#adam wilkins
matcha-milkies · 24 days
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sapphic !! atom eve x reader ⚢
food for thought (all sfw):
☁︎ she absolutely loves manifesting new clothes for you. cute jeans, t-shirts, hoodies, jackets, dresses, overalls, bucket hats, heels, sneakers, boots, whatever your style is, she’s all too happy to oblige and bring to life your deepest pinterest-board desires.
☁︎ if you can’t fly but you want to, she will take you flying, bridal style. if you can fly, she loves to skim the clouds while holding hands with you.
☁︎ she lets you brush her hair a lot (and likes to brush yours if it’s long enough).
☁︎ sometimes you two just sit on her bed and make out for a little while her parents are away.
☁︎ if you’re going to school, eve is happy to do chill study sessions with you where the two of you vibe and listen to lofi beats together. if you struggle with anything science-related, it’s eve to the rescue.
☁︎ most of your dates are in gorgeous, secluded areas untouched by civilization, where you have the absolute best view. you sit together on a cliff watching the sunrise, or have a picnic, or sometimes just walk along the beach holding hands.
☁︎ adam is weird about you two being together. not blatantly queerphobic per se, but he has an unsophisticated grasp of sapphic love, i.e. assumes you both have to be lesbians as opposed to bisexual. if you are femme he might be confused because eve is also femme and he does not understand the concept of femme4femme or butch4butch.
☁︎ betsy is well-meaning but doesn’t really get it either. but she adores you and loves to make snacks for you whenever you come over. she’ll always try to make conversation although sometimes it gets awkward.
☁︎ not to be cliche, but rex is extremely jealous at first (maybe of both of you?) he makes little digs at you, but he doesn’t dare do it in front of eve because the one time he tried that, she turned all his meals that day into stale soggy burger mart fries. eventually he does warm up to you, especially if you’re a supe and go on occasional missions together, he would come to respect your skill and your desire to help others.
☁︎ mark is of course a sweetheart to you because he’s just a good kid. he tags along sometimes on missions (if you’re a supe). otherwise you guys just hang out together at the movies or whatever.
☁︎ sometimes eve takes your hands in hers and just stares into your eyes. or brushes her thumb against your temple as you lie across from each other.
☁︎ if you like flowers... you are going to get a lot of them.
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mandareeboo · 10 months
I thought Eve’s dad was have that sentence go “Your powers don’t make you a hero. *You* make you a hero.” But then he took a nosedive with “They make you *dangerous*”. Like, dude. You can’t keep fucking it up like this
To clarify: I thought he was gonna go like “It’s not your powers, it’s what you do with them” and that would lead into a little lecture about responsibility and thinking things through and all that. But no. Just slammed her with “You are a danger” like *that’s* a helpful statement to hear from her dad.
Adam Wilkins has not said a single right thing in his entire fucking life. His main character trait is dropping his maw to insert his foot into it. I dunno how this man is still married.
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animateddadbracket · 5 months
Worst Animated Dad Bracket Round 1
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Adam Wilkins: None Submitted
Tony Durpleton: Literally doesn’t give a crap about his son. He physically and mentally neglected and abused him. And he ABANDONED his son - who’s the age of a literal elementary schooler btw - by literally throwing him out of their moving house. He dislikes his son simply acting like a child and being noisy and having fun (which is something that all kids do). And literally THREW a gift that his son made for him out of the house (as a distraction for his son in order to abandon him). He’s also mentioned to literally physically drop his son all the time at extreme heights (the durple drop), probably in order to punish him. Uhh idk what else to say so here’s a link to a video of Tony threw the box his son gave him out the window and abandoned him (the title of the video is inaccurate for the scene within it): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j1N2V395FOU&pp=ygUZdGhlIGJlc3QgZGFkIGNlbnRhdXJ3b3JsZA%3D%3D
Adam Wilkins is from Invincible
Tony Durpleton is from Centaur World
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Does anyone like Adam as a villain? Or season 4 in general?
I don't care for Adam, but it could be I don't particularly care about Riley well not in the way I care about Faith or even Dawn.
