#osr games
legionofmyth · 11 months
Forbidden Lands - Strongholds
🛠️ Raise your banners in Forbidden Lands! 🏰 Our latest video showcases how to build the ultimate stronghold in this TTRPG. Become a legend! 🐉 Watch now! #ForbiddenLands #StrongholdBuilding
Forbidden Lands – Core GameA Simple Rescue – (Intro Adventure) Discover stronghold building in Forbidden Lands RPG. Watch our guide to fortify your legend now! Conquer the wilds of Forbidden Lands by crafting your very own stronghold, a vital sanctuary in this tabletop RPG by Free League Publishing. This video delves into the robust stronghold building system, where strategic planning meets…
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ribbloid · 1 year
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prokopetz · 15 days
OSR games may not particularly be my thing, but I love seeing indie RPG designers whose usual line is more in the gay-catgirls-smoking-cigarettes strand of the medium decide to dip their toes into the OSR space and watching in real time as they discover the joys of writing Big Stupid Tables.
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mismaxx · 6 months
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theinstagrahame · 1 year
Announcing: Restful Actions
(It's here. You can go get it now!)
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Restful Actions is a collection of 10 minigames for downtime periods in any TTRPG. They're designed to help players resolve character conflicts, complete goals, heal or explore, and take much shorter shopping trips. (You can, in fact, download the shopping trip minigame as a demo!)
For GMs, the goal is to give you a break, so you can start preparing the next Big Event. The minigames invite players to fill in some details of the world, creating shops, landmarks, even creatures.
You can pick up your copy here:
I've talked about this thing in more detail here:
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anim-ttrpgs · 15 days
Poll: How important is a "leveling up" mechanic to you for a TTRPG?
For this poll "leveling up" is going to be defined very broadly. It could mean getting EXP and increasing level, it could mean using points to buy upgrades, whatever. The more your character does stuff, the more strong or complex their abilities get. How important is this feature to you in a TTRPG? Do you consider this an essential part of a TTRPG?
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chrisairgames · 28 days
When in Rome
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Right, so I write for Mothership RPG, yeah?
It was basically a professional obligation for me to go see Alien: Romulus on its opening weekend.
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Short review: Cool. Though I wish directors would make a new alien horror movie instead of new Alien movies.
Lemme tell ya, I might have designer brain disease, but this movie really is a series of problems for a sci-fi adventure, haha. My favorite thing about this movie was the smart, player-skill level problem solving the characters came up with. I was actually impressed. The film made me want to put my friends through the same ringer, and write up a similar scenario.
So I did.
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When in Rome is a 20pg Mothership RPG adventure module with two player handouts, obviously heavily inspired by Alien: Romulus. I started last weekend, and released it yesterday. (What’s wrong with me, right?). That is: writing, playtesting, Mothership 3pp approval, peer review (thanks Josh Domanski, Christian Sorrell, Iko and Allen Hall!), hiring Brandon Yu “Chaoclypse” for the sick art, revising and putting into layout.
So yeah, this module is basically an adaptation of the film, but it does have some very notable (read: legally distinct) differences.
It's free for the next five hours, and I would love to hear what you think, and how your PCs fare on Caesar/Augustus.
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Click here to download the module on itch.io. Note that I’m still working on the plaintext file and VTT asset updates. I would love to hear what you think, and how your players’ crews fare on Caesar/Augustus.
Good luck.
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dewthorne · 5 months
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Old School Runescape
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zranzax · 1 year
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franciscolemos · 2 months
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Some OSR style hexes I made just for fun.
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toodeepforyou · 1 year
runescape is truly one of the video games of all time. one of the most important skills is woodcutting. another is firemaking. the easiest mode of travel is fungus. the second-largest city in the world has an ogre encampment south of it and its south gate is a literal zoo. king arthur and the knights of the round table got isekai’d into the game. santa is there also
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legionofmyth · 11 months
Forbidden Lands - Journey & Survival
Dive into the heart of Forbidden Lands! 🗺️ Our new video decodes the thrill of survival and travel in this epic TTRPG. 🎲 Don't just play, survive! 🛡️ Watch now! #ForbiddenLands #TTRPGAdventure
Forbidden Lands – Core Game A Simple Rescue – (Intro Adventure) Master journeying and survival in Forbidden Lands RPG with our expert guide. Watch now! Embark on a gritty adventure through the treacherous landscapes of Forbidden Lands, the acclaimed tabletop RPG by Free League Publishing. This video guide plunges into the heart of survival and exploration mechanics that set Forbidden Lands apart…
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buthigor · 1 year
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What movie sir?
