gardenofkore · 7 hours
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Adranus is a town in Sicily, according to Nymphodorus, and in this town there is a temple to Adranus, a local divinity. And they say that he is there in very presence. And all that Nymphodorus tells of him besides, and how he shows himself and how kindly and favourable he is to his suppliants, we shall learn some other time. But now I shall give the following facts. There are sacred hounds and they are his servants and ministers; they surpass Molossians in beauty and in size as well, and there are not less than a thousand of them. Now in the daytime they welcome and fawn upon visitors to the shrine and the grove, whether they be strangers or natives. But at night they act as escorts and leaders, and with great kindness conduct those who are already drunk and staggering along the road, guiding each one to his own house, while those who indulge in tipsy frolics they punish as they deserve, for they leap upon them and rip their clothes to pieces and chasten them to that extent. But those who are bent on highway robbery they tear most savagely.
Aelian, On the nature of animals, book XI.19
Adranus or Adranos ('Αδρανός) was an ancient fire god worshipped by the Sicels, the ancient inhabitants of the island of Sicily ("a god highly honoured throughout all Sicily" Plutarch, Life of Timoleon, 12.2). He is sometimes identified as the father of the Palici.
In his honor "a certain famous temple" (Diodorus Siculus, Library of History, XIV, 37.5) was built at the foot of Mount Etna, and because of this connection with the vulcan, he was later absorbed by Hephaestus (or in some versions literally driven out by his Greek colleague).
The temple became the protagonist of a prodigy mentioned by Plutarch in his Life of Timoleon. As the Corinthian general had come to Sicily in 344BC after answering the call of distress of the Syracusan people (Syracuse was a colony of Corinth). The city (weakened by the constant friction with Carthage) had been occupied by the forces of Hicetas, tyrant of Leontini, leaving only the heart of the city, the island of Ortygia in the hand of the legitimate ruler, the tyrant Dionysius II.
The decisive battle took place before the walls of Adranòn, the city built by Dionysius I near the temple of the god Adranus, on the slopes of Mount Etna. "the people of Adranum threw open their gates and joined Timoleon, reporting to him with terror and amazement that at the beginning of the battle the sacred portals of their temple flew open of their own accord, and the spear of the god was seen to be trembling to the tip of its point, while copious sweat ran down his face. " (Life of Timoleon, XII.9)
The city and the adjoining temple would be later sieged and occupied by the Roman army during the First Punic War in 263BC. In this occasion the god's simulacrum would disappear, it is unsure whether it was smuggled by some Roman soldier or, perhaps, hidden by the same people of Adranos to avoid it being taken away.
In fact, Adranum combined within himself the image of a warrior god (he was depicted on coins as a man wearing an helmet and carrying a spear) and of a fire god. More precisely it is his warrior side that made Adranus particularly loved by the infamous mercenaries Mamertines, who most likely associated him with their tutelary deity, the Oscan war god Māmers (Mamertines meant the sons of Māmers, who will later become the Latin Mars).
Perhaps though the most interesting aspect about Adranus' cult is his connection to dogs. As recorded by Aelian in his On the nature of animals (who, in turn, cites Nymphodorus of Syracuse), according to folklore, the temple of Adranus was guarded by more than a thousands of sacred dogs. These four legged priests tended on the pilgrims who came to visit the temple. As night fell, they made sure these people (especially those who had too much to drink) arrived home safely, but at the same time they punished those who misbehaved to the point of killing highway robbers. Apparently Adranus' dogs inspired one of most famous Sicilian curses “Chi ti pozzanu manciari li cani” (may the dogs eat you).
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adranus-the-author · 7 months
You. You good?
