#adventure modules forbidden lands
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Forbidden Lands - Strongholds
🛠️ Raise your banners in Forbidden Lands! 🏰 Our latest video showcases how to build the ultimate stronghold in this TTRPG. Become a legend! 🐉 Watch now! #ForbiddenLands #StrongholdBuilding
Forbidden Lands – Core GameA Simple Rescue – (Intro Adventure) Discover stronghold building in Forbidden Lands RPG. Watch our guide to fortify your legend now! Conquer the wilds of Forbidden Lands by crafting your very own stronghold, a vital sanctuary in this tabletop RPG by Free League Publishing. This video delves into the robust stronghold building system, where strategic planning meets…

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So, Sputnik and Apollo might be the soviet and USA's most well known space programs, but they are not analogous to one another.
inexhaustive list:
Sputnik (first ever artificial satellite (soviet) = "Fellow Traveller" vs Explorer (first u.s. artificial satellite; first scientific satellite).
Vostok (first crewed orbiter (soviet)) = "East" (this is the one Yuri Gagarin flew on) vs Mercury (first american crewed suborbital; later orbiter(USA) = Mercury (the fast Messenger god; a planet) spacecraft on Redstone and Atlas rockets.
Voskhod (larger, multi-crew orbiter(soviet)) = "Sunrise" or just "rise (in the astronomical sense)" vs Gemini (larger, multi-crew orbiter(USA)) = Constellation of the Twins; launched on Titan rockets (named for the powerful mythological beings)
Soyuz (the larger still multi-crew orbiter still used today(soviet/russian) = "Union" vs Apollo Command/Service Module (USA) = God who carried the sun across the sky; on the Saturn family rockets (named for the god of time or just the 6th planet.)
Luna (Lunar robotic probe) = "Moon" vs Ranger, Surveyor, and Mariner programs of the U.S.A.
Venera (Venus robotic probe) = "Venus" (Mars was just Mars) vs Mariner program of the USA.
Lunokhod (Lunar rover) = "Moonwalker" vs like... the Apollo Lunar Roving Vehicle? I dont think space-race era usa ever landed robotic moon rovers.
Salyut (Crewed civilian space stations) = "Salute" and Almaz (Crewed military space stations) = "Diamond" vs the huge USA Saturn S-IVB-turned-space-station Skylab
Mir (large modular space station) = "peace" or "world" vs the unbuilt US station "Freedom." (the conceptual Mir-2 and Freedom stations were combined into the International Space Station after the fall of the soviet union)
The American Space Shuttle Orbiter (Space Transportation System), with individual reusable ships titled Enterprise (after the fictional starship), Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavor. vs the Soviet Buran shuttle project = "Snowstorm"/"Blizzard." Enterprise is most analogous to Buran; since both were only ever experimental test articles (although IIRC Buran actually flew in space unlike Enterprise).
Even when we compare apples to red apples instead of oranges to apples, there's still this difference between a grounded, friendly sounding name versus something grand and important. like yes, Explorer-1, you are exploring, but don't get too cocky you are after all just sweeping through the earth's radiation belts with a geiger counter.
When the soviet union named spacecrafts for celestial objects, it's because that's where it's going. Ranger and Mariner bring vibes of outdoorsy adventurers; Surveyor is the only one of the american robotic probes that feels delightfully, accurately, nerdy.
Anyway. uh. where's the Enterprise x Buran forbidden love yuri art? Where's the uh. the um. the sloppy makeout between Mir and Freedom? Where's the Apollo/Soyuz shipping? ok we actually DO have that one...

ok now kiss lol.
Love the contrast between the Americans’ “Apollo” and the Soviets’ “Sputnik.” You got the Americans naming their rocket after a Greek god trying to communicate the grandness and importance of this rocket. And you got the Soviets naming their rocket “fellow traveler.” Like a friend you go on an adventure with together. This rocket is our little friend lol
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A Ravenloft Reading Recommendation (ARRR!)
Alright, everyone! It's almost Halloween, and you (probably) recently got Curse of Strahd and Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft but you want to know more about these terror-filled prisons. Well, grab your adventuring gear and delve with me into the Domains of Dread! This'll be a long one, so strap in and remember: Mistipedia is your friend.
This list covers Second Edition Ravenloft, Third Edition Ravenloft, and the novels. I can only hope I got everything in this.
Let's start with...
Second Edition Ravenloft
Realm of Terror
This is the original campaign setting for 2e Ravenloft, coming with 144 pages of rules, NPCs and domains, as well as a bunch of other goodies (maps, card stock sheets, and a transparent map overlay). Realm of Terror predates the Grand Conjunction timeline, so in terms of in-game time... it's a bit out of date. A lot of it, according to John Mangrum, is incoherent and many of the dates in this contradict others, so be careful about what you use here.
- You get... Rules for the Demiplane of Dread, alternate rules for Classes, Spells, the Dark Powers Check, fear and horror rules, as well as new spells, new magical items, and the different Dark Lords and Domains you can explore.
Ravenloft Campaign Setting (Box)
The revised campaign setting for 2nd Edition. Takes Grand Conjunction into account. Not to be confused for the book from 3rd Edition.
Domains of Dread
Third and final version of Ravenloft in the days of TSR. Introduces clusters and pocket domains, as well as new secret societies and several new classes. Postdates Requiem: The Grim Harvest.
Masque of the Red Death
A sub-setting of Ravenloft, taking place on a 1890's Gothic Earth.
- The Gothic Earth Gazetteer: Like the Ravenloft Gazetteers, you get details on the lands of Gothic Earth and their inhabitants. - A Guide to Transylvania
And More...
Islands of Terror - Self explanatory, new island domains! Nidala, Wildlands, Sceana, I'Cath, etc.
