#king marquise
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The Royal Romance.
A/N: this is the next chapter in the journey of my OTP. Follow along for the fun.
Rated: Mature (at times can and will be Explicit. I'll be sure to change the rating when and if that happens). | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual. Y'all should be used to this from me by now 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: King Marquise Rys (LI) and Queen Shanelle Miller-Rys (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me and/or other authors [their characters have been mentioned and/or used in the story with their permission] ) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 10K words. (may be slightly more or may be slightly less. Look, I stop counting after editing and re-editing and driving myself insane. 🤷🏾♀️)
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This series is rated Mature and/or Explicit. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
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Tag List: @tessa-liam @choicesficwriterscreations
Chapter 13.) Breaking Point.
It had been a few weeks since Lord Tariq Sauvageon's televised press conference. While he offered a somewhat sincere apology for his deception, he gave his support to Lord and Lady Gallagher. Citing that he couldn't in good faith trust the current Monarchs to lead the kingdom forward. Many in the kingdom couldn't believe he had been alive for years or that he had a brother living in his place. And they questioned his integrity and intentions after his meeting with Princess Naya went left and she hit him with a suit for his infidelity.
Meanwhile, Their Majesties had other matters to attend to. Including the return of The International Art and Food Festival and The Sovereign Unity Ball, which they were hosting for the upcoming visit of the Drakovian Royal Family.
"So a ball and a festival all within a week and a half of each other. Are you sure about this?" Shanelle asked her husband over breakfast with their children.
"Totally sure. We haven't hosted the International Art and Food Festival since before Khari was born." Marquise replied.
"Yeah. Daddy said there will be a lot of artists there, and face painting and lots of food and music." Khari spoke up.
"Face paint sissy?" Kylo asks.
"Yes, my love. There will be a lot for you three to do next weekend. They'll even have my favorite charity art auction and show. And to make it even better, we'll make it a big family trip." Marquise replied.
"Whole family doe (go) Daddy?" Zyon asked.
"Yes, my boy. It'll give us a chance to have lots of fun. And we'll even get to meet your new cousin." Marquise replied.
"We'll get to meet baby Noah Daddy?" Khari asked.
"Yup! And! We'll be staying at a new bed and breakfast that just opened up," he replied.
"Ooooh!" the children said in unison.
Marquise smiled at his children before addressing his wife.
"It'll be a good time and it has been a while since we visited Castelsarreillan. And admittedly I want to see where Kiara stands on this challenge issue."
"You don't think she'll turn on us like last time, do you?" Shanelle asked.
"No. I think she learned her lesson about turning against us but it doesn't hurt to be sure."
"Fair point. But what about the ball?" Shanelle asked.
"With Lydea being crowned the new Queen, I'm hoping she'll be a tad more receptive to helping Kasnia in the war than her mother would've been," he replied.
"What makes you think she'd be open to helping?"
Marquise took a thoughtful sip of his coffee.
"Because she's actually more pragmatic and diplomatic than many give her credit for. Even us. Also, this impending war would be just as bad for them as it would be for everyone else. And well, King Desaad hates them almost as much as he hates us. I also have it on good authority that he reached out to Her Majesty with a proposition to join him in invading Kasnia."
"He did?" Shanelle asked.
"Yes, and Lydea all but told him to go fuck himself. He was hoping she'd look past the fact that her father and Richard had become friends over the years. He and Audrey attended Maksim's retirement gala."
"So you're thinking you can sway her into helping Kasnia?" Shanelle asked.
"You never know what you can and can't do until you try," Marquise replied.
"True. Well, let's finish breakfast so we can get little Miss Thing over here off to school. And I'll get the boys ready for their doctor's appointment Shanelle said to her husband.
"Remember: no shots Mommy!" Khari warned.
Marquise snorted as Shanelle rolled her eyes.
"Finish your breakfast my love so you can get ready for school." Marquise said to Khari before asking Shanelle, "What time is the twins' appointment?"
"10:30 AM. We'll have to head into Nadia's office. Her office called and said they were swamped today so she won't be able to make it here to the palace," Shanelle replied.
Marquise looked at his watch.
"Okay. I have a meeting with the generals right now but I should be done before their appointment."
Shanelle nodded.
After getting Khari off to school, Marquise headed to his meeting, while Shanelle took the boys to get them ready for their doctor's appointment. Soon Their Majesties and the twins were off to the pediatrician's office at the children's hospital. With their teddy bears in their arms, the boys walked into the office with their parents. Stopping to say hi to everyone they walked past.
Once inside the exam room, the boys went around trying to inspect everything they could see.
"Hello everyone! It's good to see you all this morning." Nadia said in greeting to them.
"Nadi!" the boys said as they ran to her.
"Hello, my little ones! It's so good to see you both." she said as she hugged the boys, "Oh! Big hugs! Very big hugs from my boys!"
She then smiled at her niece and nephew.
"And how are Mama and Daddy?" she asks.
"So far so good," Marquise replied.
"Uh-huh. What's this I hear about Dr. Andersen having to increase your blood pressure medication?" Nadia asked him.
"He told you?" he replied.
"Of course, he told me. You forget I am not just the heirs' pediatrician, I am the head member of the palace physician staff."
Marquise shook his head with a small smile.
"I'm fine Nadia."
"No, you're not, nephew. Dr. Andersen didn't increase your blood pressure medication on a whim. Now, I know what I'm about to ask you to do is nearly impossible for a man in your position but, I need you to stop stressing out so much."
"Easier said than done, Nadia."
"Indeed it is my King. Especially with this so-called challenge, you both have to deal with. But I know you can relax, nephew. You must."
"Are you prescribing rest for the king doctor?" he asked in a lighthearted tone.
"I am indeed. And you will follow that prescription. Won't you?" Nadia replied.
Marquise snorted.
"By your command, Your Grace."
Nadia shook her head with a soft smile before turning to Shanelle.
"And how are Mama and Baby doing?" she asked.
"I'm doing okay," Shanelle replied with a hand on her baby bump.
"Any nausea or morning sickness?"
"No. Well not as much as I had with the boys."
"To be fair Your Majesty, you were pregnant with twins the last time."
"Have you kept up with your prenatals?"
"Yes ma'am. I took my morning ones earlier. And I will take my evening ones tonight."
"Good very good. Now while I will be checking in with Reyna about you and the baby's progress periodically, you'll be sure to let me know if anything is wrong won't you?" Nadia asks.
"Of course. I'll be sure to keep you in the loop." Shanelle replied.
Nadia nodded.
"And now, for my little ones. Are you boys ready?" Nadia asked the twins.
"Uh huh!" Zyon replied.
"Yeah yeah yeah!" Kylo replied.
"Very good, my little ones. Now let's get started."
The boy's checkup went smoothly. Even when they had to get their shots, Nadia made sure they were comfortable the whole time.
"Okay, my little ones. I know you don't like this part, so let's sing a song to make the time go by."
"Song Nadi?" Kylo asked.
"Yes, my dear. Now repeat after me, I know that shots can be scary but they help me grow big and healthy. Now Kylo, you're first, can you sing it with me?" She asked Kylo.
He put on his thoughtful face and then nodded.
"I know that shots can be scary but they help me grow big and healthy." They sang together as she administered his shot, "Very good Kylo! You did a great job. You were very brave."
"Brave? Yike (like) knight?" Kylo asked.
"Yes, my dear. Just like the knights of old. Now I have Transformers bandaids. Do you want Autobots or Decepticons?" she replied.
"Opmus (Optimus) Prime," Kylo said to her.
She put the bandaid over the spot.
"There. Much better. Now Zyon, are you ready?" She asked.
After squeezing his teddy bear nervously, he shook his head no.
"No! Don't yike (like) shots! Scary!" He said.
Kylo grabbed his brother's hand.
"Not scary! Promise!" Kylo said to his brother.
"Not scary brudder (brother)?" Zyon asked.
"Nope nope nope! Dotta (gotta) be brave. Yike (like) knights." Kylo replied.
Zyon thought for a second.
"Otay (okay) I be brave." Zyon said to his brother, "otay Nadi. I ready."
"Okay my sweet," she said to Zyon, "Now sing it with me, I know that shots can be scary but they help me grow big and healthy."
He sang with her as she gave him his shot.
"Well done my dear! You were also very brave," she said to Zyon, "Now do you want Autobots or Decepticons?"
"Decepicons (Decepticons)," Zyon said to her.
"And there, all done. Thank you both for being very brave today. Now do you two want a sticker or a lollipop?" She asked the twins.
"Sticker!" Zyon replied.
"Lollipop!" Kylo replied.
Shanelle leaned over to whisper to her husband.
"I think we just found the twins' villain origin story."
Marquise snickered.
"And now that we're all done I have a few recommendations for you," Nadia said to the parents.
"Which are?" Marquise asked.
"I would like to schedule an appointment with a child behavioral development specialist. It's nothing alarming but I do want to be able to track their behavioral and mental development." Nadia replied.
Shanelle nodded slowly.
"I promise you both, it's totally safe and it could rule out any defects in their development, such as autism."
"Alright. You go ahead and schedule it and let us know."
"Of course my King. To make it a little easier I will be there with the therapist and I'll have them meet the twins at the palace."
Nadia gave Shanelle a reassuring smile.
"I promise you, my dear. They will be safe. The therapist I have in mind is great with children. They will be as gentle with them as possible. Of that I assure you."
Shanelle nodded.
"Okay. I trust you."
Nadia nodded.
"The other recommendation is to get them in with a child optometrist. Out of precaution, I'd like to have their eyes checked. I noticed a little dilation in Kylo's pupils so I want to have them checked just in case."
"Do you think he'll need glasses?" Shanelle asks.
"Hard to say at this point but if he does, I can say he won't be the first Prince to wear glasses. Sebastian wore them as did his grandfather King Leonidis when he was Prince, and my father Lawrence did as well." Nadia replied.
"So does my dad and I wear them as well on occasion," Shanelle added.
"So I'll go ahead and schedule that appointment as well. I'll contact you both once it's scheduled."
"Alright. Thank you, Nadia." Marquise said to her.
"Of course. It's always a pleasure to care for my little ones. I'll see you both soon for the Princess's checkup. And hopefully, then it'll be at the palace."
"We don't mind coming to your office Nadia. You know this." Marquise said to her.
"I know. Now remember what I told you, nephew. You need to relax more."
"Yes ma'am. I will try."
Nadia shook her head with a smile.
"I will see you all soon," Nadia said to them before leaving the exam room.
After leaving Nadia's office and stopping for lunch at their favorite bistro in the city center, Their Majesties and the twins arrived back at the palace. After a quick kiss to his wife who took the twins with her, His Majesty headed to his office. When he got there he was greeted by an unhappy-looking Lord Gallagher.
"Well, it's about time you got here! I've been waiting here for hours while you and your wife were out lollygagging around." he sneered at Marquise.
Marquise looked at his watch.
"Are you going to explain yourself or just stand there?!" Lord Gallagher asked impatiently.
"If you must know my Lord, I'm waiting for you to shut up and get out of my way," Marquise replied.
Lord Gallagher looked at Marquise indignantly.
"How dare you speak to me in that matter!"
"As the King of this kingdom, I can and will speak to you however I damn well please," Marquise hissed at him, "Now if you will excuse me, I have actual business to attend to. And oh! One more thing, not that this needs to be said but, no formal request from you, no audience with me. Now do have a day you deserve, my Lord."
Marquise then walked past Lord Gallagher and entered his office, locking the door behind him. After taking several deep breaths he walked toward his desk. Once at his desk, Marquise opened his laptop and started a video call with King Balthazar of Kasnia.
"Richard! It's so good to see you again," he said in greeting.
"Hello, Marquise! It's good to see you as well!" Richard replied.
"I know I shouldn't ask this but how are you doing?" Marquise asked.
"I am...remembering to breathe and not yell and throw things every five seconds," Richard replied.
"I can imagine. How is Aunt Audrey?" he asked.
"She is holding us all together. But I worry this is taking a toll on her as much as it is on me." Richard replied.
"I can understand. I am sorry that you both are in this position in the first place."
Richard waved him off.
"It's not your fault, my boy. If anyone is to blame it's that god-awful ignoramus, Demetrius," King Richard hissed, "I've known of his arrogance and greed for years but even I didn't think he'd stoop this low. Then again, he ousted his cousin from the throne so I guess it's pretty much on-brand for him."
"Indeed. And I do apologize for not being able to do more for you and your people at the moment."
"I am thankful for what you have done. The artillery package you sent has helped. I've never seen so many weapons! And the tanks you sent! I might have to sneak into your armory again."
Marquise snorted.
"Didn't you do that when my mother was alive?" Marquise asked.
Richard rolled his eyes good-naturedly.
"So I took a few weapons. So what? Your father certainly wasn't going to do anything with them and your mother didn't seem to mind too much." Richard replied.
"And you think now I'm just going to let you walk into one of my armories and take what you want?" Marquise asks.
"You are your mother's child, Your Majesty," Richard replied with a snicker.
Marquise snorted.
"It's good to see you laughing, Richard."
"All thanks to you. I really do appreciate all you've done to assist my kingdom. Again the artillery package has helped us in this fight and your being willing to open your borders to my people who have fled, brings me so much relief. I thank you for everything you've done."
"Of course Richard. It is my honor to help you all. When our Defense Council is ready, I hope that we'll finally be able to send troops."
"I wait for that day. Well, I won't take up too much of your time, my boy."
"Alright. We'll speak again soon."
Richard nodded before ending the video call. Just then there was a knock at the door.
"Come in!" Marquise said to the door.
Margo walked in.
"There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you," she said to him as she entered the room.
"I was just speaking with King Richard."
"Richard? That's wonderful. How is he doing?" Margo asked.
"As good as can be expected. He was very appreciative of the artillery package we sent over." Marquise replied.
"Good. And how are you doing, my King?" Margo asked.
"I'm okay. We had the boys' checkup today." Marquise replied.
"How did it go?" she asked.
"Good. They got shots today so I'm not too sure that the Princess will approve," he replied, "Nadia also wants them to see a child behavioral specialist and an optometrist. She wants the boys to have their eyes checked." he replied.
Margo nodded.
"I know you didn't have to tell me but thank you for telling me anyway."
"Of course Mama. You are their grandmother on top of being their defender. It is vital that you are up to date with their health. Khari has an appointment with her in a few weeks. Right now, we're preparing for the International Art and Food Festival."
"The International Art and Food Festival? I didn't know you were starting that again."
"Yes. After the success of The Five Kingdoms Festival, I thought it'd be a good time to host it. I will be meeting with the committee later to go over the final details and categories."
Margo nodded.
"You know your uncle helped to bring the festival to Cordonia."
"No, I didn't know that."
"Oh yes. He and Duke Theron spearheaded the effort shortly after George and I joined the palace staff."
"I knew he loved to attend but I didn't know that he helped bring it to the kingdom."
"Mmmhmm. Your father used to say that Sebastian hounded him about it for weeks until he finally caved."
Marquise chuckled.
"From what I know about him, that sounds like something he would do."
"And it didn't help your father's cause that Sebastian had the support of your mother in this endeavor as well. It was right after they got married."
"Now that sounds like something my mother would do. He always whined about her not always agreeing with him."
Margo smiled at him wistfully.
"What is that smile for?" he asked.
"Pride," she replied.
"Isn't that one of the seven sins?" he asked teasingly.
"A mother's pride for and of her children is never sinful," she replied.
"I hope you remember that when I finally turn into a psychotic axe murderer."
Margo snorted.
"Tease me all you like. I will always be proud of you. Even then."
Marquise shook his head with a smirk.
"That is why I love you."
"Indeed it is. Well, I have taken up enough of your time, my King."
"I shall go check on Her Majesty and the twins. I shall see you later, sire."
Marquise chuckled.
"Very well Madam. I will see you later. Thank you for spending time with me."
With one last smile, Margo left and Marquise got ready for his next meeting. Margo made her way to Shanelle's office where the boys were playing in a corner.
"Gammy!" the boys said to her.
"There's my two turtle doves." Margo said to the boys as ran into her arms, "I will never get tired of hugs from you two."
When looked over to Shanelle, she had her head down on her desk.
"Your Majesty? Are you alright?" she asked Shanelle.
When Shanelle looked up, she had an uneasy look on her face.
"No. I think what I had for lunch is not agreeing with this baby," she replied with a groan.
"Oh dear."
"What wong (wrong) Gammy?" Kylo asked.
"Mommy doesn't feel good my dear," Margo replied.
"Oh no!" Kylo said.
"Uh oh!" Zyon said.
Margo smiled at the twins before looking at Shanelle.
"Here, why don't you go lay down and leave the little ones to me?" Margo asked.
"Are you sure?" Shanelle replied.
"Yes, my dear. Leave the boys to me. You go lay down." Margo replies.
Shanelle nodded.
"Thank you. Really. I was fine earlier when we were at their appointment. But! Morning Sickness strikes anyway."
"I totally understand my dear. I'll have the kitchen bring you some apple tea to settle your stomach. Off with you now."
Shanelle smiled softly.
"Yes ma'am."
"Bye, Mommy!" Zyon said to her.
"See you yater (later)!" Kylo said to her.
"See you later babies."
With a hug and kiss to each of her boys, Shanelle went on to lie down.
"Now my little ones, let's go check on our garden," Margo said to the twins.
"Darden (garden)?" Zyon asks.
"Yes, my love. We have to water our flowers and check on our carrots. They should be ready to harvest." Margo replied.
"Yeah! Doe (go) outside! Amon (come on) Gammy! Let's doe (go)!" Kylo said.
Margo followed the boys outside to their garden. After watching them water their flowers and then run around playing for a while, she and the twins then went to pick Khari up from school. When she saw her granddaughter, she couldn't help the flutter of her heart.
"Hi Grammy! Hi boys!" Khari said to her.
"Sissy!" the boys said in unison.
After giving the boys each a hug, she wrapped Margo in a loving hug.
"Hello, my sweet. How was school today?" she asked.
"It was good. Mommy and Daddy aren't coming?" Khari replies.
"No. Your mother wasn't feeling good and your father had back-to-back meetings. So here we are."
Khari giggled.
"That's okay. You're just as good as them, Grammy."
"Shall we go?" Margo asks.
"Yeah. Can we stop for a snack?" Khari replied.
"Snack!" the boys cheered.
Margo bowed her head with a smile.
"Of course my dear. Let's go get a snack."
Later that evening after putting their children to bed, Marquise checked on his wife.
"How are you feeling?" he asked her.
"While I understand why your mother swore by it during her pregnancy, I think I've had enough apple tea to last me a lifetime," she replied.
Marquise chuckled.
"I know. But as long as you're feeling better, I'm happy."
"How were your meetings?" she asked.
"Productive. Everything is ready to go for the start of the festival next Friday." he replied, "I even spoke with Duke Theron."
"And how did that go?" she asked.
"He is excited for the festival to begin. He even tried to talk me into hosting the International Auto Expo," he replied.
"One thing at a time, please. And what about the ball? Is everything ready?" she asked.
"Yes. I sent word to Her Majesty and she replied that the Royal Family will be in attendance," he replied.
"Will all of them be attending?" she asked.
Marquise snorted.
"Unfortunately yes. All of them will be there. Including Kasper the kleptomaniac." he replied.
Shanelle's face soured.
"But I have it on very good authority that he will be under the close watch of his sister's guards and ours."
Shanelle sighed.
"The last thing we need is her kleptomaniac little brother getting his hands anywhere near anything valuable. But as long as he's under the guard's watchful eyes, I think I will be okay."
He kissed the back of her left hand.
"You needn't worry, my love."
"In the meantime, my King, we have a festival to get ready for."
"Indeed we do."
That following Thursday, The Royal Family travelled to Castelsarreillan. While looking out the window, His Majesty looked out to see an open field, when inspiration struck.
"Diego! Pull over! Now!" Marquise told their driver.
"What?" Shanelle said to him.
"Huh?" Khari asked.
"What doing Daddy?" Kylo asks.
"What wong (wrong)?" Zyon asked.
Once their limo pulled over to the side of the road, Marquise got out.
"What are you doing?" Shanelle asked him.
"You'll find out in a second. But first everybody out! Come on boys! Come on Khari! Out of the car!" Marquise replied.
Shanelle watched Khari unbuckle herself and her brothers and they got out of the car. After a second Shanelle got out after them. When Shanelle got out she watched her husband signal the rest of the motorcade to pull over.
"What has gotten into you?!" Shanelle asked Marquise.
"This." he replied before turning to their daughter, "tag! You're it!"
"Can't catch me!" he said as he took running.
"Come back here Daddy!" Khari said as she and her brothers took off after him.
Shanelle was shocked.
"Oh! My! God! My husband has lost his mind." she said to herself.
She watched as her children tried to catch their father.
"I'm gonna get you, Daddy!" Khari said to him as she and her brothers ran after him.
"You gotta catch me first!" he called out to them.
