#again tagging on a technicality that fic 1 contains that
ferretrade · 5 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as you feel like).
@anxiousotters and @merlyn-bane both tagged me around the same time so let's do two fics :)
from the w/w codywan ft quinlan baby au
“You're our tuāhine.”  “Brushing up on your Māori, eh? Ka pai.”
(this is still in prog: see lack of dialogue tags. but this au will be the first of mine that is really set in our world and I'm excited to explore Cody's heritage and Māori being her first language but not that of some of her cousins who grew up elsewhere (cough Rex cough). my life is coming up with silly aus and then making them deep explorations of identity that no one asked for lolz)
from the what if cody...? au
“Commander, I—oh.” Thorn stops where he stands, barely a step into the door that he barged through after a cursory knock. “Sorry to interrupt. I didn't know you were here, General.”
idk who has been tagged already bc I'm lazy and not looking back, so throwing out some random ones! @lttrsfrmlnrrgby @foreverchangingfandomsao3 @goddammitjim @frostbitebakery @anaclastic-azurite
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
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Thank you so much for tag lovely @alrightbuckaroo @strandnreyes @paperstorm @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @jesuisici33 @lemonlyman-dotcom @three-drink-amy and @thisbuildinghasfeelings 🧡
A section from chapter 1 of Flashback Fic - which I'm aiming to start posting on either 11th or 12th November! We'll see! Hopefully only a month's time, anyway! Here, our heroes are feeling a little tense...
Softly instructed by TK, Carlos takes a seat over in the darkest corner of the bar and near to a fire exit, while TK orders two Cokes. Usually, Carlos would have an ale in such a place, but he’s nauseated.
He sits at the round wooden table, which is the same dark wood as the walls, floor and ceiling. The place is styled to look like somewhere in the Bavarian alps, but it makes Carlos feel like he’s in a coffin that also contains a billiard table and two slovenly drunks at the bar arguing over the superiority of pistachios versus salted peanuts.
TK joins Carlos with their Cokes, ice clinking loudly in the glasses, and a pre-empted bottled beer for their guest.
“I asked for a slice of lemon each,” he says quietly, handing Carlos’ Coke over, “And the barman said this isn’t a gay bar, you know. So, I think we need to be careful.”
Contrary to what he just said, TK sits next to Carlos instead of opposite him, and holds his hand under the table.
“He’s late,” Carlos says, checking his watch for the eighth time since they entered, and then glares at the door like the door itself has any control over who enters or exits.
“You think everyone’s late when they haven’t arrived after two minutes.”
“Well, technically I’m not wrong about that, am I?” Carlos grumbles.
“All right, Poindexter.”
“We are not about to have our first fight as husbands here and now, TK.”
“Babe, we had a fight on our wedding night.”
“No we didn’t.”
“Yes we did.”
“We disagreed over who should be the big spoon, yet again.”
“You got quite upset about it, baby.”
“I was tired.”
“I know. Which is why I should have been the big spoon,” TK says firmly.
Carlos pulls a face and takes a deep breath like he’s about to launch into a tirade about his rightful big spoonness, when the door swings open on its creaking hinge.
Tags under the line and open tag for anyone who sees this and wants to share!
Dedicating this snippet to @goodways , with whom I shared my headcanon about spooning arguments, and she wrote Back It Up, Baby about it.
I'm a little late so sorry if you've done it and I have seen yet! But tagging with no pressure ever: @reyesstrand @lightningboltreader @orchidscript @freneticfloetry @bonheur-cafe @goodways @ladytessa74 @welcometololaland @rmd-writes @ladytessa74 @never-blooms @heartstringsduet @liminalmemories21 @sanjuwrites @kiloskywalker @theghostofashton @chicgeekgirl89 @rosedavid @taralaurel @sugdenlovesdingle @noxsoulmate @catanisspicy @wandering-night19 @ambiguouspenny @herefortarlos @mikibwrites @louis-ii-reyes-strand @redshirt2 @whatsintheboxmh @inkweedandlizards - if you want to share/haven't already! ❤️🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
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thatcheesyler · 8 months
Literacy Lessons
Summary: After the huge success of his new chocolate factory, Wonka finds himself struggling to create accurate price tags since he still can't read or write numbers yet. Luckily, Noodle is willing to teach him everything he needs to know...but, our beloved chocolatier is having issues focusing, he just can't stop thinking of new sweets to make!
A/N: This is a sfw Wonka tickle fic, if you do not like it, please dni. Enjoy! <3
The overwhelming smell of rainbow fizzy belts and salted caramel flooded Noodle's senses as she waltzed into the factory's main hall, pen and clipboard in-hand. Her temporary 'student' was currently perched on one of the giant marshmallows that bordered the chocolate river, sketching new designs for sweet wrappers that he could use to help advertise his confectionery.
"Willy! I'm here! Sorry I was late, my mum needed me to clean a few plates before I left." Noodle explained, approaching his hunched over figure and sitting herself down on an enlarged gumdrop while adding to her speech, "Are you ready for your lesson?"
To which the enthusiastic chocolatier looked up from his drawing with a signature smile and gave an approving nod, setting his sketches to the side for now.
"Of course! Y'know, I was actually thinking we could start with a funny number, like 123,456! Imagine if I managed to read that perfectly.." Wonka commented, the sparkle in his eyes never faltering, even as Noodle sighed and shook her head with a 'seriously?' look, the corners of her lips curling upwards despite herself. She then wrote down the number '1' on her clipboard, turning it around and showing him what she had written.
"Okay Willy, what is this number?" She questioned with a patient expression, watching as her friend studied the simple few lines of ink with a slightly tilted head and squinted eyes. "Hmm, is iiit...seven?" He answered with half confidence. Well, technically a '1' does kind of look like a '7', but unfortunately that wasn't correct. The little girl shook her head once more, jotting down a little '7' at the bottom of the page as a reminder of the differences between both of those numbers.
"Incorrect. Would you like to try again? Or move on to the next number?" She inquired with a tiny smile, as sad as it was that he couldn't read or write numbers, it was also quite the entertainment for his younger friend. But the man in question wasn't really listening to her, instead continuing to draw small details on the wrapper sketch next to him, adding little polka dots to it. To which Noodle frowned, now feeling slightly hurt because of his oblivious ignorance. "Willy?..Willy! You need to focus, please!" She exclaimed with a tinge of frustration laced into her tone, this lesson wasn't going to get anywhere with his constant doodling.
The abrupt raise in tone snapped Mr. Wonka out of his creative trance, and he allowed a sheepish grin to play at his lips.
"Sorry Noodle, you're right, I should pay attention." He answered, now providing his almost full attention to her literature session, with the occasional glance towards his sketches. Unfortunately this continued on for a while, Noodle would be struggling to keep her patience as she presented the differences and slightly different ways of writing each number, and Willy would just be doodling away every five minutes. Now, Noodle wasn't really known to be an even-tempered person, it was now the fourth time that he had completely disregarded her teaching, and she did not care for it.
Oh, and he also somehow gained the audacity to interrupt her, saying something like, "Hey Noodle, do you think polka dots or stripes would suit me more?" and boy would it make her blood boil. She didn't want to be mad at him, he was just energetic, but she couldn't contain her annoyance for any longer.
"Willy." The young girl announced firmly. "You have ten freaking seconds to run." R.I.P Willy Wonka, he didn't even have a clue what she was mad about. But the look on her face was hard to miss, the suddenness of it making him instinctively scramble up from his seat and bolt towards the nearest candy tree, clambering up onto a high sturdy branch. Noodle followed close behind, not quite as skilled at climbing, but managing to pull herself up onto a different branch near his, keeping one hand on the tree trunk for support.
The young man felt a bit fearful now, he couldn't tell why she was angry, but her determination made him question things, a few nervous chuckles bubbling from his throat.
"I have a feeling that I did something wrong...I don't want you to be mad, but could you please tell me why you are?.." Wonka inquired, losing his balance for a few seconds as a hand suddenly swiped at his torso. "Because you kept ignoring me when I tried to teach you numbers, and you blatantly interrupted me multiple times!..Look, I don't want to be frustrated like this, but you have dug your own grave by now." Noodle responded quite loudly, continuing her attempts at reaching out to grab his maroon coloured coat.
This got a little "oh." out of her older friend as he realised his mistakes, now feeling more guilty than scared. The fear was very much still there though, because he was actively backing away towards the end of his branch while she progressively inched closer at the same time.
And then...snap!
Willy had put so much of his weight onto the branch, that the narrow piece he was standing on broke off, and the poor chocolatier went plummeting down to the sugary grass below, landing on his back a little harshly. "Oh- ffffferrero rocher that hurt..oww." He croaked out, not moving for a few seconds as the pain slowly but surely subsided. A concerned gasp was audible from the girl, and she clumsily weaved back through the stripy maze of branches below her, racing over to him as soon as her shoes touched the ground.
"Willy! Willy are you okay?!" She exclaimed worriedly, kneeling down beside him with a now concerned expression as the chocolate-maker inhaled through gritted teeth, disoriented for a moment. But as he came to his wits and regained his senses (sum1 pls get the ref), he couldn't help the remorseful frown that spread as he remembered that she was probably still annoyed with him. "Yeah, I'll be fine..I'm sorry Noodle, I wasn't taking your feelings into consideration and I just ended up making you upset. I'm sorry, again."
With such a heartfelt apology, how could she stay angry? Well, she still wanted revenge for his accidental ignorance, plus he was sad now. "..I forgive you...but, I still want to make up for all that lost time trying to teach you."
A wry smirk built up as she cracked her knuckles, bending her fingers into makeshift claws and wiggling them simultaneously at him, presenting him with an obvious hint as to what she meant by that. In response to the 'threat', Wonka tensed up and a couple fearful chuckles slipped through his newfound wobbly grin, immediately attempting to roll away from the deviant young tickle monster beside him. Sadly, he didn't get very far before Noodle had yanked him back by the arm and plunged 4 fingers (and a thumb) into his briefly exposed abdomen.
To which, of course, a loud squeak that bordered on a screech elicited from her friend as he instantly curled in on himself, giggling like a madman. "ACK! Nohohoodlehe, stahahahapp-! Ihihit tihihicklehes hehehe!" The chocolatier cried throughout his bouts of high pitched laughter, gently swatting at her hand even though he had no intentions of fighting back.
"Well duh, of course it does, silly Willy! Say, why didn't you tell me you were capable of such adorable giggles? (Not a ship.) It's like you've transformed into a little boy!" Noodle teased, allowing a few content chuckles of her own to drift out while she continued to scribble her fingers all over Willy's clothed stomach. An unmistakable blush tinted his cheeks at her words, causing his arms to confuse themselves, half of him wanting to cover his face in shame and the other trying to protect his sensitive midsection.
"Nohohoooo! No tehehahasihing, yohohu're beheing mehehehan!!" He squeaked, his legs uselessly writhing and kicking simultaneously as his friend spidered her nails briefly over his ribs before gliding back town to his tummy. "Mean?! Why I never! I am simply distracting you from the way you hurt yourself earlier! Hmph, and here I thought you never jumped to conclusions." Noodle complained, feigning offense and taking the opportunity to lightly squeeze both his sides as a small 'punishment' for calling her mean. Which, of course, elicited a lovely squeal from our adorable little man, a constant battle in his limbs on whether he should defend his oh so ticklish body or just give up entirely (personally I'm rooting for the latter 🤭).
"Eek! I'm sahaharry fohor assuhuhumihing, buhuhut ihit's stihihill mehehean!" With that one final smidge of effort he had left, he forced himself onto his stomach, pushing Noodle's hands safely out of the way during the process so that she didn't get hurt. Practically gluing his arms to the sides of his torso, a cocky little smile tugged the corners of his mouth upwards as he looked to the girl at his side. "Hah! Try and tickle me now, Apple Stroodle!"
But with his arms clamped down, Noodle still had access to his entire back, and she fought back a shit-eating grin of her own as her nails proceeded to skitter gently along the thin fabric on his back. Sadly, only a few titters formed in result, and slight disappointment washed over the cheeky spark in her eyes.
"Sorry Nohoodle, buhut my back just ihisn't that sensitihive." Willy pointed out quite smugly, basically not even reacting to her efforts and shrugging. But that very same shrug gave her an idea, her skillful hands trailing up towards the back of his neck, but then stopping abrubtly at his shoulder blades. As if testing the waters, one finger scratched gently in the dip between one shoulder blade and the backside of his ribcage. Oops, looks like a certain someone was telling porkies, a short girly scream erupted from the chocolatier and now it was all over for him.
"Hah, liar." Noodle chuckled gleefully, experimenting just how far she could take this by tracing patterns with both index fingers along the inner edge of his shoulder blades and gauging his every reaction. "NONONONONO NOODLE PLEHEHEHAHASE! NAHAHAT THEHEHERREEE!! I PROHOMIHISE I'LL PAHAHAY ATTEHENTIOHON TOHOHO YOUR LEHESSON, PLEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAPP!!"
His back arched involuntarily and both hands flew out to cover the sensitive spot from Noodle's devious behaviour, helpless cackles pouring from his upturned mouth as he struggled fruitlessly. Luckily, while the young girl thrived on her disobedient attitude, she reluctantly complied to his desperate pleas, her tickle attack demoting down to a few feathery brushes along the skin on the back of his neck. "Say you're sorry and I'll stop completely."
Frantic laughter fizzling into a jumbled up giggle fit, Wonka mashed together an apology that sounded mostly like tickle-drunk gibberish. "Ihihihi..I'm reheheally ssohorryhyhy, it wohon't happehehehen agahahain..." Good enough, right? Well, thankfully Noodle thought so, fully letting up and giving a few reassuring pats on the back to her older friend. Just as expected, he devoted his undivided attention towards her next attempt at teaching him numbers, and well, he did pretty okay in the end.
Wow, I have not managed to complete a fanfic in forEVER, I honestly feel good about this one, unlike some others. Anyway, hope everyone enjoyed this sappy story and have a wonderful day/night! <33
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tatterings · 1 year
Lamentable is the Autumn Picker Content with Plums - Chapter 3, "A Tender New Root"
Pairing: Astarion/Halsin
Rating: PG (for this chapter, next chapters to be NSFW)
Tags/warnings: n/a for this chapter but this is a WIP. Contains spoilers up to late act 1
Word count: 2k
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Note: This is the third chapter of first ever fanfiction! I’ve also posted this on AO3. Fic under the cut.
