#advanced teaching methods
chernobog13 · 2 years
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This is actually my preferred way to learn anything.
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kandmmusicschool · 11 months
Master Expressive Violin Vibrato with Pro Tips and Daily Exercises
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Vibrato is an essential violin technique that adds expression and emotion to the sound. Mastering a flexible, controlled vibrato requires daily focus and targeted exercises. This in-depth guide provides tips to develop violin vibrato technique properly along with sample practice routines to enhance mastery.
Vibrato brings the violin to life with passion and color. Learning efficient motion and integrating it musically into playing elevates phrasing. With patience and deliberate practice, any violinist can develop an expressive, shimmering vibrato. Let's get started!
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What is Violin Vibrato?
Vibrato is a rapid, constant fluctuation in pitch that adds expression and interest to violin notes. It gives the characteristic warmth and personality to the sound.
Vibrato is produced by small, regular finger motions while maintaining contact with the string. This causes slight variations in pitch that enhance tone. Vibrato can also be created using wrist or arm movements.
There are several types of violin vibrato:
Finger vibrato - subtle fingertip rocking back and forth
Wrist vibrato - flickering hand motion at the wrist
Arm vibrato - larger oscillation from the elbow
Violinists utilize different speeds and widths of vibrato for varied effects. Mastering control of this technique is a milestone of accomplished violin playing.
How Violin Vibrato Creates Fluctuating Pitch
Violin vibrato works by slightly shortening and lengthening the string length through finger motion:
Rocking the fingertip back lifts the string slightly, shortening the length, and raising the pitch
Rocking forward lowers the string, increasing the length, and lowering the pitch
This creates an oscillating fluctuation between higher and lower pitches
The result is a rich, warm pulsating sound at the main note pitch
This pitch wavering adds interest, emotion, and vocal-like sounds.
Notation for Violin Vibrato
Composers use the following notation to indicate vibrato:
Wavy line above or below note
"Vib." or "non-vib." written instructions
Changes in line width show variations in speed or width
Listen to recordings to interpret the intended vibrato style.
Benefits of Developing Strong Vibrato Skills
Here are some of the key benefits that vibrato brings to violin playing:
Adds beautiful warmth and richness to the tone quality
Allows dynamic, nuanced musical expression
Enables tone color variations from bright shimmers to romantic intensity
Elevates phrasing and makes the violin "sing"
Prevents monotony by adding interest to long notes
Provides an outlet for emotion through the instrument
Benchmark of advanced violin technique mastery
Makes amateur playing sound more professional
Vibrato is not just an add-on effect - it becomes an integral part of the violinist's sound. Mastering expressive vibrato technique elevates playing to a more professional level.
More Than Just Ornamentation
Vibrato is sometimes mistakenly viewed as just ornamentation added onto notes. But truly mastered vibrato:
Becomes an unconscious, integral part of sound production
Is used expressively on virtually every sustained note
Enhances the core tone, not just decorates it
Helps communicate phrasing, emotion, and musicality
Aim to make vibrato a natural extension of your artistic intentions, not just a technique attached to notes.
Violin Vibrato is Expected
For aspiring violinists, here’s some motivation:
Audiences, teachers, and fellow musicians expect violinists to use vibrato
Lack of vibrato sounds amateur, dull, or emotionless
The Vibrato technique is required for advanced repertoire
Using vibrato well projects passion and musicality
Put in the work, and your effort will be rewarded with rich sounds.
Proper Violin Vibrato Technique Fundamentals
Developing efficient, flexible vibrato requires establishing these core techniques:
Relaxed, supple wrist and arm motion
Small, circular fingertip rocking movement
Completely smooth, even oscillation between slightly raised and lowered finger positions
Maintaining constant contact between fingertip and string
Allowing arm weight to transfer through the finger to the string
Using the entire forearm, not just the wrist or hand
Integrating motion into the hand frame without tension or extra motion
Slow, mindful practice establishes proper motion and feel. Vibrato must become second nature to use expressively. Master the basics first before attempting to vary vibrato effects.
Relaxation is Crucial
Tension hinders vibrato development. Always monitor for:
Tight, rigid wrist, arm, or shoulder
Gripping motion in the hand
Pressing fingers down harshly on strings
Collapsing knuckles or bent fingertips
Relax muscles fully. Let arm weight flow into the fingertip.
Efficient, Economical Motion
Strive for:
Minimal extraneous motion in hand or arm
Fingertip moves slightly up and down, hand frame stays steady
Smooth circles, not back-and-forth or diagonal rubbing
Just enough motion to fluctuate pitch, not more
Any tension or extra motion inhibits speed and flexibility.
Useful Daily Exercises for Improving Violin Vibrato
Dedicated daily practice of targeted vibrato exercises builds technique efficiently. Here are some useful drills:
Flexibility and Motion Exercises
Gently roll wrists in circles to increase suppleness
Stretch wrists carefully within a comfortable range of motion
Massage forearms and wrists to relax muscles
Rotate arms at the elbow to prepare for arm vibrato
Basic Finger Motion Practice
While seated, tap fingertips together in a controlled, pulsating rocking motion
Start with a slower tempo, increase finger speed over time
Focus on maintaining completely steady, even oscillation
Finger Rolls on the Violin
With violin supported, place finger on string with normal frame
Roll fingertip evenly up and down while keeping contact with the string
Control speed and narrow the motion as coordination develops
Vibrato on Open Strings
Apply basic vibrato finger motion to open strings
Start very slowly and gradually increase the oscillation speed with the metronome
Use arm weight to allow motion to transfer through the finger to the string
Integrating Vibrato into Scales and Songs
First perfect notes, shifts, and intonation without vibrato
Add vibrato on long-held notes at the ends of phrases
Increase the amount of vibrato as technical skill improves
Use vibrato stylistically to complement the music
Isolating Each Element
Practice aspects separately before combining:
Flexibility drills only
Basic finger motion only
Finger roll on the violin without a sound
Open string vibrato focus
Add vibrato sparingly to the repertoire
This develops and ingrains proper technique.
Developing an Expressive, Musical Violin Vibrato
Once the basics are established, work on varying your vibrato for expressive effects:
Adjust oscillation speed for different impacts - slow can be sweet, fast more intense.
Modify width from very narrow vibrato to wide, dramatic shimmers.
Add accents or crescendos/decrescendos during vibrato notes.
Sync vibrato with phrase shaping, dynamics, and emotions of the music.
Listen to recordings of great violinists to inspire artistic vibrato use.
With mastery, vibrato becomes an intuitive tool for highlighting the music's phrasing and passion. An expressive vibrato transports listeners.
Speed, Width, and Shape
To vary vibrato:
Faster = more intensity and excitement
Slower = sweetness and meditation
Wider = bigger dramatic shimmers
Narrower = delicate flutter
Shape vibrato with crescendos, accents, and varied speed/width
Syncing with Music
Sync choices to phrasing or emotion:
Slow, narrow vibrato on soft lyrical sections
Pulsing, passionate vibrato on loud, dramatic phrases
Adding/increasing vibrato towards a climax note
Let the music influence your vibrato decisions.
Tips for Practicing Violin Vibrato Exercises
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Here are some useful tips for getting the most out of daily vibrato practice:
Mindful Repetition
Thoughtfully repeat each exercise, focusing intently on the proper motion. Quality matters more than quantity. Don't allow flaws to get ingrained.
Use a Metronome
Set the metronome slow and increase tempo gradually over time to monitor oscillations. A steady rhythm is key.
Record Yourself
Record videos to watch your hand motion and analyze your vibrato sound. Strive for continuous, flawless oscillations.
Take Breaks
Frequent short sessions are better than marathon practice. Give muscles recovery time to increase flexibility safely.
Increase Difficulty Slowly
Start on open strings with easy whole notes. Only advance to a more complex repertoire, dynamics, and tempi once simple is mastered.
Listen Critically
Develop your “vibrato ear.” Identify and correct any unevenness, nervous shaking, or lack of continuity.
Stay Patient and Positive
Don’t get discouraged. Daily dedication leads to vibrato success. Celebrate small improvements.
Consistent, attentive exercises ingrain proper vibrato technique automatically over time.
Troubleshooting Common Violin Vibrato Problems
Here are solutions to some typical challenges students face:
Uneven, shaky vibrato: Relax wrist and arm fully. Move just the fingertip, not the whole hand. Control speed with a metronome.
Not continuous: Maintain constant finger rocking. Don't stop/start oscillation. Eliminate any pauses.
Finger loses contact: Touch the string very lightly. Allow arm weight to transfer through the fingertip.
Sounds too wide/narrow: Adjust finger motion width and listen critically to match music.
Hand tenses up: Check for tension. Shake hands out. Soften grip.
Pressing too hard: Light fingertip contact. Move arm weight into rocking finger.
Adding vibrato late: First practice note change without vibrato. Then add immediately when changing notes.
Analyze issues, isolate elements, and do focused exercises to correct them.
Integrating Vibrato into Violin Repertoire
One fundamental technique is established through exercises, start incorporating vibrato into varied repertoire:
Add vibrato to long notes initially, then expand to more notes as skills improve
Prioritize vibrato on emphasized notes like at the ends of phrases
Use appropriate speed and width for the piece's mood and style
Avoid tension by keeping a relaxed motion established in exercises
Let vibrato enhance the music's phrasing, not obscure it
Gradually increase vibrato as technical control develops. Use it to accentuate musical ideas.
Choosing Vibrato Points
When deciding where to add vibrato:
Vary it more in slow lyrical sections, and less in fast technical passages
Prioritize long notes first to emphasize passion
Highlight climax notes at the ends of phrases
Use selectively for contrast between non-vibrato and vibrato notes
Listen and experiment. Let the music guide your expressive choices.
Developing Consistency in Practice
Achieving an expressive vibrato requires dedication through daily practice. Here are tips:
Make it a Routine
Commit to regular short sessions - 10 minutes daily is ideal
Consistency over time brings cumulative improvement
Track and Measure Progress
Record sessions to compare against past vibrato attempts
Note tempo markings of metronome settings you can handle
Quantify measures like oscillation speed, width, duration
Set Gradual Goals
Add one more note with vibrato
Increase metronome speed by 1 notch
Sustain vibrato for 2 extra beats
Analyze and Refine
Review recordings, and identify issues to improve
Compare sound to professional vibrato examples
Adjust technique and repeat focused exercises
Celebrate Small Wins
Recognize any sign of progress
Avoid getting discouraged if advancing slowly
Remind yourself success comes through practice over time
Fostering a growth mindset keeps you moving forward. Consistency is key.
Vibrato Exercises to Include in Daily Practice Routine
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To simplify establishing a regular practice routine, here are suggested vibrato exercises to cycle through daily:
Wrist rolls, arm circles, stretching (5 minutes)
Basic finger motion at increasing metronome tempi (3 minutes)
Open D string vibrato whole notes (2 minutes)
Wrist/arm massage, fingertip tapping (5 minutes)
Rolls on all open strings, one string at a time (3 minutes each)
Apply vibrato to open A and E strings (2 minutes each)
Wrist and arm flexibility drills (5 minutes)
Finger rolls on each string, half note duration (3 minutes each)
Vibrato octave scales on D and A strings (2 minutes each)
Arm rotations, knuckle stretches (5 minutes)
Vibrato finger taps at a fast tempo (3 minutes)
Add vibrato to repertoire pieces (5 minutes)
Full relaxation and massage of arms (5 minutes)
Advance metronome speed on open string whole note vibrato (3 minutes)
Play repertoire pieces with added vibrato (5 minutes)
Flexibility exercises for wrist and arm (5 minutes)
Open string vibrato with varying speeds (3 minutes)
Practice vibrato in challenging repertoire sections (5 minutes)
Gentle stretches, wrist rolls, fingertip tapping (5 minutes)
Play repertoire pieces from start to finish with added vibrato (10 minutes)
Cycling through a sequence like this ingrains skills through consistency. Adjust and expand exercises as you progress.
Putting it All Together
Learning violin vibrato requires diligent daily practice of proper relaxed technique. Isolate elements like flexibility, basic finger motion, applying to open strings, and adding judiciously to the repertoire. Listen critically and assess recordings of your progress. Using expressive, musical vibrato will elevate your level of playing and unlock the violin’s full tonal palette. With patience and consistency, work through challenges one by one. The beautiful reward of a flexible, singing vibrato is well worth the effort.
Let me know if you would like me to expand or modify any part of this comprehensive vibrato guide. Please share any feedback on areas I can improve. I aimed to thoroughly cover how to develop excellent violin vibrato techniques through dedicated practice.
What is the proper violin vibrato motion?
A relaxed, circular rocking of the fingertip that transfers arm weight into the string to create a fluctuating pitch.
How can you practice violin vibrato efficiently?
Isolate aspects like flexibility, basic motion, and open strings. Add judiciously to the repertoire. Record and assess your progress.
How do you vary vibrato for musical expression?
By adjusting speed, and width, adding dynamic shapes, and syncing choices to the phrasing and mood of the music.
