#after killing him off in LH he deserves this
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sillygoofyqueer · 19 days ago
Bored, so part two of the Proper Cryptid AU™
The Burial Mounds whispers to Wei Wuxian. It learns that screaming and shouting just angers him - and that didn't bother It at first, until he begins learning how to use the resentful energy twisting through his body without having to ask the Burial Mounds. That makes him dangerous, but it's too late to pull away from the mortal turned...whatever he has become. So, It tries to appease him, keep him happy and content so that he doesn't notice how the power has shifted. It whispers instead of screams, asks instead of demands, suggests instead of simply taking control and puppeteering the dead body with a cracked soul. He won't notice how powerful he could be even without Its help. (He notices.) It whispers of revenge, and only revenge, at first. At first It floods his brain with the knowledge necessary to find and hunt his killer down. Even if that is simple things such as reading and writing, fighting, cultivating (a twisted, dirty version of it), anything to remove any and all obstacles in his path and then take the revenge that his blood (sluggish, coagulated blood) sings for when he remembers the unbothered face of his killer. Or would-be killer. He argues with himself about it, at first - is he dead? He was alive when he invited the Burial Mounds in, on the verge of death but still alive, but had he died in those few moments between him and it? Soon, it doesn't matter to him, because he knows that he isn't human anymore. He just wants to take his revenge, and soothe the spirits that cry at night, wishing and begging for freedom. (If setting them free means using them, then he will fashion a flute and use them.) As he hones himself to become a perfect weapon, an extension of the Burial Mounds and Its master all in one, the whispers of revenge turn to whispers of warning. The golden-clad man from the day of Wei Wuxian's death rebirth wishes to copy the ritual, the curse, after seeing how powerful the other man is becoming. (Who cares if it could be coincidental? Power is power.) Wei Wuxian wishes to help, but the Burial Mounds won't tell him anything more. He is not at the stage where he scares the information out of It instead, so he continues to learn, keeping an eye on the boundaries of the Burial Mounds that he made much clearer, more formal, when he learned how to. He learns, he frees, and he waits. When a child runs to the boundaries, screaming and crying and bleeding, with golden clad men in pursuit, Wei Wuxian shoves down the urge to make them feel how he this child feels ('too soon,' It whispers to him, 'too soon to reveal yourself.'). Instead, he reaches out and snatches the sobbing child into his arms, across the boundaries, and presses them close to his chest. The Burial Mounds screams in delight at the new sacrifice, the fresh blood being spilled, another weapon, a weaker-willed one this time- Wei Wuxian does not let It have the child. He carves a place in the Burial Mounds that is fit for a child, for a normal human, and he makes It bend to his will for the first time. (This time will not be the last.)
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throughpatchesofviolet · 14 days ago
One thing that I never mention is just how much influence Moriarty has over Sherry--I have imagined her encountering him throughout Limbus Company's story many times, and it's really hard to describe the way he makes her feel ...
She's of course angry at him and wants to take revenge for what he did to Watson, but she does also have this nagging fear of him, too. Yes, there's the fear of him hurting the Sinners, since they're her friends, but there's also this lingering fear of knowing she could be just like Moriarty--it's the classic ''you and I, we're the same'' trope for the hero and villain. The key difference between these two is that Sherry, despite her claims, does care about others, and has developed meaningful relationships built on trust, while Moriarty views his subordinates as pawns that he can command as he sees fit.
But, since I imagine Sherry heads out alone to face Moriarty in her Canto (at first, that is--I have plans /lh), it's very easy for him to get into her head by pouncing on her decision to come along and drilling in his belief that she doesn't trust the Sinners and Dante enough to help her defeat them. That Sherry can only truly depend on herself, and no one else. And, though this is untrue, his words would be enough to make her falter, because ... well, he's right, in a way. Sherry has a very hard time trusting people after the one person she loved most was killed because she trusted him.
So, sure, she can say she went off alone because she wanted to keep the Sinners safe from Moriarty, but is that really the truth? It may appear she's thinking of them, and putting their well-being first, but isn't she truly doing this so she doesn't get hurt again? Or is it because she wants the satisfaction of bringing Moriarty down herself, without the others trying to intervene and stop her? Does her vengeance--the justice she feels she deserves--matter more to her than her friends?
That, I feel, would be her lowest point. The moment that her deepest fear has been realized--that she and Moriarty are the same.
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broadwaybalogna · 4 months ago
I’ve seen a lot of people ask about Jayce hate and why it exists, so please allow me to remind you why this piece of trash deserves it all /lh
1. The Golden Child
From the beginning, Jayce was the epitome of privilege. Growing up in Piltover never offered him much perspective on life, and he grew an awful bias towards the upper city which we can clearly see when he confronts Victor after the ladder traveled to the undercity.
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Not to say this is all his fault, there’s been obvious polarization between the two cities as well as propaganda dehumanizing the undercity.
It’s no surprise that much of the upper and under cities problems can easily be related to modern day racism- especially when Vi says “I grew up knowing I’m less than them” so from the start, Jayce is meant to be viewed as a harmful bystander and even an oppressor, rather than empathetic.
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The scene between Victor and Jayce also gives “you’re one of the good ones” kind of vibes. Jayce only likes Victor because he’s separated Victor from being a part of the undercity, like it’s something for Victor to be ashamed of. Which is further exemplified when he states how it looks bad for him to be opening the hexgates to let Victor in.
We see more of Piltover’s dehumanization of the undercity in season two with the consistent comparison of the citizens to “animals”. Cait herself even reverts back to this mindset when she enters her dictator™️ era.
So yeah, he was the privileged child who represented the oppressors perspective in season 1. What about season two?
2. Right idea, but too late.
Everyone understands that Jayce was always trying to do what was right, but when he finally figured out what the true thing to do was, it was too late and caused terrible casualties. Had Jayce followed Victor’s instructions from S1 and destroyed hextech, so much of the problems that arose in S2 would have never happened.
Him killing Victor would never had needed to put blood on Jayce’s hands had he destroyed Hextech, because Victor would’ve died in the explosion instead (allegedly).
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3. Avoiding doing the right thing
This also ties into his privilege, but I’m putting it in this category because I think it shows off his mindset on self-centeredness rather than just privilege.
When Jayce and Vi try to destroy a shimmer facility, Jayce backs out the moment he realizes he, instead of other people, will have blood on his hands. He throws up at the thought. Jayce choosing not to complete what could slow down Silco because there will be casualties shows off how he has always been happy to be left in the dark because he could never stomach the truth of Piltover. I’m sure he would be fine if someone else had gone with Vi to complete the task because then he would be separate from the lives lost, he could disillusion himself from the truth of what would have happened. But when he’s out face to face with it, it’s too much, and he backs out.
4. Harnessing an unsafe environment
It’s no question that it was technically Powder that caused the first explosion at the beginning of S1, and it’s also no question that it was Jayce’s hextech that made the explosion. Had he harnessed his research in a safe environment where his highly dangerous crystals could be properly contained, Vi and Jinx’s tragedy would have never arisen.
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Remember, the uppercity needed their “pound of flesh” for the explosion, and we quite literally saw a reality in which hextech never existed. It was at his disregard for the safety of people that caused butterfly effected it’s way to ending thousands of lives.
5. Heimerdinger
I don’t think people need much recollection of this, but Jayce DID remove Heimerdinger from thr counsel because they didn’t agree on hextech. That was literally it, they had a dispute on the use of hextech, WHICH HEIMERDINGER WAS RIGHT ABOUT!!!
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Now, none of this takes away from the fact that Jayce is an incredibly realistic character that viewers can sympathize with, but it does make him extremely hateable. Jayce made mistake after mistake which led to more and more tragedies to arise. His actions, while understandable, led to so many problems that could have been avoided.
TL;DR: Jayce perpetuates common behavior that is seen in racist ideologies, he grew up in privilege and never did anything to try and widen his perspective, every time he tried to do the right thing, it was too long too late, even though he had the chance to do the right thing earlier, he avoids accountability, literally none of the tragedies in arcane would have happened without him, and he got rid of the puffball.
This doesn’t mean you can’t like Jayce and defend him, he was written to be much like an ignorant human, like many people are. He does what he thinks is right even if it’s at the cost of causing longer lasting problems. This is behavior we see in human beings extremely often, it’s not like he isn’t relatable, but much like humans, he’s also easy to hate, and it all stacked. The only thing going for Jayce is that he’s bi, but it doesn’t seem like the citizens of Piltover seem to care if someone is gay or straight, so of course he never experienced any hardships because of that. Jayce’s hardships were actually pretty much all caused by himself, unlike other characters. He was really just facing the consequences of his actions.
Everyone else was also facing the consequences of his actions.
If I forgot anything else, please let me know, and I’ll add it. I’m sure there’s more shit Jayce did, but these were the top five I could remember off the top of my head.
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the-nightshade-crypt · 1 year ago
My personal favorite headcanon for Nerdy Prudes Must Die (spoilers, obviously) (I start off with a shit ton of just the actual story before the theory, I'm bisexual and autistic, I'm hyperfixated as fuck and these two are so cute, leave me alone /lh)
Max is obviously in love with Grace. Even if he frames it as just wanting to take her chastity, it's clear that he loves her. I mean, firstly, he defends her from bullying despite her being the nerdiest prude. Max himself says to Pete that nobody is a loser until he says they are, so if Max says Grace isn't one, then she wouldn't be. When she comes over to him in their first scene he asks so fucking sweetly to carry her books, like, batting his eyelashes and such a sweet voice. And when she declines he resorts to his mean bully self.
Grace very clearly does not love Max back. Despite her sexual fantasies, and even the lyric "I think im loving you more than I should" in Dirty Girl, she doesn't love him. Cause that's all they are, fantasies. In Dirty Girl she makes it very clear, with her saying multiple times "I don't/won't care about you". And its clear she doesnt want him to like her either, since her fantasy Max specifically asks her to "love me like you dont care." Showing that she really just wants him so she can give in to her temptations. She only sees him with lust, a symbol of her "sinful" desires. A symbol she wants to get rid of by any means to stay pure.
When Max decides to kill Steph first, he screams "you fucking Judas", which causes Grace to show up and shout "So you do know the Bible!" She then follows that up with "I used to have a crush on another guy who rose from the grave. But Jesus never threw a football like you max!" Despite her saying "crush" I fully believe she didn't mean it that way. She just needed to get him on board with her plan, and she knows how he feels about her.
She finally gets him to leave Steph and Pete alone and they have sex. When she comes back, she's smoking a cigarette and states "I needed that." Max comes out from behind the the wall and gets on his stomach, kicking his fucking feet like a tween girl writing self insert fanfiction, and says "Hey, uh, Grace? Where you going? Don't you wanna cuddle a little bit?" This line alone proves to me that he's in love with her. Compared to someone like Ted Spankoffski, who would never do something as romantic as cuddling after sex (at least not with anyone besides the girl he loves), it's obvious that Max has real feelings...
Only for Grace to say "Oh Max. I just gave you a gift. A very special gift. In fact, I just gave you what I cherish most. My chastity." Not only did she successfully fulfill what the Lord's in Black demanded, though we all know they didn't like that Pete or Steph didn't die, she also got what she wanted... to give into her sinful sexual urges.
With Max screaming that it was worth it, and him gone into the black and white, Grace becomes almost addicted to the power of the Black Book. The end of the musical is her taking over Max's role to kill the people she deems deserve it, in her case, perverts.
Now, my actual theory is that since Grace is directly connected with the Lord's In Black, she can freely go to the black and white, similar to how Miss Holloway seems to be able to. With Max in the Black and white... I like to think he's still actively pining for her. Whenever she visits to talk with the Lord's he's just kinda watching and trying to flirt with her and she's just completely over it. It gets to the point where even the Lord's are irritated. But slowly Grace starts to find his flirting charming. Realizing that since she is working for the Lord's in Black, effectively denouncing her Christianity, there's nothing stopping her from finding someone attractive, or wanting to be with someone. Their relationship at this point might stay as mostly sexual, but she is falling in love.
Maybe she makes a deal with the Lord's to bring him back to life, or maybe she's into fucking ghosts and just asks for that idk but the point is... I like thinking that with her doing the Lord's in Black's bidding, she can see max and actually get to know and fall in love with him.
I just really love the idea of Max being a lovesick himbo babygirl, only for Grace to reject him and be an asshole. But Max is a hopeless romantic who finds it hot that Grace is mean to him and he doesnt take it to heart. He's desperate for a positive relationship, seeing that he says his dad calls him a cuck and is very clearly emotionally/verbally abusive at best, and it kinda seems like Grace wants to be adored by someone, the same way Linda Monroe does.
They are in love your honor
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devilsrecreation · 8 months ago
2, 5, 10, 12, 15, 23, 25 for Bunga.
Sorry if that alot.
In the words of Bunga “ZUKA ZAMA!!!!”
Favorite thing about this character?
I love how accurate he is when it comes to his behavior. Honey Badgers really are brave and disrespectful to other animals in real life so as hated as he may seem to some fans, he’s actually really accurate! I also love how he’s just OOZING with confidence. Honey Badger don’t give a shit
What’s the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
I think I mentioned it before, but “Stayed Gone” gives off Bunga vs literally everyone who hates him hfhfhfh
Yk basically any song that has a character dissing another character is all of Bunga’s enemies at him cuz he’s so hated
Could I be best friends with this character?