Astarion had been pleasantly surprised that the Arch Druid Halsin was more world-wise than expected. There was nothing more exhausting than a naïve do-gooder who had never experienced the pangs of starvation, the heartbreak of loneliness, or the torment of having choice ripped away from you. Astarion had felt a sort of kinship to the druid, especially after Halsin had reacted to the theft of his diary with nothing but some good-natured ribbing. The vampire was loath to spend company with people who couldn’t bear to have fun.
So when the druid had agreed with him that most druidic cohorts were blissfully unaware of the ways of the world, and began sharing his experiences, Astarion was pleased. Until Halsin caught him by surprise - again.
“…but I’ve never come across a vampire until meeting you, Astarion,” the druid had said, gazing directly at the vampire who had just taken a mouthful of sour wine.
Astarion choked and spit the vile wine into his cup, turning his head to wipe his mouth on his shoulder. “W-whatever do you mean, darling?” spat the pale elf, tilting his head back and peering sharply at the druid.
Halsin’s shoulders shook with a chuckle as the large elf shook his head. “No need to play pretend with me, Astarion,” he said, placing his palm on the ground close to Astarion’s knee, “I knew of your… condition, as soon as I saw you in battle at the goblin camp.” He tilted his head to the side and returned the pale elf’s glare with a soft expression that Astarion couldn’t quite read. “As I said, I’ve seen much in my 350 years. Your captivating red eyes, the skill with which you hide in the shadows, and.. well,” Halsin’s crow's feet crinkled as his smile extended to his eyes, “the fangs, to be honest. It is not a difficult conclusion to reach.”
Astarion stared back in shock. And none of this concerns Halsin? He wanted to join our camp and felt compelled to seek me out in the dark? A kind fool indeed; did he learn nothing over the past 100 years since that book? Astarion shook his head to clear it, white ringlets of hair bobbing about his ears. He blinked several times before meeting Halsin’s honey-hazel eyes again.
“Er, generally… when one meets a vampire, one doesn’t really live to tell about it the next day,” he said with a deep exhale, “but technically, I am a vampire spawn. Not a full vampire. All the same limitations, but none of the benefits that come with it.” He gently worried the inside of his bottom lip with his fangs.
Halsin nodded as Astarion spoke, giving the vampire his full attention, but not out of fear or concern. The druid’s posture was relaxed; still seated cross-legged, his forearms resting on his knees, hands dangling. What was his angle? Why did he care about Astarion’s condition, as he delicately put it?
“I see,” Halsin started, then raised a hand to his chin, rubbing it in thought, “so it must be the tadpole that allows you to walk in the sun, as well as the mind link with your friends. The magic in the tadpoles must be tremendous.”
Astarion opened his mouth, nearly correcting Halsin to say the party was more co-workers than friends, but decided better of it. “That’s my assumption, yes,” he concurred, and turned his gaze to the heavens, stars twinkling in the night sky, “For 200 years I’ve been confined to the darkness.”
Halsin sat silent, his attention wholly on Astarion, making no attempt to fill the silence when Astarion paused. “And 200 years I’ve been bent to the whims of Cazador,” the pale elf continued, his words sharp and full of venom, “the bastard who turned me into this.” He lifted his arms into the air and let them fall, stirring up dust from the ground.
The silence between them was thick with the chirp of crickets and the still-present music, the melody a calmer one now as the party died down further.
Halsin broke the silence first, but only after Astarion finally met his gaze again. “It must be conflicting for you,” he said calmly, “the tadpole has given you much. And with the unusual path of ceremorphosis you and your friends areexperiencing... there seems to be few downsides for you.” His last sentence was almost a question.
“Exactly,” agreed Astarion, with more surprise showing in his voice than he intended to portray, “No strong druid hero, nor noble adventurer saved me from my slavery. The mindflayers did. The tadpole was the best thing to have happened to me in 200 years.” He lifted his chin and peered at Halsin down his nose. “With this power, I can slay my master and finally be truly free.”
The druid cracked a slight smile at Astarion. “It is an opportunity that you must chase after, I understand,” he said kindly, “I.. have had the unfortunate experience of being at the mercy of a master.”
Astarion’s jaw dropped in shock. This gigantic man, enslaved by another? Who could possibly have the power to do that? His hand moved by its own, shifting a few inches to rest on top of Halsin’s. The tips of Halsin’s fingers were rough with callous, and nearly twice the size of Astarion’s in width.
“It is a story for another day,” Halsin said, “No need to cast a shadow on a fine evening. But I mention it to say… will support you in this, Astarion. It is a horrific thing, to enslave and control others. Against Nature. And… I believe we can help each other. We can right the wrongs in this world. Cleanse it of much of its darkness.”
Astarion’s eyes narrowed. “If you’re asking me to play the hero again, I’ll have to politely decline, darling. I’ve had my fill for a lifetime,” he said with a scoff, motioning towards the Tieflings, who were packing their bags to make their way back to the Grove. They would set off for Baldur’s Gate in the morning.
The arch druid chuckled at the pout on Astarion’s lips, and shifted his hand up-side down to enclose Astarion’s fingers, cool to the touch. This time the pale elf did not pull his hand away.
“You say you’re no hero, Astarion, but what fate would I have met without you? More good has been done since I met you than a hundred years before. Words cannot express my gratitude. But perhaps I can show my thanks in another way?”
Ah, here it is, Astarion thought, the payment. The druid had rewarded them in gold and the glaive, so Astarion had assumed they were even. But, if the druid were interested in his body… it would be so very easy to lure him in and make doubly sure he’s on my side. I can play this game. Astarion leaned towards the druid, shoulders nearly touching, peering at Halsin from under pale eyelashes.
The druid seemed not to notice Astarion’s body language, and leaned back, raising his hand to set it on Astarion’s shoulder. His thick brown eyebrows furrowed in stoicism that was previously absent.
“It seems our fates have aligned. Both the answers to your delayed ceremorphosis, and some unfinished business of my own will take us to Moonrise Towers,” Halsin rumbled, his hand squeezing Astarion’s shoulder gently, “If you’ll have me, I’d like to join your camp. I can offer my skills and my counsel.. as well as my neck.”
“I do quite well on my own, thank you. I don’t need you to stick your neck out for me, Halsin,” Astarion quipped, with a blithe flick of his hand toward the druid. He leaned back to let Halsin’s hand fall away.
Halsin chuckled, his braids bobbing with the motion of the mountainous elf. “I apologize for not being more clear,” he muttered. The druid shifted to sit on his knees. His thick eyebrows knit upwards, crinkling his scarred forehead. “The path to Moonrise Towers is shrouded in a shadow curse. You’ll not find life, light, or anything natural roaming in that wilderness. No boars, squirrels, nor foe we meet there will be untainted by shadow.”
The druid placed his hand on Astarion’s knee gingerly, not quite letting it relax fully onto the smaller elf’s leg. “If you tried to get sustenance from anything there… it very well could kill you,” Halsin continued, his words slow and heavy with gravity, “You’ll need fortitude for what is to come. Let me be the one who gives nourishment to you. You may feed from me, Astarion.”
Astarion’s eyes rounded, wine-red eyes sparkling in the lantern-light. His sharp jaw dropped open, revealing the pointed fangs on his top and bottom rows of teeth. Halsin tilted his head ever so slightly to get a better look. It may hurt, but Astarion must be kept at full strength. And… I cannot have another comrade fall to the shadow curse. A small price to pay for his friendship and skills.
“I-er… you’re joking?” the pale elf questioned, cocking one ivory eyebrow high up, eyes flitting back and forth, searching Halsin’s face for answers, “You… want me to bite you? To drink your blood?”
Halsin met the vampire’s skepticism with a grin and squeezed his knee with tenderness. “You strike me as extremely… resourceful. We will need your cleverness and strength to face the battles ahead,” the druid said, his voice full of kindness and honesty, “I’m the largest of this party, save Karlach, whose blood would scald your tongue. I’ve more than enough blood to spare, if it will mean that you’ll be your most battle-ready.”
Astarion blinked away tears. To offer his life’s blood to me… willingly? I can’t tell him I’ve never drunk from a thinking being before. But gods above, the boars are bitter and squirrels can barely curb my hunger...
“I.. Yes. Thank you, Halsin, for your generous offer,” Astarion said, fighting a lump in his throat, “A little blood would be so very helpful. I could think clearer; fight better.” The vampire’s eyes glazed over and he seemed to stare past Halsin, lost in thought. Halsin swore he saw a genuine smile tugging at the vampire’s laugh lines.
“It is settled then,” the druid announced, patting Astarion’s knee before rising to his feet. “We’ll journey to Moonrise together. I will let you enjoy the rest of your evening. And your reading material,” he said, with a wink. “Come to my tent after Tieflings depart. You may feed and restore your strength from this morning’s battle. It will allow me to determine the effects of a little blood loss in a safer place than the shadow-cursed lands.”
Halsin smiled once more before turning away. The large elf raised a hand above his head as he lumbered back to his tent. Astarion still sat on the ground, limbs heavy with disbelief.
The gift of his life’s blood. That’s how he wants to show his gratitude? With how handsy this oaf is, I thought he meant to ravish me. But he wants to be bitten? Astarion shook his head again, rubbing his temples with his slender fingers. What is Halsin’s motive? I saved the Grove; he gave a reward… now he’s offering his blood… for what? Clearly everyone else wants him to join our camp or they wouldn’t have invited him. So what benefit does he get from stringing me along with the promise of blood?
Is it a turn-on for him? Astarion puzzled, looking into the darkness where Halsin had walked. The pale elf held his head in his palms and stared at the ground. The Arch Druid’s intentions must be far more complex than the slack-jawed jezebels and drunken horndogs he had seduced for Cazador over the past 200 years.
Though Astarion had bitten a goblin during the morning’s battle, his vampiric hunger was already gnawing deep in his stomach. He held a delicate hand over his bellybutton. I suppose I’ll find out more tonight; to be fed or be in his bed. What a delectable means of security, either way…
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phantomskeep · 1 year
Editing to add (again): This is using the bastardized wendigo from popculture. It's not using the wendigo in the context of the spirit, more in the context of the Hannibal "Ravenstag" or even Antlers' wendigo. Check the Anon link near the end of the post for more information regarding my thoughts on the subject :) I didn't mention the deer-like qualities until the tags, which I understand some people don't fully read. That's my bad, so here I am with the full context ahead of time. This is not the Algonquian version of the wendigo spirit. i really want to write a DCxDP fic where Danny gets trapped in a different form (like either true form or just gets cursed, something like that) and can't get out of it. That form? A wendigo. Somehow he ends up in the DC universe - either through already living there or Ghost Zone shenanigans.
Being a wendigo, Danny feels the need to eat flesh. Preferably human, but even in his screwed-up state he knows that's wrong of him to do. So he takes to killing the bare minimum amount of wildlife he can to sustain himself. Eventually he realizes that "oh wait, what if I just raided a store?" So he stumbles out of the woods and into the nearest grocery store after they had closed. He ends up eating enough to settle his stomach before going off to hide to wait for this whatever to wear off.
However, this catches the attention of [insert local hero]. [Insert local hero] goes to the Justice League about this - maybe this creature is a new villain's scheme? Or just a new villain? Members of the JL + Justice League Dark then go out to [insert town Danny was spotted in] to do some investigating. Batman being one of these people, plus Robin because Damian would not let Bruce go without him. A wendigo could be like a shark after all, just a big ol' puppy.
They get to [insert town here] and start cracking down. They compare the old footage to the location, tracking where the wendigo went. Finally Batman, Robin and [insert characters here] are able to get to the wendigo's den... only to find out the wendigo is a lot more ghost-like than they thought it would be.
There's a big fight because Wendigo-Brain!Danny thought these random dudes were the GIW coming for his undead ass that ends with Danny taking off. Unknowingly to Danny, Damian has grabbed onto him and is basically riding his soon-to-be pet into the sunset.
... I just want to 1) see Danny suffer and being confused 2) Damian trying to get a new dangerous pet and 3) get Damian trying to tame a feral Wendigo!Danny like any normal person would try to befriend that feral orange cat living in the dumpster.
Adding this just to cover my own butt about this haha, here's a link that contains a post which covers the research I have done on the topic of the wendigo: Anon Ask Post Here. I am not trying to culturally appropriate, offend, or harm anyone with a prompt post about Danny taking the form of a wendigo. It's a cool concept to me as I believe it is a bit ironic. The wendigo, as seen in the culture it originates from, is a symbol of greed and a harsh winter and are often a sign of cannibalism. They have hearts of ice and an "unseasonable chill might precede its approach".
I think this is ironic because 1 - Danny is a sweet little bean and being stuck with cannibalistic cravings is a Hannibal Fic trope that will forever rot in my brain + Ghost King!Danny having to eat Pariah Dark's core is a headcanon I adore, 2 - the chill preceding a wendigo's approach reminds me of Danny's ghost sense, 3 - Danny is the LEAST greedy person I can think of in the entirety of DP (even if he does have his selfish moments at the worst times ever), and 4 - wendigos possess human beings. In Native legend a wendigo is a "malevolent spirit" which possesses humans - technically if you are going to stick with the general wendigo legends then it does not have antlers, horns, or is even a beast. It's just a giant human. Which, if using the correct/original version of a wendigo, makes this 10x funnier to me, because Damian that is clearly a giant person what the fUCK ARE YOU DOING--
Anyways, long story short if you have issues with me using a wendigo for a "haha funny" prompt please DM me with any sort of articles, legends, documentaries, ect. on why using a wendigo is a Bad Thing. Like I said in the linked post, I'm always willing to learn and adjust my behavior. I just want proof that the changes I'm going to make are the correct ones to be making, as my years on the internet have ALWAYS told me to fact check anything :)
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itsoneofthemuses · 6 months
tagged by the one and only, the inimitable @rememberthismomentx
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
225 819
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Generally only one at a time, but I've technically published fic in five fandoms: The Rookie, Community, Supernatural, Archer, and Thor.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
if you smile at me again i may do something stupid (The Rookie)
don't wanna stop just because people walking by are watching us (The Rookie)
let me go under your skin, let me find the demons that drive those heavenly limbs (The Rookie)
you be screamin' now they banging on our door (The Rookie)
i've got time, i've got love (The Rookie)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do! As much as I can! You could probably rope me into a whole ass conversation because I don't know how to end the call and response.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The as of yet publicly unpublished "random angst prompt" which will breach containment eventually, after I clean it up.
As for published fics, angst is not my forte, so I don't do it often, and it's rarely actually that angsty... But maybe a tie between we drank a toast to innocence (The Rookie) or between the drinks and subtle things, the holes in my apologies (The Rookie)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uh... Hmm. 95% of my fics have happy endings so it's hard for me to judge. Maybe my recent one, she's just a girl and she's on fire (The Rookie)?
