#eloise malinda
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fischerfrey · 1 year ago
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the malinda family
a while back i did one of these for the quinn family so i wanted to give the malindas the same treatment. i don't have faceclaims for all the members out there but i included everyone i did have and some spouses too. additionally, acacia malinda is now canon, good for her!
founders' era:
devon terrel as fergus gryffindor nathalie emmanuel as iseult of caen
victorian era:
jacob anderson as timotheus malinda ruby barker as agnes malinda dalmar abuzeid as jacob macmillan ashley madekwe as aravis malinda by @potionboy3 nick sagar as leonidas malinda by @potionboy3
fantastic beasts:
gugu mbatha-raw as ethel malinda lucien laviscount as everett malinda antonia thomas as eloise malinda jamie dornan as rory o'neill by @unfortunate-arrow jude hill as miles o'neill by @unfortunate-arrow millie davis as jane o'neill malia baker as catherine "kate" o'neill by @unfortunate-arrow
chiwetel ejiofor as mervyn malinda thandiwe newton as juniper malinda, née raeburn elliot knight as jacob malinda iman benson as verna malinda bianca lawson as elinor greengrass, née malinda savannah steyn as eliza greengrass samantha logan as evangeline "angie" greengrass celeste o'connor as evenin "eve" greengrass
lauren ridloff as verna malinda keri russell as merula malinda, née snyde eren m. güvercin as rowan "roe" malinda nico parker as acacia malinda
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annieandro · 3 months ago
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It's the F to the U-Z-Z-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D-T-A-M-E-R-S!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!I
t's roll call time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!
It's the F to the U-Z-Z-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D-T-A-M-E-R-S!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!
It's roll call time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!
Crystal and Briarlight in the back We got Clumsy and Captain Fuzzy-Gut, here in the track Commodore Nougat, King, I see you tooWe got Xandria and Queen and Bishop, Knight, Rook, Pawn, Alice Tishman and Splashy, but more to go though Pallina and Gloopidew, Coneshell and Digni, Yo where you at, 'cos it's me, I'm asking, Rommet, Elizabelle, Cheeky and Shapen, I see Axe over there waving peace!
It's the F to the U-Z-Z-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D-T-A-M-E-R-S!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!
It's roll call time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!
It's the F to the U-Z-Z-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D-T-A-M-E-R-S!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!
It's roll call time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!
Clicky and Cha-Cha boy on my right Chloe, Dumbles, Drazzle through the night, Dubbin, Kinga, Blueberry Dragon, Flower Kappa, Kipper, Kira, Lorain and Lester, Leap and Jag, Winky, you're the most Jayblu, Apus, Prince Brownie, Princess Cupcake, Lily Unicorn, Flower Pony, Savannah and we're still not done Twilight, Stretchy Cat, ain't this fun?
Book Owl and Nighttime Bear, yo where you at? Witch Dog and Zooble step up to bat, Flappy The Luck Bat, Petite Seahorse, Unipig and Ball Doggie,Annieandro 2 and Drop-Drip and we've only just begun!
It's the F to the U-Z-Z-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D-T-A-M-E-R-S!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!
It's roll call time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!It's the F to the U-Z-Z-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D-T-A-M-E-R-S!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!
It's roll call time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!
Elianny, Emmanuel, Figuro and Emma, Flappers, Eloise, Ethan, I'm movin' fast! Freyja, Elsie, Francine and Ellison, Frances, Isa, Freddy, say it loud! Drone Strike, Fumble, Roarroar and Grace, Froaker, Oligarchy, Findley and Hendy, Greenberry, Hailey, Gooseberry, Gorbodor, Harriet, Quisper, Garnet, who you like?
Gobble, Ivana, Googles, Kayla,Iggy, Jennifer, which one do you prefer?
Natalie, Officer William, Nuzzles and Kiva,Come on everybody, help me sing the refrain!I
t's the F to the U-Z-Z-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D-T-A-M-E-R-S!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!
It's roll call time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!
It's the F to the U-Z-Z-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D-T-A-M-E-R-S!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!It's roll call time, listen up my friends!The gang's all here, the gang's all here!
