#adopting joe into their family
fazcinatingblog · 5 months
I hope Tim comes back to present Joe his guernsey tomorrow otherwise I die
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ffcrazy15 · 8 months
Someone needs to do an analysis on the way the Kung Fu Panda movies use old-fashioned vs. modern language ("Panda we meet at last"/"Hey how's it going") and old-fashioned vs. modern settings (forbidden-city-esque palaces/modern-ish Chinese restaurant) to indicate class differences in their characters, and how those class differences create underlying tensions and misunderstandings.
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coffee4harper · 4 months
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Crying screaming throwing up
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syraxxxx · 5 months
People who watched Roadside Prophets are all "Sam and Joe gay sex" this, "Sam and Joe lovers in the desert having sex near a campfire" that.
I'm the type of watchers who see Sam and Joe as the hot divorced dilf dad and neurodivergent son who loves motorcycles and wishes to be just like his dad. Like they're such a family without being a family.
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zestyderg · 1 year
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@falselyemmit I don't think any non-plot relevant parents get mentioned at all.
In FF1, Hunter's parents are never mentioned I think. Rosie has her grandpa, I don't remember if her parents were ever brought up. I headcanon that Richmond is raising her himself.
In FFC, Dina/Dino and Todd have no mentions of parents whatsoever. Joe talks about seeing them home after the allo attack but nothing beyond that. There's no real mention of Pauleen's parents, but her grandpa the digadig chieftain shows up for the mask subplot. Then of course we have Rupert and we meet his ceo dad, with no mention of his mom.
Rupert's mom could totally just exist offscreen and is never mentioned because she holds no relevance to the story but for the purposes of this au, she is either dead or she left Rupert and his dad a long time ago.
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doginahat · 2 years
hi !!! expect chapter 15 to be posted this weekend >:) can’t wait to share it with you all mwah see u then
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vodrae · 1 year
Gotham being her own entity apart of the rest of the World thus every meme have Gothamite's equivalent. If you have a smartphone in Gotham you have seen my honest reaction memes starring Brucie Wayne.
Instead of Joe Rogan and other UFC commentators when you have to express something is exceptionnal, you have Jason, Duke, and Steph when Cass bitchslapped Lex Luthor.
When you are fond of something, you have Harley Quinn's face, in her orange clothes wearing cuffs at Pamela Isley's conference on ecology.
When you are craving something, you have the rich cougars looking at Dick Grayson's ass.
When you are envious, shocked or horny, maybe all three together, you have the legendary video of Wayne Fondation to promote exercice and healthy lifestyle when Bruce Wayne appears in tank top and Wonder Woman who accepted to be there who could discover properly for the first time Brucie's F cup boobies.
"He said no pickles !" But it's Cass and Jason. Works with joke about power balance and size.
What's happening with Dick and Jason spotted with a SO always taller and ginger ? (WTF Wally is 6'10 ??)
Gotham is still not over discovering Tim Drake is a sleeper build. Why is he jacked like that ? Why even the BUTLER is ripped ?!
Every post trying to promote Joker is filled with Red Hood gif, Batsignal and Oracle dropping all the user's informations.
99.9% of the housewives between 18 and infinity in North America are watching the annual interview of Brucie by Clark Kent. Their discution is also a "me when I meet someone as weird as me" template
Stephanie's very much loud on the very hot microphone "Please step on me" to Dinah when they competed in a Family Feud episode againt the Queens. The others were laughing but nodding
Damian's mugshot at 4'8 for assault. He saw someone with a coat made with an endangered specie.
A spotted paparazzi picture with Catwoman, Batwoman, Bluebird, Poison Ivy and Harley named "The lesbian spectrum".
And a lot, enough to feed a country, of memes about getting adopted by Bruce Wayne.
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natalievoncatte · 1 year
“What I did wasn’t personal,” Lena said.
Supergirl had already turned to face her. There were words formed on her lips, but Alex struck first, bringing her viper wit where it wasn’t needed or welcome.
“You had a stash of ‘Kills Kryptonians’. It’s personal,” said Alex.
Lena ignored her, looking directly at Supergirl.
“You know I’d never use it that way.”
“You kept secrets,” said Supergirl. “Secrets change things. I don’t like secrets.”
“Oh really,” Lena spat, knowing she’d regret what came next. “You don’t like secrets. Okay. What’s your real name?”
Alex flinched. Supergirl stared her down. Even in this miserable place, she was inhumanly beautiful, even if Lena was a little resentful that she’d been bitching about walking fifty yards a few moments ago, and making light of exercise, when she had the audacity to look like that.
The pause grew heavy. Something seemed to turn behind Supergirl’s eyes, like she was working something out. Her expression softened lightly.
“Why didn’t you come to me about Sam? I thought we trusted each other.”
“How can I trust you?” Lena said. “You still hold me at arm’s length, won’t let me in, only look for my help when it’s convenient for you. Maybe I should have sought your help, but it isn’t like I have you on speed dial, is it? What was I supposed to do, toss myself off a balcony and hope you were having coffee with Kara Danvers again?”
Supergirl flinched. Looking at Lena intently, she stepped closer, and Alex grew visibly nervous.