What are some common vibrato challenges and how to fix them?
Uneven or shaky vibrato - relax your arm and control your speed. Hand tensing up - release grip, reduce pressing.
How should you choose which notes to add vibrato to?
Prioritize long notes, ends of phrases, and climaxes. Consider the mood and style of the music.
How long does it take to develop a good violin vibrato technique?
It requires consistent daily practice over months or years. Have patience and celebrate small achievements.
Why is recording yourself important?
Analyzing recordings helps identify and correct any technical flaws before they get ingrained.
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Pairing: Patrick Zweig x Reader
Rating: Explicit - 18+ only. minors, please get off my lawn.
Notes: Not beta-read because when is it ever.
Length: 2.5K
Warnings: Set after the movie; kid's tennis coach Patrick; single mom reader; fingering; oral sex ; vaginal sex; safe sex
Summary: You'd realized within a few meetings that Patrick wasn't exactly like a big kid—he was more like a frat boy that had never gone to college. He'd asked for an advance on his fee, but had agreed to an all-cash payment at the end of the first lesson. He palled around with your son, teased him about school, about the girls that he had a crush on. He didn't fill the role of a father where your son didn't have one, but he was more like an older, cooler schoolmate.
He was funny, he was knowledgeable, and he never missed an opportunity to flirt with you.
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"You nail this kid's dick to the wall, I'll teach you that trick shot."
You know that the outward show of your disapproval for your eleven-year-old son's tennis coach's is necessary, but you're biting back a laugh, too. You know that it's the motivation that your son needs going into his final match, but there's gotta be a better way to say it, right?
Still, your son is nodding enthusiastically, and Patrick is turning to look at you. You tip your head to the side, purse your lips, and try not to crack a smile at the guilty, almost dopey smile that Patrick gives you, accompanied by a little shrug. You shake your head and reach for your coffee, using the sip to cover the smile you've been fighting.
Well, Patrick's methods have always been...A little unorthodox.
You'd been warned that he was a little different when you'd gotten his information. Your contact at the Mark Rebellato Academy had recommended him when your son hadn't qualified for a scholarship.
"He needs to get his game up," Your contact had said, "And Zweig's the one to do it. He'll write him a recommendation, too. He's a good guy, good coach. He's not on the level with the kids, but he can get there, you know. He's good with kids 'cause he kinda...Sometimes acts like a big kid."
You'd realized within a few meetings that Patrick wasn't exactly like a big kid—he was more like a frat boy that had never gone to college. He'd asked for an advance on his fee, but had agreed to an all-cash payment at the end of the first lesson. He palled around with your son, teased him about school, about the girls that he had a crush on. He didn't fill the role of a father where your son didn't have one, but he was more like an older, cooler schoolmate.
He was funny, he was knowledgeable, and he never missed an opportunity to flirt with you.
The first time, you'd figured that it was just his way of trying to secure his place as your son's coach, but after the fifth time, you got the sense that he was sort of just...Like that. Every hello and goodbye came with a less-than-subtle elevator gaze—a slow sweep up and down over your body before he gave you a little wave and sent you and your son on your way.
For as surprising as flirting had been, it wasn't totally unwelcome. Your dating life had basically been nonexistent since you'd had your son, and Patrick's advances were kinda...Flattering, even when you weren't completely sure that he meant them.
But the truth of it had been driven home when you'd been driving your son home from practice.
"Patrick asked about you."
"Oh?" You'd responded distractedly, figuring it would be something related—whether or not you'd ever played tennis, if you enjoyed it—but your son went on:
"He asked if you're single."
Your brain stalled for a moment, not fully taking it in as you pulled the car into your driveway.
"...He what?" You finally asked, twisting to look at him.
"Uh-huh. And if you date."
"What'd you say?"
"I dunno. That you're busy."
It was a fair answer, and the truth, but there shouldn't have been a world in which your son was getting that question in the first place. You stewed on it for a few hours before you ultimately called Patrick. You eyed your son a room away where he was doing his homework, listening to the brrrrr....brrrrr as you waited for Patrick to pick up.
"What the hell are you doing, asking my son if I'm single?"
Patrick doesn't answer for a moment, and it gives you a chance to imagine where he must be, what he must be doing. You can hear the murmur of a tv in the background. Is he in a house, an apartment? Alone, or with someone that's trying to pin him down? You can imagine the cracked screen of his phone pressed up against his beard.
"...It just came up."
"How the hell did something like that just come up?"
"I asked him if he ever practiced with his dad."
Your hand flexes around your phone, irritation rising.
"We don't have contact with his father."
"Yeah, I uh. I got that."
"What's that have to do with me dating?"
"That was just pure curiosity."
You close your eyes, trying to quell your annoyance.
"Well if you have a question about that sort of thing, you ask me, not my son."
"Do not cross that line again, Zweig."
"I mean it."
"I won't."
"I'm serious—"
"I am, too. I won't ask him about that stuff."
"So when's the last time you got fucked?"
Your jaw dropped, face going hot as you tried to parse where the hell this man got the audacity to ask you that kind of thing.
"Excuse me?"
"Thought it seemed like a pretty straightforward question."
"It's a stupid one."
"...Yeah, you're right."
It should end there, but before you can wrap the conversation up, he adds—"It's pretty clear that you haven't gotten any in a while."
"Is it."
"Very obvious, yeah. You're really tense."
"This is just how I am naturally."
"I doubt that."
"Doubt all you want, but you're wrong."
"I don't mind. It's kinda hot," He adds, "You've got that grumpy milf thing goin' on."
Your mouth worked wordlessly for a moment before you managed, "Okay, I—I am hanging up on you now."
"Sure. Think'a me when you're rubbing one out later."
You hang up without another word, your face hot with embarrassment. You take in a deep breath, dampening the appeal of the curse words that bubble up in your throat. You're fine. You're not worked up. Patrick Zweig did not get to you.
But despite your best efforts, you did, in fact, think of him as you rubbed one out.
His flirting hasn't lessened since then. If anything, it's become more overt. Patrick never says anything untoward when your son is around, but he teases you when the two of you are waiting for your son to get his things together, or over text between lessons. You never take it too seriously. You're sure he's coaching other kids, flirting with their moms just as much. Part of his personality, part of his business model—whatever it is, it's pure Patrick, so you don't begrudge him.
You look at Patrick again as he sits beside you in the stands.
"Nail his dick to the wall?" You repeat.
"With points. Obviously."
"You look unconvinced."
"I just don't think that that's necessarily the right way to motivate my son."
You try to ignore his mock curiosity as he leans back in his seat, propping his elbows up on the chairs behind you. When your son serves, hitting a solid ace, and crowing in excitement as the ref declares the point his, you feel Patrick preening beside you, and feel his arm curl around the back of your chair. You can't even bring yourself to be truly annoyed, but you make a point of sighing anyway.
"What were you saying?"
"Can it, Zweig."
"So a trick shot isn't a way to motivate him, but this is?" Patrick waves his arm toward the array of flashing, screeching games, the children zipping back and forth, their pockets bursting with tokens and prize tickets.
"I promised him a month ago that if he won his tournament, he could pick two friends and come to Chuck E. Cheese. I just..." You trail off, "I didn't think that...He'd be pick you as one of the friends."
"Am I not his friend? I'm wounded."
"You are—Kinda, I just mean that I figured he'd pick two of his friends from school. You know, kids his own age?"
"Ah," Patrick nods. "Well, I'm flattered."
"I'm sure."
"...I am."
You hesitate before you turn to look at Patrick, and are stunned to find a small, sincere smile on his lips. You can't help but smile a bit, too.
"He appreciates you," You admit. "Your guidance, you know. You've totally changed his game."
"Eh," Patrick looks around. "He would've gotten there without me."
"Not on his own."
"...Not without you, either," Patrick meets your eye again. And while you're certain that everything else he's ever said about you has been a joke, you can tell that he means this. But you can't help but deflect:
"Yeah, well. I'm his mom. There are most places he can't get without me. School, for example."
Patrick huffs a soft laugh, and you smile—really smile. You see something in Patrick's eyes that you haven't seen before, something warm and wanting. You don't let yourself read too much into it as you turn to look around the Chuck E. Cheese again—but before you know it, Patrick is scooching closer, curling his arm around the back of your chair.
"So," He presses his thigh against yours, and you try not to think about the hard, steady muscle, "You still haven't gotten any, huh?"
You bite the inside of your cheek as you fold your arms across your chest.
"Do you have any idea how inappropriate that question is?"
"I know exactly how inappropriate it is."
"And how uncalled for?"
"I think it's very called for."
"I can't say I agree with you."
"Well it's a good thing I'm not asking you to agree, I'm just asking you to answer."
"You seem to think you know the answer."
"I dare you to tell me I'm wrong." You feel his breath brush against your jaw as he leans closer, lowers his voice to a husky murmur: "And even if I am somehow wrong, whoever it was did not do it right."
"The hell makes you say that?"
"You're still tense."
"I'm always tense. I'm naturally tense."
"I still don't believe that."
"I don't care what you think, and you know what else?"
"I don't think you could make me cum." You make the mistake of looking at Patrick when you say it. You hope that you've wounded him, but his knowing smile just widens.
You can hear his slick smugness, and you know that he doesn't believe you at all. But you force yourself to hold his gaze, nodding.
He pouts just a little, nodding.
"I think we should test that hypothesis. Make sure you really are just that tense."
"Even if I did agree to that, I don't exactly have a ton of time.
"What about when he's at school?"
"I have a job."
"Mhm. It 's how I'm able to pay you for the lessons?"
"That makes sense. I'll work something out."
"Will you."
"I'd like to see you try."
Patrick grins, leaning back in his seat again.
"You're gonna like a lot more than that."
When you get the text, you realize that he must know that you're not—that your son must have told him about his friend's birthday party, that you'd have a free afternoon. You're tempted to tell him that you're occupied—that you have a date, that you've found someone else to fuck you.
But as you stare down at Patrick's text—Busy?—you can't help but lean into your curiosity.
It's supposed to be different from this. It's supposed to be awkward, and weird, and not nearly as good, but you can't help it. Your thighs are tense; your fingers are curled in the sheets; your arms are shaking as you hold yourself up, pushing back against Patrick's cock. He groans against your shoulder, his arm hooked around your middle as he fucks you from behind.
His breath pushes hotly against your shoulder, a groan pushing between his lips with each thrust. His hand slides up to grasp your breast, squeezing and teasing in a way that makes you shiver.
Goddamn, but it shouldn't be so good. He shouldn't have been able to make you cum on his tongue and fingers with that dopey grin on his face. He shouldn't have covered your body in kisses in a way that made you feel cherished and wanted and special in a way that you haven't felt in a long time. And now, he shouldn't be able to make you want to press back, to chase down the stretch of his cock as he picks up his pace.
You reach back, grasping his thick curls as he nuzzles against your neck, chasing the scrape his beard with a soothing, slick kiss.
"Patrick," You breathe, "Fuck, I—Oh, God."
"Cum for me again," He urges, sliding his hand down to toy with your tingling clit. "Fuck, tighten up on me, baby—Fuck, that's it, that's it—"
You cry out as you cum, hips rabbiting back against his as your orgasm swells. Patrick groans, pulling out as you're still cumming. He crawls up over you, yanking off the condom and jacking his cock over your parted lips. You lean up, taking the head of his cock in and swirling your tongue. The first spurt of his cum catches you off-guard as much as the feeling of his cock pressing more deeply into your mouth as he thrusts. You draw back just enough to let go of his cock, jerking it as his cum sprays across your neck and shoulder.
Patrick finally lowers himself to lay beside you, panting as the two of you settle. You glance over, taking in his hairy chest, his muscled physique. You watch the rise and fall of his chest as he calms his breathing, and feel his hand smoothing over your thigh. You smile a little bit at the feeling, giving his hand a pat before you push yourself off of the bed to go to the bathroom and grab a washcloth. You rinse your mouth out while you're able, cleaning his cum off of your skin before returning to the bedroom, passing the washcloth to Patrick. He mutters his thanks, wiping himself down beside he tosses it away.
"C'mere," He urges.
You climb back into bed with a narrowed, speculative gaze as Patrick takes your hand, drawing you closer.
"Hey," He laughs, "What's that face for?"
"You still tense?"
"Told you I would be."
"I think you're faking it. And that better be all you're faking."
"What if it isn't?"
"Oh, it is."
"How can you know that?"
"I know." He doesn't let you keep your distance long, curling his arms around your middle and drawing you into his lap. You wobble a little, tucking your legs beneath yourself and steadying your hands on his shoulders. Patrick's hands slip down to cup your ass, giving it a playful squeeze and grinning when you smile. Patrick tips his head up, dotting your neck with kisses as you tip your head to the side, giving him a bit more room.
"What time's the party over?" He mumbles against your skin.
"Of all things, he didn't tell you that?"
"Said you might let him sleep over at his friend's place, but you hadn't decided yet."
You smile, nodding.
"I did tell him that."
"What'd you decide?"
"...He can sleep over."
"Can I sleep over?"