*He stomps on one of the torn pieces of paper. He’s throwing a fit over such a minor thing.*
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in-a-state-of-limbo · 7 months
*Adranus, still bleeding and weak, manages to stand and walk back in the direction of where Mera stabbed him. He was determined to slow her down, at least to give the other gods enough time to plan. He doesn’t know Mera is no longer alone.*
- @adranus-the-author
*Linus just sits in the cracked state. Staring into the distance.*
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violetmoondaughter · 1 year
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Fire, the spark, the radiation, the energy that animates the world. Fire moves underneath the surface of the earth; the sun fire warms the earth, and we depend on it for life. Humans have always revered the fire. Fire was originally stolen from the sky, lightning struck trees were the main source before mankind learnt to create flames. With fire humans were capable of defend themselves from wild animals, to cook raw meat, to have a light in the darkness and a warm place in the cold weather. Fire is a creative and destructive element; it helps and harms, and it is generally assumed that humans began to move towards progress when they discovered fire.
Some of the most common fire spiritual correspondences are:
Orientation: South
 Qualities: Passion, Creativity, Energy, Destruction, Power, Action, Movement, Achievement, Desire, Willpower
Magical Weapon: Athame, Sword, Sickle, Candles, Brazier, Torches, Labrys, Dagger
Rituals: Protection, Purification, Banishing, Courage, Strength, Sexuality, Love
Places: Volcanoes, stars, sun, desert, fireplaces, ovens
Natural elements: lightnings, flames, lava, snakes, crickets, lizards, scorpions, felines,
Tarot: Swords
Rune: Kenaz
Zodiac Signs: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius
Spirits: Dragons, Salamander, Wyvern, Phoenix, Djinn, Chimera.
Deities: Vulcano, Ra, Sekhmet, Wadjet, Brigit, Aed, Grannus, Nantosuelta, Sethlans, Hephaestus, Hestia, Prometheus, Adranus, Fornax, Vesta, Agni, Lugh, Apollo, Horus, Bast, Helios, Sulis, Usil, Phoebus
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fyrebringr · 2 years
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✧  ˚    ·        .   the  continent  welcomes  soliana  valiathan  of  the  autumn  court,  the  high  lady  of  the  autumn  court.  when  the  high  fae  is  glamoured,  she  bears  a  resemblance  to  priyanka  chopra.  the  33  /  558  year  old  cis  woman  is  reputed  to  be  courageous  and  fair - minded,  but  a  decade  of  war  has  left  them  hotheaded  and  cynical.  if  created  by  the  cauldron,  they  would  be  made  in  the  likeness  of  a  shining  red  apple  that  fills  the  mouth  with  worms  upon  taking  the  first  bite,  the  burn  scars  of  a  forest  fire  as  they  begin  to  heal,  quick  lips  and  faster  hands.  whispers  throughout  prythian  claim  that  their  allegiance  lies  with  the  autumn  court,  where  they  conspire  to  continue  to  rebuild  her  court.   (  penned by olivia , graphic psd .  )
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B A S I C S:
NAME : soliana valiathan .
NICKNAMES : soli .
POSITION : high lady of the autumn court , former commander and general of the autumn court armies .
AGE : 33 / 558 .
PRONOUNS : she/her .
HEIGHT : 5′ 3″.
ORIENTATION : pansexual/panromantic .
BIRTHPLACE : the forest house , autumn court .
STATUS : unmated??? she doesn't want a mate as she fears it would weaken her stance as high lady. the thought of a mate also scares her simply because letting someone into the depths of her heart and soul sounds...terrifying. (potential connection) .
ABILITIES : fire manipulation , winnowing , glamouring , high lady beast form , military and soldier prowess .
PRIMARY WEAPONS : dual wielded katars . ( image )
F A M I L Y:
adranus valiathan → father (deceased) → former high lord of the autumn court .
??? → mother .
acantha valiathan → half - sister .
utp valiathan → half - sister (wanted connection) .
nitya valiathann → half - sister .
B I O G R A P H Y :
Being first born to a high lord could have been a saving grace from a father who was more destructive than the flames he wielded, but the moment the first child of the Autumn Court was declared a girl— Soliana's father called her fodder before daughter. The former high lord was as traditional as he was loyalist, and he knew in the very depths of his shadowed soul that a daughter would never rise to rule the Autumn Court. So he continued to sire children, always trying for the son that he was certain would be his heir...always disappointed when he bore nothing but daughters. Instead of treasured heir she would become another body in her father's battles, one that was raised to thank her enemies for the scars they left and return them upon their own skins tenfold with blades that moved as a blur and fire that burned bright enough to blind.