“Supergirl…” she said.
“You want to know my real name?”
“Yes,” Lena said, her voice suddenly unsteady, her palms breaking out in a sweat despite the cool, stale air. She stood her ground before a being that could level a mountain with a look and held her gaze.
“Kryptonian names are patronymics, sort of. A man’s name is his own and that of his family. So, for example, my cousin’s name is Kal-El. His father was Jor-El.”
“I knew that already,” said Lena. “Your cousin shared that an interview with Lois Lane.”
“He can share his because he has a name that was given to him by his adoptive family,” said Supergirl, her voice softening as she took another step closer. “I still use my Kryptonian first name.”
Something about that itched at Lena’s brain, but she wasn’t sure what.
“Supergirl,” Alex hissed. “You can’t… we can’t…”
Supergirl threw her a glance. “What? Trust her?” She looked at Lena. “My father was Joe-El’s brother, Zor-El. My mother’s name was Alura In-Ze.”
Lena licked her lips.
“They gave me the name Kara,” said Kara Zor-El. “On Earth, I accepted the surname of the family that took me in to raise me when my cousin gave me up to them. My full name is Kara Zor-El Danvers.”
Lena stumbled a step back, her mouth falling open comically. It felt like the ground was bursting open and swallowing her up, her stomach dropping through her knees.
No. No, no, no, no. It couldn’t be.
“Look at me, Lena.”
Lena looked away from her.”
“Look at me.”
Lena looked.
Lena saw.
Her hair was down, but Lena knew those honeyed curls. Supergirl carried herself differently- her shoulders were proud where Kara tended to hunch down, make herself small, as if to pass through the world without touching it.
Lena hadn’t really looked before. Not like this. She’d studied Kara, maybe even mooned over Kara a little until she seemed to confirm she was straight by dating that alien jackass. She knew every part of her face from her soft lips to her feel blue eyes to that funny little scar right over her eye.
How had she not seen?
“Fucking hell, Kara!” Alex snapped.
Lena’s lip trembled. She clenched her fists to keep her hands steady, knowing they were shaking.
“You tricked me,” Lena hissed, “so many times, so many ways, running off and changing into that suit when I thought you were both people. The super-speed, right?”
“I’m sorry,” said Kara, her voice soft. “Let’s just…”
“I wasn’t finished,” said Lena. “You… you told me you were having coffee with Kara, but you are Kara. Kara… you caught me when they threw me off the balcony. You risked being killed by a kryptonite explosion when Metallo went critical. You… you were… Jesus Christ, the plane, the chemicals, that was you?”
Kara’s eyes grew wider with every syllable and even in the gloom, Lena could swear she saw tears welling up within them.
“She’s risked her life for you over and over and over,” Alex said, quietly. “Her faith in you has only wavered the once. She’s always defended you and insisted on your innocence even when I was ready to throw you in a cell,” said Alex. “She defended you from the first. Shit, she defended you from Superman.”
Lena looked from one to the other, staring at them both in turn, trying to keep her wobbly legs from completely collapsing under her.
“I owe you an apology,” said Kara, raising her gaze to meet Lena’s.
“Can you two do this later?” said Alex. “We’re on a mission, here.”
Lena swallowed, hard.
“Yeah. Let’s go find Sam.”
They did find Sam, eventually, but the plan went sideways. After they were thrust back into their bodies, Supergirl -Kara- curtly told her to help Brainy while she and Alex rushed off.
So Lena helped brainy, until it was time for her to leave. Eventually, she made her way back to her penthouse, and to a glass of single malt, neat. She savored its subtleties as she stared out at the stars.
She knew this would happen sooner or later, so she wasn’t surprised when Kara touched down on the balcony, looking utterly stunning and brave and dashing in her fancy suit. She motioned to knock at the glass.
“It’s not locked.”
“Hi,” said Kara, stepping inside.
Lena looked up. “I can’t believe I didn’t see. You’re just… you, in a different outfit.”
That wasn’t exactly true, Lena knew. As she walked into Lena’s living room, Kara had neither the mousy, retiring way of Kara Danvers nor the brash swagger of Supergirl. It was like she was seeing a third person, one who’d been fully revealed for the first time.
“I’ve been going back and forth in my mind, trying to decide what parts of our friendship were real.”
“All of it,” Kara said.
“If my brother were here, he’d say that you befriended me to spy on me and use my resources and genius for your own ends.”
“That’s not true.”
Lena took a sip, and breathed in through her parted lips after swallowing to savor it.
“I know. He said the same thing about Jack, actually. Lex always tries to convince me that anyone else in my life is just after my name or money or body.”
Kara said nothing. Lena looked up.
“Just because he’s a madman who wants to gaslight me into being a supervillain doesn’t mean he’s always wrong. Does it?”
Kara swallowed, hard.
“You’ve been very insistent on being my friend,” said Lena. “You practically barged into my life and broke down all my barriers with your earnest kindness, but you were keeping yourself behind another one.”
“The first time I ever saw you, I knew in my heart that you were nothing like him,” said Kara. “I remember every detail.”
“In my office, with Kent.”
“No. In the helicopter. That was the first time I saw you.”
