#add more info if you want
wdr2-rlbmut · 4 months
Now more than ever...
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freaky-flawless · 1 month
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The De Nile sisters!
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vagueconfusion · 2 months
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orbmanson7 · 1 year
So, some notes from streamers that were featured in episode 2 of generation loss (if anyone is interested):
-Ranboo mentioned they'll be doing 3 different streams to go over behind the scenes footage and some extra stuff for each of the 3 episodes! Those streams should occur sometime in the next two weeks, and they plan to bring on some people (including from episode 2) who were on the show to talk about it.
-Vinny Vinesauce said he recorded his own behind the scenes footage during Episode 2, and he also was able to explore the abandoned mall and got footage of that. He intends to release a vlog once Ranboo has posted their behind the scenes footage, so it won't spoil anything.
-Rae mentioned that the group conducted rehearsals for Episode 2 for several hours once everyone had arrived before the show started. She mentioned how odd it was to have a blend of scenes that were both scripted and improv.
-Ethan gave a short little shoutout to Generation Loss, and encouraged everyone to go watch!
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sunnnfish · 1 year
crawling out of the spreadsheets covered in blood
have YOU ever wanted a one stop shop for major events and when they take place in the Sasaki to Miyano and Hirano to Kagiura series ?!?!??!!!??!?!?!? HAVE I GOT THE THING FOR YOU !!!!
ITS HERE !!! not 100% perfect because it'd never get posted if i tried to make it perfect. there are inconsistencies and probably typos and a fair amount of bias but its something. and also a testament to how crazy this series makes me.
for a little backstory. timestamp on the original document says it was made May 22, 2022, at 8:41 PM. it was intended for personal use when i was in peak kagihira analysis mode, to figure out when things were happening in each series and how they related to each other. if that makes sense. and THEN i started taking extensive and biased notes. probably over-noted too many chapters but WHO CARES ! Anyways and Then i figured the whole world could use this. So here we are
theres blood sweat tears and probably a bit of my soul in this thing. please please please let me know if theres anything i missed or got wrong or anything you may want me to add!! i genuinely want this to be like an ultimate resource. so pleeeeaaase tell me if anything is unclear etc etc etc. i love all of you and peace and love on planet sasamiyaverse...
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cupiidzbow · 6 months
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we are cooking in the kitchen ☝🏽☝🏽
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wundrousarts · 20 days
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magicpiano · 2 years
I often see people making posts looking for beta readers and getting no responses, and I think I think a big reason for that is just not providing enough information. So here is some advice of things you should mention in your post:
The rating (and maybe why it has that rating)
Any relevant content warnings
The main pairings, relationships, or characters
The (estimated) length! Committing to betaing a 5k work is very different from committing to a 20k one
If you have a deadline you need to work posted by (like if the story is for an event or a holiday, ect.)
What type of help you are looking for. Do you just want a spelling/grammar check, or are you looking for someone to brainstorm with and point out plot holes?
Maybe just a small summary of what the work is about. It doesn't need to be the fleshed out thing you put in ao3, but a short "coffee shop AU" or "season 2 ending fix it" goes a long way in letting a potential beta know what they are signing up for.
I understand the desire to keep your wips a secret till they are posted, but if you can't find a beta, this is probably why. Many times someone would be willing to beta, but doesn't want to offer because they don't know the above and would feel weird backing out after agreeing, so they just don't say anything.
Finally, remember the person on the other side of the screen is a human being. You are not owed help, they are doing you a favor so be polite.
(Please feel free to add more advice!)
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caramelmochacrow · 1 year
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happy birthday karen!! she'll do starlight with everyone!
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ssspringroll · 5 months
Real Estate 'Listings' Info
TL:DR Vacant apartments. They're a sim-making prompt. That sim will live in that apartment in my game. Only occults are invited. (See sim guidelines at least, if you read nothing else)
E.T. Moneybags presents an exciting new housing opportunity for all displaced or needy occults. Looking for a new start? Move on in to a lovely Newcrest apartment! A newly developed neighborhood for all of freak-kind to live in peace, amongst themselves or while learning to integrate with human society!
After crash-landing in the yard of the Landgraab mansion some 20-odd years ago, they took them under their wing, showing them the wonders and joys of capitalism! Delighted by this, among other earthly delights, E.T. has spent their time on Earth finding ways to introduce culture to everyone they can. With a little investment help from their old pals the Landgraabs, they've hit it big enough for their dreams to come true: a housing development just for people like them. Aliens, Vampires, Werewolves, and more!