Darklords - This covers a handful darklords.
Forbidden Lore - A Ravenloft setting expansion. Rules for the Tarokka Deck and Dikesha Dice. Secret societies, spells, cursed items, as well as expanded psionics, curses, and power checks. You also get the domain of Kalidnay.
Forged in Darkness - Lots of cursed items.
Children of the Night: Vampires - 13 New vampire NPCs. Children of the Night: Ghosts - 13 New ghost NPCs. Children of the Night: Werebeasts - 13 New lycanthrope NPCs. Children of the Night: The Created - 13 New construct NPCs.
Champions of the Mists - New heroic NPCs and new Character Kits.
Carnival - NPCs that make up Isolde's Carnival.
Classic Van Richten's Guides (Either 2nd or 3rd Edition)
These have Van Richten lore in it, so I would read these if not for the main content.
Van Richten's Arsenal With VR Arsenal, you get new tools and devices, new arcane and divine spells, new magic items, and alchemical devices and feats. It also comes with Prestige Classes like the Alchemical Philosopher and the Anchorite of the Mists, as well as a guide to plan investigations and battles and plenty of NPC stat sheets with detailed backgrounds.
Van Richten's Guide to Demons
Van Richten's Guide to Ghosts
Van Richten's Guide to the Ancient Dead
Van Richten's Guide to the Created
Van Richten's Guide to the Lich
Van Richten's Guide to the Mists - We usually ignore this book because of it's questionable lore.
Van Richten's Guide to the Shadow Fey
Van Richten's Guide to the Vistani An excellent exploration of Vistani.
Van Richten's Guide to the Walking Dead
Van Richten's Guide to Vampires
Van Richten's Guide to Werebeasts
Van Richten's Guide to Witches Included within VR's Compendium 3.
Van Richten's Monster Hunter's Compendium I (Vampires, Werebeasts, Created)
Van Richten's Monster Hunter's Compendium II (Ghosts, Liches, Ancient Dead)
Van Richten's Monster Hunter's Compendium III (Demons, Vistani, Witches)
Feast of Goblyns - The first module of the Grand Conjunction series. Domains: Kartakass, Gundarak, Daglan.
Ship of Horror - The second module of the Grand Conjunction series. Domains: Sea of Sorrows, Nebigtode.
Touch of Death - The third module of the Grand Conjunction series. Domains: Har'Akir.
Night of the Walking Dead - Fourth module of the Grand Conjunction series. Domains: Sourange.
From the Shadows - Fifth module of the Grand Conjunction series. Domains: Darkon, Barovia.
Roots of Evil - Sixth and final module of the Grand Conjunction series and the follow-up of From the Shadows. Domains: Barovia.
Death Unchained - Part one of Grim Harvest.
Death Ascendant - Part two of Grim Harvest.
Requiem: the Grim Harvest (Boxed Set) - Death Triumphant, the last part of Grim Harvest.
Death Undaunted - Written by John Mangrum, never published, but still good!! Played it with a wonderful DM.
Book of Crypts - Nine short module anthology. Contains: Bride of Mordenheim, Blood in Moondale, The Dark Minstrel, The Cedar Chest, Corrupted Innocents, Rite of Terror, The Man With Three Faces, The Living Crypt, and Death's Cold Laughter.
Thoughts of Darkness - Elder brains, Mindflayers and a Von Zarovich, oh my! I played this one with a wonderful DM. Very fun.
The Created - Odaire
Web of Illusion - Sri Raji
Castles Forlorn - Forlorn
Dark of the Moon - Vorostokov
Adam's Wrath - Lamordia
The Awakening - Nova Vaasa
Hour of the Knife - Zherisia
Howls in the Night - Mordent
When Black Roses Blood - Sithicus
A Light in the Belfry (Boxed Set) - Avonleigh
Circle of Darkness - G'Henna
Chilling Tales (Anthology) - Through Darkened Eyes (Tepest), Undying Justice (Borca), Gazing into the Abyss (Darkon), Family Feud (Valachan), Surgeon's Blade (Lamordia), Scarlet Kiss (Mordentshire), Ancient Dead (Har'Akir), The Taskmaster's Leash (Dementlieu)
The Evil Eye - Invidia
The Nightmare Lands (Boxed Set)
Neither Man Nor Beast - Markovia
The Shadow Rift
Vecna Reborn
Die, Vecna, Die!
Third Edition Ravenloft
Ravenloft Third Edition (Campign Setting)
An update of Ravenloft to 3e.
Ravenloft Dungeon Master's Guide
Campaign creation, creating domains and communities, sinkholes of evil, samples of NPCs, as well as psionics and magic within Ravenloft. Cursed / Magic Items. Basically chapter one of Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, but more fleshed out.
Ravenloft Player's Handbook
New mechanics like class weaknesses and magic ratings.
Secrets of the Dread Realms - Contains a new prestige class and a list of darklords by domain (with detailed backgrounds!)
Denizens of Darkness - New monsters! (3e)
Denizens of Dread - New monsters! (3.5e)
Heroes of Light - Focuses on heroic characters and deeds within Ravenloft. Prestige classes, secret societies, NPCs, and a heroic campaign guide.
Champions of Darkness - Focuses on anti-heroes. Prestige classes, secret societies, NPCs and an anti-hero campaign guide.
Legacy of the Blood - THIS IS A GOOD BOOK. Details on several powerful familes of the Core. Includes options to make characters related to that family and story hooks that go with it. Includes: Boritsi, d'Honaire, Dilisnya, Drakov, Godefroy, Hiregaard, Mordenheim, Renier, and the Von Zarovich families.
Masque of the Red Death (3rd Edition)
No modules in this one.
Ravenloft Gazetteers
A DM's dream come true... You get a massive amount of information and lore with these. Comes with a side-story. Very good!
