#actually compulsive liar
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urfavisacompulsiveliar · 29 days ago
Kokichi Oma from Danganronpa is a compulsive liar 💜
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chronicbackstabbingdisorder · 6 months ago
Everyone stop putting your breakup venting and politics in the complusive lying tags challenge. Stop tagging shit about your ex cheating or politicians lying in a tag that should be for people with a highly stigmatized symptom of trauma and mental illness to find each other and talk about our own experiences.
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theravenflies · 10 months ago
My Takes
Consider these
People with personality disorders are not inherently abusive. Yeah, even people with NPD and ASPD (why do I have to say that?) There is no such thing a narcissistic abuse. People with ASPD are not serial killers. They are people, stop putting them down for no reason. People with personality disorders are welcome here. All of them.
Armchair diagnosing is bad. I don't care how shit someone is, if you call them a narcissist, a psychopath, a sociopath, a compulsive/pathological liar, or literally any other disorder that they haven't been professionally diagnosed with, you're a dick. You can't know what's going on in their head. You are not their doctor and are not qualified to diagnose them. And it's just a dick move to diagnose Casey Anthony as someone with a heavily-stigmatized symptom THAT I ALSO HAVE HAD
Stop. Tagging. Your. Writing. With. Disability. Tags. The PTSD tag is nearly unusable because everyone tags their fics as PTSD. Stop it. That space is not for you. It's for us.
People with intellectual, developmental, cognitive, whatever disability deserve to be heard.
As do semispeaking and nonspeaking autistics.
Yes, we do need to listen to caretakers, they're how some people communicate. No one is invalid because they're a caretaker, they're invalid when they're an ableist caretaker.
If the autism "cure" were to exist right now, it would mean eugenics. I don't give a shit if you want it, it would mean eugenics. Society is way too anti-autism for us to trust non-autistics with a cure. I won't get into my rant about the concept of a cure unless asked, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that if that cure is created, it will be forced on people, even those who vehemently oppose it, so it can't exist yet without putting people in danger.
Autism Speaks is shit. So is National Autistic Society. So is the Autism Society. ASAN is on thin fucking ice.
Stop tagging political posts with NPD, ASPD, compulsive liar, or no empathy. You're being ableist and armchair diagnosing. And putting that shit on our feeds.
ABA is bad. Yes, always. All of it. I lost a friend to ABA and I will not budge on this. All pro-ABA people will be blocked, I do not give a shit.
I do not care about syscourse. I am not a system and am not qualified to have an opinion on it.
If you point out typos, grammar mistakes, or whatever when the other person hasn't explicitly said it's okay, stop. You're being ableist.
Stop using TBI as an insult. Yes, I was dropped on my head (okay, I fell, but still,) as a baby. Fuck you too.
This is a safe place for systems and I'm firmly anti-Split.
Autistic and intellectually disabled people are allowed to transition, be queer, get tattoos, drink, have sex, whatever, should they so want.
Mental age is bullshit. He doesn't have the mind of a two-year-old, he has the mind of an adult with IDD.
The posts of disabled people are not an excuse for you to trauma-dump. I don't care what your ex did, that person with NPD wasn't talking about them and it's a dick move to bring that up on their unrelated post.
People should not have to work to live. No one. Ever. Period.
Healthcare should be free
Caretakers need to stop killing their disabled charges
Autism Mommies (TM) are shitty people.
Don't even get me started on Fathering Autism (bitch, you aren't fathering autism, you're fathering ABBY)
Disabled people deserve dignity and privacy. All of them. Yes, even those ones. We're still people. You don't need to know how we go to the toilet.
Fiction does not determine morality and sending people anon hate telling them to kill themselves is a shitty thing.
Telling people to kill themselves in general is a shitty thing. What are you gonna do if they actually do it and you get arrested for manslaughter?
Trans kids deserve to transition, intersex kids deserve to not be mutilated and forced onto HRT when they can't or don't consent, children can and will be queer
Actual sex education needs to be standard
Label policing LGBT+ identities is bad
Devotees and "transableds" are not allowed here
Children and disabled people deserve to exist in public, even if you don't like us
Stop. Saying. Retard. Stop using autistic as an insult. Stop it and go to hell.
I'm pro-choice and I know you don't actually care about fetuses with Down Syndrome, you're just trying to guilt me.
I will reblog with more takes as they occur to me
And, most importantly, listen to ALL disabled voices. All of them. Every single one. We stand together or we don't stand a chance.