Shanelle couldn't believe what she was seeing. The children had him surrounded with Khari finally tackling her father to the ground.
"Ha! Got you!" she said to him.
"Yes, you did. That means...I'm it!"
"Uh oh!"
"This is the part where you start running."
"RUN BOYS RUN!" Khari told the others.
Marquise watched the children go in different directions before running after them. Margo sidled up to Shanelle.
"My son has gone insane. This is your chance to have him committed so you and my granddaughter can rule," she whispered.
Shanelle cackled.
"The genius of my mother-in-law strikes again."
"Mommy! Help!" Khari called out to her mother.
"Excuse me whilst I go save the children from the big bad gone mad King."
Shanelle kicked off her shoes and then joined in on the fun. Soon Marquise had mostly everyone traveling with him running around laughing and rolling around in the field. The fun came to an end when everyone was out of breath and laughing.
"What has gotten into you?" Shanelle asked her husband who was still out of breath but laughing.
"Many years ago, we were traveling with my father to a state dinner that Duke Theron's father was hosting. And my father had his nose deep into his notes." Marquise replied.
"I remember that. According to your mother at the time, your father was trying to impress a visiting Duke and his family." Margo added.
Marquise nodded.
"Yes. That's right. Anyway, as we rode along, my mother looked out the window and saw a field. She had the driver pull over to the side of the road, dragged us all out of the car, and then said to my father in no uncertain terms 'Tag your it.' and took off running. Leo and I looked at dad and ran after my mother. And before we all knew it, my father was chasing after all of us. She got everyone who was traveling with us to play with us." he replied.
Marquise shook his head with a smile.
"You all should have seen it. Nobles and children alike just running around laughing. It was one of the few times in my life that I remember my father genuinely smiling and laughing and just having a good time. It was one of the only times that I remember when he didn't have a care in the world. So when I saw this field I felt inspired,"
Khari wrapped her dad's arm around herself.
"I like that memory, Daddy," Khari said to him.
"I do too." Shanelle agreed.
"Famy (family) hug!" the twins piped up.
Marquise gathered his family in his arms for a big hug.
"Alright, I think we've had enough fun for now. We have to get to Castelsarreillan before it gets dark." Shanelle said to everyone.
"Okay. Come on everyone." Marquise said.
Soon the Royal Family was once again on their way to Castelsarreillan. When they arrived at the bed and breakfast, they were greeted by a small welcome reception. After getting the children situated in their rooms, Marquise joined his wife out on the terrace of the bed and breakfast.
"And how are you feeling, my love?" he asked her as he sat down.
"I'm okay. This bed and breakfast is beautiful. How did you find it?" she replied.
"The owner's granddaughter and I went to school together, and they reached out and I just couldn't say no. As much as I love staying at the Theron estate, I wanted to stay somewhere more family-friendly. And as much as he tries, Duke Theron's estate isn't exactly childproof."
"This is true. I think he'd have a heart attack if the kids ran around and then accidentally broke something."
Marquise snorted.
"Speaking of the Theron Family, will all of them be at the festival tomorrow?" she asked.
"Mmmhmm. Joelle, Penelope, and Ezekiel will be hosting the charity art auction and His Grace is on the selection panel this year. They'll be determining what other countries join this year. And before you ask, Kiara will be there as well." he replied.
"And you're sure she will be on our side?" she asks.
"I am indeed. While I do know that Lord and Lady Gallagher have reached out to her, I don't think they've been able to convince her to join their cause," he replied.
"Well we'll find out Saturday won't we?"
"We sure will. In the meantime, I am excited for tomorrow."
"I know. We get to meet our nephew. I can't wait to hold him."
"Take it as practice for our little one."
Shanelle smiled at her husband.
The next morning they were joined by the rest of their family. And were introduced to their newest nephew Noah.
"Eeeeee! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" Shanelle squealed as the baby was placed in her arms, "Ohhhh my goodness! You're so tiny and so handsome."
She looked at Jenna with a smirk.
"You oughta be ashamed of yourself."
Jenna scoffed.
"You're one to talk. You gave me a niece and two nephews. And I gave you a niece and two nephews. So we're even."
"For now."
"Jen Jen! You're here!" Khari said to her aunt.
"Hey, my sweet girl! And my two gumdrops! Oh, I've missed you three so much!" She said to Khari and the twins, "Here come meet your cousin."
The boys toddled over to their mother and peered at the baby in her arms.
"What's dat (that) mommy?" Zyon asks.
"This is Noah. Your new cousin." Shanelle replied.
Kylo looked at the baby curiously.
"That's alien Mommy!" Kylo said to her.
Shanelle snorted as she shook her head.
"He's not an alien. He's a baby. This is what a baby looks like." she explained to the boys.
"Not me! Nope nope nope!" Kylo said in protest.
Marquise snickered.
"Yes, you. And your brother. And your big sister. And your cousins. All of you looked like this. I would know. Thank you very much."
"Mommy, can I hold him?" Khari asks.
"Sure come sit down," Shanelle replied.
Khari sat next to her mother before she passed the baby to her. This made the twins even more curious.
"What doing sissy?" Zyon asks.
"Holding the baby. See?" she replied, "You hold the baby in your arms like this. It helps support them."
The boys were enamored with what they saw.
"I try sissy?" Zyon asks.
Khari nodded before looking at her aunt Jenna.
"Is it okay Jen Jen?" she asks.
"Yes, darling. They can hold him with you," she replied.
Khari nodded then turned to her brothers.
"Okay Zyon, come sit down next to me," she said to her little brother.
Zyon toddled over and sat down next to Khari.
"What I do now sissy?" Zyon asks.
"Here," she said as she placed the baby in his arms, "you hold him in your arms like this."
Shanelle helped him hold the baby.
"Like this mommy?" Zyon asks.
"Yup. Just like that." Shanelle replied.
"I do it! Yay!" Zyon cheered.
"Inside voice sweetie. You don't want to scare the baby." Shanelle said to him.
"Oh! I sorry. I use my inside voice now."
Zyon gently rocked the baby in his arms.
"Brodder (brother) you try now," he said to Kylo.
Kylo looked at Jenna.
"I try now Jen Jen?" he asked.
"Of course sweetie. Go try," she replied.
"Otay (okay) I ready now," he said as he sat down in his mother's lap.
Shanelle helped him hold the baby close. He smiled at the baby.
"Helyo (hello) baby. My name Kylo," he said to the cooing baby.
After spending most of the day with their family, Their Majesties met with the organizers of the International Art and Food Festival to finalize the plans for opening day.
The next day was the start of the International Art and Food Festival. The grounds of the Pavilion at Lake Regent were filled with all sorts of artisans selling their wares. Food vendors galore. A petting zoo, lots of music, and a charity art auction.
Marquise walked around the festival with the boys. Showing them the art of funnel cake.
"What's that Daddy?" Zyon asked.
"They're making my favorite: funnel cake," he replied.
"Funnel cake?" Kylo asked.
"Here let Daddy show you," he replied before picking the boys up to show them.
"See? It's like the churros you boys like."
"Yike (like) churro?" Kylo asks.
"See? They fry the dough then they put powdered sugar and one other topping of your choice. Sometimes they put strawberries on top or sometimes they put my favorite, chocolate on top." he replies.
"Yike (like) chocate (chocolate)! Have some Daddy?" Kylo asks.
"Of course my love," he replied.
After speaking to the proprietor, Marquise walked away with three funnel cakes covered in powdered sugar and chocolate. While Khari and her mother got gelato.
"Okay, kiddo, what kind do you want?" Shanelle asks.
"Chocolate! What kind are you getting?" Khari replied.
"My favorite kind, Hazelnut."
As the couple walked around with their children, Shanelle couldn't shake the feeling they were being watched. And after scanning the crowd, she was right. They were being watched by Lord and Lady Gallagher while they were seemingly speaking with Lady Kiara. And Marquise noticed.
"Ignore them," he whispered to his wife.
"I'm trying. But seeing them so cozy with Kiara is starting to worry me," she whispered back.
"No need to worry."
"You said that yesterday."
"Exactly. So trust me."
It brought Marquise so much joy to see his people out and about and enjoying themselves. The art auction was a hit. With millions being raised for St. Jude Children's Hospital and the Elena Charroux Cancer Foundation. He made sure a few pieces that were bought would hang on palace walls.
When it was time for the closing of the first day, many looked to the King for the closing remarks.
"I want to thank everyone for attending and participating in the opening festivities of the International Art and Food Festival. It is an honor and a privilege to be able to host again. The food has been amazing. My wife had to not so kindly ban me from the pop-up that is serving my favorite chicken tagine."
"You would've eaten them out of house and home. I was doing them a favor." Shanelle piped up.
The crowd laughed.
"Anyway! Today's opening festivities were the most successful we've ever had. Seeing all of you enjoying yourselves, selling your artwork, playing music, and dancing everywhere, it's all a reminder of why we are one the most successful kingdoms in the world."
He looked out at the crowd where Lord and Lady Gallagher were looking smugly back at him and to where Lady Kiara was standing with her family.
"Now I do believe that our hostess, Lady Kiara Theron has a few words she'd like to say," he said to the crowd.
Kiara made her way to the stage and cleared her throat before addressing the crowd.
"Thank you, Your Majesty. I also want to thank you and Her Majesty for the opportunity to host this great Cordonian event. It is an honor and privilege that my family and I are very grateful for. I also want to thank the selection committee. It is an honor to host you all this year. And lastly to everyone here, thank you. You all have made this year our most successful year to date. I could not ask for a better opening day."
The crowd applauded.
"Now before you leave, Your Majesty, I do have something else I want to address while I have you here. As everyone else may know you have been challenged for the throne by Lord and Lady Gallagher. I want to be upfront with you and everyone here and say that my family and I spoke with them."
Marquise nodded.
"As one of the Great Houses of Cordonia, House Theron is known for its steadfast and unwavering loyalty, commitment, and wisdom. Our house sigil is a mighty owl after all. And while Lord and Lady Gallagher gave us a very generous offer for our support, after discussing it with my family, we have decided that it is in the best interests of our family and our duchy to...continue supporting the crown. Your Majesties, House Theron, and all of Castelsarreillan remain committed to you both in this challenge."
Shanelle breathed a sigh of relief, while Marquise bowed to Kiara.
"Thank you, my lady. It means everything to me that one of Cordonia's Great Houses will support the crown in this endeavor. You and your family will always have our gratitude."
The crowd gave Lady Kiara and Marquise a standing ovation as they stepped off the stage. Marquise looked over to Lord and Lady Gallagher who were both fuming and winked.
The next day the family returned to the palace, where Shanelle and Marquise discussed gaining the support of House Theron.
"Okay as much as I hate to admit it, you were right," Shanelle said to her husband.
"O ye of no faith, of course I was right."
Shanelle rolled her eyes good-naturedly.
"How did you know House Theron would side with us?" she asked.
"I have been speaking with Duke Hakim for weeks. And after Mama reminded me that Sebastian helped to bring the festival to Cordonia with him, I might've played on his sympathies." he replied, "it also gave me an idea."
"What?" she asked.
"We don't really need many of the noble houses on our side if we can convince the Great Houses to side with us," he replied.
"Okay, so what are you thinking?"
Marquise thought for a second.
"How do you feel about hosting a Queen's Tea?"
Shanelle snorted.
"You want me to host another one after the last one I hosted?"
"Good point. Well, hopefully at least this time you won't be fighting anyone. And you'll have the kids and me to back you up."
"You'll be attending?"
"If you'll have me. Also, it'll be a good way to get Madeleine on our side. She does enjoy a good afternoon tea."
Shanelle nodded.
"Okay, I'll meet with my duchy staff and get the ball rolling on that end."
"Alright. In the meantime, we have a ball to prepare for."
The next week went by in a flurry. As the palace staff prepared for the Sovereign Unity Ball. While the palace prepared itself, Their Majesties hosted Queen Lydea and her family for a small lunch and signing of a declaration that signaled both kingdoms would send as much aid as possible to Kasnia in its war with Sulovaria.
After welcoming the Royal Family of Drakovia to Cordonia, both families as well as members of the Defense Council and their families all sat down and dinner was served. As dessert was being served, the princess had to go to the bathroom.
"Daddy, I have to go to the bathroom. Can I be excused?" she asked her father.
"Of course my love," he replied before turning to his mother who had just returned from putting the twins to bed, "I know you just got back but, do you mind taking her to the restroom?"
"Yes my King." she replied before speaking to Khari, "Come along my darling."
Margo took Khari's hand and led her to the bathroom. While Margo waited for Khari to finish her business, she didn't notice that she was being watched or that there were no guards patrolling the hall.
"Grammy! Help!" Khari called out from the bathroom.
"Yes, my darling. What's wrong?" she asked as she entered the bathroom and saw Khari on the floor.
"My hair is stuck in my dress!" she replied.
"Oh goodness! How did that happen?" she asked.
"I think I twirled around a little too much then fell. And my crown and bracelet flew off. Help!" Khari replies.
Margo shook her head with a chuckle.
"Are you hurt?"
"No, I'm just stuck."
"Oh, good grief. Okay now hold still so I can help."
Margo worked Khari's hair free of her dress.
"And now that we have your hair free of your dress, let me find your crown and bracelet."
"I'll help."
The pair worked together to find Khari's crown and her charm bracelet.
"Now let's put your bracelet back on," Margo said to Khari, "and now for your crown. There. All better now."
Khari looked in the mirror and smiled.
"Grammy you're the bestest!" Khari said as she quickly hugged her grandmother, "Thank you for helping me."
"You're welcome my sweet. Now let's get you back to the ballroom because they're serving our favorite dessert."
"Oooh! Let's go!"
As they left the bathroom, they were stopped by Prince Kaspar Thorne.
"Good evening to you both," he said to Khari and Margo.
Margo placed herself between him and Khari.
"Good evening, Your Highness. Can I help you?" she asked.
"I wanted to introduce myself to the Princess if that's okay," he replies.
"Grammy, who is that?" Khari asked Margo.
"My Princess, this is Prince Kaspar Thorne. He is a member of the Drakovian Royal Family," Margo replied.
"What do you want?" Khari asked him.
"As I said, I wish only to introduce myself to you," he replied, "that is a beautiful bracelet you have on Your Highness."
Khari placed her left hand over her bracelet. Margo and Khari had confused looks on their faces before turning around to see Prince Kaspar's sibling Emika behind them.
"What is the meaning of this?" Margo asked Kaspar.
Margo never got an answer, instead she was rushed and knocked down from behind by Emika as Prince Kaspar grabbed Khari's arm.
"Let me go!" Khari yelled.
Kaspar was able to snatch Khari's bracelet off her wrist and grab her crown.
"I got them!" Kaspar said to his sibling.
"Good! Let's go!" Emika said to him.
As he tried to run in the opposite direction, Margo was able to trip him up.
"Let go of me!" he said as kicked her in the stomach.
That's when Khari picked up her grandmother's cane.
"You leave my Grammy alone!" she yelled as she swung the cane. She was able to hit him twice before he finally got away only to collide with his sibling.
The commotion reached the attention of the grand ballroom. That's when Khari's scream rang out.
"DADDY!" she screamed.
Shanelle dropped the glass in her hand and Marquise choked as his heart dropped.
He helped Shanelle to her feet.
"Let's go!", he said to her.
As the couple and the guards ran out of the ballroom, many in the dining room were talking fiercely.
Marquise and Shanelle followed their daughter's voice.
"Daddy!" she called out, "Daddy help!"
"Khari! Where are you?" he called out to her before commanding the guards, "Guards! Lock down the palace! Now!"
When they found Khari she was holding her grandmother's cane looking shaken.
"Are you alright?" he asked her.
"Are you hurt?" her mother asked.
"No. But Grammy is! They hurt her." she replied, "we gotta help her! Come on Daddy! Come on Mommy!"
"Where is she?" he asked.
"In there." she pointed to the bathroom, "she's hurt! They hurt her!" Marquise's heart seized at Khari's words.
"Stay here with her," he said to Shanelle before going to his mother's side.
"Find Sir Bannon! Now!" Shanelle said to the closest guard to her.
"Yes. At once Your Majesty." the guard replied.
"Mama! No!" he said before racing to her side. He helped her sit up as she clutched her side, "Are you hurt?"
"Only my pride, my love," she replied with a pained wince.
"Here let me help you up. Can you stand?" he asked.
"Yes I can stand," she replied.
He slowly helped her up. Allowing her to lean against him to steady herself.
"Grammy! Are you okay?" Khari asked.
"Yes, my darling. I'm alright." she replied with a wince.
"Margo, what happened?" Shanelle asks.
"What happened?! Those two Drakovian mongrels attacked us! That's what happened!" Margo replied.
She took a deep breath.
"I apologize, my Queen. I forgot myself for a moment. I had no right to speak to you in that manner."
"Don't worry about it."
Margo inhaled then exhaled.
"We were ambushed and attacked. Plain and simple," she said to Shanelle.
"And you said it was two Drakovians?" Shanelle asks.
"Yes. The two twins of the Royal Family," Margo replied.
Marquise let out an explosive breath.
"Come here. Both of you." he said to his daughter and mother before wrapping them in a protective hug, "I am so sorry this happened. This is my fault. I should've had guards go with the two of you. I failed you both."
Margo shook her head no.
"It's not your fault my love. They attacked us. And I did my duty as the Princess's defender and tried to defend her."
Khari nodded.
"And I protected my Grammy!" Khari added.
Shanelle looked around but didn't see any patrolling guards.
"Where are the guards that are supposed to patrol this hallway?" Shanelle asked.
"I don't know, I didn't notice there weren't any around. My apologies, my Queen. I should've been more aware of our surroundings." Margo replied.
Khari looked around.
"My bracelet!" she gasped.
"What about it?" Shanelle asked.
"It's gone! They took it!" Khari replied.
"She's right. That's why they attacked us. They were after her bracelet." Margo added.
"They stole my bracelet! They stole it!"
Marquise and Shanelle looked at each other.
"Let's get you two out of here," Marquise said to them.
They walked out of the bathroom to a hallway full of guests and paparazzi.
"Your Majesty, I demand you explain your daughter attacking my siblings," Lydea said to Marquise.
When Marquise saw Kaspar, he saw red.
"Guards! Seize the Prince and his twin sibling!" Marquise commanded.
At His Majesty's command, the guards surrounded the twins.
"What is the meaning of this?!" Lydea asked.
"You're about to find out," he replied, "Search them!"
"Absolutely not! If your guards take one more step I will consider this an act of war!" Lydea said to Marquise before a guard spoke up, "My King!"
The guard held up Khari's bracelet and her crown leaving Lydea stunned.
"What is that?" she asked.
"That Your Majesty...is my daughter's charm bracelet and crown..." Marquise replied, "that your brother stole from her."
"You can't be serious."
Marquise looked at her.
"Your brother is a thieving kleptomaniac. So can you really be shocked?" he asked, before turning to the guard, "bring me my daughter's bracelet and crown."
The guard handed Marquise Khari's bracelet and crown. When she looked at her bracelet, her face fell.
"It's broken. They broke it." she said as she looked at it.
"Don't worry, my love."
"But they broke it, Daddy! The clasp is broken! It's ruined!"
Marquise tapped his lips.
"It will be alright precious. It will be fixed as good as new." he said to his daughter.
"How can you be sure Daddy?" she asks.
"Because Her Majesty will be the one to pay to have it fixed," he replied.
"Excuse me?! I will be doing what?!" Lydea asked.
"As I just said, you will be the one to have my daughter's bracelet fixed. Because if you don't I will consider your brother attacking my daughter and mother as an act of war. Declaration be damned." Marquise replied.
Lydea let out an explosive breath as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
She then turned her fury on her siblings.
"You two are so dead." she sneered at them.
The twins looked at each other.
"But! We didn't do this alone!" Kaspar said to his sister.
"What are you talking about?" Lydea asks.
"We never do anything without a plan Lydea," Emika replies.
"Plan? What plan?" Shanelle asked.
"We had help from the inside," Kaspar replied, "a member of your court has been supplying me with info on your family and the palace."
That sent many into a fierce chatter.
"What?!" Lydea asked her brother.
"For the last three weeks I've been in communication with a member of the Cordonian Court. They helped me plan this whole thing," Kaspar replied.
"He's right. I verified that they are a member of the court." Emika added.
Shanelle looked at her husband.
"Who?" she asked.
Kaspar pointed to a primly dressed man in the crowd. He pointed to Lady Makenna's older brother Lord Oliver Laurent.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" Shanelle seethed.
"That's a lie! My brother would never!" Lady Makenna immediately objected.
"And yet I believe him," Marquise said.
"You would believe a Drakovian over a member of your own court?" Makenna asked.
"Considering how much of a pain in the ass your house has been as of late, yes I would." He replied before turning back to Kaspar, "If what you two say is true, what proof do you have to support your claims?"
Emika produced their phone as well as Kaspar's phone.