I also took a few steps past sappy in you're one of the few things that i'm sure of (The Rookie) and Life Lessons in Absurdist Storytelling (Community)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
All my good luck must get used up here, because I really don't.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do write smut! And I guess it's mostly the cishet kind because those have mostly been my ships (special place in my heart for Troy/Abed).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've dabbled, on occasion, but it's not really my go-to. I have an unfinished Supernatural/Community crossover and that's about it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Don't think so!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Not that I'm aware of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've riffed back and forth in comments and on discord or email, but no, never a properly co-authored fic.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Oh gosh, well, I'm still here with chenford but Jeff/Annie will always have my heart even if I'm not involved in the fandom anymore.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The only WIP is the aforementioned Supernatural/Community crossover and, like, sorry... It's probably never happening. I do have a jucy lay-turned-chenford fic that has been under construction since 2021-ish.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I'm funnyish and can get some decent banter going. Not totally sure what my writing strengths are... Entertaining myself, most probably.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Ha, well, this I could write an essay on. Occasionally my worst impulses run away with me and I try to be really poetic and it just comes off cloying, I think? Or incoherent, maybe.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I can passably write some French and I might occasionally, if the situation calls for it, use google translate (Community was initially centred around a study group for Spanish, for instance) but I typically stick to English as it's the language I know best and the one, usually, that my characters know best too.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ha, I don't know if I want to admit this... But X-Men (the comics, not the movie, my fics predated the movies 😅)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Ooh, I'm terrible at picking favourites, but I enjoyed both of my vampire slayer AUs: 'cause i know you and you know me (The Rookie) and Special Topics in Demonology (A): Vampire Basics (Community).
And, fine, fine, not popular in a shipping community obviously, but as the founding member of the Let Lucy Get Laid Brigade, I wrote a few fics featuring Lucy with other partners for #30daysoflovingforlucy and cast various Canadians, and it was just fun. All five fics are part of my series but baby it's okay if i am still the best you had
Obviously, anyone who would like to participate should (would love to see gif makers like @detectivechen or @relentlessescapism answer these kinds of questions...), but for the purposes of spreading the joy far and wide (no pressure), @dollsome-does-tumblr, @write-or-wrong88, @doomedship, @jakelovesamy, @universallongings, @farfarawaygirl
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mhaynoot · 1 year
thank you for the tag @rusquared!!! this is horrendously late LMAO i hope you don't mind 🌱
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love 🌼
Everything is going to be ORV because I love ORV!! I love love ORV and i can't stop thinking about orv so its my favourite!!
(1) ha's bad analysis of orv
my *checks notes* 23k word doc containing all my insane ramblings i tentatively call "analysis" and which probably lured all of you in mwuahahahah
(2) kim dokja panel redraw
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listen i know the art style is all over the place and the consistency is nonexistent but this is still to the date, the most accurate representation of my squid infested brain
(3) my first joongdok fic to make lunch for us
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still some of my best writing tbh and i won't subject you all to the beautiful line again and instead leave you with another line:
Kim Dokja listens to the strong heartbeat, thudding like it doesn’t know how to stop, like it hadn’t stopped for 1863 times, and breathes as the man holding him up breathes.
(4) these sketches
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am i cheating by including two? yes but hsy would approve. these were so fun to draw and my more goober brain needs fictional man like isn't he so perfectly squishable? dont you wanna just stuff him into a jar and shake? so cute so cute also I redrew the shocked kdj here and he's so i love him so much
(5) my streamer au!!
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this is still being worked on i swerar i swera i swear-
i lied before this is actually technically my first joongdok fic except there's no joongdok yet and its not even a fic, just a bunch of first drafts posted together so did i really lie (yes)
tagging @kkomaism @headphonemouse @shika1864 @cloudiistarz @nebulous-squid @harpieisthecarpie
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themirokai · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged in this by the incredible @pellaaearien . Thank you so much, dear! I really did start working on it when you tagged me and have picked away at it ever since. It’s quite long!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
122,560. I write short things.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
In chronological order I have written:
BBC Sherlock- Mystrade only
James Bond
Doctor Who
Star Wars
Person of Interest
Cats the Musical
In theory I’m open to writing in any of those again and any others as the inspiration strikes.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5 - Worship (Sandman, Dreamling), also received the comment that inspired my first tumblr post to breach containment.
4 - Who He Is (Mystrade), my first fic on ao3 besides the ones I moved to the Other Account. I’m a bit surprised by this honestly. It’s got age on its side but my writing has improved a lot since then. It reads as a bit clunky to me now.
3 - Loverboy (Sandman, Dreamling + Matthew the Emotional Support Raven), first time I brought my 2 Sandman series together and my first multi chap Sandman fic.
2 - The Century Gentleman (Sandman, Dreamling), I got this written and posted pretty soon after the show aired when there was a massive demand for Dreamling content and before there was a tidal wave of content to meet the demand. I have mixed feelings about it now.
1 - Sort It (James Bond & Sherlock crossover, 00Q + Mystrade), fills the niche of “Q is a Holmes brother” + fluffy Mystrade. I do still really love this story.
5. Do you respond to comments?
My rule is that I do. And I’ve generally been very diligent about it. But I burnt out a little while writing Grave and I currently have an embarrassing number of unread comments in my ao3 inbox that I keep telling myself that I need to respond to…
So if folks have commented on my stuff in the last month or so, I’m very sorry I haven’t responded.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Sequenced Proposals. No contest. Look, the character is terminally ill in canon and it’s a lawyer AU so it wasn’t going to end with him becoming a cyborg. I cried a lot while writing it. Apparently a lot of people cried while reading it. Technically he’s still alive when the story ends.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
With the one notable exception discussed above I pretty much exclusively write warm, fluffy, occasionally funny stuff. They pretty much all end happily. I am a quokka of fan fiction.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven’t! Someone called me a bitch in a Sequenced Proposals comment but even though we had never interacted before, they meant it positively.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not on this account. 😏
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I’ve written 2: Sort It, as mentioned above, and Dreaming of Leverage, which is a Sandman & Leverage crossover. I’d say the latter is crazier.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nooooo. And I can’t see ever doing it. Writing is very much a solo activity for me.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I can’t pick a favorite. I adore every ship I’ve written.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I will probably not finish Law School Days. I know how the story ends and that’s good enough for me and no one was clamoring for it. I still like to think I’ll finish Lonely Two-Legged Creatures some day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I’m good at dialogue, especially dialogue in which characters talk about their feeeeeelings. I guess I’m also good at emotional intelligence in stories. And creating the warm & fuzzies.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot and description. I almost exclusively write very short things because I am incapable of plot that would carry a longer story. Also, if I’m being honest, one of the things I like about writing fan fiction is that I don’t have to describe what anyone looks like or sounds like! Y’all know that already. But I do get the flop sweats if I have to describe someone wearing clothing that is not a t-shirt and jeans.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I wish I could! More than 15 years ago I was basically conversational in Spanish, but now I’m functionally monolingual. I do appreciate when people who do this provide translations.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
As a kid, before I knew what fan fiction was, I wrote at least 100 pages of what was essentially OCs in Mercedes Lackey’s Valdemar. The first fandom I intentionally wrote and posted fic for was Mystrade.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Can’t do this, sorry. There are some of my stories that no longer resonate with me the way they did when I wrote them, but they’re in the minority and of the rest it’s impossible to pick a favorite.
Phew! That was a lot. Whenever I tag people in these I always say no pressure but really and seriously this time there’s no pressure and you don’t need to tell me why you’re not doing it. Just ignore. ALSO, if you’ve already done it and I missed it, apologies! With that said @once-in-a-blue-moon-rising @lavenderandvanilla @ml-nolan @mashumaru @ibrithir-was-here @karalynlovescake @stormofsharpthings @argylepiratewd
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egginfroggin · 1 year
WtST Masterpost
Finally compiling all things related to Welcome to Sinnoh's Temple into one post.
The order of content is:
Text Posts/Miscellaneous
If I receive fan content, then I'll make add a section for it for ease of organization.
Be aware that much of the artwork and fanfiction linked below contain spoilers for the plots of WtST and Pandemonic Paradise, if you have yet to read either fic and want to avoid spoilers.
This masterpost will be edited as new content is posted.
I hope that this makes it easier for everyone to find stuff if they're interested.
Have a good day!
AO3 series link
Main Story:
Welcome to Sinnoh's Temple -- the eponymous fic of the series - chapter 1 - chapter 2 - chapter 3 - chapter 4 - chapter 5 - chapter 6 - chapter 7 - chapter 8 (final)
Yellow Lily -- a short oneshot taking place during WtST, after the Rift has been closed
Healing is Done in a Gradual Way -- a post-WtST oneshot
Spinoff Fanfictions:
Pandemonic Paradise -- an alternate storyline picking up between chapters 5 and 6 of WtST - chapter 1 - chapter 2 - chapter 3 - chapter 4 - chapter 5 - chapter 6
Nonomori -- a hurt/comfort oneshot taking place in the Multi Line variant of WtST
Title links lead to the tag on my Tumblr, topped with the most recent post.
Pandemonic Paradise AU -- between chapters 5 and 6 of WtST, things go horribly wrong, and Volo gains Arceus's power. As the world starts to fracture, a distortion drops of a very confused Ingo, who, needless to say, takes the news of his twin's presumed death very badly
Broken AU -- tentatively full-titled as A Promise Broken is a Lie Told, this is a variant in which Ingo handled his grief less-than-healthily, takes all the blame for Emmet's disappearance himself, and isolates himself from his family, eventually taking the title of Unova's Champion
Illusory Lives AU -- a variant in which Emmet died during the red sky incident and came back as a Hisuian Zoroark. Lots of found family here (and Ingo may drown in guilt a little bit)
Multi Line AU -- one year after Emmet disappears, Ingo is taken and lands in Hisui a few years prior to Emmet; essentially, WtST, but Ingo is there
Paradise Frozen AU -- after spending four years in Hisui, Emmet returns home with Akari and Rei only to be separated from them midway. The three of them land, alone, underground in a frozen Unova under the reign of Ghetsis and Kyurem
WtST doodles (1)
WtST doodles (2)
The Wurmple Comic
The Ball Squad
Akari, Rei, Goomy, and Spheal
Here comes Pesselle
Chibi Sticker Design
Blorbo Bleebus sheet
Pandemonic Paradise AU:
Pandemonic Paradise doodles (1)
They are a little upset
Broken AU:
Joltik eviction
Champion doodles and a bundle of Emmets
Illusory Lives AU:
Totally Normal Emmet
It's ya boi
Multi Line AU: (no art has been created for this yet, sorry!)
Paradise Frozen AU: (no art has been created for this yet, sorry!)
Text Posts/Miscellaneous:
Reasoning behind the Faller's team
Do as I say not as I do
Alpha Wurmple!
Giving him a knife
Garchomp impressions
The Joltik of Gear Station (companion fic blurb)
How others are handling it (Iris)
How others are handling it (Elesa)
Jubilife shenanigans
How's that lil Sneasel doing?
Emmet and Lian
Pandemonic Paradise AU:
"I could make that so much worse"
To see yourself in someone else's grief
A realization
Cherry-picked chapter 4 blurbs
Here comes Ingo with a steel chair
I could technically give him a chair
he gets to yell at two legendaries
A disadvantage
Chapter 6 snippet
Broken AU:
Joltik Eviction Elaboration
Explanation of the AU
Unova's Elite Four
Illusory Lives AU:
What if...?
He dead
He's memeing about it though
Multi Line AU:
He done been yote (1)
He done been yote (2)
Volo is royally screwed
Don't talk to me or my brother ever again
Harassing Melli (fic blurb)
Like a stray cat
Paradise Frozen AU:
Wouldn't it be fun?
Technically when I first mentioned it
Hypothetically (Pandemonic Paradise and Illusory Lives au)
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So this is your first exchange
We get a lot of questions about terminology around here, so I’ll try and hammer some of that out. These are in roughly chronological order.
Nomination: This is step 1 of an exchange, where you enter the ships, characters, or fandoms that you would be interested in writing/drawing or receiving fic/art for. These nominations go into the tag set (see below). A nomination is not a sign-up, meaning you don’t have to make any nominations to participate, and you technically don’t have to participate if you nominate, although it’s considered rude to nominate if you don’t plan to take part.
For our purposes, nominations are only ships
You haven’t signed up or made requests yet
Tag set: all the nominations people put in make up the set of tags that people who sign up can pull from to make their requests. You can only request things in the tag set. So if you really want to be able to create for (offer) or receive a certain ship, you’d better nominate them. Exchange mods can weed out tags that don’t suit the exchange. IE: if someone nominated shadowgast, we’d remove it, since we’re a rarepair exchange.
Sign-up: This is you committing to being in the exchange. This is also where you make your requests for what you want to receive and offers for what you want to create.
Request: These are how you get fic or art. The more different requests you make, the easier it is to match you to someone. For this exchange, you get to make up to 10 requests, and you must make at least 4 DIFFERENT ones. Requests must each include 1 fandom, whether you want fiction or art (in the additional tags), 1-15 relationships, and the ratings (G-E) you are comfortable receiving. You set these fields for all requests. More details like prompts, likes, and do not wants are optional but highly recommended. See DNWs for more information.
Offer: This says what you are willing to or want to make. You make 4-10 of these. They must include 1 fandom, 1-15 relationships OR “Any”, whether you are creating fic or art, and the ratings you will write OR “Any.” Note that you SHOULD NOT pick ANY unless you REALLY MEAN IT. Offers do not contain prompts or DNWs
Do Not Want (DNW): Your DNWs are things your gifter must avoid to create something you will enjoy. DNWs are expected to be used for things such as triggers, squicks, NoTPs, or things that would otherwise spoil your gift and are not to be used to "box" a creator into creating a one specific gift. Be specific in your DNWs. (See the exchange rules on ao3 for more information).
Dear Critter Letter: This is the Critical Role specific term for a Dear Creator Letter. Basically, it’s more details about your likes, dislikes, wants, DNWs, quirks, and the prompts. Read this for more information. These are OPTIONAL.
Assignment: You will get matched with someone! Yippee!! DO NOT TELL THEM WHO YOU ARE. Look at their requests, read their Dear Critter Letter, and then pick one (1) of their prompts to fill. You are expected to write 1 fic. You expect to receive 1 fic. Anything else is a treat.
Default: This is the POLITE way to exit an exchange. If you exit before the no penalty deadline, we bid you farewell and you can try again next year. If you exit after, you will not be allowed to participate in future exchanges. Default also applies if you do not complete your gift or post only placeholder fic/art by the due date or ignore DNWs.