Adam just isn't a very interesting villain, well not to me personally. I feel like everyone's acting was a bit off, in certain areas.
In season 3 we had the mayor and Faith
In season 5 we had glory and Dawn
Like those are good matches. Adam and Riley leave much to be desired. Through season 4 has a few good episodes such as the obvious 'Hush', 'this year's girl', and 'who are you?'
Adam just really boring and charmless, which could be because he's made up of parts and half robot.
No, cause I was struggling with finishing this season, I like Buffy in a new space, I like her being in college, getting to be around new people and her friends, I like that she got to experience it for however long she was there. Season 4 in those aspects it's good, earlier seasons Buffy was scared she wouldn't be able to live a semi normal life and look the college experience. Love that for her.
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rtbyg · 5 months
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this is 100% accurate btw @lambjurk
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best buffy big bad--poll
yes, im back with another one of these. no, i don't regret it. yes, i still have two polls running. no, i will take no further questions.
(personally, the mayor will always be my favourite)
i am counting warren bc technically he is the big bad up until the end of season 6
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quietflorilegium · 8 months
“Now,” said the lady, “I have a feeling about you, little girl. You’ve been meddling with people’s worse natures, haven’t you?” “I haven’t,” said Jess, rather indignantly. “I wouldn’t know how to.” “I think you would,” the lady answered. “Everyone knows how to do that. We may disguise it from ourselves by calling it a kindness to someone else—as I did—or telling ourselves that it’s only fair to do whatever it is, but the fact remains that we’ve done a bad act disguised as a good one. And I have a feeling that’s just what you’ve done.”
Diana Wynne Jones, "Wilkins' Tooth"
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Remembering Bayard Rustin: The Unsung Hero of the Civil Rights Movement
written by Levi Wise Kenneth Catoe Jr.
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August 1, 2024 - Growing up as a Black boy in Paterson, NJ, and attending Roman and Irish Catholic Parochial schools, Black history was not very familiar to me. I grew up in a religious Southern Baptist family and participated in the church choir. In this context, Martin Luther King, Jr., was all that I knew about Black history until I became a teenage Madonna fanatic. Ironically, Madonna made me aware of Black activists and radicals such as Nina Simone, Jean-Michel Basquiat, James Baldwin, and Bayard Rustin. Bayard Rustin was an African American activist who believed in civil disobedience. Rustin felt that Black people should deliberately break unjust laws but do it non-violently to bring about change and this would play a key role in the Civil Rights movement. He also advocated for LGBTQ rights. Rustin moved to Harlem in 1937 and began studying at City College of New York. It’s interesting to note that at the time CCNY was an all-male college once regarded as ‘Jewish Harvard’ which did not accept Black men—Rustin was an unusual exception. While Rustin was at CCNY he became involved in efforts to defend and free the Scottsboro Boys, nine young black men in Alabama who were accused of raping two white women. Activism for Rustin was something that came naturally. He later became a mentor to Martin Luther King.
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Rustin is one of my all-time idols. I have been enamored of him since I learned about him, so I was excited to attend an event dedicated to his life and legacy at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, “Between the Lines: Bayard Rustin, A Legacy of Protest and Politics.” The event was a conversation between Michael G. Long and Jafari Allen, who edited the book of the same name. Their exchange sparked many revelations and I left the event more aware than when I entered. I felt so much pity for the life that Rustin had to live, including the attack on his character that was rallied against him by other Black people and the distance that Martin Luther King placed between himself and Rustin out of fear of people assuming that he was also gay. I also learned that it was Coretta Scott King who introduced King to Rustin. Scott-King met Rustin during her college years as a fellow activist who practiced civil disobedience. She would ultimately introduce her husband King to civil disobedience tactics. Rustin recalled that his first time meeting King he was strapped with a handgun and that he never traveled without his gun. It was Rustin who told King that if he represented civil disobedience he would have to be willing to put away his firearm, which eventually he did. Nevertheless, this raises the question, who was King really? The “I Have A Dream” pacifist or the “Beyond Vietnam” radical? We will never truly know.