"Here. You can check our texts and calls."
Just as Marquise began going through Kaspar's phone, Margo's son Bannon came running up.
"Your Majesty! The guards came to get me. What has happened?" he asked before looking at his mother, "Mother? What happened? Are you alright?"
"I am now my love," she replied.
"What happened?" he asked.
Shanelle told him everything that happened.
"Oh my God! Mama! I am so sorry you and the Princess were attacked." he said to her before turning to Marquise, "who is responsible for this?"
"They are," he replies, nodding to Kaspar and his sibling, "they attacked Mama and my daughter. Stealing my daughter's crown and charm bracelet."
Bannon started to step toward the twins before Marquise stopped him.
"But Your Majesty!"
"I understand your anger brother. You are right in your anger. Our mother was attacked. But I need you to tend to our mother and my daughter."
Bannon took a deep resigned breath and nodded.
"Yes sire."
Marquise laid a hand on Bannon's shoulder.
"I promise you, brother. Justice will be served swiftly. I will be sure to defend my daughter's and our mother's honor."
"Alright. I trust your judgment my King. I will stand by your side. Even if all I want to do is strangle that imbecile!"
Bannon looked around.
"Mama, where is your cane?" He asked.
"Right here uncle Bannon," Khari replied, "I think I bent it when I used it to protect her."
Bannon nodded with a proud smile.
"May I?" he asked.
Khari handed the bent cane to him. Bannon bowed to her before kissing her on her forehead.
"I am so proud of you, my Princess. Thank you for doing what you could to protect your grandmother."
Khari gave him a small smile before looking at her grandmother.
"I'm sorry, Grammy. I didn't mean to bend it."
"My little warrior. Thank you for defending me. Even though it's my job to defend you.”
"We defend each other, Grammy."
"Indeed we do, my love. And do not worry about my cane Princess, your father will just buy me a new one with all the bells and whistles on it won't you?”
Khari nodded and Marquise just shook his head.
"Bannon, I need you to take Mama and my daughter back to the residence and call Dr. Wembley so he can check her over. Please." Marquise said to him.
"By your command, my Liege."
Bannon offered an arm each to Margo and Khari and led them down the hall to the residence. Marquise took a deep breath before scanning through Kaspar and Emika's text messages. He saw something very interesting and Shanelle noticed.
"What is it?" she asked him.
"This," Marquise replied as he dialed a number.
Soon a loud buzzing was heard. It was a phone ringing. Everyone looked around. It was Lord Oliver Laurent's phone ringing. Everyone turned their attention to Lord Laurent.
"You might want to answer that," Marquise said to him.
Lord Laurent swallowed the large lump in his throat.
"Oliver! What did you do?!" Lady Makenna asked her brother.
"I-I-I-I–" he started to say before Marquise cut him off, "he committed treason of the highest offense. Didn't you?"
"No! Your Majesty! I assure you I didn't know they would attack the Princess! I thought they would make their way to the vault." he blurted out.
"You did what?!" Shanelle asked.
"The plan was for them to steal from the vault. And in exchange they would convince Queen Lydea for her favor for my family in this challenge," he replied.
"Then why did you text them that you would distract the guards patrolling the hall outside of the bathroom for them?" Marquise asked.
Lord Oliver couldn't speak.
"Give these back to the twins," he instructed as he handed the phones back to a guard.
Marquise set his jaw, put on a pair of black gloves before slowly stalking towards Lord Laurent causing him to back away.
"Your Majesty, please! I meant no harm." he said as he backed up to a column.
Marquise stopped in front of him, inhaled deeply then exhaled slowly, before grabbing his face smashing Lord Laurent's head back against the column.
"Oliver!" Lady Makenna gasped.
After watching him crumple to the ground, he turned to the guard closest to him.
"Drag him to the dungeons!" he hissed.
"At once Your Majesty!" the guard replied.
Everyone watched as the guards took Lord Laurent away. Marquise then turned around and marched towards Lady Makenna and grabbed her arm.
"How dare you! Let me go!" she yelled at him.
The look in Marquise's eyes scared her.
"That is the second member of your very prestigious house to commit an act of treason! If you plan on winning this challenge then I suggest you get the members of your house in order! Otherwise, you will force me to eradicate your entire family! Do I make myself clear Kenna?!" he sneered.
Lady Makenna swallowed.
"Crystal," she replied.
He let her arm go and walked toward Prince Kaspar. He grabbed him by the neck, pinned him against a column behind him, and squeezed.
"If you ever step foot in my kingdom again, not only will I consider it an act of war, but you meet the same fate as your father's uncle. A VERY public beheading." he sneered at a choking Kaspar.
"Stop it! You'll kill him!" Lydea said to him.
"That's the idea," Shanelle piped up.
Marquise let the Prince fall to the ground, gasping for air. He turned around and looked at Lydea with a smirk.
"Sorry. I got a little overzealous."
Lydea scoffed.
"I'll say. Besides, no one gets to kill him but me. Got it?" she asked.
"Understood Your Majesty," he replied.
"Good. While it has been good to see you and your wife, I think it is time my family and I took our leave."
Marquise nodded.
"Very well. We'll speak again soon?" he asked.
"How about next week?" she replied.
"Perfect. I'll put it on my calendar."
Shanelle blinked at Lydea.
"You're not mad?" she asked.
"My brother and his twin are idiots. This gives me all the reasons I need to torture them both when we get home." Lydea replied.
Shanelle snorted.
"I knew I liked you."
Lydea nodded.
"Likewise, Your Majesty."
Later that night after all the commotion of the evening, Marquise couldn't sleep. His anger couldn't let him rest. He couldn't get the images of his daughter and mother in trouble out of his head. So he got up, left his bedroom, and walked down the hall to Margo's room. He had to check on her. He had to make sure she was okay. He quietly watched her sleep from her doorway before going to check on Khari.
She was safe but in his mind, he almost lost her. Again. Hearing her screaming for help and that feeling of helplessness will forever haunt him.
After standing in Khari's doorway and watching her sleep, His Majesty quietly closed the door. He then walked down the hall to his office. Once inside he headed straight to the liquor cabinet, grabbed his favorite Bourbon, and poured himself a drink. After he sat down at his desk and took a sip, there was a knock at the door. It was Shanelle.
"What are you doing awake?" he asked her.
"You kinda woke me up when you got up," she replied before sitting down on the edge of the bookshelf behind him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up."
"It's okay. Why are you up?" she asked.
Marquise downed his drink before pouring another.
"I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk down the hall. And while I walked I went to check on Khari and Mama," he replied, "I had to make sure they were okay."
He sighed as he swirled the whiskey in his glass.
"My facade is starting to crack."
"What do you mean?" she asked.
He gave her a look.
"I was afraid you'd say that."
He shook his head.
"I shouldn't have lost my temper," he said with a heavy sigh.
"No you definitely should have."
Shanelle shook her head no.
"Don't you Shanelle me! Our daughter and your mother were ambushed and attacked. You had every right to feel angry. On top of the fact that another member of the illustrious House Gallagher was caught committing treason."
Marquise let out a breath.
"You know...no matter how much I try to hide or downplay it, I can't outrun the fact that the blood of one Constantine Rys still runs through my veins."
"I know it does. But that doesn't mean you're anything like him."
"I am exactly like him whether I want to admit it or not," he said with a scoff before downing his second drink.
"No, you are not! You are a devoted father and son. Two pillars of your heart and life were in danger. You can't be blamed for how you react."
Marquise poured another drink before turning around to face her.
"What kind of message am I sending?" he asked.
"You are more than just the King of a kingdom or the face of a great Monarchy. As I said before, you are a devoted father and son. There is nothing you wouldn't do for your family. You do everything you can to protect and defend us. But not even you can't predict every single thing or protect us from every danger lurking around the corner or in the shadows. What matters the most is that you never stop trying." she replied.
Marquise swallowed.
"I think it's my PTSD. But the thought of Khari being in danger...I felt paralyzed. I felt helpless. Even though she's fine physically and she's safe and sound asleep in her bed...I still feel like I failed. It is my job to always keep her, the boys, and our newest baby safe."
"For the record, it's our job to keep our children safe. Yours and mine. And what I'm saying to you is that sometimes you can't do everything. You're not Clark Kent. You don't wear red and blue tights and fly around with a super-sized red S on your chest."
Marquise snorted.
"You saying I'm not Superman?" he asked.
"You're more like John Stewart," she replied.
He chuckled.
"The Green Lantern? Not bad."
"Babe it's my job as your wife to remind you that while you're great at many things you are still just a man. You can't do everything."
"Doesn't mean I won't try to."
Marquise shook his head with a small smile before placing a hand on her belly.
"Thank you for talking me off a ledge."
"Always. Now last drink. No more drowning yourself in pity and bourbon."
"I am not drowning myself in pity."
"Still the last drink."
Marquise rolled his eyes good-naturedly before taking his final drink and standing up.
"What would I be without you?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around her.
"A raging alcoholic," she replied.
Marquise snorted.
"The only reason I'm gonna let that slide is because I love you."
"I love you too handsome. Now come on, let's go get some sleep."
"Okay. I'm right behind you."
"Nope. I'm behind you. I need to make sure you actually leave this office."
Marquise rolled his eyes before putting his liquor back in the cabinet and walking out with Shanelle.
As they walked down the hall, an attendant came running up to them.
"Your Majesties! You must come quick!" she said in a rush.
"What is it?" Marquise asked.
"It is Princess Naya, My King. I think she may be in trouble," she replied.
Marquise shared a look with Shanelle before they followed the attendant. When they got to the sitting area Naya was there looking upset.
"Naya, what's wrong? Why do you look like that?" Marquise asked.
"I need your help! Please!" she said with tears streaming down her face.
"What is it Naya? What happened?" Shanelle asked.
"They took her! They took my baby!"
"Who?" Marquise asked.
"Edward! Please! You have to help me!" she said before breaking down into tears.
"Okay come sit down," Shanelle said to her.
Shanelle led her to the couch closest to them.
"Now tell us what happened," Marquise said to her.
Naya took a shaky breath before she began to speak.
"He took Bernadette! Edward came into my home and took my daughter from me! I couldn't stop him."
"In the middle of the night?" Shanelle asks.
"Yes. About an hour ago. We were both asleep. Tarlov tried to stop them but even he couldn't stop them. I don't understand. I don't understand how he was able to do this." Naya replied.
"I do. But I need to gather more information. I will get to the bottom of this." Marquise said to her.
Naya nodded her head slowly.
"In the meantime, you can stay here at the palace. At least until your daughter is returned to you." Shanelle said to her.
"Thank you both."
Shanelle turned to the attendant who alerted them.
"Have a room prepared for the Princess please," she instructed.
"At once, Your Majesty," she said with a bow.
"Now Naya you go with her. Everything will be alright." Shanelle said softly to Naya.
Naya nodded before going with the attendant. Shanelle let out a breath.
"I can't believe Edward would do this."
"I can. He's trying to send us a message."
"What's the message?" she asked.
"That this war for our kingdom is far from being over," he replied, "that he and Genevieve will be willing to do anything to force us out. Even if it means going after innocent people."
Shanelle nodded.
"So what will be our message to them?" she asks.
"Our message is simple, we are going to thoroughly enjoy crushing them into dust," he replied.
Shanelle nodded.
"Well that's a good enough reason for me."
Marquise stood up offering a hand to his wife.
"Come on. Let's go get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us."
The pair then headed down the hall towards their bedroom.
#khoicesbyk#choices#choices stories you play#pixelberry#fanfic#choices fanfiction#king marquise#king of cordonia#queen shanelle#queen of cordonia#king and queen of cordonia#cordonia#cfwc fics of the week#choices fic writers creations#black king#black king liam#black marriage#black love#black couple#my otp forever#otp forever#otp#my otp for life#my otp
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Wheel of Misfortune
What character gave you lasting trauma?
#the red guy#calvin lackadaisy#the king in yellow#malevolent#plasmoid#lilo and stitch#lapis lazuli#steven universe#marquise spinneret mindfang#homestuck#viktor#arcane#courage the cowardly dog#cow and chicken#illustration#lackadaisy#art meme
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greenhorne side cast
#miitopia#oryktopia#schel.art#schel.oc#sybald marquise#lestem trós#amity floros#dodi escarra#in order of roles: king of greenhorne. custom role. carefree guide. worried mother#on another note the king of greenhorne is honestly growing on me :((
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Scenario: Eath trying to understand how a Prince becomes a King and how most people use Prince / Princess to mean son / daughter of a King / Queen
Because to her a Prince / Princess is a title that means a specific level of power and falls UNDER a Duke / Duchess. Family relations have nothing to do with the title and she'd probably call what people consider a Prince/Princess a King/Queen In Waiting or a Kingling / Queenling
#💚 || rp wants#{ king is of course the highest rank }#{ it goes King > Duke > Prince > Marquise > Earl > Knight > President }#{ she would be very confused about emperor and just assume it meant king } }#⚜️ || ooc / ealinia
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couldn’t fall asleep for a long time so I open firefox’s article recommendation thing for five minutes, next thing I know I’ve blacked out it’s 5 am and I’ve somehow ended up watching Colette (2018) and now I’m firmly back in my “keira knightley period drama movie” phase for the foreseeable future. also, I wanna chop all my fucking hair off
#also STARKLY reminded of the time I watched that monday movie for sebastian stan and the **romantic summer in greece** vibes and instead#ended up thinking about denise gough for like a month afterwards#and goddamn if that isn’t going to be the case with this too#like listen I love keira knightley she was my og bisexual awakening but THIS lady??#playing the dashing short king queer marquise???#the voice the suits the fruity cheeky but vulnerable character moments??#help#wish they had the character in the movie for longer than 15-20 mins of runtime though lol but oh well#tišina tamo
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Medieval Nobility: Ranks, Titles, Authority
Reference for Historical Fantasy Setting--Writers save this!
1. Emperors and Empresses
Rank: Supreme
Territory: Vast empires, often comprising multiple kingdoms.
Titles: Your Imperial Majesty
- Ultimate sovereign power over multiple regions or kingdoms.
- Capable of enacting laws and decrees that influence entire empires.
- Commanders of large, imperial armies and navies.
- Oversee administration across vast territories, managing both justice and taxation.
- Engage in high-stakes diplomacy with other empires and realms
2. Kings and Queens
Rank: High
Territory: A single kingdom.
Titles: Your Majesty
- Absolute rule within their kingdom, capable of legislating and decreeing laws that impact their entire realm.
- Lead the kingdom's military forces and are the highest judicial authority.
- Oversee administration, including management of the kingdom's justice system and tax collection.
- Conduct diplomacy with foreign powers such as neighboring kingdoms and empires.
3. Princes and Princesses
Rank: Royalty, often next in line for the throne
Territory: Varies, often given duchies, counties, or smaller regions to govern.
Titles: Your Highness
- Dependent on position; typically serve as advisors to the king or queen and govern specific territories.
- Can command military forces, administer justice, and oversee taxation within their assigned lands.
- Play significant roles in court politics and are often key players in diplomatic missions or alliances.
- As heirs, princes and princesses are groomed for future rule, receiving responsibilities that prepare them for kingship or queenship.
4. Grand Dukes and Grand Duchesses
Rank: High
Territory: Large regions, often exceeding standard duchies in size and influence.
Titles: Your Grace
- Command significant regional power, governing over numerous counts, barons, and lesser nobles.
- Ability to enact regional laws, oversee justice, and manage estates across vast territories.
- Command regional military forces, often pivotal in defending or expanding the realm.
- Conduct regional diplomacy and maintain relationships with nearby territories.
5. Archdukes and Archduchesses
Rank: High
Territory: Large, often strategically or ceremonially important regions.
Titles: Your Grace
- Hold considerable sway in both local and imperial court politics.
- Exercise legislative power, control estates, and command military forces within their territories.
- Responsible for the administration of justice and collection of taxes in their lands.
- Engage in diplomatic negotiations at both the local and imperial level.
6. Dukes and Duchesses
Rank: High
Territory: Duchies.
Titles: Your Grace
- Exercise significant influence, overseeing the administration of their duchies.
- Govern large estates, enact local laws, and command regional military forces.
- Oversee justice, taxation, and maintain order within their lands.
- Engage in diplomacy, often acting as key regional liaisons with neighboring nobles and the crown.
7. Marquises and Marchionesses
Rank: High
Territory: Marches or border territories.
Titles: My Lord/My Lady or Your Lordship/Your Ladyship
- Tasked with defending frontier regions, holding vital military responsibilities.
- Oversee the administration of law, justice, and taxation within their border territories.
- Command border garrisons and protect the realm from external threats.
- Often engage in frontier diplomacy, managing relations with nearby foreign powers.
8. Counts and Countesses
Rank: High
Territory: Counties.
Titles: My Lord/My Lady or Your Lordship/Your Ladyship
- Govern counties, ensuring law and order, tax collection, and justice administration.
- Oversee estates, command local military forces, and implement local laws.
- Conduct regional diplomacy and manage relationships with neighboring lords and the crown.
9. Earls and Countesses (Primarily British Context)
Rank: High
Territory: Counties.
Titles: My Lord/My Lady or Your Lordship/Your Ladyship
- Similar to counts, earls govern counties, overseeing local governance, law enforcement, and tax collection.
- Command local military forces, often participating in regional defense.
- Engage in local diplomacy, managing relationships with surrounding nobles and the crown.
10. Viscounts and Viscountesses
Rank: Intermediate
Territory: Sub-regions within counties.
Titles: My Lord/My Lady or Your Lordship/Your Ladyship
- Act as deputies or assistants to counts or earls, managing smaller estates and overseeing local justice.
- Enforce laws, collect taxes, and maintain order within their territories.
- Command smaller local military forces.
- Manage local diplomacy, often representing higher lords in negotiations.
11. Barons and Baronesses
Rank: Lower Nobility
Territory: Smaller estates.
Titles: My Lord/My Lady or Your Lordship/Your Ladyship
- Govern their lands, maintaining local law and order, and providing military support to higher-ranking nobles.
- Responsible for the administration of justice, tax collection, and estate management within their lands.
- Command small local forces and contribute to the defense of the kingdom.
- Engage in local diplomacy, often representing higher-ranking nobles in smaller disputes or agreements.
Medieval Gentry
The gentry represented the upper-middle class of medieval society, often possessing land, wealth, and influence, though they were not part of the nobility. They held important local roles and contributed significantly to governance, military, and economics at the regional level.
1. Knights
Rank: Upper Gentry
Territory: Typically smaller manors or estates.
Titles: Sir/Dame
- Sworn military service to a higher noble or the crown, responsible for local defense and enforcement of law and order.
- Managed estates granted to them, overseeing agricultural production and local administration.
- Often served as local judges or sheriffs, ensuring justice in their regions.
- Held significant status in society due to their martial role, often participating in tournaments and other chivalric events.
2. Esquires (Squires)
Rank: Upper Gentry, typically below knights
Territory: Often managed smaller estates or served as aides to knights.
Titles: Esquire
- Served as apprentices or attendants to knights, gaining experience in military tactics and estate management.
- Held responsibilities in local governance, such as collecting taxes and overseeing the workforce.
- Managed the day-to-day affairs of estates, particularly if the knight or lord was away in service.
- Held potential for knighthood, depending on service and recognition by higher nobles.
3. Gentlemen and Gentlewomen
Rank: Gentry, below esquires
Territory: Often owned small estates or managed properties for wealthier lords.
Titles: Mister/Mistress
- Possessed land and wealth but did not typically hold titles of nobility.
- Often served as local officials, such as justices of the peace or mayors, contributing to the administration of justice and local governance.
- Acted as stewards for larger estates, managing agricultural production and tenant relations.
- Enjoyed a degree of prestige due to their education, wealth, and societal position, often involved in trade or finance.
4. Yeomen
Rank: Lower Gentry, often wealthy commoners
Territory: Small farms or lands, usually worked by themselves or with hired labor.
Titles: Yeoman
- Owned or leased their land, making them independent farmers who were economically stable.
- Often served in the militia or as archers in times of war, providing military service in exchange for protection and privileges.
- Held responsibilities in local governance, such as acting as jurors or local officials.
- Represented a prosperous middle class, often rising in status through hard work and successful management of their lands.
5. Merchants
Rank: Lower Gentry, wealthy commoners with commercial influence
Territory: Based in towns and cities, owning shops, warehouses, or trade routes.
Titles: Master/Mistress
- Held economic power through trade, commerce, and banking, often becoming influential in local councils or guilds.
- Managed extensive trade networks, both locally and internationally, playing a crucial role in the economic life of the region.
- Acted as benefactors, sponsoring local events, religious institutions, and sometimes even providing loans to the nobility.
- Often accumulated significant wealth and influence, sometimes enough to purchase land and enter the gentry class through marriage or royal favor.
6. Clergy (Higher Ranks)
Rank: Gentry (non-noble but influential)
Territory: Managed ecclesiastical estates or served in key positions within the Church.
