really listen to them outside of the gothedd au that exists only in my head lmao. things i do think he'd listen to include kraftwerk, aphex twin, boards of canada, daft punk, massive attack, agnes obel, avalanches, burial. most of which he discovers through eddy of course. some outliers might be tool, muse, enya, anita baker (don't ask ok). there's other stuff i'm sure but that's probably enough for now.
ed is harder for me to nail down cuz i see him as mostly a rock/metal fan and even though i grew up listening to it, i've never gone super deep into the genre tbh. his favorite bands are primus and death grips. others would be alice in chains, nirvana, SOAD, melvins, butthole surfers, smashing pumpkins, black sabbath, metallica, rob zombie/white zombie. he might be into other 80s metal, black metal, sludge metal. none of which are anything i listen to so i couldn't tell ya what artists.
BUT other folks have made some great playlists for ed and the eds in general which i'll link here.
@mkorpse13's ed playlist
@mysticbeaver's ed and eddy playlists
@owmylasagna-blog's playlists for all the eds
@fish-bowl-2 has a great playlist for general eene vibes as well
my playlists for all three are here. not super long but i might add to them at some point.
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its-tea-time-darling · 10 months
Ten characters of ten fandoms, ten tags.
thanks for the tag ❤️ @swanfloatieknight
teresa agnes - the maze runner
kofun - see (2019)
athelstan - vikings
sansa stark - game of thrones / asoiaf
rumo - rumo und die wunder im dunkeln
kat baker - spinning out
kylo ren - star wars
alex - red white and royal blue
nan - tipping the velvet
katya goncharov - goncharov (1973) (< unreality warning, this is not an actual movie, tumblr made it up)
no pressure tags: @crestfallercanyon @sidekcks @hamartian-cathexis @ulfrsmal @blue-summers @go-catch-a-chickn @thatnerdybookgirliscool @nice-to-meet-ya-shank @ivesterrarium @dumb-bi-thomas
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garadinervi · 2 months
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Agnes Martin, "I have worked", (2 pages, detail), in Arne Glimcher, Agnes Martin – Paintings, Writings, Remembrances, Designed by Henrik Nygren, Phaidon Press, London, 2012 [The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York, NY]
I have worked:
as a play ground Director
as a tennis coach
started two successful businesses
on a farm — milking
three times at the wheat harvest
managed cherry pickers
for a mining Co. managed Indians horse packing supplies
taught three years in country schools
as a cashier
in a factory
in a hamburger stand
as a receptionist
in a butcher shop
in a nursery
in a cafeteria
as a bakers helper
as a waitress many times
as a dishwasher three times
as a janitor once
as a cook once during the War
helping Spanish and Indian get in touch with relatives in the Army (Red Cross)
visited spruce logging operation for government
at Swan Island (liberty ships) child care center
running an elevator
in a parking garage
packing ice cream
managed five Hindus, baling straw
as a disciplinarian worked with deprived boys
on school buses
with 60 boy waiters
house mother on campus
chaperone traveling University Students
with criminal boys
individual child care 2 girls and one boy age 4-5-6
also raised rabbits and ducks
(transcript via The Marginalia)
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thienvaldram · 8 months
Forgotten Lives 3 Lore Dump
Just a bunch of lore related observations from FL3
Framing Narration (Fourth Doctor/T Baker POV)
Mindbending was not invented by the Time Lords but by an arthropod species with ‘umpteen’ lives.
The Master was better at it than the Doctor at the Academy
George Gallaccio
The Lungs of the Birastrop is two years after Doctor Crocus and the Pages of Fear on Earth
The TARDIS is still a police box
The Birastrop are part of the Cult of Morbius, they do not believe in the Elixir of Life
The Doctor claims he used to be a friend of Morbius, but he seems to be bluffing
Varne can fly the TARDIS
The Doctor believes he made the firecrackers that caused the events of this story
Varne departs and a new companion, Agnes, joins in this story.
The Time Lords have been directing this incarnations efforts from the shadows, he is already considered a renegade by this point.
The firecrackers were actually made by a group of Time Lords on their final incarnations (Led by Sorianius) who had swallowed Deathworm Morphants to merge with the gunpowder.
The Doctor believes he may have killed Morbius
Framing Narration cont.
The Morbius Monster’s lungs are that of a Birastrop
The Doctor was unaware of these lives by this point, though they didn’t seem to be “erased”, merely forgotten.
Robert Holmes
The Doctor put in a healing tank frequently
He seems unfamiliar with this incarnation, and the clothes, but he also clearly has amnesia from being pulled out of the tank. (This is due to him coming out of his infiltrator persona)
By the time he reaches the hall, he’s settled in to his persona again.
His most recent mission prevented ‘a big old civil war’ and dismantled the war machine of ‘a recently deposed President’ (Morbius).