All in all what I did learn was that according to Rustin, King had no idea how to organize an event. Instead, it was Rustin who developed the blueprint for King’s early Civil Rights movement, at least until the day that King removed Rustin from his inner circle.
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Nevertheless, Rustin returned to organize the March on Washington, despite everything leveled against him by Adam Clayton Powel and Roy Wilkins. Someone noted during the discussion that “it’s funny how karma works given the fact that nobody remembers Wilkins's legacy in comparison to the sudden interest in Rustin.'' If I remember correctly, the comment was made by the moderator, NYU professor Dr. Jarafi Allen, based on the fact that the venue was standing room only, or that the Hollywood lens is now fixated on Rustin’s story, with an Academy Award-nominated movie based upon his life currently in theaters. Wilkins has not received the same interest from Hollywood, perhaps indicating that he is less marketable in the mainstream. Meanwhile, Rustin’s role as an activist for the LGTBQ community is also important for newer generations. Until recently, this legacy and all that he accomplished was invisible, but he has since become a symbol of the “others” and most notably the “forgotten others”. While in his lifetime he was shunned, rallied against, and betrayed by those that he benefitted, history has allowed his legacy the final word.
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jubileemon · 6 months
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Why Adam Wilkins is the most hated character on Invincible?
He has a very rocky relationship with his daughter and is generally unsupportive of her decisions and aspirations to be a superheroine.
He's a misogynist who holds outdated views on gender roles and chastises his daughter for not having traditionally feminine aspirations as a way to cover his insecurities and fragile masculinity. He states that the only reason he ever let Eve become a superhero was because he assumed her then boyfriend, Rex was going to "protect her", even though Eve is extremely powerful herself.
While it's shown that he does care about Eve and most of his disdain for his daughter's career choices come from a place of worry about her welbeing and the welbeing of those around her, that is simply too weak of an excuse to justify his actions, as he damaged his relationship with his daughter because of his own choices, to the point Eve started to actively dislike him. Even though he sometimes brings up good points, such as calling out Eve for using her powers in an inconsequential manner, the way he goes off about them doesn't help and only further cements him as a bad father.
While it's shown he had a good relationship with Eve when she was a kid, ever since the day he learned she had a special ability to identify atoms and molecules, Adam began forming a disdain for his daughter and started acting rude and abrasive towards her.
He was also rude to her babysitter after he started praising his daughter's advanced intelligence. He initially refuses to send her to a school for gifted children, calling her a freak. When Eve didn’t show up to her birthday, he ate a part of the cake and when called out by her, he furiously yelled at his daughter.
When she runs to her room he rudely yells at her that that he and his wife are the only family she has.
While it's implied that he does genuinely love his wife (especially in the flashbacks seen in the Invincible: Atom Eve special), it's rarely ever shown onscreen, and it's stated that they frequently fight a lot. It's also implied that he might even be psychologically abusive towards her as well, to the point she's completely submissive to him and enables his behavior.
Season 1
After finding out that Eve had broken up with Rex after she found out he was cheating on her with Dupli-Kate, Adam lashes out at his daughter, telling her to forgive him, saying that "everyone makes mistakes".
When Eve tells him that she's considering quitting the superhero career, Adam rudely tells her that it was "about time".
When Eve decides to leave her family home in order to become a full-time superhero away from them, Adam doesn't respect her choices and further insists that she quits her dreams in order to live a "normal life". He even told Eve to her face that the worst day of his life was when she got superpowers, something that really hurt Eve emotionally.
Season 2
While he does take a job at Burger-Mart in order to provide for his family after being fired from his previous job at the furniture store, Adam is shown to have been very reluctant to do so and puts the blame on the superheroes for having destroyed their corporate office, essentially blaming his daughter for getting fired.
He stubbornly refuses to get his daughter's help for income, purely out of a place of insecurity, and still persists on lashing out on Eve, despite her being very understanding towards him.
