#adrien x food
wolfprincesszola · 1 year
Lovesick (Miraculous Ladybug Adrinette)
Heyyyyyy, sorry for being absent for 8+ months. Here's a fic to ease your worries. For context, Kagami is a pediatrician, Marinette and Alya are roommates, Nino Felix and Adrien are all roommates, and they're all aged up and out of college by this point. Ladybug and Chat Noir never happened in this AU and this is what I call a mediocre AU where nothing happens to the protagonists because it's a lot like the rest of us. This is a lot like the love stories we have in real life with the mediocrity of life and that's beautiful <3
Masterlist ——————– Summary: Adrien's been feeling all sorts of symptoms recently that all root down to one problem: Marinette. He thinks it's sickness, but his friends help him realize that it's much more than a common cold.
Trigger Warnings: None
Content Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Food ——————–
"Hey, Adrien. What are you doing here?" Kagami raised an eyebrow as Adrien walked into his friend's medical office. "It isn't like you to show up to my office when I'm only a pediatrician."
"No, it's not that. I just need some advice."
"Hm?" Kagami raised an eyebrow as she glanced at the time on her phone, "I guess I have a few minutes to spare before my next appointment. What's going on?"
"You can check me for colds, fevers, and all that, right?"
"Yeah, but I may not be able to do much, since I only work with kids. You should go to your regular doctor for that."
"I just need some advice from a friend before I go spend money on a hospital visit. I feel like I'm sick, but I've checked my temperatures. I'm perfectly fine, but my stomach's being weird, my breathing's abnormal, my heart keeps beating faster than normal, and there's just so many things I feel like is wrong with me. Do you think it has anything to do with my injury?"
Kagami placed her hand on his forehead before shaking her head, "I doubt it. It doesn't seem like anything's wrong with you. No cold, no fever."
"That's not really the answer I wanted to hear." Adrien grumbled.
"How much rest have you gotten? Water? Food?"
"Less than I'd like to admit, but water and food intake is fine."
"Why don't you try getting some rest and seeing if that helps?" Kagami forced a friendly mouth upturn, "If it doesn't, go see your regular doctor, okay?"
Adrien nodded, standing up stiffly, "Thanks anyways, Kagami."
"Of course. Let me know if anything gets worse." Kagami nodded as Adrien exited out of the office. He was in his own world when a voice broke his thoughts.
"How's your sickness?"
Adrien jumped at the voice, looking around to find Marinette in front of him. She was staring at him worringly.
There it was again. His heart beating faster than normal, his stomach turning inside out, him needing to manually breathe in order for it not to be abnormal.
"What?" Adrien asked, his voice cracking. He cleared his throat awkwardly, wondering why his voice was like that. Marinette was one of his best friends, just a friend. Why was he acting like this around Marinette? Why only Marinette?
"How's your sickness?" Marinette repeated, "I'm guessing that's why you came to Kagami, right? I remember you mentioning something was wrong."
"Oh, yeah!" Adrien chuckled, lying through his teeth. "What are you doing here?"
"Kagami forgot her lunch she packed, so I'm bringing it to her." Marinette shrugged, "Have you eaten lunch?"
"No, not yet."
"Great, I haven't either. I can give this to Kagami and then we can go eat something together. I feel like ramen today."
"That sounds great."
After eating ramen together, the two played Ultimate Mecha Strike III for a little to cure their boredom. Adrien found out early on in their friendship that he enjoyed hanging out with Marinette. Even if they were doing boring work stuff like scheduling, Adrien found that he was always entertained by Marinette's exclamations of boredom. Everything about her was so interesting to Adrien, and he couldn't imagine why he was feeling the way he is.
Even after 16 hours of rest over the next few days along with a regular schedule of 8 hours, nothing was working, so he decided to try and make an appointment with his regular doctor, only to find out that the only appointment he could book was 5 months later.
"I'm home!" A voice called out and Adrien jumped up from the couch he was sitting at. Alya walked through the door, surprised to find Adrien in the apartment.
"Oh, sorry, Adrien. I didn't know that you were here." Alya remarked as she placed her stuff down on the kitchen counter. "Did Marinette invite you over? Where is she?"
"We were going to make cookies, but she forgot the sugar, so she is going to buy it." Adrien replied, "She'll be back soon."
"Okay." Alya nodded before staring at Adrien with his open phone, "Doctor's appointment? Did you break your arm or something?"
"No, it's not that." Adrien sighed, "It's this weird thing where my mind is whirling at 60 miles an hour, my heart starts pounding, I start losing control of my breathing, my stomach keeps doing twists and turns and it feels like something's fluttering in there..."
"That sounds worrying." Alya raised an eyebrow as she took off her jacket to hang on the coat hanger. "Did you get an appointment?"
"Not for 5 months. I haven't booked it yet."
"I see."
"I already went to Kagami, but she said it isn't her specialty and I don't know what else to do. You want to know the weirdest part?"
"What?" Alya asked as she was unpacking her lunch box to place the tupperware into the sink to wash.
"It only happens around Marinette."
Alya paused, putting down the last tupperware in her lunch box before walking over to Adrien to talk to him face-to-face, "What happens around Marinette?"
"You know...the symptoms."
"Can you repeat them again?"
"My heart races, my stomach flutters, I can't control my breathing, my hands start to get sweaty, recently I've been stuttering around her. I don't even know why. I think I'm sick but the temperatures say I'm not."
"Oh." Alya's face broke into a grin, "You are sick."
"I am?" Adrien perked up, "Wait, why are you smiling? Shouldn't you be sad or scared that I'll spread it to you?"
"I doubt that would be possible. This type of sickness isn't contagious." Alya snorted before gasping in excitement, "Should I make heart macarons for the occasion? No, I'd probably just burn them..."
"Wait, what? What are you talking about? Slow down!" Adrien flushed in embarrassment. Why was she keeping him in the dark?
"I'm surprised Kagami didn't diagnose it. She caught this sickness too." Alya raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"I might've left a couple of details out..." Adrien was relieved that Alya knew what was wrong with him, but he wished she would just cut to the chase and tell him what it was. "What sickness is it? How can I treat it?"
"Adrien, you're lovesick." Alya remarked.
Nevermind. Alya doesn't know what she's talking about.
"What are you talking about?" Adrien scowled, "I thought you had an actual diagnosis for me. Shouldn't it be worring how I'm feeling?"
"I was until you told me what you were feeling. Faster heartbeats, butterflies, thoughts running at 100 miles an hour, only triggered around Marinette? That's lovesickness. I should know, I've experienced it with Nino. Look at us now."
"Listen, if you're not going to be any help to me, I'm leaving." Adrien stood up, frustrated. "I'm not lovesick, especially not to Marinette!"
"If you say so~" Alya hummed, "I'll buy heart macarons and tell Marinette to deliver it to you then."
He stormed out of the apartment, knowing that Alya was probably bluffing to troll him. Shooting a quick text to tell Marinette he's sorry but he had to go somewhere, he called an Uber to go back to his apartment.
"You're back home already? How did the cookies turn out?" Nino asked as soon as Adrien walked through the door.
"I don't know. I left before we could bake them. Your girlfriend's being an asshole. Can you tell her that?" Adrien grumbled to his roommate.
"What did she do this time?" Felix walked out of the kitchen into the living room before turning to Nino, "Please tell me she didn't blame me. I can't have Kagami scolding me again. It'll break my heart."
"I don't know. I don't keep tabs on her." Nino rolled his eyes as he opened his phone to call her to see what's going on.
Adrien put his keys on the counter before walking over to the couch, sitting down to face the two boys.
"Uh huh...alright, thanks. Love you." Nino nodded before hanging up on his girlfriend. Turning to Adrien, he spoke up, "So how long have you been feeling sick?"
"I don't know. A couple of weeks, I guess." Adrien shrugged.
"And when did it start?"
"Do you remember going to that one reunion with the rest of the class earlier this year? I guess after that."
"I know Kagami mentioned that you were supposed to get some good sleep, but you kept saying that it wasn't helping. Did Alya figure it out?" Felix raised an eyebrow.
"Well...it only happens around Marinette." Adrien hesitated, hoping that Nino and Felix wouldn't come to the same conclusion.
Realization dawned on Nino's face as he jumped up, "You're lovesick! That's what this has been about!"
"I'm not lovesick!" Adrien flushed, trying to defend himself, "Both you and Alya are crazy!"
"Not crazy. They're correct." Felix remarked, "It makes sense. You've never been in love, so of course you wouldn't know what to look for, but what's happening right now is actually a classic case of falling in love."
"Marinette's my best friend. Nothing more."
"Ah yes, I remember stage 1: denial." Nino sighed, reminiscing. "Next is anger, then bargaining, depression, and then acceptance."
"That's the 5 stages of grief." Adrien raised his eyebrow. "Besides, why would I like Marinette as more than a friend? I like our relationship now."
"You've never wanted more?" Felix raised an eyebrow.
Adrien thought about it for a long time. Sure, was Marinette cute? Yes. Was Marinette funny? Absolutely. Would he date her? Yes. In fact, he had thought about it a while back and wasn't opposed to it at all. But he couldn't be in love with her.
They were best friends. That was it.
"I'll take that answer as a no." Felix smirked, standing up.
"Wait-" Adrien started, his voice faltering. "Where are you going?"
"We are going to help Alya make it." Nino put his jacket on, "I'll drive us there. You will stay here."
"You're just going to leave me here?" Adrien asked in despair.
"You're staying here to process your feelings and understand where you are with Marinette. We'll come back, don't worry." Felix remarked as the two walked out the door.
Adrien sat in the same spot for a long time thinking about what Marinette meant to him. She was his best friend, and he couldn't imagine living without her. He wouldn't mind hugging, cuddling, or even kissing her, but everytime he thought about it, the symptoms came back up.
Shit. Maybe they were right. Maybe he was in love with Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
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servicpop · 6 months
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✶ ﹑ㅤspring break flingㅤ﹏
NOW STARRING : deliquent (still not yet) bf Adrien x good student m!reader
「ㅤNSFWㅤ」ㅤSpring break is around the corner and the school plans a trip to the water park! Adrien and reader are still on tough terms but Adrien can't bear another moment to see you with anyone else!
✙ warnings — reader is kinda pervy and is suggested to take interest in their friend | jealous Adrien, risky/semi-public sex, bite marks, degradation, he's very possessive, dubcon(?), slightly overstim
notes ,, mushed both requests for Adrien together
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It had been a week or so after the whole cockblocking incident with Adrien, but you've learnt to shake it off. Besides, the more important thing was the trip to the water park that was planned by your school to congratulate the seniors for their hard work in studying! Of course, being the student president, you were assigned to assist in the event and help everything go as smoothly as planned. Unfortunately, this meant that you had to sacrifice your time to actually get in the water and swim to help out, but you didn't mind as much knowing how many little kids have peed in the pools...
On the day of the trip, you were given a badge that adorned your name and the smaller letters of 'helper' underneath it as well as a corny custom shirt with your school's logo on it that was made by your teachers. Getting onto the bus didn't require much from you since your real job was to walk around the park aimlessly and stop any of the students from accidentally— or purposefully— committing a crime that would get the whole school banned. As you ushered your friend to sit on the window seat of the bus, like the gentleman you are, you opted for the isle seat so you could stretch your legs throughout the 3 hours it would take to reach your destination.
One by one your classmates shuffled through the bus, picking and choosing their ideal seats with smiles across their faces; it wasn't often that the school provided a field trip like this. Your eyes locked onto a few of Adrien's friends walk by your seat, but none of them were the man himself. You figured someone like him would rather skip school trips, in fact, you can't remember the last time you actually saw Adrien whenever there was a school trip. It would be nice to have him around sometimes though, just once. But you couldn't think like that! Not after all the stress he's caused you, and— speak of the devil; you hear that familiar rumble of Adrien's laugh as he walks onto the bus. You take the iniative to turn your head away from Adrien in an attempt to ignore him, your friend picked up on your actions and giggled at you.
A lingering brush of warmth against the skin of your forearm made your hairs rise and your body shiver. That bastard purposefully used his calloused fingertips to tease you. Your head whipped back and you caught a glimpse of Adrien's smirk before he turned his head away from your direction. He always found ways to make your heart race, and you couldn't tell if it was endearment or anger.
