#again no hate to the anon asker
seeingivy · 8 months
lots of thoughts!
and this isn't a diss to you as a person nonnie bc im assuming you're just here bc you know i'm a taylor fan! (so no hate to you, but it's a less enthusiastic response than you're going to be expecting)
first and foremost, in a very literal sense, i am from california. i've been a 49ers fan since i was a kid. i liked the 49ers and their players better. brock purdy winning after being called mr. irrelevant for the longest time would have made me happy and kittle being a harry potter nerd and sorting players into their houses before was cute.
second, not a big fan of the chiefs or their SA apolgist players! don't really care that travis kelce is dating taylor swift (and never really have by the way) and care more about the fact that israel ran an ad during the superbowl and simultaneously started bombing the south of gaza, where all the civilians were told to flee. seeing videos of taylor in the suite followed up by mutilated children - especially when she's chosen to stay silent throughout all this - does not make me happiest in the least and actually sows a deep sorrow in me at this point in the genocide.
so in conclusion, I don't care too much about it. I realize that it's an american tradition, but at this point, for me it's hard to enjoy with integrity being on the line. watching the game just to have my friend text me halfway that her family is in rafah and she fears that this is it for them is the biggest wake up call known to man.
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triglycercule · 1 month
How do you think the murder trio will react to eachothers death? Like what is their reaction if horror dies, what is their reaction if killer dies,
stoppp do not make me think of trio death. i can't handle it i need them to live but and then die together THEY CAN'T DIE APART,,,,, if they die apart the trio is incomplete and now nothing will ever be the same!!!! ugh. but i have asks to answer and responses to deliver,,,,, so lemme think about it. i can't just say that none of them would care/they'd laugh at the other's death because that's BORING (even though it'd probably be canon.) so we're going MORE that than. we're going mtt poly core (or just close friends???? mayhaps. they decide what they are i can't force them to be together (until i literally do but anyways))
ok let's start with the coolest idea. how would dust react if either horror or killer died and he was close to them???? i'm totally ripping this off from I THINK @daigakuimouu on twitter but like. phantom killer. phantom horror. what if dust hallucinated them after death. idk how they would die but it would totally be out of guilt like how he didn't prevent them from dying or be nicer or show his care for them more. and compared to phantom paps (who's actually fairly nice. nicer than most people depict him as i think. he's still PAPYRUS even though he's made of dust's LOVE) the hallucinated killer and horror would be WAYYYYY meaner than the real them. they'd constantly berate dust for not being guilty or good enough and if he moved on they'd always remind him of their deaths so he'd never REALLY move on. like phantom paps said "your torture begins from now on. enjoy this nightmare!" but like the mental torture is wayyyy worse. if horror were still alive and dust told him about his killer hallucination he'd believe dust (because phantom paps is very much so real and he's aware that dust can hallucinate) but he'd be so guiltridden that he'd totally brush it off and pretend that dust's killer hallucination doesn't exist. he's still in the denial/anger part of grief. but if killer were alive and he told him about his horror hallucination i think killer WOULD believe him and he'd actually feed into the idea. constantly asking what ghost horror's saying and what he looks like and if he can talk to him and such. so silly dust is with his silly little hallucinations (he is in an incredibly bad mental state)
i already implied it but horror would deny it to hell. he'd be like its not my fault and they wanted to die anyways or random bullshit like that so he can pretend that he isn't absolutely missing dust/killer/both and that it isn't effecting him deeply. when he makes food for three people and forgets that one or both of them are gone he scoffs and puts the extra portion in the fridge. then the fridge just starts filling up with leftovers because horror doesn't wanna get rid of food he made for dust or killer. horror makes a pun/insult (he would do both) directed towards dust and then forgets that he isn't here anymore and then switches over to killer after a moment of reflection and rememberance. sees killer's unmade bed and is about to tell him to clean up after himself but again forgets that he's not there anymore. makes it even WORSE if theyre both gone it'll be so sad i can't. i CANT THEYRE SO SAD WHEN THEYRE NOT TOGETHER. my trio isn't a trio without all three!!!! he'd take the longest to get over it. dust keeps on telling him about his killer hallucination and its probably real but he doesn't wanna be reminded that killer's gone. because dust hallucinates the dead. killer's oddly quiet and horror's trying everything to get him to talk because he doesn't wanna be reminded that dust's gone. because killer's only quiet when he's thinking. OH my trio,,,,, if they die they all have to die together im sorry
again like i said earlier killer would be pondering. a thinker. he thinks therefore he is but damn are his thoughts confusing. he's noticing a lot now that either one or both are gone now. like how horror always seems to hold him tighter in hugs now that dust's gone or that dust seems to be talking to him a lot more now and to himself. he notices how there's always a missing seat at the table now and how their bed feels less cramped and how the house is quieter now. neither dust nor horror were ever the loud types but its REALLY obvious now that they're gone. he doesn't know how he should feel he doesn't know how he DOES feel. its just. like. empty. like something's wrong badly. maybe he'd go hopping around the multiverse to horrortales and dusttales and watch the horrors or dusts there. but he doesn't ever interact with them. he just watches wondering why he still feels so empty even when there's dust and horror right there?? yah then then the upcoming stage 1 breakdown comes up and then he has to come to terms with the fact that's actually grief and longing he's feeling WHOOPS. a shame nobody will be there to help him if both of them are dead,,,,,
if one of them dies all of them have to die im sorry. the law of mtt they cannot exist seperately. i explode into w tiny little bitty pieces if there's a trio who's missing one. that's INCOMPLETE i tell you. horrordust without killer is like solid and gas without liquid. kist without horror is like minecraft sword and pickaxe without axe. horrorkiller without dust is like pencil and pen without paper. it's not PERFECT without all three there,,,,
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altruistic-meme · 2 years
Hope you haven't already got too many of these haha - but my (wrong) season 3 prediction is that seeing Wille and Simons relationship reminds Kristina of her unfortunate romance, she happens to run into them, has romcom style encounter and she ends up rekindling that relationship, has an affair, and divorces Ludvig leaving the monarchy in an even more perilous state.