While she was raised in a warrior's image she would always be denied her truest strength. Soliana's power grew just as a true heir's would from the day they first appeared. They were dismissed by her father and his court, chalked up to nothing but her impressively powerful pedigree. While he denied her burgeoning abilities to Soliana and the public he became increasingly paranoid behind closed doors as his daughter's fire grew to rival his. It was a reminder that he would not be high lord forever, that a stronger one would come to steal his place no matter how hard he tried to defy mortality. More than once the thought of killing his daughter before she surpassed him crossed his mind, but with every sun that rose and set he found more creative leashes and cruelties to ensure that no such thing would ever come to pass.
Soliana had been gifted fire, strength, and speed, but her most surprising ability came in the form of commanding. The proudest day of her life wasn't the one that raised her to high lady through some barely understood grace of the cauldron, but the evening she was named general to all her father's armies. And yet her greatest pride was fringed with doubt the moment her father waged war against the mortals along with Hybern and his armies. Soliana had gotten by easily enough by focusing on her soldiers and the lives she was responsible for keeping alive even if the battles were not her own.
But war amongst courts, kings, and queens were something of an entirely different nature. Pride told her that she would win against any who dared raise a sword against her court, but logic made her wonder what the price would be for such transgressions. Mortals held no special place in her heart, and despite her father's evil she was staunchly loyal to the court that had harbored her on the rare occasions she managed to escape his wrath. She would never speak her doubts aloud, but she could not find a way to starve the voice of dread that whispered there were too many who would not see the end of this war.
That instinctive voice was proven right while she stood on the last battlefield, bloodied and smeared with the grime of war. She watched while her father's life was snuffed out like a forgotten candle. Her father's lifelong denial had left him without a favored heir so while the light fled her sire's dying eyes even Soliana did not know where it would land— where the mantle of the Autumn Court might settle. The general got her answer when her limbs flared with a power of the likes she'd never felt before despite her already renowned abilities. She'd been ready to pledge herself to another, to continue the fight as the Autumn Court's general for as long as she was bid to do so and her eyes widened as her fire kindled. A pillar of dancing, prismatic flames rose unbidden from her spot on the field, marking the new high lady for all her battered court to witness while shock dulled her senses.
It was something she'd never anticipated, and she was left sorely underprepared after a lifetime of being pushed aside. But when she stood in the center of the neutralized territory the very next day she realized the battle was no longer her father's. Overnight it had become her own, and the lives she loved and cherished were even closer to resting in the palms of her hands than they'd ever been before. So when the other lords demanded surrender...she gave it to them. She told herself that it was the only way to save the remainders of the Autumn Court while their armies lay in ribbons much to the anger and resentment of her pride.
Soliana now heads a court that is still recuperating from their losses as well as one who is divided on whether she is worthy of being high lady. The Autumn Court has long clung to the loyalist values of old, and those beliefs include standing behind the virtue that high lords should be just that. Lords. Nevertheless there are others that are eager for the changes Soliana is striving to bring, and those that are willing to follow her into the cleansing fire of a new era.
T L D R ;
never thought of as heir despite her showing powers that would tell of a blossoming high lady because of her father's traditionalist views.
was the general of the autumn court's armies before and during the recent war. had to leave the position when she became high lady
wasn't necessarily ANTI mortal or anything like that- just wanted to keep her soldiers alive and the Autumn Court safe.
just as surprised as everyone else when she became high lady...oops.