"You gonna be on your best behavior?"
Patrick leans back, grinning up at you.
"Not a chance."
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limethefirst · 2 months
Could I request a platonic Wolverine x Innocent Reader x Deadpool where the reader is a superhero and the two want to take care of them and shows them the ropes but argue about how to do it?
No pressure or rush, hope you’re having a wonderful day/night!
-W.P 💚
Hero in training
pairings: Wolverine x reader x Deadpool (platonic)
warnings: violence, swearing
summary: Wade and Logan don’t see eye to eye when it comes to training methods
a/n: thank you for requesting! I wasn’t super sure in what way you wanted reader to be innocent so please forgive me if this isn’t to your best liking, also I’m gonna start working on part 3 of void runners soon so keep an eye out!🫢
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No one ever said being a superhero was easy, but it especially wasn’t easy when you were being trained by both the Wolverine and Deadpool. The two people who hardly ever got along.
You watched as Wade and Logan stood in front of you, Logan wearing casual training clothes and Wade in his normal red suit. Wade looked excited, he was ready to show you his ways but Logan had another approach in mind.
“Alright kid, first we need to learn to control your powers, from there we can begin with some drills, slowly moving up to advanced drills then work more on strength training” Logan started, his plan was to train your powers and then learn some moves with them, hoping it would help you in the self defense aspect of crime fighting.
This was something Wade didn’t find appealing, “Woah back the fuck up now Peanut” Logan glared at the man, before Wade continued, “Remember we’re both training them, and I say we need some more fun in this training, maybe learn some cool flashy moves, or we can start off this party with a dance off!”
“A dance off?” You looked at Wade, a bit confused on his method of teaching but not entirely against it.
Logan on the other hand didn’t appreciate the comment, “This isn’t some type of circus act, this is real life Wade, we need to have some type of approach or we won’t make progress, and all that will happen is they get injured out there,” you looked between the two men, wishing someone else had trained you instead.
“Well why don’t we just see what our little sugar plum fairy thinks,” Wade then turned back over to you and booped your nose, “Okay kiddo, do you wanna have a fun training with Papa Wade!! Or do you want to be all bored and tired with meanie Wolverine!” Wade asked you, his voice sounded like he was talking to a little baby.
You looked at both men, unsure of what to say, not wanting to upset the other. Then the idea came to mind, “Can’t we try both methods? Maybe a combination?”
“Fuck no, that idiots ‘method’ is going to get you hurt,” Logan quickly replied, this caused Wade to go over to you and grab your head in his arms.
He began to pet your head and started cooing, “Do I look like I’d ever let anything harm them?”
You stood there as Wade held your head tight, a sigh escaping your lips, “Please Logan, I know its unconventional but I really think it’ll work!” You started to plead with the man.
Wade slowly let go, a hand still on your head, while Logan stood there, unsure if this was the right choice, but he knew how persistent Wade was.
Logan caved, “Fine but if there isn’t any progress, only I’ll train you, got it kid?”
You have him a smile and a thumbs up, Wade just went up to Logan and clung to his arm, “Awe you’re such a softy aren’t you my little firecracker!”
Logan quickly let his claws out and stabbed him in the stomach, already regretting his decision.
Over the course of the next few weeks, you continued your combination training, Logan taught you defensive skills as well as offensive, he also showed you a lot of strategies that would protect you when the time came, while Wade showed you the flair of being a hero, without having to kill as he knew that wasn’t the type of hero you wanted to be, even though every once and a while he’d try to persuade you.
Even though you’d decided to do the combination training, both men still argued all the time.
“Why the hell are you telling them to jump through the sky light when you want to sneak attack a criminal?” Logan’s finger pushed into Wade’s chest, irritated that he’d tell you to do something so dumb and risky.
“Because they need to look awesome while saving the day, oh don’t forget the funny joke once the bad guy sees you, alright my sugar cane,” Wade looked over to you and you gave him a happy smile with a thumbs up, knowing you probably weren’t gonna do that but it was nice to make him feel good before he and Logan fight again over how that isn’t an ethical way of fighting crime.
You decided it was best to leave before they started to get at it again, you knew that tomorrow they’d go back to helping you anyway. So maybe it was better to let them get it out of their systems every one and a while.
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grangerhater · 1 year
pairing: professor!Remus Lupin x student!reader
synopsis: it’s against the school principles but it’s just for a night right?
warning: plot, teacher-student relationship, they are both two consenting adults, p in v penetration, nick names “daddy” and “baby” once or twice, spanking
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The rain poured heavily outside as Y/N hurriedly made her way through the hallways of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was her last year at the prestigious school, and despite the gloomy weather, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. Today was the day she would meet her new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Remus Lupin.
As Y/N entered the classroom, a warm, inviting atmosphere greeted her. The room was adorned with shelves filled with books, and the crackling fire in the fireplace emitted a comforting glow. Y/N's eyes scanned the room, finally landing on the figure standing by the blackboard.
Professor Lupin turned to face her, his eyes filled with kindness and warmth. He had a tired look about him, as if he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. But there was an air of wisdom and intelligence that made Y/N's heart skip a beat.
"Ah, Miss Y/L/N, I presume?" Professor Lupin greeted her with a gentle smile. "Please, come in. Take a seat."
Y/N nodded and took a seat at the front of the classroom, her heart fluttering nervously. As the other students filed in, Professor Lupin began the lesson, captivating the class with his vast knowledge and engaging teaching methods. Y/N found herself hanging onto every word, her fascination growing with each passing moment.
Days turned into weeks, and Y/N found herself growing more and more infatuated with Professor Lupin. His calm and patient demeanor, combined with his intelligence, drew her in like a moth to a flame. Yet, she couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt. It was wrong to have feelings for her teacher.
Throughout the lesson, Y/N found herself constantly stealing glances at Professor Lupin. His voice was soothing, lulling her into a sense of comfort as he explained the intricacies of the Patronus Charm. She admired the way he spoke, his words flowing effortlessly and captivating the entire class.
After class, Y/N lingered behind, pretending to gather her belongings as the other students filed out. She watched as Professor Lupin collected his papers, his brows furrowed in concentration. Summoning her courage, she approached his desk.
"Professor Lupin, I wanted to ask you something," Y/N began, her voice barely above a whisper.
He looked up, his eyes softening at the sight of her. "Of course, Y/N. What can I help you with?"
She hesitated for a moment, her heart pounding in her chest. "I... I was wondering if you could recommend any additional reading on the Patronus Charm. I find it fascinating and would love to learn more about it."
A smile spread across Professor Lupin's face as he reached for a nearby bookshelf, pulling out a worn, leather-bound book. "Ah, I have just the thing for you. This is an advanced text on the Patronus Charm. It delves into the theory behind it and provides numerous tips for successful casting. I believe you'll find it quite enlightening."
Y/N's eyes widened with gratitude as she accepted the book. "Thank you, Professor Lupin. I really appreciate it."
"It's my pleasure, Y/N. I am always here for you" he replied, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer than necessary.
Over the following weeks, Y/N found herself spending more and more time with Professor Lupin. They often engaged in deep discussions about various magical subjects, and their conversations would stretch into the night. Y/N cherished these moments, treasuring the connection she felt with him.
As the months passed, Y/N's feelings for Professor Lupin grew stronger and stronger. She found herself thinking about him constantly, and longing for his company. She couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt, knowing that a teacher-student relationship was taboo, but she couldn't deny her feelings.
One day, after class, well after curfew that is Y/N snuck out of the party that was held in her common room and drunkenly decided to take a chance and admit her feelings to Professor Lupin. She gathered her courage and knocked on his office door, her heart racing.
Unfortunately, her drunken confession came at the wrong time as Professor Lupin had just finished a particularly hard day of work and was resting in his office as he enjoyed his well-earned drink. He wasn't in the mood to entertain any conversations, let alone one with a drunken student, so he ignored the knock on the door and continued sipping on his drink, assuming that whoever it was outside the door would eventually get the hint and leave him alone. But she continued knocking on the door, oblivious to Lupin's intentions and wanting nothing more than to finally tell him how she really feels.
Lupin eventually got up and answered the door, immediately realizing that it was Y/N , and annoyed that this drunken adventure wasn't ending anytime soon. Despite his annoyance, Lupin was still fond of her and knew that she had been having a rough time lately, so he softened his demeanor and asked, "miss Y/N, what are you doing knocking on my door at this time of night?" she sheepishly looked down at her feet as she answered, "I-I wanted to tell you that I have feelings for you." Lupin's expression turned to one of confusion as he asked, "Is this some kind of joke?"
Y/N realized that she had to be serious if she wanted Lupin to take her seriously. She met Lupin's gaze and said in a determined tone, "No, this is no joke. I really do have feelings for you." Lupin's face softened further as he said, " I don't know what to say. I'm flattered, but we can't be together. I'm your professor, and-" she interrupted him, saying, "I'm not asking you to be my boyfriend, I just wanted you to know that I have real feelings for you."
Lupin looked at her, trying to figure out what to say next. He didn't want to hurt her feelings but at the same time, he couldn't ignore the fact that he had always been attracted to her. Eventually, he took a deep breath and said, "Listen Y/N… I can't act on any personal urges I may have for you. It's against school policy -and-"
Y/N interrupted him again as she stepped closer to him, putting her hands on his arms and leaning in closer. "So you're saying you're attracted to me too?"
Lupin felt his face blushing as the tension mounted between them. "I can't -", he began to say but was stopped as she leaned in closer to him, bringing her face close to his. Lupin couldn't ignore the fact that she was looking at him with such desire. He took a deep breath and said, "This is not the smartest thing either of us could do, but..”
He led her inside and locked the door behind them. He pushed her against the wall, eager to fulfill their unspoken desires. Y/N couldn't believe that her night of liquid courage had paid off, but she knew that she wanted Lupin more than anything in the world at that moment.
As Lupin kissed her with all the passion he had been suppressing for so long, her heart raced with emotion. She wrapped her arms around Lupin's neck and let him take control of the situation. Lupin gently pulled her robes off as he kissed her neck and began to explore her body. Despite his initial reservations, he couldn't deny that he wanted to be with Y/N in this moment. He moved his lips down to her neck, kissing and sucking gently as he made his way down her body. She let out a soft moan of pleasure as Lupin's lips brushed against her sensitive skin.
He continued to explore her body with his mouth, devouring her sensitive skin with his kisses. As his hands groped her curves, Y/N felt her pleasure grow and she responded by running her hands through Lupin's hair, pulling him closer and pressing herself against him. Lupin was feeling more aroused than he had in years and he finally forgot about his worries and concerns. His focus was now completely on the woman in his arms and the joy she was bringing him in this moment.
Lupin and Y/N’s passion intensified as they kissed and groped each other, their bodies pressed tightly against each other. Lupin knew that what he was doing was wrong, but he was beyond the point of worrying about rules or consequences. He wanted Y/N and he was going to have her no matter what. her moans of pleasure grew louder as Lupin increased the intensity of his kisses, running his hands over her body and squeezing her curves. Y/N was lost in a state of blissful pleasure that was overwhelming and she knew that she never wanted it to end
His hands moved down to Y/N's panties, pulling them off to reveal her wetness. He slid a finger inside her causing her to moan louder. Y/N reached down and unzipped Lupin's pants, freeing his hard member. She stroked him, making him groan in pleasure. Lupin positioned himself between her legs and entered her slowly at first, but then picking up speed. They moved together in perfect harmony, their passion intensifying with every thrust.
Lupin grabbed Y/N's hair and pulled it back, exposing her neck. He bit down on it leaving a mark. Y/N moaned in pleasure, the pain only adding to the pleasure Lupin's thrusts became rougher and more aggressive, making Y/N scream with pleasure. He spanked her ass, leaving it red and raw. They were both lost in a world of rough intense pleasure with nothing else mattering but the ecstasy they were feeling
Lupin continued to spank Y/N's ass, each hit sending waves of pleasure through her body. She begged for more, wanting to feel the pain and pleasure mix together. Lupin obliged, hitting her harder and harder until she was screaming in pleasure. He pulled out and flipped her over entering her from behind.
Lupin continued to thrust into Y/N, his hands gripping her hips tightly. She moaned and cried out calling him "daddy" in a moment of intense pleasure. Lupin's desire for her grew even stronger at the sound of the nickname, and he pounded into her harder and faster until they both reached the peak of ecstasy together.
He growled in pleasure as he continued to thrust into Y/N with rough, intense strokes "You like it rough, don't you, baby?" he asked his voice filled with desire. Y/N moaned in response, her body shaking with pleasure. "Yes, daddy," she replied, her voice filled with need. Lupin's thrusts became even rougher, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room
he whispered dirty words into her ear, telling her how much he wanted her and how he was going to make her come. Y/N's moans grew louder and more intense as he continued to pleasure her with his rough, skilled hands
Lupin continued to thrust into Y/N with rough, intense strokes until he finally reached his peak. Lupin's climax was intense, his body shaking with pleasure as he came inside her with a groan. They both collapsed onto the bed exhausted and satisfied with their experience. The room was filled with the sounds of their heavy breathing.