i will never have too many of these dear sweet anon. im thriving. this is the best thing ive ever been a part of.
also what a character redemption, truly joining her son in "abolish the monarchy" and learning that true love is worth it!!!
[ young royals s3 predictions - wrong answers only ]
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pape · 1 year
yo bro u holding the @ ? whats your bin lmk
um????? yeah i guess but im actually *using* this. you cant have it and i dont even have a bank account, im a minor.
so like sorry ig? but, you snooze you lose. i dont care and i will never part with this name
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daytaker · 8 months
The Gang's Tumblr Pages
Inspired by this and my own reaction to it.
Perfectly curated, perfectly formatted, and whenever there's a major change to the tumblr format, he simply leaves the website altogether in a huff of peacock feathers.
Lots of HD photography of nature getting reblogged.
Has an extremely complicated and specific list of tags he uses for every single post.
He only reblogs text posts that are sufficiently visually appealing. Very few meet his high standards.
You could look through his entire blog and not learn one single thing about him except that he's a perfectionist to the point of neurosis.
He has a lot of professional art blogs following him.
Oversharing oversharing oversharing!!!!
He regularly gets himself in trouble by shouting about the shit he's done into the void of the internet.
Tried to have a tagging system but forgets about 7/10 times.
Reblogs himself all the time to say "AND ANOTHER THING!!!"
He hates looking at the actual blog pages. The text is always so tiny and some of them start playing music and changing his mouse into a weird shape? No thank you.
He has very few followers and he doesn't really care. Who goes on tumblr for the social element? Weirdos, that's who.
He's insanely easy to troll with anonymous asks. Everyone has done it. Even Lucifer, though he wouldn't admit it.
Some of his best asks:
"did u just post that you're okay with the idea of ponies and unicorns breeding. like no shade on that conceptually but why."
"If you reblog another 'reblog this for good luck' post, I will personally break down your door and steal your skin."
"ur ugly" "yeah-huh" "ugly" "no i won't 'come off anon and fight u' whhy don't you come ON anon and fight me?" "'i don't know how' sounds like something a chicken would say"
He just makes a blog like one of us. Fandom stuff.
Except he's multifandom to the extreme. It's impossible to keep track of his interests because he always has so many simultaneously.
He has the most followers of the brothers just because he gets so deep into so many fandoms that they come rolling in.
He has blocked all of his brothers except for the twins. They're okay.
His blog is a chaotic mess but there is order within the madness. He has a masterpost of tags that explains everything if you care to look at it. (I don't recommend it.)
It feels stupid to even put this in writing but...cat pics. Endless cat pics. That's like 90% of his blog.
The other 10% is a mixture of book recommendations and analysis, Lucifer shade, and a comprehensive, ever-expanding list of shit Lucifer has done to make Satan angry. It's a very long list. It's organized by theme.
"Lucifer inflicts unjust punishments." "Lucifer makes unnecessary snide remarks." "Lucifer simping for Diavolo and MC (pathetic)."
His blog itself is very minimalist and clean.
He's another fastidious tagger. He tags the cat pics by color, breed, age, number of cats, setting...
He's not very into tumblr. It's like Devilgram but more complicated and less popular.
Sometimes he'll post or reblog 'aesthetic' things. Moodboards and the like.
In general though, he doesn't really 'get' tumblr.
People don't post selfies very often. Weird.
Food blog.
Just food.
Reblogging hot dogs.
Reblogging nachos.
Reblogging ice cream.
Nothing else. Ever.
"This minimalist Tumblr has no posts."
No posts.
Default profile picture.
Sometimes he'll like something.
Usually he just looks at it.
There is no order. Only chaos.
He hardly ever uses it, then he'll come online and reblog a million things that have nothing to do with each other. Then he'll go silent again.
He has no tagging system.
He has no custom theme.
He is very friendly to all anonymous askers though.
Barbatos would never have a tumblr. Don't be ridiculous.
He only posts very rarely. He prefers to lurk.
When he does post, it's something weird as fuck, like reblogging statistics about owl pellet contents.
He likes to keep people on their toes.
Reblogging inspirational quotes, pictures of nature, and general positivity.
That is, once he figures out how the website works.
That takes a really long time.
What is a queue? What are tags? Why is it called a "reblog"? How does he track activity? How does he navigate the homepage? Why does it post things in such a strange order? What is a "Blaze"? What is a draft? Custom URL? Custom Theme? Sideblogs? Mass Post Editor?