Titles: Father/Mother, Brother/Sister, Reverend
- Held power over church lands, overseeing agricultural production, taxation, and local governance.
- Served as local religious leaders, offering spiritual guidance and administering sacraments to the community.
- Often involved in local and regional politics, acting as advisors to both nobility and commoners.
- Collected tithes and other forms of ecclesiastical income, contributing to both church and community projects.
People could gain nobility through various means in medieval society, though the process often required the favor of the monarch or other high-ranking nobles.
1. Birthright (Hereditary Nobility)
- Inheritance
The most common way to become a noble was by being born into a noble family. Titles and lands were typically passed down through generations, with the firstborn son often inheriting the majority of the family’s wealth and title (primogeniture). In some cases, titles could also pass through female lines if no male heirs existed.
- Titles Inherited
Children of nobles inherited their parents' ranks, becoming dukes, counts, barons, etc., upon their death or abdication.
2. Royal Favor or Granting of Titles
- Ennoblement by the Monarch
A king, queen, or emperor could grant titles of nobility as a reward for loyal service, significant achievements, or contributions to the kingdom. This could include elevating a loyal knight to a baron, a wealthy merchant to a count, or a successful general to a duke.
- Acts of Valor or Service
Displaying extraordinary bravery in battle or performing a critical service to the crown, such as negotiating treaties or managing crises, could result in ennoblement.
- Financial Support or Gifts
Wealthy individuals who provided substantial financial support to the crown or military might be rewarded with a noble title.
3. Marriage
- Marrying into Nobility
A commoner could gain noble status by marrying someone of noble birth, although this often depended on the consent of the noble family and the monarch. Marriage alliances were key to both maintaining and enhancing noble status, as they could bring new lands, wealth, or military alliances into the family.
- Dowries and Alliances
In some cases, wealthy or influential commoners could arrange marriages with lesser nobles by offering a substantial dowry or political alliance, which could lead to their family entering the nobility over time.
4. Military Achievement
- Knighthood
A commoner could be knighted for bravery, loyalty, and exceptional service in battle. Knighthood was a step towards nobility and often the gateway to further titles. Knights who distinguished themselves could be granted estates or titles, eventually rising into the nobility.
- Military Leadership
Successful generals or commanders could be rewarded with noble titles and lands for their leadership in protecting or expanding the kingdom.
5. Clerical Elevation
- High Church Positions
Bishops, archbishops, and other high-ranking clergy often held noble titles or lands. While clergy were technically separate from the lay nobility, the church wielded significant power. Clerics of humble origin who rose to positions of influence within the church could gain noble status through church appointments or by receiving land grants from the monarch.
- Influence over Secular Affairs
Clergy who played key roles in advising or assisting the crown could be rewarded with lands and titles, blurring the lines between ecclesiastical and secular power.
6. Wealth and Land Ownership
- Accumulation of Wealth
Wealthy commoners, particularly merchants, financiers, or landowners, who accumulated significant land or financial influence could sometimes purchase noble titles or secure them through royal favor. This was more common in later medieval periods and into the Renaissance when wealth became increasingly influential in determining status.
- Purchasing Titles
In some cases, particularly in financially troubled realms, noble titles could be outright purchased from the monarch. This was controversial but became more common in later periods.
7. Legal and Political Achievements
- High Office
Serving in a high office, such as a chancellor, treasurer, or other key political position, could lead to ennoblement. Those who proved their loyalty and effectiveness in governing could be rewarded with titles and land.
- Diplomatic Success
Successful diplomats who negotiated critical treaties or alliances might be granted noble titles as a reward for securing peace or expanding the influence of the realm.
8. Adoption and Favor by Nobles
- Adoption
In rare cases, a noble without heirs might adopt a commoner or relative, raising them to noble status and making them the heir to the title and estates. This required the consent of the monarch and was often done to preserve the family name and estate.
- Favoritism
Individuals who became favorites of the monarch or powerful nobles—such as courtiers, artists, or scholars—might receive titles, estates, and positions in return for their service or companionship.
9. Conquest or Seizure
- Conquest
Nobility could also be gained through conquest. A warlord or leader who seized land and power could eventually claim a noble title, often through negotiations with the crown or by force of arms.
- Seizing Titles
During times of turmoil, individuals who rose to power by overthrowing or displacing existing nobles could claim their titles, provided they gained the monarch’s recognition or solidified their power through force or alliances.
10. Elevations through Legal or Social Changes
- Social Mobility
In later medieval periods, legal reforms and social changes allowed for some mobility between the classes. Wealthy or influential commoners could leverage their status to gain noble titles, particularly in times of economic or political upheaval.
- Inheritance Laws
Changes in inheritance laws, such as the decline of strict primogeniture, sometimes allowed for non-traditional heirs to rise to nobility.
Gaining nobility typically required a combination of wealth, land, military service, and favor from the existing nobility or monarchy. It was a complex process, often intertwined with the politics, wars, and social structure of the time.
Medieval Clergy
The medieval clergy held a significant place in society, balancing religious duties with political power. The Church's hierarchy mirrored that of the nobility, with various ranks conferring different levels of authority, responsibility, and influence. Unlike the nobility, positions in the clergy were not inherited but achieved through devotion, education, and sometimes political maneuvering.
1. The Pope
Rank: Supreme Head of the Catholic Church
Territory: The entire Catholic Church, with temporal power over the Papal States.
Titles: His Holiness, Holy Father
- Spiritual leader of all Christians in Western Europe, regarded as Christ's vicar on Earth.
- Held ultimate authority over religious doctrine, canon law, and church governance.
- Had the power to excommunicate kings, issue decrees, and call for crusades.
- Acted as a temporal ruler over the Papal States, wielding political and military power.
- Appointed cardinals, bishops, and other high-ranking clergy, guiding the direction of the Church.
2. Cardinals
Rank: Princes of the Church, directly below the Pope
Territory: Often governed major dioceses or held high positions within the Church's central administration.
Titles: His Eminence
- Advisors to the Pope, often serving as administrators of the Vatican or as legates to foreign courts.
- Participated in the election of new popes in the College of Cardinals.
- Held considerable influence over church doctrine, policy, and political matters.
- Governed large dioceses or regions, exercising authority over bishops and the clergy within their jurisdiction.
- Acted as intermediaries between the Church and secular rulers, negotiating treaties, alliances, and policies.
3. Archbishops
Rank: Senior Bishops overseeing an archdiocese (a major ecclesiastical region)
Territory: Governed an archdiocese, often encompassing several dioceses.
Titles: His Grace, Your Excellency
- Supervised the bishops within their archdiocese, ensuring adherence to church laws and doctrines.
- Held authority over religious matters in their region, including the appointment of clergy and the administration of sacraments.
- Played a political role, often advising kings and princes, and sometimes held seats in royal councils.
- Presided over religious courts, dealing with matters of heresy, marriage, and church disputes.
- Held significant wealth and land, often rivaling secular nobility in power and influence.
4. Bishops
Rank: Senior Clergy, overseeing a diocese (an administrative district of the Church)
Territory: Governed a diocese, typically including several parishes.
Titles: His Grace, Your Excellency
- Responsible for the spiritual welfare of their diocese, including the ordination of priests and the administration of sacraments.
- Managed church lands, finances, and estates within their diocese, acting as landlords and administrators.
- Held power in local governance, often serving as advisors to local rulers or acting as judges in ecclesiastical courts.
- Built and maintained cathedrals, the central church of the diocese, which served as the bishop’s seat of power.
- Engaged in diplomacy and politics, often involved in regional power struggles between the Church and secular rulers.
5. Abbots and Abbesses
Rank: Heads of Monasteries and Convents
Territory: Governed a monastery (for monks) or convent (for nuns), with control over large estates and communities.
Titles: Father Abbot/Mother Abbess, Your Reverence
- Held authority over the monks or nuns in their care, enforcing the Rule of their order (e.g., Benedictine, Cistercian).
- Managed extensive lands and estates, which provided the monastery or convent with food, wealth, and resources.
- Oversaw religious and educational activities within their communities, including copying manuscripts, teaching, and providing charity to the poor.
- Acted as local powerbrokers, often wielding influence over surrounding towns and villages.
- Abbots, in particular, sometimes sat in local councils or parliaments, representing the interests of the Church.
6. Priors and Prioresses
Rank: Deputies to Abbots and Abbesses or Heads of Smaller Monasteries/Convents
Territory: Managed priories (smaller religious communities).
Titles: Father Prior/Mother Prioress
- Assisted abbots or abbesses in managing the affairs of the monastery or convent.
- Sometimes acted as the head of smaller religious houses, with similar responsibilities to abbots and abbesses, but on a smaller scale.
- Enforced the religious discipline of the order, ensuring that monks and nuns adhered to their vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
- Managed the lands and resources of the priory, often engaging in agricultural production or other economic activities to support the community.
- Provided spiritual guidance and performed religious services for the local community.
7. Priests
Rank: Parish Clergy
Territory: Governed individual parishes, typically one or more villages or a small town.
Titles: Father, Reverend
- Responsible for the spiritual care of their parishioners, including administering sacraments such as baptism, marriage, and last rites.
- Served as the primary religious authority in the local community, providing sermons, religious instruction, and guidance.
- Managed the parish church, often the center of community life, and oversaw local charities and events.
- Acted as mediators between the church hierarchy and the laypeople, relaying messages and collecting tithes.
- Held some political influence in their communities, often serving as advisors to local lords or as scribes for legal matters.
8. Monks and Nuns
Rank: Lower Clergy, members of religious orders living in monastic communities.
Territory: Lived in monasteries or convents, often removed from secular life.
Titles: Brother/Sister
- Dedicated their lives to religious contemplation, prayer, and service to God.
- Engaged in various activities depending on the order, such as copying manuscripts, teaching, farming, or providing charity to the poor.
- Took vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, living according to the rules of their religious order.
- Held little secular power but wielded significant moral and spiritual influence in their communities.
- Monks and nuns were often seen as holy individuals, respected for their devotion and service to God.
9. Friars
Rank: Itinerant Clergy, often belonging to mendicant orders (e.g., Franciscans, Dominicans).
Territory: Did not own property or reside in monasteries; instead, traveled and preached.
Titles: Brother/Sister, Friar
- Preached to the public and lived among the people, relying on charity and alms for sustenance.
- Focused on poverty, humility, and missionary work, often in contrast to the wealth and power of the established Church.
- Played a significant role in evangelizing, educating, and caring for the poor in urban and rural areas.
- Held little formal power within the Church hierarchy but were influential in spreading religious reform and charity.
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Infidélité: a VfV oneshot.
heyyy, here's me again with a smutty oneshot for rc-catalog's vday event, for which i mixed both of feb 4's prompts, forbidden romance and making out in secret !
title: Infidélité. fandom: vying for versailles. pairing: renée/madame de montespan rating: E. warnings: explicit sexual content, adultery. word count: 1123 words. MC: julie, altruism, has a secret relationship with montespan after having gotten lou executed. summary: cuckolding the king with his official mistress is a very dangerous path to go down on. luckily, julie's never been afraid of braving authority. an unapologetic, self-indulgent smut(-ish). taglist: @taemcains for supporting me, @rc-catalog.
Rich laughs echoed through the empty room as the two women embraced against the wall, their lips hungrily hunting for each other, a continuous game of predator and prey they were playing with each other.
It all felt revigorating. Spending this much time publicly, with the King, with all those courtiers — of course, Françoise-Athénaïs was a much brighter bird than her shut-in owl of a husband, but even this many falseties can exhaust even the lowest of liars.
Now, she could give in to her true desires, kissing the duchess passionately, leaving faint marks of lipstick upon Julie's mouth, viewing them as her mark of love.
Julie's hands lowered to caress the mistress's hips, one of her hands teasingly moving up, soon finding itself on the other's breasts, caressing all around. Mademoiselle de Noailles knew much about the female body and all its gifts ; and of course, while benefitting from said gifts herself, there was something simply... exquisite about appreciating its forms and tasting its delicacies in someone else.
"I do hope you can be better than Lou. Though endearing, his attempts were.."
The Official Mistress gave a flick of her jeweled wrist — letting the implication of his lack of fortune float into the air. His family didn't give him many important jewels.
That gesture couldn't help but let a laugh escape from Julie, leaning in closer to the other's red lips, pecking them — quickly, but not chastely. It would be more accurate to describe it as an entrée, an appetizer. A taste of what would be to come later down the line.
"I do like to think I'm more experienced in the female form than he is."
With that sentence, Mademoiselle de Noailles pushed her hand into the other's skirts, one finger snaking into the other's undergarments, toying with the edge of them, snapping them against the Madame's skin — leaving short-lived red marks decorating her thighs, making her moan in appreciation.
"More ?" Julie asked, grinning. This was exactly what she wanted — now, all she did ? All she did was pull away from Françoise-Athénaïs, leaving her mouth wide as she dusted off her blue gown.
"Madame, I do recall you saying you didn't give yourself away so easily, didn't you ?" The duchesse grinned smugly, running one finger over the other's lips, alluding to her affair with Lou that previous summer. An unwelcome reminder that her own words could and had just decided to bite her back.
"That being said..." She soon drove her finger inside of the married woman's mouth, taking control over her, her other hand temptatively going lower into her décolletage, palming at her breasts as if they were dough, making the other go red with pleasure. Soon, the shade of her face would match her lips' if she kept going.
"I could offer you relief from the banquet, tonight. Being so busy with the King must be a pain..." She took her finger out of her mouth, her hand moving to gently, yet mockingly, in a way, caress Françoise-Athénaïs's face.
"I doubt he can appreciate a woman of your kind the way I do. Or any woman, really. You deserve someone who is more... drawn, to your figure." Julie's words, though coated in honey, had a lightly teasing tone to it, which only made the marquise flush more.
"I can offer you that relief, Madame." Her hands moved to lower Madame de Montespan's dress's hem, pushing her breasts out of her stays, mouth latching onto them to cover them in soft, yet hungry kisses. She longed for Françoise-Athénaïs just as Françoise-Athénaïs longed for her.
Both of them couldn't stop kissing. Again, and again, letting their lips be stained by each other's beauty, Julie pushing Montespan down onto the bed. They couldn't get enough of each other. Neither of them wanted to leave, but they both knew she had obligations. A position like either of theirs could compromise them both, especially Françoise-Athénaïs's. Reluctantly, Julie pulled off, rolling to lay down on the bed with her beloved.
And in came the doubts.
Did Montespan value her as much as Julie did ? Was she her dirty little secret ? Something to pass the time while the King was busy ? Her thoughts, of course, did not spare her one second. She loved Françoise-Athénaïs, but she wasn't ready to risk her honor, her dignity, the thing that made her herself - all for a woman who valued this unfaithful, lecherous warmonger of a king that they had as the head of their country.
Official Mistress... what a humiliating position. Branding yourself as the number one of a man who publicly used you to humiliate his wife. But she didn't blame her. What was she supposed to do ? Everyone knew that was arguably the most powerful position a woman in France could get to. They didn't have many choices. They all knew this. Julie's arrival to court hadn't been by choice, either.
But this affair ?
They both chose each other. And in the end, that is what mattered. More than Versailles, than France, than the world. Their love. Love conquered it all. Julie shook away her thoughts, leaning in, giving the other a much more chaste, careful kiss.
"Je t'aime," She whispered into the other's ear, giving it a kiss as well. Montespan breathed out what Julie assumed to be a weak response, helping her get up. As much as she wanted to show the marquise just how much she appreciated her, she preferred not to. It was going to be late soon, anyway.
The two helped each other dress up, Montespan washing her face at the basin. "I'll go and freshen up for tonight. I hope to see you not too far from me."
"Duchesses come before the marquises," Julie replied sharply, a smile indicating she quite enjoyed giving Françoise-Athénaïs a taste of her own wits.
"But you'll see me. At the banquet.." She leaned in, her hand caressing the married woman's face, looking at her with yearning in her eyes. Truth be told, Madame de Montespan yearned for her as well, and she wished the two could just... be. But they couldn't, not in court. Not like this.
"And later." Leaning in, giving the other a kiss, blush rising to her face as Julie moved to help her with her gown.
"You make a fine lady-in-waiting. Had you been a maidservant.."
"Perhaps we shouldn't talk about what isn't." Julie said, not sure how she felt about being likened to her maid.
"Goodnight, Françoise-Athénaïs."
"Goodnight, Julie." The other replied, standing in the doorway, looking at her before she finally left, Julie watching her leave, observing her each step of the way.
#romance club#rc#vying for versailles#renée de noailles#romance club fanfic#françoise-athénaïs de montespan#vfv: julie.#liz writes#fics#rc catalog vday
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Ophelia of Lausanne, Queen of Windenburg (1620-1673) - Part 1
Hey guys! So over the last three months I've been working on the life story of Ophelia of Lausanne, one of the Queen Consorts of Windenburg during the 1600s and I've made a LOT of renders of her so I just thought I should share about her life :)
read about her BELOW
Princess Ophelia Thérèse Marie Hélène Françoise of Lausanne was born on August 27th, 1620, to Louis Henri II, Prince of Lausanne, and Princess Marie Thérèse of Magnolia. Ophelia’s paternal grandparents were Charles Joseph, Prince of Lausanne, and Princess Isabella of Calabria. Her maternal grandparents were King Louis IX of Magnolia and Princess Elizabeth of Windenburg.
Ophelia was born at Chateau de Angouleme, King Louis IX’s favorite country residence. At the time of Ophelia’s birth, her father had been overthrown as Prince of Lausanne and sought sanctuary at his father-in-law’s court. Ophelia’s mother, Princess Marie Thérèse, was King Louis' favorite daughter. The King was delighted with the birth of his granddaughter and organized several court entertainments in honor of her birth. Ophelia and her family initially lived with the King and traveled with the court between the King’s numerous residences. The Royal Governess, Marie Charlotte de Rohan, cared for Ophelia and her cousins during her infancy.
Throughout the 1600s, religious conflicts had plagued the continent which resulted in Lausanne being occupied by Peteran Forces. In 1623 after the conclusion of the War of Religion, the Treaty of Emden restored Ophelia's father to his throne. Ophelia and her family returned to Lausanne later that year and resided at the Chateau Moren. Ophelia was joined by two younger siblings who survived to adulthood, Prince Henri, and Prince Maurice. Despite residing in Lausanne, Ophelia, and her family often visited her grandfather, the King of Magnolia. Princess Marie Thérèse appointed her close friend and childhood companion, the Marquise de Villars, as governess of her children. Ophelia had a simple education, very typical of princesses of the time. Ophelia learned multiple languages, was a skilled musician and dancer, and learned horseback riding. She had a strict Jacoban education, overseen by the Bishop of Lausanne. Ophelia had a close relationship with her brothers who she would correspond with for the rest of her life. Many letters survive between her and her grandfather, detailing their close relationship with one another. On her 13th birthday, her grandfather, the King of Magnolia, gifted her ten stallions and a golden state carriage which currently is in the Windenburg Royal Collection and is used during official events.
Ophelia was considered beautiful and intelligent. She was a skilled musician and singer, enjoyed reading, and spoke seven languages. She was an accomplished woman for her time period and was extremely athletic. As a granddaughter of the King of Magnolia, she was considered a desirable bride by the Jacoban monarchs of the continent.
#sims4#sims#legacy#royallegacy#royalty#ts4 royals#ts4#ts4 royal#ts4 legacy#sims 4 story#ts4 story#s4 story#sims 4 historical#sims 4 history#sims 4 baroque#ts4 baroque#ts4 historical#windenburghistory
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hi! sorry if this is a touchy subject but is there tension between catalunya and aragon? my mother is from aragon and she always talks kind of dismissively about catalans and the fight for independence, and she keeps going on about how aragon used to rule catalunya or smth. i didn't grow up in spain so i haven't really experienced the culture and from my outsider pov her stance seems strange bc aragon and catalunya seem like they would have similar aims in protecting their cultures and languages from being erased.
Hello! Sorry the delay in answering, I have been very busy with work this last couple of weeks and I wanted to give this answer the time it needs.
There is an extremely one-sided beef from Aragon towards Catalonia that most people in Catalonia don't even know about (more people know it now after the Sixena art dispute and Aragon's ex-president Lambán's comments in regards to the possibility of hosting the winter Olympics together with Catalonia in the Pyrenees, but I still think the majority of people in Catalonia don't know about it or think it's only the Sixena thing+normal Spanish nationalism). You are right, it would be more productive for both of us to support each other, but sadly Aragon has been very instrumentalized by Spanish nationalism and specifically Catalanophobia.
This answer is quite long and it will continue under the cut. I will talk about what your mother is referring to (the Medieval and Early Modern shared history and the tensions that come from a name), the specifically Aragonese brand of Catalanophobia, and the Catalan-speaking part of Aragon.
And to talk about modern social bigotry we have to go back to......... the Middle Ages. I'll start at the birth of both Aragon and Catalonia, because this explains what your mother says and is the source of many misunderstandings and unjustified hate. Continue reading under the cut.