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The sun was harsh against your skin as you wandered the premises of the water park. The whole process of trying to get a shitload of people into the water park was a nightmare and feeling Adrien's piercing gaze on your back 24/7 wasn't helping either. But finally, after that agonising hour, you were left to the peacefulness of your own thoughts as you ventured the park. You felt a tingling sensation of regret in your heart from seeing all your classmates splash around in the water. It must've been heavenly in this heat.
One of your friends must've noticed how flushed you were getting from the heat and called you over to the food court, "You look like you're dying, prez," having your friend call you 'prez' in a shortened version of president was kind of corny but you dismissed it nonetheless. One thing good about this heat was the fact that you could see the builds of all the guys, and your friend was no exception. "Is that the heat making your eyes wander or...?" Your friend let out a light-hearted chuckle when he saw the way your eyes drooped down to peak at his body. Damn, were you really that much of a pervert? You playfully nudge his shoulder in embarrassment before he offered to buy you icecream from one of the food stalls, and you follow him more than willingly.
"Who's that?" Adrien witnessed you get swept away and he couldn't help his jaw from clenching. Without a word, he left the wave pool almost immediately to tail after you, leaving his friends confused by the sudden mood change.
You and your friend bought ice-blocks and sat down together on a nearby bench, unaware that Adrien was watching from a distance. The bystanders shuffled away from him and some mothers even pulled their children away from Adrien. You bought the raspberry flavoured one and your friend bought the pineapple, and surprisingly it was better than the ones you bought at the store. "Hey, let's switch, I wanna taste yours," and before you knew it, your raspberry flavoured ice block was replaced with his pineapple one. You didn't mind too much since you were friends so you shrugged it off and tasted his, the tangy and sweet taste twirled on your tongue with the hint of sourness pricking your taste buds. Not bad, but the raspberry one was better, "I like mine better—" a hand grabs your collar and tugs you off the seat like a kitten being held by its scruff. You knew exactly who it was from the way your friend's eyes widened with slight fear — he was a deliquent after all, people were naturally afraid.
"What is your problem?!" You struggle in his grasp as Adrien dragged you into one of the bathroom stalls, slamming the door shut and locking it. You wince when your back is shoved against the wall and caged in. Adrien really did have a thing for pinning you to a wall in public places huh... "What are you doing with that guy?" You can hear the anger rumbling in his voice as his eyes pierced straight into your soul, his hand gripped your jaw, preventing you from looking away, "Sharing saliva like that? You know that's an indirect kiss right?" You could hear the sand on the floor crunch under the weight of Adrien's foot and you only really noticed now that he was wet. Droplets of water hung at the tips of his hair and created a layer of shine that glossed over his abs.
"If you want a guy so bad, I'm right here you fucker," Adrien's breath hitches at his own statement and he found his hand prying off his swimwear, groaning at how the water stuck to his skin and made it a slight bit more inconvenient to take off. He was impatient, could you really blame him? "He's just a friend," you retaliate, doing nothing to stop him but nothing to encourage him either, "Are you really upset over that—" And once again he's cut you off, flipping you so your back pressed agaisnt his chest. You grimace at your clothes getting damp from the water on his body and you flinch at the sudden coolness that pooled at your back. He doesn't respond to you, rather, he clasps your belt and slides it off. Was he really planning to fuck you in the bathroom of a water park?
"You looked at that guy like you were dating him, are you?" Adrien bit back. Literally. He latched his teeth onto the curve of the side of your neck to your nape, sinking his teeth into your skin, laying his tongue flat agaisnt it. You wanted to respond, you wanted to tell him that you were dating him and that you weren't exclusive. But were you really in the position to speak up when Adrien's pulling your boxers down and rubbing his cock along the line of your ass? As much as you tried to contort you body into turning to look at him, his body pressed you flush against the wall. You couldn't see his face but from the little groan he let out, you could tell he craved this as much as you did if not more.
He spat on his fingers, coating them in his saliva as make-shift lubricant before lining the tips of his fingers to your rim. "Does he know your body like I do, huh?" He skipped the initial step of 'one at a time' and pushed two fingers inside you; the slight burn caused your body to squirm uncomfortably. Your palms lay flat against the wall for stability as Adrien rocks your hips along with his fingers that curl inside you, eliciting a small groan. The way his fingers have already found your prostate was insane and he certainly wasn't going to let this discovery go to waste. Repeated thrusts of his fingers bullied your prostate, your voice spilt out like water, filling the room with lewd sounds. "Fuck," You cursed under your breath; your teeth catching on your bottom lip, biting down in a futile attempt to muffle the noises.
You couldn't see his face but you knew damn well Adrien was grinning like a Cheshire cat. He removed his fingers from your ass, slipping them out with a small pop before slapping his dick agaisnt the curve of your ass connected to your back, "I don't care if we aren't together. I don't care if you don't want me, I want you more than my next breaths and no one can take that away from me." Adrien's voice was heavy and sultry as he spoke to you, and his breath fanned your ear, causing goosebumps to run down your spine. The shuffling behind you indicated that Adrien was moving and suddenly you felt a hand grasp your nape while another found its comfort on your hip. You could barely make it out through Adrien's heavy breathing but he whispered under his breath, "perfect."
The anticipation was eating away at you. You knew Adrien loved taking his sweet time to savour you. Adrien seemed to read your thoughts — or the way your body involuntarily rocked against him — and he finally prodded his tip at your entrance, sliding in slowly with a low growl that reverberated in the tight bathroom stall. Fuck, it felt heavenly. He was able to fit inside you so perfectly, like you were moulded and made just for him. A whine ripped through your throat from both the pain and the pleasure of Adrien thrusting into you. He buried himself to the hilt, circling his hips when he was filly sheathed inside you before pulling out just to pound back into you which pulled out another moan from your lips. All these embarassing noises were saved for him. Just for him.
Adrien had pressed you so close to the wall that every so often the underside of your cock would brush against the cold wall, sending a shock of pleasure up your body. At first Adrien was confused, almost concerned how your body would jerk and his hips stuttered, unsure if he was hurting you. But he later found out the true reason behind it and a grin plastered across his face, "Is it too cold for you?" He cooed with faux concern, "I'll help you warm up," Adrien's voice dropped an octave as the hand that was placed at your nape snaked down to your cock, sliding it between the wall and your poor dick. The sudden warmth was no better, in-fact it was probably worse as now your cock was engulfed in the heat from Adrien's palm. Your mind began blanking when he slid this thumb over your slit, rubbing it repeatedly as he pounded into you from behind. The slow, gentle movement of his thumb contrasted with the harsh and fast thrusting of his hips which didn't help the overstimulation. "Adrien— not both," You whined, trying to pry his hands off your dick weakly but ultimately failing in the end as he pinned your hand back agaisnt the wall, intertwining your fingers with his, "You can take it, c'mon, I know you can," he groaned loving the way you squirmed, trying to escape from the pleasure but also not doing anything to seriously stop it.
Except... you couldn't take it. Adrien rolling his thumb over your tip while he hit your prostate at the same time made you see stars and you couldn't stop yourself from cumming on the spot; white fluid spurted onto the bathroom wall and your moan came out high pitched and shaky. Your voice had always been a turn-on for him so naturally he came too at the sight of you reaching your climax. His hips stuttered before he wrapped both arms around your waist, bear-hugging you as he held you close to his body while he stuffed you full.
The bathroom was now filled with heavy breathing and the slight musk of sweat and sex in the air. "Can you let go of me?" Your words broke the awkward silence and you found yourself unable to move from Adrien's iron grip, "Mm... I wanna stay like this," he groaned like a needy little kid, tightening his grip around your waist as if you were a teddy bear. Adrien grabbed your chin and turned it to the side, allowing him to lean in for a quick kiss which you groan at. He pulls up his swimming shorts and helps you put your clothes back on too, "Don't do that again if you still want your full ability to walk," Adrien warned before swinging the door open and walking out without turning back. Another frustrated groan leaves your throat as you follow him out but in the opposite direction with a slight limp.
"God, do you see him limping?" "What do you think he did for Adrien to beat him up like that?" "Damn, I hope he's okay, that looks like it hurts." You could hear the soft murmurs and whispers of your classmates when you walked out of the stall, they really were clueless, huh?
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notes ,, long awaited... more adrien...
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aphroditelovesu · 11 months
Yandere Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Adrien Agreste Headcanons (Poly!Romantic)
❝🐞 — lady l: hi!! I finally wrote this and it's set in an au where they eventually discover each other's identities to make more sense. I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, stalking, polyamorous and unhealthy relationships.
❝🐞pairing: yandere!adrinette/ladynoir x gender neutral!reader.
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Everything was always very complicated between them. Marinette in love with Adrien and Adrien in love with Ladybug, both unaware of each other's identities and feelings.
Marinette always remained hiding her feelings for Adrien, too embarrassed to say anything and Adrien continued to yearn for Ladybug. This continued for a long time, until your arrival in their lives.
You were a new student and felt out of place after leaving your old school and your friends. You hoped to make friends at this new school, but you were afraid you wouldn't be able to do so. But luckily, or unluckily, you met Marinette first and she introduced you to her friends, who immediately liked you.
Marinette liked you, at first sight, you were so kind and sweet. She almost fell right there and it confused her, but she couldn't help but admire you.
Adrien became interested in you after a few conversations, and you caught his interest and attraction. He had something about you that made him attracted, and curious, an unknown feeling that he wanted to feel more of.
It wasn't difficult to notice their interest in you, Marinette constantly stuttering and blushing when you were around and Adrien, although shy, loved flirting with you and seeing you blush.
It wasn't easy to admit their interest in you, Marinette was still in love with Adrien but she really was in love with you, therefore, she didn't know what to do. Adrien was more resolute and acted in the way he knew how wanting to declare himself because he could no longer keep his feelings to himself.
Adrien was the one who first noticed Marinette's interest in you and he was surprised to notice that he didn't have a problem with it. If it were anyone else, he would have, but not with her. Because Marinette had a habit of stalking you incessantly, it didn't take long for her to realize that Adrien liked you. She was curious and excited, not jealous like she thought she would be.
They talked and decided to act quickly, both confessing to you. You were surprised and flattered and accepted, and finally, a romance happening.
Marinette is very jealous and overprotective, always wanting to know where you are and she will be very worried if she doesn't know. She will go so far as to use her Miraculous to look for you, even knowing the consequences.
Adrien is possessive, getting jealous very easily, and doesn't react well to it. He doesn't like it when you're with someone other than him and Marinette and will use intimidation to make someone stay away from you, whether with money or even his Miraculous.
They have always been very protective of you and at any sign of danger you will be quickly hidden and protected. They already talked about giving you a Miraculous, but Adrien considered it too dangerous. There was always a chance you could get hurt and he wasn't going to allow it.
You are spoiled intensely, clothes made by Marinette and bought by Adrien, jewelry, food, expensive and extravagant gifts to the simplest ones, like roses. You will never lack for anything as long as they are by your side.
They want to see you happy more than anything and will do everything to make that happen. They can't even think about the idea of ​​you being akumatized, the idea alone sends them into a frenzy at the thought of it happening to you. No, they have to be sure that this will never happen.
Marinette is very kind and soft, a mask of her true stalker and extremely jealous side. Adrien is kind and calm, always with a smile on his face and ready to make you smile, but he acts very strangely when you don't do what he asks.
They know they shouldn't use Miraculous for selfish reasons but when it comes to you, they won't care. Marinette doesn't care about ruining herself for you and Adrien has been ruined for a long time.
You are theirs and anyone who tries to get in the way will suffer the consequences. After all, you didn't just belong to Marinette and Adrien, but also to Ladybug and Cat Noir.
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lilian-sins · 1 year
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“𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑛 𝑒𝑟𝑎.”
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❥︎ pairing: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir x gn!Ladybug miraculous user!Reader
❥︎ p.o.v: 3ʳᵈ person
❥︎ prologue summary: After months of unsuccessfully trying to find Hawkmoth’s identity, Marinette Dupain-Cheng is faced with a different kind of challenge: moving house halfway across the world. Stressed about her situation, both as Marinette and as Ladybug, she puts off telling everyone the news. On her final day in Paris, she visits Master Fu, the holder of the Miracle Box, and gives back the Ladybug Miraculous entrusted to her. With a final goodbye to her old life, the Dupain-Cheng family leaves for New York, starting a new chapter in their lives.