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baddogmari · 4 months ago
my range of emotions go from “it’s scary how much i feel” to “it’s scary how much i don’t feel”
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magpiewithnpd · 27 days ago
once you compulsively lie, it becomes so odd to tel the truth
it's like telling yet another lie, but just with less favorable consequences
i genuinely don't really think about the fact that i lie. it's small things, things that can't be disproven or that are unbelievable. simply a sequence of events that reasonably could have happened... they just didn't this time
-and when telling the truth is never actually rewarded for honesty and genuity; why should i? why should i worsen things for myself just to be "morally pure"
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bbmmlove · 27 days ago
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so true
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b4tkill4 · 1 month ago
all for you (probably)
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i've always been a bloody liar. i choked out the best responses for you.
for you, only.
i remembered what you said you treasured about me. i remember the things that you cringed at or called dumb.
don't play coy with me,
that's my job.
no, i've had my chances. so many opportunities to spew clear water from my tongue.
but no.
in that water were bugs of truth i loathed.
you probably would have to.
yeah, that's what i thought.
being a carved, dense pudding slice for you instead of pure whipped cream was better for you, even though the cavities chewed me from the insides.
it was better for you. trust me.
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heksen-sabbat · 7 months ago
how tall is corkscrew??????
it's a good question, thank you for asking!!!
i don't know of anything in the game that says his height, but there are some things we know that we can discuss anyway. within the postal 2 game engine, the postal dude and most other characters are technically scaled to be 160cm/5'3", but this is not canonically true- for example, later in postal 3 art of a mugshot, the postal dude is shown to supposed to be 6'8"
shtopor is a different person than the postal dude, but they share an appearance. therefore if you want, you can think they are the same height. personally i think being lanky like the dude is doesn't suit him, so i headcanon him to be a nice median height between our two known numbers 5'3" and 6'8", which results in 6'0" :p
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organizationhimself · 7 months ago
my scarlet hollow playthroughs so far (SPOILERS OBVIOUSLY):
SYLV -hot + street smart -he tries to be nice in general but always says the funny thing -okay relationship to tabitha and tends to invite her (tabitha probably regrets this now oops) -often private about his feelings and leaves a lot of dialogue options on the table, but will call out bs (cops and reese's mom this is you) -skeeved by wayne and sybil (no tea for him) -initially kept his options open but zeroed in on reese immediately (locked in)
LUNE -talks to animals + keen eye -generally polite but she'll definitely ignore you to talk to your cat -empathetic to tabitha but not especially sympathetic about her work -befriended the possums in her dresser (they had some extremely interesting opinions i am still experiencing fridge horror about black tabby games you goddam geniuses) -peanut allergy -ghost made her old -suspicious of wayne but reluctantly regards him as an ally -bad track record for keeping people's parents alive so far -glommed onto stella (fellow streamer) and angled for every choice that would get closer to her (locked in)
CHAD -hot + powerful build -a totally selfish asshole who says the meanest possible thing UNLESS he can flirt with someone -what he can't punch he will fuck (that means you, wayne!) -has already proven that tabitha is actually some sort of saint for not hurling him off the cliff on monday (if there's the remotest chance of her killing you in later chapters he is as good as deceased) -could have saved both geezers but didn't (was an asshole about it) -made enemies with rosalina but her dad was still interested -no showers for chad -no tea for chad either fuck off -the contrarian in action; people are very unclear about whether or not he believes in ghosts since he seems to change his mind multiple times during the same conversation (and people call him out for it i love this game so much?? i love it SO MUCH) -for that matter he will switch sides mid-fight or mid-argument according to unknown logic; his loyalties are a mystery even to him -somehow still managed to help reese?? (HOW) -i want to add that when i let him do the thing and reach out empathetically to reese (immediately after stabbing reese with an axe ofc), and then reese GOT SHOT BY TABITHA, who i'd finally called for the very first time, my JAW DROPPED and i stared at the screen in disbelieving fucking glee because HOLY SHIT THAT GOT ME. i am unbelievably lucky that didn't happen with sylv (because i loved that moment so, so much). -swerved every romance so far; if anyone can put up with him it's probably wayne
JADE -mystical + book smart -tends to greet people with either uncanny silence or an offer of boiled peanuts -leans hardest into her mystical side and talks extensively to people while avoiding being rude but if she can be weird she'll do that -kaneeka stalker but it seems tricky to do that while being weird + not sidelining tabby -first playthrough to recruit avery (i feel like a CHUMP for not realizing there was an opt-in party member the whole time) -doesn't entirely give tabitha a pass for being a coal baron but brings her everywhere and has managed to eat ice cream?? with tabitha?? (did i mention i LOVE this game guess who my fave is besides reese go on guess as if my pfp isn't a damaged prickly blond with a gooey vulnerable center and Responsibilities) -jade does not talk to cops -in soviet russia jade makes ghost old -managed to talk to stella WITH tabitha (!!!!!!!) -jade's definitely going to save everyone!! besides. maybe duke. and rosalina. and reese. and... -angled for kaneeka romance but failed to escape the tea
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carruni · 2 years ago
me 🤝 @aceknee
wait hold the fuck on what the fuck my url is canon? like for real not even as a joke? not like semicanon confirmed only on social media but actually literally in the comic? huh? the fuck?? real??????