Lupin pulled Y/N close to him and whispered in her ear, "That was amazing, baby" Y/N smiled up at him, feeling content and satisfied. "Yes, it was," she replied, her voice filled with pleasure. They both knew that what they had just experienced was something special, something that they would never forget.
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tlbodine · 11 months
Stuck? Try junebugging.
I don't know who needs to hear this, but we're 5 days into nanowrimo so maybe this will be helpful.
Do you want the safety and surety of knowing what happens next in your story but can't stick to an outline? Does knowing in advance what will happen suck the joy out of discovery writing? Do you try to wing it through plots but get tangled in plot holes or have a story that runs out of steam because you can't figure out what went wrong? Are you at your most creative when you have a little bit of guidance? Do you tend to under-write? Do you get ideas in your head for random scenes and snippets that drop from the sky without context?
If any of these apply to you, junebugging a draft might be for you!
What Is Junebugging?
Since you're on Tumblr, you might already be familiar with the concept of junebugging as it relates to cleaning. If not -- I think the idea was first introduced to me by @jumpingjacktrash.
The basic idea is that you tackle cleaning by way of controlled chaos. You pick a specific area you want to focus on, like your kitchen sink, and then wander off to deal with other things as they occur to you, but always returning back to that area. You end up cleaning a little bit at a time in an order that may not make sense to an outsider but which keeps you from getting overwhelmed and discouraged.
How Does Junebugging Work in Writing?
OK, so that's great, but how does this work with writing? Well. In my case, the general idea is to jump between writing linearly, outlining, and writing out of order. It usually looks something like:
Start free-writing a scene, feeling my way through it and enjoying the discovery process.
Thinking, ok, now I have this scene, did anything need to happen to lead up to it? Do I need to go back and add some foreshadowing? Does this scene set anything up that needs to be paid off? And then jump forward/back to make those adjustments.
I'll usually have a bunch of disconnected ideas of ideas that have popped into my head, so I'll write those down in a list somewhere and then try to figure out what goes in between them and what order it goes in.
I'll write what I call "micro-scenes" which is where I'll just sketch out a few essential elements of what's going on without worrying too much about details, description, etc. -- just he did this, she said that, the setting was this, real bare-bones script. Then I can come back through and flesh out each of those microscenes into an actual scene later.
Got a story that has a complex structure? No problem. Write through each storyline one at a time and then chop them up and weave them together afterward. Write all the B plot scenes first then come back through to do A plot and C plot. Move the pieces around like legos. No one ever has to know.
This method works for me because I can't "decide" story elements in advance. I have never been able to just sit down and "figure out" what happens in a story beyond a couple steps ahead -- I have to discovery-write my way forward. But at the same time, that gets really daunting. So I zoom forward with micro-scenes, roughing out the beats in the most bare-bones way possible, then when I run out of clear vision for what happens next I backtrack, flesh out those scenes, build in connective tissue, etc. and by then I will probably find more inspiration to jump forward.
It's basically folding drafting, outlining, and revising all together into a single phase of writing, which is chaotic and goes against everything people teach you, but if it works? then it fuckin works.
Anyway, sorry for the jumbled-up post, I'm dashing this off quickly while I heat up a pizza and I'm about to dive back into my WIP -- but I hope this was a little helpful. If nothing else, take this as my blanket permission that it's 100% OK to jump around, write out of order, write messy, outline sometimes, pants sometimes, and do whatever else it takes just to get through the story. You've got this. Good luck.
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milkb0nny · 11 months
Hii 👋🏼 Can you do an Ivar x floki daughter? They were raised together and she was his only friend when he was younger because she wasn't scared and he'll always protect her.
Older she become a healer of the village, and one day floki want her to marry ubble/hwitserk and Ivar become very very jaloux..👀
You can make fluff/smut/ angst as you want!
thank u 🤍☺️
Sorry for my English it’s not my first language
Jealous Games
Ivar the Boneless x fem!reader
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Summary: One day, your father enters your room, unveiling that your parents want you to marry Ubbe. Though, the past years you grew feeling for another man: Ivar. You never told anyone about your true feelings for the man but now that Ubbe is supposed to be your husband, you feel utterly broken down. Refusing the offer, you leave the scene, only to discover a life changing secret...
Note: Thank you SO much for this request. It was a lot of fun writing it. I enjoyed writing this particular request more than I should've. 🤍 I hope you'll like it!
Warnings: slight angst (nothing graphic), forced possible marriage, mentions of anger issues, detailed kissing scene
Genres: slight angst, fluff
word count: 2.445
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Ivar's childhood was shrouded in a tapestry of dark grays and blacks, a period marked by relentless bullying, discrimination, and a stark absence of love. love. Amid this harsh environment, Aslaug, his devoted mother, stood as one of the few adults who genuinely embraced him. Yet, even her unwavering love couldn't quell the relentless growth of his simmering anger. But, within these somber times, there existed a glimmer of hope - a hope that emerged when you entered his life.
Ivar adored Floki, viewing him as his own father and protector. Whenever the cruelty of both children and adults bore down upon him, Floki served as a steadfast anchor, and so did you. Your friendship started with a shy hesitation.
Helga and Floki, your parents, had taught you to always accept others, no matter how they looked like. You watched your father engage with Ivar, teaching him the art of weaponry and regaling him with Nordic sagas. You had shared them whenever you wanted company and as a result, the two of you became friends.
As the years passed, your bond with Ivar deepened. He shielded you from any unwelcome advances, such as nasty men, while you provided solace during his most challenging moments. Together, you embarked on hunting expeditions, sharing meals at Ivar's dwelling with his family.
Fortunately, his mother held you in high regard. She possessed a strict demeanor when it came to the women who orbited around her beloved sons, yet she understood your unshakable bond with Ivar. With open arms, she welcomed you whenever you graced her home with your cherished friend.
Of course you faced discriminating comments and remarks from time to time because of Ivar, though you stayed by Ivar’s side. You were the only woman who glimpsed Ivar's vulnerabilities, the only girl who had witnessed his anguished tears and experienced the gentleness that lay beneath his hard exterior during your shared childhood.
You knew him, cherished him, and secretly, perhaps even loved him. Yet, you concealed your affections, carrying them within your heart, as your father saw you both as siblings. Sure, you grew up together and were basically one person, but you could also love him, right?
You kept your adoration hidden and you honestly were fine with it because you remained close to Ivar but you always faced struggles when a woman tried to seduce him. You were a strong and loving woman, supporting a man whom few understood or respected.
In recent years, you had devoted your time to the study of science and honed your skills as a healer. Your knowledge extended to various herbs and methods to mend any kind of injury. Ivar sought your counsel frequently, valuing the conversations you shared.
The atmosphere between you was one of relaxation, love, and kindness, something that Ivar rarely encountered in his tumultuous life. He harbored deep emotions for you, but fear held him back. Rejection had been his constant companion throughout life, even from his own father, Ragnar Lothbrok. This fear of rejection crippled him, making him hesitant to express his emotions to you.
One day, your father entered your room with an unusual expression. You initially assumed he was about to share one of Floki's eccentric ideas, as was his habit. Therefore a bright smile creeped over your lovely face, greeting your father. However, what he proposed was far from comforting; it shattered your heart in a matter of seconds.
“I've been thinking about arranging a marriage between you and Ubbe,” he said, his words falling like lead..
You raised your eyebrows, believing that he joked at first but his serious expression remained - he meant it.
“Uh, father. I don’t know if I-,” you began, only to be interrupted by his eager explanation.
“I thought you’d remain close to Ivar and find a man who truly treats you right. I know Ubbe is a good man who will respect you,” he continued.
You pondered his words briefly, acknowledging that Ubbe was a compassionate and respectful man who held women in high regard. During your childhood, you had formed a fondness for him, but it was far from romantic.
No, you truly despised the idea.
“Father, I don't wish to marry," you protested vehemently, rejecting Floki's wishes, which he met with displeasure. You couldn't fathom joining hands with a man you didn't love, especially if it were your true love's brother. The thought left you with an overwhelming sense of unease.
“Child, you've reached a point in your life where you need a man to protect you. You're all on your own, and we're concerned," he voiced his genuine worries. While you understood his concerns, this request felt like an intrusion on your own autonomy, a call you couldn't embrace. You preferred making your parents proud and being a memorable member of Kattegat, but this wasn’t your true faith.
You were bound to none other than Ivar the Boneless, a man whose depths you knew better than your own skills as a healer. As you sat there, Floki's hand swept across his weary face, his gaze avoiding yours as he delivered the unimaginable truth.
“Ubbe has asked for your hand in marriage, and we've already agreed with Aslaug. The decision has been made, my dear," he disclosed, a heavy burden of heartache settling upon you. Tears welled in your eyes, and your cheeks flushed with the ache of this revelation.
“No, Father,” you protested, your voice quivering from the shock of their decision, made without your consent.
“We only want you to be happy," Floki tried to bridge the emotional chasm, but his words fell on deaf ears. You were consumed by fury, your emotions tearing at you, digging a chasm within your heart.
“I’m not!” You cried out, finally allowing your pent-up emotions to pour forth. "I'm not happy, Father. You have a woman you love, and Mother loves you too. Why can't I?” You shouted while tears ran down your soft skin, falling onto the ground. You sobbed uncontrollably.
“No, don’t think that,” Floki tried to console you, his heart aching as he witnessed your distress. After all, you were his beloved daughter, a sweet and loving child he cherished. Right now, you feared the fatherly connection was breaking apart.
“I’m not marrying Ubbe! I’d rather die,” you declared, your voice barely a whisper but loud enough for your father to comprehend. With those words hanging heavily in the air, you rose and fled the room, leaving your father behind. As you left the building you came across Ubbe, who of course knew about the idea before you did, though you rage signalized that you weren’t enlightened.
Floki followed closely, calling your name, but your steps quickened with each utterance. Ultimately, you ran away, seeking refuge in the familiar embrace of the Kattegat forest, a place you knew intimately. You spent a lot of time in the forests and fields to collect herbs and plants, sometimes even staying overnight in summer. With your father, mother, Ubbe, and the impending marriage fading into the background, you retreated into the solitude of the woods. Little did you know your secret significant other just found out about the marriage through Sigurd.
“You’re telling me, y/n is going to marry my brother?” The crackling fire of the fireplace represented Ivar’s slight rage as he received the information.
Sigurd understood that you were Ivar's soft spot, and while he relished the opportunity to tease his brother, he also conveyed the truth. Aslaug had kept this secret from Ivar, knowing precisely what she was doing.
“Yes. Ubbe is the eldest among us brothers, so it only makes sense for him to claim one of the town's most important women, Ivar,” Sigurd explained while deftly carving a sculpture from wood.
Ivar despised the idea entirely, his lips chewed raw as he gazed out the window. It was not Ubbe's right to simply take any woman, especially not you. He believed Ubbe was not meant for your delicate being, no matter how loving, respectful, and kind he might be. At least in the eyes of the Ragnarsson, Ubbe would never be worthy.
As the evening progressed, Ubbe and Floki entered the brothers' home. Ivar remained silent, seething with anger and disappointment. However, he was not Ubbe's primary concern.
“Ubbe, she ran way. I cannot force her,” Floki implored Ubbe to reconsider.
“Floki, it’s not your fault. I love her though, and you know it. I’d treat her with everything she desires and I’ll love the children she will bear,” Ubbe explained, greeting Sigurd and Ivar with a small nod.
“You don't love her if you'll force her to marry you," Ivar's words were cold and stern, his anger barely contained.
“Excuse me?” Ubbe was taken aback by the accusation.
Finally, Ivar’s jealousy piqued and he looked up to his brother, “You heard me. She doesn’t love you. She never will!” His words struck like a shock.
Sigurd, joining the conversation, couldn't resist a taunt, “Oh, are your little feelings hurt because she won’t hop in bed with you? Poor Ivar.”
Oh, how much Ivar hated these people, these cruel brothers who always take his hope away. They rob him of his freedom, his excitement and love. They always seemed to achieve everything, while Ivar was left with nothing but solitude and heartache. As the tension simmered within the dimly lit room, Ivar's words hung heavy in the air, causing a palpable rift between the brothers.
“Ivar, you have no right to dictate her heart. She's a woman with her own choices," Ubbe retorted, his voice carrying an air of defiance.
Ivar scoffed as a response to this unsolicited statement. It wasn’t Ivar who was trying to force himself upon you, it was Ubbe. All his life Ivar did nothing to pressure you or force you to do something. You had been safe around him, no burdens dragging you down when you had spent time together.
Sigurd, needing to provoke Ivar further, leaned in with a sly smile, "Is that so, Ivar? Or are you just afraid she might choose someone else over you?"
The youngest among them decided to not react to the jokes Sigurd made as he intentionally tried to fuel Ivar’s anger. While Ivar was torn between his immense longing for you and the realization that he might never be able to offer you the love and protection you deserved, Ivar couldn't help but feel that marrying Ubbe was wrong. The young Ragnarsson decided to leave the situation, searching for you.