After Eve uses her powers to turn an apple into gold and gives them to sell it, Adam angrily refuses to do so and, later on, even throws the apple in the trash.
During their argument in Eve's second visit to their house, he blames her for an accident in Chicago, where Eve had used her powers to build on an abandoned lot, not knowing it was actually unstable. While Adam tries to rightfully talk some sense into Eve to not use her powers irresponsibly, he's still overly harsh to her, telling her that her powers don't make her a hero, they make her dangerous.
Overall, Adam is generally an unpleasant and rude person who is unreasonable to his daughter for no good reason, and is by far one of the most hated characters in the series.
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brokehorrorfan · 16 days
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Krampus: The Naughty Cut will be released on Steelbook 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray on November 5 via Scream Factory. CRP Group designed the cover art for the 2015 holiday horror film.
Shout Factory offers an exclusive deluxe edition that comes with a snow globe, 6" gingerbread man plush, card game, 28.5x16.5 poster, and prism sticker. Pictured below, it costs $139.99.
Michael Dougherty (Trick 'r Treat, Godzilla: King of the Monsters) directs from a script he co-wrote with Todd Casey and Zach Shields. Adam Scott, Toni Collette, Emjay Anthony, David Koechner, Allison Tolman, Conchata Ferrell, Stefania LaVie Owen, and Krista Stadler star.
Krampus' 102-minute extended Naughty Cut is presented in 4K with Dolby Vision HDR and Dolby Atmos audio. Special features are listed below.
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Disc 1 - 4K Ultra HD:
Audio commentary by director/co-writer Michael Dougherty and co-writers Todd Casey and Zach Shields
Disc 2 - Blu-ray:
Audio commentary by director/co-writer Michael Dougherty and co-writers Todd Casey and Zach Shields
Interview with director/co-writer Michael Dougherty
Interview with producer Todd Casey
Interview with actor David Koechner
Interview with actress Allison Tolman
Interview with actor Emjay Anthony
Interview with Krampus performer Luke Hawker
Interview with WETA’s Richard Taylor
Interview with composer Douglas Pipes
Interview with storyboard artist Simeon Wilkins
Krampus Comes Alive! – 5-part making-of featurette
Behind-the-Scenes at Weta Workshop
Deleted/extended scenes
Gag geel
Alternate ending
Theatrical trailers
Photo galleries – creature art, storyboards, and more
When his dysfunctional family clashes over the holidays, young Max is disillusioned and turns his back on Christmas. Little does he know, this lack of festive spirit has unleashed the wrath of Krampus: a demonic force of ancient evil intent on punishing non-believers. All hell breaks loose as beloved holiday icons take on a monstrous life of their own, laying siege to the fractured family’s home and forcing them to fight for each other if they hope to survive.
Pre-order Krampus: The Naughty Cut.
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mandareeboo · 1 year
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Ma'am I understand marriage is a sanctity thing and important but at this point JUST DIVORCE HIM, why do you let him do this to your daughter.
