#actually...textbook definition
gaykingslayer · 7 months
It's that time of the day i want to kill my dad again
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luinhealthcare · 8 months
Does Hyrule mind teaching how to assess a patient??👉👈
"You... want to learn how to assess patients?" Hyrule asked hesitantly.
Wild shrugged. "What if I want to be an EMT?"
"You also said you wanted to be a chef in the hospital."
"I can do both, you know."
Hyrule laughed. "I suppose so. Well... we'll need a patient for this to work."
Wild immediately snatched Sky, who yelped as his friend snaked a hand around his wrist. "Sky's the patient, heaven knows he needs to be looked over anyway."
"Look who's talking, Mr. I-Have-Seizures-and-Don't-Tell-Anybody," Sky grumbled as he was manhandled to sit between the other two.
"Well, everyone knows now."
Hyrule and Sky gave Wild a scalding look. Adequately apologetic, Wild shrugged sheepishly.
"Anyway," Hyrule sighed, shifting his focus to Sky. "Assessments come in different forms. You've got a primary and a secondary assessment. Primary is kind of a general overview and checking for life threatening stuff, secondary is in-depth on what the issue actually is. Make sense?"
Wild nodded.
"Great!" Hyrule continued with a smile. "Okay. Sky's our patient. Sky, you got shot once, right?"
Sky nodded, and Wild balked. "He what?!"
"It was a long time ago," Sky waved a dismissive hand.
"Okay, so that's our scenario," Hyrule said, standing. "We're dispatched for a 21-year-old male with a GSW--"
"That means gunshot wound, right?"
"Yeah. GSW, conscious patient. That's all we've got. So, you get on scene, and the very first thing you do is check for scene safety. If the scene isn't safe, we're not going in. First thing you're taught in EMS - your own safety comes first, because if you're shot you can't help the patient. It's you, your partner, then the patient."
"How often do you actually listen to that rule?" Sky asked, raising an eyebrow.
"That's not what we're learning today," Hyrule waved off easily. It was pretty common knowledge that while he would never put his partner's life at risk, he'd gotten himself into dicey situations before. But he knew how to get himself out of those situations too. "So, we determine the scene is safe. Next, is our primary assessment. The purpose of this assessment is to check for life threatening things, and an overview of major body systems. Neuro status, bleeding, and your ABCs: Airway, Breathing, Circulation.
"The situation is pretty dynamic, like sometimes you walk up and somebody's got an arterial bleed and spurting blood everywhere, your assessment stops right there and you go fix that bleed. But generally you'll have time to do the entire primary assessment."
"Okay, so neuro and ABCs?"
"Yeah. And the good thing is that most of it happens all at once, you know? You walk up to Sky and he looks at you, then boom, you've got a good neuro - he's awake, he's alert. He may not be oriented, but you can figure that out by just talking to him. And by this point you can tell if there's life threatening bleeding. Then it's ABCs - is his airway patent, or open? Is he breathing, and is he doing so normally? Is his skin warm, dry, and normal tone for him? You can literally do al these things by just walking into the room and looking at him for five seconds. The primary assessment is done really fast and, the more times you do it, basically automatically."
"What would be an example of something being wrong?" Wild askd.
Hyrule glanced at him. "When I got on scene for your crash, you were unconscious and unresponsive--in other words, you were not only unconscious, but nothing would wake you up--and your breathing was gurgling sounding because you had blood in your airway."
Glancing at Sky, Hyrule said, "Sky can give us an example of a not great primary assessment, I'm sure."
Helpfully, Sky immediately flopped off the chair he was sitting on, collapsing to the ground with a crash. Wild laughed, and footsteps rushed from upstairs into the living room.
Twilight immediately froze in the entranceway, eyes wide and fixed on Sky. "Sky, what the--guys what the hell is hap--"
Sky perked up immediately. "Oh, sorry! I'm just helping Hyrule teach Wild!"
Twilight froze a moment and then sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose and grumbling under his breath.
Hyrule smiled, pointing at Twilight. "He just perfectly showed a good primary assessment looks like! He walked in and saw the patient down on the ground, tried to figure out a neuro by calling out to him, and when Sky woke up he immediately could tell he was fine. Neuro intact, not bleeding, had a patent airway because he's talking, breathing normally, and skin looks normal."