The Morbius civil war occurred during this Doctor’s era
He infiltrated the enemy side as “Bretor Ohm”, this was a new body but not a new incarnation. (Chameleon Arch?)
His failure in his final mission is responsible for Morbius’s escape (In actuality, Sellin used a vocal command to halt him)
Morbius was of House Aurora
Sellin had also given the real Bretor Ohm the Doctor’s biodata as a backup plan, but he escaped and captured Morbius whilst the real Doctor distracted Sellin.
Ohm and the Doctor ended up escaping in a TARDIS (But he was presumably later recaptured)
Framing Narration cont.
Upon reaching Holmes, Morbius realises that the Doctor is an active enemy of his, he redoubles his efforts to push the Doctor back after this point.
Graeme Harper
This Doctor has not been home in a very long time.
Morbius’s was in power during this Doctor’s era. That is why they ran away.
This Doctor has ‘raised families’
Alexandra Justine Collins is travelling with the Doctor
This incarnation disappeared into the Portal of Transformation after contemplating returning to Gallifrey. It is unclear if this is intended to be the cause of this incarnation’s rejuvenation.
Framing Narration cont.
This incarnation was secretive enough that the echo of their persona was still deflecting secrets from Morbius’s intrusion during the mindbending battle years earlier.
The Camfield incarnation horrifically lost his family (Cold Fusion) and the Fourth Doctor is still able to feel the pain even with centuries of distance.
Douglas Camfield
Another companion, Carol Williams. Stowed away on the TARDIS.
After the Loomborn revolt, the Camfield Doctor was forced into hiding.
He has left Dattany for a little while so he could heal from his family’s deaths.
The Doctor and Tallis (Someone who worked for him back on Gallifrey) believe some of his family has escaped the massacre. They go to investigate.
Morbius’s rise to power was occurring during this Doctor’s era.
Cedric and Jilly are still alive on Earth so were not related to the children killed in the Loomborn revolt.
Phillip Hinchcliffe
This Doctor parted ways with Rue eventually and settled down on Earth (Paris 1792).
It had been either 4 or -156 years since then depending on the perspective.
The Order of the Spheres and Time Lords eventually fell out, the Doctor’s handlers and the Unity were different groups.
After settling down on Earth, the Time Lords are still trying to find him. The Sisterhood of Karn uses this to blackmail him to take Françoise to Karn.
Françoise (Swan) becomes a new companion in a stripped down timeship (The Exedra) headed for Karn.
He is being pursued by another renegade called ‘The Citizen’, he wants the Elixir of Life from Karn. The Doctor leaves him to the mercy of the locals on Durcrow
The leader of the sisterhood is O’Hercha.
The Sisterhood has seen the Doctor prior to this.
The Time Lords regain contact with him in this story and intend to bring him ‘back into the fold’.
Framing Narration cont.
Four figures out the Sisterhood owes him a favour after recalling the Hinchcliffe Doctor’s life.
Christopher Baker
Cedric and Jilly’s mother is no longer ‘here’ anymore
She was Joan Smith (Miss Weston). Joan Weston is the “Joan Redfern” that Baker fell in love with. He want by ‘John Smith’ for this time period.
They first landed in early 1938 after Banks-Stewart’s renewal.
The Advisor is working alongside the Unity to disrupt Earth history. He is currently operating as a scientific advisor for the ‘Radio Men’ (Cybermen?)
The Doctor has been ‘playing with his biology’
Jill Smith (Jilly) was born in 1939
Joan Smith eventually died
Robert Banks Stewart
Joan and The Doctor have been associated for four years, it is now 1944, this means he has been on Earth for six years (1938-1944).
The Doctor’s talking owl has no name because ‘birds don’t use names’
The Magus is working with the Nazis.
The Magus had two twins working for him but one perished at the Temple of Gog and Magog.
A sample of the Elixir of Life found its way to a safe in Ireland.
The Magus claims he wants the Elixir of Life to ensure Hitler stands trial for his actions. This is a lie, as he was wounded and is dying.
Maggie O’Hecha stole the Elixir before the Doctor or Magus could get to it, she would later become leader of the sisterhood.
The Sisterhood sent the Doctor to 1945 and he saw and crystallised the end of the War.
Joan Weston’s real name isn’t Joan Weston (Joan Redfern??). In 1944 she and the Doctor left Earth to travel.
Christopher Barry
Morbius was friends with the Doctor according to ‘the story’.
His wife will slap him next time she sees him and hole up in a ‘Tower in Avalon’.
Framing Narration conc.
Morbius had known Christopher Barry’s Doctor, he’d attempted to harness the living story in order to fulfil his future dreams.
The living story had indeed raised Morbius to greatness only to bring him low in the end. He only learns this upon hitting Barry’s memories in the mindbending match, and this is why he goes full rage afterwards.
Four is unsure how many of these reawakened memories he’d retain, but doesn’t care as he embraces being an ever evolving story.
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