I like to think we could. I love honey badgers :)
Hc I have for this character:
Off the top of my head, maybe he thought about Ushari at least once. Whether it was during his journey to the Tree of Life or he was recounting memories/telling stories, he found himself talking about Ushari and lowkey felt a bit guilty about killing him. But in typical Bunga fashion, he got over that in like 2 seconds lmao
“I wonder if he would respect the circle of life again…..NAH 😎”
Favorite ship I have:
Bunga x Binga is a really cute ship but I’m kinda digging Bunga x Ono x Beshte (I BLAME YOU @tired-lamb /silly/lh)
Favorite picture:
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“What does challenge mean?”-he says after antagonizing a fucking grown ass crocodile
My first impression of this character:
Haha funny honey badger go brrrrrr (Ushari didn’t deserve his disrespect tho :( )
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forsaken-headcanons · 13 days ago
don't know whether somebody has said this before, but I LOVEEEE the character skins (aside from confirmed diff characters eg mafioso) being them in different time periods. as the resident pizzaburgerer I have most headcanons about 007n7 and elliot, but I do have many more! I contain multitudes. for basics:
the skins affect the character's memories, for one. the og/default ones are how they look in the cabin, and how they looked when they stumbled into forsaken.
the spectre just likes shuffling them up sometimes, it's like time travel aus but the spectre can actually do it. shaking the blorbos in a jar, so to speak.
now onto some specific hcs!!
starting, of course, with pizzaburger. they met as disco 007n7 and milestone 1 elliot, before 007 got c00lkidd and he was still out clubbing. he met the star of the show, elliot, and they hit it off. they were brilliant friends, always went out together, etc.
^ this of course leads to Angst when there's most other elliots and a disco 007. 007 still thinks they're on great terms, and because the survivors don't really know how the memories are fucked with, elliot tries to push 007 away. (elliot once led a c00lkidd to 007 when this was happening, and it was the most confused 007 has ever been in his many lives)
^ vise versa, though, when elliot takes on a milestone skin, and he sees 007? 007 is confused, he tries to talk reason into elliot, how he doesn't deserve this, but elliot doesn't understand. 007 just submits to being appreciated for a round.
right different characters now
genderfluid guest 1337. need I say more to explain the girl/boy skins. he's also secretly into both anime and cosplaying, but he would rather die than tell a single soul that information.
chance's homeless skin. he just lost it due to gambling right? nope. their parents were abusive, and they eventually kicked them out of the house, which is also what started his aforementioned gambling addiction.
speaking of chance, him and elliot's alien skins were when they became good friends shortly before forsaken. they wore matching costumes to a halloween party, and were getting asked all night about their costumes (and if they were dating) to which they responded in the language they made up solely for this occasion. even in forsaken they have conversations in "alien-speak" nobody can understand.
two time is a furry. end point.
on a more serious two time note, their milestone skins are of course just before they killed azure. after they did it, they claimed the spawn told them to "let go completely", and they discarded the picture, everything they wore when azure died, to start anew in a fresh life.
the noob and john doe "yourself" skins are... yeah I actually don't know how to explain noob's, but john doe is explained through glitches in his programming. occasionally he completely bugs out, and the entire world of forsaken breaks for a moment to let another robloxian citizen become john doe.
cutting (hah) back to pizzaburger for a point, 007's pizza delivery skin is from the time they were closest. elliot (as manager at the time), offered 007 another job when he was struggling to get by
c00lkidd early emo phase. THERE I EXPLAINED N1GH7M4R33 AND CUPCAKES, YOU HAPPY NOW? /lh
on c00lkidd though, he's I think the only character who has a skin made during the events of forsaken in this headcanon, being the cosplayer skin! he was just so inspired by his idols that he tries to imitate them!
^ tying back to the first point too, guest 1337 and 007 met soon after c00lkidd appeared, and when guest was babysitting once, c00lkidd dressed him up! that's how they both got into cosplay and guest discovered he was genderfluid, as he actually really enjoyed it!
right no more because i have spent like half an hour typing this and it's so long already. I'll return with more skin headcanons eventually sorry about how long this is
More skin explanations. We love that.
Don't worry, this isn't even top 5 of the longest asks I've gotten.
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nerdyenby · 2 years ago
Aqua time :D I’m watching H’s vod
The calm before the storm is worse, 100% agree. The event is amazing but the wait before and after the end are such low lows
H and Dave just vibing :))
“False is here too?! Surely something must’ve been scheduled” I love H so much
“It’s been 1,217 days since I’ve won MCC, but who’s counting?” “… You?” I think I’ve seen a grand total of one Dave Krtzyy video but between finding out they’re nonbinary, this joke, and the raw vibes??? I love him
Talking about how the npc cat is thick AND smarter than all of them combined is killing me
Dave saying they hope sands of time “will do from my enemy to my lover” 😭
False is so funny she doesn’t get enough credit
Parkour Tag
Cub cracked????
False did such a good job hunting we need to talk about it
I got so startled by Beky getting H I slammed my elbow into my desk lol
Rocket Spleef
Dave Krtzy having banger opinions left and right, good for them
He really is just saying stuff and all of its iconic, from “the rare true democracy” to “channel your inner elytra”
People taking the time to type during rocket spleef will never not be funny to me
Everyone hitting Jimmy is so Jimmy of him
False top 5 :))
Dave top 10 after getting 35th??? We love that improvement
Phil is never not an icon
Unfortunate minecraft physics, rip
H and Dave being 19th and 20th is so funny because I was like “buddies :D” and H said “I’m beating you, suck it”
H affectionately bullying Dave is my new favorite thing, actually
Sands of Time
“I uh don’t have the best track record at uh…. being good at sands of time” Dave 😭
“Hi HBomb!!” from H and his teammates is so sweet
I love the calm vibes, no frantic strategizing, just clarifying and communicating
“Dave I’m gonna be pestering and annoying the hell out of you” “As you should” I love them
H: “Has anyone seen the blue pathway” also H: *is currently in the blue pathway* my streamer’s oblivious /lh
False 9th and everyone hyping her up :D
Sky Battle
I love skybattle I swear but I was zoned out like the entire time
H killing Sniff :( my boys :((
Dave was so sad when they fell, it’s okay dude <333
Good plays in round 3!!!
Ace Race
Merely vibing
H popped off and didn’t even think anything of it, the raw power
Battle Box
Aw don’t love that slump where everyone stops listening to each other. It happens with most teams, it’s not their fault, people just get too in their own heads
False literally said it was their side like three times :(
That round was clean
The final round coming down to Purpled on 2 health vs Dave on 1 was such a good final fight, holy crap
Grid Runners
Best game time :D
They’re improving every round, I love that for them
I don’t think I properly appreciated how fast cyan’s crafting grove was before just now
They slayed waterfall lamps tho
H’s mind, man
I love when people who are historically more withdrawn take charge without hesitation, MCC has done so much for H’s confidence <3
Omg they got first????
“God, our minds are so huge compared to these dorks” “MASSIVE!!”
Own that confidence kings!! Love that for them <33
H is such a cool guy, he’s genuinely enthusiastic about how they’re 2nd without a top 10 individual. He just thinks it’s neat. He’s a top player who doesn’t care about stats but experience, and that’s what makes him the epitome of MCC :)
H saying “if another team goes nutty and gets a massive amount of fruitberries points or whatever then they deserve it, they can take our spot” WHAT DID I JUST SAY?? We stan one (1) cishet white guy here and it’s HBomb94
Dave’s speech <333 I love them
I felt H’s stress there, that was so intense but he popped off
Dave doing an AMAZING speed bridge and then complimenting H’s strat, they’re so supportive I love them sm
“Sorry Dave, I’m gonna lower your points for things like that, cause you could’ve gotten first in that” “No, I do not care about that, I care about that sweet, succulent coin… that was a weird way to describe it”
The new finalist announcement is so suspenseful only to ruin it with a bubble sound effect lol
They’re so excited to get Dave their first win since MCC1 :))
They find it so cool that they got here without any top 10 individuals “purely balanced”
“Last time I was in dodgebolt I was a wee lad […] I was freshly 21, now I’m like 48 or something”
INSTANT he/they on he/they violence by Dave Krtzy lol
Aqua’s accuracy is wild, goodness!!!!
Their coms are so clean
H snatching that arrow!! I don’t even remember that from watching cyan
False calming asserting that she knows what she needs, not them, will never not be iconic
False saying that she’s down next arrow only for all her team to talk over eachother about how she’s got this and they believe in her <3
Dave winning the first events of seasons 1 and 3 my beloved
“False, that was insane, you 1v3’d that” “WHAT THE HECK WAS I DOING??” “You we WINNING, that’s what you were doing, you fool”
“1,217 days, bro” “It’s zero, it’s zero now!!” I love them
This team <33333
The most well-rounded team of all time, I love them.
Or as False puts it: “we weren’t cracked, we were just solid”
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scribe-cas · 2 years ago
hi, hello!! i am very curious about the protag of your book series, the one you mentioned you have a whole murder playlist for (in the 9 people you want to know better tag)!! could you say anything more about him?
My friend I am absolutely feral over the fact that I offhandedly mention a murder playlist and that is what gets your attention
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(He has more than one)
Thank you so much
This ask made my day
“Is there anything more you can say”
i will talk about him for hours I’m so sorry bestie-
Couteau M. Profane, more popularly called (but less well known) As the Silence, is my favorite fucking character on the face of gods green earth
He’s a slightly stantoffish, but all around semi-charming guy. He works at a bar in a small town in the mountains, where my book takes place, and at first glance, he seems mostly like a friendly face. He’ll tease you (mostly about how if you’re sitting down at his bar, you’ll have to be prepared to drink more than that, no matter what you order), but he’ll make sure you feel welcome. He’s got a knack for knowing if there’s something on your mind.
Long, coiled copper hair, tied back in a ponytail in the dim glow of the lights, grey/blue eyes, groomed brows, usually dressed in a simple mockery of a suit. Not quite formal wear, but clean black pants and matching jacket are his regular go-tos. White button up underneath. Most patrons are too drunk to realize he’s usually wearing mascara.
He’s a fairly calm presence, and tends to keep to behind the counter, but if you give him a chance, you’ll find he makes good conversation.
He’s easy to talk to, albeit with a bit of a dry sense of humor. But he’ll make sure you’re safe, and his smile is a smug but easygoing one.
He’ll keep an eye out for you, even as he serves drinks, despite the other bartenders hustling around him. He doesn’t have to, after all. He owns the place-
“But what kind of a boss would I be if I weren’t down here with them?”
A few drinks here, a few there, he’d keep you quiet company as he polishes glasses.
Any issues, and he’ll very carefully make his way over, leaned back as casually as he can, just to make sure there isn’t a problem.
The only thing odd about his bar is that people go missing from it.
Some of the best service in town, and they’re famous for their spiked milkshakes.
At the risk of a disappearance.
You never hear of any fights in the bar.
Around it, sure, but never in.
Never allowed to exist for more than a minute.
And, if a person goes out to the bar, and doesn’t come home?
Well. Maybe they deserved it.
Couteau is my Mankiller.
I say he’s a protagonist, but he actually doesn’t get his own book until the third one in the series. (It’ll be the biggest. Can guarantee it. He’s my favorite.)
He’s my thing that goes bump in the night, and he’s definitely not human. :>
I got tired of supernatural romances making women their victims, so I decided to kill off some guys for the plot instead /lh
Cho is a wendigo. All teeth and bones and vocal mimics.
He’s been one for about three hundred years (at least, that’s his best guess, because he stopped counting after 226, and he can’t remember his birthday.)
Uhh he’s trans, so there’s that
He mainly eats violent/predatory men but women are also at risk (especially if they touch him and he hasn’t asked for it. Usually he’ll flirt back until he’s alone with them and then just. End it.)
Nobody in universe knows this, other than a select few who are aware of the area.
Usually, you know The Silence (local Cryptid who has been stealing people off), or you know Couteau (small town bartender who’s pretty okay)
Usually not both and many fewer who know that they happen to be the same person.
Anyways he kicks ass, if you wanna know more about him I’m happy to answer questions :>
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ashtronomyys · 1 year ago
MW3 More Thoughts: A little more on what I would have preferred for the ending (Maybe just me being salty lol)
// Spoilers Ahead
Narrative-wise, I think Price should have been the one to die
Lmaojshafjklh Okay but LISTEN! Hear me out...
I think the campaign could have gone on as is, just fine, except for that final scene. Soap still gets shot down, but he doesn't get up to do that final hit on Makarov. Instead, he lays there on the ground, still reeling from the gunshot wound, and he's forced to watch as Price is killed by Makarov.
The screen fades to black, and the scene picks up in a cinematic. We watch in 3rd person as Ghost and Gaz step in and intervene, Gaz could be the one to yell out "Price!" this time, and the firefight continues on the same. Ghost could still yell for Johnny, but Gaz pulls him back to the bomb, Soap wincing but instructing them on which wire to cut.
They stop the bomb and the scene ends with Ghost kneeling down over Soap, helping to stop the bleeding and Gaz relaying the news over comms. This time though, with a full cinematic and score playing as all three of them look over Price's body, a solemn frown on each of their faces.
"One KIA... It's Price."
I love Price, I do! It was just his time to gooo 😭 It was hinted at so much by the promo art, we've had three full games now to enjoy his character, and I think everybody expected it... Which I don't think is a bad thing at all!
In fact, I think it makes for a good story!! It means that the path that you're taking makes sense, that the narrative is telling a believable story. Not that Soap's death was unbelievable/ or not hinted at (they gave plenty of foreshadowing), it was just unsatisfactory as hell, I thought. He was BARELY coming into his own. He was making all the right calls, shining even more so than he did in MWII, and we've only had him for a year!
Like I said in a previous post, I'm fine with a Soap death, I just think this one sucked for him 😂 He deserved better I say!
From there, same cinematics, Soap giving his own little quip at the funeral (maybe an apology for what happened, maybe he blames himself partially for his death?). And the post credits scene... but with Ghost. I'm especially proud of this idea, imagine it's Ghost who shifts out of the shadows in Shepherd's office, getting his revenge for him and Johnny in Las Almas (It'd be so sexy please, imagine it with Ghost, my lord).
And of course, the game continues with a new captain. I love Captain MacTavish and Captain Garrick, but I'm partial to Captain Ghost, personally. He is the lieutenant after all, AND they already use him as the poster child for the series, so I think it'd be an easy transition. Plus, I imagine him as a reluctant Captain, and this game perfectly showcased how Soap and Gaz both help to pick up where the team's lacking. It'd be less of a Captain and his subordinates situation, and more of an equally powered trio of scary-as-fuck operatives.