1. The Crown of Aragon, Crown of Catalonia-Aragon, the Confederation... (what's in a name?)
What your mother is referring to is that for many centuries Catalonia and Aragon were together in a kind of confederation. Neither ruled the other one, as was made very clear since the beginning by their laws, constitution, Parliaments, etc. and in fact it would have caused a huge diplomatic and political problem if either ruled the other, probably even a war.
Some people outside of the history field tend to have a very "fairytale" simplified version of what the feudal system and the nobility were like, with the king on top and various layers of marquises, dukes, counts, etc. under him. That isn't necessarily the case, the titles often have to do with their origin. In the Mediterranean, it was typical for that to not be the case (think for example of the Italian states like Venice, who had one supreme ruler whose title was Dux/Duke, same with the states of Florence, Genoa, Pisa...). If they were independent countries, why did their ruler not call himself "king"? Because he couldn't, because that's not how the title originated. When those states were created, they started as (formally, not de facto) vassalls of the Holy Roman Empire. Thus, they were the nobles ruling a land that technically according to the law belonged to the emperor, but eventually it became clear that it wasn't the case and they were states. But the title had already been created.
The same happened in Catalonia...and at first with Aragon.
Map of the counties Hispanic March in the early 9th century (translated from Wikimedia Commons). I have painted the counties that will become Aragon in green and the counties that will become Catalonia purple for clarity.
Catalonia has its origins as a part of the Kingdom of the Franks (Carolingian Empire). The king of the Franks established this area as a the "Hispanic March" ("Hispania" is the Latin word for "Iberian peninsula" and a "march" is a borderland area used as a buffer zone) to be a shield between them and the powerful Islamic caliphate in the south. The march was made of various counties, each one led by a count (sometimes, the same man could be appointed as the count of more than one county at the same time). This means that the counts were NOT a dynasty (it wasn't passed from father to son, but each count individually chosen by the king and could be replaced by a different man at any time) but more like a magistrate.
However, at one point Wilfred the Hairy was count of most of the Catalan counties. The king of the Franks broke his part of the deal, and count Wilfred the Hairy made these Catalan counties independent in the year 897. Then, he died in battle and passed down the title to his son, Wilfred Borrell. This was the beginning of Catalonia as an independent country. From then on, the counts became like the popular idea of kings (the rulers of an independent country, passed from father to son). But they couldn't just change their title because that's not how titles work, you don't just make them up! So they stayed with the title of Count and started the House of Barcelona, who eventually brought together all the different counties that formed Catalonia. Catalonia also got its own Diocese (no longer is part of the Narbona diocese which is part of the Frankish Kingdom) meaning that Catalonia is now in every way an independent country. Since he is not only count of the County of Barcelona but has also brought together other counties, his descendants will be Count of Barcelona but also use the title of "princeps" of the Principality of Catalonia.
Meanwhile, in the Western part of the Pyrenees, 3 counties formed Aragon. It was also originally also part of the Carolingian Empire's shield (the Hispanic March) but it evolved in a very different way from Catalonia and was closely related to the Kingdom of Pamplona. At one point, the counts of Aragon marry the kings of Pamplona (Andreota of Aragon and king García II of Pamplona), and this way Aragon and Pamplona are joined (the king's title becomes "X King of Pamplona and ruler/count of Aragon", because Aragon doesn't have the title of king). Because of geographical reasons (a huge mountain range and rivers that created deep valleys), Aragon and Catalonia had very little contact during their formative centuries, until the conquest of what nowadays is the south of Catalonia and the south of Aragon (plain lands), but that will be later, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
If both Aragon and Catalonia had counts and not kings, how did Aragon eventually become a kingdom? It has to do with a split inheritance. Sancho III of Pamplona and II of Aragon (king of Pamplona and count of Aragon) got married to his cousin, a princess from Castilla, and had children with her. But (plot-twist!) he had an illegitimate son with the noblewoman Sancha de Aibar. The son was called Ramiro. With Sancho's death, his territories are divided: the legitimate children will be kings of Castilla, and Ramiro will be king of Pamplona and count of Aragon. Years later, there will be a crisis and Pamplona will separate from Aragon. But because it has been Pamplona who seceded illegitimately, the guy who is "King of Pamplona and Count of Aragon" is the legitimate keeper of the title of "king". But now Pamplona is gone, so he gets to keep the title King but only has Aragon, thus Aragon has become ruled by a king, and thus becomes a Kingdom. As you see, the titles don't necessarily match the land, it can work almost separately from them. What matters is, above all, who is the person/lineage (not country/territory) who has the title.
That is how we get Aragon and Catalonia, both with a similar origin, both equally independent sovereign countries, but the ruler of Aragon legally has the title of "king" and the ruler of Catalonia legally has the title of "count".
Fast forward a couple of centuries. Both Aragon and Catalonia have been invading southwards, expanding both countries in a geographical area that is quite flat, and come into closer contact.

The King of Aragon Ramiro II is in crisis and immediately needs allies because his political rivals are casting doubts about him being the legitimate successor of the previous king, who hadn't had children. He tries making an alliance with the two Christian countries that surround Aragon -Castilla and Catalonia- since both of these countries are more powerful and stable than Aragon. But Castilla and Catalonia are VERY different when it comes to politics, and this will be the reason why Aragon ends up deciding to ask Catalonia, and not Castilla, for this alliance. As it was usual at the time, the deal is sealed with a marriage and a contract. The marriage: princess Petronilla of Aragon (the only heir to the Aragonese throne) will marry the Count of Barcelona (as we saw before, the House of Barcelona has brought together many different counties so this really means all of Catalonia, but the title is still technically Count of Barcelona, even though it's not only the County of Barcelona) Ramon Berenguer IV. The contract: I'll explain it in a moment.
I said that Aragon chose Catalonia and not Castilla because they are different. What's the difference? Castilla was an autocratic regime, centralist, where the king has pretty much all the power. Catalonia has never had that, all the opposite, Catalonia had a system called feudalisme pactista ("agreement-based feudalism") where the Count doesn't have power to take decisions by himself, he always has to be negotiating with the representatives of the different parts of society, and had a series of very strict rules about the Count respecting sovereignty. For this reason, they see that if Aragon makes a deal with Castilla, Castilla will "eat" Aragon and, in the end, Aragon will disappear and simply become a part of Castilla. But, on the other hand, if they make the deal with Catalonia, they can join the monarchy dynasty but keep Aragon as an independent sovereign country. This is called a dynastic union, in contrast to a real union.
And that's how it goes. They make the contract according to which princess Petronilla and Aragon are "given" to Count Ramon Berenguer IV of Catalonia but with the condition that he must respect the sovereignty, laws, privileges and traditions of Aragon. From then on, the children of Ramon Berenguer and Petronilla and their descendents will have both titles: King of Aragon and Count of Barcelona. But Aragon and Catalonia remain separate kingdoms, each one with their own laws and their own governments formed by the local elites and representatives of the local population.
Neither Aragon rules Catalonia nor Catalonia rules Aragon. However, it's true that Aragon was a rural place with less population, and Catalonia was one of the main powers in the Mediterranean. On top of this, Catalonia's capital city (Barcelona) is on the coast and one of the most important commercial cities in the Mediterranean. For this reason, the kings spend a lot of time in Barcelona, so Barcelona becomes the de facto general capital but they still travel to Zaragoza (Aragon) and other parts of the countries often. Among other reasons, because the king must be present at the government meetings and lords' meetings which take place in each territory. (I think maybe that's the reason why some Aragonese people had often felt the need to call attention to Aragon's importance and to fight against a certain inferiority complex, which has developed into wanting to prove by any means possible that Aragon actually ruled Catalonia, which it didn't.) Aragon also adopted Catalonia's flag, which was originally the emblem of the House of Barcelona:
With time, the Islamic kingdoms in the south become weaker and the Christian kingdoms become stronger, and they invade southwards. That's how Castilla invades most of what now is central and southern Spain, absorbing it into the Kingdom of Castilla. Here's a map of the expansion (look until the year 1500 at most, what happens after is a different story).
Castilla absorbs, but do you remember how we said Catalonia works differently? Because of Catalonia and Aragon's way of working as a confederation, when they invade an Islamic kingdom, they keep it as its own kingdom (same as Aragon) with its own laws and government. But now instead of being an Islamic kingdom as it had been for so long, it's a kingdom that works in the way that Catalonia and Aragon do. That's how you get this:
The duchies in Greece didn't last for long, in the end Sardinia and Provence neither. Though Naples and Sicily were part of this confederation for a long time, they had a strong culture and less population movement, that's why nowadays the Neapolitan and Sicilian languages have a bit of Catalan influence but haven't been replaced by Catalan at all. But it was different in the nearest and earliest (excluding Provence) kingdoms conquered: València and Mallorca. Mallorca was repopulated by people from Catalonia, and València's coast was also repopulated by people from Catalonia while València's inland (right at the south of Aragon) was repopulated by Aragonese people. In the end, Catalan ends up becoming the language of all these places they have repopulated, and continues until nowadays. (Aragonese also became the language of the inland València, but centuries later got replaced by Spanish). Here's a map of the Catalan and Aragonese territories in the 1300s (left) and a map of the Catalan Countries nowadays (right):

And here comes a problem. We have all the individual kingdoms (+Principality of Catalonia which is not legally a kingdom but it has really no other important distinction than the name), each kingdom has its name. But what do we call the confederation formed by all of them together? Back when it still existed, they never gave it one official name. This is how they referred to it back then:
Usually, they referred to each kingdom individually.
When they talked about the king-count or the whole ensemble of territories, they would list all the titles. For example, Alphonse king of Aragon, of València, of Mallorca, Count of Barcelona, king of Sardinia, of Sicily and of Naples.
It was also not uncommon to sum up. Since the 12th century, we find often the expression "Aragonum et Catalonie" (Aragon and Catalonia, with the meaning of all the territories). Since the 13th century, "regno, dominio et corona Aragonum et Catalonie" (kingdom, dominion and crown of Aragon and Catalonia). Since the 14th century, we also find the term "corona regni Aragonum" (crown of the kingdoms of Aragon), "corona reial d'Aragó" (royal crown of Aragon) and "corona d'Aragó" (Crown of Aragon).
When Late Medieval people referred to its population as a whole, they used the term "Catalans", which included all the Catalan population (Catalonia, Mallorca, València) but also Aragonese people. It was normal at the time for Aragonese people to be included in the term "Catalan", which we wouldn't do nowadays. Mediterranean peoples pretty much always used the term "Catalans" to refer to all inhabitants of the Confederacy.
As you can see, many names were used, which can be confusing. And here historians had to decide what we in the present want to call that confederacy. You can hear these three options, all equally correct and all used by historians from all around the world:
Crown of Catalonia-Aragon. This term shows the dual nature of the territories, who always kept both Catalonia (and the other repopulated Catalan territories) and Aragon (and the Aragonese-repopulated part of València) as equals. It's also based on the oldest and more lasting way in which the people who lived at the time called it, as we explained two paragraphs ago.
Catalan-Aragonese Confederation. The term "confederation" wasn't used at the time but it allows us to be precise about what we are talking about.
Crown of Aragon. It's the latest term that was used. It has the advantage of being short.
All three terms are equally correct. In my blog, I use the term Crown of Catalonia-Aragon because of clarity. I think it's more representative of what this dual Crown was like, and also it allows me to explain things in a way that will be easier to understand for a foreign audience who might not know what the Crown of (Catalonia-)Aragon is. By having both country's names in the name, it's easily understood that Catalonia was there. But you will see I have also posted maps with the term "Crown of Aragon" and I have written in Catalan and used the term "Crown of Aragon", I have nothing against it. They're all correct, it's a matter of personal preference.
But the Aragon regional government has used this to spread Catalanophobia and to create a legislation for censorship. Catalanophobic people in Aragon and other parts of Spain have for a long time said that only "Crown of Aragon" should be used because Aragon was the leader and above the others. To anyone who has studied Medieval and Early Modern history (like me :p that's the ambit I work in), that statement is absolutely ridiculous. It shows ignorance, but above all it shows the will to invisibilize and play down Catalonia's historical importance. When historians, museums, or random people who are interested in history say "Crown of Catalonia-Aragon", "Catalan-Aragonese territories" or "Catalan-Aragonese Confederacy", it's met with a lot of hate from some Aragonese and Spanish people who accuse us of stealing Aragon's history, lying and manipulating history. As an example, in 2018 the regional government of Aragon pulled out school books simply because they used the term "Crown of Catalonia-Aragon" and created a government committee to overlook what is taught in schools to make sure it doesn't "take Catalonia's side". It's poltically-motivated censorship, hate-motivated censorship, ahistorical, ridiculous to anyone who knows history, and creating problems where there shouldn't be any. I would understand they would be angry if we started removing Aragon from the name (like they do with Catalonia...), but nobody is doing that. Their objective is erasing Catalonia and not showing it as an equal.
2. Aragonese Catalanophobia
In Aragon, there is sadly quite a strong feeling of Catalanophobia that is not only the general Catalanophobia present around Spain but takes a specific Aragonese form (afaik, generally from those with an understanding of Aragonese culture simply as a folklore manifestation of Spain, but it seems very widespread and this rhetoric wins elections). This is a view that takes all the usual stereotypes about Catalan people (greedy, untrustworthy, will try to steal from you, morally bad people, etc), the usual belief that Catalonia must belong to Spain forever (and very often with this word —belong—, not "be a part of" but "belong to") but it adds something new: the idea that Catalonia is somehow interested in stealing everything belonging to Aragon (similar to blaverism). This is related to the point we explained above about the Crown's name, but applied to other elements of history.
Thus, this regionalist (at best) ideology believes that Catalan people must be kept under control (with the police, the laws, the courts, the army if needed as was seen in 2017) because otherwise we will be an imperialist force that will take over others for its benefit. It's again the same contradiction we've talked about before, one of the characteristics of fascist thought according to Umberto Eco's essay on Ur-Fascism: we are at the same time a useless culture and a useless language, a waste of space, something that only a handful of rural uneducated elderly farmers speak, something that is dying and weak and doesn't have a future, but also we are used to scare-monger and gain votes in elections because we are scary, powerful, a serious threat, even imperial.
Catalonia and Aragon share a lot of history, for many centuries. It's a shame that there is hate from Aragon towards Catalonia. But the irony about all of that is that Catalan people barely ever think of Aragon. It doesn't have a lot of population and it's just not a place we hear about that often outside of history class. Spanish media doesn't often talk about Aragon either, so it's not in our radar.
But, the worst thing? A part of Aragon is also Catalan. They do this to their own population.
3. The Catalan part of Aragon
Here's a map of Aragon with the language areas:

As you can see, the whole strip at the East of Aragon, bordering Catalonia, is a Catalan-speaking area. In fact, some of its counties are among the places in the whole Catalan-speaking countries where Catalan is more used by a higher number of people in everyday life. This area is called "Francha de Levant" in Aragonese (Eastern Strip, since it's the East of Aragon) and "Franja de Ponent" in Catalan (Western Strip, since for us it's in the West) or "Franja d'Aragó" (Aragon's Strip), or simply "la Franja" (the Strip). Here you can see its location in context:

Why is the Strip part of the Catalan culture area but also part of Aragon? Because it has been like this since the Middle Ages, when both our cultures were being formed. Back then, there were two kinds of power administration: the king/nobles and the Church. The population of the Strip were Catalan in language and in close relation to the people from Western Catalonia, but the land was part of the Kingdom of Aragon. At the same time, in Church territorial administration it was part of the Lleida diocese (Western Catalonia). This means that they've always been politically in Aragon but more in contact with Lleida's area (people who went to study in Church schools would go to Lleida, their priests came from there so they gave mass in their common language, etc). This stayed like this for many centuries, Franco's fascist dictatorship tried to segregate the Strip from the rest of the diocese and give it to Aragon completely but failed and in the end they slowly introduced the change between 1955 and the late 1990s. For all of this, Catalan is part of Aragon's cultural-historical heritage in the Strip area.
This isn't directly related to what you asked, but I think it's important to keep in mind the people from the Strip in all the conversations about Aragon's Catalanophobia, because they're the ones who will suffer the most direct consequences.
Aragon's regional government pays a lot of attention to keeping Catalonia at a distance and not allowing what right-wingers call the "Catalanization" (whatever that means) to happen. For this reason, they try to separate the Strip from the rest of the Catalan Countries as much as they can. For example, in 2013 the Aragonese government passed a new Languages Law that didn't recognize Catalan's existence in Aragon. Instead, it recognized something else in the Strip, which they named LAPAO (stands for "Lengua Aragonesa Propia del Área Oriental" = "Aragonese Language Found In The Eastern Area"), in contrast to actual Aragonese language which got renamed LAPAPYP ("Lengua aragonesa propia de las áreas pirenaica y prepirenaica" = "Aragonese Language Found In The Pyrenean and Pre-Pyrenean Areas"). The people from the Strip protested and finally, in 2016, the law was repealed.
But this same logic of wanting to keep the Strip separated from the rest of the Catalan-speaking areas still stays, and people from the Strip don't have many language rights because they don't have much official protection.
That's everything I wanted to say about this, I hope it answers your question!
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The Royal Romance.
A/N: this is the next chapter in the journey of my OTP. Follow along for the fun.
Rated: Mature (at times can and will be Explicit. I'll be sure to change the rating when and if that happens). | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual. Y'all should be used to this from me by now 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: King Marquise Rys (LI) and Queen Shanelle Miller-Rys (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me and/or other authors [their characters have been mentioned and/or used in the story with their permission] ) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 9,875 words. (may be slightly more or may be slightly less. Look, I stop counting after editing and re-editing and driving myself insane. 🤷🏾♀️)
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Chapter 10.) Dèja Vu.
Shanelle couldn't believe what she had just heard. Again.
"I'm sorry but what did you just say?" Shanelle asked her doctor.
"The urine test you requested came back. You're pregnant ma'am." Dr Andersen replied.
She stared at him.
"Yes, my Queen. You're pregnant again."
"But! But! I just gave birth! To twins!"
"Yes, you did. Over a year ago. And now you're pregnant again."
Shanelle felt like she couldn't breathe.
"Your Majesty?" he asked.
"And you're 100% sure doctor?" she asked.
"Yes ma'am. Your test was positive," he replied.
"Should I take another test?" she asked, "Maybe this one was a false positive."
"We can take another one ma'am but it more than likely won't change the result."
Shanelle let out a defeated sigh.
"I can not believe this is happening again."
Dr. Andersen looked at her sympathetically.
"I know that you might not want to hear this but this is a happy time. For you and The Royal Family. You and His Majesty are great parents. I've seen it with my own eyes. And I am happy for you."
Shanelle smiled softly at him.
"Thank you, Dr. Andersen. I appreciate it."
"Of course My Queen. I will contact your Obstetrician."
"Thank you again."
Dr. Andersen nodded before taking his leave. The reality was finally hitting her.
"Oh my God! I can't do this again! I can't be pregnant! Not now! I have way too damn much going on to be pregnant!" she thought to herself.
To make matters worse, she found out she was pregnant two days before her father's birthday. She was so in denial, that she snuck out of the palace and headed to a local pharmacy and bought as many drugstore pregnancy tests as her arms could carry. When she got back to her office she took every last one. And they were all positive. She is indeed pregnant.
"Damn it all to hell! Of all the times to be pregnant, Mother Nature chooses to do this to me now?!"
Shanelle let out a frustrated sigh.
"I can't believe we're doing this again," she said out loud but not alone, "doing what again?"
She was startled by her husband's voice.
"Don't do that!" she said as she caught her breath, "You scared me half to death."
"I'm sorry."
He took in the look on her face.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"No. Yes? Maybe? I don't know?" she replied.
"What's wrong?"
"Umm..." She struggled to come up with words.
"Okay, now you're starting to scare me. What's wrong? Why do you look like that?"
Shanelle took a shaky breath as she sat down at her desk.
"Close the door and have a seat."
He closed the door and then took a seat across from her.
"Okay, I'm sitting down. What is going on? What's wrong?"
Shanelle sighed.
"You're about to be a father again," she said quietly.
"You're about to be a father again," she spoke up.
"Do NOT make me say it to you a third time!" she snapped at him.
Marquise blinked in realization.
"Wait! You're pregnant?" he asked.
"Yes, I'm pregnant. Ya, happy now?" she asked in a frustrated tone.
Shanelle closed her eyes to keep tears of frustration from falling.
"Shanelle, look at me," he said to her.
Shanelle exhaled and then looked at him.
"You're absolutely sure you're pregnant?" he asked.
"Yes. I had Dr. Andersen do a pregnancy test and it came back positive. Then I went out and bought my own. They're all positive." she replied as her voice hitched.
Marquise reached across her desk and gently took her shaking hands in his.
"If this is true, why do you look so upset?"
