#actors hilson
rainismdata · 25 days
Hilson [ENG] prompt
...when they were young actors in plays.
(timeline: early '90s)
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Play, no. 1:
This is going to be the first time House and Wilson met each other, in a play where they were just friends of the leading character. In their sequences, both are showing interesting connection/collaboration through their characters' banters. As people were guessing there's something between them. They (the characters) stay close till the end of the play even without any obvious description about what they are going to be in later time (the play doesn't have sequel, so it's just basically done).
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Play, no. 2:
This is going to be the time where they are the main characters, in a play where it's kind of musical (or just— musical, what should I say). It's either Wilson plays as a man and House a woman, or House as a trans, or— House plays a character that has to be in woman clothes to do something (maybe he has to disguise because he's on run away). They sing. They dance. They play instruments. Their character fall in love, Wilson's character as the one who doesn't mind about House' identity. House' character tried to push Wilson' character away. But they always find a way to meet each other, having no excuse to not to having conversation on their own. Ups and downs happened. Both of them stayed in love with each other. Wilson's character showing that he would always faithful to House' character and their love. House' character showing determination on how he himself would manage the relation, thinking that he would be a burden. With a trilogy of play, at the end they find a way to live in each other arms, finally getting in together. Wilson's character stays, protecting them. House' character stays, now he's not afraid to show his love to Wilson's character. Ending the trilogy with a kiss, the only kiss they've done in the trilogy.
Now... That I tried to keep it in the same timeline of House MD (but in an alternative canon/universe), they could've fall in love after the play no. 2 or while in the play. Still— House found Wilson first at the convention and bailed him out of jail. But they don't know yet about them, until the play no. 1, they suddenly met, as actors, with their own characters. It was kind of awkward at first, knowing they know each other before, but it was what making their work interesting and loved by the audience. They worked so well together. And then play no. 2 happened. It makes their relationship more interesting. They hold hands, they're dancing together, they're playing instruments together, they're singing back-to-back. Their last kiss feels natural and comforting. They slept in each other arms when they're back at Wilson's. Saying nothing, but their act is showing that they're in a bit of confusion of what they are, but at the same time— they are happy, now that they could show their love to each other, even it's just little actions.
I also like to think that Wilson would only has two marriage, ended around '97 or '99. Feeling that there is no reason for him to get to another marriage, as it seems the women he's been married to were not as in love and not as faithful as he was to them. Only then he also realize that his life also revolves around House. He doesn't hate it. He feels that this was just feels right; this, everything happened between Wilson and House.
House married Stacy because— he also feels love. But he doesn't realize that it was kind of forced by his parents. However, he is happy with Stacy, happy loving Stacy, happy getting loved by Stacy. Infarction comes, and they got divorced.
It broke House. He's still in very much pain (physically), and now he has to deal with the pain in his heart. Wilson is always there for him. Being with him, accompanying him going through what it feels like hell. Wilson is not going to let House end his own life. He's making sure that he is there with him, helping him, taking House to his embrace, taking care of him. House still can be an asshole sometimes, but Wilson knows he doesn't mean it. In his heart, House knows that he needs Wilson.
And later in seasons, I'd like to think that they're faithful to each other, loving each other, sleep in each others' arms, staying close to each other. When they were together, they would somehow show that the world is theirs.
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warlenys · 8 months
hugh laurie purposefully gay acting and rsl completely obliviously gay acting is why they’re such a good holmes and watson
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houseswife · 6 months
I love how neferiously hugh laurie delivered his lines in that 5x1 scene where house is blackmailing wilson. because the dialogue could’ve been conveyed in a manner that was obviously facetious and unserious (like the way RSL was playing the scene: “You’d jeopardise a patient—? 😒🙄) but he literally chose to go “If it keeps you here😈👹” in the most deadass, diabolical tone. so the result is that we have house sounding like a genuine psychopath as he threatens to let a woman die and then wilson proving he’s an even BIGGER one by responding with, like, mild exasperation at best. 10/10 dynamic no notes
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madlyinlovewdilfs · 2 months
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Look at him i just wanne *squeeze*
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starjunkyard · 6 months
Good god ep18 s6. House dealing (god-awfully .Full disclosure. The episode opens with house drinking himself half to death with zero regard for himself to the point of unintentionally breaking into his neighbours house and passing out there) with wilson getting back together with his ex-wife while the patient of the episode grapples with his possibly reciprocated love for the woman he loves but cannot Have because she's engaged to be wed with his friend.......... Thirteen egging the patient on to tell her how he really feels but he genuinely Cant Bring Himself To because "my friend's a great guy . He's rich, smart, and he'll treat her well. Me-- I'd do everything I could for her. But it wouldn't be much. And she... she deserves the best." And the episode ends with house resignedly throwing away the sealed envelope that held all the dirt he hired lucas to get on wilson's ex wife to try and break them upOhhhhhhhh oh. OHHHHHHHHHHHHH Ouhhhhhhh. Ouhhhhh the acknowledgement that house would do everything & anything & more for wilson Give .all of himself To Wilson and it still wouldn't be enough because house is House. Because even at his best-- house would still be house and because of that house would never be able to give wilson what he wants What he Needs. Wilson doesn't. Need the misanthropic bastard he's been in love with for 20 years who bites and spits at any threat or sign of emotional intimacy or vulnerability. What wilson. Needs is a woman . A wife and two kids and a white picket fence because that's all wilson is