That's just my idea, at least. It's just a random string of ideas, but I would have much preferred the games take a direction like this over the direction they decided on.
Hell, I think it actually would've been better off for Price, seeing as I've been seeing some people turn on him for how he handled everything 😂
But enough ranting, there's a lot I DID love about the campaign. I'm just a little salty for how things turned out. All /lh though, I do still love Price and all the team going forward.
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aimedis · 5 months ago
sam still has unhealed trauma from alexis because he was still in a house with her and "forced" to listen to william continue to make excuses for her. just because he was mad at her for doing what she did does not mean he doesn't still support her bullshit and that was made clear during the summit. sam leaving the clan is probably one of the better things he could have done for himself at this point. some of his flaws are a result of him still being around the reason he's a vampire
i don't think alexis deserves redemption or "a backstory" or anything else that could exude her from blame (not exude her but like, give people a reason to feel sympathy for her). it's not the fact that she turned sam without consent in the first place, even though he explicitly told her no. she didn't have the right to turn him into something he hates being even after all these years despite her "loving" him. she also doesn't have the right to harass his mate who has nothing to do with her and says he should be "thankful" that she turned him. she doesn't have the right to continue parading around acting as if she did nothing wrong or like she deserves to be in sam's life because she forcibly carved her way into his dna. sam deserves to do more than just kill her, especially since he was only given means of "living" and a basically empty apology from william (and taking away her invocation rights). alexis doesn't deserve a "but she" defence because she was an awful person and continues to be an awful person. she also doesn't even sound that hot, it's giving ugly bitch who wears too much lipstick BYE.
i don't even not like alexis because of what she did to sam, she's just an idiot and lowkey cringy, she makes me so mad 💀
she honestly got off with little more than a slap on the wrist. it's honestly just a reflection of how s3x4l abu5ers often don't get actual repercussions
IM NOT SAYING ALEXIS SA'D SAM i'm just saying there's similarities
people need to stop giving the listeners actual names in fics GUYS PLEASE I CANT MEMORIZE THEM ALL JUST USE THEIR NICKNAMES I BEG /hj /lh
give me your redacted hot takes right now.
this is a threat.
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mblue-art · 2 years ago
Lust burst through the door without hesitation, nearly knocking it off the hinges if Cross didn't steady it immediately after.
"Lust, you don't need to shout-" Cross tried to get him to calm down, but the Lust Sans was on a mission.
"Now hold it just a minute-" Lust pulled away from Cross as soon as he got a glimpse of you. "M! I heard that someone was denying you of the obvious compliments that you deserve." He chuckled as if someone had said something amusing. "- and that someone was you." He quickly took your face into his hands, pulling it close to his, barely inches away as he looked into your eyes with a smoldering intensity. "But that can't be true, right? You? You? My amazing, stunning, and absolutely wholesome koala bear? Anything less than a compliment of perfection isn't allowed - especially not someone denying it, right?" He looked over his shoulder at Cross. "Right?" There uh... was a little bit of a threat behind that 'question'.
Although, it wasn't as if Cross would have denied it. "M-mhm." He replied, nodding bashfully as he crossed his arms and looked off to the side with a blush he tried to beat down. "Of course... she's talented, kind, and..." His blush deepened, as he fruitlessly grasped at his shoulder as if he wanted to pull his hood up to hide his embarrassment. "and beautiful." He whispered.
"I'm sorry, what was what?" Lust teased him, wanting him to clearly state his affection for her. "Speak up, Crossy~!"
"Beautiful! Okay?? She's blinding and - and yes, cool! Alright?!" He huffed, finally pulling his hood over his head to hide his blush. "I... wouldn't trade her for the world. She's... special." He admitted with a softer tone.
Lust simply nodded, turning his attention back to M. "Exactly. So, the next time someone calls you 'cool' or any other compliment you don't feel comfortable agreeing with so eagerly because you're far too humble, direct them to us, and we'll help agree with them for you, my dazzling gem." He placed an affectionate kiss to your cheek and even nuzzled it for emphasis. "Now come on! We're already here, we may as well get into a cuddle pile!"
live mblue reaction (lots of screaming) under the cut (very much littered with cussing, tread carefully /lh)
I am going insane /j (HELP. L BUSTING THRU THE DOOR IM 😳😳😳 he is. . Strong 😳) (L and C interacting,, , oughf the dynamics, ,, ///////// my purble idiots i love them so)
oh Ly you are fucking killing me
WAAAA KOALA BEAR?!?!!?!?? ////////// (so true i would,, cling,,,)
I am hiding my stupid smile under my shirt collar ohmygoddddd
LMAO CCCCCC god god god i love them i love my skeleton bfs what the hell
(c crossing hsi arms the pose THE POSE AAAA/////////)
(aha aheh eyyy i was about to say smt abt 'beautiful' but uh 🧍 LMAO)
(oh hes such a tsundere oh no oh no 💘💘💘) (your honor this is so funny we're both dumb tsunderes in love... i forget that hes a tsundere sometimes)
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(hood up cross my fucming beloved ive only recently appreciated that adorable visual more about a month ago after rereading the xtale comic and rewatching the xtale eps with simp eyes i am <333)
(ough L is so good..., ,L is so good i- he has my heart- BOTH OF THEM HAVE MY HEART-)
AGH!!!! WAILS thank you sm ly i feel,,, ,so loved,, ,im love,,, , my porble skeleboyfrwends,,, , /)/////(\;;
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thirtyn1ne · 2 years ago
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characters: Diluc , Childe and Xiao x gn!reader
(established relationship - reader is drunk - swear word in diluc part - English isn’t my native language so there might be some mistakes- the characterizations maybe -certainly - off )
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In which reader was hanging out with some friends to catch up on what they have been doing and whatnot. Next thing they knew they got drunk especially reader. like reader is completely wasted. As they were trying to take reader home the Genshin men appeared and saw them , which led them offering to take you home. “Come on let get you home” as they said that reader mumbled something and the men are like “hm, what is it?”
So reader repeat it again loud enough just so the men can hear them “ I am with you” they say with such ease as they hazily smiled nuzzling further into the (chest/neck) of the men. What will the men reaction be?
Diluc and his hair became one😭😭 poor guy had crushed (diluc.exe isn’t responding). He is so flustered and cannot do this. You’re?? So cute??? But??so deadly??? How can say something like that? Plus adding to that your friends are here too. Oh shit , he tries so hard to gain control . Will cough saying that he got it from here, trying to go as quickly as possible leaving your friends confused. After your return home (be it dawn winery or your own home) as he lay you down in bed he will smile faintly as he looked at you lovingly while caressing your cheek giving your forehead a kiss. He just love you so much , he is so lucky to have you. Will start planning for your marriage (like that’s the end goal but it will cross on his mind more often). The next day you’ll notice he is strangly in a good mood today so when you ask him he will say it’s nothing while blushing and slightly avoiding your eyes which made you suspicious (eventually he will tell you about it looking so flustered how? Idk you did it . you tell me how you made him🤨/lh/j)
Childe isn’t easily shocked , but as soon as you uttered those words his eyes widen and he just stared at you, his mouth slightly ajared , But soon it was replaced with laughter as he smiled so widely it could cut his face. Will ask you to repeat that but you’re already asleep. Awww he wanted to hear you say it again:(
Oh well it can’t be helped. Will be smiling the whole night as he took you home while starting to plan for your wedding. No I am not joking. Like I even feel that he will propose to you a short while after the incident and will be more vocal about it idk. He will surely tease you and remind you each time about it. Each time you ask he will answer with “ oh it’s nothing” “don’t worry about it” and it just made you more curious😤 on a serious note he is happy , very happy . In fact he doesn’t know what to do , the fact that you feel at home with him? Even after everything have has done and who he is? Yeah his love for has grown even stronger and will do everything in his power to make you happy. After all he too felt the same <3
Xiao my sweet xiao. At first he will stare at you. His eyes blinking slowly. Your friends were about to ask him what’s wrong but before they could you already have teleported leaving your friends astounded. As you arrived to wanshug inn, precisely your room. He carried you to your bed where he laid you down . You were whining that you didn’t want to sleep , but you eventually fall asleep. At that xiao heaved a heavy sigh masking half of his face in order to hide the evident blush on his cheeks. Averting his eyes from you , so that he couldn’t see your figure. Foolish mortal. Spouting nonsense even in this state , yet he couldn’t help the warmth spreading through his chest when he remembered your words. He really doesn’t deserve you. Before he leave to kill demons he would kiss your forehead gently and then gaze at you softly <3. The next morning you will find a couple of qiuxing flowers and your favourite meal next to you<3 ( hkhijggjffjf I love him🥹🥹)
this was inspired by this pin
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simping-on-the-daily · 3 years ago
Agents and their S/O having been blackmailed
I absolutely adore this blackmail plot and I'm very excited to see where it leads,,,,, if this dude isn't the next agent I'm throwing hands /lh and half of the agents will too, because this dude was a dick to some of them lol
Summary: Agent!Reader gets an anonymous message from a mysterious person who's been going after the Protocol. How will their beloved handle this information?
Characters: Omen, Cypher, Killjoy, Yoru
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Listen if anyone got the worst end of the stick when it came to the messages it was this dude
Seriously though that blackmailer was fucking rude they better fucking apologize
Man was not happy at this dude just prodding at his insecurites,,,,
And now that this anonymous dude has gone after you? Welp now Omen wants to kill a man
Even if he struggles to reassure himself, he will effortlessly help you. He will let you know that you are not a monster, and that anyone who tries to tell you otherwise can get a bullet in their head
His hatred for this random dude increases. How dare they. How dare they prod and poke at what happened to his beloved and bring them down. Omen knows he's a monster, but you? You're a shining ray who deserves only the best
Omen may want to rip their head off, but your comfort is his first priority. As such, he will do anything he can to make sure you are happy, and not mulling over the blackmailer's words like he has been
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This dude already wasn't happy. He couldn't trace the blackmailer, and even Sova failed to locate them. Cypher was determined to try and find them, and he didn't object to their murder if they knew too much.
And then his personalized message came, and it all became worse. How dare they mention Nora. How fucking dare they bring her into this. How dare they bring his little one into this. How fucking dare they
Man was pissed, and when you came up to him, almost in tears because of the same person? He got even more pissed off. How fucking dare they.
He didn't object at first, but now he will actively vouch for this rando to be dead on the sidewalk. He's more determined then ever to try and get something, anything about them, and he will not rest until he does
He swears it on Nora, he swears it on his little one, and he swears it on you. He will find them
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Killjoy was already aware that her genius had caused problems. After all, her mirror counterpart did a lot in creating the spike, and now numerous of Valorant's missions have been trying to fix up the mess that it leaves behind
But now, she's worried about what she's done even more. What if her work for Kingdom is now in the hands of this blackmailer? What will they do with it? And what have so many attempted to twist her projects into?
These worries, however, cease upon the realization that this stranger has gone after Killjoy's lover. Now, her priorities have termed from 'worrying' to 'comfort my s/o.'
Like Sova, Killjoy insists to Brimstone that this blackmailer be their priority instead of building the portal. Killjoy can't help build it when all she's thinking about is how you've been effected by this.
Killjoy may have no idea how bloody her hands are, but if they're stained with the crimson of this despicable person, she won't mind
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Yoru doesn't know about much, considering he has gotten a message himself. But what he does know is that they're prodding, and they've gone after you
He will not stand for the second one
While this man is horrible at comforting, he tries his best. Yoru lets you know that whatever this blackmailer has said is complete bullshit, and that anything they say is invalid
While he technically isn't allowed in many discussions because he hasn't been targetted, the fact you have has Yoru vouching for the blackmailer's death
This minnow won't get away with this, that's for sure
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starbeltconstellation · 5 months ago
Actually, I am apparently a lying liar who lies, and am reblogging one more time to post the link to the Tumblr meta post I referenced earlier in this long response which is what convinced me without a doubt that ultimately The Acolyte’s themes/morals are hollow, and honestly most of the characters in the show (Yord, Jecki and Sol, who were fan favorites) come to ultimately be a hollow backdrop just so Oshamir can meet and stare off into the sunset at the end of the show, because ultimately THAT’S what this whole show was about: making sure Reylo 2.0 had a happy ending.
But it wasn’t originally marketed like that. LH fakes the audience out in making you believe Sol is the protagonist, before ripping the rug out from under you to say that he and the Jedi (heroes) never were important or mattered at all. Because halfway through, the show, by LH’s own words, turns into a “dark romance novel” that she based around Dracula and his lost love, I believe (ie; “I have crossed oceans of time to find you”).
It basically switches genres and speed runs through all the characters’s final arcs (if you can even call them that, besides Sol, and MAYBE Osha, although Osha’s didn’t really have enough time to feel organic), getting them from Point A to Point B for certain plot points to pass, even if it doesn’t make sense for the characters. Sol is a character who is supposed to have made a huge mistake that has haunted him and made him become a cautious and more better Jedi (apparently anyway. That’s what I gathered from tumblr posts about the show).
And yet, in the final episode, he apparently does a complete 180 on all of his remorse, just for the sheer purpose to make sure he and Osha can’t actually have a full conversation about what happened and how he didn’t purposely kill her mother in cold blood for kicks and giggles, and instead did it because he misunderstood what was actually happening at the time (he is completely demonized for this, by the way. All fans blame him completely for the encounter, which just shows again this show wasn’t about portraying a “skewed” perspective. It’s portraying the Jedi as wrong and basically “deserving 🤢” of their genocide).