❥︎ tags: marinette leaves; weird magic headcanons to explain things; mentions of an Akuma attack
❥︎ word count: 1,734
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       series masterlist | chapter 1
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This day couldn’t have started better for Marinette Dupain-Cheng; for once, she wasn’t late for school, waking up earlier than her alarm, in fact. She didn’t rush her morning routine, there were no accidents consisting of tripping down the stairs or spilling food, and the girl was on her way to school in no time.
The school day was also quite nice, not as full of mishaps as it usually is. ‘It truly is miraculous!’ Marinette thought to herself as she walked across the street to her home, ‘Even Chloé didn’t bother me, actually, that was kind of weird’. The girl pushed open the front door to her home and was immediately greeted by her loving parents. It seemed like they were waiting for her.
       —“Hey mom! Hey dad! What’s up?” Marinette asked.
       —“Hi, honey, me and your father need to talk to you. You’re not in trouble, of course, but it is quite urgent. Here, let’s sit down,” Sabine, Marinette’s mother, gently stated.
The family goes to sit at their dining table. The young girl’s thoughts were running wild, and her hands were growing slightly cold and shaky.
       —“So… what is it?”
       —“… Well, ahem, your mother and I got a business offer that would help us move up in the world!” Tom replied.
       —“Oh, well, that’s great, I don’t see a problem with it!” Marinette congratulated her parents, feeling elated for them.
       —“Yes, it is great, but... we’ll have to move to the United States if we take this offer,” the girl’s mother finally spit out.
Time seemed to stop for a second, but for Marinette, that second felt like an eternity. She stood frozen in her seat, staring almost past her parents sitting in front of her. An uncomfortable, stuffy silence passed before Marinette stood up, her chair almost falling over.
       —“But... but we can’t just leave! What about ME? What will I do when we move? I only have two years of school left; all my friends are here; and- and you’re telling me that I’ll just have to start over?” The girl felt her throat closing, unshed tears pooling in her eyes, and various thoughts swirling through her mind.
‘What about Ladybug? What will happen to Paris when she’s gone? Oh god, Chat Noir will be powerless against Hawkmoth all on his own!’ Marinette ran upstairs to her room, ignoring the worried shouts of her parents, who were pleading for her to come back.
The teen girl slammed her attic door shut and fell face first on her sofa, sobbing loudly. Tikki flew out of her bag, worried about her holder.
       —“Please don’t cry, Marinette! Everything’s going to work out!” the kwami tried to comfort her.
       —“But it won’t, Tikki! Everything’s turned upside down so suddenly, and I just can’t deal with it right now! I don’t even want to THINK about what to do about Ladybug! I don’t want to give you up, but there’ll be no other choice…” Marinette was inconsolable at the moment, so the kwami suggested the two get some rest.
The next morning, Marinette woke up late, silently thanked her good fortune that it was a Saturday, and headed downstairs to freshen up, trying to relieve her swollen eyes and face her parents.
       —“Good morning, honey. Are you feeling better today?” her mother asked gently.
       —“Morning, mom, yeah... I’m better,” the teen responded, searching through the cupboards for something to eat. “I mulled it over and... I’m fine with it. Obviously, it’s a big change, but if it’s going to make you and dad happy, then let’s do it!” Marinette smiled brightly. Just then, a thought popped into her head, “Uhm, mom? When exactly are we moving?”
       —“Oh! Well, see, this was struck upon us quite suddenly, and we ourselves needed a bit of time to process it... so, we have a bit over a week to move,” her father coughed out quickly, coming into the room.
       —“…WHAT? But- but that’s such a short amount of time!” the girl shouted, shocked by the news, though she deflated just as swiftly, “I would’ve thought we had more time, not- not a week...”
       —“Well, don’t you worry,” Marinette’s father rubbed her shoulder reassuringly, “a week is quite enough time if we start now!”
That week, the teen girl didn’t know how to break the news to her friends, especially Alya. She kept putting it off until her very last day of school. Marinette rushed to class on Friday with a box of macarons her dad had made and a few hand-crafted bracelets and charms in hand. She tripped a few times along the way but made it to class just in time.
The school day was quite ordinary, though a bit chilly from the crisp early December air. As school ended, she broke the news to her friends. Tears were shed, lungs were nearly crushed from tight embraces, and heartfelt goodbyes were shared. Alya, Nino and Adrien could only watch sadly as their friend left for home.
Unfortunately, her last day in Paris was also the same day Hawkmoth decided to send out one of his Akumas to terrorize the city — a deranged farewell of sorts, the girl pondered as she ran for cover. She swiftly transformed into Ladybug and, with the help of Chat Noir, took down the villain in no time.
The two heroes were about to part ways. The heroine asked her partner if he could meet her on top of the Eiffel Tower after re-transforming. Of course, the feline-themed hero eagerly agreed. As they met up, Chat looked at his lady with anticipation, but then she broke the news.
       —“…Chaton… I don’t- I have... to leave Paris, and I don’t think I will ever return.” Ladybug couldn’t look her partner in the eyes, not ready to see the expression on his face.
Chat Noir looked like he was about to break down, but he calmed himself and went to comfort his distressed friend. The teen boy promised her to continue protecting their beloved city and become partners with the next Ladybug Miraculous holder.
And so, the pair of heroes, partners, and friends hugged and bumped their fists together before parting ways for the last time.
       —“Pound it!”
The heroine leapt across the rooftops, intent on heading home, before remembering one more person she had to visit, perhaps the most important one. Swiftly changing directions, Marinette hid behind a dumpster in an empty alleyway, then walked the rest of the way to Master Fu’s residence, the cold air nipping at the apples of her cheeks. The teen girl opened the door and saw Wang Fu with his back turned before he addressed her.
       —“Hello, Marinette, what brings you here today?” asked Master Fu.
The girl stood in the doorway with Tikki by her side, unsure of how to break the news to him. She went to stand by him, and the old man turned to face her as she spoke.
       —“Uhm… Master, I should’ve probably told you this earlier, but... I- I’m leaving Paris permanently.”
       —“My, that is of importance...” Fu replied, walking away from Marinette, looking through his dresser, opening a couple of drawers, searching for something unknown to her, “You do understand that you cannot take the Miraculous with you, right?”
       —“Aha!” It seems that he found whatever he was looking for.
       —“Of course, Master, I’ve accepted it as much as I could,” the girl replied, confused but not questioning him.
       —“Alright, then, to sever the soul ties between you and Tikki, you must take this.” As he spoke, he handed her a small fabric bag.
Marinette stood there, eyebrows raised, confused out of her mind, wondering just what the hell was inside. Master Fu noticed her gaze.
       —“This bag contains a secret blend of herbs and spices to help you recover quickly from the aftermath of the separation. Though it is not lethal, all holders feel as if they have lost a piece of themselves. The bond between a holder and their Kwami hurts more or less, depending on your connection.”
       —“Will I still be able to remember any of this?” Marinette asked.
       —“Yes, you will. Only the memories will become murky as time goes on. You will not remember secret information, only a blurry picture,” the elder replied.
Master Fu handed her a cup of steaming liquid, presumably the very herbs he had been talking about.
       —“Drink up, this will help you reduce most of the symptoms in advance.”
Marinette did as instructed, gulping down the hot liquid, her throat confused by the oddly tropical yet spicy and sour blend of flavors. After setting the cup aside with a sigh, the girl turned to face a strangely quiet Tikki.
The pair looked at each other, committing themselves to memory for what was definitely the last time. All the time they had spent bonding was gone so suddenly, as if someone had pulled the brakes at the last possible second. The little creature gave in first, flying over to Marinette’s face and hugging her as far as her little limbs could let her. The girl embraced her back almost instantly, her eyes welling up with tears.
       —“I’ll miss you so, so much, Tikki...”
       —“I will miss you too, Marinette, you will always be one of my favorite holders.”
Shaky hands reached up to the earrings — such unsuspecting little jewels, yet they held so much power within them. The girl removed the backings from the rest of the earrings and watched as her beloved friend disappeared into them with a bright pink light, the black studs reverting to their iconic red and black spotted theme. Marinette stared at the two pieces in her palm longingly before handing them over to Master Fu.
       —“Be very careful over the next few weeks. A splitting headache is the most common symptom after separation. Drink this tea blend twice a day. You should feel better after a month,” he said, putting the Miraculous back into the Miracle Box.
Another farewell was spoken that day, and with it went another piece of her old life.
Early in the morning, the Dupain-Cheng family left for the airport, their home empty and barren, a shell of what it used to be, now left behind. As they boarded the plane, Marinette sat in the window seat and looked out the window.
       —“Goodbye, Paris… I’ll miss you,” she murmured softly.
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       series masterlist | chapter 1
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❥︎ author's note: This is a re-write of the original chapter!
❥︎ series taglist: @leafanonsforest @ok-boke @they2luv1naia @mytaiyakeylover (if you wanna get added, lmk!)
❥︎ posted: 2023 | 05 | 25
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kttyn1or · 8 months
monbisou's mlb fic rec!! mlb fics recced by monbisou(me)!!
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okay let’s get crackin!!
There’s Something About Marinette by ThoughtWarfare
im telling you this fic is so funny and honestly kind of the reason i got pulled back into ml fandom after thinking i’d finally moved on with my life. ever since i read this, marinette x ladybug has been my otp.
Girls Talk Boys by LNC
the core four and adrienette being oh so charming. to be honest, i would recommend everything and anything by LNC, this just happens to be my most recent read.
golden (like daylight) by okayanna
in my mind everyone has already read this because it’s so perfect and classic and lovely. also, well written! adrien is so well characterized. what else can i say. ummm 10/10.
Who Kissed Dupain-Cheng by Ridiculosity
sometimes i think about the marichat dynamic in this fic. actually, who am i kidding. i think about it all the time. constantly. i’m obsessed with the marichat dynamic in this fic.
Friends by meeble
short and sweet and deadly. god i love adrienette.
final girl by picayunewrites
could i do a fic rec and not mention final girl? could any honest marichat lover stay silent in the face of the work that is final girl? i recommend this. i recommend it so so hard.
comfort food by Reiaji
marinette cooks for adrien. marinette teaches adrien how to cook. marinette loves adrien. she loves him.
Trying to Get Bi by breeelis
adrien is ladybugs celebrity crush. is he your celebrity crush chat noir?
bon voyage by gentlefist
set more recently in canon! adrien and marinette are dating! they are dating one another! “dang it!” says chat noir.
Mr Perfect Disguise by caprisuns(marimbles)
ladybug wearing a very big floppy hat. adrien agreste wearing slides. romance!
baker “enemies” comic by buggachat
okay, you’re on tumblr, you’re a ml fan. i’m sure you’ve read or at least heard about buggachats comic. i think my favorite thing about buggachat is their portrayal of the core four. or maybe it’s their adrien? maybe it’s their ladynoir. i love buggachat so much.
oeuf ouch owie by miraculousumflower (ominousunflower)
daydream by a_miiraculer and clairelutra
marinette and adrien are so so into eachother. also, he’s figuring out who ladybug is.
But All I’m Seeing Is You by chealseababylove
for a while i was like, “idk man i’m not sure i’m a ladrien type of guy” but that was before i read but all i’m seeing is you by chelseababylove.
The Dating App by leadernovaandthemacabre
chat noir and marinette. marinette and chat noir. they text eachother and analyze eachother from different angles. ps! a lot of sexy talk! for those who are opposed!
for the record by peachcitt
adrien and marinette set the dating record straight! as friends!!!! prpr
telepathy by thelibraryloser
sometimes you just want a good reveal fic. this one is really good.
A Partir De
something i’ve noticed in ladrien fics so far? a lot of very silly disguises. i’m talking extremely silly.
Strangers in the Bright Lights by poodles
poodles you cook my metaphorical noodles. also, this fic is wondrous.
and that’s it!! for now!!! more coming soon i suspect but then again, who knows?
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dear-buttercup · 10 months
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Okay, okay, hear me out:
Spy x Family AU, except Marinette is Loid & Adrien is Yor.