Someone please help him.
Solomon probably does that.
He uses tumblr for recipes and images of baked goods.
But tumblr isn't even the best place to go for that, so he isn't on very often.
He sometimes likes Simeon's posts, just as a show of support since he knows how hard Simeon works to post anything anywhere.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 12 days
what do you gain from sending cruel anons? satisfaction? approval from others? does someone pay you to do it? I never understood why you freaks do that bullshit. it's useless anyway.
I'm not publishing your anonymous ask. no one deserves to look at that slop.
it doesn't even hurt me. nothing you say to me can be worse than the pain I've already felt. your words mean nothing to me. you can tell me to kill myself all you want. you'll never be louder than the voice in my head who almost convinced me to do it.
I've already reached my lowest point in my life. I've gotten better. I love myself too much to let you take that away from me.
you, on the other hand, are sitting alone in your room and copypasting the same generic message to random trans people you see online, because your life has literally no value, because you will never do anything of note, because you're unworthy of any sort of affection from others, and you will die alone, unhappy, unfulfilled, unaccomplished, and your last dying wish as you sit on your death bed surrounded by no one is that you could have spent more time being a cruel heartless bigoted irredeemable cunt to people online.
meanwhile I'll be living my best life. I'll forget about your entire existence later this afternoon. I'll continue to spend time with the people I love, and help spread positivity to people who need it. I will outlast you. I'll live my life to the fullest while you rot in your isolation. I will outlive you. my legacy will continue after I'm gone while people will try and pretend that your ilk never existed. I will outlove you. I will be a reminder that your negativity and hatred is but a momentary stain on existence that will be washed away by unconditional love and support.
I'm no longer speaking to that anonymous asker. instead I address this to my followers, as well as anyone else who may see this post: do not answer anon hate ever. it's not worth it. those people do not care about your response, and only receive gratification from seeing you suffer.
I know a lot of you weren't online in ye olden days. but back then, we had rules for the internet. and one of them is to never feed the trolls. feeding the trolls mean they win. somewhere along the line some of them managed to convince people that blocking the trolls means they win. that's not true. blocking means you win because you'll never have to see their disgusting horrendous comments again. the block button is your best friend. use it.
if you get anon hate, delete it. block the sender (which I'm pretty sure now ip blocks whoever sent the ask), and if it continues, turn of anons, or even turn off asks in general. do not let them hurt you. do not engage. do not respond. do not answer them. they aren't looking for a debate. and you won't change their mind. answering their ask just exposes their slop to all your followers. and none of them want to see that shit.
remember that for every hateful anon message you get, there are 100 people who love you unconditionally and care about you. do not let the loud hateful minority win.
maybe what I'm doing counts as feeding the troll. I'm not directly answering their ask, but I'm still getting involved. but fuck it. I'm turning their hate into positivity. I'm using this as a moment to spread awareness to others.
if you're a person on the internet who's received hateful messages, especially if you're trans, I promise you that you're not alone. ignore them. find people who care about you and love you. I promise that the small annoying obnoxious voice does not represent the opinions of society as a whole. I promise that nothing they say is true. I promise that you are loved. unconditionally. forever. simply because you are you.
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lemotmo · 2 months
🤣😬 yeah they're just unlike anything I have ever seen.
Q. Still think they aren't trolling? They're so embarrassing around one another and the fact that you all find it cute and not highly unprofessional and gross tells us all we need to know about you all. As inappropriate as their behavior is they still must be so mortified by you all and that says a lot. Yes podcasts and journalists and the marketing team love them but they are not canon. But try harder to intimidate people into submission.
A. Okay I'm going to answer this and then no more from you all because you're truly a level of deranged that I have never encountered in all my years of fandom life. Seriously, intimidating? Who am I trying to intimidate? I don't care that you're offended by the fact they're friends. I don't care that you believe they're trolling you (they aren't. I promise they don't think about you all). I don't care that you all feel 'attacked' by the content we got last week. I get it. It was a bad week for you all. And you finished the bad week with confirmation that your guy wants absolutely nothing to do with you. He thinks you are just as unhinged as the rest of us do. And instead of taking the hint you all decided to double down on your crazy and go after his sister. Proving he was correct in deciding to ignore you all. Nothing the show is doing is about or for Tommy. I know it. You know it (which is why you all are spiralling all over our ask boxes). Nobody cares. And that's the real problem for you all. We don't care. Oliver doesn't care. Ryan doesn't care. The show doesn't care. You are going to get to see him in season 8 in some capacity but then he's going to be gone. I don't like a single thing about the man but I will be forever grateful that his pathetic attention seeking weeded you all out of the fandom. I have no doubt that you all will try to make things as miserable as possible once his character is shown the door, but I won't care about you then either. I'm done giving you attention. Episode 7x4 was about Eddie. Everything that came after was about how differently Eddie sees and deals with Buck compared to all the other people he has dated. And every single one of you knows it. And that is pure satisfaction on my part. You know it. You see it. You try so hard to pretend it's anything else that you end up proving all of our points even further. Everyone is done with you. And now that even includes the man you all started all of this for. Which is absolutely hilarious. Bye now. I'm going back to enjoying my show.
Thank you Nonny.