Pinch-hit: This is when you swoop in to save an assignment after someone else defaults. Know that if you do this, the mods love you very much. Pinch-hits follow usual assignment rules.
Treat: These are bonus fics. You don’t have to be signed up to write them, and they can be for anyone. They can be shorter than your gift, but they must still adhere to requests and DNWs. Know that if you do these, the authors love you!
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faydingrain · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Game
Got tagged again by @caelumsnuff! Thank you for the taggeroony toony~
I've never spoken to them before, but I see them around a lot and happen to know they have a tumblr, so I tag @aroseandacross if you want to do this! And anyone else that stumbles across it, I tag you too! :p
1 - How many works do you have on AO3?
37...oh wow
2 - What's your total AO3 word count?
147,476?! Good night!
3 - What fandoms do you write for?
Redacted Audio, Owari no Seraph, Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle, Funamusea Universe, Hollow_ VA, Tokyo Ghoul, and D.Gray-Man by technicality though that oneshot isn't done or posted yet, lol. The ones I write for on the regular honestly vary depending on my mood and current devotion to the series, including the possible spite I feel towards that series, lmao. There are way more brief fic sparks I get for other series, but just never get the inspiration to go through with and end up forgetting.
4 - What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5: A Quiet, Peaceful Night 4: Vice Versa 3: A Little Help from P[izza]-chan (which literally rose to my top 3 practically overnight because the Guy fans escaped containment I guess, lmfao) 2: Branch, Like a Tree 1: Yours in Eternity, My Dearest All for Redacted Audio
5 - Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I love giving love back to the love I recieve! Admittedly though, the only comments I haven't responded to seemed more like musing aloud, and I genuinely wasn't sure how to respond, lol. Now I feel like it's too late, so I feel awkward trying to respond now, but I feel bad not doing so all the same....
6 - What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Inversion: Another Story considering all the death and bad things it leaves off on, lol.
7 -What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
To Date a Vampire, though it's more like...reader-self-insert-y I guess? But is basically pure fluff, lol.
8 - Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet! I expected to get more hate for how many OC and OC/Canon fics I write, but my fics don't tend to garner much attention over all anyways I think, so it can't reach the loud haters, lol.
9 - Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope!! I hate writing smut, I don't like reading smut that much either. I'm a fade-to-black type writer. The closest thing I'll get to writing smut is maybe writing brief instances of the off-screen smut, and there'll be a graphic sexual assault scene later in EIC (y'know, for the therapeutic aspect).
10 - Do you write crossovers?
...Technically? Lmfao. Though unfinished, Our Solemn Hour is a crossover with Tsubasa and X/1999, with many of the X characters appearing in it mostly as cameos. Embers of an Iridescent Cage is maybe a crossover between stories? Though, Decem: Anges et Demons does exist now. Burning Wings is a crossover-ish with characters from Tsubasa in a setting inspired by The Last of Us, though I didn't crosstag it in the latter fandom since the only similarity is literally just the setting. And that's all.
11 - Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I better fucking not. (No one wants my trash lmfao.)
12 - Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but that would actually be incredible if it happened.
13 - Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I am a selfish, haughty bastard and I need full reign over my stories, lmfao. Unless the other person was a similar writer with very similar ideas to me, it would never work. (Plus...I write about my FCs so often, so, lol. I personally find it very difficult to write stories about characters that aren't my own, hence the large volume of OC fic.)
14 - What's your all time favorite ship?
That's a great question. (It honestly varies depending on my mood. Mostly OC/Canon ships probably. I do still adore SuzuFeri.)
15 - What's a WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Don't make me call myself out like this-
16 - What are your writing strengths?
Hell, I don't know...I've been told I'm humorous
17 - What are your writing weaknesses?
I've been told I'm bad at making characters not suffer, lmfaooo
18 - Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I mean, if you know the language or do your research, go for it! Maybe add a footnote mentioning what was said for non-speakers if it wasn't brought up in the fic? (I don't personally ever plan for this myself for fics, but it is a small thing I plan on doing research for in my novel series, and I feel the same about original work too.)
19 - First fandom you wrote for?
OKAY SO, I think my actual first fanfic ever was a Kingdom Hearts fanfic, but the first one I posted on ao3 was for Owari no Seraph.
20 - Favorite fic you've written?
Probably Yours in Eternity, My Dearest!! I'm not saying Kalila is totally 100% a self-insert, but I mayyyy or may not have written that series just because I want to feel like Will was writing fancy love letters to me 💕
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roseddraws · 1 year
I lied guys /: I said I’d post my story if the drawing got three notes but I’m gonna post it anyway.
I realised that the only stories/fics I see on tumblr are oneshots, and OC content is usually in the form of comics, but… there’s no way I’m gonna be able to keep up the motivation to make a consistent comic, so. I’m gonna do a drawing for each chapter to make up for it! (Oh and also for context it’s somewhat based on my survival Minecraft world but I’m not gonna tag it as Minecraft cos I feel like that’s kinda clickbait)
It’s called “Hello, I’m here, I’m living in the wall” (:
Tumblr media
When the girl woke up, she was drowning.
This is generally considered an unpleasant experience to wake up to, and was met with much panicked thrashing and flailing and unintentional swallowing of water. When her head finally broke the water (which, upon further inspection, wasn’t all that deep) the girl managed to pull herself together enough to swim inelegantly the few metres to shore and catch her breath. Much more calm now, and with space in her head to think, a terrifying realisation dawned on her:
She had no idea where she was.
This was already enough to send her into another panic, only this time, without the threat of drowning to keep her occupied, she was able to actually think about the situation at hand. This is never a good thing to do when one is panicking.
Okay, she thought to herself, Obviously waking up in the ocean is never a good thing, but there must be an explanation for it. I must have been… staying at a friend's house! Yes, that makes sense! And then… did I sleepwalk? …Do I usually sleepwalk? I… can’t remember sleepwalking before…
Oh! It was a prank! That’s a common prank for people to do to their friends, isn’t it?! They… dumped me in the ocean, whilst I was… sleeping?
Unfortunately, as the girl pondered this idea, she had three more terrifying realisations:
1. She didn’t think any of her friends would dump her in the ocean as a prank.
2. She couldn’t remember staying at a friend’s house the night before.
3. She couldn’t remember any of her friends.
These thoughts were not helping with her panic attack.
She felt like she was drowning again. It was as if there was a black hole in her chest and it was swallowing her from the inside out, and she was desperately trying to feed it with increasingly frantic gulps of air, but the hole just kept getting bigger and bigger, and it would keep growing until it swallowed her whole. She thought distantly that she needed to cry, but she couldn’t for the life of her remember how. So she did the next best thing.
Beside her in the sand, forgotten in her panic, there was a large wooden chest. She punched it as hard as she could. Then again. And again. And again, and again and again againandagainand—
She let out a guttural scream as she threw herself against the wooden vessel, laying into it with all her strength until nothing but splinters remained.
She felt better.
Not entirely of course, but enough to push aside her misery and frustration and focus on more important matters. Such as survival.
Sifting through what was left of the chest, she found some useful essentials: a flask full of water, a few carrots, some bread, a packet of beetroot seeds, a sheet of paper, planks of wood in various colours, cocoa beans, and what looked to be saplings. The girl had no idea where the convenient container had come from, but she felt slightly guilty about wrecking it now. She muttered a quiet, “Thank you,” as she stuffed the items into her pockets. (They didn’t bulge with the added items, nor did they feel any heavier. The girl didn’t question this, of course, because it was completely normal.)
Standing, the girl took stock of her possessions. She had food, water and building supplies, plus seeds to grow more food from: everything she needed to survive as long as necessary.
Except a name.
Okay, a person didn’t *technically* need a name to survive, but the girl couldn’t help but feel that she did.
And of course, it seemed she’d lost that along with everything else. Shocker.
She tried to think of any good names that she knew, but the knowledge evaded her like everything did when you actually needed it (or it might’ve been related to the amnesia). The girl looked around, taking in her surroundings for the first time since she’d woken up.
In front of her was the ocean, flat as glass and completely featureless, save for a few large, grassy rocks that could hardly be called islands sticking out of the water, perhaps a few miles away. To her left there looked to be… a forest? No; a swamp, filled with strange trees, heavy with vines and looming over her on twisted roots which held them suspended far above the ground. Mangrove trees, her brain supplied. Mangrove? She considered it. A good name for a tree, but the girl didn’t think it would fit her. There were some flowers growing from the mud, though, and they caught her eye. How about Poppy? Rose? As she contemplated her options, she stuck her bare feet into the water, letting the lull of the ocean soothe her.
She felt less soothed by the brush of scales against her ankle.
She yanked her legs back with a yelp, scrubbing at them with sand to get rid of the feeling as she peered into the water.
It was a salmon! The fish was stuck in the sand, writhing frantically as it tried to escape. The girl smiled delightedly, relieved to see an animal when she’d been feeling so frightened and alone only minutes before. She picked it up in both hands, muttering apologies as it wriggled and gaped in indignation. She waded deeper into the sea and set it down gently once she judged it deep enough, giggling as it stopped moving in shock for a few moments before apparently remembering how to use its fins and darting away. She watched until it disappeared from sight.
It was decided then: her name was Salmon.
Feeling considerably lighter with this decision, Salmon waded back to shore. She looked into the sky… and her heart immediately sank. She wasn’t sure what time it had been when she’d awoken, but it was now around noon. She had maybe five hours until nightfall. Now, Sal couldn’t remember exactly what that meant, but the idea of being outside when the sun set filled her with a terrible sense of dread. She needed to find shelter.
She decided to follow the shoreline to her right: she didn’t really feel like wading through swamp at that moment. She hoped she could find someplace better to settle further along- or, even better, some people to ask for shelter. She climbed up the sandbank that was blocking her view inland, standing at the top to scan for any settlements.
Ahead of her lay a barren desert.
“Oh FUCK off.”
Deep in the realm of dreams where all dead things are, a god stirred.
It had been millennia since they’d heard laughter.
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
WIP Game
Tagged by @brotherdusk (thank u dear)
The Rules are these:
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
DIALOGUE BANG BANG (the infamous now 52 page document containing all the dialogue scenes from one warm line)
Chapter 1: Sun Dogs
Tooth and Claw
Untitled Document (that contains francis/lady terror/ jfj throuple stuff that I started last week that may be spoilers oops)
And Now, some Jop and Lady Terror from Dialogue Bang Bang that I wrote exactly a week ago (taking place in the interim between “First Shot’s a Winner Lads” and “A Mercy”):
“Jopson.” “Miss Sinclair, hello.” “Feels like I hardly see you these days.” “Yes, it is hard to get away.” “If… if I may ask…” “How is he?” “He is…” “Please, don’t spare my sensitivities. I want to know.” “He’s in the thick of it now.” “He’s emptying his stomach more often than he’s able to fill it. And sleeps fitfully whenever he calms long enough to do so. His mood swings. Hour to hour it seems. And the tremors…” “I can’t say it’s a good way, Miss.” “You don’t look much in a good way yourself.” “Yeah… but I’d rather lose a little sleep myself to make sure the Captain is well again.” “Jopson, you don’t have to do it all alone, you know.” “Oh Miss Sinclair, you really shouldn’t-” “Jopson. Bless your heart but you need to care for yourself as well.” “Besides I… I want to see him.” “Please, Thomas.” “You’re very kind, Miss Sinclair.”  “But he gave express orders to keep the men out.” “Well, technically you won’t be disobeying orders. I am a woman, after all.” “You do have such a clever ear for the wording of things, Miss Sinclair.” “Here. Bring him this.” “And only sips of water, if he asks. Doctor MacDonald says it may be the only way he’ll be able to keep it down.” “I think can manage that.” “Please, get some rest, Jopson. You’ve earned it well enough.” “Only because I know he’s in good hands, Miss Sinclair.” “Good night.” “Sleep well.”
And in return... I tag (with no pressure attached as ever)...  @prismatica-the-strange @ajokeformur-ray @kittensmctavish and frankly anyone else who would like to participate (but also @trantors knows I’m staring a hole into her soul girl you must show the world some of your wips or I’m going to explode)
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khoicesbyk · 1 year
Tumblr media
The Royal Romance.
Love Everlasting.
A/N: I had a different name and plot for this fic over a year ago. But after being in the RP community for more than a year, I've decided to write the current Royal Life of my favorite OTP.
Rated: Mature (at times can and will be Explicit. I'll be sure to change the rating when and if that happens). | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual. Y'all should be used to this from me by now 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: King Marquise Rys (LI) and Queen Shanelle Miller-Rys (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me and/or other authors [their characters have been mentioned and/or used in the story with their permission] ) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 18K words. (may be slightly more or may be slightly less. Look, I stop counting after editing and re-editing and driving myself insane. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
This series is rated Mature and/or Explicit. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here!
And this is Part 1 of Chapter 12! I hope you all enjoy it!
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @shewillreadyou @txemrn @peonierose @twinkleallnight
Chapter 12.) Best Birthday Ever. Part 1.
It was finally October. This means Shanelle had just a few more weeks until her Princes made their worldly debut. In the meantime, it's celebration time for the Royal Family. 
Khari was turning 5 and her parents were still in disbelief. Their little girl was growing up right in front of them. And her personality was budding. According to her mother, Khari ran the palace. 
"Daddy I want a big parade and party for my birthday this year," Khari said to Marquise over breakfast.
Marquise raised an eyebrow at his daughter as he sipped his coffee.
"Little girl, do you have 'Daddy I want a big parade and party for my birthday this year' money?" Shanelle asked.
"No, but Daddy does," Khari replies.
Marquise made a face. 
"My love, do I look like an ATM to you?" he asked Khari.
"Yep. ATM stands for All The Money. And you have all the money, Daddy." Khari replies.
Shanelle cackled. Marquise just stared at Khari.
"Do we have a deal?" Khari asked.
Marquise smiled tightly as he leaned in close to his daughter.
"Finish your breakfast then go put your uniform on and get ready for school," Marquise said to Khari through clenched teeth.
"Okay. We'll talk about it later." Khari said as she finished her breakfast.
Marquise watched his daughter walk out of the dining room before turning to his wife who was still laughing. 
"Did you put her up to this?!" he asked Shanelle.
"No, I didn't put her up to this," she replied.
Marquise squinted. 
"Yes, you did!"
"No, I did not!"
He gave her a side-eye.
"I didn't!" Shanelle protested. 
Marquise shook his head. 
"She is worse than you are. I'm supposed to be raising the next Monarch, not a gold digger!" Marquise complained. 
"Oh stop complaining. Besides, you only turn 5 once." 
Marquise shook his head.