Marinette & Loid both have this alternate self that is very calculative & has the urge to plan out every possible outcome of a situation so they're not caught off guard. Not to mention that both of them have this very strong sense of justice and, each in their own way, are trying to make the world around them a better & safer place. However, both of them also have this other side that is gentle and kind and, essentially, a softy (though this shows more in Marinette bc, well, she hasn't been through the things Loid has been).
Then we have Adrien, who, like Yor, is outwardly sweet & cheerful and doesn't have a clue what to do with Life (TM). But he also has a dark & deadly side, which makes him absolutely consider dirtying his hands if he thought he was protecting the ppl he loves (*cough* derrision *cough*). I can totally see him become an assassin if it was the only thing he could do to protect his loved ones & bring food to the table, esp if he was taught to do that from a young age.
Also, some of my other headcanons for this AU (and pls beware of possible spoilers for sxf if u aren't caught up or want to watch):
- Emma would be Anya, obv, and like Anya, she has telepathic powers and can read her parents' minds. (Side note: I was considering making Emma a creation of the peacock miraculous & for that to be the reason she has her telepathy powers, but then I realized the miraculous existing in this AU might not make much sense, so I'm putting it on the backburner. If anybody wants to explore that, though, be my guest!)
- The plushy u see in Emma's hands in my drawing is Tikki, which is the equivalent of Mr. Chimera in the anime (however, alternatively, The Handler could be Tikki & in turn, The Shopkeeper could be Plagg. But going with my initial idea...)
- The cat in the picture, then, would be Plagg, who is the equivalent of Bond. However, unlike Bond, Plagg is a little shit & he knows it & therefore gives Marinette a lot of grief. But he's very cute when he wants to be, and Emma is very set on keeping him, so Marinette resorts to silent psychological warfare with him. Surprisingly, Plagg is pretty chill when it comes to Adrien to everyone's surprise.
- Just like Bond, Plagg also has psychic powers. However, I can just see him hissing in annoyance everytime a vision pops up. :D
- Adrien is secretly an assassin who exterminates traitors with his special dagger(s) that he calls 'Cataclysm'.
- Marinette is a spy who is tasked with getting close to her target, Chloe Bourgeois. She has a customized gun that she prefers to use that she calls her 'lucky charm'.
- Also, the same as the anime, Marinette's agent name is 'Ladybug' & Adrien's is 'Chat Noir'.
- Chloe is Marinette's target (I know Desmond & Gabriel are crazy similar, but I think it'd be pretty weird to have Gabe & Adrien in the same universe & for them to not be related).
- Chloe has 2 children: a twin son & daughter who r attending the same prestigious school. The daughter (which I haven't chosen a name for) is the equivalent of Becky & the son (which I also don't know the name of) is the equivalent of Damian.
- Chloe's daughter lives with her father (who I imagine is Luka bc it's a guilty ship of mine, but eh), but she also pays for her child support and education, so her daughter was raised like a princess and therefore has the same princess tendencies as Becky.
- Chloe's son is still pretty much the same as Damian, so not much to add there. (Yes, exactly like Damian. If you know, you know :) )
- Lastly, I will leave you with this out of pocket notion: Felix as Yuri and Kagami as Fiona (and yes, I very much ship them, even in this AU :) )
Here are the individual characters separately as a treat for making it till here!
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itgirlmind · 2 years
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 𝒾𝓉 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁 𝓂𝑒𝒹𝒾𝒶  ゚・。・゚
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Oh, the Internet. A myriad of a million hyperlinks, videos, and social media platforms barraging us with contradicting advice from every single angle...and here I am to throw some more in your lap! Below are a handful of online blogs, Youtube channels, and Spotify podcasts that I myself love and live by. Truthfully, I did plan on adding a list of self help novels that transformed me into moi but....there's just far too many. Perhaps another time, my darlings! I sincerely hope that the media I've included here resonate with you and allow you to step into your highest self. Enjoy!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ blogs
La Vie En Rose Diaries by Blair Natalia
Blogpost of Choice: Why I’m Treating Myself like the Princess I Deserve to Be ♡
The It-Girl Diaries by Lydia
Blogpost of Choice: Becoming Your Own Version Of 'That Girl'
The Skinny Confidential by Lauryn Bosstick
Blogpost of Choice: How to Remove Toxicity From Your Mind And Body
Aria Kaiser by Aria Kaiser
Blogpost of Choice: Lets Talk Food
The It Girl Guide (TIGG) by Sky Haarsma
Blogpost of Choice: Our It-Girl Essentials
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ podcasts
Early Call Her Daddy episodes
Sofia With An F by Sofia Franklyn
Busy, Yet Pretty by Jadyn Hailey
The Wellness Cafe by Trinity Tondeleir
The Skinny Confidential by The Skinny Confidential
The Balanced Blonde by Jordan Younger
The Blonde Files by Arielle Lorre
Already Friends by Allison Wetig and Ceara Kirkpatrick
Middle Ground by Jo Johnson and Caroline Stelte
Crying In Public by Sydni and Sarah
The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes
The Tony Robbins Podcast by Tony Robbins
Trying Not To Care by Ashley Corbo
For You From Eve by Olivia Eve Shabo
Unf*ck Your Brain by Kara Loewentheil
The Psychology Of Your 20's by Jenna Sbeg
Habits Of A Goddess (Affirmations)
The goop Podcast by Goop Inc.
Almost 30 by Krista Williams and Lindsey Simcik
Guide Me Glow by Shannon Tang
Girls with Goals by AnnCatherine and Caroline
Hot Girl Energy by Kaylie Stewart
The Bossbabe Podcast by Natalie Ellis and Danielle Canty
Girlboss Radio by Puno
Gals On The Go by Danielle Carolan and Brooke Miccio
Girls That Invest by Sim and Sonya
Her First $100K by Tori Dunlap
Victoria's Thoughts by Victoria de Vall
Breaking Beauty by Jill and Carlene
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ youtube channels
Alay Bowker x Give Me Glow ; vlogs, guides, and inspo
Alyse Parker; wellness, lifestyle, and spirituality
Claudia Sulewski; vlogs, style inspo, lifestyle
dear peachie; beauty, makeup tutorials, makeup trends
Elena Taber; vlogs, lifestyle, and travel
Emma MacDonald; vlogs, hauls, and modeling
Eva Meloche; vlogs, lifestyle, organization inspo
Maddie Lymburner; meals, workouts, lifestyle inspo
MadFit; every type of workout for every type of fitness journey
Makayla Merie; vlogs, workout attire, lifestyle inspo
Meghan Livingstone; holistic nutrition, gut health, meal inspo
Romee Strijd; VS angel turned vlogger
The Skinny Confidential; recipes, girl talk, and wellness
Thewizardliz; the queen of having an "it girl mindset"
Yoga With Adriene; yoga for everybody!
Much love, Auden♡
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therand0mwriter · 1 year
IDOL-Chapitre un
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir x Male!Idol!reader
When a young American idol and his band tours in France, every one in Adrien's class wants to go. Unfortunately for them, tickets sold out as soon as they were for sale. Fortunately for Adrien, his father was able to get him tickets, but with a cost. Even though theres an underlying reason on why he's going, Adrien decides to take his best friend Nino, and his other two close classmates/friends, Alya and Marinette.
When they all got to the concert and the idol started singing, it mesmerized Adrien, pulling him to the front of the stage. Seeing the idol perform made Adrien feel things he never felt before, and it didn't help when the idol lent down and kissed Adrien's hand. Now that caused quite the ruckus.
"𝐔𝐡, 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐈 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐭?"
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[(h/t) = hair type, i.e. curly, wavy, straight, ect.]
[Everyone in the story is 18 or older unless it is specifically said otherwise.]
*Y/N's POV*
"We're going to France!" Your manager, Sheena, just cheered. It was silent in the conference room as you and your band mates took this in. "Huh?" Was all you could say. "What do you mean: 'huh'?! You guys are going to tour in France! Be more excited!" Sheena yelled at us while shaking her fists.
"Are we that popular to be touring in a different country?" Your bass player, Jiraiya, questioned. "Oh boy, I don't know any french..." Your drummer, Loyal, worried out loud. "Relax, I'm sure this'll be a fun, new experience for all of us." Your guitarist, Kylian, said as he patted Loyal's shoulder in comfort. "Ah, I can't wait for the food!" Your keyboardist, Kairo, was already drooling at the thought of French cuisine.
These are your bandmates. You five, including yourself, make up the band: Ensnare. There was you, Y/N L/N, age 18, 5'9", the leader and vocalist. Then there was Jiraiya Duran, age 19, second in command and the bass player. Jiraiya is of Asian and pacific islander descent, around 5'8", has straight black hair, sharp dark brown eyes, glasses, tan skin, a Medusa lip piercing, sharp features and a slim but fit figure. You honestly think he could become a model if he wanted to. You could call Jiraiya the cool but serious type.
Next is Kylian Thatcher, age 18 and the guitarist of the group. Kylian is of European descent, 5'7", has wavy light brown hair, blue eyes, peach colored skin, dolphin bites lip piercings and a sharp jawline, giving Jiraiya a run for his money. He's definitely the most cocky in the group, constantly butting heads with Jiraiya when you're not around. You could consider him the bad boy out of everyone.
And finally, the twins, Loyal and Kairo Elsher, age 17, mix of European and African descent. Loyal is our drummer while Kairo is our keyboardist. They're identical twins with a height of 5'6", heterochromia eyes (one hazel and one green), light brown skin and a beauty mark under their right eye. They both have curly, colored hair, but their natural black hair is starting to show at the roots. Loyal's hair was dyed blue while Kairo's was dyed orange. The only difference between the two, minus their hair color and their instruments, was their personalities. Loyal was nervous and introverted, Kairo was care-free and extroverted.
Oh, and we can't forget our manager, Sheena Wright, age 40. She is of European descent, 5'6", dyed red hair, blue eyes, freckles, peach colored skin and has multiple ear piercings. Sheena's personality is very outgoing, she's headstrong but determined, she knows when it's time to be serious but also knows when it's time to let loose. In a way, she's kind of like a cool mom to all of us.
"Wait, wait, wait," You started, placing your hand on the table to calm everyone down. "Isn't France notorious now because there's villains constantly running rampant?" "Oh yeah, will we be safe?" Loyal sat up, instantly starting to worry. Sheena waved us off, "Of course you'll be safe! You'll have your bodyguards and Frances hero's."
"'Frances hero's?'" You repeated, not sure if you heard her correctly. "Oh, that's right," Jiraiya started, opening the conference room laptop. He started typing then projected an image of a dark blue haired female in a skin tight, red suit with black polka-dots and a blonde haired male in a skin tight, black cat suit with cat ears on top of his head. "This is Ladybug and Chat Noir, Frances hero's. They're the ones who take care of the villains." Jiraiya explained, pointing to the duo.
You sighed then asked, "When is it?" "It's in six months, you'll be doing the same tour you did earlier this year." Sheena informed. All of your bandmates look to you, their leader, for your decision. "Seems like we need to start learning French." You shrugged. Kairo and Kylian cheered, Loyal got a nervous look and Jiraiya smiled.
*Time Skip, Adrien's POV*
When I entered my class, every one was absolutely buzzing. I went up to Nino, Alya and Marinette as they were huddled together watching something with large smiles. "Whats going on you guys?" I smiled, peeking over Nino's shoulder. Marinette jumped and squeaked at my presence and Nino greeted me, "Hey dude! We're just watching the announcement for Ensnare's France tour!"
"'Ensnare'?" I questioned. "Yeah man," Alya started, smiling. "Ensnare is an American boy band that's totally amazing. Everyone in the group is super talented and not to mention super hot! And they have mentioned some of the best news I have ever heard: they're coming here!" Her and Marinette squealed in excitement. "Here, watch this!" Alya said, pulling up the video they were watching earlier.
On the screen was a... really attractive guy. He seemed to be around our age, but he had a mature air about him. His soft smile, (e/c) eyes, (short/long) lashes, clear (s/c) skin, sharp jawline, and (h/t) (h/c) hair all screamed hot model.