What is this?
I'm starting a new 'starter save', a personal save file that I will clone each time I want to begin a brand new save game. This has every lot changed, every EA townie updated, and a few new townies added in. Some of these new townies are made by me, but the rest? That's where this project comes in! Real Estate 'Listings' are a (hopefully) fun idea I came up with to invite other simmers to make some sims for my new starter save.
How does it work?
I will post photos of a vacant* apartment. This is your prompt for making a sim! If the whole apartment is decked out in purple, maybe it's a sim that really likes purple? If there's a lot of books and bookshelves, maybe they're a writer? It's up to you how much personality you want to give them! Once the 'listing' photos go up, you can comment or reblog with a notice that you would like to claim that spot. After the spot has been claimed, I will turn off reblogs for 3 days, during which time you can make and submit your sim! (If you need more time, let me know, but if I don't hear from you for 3 days, the listing will go back on the 'market'). Once an apartment has been filled, the post will be edited and the reblogs will stay off.
You can check the open listings at ssspringroll.tumblr.com/tagged/for rent. All listings (open and closed) can be viewed at https://ssspringroll.tumblr.com/tagged/ETM Realty
If you'd rather just submit a sim and let me figure out the rest, you can! More info here: https://ssspringroll.tumblr.com/post/747775297474183168/renters-wanted
If a listing has reblogs disabled, then it's claimed (or occupied, check the original post to see!) You do not have to claim an apartment before submitting a sim, but I highly recommend it! If someone else claims the apartment they get dibs on it, even if you started your sim before they claimed it. But there's plenty of apartments to go around, so don't worry! You'll probably find another one that you like.
*It is possible that an apartment will already have a resident and will instead be looking for 1 or 2 roommates to move in.
To submit your sim:
You may make your own original post featuring your sim(s), or you can reblog the listing with your sim(s) if you find that easier, more organized, or whatever (if you claimed an apartment and reblogs are off, you'll have to comment to let me know I need to re-enable reblogs!). Make sure you @ssspringroll in your post so I don't miss it!!!
Your sim(s) do not have to be publicly downloadable if you do not wish for them to be, you may private message @exculis (my main) with the link if you prefer, or send a non-anonymous ask.
Sim creation rules/'guidelines':
You do not need to make a new sim for this, you are welcome to offload sim(s) from your gallery (that you made, or were born in-game) if you'd like
You do not need to write any kind of backstory, biography, or anything else about your sim(s). You can genuinely just post them with no commentary if that's all you feel like doing. Remember these are townies! I'm not asking for maximum effort. I'm asking for whatever you can scrounge up.
Sim(s) MUST be an occult of some sort, or intended to be an occult of sorts. If you do not have the pack associated with the occult you'd like to make, that's fine! Just specify what they are supposed to be in your post somewhere and I'll make sure they get turned into that occult when I place them in game
Aliens are preferred, but all in-game occults are acceptable (including plantsims!). That said, they do not need to follow game-lore. For example, I often make 'demons' that are actually vampires, or 'fairies' that are actually spellcasters. You can have fun with it! However, I will not install any mods that add in new occult types.
Hybrids are allowed and encouraged! I play with the occult hybrid stabilizer, and I love weird combos! If you aren't capable of making them a hybrid on your own, once again that's fine! Just specify what occult types they're supposed to be, and I'll get them set up as best I can in game.
Only one outfit (everyday) is required, it's up to you if you want to put any other outfits on them. I won't stop you. If their other outfits aren't done, they'll likely just get randomly generated ones from me (unless they end up a major character in one of my playthroughs, then they'll likely get a more personalized makeover)
You do not need to customize Alien Disguise form, vampire dark form, mermaid form, werewolf form, etc. You can if you would like to.
You aren't limited to just 1 sim per household. Many apartments have space to sleep multiple sims, you're welcome to make as many as you want. Human sims are permitted if they're family.
You aren't limited to 1 submission, but you can only have one outstanding claim at a time. If your claim runs out, you decide to give it up voluntarily, or you fulfill the claim by submitting a household, you are allowed to claim and submit again if you'd like.