"I hate all of you," Twilight groaned, walking out of the room.
"Okay, but by skin looking normal... what does it mean when it doesn't?" Wild asked.
"Your skin can tell a story," Hyrule explained. "If you're diaphoretic, which means sweating, something is likely wrong. Though it depends on context - if your patient's sweaty but they were just exercising, it makes sense. If Sky's sweaty on the ground after being shot, he's in shock. If the skin is cool, the body isn't circulating well - that can sap the color right out of your skin - the lighter your skin tone the more notable it is, but darker skin tones can become paler too. A lot of times with darker skin tones you'll want to look at their palms or their lips, that'll help you determine it. Another color is grey - that usually means cardiac and it's bad. So skin can tell you a lot!"
"How did my skin look?" Wild questioned, curious.
"Pale," Hyrule immediately answered. "Anyway. Sky's your patient. Look him over."
"Okay," Wild blew out a breath, approaching Sky and kneeling beside him. "So he's unconscious, that's my neuro so far."
"Can you arouse him at all?"
Wild poked Sky in the neck. Sky flinched. Wild poked again and Sky giggled. Wild's eyes widened in realization, and a mischievous smile crossed his face.
"Wild, wait--"
Sky started laughing hysterically as his friend tickled him, wiggling and trying to shove him away.
"Get--off of m--Wild you jerk--"
Hyrule chuckled. "Well, we're not taught to tickle our patients, but that works."
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Every time the textbooks we use say that in the UK we eat "pudding" as a snack or something I'm like I fear you have misunderstood the British use of the term "pudding".
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the-npd-culture-is · 8 months
Questioning NPD culture is thinking "Man I feel like i'm faking it." and panicking slightly because what if you were faking some shit for attention and you aren't actually as egodivergent as you thought you were.
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neechees · 10 months
Back then when I didn't know who Ellis was (& this was before her Smeyer apologist vid) i had only watched the one Pocahontas video essay from her, and even then I was impressed but also wondering on the amount of like. Very INNER issues she seemed to include on the video and had wondered if she had help from other Native creators in making the video because she mentioned things a lot of white people don't usually even recognize. But now yeah I really do think it's just because she took everything from Ali's writing
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coquelicoq · 1 year
just had the thought "after i exhaust the french fiction, poetry, and textbooks i own, i could read the french dictionary cover to cover" and got, like, GENUINELY excited about it.
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 months
#oh wow...#i just had an oh shit fuck moment#wow#i usually complain about the one therapist i had in my entire life and how she wouldn't just listen to what i was saying#if it didn't fit her textbook definition of whatever she was thinking at the time#and how i talked to her about my anxiety and how that made me feel and she would only focus on how i acted#so the example i gave her was the one time i went into a shop to buy something by myself#because my mom didn't want to go in for me and arguing with my mom in front of the shop in public and then inevitably have to#go in myself either way was way worse to me#because of the embarrassement of arguing in public. the fact that my mom was gonna spend the entire walk home telling me how i have to#''just suck it up and learn and just overcome my anxiety because i don't have a problem'' or whatever#and then having to go into the shop where the lady had been watching me from inside the entire time how i clearly didn't want to go in#and possibly be even more awkward with teary eyes because of the anxiety and awkwardness i already bring to the table any day...#all of those things that were going inside my head were trumped by the fact that i did go in and did buy what i needed#although my heart was coming out of my chest the entire time... all that didn't matter to my therapist because in her words:#''if you had anxiety. you simply wouldn't have gone in''#which is ridiculous#but anyways... i just had an epiphany... that was masking wasn't it?#forcing myself to do something that brings me major discomfort to make my mother and the shop lady not judge me?#pretend i'm a normal human being just doing normal things instead of someone who's about to have a heart attack buying embroidery thread?#panicking the entire time because i wasn't prepeared and hadn't scripted the entire transaction in my head?#yet still going in and putting on my ''normal person'' mask to try to seem like i wasn't just dying seconds ago (and still was)?#isn't that literally what masking is?!#and the ''autism specialist'' ass therapist was like ''if you did it then you don't have a problem''#when i'm literally telling her how much of a problem it actually WAS?!#you know what's the best part about all this#that when i told my mom after i left that therapist that she didn't listen to me because [insert everything above]#my mom's response was ''well sometimes therapist will say things that you don't want to hear but you have to accept them''....#same woman who's always saying how much she hates therapists because they ''will say whatever and pretend they know shit''#ok so it's only The Truth when I tell you it isn't...