Now we make it real quiet just for a few Malinda, Nazareth, Half-Bit and Indigo, Now we bring it back again for Holly and Izzy And Swetha and Kimber rocking this joint, Ringo, Starla, Zipper-oo, Sunburn, Zippity, Spike, Vector, Zappy, Macki, I see ya, Yillo, Xinny, Winter and Quaker, Everyone stay with me 'cos the end is coming soon!
It's the F to the U-Z-Z-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D-T-A-M-E-R-S!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!
It's roll call time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!
It's the F to the U-Z-Z-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D-T-A-M-E-R-S!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!It's roll call time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!
Western, Riley, Truffles and Jenna, People pay attention 'cos that's not all We got Oblongy and Kevel, Roboman and Zaran, Rafter and Joseph, the names, they can't last, Rachel, Raspberry Puff, Quicksliver, Prickles, Purpleberry and Reef, I hope I'm not scaring ya There's one more name that I have to relateIt's spelled S-P-R-I-N-G and O! And Princess Too.
It's the F to the U-Z-Z-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D-T-A-M-E-R-S!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!
It's roll call time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!
It's the F to the U-Z-Z-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D-T-A-M-E-R-S!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!
It's roll call time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here!
0 notes
annieandro · 3 months ago
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Crystal As Treecko, Briarlight As Torchic, Clumsy As Mudkip, Captain Fuzzy-Gut As Marshtomp, Commodore Nougat As Swampert, King As Poochyena, Xandria As Wurmple, Queen As Beautifly, Bishop As Cascoon, Knight As Lotad, Rook As Lombre, Pawn As Ludicolo, Alice Tishman As Linoone, Splashy As Silcoon, Pallina As Grovyle, Gloopidew As Sceptile, Coneshell As Combusken, Digni As Blaziken, Rommet As Mightyena, Elizabelle As Dustox, Cheeky As Seedot, Shapen As Nuzleaf and Axe As Shiftry
Clicky As Latias, Cha-Cha As Latios, Cluckers As Regice, Chloe As Registeel, Dumbles As Regirock, Drazzle As Duskull, Dubbin As Dusclops, Kinga As Tropius, Blueberry Dragon As Chimecho, Flower Kappa As Absol, Kipper As Glalie, Kira As Spheal, Lorain As Sealeo, Lester As Clamperl, Leap As Huntail, Jag As Gorebyss, Winky As Luvdisc, Jayblu As Bagon, Apus As Shelgon, Prince Brownie As Metagross, Princess Cupcake As Feebas, Lily Unicorn As Milotic, Flower Pony As Castform, Zooble As Banette, Witch Dog As Shuppet, Stretchy Cat As Kecleon, Petite Seahorse As Salamence, Flappy The Luck Bat As Beldum, Book Owl As Wynaut, Nighttime Bear As Snorunt, Unipig As Metang, Ball Doggie As Groudon, Annieandro 2 As Kyogre and Drop-Drip As Walrein
Elianny As Makuhita, Emmanuel As Hariyama, Figuro As Azurill, Emma As Nosepass, Flappers As Skitty, Eloise As Delcatty, Ethan As Sableye, Freyja As Slaking, Elsie As Nincada, Francine As Loudred, Ellison As Exploud, Frances As Aggron, Isa As Meditite, Freddy As Medicham, Drone Strike As Swellow, Fumble As Wingull, Roarroar As Pelipper, Grace As Ralts, Froaker As Shroomish, Oligarchy As Breloom, Findley As Slakoth, Hendy As Vigoroth, Greenberry As Mawile, Hailey As Taillow, Gooseberry As Aron, Gorbodor As Electrike, Harriet As Manectric, Quisper As Plusle, Garnet As Lairon, Gobble As Rayquaza, Ivana As Ninjask, Googles As Shedinja, Kayla As Whismur, Maple As Vibrava, Jennifer As Flygon, Natalie As Kirlia, Officer William As Gardevoir, Nuzzles As Surskit and Kiva As Masquerain
Malinda As Jirachi, Nazareth As Deoxys, Half-Bit As Celebi, Indigo As Mew, Holly As Torkoal, Izzy As Spoink, Swetha As Numel, Kimber As Camerupt, Ringo As Grumpig, Starla As Spinda, Zipper-oo As Trapinch, Sunburn As Gulpin, Zippity As Swalot, Spike As Roselia, Vector As Carvanha, Zappy As Sharpedo, Macki As Wailmer, Yillo As Wailord, Xinny As Illumise, Winter As Volbeat and Quaker As Minun