I swear, each time I get one of these asks I am more baffled. How is it gross that two actors on a TV-show genuinly like each other and like spending time together? What planet do these people live on? This is called 'friendship'. Look it up in a dictionary if you have never heard of it.
Oh and the anon asker is right, Buddie aren't canon... YET. Give them some time. They'll get there. ;)
As for Ali's answer to this truly bizarre question?
Tumblr media
Mic drop once again! All the way!
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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cripplecharacters · 2 months
Stutter question anon here. Thank you for the quick reply! My actual question is: would it be at all inappropriate to have a character (who is a middle-aged man with currently-undiagnosed generalized anxiety disorder and a still-lingering stutter that he went to speech therapy for in his twenties) be particularly distressed about public speaking because of his speech disability? His stutter isn’t incredibly noticeable in the current time of the story, but becomes more prominent when he’s stressed. (For a bit of context, I had a noticeable lisp [that has since mostly-faded] and undiagnosed anxiety growing up, and I hated all kinds of public speaking. I thought it might be nice to represent that with an OC, but I want to make sure it’s not… in bad taste, I suppose?) Thank you again!
Hi beautiful asker!
I think this all sounds really good! Anxiety on itself but also anxiety because of a speech disorder is very much something that happens (and I've experienced it as well). It's always so lovely to see parts of people in the character of their stories. 😁
Good luck and happy writing!
~ Mod Virus 🌸
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This blog is run by three mods, Mod Kitty(any pronouns + any xenos), Mod Ella (any pronouns) and Mod Dawn! (she/her)
this functions like any other total drama takes blog, except for one, very strict rule. Anything hateful, such as ship hate, character hate, criticism or toxicity is instantly thrown in the trash.
the purpose of this blog was to get away from the toxicity on other take blogs. feel free to ship whatever you want here! (except anything that's illegal of course, that's thrown in the trash.) be silly, appreciate and ramble on your faves, and just have fun!
also go crazy on your silly hcs for your faves. i dont mind.
That being said, here are the tags that will be used.
#total drama aus - anything about total drama hypotheticals that are NOT canon and the brainchildren of you lovely askers. #positive total drama takes - put under every take. #mod kitty - posted by mod kitty. #mod ella - posted by mod ella. #mod dawn - posted by mod dawn. #character appreciation - for all of you to ramble about your faves. go crazy. #ship appreciation - for all of you to ramble about your fav ships! again, go wild! #not a take - anything posted by mods that ISNT a take.
DNI: proshippers, toxic/hateful people in general, people who send in nsfw of minors. nsfw in general is not allowed.
a list of the anon signoffs
mod intros!! mod kitty | mod ella | mod dawn
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anonzentimes · 4 months
abt your previous ask!! i agree that komahina gets hate sometimes in 2024 but also remember that kmhn is debatably the most popular ship of the FRANCHISE lmao?? imo to take the “kmhn is toxic” argument to so much heart is a nothing burger… search hinata’s or komaeda’s character tag and its like 99% kmhn art. i genuinely dont think its an issue of homophobia or stupidity or anything i think it just comes down to hinata being a Player Surrogate and komaeda being the antag thats constantly in your face and mocking you. people think the ship is toxic because their player experience w komaeda is toxic that’s it 😭 the malice you’re seeking isn’t there. no hate to you or the OG asker ofc but this is a very niche problem in current year to be so haunted by… kmhn isn’t going anywhere trust me
Anon with all due respect, one part of it it is people who have had a bad experience with komaeda or don't understand him, one part of it is people being homophobic, and the biggest part that's more common in this day and age is undermining Komahina due to shipping wars. Just because it's not a major thing there are still people who exist who think and say things against it. There are still people who misunderstand it or deny it for any of those reasons. I feel like you're denying the fact that these are collective issues that happen that result in the same conclusion that's misunderstanding the text. The text is something I care about dearly and I was asked about it. Komahina isn't going anywhere just as the people who perceive fiction differently aren't going anywhere. Whether or not you see these instances as a major issue that hinders the entirety of being able to enjoy the ship itself easily or not these people who misunderstand it do exist as long as the text does. That's just the nature of quite literally Everything SUBJECTIVE. As long as people exist who can interpret it in a way that misunderstands the text, have beliefs against the core aspects of the concept, and have interpretations that impact their views due to preferences there will be instances where it's frustrating for people like me. You can say it's a nothing issue all you want but that doesn't mean it will ever stop happening just as people like me won't ever stop loving it. You're coming into MY HOUSE and MOCKINGLY claiming that it really isn't such a big deal when this whole blog is about my special interests, of course I'm passionate about these instances that are frustrating. Not only that but I was ASKED about it, ASKED. I'm allowed to complain about people who frustrate me when they misunderstand or deny the text that I love regardless if it makes it physically impossible to enjoy it.