Pets are permitted. Horses are not recommended. These are apartment buildings 😰
I have all the packs, and cc of any kind is permitted. I only ask that you please include the cc in the download when you share the sim
I won't install custom sliders. I have too many in my game as it is and your sim will probably look fine in my game without them
I do not write stories, this is not a 'submit your sim to be a character in my story'-type event. These sims will functionally be townies in my game that may interact with whomever I am playing at the time, and might not.
I will do my best to mention the original creators of the sims if/when they are featured in screenshots on this blog, but please understand I may forget. I will always direct people your way if they ask directly about a sim, though (if your username hasn't changed by then/I can still find you, of course)
I will not share your sims with anyone else. I will not share my starter save or any save files cloned from my starter save with anyone else.
I can and WILL change anything about your sim(s) that I want to. If you aren't okay with this, this isn't the event for you
Complex gender options are a-okay! I won't touch things like physical frame, pronouns, clothing preference, or other gender options. I do play with the LGBTQIA+ mod, though, with auto-assign settings that may assign them a gender identity or orientation different from what you intended.
None of the apartments or their buildings are available for download. If you really want one of them for some reason, shoot me a message I guess. You will not get any of its residents. See bullet 3.
This isn't a 'enter and you might get in' type game, this isn't a contest. If you send me a sim (unless there's some kind of game-breaking issue with them) then they will go in my game. Into an apartment. Until I run out of apartments, and then any further submissions will just be left to run around homeless.
I may add to or edit this post as the event goes on.
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meltedwax87 · 8 months
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sysboxes · 9 months
Is there a limit on reposting in a time frame? Idk if "repost spam" is a thing that affects blogs. I'm very unfamiliar with Tumblr works
Ok so! Tumblr does have a post limit, I’ve never hit it but from what I understand: you can only make 250 posts every 24 hours. This includes both posts you reblog and original posts you make. I’m not sure if that’s 250 posts per blog or if posts you make/reblog on a sideblog count towards that limit. I’m also not sure if you can still queue posts or save them to your drafts if you’ve hit the post limit.
As far as I can tell, there’s no other effects it has on your blog, it shouldn’t boost or hide you in an algorithm or anything. While tumblr technically has an algorithm (setting your dashboard to “best stuff first”), most people opt out of it and set their dashboard to reverse chronological order. Even in the algorithm tumblr does have, I’m not sure posting a ton has any effect on it.
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bmpmp3 · 2 months
this is the least important thing on earth but sometimes the way we vocal synth fans try to explain what vocal synths are to people who know nothing about them is a little. flawed. LIKE ITS FINE people are doing their best but i keep seeing people explain them in like really vague ways or using confusing words in the definition like stuff like "well a vocaloid is a type of voicebank" or "its a type of virtual singer" and i get a bit frustrated because like Unfortunately if someone doesn't know what a vocaloid is they are definitely not going to know what a voicebank is.
again this isnt that big of a deal and doesnt matter That Much but im pretty good at explaining niche or old or unusual colloquial stuff to laymen so this is always on my mind LOL you have to tailor it to the context and person but i usually start by asking if they are familiar with electric keyboards and/or digital audio workstations like garageband (depending on age) and go from there, maybe explain that its a piece of software but also the importance of the mascot characters representing the software. if they're really interested in the technicalities then we're going back to the 60s with LPC speech coding. BUT ONLY if theyre really REALLY curious. and maybe point on japanese mascot character culture a bit if they're confused.
always remember when expaining niche stuff to people to listen to their questions and try to answer thoughtfully, with consideration to the other person's understanding... (guy who is neurodivergent voice) i think about human interaction in a normal way and my explanation skills are immaculate.
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manda-kat · 7 months
Watching the second Aquaman movie with my mom: Lol, is Global Warming going to be the big bad?
Only a few minutes later: ... They're actually making Global Warming the big bad.
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oldmisfortune · 2 years
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Finally got to finishing the comic idea that's been haunting me lately ;; i got super lazy with some of the poses and just copy-pasted them xD i hope this amuses people as much as it amused me :)
This is happening in my personal alternative ANE where Ez got dragged back to the guard and Nevra isn't a stuck up at first anymore and oh look! My oc is also there!! (I haven't decided on a name yet ;;;;;;)
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kakusu-shipping · 5 months
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Sometimes I play a Pokemon Game and don't want to make a new S/I for it but do want to interact with it's story and characters.
So here are some Wandering Protagonists I aged up and moved across Regions for funsies.
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