"Depending on when you're seeing this, bonjour or bonsoir République française! This is Ensnare announcing that we will be touring all of France in six months! The tickets will go on sale at 10 in the morning your time, so get them while you can! They're limited! And if you get the VIP tickets we all can't wait to meet you! The VIP tickets include a meet and greet before the concert, a picture with us, and a signed piece of merch! But we are giving out a handful of Deluxe VIP tickets where you get everything a VIP ticket does, but you also get to have dinner with us! The meet and greet will be after the concert though. Remember, premier arrivé premier servi. À bientôt!" The male ended with a smile and a wink.
'What was that?' I shook my head. "Who was that?" I ask, pointing to the male on the phone. "That's (Y/N) (L/N)! He's the leader and singer of Ensnare! Then there's Jiraiya," Alya excitedly explained, hurriedly moving on to the other members before I could ask more questions about the bands leader. 'Oh well, guess I'll do my own research tonight.' I mentally shrugged to myself as Alya continued to explain every member to me.
"Wow, it seems like you guys really like them. Are you going to their concert?" I questioned, getting pouts from the girls in return. "We're gonna try! That is, if the tickets don't sell out." Marinette answered. "I'm sure you guys will get them!" I encouraged, giving her a smile. Her face immediately turned red and she gained a nervous smile, she started stuttering before Alya stepped in, "Well it's going to be hard since pretty much every one I know is going to try to go to that concert. But we're going to try too!" "I'm sure you'll get them, babe." Nino said, kissing Alya on the cheek.
"Wait, when you say every one you know is going to try to get tickets, does that include our friends?" I ask, referring to the other students around me. "Definitely," Alya sighed. "Well, fingers crossed." I gave Alya and Marinette a comforting smile.
*Time Skip*
"I'm sorry you guys," I tried to comfort my sad friends. "We were so close to going to their concert..." Marinette mumbled. "At least no one else in our class was able to get tickets!" Nino also (poorly) tried to cheer them up. "Still..." Alya sighed in a sad manner. Everyone in our class was bummed out that no one got tickets. And not to mention Chloe who had a temper tantrum when even her dad couldn't get tickets. Even I was a little sad that I couldn't get tickets, I don't know the band very well but I wanted to see that (Y/N) in person... 'Wait, what's up with my thoughts?' I shook my head.
*Time Skip*
I just got home after a photoshoot, heading straight to my room. After I closed my door and made sure Nathalie didn't follow me, I let Plagg out of my shirt. "Gosh! Its about time!" I ignored the kwamis complaint and went to my computer, logging in.
I went to the search engine and typed in: 'Ensnare'. The American boy band popped up and I clicked on the members. "Um... excuse me? I think you're forgetting something." Plagg flew next to me, opening his mouth. I rolled my eyes and tossed him a piece of camembert, successfully quieting him.
I turned my attention back to my monitor and clicked on the bands leader. "Hm... let's see, Y/N L/N, age 18, Ensnare's vocalist..." I was mumbling to myself as I read information about him. After a couple minutes I watched some of their music videos and covers. "His vocal range is amazing..." I mumbled to myself again.
"You seem to really be into this guy, you like him or something?" I jumped as I heard a voice in my ear. I turn to see Plagg with a smug look on his face. "W-What? N-No! I just found out about him today!" I explained, confused at my stuttering and racing heart. Plagg flew circles around my head, "Doesn't mean a thing!" He teased in a sing-song tone. "Whatever..." I waved him off.
I saw a thumbnail of a video and it looked like Y/N in an interview. The only thing was, it was titled: 'ENSNARE'S Y/N'S TYPE'. I clicked on it, curious. You could tell the video didn't start at the beginning of the interview with how it was edited.
"So," The interviewer started, "All of your fans want to know: does Y/N L/N have a secret girlfriend?"
Y/N uncomfortably laughed, "I'm not going to lie, I wasn't expecting this question."
The interviewer laughed, "C'mon! Every one wants to know!"
"Fine, fine. No, I do not."
"Wow! Really?! Why not?!"
"Haven't met the right person yet."
"Can we at least ask who your type is?"
Y/N was quiet for a bit, thinking. But he finally smirked, "Blondes."
"Blondes? Like me?" I unconsciously said, making Plagg snicker in amusement.
*Time Skip*
I was eating dinner by myself in the dining room, picking at my food. "Adrien," Nathalie called out to me, "Are you alright? You seem to be thinking about something." I blushed and waved her off, "O-Oh, yeah, I'm fine." It looked like she wanted to say more, but left it at that.
In fact, I was thinking about something. More accurately, someone. I couldn't get his face or voice out of my mind! 'Y/N L/N... what are you doing to me?'
"Adrien," I look up to see the owner of the deep voice. "Father!" I stand up from my seat, pleasantly surprised and confused. "I don't have much time, but have you heard of the American band: Ensnare?" He got straight to the point. "U-Um, yeah." I answered.
"I have 4 Deluxe VIP tickets to their concert in six months, I want you to go."
"There's a catch. I want you to befriend them and convince them to collaborate with me for a new fashion line. I've asked them multiple times myself, but they keep turning me down. So, go to the concert, befriend them, and convince them. If you fail, I'll be disappointed."
"...Yes, father."
"...You can give the 3 extra tickets to your friends if you would like."
"Thank you, father!"
He nodded at me and walked out. I was excited but nervous at the same time. Me and a few of my friends get to go to Ensnare's concert! But... if I can't convince them to collab with my father he'll be upset. 'One step at a time, Adrien!'
*Time Skip*
"AHHH!" Alya and Marinette screamed in excitement. "I can't believe you're taking us to see Ensnare!" Alya shouted, large smile on her face. "This is amazing! Thank you so much, Adrien!" Marinette also shouted. "Yeah man, we all really appreciate it!" Nino added, patting my shoulder. All I could do was laugh at their reactions, "It's no problem, you guys are my best friends, of course I'll take you!"
"Did you guys hear that?" I asked, after hearing a faint scream. Alya and Marinette snickered to themselves, "I think Chloe is a little upset you didn't ask her to go to the concert." I frowned and shrugged, "If I had an extra ticket I would."
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bruhhhh-huhhhhh · 7 months
i need some… junkerqueen x (T)male reader where she just kind of comforts him with his eating disorder.
i sometimes literally can’t bring myself to eat, not cause anything is wrong i just… can’t? food is icky.
thank you adrien, truly. you are everything.
anything for you pookie (I'd like to formally apologize for that)
Y'all see that trigger warning in the ask? Yep, that carries over into this piece. Crazy, right? Anyway, this'll have themes of eating disorders and unhealthy relationships with food. If that isn't the thing for you, then please don't read this. I don't want people getting triggered by this. I love y'all too much for that.
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Odessa pushes the bowl towards you once again, trying to get you to eat the food that she had made. "Love, you really gotta to eat something."
You pushed the bowl back, just the thought of picking up the spoon and putting the soup into your mouth made you want to vomit. "I can't, Dez," you respond quietly.
Your girlfriend sighs, frustrated, and you could feel tears welling in your eyes. The two of you had been at this for almost an hour. Something wasn't right today. You couldn't understand why she couldn't get that you just couldn't eat. If you did, you'd just throw it right back up.
"Love, I'm really trying here. You haven't eaten all day. You really, really need to get something in you before the day is over."
Biting your bottom lip, you tried really hard not to let the tears spill.
You failed.
The warm tears glided across your cheeks and Odessa's face softened. She scooted her chair so that she was sitting next to you instead of across from you and wraps on arm around you, pulling your face into her chest. "Oh, y/n," she said, rubbing a hand up and down your back.
"I'm sorry," you cried.
"Nah, don't be sorry. It ain't your fault. I know you don't want things to be like this."
You gripped onto your girlfriend's shirt for dear life, trying to convey how you were feeling without saying anything. Before you could try and stop her, Dez picked you up and held you bridal style. "We're gonna lay down, m'kay? Maybe you need some time to chill before trying to eat again."
You nodded weakly and let her take you to your bed, the bowl of soup forgotten on the table.
Dez laid you down before climbing in herself, letting you rest your head on her chest. She ran a hand through your hair, and another wrapped around you protectively.
"I don't do it on purpose," you said.
"I know you don't."
"It's just that sometimes I look at food and just feel sick. Doesn't matter if it's my favorite food ever, I still feel like I'm going to hurl if I eat it. And I hate it. I hate it so much because I just want to eat like a normal person."
"I know."
"Why can't I be a normal person? Why can't I just eat food like most people do? Why do I have to be so fucked up that-"
Odessa cuts you off. "You're not fucked up. It ain't your fault. Yeah, sometimes you feel sick when you try to eat. That don't mean that you're fucked up. You just need some help. Every good warrior needs help sometimes. I need help sometimes. Don't mean I'm weak. You think that makes me weak and fucked up?"
"Then there's your answer. Just cause you need some help don't mean nothing. Now, shut up and take a nap. We'll try again later, and if you still can't eat then we'll figure something out."
You nodded and stayed silent for a little while. "I love you, Dez."
"I love you too. y/n."
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theautisticcentre · 1 month
I do!!Punkbug time♡
Blasian Marinette(chinese french-haitian french)and jamaican Hobie.Mari has low afropuffs!!
Marinette's Spider Variant is Luckyspider and Hobie wouldn't have Miraculous holder,he'd be a very instigating civillian :]
Afropunk edgecase softie bf x Black softgirl he radicalized and is now afrosolarpunk in pink flavor
Tism4Tism and Transfag4Transdoll
Hobie one ups Adrien and encourage Marinette to kick Felix's ass
They love sitting on eachother's lap and playing indie games together and they eat milkshake dipped burgers as their signature food
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moscowluvr · 7 months
°•°•°• vanserra brother x reader
°•°•°• au where the fae and human societies are blended. at war, you make an alliance with beron vanserra and marry his son, dmitri
Is this what it feels to be a wife? Dmitri had spent the better part of the six weeks since his wedding just lounging around your apartment. There was nothing else for him to do. Not since his father sprung his impending marriage to a fucking human on him — and you. Running part of the human resistance, you'd only shown up for an average meeting. At first, you'd laughed in his father's face. As young as you were, overwhelmed with the sole responsibility for this resistance movement, Beron had been able to finally offer you something you needed. Before he and his brothers were kicked out of the meeting, you'd denied all forms of monetary assistance. Any help he offered, you claimed to have it covered.
Dmitri realized that's probably part of the reason Beron had been so intent on it. As a human, you would die. When you did, everything you owned and everything you were would belong only to your husband. Now, to the Vanserras. In public, he and his brothers knew better than to complain or question it. A human for one of the sons of the Autumn Court? At least the marriage had been kept secret. At least he didn't have the rest of the seven courts laughing at him.
He still remembers the day that Beron had told each of them. The previous night it had been made clear that he expected each of them at breakfast. He and his brothers had found themselves in Ruslan's old room. He'd been dead for centuries but Beron still ordered the servants to keep it clean. "What do you think it is?" Dmitri had asked, putting his weight on the dresser. Eris clenched his fists at his sides, "It's not good," And that had been that. In the morning, it was worse than expected.
In the end, it had been decided on Dmitri. Eris was heir, he would not be ruined so. His father worried about you being the one to push Anatole around. Adrien had a musicians heart — Beron wouldn't send him to live alone in a war engulfed city. Dmitri, the trained warrior, would do what needed to be done. Which, was make sure you didn't fuck everything up.
He looked up from a book when the lock clicked open. As silent as possible, you poked your head in, frowning at the light on. He nearly snorted at your concern for him, your concern for everyone, really. How many people did you help smuggle out of the warzone? How much food, weapons, and medicine did you help smuggle in? How many people did you bribe to protect the innocent? That kind of kindness was nearly despised in Autumn, considered weak. There was a layer of cunning beneath it, a brutality that said you were willing to do anything that needed to be done. You shifted on your feet, grocery bags in your arms. Where you'd gotten it this late, he didn't know. He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. You clearly didn't expect him to still be here.
"Wife," He crooned out. His father wanted you to fear him, to turn the resistance into what his father wanted, not what it currently was. Your unease melted, a smile crossing your lips. "Husband," You grinned back. You were playing along like you always had. Besides the initial resistance, of the way you scratched your name onto the marriage license, he would've thought you were all for it. "I've missed you all these weeks. Where were you?" You walked around him, sitting it down on the counter. "Are you hungry?" You wouldn't answer. Beron had been very curious to find out you've been gone for so long.
