honeyedlashton · 1 year
I was tagged by Aerie (@arishemmo) and Swan (@plushyluke) to do this fun create yourself thingy. These things are always a blast I’m obsessed with them and myself so 😙✨
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This is literally what I look like if you imagine her a little more on the midsize scale. This is a winner of an outfit too. Bout to wear this out on the town tbh. I’m feeling particularly springy today.
Anyway, I’m tagging: @lovelikealandslide @sofsversion @hideitaway @retromalum @wannabemichaelsmaster @brave-tomlinson and anybody else who wants to but no pressure. (I know I tag everyone in a lot of stuff, but that’s because I get excited) 💛🩷🤍
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jadenvargen · 9 months
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geekysteven · 7 months
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kudriaken · 4 months
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House Targaryen before Robert`s Rebellion.
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aespainstagram · 4 months
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baenuit · 3 months
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𝗌𝗂𝗅𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝗆𝗂𝗇𝖽𝗌 𝟣. 𝖾𝖿𝖿𝖾𝖼𝗍
𝖽𝖾𝖾𝗉 𝗋𝗈𝗈𝗆𝗌.
come with me, let this connection that touches me enter your soul, giving rise to our next season.
Old concepts, 90s piano, paixões, sentimentos.
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𝖾𝗑𝖼𝖾𝗋𝗉𝗍 𝟤.
i want to explain, but words fail me. drown in feelings that mirror needles. ⸻ that the strength of love stops being a natural remnant, i want it to be real.
𝗡𝟴𝟯 𝗌𝗂𝖽𝖾 𝖠 𝖺𝑙𝖻𝗎𝗆.
𝖦𝖱𝖮𝖮𝖵𝖤 𝟫𝟥.𝟢𝟢 𝗆𝗆 𝖡𝖯𝖬
𝗍𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗄 𝖴𝗇𝗈 - " 𝗣𝗝𝗔𝗡𝗢𝗢 " ♫︎
𝗌𝗅 ㅤ⎯ ㅤ𝗈𝗐 ` 𝖲𝖯𝖤𝖤𝖣𝖢𝖮𝖱𝖤©
𝖵𝖮𝖫 \ 𝟭 𝖽𝖾𝑙𝗎𝗑𝖾 𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗔𝗕𝗘 𝗌𝖾𝗍
𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐊 ² ✱ 𝖳𝗁𝖺𝗍 ((𝖲𝖮𝖴𝖭𝖣))
love is the precursor, but the passion that performs 強い ♡︎ kisses to the music frequency.
2009 messages, in the melody that memories pass through. you, my love, are more than any instrumental.
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saerins · 4 months
ᯓ ᝰ CRAZY GOOD .ᐟ — itoshi sae
hold up, netizens. you’re in for a treat this time because guess what? out of all people, it’s time for itoshi sae to hard launch his girlfriend: you.
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itoshi sae x female reader. content tags pro-player!sae, established relationship, profanity, kissing, kind of a tease here, he likes showing you off, oliver is the matchmaker. word count 1.5k
ᯓ notes .ᐟ hi guys i finally have some sae content for you all !!! >:) yes i’ve missed him , and no i didn’t abandon him :’) heh i hope all my sae lovers that are still here will like this mwah <3
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there are many things that itoshi sae is good at.
soccer skills, one of them. snubbing people, the second. (that’s how he got the reputation of being rude—even if it’s not really true!) and three, not last and not least (but still substantially), it’s causing a buzz.
he caused a buzz the moment he debuted on the soccer field. his first game and he already made a name for himself. people started asking where he’d been his whole life (even if he was introduced to the people very early on), equating him to soccer megastars like cristiano ronaldo.
ever since that day, he’d been caught in the spotlight numerous times. mostly related to soccer, but some due to his personal life. more specifically, the media loves to take a guess on who he’s dating.
yeah, he’s had more than his fair share of dating rumours. if it were up to the media, sae would have had about thirty-four girlfriends by now and he’s only twenty-six this year. (go fish!)
but as many people do, almost everyone who consumes media content about sae is particularly interested in one thing that is shrouded in mystery: his dating life.
because despite all the rumours and whatnot, there’s never been any confirmation of any relationships at all. and no one in his circle has ever coughed anything up, so anything in that regard has been strictly hush-hush.
well, until tonight, when your boyfriend of six months invited you to one of his teammates’ high-profile birthday party.