They didn’t, but Ivar did.
Meanwhile, you had found safety in the forest, away from the prying eyes and expectations of your family and the town of Kattegat. There, you wandered aimlessly. As you reached a small, shallow river, you placed yourself on a rock. The silence and peace gave you enough room to reflect on the horrible decision of your parents.
You couldn’t deny your love for Ivar anymore. Whenever you thought about becoming Ubbe’s wife, Ivar’s face popped up on your mind. He was the fragile yet strong man you truly desired with your whole heart.
Tears still covered your face, seeking their way down into the cold water of the river.
It was in this melancholic moment that you spotted a familiar face among the shadows. Ivar’s presence unveiled itself on the other side of the river. His intense blue eyes, filled with a mixture of longing and despair, locked onto yours.
“Y/n,” he called your name out, his voice heavy with emotion.
You blinked a few times and a broken, yet warm smile rushed over your lips. You stood up, jumping over the small width of the river, getting closer to Ivar.
“Ivar…,” you whispered, seating you down next to him.
Even though you appreciated his company, your heart couldn’t bear to look into his loyal eyes. Alone the fact others think you and Ubbe would be a suitable couple made you feel dirty.
Ivar’s eyes remained locked on you, his voice filling the silence between you, “You… you don’t want to marry my brother, right?”
You frantically shook your head as an answer.
Ivar came a little closer, his eyes never leaving yours.
"I can't stand the thought of you being with him," he confessed, his vulnerability laid bare. Jealousy or not, his emotions were genuine and Ivar thrived for your love. Yet, he never told you.
“Ivar,” you whispered, contemplating whether you should reveal your intimate feelings. “Ubbe isn’t the man I want to call husband. Of course he’s intelligent and a wonderful fighter, though…”
Ivar’s soothing voice interjected, “I want you to stay by my side.”
Finally, a massive amount of weight released the both of you, and you widened your eyes in surprise. His confession lightened a fire inside you that you had guessed was already banished. A smile lingered on your lips while you replayed his words again and again in your mind. He asked you to remain his, not to become Ubbe’s woman or anyone else’s.
His eyes expressed his fear of rejection, since you two had shared a unique relationship he couldn’t put together. Your beautiful smile warmed his mind though, letting his hope grow little by little.
Your heart quickened in response to the significant magnetic pull between you. Softly, you said the words you had longed to say the past years.
“Ivar, I love you.”
Without a further word, Ivar reached out, his hand gently cupping your cheek. His touch was both tender and possessive, as if he wanted to memorize every inch of your face. He never held you like this - a whole new level of trust and intimacy unveiled itself. His passion and your admiration mixed together.
Slowly, he leaned in, his lips brushing against yours in a soft, tentative kiss. You didn’t know how a kiss normally feels like, but you knew his kiss was the right thing. His lips were warm and inviting, and his breath mingled with yours, creating an intimate connection that defied the existence of everything but your shared love for one another.
It was a kiss filled with unspoken promises - the weight of unexpressed emotions that were kept hidden for many years. It was a kiss that spoke of a love that had always been there, just waiting to be acknowledged, waiting to bloom, waiting to emerge.
When he gently pulled away, your hearts were racing, and a breathless silence hung between you.
Ivar's eyes stared into yours, filled with a raw intensity that left no room for doubt. He loved you too.
“No one will take your hand, except for me, Ástvinur.”
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black-suns-rim · 1 month
Valley Family Portrait (Ethereal star AU)
Before the twins were the elders of their realm, their mother, the Priestess, was it's elder. Her children were kept a secret from the valley and the other realms until her passing...
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bonus art and short story under the cut:
In the valley light temple “Mother warned us about you…” Mek sneered.
“Did she now?” The king stood behind the two siblings as they were kneeling at an alter, “Well, the priestess was never fond of me… so it’s not surprising.”
“You know you’re not welcomed here. You may be a king, but you’re not our king.” Sah stood up to face Resh, but he didn’t realize just how massive the king was, “you should leave.” Sah tried to sound threatening.
“May I offer my condolences before I leave?” He gestured to the alter the twins had been grieving at. They both hesitated before nodding. The King kneeled down in front of the priestess’s alter, pulling out a white candle. He lit it with his light magic and placed it in front of the alter. He bowed his head as he uttered a prayer. The twins could only hear parts of the prayer. Once he was done, he turned his attention to the siblings.
“Though she may not have liked me, I admired her and her teachings. I know she believed that I was getting rid of our traditions with my advances, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. We both shared the same goal you see, but it’s my methods she just didn’t approve… when I heard of her passing, I knew I had to visit her alter, though I knew I wouldn’t be welcomed here.” He spoke quietly in a soft tone.
The twins couldn’t help but listen as he spoke, “I also wanted to offer the both of you what I had offered your mother many years ago. That is if you’re willing to listen to what I have to offer.”
The two sat in silence and looked at each other, then to the king. They were curious but at the same time, they were slightly offended he had brought this up here. They whispered to each other for a while before agreeing on something.
“We’ll listen to what you have to say, but if we don’t like it, you can’t ever come back here.” Mek turned to face Resh.
“Understandable.” The king stood up, “What if I could offer your realm advanced medicines, technology and knowledge gathered from the other realms? In return, your realm becomes a part of my kingdom and you’ll have my protection. You’ll still have a say over your realm, but I’ll have the final word.”
The siblings whispered to each other, “exactly what kind of advanced medicines would you be able to offer?” Sah asked.
“Remedies that would heal illnesses, surgeries that can save a life, or improve one and much more.” He paused, “I could even offer a surgery that would give you and your sister a second arm…”
The two of them stared at Resh In disbelief. They were wearing cloaks, so there could be no way he would’ve seen… “How did you know…?” Samekh both were standing now.
“It would be rude of me not to come here without knowing who I was talking to… though it was hard finding anything out about you two. Your mother kept you two well hidden from the public, did she? But it was only to protect you, wasn’t it?”
Before they could have a chance to respond, he continued, “I heard you two love to play sports. I could offer you a chance to get the recognition you deserved. Champions of the arts. My champions even..." he paused and placed a hand on their shoulders, "Imagine a stadium full of your fans, cheering you on. The glory, the fame, the honor... All of this only if you accept to become a part of my kingdom.”
Samekh felt excited by his offers. They whispered with each other for a long time before asking him many questions. The more answers they got from the king, the more they felt excited.
“So, do you accept my offer?”
“Yes. We do.” Samekh was quick to answer.
Resh grinned under his mask, “Wonderful!” He gestured over one of his advisers who had been standing far back. They handed him a stone tablet, “I need both of your signatures for this agreement.” They were quick to sign, not bothering to read what was written on the stone.
“Next week, I’m having a meeting with all the realm leaders. You two will be sent an invitation on the location and time. We can discuss and plan further what changes will happen in your realm. We can also discuss your personal matters afterwards. For now, I’ll leave you two with these.” He handed them a couple of stone tablets with information on them pertaining specifics of what he’d mentioned.
“Welcome to the kingdom.”
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Hi, I have a question for you about TWST. Do you think that in terms of medical care and technology our world is more advanced in some ways? I had this one idea that in TWST they don’t know CPR because they have magic. Also do you think that they had a moon landing or a space race?
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On the contrary, I think Twisted Wonderland’s medical care and medical technology is more advanced than ours, if not just as advanced. Twisted Wonderland has many of the same inventions as we do (cars, smartphones, social media, etc.) and even magical variants of those (a magical wheel/blastcycle is a magic-powered motorcycle), so it doesn't make sense to me that medicine and healthcare would be the one area where the real world is ahead of TWST's. Twisted Wonderland would be more advanced than us because magic would allow them to enhance their technology to surpass what we are realistically capable of. Technomantic assistive devices integrate elements of both technology and magic to assist those with impairments. Additionally, healing potions (which accelerate the speed of one's recovery) existed as far back as 400 years ago. For those skilled in potionology, they may whip up antidotes on the spot with the right medicinal herbs.
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I also don't think that the existence of magic completely negates the need for regular first aid procedures. Non-magical methods and skills must still exist since the majority of the population are non-magical. Among humans, 90% are completely incapable of magic and of the remaining 10%, most of them are not able to produce enough magic to so much as lift a cup. Very few left are competent enough to become skilled mages, and even fewer are competent enough to become medical mages. Why would the entire healthcare system of the world be entirely based in magic when so few people would be capable of administering that kind of care? CPR and first aid exist in the first place so the common everyday average Joe can help others until actual medical personnel can arrive. It wouldn’t make sense to gatekeep these skills or for them to not have been invented simply because magic is A Thing. In fact, magic is not widely accessible and is implied to be kept for the elite and well-off (more on that here and here).
“Not many humans can use magic, so we turn to chemistry for stuff like this,” Trey says in his Silk Adorned vignette when explaining to the group how the colors of fireworks can differ. The existence of regular sciences—devoid of magic—implies the existence of regular medicine as well. Remember too that not all schools teach magic, therefore regular subjects must exist and be widely taught in non-magic schools.
It should also be noted that, even with magic, it's not a perfect solution for every ailment out there. For example, the healing potions in 7-68 do not instantly restore Lilia to full health; he notes that he must still rest and that his magic is still depleted to the point where he cannot fly back in the direction he just came from.
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Magic was also not always viewed as a positive either; a few hundred years ago, it was viewed as a frightening thing. Mages were referred to derogatorily as “witches” and “wizards”. Most societies were not structured around magic (and still aren’t to this day, with fae seeming to be the exception). This means that normal medicine and related first aid must have still existed since magical medicine was presumably not widely accepted.
All of that was to say that I’m pretty sure Twisted Wonderland still has CPR, among other means of non-magical medicine and healthcare 😅
Now as for your final questions, I do think that Twisted Wonderland has achieved space travel. Idia was able to launch Ortho into space in Wish Upon a Star, so the technology is definitely there. It should also be noted that spacesuits and astronauts have been mentioned in the 4koma, which implies the existence of space travel. Again, I’d also like to point out that TWST’s general technological advances are about on-par with ours (including modes of transportation), so there’s no reason not to believe they haven’t gone to space as well.
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I don’t think there was a Space Race though? That’s an event that happened in our history, and we know that TWST, while borrowing ideas from irl does not cleanly align with reality. For example, the fictional countries we visit have elements from many cultures (Sunset Savanna has onsen eggs, which are Japanese, not African; Harveston has fashion and foods from various Nordic cultures, etc.).
For historical events… I think Twisted Wonderland is more likely to get its inspiration from Disney movies rather than look to actual irl history. It gets into too much muddy political tension otherwise, which I totally understand TWST wanting to keep out. There were probably other circumstances that led to the advent of space travel in Twisted Wonderland.
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
Free Thai language learning resources
I’ve been learning Thai for the past 20 months. This list is by no means complete or comprehensive, what works for me doesn’t have to work for you, etc etc. That said: I’ve used most of these and found them useful, I thought you might, too. Have fun!
Youtube channels with free video lessons:
There are tons of wonderful teachers on youtube; this is by no means an exhaustive list. The three channels listed here are comprehensive, long-running, and updated regularly; if you have other favourites, please reblog and append!
Comprehensible Thai is a channel that teaches Thai in Thai, from zero, via the comprehensible input method. They have videos from total beginner through upper intermediate/lower advanced levels available.
Learn Thai with Mod – Mod runs a language school that offers good, structured group classes; she and her co-teachers often upload short videos about specific aspects of Thai. The channel has been around for a long time and they cover a lot of topics, including grammar points.
Thai Lessons by New (Learn Thai one Word one Sentence) – lots of good vocabulary and situational phrases
Other channels I like:
Advanced Thai with Kruu Momm -- one of my favourites, Momm’s a star. Not included in the upper list only because this is definitely more of an intermediate-advanced resource.
Thai with Grace -- I knew of Grace via her polyglot channel and travel vlogs before I realised she also teaches Thai. Fun stuff.
Kat talks Thai -- I believe Kat is more active on instagram (@kattalksthai), but these are still really neat.
Perth Nakhun’s Basic Thai playlist
Honourable mentions because they’re interesting and can be nice supplements (yes, the video titles on these channels tend to be clickbaity, the content is useful, though):
Stu Jay Raj: Stu is a polyglot based in Thailand. His channel is a bit of a mixed bag, but he has a very interesting approach to languages and sometimes does foreign accent reduction / accent analysis sessions on his channel (with consent and participation of those whose speech he dissects).
Thai Talk with Paddy: Paddy is an Australian who learned Thai when he was a volunteer in Thailand, he’s kept it up. Fun things about language learning and culture
Listening comprehension
I’m assuming many folks on here who are interested in Thai already watch some Thai shows (yes I’m stereotyping but also this is tumblr), which means you’re spending time listening to Thai.