Guilt ate away at him now. It had merely been an offhand comment Dmitri had made. It was only after seeing the way Beron began to pry that made him change his tune, claiming you were away visiting family. He doesn't think you have any — there are no pictures but you and a two other people.
Dmitri still doesn't know anything about you. Whatever Beron knows, he hadn't felt inclined to share. So, he stands and walks behind you, peering over your shoulder. These six weeks haven't been kind to you, wherever you'd been. He breathed in your scent. "Yes," Seemed to be the only polite answer.
For some reason he had yet to understand, Beron Vanserra did not want to make you miserable between now and whatever hell he had planned for you. Be a husband to her, Dmitri, Beron had said, Do not cause her torment more than need be.
His answer seemed to please you. You waved a knife at him as you began washing your produce. "Sit over there. Far over there!" He chuckled. So his wife did not want him touching her. He was determined to change that. You did not seem to want him. To be fair, there had been no time to change that. In another, kinder world where he was forced to marry you again, there would've been a wedding. The one he had was only attended by his father, Eris, and you, dressed in a black shirt, black pants, and boots. He should've been able to slip his hands under the table, under your dress and trace his fingers over your thighs. He should've drank until his mind was thick and you were the most beautiful woman there.
Which, he thinks ruefully, wouldn't take much. He'd thought you'd be plainer. That his father would punish his sons with an ugly, human bride. It had been one of the first complaints out of their mouths. Anatole, especially, who'd been so used to the females of Prythian, that he looked nearly ready to take out his own eyes in preparation. Looking at you now, with your hair pulled back, he doesn't think he's disappointed in that regard.
"Where did you go?" He asks again. Your lips pinch into a thin line. He does not plan on telling his father this. He doesn't plan on telling him anything. "I was out. I'm back now. Until I need to visit my family again," You looked at him, gratitude in your eyes. That lie had helped you, then. "I was helping to set up communications," You finally replied. That would do for now. You went back to cooking. A dutiful wife, it would seem.
The next two months had been peaceful. You didn't leave for any long trips, just organizing food and aid to go around to the people who needed it — mothers left alone to provide, the elderly, and children who needed things their parents couldn't get on their own. When free, you worked in soup kitchens and helped with the orphanage.
For a moment, Dmitri truly pitied his brothers. Freedom had finally come to him in the form of marriage. It could have easily gone to them as it had him, in another life, he isn't the one with his head on your thighs as your fingers brush through his hair.
The physical touch started with him following you from room to room, claiming to want to spend time with his wife. With that, you gave in, spending hours droning on and on in the worst manner you could possibly think of, each detail more boring than the last. It didn't stop him from looking at you with interested eyes, playing with the sleeve at your wrist or the ends of your hair.
You weren't sure which game you were even playing. Deep down, you were lonely. You couldn't trust many people. So, you played into it just as much. It only served to make his affections stronger, like he knew they were fake and he wouldn't stop until they turned real.
It continued for weeks after that. Day after day blurred. You weren't sure what was real and what wasn't after that. It was horrible, knowing you were falling right into the trap that Dmitri and Beron had set. When your heart belonged only to him, would you still be able to deny his wants?
So, in September, you finally decide to return home in June. With little guilt, it's set up in days. Once you're gone, the faerie faction will be ran by Beron, the human side by Therese. To Dmitri, you leave a letter. It's been written and burned hundreds of times. You knew this marriage would never last. You knew you wouldn't stay in this city forever. You didn't want to, either. You were a different person than the one who came here two years ago. Your friends and family were waiting for you, had told you how proud they were.
You didn't know how to tell Dmitri or Beron. Beron, who now called you daughter with a soulless smile. Beron, who wanted every piece of you. Dmitri, who threatened to destroy every piece of you. It wasn't the best idea, nor something you were proud of, but it came to you when Dmitri slept with his head on your chest, arms wrapped around your middle.
Another one of his tricks. Another attempt at making you fall in love with him. It was fucking working. When was the last time someone had just held you?
You had to convince them all you were dead.
Dmitri nor Beron knew your real name. You don't think they truly understand everything that's happening here. The laws and the rules that you were breaking just by speaking to them, let alone marrying them.
In your defense, you truly never expected to be alive for this long. Not as the resistance members were getting picked off one by one. There were too many informants around, too many people willing to betray their family, friends, and strangers alike.
You weren't afraid to admit you were selfish, that you took just as much enjoyment in Dmitri's presence. You introduced him to the friends you did have, slowly integrated him into your life. You could tell it pleased Beron, who believed be was close to gaining everything you had. Within six months, Dmitri had began meeting with resistance members on your behalf, passing along letters and coded messages.
It was interesting how cruel you could be to one another. You, who sat in his lap, running your fingers through his hair, kissing his forehead. His head rested forward on your chest. You hated how warm it made you feel on the inside, how relaxed his face was. You doubted another female could get him in such a state. You, who trusted him indiscriminately because he knew Beron would ruin him if he was anything outside of a loyal husband. If he wanted to be, not a soul better find out about it. He trusted you — if only because how friendless your life truly was. There was always work to be done, people to speak to, things to set up. That didn't leave much time for social interaction beyond people who gave you maybe a little too much grace.
There were other things you noticed, too. Things that made you sick to your stomach because you found yourself slowly convincing yourself that he actually did care. Dmitri often waited to eat until you took your first bite, always walking closest to the road, his hand on the small of your back as he kept you close. Dmitri always listened to your rambles, would ask the right questions to keep you going. You'd always blush once you'd realized how loud you were being. He'd always laugh and kiss your forehead.
Sometimes, it nearly felt like a real marriage.
You invested time into him, too. He was fond of horseback riding. You, on the other hand, was not. You stood in the country side, shifting on your feet. He stood behind you, towering over you. Unexpectedly, his hands found your waist, picking you up with ease and placing you on the horse. Within moments, with that lethal fae grace, he slid behind you, arms around you waist and pulling you closer. You whimpered when the horse jerked into a sprint. "I've got you," His lips brushed your ear, teeth nipping the shell. With his arms wrapped around your body, you truly believed that.
It never seemed to bother either of you that you hadn't consummated your marriage. Not even as he moved into your bed, each night keeping you snuggly in his arms, leg shoved between your own. Sometimes, you thought it was a way to ensure you got enough sleep. If you were physically unable to pry yourself from his arms and work until you began to hallucinate, you had no choice but to sleep.
On your twenty first birthday, you spill your guts, kissing him and running your fingers down his abdomen under his shirt. "I don't expect you to say anything," You said, voice so steady, so clear. There was no regret, not even as you knew their should be. In the back of your mind, it always lingered how much he seemed to hate the idea of marrying you. "But I think I'm in love with you,"
His eyes only seemed to sparkle, face spread out in joy as he buried his face into your neck, just pressing feather soft kisses to your skin. "I love you," He says, again and again, slipping both of your clothes off and sliding into you after lengthy preparation.
As always, good things must die.
It comes with Dmitri, standing over you in the middle of the night, face twisted in fury, eyes alight with flame. He was meeting with a leader of a separate resistance group. Your heart sinks. Never had you been the object of his anger. "Dmitri," His name burns a hole into your tongue. He braces his arms on the bed post, "I got back from speaking with Lyall. He asked me," Dmitri sucks in a breath, spitting out, "If I was taking over once you left in June,"
It was the beginning of May now.
You looked down at your hands. Biting the inside of your cheek. You expected to feel triumphant at him and Beron finding out you left. Now, there was shame and guilt. You loved him. He hissed, striding over to you and catching your chin. You moved to defend yourself. No words came out. All anger faded, his eyes twisting to despair. He sniffed the air. The anger came back tenfold. "You're pregnant? That's what this is about, taking my child away from me?"
You ripped your face out of his hands, shoving him away before smoothing your hands over your blanket, "What the fuck are you talking about?"
His face dropped once he realized it wasn't an act, that you didn't know. Dmitri cursed, hands falling to his sides. "You're having a baby. I'm going to be a father,"
In this war? You didn't think so. You just didn't know how to tell him that.
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xhanisai · 4 months
destroy a shitty, entitled customer once and you'll find yourself (1) smitten kitten
Pairing - Adrinette
Prompt - 'Simp'
Summary -
"Are you arguing back with me? Don't you know your place, you useless worker!? The customer is always right, you rude, little shit! I demand a refund—"
Before anyone could even blink, a petite but insanely strong hand clasped itself on the customer's shoulder, sending an icy bucket of water over his head and the man found himself sinking to one knee before freezing on the spot.
He then turned around and found himself face-to-face with the most angriest, dangerous-looking blue eyes he had ever seen in his entire lifetime, belonging to a Eurasian little girl.
It was at this moment he knew, he fucked up.
 "You call this food!? The soup is colder than my fridge and looks disgustingly sloppy! And the bread is soggy as hell— look! Half of it has already broken off and turned into sludge in this so-called soup! Can you and the chefs stop being so useless for once!? No wonder you're all stuck working shitty jobs!" The red-faced customer sneered, towering over the poor waiter who hugged the metal tray against his chest and was close to bursting out to tears. He looked no older than fifteen whilst the customer seemed to be no younger than forty-nine. "I-I-I-I'm so sorry, Monsieur! But according to our shop’s protocols, we're not allowed to serve the food any hotter than that for customer safety and to avoid any burns! And your bread ended up soggy because you put the sandwich in the soup and went on your phone for a while before tucking into your food—" "Are you arguing back with me? Don't you know your place, you useless worker!? The customer is always right, you rude, little shit! I demand a refund—" Before anyone could even blink, a petite but insanely strong hand clasped itself on the customer's shoulder, sending an icy bucket of water over his head and the man found himself sinking to one knee before freezing on the spot. He then turned around and found himself face-to-face with the most angriest, dangerous-looking blue eyes he had ever seen in his entire lifetime, belonging to a Eurasian little girl.
 It was at this moment he knew, he fucked up. "Would you mind repeating what you had just said about the nice waiter?" Her tone was like a blistering storm, like thunder despite it being so calm and steady. Her grip on his shoulder tightened and the man found himself buckling to both of his knees, now having to peer up at the scary little girl much to his absolute horror. "I-I-It isn't my fault! The food is cold and the customer is always right! U-U-Unhand me you freak! I swear I will file a complaint to whatever school you’re from and get you expelled!"
It was then, he practically threw himself in the deep ends.
Meanwhile, whilst Marinette relentlessly threatened chewed out the former angry customer to the point where he tearfully apologised to all the minimum-wage working people he's wronged (begging in a foetal position on the dirty floor with his hands clasped above him in a pleading gesture), Alya, Nino and Adrien observed the chaotic scene from the table nearby. The bespectacled couple watched in awe, the journalist with her phone out and recording everything so that she could brag about how fucking badass her best friend is whilst the boy tried to hide under his cap like a turtle, quite frightened by the petité girl's courage. Nino has been on the receiving end of Marinette’s ire a few times before for smaller things and he did not appreciate having to relive those petrifying memories. Even if she was just five years old back in those days.
 “M-m-mec! It was an accident! I swear!”
 “You killed him…”
 “I didn’t mean to!”
 “You killed Monsieur. Jacques!”
 “He’s only an ant!”
 Oh, she was one terrifying five-year-old.
Adrien on the other hand... "Oh wow~! She's so brave, so courageous, so heroic~!" He had his hands on his rosy cheeks, elbows on the table and literal hearts glittering in his eyes as he kicked his legs back and forth like a lovesick little girl on his seat. "Oh, Marinette~ ma Marinette~ Mari, Mari, Mari, marry meeeeeee~~~~!" He was completely blind to the bewildered look his best friend threw at him and the way Alya zoomed in on Adrien's face, capturing every single word he said on camera.
 “That annoying customer is so lucky he’s getting yelled at by Marinette. He should be honoured. He should be bowing down to her and devote the rest of his life towards her. Oh, Marinette~” The best way one could describe Nino’s face towards Adrien’s rambling was this image:
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generalluxun · 4 months
Thanks for the reblog on Chrysididae. I think I may edit and publish it to AO3 later, just gotta make sure I don't start expanding it into an Author tract or the like XD
No pressure to reply to this if you don't want.