"It's bad enough she's getting a photoshoot for her birthday now she expects me to empty the treasury for her." 
"I'm still not hearing why you're complaining." 
"She thinks I'm made of money!" 
She shrugged. 
"I mean technically..."
Marquise groaned.
"You're not helping!" 
Shanelle kissed her husband on his cheek.
"You're such a grumpy teddy bear."
Marquise grumbled into his coffee. 
Later as Khari got ready to leave she had to say goodbye. She wrapped her daddy in the biggest hug she could muster. 
"Bye-bye, Daddy! I love you!" she said sweetly.
He kissed her forehead as he hugged her back. 
"Goodbye, my love. I hope you have a great day at school today," he replies.
Khari smiled at her daddy before turning and hugging her mother.
"Bye Mommy! I love you!"
Shanelle hugged her baby girl. 
"Bye, baby. Have a good day." 
Khari even said goodbye to her brothers.
"Bye, boys! See you later!"
"Come along my darling. It's time to go." Margo said to Khari.
"Okay, Grammy."
Khari waved at her parents one last time then took Margo's hand and left the residence to head to school. The couple watched as Khari was off to another day at school. Shanelle laid her head on her husband's left shoulder.
"You would think I'd be used to watching her leave for school by now," she said to him quietly.
He placed a soft kiss on her forehead.
"I know you're not. And I know it's hard to watch her grow up right in front of us but she'll always know we love her."
Shanelle closed her eyes.
"I know. I guess I'm scared that one day she won't need us anymore."
He wrapped his arms around her.
"That day will never happen. Because no matter what she or the boys do in this or any life that they choose, they will always need us. Just as much as we need them. They will always love us just as much as we love them."
Shanelle chuckled softly.
"Why do you always have to be a voice of reason and logic?" she asked.
"King," he replied. 
Shanelle scoffed with a smirk.
"Indeed. Now what's on your schedule today?" he asked as they began to walk down the hall.
"I have a FaceTime call with Dee to finalize her birthday dinner menu, I have a virtual visit with Dr. Ramirez. I'll be seeing her twice a week until the boys are born, and I have to count the last of the RSVPs for The Last Apple Ball," she replies.
"They've all come back?" he asked.
"Yup, every last single one," she replied. 
"Yeah. Even the one I sent to Cass and Myah." 
Marquise nodded. 
"How did they respond?" he asked.
"They'll be here," she replied.
Marquise had a thoughtful look on his face.
"What? What is it?" she asked.
"You do know this is the second time this year that you've extended an olive branch to them right?" he replied.
"Yup. I know. At least this time I won't be surprised if it comes back to bite me in my ass."
"To be fair, Cassian did apologize for what he said to you."
Shanelle scoffed.
"No. He said I'm sorry. That's not the same as apologizing. Anyone can say I'm sorry. Even you and me. But not everyone can apologize."
"True enough. So why extend the olive branch now?" he asked.
"For the family. I'm not about to be responsible or aid in our family potentially falling apart. I'm not about to lose the people that I love and care about the most nor would I ever force them to choose just because of two people I don't care for. So I will put my pride aside for the good of the family," she replies.
"Like you always do?" he asked.
"Yes, like I always do," she replies.
The two were walking to her office.
"What's on your calendar, Your Majesty?" she asked.
"I have a meeting with the generals to monitor the situation going on in Gemmora," he replied.
"Are they still worried about the Civil War going on?" she asks.
"Yes. The war between King Eli and Queen Vanda could be disastrous for us and many of our allies," he replies.
Shanelle winced. 
"Who knew a divorce would spark an actual war?" she asked.
Marquise shrugged.
"I certainly didn't know. But I can't be too surprised by it. Eli has always been selfish and Vanda has always been stubborn," he replied.
"Is that all you have to do today?" she asks.
"Nope. I also have to name the new military base and destroyer in Cronullia, and then I have to officially welcome the now-former King and Queen of Auveral to their new living quarters here," he replied. 
Shanelle made a face.
"Does that include their two little demon seeds?" she asked.
"Unfortunately," he replied.
"Ugh! Tell me again why you agreed to let them live here?" she asked.
"To gain Auvernal as a kingdom I had to make this unfortunate concession. But! Queen Reena is paying for it. Literally. They will foot the bill. Cordonia will do nothing but play host." he replies.
"Their devil spawns won't be going to school with Khari, will they?" she asks.
"Nope. Their new home is in Lythikos. So they'll be far away from our daughter." he replies.
"But that means they'll be near Olivia..."
Marquise winked at her.
"Precisely. She insisted that they be placed there. So they'll have to deal with The Scarlet Duchess and her new wife."
Shanelle snickered just as they arrived at her office. 
"And this is where I must bid you adieu, my Queen."
Shanelle kissed him sweetly. 
"I'll see you for lunch?" she asks.
"Of course," he replied.
"Okay. I'll see you later."
She watched her husband disappear down the hall before she walked into her office and breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't want her husband to know what she was up to. She was having a birthday surprise made for him and she needed to confirm with the artist. 
After spending an hour confirming the final details of the present with the artist, she was on the phone with Dee about her birthday dinner.
"Girl you look ready to pop."
Shanelle groaned.
"I am. I want these two out of my womb! I want my bed back!" 
Dee snickered. 
"I can't wait to meet them."
"You and their sister," Shanelle said with a laugh.
Dee giggled.
"Okay, baby what are we doing for your birthday dinner?" she asked Dee.
"I'm thinking Italian. Preferably something with pasta." Dee replies.
"Hmm...how about a pasta bar?" Shanelle asks.
"Don't you think that's a bit much? It's not gonna be that many people." Dee said.
"Hello, table for three."
"Fair. Also, that way everyone can get whatever they want." Dee replies.
"Precisely, and what about dessert?" Shanelle asked.
Dee and Shanelle said the answer together.
The two laughed. 
"Then I guess that does it on my end. I will send these off to Everett and I will see you in a few days."
"Thank you so much, Nelle. I appreciate your help and your hosting."
"Always love. You know me. Anything for family."
That's when Shanelle noticed the faraway look in Dee's eyes.
"Are you okay babe?" she asks.
"Huh?" Dee replies.
"You looked like you were a million miles away for a second."
Dee sighed.
"Can I be honest?" Dee replied.
"Something happened."
"What? What is it?" Shanelle asks. 
Dee took a deep breath.
"I went out with Zack and a few of our old friends a few days ago and got a little too white girl wasted."
"Uh oh."
"But that's not the part that should worry you."
"Talk to me. What's going on?" Shanelle asks.
"I'm not sure how to tell you," Dee replies. 
"You know I will never judge you."
"I know I just..." Dee trailed off.
"What is it, babe?" Shanelle asks.
"Zig was there," Dee replied.
Shanelle winced.
"Yeah. He helped me into an Uber. And I swear it was totally innocent. But the paparazzi were there too. And they took pictures."
Shanelle groaned.
"What kind of pictures?" Shanelle asks.
"Very compromising pictures..." Dee replies.
"And how do you know they took pictures?" Shanelle asks.
Dee just looked at Shanelle.
"My publicist told me a paparazzo was trying to leak them."
Shanelle let out an explosive breath. 
"Please tell me that dragon your husband dares to call a mother doesn't know about it."
"No. At least not yet. And normally I would've let her handle it but I don't need her lording it over me."
Shanelle nodded decisively.
"Say no more. I'll take care of it."
Dee visibly relaxed. 
"I love you! Thank you so much."
"Of course. You have enough to deal with. Besides I am not trying to give that old windbag any more ammunition to use against you. It's bad enough that she's constantly around my niece." 
"She's AJ's grandmother Nelle."
Shanelle made a face. 
"I don't give a goddamn who the bitch is or who she thinks she is. I don't like her being around my niece. And another thing! That old hag is as much of a grandmother as she is a saint. Which is to say not at all!"
Dee died laughing.
"You are so petty."
"Made you laugh. Mission accomplished."
Dee shook her head. 
"Thank you, Nelle. Really."
"Babe, I love you. And I only ever want to see you happy. You know this." 
Dee smiled.
"You've always been that way."
"And I always will be. I'll see you soon."
"See you soon!" 
After hanging up with Dee it was time to eat. She met Marquise in her favorite side courtyard for lunch. When she walked out to the courtyard he was on the phone. He winked at her as she got closer. 
"Oui mon oncle. On se voit la semaine prochaine. Très bien. À plus tard." he said before hanging up.
"Who was that?" she asked.
"Abhi. He'll be here next week to do the final fittings and measurements on us," he replies. 
"Yay! It's been ages since Abhi has been home. How is he? How's Vivienne?" she asked.
"He mentioned that she is doing great. They have a grandson of their own on the way," he replies.
"They do? That's great! I'm happy for them." 
"Indeed. He's due in December. Now I'm hungry so let's eat. We have quite the spread. They made us Lobster Rolls with prosciutto-wrapped scallops and creamed Spinach."
"If these Lobster Rolls aren't like the ones at Harry's Sea Shack in Martha's Vineyard, I will be highly disappointed. Also, what's for dessert?" she asked.
He uncovered two dishes revealing two deluxe hot fudge brownie sundaes.
"Yes! Let's eat!" 
The couple sat down and tucked into their lunch.
"Mmmmmm! Okay so these aren't like Harry's but they're pretty damn close. And these scallops! Where have they been all my life?" Shanelle said as she enjoyed their lunch.
"I'm glad you like it. I was feeling nostalgic so I asked the kitchen for Lobster Rolls."
"Missing Boston?" she asked 
"Somewhat. Maybe after the boys are born we'll take them and Khari on a trip," he replies.
"I love that idea. It's been way too long since we've been to the brownstone anyway."
"Then it's settled when the boys are here and a little older we'll visit." 
"I love it when a plan comes together."
Marquise shook his head with a smirk. 
"This was such a good lunch. My compliments to the kitchen." Shanelle said as she finished her dessert.
"Yes, it was my love. Now how are you feeling?" Marquise asked.
"I'm okay. My virtual appointment is in an hour. I'm nervous though." she replies.
"Why?" he asks.
"There's a big possibility that she may put me on bed rest until these two are born," she replied.
"Why is that a bad thing?" he asks.
"Bronwyn's birthday party is Saturday and I still need to find an outfit. Khari's birthday party is the week after. Not to mention your birthday and The Last Apple Ball is the week after that! And if that's not bad enough, we still have to finish setting up the nursery here at the palace! I don't have time to sit still. I have too much to do." she replied.
Marquise rubbed the knuckles of her right hand. 
"And that is why I hope she does put you on bed rest."
"Listen to me before you bite my head off! I know you don't like sitting still. Hell, you outright hate it. And I understand that. Get up and go is who you are. But what I don't want or need is you putting unnecessary stress on yourself. Especially when we're so close to your due date. It's not good for you or the boys. So if Dr. Ramirez decides that bed rest is what's best for you for the remainder of this pregnancy, you will abide by it. Is that clear?" 
Shanelle sighed deeply. 
"Yes. I will abide by it," she said defeatedly.
Marquise nodded before bringing the back of her right hand to his lips for a soft kiss. 
"I know you're apprehensive. But no matter what happens, always remember it's all in the best interest of your health and the health of our boys."
"I know." 
Marquise stood up and helped her to her feet. He wrapped his arms around her and held her as close as possible.
"I love you. You know that right?" he asked.
"I know. I love you too," she replies.
Shanelle sighed.
"I know it's all in my head. It's just that I'm so close. I can't stop now."
He kissed her forehead softly. 
"I know. You don't know how to stop. But I promise you, it'll be alright."
She smiled softly at him.
"You always know how to reassure me."
"And I always will," he said as he kissed her slowly. "I should let you go. The former Monarchs will be here soon."
Shanelle made a face. 
"Make sure they don't touch anything. I don't want their little crumb snatchers breaking my shit."
"Noted. I'll see you later my love."
"I'll see you later baby."
With one final kiss the two parted ways. When Shanelle got back to her office, there was an envelope sitting on her desk. 
"That was not there when I left," Shanelle said to herself.
As she sat down at her desk she stared at the strange envelope. Contemplating what it could be.
"This is too small and too light to be a bomb. This shit better not be anthrax," she said as she picked up the envelope. 
She tested its weight in her hand. It felt weighty but not heavy. And when she shook the envelope something moved. There was definitely something inside.
"Okay. I want to know what's inside but I don't want to know. But I want to know. But I don't want to know. But I want to know. But I don't want to know. But I want to know!"
So she decided to open the envelope. After grabbing a letter opener she faced the envelope away from her, squeezed her eyes shut, and opened it. When she didn't see any kind of powdery substance she breathed a sigh of relief. 
"Okay since you're not a bomb or anthrax what are you?" 
As if she expected an answer. She turned the envelope over and a card fell out. 
When she opened the card and read it she damn near dropped it. Inside the card was a note from Marquise.
For you my Queen. Happy Birthday. 
There were also tickets to see Usher in Vegas for her birthday.
"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" she squealed happily. 
She couldn't believe that her husband got her VIP tickets to see Usher live in concert. And the best part is he even got tickets for the girls. What she didn't know is that His Majesty was listening on the other side of the door. With a smirk, he had the doorman open the door.
"Are you alright my love?" he asked as he walked in, "I heard you screaming. Oh! I see you got your birthday present."
She nearly ran him over. 
"Oh My God! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank youuuuuu!" she squealed as she hugged him.
"You're most welcome, my love."
"When did you have time to do this?!" she asks, holding the tickets in her hands. 
"A few weeks ago. I had to call in a few favors but I was able to get it done," he replies.
"I can't wait to tell the girls! They're gonna flip!" 
Seeing the joy on her face made his heart flip.
"I'm sure you girls will have a lot of fun."
"We always do."
Just then her phone rang. 
"That must be Dr. Ramirez."
"Okay. I'll leave you to it. Let me know what she says."
"Will do."
He stepped out just as she answered the phone. 
"Good afternoon Dr. Ramirez!" Shanelle said in greeting.
"Good afternoon Your Majesty! How are you?" Dr. Ramirez replies.
"I'm doing okay. All things considered."
"That's good. I have your latest test results. Everything looks good. Your final weight is good. You're not over or under. Your blood pressure is still a little higher than I'd like it to be but it's not too concerning. Your iron levels have significantly improved. So that's good news there. So far I'm pleased with how you're progressing." 
Shanelle nodded. 
"Now I know that the Last Apple Ball is in a few weeks. And I know you're eager to know if you'll be able to attend."
"I am kinda hoping for good news. I have a few trips planned."
Dr. Ramirez chuckled softly.
"You needn't worry, Your Majesty. I see no reason to put you on bed rest for now."