- Volume 1 - Barovia, Hazlan, Forlorn, Kartakass
- Volume 2 - Darkon, Necropolis, Lamordia, Falkovnia
- Volume 3 - Dementlieu, Richemulot, Mordent
- Volume 4 - Borca, Invidia, Verbrek, Valachan, Sithicus
- Volume 5 - Nova Vaasa, Tepest, Keening, Shadow Rift
Dark Tales and Disturbing Legends - More modules! This is an anthology.
Expedition to Castle Ravenloft - Update to I6: Ravenloft.
Vampire of the Mists (Good!)
Knight of the Black Rose (Not a big fan of Soth, in my honest option.)
Dance of the Dead
Tapestry of Dark Souls
Carnival of Fear
I, Strahd (A classic.)
I, Strahd: The War Against Azalin (Read this one. Excellent!)
The Enemy Within
Tales of Ravenloft (19 Short Stories - The Caretaker is my favorite. It has Strahd.)
Tower of Doom (Personally, if you don't want your eyes cursed, I would not read this. This has been a warning. I told you so.)
Baroness of Blood
Death of Darklord
Scholar of Decay
King of the Dead (A must-read. It's that good.)
To Sleep with Evil
Lord of the Necropolis
Spectre of the Black Rose
Heart of Midnight
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Monster of the Month – Aboleth

Hullo, Gentle Readers. For October, I thought we’d delve into a suitably Lovecraftian creature. Yes, I speak of that tentacled horror of the deeps, the Aboleth. As always, I have to thank Scott “K-9” Fabianek for the wonderful art.
We were first introduced to these charming critters in the awesome 1dt Edition adventure Dwellers in the Forbidden City, a.k.a. Module I1. They then made their way into the core of the game via Monster Manual II. Ever since then, aboleths have been a staple of D&D. In 3rd edition, they got an entry in the fantastic Lords of Madness game product, which taught us all about their strange and sordid pasts.
Aboleths believe that they are among the oldest, if not THE oldest, creatures in the world, pre-dating even many gods. They believe all of creation should be theirs, and they despise upstart creatures such as humans who have taken the land away from them. Their undersea cities are full of bizarre, alien features, and they may or may not serve the awful entities known as the Elder Evils (very Lovecraftian entities fleshed out in the Elder Evils book for edition 3.5.) One of those evils is Piscaethces the Blood Queen, who was simply introduced as the Blood Queen in the 2nd edition mega-adventure Night Below.
These horrible fish-critters make fantastic villains for your D&D game. I think they’re weak as random threats, but they could be a great major villain in a campaign. They are unspeakably old and evil, highly intelligent, and utterly ruthless and tyrannical.
The first pre-conceived notion to let go of is that aboleths are completely a water-based threat. They are amphibious, if rather slow on land, so you can have one heave its bulk out of the water to fight your PCs, if you’re so inclined. A smart aboleth, however, is more likely to fight from underwater, taking advantage of its reach to melee with its tail and tentacles.
Even better, it can semi-permanently enslave other creatures, controlling their actions. It also communicates telepathically, and, if it can see the creatures it communicates with, it also learns their greatest desires. This suggests that they can be manipulative, or at least guide foes to other actions that would benefit it (or at least be less harmful to it).
While the aboleth’s legendary action psychic drain is a way for it to heal some damage, this does damage to one of its enslaved creatures, allowing them a new saving throw, so this is likely to be used sparingly. It has fantastic lair actions, however, and I especially like the ability to potentially damage creatures in the water around its lair. I would make sure my enemies had to come to me, especially down a long tunnel filled with water, doing damage to them and using phantasmal force to confuse and mislead them.
Perhaps the really scary thing about aboleths is the transformative nature of many of their attacks. Just getting into melee range of it means entering its mucous cloud, and that potentially means losing the ability to breathe air. A strike from an aboleth’s tentacle could likewise turn a foe into a creature that needs to stay in the water (thus putting it in the aboleth’s territory) or begin to take acid damage. This is frightening stuff. If you have Ghosts of Saltmarsh, then look up the Skum. Such is the fate of those who fully succumb to the aboleth’s transformations (and obviously, Skum make excellent minions for your aboleths.)
A really interesting use of aboleths would be as a source of information. They possess a racial memory trait meaning that they flawlessly remember any information their predecessors knew (as represented by their History skill of +12). Imagine a creature that can see what you most desire, and you have to convince it to part with a piece of information. You will not come out on top of those negotiations.
I could see a whole campaign centered around aboleths. At low levels, there could be a slow revelation of bandits serving cultists. The cultists have a strange symbol of three horizontal lines, the middle one slightly longer than the other two. This could progress to dealing with pirates, merrow, and other evil aquatic creatures. Finally, the PCs meet the aboleth masters at the center of all the cult activity, and they have to thwart their summoning of the Blood Queen. If they fail, perhaps the land will collapse, making a new, smaller ocean where a major city once was.
I hope this article has sunk its tentacles into your ideas, and you’ll give your players a squamous, squirming evil in the future.