Just because I can enjoy my apples doesn't mean I can't complain about the people who are hating on my fruits, even if they can't force my fruit to rot I can still feel frustrated at them for not getting it like I do, denying it's existence, or simply hating on it. You're coming into my garden where the other gardeners are having a shared emotion of frustration. Like, that maybe a silly example but does that get the point across enough for you? You're coming into the territory of people who care and probably see it more because it's such a big thing in our lives. Like, Yeah, I know they can't make my fruit rot, that doesn't mean I can't express discontent over those who don't get it, misunderstand, or most of all are outwardly hating on what I love. By your definition of Niche this is literally the corner of that niche, we are the ones who still see it sometimes because that's how invested we are. Again, it's subjective, we're allowed to express disagreement and discontent with what those people say. And again, this is about one of my SPECIAL INTERESTS, Literal definition that makes it hard for me to comprehend how people see something that is so special to me in such a different and even negative way is hard for me to comprehend sometimes. I'll express that emotion caused by that, and proven by it being an ask I'm not alone in, as much as I want. I'm not harming anybody when I express my emotions between people who agree.
You say you have no malice and I'm sure you may have not intended it that way but you came up to the people who care and said in a mocking tone, "it's not that big of a deal why even care, the only thing that happens in 2024 is people misunderstanding them due to their writing roles," Like, seriously? How rude of you Honestly. And the cherry on top that's the worst of all, in the process you display that you misunderstand their characters. Nagito is just an annoying mocking antagonist to you? Are you SERIOUS? Hajime is half of a player surrogate but you're making the wrong conclusion about it, he's meant to be relatable but he isn't a complete self insert. We're meant to be able to put ourselves in his shoes and understand his relatable experiences, he's not a complete player surrogate though? You're saying people say it's toxic because, "We are Hinata and Komaeda is the mocking annoyance to us," WHAT??????? Before you try to say something like this again go understand their characters better by, perhaps, quite literally READING MY ANALYTICAL POSTS??? I'm certain they'd be helpful because you clearly need them, I'm not writing an entire essay right here and now just so You can understand them I make them for myself and answer questions I want to. If you have questions that you can word in a more respectful tone I can help you understand that way too.
I would have tried to make my words a little kinder but the way you come up to MY Blog with your false claims, misunderstandings, and disrespectful tone pisses me off. You went anonymous not because you might be a bit embarrassed about your interests like most of the questions I get, no, you went anonymous because you didn't want yourself to be known because you Know you were being Blunt with your Disrespectful tone. You have the luxury of the fact you said this anonymous, and I have the luxury of being as blunt and uncaring about your feelings with my response as I want. Kindly, once again, do more research on these characters and develop more media literacy before sending me something in such an inconsiderate tone again.
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lilacthebooklover · 4 months
@staff after thoroughly reading and examining tumblr's terms of service and community guidelines, i can say with absolute certainty that @theinkbunny has done nothing at all that's worthy of being banned.
you claim that tumblr is not for:
Hate Speech
Harm to minors
Promotion or glorification of self-harm
Sexually explicit material
Violent Content and Threats, Gore and Mutilation
Non-Genuine Social Gesture Schemes
Deceptive or Fraudulent Links
Misattribution or Non-Attribution
Username/URL Abuse or Squatting
Account Dormancy
Mass Registration or Automation
Illegitimate Promotions
Themes Distributed by Third Parties
Copyright or Trademark Infringement
Impersonation and Non-Genuine Behavior
Privacy Violations
Disruptions, Exploits, or Resource Abuse
Unlawful Uses or Content
Election Interference
Human Trafficking and Prostitution
i understand this, and agree wholeheartedly. and that is precisely why it is impossible to understand why @theinkbunny's blog has been suspended.
inky is one of the sweetest people on here, and has never once promoted terrorism or hate speech. he is himself a minor and has done nothing to harm anyone else on here, underage or adult. any mention of self-harm on his page is treated with the seriousness it warrants, and is appropriately tagged to prevent users from viewing it where they have no desire to.
he has been harrassed for months by anonymous askers intent on sending him sexually explicit material despite the fact that he is a minor. he has never once posted any of those asks as he is aware that it is against the community guidelines, and despite reporting it, the abuse has continued. his blog is entirely sfw, and i am certain that it is in no way whatsoever disobeying the terms of this site.
again: any mention of violence or threats he's posted has been frustration and upset over the stream of vicious anons intent on sending such things to him. it is by no means his intention to expose violent material such as gore to those who do not wish to see it, especially as he too does not want to see it in the slightest.
his asks are infrequent and sent to people he already follows/is mutuals with. there are no "follow trains" or excessive asks, and as his blog is oc and fandom based, there are very few sources needed to be provided (those which are are reliable, and with no malicious intent). his posts are original & he consistently reblogs rather than reposts.
he has one username (excluding side blogs with very different handles) and has not done anything as ridiculous as hoarding those similar to it. i find that he posts almost every single day, as well as using tumblr as a way to message those he has befriended here by being such a genuinely wonderful presence here.
ink's blog has never been used as a platform to promote anything, his tags are accurate and relevant. his ocs are his own, he gives fandom content full recognition & appreciation to its owners/creators. he has never claimed to be anyone other than his brilliant self, even posting occasional pictures of himself on here. there is no imitation involved, and there is nothing about him or his content that would incur a ban.
i reiterate: all and any harassment on his blog is the result of others (hiding behind anonymity) harassing him. he has no ill intent and has continuously proved himself to be a respectful individual. he makes use of tumblr to befriend and encourage people & to share his phenomenal artwork: all of which is firmly within community guidelines and completely legal.