Shanelle breathed out a sigh of relief.
"Oh thank goodness! Thank you, Dr. Ramirez."
"You're quite welcome, Your Majesty. Now lets you and I schedule our physical meeting for Friday morning at 8:30." 
"Okay, I can do that."
"Good. I will see you Friday."
"See you then Dr. Ramirez."
When Shanelle hung up the phone she was relieved. 
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh my God! What a relief! Oh, how I love the month of October!" she said to herself. 
Meanwhile, His Majesty made his way to the throne room. The former King and Queen of Auvernal were arriving and he wanted to rub it in their faces. He had just gotten to the throne room when they arrived. As the former Royal Family walked in surrounded by guards, Marquise couldn't help the smug smirk on his face. 
"Bonjour à vos anciennes Majestés. Bienvenue à Cordonia. It's good to see you all in good health. I know the four of you are used to private flights so I hope flying coach wasn't too uncomfortable for you." 
Isabella just glared at Marquise. 
"Bradshaw! How are you? How have you been since the collapse of you and your wife's reign as King and Queen hmmm?" Marquise asked.
Bradshaw just stood there fuming.
"And of course, I can't forget about little Lyra and Issac. It must be tough not being a Prince and Princess anymore. But do not worry you two! You'll get used to being commoners soon enough." 
"Don't you dare speak to my children that way!" Isabella snapped at Marquise. 
"I think you mean Bradshaw's children, Izzy. How fitting that you two who clearly can't stand each other can't get a divorce without running the risk of the true paternity of these two lovely twins getting out. Because if you thought the trouble you went through before was bad...just wait until the world finds out that those two precious demon seeds aren't actually yours."
"Are you here to torture us Marquise?" Bradshaw asked impatiently.
"When you address me from here on out Bradshaw,  you are to address me as Your Majesty," Marquise replied with a growl. "And no I won't waste much more of my time on you lot. I just wanted to see you before you're sent to Lythikos." Marquise replies.
"Lythikos?! Near that Duchess?" Isabella asked.
"Yes," Marquise replied.
"What is a Lythikos?" Isaac asked.
Marquise gave the boy a wolfish grin.
"I'm so happy you asked Issac! It's a place that's as cold as your daddy and mommy's hearts. It's a perfect place to put you and your God Awful twin sister," Marquise replies.
"How dare you! I have had enough of this!" Isabella sneered. 
"Finally we agree on something. Guards!" Marquise called out, "Get these peasants out of my sight."
Guards quickly swarmed the four before they hauled them away. 
"Au revoir mes amis. Que votre nouvelle maison soit aussi misérable que vous l'êtes."
Marquise walked to his office where he met Margo. She had a look on her face.
"Hey, are you okay?" he asked.
"We need to talk," she replied calmly. 
He knew the tone in her voice. He led her into his office and to the small couch. 
"Now what is it? Why do you want to talk?" he asked.
Margo took a deep breath.
"My doctor called. They've found pancreatic cancer." 
Marquise just stared at her stunned.
"What? What did you just say?" he asked.
"I have cancer, son," she replies.
Marquise shook his head no.
"No! No! No!"
Margo covered his hands with hers and squeezed gently.
"Please do not worry my son. It's in the very early stages. And my doctor is positive about the diagnosis."
"Sweet child. I am not going anywhere. I will fight until I can't anymore. Only God can take me away from you, my daughter-in-law, and especially my beautiful grandchildren." 
"I want to speak to your doctor and I want a second opinion."
Margo chuckled softly.
"You will never stop. Very well. You have my permission to speak to him on my behalf. But don't you dare yell at him! This is not his fault. It's my fault. And it's certainly not your fault. Is that understood?" she asked.
Marquise smiled sadly.
"Yes ma'am."
She kissed his cheek.
"My boy. Papa would be proud to see you still protecting our family."
"I always will Maman. Now do you need anything? Do the others know?" he asked.
"Yes. I've told almost everyone. I haven't told Shanelle or Khari or Callie." she replies.
"I want Shanelle and me to be there when you tell Khari."
"Of course my King." 
"Tell Khari what?" Shanelle asked as she walked in. 
"Here come sit down for a second," Marquise replies.
Shanelle sat down next to Margo. 
"Okay. I'm sitting down. What is it?" Shanelle asks.
Margo cleared her throat.
"There's no easy way to say this but I have Pancreatic Cancer."
Shanelle was stunned.
"Oh, my God! Margo..."
"Please not you too. I will be okay. It's in the early stages. I'm not going down without a fight."
Shanelle shook her head with a small smile.
"That's my girl! Don't you dare give up!"
Margo winked at Shanelle.
"As much as I loved my George I have grandbabies to love more. I can't leave them."
"What about me?" Marquise asked Margo.
Margo scoffed.
"What about you? You're even more of an old codger than your father was. I don't have to love you anymore. My love is now strictly for all of my grandbabies." Margo replies.
Marquise made a face.
"Fine...I can accept that."
"It's not like you have a choice." Shanelle quipped.
"I swear I regret getting married in the first place," Marquise muttered. 
He shook his head. 
"Mama you look tired, you should go rest."
Margo cocked an eyebrow at him.
"Is that an order my King?" she asked.
"Yes. I'll get Khari from school so you don't have to."
"Very well Your Majesty. I shall relax at your request."
"No need to get smart, Maman."
Margo smirked before she stood up and hugged him.
"Thank you, my son."
He kissed her forehead.
"Always. I'll check on you later."
Margo smiled at Shanelle before leaving his office. Shanelle looked at her husband. 
"Are you okay?" she asked as he sat down next to her. 
"No, but I will be on the phone with her doctor after Khari gets home and I will be getting her a second and third opinion," he replies.
Shanelle rubbed his arm.
Marquise sighed.
"I know. I just...I hate this. I hate feeling this way."
"I know you want to protect her. In the same way, she has always protected you but this is a monster that you can't fight on your own. You have to trust Margo."
"I do. I trust her with my life. I just..." he trailed off.
Shanelle kissed his cheek.
"That's what I love about you, you always want to protect your family. That's your driving force."
Just then Marquise's phone buzzed in his pocket.
"What is it?" Shanelle asked.
Marquise read the notification and died laughing.
"Now I gotta know. What's so funny?" she asked.
"See for yourself," he replied as he handed her the phone.
"Former Queen Genevieve Stannos-Miller files for divorce! Citing infidelity. Claims her husband King Edward Miller fathered a child with their now former daughter-in-law!" Shanelle read out loud.
"Now you see why I laughed so hard."
Shanelle cracked up.
"Oh, my God! This will ruin them! I mean they're already ruined but this will seal the fate of that family." Shanelle said with a satisfied smirk.
"Your Majesty! How cruel can you be to your own kin?" he asked in feigned shock.
Shanelle cackled.
"I'll say one thing for your pet project: she turned out to be more useful than I could've ever given her credit for."
Marquise snickered.
"How is she by the way?" Shanelle asked.
"Curious, my love?" he replies.
"I want to make sure that she's living up to her end of the deal." 
"She has been doing fantastically. According to Drake."
"How would Walker..." she trailed off.
Marquise smirked.
"How indeed..."
(Shanelle's reaction). 
"You didn't!"
He shrugged. 
"She knows and willingly agreed to the terms of the contract she signed. Besides, since we'll be busy this month, he's my eyes and ears on the ground at the border with Gemmora. So the way I see it, two birds and one stone."
"Alexa! Play Ho by Ludacris!" 
Marquise laughed.
"You're a mess."
"And you love me for it, sir."
Marquise looked at his Apple Watch.
"Time for me to go get our little one."
"Let me go with you. I can use the fresh air."
Marquise offered her his arm.
"Let us be off."
The two departed the palace and headed to Khari's school. Marquise actually enjoyed picking her up from school. It gave him a chance to get out and be amongst the people. Especially the other parents of the school. He enjoyed speaking with them and learning who they are and what they do. It made him feel more connected to them. Whether or not he liked seeing Khari walk out with her friend was a different story entirely.
He and Shanelle were standing out by the main gate when they opened up and the children came out. When Marquise first saw Khari he couldn't stop the smile that spread across his face. That smile melted when he also saw Khari's new friend Xavier. They were walking out holding hands as they had been doing. 
When Shanelle looked up from her phone and saw the look on her husband's face, she started snickering. 
"Why is she holding his hand like that?" he asks in a very disgusted tone.
"Like what?" she replies.
"Like that! Like they're really close friends." 
"You mean like they're boyfriend and girlfriend?" she asks.
"Yes!" he replied.
Shanelle rolled her eyes. 
"Stop being jealous."
"I'm not jealous!" he sneered.
"Uh-huh. Then why do you look like somebody shot your dog?" she asked.
Marquise groaned as Khari got closer.
"Hi, Daddy! Hi Mommy!" Khari said as she walked up.
"Hi, baby!" Shanelle said to Khari before addressing Xavier, "Hello Xavier!"
Xavier smiled. 
"Hello, Your Majesty!" he said to Shanelle before holding his hand out to shake Marquise's hand, "Hello Khari's dad!"
Marquise smiled tightly as he shook Xavier's hand.
"Hello, Xavier! How are you today?" Marquise asked.
"I'm good Mr. King! How are you?" Xavier replies.
"I'm doing quite well, thank you."
Xavier heard his name being called.
"That's my mom! I gotta go! Bye, Khari! Bye, Your Majesty!" Xavier said before running off to his mom.
"You ready to go Daddy?" Khari asked.
"Yes, my love. Let's go!" Marquise replies.
Khari hopped in with Shanelle softly laughing at her husband. 
"Shut. Up. Get. In." Marquise said to Shanelle.
Shanelle got in before Marquise joined them and they were off.
"Daddy? Can we stop for a snack?" Khari asked.
"Sure. What's your pleasure?" he replies.
"Ice cream!" 
Marquise nodded.
"Ice cream it is. What about you, my love?" he asked Shanelle.
"I could go for a double scoop."
"Gerald! Will you take us to Khari's favorite ice cream shop?" Marquise asked the driver. 
Later that evening Shanelle was on the phone with her girls.
"Sooooo I have a question for y'all! How do you girls feel about going to Vegas with me to see Usher live in concert?" she asked.
"Usher? As in fine as hell, can sing his pretty tail off, and can dance for days? That Usher?" Chut asks.
"Yes, THAT Usher. So what do you girls say? You in?," Shanelle replies.
"I'm already packed when do we leave?" Robin asks.
The girls laughed.
"Oh! I'm definitely in." Bronwyn said. 
"So am I!" Dee piped up.
"Agreed!" Aly and Chut said together.
"And okay. I might have an ulterior motive for this trip. Because the concert is on my birthday, which is a Friday. And I was hoping that on Saturday we could celebrate a certain someone who is getting married the weekend after with her bachelorette party?" 
"Ooh!" the girls said.
Shanelle looked at Nina. 
"Whaddya say best friend? You coming?" she asks Nina.
"Viva Las Vegas!" Nina replies.
"Pack ya bags girls! We going to Vegas!" Shanelle announced.  
That Friday after her appointment with Dr. Ramirez was done. The Royals were on a flight to LA for Bronwyn's all-white birthday party. And when they landed Shanelle still hadn't found an outfit to wear. 
"No! No! No! No! And no! I don't like any of these!" she complained. 
Marquise peered at his wife over his book.
"And why don't you like any of these dresses?" he asked.
"Because I look like Moby Dick in these dresses!" she replies.
Marquise let out an annoyed sigh before putting his book down and walking over to Shanelle and pinching her.
"Ow! What was that for?" she asks.
"That was for annoying me," he replies.
Shanelle rubbed her arm.
"So now I annoy you?" she asks.
"You always annoy me. Especially when you act like this," he replies.
Shanelle crossed her arms and glared at him.
"And how am I acting?" she asks.
"Like a spoiled brat who doesn't understand that there is nothing wrong with her or the way she looks," he replies. 
Shanelle pouted.
"You didn't have to snap at me like that," she said quietly.
Marquise ran a hand down his face. 
"You're right. I'm sorry. But you know I hate it when you get like this."
"I can't help it. I'm huge. It's hard not to notice."
"Do you want me to pinch you again?" he asked.
"You pinch me again and I will punch you dead in your face," she sneered.
He scoffed before leaning closer. 
"I'd love to see you try."
Shanelle glared at him.
"Now you can either pick one of the dresses to wear tomorrow or you can stay here while I go to the party alone. Either way, I'm done hearing you complain." 
He watched her storm out before going back to his book. 
The two spent most of the day not speaking to one another. Even when they went out to dinner at Spago together neither paid any attention to the other. 
Later that night Marquise had just finished writing in his daily journal when Shanelle finally came to bed. Out of the corner of his right eye, he watched her climb into bed and lay her head on his shoulder. He knew she wouldn't stay mad at him for long.
"Are you ready to talk to me now?" he asked as she snuggled next to him.
Shanelle nodded her head yes.
"Good. Now why are you so upset?" he asked.
"I'm not upset. I'm annoyed," she replied.
"Okay, why are you annoyed?" he asks. 
"Because you were being a dismissive jackass again," she replied.
"I'm being a dismissive jackass again? Okay, so what was I supposed to do Shanelle? Was I supposed to just sit back and listen to you berate yourself again? Is that what you're telling me?" he asked.
"No," she replies.
"Sure sounds like it."
Shanelle scoffed. 
"Of course, you wouldn't understand."
"Okay then help me to understand."
"You don't understand how hard it is to be pregnant and not find something that doesn't make me look bad or worse feel bad."
He rubbed her arm.
"I do understand my love. I know that this entire pregnancy has been a challenge. I'm not dismissing how you feel about that. Because I know that this pregnancy has brought out the worst of your insecurities. What I am doing is trying to get you to stop berating and belittling yourself just because an outfit doesn't look right on you."
She stayed quiet because she knew he had a point. 
"Cat got your tongue?" he asks.
"No," she replies.
"You sure? Normally you have a smart-ass retort ready."
Shanelle rolled her eyes. 
"Now are you still annoyed?" he asks.
"Not as much as I was," she replied. 
"That's better than yes so I'll take it."
Shanelle sighed. 
"I may have overreacted just a bit."
"You may have overreacted just a bit?" he asks.
"Yes. Are you happy now?" she replies. 
Marquise pushed her off of him.
"Are you sick? You don't have Covid do you?" he asked.
"No, I don't have Covid you idiot!" she replies.
"Are you sure? Because YOU just admitted that YOU may have overreacted."
"I take it back!"
"Too late!"
Shanelle chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her. 
"Maybe you did overreact but you're not the only one that needs to apologize."