Western As Anorith, Riley As Cradily, Truffles As Lileep, Jenna As Claydol, Oblongy As Baltoy, Kevel As Crawdaunt, Roboman As Corphish, Zaran As Whiscash, Rafter As Barboach, Joseph As Solrock, Rachel As Lunatone, Raspberry Puff As Seviper, Quicksliver As Zangoose, Prickles As Altaria, Purpleberry As Swablu, Reef As Cacturne, Springo As Cacnea and Princess As Zigzagoon
Bonus Characters: Twilight and Savannah
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fischerfrey · 2 years ago
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fbawtft: the malinda cousins
gugu mbatha-raw as ethel malinda, born 1896
lucien laviscount as everett malinda, born 1898
antonia thomas as eloise malinda, born 1901
ashley madekwe as aravis malinda, born 1895
nick sagar as leonidas malinda, born 1898
aravis and leon belong to @potionboy3
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fischerfrey · 2 years ago
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family lines; the malindas, part 1
due to the 10 picture limit, i’m splitting up the malindas into several parts.
dalmar abuzeid and ruby barker as jacob malinda, né macmillan, and agnes malinda
gugu mbatha-raw, lucien laviscount, and antonia thomas as ethel malinda, everett malinda, and eloise malinda
gugu mbatha-raw and jamie dornan as ethel and rory o’neill
millie davis, jude hill, and malia baker as jane, miles, and kate o’neill
tessa thompson and lucien laviscount as antonia malinda, née selwyn, and everett malinda
chiwetel ejiofor and bianca lawson as mervyn and elinor malinda
thandiwe newton and chiwetel ejiofor as juniper malinda, née raeburn, and mervyn malinda
iman benson and elliot knight as verna and jacob malinda
mark o'brien and bianca lawson as albert and elinor greengrass
savannah steyn, samantha logan, and celeste o’cnnor as eliza, evangeline, and evenin greengrass
rory, miles, and kate belong to @unfortunate-arrow
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fischerfrey · 3 years ago
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the malinda lineage; character spotlight
ethel malinda was born in 1896 as the oldest child of agnes and jacob malinda. she was later joined by a younger brother, everett and a sister, eloise. as a child, ethel’s life was relatively peaceful, although her mother struggled to fend off greedy relatives who still doubted her claim to the malinda fortune.
early on, ethel wasn’t interested in becoming the next malinda matriarch. she was free-spirited and longed to travel instead of being tied down to the manor. when she turned seventeen, she gave up her claim to the manor and gave it instead to everett. at this point, the siblings weren’t close anymore, so everyone was surprised by her decision.
everett and eloise wanted to impress the wizarding elite of britain and looked to make prestigious marriages to raise the malindas back into the good graces of the sacred twenty-eight. ethel wasn’t interested in posturing and hated the stuck-up attitudes of the pureblood circles, so instead she decided to strike out on her own, becoming a journalist for the daily prophet.
eventually ethel grew dissatisfied by the way the daily prophet was run and resigned, becoming an independent investigative journalist. she moved to new york, after having already worked there for some time with the prophet. she reconnected with irene quinn, her brilliant but eccentric former class mate, and the two begun solving crimes together, working as partners for several years. through this work, she was able to realize her dream of travelling and seeing many different places.
it was also in the states where ethel met her future husband rory o’neill. during her hogwarts years, she had harboured a crush on the older gryffindor and as fate would have it, she had a second chance when rory arrived in new york in search of his sister. eventually the two fell in love and got married. ethel had three children, a step-son miles, and twin daughters jane and kate.