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losttrailsmaps · 2 months
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City Streets Map Pack
Greetings everyone, welcome to another map pack! It features 12 total maps, including city streets, bridges, cathedrals and much more.
Patrons get access to gridded/ungridded and watermark-free maps. The grid size of each map is 30x40.
Check out the map pack here.
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plethoraworldatlas · 6 months
In reading Marcia's review of her experience with Shadowdark, I contemplated on how I run my own OSE games. This is also fresh on my mind because I am running Miranda Elkins' fantastic Nightwick. Its all about distilling things down to the interesting choice and eliminating the non-interesting one.
Basic Equipment: I am thinking about charging my players a flat rate for all basic dungeoneering equipment that is rolled into weekly expenses-- so 7sp a week for expenses plus ~3-5sp for pick of equipment
Not interesting:  Cost of equipment, especially down to coppers
Interesting: Scarcity (what if there is no 50' rope this week?) and how many slots PC dedicates to basic equipment
Light: Due to torch cost and number per slot, it is easy to carry a lot of torches.
Not interesting: Carrying enough light to last 12-24 turns- easily done
Interesting: When torches extinguish-- like in the middle of a fight or when the goblins you are negotiating with get mad; how many hands in the party are occupied by torches
This is why I prefer to use the overloaded encounter die to simulate inopportune moments when a torch is snuffed out- gust of wind, dripping slime, bucket of sand thrown by a sneaky goblin. And with regards to hands, holding a torch potentially lowers AC, removes a weapon, or makes spell casting delayed (need both hands). One saving grace: torches are an improvised weapon that do 1d4 dmg and are on fire.
Stuck Doors: I now commonly interpret the 2-in-6 chance as a basic surprise roll. If they players fail it, they make a loud noise and alert anything on the other side of the door, but open it next round.
Not interesting: Rolling a d6 over and over again to see if PCs finally break down a door
Interesting: Seeing if PC get surprise on whatever is on the otherside; if additional equipment is brought to deal with doors
I usually like the idea that a crowbar allows and additional 1d6 rolled per individual with one.
Rations: This is similar to the situation with light, its easy to carry enough food/water for 2-4 hours which is more likely the time frame of a dungeon delve-- not a camping trip.
Not interesting: Tracking both food and water separately for nominal circumstances
Interesting: How many PCs carry rations; will rations be used for other things (like distracting monsters) or saved to avoid fatigue
For me the nature of rations are both food and water abstracted. So if a player want to use food as a distraction, mark off 1 rations. If a player wants to douse a small fire, use 2 rations as you frantically empty out a water skin and try to put out the fire consuming the spell book.
Secret Doors & Traps:  Two dungeon features that are opposite sides of the same coin. Really I think Chris McDowall has written some of the best bits on this that boil down to "traps are puzzles" and not really "gotcha".
Not interesting: Situations where the PCs have to pick the exact right spot and roll a 1-2 in 6
Interesting: Adding in environmental clues or other sources of information that allows discovery by players investigating the fictional environment
Now, I will keep both rolls as a back-up for either PCs not having a good idea and/or a back-up for perhaps me being unable to convey the fictional environment properly in the moment.
Weapons: I've yet to find a really good way to do weapons simply outside of 1d6 damage for all types. I don't mind BX's variable weapon damage. And I do like some old rulesets sorta "first strike" if your weapon is larger than an opponents other wise smaller, lighter weapons strike first in subsequent arounds.
So here is what I have got so far: Using a weapon two-handed is a +1 to damage, using an off-hand weapon is +1 to-hit, and a shield is of course +1 AC. I do like that fighters with bows can shoot twice if they did not move and the "cleave" ability.
Not interesting: Weapon factors that are so extensive they require a separate rules discussion, trigger player obsession, and/or orient the whole of gameplay to combat
Interesting: What PCs chose to do with their hands: more armor, more weapons, or more light
So that is it for now, if you'd like to see more of my house rules here is my post on the Serpent Song Hymnal. I hope to have a sorta player version created sometime soon but I'm still trying to dial-in what my go-to "french vanilla" D&D is like.
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tifoti · 2 years
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I had a tinder date over but she left as soon as she saw my bedsheets. What am I doing wrong?
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