"Admittedly you didn't do anything."
"I shouldn't have spoken to you like that. I'm sorry."
She snuggled against him. 
"You're such a teddy bear. Grumpy yet lovable."
"That's not what a teddy bear is."
"If it makes you feel any better, I ordered you some more dresses. They'll be here in the morning."
"What happens if I don't like them?" she asks.
"As long as you don't show up in a feathered boa, a g-string, and stilettos, who cares what you look like?" he replies.
Shanelle snorted. 
"A feathered boa, a g-string, and stilettos, huh?" she asks with an eyebrow raised.
"Don't steal my joy," he replies.
Shanelle shook her head before kissing her husband goodnight. 
"Goodnight my love."
"Goodnight baby."
He laid his left hand on her stomach as they drifted off to a combined sleep. 
The next day they were getting ready for the party with Robin who was riding with them. Marquise got ready before the girls and was waiting for them when Robin got dressed first.
"Okay, big bro. Whaddya think? How do I look?" Robin asked him. 
"Do a spin for me?" he replies.
Robin spun around once. 
"Still beautiful as ever."
"Thank you, big bro." 
Robin noticed the watch in his hand. 
"Ooh! That's a nice watch. Is it a Rollie?" she asks.
"Nope. Patek Philippe," he replies before rolling up the right sleeve of his suit jacket showing two more watches, "That's a Rolex. On top of an Audemars Piguet." 
"Soooo..." she started to say before he cut her off, "No."
Robin sucked her teeth.
"You don't even know what I was about to say!"
"Yes, I do. You were getting ready to ask me to buy you one. As if I don't spoil you enough already."
Robin rolled her eyes.
"I wasn't gonna ask you that! But since you opened your big mouth..."
Marquise groaned.
"You gonna buy me one?" she asked.
Marquise looked at her like she had two heads.
"Do I look like a jewelry store to you?!" he asked.
"Yes," she replies.
"Ugh! You are the worst!" 
She hugged his arm.
"And you love me for it."
Marquise grumbled under his breath before handing her a small box.
"You serious?" she asked.
"Should I take it back?" he replies.
Robin snatched the box out of his hands. And when she opened the box there was a Rose Gold and Diamond Ladies Audemars Piguet watch. 
"You had Rain's name and his birthday put on the bezel..."
"You're welcome."
She hugged him.
"Thank you, big bro. You do love me."
"Yeah, I do. Otherwise, you'd be taking a cab to the party."
Robin punched him in the arm.
"You jerk!"
He snickered. 
"You love me."
"Better than never."
They may be blood-related but they are still siblings. He cares about her. Even though she always gives him wrinkles.
"You know you never told me what happened with Cole."
"I didn't tell you what happened with Fencio either. Besides the less you know the better."
"What did you do?" she asks.
"That's on a need-to-know basis and you don't need to know," he replies. 
He looked at her out of the corner of his right eye.
"Fine. All you need to know is that it involved a reimagining of Dr. Frankenstiein's monster."
Robin just looked at him.
"What does that mean?" she asks.
Marquise just shrugged. 
"D'awwwwwwwwww! Look at the siblings bonding!" Shanelle said as she walked into the room. 
Robin and Marquise were both stunned by Shanelle's outfit. Or lack thereof. 
"Daaaaaaaaammmmmmmnnnnnnnn Girl!" Robin said to her.
"That's what you're wearing?" he asked his wife.
"Yeah," she replied with a slow twirl. "You like it?"
"You look stunning mama!" Robin said to her.
"Thank you, baby." 
Marquise made a face. 
"What?" Shanelle asked him.
"Where's the rest of it?" he asked.
"What do you mean? This is it." Shanelle replies.
"There's nothing there."
"I'm wearing a bodysuit!"
"And not much else. Is that mesh?" he asked.
"Yes. Loosely styled like a toga," she replies.
Marquise shook his head. 
"Well, you certainly know how to bend the rules."
"Aren't you the one who said it didn't matter what I wore as long as I didn't show up to the party in a feathered boa, a g-string, and stilettos?" she asked.
"First of all, that's not what I meant when I said that and you know it. And second, I'd like to point out that your outfit is not white," he replies.
"Noted. Now let's go." 
Rather than argue Marquise got up and walked out. When he and the girls got outside their rides were waiting. He helped Robin into her ride before helping Shanelle into theirs. And off to the party they all went. As they rode to the winery, Shanelle's phone buzzed. When she looked at her phone she smiled.
"I know that smile. What did you do?" he asked.
"Just confirmed that most of Bron's birthday presents will be delivered," she replies.
"Most of them?" he asked.
"Yeah. The biggest one won't fit in the parking lot," she replies.
When they got to the winery the party was in full effect. The drinks were flowing. The cameras were flashing. It was a great time to be had. The couple found a corner to sit in out on the patio. 
"Well, this party is a rousing success," Marquise said to Shanelle.
"Yup. Bronwyn really outdid herself. Everything looks amazing." 
"Everything tastes amazing," he said as he poured himself a glass of the winery's newest flavor, Sexy Red Bomb.
"Are you really about to drink that in front of me?" she asked him.
He took a big sip.
"Oh! I'm sorry! Did you want some of this?" he replied.
"You're such an ass." she sneered.
Marquise snickered.
"Nelle!" Bron called out.
"There's my birthday girl!" Shanelle replies.
The two embraced. 
"Umm, what are you wearing?" Bronwyn asks.
"Oh, this? This is an improvisation of the dress code. Unless you wanted me walking around looking like Moby Dick." Shanelle replies.
Bronwyn looked at Marquise. 
"You let her walk out wearing this?" Bronwyn asks him.
Marquise snorts before taking another sip.
"Since when does she listen to me?" he replies.
"Point taken." 
Shanelle rolled her eyes good-naturally. 
"You two can stop ganging up on me now."
"How are you two enjoying the party?" Bronwyn asked.
"Everything is beautiful, baby. You did great." Shanelle replies.
"Thank you, Nelle. That means a lot."
The two smiled at each other before a loud truck horn blared. Everyone looked around. 
"What in the world was that?" Marquise asked.
Bronwyn and Shanelle looked at each other. 
"We have no idea," they replied.
"I'll be right back," Bronwyn said before running off to investigate. 
Marquise looked at Shanelle who had a smirk on her face.
"Is that the birthday surprise?" he asked.
"That's part of it," she replies.
He nods. 
"Let's go see the fun shall we?" he asks.
She smirks as they both stood up and walked to where everyone was gathered. A large transport truck carrying a Cadillac Escalade, a Mercedes G-Wagon, A Range Rover, and a Porsche Cayenne was parked outside by the entrance.
"Nice variety," Marquise whispered to his wife.
"Just wait," she whispered back.
"I'm looking for the owner of the winery." the driver of the transport truck announced. 
"That's me." Bronwyn replied, "What is this?"
"I was told to deliver these to you." the driver said to her. 
Bronwyn looked at Logan. 
"Did you do this?" she asked Logan.
He shook his head no.
Shanelle and Marquise snickered to themselves. 
"Then who did?" Bronwyn asks.
The driver started to unload the vehicles with many looking around at each other. Once the trucks were unloaded the driver handed Bronwyn the keys to each as well as a card and wished her a good night. 
Bronwyn turned the card over in her hand before opening and reading it.
"It says to look in the glove box of the Escalade," Bronwyn said out loud.
"Watch," Shanelle whispered to her husband.
Bronwyn climbed into the Escalade and looked in the glove box and found an iPad inside. When she opened it a video played.
"Good evening Mrs. Ellis! My name is Capt. Rolando Gueverra. If you've found this iPad, that means it's time to reveal your final birthday present." the man said before panning out to show a private jet in a hangar. "In addition to your new trucks, this is your brand new Gulfstream G650. The crew and I can not wait to serve you and your family."
The video ended with one final message.
"Happy Birthday Beautiful! Love always, Nelle." 
Bronwyn couldn't believe it. When she got out of the Escalade she was in shock. 
"What did you do?" Marquise whispered to Shanelle.
"I got her a jet," Shanelle replies.
"Custom?" he asks.
"Of course," she replies.
They watched as Bronwyn explained everything to Logan. Logan looked over at Shanelle.
"YOU GOT HER A JET?!" he asked.
Shanelle just shrugged with a smirk. 
"That's a you problem, not a me problem sir," Shanelle replies.
Logan shook his head with a laugh.
"Gee, thanks!"
"You're welcome!" 
When Bronwyn ran over to Shanelle she gave her a giant hug.
"Thank you so much, Nelle. You really are a Queen." 
"Bout time you peasants realized it."
Bronwyn snorted. 
"You're a mess."
Bronwyn looked at Marquise. 
"Sir. Did you know she was gonna do this?" Bronwyn asked him.
Marquise took a big gulp of his drink.
"Nope. Didn't know about this until we got here," he replied.
Shanelle shook her head.
"But in all seriousness, I truly hope you enjoy the gifts."
"We sure will!" Logan piped up.
Shanelle scoffed.
"We?! When did you start speaking French?" Shanelle asked Logan.
"When my wife got a jet for our birthday," Logan replies.
"I can't stand you," Shanelle said with a snicker.
"You love me."
"Maybe. Also, your move sir." 
Logan started patting his pockets.
"What are you doing?" Shanelle asks.
"I'm looking for where the hell you think I'm supposed to get that kinda money from," Logan replies.
"Ooh! I hate you!" Shanelle said with a laugh.
"Made you laugh. But for real, thank you, sis."
Shanelle hugged him.
"Love you."
"Love you too Squirt."
Logan groaned.
"When are you gonna stop calling me that?" Logan asks.
"When you stop being the runt of the family," Shanelle replies.
Logan looked at Marquise. 
"Dude. Get your wife."
Marquise snickered. 
"You two enjoy the rest of the party," Logan said to the couple, "me and this sexy thing are going for a ride."
"Don't you crash her car, Logan." Shanelle warned.
"Yes, Mom..." Logan teased. 
"Boy get out my face!" Shanelle snapped at him.
The two smiled at each other.
"I love you, sis."
"I love you too."
Shanelle watched them climb into the Porsche and drove off. 
"Take a victory lap, my love. You did good." Marquise said to Shanelle. 
"And I'm just getting started," Shanelle replies.
That following Monday the couple was back home in Cordonia, finishing their lunch in their side garden and previewing the photos of their daughter's birthday shoot.
"Look at her! She looks great! Sev did amazing!" Shanelle said as they looked at the pictures. 
"Yes, she does. I can't believe she turns 5 Friday." Marquise said. "Where has all the time gone?"
"I wish I knew. Our baby isn't a baby anymore." Shanelle replies.
"She'll tell anyone who'll listen that she's a big girl now."
"Yeah, I know. I look at her and I still can't believe that the tiny little human who wrapped her hand around your finger is a big girl." 
Marquise rubbed her shoulders. 
"I know. It's amazing to see her personality begin to blossom. She's so much like you."
"Give yourself some credit babe. She's like you too. She has your sense of compassion and fairness. And your sense of utter foolishness."
He chuckled.
"True enough."
"At least we don't have to worry about party planning. I'm so grateful to Bron and Lo and their staff for hosting her birthday party."
"Same. She'll love it."
"Indeed she will."
Just as they were finishing breakfast an attendant walked up.
"Pardon the interruption Your Majesties, but you have a guest waiting in the boutique."
Marquise shook his head with a smile.
"Abhi is here. Which means we have measurements and fittings to get done."
"Then let's not keep him waiting, my King."
The couple left the garden and made their way to the Palace boutique where Abhi had just finished setting up.
"Bonjour oncle Abhi! Ravi de vous voir!" Marquise said as he and Shanelle walked in.
"Neveu! C'est bon de vous voir, vous et ma nièce aussi!" Abhi replied as the two embraced. 
Abhi looked at Shanelle with a fond smile.
"Hello, my niece! Look at you, my dear! You are glowing!"
"Thank you, Abhi. I appreciate that. It's good to have you home."
"It's good to be home. Now all I need is to spoil my Princess."
Shanelle shook her head with a chuckle.
"Just what she doesn't need."
Abhi laughed. 
"In the meantime, come nephew. Let's get you fitted."
For the next hour and a half, Shanelle watched and laughed as Abhi and Marquise fussed at each other. 
"Ai!" Marquise yelped as Abhi stabbed him with a sewing needle. 
"Stop fidgeting!" Abhi fussed.
"Put your glasses on, old man!"
"I can see just fine nephew."
"If that were the case you wouldn't be stabbing me in my hip with your needle!" 
"You never have learned to hold still!"
"That's because you're always stabbing me!"
"Then hold still! Besides, I'm almost done."
"I hope so," Marquise muttered. 
"You two are adorable," Shanelle said to them. 
"Totally hilarious." Marquise deadpanned.
"And done!" Abhi announced.
"Finally!" Marquise said.
"Taisez-vous! Now how do the pants feel?" Abhi asked Marquise.
"Stab wounds aside, they feel good. They can be taken up at the hem of the legs a little bit." Marquise replies.
"I will keep that in mind. Now let's try on the jacket."
Marquise slipped on the suit jacket.
"How does the jacket feel, nephew?" Abhi asked.
"It's a little tight in the shoulders but other than that it feels fine," Marquise replies.
Abhi nodded as he scribbled something on a notepad he took out of his pocket. 
"I will take it out at the shoulders when I get to the shop," Abhi said to Marquise before turning his attention to Shanelle, "Now for my Queen. Come, come! I have your dress ready." 
Abhi unzipped a garment bag revealing a beautifully flowing red gown. 
"Abhi, it's beautiful!" Shanelle said to him.
"Thank you, my niece. Now let's see how you look in it."
Shanelle ducked behind a screen and reappeared wearing the dress.
"Well, how is it, my Queen?" Abhi asked.
"Oh. My. God! Abhi, it feels amazing," Shanelle replies.
"Good, good! Now that I'm looking at it I need to take it up at the hem so that it's not sweeping the floor so much." 
"No, keep it. It helps hide my huge feet."
Abhi looked at her confusedly.
"There's nothing wrong with your feet, niece."
"Tell that to your nephew."
Abhi looked over at Marquise with a skeptical eyebrow raised.
"Neveu, avez-vous menti sur ses pieds pour lui faire peur?" 
Marquise shrugged.
"Non. Je lui dis juste la vérité qu'elle n'aime pas entendre et accepter." 
Abhi shook his head.
"Uh-huh. Stop scaring her. Her feet are not that big."
Marquise raised his hands in defeat. 
"Fine. I'll leave her alone. For now."
"I'm gonna change," Shanelle said before she ducked behind the screen. When she re-emerged she had the new dress in its garment bag.