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random syrips theory time!! and unorganized rambling
tl;dr to the last sentence - yea!
this is my own opinion but in votm its implied that strahd's fluffy gf's major complaint ignoring the jealousy part wasnt necessarily 'kill all spawn', but rather 'stop turning vampire spawn directly from you, because being a spawn of you, is much more dangerous than a spawn of... like an 11th generation-turned spawn.' laughs at cazador from the distance
it's also a parallel to jander killing his own sire and basically the spawn becoming more powerful than the direct sire.
strahd kind of lets his spawn (and flings/lovers, according to him) roam around, and most of their deaths seem to be from hunters or from competition/others. he seems not to really care, unless they hold a deeper romantic/intimate/possessive affiliation to strahd. (on a side note, in all media ive seen across editions/lore/etc, he does seem to be upset at the act of anyone hurting/killing what is his, regardless if he cares about their personality.) but even then, it seems like he doesnt honestly care or consider the risks of his spawn (or is neglectful at best, to) both spawn that are against or with him.
he does seem to 'improve' and hold a higher attachment to his spawn in future media, and shifts from a less chaotic/disorganized style to a more lawful/organized method. he becomes more selective and careful, and we see this in i, strahd 2 and the transition from 1e to 5e.
in the earlier versions (novels/books/games/etc), he seems to be more focused on the stereotype of a monster vampire. he is messy, sloppy, and technically the 'first/origin' of what defines a vampire as a vampire. and it makes sense, as he has no one to learn what to do except for himself.
as he learns how to become "The Vampire", he also learns how to intertwine his own personality back into himself. aka, we see the blend of his human strahd's connection to his dark magic studies intertwine with his vampirism abilities. this gets very difficult to distinguish, and i think it's intentional, between both vampire, and strahd. oo silly ancient land quote here. but, yea. i think he intertwines his necromancy, dark arts, forbidden arts, invented/discovered arts, mist manipulation, discoveries, and "The Vampire" abilities together, for this chaotic concoction of stuff that, i dont even think he fully knows what stuff roots from.
which is why i believe he starts noting that he begins to toy with living bodies and corpses, either literally or figuratively for learning purposes rather than entirely 'pure sadism'. he learns about torture, about mortals' physical/mental/emotional limits, etc. and he seems to be aware of when to convert someone into a vampire, a vampire spawn, a zombie, or a corpse. i still think he's sadistic, but i think he was being genuine with his morbid curiosity for the purpose of also learning from it, and also of himself.
he seems to be aware of how to control a body/soul, regardless if this is learned and done subconsciously or not. he seems to use enchantment spells or his charisma/manipulation to get what he wants, regardless if it is accidental or intentional. he also seems to be able to cast spells he's never done before. and he seems to know how to make someone stay alive, be killed, or converted into any type of undead of his choosing.
but anyways, to wrap this all up, i think his own direct spawn are just lurking, hiding, or attaching themselves to strahd for their own safety. spawn that interest strahd, like adventurers/npcs, are most likely going to be crypted/imprisoned (i believe we see this in i, strahd 1 and cos module too).
forgot which book it was, knight of the black rose? but he also seems to know when to turn someone into a zombie versus a spawn (hehe silly zombard..). he seems to know that if a body is too 'broken', their soul/awareness would be lost. it seems like if he wants a puppet, he knows how far to destroy the body/mind for a zombie. but if he wants them aware, he is careful in the ritual. considering in i, strahd 1 how he prepares one for vampirism.
but yea ima go eat tacos goodbye
So, my continuity brain is still trying to put together how some vampire rules work, and tbh there isn't going to be great continuity, but hear my rambling thoughts:
In Vampire of the Mists, when a vampire fully drains a person of their blood, to the point that they die from this, the person becomes a vampire spawn. It's pretty clearly stated and shown in that story, that this is what happens.
In I, Strahd (1 & 2, so far anyway), there is no mention of this. There is no direct mention (yet) of Strahd creating spawn at all, although he will drink from people and, in some cases, drain them dry.
There have only been two particular instances of this in I, Strahd: The War Against Azalin. In one, he also cut the guy's head off, so I'm guessing that's that either way. (If you drink them nearly dead, and then technically kill them a different way, perhaps the supernatural rules are flummoxed and no spawn is created.)
With the second, it's just never mentioned what happens to the body after Strahd kills him. Strahd doesn't necessarily collect him for zombie material or anything. That one's just kind of left in limbo. Did that boy come back as spawn? Does Strahd even know? Does he care? Is it useful, because having spawn out and about might lure suspicions away from himself?
I want to know.
Since VotM happens in the timeline between the events of I, Strahd 1 & 2 it is possible that he had a phase in which he created a bunch of spawn and has since "downsized" and gone back to being a careful lonely boy.
It's also completely entirely possible that spawn are around, and he just doesn't mention them in his writings because they aren't important enough.
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Foreign adventurers are drawn to The Savage Coast (Keith Parkinson cover for Expert module X9 by Merle and Jackie Rasmussen and Anne C Gray, TSR, 1985).
Module X9 introduces the Savage Coast as a campaign setting in the western area of D&D’s Known World, southwest of Hule and west of the Wild Lands. The Savage Coast is a land of dry grasslands and steaming jungles, with tortles, white apes, strangle vine, shipwrecks, the wood stockade outposts of a lawful Brotherhood, lost cities ruled by the undead, and at least one T-Rex.
In 1987 the Rasmussens wrote about a similar adjacent area, the Great Northway, in two Dungeon magazine articles -- “Tortles of the Purple Sage -- Part 1″ in issue 6, and “Part 2″ in issue 7.
Anyone looking to expand their adventures in 5e’s Tomb of Annihilation campaign will find plenty to borrow from these settings, as well as X1: The Isle of Dread and I1: Dwellers of the Forbidden City (which is credited as inspiration in ToA).
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Home Front, Mission 18: Lair of the Abhorroghast
Buff Up Your Burrow
[radio cycles past a snippet of music and some static before landing on the Abel frequency]
SAM YAO: Hello, runners, and the rest of us. Is your tent untidy? Is your pre-Z-Day ruin run down? Sorry, I sound like an advert for limescale remover. [advertisement voice] “Bang, and the horde is gone!” Yeah, not so much. Still quite a lot of zombies on the loose.