Lena swirled the dregs in her glass. “Oh. Right.”
“I just had to know you. You were compelling, and the way you treated me in your office that day was a huge part of that. You seemed so… I don’t even know how to describe it. I just knew I had to be close to you.”
A fit of pique moved her arm before she could contain herself, and Lena threw the glass. Kara snatched it from the air and placed it on the table without spilling a drop.
She was closer now, standing within arm’s reach.
“You can’t just say things like that to me,” Lena almost hissed, her voice loosened by the whiskey and the one before and the one before that.
“Why?” said Kara.
Lena looked up, swaying slightly.
“You told me your name.”
“I should have sooner. We could have worked together. We could have done a lot of things.”
“Fuck,” Lena snapped. “You’re doing it again! Knock it off?”
“Knock what off?”
“You goddamn well what,” said Lena. “Or maybe you really don’t.”
“I’m sorry,” said Kara. “I just don’t understand. Can you… do you want to tell me what you mean?”
“I… sit down.”
Kara swept her cape aside and sat primly in a side chair, folding her hands in her lap, worrying at the back of her thumb with her other thumb. God, she even had Kara’s mannerisms.”
“I’m gay,” said Lena.
Kara swallowed. “But… you were with Jack… and James… and you really seem to like the letter J,” Kara said, lamely.
“It’s called bisexuality, Kara. It’s a thing.”
“Oh, I um, I don’t really get ‘sexualities.’ On Krypton, we didn’t have sexual preferences. We didn’t choose our partners at all, everything was arranged.”
“That sounds awful,” said Lena.
Kara looked away. “It was our way and it worked. We had stable families, and most people had a kind of love. My parents loved each other.”
Lena sighed. “I wish I could say that. One of my parents didn’t love anyone but himself. Your sister is gay, Kara. How can you not understand it?”
“I understand that. I just find the whole thing confusing, and overwhelming. I keep looking for this spark that everyone talks about, and these ‘gut feelings’, but every time I think I’ve had it, it wasn’t right.”
“It seemed right with Mon-El. Oh. Oh Jesus. You banished your own boyfriend from Earth.”
Kara shook her head. “I know it did. I thought it did. I just never… it was the idea of him. I was checking a box. I was with him to have a boyfriend, not to have him. We’re really different people.”
“Why are we talking about this again?” said Lena.
Kara suddenly looked nervous, and thus even more like herself.
“I don’t know. It just seems to have happened. Kind of like our whole friendship. I never made a plan to be your friend. I never had an agenda. I just needed you in my life without knowing why. You just bring me joy.”
Lena wanted to laugh. She wanted to cry, she wanted to scream.
You big indestructible goof, that is the spark!
“I should have told you about me after Medusa. I should have trusted you then, but Alex talked me out of it. I didn’t push past when it counted. I know you doubt how much you mean to me now, and I’m so sorry I did that.”
“I’d never hurt you, ever,” said Lena. “Even if you weren’t Kara. But I could never hurt her. You.”
“I know.
“For what it’s worth,” said Lena. “I felt it too. That pull, that need to know you. That’s why I allowed you to get close to me instead of being bundled off by my security. I felt it from the first, that day you came to my office. I might have felt it a little during the helicopter crash, too.”
Kara nodded.
“I feel like there’s something we’re both not saying.”
Lena licked her lips.
“I have to stop the worldkillers. I have to save Sam. I have to fix it all. I just needed to talk to you first. See you first, see you again, just the two of us.”
Lena nodded, swallowing.
“I guess I should go.”
Lena wanted to tell her not to. To ask her to spend the night, change out of that ridiculous suit, to just be Kara and stay with her, but it dawned on her now that it could never be quite like that again. Kara was Supergirl and Supergirl had to be shared with the world.
“I want to help. I’ll come to the DEO.”
“Okay,” said Kara. “I’ll see you there.”
She stood up and walked to the balcony, pausing before she opened the door. She didn’t turn when she spoke, as if she was afraid to face Lena, to face the answer.
“Do you think, when this is over, we can try it again? Try to fix it?”
“Is that something you want?” Said Lena.
“That pull is still there.”
“I know,” said Lena. “I feel it too.”
Kara’s shoulders rose and fell, as if she’d just rolled a great burden from her back.
“Okay,” she said. “Okay. I’ll see you back at the DEO. Goodnight, Lena.”
“Goodnight, Kara.”
She slid the balcony door open and stepped out, pausing for just the briefest second before lifting off, sending a gentle gust of chilly night air rolling into Lena’s penthouse.
Lena let the breeze flow in for a while before she stood up and went to the door, meaning to close it. Instead, she stepped outside, leaning on the railing as the chill raised gooseflesh on her arms.
“I feel it, too.”
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 5 months
every hermit was born human, but they were all adopted in some way by something not human, and it's had an effect on them.
cub and scar were given in a deal to the vex, who raised them.
grian was human until the watchers took him in.
cleo was found dying by a horde of unusually smart zombies, who bit her to give her another chance.
joe was raised by puppets; zedaph was raised by sheep; stress was taken in by the monsters under her bed.
doc hacked himself to be like his creeper family (who were very touched).
ren's werewolf family let him choose if he wanted to be bitten when he became an adult - he accepted without hesitation.
mumbo was adopted by the hermits.
