#I love haikyu boys
hoejosatoru · 2 months
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16th-of-a-twigg · 3 months
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Compliment him? 🍊 Ko-fi
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temeyes · 5 months
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boyish smile
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classyinnie · 1 year
He hates you.
He hates the way you wear your emotions on your sleeves. It’s excruciatingly endearing to find your gentleness in a world that does nothing but provide you with worries. He hates how, despite your doubts and trepidations, you still look at it with such wonder one couldn’t even fathom or place.
He'd always wondered how such a pure soul—beaten and calloused—can look at the endless possibilities before them and believe they’re worth it.
He considered he might be a coward then, for don’t we all have fears that stop us from stepping beyond the line that confines our capabilities?
He hates your gentleness. How you look at people like they hold the world in their hands. How you listen intently to everything they have to say. How you would offer a hand even if your arms are already full.
He hates the way you wear kindness. How it’s perfectly knitted to your skin, it’s almost second nature. He hates how you would go out of your way to put others before yourself.
"Selfless", he would call you.
"Pushover", he would label you.
But insults were a mere façade to the raging questions in his head as to how. How do you have so much to give?
But most of all, he hates himself for not hating you. Not even a fraction.
You are like a printed polaroid; he wants to vigorously shake to reveal the entire picture.
A pipe dream, that’s what you are. But that doesn't erase the fact that he once stooped so low to even—in his unabashed desperation—consider asking himself if he is worthy enough to experience what it's like to be cared for by you.
—Tsukishima, Iwaizumi, KYOTANI, Osamu, KAGEYAMA, Kenma, Sakusa, Suna
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sunarins · 6 months
prettiest haikyuu characters 1. akaashi 2. suna 3. oikawa
end of discussion
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Anybody want some Haikyu!! party headcannons?
‘Course you do, here have these *shoves my Headcannons out of my notes app*
For context clues, anytime I say “idiots three” I’m referring to Tanaka, Noya, and Hinata.
• Daichi is just vibing honestly. He dances, he chats with people, he enjoys his punch, he keeps an eye on the idiots three but mostly leaves them alone. He and Suga sometimes have dance battles. He also keeps an eye on Asahi and makes sure he’s okay, and sometimes tag teams with Suga to try and get Asahi out of the corner to come dance. • Speaking of dance battles, sometimes they’re serious, sometimes it’s a competition to see who can goof off worse. They’re a staple of any parties for the Karasuno team, and they all take their responsibilities as judges very seriously. Tanaka and Noya stopped speaking for a day because they disagreed on who won until Coach Ukai yelled at them to get it together.
• Suga is always dancing. Always. He might be talking to someone, but he’s still swaying to the music and bopping his head. And he’s really good at dancing! He divides his time between vibing with the idiots three, hanging out with Daichi, and trying to coax Asahi into joining the fun. • Addition: The first time someone new (first years, other teams they’re hanging out with, etc.) get to see Suga dance they’re usually surprised, and he just gives them the most smug chesire cat smile ever and continues on his merry little way, happily lost in the next song as soon as he turns around.
• Asahi stands in the corner with a drink and talks to people. He hangs with Tsukki a lot, so it’s usually a lot of talking at Tsukki tbh, but sometimes other team memebers will come chat with him. He always tries to hide when Suga and Daichi get that look on their faces and start coming his way, because he does not want to dance. They might get him for one, and then he goes right back to hanging with Tsukki, who thinks it’s funny.
• Noya is alternating between actually dancing, goofing off with Tanaka, and jumping around with Hinata while screaming lyrics at the top of his lungs. • Noya strikes me as someone who would have learned bits and pieces of hip-hop and breakdancing but only pulls his knowledge out at a legit party, so then people forget until the next party.
• Tanaka bothered Kiyoko for a bit and then gave in and went to hang out with Noya and Hinata. He also can dance, but only knows a few moves, so he spends more time goofing off or keeping an eye on Kiyoko. • Really wants a slow (re: breather) song to come on so he can go get Kiyoko to dance with him.
• Ennoshita is also keeping an eye on the idiots three because he’s prepared to step in if he thinks he needs to. He’s for the most part pretty relaxed and just kinda hanging out in the “tall, dark, and introverted” corner with Kageyama and Kiyoko. He’s also keeping tabs on Kinoshita and Narita as they record the party.