"Because I don't have time to be pregnant! We have two one-year-olds and a six-year-old to raise already. On top of the fact that two cocky idiots are gunning for our thrones. I can't be pregnant now. It will derail my entire year not to mention that it would derail my life! I can't afford that!" she replied as tears started rolling down her face.
Marquise stood up and brought her to her feet.
"First of all, I need you to breathe."
"I am breathing."
"No, you're stressed out and upset. I need you to breathe!"
"Is that an order?"
"Yes. Now breathe."
Shanelle closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths.
"Good. Now I want you to hear me. I know you're upset because of the timing of this but my love this is not something to be upset about."
"You don't understand Marquise!"
"I do understand. I understand that you don't want to be inconvenienced. I understand that you don't want to stop. I understand that you'd rather not have to think about being pregnant. I understand that you feel we have enough to deal with. Between raising our children, running and governing our kingdom, and especially having to deal with this god-forsaken challenge. I know what you're feeling. I know you feel like being pregnant will get in the way of all we're doing. But this is not a bad thing. We will do what we always do, we will breathe, straighten our shoulders, hold our heads high, and rule together."
Shanelle felt him rub his thumbs in circles on her knuckles.
"This is great news, my love. Our family is growing again. Our parents will be thrilled. Our nieces and nephews will be over the moon. And God knows Khari will be insufferable."
Shanelle chuckled.
"And our boys, they will be big brothers. Can you imagine how adorably hilarious they will be?"
Shanelle nodded.
"Yeah, I can."
He tilted her chin up so she was looking at him.
"I know this isn't what we expected. Especially you. But this is the hand we've been dealt. And like all things we do in love and life, we will handle this head-on. Because you know I would never allow you to walk this journey alone."
"But I don't know that I'm ready. I don't know if I can devote time to this."
"The woman I married. The woman I share a life with. The woman who gave me my three beautiful children. The woman who has had my heart since the first time I laid eyes on her. The woman I will always say I love you to. The woman who leads one of the greatest nations in the world. The woman I will lay my life down for. The Queen of Cordonia...is always ready."
Shanelle exhaled slowly.
"Okay okay. You win." Shanelle said before taking a shaky breath, "While I wish the timing of this was much better, you're right. I can do this. We will do this."
Marquise nodded.
"Never forget. You are a fantastic mother. The way you love, nurture, protect, teach, and defend our children always leaves me in awe. You are gentle, silly, firm, and caring. Our children are blessed not because of me but because of you."
Shanelle smiled softly at him.
"I wanna wait to tell people though. I want to take one last test. Just to be extra sure before we start telling everyone."
Marquise nodded.
"When do you want to tell everyone?"
"Next week. Since my parents will be here to celebrate their birthdays."
"Alright. For now, only we will know. So go ahead and order one more test."
"And don't worry, my love. You'll see that this is a good thing. Even if it doesn't feel like it right now. You'll see, it will be alright."
"I know it will be. I'm just..."
"Still in shock and disbelief?"
He pulled her into a loving embrace.
"Listen to me, I know it's a shock. But once it settles, you'll see the joy in all of this."
"I know I will."
"So let's breathe then get ready for the madness this is about to cause."
Shanelle exhaled slowly.
"Thank you for talking me off a ledge."
He chuckled softly.
"It's what you married me for."
Shanelle smiled at him.
She kissed him.
"Thank you."
"Keep that up and you'll be pregnant twice."
"And...he ruins the moment."
"You love meeee."
Shanelle shook her head with a small smile before she took one last look at the pregnancy test on her desk before putting it away In a drawer and then leaving her office with him.
The couple was able to keep Shanelle's pregnancy to themselves until her parents arrived that weekend. And that Sunday was the big reveal. After Khari and her brothers sang Happy Birthday the best they could to their Grammy it was time for cake and presents. While Marquise got the cake with the children, Shanelle gave her parents the news. In the cutest way possible.
"Got an early present for you and Daddy before the kids get cake everywhere," Shanelle said as she handed her mother a small gift bag.
"What's this butterfly?" her mother asked.
"Open it and find out."
Shantel gave her daughter a look.
"It's not bad. I promise."
"I don't know, this may be revenge for that gag gift we gave when you were 9." her father piped up.
Shanelle rolled her eyes.
"Your father has a point."
"Oh my goodness! Just open it!"
Shantel set the gift bag down and began taking the tissue paper out of it.
"Is there a present in here or is this just a bag of paper?" her father asks.
Shanelle merely shrugged.
"Honey, you may be right. Your daughter may have finally got her revenge." Shantel said to her husband.
"Good Lord! You two are impossible."
Her parents laughed as Shantel continued taking out more and more tissue paper. When she finally got to the bottom of the bag, she pulled out a small box.
"What's this?" Shantel asks.
"You have to open it to find out," Shanelle replied.
Shantel looked at her and then at her husband before opening the box. She nearly dropped the box after opening it.
"Oh my God!" she gasped out loud.
"What? What is it?" Damien asked.
Shantel held up a positive pregnancy test for her husband to see.
"What?!" Damien asks.
They both looked at her stunned.
"Happy Birthday?" Shanelle said to her parents.
"Are you serious?" her mother asked.
"Yeah. It's real." Shanelle replied.
"You're really pregnant?" Damien asked Shanelle.
"Yes, Daddy. You and momma get to be Grammy and Pop Pop all over again," she replied.
Their shock slowly turned to joy.
"Oh my God! Congratulations baby!" her mother said to her as she hugged her.
"Thank you, momma."
"Another one? When did you find out?" Damien asks.
"Yes, Daddy, another one. I found out I was pregnant two days before your birthday." she replied, "I hope you and Momma aren't mad that I didn't tell you right away."
"Of course not my darling," he said as he hugged her. "We couldn't be happier for you."
Shantel dried her eyes.
"Does Margo know you're pregnant?" Shantel asks.
"No, I don't think Marquise has told her yet," Shanelle replied.
"Hasn't told me what?" Margo asked as she walked up grabbing everyone's attention, "I apologize to everyone. I didn't mean to startle you all."
"It's quite alright Margo." Shantel said to her, "This is what your son hasn't told you yet."
Shantel handed her the small gift box. When Margo looked into the box her eyebrows shot up.
"Oh my goodness!"
"Oh God no!" Shantel said with a laugh, "Not me Margo."
"Then who?" Margo asks. That's when Shantel nodded to Shanelle and it dawned on her.
"Wait! You mean?" she asks before looking at Shanelle.
"Surprise?" Shanelle replied sheepishly.
Margo's jaw dropped.
"Welcome to the Grammy for a third-time club sweetie," Shantel said to her.
"My goodness! Congratulations my dear!" Margo said as she hugged Shanelle. "I am so happy for you and my son!"
"Thank you, Margo. I just hope I didn't steal His Majesty's thunder. He wanted to tell you himself."
Margo shook her head with a tearful smile.
"My heart is so full. I am thrilled for you and him. And especially my grandbabies. They'll be thrilled."
"I'm not too sure the boys will understand."
"This is true. But they can learn." Margo said with a happy sigh, "I wish George was here. He would be over the moon with happiness."
Shanelle smiled at Margo.
"I miss him. I remember how happy he was when we found out I was pregnant with Khari."
Shantel hugged Margo.
"Oh, sweetie. He's here. I can hear his laugh now."
Margo smiled.
"I can too."
That's when Marquise popped his head in.
"I was sent here to ask if we are ready for cupcakes."
Margo gave him a look.
"What? What's that look for?" he asked Margo.
"When were you going to tell me?!" she replied.
"Tell you wha—" he asked before seeing his wife mouth the words "She knows", "Ohhhhh! That."
"Yes. That," she said with her hands on her hips.
"I promise I had every intention of telling you."
Margo shook her head with a smile.
"If only it wasn't considered treason to pop you." she playfully warned before hugging him, "Congratulations my love. I am so happy for you."
"Thank you, mama."
"Daddy! Are they ready yet?!" Khari asked from the other room.
"Yes, my love! They're ready. Bring the cupcakes in." he replied.
"Otay (okay)! We toming (coming)!" Kylo replied.
The kids brought in a cart full of cupcakes with lit candles in them.
"Alright boys! You ready?"
"Ready!" they replied.
"Okay. One...two...three!"
"Happy!" Zyon said.
"Birthday!" Kylo followed.
"To Pop Pop and Grammy!" Khari cheered.
Everyone clapped.
"Okay, now Grammy. You and Pop Pop gotta make a wish and then blow out the candles."
Everyone watched as they blew out the candles.
"And now the best part!" Khari said.
"Cupcakes!" the twins said together.
As everyone was enjoying a cupcake, Khari noticed the small gift box.
"What's that Grammy?" Khari asked.
Shantel chuckled softly.
"That is a very special gift from your mother and father to me and Pop Pop," Shantel replied.
"What kind of gift?" Khari asked.
Shantel looked at Khari's parents.
"I'll let them tell you."
Khari looked at her parents.
"Looks like the jig's up," Shanelle whispered to her husband.
"Yup," Marquise replied before clearing his throat, "Come here, my love. There's something your mother and I have to tell you and your brothers."
Khari brought her brothers with her.
"What is it, Daddy?" Khari asked.
"Yeah? What?" Zyon asked.
"Well, it's about our family," he replied.
"Huh?" Kylo asked.
"I don't understand Daddy," Khari said to him, "what's wrong with our family."
"Nothing's wrong baby. This is a good thing." Shanelle replied.
"Oh okay. So what is it?" Khari asked.
"Our family is going to be getting bigger," Shanelle replied.
"Huh?" Zyon asked.
"What dat (that) mean Mommy?" Kylo asks.
Khari thought for a minute then gasped.
"Wait! Is mommy pregnant again?!" she asked.
"Yes, my love. Your mother is pregnant." Marquise replied.
"Oh my goodness! I'm gonna be a big sister!" Khari said.
"You already are a big sister sweetie. But your brothers will be big brothers now." Shanelle said to her daughter.
"Big brudder (brother)?" Kylo asks.
"Me and Kyyo (Kylo)?" Zyon asked.
"Yes, my boy. You and Kylo will be big brothers." Marquise replied.
"What's that?" Kylo asks.
Shanelle shook her head with a smile.
"I don't think they understand."
"That's okay mommy. I'll teach them everything I know!"
Later that evening after telling the rest of Marquise's family, Shanelle was out on her balcony before she was joined by her husband.
"How are you feeling my love?" he asked her.
"I'm relieved. Part of our family knows. I still have to break the news to a certain group of women."
Marquise snorted.
"They will eat you alive."
"I don't mind them. It's the rest of the world that I'm worried about."
He kissed her forehead softly.
"We will reveal to the world when you're ready and not a moment before."
"Are you sure that we can?"
"Of course. This isn't the first time we've hidden a pregnancy."
"But what about my appointments?"
"You and I both know that there are a million and one ways in and out of this palace. And in terms of your Obstetrician's office, there's a service elevator that we can take to avoid detection."
Shanelle shook her head impressed.
"You really do think of everything."
"Any way that I can alleviate any of your stress and keep you at ease, I will employ."
"I don't know what I'd do without you but I'm not willing to find out."
Marquise chuckled.
"I do it because I adore you. That's why."
"Well, you've certainly set the bar high for your daughters' future suitors."
Marquise scoffed.
"It's cute you assume she'll have any."
Just then, there was a knock at their bedroom door.
"Now who could that be at this hour?" she asks.
"I'll go find out," he replied.
He walked to the door and when he opened it there was an attendant on the other side.
"Apologies for the late intrusion sire but this just came for you and Her Majesty." the attendant said as she handed him an envelope.
"Thank you. That will be all."
"Of course, my King." the attendant replied with a curtsey before leaving.
Marquise curiously turned the envelope over in his hand.
"What is it?" Shanelle asks.
"Let's find out, shall we?" he replied.
Marquise broke the seal on the envelope and then pulled an invitation out. He read the invitation with an eyebrow raised and finished with a scoff.
"What does it say?" she asked.
"Your presence is hereby formally requested to be in attendance at the official Welcome Ball of Lord and Lady Aldon Douglas Joseph of House Gallagher. Saturday, May 19th at 5:00 PM at the Palace of Dalevandon." He read aloud.
"No, they didn't." Shanelle hissed.
"They did. And they're having this ball at King Elgin's old palace."
Shanelle scoffed.
"So this is bait?"
"Mmmhmm. They want a public spectacle and have sent us this in hopes that we'll reject their invitation."
"Well, they're right. We are not going."
"Oh yes, we are."
"What? Have you lost your mind?"
"You have to remember, this is about optics. If we don't go, the people will wonder why we're letting them intimidate us. Also, I am not about to be intimidated by a couple of amateurs."
"Ugh, I don't want to go."
"We don't really have a choice, my love. By sending us this they're forcing our hands. And if we don't go, they can say that they tried to extend an olive branch and we refused it."
Shanelle groaned.
"I hate courtly politics", Shanelle muttered with a frustrated sigh, "Fine. We'll go but we're not staying all night. I want to tuck our kids into bed at night."
"Deal. I'll have word sent that we'll be in attendance."
"In the meantime, I'm getting in the shower."
"Hey! Wait for me!"
Shanelle rolled her eyes playfully.
The couple spent the next week flying under the radar until her first appointment with Dr. Ramirez that following Wednesday morning. After coming through the service entrance, they were taken to a private room where they waited for her doctor.
"How are you feeling my love?" Marquise asked her.
"Everything all at once. I still can't believe I'm pregnant. But here we are about to have another baby." Shanelle replied.
"I'm sure. But this is an exciting time for us and our family. I know you're nervous but I am always with you."
"I know. It's just all the changes that are gonna happen. With us. With the kids. With the kingdom. I don't want to not be present and available for them."
"You have my word, my love. I will make sure that no matter what happens, you will always be seen, heard, and felt. Understood?"
Shanelle nodded just as there was a small knock at the door.
"Well, this is it," he said to her.
"Time to get this show on the road."
Dr. Ramirez and her nurse entered the room.
"Hello, and good morning Your Majesties. It's good to see you both again."
"You as well Dr. Ramirez," Marquise replied.
The doctor smiled at Shanelle.
"And a very good morning to you my Queen. Let me say congratulations to you and His Majesty on your soon-to-be newest bundle of joy."
Shanelle smiled softly at Dr. Ramirez.
"Thank you, doctor."
"So how are you doing? How are you feeling?" Dr. Ramirez asked.
"So far I'm okay. No early signs of pregnancy or morning sickness yet."
"That's good to hear. As always we'll check in periodically to be sure."
Shanelle nodded.
"In the meantime, we have an ultrasound to get started. Are you ready?"
"Yeah, I think so. Even though I hate this part."
Dr. Ramirez chuckled.
"I understand why my Queen. But I assure you that this won't take too long."
"Now I need you to lie back so my assistant Mara can apply the gel."
Shanelle laid back while holding her husband's hand while Dr. Ramirez turned on the ultrasound machine and her assistant applied the gel.
"Eek! Cold! Still cold!" Shanelle squirmed while Marquise stifled his laugh.
"I'm sure it is but the chill will dissipate soon." Dr. Ramirez replied as the screen came to life.
"Now, let's find that heartbeat."
Dr. Ramirez gently pressed the wand to Shanelle's stomach, moved it around, and then stopped when the heartbeat was heard.
"Say hello to your little one Your Majesties," she said gently to the couple.
The couple was in awe.
"Oh my God. They're real. Our baby is real." Shanelle with tears in her eyes.
"They're real. This is real. This is actually happening." Marquise spoke up.
They watched as Dr. Ramirez moved the wand around a little more.
"And this time, it's only one baby."
Shanelle let out a sigh of relief.
"Oh thank God! I would've died if you said it was twins again."
Dr. Ramirez chuckled.
"No no. Just one."
Marquise nodded slowly.
"At least now we know. Thank you, Doctor."
Dr. Ramirez smiled at Marquise.
"Of course Your Majesty. Again I am happy for you both."
"We appreciate that," Shanelle said to her.
"We'll get you cleaned up then we'll give you two a moment alone. But so far we're off to a great start."
After cleaning the gel off Shanelle's stomach, the couple sat together in shock and love.
"Life loves playing jokes on us, doesn't it?" Shanelle asked her husband.
"Indeed. How are you feeling?" he replied.
"I think reality is finally setting in. I think I'm slowly coming to terms with all of this," she replied.
Marquise nodded.
"It's a lot. Like a whole lot. But I know you. I know your strength. I know your perseverance. I know your tenacity. And God knows I know your love. I promise this will go smoothly. Unlike everything else in our lives."
Shanelle snorted.
"Well, when you put it that way, bring it on."
"There ya go! That's the spirit."
He rubbed circles on the knuckles of her right hand.
"You never cease to amaze me."
"You always say that."
"Because it's true. Every single day that I get to spend in your light is a blessing I will never take for granted. That's how much you mean to me. That's how much I adore you."
Shanelle smiled softly at him.
She leaned over and kissed him sweetly.
"I love you."
"I love you too, my love."
He smiled against her lips.
"I'll call the car."
Shanelle nodded before he stepped outside. When he did he was greeted by Dr. Ramirez.
"Your Majesty. I'm glad I caught you. I wanted to know if we should do the monthly check-ins that we did the last time Her Majesty was pregnant."
"Yes ma'am. I would. Again it's not that I want to hide anything from her but if something should arise."
Dr. Ramirez nodded.
"You will always be my first call."
"Thank you, Doctor."
Marquise stepped away from her to call their car. Later that day, it was time for Shanelle to tell the girls.
"Now that I have you all gathered here today I have something to tell you lot."
"What is it, Princess?" Nina asked.
"Now before I tell you girls what I have to say I just wanna preface what I'm gonna say with this, it's all Nina's fault! Y'all can blame her for what I'm about to say." Shanelle replied
"Me?! What did I do?" Nina asked.
"You were breathing on me! This is all your fault!" Shanelle replies, "You infected me with your cooties! I blame you!"
"Oh my God! I haven't seen you since January!"
"That's how long your cooties have been on me. And now..."
The girls were stuck. They didn't know what Shanelle was talking about.
"What are you rambling about Nelle?" Nina asked.
Shanelle shook her head with a hand covering her smile that's when it dawned on Nina.
"OH MY GOD! YOU'RE PREGNANT!" Nina guessed.
"What?!" the rest of the girls asked.
"Told y'all it was Nina's fault. She was spreading her pregnancy germs around and I caught them."
The girls cheered.
"Congratulations baby!" Robin said to her.
"Thank you, babe."
"I can't believe you're pregnant again!" Bron quipped.
"I know right?" Shanelle said to her.
"How are the kids?" Dee asked.
"Well, the boys don't quite understand what's going on just yet. But Khari? She is...excitedly insufferable." Shanelle replied.
The girls laughed.
"Stop that! My Princess is allowed to be happy." Nina said to her.
"We're so happy for you," Chutney said to her.
"Thank you, my love," Shanelle replied.
"How are you feeling?" Aly asks.
"I am...everything, everywhere, all at once. Honestly when I found out I didn't believe it at first. Hell, I didn't want to believe it. But when it was confirmed that I am indeed with child...I couldn't deny it anymore." Shanelle replied.
"When did you find out?" Nina asks.
"Two days before my dad's birthday," Shanelle replied.
"And you're just now telling us?" Robin asked.
"Again I was deep in denial. At first, I thought the first test I took might've been a false positive. But when I took at least 8 more tests, they all said the same thing. And well here we are." Shanelle replied.
"So are you having twins again?" Bron asked.
Nina cackled.
"No! Thank God! Besides, my uterus would've staged a mutiny if it was revealed I was having twins again. Thankfully for me, there is only one bun in this oven." Shanelle replied, "this time around the only one having twins is your sister-in-law."
Bronwyn laughed.
"Well, congratulations anyway. You're a great mom."
"Thank you, baby. Thank you all really. It means a lot to me that you all are happy for me."
"Of course we're happy. Our family is getting bigger." Robin said to her.
"Some might say that we're the mob." Aly quipped.
The girls all laughed.
"Nah. The mob is way too disorganized. Besides, they never get away with it. Unlike us." Shanelle said.
"True!" the girls agreed.
After speaking with the girls Shanelle found herself out on her bedroom balcony and was joined by her husband who was just ending a phone call.
"Yeah yeah. Asshole. Thanks again. I'll talk to you soon. Love you too." he said as he hung up the phone.
"Who was that?" she asked him.
"Leo. I told him you're pregnant," he replied.
"Oh good. How is he?" she asks.
"He's good. He's excited for us. How are the girls doing? How'd they take the news?"
"They're good. They're excited."
"You didn't blame Nina for you being pregnant did you?"
"It's her fault. And you know it."
Marquise shook his head with a smile before wrapping his arms around her waist.
"And now it'll soon be time to tell the world."
"We will tell the world when you're ready. Not a moment before."
Shanelle sighed contently.
"So we're really doing this again?" she asked.
"Mmmhmm. We are doing this again. We will be welcoming a new little one into our family." he replied.