"Well now that I have the Queen dressed all I'm missing now is my little Princess." 
"Lord, if she finds out that you're here," Shanelle said just as a pair of feet were heard coming down the hall.
"Sounds like she already knows." Marquise quipped.
"You told her, didn't you?" Shanelle asked Marquise. 
"Maybe..." Marquise replies.
The door to the boutique bursts open revealing a very excited Princess with Margo right behind her.
"Uncle Abhi!" she squealed as she ran to him.
"There's my Princess! How are you my dear?" he replies as he hugs her.
"I'm good! Are you here to bring Daddy a new suit?" Khari asked Abhi.
"Yes, and I even have a special surprise for you," Abhi replies. 
"Really?!" Khari asked.
"Yes, my dear. It's in that small garment bag."
Khari grabbed a small garment bag off a chair.
"This is for me?" Khari asks.
"Yes, my Princess. Now let's get you dressed." Abhi replies.
"Okay. Grammy, will you help me?" Khari asks.
"Of course darling," Margo replies.
Margo helped Khari change into her dress. When they emerged Shanelle and Marquise were speechless.
"Well Princess, what do you think?" Abhi asked Khari.
"I love it, Uncle Abhi! Thank you so much!" Khari replied as she twirled in her new dress. 
"You look as much of a vision as your mother. Speaking of, what do the parents think?" Abhi asked.
"It's gorgeous Abhi. Really." Shanelle replies.
"I look like you, Mommy," Khari said to Shanelle.
"You look better than me," Shanelle replied.
Abhi looked at Margo.
"Well? Any biting remarks from my sister?" Abhi asked her.
"Non! You did beautifully. You know this." Margo replies.
Marquise remained quiet.
"What's wrong son?" Margo asks.
"I've seen this dress before," Marquise replies.
"You have Daddy?" Khari asked.
"Yes, my love," Marquise replies.
"I would hope so. I only ever designed this dress for one other person." Abhi said before handing Marquise a folded old photo.
It was a picture of his mother and him as a child. She was wearing the same dress in a cream color with a hand on his shoulder.
"That's why I know this dress. This was the dress my mother wore to the first Cordonian Cotillion I ever went to." 
"You mean the same Cotillion you fussed about going to?" Margo asks.
"I didn't fuss!" Marquise replies.
Margo made a face.
"But Mother! I don't want to go!" Margo said mockingly.
Shanelle guffawed and Khari giggled.
"For the record, I was seven!"
"My sister's point exactly, nephew."  Abhi quipped.
Marquise shook his head.
"Okay fine. So I may have whined just a tad."
"Hah! That's an understatement." Margo piped up.
"You, thin ice," Marquise warned. 
Abhi smiled wistfully.
"I remember when your mother called and asked me to make a special suit for the Master Of Ceremonies."
"Master of Ceremonies?" Khari asks.
"Yes. It was the only way my mother was able to get me to go. She named me the Master Of Ceremonies for that night." Marquise replies. 
"What is that Daddy?" Khari asks her dad.
"It's the same as you being the Mistress Of Ceremonies for the Last Apple Ball," he replies. 
"Can I see the picture?" Khari asks.
Marquise handed her the picture. She looked at it with a smile. 
"Your Mommy looks so pretty Daddy."
"She was." Marquise agreed.
Khari held the picture to her heart.
"Uncle Abhi, can I keep this?" Khari asks.
"Of course. It's your father's picture anyway." Abhi replied. 
Khari looked at her father who simply nodded.
"I like her hair. Can I wear my hair like that?" Khari asks.
"In one long braid? I don't see why not. Right mom?" Marquise replies.
"Fine by me. Now come on sweetie. Let's hang your dress up." Shanelle said. 
As she and Khari went behind the screen, Marquise pulled Abhi and Margo to the side.
"I could've sworn you told my father that you would never make that dress again when he asked you to make it for Regina," Marquise said to Abhi.
"Non, I told him I never had a reason to make that dress again. But now thanks to my great niece, I do." Abhi replies. 
Marquise nodded.
"Thank you, Abhi. It means the world to me that Khari is wearing the only other rendition of my mother's dress. I am curious though. How did you get this photo?" Marquise asks.
"I gave it to him," Margo replies. "When your father started burning your mother's photo albums from her childhood in Auvernal, I got scared that he would burn her albums from her time as Queen as well. So I hid them from him and then when it was safe I sent them to Abh. And he's kept them all these years." 
Marquise nodded gratefully. 
"I understand."
"I will send them back to you," Abhi said.
Marquise shook his head no.
"Keep them, uncle. They're safe. That's all I care about."
Khari came from behind the screen with the garment bag in her arms. 
"Thank you, Uncle Abhi. I love my dress." Khari as she hugged Abhi.
"You're so welcome, my niece. I promise that you will be the most beautiful belle at the ball." Abhi replies.
"Will you be the Last Apple Ball?" Khari asks.
"You know I'm not sure. I think my invitation got lost in the mail." Abhi replies.
Khari made a face at her father.
"Daddy!" she fussed.
Shanelle and Margo died laughing.
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Don't look at me! I'm not the one who is handling the invitations."
"You're the King, Daddy! You're always supposed to invite everybody!" Khari fussed.
"I do! Besides, Uncle Abhi has a standing invitation! You know this." 
"But how will the people at the door know?" Khari asks.
"We'll make sure they know to let Uncle Abhi and Aunt Vivienne in," Shanelle replies.
"Okay, Mommy."
"Now I believe you have homework. Go get your homework done." Shanelle said to Khari.
"Okay," Khari replied before leaving the boutique.
Later that night as Shanelle got ready to climb into bed she noticed her husband standing on their balcony staring off into the distance.
"Penny for your thoughts?" she asks as she stepped out onto the balcony.
"Sure," he replies.
"Are you okay babe?" she asked.
"I will be," he replies as he leaned against the stone railing. 
"Is the picture? Is that it?" she asked.
"That obvious?" he replied.
"You're not mad at Abhi and Margo are you?" she asks.
"No, not at all. It just..." he trailed off.
"Brought up a whole bunch of emotions you thought were buried?" she asks.
He nodded.
"Yeah. I hadn't seen that picture in years. It just hit. That's all." he replies. 
She softly kissed the back of his left shoulder.
"It's okay to feel, baby. You're allowed to."
He chuckled softly.
"I know. It's getting late so we should get some rest."
She slipped her right hand into his left as she led him back into the bedroom.
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2022 Writing Year in Review
thank you for the tag @northerngoshawk!! 💕
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 18
2. Word count this year: 172,404 words! we could get really technical and subtract the word counts for the fics i technically wrote in 2021 but typed/posted in 2022, but that’s a lot of work i don’t feel like doing lol
3. Fandoms I wrote for: ATLA, Law & Order, MCU (+ Venom), Monk, and Medium. not sure i want to know what that says about me...
4. Pairings: petermj (mcu), allison/joe (medium), kincoy (claire/jack from l&o), zukaang (atla), tylara (atla), mjflash (mcu), and kataang (atla). a nice mixture!
5. Stories with the most:
Kudos: Walls (my mj&flash friendship fic) comes in first with 114 kudos
Bookmarks: Walls comes out on top again with 29 bookmarks!
Comment threads: this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine), my mjflash + venom!flash fic, has the most comment threads by far with 47, the result of a small but loyal following of readers who made my day every time they commented 💛
Word count: by a hair, The Wrong Note (my monk x medium crossover) has the highest word count at 37,630 words! this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine) has 37,011 words
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why): im proud of all my works for different reasons! today i shall spotlight my children will listen series, consisting of two waterbending-centric fics narrated by kanna and katara respectively; both stories explore cultural loss and intergenerational trauma. i’d never written companion pieces prior to that point, so im proud of how i was able to construct those parallel narratives! i also had a blast reworking one of my favorite shel silverstein poems to weave throughout the story
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why): ?? this is a silly question. fanfic is my hobby, im not writing it for journal publication. onto the next one!
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received: literally Every review i got on the children will listen series; i had no idea how impactful those fics would be or how many people would relate to it, but im so glad i ended up writing and publishing them! i also have to shoutout ocean’s review on time apart, time together (the tylara fic i wrote for her bday 💛) bc she truly Understood that story through and through, and i am equal parts delighted and relieved that she did (since it was written for her 💕)
9. A time when writing was really, really hard: i mean, im a college student. i almost never write fic during the semester, lol. i Literally haven’t written fic since,,,, august 2022. (technically i could have written some fic these past few weeks BUT it’s the holidays so i’ve been spending time with family + revising my research paper + loosely working on some original writing)
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: BRUH all of my law & order fics surprised me 😭 come on, babe (why don’t we paint the town?) contains Thee sexiest scene i’ve ever written; find a flask (we’re playing fast and loose) is written SOLELY from jack’s pov (a 50-year-old white man, how low have i fallen); and it was more than worth it (my kincoy magnum opus) was my first foray into nonlinear storytelling. all in all, 2022 was quite an experimental year for me!
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing: i’ve talked to death my favorite excerpt from it was more than worth it, so instead i’ll spotlight an excerpt from if memories could fade away (my mj birthday fic):
Ned sticks his tongue out at her, and MJ responds in turn before opening the door anyway, because he’s Ned and she’s MJ and it’s always been just them, the two of them, eight years going on eighteen.
“Damn, girl, you live like this?” Ned says as he enters, watching where he steps so he doesn’t trip over one of her many piles of everything—textbooks, clothes, journals, old CDs too scratched to use that will soon become the basis of MJ’s next art project: voices we no longer hear.
She remembers getting each CD, starting with Let Go on her tenth birthday, back when she lived in New Orleans and always kept her curly brown hair in symmetrical cornrows or cropped at the base of her neck because of the suffocating humidity. She remembers taking each CD and ripping the music to her computer so her dad could move it onto her tiny red MP3 player for the long, long ride to Queens that began the next day. She remembers two CDs breaking during the drive and one CD breaking when they arrived because she threw it at the wall of her empty new room, angry, so angry she’d been ripped from her home like music from a shiny silver disc and it wasn’t fair, it wasn’t fair—
“You see, guests usually stay downstairs,” MJ teases, pushing aside a pile of clothes so Ned has room to sit on her bed. She takes a seat at her desk, spinning the chair around to face her dearest friend. “If I’d known you were planning to invade my personal space, I might have considered making my living arrangements more presentable.”
Ned snickers. “Considered, and then not done a damn thing about them?”
MJ winks at him. “You know me so well.”
Ned has known her so long, known her messy room, known her impenetrable walls, known her since she was thrown into a new school in a new city expected to make new friends when Michelle knew even at ten that would never happen, not that year, because 5th graders had already chosen their loyal companions five, six, seven years ago and there was no room for a Black girl to fit into a white noise machine that already hummed along without her.
Her parents sent her to school anyway. She must not have been persuasive enough.
MJ MY BELOVED!!! 🥺💛 i enjoyed playing with sentence length/rhythm and metaphors/similes in this fic, and i think this excerpt in particular captures that experimentation
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: hmmmm well i tried my hand at some action sequences in this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine), which probably counts for something. and like i already mentioned, it was more than worth it was my first foray into nonlinear storytelling (and a lot of people told me they enjoyed it!) + if memories could fade away involved stylistic experimentation. in other words, i think i grew as a writer simply by letting myself try new things, from how i told stories to what content i included within them!
13. How do you hope to grow next year: i just want to write more, honestly. the more i write, the more i can try, and hopefully the more i’ll grow! to be more specific, i want to try my hand at some sci-fi/near-future dystopian original stories (à la kazuo ishiguro’s klara and the sun)
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): probably ocean and ambi! they always put up with my fic-related ramblings, are wonderful to bounce ideas off of, and by virtue of their existence (and enthusiasm) remind me why i love writing fic in the first place 💛 in terms of non-tumblr influences, haha, reading the promise by damon galgut was a GAME CHANGER for me. third person omniscient with no quotation marks?? the entire story is an allegory for post-apartheid south africa?? a stylistic and thematic MASTERPIECE. i can only dream of writing a novel with such artistic daring
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: lol this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine) is packedTM with shakespeare references and milton jokes; if memories could fade away explicitly mentions one of avril lavigne’s albums (seen in the provided excerpt); won’t you hang a picture? references nancy drew; and Walls involves a whole project about the picture of dorian gray. when narratively appropriate, i never hesitate to sneak in my own interests 😂
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: write for fun! write what you love! don’t be afraid to experiment! listen to the incredibles soundtrack while you write! read, read, read! write with a cat on your lap! never delete anything! write when you’re inspired and write when you’re not! if it brings you joy to create, then what you create is good enough!
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: honestly, i want to focus on my original writing and my research more, so i may not have as much time for fic. that said, i hope to write:
a sequel to this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine)
the next part of my mcu medium!au
ml fic in general
atla fic in general
time will tell!
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: i know a lot of people have been tagged for this already, so apologies if im bombarding you or if you’ve already done this! i’ll tag @justoceanmyth, @ambivalentmarvel, @seek--rest, and @shifuaang :)
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
Mercy Down
by SilverSkiesAtMidnight They find Jason's trackers on the rooftop of the apartment building - every single one, carefully and efficiently cut from his clothes, except for the ones in his shoes. Those garments have been abandoned wholesale. Analysis of these trackers back at the cave will later reveal them to have been fried by an electric current - a direct hit, not merely an EMP, from which their trackers are largely shielded. They find, too, Jason’s personal taser, the little red one that Bruce had gifted to him to carry at all times in his civilian identity. The tracker contained in the device is the only surviving one, the one that brought them to this rooftop. It had last moved a mere seven minutes before Damian had arrived on the scene. An entire seven minutes before Damian had arrived. They do not find Jason. They don’t find any evidence of where or how he was taken, no trails they can follow. It’s like he was simply cut out of their universe, nothing but his shoes and his weapon left behind. And Damian is horribly, terribly aware that the last time a boy vanished like this, he never came home again.   Prompt: Interrogation Words: 6079, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of HSB Mini Bingo Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne Relationships: Tim Drake & Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne Additional Tags: Reverse Robins AU, jason isn't technically in this fic but it kind of all circles around him, Heavy Angst, Torture, Blood and Injury, Hurt Tim Drake, Hurt Damian Wayne, Hurt/Comfort, Tim Drake is Red Hood, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Character Death, Damian Wayne Has a Heart, Good Sibling Damian Wayne, Tim Drake Whump, Permanent Injury, Amputation, Tim Drake is Not Okay, Misunderstandings, Protective Damian Wayne, Protective Bruce Wayne, Protective Tim Drake, Hopeful Ending via https://ift.tt/5IacBH7
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