If you’re not:
Netflix, Youtube, WeTV, and Viki all have several Thai shows with English subtitles available. The Youtube channel of Thai broadcasting giant GMMTV has English subtitles on nearly all of their uploaded series, some series are also subtitled in languages other than English. one31 is another huge channel; they have English subtitles on some series and some series also have subtitles in Thai. There’s tons more – find a rec list and a Thai show that sounds like you’d enjoy it, chances are you’ll be able to watch it for free, legally, on youtube. You can use the youtube controls (or the ones on netflix) to turn the speed down to 75% —this can make it a lot easier to catch what’s being said. 50% gets so draggy that I personally find it almost harder to understand, but ymmv—give it a shot!
https://lingopolo.org/thai/ has real-life recordings for listening practice; sign-up is required but it’s literally just an e-mail-address, user name and password. Using the site is free.
https://www.activethai.com/ has a section dedicated to learning the tones (under “Overview of Thai Tones”) including a self-test for listening that I found very useful.
Learning to read
I will always, always, ALWAYS recommend learning to read the Thai script. All available romanisations for Thai have drawbacks, and besides, you learned to read English with its “though through thorough tough thought”, you can damn well learn to read Thai. I promise it will help you improve your pronunciation (yes, really) and overall understanding of how the language works.
Learn-to-Read-Thai resources that seem comprehensive and like they should do everything in one:
Anki decks “Read Thai PHASE 1 - The Consonants“, “Read Thai PHASE 2 - Thai Vowels“, “Read Thai PHASE 3 - Consonant Classes” and “Read Thai PHASE 4 - Tone Rules” by Khruu Gaan (ครูกานต์). Anki is probably the most powerful spaced repetition software I have ever used. It’s free on all desktops and android. These decks have sound.
Memrise course “Read Thai: A Complete Guide to Reading Thai“
Other resources I used (In hindsight, I feel like I should’ve picked one resource to learn to read from and stuck with it; I think I was rushing and made things more complicated than need be for myself with my hodgepodge mix-and-match approach. But hey, I can read now.)
https://www.activethai.com/ – the site I started with. Teaches the consonants separated by class and with sound. The only reason this is no longer my top recommendation is that I ended up using this alongside a resource that helped me memorise what the words used to represent the letters actually mean because the site itself didn’t tell me, and I wanted that easy way to have 44 vocabulary words ready as soon as you’re done learning your consonants, and it gives you access to neat mnemonics such as ไก่จิกเด็กตาย(เฎ็กฏาย)บนปากโอ่ง.
The chart on Wikipedia’s English article on the Thai Script
the reference section of Thai-Language.com
In order to better learn to read Thai written in different fonts (modern and handwriting fonts can be tough at first), the Thai Script typographical styles overview on Thai-language.com was a huge help, as was throwing simple phrases things into gdocs and messing around to see how different fonts made them look. This chart from sanukmaak.com also helped.
Speaking and pronunciation
The hardest one for any new language for most folks. For me personally, finding someone who speaks the language and is willing to correct me was an absolute necessity, but I know that’s not always an option. If you’re going it on your own, make sure you check out the resources above for learning to hear the tones and those sounds and sound clusters not present in your own language correctly first.
Things to try on your own:
shadowing: Whenever someone on a show utters a sentence you think might be useful, or provide a useful pattern, or something just sounds cool, rewind and try to speak along as they say it, trying to make it sound as close to their pronunciation as you can.
try to record yourself and listen back -- yes, it’s cringe af but it will HELP.
memorising short sentences and phrases: tying back to the section above, there's a ton of youtube videos that is "phrases to use in [situation]" that are great for targeted learning if you're up for it
self talk (cautiously! don't want to cement bad pronunciation habits)
if you’re linguistically inclined: looking up descriptions on how to make a sound correctly sometimes helps, as does watching videos of folks who’ve successfully learned the language.
once you’ve learned to read: find sentences to read somewhere (twitter, a textbook, whatever) and read them into your phone’s dictation engine. See if the software understands you correctly. Adjust as needed until it does.
Websites and apps to find language partners or (paid) tutors
Like any other app where you ‘meet people’, please exercise caution on these.
italki (mainly for finding tutors and teachers, but you can find language partners on the forums)
Preply (web/app) (for finding tutors/teachers)
hellotalk (app only, iOS/android) for finding language partners -- free to use basic features like messaging, voice rooms, etc; has annoying ads
tandem (app only, iOS/android) for finding language partners -- free to use basic features, has ads
any other app or website that’ll let you meet people, like local facebook groups (yes really), instagram, etc
(note: Neither hellotalk nor tandem allow users to sign up without selecting a binary gender. it sucks. I’ve seen people who managed to circumvent this on Hellotalk by signing up via apple ID (? I think), but it’s hearsay and I have not managed to do so myself.)
Books (a book) that are (is) worth spending money on imo
Higbie & Thinsan: Thai Reference Grammar. The Structure of Spoken Thai. Orchid Press: Bangkok, 2002. Yes, it’s ancient in textbook terms. It’s not perfect, but it’s still the best reference grammar for Thai I’ve come across so far, and I use it frequently.
Random bits and bobs
Stu Jay Raj has two videos in particular that I, as a phonetics-and-phonology-loving person, loved and found extremely useful and wished I’d watched before I started to try and learn the script: Thai Vowels for Dummies in 5 Min v2 - A System Impossible to Forget and Thai Bites Extended Edition - Transliterating Thai using IPA. I realise these may be overwhelming and less helpful for people with no prior phonetics or phonology training, but they helped me so much it’d feel amiss not to include them.
Resources I recommend AGAINST using when starting out
drops/hello words -- seems like their Thai courses have been created using machine translation that wasn’t sufficiently proofread. They will assign you nouns in places of the corresponding verb or false cognates, and that’s within the first 10 or so lessons. Might be useful once the level where a learner can tell “ah, yeah, that’s … not right” has been reached? idk.
transcription as generated by google translate: BURN IT WITH FIRE. it’s a transliteration, i.e. 1-to-1 representation of 1 Thai letter = 1 Latin letter (extended), it’s not phonemic, it’s not going to help ANYONE (and those who can make sense of it presumably already read Thai and would be better off with just Thai script). Just. Stop.
Google translate as a dictionary: still shitty but not AS bad as the transcription function. Still, for the love of all that you hold dear, please, save yourself the pain and confusion and just use thai2english or thai-language.com instead.
And that’s that from me, friends. Yeeting this into the void before I second-guess myself more. Please append additional resources!
Edited to fix a couple of typos and errors on 2023-06-15
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mymiraclealigner · 1 year
If you didn't know me like you do | Professor!Remus Lupin x reader
summary: Remus and his ex-student have gotten really close during the Christmas Break
tw: smut (+18), thigh riding, implicit legal age gap.
word count: 2,845
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Grimmauld Place held a warm light at Christmas time. Everyone from the Order was gathered between the tall, wallpapered, rotted walls of the ancient house, filling it with tender laughs and chatter while exchanging presents and hot mulled wine.
This year, Y/n’s parents decided to spend the cold months of December and January in a tropical wonder, leaving her in the care of the famous Weasley family. They were lifelong friends of her parents and, even though she was a bit older than the twins and didn’t really spend time with them —besides at parties—, she got along with the ginger clan.
That's how the witch found herself beating Harry and Ron in exploding snap, pranking the old thief Mundungus with the twins, and having long and fun sleepovers with Ginny and Hermione some nights of the Christmas break. Professors were also around, and some were more approachable than others: Severus left pretty clear he didn’t want to be bothered, but Minerva was open to answering questions about the holiday assignments, and Hagrid had no problem advancing the topics he would teach after the break either.
There was also Remus, but he was something more than an academic figure. He was not only there willing to give Y/n book recommendations and suggest grammatical corrections in her final-year essays. He was also there lifting her spirit with bad jokes after Order reunions, asking her if she wanted more butterbeer with his eyes at the dinner table, and listening to her ramble about her dreams and aspirations late at night with a cold cup of tea in one of his hands —the other, barely grazing her pinky.
Remus and Y/n had created an inexplicable bond between them that had formed based on similar interests and sexual tension disguised as genuine concern for each other.
Each one had their problems: Remus was still affected by his deployment in Hogwarts, the transformations were tougher each month, and living again with his best friend was not as fun as he remembered: Sirius came back with a lot of tattoos, resentment towards Remus for believing the lies and an underlying sentiment of guilt for what happened to the Potters. Y/n was dealing with the stress of facing the OWLs and the working life, a brewing war that blinded her vision for the future and threatened her hopes of a normal life, and the imminent feeling of abandonment that her absent parents put in her chest.
They managed to find comfort in each other and they casually started spending more time together very quietly, very subtly. No one read Y/n's expressions like Remus, and no one felt Remus' words as Y/n did; so they started to have conversations in secluded places of the creaking house, where not even the portraits could listen.
Of course, those conversations were filled with listening ears and understanding nods, but also with thirsty lips and fidgety hands. It might have been difficult for the others to spot the magnetic chemistry between them, but it was crystal clear for anyone who would stop to analyze the shine in their eyes when they hung into each other's words.
The young witch had never felt a stronger knot create in her lower belly every time Remus brushed her hip to pass to the other side of the hall, or a hotter blush grow in her cheeks when he rolled up the sleeves of his dressing shirt to reveal strong scarred arms.
He was also down bad, even if he tried to hide it. He had managed to perfect the crossing legs method to hide his erection from his ex-student, and sometimes he couldn't correct the direction of his eyes, which always diverted to the curviness of her hips or the brown spot on her neck.
She secretly found his admiration for her body hilarious; even if he didn't make it obvious, she could see the delicate way he contemplated her moving arms and hair, and her moving lips the most. She loved to be appreciated with that devotion, she had never felt that before.
One cold night, after what Y/n perceived was a stressful Order meeting, they sat on the comfortable, almost broken sofa in front of the library's fireplace. The flames exuded a warmth that made the witch remove her woolen sweater and Remus was finding it hard not to succumb to his desire to caress her tanned collarbone.
The bitter green tea and thoughtful state of mind sparked a pessimist conversation that included Nietzsche quotations and laments about the world and the terrible situation witches and wizards of England were in with the shadow of the Dark Lord stalking the safety of people.
That obscure life beyond the comforting room seemed pointless to go through for a second. So many horrors and injustices were occurring around her in that moment, and Y/n's awareness immersed her imagination in despicable hypotheticals that involved her tortured body, and Remus' body too, who was sitting a few meters away from her.
"Sometimes I wish we weren't real," she sighed and propped her head on the back of the couch.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I wish we didn't exist, that we weren't known. That we weren't even born."
"I understand why you wouldn't want yourself to exist, I have had that feeling myself before, believe me. My question is more why you want to drag me with you to non-existence?"
Remus laughed a bit, he would always be surprised by her interesting thoughts. She had a way of seeing the world he couldn't grasp and that kept him on a fun, uneasy expectation.
Y/n was relieved to see that the werewolf had moved the conversation somewhere else, where she wouldn't have to think about the darkness of the world around them.
"Because I don't think there would be a you without me," Remus' eyebrows went up. "Don't give me that look! I-I expressed myself badly… forget it."
Y/n felt her face flush and her eyes water; the one time she decided to be philosophically flirty she messed it all up. She thought she should have just sewn her mouth shut.
"No, none of that. Try to express what you meant," Remus came dangerously close to her, increasing the heavy feeling that burnt the witch's skin.
The girl sat down straight touching his thigh with hers and, after a long sigh, she answered.
"I meant that you wouldn't be the person you are or have the thoughts you've had if you hadn't met me the way you do," Y/n was nervously picking at the skin around her thumb, avoiding Remus' stare.
"What do you think I'd be like?"
"Miserable," she joked. Remus chuckled. "I just think you wouldn't ask yourself certain things."
"Things like what?" Remus brought his shaking hand up to put behind her ear a piece of hair that had fallen in the side of her face.
Suddenly the temperature in the library went up, but it wasn't because the fire in front of them burned more intensely. The reality of an awful world truly disappeared from Y/n's thoughts completely; the warm spot in her chest was speaking louder than pain.
"Like…" the girl silenced herself for a second, and then took a big breath to mutter the bravest thing: "whether to kiss me and disobey every rational voice in your head, or bring more tea to calm yourself down and avoid that thought."
A maddening silence stilled everything in the room; the particles of dust, the creaking wood and Y/n’s breathing stopped in time.
Remus turned around to check that the silver tea set was still resting in the small, fancy desk next to the window; if he were to reach it, he would have to get up and break the intimate bubble the two of them had entered.
"Yeah, you are right, I do ask myself that a lot. The kettle is too far, though."
The nervous girl turned around slowly fearing the possibility of her understanding. Their minds were close in thought, and he had unconsciously moved close to the point where she could feel Remus' breath in her cheek, and see a sparkle in his eyes.
"So, no tea this time?"
"No, not tonight I think," he whispered with a serious expression.
Burying his scarred hand behind her ear and into her hair, he brought his nose to her. He ignored the screams of his reason telling him to get away, and teased her opened lips by rubbing noses; she thought that that is how it must feel to kiss a ghost.