It’s then that you see the show was only a hollow backdrop for Reylo 2.0 to meet and have their “happily ever after.” Even Sol was just a hollow backdrop in the end, because he’s shoved into a complete one dimensional caricature of himself to get there to that end scene of Oshamir staring off into the sunset, as if Osha joining the Dark Side isn’t a soul destroying thing that will eventually consume her. But LH doesn’t believe that. She believes it’s “liberating girl power”, which is why the end scene is so forced, because it doesn’t feel organic, like the characters actually got there of their own free will. It feels like they got there because the writer dragged them into place like actors on a stage to stand on their marks.
Okay, anyway, NOW I’m done. 😂 I really don’t wanna keep talking about this, because I know fans of the show are disappointed and I know stuff like this can rub salt in their wounds and I don’t want to do that, but I just really needed to vent all my thoughts in one post at least to link back on if needed. But… honestly… since The Acolyte is now (sadly 😒) canon for life unless anything changes somehow and it gets purged from the SW timeline (part of me wants that who’s pro Jedi, and part of me doesn’t, because I know the racist dudebros would cheer 😭🤦‍♀️), all pro Jedi fans are never gonna hear the end of anti Jedi’s referencing back to the way the Jedi are portrayed in The Acolyte like a “gotcha”, when honestly anything about the Jedi portrayal from The Acolyte should be immediately discarded (just like Karen Traviss’s books, because of her gross disregard of their genocide/her sheer hatred of them) because of the sheer fact that LH agrees with the Sith/jerk Senator/Osha’s witch mother who spouts the genocide apologia line mouthpieces who have such hatred of the Jedi and their culture. Why should a writer who dislikes the Jedi be taken into consideration with the way she portrays them? It only means that her portrayal will be more likely to be biased and inaccurate.
But sadly, since The Acolyte is here to stay, I probably will eventually speak on the show again (despite my best efforts in the future to bite my tongue), because anti/Jedi critical fans will use the portrayal from the show in their arguments against them being the good guys from now on.
But anyway… 😂 I kinda got off track. Again. My original point is I agree with the post I’m linking, because it made me realize that The Acolyte’s writing is more hollow than LH would have you believe. It’s all shiny on the outside with a lot of Legends references, but once you look deeper (particularly the final episode), you realize how much it just doesn’t fit the original theme of SW.
I don’t think they are bad and some survived order 66 Quinlan Vos was one of them. But I do believe they lost their way by the end of the clone wars because most lost their way or watered down their beliefs becoming to caught up in image and pandering to the senate (palps *cough*) even yoda said basically that a dark shroud surround them (Sith made) but they made themselves susceptible to it with arrogance, becoming inflexible, and a strange combo of attachment and detachment. Even mace windu was attached to the republic which is one of the reasons he was so defensive and disliked Anakin he saw him as a threat to his republic.
I’m not trying to hate on the Jedi just make sure that in discussing the Jedi we remember the good and bad. The Jedi did a lot of good, they made one of the longest major peace times the galaxy had ever seen, that’s 1000 years of peace time after ending the Sith war. And actually Luke skywalker, Ezra Bridger, Ahsoka (rebellion), and season 4 Kanan were prime examples of what the Jedi were originally. I just think when palpatine started pulling strings and corrupting everything to take power it made slow brewing Jedi problems 10x worse as some Jedi like Barriss Offee’s master mixed up avoiding negative attachment with being cold and callous because while a Jedi master should avoid “possessive” attachment especially in a way that would hold their student back they should have a good bond with them because emotional bonds are one of the pillars of trust.
-that’s my take, I’m not sure what you meant by no Jedi haters though. So if this crosses your line then I’m sorry I can see myself out cause I don’t want to start a conflict 😅
Hello, anon. 👋
Firstly, I just want to DEEPLY apologize for the long wait in my response. 😅🤦‍♀️ I try not to get behind on asks, but life has been crazy for me at the moment, and especially with longer asks like yours, I really want to take my time and give a good and in depth response.
Now, just right off the bat: I don’t mind discussing things. As long as it doesn’t get nasty and full of insults. So I’m not about to bite your head off.
In fact, I am going to take the time to use your ask to refute all of these critical/anti Jedi points, proving how most of it is Palpatine’s propaganda that the galactic citizens/SW fandom has grown to believe because it’s easier to have a big bad scapegoat (ie; the Jedi boogie man) than for galactic citizens to grapple with the fact that they themselves are also a part of the problem because THEY are the ones who vote in politicians in the Senate (who are a lot corrupt, except like a handful like Mon Mothma/Bail Organa/Riyo Chuchi/Padmé/etc. And even Padmé wasn’t a complete saint like a lot of fans think, since she purposely hid Anakin’s Tusken massacre just because she didn’t want to give up her new hot murder husband who was obsessively adoring over her/loved her), and THEY are the ones who also got the most complacent, are they not? After all… if the fandom blames the JEDI… why didn’t the CITIZENS clock anything wrong until suddenly an Empire was telling them to hand over all their freedoms or die?
It’s really easy to sit back and say what you would’ve done in the Jedi’s position, because the audience has more information than they do. What Dooku and Qui-Gon told them is the equivalent of being told they saw a unicorn (Sith) in the wild. It’s not that out there that there’d be some doubts from the Council, and people seem to forget that the Council STILL said they’d look into it. But they aren’t magic. They can’t just snap their fingers and see that Palpatine is the Sith Lord. Especially with the Darkness cloaking their Force senses. I think it’s kinda… gross? To blame them for something Palpatine was causing (the cloaking Darkness) that was literally part of the plan to genocide them. Just a thought, but maybe that should be Palpatine’s and Anakin’s fault, where it belongs? Lol. Sorry if I sound a little snippy, it’s just this is a tired and running around in circles argument (although I do think your ask is a genuine one, which is why I’m taking the time to answer it and perhaps if not change YOUR mind, then change someone else’s that might read this. I’m trying to reach more across the aisle here, because both sides I’ll admit have moments where they only want to be defensive and not explain their positions).
It’s funny how people always point out that the Jedi missed brewing corruption (they totally knew about it and tried to fight against it how they could. But just like in real life, I’m unsure what people expect from them. To strut into the Senate and threaten/murder the politicians into submission? Because ya know… that was kinda the red flag Anakin gave off with that “They should be made to!” line to Padmé. Just saying. 🤷‍♀️ Just like anyone, Jedi know the politicians of the Republic are slowly being corrupt (just like MOST politicians in real life, and you don't see everyone condemning all US citizens because we don't go clean them out like assassins or something), but there isn't anything they can do about that unless you expect them to go in and wave their lightsabers around to threaten the politicians into submission. As if Palpatine wouldn't immediately twist that into his favor to say they were "trying to take over the Republic". (And oh wait—he did that in the movies! Funny how that works, huh?)
What I think is interesting about you and about a lot of Jedi fans (including LH, who is the writer of The Acolyte) is that you THINK you’re being “fair” to the Jedi, but you’re kinda… not? 🤷‍♀️😅 And I’m not saying that as an insult. I’m saying it because it’s true.
Let me explain: There are rabid anti Jedi fans known as the infamous Karen Travis’s who is basically a rapid and foaming at the mouth Jedi anti who believes they “got what was coming to them.🤢🥶” LH on the other hand (at least in HER head), views herself as Jedi CRITICAL (which is something you clearly view yourself as as well. And there’s nothing wrong with being Jedi critical. The problem is that a lot of times this “criticism” becomes condescending, whether intentional or not, despite maybe the person’s best intentions). And while there is a little bit of a difference there, it’s not as stark a line as fans would try to convince us pro Jedi’s to believe.
As I mentioned to someone else in my other ask: there are plenty of fair criticisms about the Jedi that I can acknowledge: the Shimi thing, for one, which is I think just a bad symptom of GL’s writing being more “metaphorical” than literal. Shimi HAS to stay on Tatooine because Anakin eventually HAS to murder the Tuskens in cold blood so GL can tell the story he wants to tell of how Anakin can’t let go, and so the Jedi are never given the opportunity to do what I truly BELIEVE they would’ve done, which is go back and free her, at least for the peace of mind of one of their newest initiate. The plot literally physically bars them from doing so.
And even THIS is not without its flaws, because they would ONLY have wiggle room to free Shimi after the heat of TPM problems had died down where they had time to do so… while walking past/avoiding eye contact with all of Shimi’s slave neighbors, because as specified before—The Jedi have no jurisdiction in the Outer Rim, and you bet your ass if they freed all those slaves and started a war with the Hutts with their little 10,000 strong army, the Republic would take one look and go “Lol, good luck with that,” and not help them at all, which would be basically suicide for the Order to try and accomplish on abolishment of slavery on the Outer Rim all on their own in the TRILLIONS of people in the galaxy. They do not have the MAN POWER for that. Not without the Senate army/clones. So how can they be blamed for this? WHY are one of the “space minorities” of the galaxy being blamed for something that should be the POLITICIANS’S job? Can you not see the double standard here? Genuinely asking, anon, because it’s always baffled me.
People want the Jedi to do something about it? Get on the Senate’s ass about it then—the REAL people who are responsible for all of the shit going wrong in the Outer Rim while they line their pockets and kiss up to clueless galactic citizens for votes come election time. THEY are the ones that should be responsible for the problems of an ENTIRE galaxy—not a small little minority group (which I’ve already come to realize that the Jedi are. They are a culture/religion/family, and 10,000 is but a drop in the ocean of the galaxy. They are so small in the grand scheme of things that it’s SCARY when considering how easy it was for Palpatine to lead them to almost total annihilation) that try and try and TRY as hard as they can, which is apparently somehow NEVER enough, for the galactic citizens AND the SW fandom itself.
And why is that? Why is it so HARD for SW fandom to relate to them? Why does LH (who I’m sure in her head BELIEVES she’s as progressive as they come, just as I genuinely believe you had the best intentions when reaching across the aisle to send me this ask, but at the end of the day still comes across frankly exhausting and a little condescending when you pick out the “good Jedi blorbos” who are ones that deserve to live and don’t have to be dehumanized as “emotionless/cold/callous” like you just did with Luminara just became Luminara chose to grieve in a way you and Anakin and many other rabid Anakin fans/anti Jedi’s view as lesser than) view the Jedi as some type of “space cops” who are “oppressing 🙄” the Sith as a representation of her religious trauma that she is clearly projecting onto them as something completely separate than what the Jedi Culture actually is? Why does she view them as “emotionally repressed” and “almost catholic-like”, and views the fucking SITH (literal SPACE NAZIS 😭🤦‍♀️) as a representation for her persecution as a gay woman?
It’s because—just like MOST SW fans in the US—she cannot fathom a culture outside of the lens of western philosophy. In her mind, the Jedi aren’t a “real 🙄🤢” family. In HER mind, the Jedi aren’t necessarily evil, but she still believes those “poor little culty Jedi 😔💔🙄” didn’t see they were ‘sewing their own destruction’. (Which is blaming them. It’s BLAMING the victims of genocide, and it’s to this day the most disgusting thing I will always remember about the show’s “your actions will cause the destruction of every Jedi in the galaxy” quote that made Twitter go wild with genocide apologia galore).
I’m not gonna repeat everything in the post I made to the other anon (this ask response is long enough already), but I’ll link it here in case you want to read it, because I do have some examples screenshotted of certain SW fandom dehumanizing the Jedi and showing genocide apologia, which proves that pro Jedi’s critique/defensiveness for the Jedi Order and their culture isn’t an overreaction or without basis, because it proves that blaming the Jedi for their own genocide is the NORM, even if people won’t admit so outright (still can’t believe The Acolyte just outright SAID it. I’m not gonna rub fans’s of the show’s faces in it, but because of that line alone, I’m SO glad that show was cancelled. Anti Jedi propaganda is already bad enough).
Also, I’m sorry to tell you this, anon, but the Mace Windu thing is just straight up wrong. I have never understood this Mace thing with the fandom. People act like Mace was personally bullying Anakin every damn day. Mace didn’t even hate Anakin. Just because Mace was a little stern with Anakin and didn't worship the ground he walked on didn't mean he hated/disliked him/was jealous of him (a frankly childish notion, in my opinion). They both just had different views over how to be a Jedi and in battle strategies during the war. It was never personal with Mace. Anakin MADE it personal, because he always took not being told "yes" personally, like it was a slight against him. He didn’t see Anakin as a threat to the Republic until literally the last free day of democracy when he looked at him and saw a giant shatterpoint all around Anakin. I think that would give any Jedi pause. Lol.
Mace was a fine Jedi who treated Anakin just fine. Just because he didn’t worship the ground Anakin walked on or treated him like God’s gift doesn’t mean that Mace was a bad person or Anakin was a “poor little guy” getting bullied by him. The thing with Mace refusing Anakin a seat on the Council is overblown. Frankly: Anakin didn’t DESERVE a seat on the Council. He might’ve been a powerful Jedi, but he was still hot headed and reckless and still had a lot to learn. And his temper tantrum when he didn’t get his way did him no favors either (look, I LOVE Anakin, but I’m not gonna be delusional about his faults, okay? Most of his problems were caused because he built them up out of thin air. He built up this rivalry with Mace in his head, when Mace was busy with his own life. Mace was not “out to get Anakin” or something. That’s—as kindly as I can say—something children tell themselves when angry at parents who tell them “no”, which Mace did a lot with Anakin). And I’m not gonna lie, anon. People have always seemed extra hard on Mace specifically, and while it might not be all of it, I think there’s a part of racism mixed in there with a proud black Jedi that isn’t afraid to stand up to the white and emo and hot future serial killer in the making (my hot Anakin! 🥰🥰😂) I’m not saying YOU specifically are being racist, but I’m just pointing out something that I’ve always felt reeked around the fandom opinion of Mace (more from the SW YouTube dudebro side of the fandom, but still).