“what, are you nervous?”
your boyfriend’s ever unbothered tone is still the same as when you first heard it a year ago. somehow you find it funny that one year later you’re living with the same guy you’d first found to be somewhat intolerable.
sighing, you try and zip up the back of your dress, looking into the mirror, making sure you have your best face on. “sae, you have fans that number in the millions, of course i’m nervous,” you comment, watching from the reflection in the mirror as sae saunters over to you, taking his hands out of his pocket.
he smirks at you through the mirror, his body pressed against you as he helps you zip your dress the rest of the way up, his lips right next to your ear. “i’ve never even seen you this nervous in front of me,” he says, poking a little fun at you as he gives you a light kiss on your temple.
a soft chuckle comes from him as you deadpan, obviously in much more distress than he’ll ever know. not that he’ll blame you; he’s used to the fame, you’re not. “relax, they’ll love you.”
“sae, they won’t.”
he shrugs. “yeah, you’re probably right,” he agrees, earning a small slap on the arm—and he’s laughing again, though this time he tilts your chin up and gives you a long, slow kiss. the kind that takes your breath away everytime he does it. “but who cares? i love you.”
and there he goes, saying that as if it’s no big deal. making your heart beat so quickly it’s not funny. and before you know it, he’s whisking you away into the lobby where a personal towncar is ready and waiting, with the chauffeur and everything.
“geez, oliver sure loves to go over the top, huh?”
sae gives a sharp exhale at your comment. “hey, that’s your friend right there.”
you roll your eyes, getting in first and sticking your tongue out at him. “and you should be thanking him, without him we’d never have met.”
you look away from him right after saying that so you don’t see it, but sae’s smiling to himself, already thanking his lucky stars.
he thinks meeting you and getting to love you is the luckiest he’ll ever get in this lifetime.
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by the time you’ve arrived at the venue—a hotel in the heart of the city—swarms of paparazzi already litter the streets outside. they’ve no doubt had their fill of the other soccer players and mega celebrities that have already arrived and are now ready for the real star of the night (aside from the birthday boy himself): itoshi sae.
of course, everyone’s expecting to see sae all by himself because that’s what usually happens; sae attending any and every event alone and unbothered by the scene. it’s never a surprise anymore, but sae’s a good payday and they’d never miss a single shot.
the moment sae exits the car, it sounds like there’s a million shutters pressed all at the same time, give or take a few milliseconds. (it’s nothing you’re used to.) he stands right where he got out for a few seconds, and even inside you can hear the amount of photographers just begging sae to look straight at them.
and if you think that’s rowdy enough, oh boy you’re in for a treat. because the moment the paparazzi realise that sae’s not, in fact, headed for the hotel just yet, you can hear just a few confused noises before it turns into even more pleading the moment they realise he’s opening your side of the door.
when he opens it and holds his hand out for you, that ever handsome smile on his face (which you forget that he only ever shows to you), you feel like you’re nearly blinded by all the flashes. you brave through it though, taking his hand and getting out of the town car, being greeted by the mass of photographers yelling out to you and sae.
“sae, who is that!”
“hey, girl! look over here! yes right there!”
“what’s your relationship?”
“obviously that’s his girlfriend! hey you!”
you’re a little wide-eyed, stunned at how chaotic this scene is. it’s easy to lose yourself in it, but as it always is, sae realises it whenever you are, and he’s quick to pull you back in.
in this case, he pulls you into his arms, a hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you close as he rests his forehead against yours.
“hey, focus on me, just me,” he whispers to you, eyes looking into yours, eyelashes fluttering against one another’s.
(the paparazzi are having a field day.)