What I was trying to say is that I've noticed my own little shack getting pretty filthy lately, which is all because of the horde situation and definitely not how it normally is. Now I know housework probably isn't the first thing on your mind right now, but well, since we're not going anywhere, I figured we could have a tidy up together. It'll be fun!
If this was Janine, she'd probably tell you how to clean your regulation domicile with military precision and a toothbrush, but she's busy installing a backup backup generator. And while I was looking for the mop, I found an old Demons and Darkness module Runner Fourteen picked up last month, [sinister voice] The Lair of the Abhorroghast.
Now maybe I'm just missing Abel game night, or maybe it was the box hitting me on the head, but I reckon with a few creative changes and a bit of imagination, we can combine playing Demons and Darkness with a good old spring clean! All we need to do is replace dice rolls with various cleaning tasks and bob's your, um, halfling paladin uncle.
Now, okay, I know it sounds a bit bonkers, but you can do whatever cleaning jobs you fancy, you don't have to D&D it up with me unless you feel like it. So well, let's see what it says on the game box. Okay. Aha. [dramatic narrator voice] “Deep in his labyrinthine lair, the Abhorroghast gnaws on the world's heart, guarding a fabulous treasure, the Madman's Crown. Dare ye brave this den of dread and face the terror below the earth?” Figurines sold separately. Just as well we're doing this by radio. Judging by the state of the box, I think most of the figurines are inside a zombie.
Anyway, [clears throat, adopts dramatic narrator voice] gather your party, bold adventurer. Arm yourselves with weapons of power and wizards potions. [own voice] Well, you know, rubber gloves, mop, broom, cloths, cleaning supplies, all the essential adventuring kit. Have a bit of a tidy up while you're at it and prepare to cleanse the [sinister voice] Lair of the Abhorroghast! [own voice] Right after this song, which definitely always makes me think about hideous creatures from the demon dimensions.
[SAM alternates between a dramatic game master voice for narration, different voices for characters, and his own voice for asides and cleaning instructions]
SAM YAO: [clears throat] Beneath this endless maze of twisting blackened trees and damned spires of stone lies the lair of the Abhorroghast. The entrance gapes like a bottomless maw with stalagmites for teeth... Hmm, hang on. Which ones are the pointy uppy ones and which are the pointy down ones? You know what? It doesn't matter.
[clears throat] ... like a bottomless maw with fangs of solid rock. Like the worst halitosis imaginable, clouds of noxious choking vapors fume from the cave mouth. To reach the lair and cleanse it for good, you'll first have to dispel this evil miasma.
And you know what's a breeding ground for evil miasmas? Commonly-used surfaces like doorknobs and light switches. Ministry guidelines say to give them a good old wipe down daily to get rid of any zombie bits you might drag in with you. Most household cleaners will do the trick, or anything with bleach if it's diluted. Now make sure to keep the bleach outside of your body and wipe it off with a wet cloth. So start dispelling those evil miasmas and yeah, hold on, just uh, finding my place. [mutters rapidly] Start to dispel this evil miasma...
As you use your magic to clear the foul air, a haughty elven voice rings out. [high-pitched breathy character voice] “Ah, another adventurer. Well, lucky I found you.” Through the haze, you see a tall elven woman driving back the fumes with her spells. “I am Ameline,” she declares. “Doubtless we have the same purpose here. We may as well work together. The master of this place lies below. His evil leaks even into the earth itself. Come, we must cleanse this ground before it chokes the life from us.”
Well, yeah, what the elf said. Keep cleaning all those door knobs and light switches and maybe you'll be able to find your way into the lair of the Abhorroghast.
[SAM alternates between a dramatic game master voice for narration, different voices for characters, and his own voice for asides and cleaning instructions]
SAM YAO: The miasma dispelled, you and your new partner Ameline enter the cave mouth. Beyond the stony jaws, you find yourself in what looks like the antechamber of an ancient temple. These are the Halls of Decay, where the dust of a thousand centuries has gathered. Moths feast on fraying tapestries. Soot rains from the rafters. Cobwebs adorn the statues of forbidden gods like a widow's veil. Sounds like my old student flat.
Suddenly from the darkness, another voice calls out. [gruff West Country-accented character voice] “Slow, friend!” A halfling dressed like a weapons rack emerges from the shadows. “Ye want to spend your gold at the bottom of a spoilt pit?” He asks. “Don't ye know to dust for traps?” Now you know, I know what you're thinking, listeners, but dusting for traps is a well-known D&D mechanic that I've just made up. So really go to town with those dusters. You never know what could be lurking on your bookshelves. I'm gonna give the shack a good going over with a dustpan and brush right now.
Uh, now where was I? Aha. Ah, yes. Yes. [clears throat] As you pick your way across the floor, the halfling shuffles towards you, careful to avoid every third tile. “How wonderful,” Ameline drawls. “Another scavenger.”
Kit flashes a gold-toothed grin. "Arr, arr," he says. "Arr, arr..." No, hang on, that's pirate. Hey, but pirates and halflings, are they both from the West Country? Hang on, give me a sec. So... arr ,er... no. Arr! No! Uh... oh, I know! Uh, [Samwise Gamgee voice] boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a – po-ta-toes! Po-ta- okay, got it. Po-ta-toes. All right, my lover. Po-ta-toes. [coughs] Okay.
“Arr,” the halfling says. “Kit’s the name, adventuring's the game. Dungeons like this are packed full of death traps to slice, dice, and spiralize the unwary adventure, and since we're all adventuring in the same direction, I wouldn't want anything to happen to my new companions.”