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modcrnspirits · 9 months
Alois mac Cumhaill
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Face: Michael Fassbender Age: looks like 46 Occupation: University professor, geologist and researcher Gift: can survive great heat, powered up by the sun, control over fire, builder (can work magic over metal and stone) Sexuality: Omni Position: Verse, top-leaning Family: Parents: Francis (Jude Law) & Vulcan / Partners: Miguel Valderas (Oscar Isaac) / Sons: Matthew mac Cumhaill (Kit Harington) & Zeon mac Cumhaill (Aidan Turner) Gods Connection: Apolo, Aphrodite, Vulcan, Adranus, Amateratsu, Brigit, and other gods of fire and sun
Body Type:
Cock: ( image ) Cock Size: 10.2 inches (26 cm) Cock Shape: Normal girth, leaning to the left, big mushroom head Type: Uncut Balls and Pubes: Shave or trims oftenly, red hairs. Ass: Small, but firm and round cheeks. Muscle. Light reddish hair on the cheeks and hole. Tattoos: 1. A circle (looks like a sun) around his bellybutton, given by the gods (and connected to his "ability" of getting sons). 2. Some tattoo that look like old runes on his left arm. Body type: Lean and very defined body. Not big muscles, but firm muscles all around. Body hair: red hair, quite light, not so much. Goes down from the mid-chest to his belly and further. Special attributes: When very horny, his eyes look like they are burning red. His whole body is generally warm, but sometimes to the point of burning a normal human touch. He can control body temperature, including dick, to make the whole experience more pleasant for his partners.
Born from the submission of his father Francis to the whims of the goddess Aphrodite, who offered the concubine to her husband, Alois has fire in his veins. Despite that being the source of his power, it can also cause pain, since he is not a god himself.
Alois is the quiet type. He is curious about his studies and the history of the world, which he has watched for more than a millenium himself. Recently, he has fallen deeply in love with Miguel Valderas, a mind much like his own. They spend their days alone at home reading and discussing things, when not fucking.
Alois often joins his father's special forces to control the demons and other creatures, but he is not a fighter himself. He likes building things.
In bed:
he likes rimming, musk, pit worship, outdoor sex, pet play, feet worship, watersports, etc.
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virgils-muse · 1 year
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I am older than the poets and I am older than the pens. I am older than the stars and the ocean I crawled out of. - Trista Mateer, Aphrodite Made Me Do It
✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎀 My Name Is Vex, but I also go by Adranus, Aphroditus, Juno, and Siren.
★🎀 {} .. I Go By He/Him.
☆🎀。・A lot of my page is Reblogs.
★‧₊˚ 🎀⋅ Transmasc & Queer
☆・.🎀 Icon & Banner were found on Pintrest, Symbols & What-Not were copy n pasted from all over the web.
‧₊˚🪷✩ ₊˚🌷⊹♡ List Of Interests
𓍢ִ໋🐚 LITERATURE: I mainly indulge in classics like The Iliad, The Odyssey, and The Aeneid, but I also love classics retelling such as A Thousand Ships, Stone Blind, and Silence Of The Girls. I also love poetry, like Anne Carson’s translation of Sappho’s work in If Not Winter, as well as Trista Mateer’s Aphrodite Made Me Do It. Some other books I enjoy are Carmilla and The Divine Comedy.
𓍢ִ໋🐚 MUSIC: Chonny Jash, Melanie Martinez, Lana Del Rey, Marina, Hozier, The Crane Wives, Bôa, Mitski, The Smiths, Arctic Monkeys, Måneskin, Ghost n Pals, Nightcord @ 25:00, Will Wood, etc.
𓍢ִ໋🐚 MISC: Hellenic Mythos, CJRP, Pintrest, Marine Biology, Academia Aesthetics, My Lover.
Cotard has my hand in marriage, I adore him very very much!
creds to @messywitch for that last user box
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Basic Shit
Racists, Misogynists, Homophobes, Transphobes, TERFS, Pedophiles, Zoophiles, Necrophiles, Nazis, Fascists, Pro-Shippers, Blogs related to sexual stuff, Anti-Neopronoun, Endogenic “Systems”, Zionists.
Specific Shit
People who villainize the Hellenic gods (specifically Aphrodite), People who can’t accept that Aphrodite is the prettiest Hellenic god, People who ship the jashlings, People who use Percy Jackson as their “source” for Hellenic Mythology (NOT SAYING YOU CAN’T ENJOY PJ), Persephone/Hades Shippers, Aphrodite/Hephaestus Shippers, AND JUST GENERALLY DON’T BE AN ASSHOLE PLEASE.