The impatient little whine that fell from her mouth gave Remus the final push to press his lips onto hers. She started moving them slowly, trying to mask her desperation for him and all thoughts erased from the werewolf's mind. There was nothing more in the universe than the sweet taste of that girl's mouth. His tongue gracefully licked hers, producing a twitch of her hips and she imitated the movement of his mouth, just like he had demonstrated.
She was eager for more and Remus could smell it. It was driving him insane, but he wanted to leave up to her whether his hand was worthy of something more than the touch of her shiny hair. Just like she had just read his mind, she pulled herself closer to him, squeezing his arm to signal a need for physical contact. Remus placed his hand behind her shoulder, moving her body towards his direction; and without any warning or precaution, Y/n turned herself to him, sitting on one of his thighs.
She separated slightly from him. His hands were now holding her waist in place and they could feel each other's breath from how close they remained. A silent conversation of whether this was real or not started. Their eyes weren't discussing the actual actions, but the tangible desire behind them and the not-so-innocent intentions.
While trying to assimilate that they both wanted this, Y/n started to rub herself against his thigh, searching for a pleasure only he could give her, she was sure. Remus squeezed her sides, trying to avoid the inevitable, and hopeful that she would notice he was not worthy of such pleasure. He closed his eyes, repeating to himself that he should not be enjoying this, that this was just a dream.
"Look at me, please," Y/n said slightly out of breath, Remus' eyes remained shut. "Come on, don't you think I'm pretty?"
Of course he thought she was pretty, and smart, and fun, and so many other things. But this was wrong; it was wrong not only the fact that he doubled her age, but that she deserved someone more capable of giving her love and attention. He was emotionally unavailable to shower her with love, and he wasn't going to be the one breaking her heart.
"Remus, do you not want this?" her hips halted, and his eyes opened immediately, "because I understand if you just think I'm too immature and inexperienced, a-"
"Of course I want this" the words flew straight out of his heart skipping his reason, but he didn't regret what he said.
Y/n didn't waste more time and rushed to grab his face to feel his lips on hers. Remus tightened his grip on her hips and forced himself to forget anything outside the library. In that precise moment, there was only he and Y/n, and his mind shouldn't get distracted from anything else. Nothing was more important than her right then and there.
Now Remus' arms were the ones guiding the movement of her hips back and forth. She bunched the fabric that covered his shoulders in her hands, trying to hide the moans to express her pleasure; the seam in her jeans had found her spot perfectly and the rubbing against Remus' strong thigh was stimulating her just the right way. Sweat started to emanate from her frown and her eyebrows moved up involuntarily, her panting was creating in Remus a hot feeling in his chest and he wanted to feel her warm cunt closer to his leg.
"Take off the jeans," her hands flew instantly to the button on the front, and Remus helped her take one leg out of her jeans so she wouldn't completely fall off his lap.
Remus appreciated how her simple light gray underwear clad to her hips. He followed the sewn end of the fabric with his fingers, from where her legs met her hip, through the middle of her buttocks, until her center. She was wet and the gray of her panties evidenced it blatantly. The werewolf rubbed his fingers on the wet spot before the witch forced herself to sit right on top of the evident bulge in his pants.
The girl started moving slowly again trying to stroke his cock with her middle effectively. Remus stiffened as a reaction to the pleasure he was receiving and that he craved for a very long time before. He was rock hard underneath her, and she took that as an advantage to rock herself against him with more intensity, making it difficult for the two of them to stay quiet.
Remus trespassed the fabric of her underwear and firmly grabbed her bottoms to get some control. The now panting girl searched Remus' lips to comfort herself because there was something forming in her stomach and in her chest stronger than anything she had felt before.
Yes, of course Y/n had touched herself before, in Grimmauld Place it had been difficult to find alone time, but the shower was always a good place of peace where she could visualize her previous DADA professor turning her over a desk and taking a firm hold of her hips. However, she had never really had an orgasm, she usually stopped when it'd get too good because her hands would start shaking and her legs would get some funny, unbearable ticklish feeling.
Her core started getting wetter and wetter and Remus couldn't hide his grunts; he imagined being inside her and his cock twitched embarrassingly.
He lowered his kisses to her chin, then her jaw leaving a sweet purple mark close to her ear. He continued going down, taking more time in that precious mole on her neck, until reaching the swell of her chest. He removed a hand from her moving bottoms and brought it up, with the intention of lowering the hem of her v-neck top.
When Remus started kissing and licking her nipples, Y/n held to his head and cuddled herself against him moving more desperately on him.
She was also imagining having him inside of her, close to his skin, without clothes between their bodies. She wondered what his chest looked like; maybe it was as scarred as his face, or maybe it was full of tattoos like Sirius'. What she knew with certainty was that it was hairy since some hair always peeked from the top of his shirt, and that it was very strong from the way he held her to him.
The werewolf's hips rose softly, following the girl's hip movements with a mouthful of her breast. Both him and her weren't containing their sights of pleasure and were just as close to climax.
Y/n grabbed a handful of Remus's slicked back hair to announce she couldn't bear much more of the pleasure, and he responded by bringing one hand to her hair to pull her close to his face. The closeness permitted them to look into each other's mouths with tired pants and a feral urge to crash lips.
"R-Rem, I think I-I," the witch could barely mutter a word, the divine sensation in her center started crawling up her back and arms, making them weak and wobbly as her voice.
"I know, love. Me too. Be a good girl and cum for me," he whispered, swallowing a moan from how good she felt on top of him.
Just before her legs gave up, an electrocuting sensation tickled her neck and stiffened her whole body. The witch came letting out a surprised little scream with her head buried in his shoulder; she had definitely never felt something like that.
“Good girl, yeah, good girl,” he panted as she rode him through her orgasm.
Remus welcomed all the weight of her body in his chest and, unannounced, came in his dressing pants from the lazy movements the girl was making on him to elongate her climax. He joined her ecstasy with satisfied little grunts and a fist holding her hair. Both entered a hazy, dreamy state where nothing could be bad and words were too complicated to pronounce.
The girl raised her head to meet Remus' eyes. He, ignoring the small circle of drool that she had left on his upper sleeve, gave her a smile and held her by the neck to kiss her sweet lips, certainly not for the last time.
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really really not everywhere as advanced as US & some other well known western countries with autism awareness autism acceptance. yes so many thing suck about US autism stuff but really need people know that. compare to birth country, US autism progress is heavenly.
just use birth country here as example. “cure” & “recovery” still very commonly believed & used, “my child diagnosed autism age whatever nonverbal severe but now recovered talking smiling make eye contact etc” “how can my child recover from autism” literally out of three post when look up autism, two or more like this.
intervention very much still on need “teach” (force) eye contact, that all repetitive behaviors bad, that child avoid parents because of their 24/7 nonstop “intervention” not seen as warning of maybe should rethink this but instead seen as another symptom of doomed severe autism. focus of intervention for nonverbal people is teach talk how teach talk here magic method teach talk ultimate goal teach talk “look my child was nonverbal but now talk fluent” achievement
goal is “normal” child.
“cured” “recovered” is “normal” looking “normal” behaving child. have not seen single person talk about emotions & feelings & inner stuff
old old school ABA. gold standard. but “even” that “luxury.” spend entire life savings for these interventions. thirty thousand spent on intervention, prefaced by “only.” “only thirty thousand”
there’s little to no neurodiversity positivity.
“thought about/almost did killing myself/family when child diagnosed/when raising autistic child” seen countless comments n posts like this maybe hundreds in 20 minutes desperate scrolling &. maybe three basic talk about AAC. badly
gather 100 family with nonverbal child. would consider it miracle & statistic anomaly if even one family heard of AAC. not even think positively of it. not even use it or want use it. just heard of it
someone nonverbal nonspeaking using AAC communicate fluently. unheard of. doubt even thought of as possible
if am make post about how am nonverbal & level 2/3 autistic - would 100% be called fake n not real. would be told real nonverbal autistic people all can’t understand basic concepts, not to mention able communicate & use social media like this (don’t even dare call it predominant view because feel like that imply there small group that not believe. where that small group, not sure exist here). don’t even dare mention autistic catatonia & associated late regression that in my medical records confirmed by one of top autism place in US.
talk about “mild autism” “high functioning autism” “asperger’s” as if end of world as if death sentence, one post find out husband may actually be on spectrum “mild/high functioning/aspergers” n talk about it as if end of world as if marriage shattered fall apart as if rest of own life ruined. n have that validated by EVERYONE in comments.
n then just imagine that double triple quadruple when talk about child adult who nonverbal who diagnosed severe who have behavioral problems scream cry repetitive behaviors
videos of severe nonverbal child and adult be treated not as human. n comments full of hugging parents n feeling bad for family for misfortune of having child like this
“what did do in past life to deserve this”
don’t know how describe how bad it is unless see for self. twenty years behind. underestimate. probably even more
(n then there small small group of international students that studied in US or UK with their aspie supremacist rhetoric copied from places like instagram tumblr tiktok. truly out of body shocking amazing dichotomy. sarcasm)
n this just. tamer less extreme version of what saw. because. don’t know how describe
whatever common autism myth that is be dispelled in US, it still main belief here.
seriously can’t even. don’t even know how to. there no word truly describe how am feeling.
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animeyanderelover · 1 month
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Tw: Yandere themes, possessive relationship, obsession, delusional mindset, clinginess, manipulation, strictness, threats, blackmailing
S/o is like Power from Csm
Fujioka Haruhi
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👑​Haruhi differs from the rest of the Host Club, not only because she is the only biologically female host but also because she didn't grow up in a wealthy environment. She's far more down to earth and honest which is why she is able to show the most leniency to her darling. Her concern for your hygiene and overall behavior stems less from her expectation how a woman should behave and act in school and more from how she believes everyone regardless of gender should act. She doesn't want you to shower with the finest soap and dress up in the most expensive clothes as she didn't dress up properly either when she initially entered the school due to her circumstances but Haruhi still thinks that there should be a minimum that you should at least fulfill and she won't ask of you to go beyond that. She is very blunt though with this small request of hers as she doesn't tiptoe her way around this conversation with you. Responsible and practical as she is she will showcase a lot of patience as she tries to help as well as teach you on how to behave at least a bit more respectful in public as well as teach you how to take better care of your hygiene.
Suoh Tamaki
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🌹​Tamaki is crying tears because of you more than just once. He is used to the refined ladies swooning over him an using his princely charm to persuade every woman's heart yet all of his advances fly straight over your head as you couldn't care less, something that hurts his pride. His expectations and wishes for an overall betterment of your life and behavior are higher than those of Haruhi though he wouldn't want you to change your entire personality as he finds some characteristics of yours weirdly charming. Unfortunately his father happens to be the chairman of Ouran Academy and so he knows of the many complaints other parents and students submit to him due to your intolerable behavior and he doubts that his father would allow him to take you as his partner. So as the passionate and stubborn man that he is he decides to teach you himself all with the excuse that it will benefit you greatly. In reality his main motive is that he needs you to fit in better so that no one will have great complaints about him loving you, proving that he is also on a more egotistical side just as you are. Tamaki is clingy and confrontational about it all, at times almost as selfish and self-motivated as you are.
Ootori Kyouya
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💴​Kyouya normally claims that he only helps people if it benefits him yet there are no material advantages to be gained as he dedicates his forced help to you as his main motivation is his expectant obsession. He has the highest expectations from all hosts and is partially almost repulsed that from all ladies it is you who caught his eyes. His father would never allow him to marry you and Kyouya himself can't sit still as long as you are as vulgar and gross in appearance as well as behavior. He's diligent and calculating, has an entire schedule for you where he plans to teach you on how to be a better person. He constantly makes notes on your behavior and methods how to have you behave in a more lady-like manner and uses your self-motivated behavior against you to bribe you to tag along with his ideas and wishes even if this doesn't work all of the time. It is quite hard to blackmail you and find an efficient way to have you listen more and whilst it is probably quite tasteless to others Kyouya knows that this is one of the best methods to keep you in line as you are mainly driven by your own desire and emotions. He'll give you more freedom once you stop behaving like a savage.
Haninozuka Mitsukuni
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🍯​His childish appearance normally results in the women in the Host Club babying him and gushing over his cuteness yet none of that works on you as you rudely tell him off or ignore him and Honey has actually broken down in tears a couple of times due to it as he is a sensitive soul. He's very carefully tried to see if he could guilt-trip you with his tears one time only to arrive at the conclusion that you are not a very sentimental soul when you ignored him. All of his approachs that would usually work on women don't work on you and he spends a good day pouting about it, deeply upset as he stuffs cake in his face to deal with the frustration. Despite his dimwitted looks at times Honey isn't naive though so when he realises that you are driven by greed he tries a different approach by enticing you with all the cakes that he consumes and he isn't surprised to see that it works well with you devouring all the sweets he offers you. Now that he has managed to find a way to keep you by his side he struggles though to get further with you as you are childish without any trace of maturity that he possesses and don't respond to his advices, your words only hurting him even if he tries to remain optimistic.