As if to illustrate his point, he ducks out of the way of a swinging bladed pendulum that almost shears off Ameline's nose! “I'm sure you'd just hate to have all that treasure to yourself,” Ameline says sarcastically. “But worry not, my friend, there's only one treasure down here worth claiming. The Madman's Crown has the power of making and unmaking. The other baubles, you can keep.��
As the elf and the halfling bicker, you make your way slowly, carefully across the dusty floor to the foreboding portal at the hall's far end, watchful for hidden switches and concealed pressure plates. And well, you know, sort of dusting all the household surfaces that need dusting, that kind of thing.
[SAM alternates between a dramatic game master voice for narration, different voices for characters, and his own voice for asides and cleaning instructions]
SAM YAO: As the ancient dust is swept away, gruesome carvings and inhuman statues emerge from beneath the grime. Easing your way over an obvious tripwire, you come face to face with a hideous cyclops statue, its single eye an enormous sapphire. The treasure does not go unnoticed. “Arr, now what's this?” Kit says, grinning like a pumpkin. “Arr, adventurer, you're a natural. Let's just pry this out for safe keeping.”
“Kit, wait!” Ameline yells. She rushes towards you, too late. As Kit tugs the sapphire free, the floor beneath the three of you suddenly gives way. Down, down you fall until you land with a splat in a deep pit of dark, stinking slime. As you regain your bearings, musty light from the broken ceiling far above illuminates the bones of hapless beasts and unwary travelers, all picked clean.
Ameline grabs your arm and whispers, “Ah, I recognize the signs! This is the Pit of Woe, a slaughterworm broodpit.” Kit scrambles to his feet and draws steel as the cold mud boils beneath you. In moments, the whole fetid floor seethes with huge wormy bodies, trapping the halfling in their grasp, and the rest are coming your way!
Now, fun fact, slaughterworms hate clean floors. That's in the creature compendium. So to defeat them, you're going to need to take a broom to the floors in your home, and you'd better get going. Those slaughterworms are looking hungry.
Yeah. Meanwhile, with her quick reflexes, Ameline helps you up onto an enormous rib cage. As the worms sink their lamprey jaws into Kit's flesh, she hurriedly flips through her books as Kit struggles and the filthy foot-long worms swarm ever closer to your feet. “Ah! Ah, I have it!” she cries at last. “Their bodies must be completely destroyed and the whole area purged of their spores or they'll reform from the filth in moments. Come on, adventurer, we'll clear a path to that halfling fool.”
Ugh! You know, I think I've got some slaughterworms under the cupboards. There's something grim down there, anyway. Oh well, nobody said fighting evil would be pretty. If you want a rescue Kit, you'd better keep sweeping.
[SAM alternates between a dramatic game master voice for narration, different voices for characters, and his own voice for asides and cleaning instructions]
SAM YAO: Sweeping your way through the mass of ravening slaughterworms, you at last reach Kit, still struggling in their slimy grasp. With one mighty swing of your sword, the worms fall away like ribbons, allowing the halfling to wriggle free. He holds up the sapphire cyclops eye with a conspiratorial wink. “Arr, ye've me thanks, adventurer,” he says. "Oh, and look, our labors were not in vain." "Are we not done yet?” Ameline snaps. “Mop up their remains or they'll reform before we can find a way out. We'll be worm food!”
And by mopping up, I mean like, literally mopping the floor. Well, unless you actually have hideous foot-long worms wriggling around your house, in which case, there might be limits to what cleaning can achieve.
Anyway, [clears throat] you cannot return the way you came. The floor you crashed through is too high to reach, but as you wade through the entrails, you spot a crack in the wall. Mud oozes through it into the darkness beyond. It could be a way out, if you can make it that far. By uh, well, you know, mopping. Some like, really enthusiastic mopping?
[SAM alternates between a dramatic game master voice for narration, different voices for characters, and his own voice for asides and cleaning instructions]
SAM YAO: Stained with mud and ichor, you, Kit, and Ameline plow through the swarming worms and stinking mud of the pit to reach the crack in the wall. The tunnel beyond is just big enough for you to squeeze through in single file. Kit leads the way, his flickering torch soon vanishing in the darkness. “It's safe enough,” he calls back. “Better than our prospects here,” replies Ameline.
“Ah, look out!” All around you, slaughterworms rise from the ooze, their lamprey jaws slathering for your flesh. But as you flourish your sword to hold them back, Ameline's staff glows brilliant blue and summons a wave of water. It crashes through the pit towards your tunnel, sweeping up all the worms and spores in its path. You hear a cry from the tunnel behind you as Ameline is caught in the flood, before it engulfs you and then Kit.
[water pours from a faucet] No? Sorry, my foley work is a bit low-tech. The water carries you down the tunnel into the Stygian darkness. What awaits you at the bottom? Treasure, power, or merely a grisly death? Find out when we return to the Lair of the Abhorroghast! [sinister laughter] See you next time.
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Dungeons & Dragons episode review Module 2-6: The Last Illusion
[As always, all images are owned by Wizards of the Coast and Marvel Entertainment. I’m a huge fan. Please don’t sue me]
Once again we have a solo adventure featuring Presto. I personally would like to see an adventure where Diana can shine, but...
The episode is available on YouTube should you choose to watch
Where the PCs are: Sheila, Diana, and Presto are level 8, Eric and Hank are level 7, while Bobby’s at level 6. Of the group, Sheila’s the most likely to level up (but don’t count on it, given this is a Presto solo adventure)
We open in a swamp (why can’t they open someplace nice for once?) that has a tremendous stench (we know that because Eric complains nonstop about it) Finally the DM gets sick of hearing Eric bitch and sics a grudge monster on them...
A grudge monster in the form of a Giant Octopus. Now, I’m not accusing the DM of shenanigans or anything, but how the hell can something that size emerge from water that is barely deep enough to reach Bobby’s knees?