he is too young to vote and is a canadian citizen with no intent or attempt to interfere with u.s. elections. finally, it goes without saying that he has never once promoted sex trafficking or illegal prostitution. his blog content is wonderful, innocent and obeys every rule put in place by your staff.
your terms of service say directly, and i quote, "If we conclude that you are violating these guidelines, you may receive a notice via email. If you don't explain or correct your behavior, we may take action against your account. Repeat violations of our Community Guidelines may result in permanent blog or account suspension. We do our best to ensure fair outcomes, but in all cases we reserve the right to suspend accounts, or remove content, without notice, for any reason, but particularly to protect our services, infrastructure, users, and community. We reserve the right to enforce, or not enforc, these guidelines in our sole discretion, and these guidelines don't create a duty or contractual obligation for us to act in any particular manner".
despite having absolved yourself of the obligation to justify your decisions in banning without notice, you have also stated that it is for "any reason". however, for this to apply, it is necessary that there must be a reason in the first place. ink has not received any notice, nor has he violated any guidelines; let alone on repeat occurances. you claim to ban blogs to protect your users, and yet situations such as this are arising more and more frequently- in which said users are being suspended for seemingly no reason and with no explanation.
i, among many others, have begun to notice a disturbing pattern in the banning of transgender individuals on tumblr who have done nothing that would even imply that they have violated this site's guidelines. tumblr is supposed to be a platform open to everyone, not only cisgender users.
having read the terms of service in full, i understand that users are able to "report violations of these guidelines to [you] directly". however, having taken into account the persistent influx of hateful asks inky receives on a regular basis, presuming that those transphobic, discriminatory anons were the ones to report him is a more than reasonable conclusion to make. they do violate the community guidelines due to their persistent harassment, hate speech, sexually explicit material and violent content & threats.
i am aware that you most likely receive many reports per day, and that it must take a while to go through them all. on the other hand, there is far more harm than good done when not even the most basic of fact-checking is done to ensure that reports are valid and warranted. i'm sure the tumblr staff placed in charge of such matters possess enough rational thought to understand how jumping to conclusions about whether or not a trans minor may have violated the terms of service without even checking their blog would create the wrong impression.
i am appalled, disappointed and shocked at what is demonstrably unfair and unwarranted condemnation towards a user who has done nothing in violation of your terms. i urge you to rectify your mistake and focus more on suspending those who are actually causing harm than on causing undue stress and dismay to people who are just trying to enjoy using your platform. a reputation of suspending people with no due cause is hardly going to make for a welcoming site, i promise you.
restore inky's account (@theinkbunny if you needed a reminder) and return it to him lest further action be taken. it is the only correct and reasonable response here, and as you have assured in your TOS that your intention is to make users' experiences here enjoyable, i am sure that you will be eager to fix this issue before it becomes even more prominent. tumblr ought to be a safe place for people everywhere to connect over topics they enjoy. as conditions are at the moment, it seems like nothing more than a cesspool of discrimination, ignorance and unreliability.
i thank you in advance for taking my words into account and returning ink's blog to him.
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dottore-official · 10 months
Welcome to the Masterpost, Travelers. You may take refuge here before continuing.
🌌Those of other worlds🌌
❓Askers and Anons❓
🖇️Second masterpost🖇️
The people behind the screens are real people with real lives. Dont attack them or badger them to respond.
Hate speech will not be tolerated unless it is against a homophobe, racist, etc.
I have the ability to remove accounts from the masterpost at my wish, and I will if it comes to it.
If you make an account, I might not immediately see it. You will most likely have to send me an ask or DM to add the account.
Respect people’s boundaries. If someone doesn’t want NSFW/suggestive, don’t send that. If someone doesn’t want ships, don’t send that. If someone doesn’t want gore, don’t send that.
If you don’t like Genshin Impact, respect that we do and move on. It’s not like we’re going to attack you over not liking it.
Don’t be weird or creepy, it will result in blocks or reports.
Please don’t start drama just for the fun of it.
Nobody owes you an interaction. If someone doesn’t get your response in a few days, it’s likely they didn’t see it/aren’t online. If you send it again and they don’t respond, they probably are ignoring that comment because they don’t know how to respond/it makes them uncomfy. Nobody owes you an interaction.
[this person, I can’t keep up with how many times they change their user]
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Help why is Silved mpreg a new thing on this app- like what started this help me
OH BOY how the fuck do I explain this shit
Ok so basically back in very early January I decided to draw Silver Spoon.. but pregnant. AS A JOKE-
Then my gf (@humanaltarr) posted the pic, and a few of my moots on Tumblr saw it, and at first I was like "Welp this is the end of my Tumblr career" and I think just a few hours later one of my moots (@spiritmander13) wrote the first Silver Spoon mpreg fic called "Silver Suffers With Morning Sickness" with 6 chapters (technically 7 but the 7th isn't involved with the story)
Then Silver Spoon mpreg became a big joke mostly on the oscc discord I believe (I joined it for a few days but left) and then for a while it was quiet, until I started an ask blog called @askthe-iii-shipchildren, on April 5th, and on April 30th I got an ask by an anonymous person where they wanted Candelabra to put Silver Spoon in a maid dress, and I ended up drawing Silver in a maid dress
Now here's were the second Silver mpreg era began. I made a joke with Candle saying "If Silver stays in that for much longer Candelabra is gonna have a little sibling soon" cuz I thought it would be funny (had no idea what it would cause)
Then @spiritmander13 reblogged it and said something like "CANDLE NO-" and I replied back saying "Silver Spoon mpreg part 2 /j" AS A JOKE. She told me not to start it again, and I said "Aw shucks" but in the tags of that reblog, I said "Time to draw Silver pregnant in a maid dress" and that's where I messed up since Spiritmander said they were intimidated.