she always remained close with her parents and even made up with her siblings and though they never became the best of friends, she was a part of the lives of her nephews and nieces. irene remained her best friend through her entire life.
rory and miles belong to @unfortunate-arrow​
click here for the challenge by @kathrynalicemc​​
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fischerfrey · 3 years ago
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► basics;
Full Name: Agnes Cecilia Malinda
Birthday: January 25th, 18xx (Aquarius)
Pronouns: she/her
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Blood Status: pureblood
Nationality: English
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► magical info;
Wand: Willow, 11 inches, dragon heartstring
Willow is an uncommon wand wood with healing power, and I have noted that the ideal owner for a willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted) insecurity, however well they may try and hide it. While many confident customers insist on trying a willow wand (attracted by their handsome appearance and well-founded reputation for enabling advanced, non-verbal magic) my willow wands have consistently selected those of greatest potential, rather than those who feel they have little to learn. It has always been a proverb in my family that he who has furthest to travel will go fastest with willow.
Patronus: Ginger Cat
A ginger cat is actually a tabby with a different fur pattern and coloring, but these cats are so personable they deserve their own description. Ginger tabbies vary in personality but are known to love lazing in the sun and roaming around their territory. They can be quite the big softie, seeking petting and affection from their owners.
Patronus Memory: Casting her first spell at Hogwarts successfully as the first of her class.
Boggart: Losing.
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?): lavender, freshly baked goods, her apple orchard
Specialized/Favourite Spells: Protective magic, she prefers defense over offense
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
Herbology: O
History of Magic: A
Potions: O
Transfiguration: E
Care of Magical Creatures: O
Muggle Studies: E
► background;
Place of Birth: The Malinda Manor, English countryside
Home: The Malinda Manor, English countryside
Agnes was born to the Malinda family and welcomed with open arms, as her parents assumed they would have many more children, boys too, to inherit the estate. However, Agnes ended up being their only child and when her mother died before she started Hogwarts, she suddenly had all the pressures of being the heir thrust upon her.
► physical;
Faceclaim: Ruby Barker
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5′7 (170cm)
Tattoos, Birthmarks, Scars, etc: n/a
► relatives;
Father: Albert Malinda
The patriarch of the Malinda family who wished for a son to continue his legacy. He wasn’t happy with a daughter but tried to love Agnes the best he could. Albert dies when Agnes is 16, leaving her to handle both school, and the relatives trying to steal her fortune.
Mother: Eleanor Malinda (née Rowle)
A pureblood witch with great expectations for her daughter. She passed away when Agnes was only 11, leaving her husband heartbroken. Agnes was not close to her mother, since Eleanor found her to be too wild. She always tried to instruct her to be a proper lady, which Agnes despised as a child.
Husband: Jacob Owen Malinda, né Macmillan
Agnes and Jacob met at Hogwarts. Jacob was two years ahead of her so the two weren’t close. They knew of each other but barely spoke. After Agnes graduated, she met Jacob again through his work as a ministry official. He assisted her in the legal issues of her inheritance and the two grew to be friendly.
Agnes finds out during their courtship that Jacob is half-blood, his mother being a muggle. It was hidden from the public to save face, as the Macmillans are a respectable pure-blood family. This doesn’t deter her though, and she marries him anyway.
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Children: Ethel Malinda, Everett Malinda, Eloise Malinda
Descendants: Verna and Jacob Malinda
► relationships;
Allegiances: Gryffindor house, The Malinda family
Canon friends: tba
MC Friends: (hmu if you want your MCs to be friends with Agnes)
Dorm mates: (1/5)
Georgie Parsons by @unfortunate-arrow​
Rivals: tba
Enemies: tba
► personality;
Agnes is outspoken and determined. She loves to work with her hands, and spends a lot of time tending to the garden at the Malinda manor. She was raised to be a proper lady and she can certainly act as one if she chooses but more often than not you might find her hands buried in the dirt weeding plants, or cooking in the kitchens. She wants to keep her inheritance and her father’s legacy and will fight tooth and nail for what she believes in. She’s academically talented and wants to do well in school, and she’s a terrible loser, preferring to win everything from games to arguments.