Shanelle smiled softly.
"I swear I'm not in denial. It's just..."
"You're still in shock?" he asks.
"Yeah. I keep thinking I'm dreaming. But nope! I'm wide awake."
He kissed the back of her left shoulder.
"I'm excited for us. I know I could never go through the changes that you'll go through but I will always be with you and at your side."
"You'd be sickening if I didn't have such a giant praise kink."
"That's why I do it," he said before kissing the back of her left ear.
"I guess I'm still struggling with the timing of this pregnancy. Well, that and the fact that we're being forced to attend this Welcoming Ball in a few weeks."
That gave Marquise an idea.
"That gives me an idea."
"What?" she asked.
"Since we are discussing timing, why don't we announce your pregnancy on Mother's Day? Which is also a week before their so-called ball," he replied.
"That would certainly steal their thunder. And would force them to share their spotlight that night with us."
Shanelle nodded.
"Okay. We'll announce it then."
"I love it when a plan comes together."
Over the next few weeks, The Royal Couple was able to keep Her Majesty's pregnancy quiet until their announcement on Mother's Day. It took the kingdom by storm and as Marquise predicted, stole the momentum from Lord and Lady Gallagher. Many were happy and excited about the soon-to-be newest royal baby.
On the day of the Welcome Ball, the couple got ready. Choosing to go with a 20s glam. Shanelle picked a strapless navy blue crushed velour dress that fit and flattered her beginning baby bump with long white gloves. Marquise whistled low when he saw her.
"Now what is a fine-looking filly such as yourself doing in a place like this?" he asked, showing off his Boston accent.
Shanelle snickered.
"You've been working on your Boston accent again."
"You like it?"
"I certainly do," she replied in a southern belle voice, "well sir, if you must know I happen to enjoy the very finest things in life."
The couple laughed before saying goodbye to their children and making the journey to Dalevandon in what was once West Cordonia. The ride was quiet and pleasant, taking them through the Gianko Valley. As they arrived in the former capital of West Cordonia, Marquise took a deep breath.
"Are you okay?" Shanelle whispered to her husband.
"Yes, I'm fine. It's just been a while since I've been here. I have...mixed feelings about this palace."
"I'm sure. You spent a lot of time here. After all, your ex grew up here. It's perfectly okay to feel conflicted about being here."
Marquise nodded as they pulled into the motor court.
"Well, we're here," she said to him.
Marquise peered out of their limo window.
"Indeed. And so is the press."
"Hmmm...with us announcing my pregnancy last Sunday, how do you think Lord and Lady Gallagher will react?" she asked.
"Forcibly polite," he replied as he fixed his watch, "now shall we go dazzle the masses?"
"Lead the way, Your Majesty."
Marquise was the first to step out of the limo, shielding his wife from the various camera flashes. Once she exited, he took her hand in his and smiled at the cameras.
"Good evening everyone!" Marquise said to the members of the press. Many clamored to the King.
"Your Majesties! Your Majesties! Over here!" many were heard shouting at the couple for their attention.
"Your Majesties! Giacomo Torres here! First off let me say congratulations to you and Her Majesty on your new bundle of joy." He said to Marquise.
"Thank you kindly," Marquise replied.
"With Lord and Lady Gallagher challenging for the throne, many want to know why you're here tonight?" he asked the couple.
"We were invited by Lord and Lady Gallagher and it would be incredibly rude to refuse such an invite," Shanelle replied.
"Agreed. Speaking of you Your Majesty, how are you feeling?" he asked.
"I'm doing good, thank you for asking. No early signs of morning sickness so far."
"And how are the heirs? Are they excited?"
"Our boys are still very young so they don't really understand what is going on. But their sister is ecstatic at having another sibling." Marquise replied.
"Thank you both for your time. Do enjoy the ball." Giacomo said to them.
Both smiled and waved at the members of the press before making their way into the palace.
"Well that was fun," Shanelle said to her husband.
"It always is a fun time to show you off, my love. Now let's go steal the show from the idiots."
The couple was led to the doors of the grand ballroom for their entrance.
"Introducing His Majesty King Marquise Rys and Her Majesty Queen Shanelle Miller-Rys!" the herald announced as the doors opened. Their entrance grabbed everyone's attention.
When they got to the center of the grand ballroom, they were greeted in the receiving line by Lord and Lady Gallagher as well as their parents. Prince Dante Laurent and Duchess Josephine Grimes-Laurent and Duke Allastair Joseph and Duchess Daphne Ballenger-Joseph.
"Your Majesties. It is good to see you both. Our son wasn't sure you'd be joining us this evening." Duke Joseph said in greeting to them both.
"Thank you, Your Grace. Your son's challenge aside, I would never miss a good party." Marquise replied.
"Thank you for joining us, Your Majesties." Lord Gallagher said stiffly.
His mother cleared her throat.
"Yes, it is good that you're both here," she said to Marquise.
Marquise nodded politely then looked over to Lady Makenna's parents. Who bowed and curtsied in his direction.
"Your Highness. It's good to see you and the former Headmaster again. It's been quite some time since we've seen each other," he said to them.
Prince Dante nodded politely.
"Indeed it has. You were His Highness the last time my wife and I saw you." he said to Marquise before turning his attention to Shanelle, "Hello Your Majesty. It is good to meet you. And let me congratulate you and His Majesty on your pregnancy."
Shanelle smiled politely.
"Hello, Your Highness. It's lovely to meet you and Her Grace. Thank you very much for your kind words," she replied.
Lady Makenna rolled her eyes.
"You and Mama don't have to be so formal Papa. They won't be royals for very much longer."
Prince Dante gave his daughter a withering look.
"Makenna! You will show respect! You are not Queen yet! So until you are, you will represent our family with dignity! Now fix your face!" Prince Dante snapped at his daughter. This caused Shanelle to laugh quietly.
"Do excuse our daughter's lack of manners Your Majesties. She forgets herself sometimes." Duchess Josephine said to them.
"It's quite alright. Tell me, Your Grace, how is Elgin?" Marquise asked.
"He is well. Well as well as he can be." Prince Dante replies.
"His dialysis treatments are going well, yes?" Marquise asked.
"Yes, Sire. They are going well. My brother is still stubborn but he's still alive." Prince Dante replies.
"Papa! That is none of his business!" Makenna fussed.
Prince Dante gave her daughter another withering look.
"Thank you, Your Highness. I'm glad His Majesty is doing well. I think it's time that Her Majesty and I should take our seats. Be well, everyone." Marquise announced before walking Shanelle to their seats.
As they walked away, light bickering could be heard from Lord and Lady Gallagher to their parents.
"Well, that was awkward," Shanelle said to Marquise.
"Indeed but it was also informative," he replies.
"What do you mean?" Shanelle asked as they took their seats.
"Because Prince Dante lied to me. That's what I mean. He's not supposed to be within miles of the old palace," he replies.
"Why not?" Shanelle asked.
"Because Prince Dante is the reason why King Elgin owed a debt to my father in the first place. He had a gambling addiction when he was much younger and stupidly he risked his entire family's fortune on a race during the Royal Regatta one year and suffered a devastating loss to my father. And he seized on the opportunity." Marquise replied.
"And when King Elgin found out about his younger brother's blunder, he had no choice but to pay my father. Because of this Elgin banned his brother from ever stepping foot back in this palace. That's why Makenna was mad at him. Because she knew he would be lying to me. Truth is I doubt he's seen his brother in years. The last time he was here I was maybe 12 at the time. He hasn't been back since to my knowledge."
"So do you think King Elgin knows his brother is here?"
"Hard to say but with the state he's in, I don't think there's much he can do about it."
"Curiouser and curiouser. Do you think she's playing on her uncle's sympathies?"
Marquise shrugged.
"She wouldn't be the first noble to do so. And I doubt she'll be the last. That's probably why Dante sent Makenna to court. She was meant to be a peace offering. But I don't know if it worked."
The room quieted down as Lord Gallagher gave his opening remarks.
"Good Evening everyone! On behalf of my wife Lady Makenna Laurent, I want to welcome you all to our first of many balls here at my wife's family palace. I know some of you are loyal to Their Majesties. And I understand why. I don't blame you for your loyalty to them. I will be honest I didn't think Their Majesties would have had the decency to join us this evening. I am glad to see I was wrong. It is good to have you both here with us tonight. And my wife and I do wish you a warm and sincere congratulations on your new baby-to-be."
Marquise raised an eyebrow and then nodded at him.
"Now I understand that many of you don't know us. Therefore you're not sure you can trust us. My wife and I understand that. We also understand that we must earn the trust of the noble houses and the people. That is our goal for tonight. And let me just say, we are not challenging for the throne because we want to overthrow the monarchy. While it is hard for me to admit, I will give the current monarchs their credit. They have indeed done things for Cordonia. Many nobles and commoners alike have prospered under their leadership. Her Majesty's overhaul of the healthcare system of our kingdom alone is a feat that should be marveled at and celebrated. Because of that overhaul, many of our people were able to afford the life-saving healthcare they needed. My wife's uncle included. I thank them for that. But I am not blind to their misfortunes either. It was because of them we all were threatened by the Via Imperii."
Shanelle rolled her eyes quietly.
"And the unfair taxes many of us have had to pay. While yes, I can admit that money goes toward the healthcare system, education system, and emergency services and yes, none of it goes directly to either of them, we are well off now. We don't need to keep paying higher taxes. We don't need to keep doing trade, especially risky trades with hostile nations. And we certainly don't need to involve ourselves in petty squabbles between other nations. As many of you know, Kasnia is at war with Sulovaria and your King wants to involve us in that. That is military resources we don't need to expend. Not to mention he and the Queen spend more time gallivanting across the globe than they do at home."
His Majesty set his jaw.
"That is the irresponsibility my wife and I are trying to avoid. Unnecessary and costly wars and useless vanity points. We need leaders who have common sense solutions for everyday problems. They don't have common sense solutions. They don't have Cordonia's best interest at heart. But my wife and I do. That is why we are throwing this ball. It is our hope that tonight we will be able to change your minds about us and them. With that, let dinner be served!"
Servants busied themselves serving the first course of dinner. While they ate, Their Majesties discussed Lord Gallagher's opening statement.
"Well, what did you think?" Shanelle asked her husband.
"Not as bad as I expected. I knew they would take shots at us, but they played well to the crowd by keeping them at a minimum." Marquise replied.
"This is gonna be a long night isn't it?"
"Unfortunately but we're here and you are still pregnant. Which is something they didn't account for. We can still use that to our advantage."
"I love it when you get all political strategist."
"It's literally my job."
The main course, which was venison medallions in a wild boar ragu with chanterelle mushrooms and roasted Brussels sprouts, turned Shanelle's stomach.
"Are you alright?" Marquise asked.
"I don't think I can eat any of this. The smell of the mushrooms is making me queasy." Shanelle replied.
"Hmmm...let's see if one of my favorite of King Elgin's staff is working tonight."
Marquise was able to flag down one of the staff.
"Your Majesty! It is so good to see you again! I haven't seen you in ages!" the staff member said to him.
"Thank you, Tarlov. It's good to see you as well. Listen I don't mean to be a bother, but could I get something else for Her Majesty to eat? With her being pregnant, her senses are sensitive, and the mushrooms of the entree are making her feel sick. Perhaps you could indulge me just this once and have something lighter prepared for her."
"Oh dear! Of course sire. Right away!"
"Thank you again, Tarlov. Give Winnie my regards."
Tarlov nodded before taking Shanelle's plate away to the kitchen.
"Ugh! Thank you. Another second and I would've ruined the china." Shanelle said with a groan.
He rubbed the knuckles of her right hand.
"You're welcome. I'm surprised Tarlov is still here after all these years."
"You two greeted each other like you knew each other."
"Tarlov has worked in the palace for years. He's one of the last bit of loyal staff that Elgin has left."
With a new entree delivered Shanelle was able to eat. After dessert was served it was time for dancing. Lord Gallagher took to the middle of the dance floor.
"After what I said earlier this evening, this may seem surprising but if Her Majesty would be so kind as to join me for the first dance?" he asked the gathered crowd, "I promise you, Your Majesty, I mean no harm."
With all eyes on her, Shanelle took a deep breath, squared her shoulders, and walked onto the dance floor.
"Thank you. And I mean what I said, no tricks. Just a dance." Lord Gallagher said to Shanelle as he offered his hand.
"One dance. That's all you get," she said to him as the music started to play. As they began to dance Lord Gallagher regarded Shanelle with an appraising eye.
"I saw you had your entree switched. Was the food not to your liking?" he asked.
"No. The mushrooms made me queasy and rather than have me ruin King Elgin's fine china, His Majesty asked if a different entree could be prepared." Shanelle replies.
"Well you'll have to forgive me. When we planned this menu we had no idea you'd be pregnant by the time we threw our ball. Also, you could've asked me. I would've happily had another dish prepared for you."
"No thank you. I'd rather not eat rat poisoning."
Lord Gallagher rolled his eyes.
"Despite what you may think—", he began to say before she cut him off, "save it. I'm just here to dance. Not have a conversation."
"I am trying to be polite," he said through clenched teeth.
That's when Shanelle accidentally stepped on his right foot on purpose.
"Why you!" he hissed.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, my Lord. How very clumsy of me!"
As they danced, Lady Makenna took the time to sidle up to Marquise.
"That was quite a speech your husband gave Kenna. It was almost convincing albeit a tad bit boring."
Lady Makenna let out an exasperated sigh and then cleared her throat.
"As much as I don't want to do this, Your Majesty would do me the honor of dancing with me?" she asked.
"No," he replied.
"No?" she asked.
"You heard me the first time. But for the sake of appearances and because I want to get my wife as far away from your husband as possible," Marquise said as he adjusted his cuff before offering his hand, "shall we?"
Lady Makenna huffed before taking his hand and going out on the dance floor. They danced until it was time to switch partners. Shanelle couldn't get away from Lord Gallagher fast enough
"My knight in shining armor!" Shanelle said to her husband.
"That bad?" he asked.
"Let's just say there are only so many times I can accidentally step on his toes on purpose."
Marquise chuckled.
After an hour of dancing and mingling with others, it was time for Lord and Lady Gallagher's closing remarks.
"Here we go," Marquise said to Shanelle.
"Can we just get this over with?" Shanelle replied.
"Once again, my wife and I would like to thank all of you for joining us tonight. It is our sincerest hope that we were at least able to change some of your minds. Now—" Just as Lord Gallagher was giving his speech there was a loud pop.
"What was that?" Shanelle to Marquise.
Her question was followed by another larger explosion that rocked the room and knocked the giant chandelier off its chain sending it crashing to the ground. Marquise pulled Shanelle out of the way of the falling chandelier just in time.
"Guards! Guards!" Marquise called out to his guards.
"Fire! Fire! Everyone out!" a staff member ran in yelling.
"Your Majesties! This way!" one of his guards called out.
"Guards! Get everyone out of here now!" Marquise ordered as he and Shanelle ran out of the ballroom. Without looking back the royals ran outside. When they got outside they watched as smoke billowed out followed by shooting flames.
"Oh my God!" Shanelle gasped.
A guard came running up.
"Your Majesties! Are you alright?" the guard asked.
"Yes. Her Majesty and I are fine. Gather as many guards as you can and get as many people out as fast as you can. And get emergency services out here to get those flames back!" Marquise ordered.
"Oh my God! Oh my God!" Shanelle whispered in shock.
Marquise took his jacket off and wrapped it around his wife.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"I'm fine. I just..." she replied clearly shaken up.
"I know. But you're okay. We're okay." he said as he held her close to keep her calm, "we're safe. I promise we're safe."
"Back! Back! Everyone back!" a guard instructed the gathered crowd.
Everyone got as far back as possible. Many watched in horror as the old palace burned. Once emergency services arrived Marquise decided it was time to leave.
"Come on. Let's get you home," he said to Shanelle.
He led her to a waiting car. As he got in, a dark figure watched from the trees. As they drove away, the flames from the burning palace lit up the sky. When they returned to the palace, they were greeted by Margo and her parents.
"Oh my God! Are you two okay?" Shantel asked, "We saw the news."
They both nodded.
"What happened?" Damien asked.
Shanelle nodded numbly as Marquise spoke.
"There was an explosion while we were inside. And when we got outside there was heavy smoke and flames."
"Oh my goodness! The staff!" Margo said.
"Do you think there will be any casualties?" Damien asked Marquise.
"It's too early to tell. But when I hear something I'll be sure to let you know."
Damien nodded before turning to Shanelle who was shaking.
"You're shaking my darling. Maybe you should get to bed."
Shanelle nodded.
"We'll take her." Shantel said to her husband, "Come on sweetie. Let's get you down the hall."
Margo helped Shanelle up.
"Come, Your Majesty, gently now. That's it. Nice and slow."
Marquise and Damien watched as they walked down the hall. When they were out of earshot Damien spoke.
"Are you alright son?" Damien asked.
"I'm alright. It's just been quite the night." Marquise replied.
"I'm sure. I won't keep you long, go check on her and have a restful night."
"Goodnight Damien. You do the same." Marquise said to him before turning to walk down the hall to his bedroom. When he got inside Shanelle was sitting on their bed with her mother and Margo.
"Thank you ladies. I'll take it from here."
Both mothers nodded before leaving. Marquise sat down next to his wife and wrapped his arms around her.
"Are you alright?" he asked.
Shanelle took a deep breath.
"I'll be alright. I'm just in shock. That's all."
"I'm sure. Thankfully we got out of there safely. And hopefully, I'll know more in the morning."
Shanelle nodded.
"In the meantime, I've had enough excitement for one day. I'm going to bed."
"Good. Let's get some rest."
The next day, Shanelle stayed with their children, while Marquise was in his office on the phone with the authorities. He had just got off a call when Shanelle came to check on him with food.
"Hey, you," she said to him.
"Hey, beautiful," he replied.
"You look like you haven't eaten yet." she said to him, "So what have you heard so far?"
Marquise sighed deeply.
"Unfortunately the old palace has burned down," he replied.
"It's a total loss. Nothing could be saved."
"Oh my God."
Marquise shook his head before taking a bite of his food.
"It's such a shame. I really did enjoy that old palace."
Shanelle raised a questioning eyebrow at him.
"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked.
"Whatever you decide it to mean," he replied.
Shanelle crossed her arms and gave her husband a challenging look.
"Did you order that explosion?"
Marquise shrugged.
"Are you insane?! You could've killed someone! And what about King Elgin?"
"King Elgin wasn't even there last night."
"What do you mean?" Shanelle asked.
"While we were all in the ballroom, he was being safely evacuated. By the time the blast happened, he was on his way to his summer home on Lake Gianko," Marquise replies.
Shanelle shook her head.
"And what about Naya and her daughter Bernadette?"
"They are already at her father's summer house. I had them moved last week then I had His former Majesty moved. So it wouldn't look too suspicious."
"Well, that explains why he wasn't at the Welcome Ball."
Shanelle sighed.
"This is about to be a PR nightmare," she said with a groan.
"Agreed. But it's a PR nightmare we don't have to deal with."
"Tell me something."
"How did you do it?" she asked him, "And don't you dare lie to me."
Marquise looked at her coolly before snapping his fingers. Soon an opening in his bookcase opened and one of his guards stepped in. He was dressed in black and silver. He was one of Marquise's Crown Shields. The guard knelt down on one knee with a fist over his heart.
"My Queen." the guard said to her with his head still bowed, "My Liege."
"My love. You remember the Crowd Shields don't you?" Marquise asked.
"Mmmhmm. You only employ them in emergency situations or at least that's what you're supposed to do." Shanelle replied.
"True indeed. But since you wanted to know, now you know. This is Captain Desmond Emilo Felix. He's the current Head of the Crown Shield." Marquise explained.
Shanelle nodded then looked at Captain Felix.
"It's good to finally meet you, Captain," Shanelle said to the Captain.
Captain Felix rose to his feet and executed a perfect bow.
"You as well, my Queen. I'm glad we could finally meet."
"Captain Felix is how I was able to pull off the explosion. You see, Captain Felix is a former member of the US Military."
Shanelle nodded before looking at Captain Felix.
"You're American?" she asked.
"Yes ma'am. I'm as red-blooded as you are. I'm originally from Kansas City. My parents still live there. I served for 6 years in the US Navy as a SEAL before transferring to the Cordonian Army where I rose through the ranks. And was selected by Captain Nevrakis to lead in her stead when she retired." Captain Felix replied.
"And now you're my husband's official unofficial right hand?" she asked.
"Yes ma'am. I am at his beck and call and yours if and when need be," he replied.
"He is the one who started the blast while we were in the grand ballroom," Marquise explained.
"How?" Shanelle asked.
Captain Felix cleared his throat.
"It's quite simple. The Crown Shield has schematics of every noble house and palace. Including this one and the former palace of South Cordonia. It was just a matter of overloading the circuitry and turning on the gas. And making it look like a mere accidental gas leak." Captain Felix replies.