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lemondoddle · 1 month
what happens when you type into the computer (BOOK OF BILL SPOILERS)
HELLO THE WEBSITE HAS UPDATED and different things happen when you type things into the computer on the screen. if a character/word isnt relevant the computer gives a red X. so far i've found:
stanley: takes you to an ebay search for brass knuckles, entering his name repeatedly will take you to various grunkle-related eBay searches until you get to bill's wheel of shame with much more to click
mabel: adds stickers to the set. you can keep hitting enter until the the room has been "fully mabelized"
ford/sixer: a case file on ford's extra digits
soos: a long set of notes about how soos is doing running the mystery shack
dipper: a note presumably from bill to dipper "informing" him that he can decode messages by staring into the sun. if you enter his name multiple times bill urges you to keep looking with words of encouragement as each note becomes progressively blurry and splotched with black until the entire notecard turns black
bill: this youtube video (and no it's not a rickroll)
gideon: an audio recording plays of gideon humming/scatting to the tune of "we'll meet again", ending with a whispered message of "i love you, mabel"
wendy: a note pranking you with the the 👌 emoji
mcgucket/fiddleford: the cotton eye joe music video
pacifica: a warning note about the book of bill mabel made her write
robbie: chat messages between him and thompson as they prepare to summon bill (as mentioned in tbob) with an image of their encounter
tad strange: the computer plays clips of bread being sliced set to jazzy instrumentals. this enables the glowing red button on the computer to turn green to switch the bread videos on and off at will
blendin: a message appears on the screen reading "time agent lost and presumed incompetent"
weirdmagedon: a newspaper page from the gravity fall's gossiper utilising the "nevermind-all-that-" act and stating "nothing happened" that day
axolotl: text onscreen appears: "you ask alotl questions"
T.J. eckleburg: text onscreen appears: "never mention that name again"
cipher: links to a wikipedia page about triangles
blanchin: pulls up a youtube tutorial on how to blanche vegetables
triangle: one half of a parenthesis appears on the computer ")", will also pop up with "tri harder"
dippy fresh: links to this image
mystery shack: links to a google search for confusion hill
gravity falls: text appears onscreen reading "never heard of it"
portal: text appears onscreen reading "portal.exe has been deleted. i bet you could build one"
theraprism: a notice sign appears- "in case of (coded words) do not use elevators" with a graphic of a person and a cthulu like monster on stairs
blind eye: an eye chart utilising the same string of letters- "WKHBOOVHH" that gets smaller each line, paired with blocks of color- the cursor turns into a "zoom in" tool that actually just makes the page blurrier with each click
creepypasta/horror: an entry on the urban legend "the always garden"- a liminal space/backrooms style restaurant anomaly
alex hirsch: links to a google search for flannels
toby determined: links to a google search for restraining order
dorito/chip: a dorito slowly enlarges on the computer screen and then becomes a jumpscare of a toothy bill, who periodically screams for a bit before the video finishes
love/boyfriend/romance: pulls up the parody romance novel, clicking starts an audio recording of the book
death: text appears onscreen: "life's goth cousin"
book of bill: text appears onscreen: "hide it under shirt during pledge of allegiance"
life: text appears onscreen: "life: 72% complete. now loading: death"
baby/lalala: an ultrasound of a baby bill in a womb and a message congratulating you
pines: text appears onscreen: "a good family tree"
weird: a video of weird al yankovich appears on the screen, he's confused and shouts for bill to get him out of there
waddles: links to a pig adoption website
mickey/disney: text appears onscreen: "rat.gif censored for your protection"
ducktective: text appears onscreen reading "ducktective stars in 'love, quacktually', coming to 'oi, it's the cockney channel innit?' this fall"
mason: a note from dipper about ford teaching him anagrams, plus a coded message with that technique
tyrone/clone: a picture of the janky dipper clone with a message that he's yours now
matpat/game theory: a video of matpat and a conspiracy board, he turns to say "hello internet, you're on... you're own... good luck" as he holds the book of bill
skeleton: text appears onscreen: "the one with the sword! he found you!"
scary: pulls up a parody goosebumps book "spookemups", clicking on it starts an audio recording of neil cicierega reading a section
divorce: pulls up a logo for "o'sadley's'"
music: enables you to click the dial, clicking the dial plays loud static
math: bill recounting an encounter he had with plato
conspiracy: a video of charlie day in a tin foil hat rambling about the website's previous state, holding the book of bill
okay that's enough from me, there's SO MUCH MORE that I just can't keep up with!! Happy searching!
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mimi-0007 · 6 months
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FATHER & SON: James Earl Jones with his Father Robert Earl Jones on Stage in the 1962 Production "Moon on a Rainbow Shawl."
Robert Earl Jones (February 3, 1910 – September 7, 2006), sometimes credited as Earl Jones, was an American actor and professional boxer. One of the first prominent Black film stars, Jones was a living link with the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s and 1930s, having worked with Langston Hughes early in his career.