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theravenflies · 5 months ago
I think I might be relapsing.
I don't even want to really say it because I'm afraid the second I say "I think I'm relapsing into compulsive lying," everyone is going to think everything I've ever posted is a lie and nothing I'll say will ever convince them otherwise. But I am. I am relapsing because of the situation at work and because I'm scared to go into work every single day and that's just making my mental state so much worse and now I'm compulsive lying again.
At least this time, unlike when I was younger, my lies are believable so I'm not getting caught when it happens. It might landslide back in that direction, it might not. I hope it won't. I'll try and talk to my therapist about it and see if we can figure out how to fix this.
This sucks. It could be worse, but still, it sucks.
(And no, before you ask, I'm not lying about the stuff I post online. Because online, I type out the lie but realize it before clicking post and I can just delete it. For me, compulsive lying is only really an issue in my real life. I can stop myself from lying online. And if I do lie, I can always delete the post fast. I'm not lying.)
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baddogmari · 2 months ago
i am genuinely so over myself and how i act and what i do. it makes me sick
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compulsiveconfessions · 3 months ago
My entire existence feels like that one meme of "But why?" I don't know why I lie so much about literally everything but I also just. Do Not Care. It's like the universe gave me one (1) whole emotion and guilt/remorse is not one of them.
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the-lark-ascending69 · 8 months ago
Lumity is very cute but it seems like the kind of ship that would have a fandom so toxic it'd make you dislike the ship in time and I think that's sad.
#possibly because it's so ''pure'' like#the spiciest thing that happened between them was Amity being rude for like 1/3 of s1 maybe?#and a lot of baby puritans online like to cling to these ''unproblematic'' ships to feel super morally superior and whatnot#tbh while watching toh I was thinking ''mmmm how could a fanfic make lumity MORE dramatic? what situations could make them WORSE''#my conclussion is that more internalized homophobia would really make it shine#for me specifically. to appeal to my own personal tastes#tbh the lack of conflict became a bit boring after a while like there were times i wanted amity to throw luz out the window#that girl is a compulsive liar she can't ever say things straight even when there's no reason to lie 😭 and i love flawed characters#and i understand amity being tremendously loving and forgiving and understanding is a valid character trait#but like girl 😭 not even one fight? i wouldn't have that patience 😭😭😭 sometimes fights are good#i see so many people celebrating it's ''healthiness'' (if that's a word) and i just feel like. is that what appeals to you?#is that what you find fun and exciting? is that what keeps you at the edge of your seat?#personally i need amity to get psychologically abused by her mom soooo bad it destroys her relationship with luz. like with willow but worse#MORE misunderstandings MORE heartbreak MORE abuse MORE drama#and if you could add some self-loathing and SHAME there it'd be beautiful#i'm not talking about the show. the show is fine. i'm talking about the fanfic i'm gonna spend the next two hours looking for on ao3#btw this is just me talking about my personal tastes and everyone is allowed to like whatever they like. if you like less drama that's cool#like i don't know you and my opinions on your tastes are actually zero
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br1ghtestlight · 11 months ago
forever thinking about when i was like 11 and for school we had to write about our future dream jobs and what we would enjoy about them vs what some of the hardships might be and i didnt have any particular dream job so i decided to choose something easy and went with Taxi Driver. and i wrote about how the hardships might be drunk people who are violent or who throw up in the back of the taxi. like imagine a middle school student telling you their DREAM CAREER is taxi driver at like 3am for prostitutes and drunks. What was my problem
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soulsxng · 11 months ago
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Name: Hope (Elpis)
Age: ???
Species: Spirit/personification of false hope
And so it was Hope that saved humanity from the evil and miseries that were unleashed from the depths of Pandora's box...or so some would believe. So Hope themself wants to believe. In actuality, the story is a bit more complicated than that. After all, Hope emerged from Pandora's box just the same as the others. There's a good reason that other stories suggest Hope is just an extension of suffering.
An extension of Moros, who wants to reclaim them. To make them realize that the "hope" they give is just as vicious as the things that he, himself, could inflict.
But they will never accept that. Not truly.
They tell themself that the hope they spread amongst the people is good. That it's better for them that way, to deny and ignore their destinies until it's finally claimed them. Everyone deserves comfort. Deserves to believe that everything is okay-- that they are okay.
Even if it's only a beautifully woven falsity.
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