► misc;
Hobbies: Cooking, cross-stitching, gardening
Extracurriculars: n/a
Quidditch: n/a
Favourite Subject: herbology, potions
Favourite professor: tba
Least favourite professor: tba
Professions: Head of the Malinda family
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fischerfrey · 3 years ago
🖊 + Ethel?
🖊 + Nova?
*answers asks 50 years late with a starbucks*
Ethel Malinda:
She is the eldest of three siblings and the only one who left Europe for a different kind of life. Her younger siblings, Everett and Eloise, grew up to be sort of... stuck up and old-fashioned due to influence from their other relatives (Agnes' aunts and uncles and their sons who suck!! and wanted to inherit the manor and all the money instead of Agnes). Ethel didn't want anything to do with all the drama involved with her family so she made sure to study hard and have the ability to carve out a life of her own. She loves her mother and father a lot and misses them but she's glad to be away from England. Ethel doesn't get along with her siblings very well as they are so different but she does love them too, and tries to be a balancing influence on them and especially their children whenever she can.
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Nova Hartley:
Nova is scared of the sea, has been ever since her mother drowned. She used to love going to the beach but it takes her years to overcome her fear even a little. If HPMA had a beach episode, she'd be grumpily sitting somewhere while everyone else had fun in the water. She only starts to love water again after she notices her own children's excitement and love for swimming and playing at the beach! I imagine her holding toddler Wyatt's hands as he splashes around in the shallow water and she starts to think that maybe she can get over her fear someday!
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fischerfrey · 3 years ago
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in an effort to make my timelines make sense i made this wip family tree of the malindas... newsflash.. the timelines still don’t make any sense!!! it’s fine tho i’m out here to have a good time not logical time
(the o’neills belong to @unfortunate-arrow and i didn’t add any other kids for rory and ethel for now, doesn’t mean they won’t have any!!)
(also eloise has kids and a husband but idk them so i didn’t add them)
(everett has a wife but idk her so i didn’t add her lol)
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fischerfrey · 3 years ago
Ethel Malinda for the World Building asks?
full name: ethel lucilia malinda
gender: female
sexuality: bisexual
pronouns: she/her
mother: agnes cecilia malinda, a pureblood witch and the heir to the malinda estate and fortune.
father: jacob owen malinda, né macmillan, a pureblood wizard who fell in love with agnes, defied the gender norms of his day and married her, taking her name. (we stan an icon and a king who drinks his respect women juice! also verna's brother jacob was named after him.)
siblings: everett augustus malinda, eloise octavia malinda
birthplace: the malinda manor, unspecified location in the english country side (i still haven't decided on a location, i want it to make sense, narratively, but i'm indecisive!)
job: a reporter for the daily prophet, later editor-in-chief
phobias: ethel is deathly afraid of heights. irene often drags her into the wildest possible crime scenes and she hates every single skyscraper in new york, thank you very much.
guilty pleasures: romance novels! irene, ever the academic, makes fun of her for enjoying her trashy romance novels but who cares what irene thinks, anyway?
morality alignment?: lawful good, verging on chaotic good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert. not the most outgoing person out there, but definitely likes to be around people.
organized/disorganized: organized. to the letter. every time. she can't handle chaos.
close minded/open-minded: open-minded. sadly one of the only ones of her kind left in the malinda family by the time verna is born.
calm/anxious: anxious.
disagreeable/agreeable: depends. mostly agreeable though.
cautious/reckless: if you don't know her very well, you might say she's cautios. but irene knows just how reckless she can get.
patient/impatient: impatient.
outspoken/reserved: outspoken.
leader/follower: ethel is an "assistant" to irene, but we all know who's really in charge of keeping them both alive.
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic.