• Kinoshita and Narita are just chilling and running around with a phone so they can record their friends. They take breaks in between to kinda bop around for a song or two, and then they go back to recording. They especially like to record the idiots three, who have the tendency to do ridiculous things like attempt the lift from Dirty Dancing. • Narita likes dancing and is happy to just vibe, but recording the party is also fun and it seems more Kinoshita’s speed, so he’s going along with it. • Kinoshita would rather record the party and make fun of Tanaka and Noya than dance, but he can dance, and will as long as Narita dances too so he doesn’t “look stupid alone”
• Kageyama is watching the idiots three and wishing he actually knew how to dance so he could join them because they look like they’re having fun. Instead he settles for being on guard duty with Kiyoko and Ennoshita because he’s too awkward to ask someone to teach him and everybody else just kinda assumes he isn’t interested. • Suga does eventually start teaching him after Kiyoko says something to him, and he apologizes for not stepping in earlier saying if he knew Kageyama wanted to learn he’d have been thrilled to teach him. Kageyama is just happing he’s getting to learn now tbh.
• Hinata is jumping around shouting lyrics, admiring the others’ dancing, or he’s watching Tanaka and Noya do the Dirty Dancing lift. • He can’t dance. Noya’s working on it.
• When Tsukki isn’t acting as DJ, he stands in the corner with a cup of punch and judges everyone. He does not dance other than the occasional subtle head bop. He tends to keep an eye on Yams just to make sure he’s doing alright, and he lets Asahi talk at him, but that’s about it. He snickered every time Daichi and Suga come to drag Asahi out of the corner, until he narrowly dodged Noya’s attempt to do the same to him. Now he’s slightly more sympathetic and only snickers on the inside.
• Yamaguchi is vibing with a drink and talking with Yachi. They kinda dance together (but not together together) off to the side where they won’t be noticed. He’s actually enjoying himself!
• Kiyoko is hanging out with Kageyama and Ennoshita, just standing off to the side by the drink table together. She doesn’t feel comfortable with the idea of dancing in front of the others, so she’s just people watching. It’s nice that Ennoshita and Kageyama aren’t talking, so she doesn’t either. • Kiyoko suspects Kageyama wants to learn to dance and eventually pulls Suga aside and says something to him. • Also she actively avoids Tanaka when slower songs come on by mysteriously disappearing to go refill the punch bowl.
And last but not least!
• Yachi is vibing with Yamaguchi and dancing a little. She’s shy, but so is he, so they’re off to the side somewhere people won’t really notice them. She’s also keeping tabs on both the idiots three and Kiyoko.
Bonus thought: When Tanaka and Noya do the Dirty Dancing lift (they pull it off flawlessly by the way) Daichi is torn between scolding them and running over to try the same thing with Hinata. Suga eggs him on and he gives in and sprints over, much to the chagrin of Ennoshita, who was going to yell at Tanaka and Noya until he saw the look on Daichi’s face. (Daichi and Hinata also pull it off, albeit a little sketchily, after multiple tries and zero help from Noya and Tanaka.)
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purplec1oud · 2 months
imagine kuroo or any other hq character saying 'i know, baby i know' when comforting yn hukjwbvibvinbowudfhbisro
omg...you're so right!!! I can definitely imagine so many of the boys doing it! Lemme know of yours! These are mine: Kuroo, AKAASHI KEIJI, Iwaizumi, Sugawara, Kai, Goshki, KITA OH ML,
☔HEAVY on Kita and Akaashi mostly ngl. In the anime they've shown us so many times on how Akaashi deals with Bokuto and his emo moments the best like I just know this man's reassuring is OUT OF THIS WORLD. Praises, pet names WHATEVER YOU THINK OF – he's holding you close in his arms, wiping the tears giving you that smile of his UGH I LOVE HIM SM
☔KITA like where do I even begin. He'd for sure know what to do before hand whenever he's away from you. He knows you have these moments where you get sad and emotional so he always brings your favorite food, snacks, drinks ect-like did ya'll forget this man is THE STANDART. And how he gave Atsumu that bag of supplies when he knew he was sick. He may not be much of a talker but he knows having someone's shoulder to cry on can be enough.
ugh i love these pretty boys in hq imma cry :,D
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klwl-truck · 1 year
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Making biscuits with Tendou Satori!!! (the type of cat i made him under the cut tee hee :3)
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owlyflufff · 9 months
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*holds them gently*
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marumenkai · 2 years
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Throwback to when I did this screenshot redraw of Asahi!! 🥺💖 m,,my boy...