I’m not gonna go and explain a play by play of all my points, because I got in a argument/discussion with someone on YouTube the other day (even though I know it’s bad for my blood pressure 😬😤😂), and I feel like the points I made there are perfect as a main response for this ask, so I’m going to place the screenshots here. This whole online debate came about when I was watching a SW lore video on Leia visiting Anakin’s grave after the ROTJ celebration and telling him she doesn’t forgive him, and one of the commentators called her a “brat”, which pissed me off. Lol. But anyway, we’ve been going back and forth the past few days, and I’ve basically made a mini pro Jedi manifesto, so I think all of the screenshots will answer most of your questions and also refute them to show how they are inaccurate and more of a fandom opinion that’s only come about because fans like Anakin and want to twist themselves into knots to blame everyone for his problems but him.
Here are all of the online person’s screenshots: you’ll notice how eventually he tries to justify Anakin killing the younglings as a “mercy”. 🥶🥶🤢 Yikes.
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Here are my screenshots:
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Damn. Apparently there’s a screenshot limit. 😭 I’ll copy paste the rest:
Leia had every right to come and get closure if she needed to. Anakin personally tortured her himself after all. She has a personal stake in this through being tortured by their own FATHER that Luke doesn't have. Whether she wanted to go to make sure the person she viewed as a monster was dead, or to try and get some closure from what Luke had told her, it was within her rights to do so. She understood EVERYTHING perfectly. She knew who Anakin had been for years before the last five minutes of his death, and that was someone who'd terrorized the galaxy.
Lol, Anakin wasn't "fulfilling the will of The Force" as his reign on the Dark Side for 20 something years. He fulfilled the will of the Force when he finally got off his ass and killed Palpatine to end the last of the Sith. It's a copout to pretend any of his other actions were anything but his own choice, otherwise his 'redemption' means squat. She doesn't owe him anything just because he stopped the horror by killing Palpatine. It's the LEAST he could've done. You seem to believe that one action somehow should buy Anakin forgiveness in the eyes of all of his victims, and if they don't forgive them, then they're "brats" or something. Redemption doesn't work like that. You don't do the right thing because you'll get something out of it. You do it to be selfless and because it's simply the right thing to do. And I can tell you that Anakin would probably disagree with your opinion on Leia being a "brat" himself once he was back on the Light Side, because the whole point is that he'd be REPENTANT. Not being arrogant and expecting blind forgiveness for things that are quite frankly unforgivable.
Luke's forgiveness is a GIFT. It is NOT something that has to be the norm, and Leia is no less because she chooses not to forgive Anakin. She has every right to never view him as her father till her dying days.
Anakin had EVERYTHING to do with the explosion of Alderaan. This BS certain fans spout of "that was Tarkin" is nonsense. Anakin had agency. He could've tried to stop Tarkin or tried to leave the Empire way before that moment. Just because it was hard, he chose not to. EVERYONE on board the Death Star that weren't prisoners are responsible for the destruction of Alderaan. And yes, that includes Anakin. As I said before, Tarkin would only be given the highest sentence in court because he chose to order the planet destroyed. But Anakin would still be charged right along with him in a court of law. Just because Anakin had a traumatic life, doesn't excuse the things he's done. That's like saying a school shooter/serial killer has no agency over killing their victims just because they had a “hard life.” It’s a frankly illogical argument.
Anakin as 'Vader' could've choked Tarkin out right there. Who's gonna stop him? He's survived dozens of enemies in the comics. Him not having "authority" is a copout. Anakin was given plenty of authority in the Empire. He was just still Palpatine's lapdog at the end of the day. Hell—he could've grew a spine and left the Empire years BEFORE that moment. He does not get a free pass for "following orders".
Lol, Anakin does NOT have borderline personality disorder. That’s a fanon theory. That is NOT actually canon and George never said that. GL says Anakin fell because of his greed for power to never feel weak like he did as a child and because he was afraid to let go. The Jedi didn't fail him. He failed THEM. He's the one who fucking genocided them after all. Their entire culture is literally mental empathy because they're space wizards. There were times when Yoda and Obi-Wan all but BEG Anakin to open his mouth and say what's wrong, and he either refuses or is so vague that there's no way to glean what his main problem is (when Anakin talks to Yoda about Padmé and won't just ADMIT it's about Padmé). People can't help you if you don't meet them halfway. Anakin refused to do that. That's on him. Not on any of his victims. And even if he DID have borderline personality disorder (which is just a fanon theory), he'd STILL be responsible for his actions. It's amazing how much fans blame everyone else under the sun than the man who choked his wife. Lol.
I don't think Anakin is emotionless or incapable of care or goodness. That's the whole point of Luke, after all. I simply deny not giving him the agency to make his own decisions. He WAS a monster. What else do you call killing little kids who beg for your help? But the point of Luke is that Anakin ALWAYS had the opportunity to turn from his actions and be better. He just didn't find the spine until ROTJ. And that's great! He turned back to the light and his soul found salvation. But he is NOT redeemed in the eyes of anyone but Luke. It's laughable to think otherwise or that he wouldn't have been executed if he'd survived. And it's illogical to blame his victims and call them "brats" just because they won't forgive someone who was once basically space Hitler.
Despite what you may think, I love Anakin's character and the tragedy of him. I love that he found salvation in the end. But I DESPISE treating him like a child who didn't know what he was doing. He knew. He was selfish for twenty years. LUKE is who taught him how to be selfless. Everything else is on him. You can't call him the greatest 'redemption' of all time and then blame evervone else for his actions.
Because then what is there to redeem?
You can't have both. Pick one. 🤷‍♀️
What does it matter that Anakin as 'Vader' knew that Palpatine wouldn't praise Tarkin for such a cruel and useless thing in destroying a planet just to look a little tough? That doesn't mean shit. Just because Tarkin eventually gets what was coming to him, doesn't mean that Anakin couldn't have sped up Tarkin's demise right there. Good actions don't work like that: "Oh, it didn't really matter that he didn't try to save Alderaan! Because in the end Tarkin gets his karma!" (Anakin gets his karma too, by the way. You could argue from his burns or the fact that the only way he can 'redeem' himself is through dying by killing Palpatine).
I'm not sure what argument your making on if Anakin could've "talked" Tarkin into another way to get Leia to talk to betray the Rebels. I'm arguing that if he—or YOU—expected Leia's "forgiveness", then it implies there should've been some level where he could've done something different. I'm arguing he could've left the Empire years earlier if he'd grown a spine, or he could've Force choked Tarkin out right there and got him and Leia out of there somehow. Who's gonna stop him? No lowly soldier on board the Death Star could stand in his way. Palpatine would be miles away at that point.
He could've done something different. Fans just argue he was "helpless" in the sense that they don't want Anakin to be selfless to give anything up. The excuse that he was "stuck" and "had nothing left" is BS. Deep down, Anakin knows if he found Obi-Wan and repented that Obi-Wan would take him back. There's a whole arc about it in a comic when he's trying to bleed a Kyber Krystal. He just doesn't do it because he's too depressed and selfish to admit he screwed up his own life. He pretended for 20 years everyone betrayed him, when really it was the other way around, and that was too horrific to contemplate, so he pretended he was another person, when clearly he's still the same guy, only horrifically injured under the mask. He can only admit the truth after Luke offers him blind forgiveness.
It doesn't really matter that psychologists have "diagnosed" Anakin. He isn't a real person. He's a character that was written with a narrative purpose by GL. And GL was clear when he says the reasons Anakin does what he does is because he's greedy for power to not feel weak again and also because he's too afraid to let go. The writer of the character knows better actually. Isn't that what SW fans always say with GL?
Jedi are literally space Buddhists that GL describes as "empathetic space monks." Part of their culture is literally to be connected to all life around them. It's laughable to say they wouldn't understand a "simple person" in the galaxy. That's literally what they're taught to do in the Temple.
Before the war, they were Advisors/ mediators.
Anakin had a fondness for Qui-Gon, but he did trust Obi-Wan. Maybe not enough to mention Padmé (he didn't trust ANYONE with that except apparently Rex, and l'm almost certain Rex found out on accident, because Anakin definitely doesn't care about Rex as much as he did Ahsoka), but he DID trust him. And he cared for Obi-Wan greatly. Just not more than his own wants and needs apparently. But that's true when it comes to Anakin choosing himself over all of his friends and family at the end of ROTS. The Jedi would've helped Anakin if he'd just ASKED without being so damn vague. Maybe they wouldn't have let him stay in the Order, but it's not like he'd be kicked out the door immediately. But Anakin wanted his cake and to eat it too, so he didn't tell him about his wife because he wanted to keep the power of being a Jedi. And guess what? The Jedi don't OWE one man the power to change their entire culture just for him.
There isn't anything wrong with having a set of rules for beliefs. Priests can't marry either. That doesn't make them “emotionless robots” that are “incapable of understanding human emotion” or understanding a struggling man's thoughts. As I said before, the Jedi cannot help Anakin if he doesn't ASK. You cannot condemn them in one breath for not helping him, while at the same time saying that it's fine Anakin didn't explain his problems with them, because they should've just been able to read his mind. It's hypocritical.
Obi-Wan had no other options but to follow Padmé to find Anakin. He NEEDED to find Anakin, because Anakin was fucking dangerous at that point in time, and had just helped genocide an entire culture. Not exactly father/husband material at that point. And even then, in the movies Obi-Wan doesn't reveal himself until it's clear Anakin isn't going to listen to Padmé. It's ludicrous to think if Padme kept arguing with Anakin that Anakin still wouldn't have strangled her in anger in that moment. Again, it appears somehow you're trying to put off this transgression he's committed on someone else again, and I cannot fathom why. It makes him far less interesting that way if he was just a "poor guy" who couldn't control himself.
What I find interesting is you can admit that Anakin doesn't have the information the audience does, which is why he thinks Palpatine is kind and is his friend, but you show no grace towards the Jedi, calling them "arrogant" for not realizing the Sith had slowly popped back up, as if they are somehow supposed to have the audience's information. The truth is that they don't.
Just like anyone, they know the politicians of the Republic are slowly being corrupt (just like MOST politicians in real life, and you don't see everyone condemning all US citizens because we don't go clean them out like assassins or something), but there isn't anything they can do about that unless you expect them to go in and wave their lightsabers around to threaten the politicians into submission. As if Palpatine wouldn't immediately twist that into his favor to say they were "trying to take over the Republic". (And oh wait—he did that in the movies! 🤷‍♀️ Funny how that works, huh?)
It doesn't matter if Anakin didn't "want" to kill kids/the Tuskens/betray Mace and his Jedi friends. What does that matter? What does it matter if he felt bad while doing it if he still DOES it? You wouldn't say a school shooter wasn't responsible for their actions just because they were sobbing the whole time they went around slaughtering everyone in the school. Anakin's responsible for his own actions, and just because he might feel "bad" doesn't let him off the hook. Even when he was masquerading as 'Vader' Who cares if he was miserable 24/7? l’ll tell you his victims sure didn't when he decapitated them with his lightsaber or snapped their spines.
I'm not arguing about the people that forgave Anakin. I'm arguing over condemning people as "brats" that don't. (I personally think it's a copout to have Leia forgive him after reading some diary, so l'm glad at the least apparently new canon has her taking her entire life to get there). My point is there is nothing that makes Anakin's victims any less if they choose not to forgive him, because forgiveness is a GIFT. It isn't something you're owed. It's funny fans keep pretending he's owed that while condemning all of the Jedi as "arrogant", because I can't think of anything more arrogant than a man who was formerly one of the worst monsters in the galaxy thinking he's "owed" forgiveness. And just as I mentioned before, the Anakin after he came back to the Light wouldn't even agree with such a notion. He may ASK. But he wouldn't call Leia a "brat" for it. It's ridiculous to think that after the horror he'd personally committed to her.
I don't really care what your thoughts are on "Darth Mouse" as that's not what this conversation is about. GL describes Palpatine as the Devil, which is why Anakin can be turned back to the Light and Palpatine can't. But there is NO DOUBT that Anakin as 'Darth Vader' is seen as 'space Hitler' throughout internet culture (the Empire/the Sith is LITERALLY based off of Nazis). If you'd take a moment to google it you would see it's already a huge staple of internet culture. That doesn't make him emotionless or without goodness (he saved Luke, after all), but it IS still true. I don't see what's so hard about acknowledging his atrocities. He was a cruel and horrible monster for most of his life, and it only makes Luke's actions all the more miraculous when he somehow gets through to Anakin and makes him consider a heel face turn in the final hour.
Lol, honestly I also think you're a pretty strange person calling one of Anakin's torture victims a "brat" just because she didn't forgive him like dear saintly Luke. There is no shame in being kind like Luke (it helped him win after all), but there is NOTHING that makes Leia a bad person for not forgiving Anakin. I think you don't seem to contemplate just how BAD that is. Her FATHER tortured her for apparently HOURS. We have no idea just what he said and did to her during this time. He could've taunted her, for all we know. And I know, I know, you might say "He didn't know she was his daughter! 🤪🤪 " But that's not the POINT. The point is how he was cruel, and only seemed care when he realized she was his flesh and blood. Anakin's lucky Leia didn't spit on his grave. Because she WASN'T consumed by her anger to the point it was unhealthy. She just didn't forgive him and never viewed him as her father as long as she lived (because BAIL ORGANA was her father in all but blood). And that is within her rights. As I keep stating, Anakin is not OWED anything. His actions at the end of ROTJ are the LEAST he can do. He should be GRATEFUL to the opportunity Luke gave him and how Obi-Wan and Yoda were saintly enough to forgive him and help him become a Force ghost, because he quite frankly didn't deserve it. But salvation isn't always about what people deserve. Just like forgiveness, it's a gift. Anakin received a gift from Luke and Obi-Wan—but he is NOT owed it from Leia. And she isn't a "brat" for not giving it to him. It is important to stick to one's beliefs and principles. Leia stuck by hers. That takes courage and strength. She loved Luke but never agreed with him about Anakin.