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic.
traditional/modern: modern.
hard-working/lazy: hard-working.
otp: i literally haven't thought of this at all but writing this reply made me kind of ship ethel/irene
ot3: remains to be seen!
brotp: definitely ethel/irene
notp: none, as of now
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fischerfrey · 4 years ago
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HPHM character profile
Name: Verna Aelia Malinda
Gender: cis female
Age: Depends on the timeline
Birth Date: December 15th, 1972 (Sagittarius)
Species: Human witch
Blood Status: Half-blood but thought to be pureblood by the Wizarding community.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alignment: Chaotic good
Ethnicity: Mixed (black mother, mixed father)
Nationality: British
Residence: The Malinda Manor, somewhere in the English countryside
Myer Briggs Personality Type: The Protagonist (ENFJ)
The Mage
1st Wand: Hornbeam, 11 inches, dragon heartstring, unyielding
2nd Wand: Ebony, 11 ¼ inches, dragon heartstring, unyielding
Animagus: Calico cat
Misc Magical Abilities: -
Boggart Form: Evil!Jacob turning against her.
Riddikulus Form: Evil!Jacob transforms into a tiny, angry kitten.
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?)
Fleetwood's High-Finish Broom Handle Polish
Caramel apples
The orchard behind her childhood home
Amortentia: (What do they smell?)
Old books
Patronus: Calico cat (same as animagus form)
Patronus Memory: A summer day at the Malinda manor when Verna was young, Jacob is teaching her to fly while her parents watch from the sidelines, happy and carefree.
Mirror of Erised: Her family back together again, everyone is safe and content.
Specialized/Favourite Spells: Depulso (the banishing charm), Incendio (the fire-making spell)
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(I don’t really 100% vibe with her in-game appearence since the hair selection for natural hair is not the best but I make do.)
Height: 5′10 (178cm)
Weight: like normal weight for an athletic girl that tall ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Physique: Athletic
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Black
Skin Tone: Brown with warm undertones
Body Modifications: Earrings, nose ring (6th year onwards), a few tattoos as an adult
Scarring: -
Inventory: Wand, Merula’s gift necklace (5th year onwards), some cat treats for Osborn, random old homework and other pieces of parchment discarded at the bottom of her bag at all times, a bag of apple rings (her favourite sweets).
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It’s 1984-1991 and I want jam city to let it show in their quest reward items!!!
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Ilvermorny House: I don’t really vibe with Ilvermony so I have no idea xD
Affiliations/Organizations: Gryffindor house. Gryffindor quidditch team, Malinda family, Circle of Khanna, The Order of Phoenix
Professions: Worked as a Defence Against Dark Arts substitute teacher for a year shortly after Hogwarts, trained to be an auror for a while but dropped out due to disagreements with Ministry policy
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
Herbology: A
History of Magic: P
Potions: A
Transfiguration: E
Care of Magical Creatures: E
Muggle Studies: E
Verna is the chaser of her house’s quidditch team for most of her Hogwarts career.
Extra-Curricular: Duelling club, Dragon club
Favourite Professors: Minerva McConagall
Least Favourite Professors: Severus Snape, Patricia Rakepick
Brother: Jacob Aurelius Malinda
Growing up, Jacob was Verna’s hero. He is five years older than Verna but nevertheless they spent a great deal of time together as children, Jacob often babysitting his sister. Although he was never as much into Quidditch as Verna, he would spend hours teaching her to fly and even take her to watch matches a few years before his disappearance.
Although otherwise short-tempered and rash, Jacob had endless amounts of patience for Verna. With very absent parents, Jacob all but raised Verna from a young age and Verna trusted him to look after her more than their parents, which is why it was shocking to her when he disappeared without a word.
Father: Mervyn Malinda
The sole heir to the Malinda estate, Mervyn is an important character within the Wizard society. However, what the general public doesn’t know, is that he is, in fact, an illegitimate child with a muggle mother. This has been kept secret by his grandmother, father, and step-mother throughout his whole life. The only other person to know the truth since his birthmother’s passing is Juniper, his wife.
Mervyn works as the Head of The Department of Magical Transportation. He is not a very affectionate father, but he tries his best to support his children. Mervyn used to be a Gryffindor.
Mother: Juniper Malinda, née Raeburn
A prominent witch from the pureblood Raeburn family, Juniper married Mervyn Malinda out of love. She is a little eccentric and spends a lot of time working on her potions. For a time, the Malindas had a relatively peaceful life with their two children, up until Jacob went missing. After that, Juniper and Mervyn grew distant and started to argue a lot.