Jones was best known for his leading roles in films such as Lying Lips (1939) and later in his career for supporting roles in films such as The Sting (1973), Trading Places (1983), The Cotton Club (1984), and Witness (1985).
Jones was born in northwestern Mississippi; the specific location is unclear as some sources indicate Senatobia, while others suggest nearby Coldwater. He left school at an early age to work as a sharecropper to help his family. He later became a prizefighter. Under the name "Battling Bill Stovall", he was a sparring partner of Joe Louis.
Jones became interested in theater after he moved to Chicago, as one of the thousands leaving the South in the Great Migration. He moved on to New York by the 1930s. He worked with young people in the Works Progress Administration, the largest New Deal agency, through which he met Langston Hughes, a young poet and playwright. Hughes cast him in his 1938 play, Don't You Want to Be Free?.
Jones also entered the film business, appearing in more than twenty films. His film career started with the leading role of a detective in the 1939 race film Lying Lips, written and directed by Oscar Micheaux, and Jones made his next screen appearance in Micheaux's The Notorious Elinor Lee (1940). Jones acted mostly in crime movies and dramas after that, with such highlights as Wild River (1960) and One Potato, Two Potato (1964). In the Oscar-winning 1973 film The Sting, he played Luther Coleman, an aging grifter whose con is requited with murder leading to the eponymous "sting". In the later 20th century, Jones appeared in several other noted films: Trading Places (1983) and Witness (1985).
Toward the end of his life, Jones was noted for his stage portrayal of Creon in The Gospel at Colonus (1988), a black musical version of the Oedipus legend. He also appeared in episodes of the long-running TV shows Lou Grant and Kojak. One of his last stage roles was in a 1991 Broadway production of Mule Bone by Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston, another important writer of the Harlem Renaissance. His last film was Rain Without Thunder (1993).
Although blacklisted by the House Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950s due to involvement with leftist groups, Jones was ultimately honored with a lifetime achievement award by the U.S. National Black Theatre Festival.
Jones was married three times. As a young man, he married Ruth Connolly (died 1986) in 1929; they had a son, James Earl Jones. Jones and Connolly separated before James was born in 1931, and the couple divorced in 1933. Jones did not come to know his son until the mid-1950s. He adopted a second son, Matthew Earl Jones. Jones died on September 7, 2006, in Englewood, New Jersey, from natural causes at age 96.
1945 The Hasty Heart (Blossom) Hudson Theatre, Broadway
1945 Strange Fruit (Henry) McIntosh NY theater production
1948 Volpone (Commendatori) City Center
1948 Set My People Free (Ned Bennett) Hudson Theatre, Broadway
1949 Caesar and Cleopatra (Nubian Slave) National Theatre, Broadway
1952 Fancy Meeting You Again (Second Nubian) Royale Theatre, Broadway
1956 Mister Johnson (Moma) Martin Beck Theater, Broadway
1962 Infidel Caesar (Soldier) Music Box Theater, Broadway
1962 The Moon Besieged (Shields Green) Lyceum Theatre, Broadway
1962 Moon on a Rainbow Shawl (Charlie Adams) East 11th Street Theatre, New York
1968 More Stately Mansions (Cato) Broadhurst Theatre, Broadway
1975 All God's Chillun Got Wings (Street Person) Circle in the Square Theatre, Broadway
1975 Death of a Salesman (Charley)
1977 Unexpected Guests (Man) Little Theatre, Broadway
1988 The Gospel at Colonus (Creon) Lunt-Fontanne Theatre, Broadway
1991 Mule Bone (Willie Lewis) Ethel Barrymore Theatre, Broadway
1939 Lying Lips (Detective Wenzer )
1940 The Notorious Elinor Lee (Benny Blue)
1959 Odds Against Tomorrow (Club Employee uncredited)
1960 Wild River (Sam Johnson uncredited)
1960 The Secret of the Purple Reef (Tobias)
1964 Terror in the City (Farmer)
1964 One Potato, Two Potato (William Richards)
1968 Hang 'Em High
1971 Mississippi Summer (Performer)
1973 The Sting (Luther Coleman)
1974 Cockfighter (Buford)
1977 Proof of the Man (Wilshire Hayward )
1982 Cold River (The Trapper)
1983 Trading Places (Attendant)
1983 Sleepaway Camp (Ben)
1984 The Cotton Club (Stage Door Joe)
1984 Billions for Boris (Grandaddy)
1985 Witness (Custodian)
1988 Starlight: A Musical Movie (Joe)
1990 Maniac Cop 2 (Harry)
1993 Rain Without Thunder (Old Lawyer)
1964 The Defenders (Joe Dean) Episode: The Brother Killers
1976 Kojak (Judge) Episode: Where to Go if you Have Nowhere to Go?
1977 The Displaced Person (Astor) Television movie
1978 Lou Grant (Earl Humphrey) Episode: Renewal
1979 Jennifer's Journey (Reuven )Television movie
1980 Oye Ollie (Performer) Television series
1981 The Sophisticated Gents (Big Ralph Joplin) 3 episodes
1982 One Life to Live
1985 Great Performances (Creon) Episode: The Gospel at Colonus
1990 True Blue (Performer) Episode: Blue Monday
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dizzymoods · 11 months
During the Troubles, Civil Rights Leaders went to Ireland to learn about the plight of the Irish people and to support their fight against colonialism.