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444names · 2 years
maormer names from tes + brythonic deities
Abana Abanius Abarnus Abarus Abellios Abello Abnor Abnorrus Abnos Acamaorte Acamo Acarvos Adranus Adros Aellius Aernus Aesil Aesion Aestatus Agraundi Agrobis Agrus Agunum Alatia Alentus Alios Alius Alonarnia Alonil Alore Amannus Amasgus Amasha Amogmios Amorrus Andil Andilgus Andirina Andro Aneis Aneisane Anemesul Anilius Ankonuns Anore Antha Antiovis Antris Antuloa Araamon Araes Arastris Ardina Arduis Arnus Arobis Arodros Aronnos Aroth Arsta Arsteton Artenum Arteros Artios Artre Arudil Arvos Arysegos Atengus Atuldar Atulnyale Aufane Aufanil Aufanos Aundi Aunnandar Aunnus Aunshala Aunus Aventullo Avernil Avertis Aveternus Banor Baralasso Belis Bellata Belloa Bellona Belyeso Belyeya Blaameht Blantus Blaro Blarus Blasgun Blassor Blatun Borgasha Borgus Boridara Bormer Bortil Bresso Brevalata Brevale Brialla Brindo Brios Briscas Brisnil Britinus Brius Buxovius Cadros Camandi Cambis Cambius Camna Canidar Canius Cantre Caridamos Carne Carnus Carta Carus Carvos Casgulo Ceculdamo Ceculnya Cecura Celentia Celios Ceridia Cerinus Cerita Cetia Cetil Checth Cheso Chetionna Chrya Chryeso Chryse Chyrisawe Chyrius Ciculor Cimbrinus Cinda Cinsha Cinus Ciusil Clormeris Cocimbis Cocintris Cocis Colaalel Colando Colaris Colas Collondi Colloris Coloa Colortios Colos Conamar Condil Connen Connus Conobis Conoreval Conos Conunnus Conus Coval Covis Covius Dairiaele Damorasse Daraltio Darastul Daronna Deler Denus Dolar Donnuran Eirrudile Esamo Espinusil Estulnya Esulugil Fagrae Fagrudil Fagrudile Fanes Fannis Femaes Femalos Femaormer Femapon Femar Femen Femetir Grasson Grastil Grona Gundile Gunna Heliovete Hueria Hueris Ilgus Ilmogun Inanebis Inanlinda Ingun Ingusus Intassir Iphidar Iphidenun Iphidi Iphidia Iphidil Iphidius Irasso Ireba Iridamale Irios Irissis Irwenia Isania Ismetario Ithalenus Jahlasso Jykloa Jyklor Jyklorana Jykloris Jyklorne Jykloton Kaniannus Kannos Konar Kouta Landros Lanil Lanlis Lasso Latis Latobor Latul Lenugil Leucelius Linugil Linus Liusioval Lormio Lortantis Lugil Lugul Lugulnyal Lugunnus Luinum Luismerne Luvus Luvusus Luxen Luxenta Luxenus Luxovete Lyessor Lyeyanta Lyria Lyris Lyrius Maele Malata Malentire Maloa Malos Mandatios Manel Maormeris Maorris Mapomaste Marduins Marduinus Maronus Marus Marveris Mashasar Massedar Massis Maunna Mogus Monun Moreya Mortreya Muoryes Nanius Neisulloa Nelle Nemanius Nemassil Nemeht Nemene Nenia Nenis Nenus Nerionus Nextir Nextis Nodenta Nodes Notoborri Nusus Ogunugus Ohallus Ohmarnia Ohmaus Orevastar Ormiris Ornus Orvetia Oryse Panmetis Pantia Paraestis Parduindi Pellion Pelloa Penar Pentira Pessorvo Peste Qraeris Qrannus Qraus Quetha Quethuer Rolor Ronus Rumes Rusullios Sannos Sargus Sarne Saros Sartis Sawenus Sedametil Sedartas Segomale Segomalo Segomor Segos Segunus Segus Silenus Sionnar Sismeht Smeht Smene Smergnus Smeterius Soris Sulnyana Sulor Talene Tardia Tenebius Tepontre Tergnus Terios Teris Terius Ternus Teterius Tetis Tilylana Tirandia Tobaryalo Tobor Tonusil Triae Tucardira Tucas Tucius Tullar Tullinta Tulnya Tulus Tundrota Tutalasso Uhlancara Uhlcar Uhlchyrio Uldol Ulnya Uluxentia Umethueta Urlsamna Urmeht Urmion Uumultis Valanura Valatia Valinus Valiomal Vallorta Valore Valortete Valos Valoton Valuxenia Vanna Vantal Vasse Vassoris Venil Vetil Vetondamo Vhecth Vhelyes Vhesagus Vheth Vinda Vindi Vindia Vindil Vindo Vingos Vinta Vintil Vinus Vinvalio Vinwe Vinwenus Viras Virios Virwentia Visagus Vithueri
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pandagirl45 · 2 years
Bucky if he was a god from the underworld-Dagon
Tony if he was a god from the underworld-Adranus or Sethlans 