Juniper works as a potioneer and values learning, diligence, and holding onto what you believe. She used to be a Ravenclaw.
Love Interest: Merula Snyde
Verna and Merula start out as rivals but due to having to work together during their search for the cursed vaults, they are forced to spend time together. Both start to develop a crush on the other but are in complete and utter denial about it. Verna is the one to realize her feelings first, and she starts to antagonize Merula just to have tension-filled moments with her, which is a completely normal and rational approach to letting your crush know you like them.
Merula and Verna date in school and a while after it but eventually break up in the turmoils of the war. Depending on the version, they might end up together later on though.
(also, as a sidenote, i headcanon merula as like, really short so this dynamic is so much fun when verna is TALL)
Best Friend: Charlie Weasley
They both like Quidditch and are complete dorks. Worst pair of prefects Gryffindor has ever seen, totally incompetent at their job.
(Is this me projecting my love for Charlie into my OC? Absolutely yes and I have no regrets.)
Rivals: Merula Snyde, Patricia Rakepick
Enemy: Voldemort, R
Dormmates: Rowan Khanna, Skye Parkin, Eloise Montague, and  Yasmin Wakefield (the last two are my ocs just to fill the dorm for my fic but these spots are up for grabs if anyone wants to be dormmates!)
Pets: A black cat called Osborn
Closest Canon Friends: Charlie Weasley, Rowan Khanna, Ben Copper
Closest MC Friends:
Farrow Raeburn @threeon1match​
Verna’s cousin from her mother’s side of the family. He is a year younger than Verna and in Slytherin. They are nevertheless close, and Farrow has a huuuge crush on Verna’s cool, dragon-loving friend Charlie.
Pre Hogwarts: 
Verna had a wealthy childhood in the countryside at the Malinda manor. She had a close friendship with her older brother who taught her to fly her first broom. Verna had a keen interest in learning spells even at a young age, and her parents would often find her using magic before she was allowed to (often with disastrous consequences). The year Verna was meant to start her studies at Hogwarts, her brother went missing and her mother became very distant, while her father acted as if nothing was wrong. Verna became determined to find and rescue her brother.
Hogwarts Years:
If I would get around to publishing my fic maybe you guys would find out!! But the basic skeleton of the storyline follows the game’s events, just modified to suit a different medium and sans all the dumb stuff!!
Order of the Phoenix / 2nd Wizarding War:
Verna works as a substitute teacher in Hogwarts for a year, after which she trains to become an auror. However, she doesn’t like the way things are run at the Ministry, so she quits and moves home to the Manor for a while, trying to figure out what to do with her life. Before she can come to any conclusions though, the Second Wizarding War starts to pick up speed and the secrets her family has kept all these years transform from dangerous to fatal. Verna is recruited into the Order of the Phoenix by her old friend Bill Weasley.
Verna reunites with many of her old friends from school while working in the Order. Her father is killed during the war and her relationship with her mother goes through a lot of turmoil.
Her ultimate fate is not set in stone and in some versions she dies during the war and in others she makes it.
Depends on whether she survives or not. If Verna lives, she will eventually find her path to a teaching position at Hogwarts OR a curse-breaking job with the (much-changed) Ministry.
She also reconciles with her ex Merula, and the two of them get together.
Positive attributes: caring, brave, selfless, confident, passionate, protective, resourceful. Negative attributes: impatient, impulsive, stubborn, cocky, reckless, competitive, short-tempered.
if you made it this far, wow! congrats! thank you!!!! i love you forever!!!
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kathrynalicemc · 2 years ago
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! Cat guy supremacy! Love Aravis and Leon sm! Cant wait for them to play with Iolanthe and Ephyra
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fbawtft: the malinda cousins
gugu mbatha-raw as ethel malinda, born 1896
lucien laviscount as everett malinda, born 1898
antonia thomas as eloise malinda, born 1901
ashley madekwe as aravis malinda, born 1895
nick sagar as leonidas malinda, born 1898
aravis and leon belong to @potionboy3
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