And I also never called Anakin as 'Vader' a maniac. I called him basically a monster. Because he WAS. He helped kill thousands of people for Palpatine on the regular and continued to help genocide Jedi over the years, while ALSO still killing more kids over the years a handful of times too, even if he usually tried to avoid it (the Kenobi Show when he purposely snapped a kid's neck in front of his mother and dragged him through the street like garbage). Ironically, the more you learn and read about Anakin's atrocities, the more Luke's reaction becomes downright insane (while still saintly/miraculous), because NOBODY else (especially in real life!) would think someone like that had a heart deep down with a sliver of care left. That's what makes it miraculous Luke got through to him.
Lol, you cannot seriously be arguing that the maintenance workers on board the Death Star were "poor little guys." I don't know if you're aware of this, but even though there were probably volunteers, on the other hand, usually half the time in the military soldiers are ASSIGNED certain things like "mopping the floors" or "latrine duty" personally—so those people STILL were probably Empire officers. And even if they weren't, they still chose to be on the abomination known as the Death Star. Their sentence may be the lightest, but unless they were put there against their will they too would ALSO be charged. And also—with your argument—you're calling Luke's actions at the end of the Original Trilogy as a genocidal act or something, when really it was a necessary act to take out a planet destroying death machine. It's amazing how certain fans can try to twist things around to try and blame the heroes for something that is the villain's fault.
Here we go again with the excuses of "if only Mace wasn't mean to poor little Anakin" then Anakin wouldn't have had to murder everyone. Lol, is Anakin incapable of cognitive thinking? Because I promise you that if I was Ahsoka and heard that Anakin's reasoning for trying to kill me at one point in Rebels and betraying all of his friends is because a few people were "mean to him" I would just be pissed off at the gall of him to not take responsibility for his own actions. Even if a few people WERE mean to Anakin, that still doesn't give him the right to go on a murderous rampage. All his actions are still on him. That's like saying a school shooter is justified in his actions just because he was bullied. You calling Anakin a "Trojan horse" as if he planned any of that and wasn't just riding by the seat of his pants doesn't really make sense. Anakin didn't plan anything, and if you're arguing that BS theory that Anakin "balanced" the Force by genociding the Light Side to have it be even with the Dark Side (not true anyway since there were still more Light Siders than Dark Siders), then I am sad to say that you are objectively wrong. 🤷‍♀️
There is no way that "genocide is good, actually!" is the main theme GL had for a children's Trilogy. Anakin completed the prophecy when he finally got off his ass to kill Palpatine. He could've done that in Palpatine's office, or years down the line—either way, the outcome to complete the prophecy is the same: the eradication of the Sith. No more. No less.
Quite frankly, I think it's pretty gross to blame a culture for their own genocide, so the galactic community isn't doing itself any favors at that point anyway (including the SW community. It's always been a baffling fandom opinion to me). And despite what you and other fans may believe—the Jedi shouldn't have to CHANGE their entire culture/way of life for the sake of one man (Anakin) OR the galaxy's inhabitants who don't even TRY to understand them anyway (funny how Jedi are blamed for not understanding citizens, but what citizens try to understand them?).
They are not obligated to change their culture just for the right not to be murdered by a genocidal man on a temper tantrum.
Yeah, it's not surprising there were some among the population who "rejoiced" the fall of the Order. The war affected people's livelihoods and lives, and people get REAL greedy real fast when their day to day lives are affected by something. So yeah, it's no wonder they listened to Palpatine's propaganda to make the Jedi their scapegoat. Still pretty gross and disgusting, of course, but I can see how it came to be that way. Pretty ironic how people seemed to eventually miss the Jedi when they were gone, huh? It's not so fun dealing with an enemy (The Empire) when no space monk is standing protectively in front of you with a laser sword.
You DO know it's canon there were only 10,000 Jedi (not counting younglings and retired Masters) in a galaxy of TRILLIONS, right? It's illogical to expect them to be able to single handedly end slavery throughout the galaxy (especially in the Outer Rim where the Senate won't help them), or to expect them to be able to solve every damn problem in the universe like poverty (the lower levels of Coruscant). They helped people when they could. I don't know how, but you've seemed to have forgotten (just like most fans) that the Jedi ALWAYS tried to help. Even to the very end of their lives. It only makes it more gross to blame them for their own genocide. Lol, Luke barely knew shit about them except what he managed to scrounge up that hadn't been purged by the Empire (and a lot of that is from Legends authors, who didn't particularly like the Jedi anyway, so of course they'd write it like that and not as GL's vision of them being the heroes. The clones were treated terribly, and the Jedi did everything they could to make their lives easier (unless you'd prefer they sit on their asses out of the war to leave the clones under the command of people like Tarkin who didn't give a shit about them?), and it's illogical to blame them for the clones's plight. The SENATE are the corrupt ones and it's THEIR job to fix poverty and slavery and give the clones their rights. THEY are the actual villains of the prequels (besides the Sith), which is exactly what GL wanted to present to show the moral decay of democracy. And yet somehow people missed that and thought he was saying—"No, actually, it's the genocide victims who are wrong, guys!" when that couldn't be farther from accurate.
Dear LORD, here we go again with the excuses for Anakin's actions. Anakin "couldn't trust" Obi-Wan because of something kinda snippy/mean that Obi-Wan said when he was a TEENAGER?(The “pathetic life form/he’s dangerous line”, which he said when he was jealous/also—again—a teenager). Wow, way to hold a grudge. Lol. Doesn't that go against your whole argument about "forgiveness?" Didn't Obi-Wan's following actions towards Anakin then on in treating him like a brother show NOTHING about his care for him? Come on now. Let's be serious.
Why the hell WOULDN'T Obi-Wan go after Anakin? As stated beforehand, Anakin was DANGEROUS at that point, and needed to be put down. Anakin went against his fate to destroy the Sith, which put the prophecy on hold for a bit, so yeah, there was a "plan", which is why he lived, but that doesn't mean he wasn't dangerous and still didn't deserve to die at that point in time. He'd just killed kids like animals hours earlier. Again: not exactly husband/father material anymore.
Again, I feel like the implication here is that you're hinting that everyone misinterpreted the prophecy and that Anakin's fate was to bring "balance" by becoming a genocidal monster and "evening the score", and I am sad to say that you are objectively wrong. 🤷‍♀️ It's not accurate to state GL's original intent to a children's trilogy is that genocide to "even the score" was the correct answer. As stated again: Anakin completed the prophecy when he destroyed the Sith (ie; him and Palpatine). Full stop.
Hmmmm, you're doing a whole lot of speculation on how Leia "might" react if she was put in Anakin's situation, but not actually taking into account how everyone makes their own decisions and people can react differently to things at the end of the day. This just feels like another way you're trying to excuse Anakin's actions and condemn Leia for her bitterness towards Anakin just because: "Oh, if only that brat went what he went through! 🤪 " And such an argument—in the nicest way I can think possible—feels like the platitudes children tell themselves when angry at their parents. ALL of your and rabid Anakin fans's arguments are, because it all boils down to: "It wasn't HIS Fault! It was THIS person's! Because they were MEAN to him and he got BULLIED! And all his friends didn't understand him (even when it's obvious they reached out plenty of times and tried)!" It's just a very tired and frankly going in circles argument. You keep bringing up all these external factors as if the Jedi didn't try at all to offer Anakin coping mechanisms (Yoda literally offered them, and his advice—whether you or others want to admit it or not—makes sense. In war, you sometimes have to be prepared you might lose someone, and with the vague knowledge Anakin gave him, I'm pretty sure Yoda thought Anakin was talking about Obi-Wan. If Yoda knew it was about Padmé, no shit he'd probably have different advice). Anakin's life was not horrible at the Temple. He had a horrible childhood and that would fuck anyone's head up and leave a scar, but once at the Temple he was offered a whole range of different options to receive help. The only difference here is that you just don't AGREE with the Jedi's beliefs in how they go about helping people control their emotions so they don't lash out at people.
Maybe a few people (kids) at the Temple said a few things to Anakin that could be bullying (and I've only seen ONE comic related to that), but it's ridiculous to assume that the entire Jedi Order hated him. It's illogical to think that, and it's just like the childish notion fans have that Mace (who you call a "motherfucker" for... again, what? Treating Anakin like everyone else and not God's gift?) hated or was jealous of Anakin just because he didn't tell him "yes" all the time).
The point is, Anakin's life was fine at the Temple. Maybe he got a little isolated and lonely, but it's not like people didn't reach out. Anakin just had trouble reaching back. And all of those excuses don't let him off the hook for his genocidal actions, which you still seem to be twisting yourself into knots to try and do. THAT is childish. Not Leia judging Anakin for who he was when she had the misfortune of being tortured by him. You're plain lying to yourself if you think you wouldn't react just like Leia in real life. Most people are not gonna be wondering to themselves why the "poor little serial killer" did what he did to their family.
Just as stated before, Anakin honestly didn't deserve shit at the end of his life.
He'd betrayed everyone he'd ever known and thrown them all away (Rex, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Padmé, the Jedi/501st, R2, etc) like complete garbage. He helped genocide the Jedi—the very Order that took him in from slavery—and then spent those next 20 years hunting them down like animals, while also in his free time killing whoever Palpatine pointed him to like a lapdog just because he was depressed and pissed he'd screwed up his own life. He'd murdered thousands of kids at that point (literally monstrous and unforgivable for most people. Certainly me. Which only makes Luke's forgiveness more meaningful) and there is a comic where he hunted down a Jedi just for the sheer purpose of ripping his youngling out of the man's arms so he could let Palpatine turn the baby into an Inquisitor.
I am sure there are compilations on YouTube of all the people Anakin killed and the people he'd tortured or made jokes at while he smirked over their bodies. Come back and watch those and then tell me again he "deserved" to find peace. Lol, Anakin didn't deserve shit.
And I know that me saying that will probably make you think I hate his character. I don't. Anakin's character is very dear to me and I'm GLAD he found peace at the end of his life. I'm just under no delusions that he was "redeemed" in any sense of the word that wasn't in Luke's eyes alone or that Anakin actually "deserved" peace, when it should be completely obvious he deserved to be condemned to the farthest pits of Hell. As I keep repeating again and again: Anakin's 'redemption' and forgiveness are GIFTS. It's not something he is owed or something he even deserves. It's something he's given from the people around him who are quite frankly better people than he ever was in his entire life. Luke taught him how to be selfless at the end of his life. Because of his trauma as a slave, Anakin never wanted to do that beforehand from the fear of being weak again, no matter how many tried to help. But Luke did, and he succeeded with getting through to Anakin and making him finally get off his ass to make the right choice.
Again, The Force may have a "plan" but that doesn't mean people don't have free will. Otherwise, they'd all just be mindless puppets walking around spouting nonsense. That's just another copout to try and excuse Anakin's genocidal actions and say it wasn't his fault because it was his "fate". It wasn't. His fate was to destroy the Sith (and NOTHING else, despite what you apparently believe about a BS argument that I admit is common in fanon that Anakin "evening the playing field" was his destiny or something). He tripped and dragged his heels on that for twenty years before finally completing the prophecy in the final hour before his death. No more, no less.
It's childish to not take responsibility for your actions. It's why even though I love his character l'm not gonna treat Anakin like he was a "poor little guy" who didn't have a brain. He had options and a support system (Obi-Wan/Ahsoka/Padmé/Rex/R2/etc) he could've reached out to if he really wanted to. But he didn't because he just wanted to be told he was right. That's on him and no one else, as I keep saying over and over, despite how many excuses for him you try to bring up. I will repeat again: you give Anakin a lot of grace, but apparently none to Leia herself. Why is that? It feels pretty hypocritical. It also feels pretty hypocritical to judge and blame the Jedi in one breath saying they "lost their way (incorrect)", while in another breath embracing their very own beliefs on love and forgiveness. So, which is it? Do you think the Jedi had a wisdom and empathy for forgiveness, or do you think they "lost their way?" You can't have both and pick and choose based off how you want to excuse and justify Anakin's behavior.
Ahhhh, and THERE it is. See, I knew this gross argument (that I admit is a common fandom opinion) was hiding in there somewhere! I'm honestly not going to give this opinion much time, because at the end of the day you and everyone else who believe it are objectively wrong. 🤷‍♀️ You wanna know how I know that? Because it's genocide apologia. And at the end of the day, when you say the whole purpose GL made for Anakin's story and the theme of SW is that "genocide is good actually!", all I have to do to refute that is to remind you and others that this is a CHILDREN'S trilogy and from the words of GL himself; SW's main theme is about hope.
So because of that, this gross "theory" is shown for what it is: immoral, gross and just plain wrong genocide apologia. 🤷‍♀️ It's also just wrong in general, because Anakin killed all the Sith at the end of the Original Trilogy, and it's now canon more than two Light Siders were still alive at the time, so that would be "uneven scales" which goes against this immoral genocide apologia theory to begin with.
Ahhh, would you look at that! You've had the gall to bring up another gross argument similar to your earlier one (which is a common fandom one, I'll admit) that Anakin showed "mercy" to the younglings when killing them, when it's obvious that's incorrect and he didn't show them anything but cruelty. And now you're giving this type of similar gross argument that genocide survivors were "freed" from the "slavery" of their own culture! I gotta hand it to you, it's a common SW fan belief, but every time I hear it, I still get amazed at the gall of someone who truly believes this is accurate each and every time. Because it's obvious you don't agree with their culture (not saying I'd be a good Jedi either, but the point remains), which is why you think them being "freed" from their culture is better for them so the genocide survivors can make "real families" because you don't view the Jedi as family! Because you only believe in the basic family dynamic. So yeah, this opinion is also immoral and wrong obviously, because it tries to twist Anakin's and the Empire's genocidal actions as "benevolent" and "cleansing the Order for something new." Which is, again, genocide apologia, which proves you are wrong, because it's illogical that genocide apologia would be the theme of a children's trilogy about hope.