Suddenly, I got tagged in a post by Spiritmander, and it seemed to be a screenshot of them saying "Don't tell Infinite, my sins shall stay hidden until it is the right time (I scrolled for like 20 minutes on their blog to find that fucking hell)
Then I got a little spooked cuz yk it's not everyday shit like this happens. I then screenshotted it and went into her inbox with the screenshot and asked "WHAT IS RHIS, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN" and she replied with another screenshot and it said "*Casually steals Tumblr mutuals fankid for the story*" and that's when I knew what was happening.
Soon, Spiritmander posted another Silver Spoon mpreg fic called "Little Moth"
Then it was a little quiet after that, with me making an occasional joke about it, always ending it with Spirit saying "HEY YOU STARTED IT!"
There is also this whole thing with "Bab Incest" Spirit did but I wasn't involved with that
Later in to May, me, @spiritmander13 and @mxmc13 formed the "Silver Spoon simp trio" cause apparently we all saw each other as friends so why not
Then the (sort of) mpreg era 3 started again. I'll put this part simply and say that me and a few other people on osc Tumblr got asks in our inboxes by "Anon~Chan" that were basically like a shitty Wattpad story but with II characters, and I personally got a Silverloon mpreg thing.. so fun..
And the most recent thing that happened. There was a Two x Jax post, and me, Mc, and Spirit were basically joking more about Silver Spoon mpreg in the reblogs, until Spirit came along and said "Silver Spoon simp trio canceled." And me and Mc were absolutely DEVASTATED and then Spirit said that me and Mc had to write Silver Spoon mpreg as well, for me as punishment for drawing it and confusing the original poster, and for Mc.. dunno..
And that's what's currently happening, I am working on my Silver mpreg and so is @mxmc13 ..
And yeah that's the whole story pretty much, this was a VERY long post and probably not even was the asker really wanted but meh
Anyways I imma end this off with saying.. I do not regret first drawing the Silver Spoon mpreg, since this is all genuinely fun and it even got me some friends on this site (Spiritmander and Mxmx and their great) so yeah =]
(also this is NO hate to anyone mentioned in this, and the fics that Spirit wrote are actually really good so I recommend checking them out)
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mk-writes-stuff · 5 months
Thank you @illarian-rambling @autism-purgatory @kaylinalexanderbooks @rkmoon and my anon asker for the motivation to write this scene - and to everyone who offered support when the first version of it got eaten :). I finally have a snippet to share with y’all! Have some Cassie and Belladonna banter :)
Belladonna stiffened and marched off into another store, which appeared to be a general hardware store. This one was more interesting, in Cassie’s opinion, and she started picking around in the parts, looking for anything she could get for cheap to construct her next hand. She was hoping to get a grappling hook hand together at some point, to grab people who were armed with beam cutters – she might’ve hated this job, but, if she did a bad job and Belladonna died, no one would be around to make sure she and Nellie got to move on to a new station once Belladonna was married off.
She managed to pick up a few of the parts she’d need – not all of them, but enough – and headed over to the counter to pick them up. Belladonna was staring at her in confusion as she did, even though she was purchasing what appeared to be a very expensive can of black paint, which was objectively weirder, in Cassie’s opinion.
“What are those for?” Belladonna asked.
“New hand,” said Cassie, tapping her phone and then tucking the parts into a bag.
“A new hand?” Belladonna repeated. “How are you planning to get a new hand with those?”
“I’m going to make it, dipshit.” That seemed kind of obvious, given the context.
Belladonna gawked. “You make them?”
“Yeah. I made this arm,” said Cassie, waving her arm. It creaked again, helpfully. Fuck. She really needed to oil it.
“I assumed you bought it. Only the Fourth Station mechanics would have the skills to make those.”
Cassie shrugged. “Got some help from a cute mechanic girl. But I mostly figured it out myself. Couldn’t afford to buy one, they’re like fifty thousand credits and I’m not made of money.”
“Fifty thousand credits isn’t that much for your replacement arm.”
“Okay, I get it, you are made of money. I’ve never had more than a thousand credits to my name in my whole life, dipshit.”
Kind of a long snippet but I couldn’t think of a good place to cut it, I hope y’all enjoy! Took me two and a half drafts but I think I’m done with the scene finally. Next up I think I’m going to do another Nellie scene, we haven’t seen her in a bit :)
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agentrouka-blog · 1 year
I've been taking a break from fandom for a couple of months and I thought I'd check in and see how the Jonsas are doing and, Rouka, what is going on with your anons? You deserve so much better than people dumping thoughtless essays in your inbox. I would kill for a Jonsa critical type to critically engage with the actual heart of Jonsa theories, not just baseless refutation.