Standing on the success of their nonviolent principles which led to civil liberties here (to whatever degree the CRM was successful) and in their ignorance of the history of Ireland, they tried to get the IRA to adopt nonviolent, peaceful civil disobedience.
At the end of their tour of Belfast, where they learned the history and politics of Irish resistance, all of them come to the conclusion that here violence is necessary. The Irish have exhausted all other means including nonviolent ones. Even if some of the CRM leaders maintained nonviolence as paramount, they understood that certain exceptions must be made because — regardless of if they approve of violence or not — their job is to support colonized people and follow their lead.
There is a lesson here that we should apply to the Palestinian struggle.
I’ve seen people pearl clutch over seeing so many dead Palestinians as part of the colonial violence of the camera. This misses the point of why those images are being shared.
Last decade many Black americans, myself included, talked about the commodification of Black death. videos of state murder plastered on every news channel 24/7, going viral across social media platforms connected to the legacy of lynching postcards and gator bait. We demonstrated that those videos rarely got an indictment and only once a conviction. Many of the families of these victims of police murder made it clear they don’t want the image of their loved one to be of death. The reason why we share Michael Brown’s graduation photo instead of the photo of his corpse is because Lesley McSpadden demanded it. With all this in mind, we understand that in most cases the sharing of those images are antiblack.
The Palestinians do not have that history. The Nakba never happened, despite israelis calling this the second Nakba. genocide joe said 40 israeli babies were beheaded after it was found out that the story was some wingnut footsoldier’s lie, not even official israeli hasbara. It was like 2 weeks ago that genocide joe said the number of murdered Palestinians (at the time around 5,000 Palestinians were martyred — the number is now over 10,000) was a Hamas lie.
Linguistically there is no murdered Palestinian. All the headlines read “x amount of israelis killed and some palestinians died”. visually there is no dead Palestinian. official israeli hasbara is trying to flood social media with videos of patient-actors getting into place in Indonesian medical training programs to “debunk” the countless videos of martyred Palestinians.
The denial of the scale of israel’s genocide of the Palestinians is so bad that reporters in Gaza are holding dead children in front of press cameras because Palestinians do not die and are not murdered.
The profit motive of these images is actually in their absence. not their over saturation like with Black americans. The west needs israel as a destabilizing force in the middle east. The strategy of the western media then is to bury these images, to not give them a second of attention. So logically the Palestinian strategy is to proliferate these images to show just how horrifying israel’s crimes are.
Two things can be true at the same time; what works for you doesn’t necessarily work for me etc.
The other thing i’m seeing are liberal frameworks to understand genocide. Of particular ire is desirability politics. *jujubee voice* just say white supremacy.
Desirability is tertiary at best. israel is genociding Palestinians because they want control over Gaza and the West Bank (and Lebanon too). They are not genociding Palestinians because Palestinians are “undesirable.” They make Palestinians undesirable to justify taking their land. Talking about this psychoanalytic bullshit distracts from the primary reason for the displacement and mass murder of Palestinians: the taking of their land.
~*desirability*~ is just one way that israel tries to justify its crimes. Desirability is a circular logic that can only make sense once you manufacture its premise irl. It means nothing without the material conditions it claims are true. Its super easy to call someone an animal after you put them in a cage. It’s super easy to call a people dirty savages after you restrict their access to water. It’s super easy to call someone violent after you sequester them in small, barely livable spaces and stress them with bombings and check points.
It’s also — there’s a way in which opposition to something reifies the very thing that you oppose. Toni Morrison continues to beat everybody’s ass. What does it do when you see a baby with half a skull and say “this happened because she is undesirable”? Undesirable to whom? Not me.
Palestinians are not so passive as to oppose white supremacy and desirability. The Palestinian people are a proactive people. Palestine is the issue. Palestine has a people. Palestine has an ecology. Palestine has life. Palestine is life. Palestinians fight for life. life can neither exist nor blossom under white supremacy.
Any analysis that does not begin with this is a distraction. And distractions only benefit the colonizers.
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circeyoru · 6 months
Gone Too Young _ Part 4 = Collab
[Human & Demon!Alastor x Male BFF!Reader] - Platonic
Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4 (here)
My collaborator: @blubugg13
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As the two of you got older, you had more jobs on your agenda and Alastor was busy with his internship at the local news stations so he could get a feel of being a news reporter, later a radio host, just as you suggested
You knew him well, turns out he does like the thought of being a radio host, he had the idea of you being his co-host or a guest from time to time, even an assistant! That way, your job is stable enough and he would be able to help you finanically whenever you needed without you complaining like you do now
His mother had the better idea. Adoption. While you were off the list, surely you’d make an exception when it was his mother was wanted to do it. He could see as clear day that you had a soft spot for his mother. Hard to reject motherly love, he’ll agree. It was your Christmas gift, you’ll have a family
You never showed up to the secret meet up you two arranged. Alastor waited under the freezing cold, the streets were a buzz, he watched families go up and down. Perhaps you were working a bit later, you did say you might not be able to make it and apologized beforehand. He waited a bit longer. You still didn’t show up. He had to return home
He didn’t know, the ambulance that he passedby carried your deceased body
Christmas day came by, you weren’t there. The orphanage cancelled the adoption plan his mother registered. Before they agreed! They said it would be the perfect surprise even! Everyone was in on it but you
Something in his gut told him, something’s wrong. He ran to the orphanage and asked for you, maybe you were sick and couldn’t tell him. Yeah. When he got there, he wasn’t allowed entry, the director came to the door personally to inform him you leave town for an internship, some wealthy businessman offered you that and you took it and left
“When will he be back?” Alastor recalled asking.