A lot of these things you bring up about Anakin and Palagueis are things l'm not even sure are actually canon anymore or if they're from Legends. Even if they are canon, these again are not excuses for his actions just because Anakin may have had a penchant for darkness. Even if he did, it's still his responsibility to learn how to control it and not hurt people. Many Jedi need to be guided on the right path to not follow evil, which is what the Jedi already did every day. With all of the thousands of Jedi trained and only a handful turning to the Dark Side, that seems like a pretty good record. The Jedi didn't "lose their way." This is a tired and BS argument that I admit Filoni has brewed the more GL gave him more leeway with SW, because Filoni doesn't view the Jedi as heroes in the right like GL did. There is nothing to show they lost their way just because they joined the war, because they literally were given that choice or sitting on their asses to watch the galaxy burn, and you bet your ass if they did that then Palpatine would spin it around to the public: "Look at how they sit in their ivory towers and watch you suffer under the Separatists's hands! 🤪🤪” So there is literally no way they can win here. If you're talking about how some of their methods got dirty (trying to mind trick the bounty hunter), firstly: they were literally trying to save their own children from being tortured! experimented on/enslaved, which I'm pretty sure gives them some slack (unless you're only willing to give that to Anakin?). Secondly, Anakin also got his hands dirty plenty of time in the war, and is conveniently not criticized by the fandom as much as the Jedi are. Ironic, huh?
Anakin could've told Obi-Wan anything and Obi-Wan would've helped him. Anakin knew that. Anakin just didn't want to risk losing his Jedi authority in the Order, because he didn't want to have to choose between a life with Padmé and being a powerful Jedi. If he cared about Padme completely selflessly, why didn't he just admit he was married and ask the Jedi to help Padmé and make sure she stayed alive through their Jedi healers? That was an option.
He literally risked Padme's life because he keeps sitting on the fence to try and have both. Because despite what you and some of his fans believe—Anakin isn't OWED both. He doesn't deserve everything in the world just because he is the oh so mighty "Chosen One/Hero With No Fear". A culture shouldn't have to change their entire way of life just for one man to continue being married and to have his cake and eat it too by staying in the Order. Even in real life, priests still aren't allowed to practice and be married. That doesn't mean they're being "repressed" or that they're under some type of horrible "slavery" to suppress their emotions. It's just the rules of that culture. If Anakin didn't like the rules of the Jedi, he should've just left after getting their help to keep Padmé and his kids safe. But he didn't because he wanted to keep both. That’s on him. Not his victims.
I mean, yeah, no duh the Jedi Order would’ve had some problems after killing Palpatine and having to prove they he was a Sith that acted on both sides of the war. Palpatine did that really well, but it’s a bit illogical to assume they wouldn’t eventually find evidence in his office somewhere or on his data files. He did the things he did by planning his schemes some type of way. And yeah, for some insane reason being a Sith Lord “wasn’t illegal”, but being controlling of both sides of the war IS, which they could’ve proved after a while. So, if you are trying to argue that Anakin’s actions were for the “better” because it would’ve been too “hard” for the Jedi otherwise—you are still objectively wrong this way. 🤷‍♀️ It’s also just another way to try and excuse Anakin by pretending his actions that day on the final day of freedom of democracy didn’t matter, when it’s obvious that they very clearly did. If Anakin hadn’t cut off Mace’s hand, the war would’ve been won. Therefore, everything that goes bad in the galaxy is legit Anakin’s fault. 🤷‍♀️ Of course Palpatine has the highest blame because he’s the mastermind, but betrayers/backstabbing is always a worse breed of crime, because it always comes from a friend, which is what Anakin was to the Jedi/Obi-Wan/Ahsoka/Rex/Padmé/501st. He legit ruins all of his friends’s lives with that one swing to cut off Mace’s hand. Trying to paint it as anything else is simply incorrect, and takes away from his ‘redemption’ at the end of the Original Trilogy by trying to pretend he’s a “poor little guy” who had no choice.
Anakin could’ve “defeated” Palpatine multiple ways. Just as I mentioned before, just because The Force had a “plan” doesn’t mean that everyone was puppets walking around on a string, because then free will wouldn’t exist. Anakin could’ve helped defeat Palpatine in his office that day in Revenge of The Sith by either taking the swing himself or either standing back and just letting Mace finish the job. He’s still The Chosen One that way, because his choice is still literally the defining action that saves democracy that way. He also could defeat him the way he does in the Original Trilogy, which is taking him by surprise to save Luke by throwing him down the reactor shaft to kill Palpatine. Either way gets the job done. He doesn’t need to physically fight Palpatine to get it done himself. He’s just the catalyst for what happens to the galaxy because of HIS choices alone, which proves how he has agency and understood why all his actions were wrong and just didn’t care. He didn’t need Luke for that in Palpatine’s office. All he had to do was grow a spine and let Mace take the final swing. He failed to do that and doomed the galaxy for twenty years because of it. 🤷‍♀️
Ahhh, there you go again with the gall to pretend that what Anakin did was “mercy” for the younglings just because the imperials would’ve done horrible things to them too! Gotta hand it to you, one has to have a lot of nerve to believe such an argument such as this (which I acknowledge is a common opinion among rabid Anakin fans), but it’s still gross and hilariously wrong every time I hear it repeated. So, just as I stated to you before: you and anyone else who has this opinion is WRONG, because obviously Anakin murdering little kids like animals is not a mercy. Anyone with any type of heart and soul should be able to realize that. What Anakin did is not and will never be a “mercy”. It was a cruel and dehumanizing act towards kids who were begging for his help. What would ACTUALLY have been mercy is what I stated before: Anakin snapping out of it to save the kids and lead them out of the Temple to save their lives. THAT is mercy. The only reason you continue to spout this BS argument that is common among rabid Anakin fans in to try and twist yourself into knots to deny Anakin agency and pretend he had “no choice” but to kill the kids for “mercy”, when it’s clear that this opinion of yours and anyone else who believes it is gross, immoral, and just plain wrong. 🤷‍♀️ It’s as simple as that.
Anakin WAS taught to understand, accept and manage his emotions correctly. That’s LITERALLY what “control” means: MANAGING your emotions so you don’t lash out at people in your anger, which is what the Jedi always warned their members against doing. The only difference here is that you just don’t agree with their beliefs, and are inadvertently portraying them as a culture who “suppresses” their emotions, when from the movies and TCW show it’s obvious that you and anyone who has this opinion is wrong. 🤷‍♀️ There are literally scenes that show it’s about being MINDFUL of your emotions so you don’t let them control you. Not to pretend they don’t exist. Anakin had all of these Jedi teachings available to him. The only difference is that he thought he was above the rules and that they didn’t apply to him. All of which eventually but him in the ass, because he refused to listen to anyone and be told “no” without getting angry.
Qui-Gon was kind to Anakin, and Anakin had a fondness for him, but it is NOT canon that if Qui-Gon lived Anakin wouldn’t have fallen. That’s just a fanon theory that fans pretend is canon. You know how I know this? Because if you look it up, George Lucas straight up SAYS in interviews that Qui-Gon living wouldn’t have changed anything for Anakin not falling to the Dark Side. The “Duel of the Fates” is just what the song writer titled the song as a metaphor for the fight between light and darkness, but that doesn’t mean that because Qui-Gon died it was impossible for Anakin to grow a brain and a conscience and make choices of his own. GL literally knows better, because he’s the writer, which is what SW fans always say, right? Because anyone that believes that Qui-Gon dying “sealed Anakin’s fate” is simply using it as another copout/excuse for Anakin’s actions to pretend like all of his choices weren’t his own fault. Obi-Wan was a fine teacher for Anakin, and just because he wasn’t perfect didn’t mean he “failed” him. The truth is that Obi-Wan did everything he could, but Anakin refused to accept Obi-Wan’s help half the time. That’s on him and nobody else. He failed Obi-Wan. Not the other way around. Obi-Wan only thinks he “failed” Anakin out of misplaced guilt because he’s a better person than Anakin could ever hope to be who actually felt guilt for his actions, when Anakin in turn during that time at least felt nothing but entitlement and anger towards friends who wouldn’t join him on the Dark Side.
Dooku also doesn’t have any room to talk. He might’ve noticed corruption in the Senate, but the second Dooku joined the Sith and the Separatists and started helping enslave planets and killing people, he lost all credibility and became a big old hypocrite, just like Anakin became after ROTS.
So far, every single opinion you have given is just one excuse after another for Anakin’s actions to try and put the blame on someone else (usually the victims of his genocidal atrocities). And all of them are incorrect and immoral and wrong. 🤷‍♀️ Because half of it is genocide apologia or trying to twist Anakin’s actions from killing the younglings as “benevolent mercy”, when that is obviously WRONG and the biggest copout I have ever heard in my life. You also try to excuse Dooku’s actions, which is also wrong, because Dooku is a literal war criminal at the end of ROTS, so all of his opinions mean squat at that point, because he’d become the very thing he’d hated at that point, just like Anakin would eventually come to be from his own shitty choices. Therefore, every single thing you have brought up is not “facts.” It is simply an opinion that has become huge in fandom spaces because people like Anakin’s character and are biased against him and want to pretend he was a “poor little guy” who couldn’t make decisions, when it is clear there were a million other decisions he could’ve made.
I will then bring this around back to my original point: Leia Organa is not a “brat” for choosing not to forgive someone who was once one of the biggest monsters in the galaxy who TORTURED her (her own flesh and blood FATHER) just because Anakin might’ve had a hard childhood or a few people “being mean to him.” She doesn’t owe him anything, because specifically everything that had gone wrong in the galaxy up to that point was ANAKIN’S fault, and it is the LEAST he can do to kill Palpatine and fix it, so she doesn’t owe him anything for him killing the Emperor either. It’s great Luke found it in his heart to forgive Anakin, but it will NEVER be acceptable to call Leia a “bad person” for not forgiving Anakin, who is canonically the space Hitler (proven) of the Star Wars galaxy. She doesn’t owe him shit, and again: Anakin is lucky she didn’t spit on his grave.
Again: this doesn’t mean I hate Anakin’s character. But unlike you, when I like a character, I don’t need to excuse their every action to pretend they are “poor little guys.” Anakin was a horrible monster for most of his life, but I’m still GLAD he found salvation and peace in the afterlife. But he did NOT deserve it. He deserved to be condemned to the farthest pits of Hell, and I am under no delusions about that. He’s lucky the people around him (Luke, Yoda, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka) are far better people than he ever was while he was alive and were able to find it in their hearts to offer him forgiveness, because he never showed them that same kindness or grace, and obviously didn’t deserve their love or loyalty. It makes it all the more saintly that they gave it to him.
As you can see, there’s a lot of genocide apologia in this guy’s arguments (literally disgusting), and there were times I got a little snippy (it gets frustrating defending genocide survivors over and over), but for the most part, I tried to be polite, because I wanted all my points to remain strong. If you are willing to listen to my perspective, I think you can admit some of his arguments echo your own, even if you’re obviously not as blunt and frankly gross about it as him.
Take the show The Acolyte, and how it’s supporters argue that it’s only “critiquing” the Jedi and showing them as “flawed”, which is what you wanted to get at when you sent this ask, no? To “make sure that in discussing the Jedi we remember the good and bad.” Well, my response is… why is that needed? You’ve seen all my points and examples about how being anti Jedi is the larger fandom opinion and how Order 66 is quietly thought to be partly “their fault”, which is literally one of the grossest opinions to have and I’ll never sugarcoat that. So, why is it NEEDED to point out their “flaws” with every post on how they didn’t deserve their genocide? Why does that matter? Why can’t it just be agreement: the Jedi didn’t deserve to be slaughtered like animals? Why is it “oh, but we must remember that they were flawedddd and complacenttttt. 😔💔 After all, if only they just hadn’t been mean to poor Anakinnnn. Then he wouldn’t have been ‘forced’ to help murder them all. 😔💔” Like… do you not HEAR how condescending that sounds? 😭🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Why do the Jedi have to be the “perfect victims” for fans, otherwise they either “deserved what they got” or were “arrogant” and “brought it on themselves?” Why aren’t the MURDERERS/BETRAYERS blamed for the collapse of a galaxy (Anakin and Palpatine), when THEY were the ones responsible and who pulled the trigger? The point is that it’s frankly just weird how much certain fans bring up that “oh, don’t forget they were flawedddd! 🤪🤪🤪” on a post that is mourning the loss of their culture. I promise you that your “special little blorbos” Kanan and Ahsoka (the REAL her that hasn’t become Filoni’s mouthpiece) would probably not enjoy the way you describe them as “oh, but YOU’RE one of the good ones!” And I say that with all the politeness I can manage.
Funnily enough, the writer of The Acolyte, LH, kind of echoes your sentiments, which just aren’t as “benevolent” as you may genuinely believe. In her show, there’s no DEPTH or honestly real THEMES of SW put into the show. It’s all flipped around to the Dark Side being “liberating”, which is so far from true it’s literally laughable. 😭😒 And I’m getting ticked off that when genuine criticism from pro jedi fans come up, somebody just HAS to say—“This show is just portraying the Jedi as not perfect! 😌” 😬😤🫠 And I swear I’m gonna lose it one day, because it portrays the Jedi as more than imperfect. It portrays them as emotionally repressed, barely competent “space cops”. 🙄 (Fucking HATE that term antis use for them so much, because it’s what they argue about saying the Jedi ‘deserved’ their genocide because they’re an ‘institution’ and not a “real” family. 😬😬🤬🤬 Ohhhh, I’m gonna go off on someone one day. Lol.) And these are just my frustrations. It’s not personally directed at you at the moment, anon. It’s just me kind of venting all my thoughts on this post.
I even had a fairly decent comment on my tumblr post about my critique of The Acolyte from a fan trying to save it, and they basically said the same thing and that it’s from the Sith perspective so it’s skewed. But it’s not. 😭😭 Because the showrunner’s views literally mirror the villain’s and then they become her mouthpieces. The show is completely anti Jedi while trying to pretend in a condescending way that it’s only Jedi critical in a way like—“Ah, those poor little culty Jedi. 😔😔💔 Some had good hearts… but their culture doomed them to be wiped out… 😔💔” 😒🙄😤🤬
I just… fucking HATE that show. 😭 SO much. And I know certain fans loved it, so I apologize if people enjoyed at least certain parts, but I’ve read a tumblr post that broke down the show really well and how hollow it is. The characters barely have time to interact and get to know one another before they’re all killed off (Yord and Jecki and Sol, who were fan favorites), until only Osha and Quimir remain—because at the end of the day, THAT’S what this whole stupid show was about. 😭🤦‍♀️ It was about a Reylo fanfic writer getting to play in her sandbox.
