#I’m so nosey
guccigarantine · 1 year
i need to know the hotel bunking situation so bad
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honeyedlashton · 1 year
I was tagged by Aerie (@arishemmo) and Swan (@plushyluke) to do this fun create yourself thingy. These things are always a blast I’m obsessed with them and myself so 😙✨
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This is literally what I look like if you imagine her a little more on the midsize scale. This is a winner of an outfit too. Bout to wear this out on the town tbh. I’m feeling particularly springy today.
Anyway, I’m tagging: @lovelikealandslide @sofsversion @hideitaway @retromalum @wannabemichaelsmaster @brave-tomlinson and anybody else who wants to but no pressure. (I know I tag everyone in a lot of stuff, but that’s because I get excited) 💛🩷🤍
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long-sleeved-sandwich · 9 months
yall don’t even know how much impulse control it takes me to not holler EWWWW cuando personas que me caen mal pasan por mi ventana
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daisymquinn · 1 year
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we-prance-at-dawn · 5 months
The hospital patients while the doctors and nurses are squabbling:
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hoejosatoru · 2 months
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officialbabayaga · 2 months
omg i forgot to talk about how insane my car salesman yesterday was. first of all, super upfront immediately, trustworthy i know i can count on him. HOWEVER. idk if he’s just like this constantly or if he is one of the people who crop up every few years that instantly imprint on me as someone they can tell anything to and proceed to spew their lives to me like a firehose, but i know everything about that man now from the details of his wedding down to which family member is paying for what, to his relationship with his ethnicity and religion as someone who was raised muslim and is white-passing, the friendship and special bond that he has with his coworker that he’s never experienced in car sale culture before, and more. I know this man’s credit score. Sometimes this just happens to me and I’m really not sure why.
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artform-virtue · 8 months
just woke up in a cold sweat to the realization that boyfriend material by alexis hall was probably originally enjoltaire fanfiction
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garoujo · 2 years
pls pls pls i must know, reblog this with your first genshin main & who you main now in tags !!!
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cavillary · 6 months
wtf did georgia do for the people at bayern to not want her dating their child?! im so genuinely curious 😩
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fcb-mv33 · 4 months
I’m so nosey I really want to know why Lissie has been dropped by f1tv, never seen on anything f1 related anymore?? Girl what happened?!!?
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mallleus · 7 months
No News stories ever created could ever bring the masses together like “Kate Middleton is missing” and “Oceangate” can
So update: We’re all going to hell, turns out, she has cancer :(
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sophieeee0105 · 1 year
At this point (from the end of ep 5), the server kinda split into two loosely allied factions and I’m very curious to see what becomes of them.
as of right now the main teams (TIES, bad boy, nosey neighbours, mean gills and the clockers) are all pretty solid free standing groups and there’s been very little betrayal (aka whatever tf grian and bdubs are doing). And then TIES and the nosey neighbours have loosely allied themselves with each other on the premise of ‘the rest of the server hates us, and we need friends’. And then the bad boys got pulled into the family problem and the mean gills seem also quite closely allied with the family (tbh mainly Cleo)
which leaves us with the two loosely allied teams.
TIES and the nosey neighbours - which tbh I feel is the weaker of the two and probably will breakdown because at least 5 of the 6 people involved were somewhat unhinged last session (with bigb being the least. And then there’s the rest. Scott and martyn and Cleo all seem pretty strongly allied with each other, and all three of them are massively loyal so I don’t seem anything going wrong with those three, it’s just the rest that are loose cannons. A red scar simply cannot be trusted, and while I don’t see him betraying bdubs or Cleo, I can very easily see him going after the mean gills or the bad boys. Speaking of the bad boys, I feel like their alliance with the clockers will end up being quite weak or will somehow build (probably as both groups build up more hate for TIES as that’s honestly how I see this season going). And then bdubs. Honestly idk wtf this man is doing, he’s trying to be loyal to everyone, was called a traitor by literally everyone he was trying to be loyal to, and has an Etho problem. Despite all this I feel like the loyalty of Cleo, Scott and martyn will somehow outweigh the chaos and the larger alliance with somehow outlive the smaller one
or I could be completely wrong and be overthinking literally everything, but I guess I’ll find out tomorrow
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parttimesarah · 1 year
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In all it’s glory
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l8tof1 · 1 year
I wonder how far back his camera roll goes😭
like I often see pictures of him taking pictures of quite literally everything he sees with his own two eyes so it wouldn’t surprise me if he had 100.000 pics in his phone. also want to know how many pics he has in his ‘roscoe&coco❤️’ map. lmao.
he also seems to actually look back through all the pics and videos?? who actually does that? sentimental little guy 🥹
when he first signed up roscoe to the dog trainer lady, his requirements FOR SURE were like: feed my son vegan food and send me 20 pics of him each day. i wanna see that whatsapp convo that's just endless pics of roscoe, and lewis adding little ❤️ and �� reactions to every single one.
ALSO. something about him always saying he has a bad memory and then seeing him take pics of EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME so that he can look back in case he forgets. ☹️
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shepards-folly · 1 year
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Toadally Radical
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