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goldennika · 4 months
is it just me or do the haikyuu films feel… a little fruitier than the series?
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dokidokidraft · 29 days
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He’s so babygorl 😭😭😭
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hoejosatoru · 3 months
I don't think you guys understand how badly I wish there was a hockey anime. Like hockey men are just... different. They got that Jenny say kwah that makes them so sexy. If you gave me that plus some sexy animated men? I'd act like an animal I fear
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theheightofdishonor · 3 months
hinata's shrewd perceptiveness has literally never been more clear than in this match, like he's so keenly aware of everything that Kenma is doing, every little move impacts him so much and it's a measure of both how much he cares about this specific match and how much he has grown from the 'club' that operated solely on instincts back in the early chapters
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moonswolfie · 1 year
Gotta love how Kageyama's reason for joining karasuno got dumber from the one-shot
Dude went from "I willingly chose to go here so I can beat the top teams"
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To "I couldn't pass the entrance exam" 💀
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karlyboyyy · 2 years
Once again, I am absolutely in love with the relationship between Kageyama and Hinata, and I’m not even talking about how they’re so obviously in love with each other it’s not even funny. This time, I’m talking about how supportive Kageyama is of Hinata’s growth. How much he’s honestly willing to teach him and push him to do better. Even in the beginning, when they don’t know each other very well, and Hinata still thinks of Kageyama as mean and scary, Kageyama sees Hinata’s potential and does everything in his power to give Hinata the confidence to believe that he can be great… it just takes a lot of practice and support from your team.
One of my favorite early examples of this dynamic is seen during their practice match against Ukai’s buddies, when Hinata zones out in the middle of a rally thinking about Asahi’s powerful spike, and gets hit in the face by the ball.
Kageyama glares at Hinata, and calls him out for not paying attention. “I know what you were thinking. You were thinking about how cool the Ace is but that all you’re good at is being a decoy, which is stupid and boring.”
“I…I was not!” shouts Hinata. Then, quietly, “O-okay… so, uh… maybe a little.”
Kageyama continues, scowling, “Once you realized our team had an Ace… you got jealous.”
Hinata flinches. “So I got a little jealous. So what? You’re big and tall and skilled already! You could never understand what it’s like for me!!”
More scowling from Kageyama. At the start of the next rotation, Kageyama announces to the other team that he’s going to send the ball to Hinata, and tells them to block him.
Hinata’s confused and upset. Why would Kageyama tell them our next play? He knows I can’t get through those blockers!
“Hinata. The way you are right now… you suck. You’re a scrub who’s fast and kinda knows how to jump. That’s it. The Ace is a player who can put the entire team on his back and carry it. That’s someone you’ll never be.”
Hurt spreads across Hinata’s face at those words.
“But!” Kageyama continues, “As long as you’re with me, you’re the greatest!! Yeah, Azumane-san’s spikes are super powerful! And yeah, he can go straight through even a triple block! So what about you? All the times I’ve put the ball up for you… have you ever run into a block? Ever?”
The next play starts, and Hinata is still nervous. The blockers are huge and looming, waiting for him to make his move.
“Dodge!!” Yells Kageyama.
That’s right. Hinata realizes, If we can’t go through… we go around. And he zips around to the other side, where there aren’t any blockers.
Remembering Kageyama’s words - With me, you’re the greatest! - he slams the ball down on the other side of the court, not a blocker in sight.
“Yeah, you’re no Ace!” Kageyama calls out. “But with your speed… and your jumps… and my setting… we can take on any blockers out there! Even if you don’t have the fancy “Ace” label… you rack up the points in games! And that’s why the other team starts marking you! … Despite all that, do you still hate the part you play on this team?! Do you still think it’s boring and uncool?!”
At this point, Kageyama is out of breath from shouting, and Hinata is admiring the sting in his hand left by the ball moments ago.
“…I don’t” Hinata says quietly.
“What?” Kageyama shouts back with another scowl on his face.
“I don’t think that!!” Hinata shouts back.
“Good!!” Kageyama loudly replies, this time without a scowl but instead a hint of excitement and flushed cheeks.
-Chapter 23 “Same One Point”
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