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 5 months
something so genuinely hilarious to me ab queer characters that have been written by someone who never in their entire existence has spoken, looked at, or thought ab real queer people
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lazuliquetzal · 6 months
thanks @bobafett for the tag i love tag games SO much
How many works do you have on AO3? 38! Huh! I don't know what I expected? (If you wanna be exact, it's actually 41 because I have 3 joke fics posted anonymously.)
What’s your total AO3 word count? 653,468
What fandoms do you write for? Whatever I'm into at the moment? Right now it's God of War. Earlier it was Linked Universe. Before that it was Daiya no Ace. But I'm not particularly loyal, it's literally just whatever idea that manages to stick.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Reflection -- a classic AA Batteries -- my beloved Dawn of the Fourth -- *evil cackling* ain't no rest for the wicked -- oh my god do people still click on this Denial and Deterioration -- I SWEAR I'M STILL WORKING ON IT I ACTUALLY ADDED TO THE DOC LIKE 3 DAYS AGO
Do you respond to comments? I try to! I try to catch every comment, but if a fic is on the older side and the comment isn't super long, I sometimes don't reply. Not because I don't like the comment (i love all comments i love you all) but because if a fic is not fresh in my brain I don't have much to say
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? DO NOT READ IT, but it's the shadows we cast. I was fifteen. I'm not linking it on here. It's still on my AO3 because I'm not a coward, but I'm also not very brave, so like, don't read my high school fic, you've been warned.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably Candid? That one is SUPER fluffy, which is not normally my style, but you know, sometimes you just gotta flex your fluff muscles,
Do you get hate on fics? Eh, not really. I've gotten a few negative comments, but mostly from FFN, and I honestly don't even count those lol.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? No. I genuinely wouldn't even know where to begin.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Nah, crossovers aren't my thing.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? I have seen a fic that was very blatantly referencing one of mine, but I don't really consider that stealing.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Does the absolutely insane crack fic written on the tail end of a 29-hour voice call count?
What’s your all time favorite ship? Hmm. I read a lot of Merthur, but that's mostly because the Merlin fandom tends to be really good, and therefore there's a lot of good Merthur (although I do like Merthur a lot, super Shakespearean, only valid soulmate pairing I've ever seen).
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? If I abandon a fic, I'm going to make an announcement. If I haven't officially abandoned it, it's still fair game. That said, Replication is like, on the lowest of low priorities.
What are your writing strengths? It comes with absorbing plot structure into your personality, but yeah, I'm a kick ass plotter. Also comedy. That also comes with the plot structure.
What are your writing weaknesses? Atmosphere/description. Worldbuilding. Also to a lesser extent, character voice -- I feel like I eventually default to everyone just sounding like me
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Depends on context, but it's always through the lens of "how does this effect the experience for the reader?"
First fandom you wrote for? I wrote a Star Wars fanfic when I was like, 9. First fanfiction on PURPOSE was for PJO.
Favorite fic you’ve written? I think the best thing I've written so far is DotF, but my favorite is probably The Disappearance of Narumiya Mei. WHICH I'M ALSO STILL WORKING ON, life just got REALLY WEIRD and I had to take a step back from it RIP
Tagging @tavina-writes, @ellie-tarts, @lieutenantbiscute, @aoryuucchi, @bytebun, @mimbotomy (no pressure if you don't want to!) and of course anyone who feels like doing this
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You and gay-jesus-probably have successfully made me question everything with your view that Tears of the Kingdom is imperialist propaganda, so that's been fun.
Anyway, I decided to share this discussion with the Zelda fans on reddit, and perhaps unsurprisingly, a lot of them disagreed. Here is what they said (I'm Alarming_Afternoon44):
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So what do you think? Have I and all these other people just been duped by the game's manipulative framing? Or do they actually have a point?
And if you'd rather not answer this, or would prefer if I censored the usernames, just tell me and I'll delete this.
Hey! Thanks a lot for reaching out, and I'm glad it made you think stuff through!!