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peonyblossom · 4 months
Ships I'll Write For
for reference :)
m!Channing Lowe x m!MC (Kalani Mochizuki)
America's Most Eligible
Carson Stewart x f!MC (Juliet James)
Blades of Light and Shadow
Nia Ellarious x f!human!MC (Iris of Riverbend)
Valax x f!human!MC (Iris of Riverbend)
Mal Volari x Tyril Starfury
Mal Volari x Tyril Starfury x m!elf!MC (Hades Nightbloom)
Adrian Raines x Gaius Augustine
Dirty Little Secrets
m!Carpenter (Emmett King) x m!MC (Brooklyn Peters)
High School Story
Wes Porter x Ezra Mitchell
Payton Saunders x f!MC (Lola Williams)
Michael Harrison x nb!MC (Jamie Baxter)
Mia Warren x Katherine
Ajay Bhandari x m!MC (Matty Wright)
Hollywood U
Thomas Hunt x f/nb!MC (Jackie Winters)
Hot Couture
Marco Di Vincenzo x f!MC (Analise Moore)
Immortal Desires
m!Cas x m!Gabe x nb!MC (Reese O'Malley)
Lewyn Junius x m!OC (Jude Junius)
It Lives Anthology
Noah Marshall x m!MC (Harry Spear)
Noah Marshall x Connor Green
Connor Green x m!MC (Jesse Harrison)
Ava Cunningham x f!MC (Raven Adams)
Stacy Green x f!MC (Ivy Lovelace)
Imogen Wescott x f!MC (Fiona Vance)
Tom Sato x m!MC (River Vance)
Danni Asturias x f!MC (Merliah Vance)
Abel Flint x nb!MC (Ollie Bridgers)
Lincoln Aquino x nb!MC (Keagan Burke)
Amalia de León x nb!MC (Lottie Hamilton)
Jocelyn Wu x f!MC (Eleanor Wilkins) (slowburn)
Matthias McQuoid x m!OC (Ezra Wilkins)
Laws of Attraction
Gabe Ricci x Aislinn Tanaka x nb!MC (Sav Zarza)
Open Heart
Ethan Ramsey x m!MC (Sydney Valentine)
Ethan Ramsey x Tobias Carrick
Aurora Emery x Sienna Trinh
Queen B
Zoey Wade x f!MC (Quinn Hughes)
Ian Kingsley x f!MC (Quinn Hughes)
Untameable Anthology
m!Kit Jackson x m!MC (Jules Rojas)
Mandy Martinez x Ryder Wilson x m!MC (Barrett Kemp)
Grey's Anatomy/Station 19
Mark Sloan x Jackson Avery x Lexi Grey
Mark Sloan x Jackson Avery
Meredith Grey x Derek Shepherd
Meredith Grey x Andy Herrera
Victoria Hughes x Lucas Ripley
Izzie Stevens x Denny Duquette
Ben Warren x Miranda Bailey
Cristina Yang x Teddy Altman
Maya Bishop x Carina DeLuca
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sir-adamus · 1 year
Adam Wilkins has a line in season 1, something to the effect of "the worst day of my life was the day you got your powers"
Eve's powers manifested when she was 12, she had just turned 14 at the end of the special, and her parents do not know at this point, they found out at some point in the four year interim between this special and season 1, and Eve had been using her powers for years by that point
man just has to make everything about himself
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Had to make a introduction abut me cuz idk
My name is Sarah
My favorite shows are the muppet show, animaniacs, ghost and Molly McGee, casagrandes, the loud house, don't hug me I'm scared, sonic x, sonic boom, the letter people, Eddsworld, sesame street, Rocko's Modern Life, Ren and Stimpy, CRiTORA, Catdog, moral Orel, muppets tonight, fanboy and Chum Chum, Fred Figglehorn, cartoonmania, mandela catalogue, walten files, Fred the Show, hi hi puffy Ami yumi, your favorite martian the series, nostalgia critic, angry video game nerd and potter puppet pals
My favorite movies are the muppet movie, the muppets, muppets most wanted, adventures of Elmo in Grouchland, Fred the movie, Fred 3 the movie, Fred 2 night of the living Fred and CartoonMania: the movie
My hyperfixations are mad scientist cartoon, the rockafire explosion, goosebumps, vocaloid, utau and clone high
My favorite music artists are lemon demon, neil cicierega, your favorite martian, will wood, will wood and the tapeworms, tally hall, Bart baker, ghost and pals, your favorite martian and oingo boingo
My favorite video games are quiplash, trivia murder party, trivia murder party 2, Friday night funkin, five nights at Freddy's, Dave and Bambi, sonic the hedgehog, Omori, team fortress 2, roblox, item asylum, survive and kill the killers on area 51, my singing monsters, my muppets show and my singing monsters dawn of fire
My comfort media are inanimate insanity and peewee's playhouse
I am a bisexual, pansexual polyamorous aroace non-binary transgender genderfluid and xenogender boy
I use he/they/faun/xem/it pronouns and neopronouns
I make xenogenders
I make headcanon about characters from every media