“you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” you ask him, chuckling because you only now realise what a fucking tease he is.
sae shrugs, pulling your hair away from your face. (he’s actually just really grateful to you for doing this for him when you don’t need to—when you’re happy to just be able to support him behind the scenes but he really just wants the world to know that you exist, because it’s a blessing, really.) “maybe i am.”
and this time your heart’s beating faster than you know it ever could, his teal blue eyes melting into your gaze, lips getting closer and closer to your own, his calloused hand on the back of your neck.
like clockwork, his lips sink into yours, his tongue snaking its way in. (and the crowd goes absolutely wild.) you’re both laughing at the panicked and hurried yells from the photographers, slowly pulling away from each other.
you reach your hand out to wipe your lipstick stain off his lips but he doesn’t let you, winking at you and leaning in to whisper, “let everyone know who i belong to.”
such a fucking tease.
not that you’re opposed, so you let him be, shaking your head and following him as he holds your hand and leads you in.
within the next hour, pictures of you and sae flood the internet. (notifications come flooding into your phone too.)
itoshi sae hard launches new relationship with mystery woman!
soccer world loses another bachelor—everything we know about itoshi sae’s presumed girlfriend
most of them are pictures of your kiss, with a good chunk of it being his lipstick-stained lips.
as you scroll through some of the articles your friends texted to you, you’re probably never going to be used to it. you’re probably going to be anxious over everything you do in public now.
a slight panic bubbles up in your chest, but then sae comes over, pulling you backwards into his embrace, looking over your shoulder at your phone.
“that quick, huh?”
and suddenly it’s like anxiety has never existed. because even if it may not seem like much, a year of knowing itoshi sae has made you feel safer than you ever did, knowing that he’s always there to catch you, to never make you feel alone.
you melt into his embrace, turning your head and giving him a kiss, your lipstick stain still on his lips.
“i fucking love you, itoshi sae.”
his eyes widen a little before they grow soft, arms pulling you even closer. “i love you too, stupid.”
(and while the two of you are getting all lovey-dovey at his party, oliver’s just slightly—a lot—upset that sae upstaged him during his own birthday party.)
“i fucking hate the both of you,” oliver groans.
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allisonmckenzieart · 4 months
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jaexiyu · 5 months
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⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ armageddon ⠀⠀ ⠀ ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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laurentpark · 4 months
don’t tell my boyfriend! — yoo jimin
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been thinking of you, every time i screw him.
synopsis. where jimin stalks her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend after a certain incident happened and couldn’t help but grow hatred over her. coincidentally, her and jimin happen to be global ambassadors of the same famous luxury brand and have to work together for a commercial. at first, jimin despised the girl with all her flesh and bones but soon understands why her boyfriend fell for the young actress in the first place… because she was starting to fall for the young actress as well.
pairing. yoo jimin x female reader
genre. smau. drama. rom-com. angst
status. on-going
warnings. cheating. dark humor. toxic behavior. jealousy issues. use of alcohol, cigars, and substances. more when the story progresses but i assure you trigger warnings will be placed before the chapters.
credits to @espressoe for the banner.
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profiles. aesgals. onlyfriends.
00. prologue
01. the rebound
02. the ex-girlfriend
03. team y/n
04. better than me (mostly written)
05. a lovers quarrel
06. hurt
07. losing it
08. nurse she’s out again
09. y/n’s best (tw)
10. nice to meet you (mostly written)
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tags [closed]. @xen248 @thefckghost @yunalvrrr @yeetaberry127 @lisaswifey @gtfoiydlyj @seunghancore @jeindall777 @multiliker @hyejin67 @1luvkarina @cwpiqwon @sunshinez4 @yoontoonwhs
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koosgrfd · 5 months
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honeyedlashton · 1 year
Thank you for tagging me Arie!!! ( @arishemmo) and Swan (@plushyluke)✨💐
Here are 8 shows to get to know me:
The Office (US) (always and forever)
Atlanta (!!!)
Queer as Folk (US)
Community (!!!)
Arrested Development (only the first three seasons tho)
Gilmore Girls (I was cursed from the start)
Reign (but I didn’t watch the last two seasons only the last episode and I cannot listen to “My Eyes” by The Lumineers the same)
Lost (I was raised on it so it’s a special place in my heart)
I’m tagging: @lovelikealandslide @hideitaway @retromalum @wannabemichaelsmaster @brave-tomlinson @imisskeek @sofsversion and anybody who wants to it’s so hard to find all these shows 🩷💛🩵
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kay-i · 8 months
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what if...
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geekysteven · 6 months
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h-ao · 2 months
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  ◌⃘          (◍˘ᵕ˘)        📼         ⁺ 
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  ◌⃘          (◍˘ᵕ˘)        🥑         ⁺ 
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aespainstagram · 5 months
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[240507] imnotningning:
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