Honestly, as I mentioned in this post, I am not super interested about in-world conversations about who oppresses who, because what can be assessed from the game is super vague and more vibes-based than evidence-based. Within the text, of course that the Good Zonais are good and the Bad Ganondorf is bad! But that's my whole point! The narrative has been deliberately crafted so that the zonais and Rauru (and Hyrule) are as blameless as possible (and it's not doing a great job at it overall to be frank; we would not be having these conversations about how offputting it all feels for a non-zero number of people if it did do a great job). More importantly, I want to focus on what sort of real-life narrative it all parallels. Because people make stories, and people live in the real world.
Not going after everyone's throat here, gamedev is hard and the hydras that are AAA game production do end up doing super weird stuff, especially since the thematic ramifications are absolutely never prioritized (and it's also always the same kind of people who make the final calls and push out what can and can't be talked about also). And as fans, we tend to have trouble stepping outside the lens of lore and take a look at the bigger picture sometimes; not as an attack on any individual part of that decision-making process but to just pause, stop, and question our standards, our priorities and the kind of reality (or skewing of reality) the stories we tell each other reflect.
Again: do we want to take videogames seriously or not? If we do, then we need to accept they are a vehicle for ideology, just like any other artform. And sometimes, you push out questionable ideology, sometimes without meaning to, because you didn't unpack your own biases as you did. And it's even fine to do it, nobody is perfect, a 300+ people team spread over 6 years certainly will not be that. But that it wasn't prioritized is, in my opinion, a problem. As a narrative designer, I want games (at least the narrative side) to be held to a higher standard than this. It's literally my job to work with the industry so it can hold itself to higher standards of quality --so the whole TotK situation is quite frustrating to witness from a very pragmatic, work perspective where I already spend my days trying to convince people that things mean things. I have a vested interest here in not having the companies I work for being given a free pass by gamers to do literally whatever as long as it's fun, especially when we're talking about a billion-dollars company suing its own fans left and right for any perceived slight. Nintendo are not underdogs here. It's fine to point out they cut corners and maybe promoted messy ideologies, voluntarily or not.
So long story short: no I don't believe anyone here has a point in regards to what I think is actually important, which is why these choices were made in the first place. If you look at an imperialist text expecting the text to tell you that it's imperialist instead of recognizing a framing used for propaganda by yourself, you're never gonna find any imperialist text ever, obviously not!! I'm sorry if I sound a little gngngn here, but I don't know why audiences have, at large, this feeling that lore and story beat decisions materialize themselves already formed and without any human bias, meddling, intervention, internal politics or approximations (it seems that people can only conceptualize this part if they have actual names to attach to the story, but without clear authors it's like there are no authors and so no bias, which is... a very strange bias in itself). I can promise you that it does not work that way in practice: every narrative department on every big game is a battlefield --some nicer than others, but all of them very emotionally draining either way.
So yeah, I guess that on these grounds, I disagree with every point raised here. Sorry Reddit :/
But thank you for the ask and sorry if I didn't go more into details as to why. The big Why I Dislike Rauru Post and the Gerudo Post might have some more specific rebuttals, but I am not super interested in debating small detail stuff tbh. I feel like it's no use if the frame of reference isn't being understood in the first place.