I'm neurodivergent, autistic and ADHD
DNI if:
Imvu players
Autism speaks supporters/defenders
Xenogender anti
Neopronoun anti
F3t!sh ppl
Inflation and v0r3 enjoyers
Lemon Demon anti
Spam bots
Favorite characters
Muppets - Uncle deadly, Dr phil van neuter johnny Fiama sal minella marvin Suggs Mr poodlepants chip bill the bug bobo the bear lew Zealand doctor Bunsen honeydew beaker Wayne and Wanda waldo C graphic digit newsman bill the bubble guy Wilkins wontkins bobby Benson link hogthrob Constantine the frog Sam the Eagle Howard Tubman Carter Zelda rose and Mulch
Sesame Street - Count von Count, Bill the Bug and Limbo/Nobody
Bart Baker - Taylor Swift, PSY, Lorde, William, Britney spears and Adam levine
Lemon Demon - Neil Cicierega
Animaniacs - Wakko Warner
The Ghost and Molly McGee - Sharon McGee, Leah stein-torres, Pete mcgee, Libby stein-torres, jinx, Molly McGee, scratch, Darryl McGee and Ezekiel tugbottom
Battle for Dream Island - Puffball
Friday night Funkin - Meri, Beepie, Dave and Bambi
Fred Franchise - Fred Figglehorn
Jashin-Chan - Hatsune Miku
CRiTORA - Kimi canicani, Iggy digahol, Avery Darling, eggy, queen virus, dundun qwerty, Pluto Georgia, spottie Leonard and Ernie joefreckler
Adventures of Elmo in grouchland - Huxley
Channel Awesome - Nostalgia Critic/Doug Walker
Muppets 2011 - Tex Richman
Cinemassacre - Angry Video Game Nerd
Muppet Movie - Max, Doc Hopper and Snake Walker
Pokemon - Sylveon
Fred the Movie - Kevin and Judy
Peewee's Playhouse - Cool Cat, Dirty Dog, Conky 2000, Randy and Chairry
Muppets from Space - K. Edgar singer
Rockafire Explosion - Rolfe Dewolfe and Dook Larue
Cartoonmania - Lucifer Killingsworth, Rufus, Ed Ted Ned and Fred, Anne Mermaid, Roy and Professor Qwertyson
Muppets Most Wanted - Dominic badguy
ABC Muppets - Pache/Pizza
Don't hug me I'm scared - Colin and Shrignold
Muppets Tonight - Heather Locklear
Muppets Wizard of Oz - Wicked Witch of the west
Crash and Bernstein - Crash
Fraggle Rock - Large Marvin fraggle
Clone High - Topher Bus, Abe, Professor Scudsworth and Mr. butlertron wesley
Scott the Woz - Scott the Woz
Owl House - Collector
BFFS list
@elle-eedee @emishows123 @splashy900 @boogiestronic80s @nightmaremp @moshywoosh @cheezecirno
Might pin this later 👀
This was inspired by @emishows123
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fauxfickle · 5 months
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Another month, another info dump of things you already know, or the search for "The Great All-American Pizza Show!"
Last time, we talked about the Citrus Heights commercial produced by Bob Wilkins Advertising Inc and it's potential showing at the Orinda Theatre. The bad news is that I don't know anyone from CA and I don't have anywhere near a big enough platform to spread the word. Was it there? Was it not? We'll never know! Good thing is that the Psychotronix Film Festival is putting on another show in May at Foothill College, also in CA.
But on to other news! I finally got a response from PBS about Ben Wattenberg's segment on PTT. They said they didn't have it so yeah...
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I've been looking around for Ben Wattenberg's 1980 and PM Magazine listings on Ebay, hoping for maybe a DVD copy or something but nothing comes up. These aren't really my top priority since they aren't part of TGAAPS but it helps me from burning out looking at a million commercials
Let's move onto the real meat and potatoes, the ads themselves. Starting with the Citrus Heights commercial, I've been doing research on Bob Wilkins' ad company and you'd be surprised how scarce info is on it. His obituary states that he made ads not only for PTT, but Lay-Z-Boy as well. This newspaper from 1981 says that his agency makes over $1M annually and was doing "amazingly well" which makes it all the more stranger that there's so little documentation of it. I also found a house in Oakland, that was used by the company at some point. I won't link the house, the company is so far removed from it and I don't want the people living there to be bothered. Something funny I found while looking on other search engines for traces of BW's agency is that Bing's AI assistant literally uses my post as a source. It's surreal seeing the info I wrote be regurgitated back at me by an AI. Weird...