Yet there was no solid answer.
“A few days, I’m sure.” Your sister figure answered without looking at him. He caught her outside while shopping.
“I think like a month. Not sure.” Your coworker shrugged.
“He’s sleeping though.” One of the little ones you take care of spoke when he sneaked into the orphanage to see you.
“Maybe never, you never know.” One of your employer said.
“Stop asking for him! Mind your own business!” The director stopped him in his tracks.
But you were his business. He was your best friend and you were his. Why can’t he know where you went and when you’ll be back? Why does it feel like everyone but his mother and he know something about you?
Then he caught it while listening in on some workers chat while taking a break outside the last factory your worked at. The horrifying truth of your disappearance
“That kid Alastor’s back?”
“Yeah, he’s asking about him again.”
A sigh. “Can’t we just tell him what happened? It was an accident.”
“Are you crazy?! Who would want to know their friend ended up like that?!”
“Besides, the orphanage director already said to keep quiet about it.”
“I mean, it’s brutal.”
“I’ll say. Getting your arm rolled into the machine like a piece of meat, then die from blood loss.”
“I still get nightmares from that day.”
“Christmas day horror. It was even worse for that guy that accidentally bumped into him, right?”
“Yeah, Joe quit his job and just disappeared.”
“But I heard he was a roadkill somewhere.”
“Wow, that’s like karma.”
“Crazy sh*t happens everywhere…”
Alastor never ran that fast in his life. His smile fell and tears rained, the weather seemed to echo with the truth he learned, it rained, poured heavily. He ran into the forest and screamed till his voice gave out
No way… No way. NO WAY. NO WAY! NO WAY IN HELL!
He clenched as he fell to his knees. How could they keep such a secret to him? Everyone. Every one of them lied to him. Because he was some kid. Because you were just an orphan? Why? Why didn’t anyone tell him?
Unlike the others, he told his mother the truth he learned. Those adoption papers that sat on her desk in the study room were put away into a drawer, locked up. His mother soon fell ill from griefing and the shock, passing soon after then
Now when he walked the same roads and saw the people you helped, he saw red. That rage boil within him. Who knew and didn’t care? Who ignored your tragic death?
Without anything to ground him, he only had his job as the new radio host. A grand start!
“Welcome, everyone! I am Alastor, now your new radio host! You might have remembered me from other channels when I was still a young lad, haha! I’m here to stay! But regrettably, I have to start with recording some distrubing and tragic news. There seems to be a killer on the loose. So everyone be sure to lock your doors and windows at all times, you never know when the killer will strike.”
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Note: A bit short but... That concludes the parts for the human Alastor and Reader~ Next up are the ones for the demon version and in Hell~
Circe Y. 
Taglist: (those that don't specify to being in all the works' taglist will automatically be assumed to be in whichever series they comment on)
@aconfusedwonderland @crowleysthings @donustellaron @mistpurpl3 @lucifers-silhouette @fluffy-koalala @boredwithlifeatthispoint @mysterypotatoink
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heretherebedork · 3 months
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Joe hung up on Tong and Ming smiled about it and they've both changed and the show knows that they need time to explore this, both of them, to see the new versions of themselves and accept them and it's so good because the show has taken the time to show us how much they've been hurt by their choices, to show us that Ming is hurt and hurt others and that he's actually working to be better makes it so, so beautiful.
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Ming taking the time and effort to get himself adopted by Joe's mom because he adopted her first and because he sees how much Joe loves her and wants to prove that he can take care of her and thus take care of Joe because the way to Joe's heart isn't through his own, it's through showing Joe how he's changed and grown.
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And that's he does no much face to face. Taking the time to make sure Joe knows this isn't about who his shoulders look like or who he might be. But him. The lines of his new face, the smell of his body. Everything about him.
This is Ming showing Joe that he changed, that the past is what he learned from to enter this new future. That he is not who he was and that they do not have to be who they were but can now be who they are.
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(Ming mentions his family's conservative nature and he's talking about his sister but he's also a gay man from a conservative family who cannot ever fulfill their expectations. And he knows that, he knows what he's prepared to lose for the sake of loving Joe and he makes that clear to them both.)
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This is everything I wanted. To show that he grew. To show that he learned. And then to let them both see the past and understand each other. To give their own words and explanations to what happened between them. To be able to see their own conclusion to all of it, their own story, not just the story they were in before but the new story
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A stolen story can never be fully returned. But sometimes... it can be rewritten into something different, something better, something that is both new and old but takes the best of both parts. Not resurrected but reborn in new ideas and new love and the old is there, written in shadows and nights and stars, but the new takes to the sky as a kite and a cloud, blue and clear and beautiful.