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oflgtfol · 5 days
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#DOES PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOXES MEAN NOTHING TO YOU PEOPLE#THE SUN ISNT EVEN IN YOUR ''SUN SIGN'' IT MEANS NOTHING !!! ITS MEANINGLESS !!!#brot posts#astro posting#'i dont know if i feel comfortable calling astrology a science' BECAUSE IT ISNT#FLAT OUT. ITS NOT.#even ignoring the fact its blatantly falsified#just . the definition of science relying on observations.#hold on let me ltierally get my fucking science research methods textbook#SCIENCE MUST BE. 1. empirical 2. systematic 3. replicable 4. self-correcting#ASTROLOGY. IS NONE OF THOSE THINGS#1. its based entirely on anecdotes 2. again its based entirely on anecdotes theres no institution no system no research#3. BECAUSE its not systematic it sure as fuck cannot be replicable#and in fact it frequently ISNT. the accuracy of astrological predictions varies so wildly from person to person#4. self correcting? well there's no institution and no repeatability and so theres no future research to constantly fact check#prior assumptions and prior research#and also even on individual cases astrologers just double down and find a loophole to work around anything that falsifies their claims#which is literally the number one sign that something is pseudoscience and not science#if you cannot feasibly falsify something without there being ten million loopholes then its just an excuse machine its not real science.#so no. just from the sheer basic definition of science and scientific research. astrology is not science.#nevermind the fact its just. its just not fucking true. nothing it predicts is true#now the OBSERVATIONS behind astrology ie the actual observing of the night sky is a different conversation#but the ASTROLOGY of it - the predictions about human beings - is pseudoscience
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bd-wlf · 3 months
I do actually think Alastair Moore was Sherlock’s first gay crush and friend and that's why his death hits harder for him, other than Alastair being a recovering addict like himself
And his death being a heroine overdose, and Sherlock knowing him for a while, and Sherlock-
There are loads of reasons why it hits hard for him I'm just trying to say that he was Sherlock’s first gay crush-his queer awakening if you will lol
I'm not shipping them because Sherlock was a child when he first contacted Alastair and that's crossing a line in my book
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sanicsmut · 4 months
Reminder that someone using pluralkit doesn't remove any possibility for you to use it, it's not a finite ressource
also reminder that the people who made it are pro-endo
another reminder:
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And finally: plural people don't need to publicly disclose their system to be valid, I can't believe it's coming to this, that people think they have any right to be the judge of if someone has a right to call themselves plural or not
they should have a right to keep their system private, their symptoms private, hell, their diagnosis or not private. (reminder that diagnosis is not only a privilege but also something that can possibly be a prejudice)
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pollenallergie · 7 months
i honestly hate when my psychiatrist asks me if i’m hypomanic. ma’am, respectfully, idfk, you tell me, you’re the one with the degree.
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azuregold · 1 year
So up until December last year, I wouldn't say I particularly liked Epel. I didn't dislike him either (at least not post-chapter 5), but he was just kinda there. I didn't have strong feelings one way or the other.
I think Epel decided to take that personally. "You will like me, dagnabbit!" he yelled, as his dorm card spooked me at pity for Halloween Riddle. And then again on the anniversary banner. And then his birthday card, also on the anniversary banner. And then his dorm card again, on Beans Floyd's banner (that level 90 Epel came in handy for chapter 6, I can tell you).
And now Harveston is here, with Epel's Applepom SSR. It's so pretty, my favorite of his cards, and it's useful in battles, too. But I had too many other priorities this year to roll for it properly.
"If you like me that much, then prove it!" I said, as I tossed my one allotted multi to get the SR. "You came all those times when I didn't want you, you'd better come now, when I do!" I thought, as I used all my single keys. "If you come home this time, I might actually start liking you!" I told him, as I did a few daily singles.
Well, it took a few days, but today's single finally bore fruit:
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The winter apple is mine! First time the daily single has ever come through for me, and I'm really glad it happened with this one. :')
Anyway, I might like Epel now. Just a bit. A certain exasperated fondness born from exposure.
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rackartyg · 2 years
what frustrates me with a lot of the takes on jod is that they keep trying to flatten him into just a remorseless megalomaniac, and it feels like such a … self-interested interpretation? because the point of jod is that he knows that, how, and why all the things he did were wrong, and the entire time he’s been jod, he’s felt the emotional turmoil of that — but he keeps making excuses for himself.
you don’t need to excuse an action you think is actually good and correct. he knows he’s done bad things, but he thinks he had good reasons or at least the circumstances were such that no one could blame him. and that’s what his nona chapters are — his confession. he saw himself in harrow, so he thinks she’ll agree with him, and he wants her to know what he did and then tell him ‘it’s okay, i understand why you did it, you did the best you could’ because he knows he’s done atrocious things and believes there can be no forgiveness.
all he can do under that belief is double down and hope to be excused, so of course that’s what he does. owning up to his own actions would involve admitting he did something wrong, and if forgiveness is impossible, then there’s no coming back from that, and even if nobody can impose external consequences or punishment on him, he’d feel it internally and punish himself with guilt. because his moral compass is actually working fine, he’s just convinced himself that it’s okay he isn’t actually going north because 10,000 years ago, someone made him so angry that all the needles looked red.
which, ime, tracks much better with how real people behave than the classic villain act. most people know what they’re doing is wrong on some level, they just feel like they have a good enough reason to flaunt that moral rule in that instance. they’re not right. they’re excused.
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