Or something like that. I am a sucker for opposites attract. So a sea god and a fire god meet in a meeting of the underworld annd... :D
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kayrosetea · 6 years
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Fire genesai, fire genesai, fire genesai, fire genesai, fire genesai, fire genesai, fire gen-
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paragonbrosca · 6 years
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Some pics of my Elf-blooded spirit healer Adranus Vincentius. His mother’s favorite color was purple and he wears it to honor her memory (and also because he looks really good in it). One day I’ll write a big post about him…
I’ll say it again, Bioware are cowards for not giving Elf-blooded folks pointy ears.
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nightscalestudio · 3 years
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Ultramarines Honour Guard Nemus Adranus.
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adranus-the-author · 7 months
{She runs through the Earth in a desperate attempt to find Sirius, yet instead stumbles upon this one. The sight of it catches her eye.}
Oh my- Are… you alright?!-
*Adranus has fallen to the floor, clutching his bleeding arm and sobbing profusely. He’s aware of Latreia’s presence, but doesn’t acknowledge it yet.*
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in-a-state-of-limbo · 7 months
My dearest love? Mera, where are you?
- @adranus-the-author
*she stands clutching her trident. Her necklace having become a cape.*
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I’ve witnessed something remarkable.
I’ve tried to find posts about Sicilian history on Tumblr and TT, but a lot of the stuff is so politicized and taken over by the Americans and their worldview of race or weird infantilization of our ppl or tourism stuff that I couldn’t find a community that wanted to be seen as Sicilian and not Italian.
Then I typed into tumblr’s search bar ‘sicilian independence’ and holy crap I found so many people! Talking about Spanish Sicily! And the Risorgimento in a light that didn’t romanticize extreme violence and the loss of culture and our rights to our language and freedom! It was so refreshing that honestly my hope in this world and for how Sicilian history is portrayed is renewed.
I’m gonna get into this stuff a lot more now, and post about Sicilian history tidbits I learn about (focusing on the Sikeli/Sicani mythology, and culture/s), like Adranus, the stories of Etna, the relationship between the indigenous and the Greeks and Phoenicians, etc.
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effiecalvin · 3 years
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The roar of battle has passed. Now the only sounds that remain are the gasps of the dying and the heavy wingbeats of circling carrion birds. Those few mortals that are still alive enough to pray do not think of Adalia. Some speak to Adranus, but most call to Reygmadra. But Reygmadra does not heal. She does not offer comfort. If she manifested now, she would probably announce to the dying that they’ve all disappointed her. No, no, that is not true. Adalia is only thinking spiteful thought out of envy. Reygmadra would probably tell them they died a warrior’s death and Vailyon is waiting for them. And that is fine—it is the truth, after all—but it still leaves Adalia feeling discontent and bitter. Adalia kneels beside one of the fallen mortal soldiers. This one is praying to Adranus, but Adranus has tens of thousands of prayers to answer today. He will not mind if Adalia steps in to intercept one or two or ten. Gods of Inthya #16: Eleventh is now available for monthly subscribers at patreon.com/effie
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