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tocomplainfriend · 6 months
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I came back to or HB and I got run over with the lack of Female character content. Specially in the queer area!
We got Millie, who gets the lowest attention. See doesn't have and actual episode about her as a person. Unhappy Campers it's not an actual episode about her- it's mainly Moxxie and her dealing with it. We don't get any flashbacks in comparison to Blitz, Moxxie, and Loona. Even when Chaz it's her ex, we only get the Moxxie's part of the story. We get an episode with full focus on Bllitz, Stolas and Moxxie perspective of things in an episode, but we never follow Millie alone her self.
What we got about Millie: Good at killing (Melee weapons), supportive, Country girl, anger? Moxxie's Wife
Unhappy campers tries to give her attention but not actually doing it. She gets everyone to love her and show she can do an endless amount of tricks. But the episode concentrates in Moxxie getting insecure again. The fact they barely want to write her shows in just giving her long fighting scenes instead.
What does she do? Like, does she have her group of friends outside of her job or no? How does that make her feel? Being in your mid 20's and not really having many friends, it's quite a thing to explore. Or does she have actual friends outside of Blitz, and her husband.
How does she feel about Blitz stalking them? Cause in the pilot she just laughs it off a lot! Why? She didn't say anything about Blitz coming to Ozzies to see them. Does she actually dislike Loona or the fact she is a hellhound? Does she feel like a normal Joe underlooked, cause maybe her family with multiple kids didn't give her top attention and recognition? Probably not because they didn't write that- I imagined that, just know. Apparently she just had a 'boring' good family and that's why we don't see anything of that.
I just fill in the spaces where the is nothing to say regarding Millie with Headcanons, basically...
Loona gets written kind of back and forward. She was so nice by the end of season 1- to then beat the shit off Blitz in season 2, episode 2. And She was given the reason of "blitz did something that hurt her" when she was in the wrong for being awful to the customers in the first place and try to guilt-trip her dad. In that same episode, we get Loona's backstory for getting adopted, but from Blitz Perspective. I loved how she was with Octavia. But she backtracks into being mean to everyone. Hopefully she gets to interact with her by the end of the season!
Verosika... Where is my girl? Haven't seen her! She gets to have genuine frustrations towards Blitz, I'm happy for that. I hope they don't write her into had being the bad one for blitz to look better.
Stella, she gets written as the worst to elevate Stolas as the least bad person to justify him and Stolitz. Her view of also getting forced to marry someone as a child is never given, she gets the least out of it to- she doesn't get any book or power- she sticks to her family. I think writing her as "stupid" and also the "I love tormenting you" is so shallow. Her power as an antagonist gets killed in order to put her brother as the main danger instead.
One thing in writting I don't think it's intentional is her treatment of Striker. It does call my attention that Stolas call Blitz an Imp, and imp based names- same with disregarding Millie and Moxxie- Meanwhile Stella treats her assistant like shit and says shit if "plebeian blabla" but when she gets in the Phone with Striker to cancel the killing. She is polite and calls him darling. Which is different!
I love that Octavia gets attention, but I know she is written to also elevate Stolas as a character. -And the writting fill force her into forgiving him. Also... her relationship with her Mom? Someone? Can we explore what she thinks of imps or hellhounds compared to her parents?
Sallie May? 2 Lines in 1 episode.
Barbie? Her story dealing with her mom dying got pushed in the BG due to her deleted content. uh... get drugs from being sexual as a +30 woman to a 19 yr human. Doesn't want to deal with Blitz cool! Fizz gets more backstory with Blitz than with her...
Glitz and Glam. They show up and act like assholes to Fizz (to make him seem more vunerable and dealing with a lot). For some reason, the concept of Mammon being abusive to Fizz only matter if it towards him. Because he just let Glitz and Glam take his place, even if they were being bitches to him- that doesn't make them have to endure Mammon's treatment too. They are also over villainized as if Blitz or wasn't an ass to everyone too.
Bee is there probably for one episode due to wall Kesha and shit. She is a contradiction on her self "gluttony - over indulgance" to then "Loona your dad is drinking to much and it worries me" ??? She is there to be a party girl and tell Loona what to do.
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Overall she also only get Queer content out of the male characters. There is not a single WLW thing going on anywhere here. Meanwhile most the teasing of ships and jokes is MLM (blitzXmoxxie,blitzXstriker, blitzXstolas, blitzXchaz, blitzXfizz, moxxieXstriker, moxxieXchaz, fizzXasmodeous)
The only possible WLW joke is Bee and Loona. That's it!
For a show that gets to praised for representation of the trans woman character, It's less of a secondary character just yet. And no non-binary character anywhere.
(DO NOT SAY oh but in the BG, NO I'm TALKING ACTUAL CHARACTERS IN THE SHOW-not the bg succubus or the art team putting random stuff around!)
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doginahat · 2 years
hello sweeties i finished chapter 14 so all i need to do is edit:) it’ll be posted soonnnnnn ALSO ITS A REALLY LONG CHAPTER LOL SORRY BOUT THAT
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