"The goal was to scare and distract people. And I'd say we succeeded."
Shanelle sighed deeply then nodded.
"Well, I guess I'll take your word for it." she said before turning to walk out of Marquise's office, "oh! And one more thing, touch my palace and I'll kill you both."
"Understood," Marquise said to her.
The next day, after getting their daughter off to school and leaving their sons with her mother, Their Majesties returned to the old palace in Dalevandon to inspect the damage. When they arrived at the old palace, the devastation was clear. Where the former palace of West Cordonia once stood, there was now nothing but ashes.
"I know your plan was to scare and distract people. But I think your plan worked a little too well." Shanelle whispered to her husband as they took in the damage.
"Perhaps. But as long as the goal was attained, I'm satisfied," he replied.
They were led to a podium where members of the press were waiting. Marquise held up a hand to quiet the murmuring crowd.
"Good morning everyone. Today is a sad day for us all. The Great Palace Of West Cordonia has been lost to a terrible accident. This is a heavy and personal loss for many. Myself included. But I want the people to rest assured that no one else will suffer. Thankfully there were no human causalities. Everyone from the guests to the staff to His former Majesty were all safely evacuated. The damage is being assessed and for those on staff who are now out of work, you will be compensated for your loss of work, your health insurance will continue, and resources to find other work via the Monarchy will be provided to you at no cost."
The reporters all clamored at once.
"Your Majesty! Donnie Brine of the CBC here. It has been reported that the explosion was due to a gas leak. Can you confirm that?" Donnie asked Marquise.
"Yes, I can. Preliminary reports suggest that the blast was due to a gas leak. While the investigation into the blast is still ongoing, the early reports confirm that a gas leak is the cause of the blast." Marquise replied.
"Or maybe it wasn't an accident at all!"
The crowd turned to see Lady Makenna marching up to the podium with her parents. When she got to the podium she got in His Majesty's face.
"You did this! You set the fire that burned down my family's home!" she accused.
"Be careful with how you speak to me, my lady," he warned her.
"I am not afraid of either of you! This is what my husband and I are talking about! You're so afraid of losing your throne, that you will destroy any and everything to keep it!" she yelled at him.
Shanelle looked at her.
"And just what are you and your husband doing to assist in this tragedy?" Shanelle asked Lady Makenna, "Other than accusing His Majesty of causing the fire that is."
Lady Makenna glared at Shanelle.
"Because for the last 48 hours, the only people who have remotely done anything to assist in any way outside of the locals, are His Majesty and myself. What have you contributed hmm? While assisting those in need should never be a competition, I will not stand here and listen to you accuse your King of any wrongdoing."
As the press whispered fiercely, Marquise held up a hand to silence them.
"She's right, my lady. Because challenge or not I am STILL your King! And you both are still subject to my rule! But since you're here now, why don't you tell us all what plans you and Lord Gallagher have for the people in the wake of this tragedy hmm." Marquise said to her as he gestured to the podium, "Go ahead, my lady. This is your chance to one-up us."
Lady Makenna backed down.
"Oh, so you don't have a plan? That's not surprising. Perhaps your father can come up with one. Oh! Wait! That's right I forgot. He isn't supposed to be anywhere near the palace. After all, the reason why your uncle owed a debt to my father was because of him and his gambling and that foolhardy bet where he risked your entire family's fortune." Marquise said to her, "See, I knew he was lying to me this past Saturday night when he told me King Elgin was doing well. When the truth is, he nor your mother or your siblings have seen King Elgin in years. So why would you host a ball in a palace your father was banished from? It is quite a curious thing."
That sent the press into a frenzy. With many trying to get Lady Makenna's attention. With the media distracted, Their Majesties stepped off the podium. They finished their tour of the remains before departing for home. When they got to the palace, they headed to the throne room where they were greeted by Captain Felix and a few members of the Crown Shield.
"Your Majesties. There's something you need to see."
The couple looked at each other.
"What do you mean Captain?" Marquise asked as a side door opened.
"He means me..." a voice spoke up.
The couple froze and when they turned around. Shanelle gasped and Marquise was beside himself.
"Hello, Your Majesties. It is good to see you both again."
It was Lord Tariq Sauvageon. Alive and well.
But how when he's been dead for years?
#khoicesbyk#choices#choices stories you play#pixelberry#fanfic#king marquise#king of cordonia#queen shanelle#queen of cordonia#king and queen of cordonia#cfwc fics of the week#choices fic writers creations#fics of the week#black king liam#black couple#black marriage#black love#otp forever#my otp forever#my otp#otp#the royal romance#choices fanfiction#kingliamappreciationweek
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one thing i love about my tabris worldstate is how absolutely fucked the ferelden-orlais, human-elven & mac tir-theirin politics are:
to start off you’ve got the steadily boiling racial tension because the denerim alienage has just been given a bann
…whose proposals are consistently backed by the new king, kicking off the potential for elves to hold real political power
an orlesian has been placed in charge of the wardens of amaranthine
and consequently has become an arl with significant standing in the landsmeet (lest we forget, one who also controls both the pilgrim’s path AND a major trading port)
loghain mac tir (the queen’s father!!!) has very specifically been PASSED OVER for promotion in the warden ranks…
to make the hero of ferelden’s (also elven!!) sister the warden-commander of orlais following the death of warden clarel
due to the prompting of the inquisition and marquise briala, the empress of orlais has made a sustained effort to publicly show her support for warden-commander tabris
which both queen anora and grand duke gaspard de chalons’ supporters have something to say about :)
#chaya’s fereldan too obviously but like in this climate??????????????#the pot was already boiling over. atp it’s just nuclear meltdown.#and the solution to quash all this tension?#mac tir-tabris schrodinger’s political marriage. i’m sure everyone will be normal about this 👍#<- the culmination of a 10yr slow burn btw. except this was not what either of them wanted.
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Ask Comp 01/07
Anonymous asked:i think youre the first liveblogger ive seen to actually remember that orphaner dualscar was eridan’s flarping name?
Mindfang clearly describes the Serkets, so I wonder if Dualscar says anything about the Amporas?
Eridan's greatest enemy does have a duality theme, after all - and he was certainly scarred when the guy stole his crush >:)
@captorations asked:i have terrible news regarding homestuck and the good place: https://x.com/nbcthegoodplace/status/1039908767763259392?lang=en not to mention that. well. the two share more than you've encountered yet. it's very likely not a coincidence. have fun! oh and. re: my ongoing campaign of pointing out the homestuck ancestry of tlt characters. please compare aradia's "i am very much alive and i intend to stay that way" with dulcinea's "i'm not in the river and i won't ever be again"
...oh my god.
On reflection, this makes a lot of sense. Homestuck's fandom is pretty large, and some of its members were bound to be involved in the production of mainstream media. Still, it's wild to see a Homestuck reference - or, technically, a Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff reference - on the official Twitter for a show this big.
And Aradia does have a lot in common with Dulcinea, doesn't she? For one thing, they didn't really start influencing the plot until after they died.
Anonymous asked: Not really important anymore, but looking at what Gamzee has in his Strife Deck, it doesn’t look like he has any ranged options: he’s got the bowling pins, what appear to be a discarded sickle and lance from Karkat and Tavros respectively, what I’m PRETTY SURE is a whip of some sort, and the Zillyhoo hammer. The closest to a ranged weapon in that stack is the whip, or maybe the pins if he’s willing to throw them, but neither seem like they’d work very well against Vriska. Barring some secret power or other plot twist, I think Gamzee would genuinely be the underdog in that matchup. (Which feels weird, because Gamzee’s been mutating into a slasher villain while Vriska’s still very much an antihero protagonist. Usually the power balance is the other way around with those archetypes!)
On the face of it, Gamzee didn't seem to have great odds in that fight - but it's hard to know for sure with this pesky Bard. His Strife Deck contains plenty of cards we haven't seen, and whatever he did to the Black King is still shrouded in mystery. Everything's just so uncertain with him.
@mimescantscream asked: I've really been holding back all this time, but now that we've met the Grand-highblood, it really is extra painful to see a Gamzee who was once incredibly loving of his friends (despite their constant ridicule) end up falling down the path that fate seems to have pre-ordained for him. Was he truly always meant to repeat echoes of the past? Could things ever have gone differently for him?
Yeah, I've been having similar thoughts. His PoV seemed completely sincere, so I don't think his original personality was a fabrication, or anything. I think there is a part of Gamzee that cares about his friends - and maybe even he wants it back.
@jade-harley-real asked: […] I want a rant on the bad doctor from you pls pls pls
Scratch is straight up the scariest character in Homestuck.
What's he up to now? Hard to say since we're not telling him what to do. Guardians can never be told what to do.
The aura of menace he's cultivated is incredible, especially considering he barely even moves. He's playing the entire cast like a fiddle, armed with nothing but a typewriter and his own supercharged brain - and there's no doubt in my mind that his confidence isn't a mask. He knows he's going to win in the end.
English is coming. He's basically already here.
@elkian asked: I'll probably never be a Vriska FAN, but I gotta admit, she really never had a chance, what with the only adults in her life being: a trollvorous spider 1 missed meal away from eating her, Marquise "I do what I want" Mindfang, and Doc Scratch. Some role models! @manorinthewoods asked: So, now that Mindfang has been revealed, here's a question for you: how much of Vriska's Vriskyness is because she's Vriska, how much is because of Mindfang, how much is because of her lusus, and how much is because of Alternia in general? ~LOSS (20/6/24)
This is why I don't think she'd be like this on Earth. At this point, it's obvious that none of her Incidents were the result of her personality as it naturally arose.
I mean, look how anti-Aradiacide she was! They weren't even really friends!
Anonymous asked: ‘AA: there are all sorts of friends to meet AA: ones you already know and ones you dont’ I mean…couldn’t she just be referring to various doomed selves? I don’t see why the dream bubbles would just be confined to the alpha timeline seeing as the furthest ring is weird in terms of time and space
I was assuming that only Alpha Timeline deaths would be preserved by the Bubbles, but you're right - I'm not sure that was a reasonable assumption.
The Horrorterrors seem to eschew the concept of the Alpha Timeline. and, they've coordinated with both Doomed and Alpha versions of Rose and Dave. Plus, yeah, there is no time in the Ring, so timelines are probably meaningless there. Why would it only interface with the Alpha?
If the Bubbles do preserve doomed souls, then we might also run into the John who died to Typheus, and the Jade he couldn't save. That's a pair of ghosts I'd be very interested to meet.
Anonymous asked: If every Aradia comes back from every doomed timeline, the number would double each time, so you could get over a thousand of her with only ten doomed timelines.
Fair point- although, if an already doomed Aradia went back in time again, she'd be double doomed. Is that even possible? Would she die twice as quickly?
@mhafanlol2000 asked: Your issues with quirks and speech-to-text are pretty simple to explain. If a troll were to speak into a non-modified speech-to-text program, it would output text with their quirk. Because they, quite literally, speak in their quirk. Terezi probably isnt actually saying “YOU H4V3 LOST TH3 G4M3”, each number at a time, but the vibes are definitely there. I don’t know, this is hard to describe if you don’t inherently get it.
I think, jokes aside, it is indeed about the vibes.
In the troll intro pages, you get told a little about how each troll talks, and I think that's how we're supposed to translate their quirks to an audible medium.
Anonymous asked: i think ppl in the fandom have over time kinda built up a like, generally separate understanding of quadrants from how theyre described in the "official" explanation. which is like, not representative of how these terms are used in homestuck, but probably more useful for describing Good relationships that Do Not Suck. like basically making moirails equivalent to being queer platonic partners, making blackrom more about having a healthy fun rivalry, that kinda stuff.
It's funny, actually - I don't think I've encountered a single asker who accepts the quadrants as they're originally described.
The main issue is that, with the possible exception of matespritship, we haven't seen a single troll relationship with reflects the infodump's explanation of the quadrants. I think Hussie might just have jumped the gun a little when dropping it.
Anonymous asked: Shoutout to Karkat poking his friends in the background! Terezi (crying over Dave) and now Soloux (talking to Terezi). Karkat isn’t sure what the right response is but wants to be included! Reminds me of actual cats, just putting a paw on you for no discernible reason. @manorinthewoods asked: I'd like to note that Karkat poking Terezi's tears is the same sprite (and same 'poooke'!) as Karkat poking Sollux's burnt-out eyesockets. ~LOSS (12/6/24)
My man just likes poking.
@alicesoinions asked: not much to say just wanted to say I really enjoy your liveblog!!
Glad you're enjoying!
I've actually got a few new followers recently. Maybe I'm showing up in people's recommendations?
@heliotropopause asked: Dream bubbles are pretty neat, eh? Neat enough to inspire half of HtN, I'd bet.
Oh my god, you're right. It's literally a River Bubble. They're both located in afterlives, for crying out loud!
Anonymous asked: Wanted to thank your liveblog for reminding me of a lot that I had flat out missed in canon, due to not putting it together or just reading too quickly. Most recently and notably on my mind right now, is that Feferi is the one who set up the dreambubbles!!! I had always thought that they were just a part of the world that readers didn’t know about yet, like how we weren’t yet introduced to Alternia and it’s moons until act 5. This went right over my head and it has me absolutely REELING (fishing pun included just for fef!!)
Feferi truly is the MVP.
I wonder what happened to dead Players before the Bubbles?
They're certainly not the only type of afterlife in the multiverse. Alternia has at least two types of undead, which implies that the Players are very, very lucky to have retained their personhood postmortem. Imagine this was what Feferi looked like in Jade's dream.
Anonymous asked: Knowing sollux, he probably already had coded his tech to recognize if his speech ever changed, and gave himself a different typing quirk for it, long ago. Not because he knew or thought it would happen, but because he thought it would be a fun coding project ((I know nothing about coding))
And yet, you somehow know exactly how we think.
Anonymous asked: Something I hadn’t really thought about, until I started reading this liveblog, is how much VRISKA ((autocorrect decided to caps that and I’m leaving it in lol)) was manipul8ted into a lot of her violence. Scratch pushed her towards vengeance against Aradia, and she didn’t want to go through with it. Did VRISKA ever tell anyone how much of her live she spent resisting these forces, or even really acknowledge it? She didn’t hide Spidermom, and arguably her need to kill other trolls was to prevent herself from being killed. BUT on the other hand, VRISKA voice would make it sound like a compliment “I almost didn’t kill you why don’t you appreciate me!!!!!!!!”
The thing is, VRISKA probably felt a lot of social pressure not to tell people she was coerced into her crimes. That would reveal that she was reluctant to kill, which is the opposite of what the Empire wants.
@manorinthewoods asked: You could have written a great Homestuck if you'd been Hussie. I think your style, if translated from reacting-to-comic to making-comic, would work great with what Homestuck is, and could have made a better product. I think you'd make a cerebral Homestuck, which would have been cool to read, except I would have botched reading it like I botched reading Homestuck in our Alpha Timeline. ~LOSS (11/6/24)
Thank you! I've tried to write before, actually, but whenever I reread my stories, they come off as esoteric, stilted and a little hard to follow. It's not an insurmountable problem, of course, and I really need to take a writing workshop at some point.
I'd love to make a webcomic, too, but my art also leaves a lot to be desired. I can adapt sprites just fine, but original drawings are hard, guys. Did anyone else know about this?
Anonymous asked: i counted just now, and only like 24 out of all 54 paradox space comics have zero spoilers. some of them are certainly more substantial than others (e.g. i counted ones that include jade’s consorts that you havent seen yet as spoilers) but a lot of them have Very Big Spoilers
It would have been awfully messy. I'm probably just going to read it once I've reached the Gigapause of 2013, and no longer need to worry about spoilers.
@bladekindeyewear asked: “Nepeta wasn't trying to pacify Equius, nor did she seem to be fulfilling any rigidly defined 'role' in his life. They just came off as very good friends, and their relationship was much better for it.” Well, maybe we ought to look at it through the lens of real relationships between friends? Once a healthy dynamic and boundaries are established, perhaps Moirails stabilize as long as they’re together.
That's a good way to interpret moirallegence - although, it does raise an issue with the quadrant that I'll be discussing on its own post, once I've finished the comp. There's no point in prehashing what I'm about to say, so I'll see you there!
Anonymous asked: karkats message didn't go through because of trollians narrative awareness feature, where it'll display something different in service of one of the several "all"-seeing entities, of which the reader is one <3 watsonian and doylist explanations are kissing with tongue
Since the fourth wall is an actual, physical piece of technology in this world, this isn't even that far-fetched!
@sashonya asked: So, as the session's timers continues to count down, what do you think will happen after The Scratch?
Beyond 'the session ends', it's difficult to say for sure. I think the two most likely possibilities are that the kids start exploring other sessions, or travel to a location completely outside the current scope of the comic. I am, of course, hoping for both.
@ericvilas asked: "I still believe that out of all the trolls, Karkat’s traits were featured the most prominently in humanity" yeah, I guess even humans aren't free from the effects of carcinization
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Ironwood: So I said to the Marquise de las Foo Fighters, what do I look like? A dirty commoner? I've never worked a day in my life! (Laughter abounds)
Goodwitch: Oh my, look at how pretty the bride looks.
Clover: She sure is!
Marrow: Hate to be Prince Jaune, though. That's a looot of responsibility when he becomes king.
Pietro: Especially since Atlas is in financial ruin!
Ironwood: Quite!
Jacques: Thank you, one and all, for attending the royal marriage between my daughter, the future queen of Atlas, to the prince of the Arc household. And now for the very awkward yet historically accurate part of the ceremony where we all watch them get into bed together!
Crowd: (Cheering)
Jacques: Alright, now that's out of the way, let's leave the royal couple to it.
Jacques: (Leans in) You better give us an heir, you disgusting, hillbilly ponce!
Jacques: (Last one out) Nighty-night~! (Leaves)
Marrow: That's going to be a looot of responsibility!
Pietro: Atlas is in financial ruin!
Jacques: You disgusting, hillbilly ponce!
Ironwood: Quite!
Everyone: (Laughing at Jaune)
Marrow: That's going to be a looot of responsibility!
Pietro: Atlas is in financial ruin!
Jacques: You disgusting, hillbilly ponce!
Ironwood: Quite!
Weiss: ...Ugh. Great. He's a freakin' weirdo.
#rwby#oversimplified#jaune arc#weiss schnee#jacques schnee#james ironwood#pietro polendina#marrow amin#clover ebi#glynda goodwitch
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Hello people!! Welcome to another post about the rewrite of Helluva Boss!!
Or rather... *Looks at papers*
The lonely imp, that was the name you guys choseIs
today! Let's talk about the hierarchy of hell!! Let's Go!!
Okay, I spent perhaps too long on Wikipedia researching this... But anyway! we have the seven rings, and we also have the Goetia, I did it like this, in each ring there is one of the seven deadly sins, and each ring has a quantity of Goetia, let me show you!
First ring, contains eight kings, in the second, twenty three dukes, in the third, seven princes, fourth, fifteen marquises, fifth, five Earls, sixth, a knight and seventh, twelve presidents
Cool huh?
Anyway, let me show you the hierarchy, ignore me not writing the entire name of L, I just don't like writing that name, anyway let's go!
Six deadly sins/greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, sloth
Earls, Knight, Presidents
Beings from hell, you know, the urban legends, like imps, demons/ And also non-animals
"Ah, Letícia, aren't you going to explain each one?" But of course! on another day, with a post and drawing of each one! Did you like it? And then I'll explain everything! Anyway, that's all, see you on Monday!
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Princess Aminah of Johor's Yellow Diamond Tiara
This tiara was made by Singapore based jeweler, Royal Insignia, for Tunku Tun Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah to wear to her wedding in August 2017. It features a cushion cut yellow diamond along with pear, marquise, and emerald cut white diamonds set in white gold.

Princess Aminah's father, Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar of Johor, was sworn in as the new Yang di-Pertuan Agong aka King of Malaysia today so I hope to see this tiara worn more in the future.
#Princess Aminah#Tunku Tun Aminah#Johor#Johor Royal Family#Malaysia#Malaysian Royalty#Malaysian Royals#Royal Insignia#jewel documentary#diamond#yellow diamond#tiara#diadem
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Flashback: King Charles and Queen Camilla, then-The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall, attended a dinner given by The Queen of Denmark and The Prince Consort at the Christian VII Palace in Copenhagen on March 26, 2012
Camilla has had this demi-parure of diamonds in her jewelry box from the earliest years of her royal marriage. She debuted the set in November 2005, for a dinner at the de Young Museum in San Francisco, California. The set consists of a necklace and a matching pair of earrings. The necklace features large pear-shaped diamonds suspended from a collar of marquise-shaped stones, and the earrings feature a modern, artistic cluster of pear-shaped gems.
~~ The Court Jeweller
#flashback#thejewelcatalogue#queen camilla#jewel;necklace#jewel;earrings#pear shaped diamond demi-parure#british royal family
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