The Octopus is more than a match for the party, so out of desperation Presto uses his hat,
Unfortunately, all it does is get the Octopus’s attention as it chases Presto away from the party. Due to whatever the hat spewed forth, the party sees none of this.
Presto runs from the Octopus (again, he’s shin-deep and all you can see above the waterline is a single tentacle. I’m officially calling shenanigans) and eventually runs onto land. The Octopus looks like it wants to pull itself ashore to get to Presto (if that happens, I’m going right past shenanigans and screaming bullshit) when a voice calls to him to lead him to safety. Once he’s clear of the DM’s wrath Octopus, Presto comes to a clearing and looks for the person who saved him...
...and it’s a girl who beckons him closer (in a world where Sirens exist, Presto should not go toward strange female voices...) He reaches out to her and...
...well, I’m sure that’s not a metaphor for something that’s not G-rated or anything... (I certainly hope that’s not Presto’s O-face) The girl explains she’s actually in a place called the Forbidden Tower and needs help, then vanishes.
And then we see Presto going through his first crush. Then...
Leave it to Dungeon Master to bring Presto crashing back to the Realm. Dungeon Master awkwardly gives Presto “the talk” and hints that finding her may help the party get home. And then he pulls his disappearing act.
Later, Presto is lost trying to find the Forbidden Tower (and the rest of the party) when...
...Presto gets a taste of what Eric goes through every time he splits from the party. Fortunately, the rest of the party finds him before the man can do anything to him. Then the man’s wife comes out and de-escalates things (and calls him Jareth. Funny, he doesn’t look like a Goblin King...)
(Thanks to Amazon)
The woman (who introduces herself as Sarah Merinda) invites the party for dinner, despite Jareth’s protests. The party follow Merinda to her village, where they share a meal. Eric opens his big mouth, upsetting Jareth. Merinda explains they lost their daughter in the swamp (three guesses who their daughter is)
Presto explains what happened to him in the swamp, and suddenly he’s Jareth’s best friend. Suddenly the skies turn red and storms brew, giving Presto a migraine.
Meanwhile, in the Forbidden Tower, the girl (who Merinda called Varla) is on a platform glowing, begging someone to let her stop whatever she’s doing. Who is that someone?
Was there any doubt?
Venger lets her stop for now, but warns her to not call for help again or he’d kill her parents.
Back at the village...
...things aren’t getting any better. Presto gets a couple of stabbing pains in his head that coincide with lightning strikes on a tree and a silo. Suddenly the villagers think he’s responsible.
Meanwhile, Venger uses his transformation magic to become...
... and heads to the village, where he disperses the storm. The Villages see him as a savior, the party see him as an ally, while Uni sees him for what he really is (but can’t exactly do anything about it)
Venger them accuses Presto of causing the storm, turning the village on the party. As the villagers capture the party, he takes their magic items and leaves.
Later, Presto explains the migraines were caused by Varla (he feels her pain) Eric hatches a cockamamie plan by screaming at the top of his lungs for humane treatment (such as TV and a phone call to his lawyer. I think he’s finally snapped)
And at the Forbidden Tower, Venger gloats about his victory, and makes plans to take down Dungeon Master using Varla.
Back at the prison, someone finally decides to come to the party’s cell to shut them up. However...
...Varla makes another appearance. She explains that Venger used her ability to cast illusions to frame the party, and that Venger was the man on the horse. At that point, the villages who came about the noise come on, and it’s Jareth and Merinda. They see Varla just before she vanishes.
This is enough for Jareth and Merinda to help the party escape before the lynch mob shows up. The mob wants someone to lynch, dammit, and settle on Jareth and Merinda. The party hesitate leaving, but Jareth insists.
Later, outside the Forbidden Tower, the mob isn’t giving up on lynching the party so easily as they are in pursuit. Eventually, the party reaches the fate. However...
...Venger posted a couple of guards, and the party without their magic items. Caught between a mob and an Orc place, Presto thinks it’s hopeless until...
Is Dungeon Master going to do something useful, like teleport the party’s magic items to them? Nope, just offer platitudes and riddles, such as “when things look their worst, they will be their best”, before vanishing. Thanks for the help...
Suddenly, Hank has a flash of inspiration and we fade out (presumably for a snack run so the party can discuss without the DM listening in)
(Thanks to MacKenzie Jones)
We come back from the snack run with the Orcs being distracted by a noise in the bushes. They move to intercept, but...
...it’s a frog tied to Eric’s shoes. The party sneaks in while the Orcs look confused. You know, I’m going to award 150XP to the party for that Cunning Plan.
Inside, Eric complains about the cold floor on his bare feet (do you want to go out and get your shoes? I’m sure the Orcs won’t notice...) Suddenly, Presto gets a feeling as to where Varla is (are you sure you should be following the place where that “feeling” is coming from?) Fortunately, Presto’s loins lead them in the right direction and they find Varla. However, the energy prison that holds her can only be dispelled by Venger.
At that point, Eric notices the Orcs don’t appreciate Cunning Plans and are coming for them (maybe they brought Eric’s shoes) Varla manages to use her illusions to disguise the party as fellow Orcs, however...
...you knew he’d show up eventually. Venger dispels Varla’s illusion (giving Presto another migraine) and opens fire on the party. Fortunately, they find cover (however brief) Hank grabs a nearby mirror and deflects Venger’s bolt back at him, but the bolt misses Venger, instead hitting a secret panel concealing the party’s magic items. Eric rushes to get them, suddenly realizing he’s not a swashbuckling hero. Hell, he doesn’t even rank having a sword!
Venger’s bolt hits the chain Eric is swinging on and he crashes into the magic items. Eric quickly grabs the items and tosses them to the group. Hank then tells the party to attack (YA THINK?)
Venger fires back, but a stray bolt destroys the statue generating Varla’s prison. Varla asks what could stop Venger, and Diana describes Taimat. Three guesses what happens next...