(Gosh I had so much to say about her issues communicating & parents but was like, no, Chrysididae is a hero with a job to do and very limited memories, perspective or understanding of Chloe. Focus!)
Though not quite on that front, I do legit muse on how Ladybug & Chat would feel after having that outlined and proven true as far as Gabriel's identity goes t least.
Cos like, I think they'd realize it, especially given he had the spellbook and was 'weird' around Ladybug during Simon Says as well so they technically know have slightly more information than Chrysididae.
I figure Adrien would mostly focus on the civilian side of things and the "Oh god my dad did this" angle. Mostly cos as Chat he didn't ever really put a foot wrong save maybe not being firm enough on getting LB to tell her about not being Queen Bee.
Marinette would focus on the hero side: "If I had not given her X, or if I had given her Y, none of this would have happened." I think the fact the only reason she didn't choose Chloe for Heart Hunter was to break up Adrien & Kagami's date would haunt her.
On one hand, part of me would kind of want a sort of "Can this be fixed?" ending. But I feel it'd not work and be more interesting if that were the case.
Cos like, you know those stories where a villain gets turned back into an infant or another person and the show is like. "Hooray, they have a chance to be better now!"
This is like an inversion of that.
A "Bad" child essentially committed suicide and used herself as raw materials to make a "Good" person (Her idealized self) to replace her. Meaning rather than hoe Chrysididae's entire existence represents the loss of hope and is defined by a life tragically cut short.
Sorry for the ramble, I hope it was interesting.
Very interesting. I have a slightly more hopeful spin, even in this. You see- what defines a person? What defines change?
People say 'just change!' is this now the most extreme case of that? Asking someone to completely rewire who they are on a dime. A whole collection of new thoughts, ideas, and behaviors with access to the memories of the oast, but unaffected by them.
Where does a person 'cease to be' when changing?
If someone is an alcoholic for ten years, then quits. Are they the same person, or is the alcoholic dead? Did the alcoholic kill the person before?
Chrysididae is the person Chloé felt she could not be while carrying everything. Yet, it's still what she desired to be. Is that Chloé? Is it not?
I think it at the very least can be spun more as food for thought than pure tragedy. Though it has tragic elements in any event.
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viscari-a · 4 months
MariClaw AUs
AU thinking let's go. Bad boy x sunshine is a classic dynamic and I saw MariClaw (marinette x claw noir) and the possibilities are endless. Since I'm a love square shipper this is going to be MariClaw and Marinette x Emo!Adrien! Highkey I headcanon that Adrien became emo because Marinette did it first so I'm not going to dive into mechanics of why Adrien is emo but Marinette isn't. I would say 'maybe he watched too much anime' but the brand of claw noir feels a bit more more wattpad bad boy (back in 2016) than shoujo bad boy, depending on the shoujo. He's been pining for literal years AU
maybe she once gave him a bandaid, maybe he's always seen her from afar and curiousity became love, who knows! Point is, he's liked her for SO long and when he's given the chance to go to school, he's super excited because that's the school she goes to!! Cue manga cliches and the title is probably something like "The New Delinquent is Actually a Softie at Heart and He's is in Love With Me???" It could be so cliche, with very lighthearted and cute romcom moments. maybe a secret admirer AU!!
It could also be super angst/fluff. Marinette thinks the whole thing is a prank, or doesn't think he actually likes her, and it's the slowest burn or the most comedy romcom. OR it's the first person who appreciates her slash doesnt bully her (the standards are low here, kids, cause i'm going on the assumption she's heavily bullied), and it's a story of self-acceptance! All of these ideas assume that Adrien has the bravery to approach her and talk to her though :> (not quite romantically, thats up to you. Personally, I think he's too shy to be able to blatantly flirt) Integration of Claw Noir is possible is so many ways that I'm not going to go into it. He joined the Supreme to get back at her bullies + protect her AU I once read a villain!chat blanc fic where he and her are soulmates and he does questionable things like follow her around and is kind of wary but also curious. This would have the same vibes! Could also be more wholesome/pining where he stays in the shadows. Plus hurt/comfort when she realizes, plus the fact that his powers are corroding him! Sick fic potential Can also be a lovesquare enemies to lovers (+ mistaken/secret identity), if Ladybug is part of the Resistance and Claw Noir is with the Supreme ;) The Balcony cliche AU
Marinette has mixed feelings on the Supreme but there's one hero who she sees a lot (potential for pining on Claw's part) and it bothers her so much that one day she meets him on the balcony and gives him food and it becomes a Thing! Traditional Marichat vibes but with a more kuu/tsun-dere Noir
Reverse crush AU There's a certain brand of danmei where the MC is really really shy and it's a lot of angst until the ML realizes that the stoic MC is just shy and is actually the cutest, kindest person ever. This! Is! EmoAdrien x Marinette!! One of the potentials, anyway. Marinette thinks Adrien hates her because he keeps glaring/staring at her (and all the stares she's used to are judgemental ones), only talks to her in clipped sentences, and never goes near her. Then, something happens!! Maybe he gives his umbrella to an abandoned cat or something, idk. Point is, she gets more interested and it's a slow burn-ish progressive romance :) Now the above [she thinks he hates her] except he keeps partnering her with projects and events and everything and she's really confused by the mixed signals so can he please stop. I think everyone collectively died when EmoAdrien realized + quietly blushed in the movie so flirting would be SO fun here because both of them would get really embarrassed.
Secret Identity AU Maybe the secret is that he's Claw Noir or the secret is that he's Adrien Agreste but either way it'll be fun :> Maybe she hates his alt persona so he dies a little inside everytime she makes a comment or a jab and this can be either very comedic or very angsty or both Dengeki Daisy AU, same scenario, enough said. Would probably be more interesting if its Claw Noir + OG Adrien / Chat Noir + EmoAdrien, just to have more of a switch. (In Dengeki Daisy, MC has online friend A who she's never met, and a classmate B who she kind of hates. She talks to A about B, where she rants about B and A comforts her. A and B are the same people).
Manhwa style
Sweet, strong, feminine, girlboss MC? With a the stoic, rich, powerful, smitten ML? say less. He might be more of a tsundere than stoic, though. Gabriel Agreste is definitely the hidden boss. Could be the above but also a villainess/reincarnation/transmigation AU. Reincarnated into a game like an RPG or Stardew or something could also be fun, and bonus points if Mari liked him (as a character) before transmigation!
Gaming AU! Gaming AU. Maybe they meet in a game, on Discord, or because they're always playing at the same time and get matched? This is so beautifully canonical. Especially when Adrien is home schooled, he probably gets really attached to his online friend. And if they're both bullied?? they're each other's comfort (be careful to not let this be co-dependent, unless you're going for that). Can have secret identity AU. But, in my personal opinion, the super cute option is to also have them realize on their own! Maybe they've been doing discord calls for ages and recognize each other's voice. Maybe he's been telling her about the school and they realize they're going to attend the same one! Tbh this doesnt have to be mariclaw but the vibes are cute
Extra notes
Yeah Claw Noir doesn't have to have superpowers in all/most of the AUs
Marinette is a loner/bullied in most of these AUs because otherwise it feels a bit too much like a Mary Sue/self-insert (cute competent popular girl meets famous pretty emo boy who hates everyone except her). Can it be done if she's friends with Nino and Alya? Yep. Heavier themes on friendship where Alya (and maybe Nino) are more wary at first but grow to like him and help him be more self-confident. Less romance focus, more character development/trauma healing
If we're going with canon then for all of these, a true happy ending would involve the Supreme being dealt with, but I don't want to deal with that (plus I don't think we know who he is, anyway)
I realize a lot of these are a flavor of Chat Blanc but I had already written it all anyway
Personally, I am a sucker for smitten x insecure and EmoAdrien x OGMari fit that to a tee. Emo x Sunshine I have mixed feelings on because boi have I read a lot of that, but if it's done well it's super cute and MariClaw does that really well!! I could probably think of more AUs but I've already spent at least half an hour purely typing I pretty highly doubt I'll write any of these since they feel like longer fics + I don't have enough canon info on Claw Noir to comfortably characterize him; if anyone wants to write or draw something based on these then feel free to!
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cardiac-agreste · 8 months
WIP Game
Yesterday I RBd a thing where you list your WIPs, then people send you asks about specific ones, and you share a little. @bohemianrhapsody711 asked about these:
Into the Bugverse
I am SUPER excited about this idea, but it's in very early stages (no actual snippets to share, just some disjointed points I'll fill in right now). It is, as you might guess, a riff on Into the Spiderverse. A bit of crack taken seriously where the multiverse is all the fics on Ao3.
We begin with a universe in which Marinette is navigating not to disappointing her parents, who want her to learn the family trade.
Chat Noir, who fought alone most of his life before Marinette was recruited (think of this as kind of a plot divergent Hey, Ribbons by childoflightningg aka @peggiecarter aka @annaethchase), has died (he was Felix Agreste). She's all alone as LB now. The whole of Paris mourns him.
She also meets the new kid, Adrien, and a new Chat Noir shows up. Suddenly, pulled through the "bugverse" into her own world is an older Marinette from another fanwork, possibly Semantitheft's L'Oublie Marinette. They bond while fighting the big bad (imagine a vibe kind of like @leviaana's wonderful comic about Minibug, the jaded older LB who still loves her younger self).
At a low moment for them, other Marinettes get pulled into her world, all from other fanfics. Maybe
a paranoid @buggachat BEAU Marinette or mistrustful one from @wackus-bonkus-maximus One Does Not Love Breathing
Maybe a Marinette from a Coffee Shop AU like Allez savoir pourqois by Yilena who has no powers but is still smart
Or possibly a blog AU like Chat Noir's Miraculous Award for Truly Magical Food by @mommadon. Non-magic Marinette will receive a miraculous as a temp hero!
Marinette from a fic where she's pregnant as fuck but still fighting (the one I'm thinking of it's kind of a twist she gets pregnant later on, so I won't mention it).
Definitely Marinette from Ghost in the Machine by @jheqiawrites alongside her AI companion Adrien.
Possibly an akumatized Marinette
lip service to the MariBat fandom with a very well-capitalized MARINETTE (see what I did there?) from Miraculous LadyBat by BoxTops
a princess or knight Marinette like from A Royal Pain by jheqia and @sing-in-me-oh-muse
At some point in the fighting, we find out that Adrien died young in this universe and Papillon and Peahen are the enemies, and they're trying to get the miraculous to wish him back to life.
The Adrien in this universe is actually from a universe where Marinette/Ladybug is dead, and OMG, Marinette, he's Chat Noir!!!! Possibly from Hamburger Ladybug by @raspberrycatapult or from Last Wishes by @kasienda
Blah blah save the world, everyone returns to their universes. Hint at sequel that brings in other fanfics' Ladybug versions! Do we get a transdimentional love story?? Who knows? I DO!! (I don't.)
I think there's something of an ethical issue for me about using other people's Marinettes for my story, but I think if it's crack it's more OK (it's somewhat like parody) than if I were creating spinoffs with the same tone. BC to be honest, I suspect none of the BNFs would ever see a message from me asking permission. Better to beg forgiveness, right?
Miraculous: Bachelorette Edition
Alya, sick of watching Marinette flounder into her 20s, unable to confess to Adrien, submits her friend in secret as a potential Bachelorette for a reality TV show where many men vie for her hand. Through the magic of crack, a bunch of guys from the show end up contestants: Adrien (his father made him), Luka (he's pan so why not?), Nathaniel (STILL IN DENIAL about his feelings for Marc), Theo the sculptor with the bad soul patch, etc. Oh, and much to Ladybug's annoyance, Chat Noir is also a contestant?!
All of Paris is begging for Pajamagirl x Adrien Agreste
This is going through revisions in my head, but the initial kernel that is actually written down in my WIPs is
Ladybug falls in a crowded area and unconscious, de-transforms. Someone takes their camera out. "Don't you fucking take that picture. Hawkmoth can't know who she is!" Some teen girl "Is that Pajama Girl? Annette, I think that's Pajama Girl!" "OMG Charlotte, you're right! "Wait, didn't Adrien say in an interview that his celebrity crush is Ladybug?" "Dude didn't I see that Chat Noir took her on a date to Andre's?" Marinette wakes up surrounded by people, freaks out. "Don't worry girl, we're not gonna tell anyone, and no one took any pictures. Your secret's safe. Later that day, Annette and Charlotte get #adrienshoulddatepajamagirl trending on social media. Gabriel, who turns out to have been full of SHIT when he told Marinette that he determines what the public wants, pressures Adrien to date his Very Good Friend for the brand.