What do you think the weakest point/argumentation is in Jonsa analysis, if you had to list any? Asking this as someone who takes Jonsa seriously in canon, not someone trying to bait you. I just think you might have a better answer than some of the theses put forth by unruly anonymous askers.
Hope you're doing well! It's lovely to see all the Jonsas again.
What a great thought exercise! It's not easy for me because the theory is such an eye-opener in terms of cohesive themes and in tying loose ends together. It kickstarted my actual interest in analyzing the books, so my primary relationship with it is precisely how plausible and strong it actually is.
But let me try to find weaknesses.
I'd say the main and almost only detracting factor is that almost all of the evidence is - necessarily - subtext. It exists in textual parallels, cases of precedent, quirky and otherwise unexplainable clues, in following a red line of unanswered questions and answering them all with a specific hypothesis. The biggest "hard evidence" by far is the so-called "original outline" that contains the exact scenario of a romance between Jon and a Stark sister by the hand of GRRM himself, but it also deviates significantly from established plot in a number of other places.
I say it is necessarily all in the subtext because, much like RLJ, it's supposed to be a surprise to the reader, a paradigm shift and wake-up call that takes previously presented information and switches our perspective on it, from the worth and value of romantic idealism, to what exactly constitutes depravity, to whether the things we thought were true are actually true - another nod to the power of storytelling, in and out of universe. You can't prove an upcoming surprise twist.
And you can't prove things with subtext. You can point it out, in its almost ridiculous quantity and variety, but that's not proof. It's not spelled out. It remains a hypothesis, same as any other theory about future book plots.
Apart from that, I would say it's down to the individual specific jonsa theory, of which there are many. I've spend a lot of time arguing against blind refutations or weak counter-arguments, and most of them are, well, weak and rely on assumptions and arbitrary preconditions ("GRRM's message is that incest is bad" - is it really? "Jon hates Sansa!" - does he really?) so it's not like the lack of evidence doesn't go both ways. You can't disprove Jonsa, it has less going against it than many other speculative pairings, because of the blank space deliberately left by the author. If it was so easily assailable, I wouldn't be as convinced of it as I am.
I'd be happy if anyone added their own perspective on this? Maybe there are weaknesses in the theory that I am too biased to see anymore. :)
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lillonvia · 1 year
Ayyy mama! guizhong asker is back! (I couldn't use my phone for a while, anyways-) part 3 bAby. So like I said guizhong is alive and well in the game, still pretty cheerful but kinda off for r e a s o n s we already know. (I think it would be pretty cute if both zhongli and her disguise as mortals together as a couple) traveler doing the story quest and all, But it's a bit different. I like to think at this time and age of liyue lots of people would know reader's story and would incorporate it to lantern rite and just other things in general (like how in the game zhongli asks traveler to get the perfume and glaze lily as offerings, I think this can just be coincidence but guizhong). Like how superstitious farmers and shepherds putting bells on their flock of sheep so they would be able to find them, and people putting bells on graves so their deceased loved would be able to find their way home, heck the story itself could be a use for parents for their children to not stray away from them. Okay enough story building and on to the actual ask- ghuizhong meeting a reincarnated reader as a shepherd using the bell for his flock (reader is a teenager in this) how they met is because traveler and zhongli was trying to convince reader to give them the bell for a discount. (since I also wanted to add that bells are really only sold by farmers/blacksmiths since other than for spiritual reasons aren't really sought out for) oh yeah- the stuff that zhongli needs are different in the game it's now like- a toy, the bell, and jade
i have been procrastinating too much i hate myself- IM SO SORRY ANON I CANT WRITE A FIC ABT THIS I AM PHYSICALLY INCAPABLE OF DOING SO </3 but ill share my thoughts and interpretations on it utc instead if that workshsj
guili stepping down from their pedastals and instead posing as a mortal couple is just so adorable to me <3 i have LOVED (platonically) guizhong and guili ever since i saw the lantern rite 2023 cutscene on youtube YOU DONT UNDERSTANDD why did hyv kill off such beautiful and wonderful ppl 😭 first tomo, then signora, makoto, then bonanus, menogias, and guizhong?? WHY. ok thats enough outta me-
and the shepherd bit is also really interesting, since we don’t really have any sort of hint of agriculture yet and i think that it’s really intruiging and unique <3 i love the fact that reader’s story is still well known across liyue to the present day, and i’m sure guizhong is happy that reader’s memory is preserved via the usage of bells.
AND M O R E FOUND FAMILY TROPES W/ GUI AND REINCARNATED READER?? YES PLEASE‼️ i feel like at first, guizhong would try to stray away from helping to find the bell that once belonged to reader, bc she most likely feels that if she did come along (not to mention zhongli was so understanding of this JSJSJSJJ), the memories would come rushing back and theres a chance she can’t hold it in anymore. you has always been so very special to guizhong and by extension, zhongli, after all. <3
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the moment guizhong realizes that reader was reincarnated in a mortal body is probably when she notices how similar current you’s speech mannerisms and little habits—that no one else really noticed but she did, shes your mother after all—greatly resembled the traits of the half-qilin!you.
and the final nail in the coffin is when they asked to spend a moment with guizhong in private, and they dropped a BIIIGGG bomb by saying,
“ its nice to finally be able to see you again, mama. ”
HEHEUJTLRB im so delulu when it comes to mama!guizhong <3
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