Anyway, my point is I don’t think you’re “anti Jedi”, anon. I think you’re “Jedi critical”, yes. But not in the benevolent way you believe. I think you are unknowingly being benevolently condescending in the way The Acolyte tries to be by saying, “Ooohhh, those poor, culty Jedi. 💔😔😔😔 If only they weren’t so emotionally repressed like robots (dehumanization)… maybe then they could’ve changed their culture so they didn’t have to be ‘cleansed’ for a ‘better galaxy’. 😔💔💔” It’s just… stuff like that. 😭🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Which is… SO exhausting for us pro Jedi fans to hear over and over and over like it’s a valid take, when it’s just really not. But I wanted to explain my thoughts in a way I hope was mostly polite. I probably sound a little bit snippy, but it’s just because I’m frustrated at having to defend genocide victims again. That’s all.
I guess I would just… encourage you to rethink your thoughts? Because when you take into account what the Sith/Empire represent (Nazis) and then what the Jedi genocide is a metaphor of… your ‘argument’ looks less and less cute. 🤷‍♀️😭 I’m just saying. Some may not like me comparing it to real life, but there are plenty of Asian fans/aroace fans/Jewish fans that heavily relate to the Jedi for this very reason, and I refuse to allow their opinions to be silenced, because fiction is for everyone, and SW has ALWAYS been political, which means it’s literally MADE to be compared to real life.
Anyway, I hope this long meta post maybe changed some minds, if not your own. I’m gonna leave links to other big pro Jedi blogs that have better and more organized meta posts than me about this stuff, where they go in depth explaining how the Jedi are the good guys and how what happened in the Prequels was never about “the genocide victims are in the wrong, actually!” and was more about the SENATE becoming corrupt and rotting democracy from the inside out, which made it so easy for Palpatine to slither into power. 10,000 Jedi aren’t gonna easily change that. But the politicians CAN. They were just too selfish to do so. The Senate/Sith are the real villains of the Prequel trilogy. Not the Jedi (literal genocide victims). Anything less than viewing it like this is just… wrong. 😭🤷‍♀️
Here are the big Pro Jedi meta blogs I talked about:
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skybristle · 3 years ago
Please rant about why you didn't like how chapter 14 characterized Caramel arrow. I may not have gotten to it because I'm still stuck in chapter 11 but I'd love to hear it.
pls rb!! i put a lot of thought and effort into these posts!
was talking to a friend. this is a. Horrid mash of copy/pasted stuff from discord dms paired with me typing in new shit to bridge gaps and add points but. under cut again! probably some talk abt murder and violence [but its against affo mainly so its okay /JOKE] but mainly to save space on dashes since i type a lot also note that i tend to call caramel arrow carrow. it just rolls off my mental tounge better and its easier to speedrun typing in my fanon i've also added magnolia into her story but. for the sake of arguement i'll leave her and any magnolia-related changes out. but yeah they canonically kiss devsis told me /lh ill add more if i think of anything
shes a static character. NOTE. static characters are NOT inherently bad. but she has so much potential for being fucked up and questioning her loyalties and shit. as she stands she is just. There. she does a little bit of girlbossing but ESPECIALLy in chapter 14 she is just there to go its okay dark cacao ur doing the right thing it is alright u are okay :] and she doesnt even get resolution with affo. iirc they dont even rlly get a confrontation he just. Runs away. these r my main problems but ill get into a lot of wasted potential later. ill be so mad forever and ever they didn't let carrow kill affogato. like. she had a straight shot in the end when his sheilds were down and he was just trying to get away. ut she just goes "OHHH NO AFFOGATO IS GETTING AWAYYYYY" like babygirl you are the first watcher. What are you doing. i get that cr doesnt have the balls to violently kill him on screen but like u could have shot him and left him for dead at least. Like. .... idk. red velvet gets a crossbolt bolt to the face in TOSC its not too out there. but even then carrow seems like the type to want to kill someone cleanly and effectively no matter WHAT they did so she doesnt stoop to their level. so as far as my fanon goes she shot him thru the head when he was trying to escape. like again i know canon wouldn't do that but it is dissapointing to see nothing happen with him and carrow's arc yet another injustice to carrow's character. shes just. There honestly. like she doesnt DO ANYTHING. shes kinda just [woman standing discord emoji] you could honestly remove her from the plot without much difference which is. REALLY FUCKING SAD considering that she was so hyped up and is playable. her only real character trait is 'loyal to dark cacao'. which falls flat considering DARK CACAO IS FUCKED UP?? like i know affo is manipulating him or whatever but he had to have been at an incredibly low point in the first place - likely caused by dark choco's betrayel and the stress of losing so much , including many of his watchers, to the war. the main missed potential i see: the missed potential with her and dark choco. it's heavily implied he was very very close with her - and her mentor. she even has a line abt him being the one who taught her how to use a bow. it's p easy to assume he's the person who trained her and could probably be considered her non-blood informal older brother or maybe an idol. [i prefer the former but. Yeah] have her loyalty be split between the king who deeply hurt his people for decades [since even before affo i doubt it was good considering i can only IMAGINE how fucked up the kingdom was afrer the DFW with their watchers presumaby spread incredibly thin after so many losses] and FUCKING EXILED HER regardless of affo's imput and the prince who trained and partially raised her but has done so much fucked up shit and lost his path
NEITHER of them are good people. at least completely. do they deserve her loyalty? is she reeally doing good by following anyone?? is bias by being close to the royals clouding her judgement? she can't answer those questions
but No. dark cacao good everyine else bad :3. so dissapointing this is becoming more of a stretch but this is more a thinly veiled excuse to talk abt my fanon because i make her character so much cooler and sexier but. Ya! also not to say she was probably a trainee or barely out of training when dark choco betrayed everyone when he was probably her older brother figure andddd probably got shoehorned into the position of first watcher too fast since dark cacao was in such deep paranoia after getting betrayed by his own son he couldn't trust anyone short of who was practically his own daughter but. Ya! would have fucked. her cutscene thing says she became the first watcher at an incredibly young age. u can assume in canon that just means that she was so capable she earned it so early on but like. You could ALSO take rlly fucked up implications from that if you wanted to. like. Yeah. also i dont have as thorough thoughts on this but. it's sad that we didnt see much of her relationship with the other watchers. its obvious that they miss her, care about her, and are still loyal to her. i've always thought it was a really interesting thing that despite her exile and presumably being stripped of her title they all still call her first watcher. resisting the urge to talk abt her and magnolia so i wont but like. scenes with the other watchers could have rlly helped this!!! oh also if you ship carrow x affogato get the fuck off this post i actually hate you fuck you fuck yo ufuck yuyou fuck you. Die. thats all i remember for now. Bye girl.
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sugars-fluffy-escapes · 3 years ago
Ler!Harry Osborn Headcanons
TASM!Harry x reader (ft. Peter and Gwen again)
Strictly SFW; full of fluff and rather flustering, please expect a bunch of self indulgent bullshit 💚
Note: Again I repeat Harry Osborn deserves the world and I love him. And for the sake of these hcs let's just pretend he didn't become the Goblin because he was successfully cured and he's still friends with Peter and the clock tower tragedy never happened T-T
This headcanon post is another collab with @chailattef because both of us absolutely adore Harry and have a plethora of headcanons to share (and still do so this'll def get a part 2 along with the lee!Harry headcanons) So I hope you enjoy these headcanons we've conjured up!!!
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Headcanons under the cut
Ahaaa... You're completely and utterly done for if Harry finds out you're ticklish-
Harry is TERRIFYING as a ler but not because he's ruthless or mean about it (he's a sweetheart and I stand by that)
What makes him a terrifying ler is that he's genuinely having so much fun tickling you, and he's gonna repeatedly TELL YOU how much fun it is
And if you're a lee who is shy or easily flustered, it's HELL (not that you mind 🥴)
"Hahaharryyyyy! DohOHON'T juhuhust sahahahay thahahaaaaat!"
"Buhut ihihit's truhuhue! IhIt's fuhuhun to tickle youhou!"
*cue you screaming into your hands or hiding your face because this angel genuinely does not understand just how badly he flusters you (or maybe he does~ teasy little shit /lh)*
One of his FAVORITE things to do is to teasingly wiggle his fingers closer and closer and right when he's mere centimeters away from your tickle spot he'll stop because you YELP and he finds it cute (he'll tell you that too)
Harry LOVES anticipation. Seriously. He will build it up as much as he possibly can before it starts getting to him too and he can't hold off on tickling you any longer. He'll also tell you he couldn't wait any longer cause he really wanted to tickle you (AGAJAJSJDKSKDN 🤭 This sweetheart just really likes you and he really likes your laugh okay? 🥺)
The first time he tickled you was after you tickled him for the first time. This cinnamon roll had so much fun because it's just so affectionate and joy inducing and he felt so loved so of course he's gonna wanna tickle you back (he's touch starved to hell and back 🥺. Again I say, fuck you Norman Osborn 🖕🏾)
Being a ler is just the perfect opportunity to let out ALLLLLLL his playfulness. I mean ALL of it. Brace yourself lmfao
He's gonna cutesy talk you (fuckin Peter TAUGHT him how to cutesy talk a lee because he's a little shit LMAO) and you cannot do anything about it
How did Peter teach Harry? By wrecking him with tickles and using the cutesy talk on HIM
"Peter. Can you teach me that?"
"What, the cutesy talk?"
"Yehes! I want to know how to do that!"
"Yeah? Ahalright."
*cue Peter tackling Harry to the floor and using every last bit of cutesy talk he knows while tickling him (I mean, it WORKED, so)*
You know the breathy, whispery, sort of cutesy talk? Yeah. That's Harry's specialty (and this headcanon is totally not because of that dream I had where Harry nuzzled my nose and cutesy-talked me like that. Totally not /s)
When you find out that PETER taught him and threaten to kill Peter or kick his ass for giving Harry such tactics, you are in TROUBLE
"IhIhI'm gohohohonna kihihihill youhou, PeheheHETEHEHERRR!"
"Ahh... Threats are off limits. I think you need an attitude adjustment, Y/N."
*cue Harry absolutely wrecking your shit (which he's scarily good at for not having much experience with tickling in general)*
He's terrifyingly good at cutesy talk and he's always got that ADORABLE smile on his face. Fully expect him to be giggling along with you when he cutesy talks you (somehow it makes it even MORE flustering if he's also giggling)
"Whahat's wrong~? It tickles? Yeah? YEAH~? IhIt's suhupposed to! It's supposed toooooo~!"
Sometimes though, he'll get all pretend serious and your heart just DROPS and you SHRIEK- at which point Harry starts giggling again. He knows what he's doing (adorable meanie)
Adorably fun fact: Harry is the only person who can genuinely catch Peter off guard to the FULLEST extent with tickling, because the spidey senses don't see him as a threat (cute. CUTE. ADORABLE. HELP)
You're gonna get ganged up on with tickles by Peter and Harry. A lot. I mean like every time the three of you are in a room together
They LOVE bouncing teases off each other. Their teamwork when it comes to flustering you is honestly adorable.
There's one in particular that they ALWAYS do and it kills you- They'll be tickling the daylights out of you and acting like they're typing on a computer (evil. EVIL) Harry's nails tickle so badly it's not even funny
"Peter, why is the computer giggling?"
"I uh... I couldn't tell you, but something's clearly wrong with it. It keeps moving and messing up my typing!"
"Fuhuhuhuck bohohoth ohohohof youhouhou!"
"WOAH! The computer's swearing, Harry!"
"Oh well, it's clearly gained sentience. We gotta teach it some manners."
*cue the tickling getting a good ten times worse (again, not that you mind at all)*
In the instances where you plead for Gwen to save you, she'll come to your rescue and tickle both of them to the ground and absolutely destroy them with tickles
"You two never learn. Do you?"
And they don't DARE try to get her back either LMAO. They're too scared. She's got this badass intimidating glare and the moment they see it they're backing down from retaliating
However, if you make a smart remark while they're getting wrecked, they're gonna come after you as soon as they've recovered from laughing. And then, just simply call for Gwen again and those two adorable fools will be wrecked again and this time you'll be helping
"Noho, they clearly don't ever learn."
Harry loves getting sassy with you when he's tickling you and it's so cute
"Youhour nahahahails ahahare soHOHO BAHAHAHAHAD!"
"Really? They're prehetty flawless to me~"
This honey bun is so ADAMANT about loving your smile and your laugh no matter how embarrassed or ashamed you feel about them, and he will bluntly tell you with the cutest look in his eyes. Pure honesty
"Wait! Please don't hide. I really like your smile!"
"Nooo. Don't suppress any of your laughter. Y/N, your laugh is adorable."
*cue you then hiding your burning face because Harry's being so genuine and sweet and you can't handle it 💖*
Sometime when you sass him he'll challenge you to repeat what you said and his tone of voice just tells you that you're absolutely screwed
"Look me in the eyes and say that again."
*cue you SQUEAKING and hiding your face while Harry genuinely audibly goes "awww" because you're so CUTE*
He has so. much. fun. making you laugh (this precious cinnamon bun deserves the universe) He likes you and seeing you all bubbly and giggly just warms his heart and makes him so happy. Please just give him all the love he deserves he world
I CANNOT I CANNOT HARRY IS SO PRECIOUS PLS- @chailattef has just amplified my love for Harry a million times over /gen /pos
Seriously someone show Harry some affection rn he's an angel and he was so screwed over in the movie 🥺
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