Varla generates an illusion of Tiamat that distracts Venger long enough for the party to escape. Venger’s attacks bring the tower down on top of him as the party leaves. Gonna call that a defeat for 63,580XP. However, in doing so Varla uses the last of her energy, dissipating.
However, Presto has no time to mourn the loss of his chance for a girlfriend, as the mob (remember them?) has finally caught up with them. The mob is ready for a good ol’ fashioned Witch Trial when Presto notices the ��destruction” of the village (i.e. Varla’s illusion) is still there, so Varla must somehow still be alive! (You’ll get that first date yet, Presto!)
Then Dungeon Master appears and tells Presto to follow his loins heart to find Varla, so he climbs back to the ruins of the Forbidden Tower and...
Awwww, aren’t they cute together?
The illusion covering the village dissipates, and suddenly the mob isn’t as interested in a lynching any more.
The party earns 63,730XP, or 10,622XP each. No one levels up, but Sheila is close to level 8, and Presto may get lucky before the next adventure.
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Forbidden Lands - Journey & Survival
Dive into the heart of Forbidden Lands! 🗺️ Our new video decodes the thrill of survival and travel in this epic TTRPG. 🎲 Don't just play, survive! 🛡️ Watch now! #ForbiddenLands #TTRPGAdventure
Forbidden Lands – Core Game A Simple Rescue – (Intro Adventure) Master journeying and survival in Forbidden Lands RPG with our expert guide. Watch now! Embark on a gritty adventure through the treacherous landscapes of Forbidden Lands, the acclaimed tabletop RPG by Free League Publishing. This video guide plunges into the heart of survival and exploration mechanics that set Forbidden Lands apart…

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"Crypt of the Mellified Mage" Module For Award-Winning Forbidden Lands RPG Launches Today
"Crypt of the Mellified Mage" Module For Award-Winning Forbidden Lands RPG Launches Today #rpg #gencon #genconline
As Free League’s second Gen Con release this year, the Crypt of the Mellified Mage adventure module was officially launched today. The book compiles four thrilling dungeons and other adventure locations for the multiple award-winning Forbidden Lands tabletop roleplaying game.
Crypt of the Mellified Mage lets players visit a dungeon of dripping honey, explore a firing pit for magical…
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Forbidden Lands - Magic & Spellcasting
Dive into the magic of Forbidden Lands TTRPG! 🎲✨ Our video guides you through spellcasting secrets to dominate your next session! #ForbiddenLands #TTRPG #Spellcasting
Forbidden Lands – Core Game A Simple Rescue – (Intro Adventure) Discover Forbidden Lands TTRPG magic! Learn spells, overcharging and mishaps in our latest video guide. Embark on a mystical journey through the cursed world of Forbidden Lands, where ancient magics stir and wild sorcery reigns! In this thrilling overview, we delve deep into the arcane secrets of spellcasting, unveiling how to…

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Forbidden Lands - Health & Damage
Unlock the secrets of damage, wounds, and recovery in Forbidden Lands! 🎲 Our latest video demystifies the health mechanics to level up your gameplay. Whether you're a newbie or a veteran, this is a must-watch. Don't miss it! #ForbiddenLands #TTRPG #GameMechanics
Forbidden Lands – Core Game A Simple Rescue – (Intro Adventure) Master damage, wounds, and recovery in Forbidden Lands! This video breaks down the key health mechanics you need to excel in this tabletop RPG. Confused about how damage, wounds, and recovery work in Forbidden Lands by Free League Publishing? This video breaks it all down, giving you the inside scoop on how to navigate health…

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Forbidden Lands - Combat System
Ready to level up your Forbidden Lands game? 🎲 Our latest video dives deep into the combat system, making you the tactical genius you were born to be! Don't miss this chance to master the mechanics of this killer tabletop RPG. Watch now! #ForbiddenLands #TTRPG #CombatSystem
Forbidden Lands – Core Game A Simple Rescue – (Intro Adventure) Unlock the secrets of Forbidden Lands combat! This video dives into dice rolls, tactics, and game mechanics for this hit tabletop RPG. Master your next adventure! Ready to master the combat system in Forbidden Lands by Free League Publishing? In this video, we break down the nitty-gritty of battles, dice rolls, and tactical maneuvers…

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Forbidden Lands - Talents
Unleash your character's full potential in Forbidden Lands! 🌟 Our new video dives deep into the game's talents, from Pathfinder to Swordmaster. Level up your Free League Publishing TTRPG adventure! 🎲🛡️ Click to watch! #ForbiddenLands #TTRPG #RPG
Forbidden Lands – Core Game A Simple Rescue – (Intro Adventure) Unlock the power of talents in Forbidden Lands! Explore character talents in-depth and elevate your gameplay in this iconic tabletop RPG by Free League Publishing. Unlock the full potential of your Forbidden Lands characters with this comprehensive guide to talents! Dive into each unique talent, from Pathfinder to Swordmaster, and…

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Forbidden Lands - Skills & Skill Rolls
Ready to level up your Forbidden Lands game? 🎲 Don't miss our latest video breaking down skill rolls and mechanics! Master survival, manipulation, and more in this epic tabletop RPG by Free League Publishing. 🛡️⚔️ Click to watch now! #ForbiddenLands #TTRPG #RPG #DnD
Forbidden Lands – Core Game A Simple Rescue – (Intro Adventure) Master skill rolls in Forbidden Lands! This video guide dives into the mechanics of skills and dice rolling in the epic tabletop RPG by Free League Publishing. Ready to master the art of skill rolls in Forbidden Lands by Free League Publishing? In this video, we’ll break down the mechanics of various skills, from Survival to…

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