Morinozuka Takashi
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💪​Mori may not be the most talkative individual but that doesn't take away from his concern in regards to you. He has spent a lot of time simply observing you as you are commonly refered to as the black skeep of this academy who puts shame on their traditions and values and as much as he feels protective of you and adores you he can't defend you in this regard. You lack the bare minimum of politeness and do whatever you want without any regard to anyone else and constantly lie to bring yourself out of troubles and he has been the biggest victim of it. Mori often accompanies you in hopes of preventing you from breaking things or disrespecting and angering others and whenever you got in troubles you always pushed all the blame on him without even giving it any thought. You're lucky that Mori is as patient as he is as probably no one else would have been able to deal with you for as long as he did. He's not only extremely patient but also very persistent in his constant attempts to teach you how to behave better. Sometimes though he does get a tad bit more intimidating and uses his strong body built against you to scare you off if you manage to push him around a bit too much.
Hitachiin Hikaru
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🩵​Hikaru proves to be one who perhaps finds himself struggling the most with his darling. Having grown up being co-dependent on his twin brother he often finds himself struggling with others and this is especially bad due to behavior. You end up hurting Hikaru's feelings more than once as you pay zero attention to him or simply ignore his attempts to get closer to you, your attention fickle as you show interest in other things even when he is trying to have a conversation with you. This often ends with Hikaru angrily stormig away, unable to deal with the pain you inflicted on him by acting as if a mere object is more interesting than he is. As someone who tends to be jealous as it is this only increases this tendency of his as it not only is limited to people anymore but also to objects that fascinate you and catch your attention. Alongside with this increase of jealousy his nervousness also spikes up a good bit as he starts feeling terrified to approach you again, afraid to be hurt once more which is slowly but surely taking a toll on his own self-confidence. In an attempt to get through you though he starts indulging you in your superficiality by buying you all sorts of useless trinkets.
Hitachiin Kaoru
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🧡​Kaoru may keep up the mischievous and playful charade when him and Hikaru are together yet despite being the younger twin he is far more level-headed than his older brother is. This doesn't mean that he can expertly handle you but at least he shows a degree of self-control unlike his older brother and doesn't run away when it gets too much. It's still very difficult to deal with you, especially since you are the opposite of what Ouran Academy expects of its female students and whilst Kaoru also doesn't expect nor want you to be the lady of all ladies it would be nice to see you behaving a bit more properly since sometimes you do gross him out with your behavior as well as lack of body hygiene. He doesn't try to be as shallow as his older brother though and attempts to gain your attention and at least a fraction of your obedience by indulging you in your greedy and selfish superficiality but instead attempts to do it the harder way by convincing you to try to be a bit more proper. He is no idealistic fool though. As soon as Kaoru realises that mere nice words don't seem to work on you he will resort to other methods to get you to force listening to his advices a bit more.
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yarensdiary · 10 days
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Some tips to study!:🎀
1.Set Clear Goals: Break your larger objectives into smaller, specific tasks for each study session. This makes your progress more manageable and keeps you motivated.
2.Create a Study Schedule: Plan your study time in advance and stick to a routine. This helps develop discipline and ensures you cover all the topics you need.
3.Use Active Learning: Instead of just reading or highlighting, actively engage with the material. Try summarizing what you learn, ask yourself questions, or teach the topic to someone else.
4.Take Regular Breaks: Study in short bursts, like 25-30 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break. This method, known as the Pomodoro Technique, helps keep your mind fresh and focused.
5.Stay Organized: Keep your notes, books, and digital files organized. Having a clean and structured workspace helps you focus better and saves time during study sessions.
6.Use Multiple Resources: Don’t rely on one textbook or resource. Combine materials like videos, online courses, or apps to enhance your understanding of the subject.
7.Review Regularly: Revisit your notes frequently. Regular review helps move information from short-term to long-term memory, making it easier to recall during exams.
8.Practice Past Exams or Problems: If possible, work on past exam papers or similar problems. This prepares you for the format and helps identify areas that need more attention.
These tactics can help you stay efficient, organized, and motivated during your studies.
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I realise you're HE, but any thoughts on how high school level education should be run/changed/etc? I'd love to know your views!
Oh sure, plenty, but they're not particularly informed lol
Well; Wales is actually massively and fundamentally changing secondary education atm, but we won't be getting students from it until the year after next, I think, so no real comment on effectiveness yet - but it's very interesting. They're getting rid of isolated subjects in favour of broad umbrella areas, as I understand it? So there's now Science and Technology (Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Computing, and all the various DT subjects like Woodwork, Electronics, Cookery, etc), Maths and Numeracy, Humanities (History, Geography, Ethics, Religion), Languages Literacy and Communication, and Health and Wellbeing (actually maybe Cookery comes under this one now? Dunno.) And there's a sixth to do with arts but I can't remember what it's called. But it includes Art, Drama, Media Studies, etc.
And then the idea is that a class will learn about a given topic at a time (I don't know for how long, so let's say six weeks), and this will be taught in each of those six umbrellas but via their own methods. So like... I dunno, let's say the Tudors:
That's fairly straightforward for Humanities, but in addition to giving you the historical facts you'd also explore historic trade routes and natural resources of the time and how they related to the politics (geography), the religious make up of the country and how THAT related to the politics (religion), etc.
Maths and Numeracy might explore how to use statistics to analyse Tudor era population or trade data.
Science and Tech could look at disease outbreaks and virology, or technological advancements and how they worked and get students to build one, or get students to construct a Tudor-era town using computer software
Languages can study plays from the era (Shakespeare), look at linguistic development, or use historical events as talking points to practice using vocab in conversations
Health and Wellbeing can explore stressors and challenges of the average Medieval peasant and how they overcame them, or play some popular Tudor sport or game, or make food to Tudor recipes, etc
The Arts one (god I cannot remember the name) can look at art history of the period, fashions, perform plays, etc
So everyone is still teaching the skills and knowledge of their subject areas, they're just united by one big case study. It apparently allows for far more integrated teaching, too, where two previously discrete subjects can join forces on a project.
All of which seems pretty good, on the whole, but also rife with issues if everyone isn't careful, so we'll see how it shakes out over the next few years.
From my own experiences of school though. Jesus. Something definitely needed to happen, fuck me.
What I should have learned in Textiles:
How to use a sewing machine
How to sew by hand to mend a tear
How to darn a hole
How to hem, dart, take in, and let out clothes
How to sew from a pattern
What I actually learned in Textiles:
How to use a sewing machine on its most basic setting
How to phone in creating a hand puppet out of felt because gluing was easier than sewing
How to badly sew an extremely makeshift and shit bag out of scrap fabric that you in no way want to then use
How to lose all interest in Textiles because it was useless and uninteresting
Like that is a VITAL skillset-imparting subject, and they fucked it, lads, they completely fucked it. Why did they never set us the task of buying a cheap shirt from a charity shop that we then amended in class? That would have been so useful.
Games and PE! Fucking hell! Here's what I should have learned:
How to stretch my body safely to target specific muscle groups, and in particular, how to cultivate a daily stretching routine I enjoyed and wanted to do
How to find a physical activity active enough to get me out of breath that I genuinely enjoyed, so that I wanted to continue it, e.g. salsa dancing or rope climbing or ice skating or hill climbing or assault courses or fucking anything at all
How to build my body up to doing particular activities safely and sustainably
How to find a physical activity to do on wet, cold, rainy days that would still be fun and I would still enjoy
Here's what I actually learned:
Physical activity is always uncomfortable and miserable and sometimes even painful
If you aren't enjoying running around in the wind and rain instead of the indoor gym The Problem Is You. Start Enjoying It.
Wanting to stay warm and dry and comfortable is a punishable choice.
You are only permitted to do physical activity in clothes that make you feel profoundly exposed and uncomfortable (a gym skirt and gym knickers in my school. Cycling shorts got you detention. Don't get me started on jogging bottoms.) Again, if you do not enjoy this, The Problem Is You. Start Enjoying It.
There are only three activity options. If you don't enjoy any of them, physical activity is not for you.
You should be able to Just Do physical exercise, without any training to build you up to it. If you can't and it hurts, this is because you're Bad At PE.
You will only be shown Once
Physical activity is only ever a team sport that you aren't good enough to be willingly picked for
And you know what, LET'S round off with Food Technology/Cookery. Because I remember the things I was asked to make in FT. As a little baby Year 7, I still vividly remember two of the things we made.
Angel Delight. Easy, you might say! A simple treat, you might think! Easing the children into food prep, I hear you cry! But no, because the theme of the year was healthy eating, and so we were to add fruit to our Angel Delight. Any flavour Angel Delight, any fruit. Off you go. I don't know if any of you have encountered fruit, Tumblrs, but it famously has faintly acidic juice. This will prevent the Angel Delight from setting within the one hour lesson, no matter how well you mixed the pudding, or how quickly you got it into the fridge. It will result in soggy gross lumps of oxidising fruit in sloppy liquid pudding. Lesson learned: fruit makes food worse.
Cake. Easyish, you might say! A little harder than the Angel Delight but good training, you might think! A fairly straightforward process with a child-friendly food at the end, I hear you cry! But no, because the theme of the year was still healthy eating, so the teachers made it into an experiment; make four small cakes. One with sugar, one with sweetener, one with apple, and one with carrot. Then taste them and rank them in order. Off you go. I don't know if any of you have ever tried eating sugarless carrot cake, Tumblrs, but I have, and I can tell you categorically that it really puts the "Did you know" into the phrase "Did you know that fructose and sucrose are not actually equivalents of each other in a culinary setting?" It was rancid. It was disgusting. It was vile. It made me hate carrot cake for the next 12 years, in case my mouth had to go through that ordeal again. I'm still highly suspicious of the stuff even now. To (I assume) the surprise of fuck-damned no one, we unanimously put them in the order of sugar, sweetener, apple, carrot. Lesson learned: FRUIT MAKES FOOD WORSE AND CARROTS ARE ACTIVELY DISGUSTING
What possessed them?! No idea. Fucking hell.
Anyway this is getting long and I am still ill-informed. Peace out.
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katsukiizmoon · 1 year
Desc: Talkin’ bout Katsuki while you’re pregnant & when you have a daughter
No cause now all I can think about is katsuki with a daughter :( everyone Shutup I’m usually more immune to baby fever but oh god…. >:( katsuki needs to give me a baby girl
I can go into details and I will
Buys a giant wardrobe for her before she’s even born. Has custom made dynamight baby clothes made just for her.
Reads every parenting book known to man and has a binder of development notes!! This man has written down everything from how to cure baby gas to the best learning tools and methods for little ones
Makes freezer prep meals for when you’re post-partum and struggling ! Soup cubes, one pan sheet meals, instant pot dinners, the works. He makes frozen mandu (Korean dumplings) for an easy snack.
SLATHERS you in Shea butter and bio oil throughout your pregnancy, giving you rubs up and down all the time
Begins impulse buying childrens books and toys any time he steps into a store
Your home now has an entire room dedicated to the items he had either BUILT or BOUGHT for your child. Shelves are secured to the wall, filled with every book and pack of flash cards he’s purchased
Lays her down on his chest for quick naps with dragon tales on, humming to soothe her to avoid hics and sniffs from his beloved baby
Calls her “angel” for the longest time but here’s a list of other nicknames he uses: “squirt” , “shithead” , “princess” , “little spark”
Has the baby’s footprints stamped on thick cardstock for every two months she grows, until she hits a year. At a year he begins doing it every 6 months.
Starts teaching her to bake early on, all their favorite treats. They sit afterwards and eat to their hearts content until she inevitably knocks out on his chest watching Disney movies
Let’s her paint his nails as soon as she’s old enough. When she hits an age where it’s appropriate, they begin getting matching pedicures with you every month
Also post partum he spends time fixing you warm baths to soak in and love yourself in, while he holds the little one and makes dinner
Also also when you’re pregnant he literally has a brand new toilet installed to help you so you won’t need a peri bottle as much when you go to the bathroom :(((
Bathroom? Stocked with everything you can imagine. Tiny fridge for your padsicles? Check. Adult diapers? Check. Stool softener? Check. Baby wipes? Check! Anything you need, is stocked to the brim
Makes it mandatory that for the first 7 days of your little one’s life, only you and him will be around the baby. No visitors pressuring you, none of that. He plans the entire week in advance and tries to account for how tired you’ll be. The first thing he tells you to do when you get home is to get some sleep, and you do.
Calls his mom for help when you’re both a little too stressed and has her watch the baby in the play room so the two of you can have an hour nap
Takes you out to different attractions every week and/or has a “mommy day” planned each week to help lessen the chance of post partum depression
I just truly think he’d worship the ground yoj walked on and pave the way for her. He’d tell her how much he loves her every day. I bet he even puts a mild lavender lotion on her before she sleeps to help her rest and relax.
When she’s a newborn and going through the phase of refusing sleep, he gets you in bed and rocks her in the rocking chair until she’s asleep. He also demands the baby SHARE a room with you until she gets to at least 7-8 months. Baby cameras everywhere. Everything is baby proof. If you think it isn’t, it is.
When I die, The first thing I’m doing is having katsuki knock me up so we can live a happy life with a little one.
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