Now the animated ad! I'll admit, I've been slacking a bit when it comes to looking for this ad, however I found 3 people on Linkedin that worked for Colossal Pictures during the late 70s. Also found out that Adam Savage from Myth Busters worked for (C)P at some point. Hmm, having your company initials be CP wasn't the smartest move in hindsight. Maybe that's why they added the parenthesis.
Something that wasn't found by me :( was a storyboard for one of the live action commercials. From what I've heard, it was posted in the showbizpizza.com discord server and spread from there. In the bottom left it says UBC which I can't really link to anything. I thought maybe it could be a production company, or an acronym, but I've got nothing. Maybe it just says Inc. Bottom right isn't much better, it's completely illegible and the first page of the storyboard is in even worse quality. An exciting find for sure, but not one that really helps me.
Or so I thought! In the end card it says (location tag), not just "Kooser and Blossom Hill". Unlike the radio ad, nothing in here denotes any sort of specific location like having a certain guest star or cabaret act. Sure it uses the Winchester bots, Kooser bots, and Mopsey sisters but people aren't really going to pay attention to whether the backup singers are mops or crows and they probably wouldn't even notice the small diffences between the portrait bots and a cyberamic in a 60 second ad.
Here's my big theory though. Oh yeah, we're getting conspiratorial! Someone asked me about that forum post I discovered that mention a PTT jingle from 1978 - 1980. Way back in my first post, I found that this person was most likely from the Detroit area, and probably didn't see the ads that I thought at the time were only in the Bay Area and aired during early 1980. I thought that because the ads ended around spring and the first store to open in MI was around November, this person was simply misremembering the "Smile America" ads from 1982. It's been a few months, and in that time I've learned probably more than any sane person should know about this campaign, and while looking at the store lists on the Cheese-e-pedia after that person mention the post, I realized something that made me feel like a complete idiot. The first PTT to open in MI was in Westland. I looked up where that was, and low and behold, Westland is A SUBURB OF DETROIT. I felt so stupid but also really happy that this tiny detail actually meant something. My theory is that maybe, just maybe, one of, if not a few of these ads were aired outside CA with the location tags edited for each store. PTT has done that before, so I feel it's not totally out of the picture for them to have done it few years earlier. If this is true, then it expands this search from just CA to Nevada, Utah, Texas, Arizona, Ohio, Colorado, North Carolina, and of course, Michigan.
I still want to keep most my searching in the Bay area, but I think this could lead to exciting things. Or I could be delusional, who knows? Until next time!
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WCDE National Title Results 2012
Mini Female:
Jaycee Wilkins, Club
Emma York, Danceology
Dylynn Jones, Club
Mini Male:
Kurt Horney, Dancin' In Action
Junior Female:
Lexi Tonniges, CPDIntermix
Sara Nalli, DC Scottsdale
Grace Guzan, Lemoine AoD
Junior Male:
Lennon Torres, DC Scottsdale
Graham Feeny, Company C
Timmy Blankenship, City of Boulder
Teen Female:
Hayden Hopkins, Westlakee
Cassidy Fulmer, Revolution
Kalyn Berg, Tucson DA
Teen Male:
Adam Agostino, Allegro PAA
Noah Field, NDSoD
Josh Colvin, Dynamic Dance
Senior Female:
Alexandra Doyle, Revolution
Addie Byers, CPDIntermix
Alyssa GUerrieri, Moschetta's PAC
Senior Male:
Sean Howe, Company C
Iain Young, Dance Dynamics PAC
Douglas Burkhardt, Company C
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