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drsugarsweet · 7 months
Miracle Witness Hour
Demon!Devo the Cursed x Reader
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Synopsis: Life seems to be perfect once you've moved to the cottage of your dreams; the peace and quiet is lovely, the sounds of birdsong greet you every morning, and the Old Woods prove to be bountiful with wild foods. There's just one problem. You haven't gone unnoticed.
TW: implied animal death (not explicit), religious imagery, blood Note: reader is GN, no pronouns aside from 'you' are used.
Masterlist ☆。*。☆。
"Let's go summon a demon!" Your friends said. "C’mon, what's the worst that can happen? It'll be fun!" 
Standing in a dark, candlelit room filled with too much noise and the overwhelming scent of sweet oils and blood, you really aren't having fun. It’s not like you expected it to be much different but it’s a mystery as to why you agreed in the first place. Peer pressure is a hell of a thing. You're sitting cross-legged on a grainy concrete floor in someone’s basement - you’ve lost track of who your friends invite along that you aren’t privy to - and the cold of the room creeps into your bones. It couldn’t be less uncomfortable if it tried.
Moments after you think that, it gets more uncomfortable.
Your friend, a cattish girl that always insisted on ‘getting you out of your comfort zone’, is the one who initially invited you. She pulls out a container full of dark red sludge. The jar is barely half full of the substance and you wrinkle your nose at it. 
“What exactly are we doing here again? This isn’t very fun.” Your voice is more of a mutter compared to the obnoxious banter of the handful of other people in the room, but Adrien notices. She shakes the jar at you and the sludge tints the clear glass with red as it sloshes around.
“It’s pig blood, we need it for the ritual! And hey, it’ll be fun soon, don’t worry! We’re trying to summon something good ~” 
“Sure, I don’t know that’ll be enough though - “ 
Your concern is cut off as an arm is slung around your shoulder, belonging to one of the guys that was invited along that you can’t seem to remember meeting before. The hint of booze on his breath makes you gingerly lean away from his hold. He doesn’t seem to notice.
“Ey, who cares! If we get this demon, imagine what we can make it do!” The chatter is cut through with giggles as a few of the others discuss the riches they’ll accrue, the people they hold grudges against and the romances they’ll stoke. It feels wrong. You doubt they’ll listen, but your frown deepens as you consider why exactly it’s a bad idea to summon the damned willy-nilly. 
“Alright everyone, let’s do this! I’ve got the blood, someone turn off the lights! And don’t mess with the salt!” 
As the basement’s dingy light bulbs are turned off and the rest of the group joins you in sitting around a scratchy salt circle on the ground, the room falls into dusky shadows thrown further by the candlelight. No expenses were spared - well, unless you consider dollar store candles, a container of kitchen salt and a questionably acquired book of spells the peak of quality. It’s not like you volunteered any of the supplies. Considering how you were dragged into this whole mess, it isn’t surprising.
Well, that’s not entirely true. You did bring one supply with you, but you haven’t told the others. Your hand toys with a bloodied bandage stuffed into your pocket and soaked from a recent inexplicable nosebleed, courtesy of the strangely dry weather. It isn’t much - nowhere near comparable to the jar of pig’s blood hastily gathered by your friend from a nearby butcher - but you don’t like the idea of skimping out on yet another element of the ritual. It feels wrong to play with forces unknown in that way.
Ah, but listen to you. There’s no way that this whole thing will work in the first place.
Your friend sits at the head of the group with the book laid open across her lap. It’s just about the only authentic looking thing in this basement. The pages are worn parchment stained with years of fingerprints and ink and other things you don’t want to think about, and the cover is some kind of leather that you’ve never seen before. You didn’t get a chance to take a good look at the insides because she tore the book away from your curious eyes before you could see so much as a glance. All you caught before her expression turned closed off and dour was black scribbles in shapes your mind couldn’t fully comprehend. Ever since then she’s been strangely cagey about the entire ritual. You don’t like it one bit.
The others around the circle seem to be equally out of the loop but they’re far less nervous than you. Their expressions range from staunch disbelief and boredom to the giddy glee of someone daring their friend to say a spooky name in front of a mirror three times. None of them seem unsettled by the atmosphere. They certainly don’t seem cautious. It feels like it should ease your mind but it doesn’t. Shouldn’t there be more gravity to the whole affair? Haven’t any of them seen the movies full of inverted crosses and cold, clammy corpses?
Apparently not. When your friend starts chanting in some guttural language you’ve never before heard, the gooseflesh that dapples your skin should send you packing. It sounds like her voice but not like her in a way you can’t grasp. The rise and fall of her voice in sharp syllables and rasping hisses makes the others giggle and whisper to each other. Everyone else seems to think that she’s hamming it up. You aren’t so sure.
When the flames of the candles begin to flicker, the cheers of excitement only grow. They act like it’s some kind of prank! Briefly, you feel the urge to scan the room for a camera but there’s no way that this is for some stupid video. You would know - you helped set everything up to get away from the pre-ritual beers and gossip. There’s nothing else in the dusty old basement but some leaky pipes, a circle of salt and scentless pale candles, and a group of people with nothing better to do. That doesn’t relieve you of the nerves making your hair stand on end and you grip the bandages in your pocket tighter. The slickness of any leftover blood goes unnoticed.
Soon things start to change. The candles aren’t just flickering idly; it’s as though a massive door slammed open to release the cold night air outside, filling the room with a dank, frigid gust. The candles don’t go out just yet but your keen eyes notice that their flames are different . Where before it was the familiar glow of sunset red, they grow a sickly green by the second. There’s no way that they can change. You saw the packaging they came in, they aren’t supposed to do that. The others are laughing now. They think it’s a well-planned trick.
It isn’t, and you really shouldn’t be here.
Your friend’s voice has picked up now, rising and falling like the strange wind that takes the room in its hold. There’s a strange, terrible scent in the air. There’s mildew and dust, the tinge of iron and copper that only comes from a freshly butchered animal. Your lungs are filled with the taste of ash and you want to leave. To your horror, your body is frozen in place. You’re forced to breathe in the miasma and stare at the circle and your friend across from you.
She’s locked in a fervor as she speaks. You wish you could look into her eyes and see if there’s any sign of fear or mirth or impish glee, but her eyes are wrenched shut as though she’s in pain. You don’t get the chance to ask her, not when your breath is stolen by the sudden darkness that fills the room. The candles are blown out by the wind and the shadows weigh down on you with an overwhelming dread.
The others have noticed their state of stillness by now. The cheers have died down, and the worried mutters of people questioning the unpredictable, dire future replaces them. This isn’t a joke anymore.
Where the room was once filled with a campy glow, a sickening dark green coats every face in unnatural tones. The smell of rot and roadkill is overpowering. You’d feel bile on your tongue if the iron wasn’t wreaking havoc on your senses.
Something is here.
It takes a moment to realize the candles aren’t the only thing glowing. By the time that you shake off the stupor of fear brought upon by the atmosphere, you see that there aren’t six beings in the room anymore. There’s seven.
The thing hasn’t left the salt circle, not yet. It oozes and bubbles and drags itself up from a pool of shadow in the center of the circle, one massive arm then another preparing to pull the thing up. Someone in the ritual circle is screaming now, and the only way you know that it isn’t you is because your teeth are drawing blood from your tongue. There’s blood in your mouth and on your hands and in your pocket, and the jolt of pain finally frees you from your unnatural stillness.
You aren’t sure what made you do it, but your friend on the other side of the circle has broken free from her stupor. You see surprise, shock, horror in the eyes of the others. Not her. You see a terrible, smug knowingness when her pupils flicker to yours, and her hand reaches from the book to the jar of blood. Her caginess makes sense now - her certainty that this would work was no joke. She knew what would happen, and you know that you’re in grave danger.
The ‘pop’ of the jar’s lid being removed is barely heard over the cries of fear around you. The thing is now up to a broad set of shoulders and horns that grow longer than your forearm, but you hear it all the same. In your moment of clarity, you pull the bandage from your pocket.
The salt circle is dampened by pig’s blood. It pools and oozes towards the shadowy beast and coats the concrete in filthy red. At the same time, you do the only thing you can think of. You spare a single glance to the crimson glazing your fingertips and you throw the bloodied bandages into the circle.
Whatever the reason, the sudden addition of sanguine gore elicits a response. The thing in the circle jerks and unleashes a most horrible groan. You get a better look at it as it pulls itself up and out of the shadows with a burst of energy, and you know why the others scream in terror and plead to gods that will not answer them.
The thing is terrible.
The thing is beautiful.
You’re reminded of why demons are so often referred to as fallen angels as your eyes fall upon glistening irises the color of the sky before a tornado. It peers from a curtain of long, inky hair tied in mismatched braids with a blank look upon its face. Scarred skin tinted green from the candles stretches across a mass of muscle that could easily crush you with a passing blow. You don’t have to look long to see the rows of bone-breaking teeth beneath thin lips, the massive claws tapering to black and the metal formed into chains and spikes across its body.  As though mocking your thoughts of holiness, a monumental set of horns crowns its head and curl around, a classic homage to a ram hewn from ebony.
It’s awful. It’s awful, and mesmerizing, and it’s looking right at you.
Through you.
Its presence whips the other people into a frenzy. The only one besides yourself that isn’t struck by fear is your (former) friend across from you. Her brows are furrowed. She opens her mouth to speak, perhaps wanting to command the thing as its summoner. Before she can, it whips around and you have only a second to note the burnt nubs of what may have once been wings on its back.
It hisses something guttural that hurts your ears. The woman blinks once, then twice. The thing hisses again, and with each attempt it grows closer to speech. When it finally speaks in a tone far too smooth for something with those teeth, everyone in the room shuts up long enough to listen.
“You are not the one.”
Finally, for the first time tonight, fear crosses her face. 
“Wh… what do you mean? I summoned you , you wretched thing! I control you!” Her voice reaches a fever pitch. She is confused and afraid and for a moment you feel righteous glee at the position that she’s in.
“You. Did. NOTHING.”
With a voice like grinding metal, the thing whips back towards you with the fury of a caged animal. You don’t have time to react when it steps impossibly close to the salt circle, mere inches away from your form as it kneels on muscular legs thicker around than your torso. Its eyes glow like the candle flames around you and a twinge of something that isn’t yours joins the confusion and fear filling your heart. A slick black tongue darts from its lips to taste the air.
“What is it that you wish?”
It’s talking to you .
Why in hell’s name is it talking to you?
The spark of hunger and sadistic glee in your chest flares again and you fear that you know exactly where it’s coming from. The thing seems to sense your confusion. It licks its lips and raises one massive claw to meet your gaze, and dangling from its grasp is the bandage you threw in earlier. The cloth is white as snow, not a drop of blood to be seen.
The blood still in your veins turns to ice. Your blood. It accepted your blood.
The room feels too small and you’re dizzy with fear. A terrible, joyful grin covers the thing’s face, and it snarls - no, laughs - with enough power to send dust shaking from the ceiling. You know you don’t want anything from it, but you know deep down that isn't true. Your eyes glare accusingly at the person you used to call your friend and the cowards that joined you. It’s clear that they never cared for you, and in a flash of memories, you’re not sure they ever did. Something deep and vengeful and grudging fills your heart, and you know what it is that you want.
You don’t have to tell the demon. Its eyes glow more fiercely and thick globules of black saliva drool from its teeth, and it saturates you with unholy anger. It knows what you want. What emotion is yours and what is the demon’s? You can’t tell anymore, but you’ve begun to move before you even realize. You stand upon shaking feet, and watch as the creature towers over you with monstrous height.
There will be time to consider the consequences later. When you nudge the salt and break the circle, you know exactly what will happen. 
As the demon grins at you before the carnage begins, you aren’t sure that you care.
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