Its the foundation of his entire self that would bring everything else down with it if it were to crumble. The face that wilson has spent his entire Life honing and sculpting and perfecting to present as the Perfect Hardworking American Man and Son. The perfect husband and treasured son with his own big shiny department and a stainless-white doctor's coat and the Exact Man a woman would Need
What is wilson. who is he What is left of him if he is not needed by a woman; not needed nor wanted any longer by the world he's lived his entire life by to please. What is James Wilson if not what everyone else expects him to be
House is the antithesis to all of that. A man rough and abrasive as sandpaper who makes wilson selfish makes him emotional and stupid. Who encourages wilson to lash out and fight and get angry and stand up for himself and be the exact opposite of what he's worked his entire life to be. Instead of accepting and taking wilson's painstakingly pedantically constructed facade at face value House fucking. Crashes through the walls with a bulldozer. Snatches the mask right off of wilson's face and dangles it over his head goading wilson to go ahead; try and get it back
Wilson is so deathly terrified at the idea of breaking out of the norms he himself has walled himself into-- he can't Bear to think of any other future for himself that is anything other than wholly and completely unnoticeable average monotonous unextraordinary
and House is the exact opposite of unnoticeable average monotonous unextraordinary. House is the apple of Eden that rests on the other side of wilson's pristine-white picket fence. The object of Wilson's every true desire that simultaneously threatens to doom and tear down everything wilson regards protects worships as the one untouchable unquestionable unchangeable truth of his life
House loses before it even starts. No one can compete with that; not even house. By nature, house can never be what wilson needs. What wilson truly desires or wants or needs is another subject entirely, something im genuinely not sure wilson could even grapple with, let alone come to terms with canonically. I fully believe wilson and house are the loves of each other's lives but house will never be what wilson "needs" or "wants" no matter what he does or changes about himself. They love each other more than anything and they want each other and they cant live without each other but House-- intrensically, by nature-- cannot be what Wilson wants.
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blue-b-bro · 9 months
No wonder House is so quick to drug people against their will when they don't let him fix whatever problem he thinks they have - its typical Tuesday with his boyfriend
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sly-bananabread · 5 months
currently thinking about how every house character would literally eat me alive and destroy me from the inside out
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irenespring · 19 days
Finishing chapter 2 of my School for Good and Evil AU for House MD (Hilson driven). This is getting fun. I love the SGE setting, especially the School for Good. It's so fucking creepy (important: I'm using the book world, not the movie world, which is less explored and thus less creepy). I'm not a horror writer by any means, but it's fun diving into the really, really fucked up teachings of the School for Good. Specifically how Wilson, a character known for being selfless and subjugating his own needs for those of others, reacts to the demands being made of him. Also how his anxious, people-pleasing personality reacts to the sense that someone is always watching and judging him, trying to see if he can fit himself into a box he can't fit into.
I think a lot of the reason the horror and hypocrisy of the School for Good went unexplored in the main series is because the author wanted to make Clarissa Dovey (the dean of Good) a nice, warm mentor figure. She isn't. She systematically destroyed all gay students who couldn't fit into the closet for decades (this is confirmed in canon). She enforces conformity ruthlessly (also confirmed). Under her tenure, Good churned out people who would burn "wicked women" for no clear reason, punish any crime with death or dismemberment, and torture beaten foes (confirmed). And frankly I think it would be disrespectful to her not to properly display her evil (ironic) in my fic. Especially when it can be used to torment (and thus do some fun character exploration of) Wilson.
Dovey and her teachings on Good will make Wilson wonder if doing what others need him to do will strip him of literally every facet of his identity (his as-yet-undiscovered queerness, his morals, his autonomy, his literal human body). Whether he wants to do it. Whether he has any choice at all.
Tldr: While House is finally around people who understand him and having the time of his life over at Evil, Wilson is being systematically destroyed and driven mad by a person and ideology that literally calls itself Good. This fic is going to be fun times. Love putting blorbo in very new situations.
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ssaseaprince · 1 year
Writers and actors and directors will make up any excuse they can for why a character just couldn't possibly be queer, and then hurriedly say something about how they don't hate gay people, the character just isn't gay, as a way to cover up the thinely veiled homophobia of the sentament. The majority of these characters not once talked about their sexuality, it's just assumed they're straight based on who they dated. Yet queer people can be in straight relationships, so that truly isn't even a factor in the grand scheme of things. When people bring up that they view that character as queer, those writers/actors/directors just act so shocked and repulsed because their precious fictional character just couldn't possibly be queer. And they say things like "Yeah, ___ is completely straight. Sexuality just isn't something they think about, theyre just that way. Not that anything is wrong with being gay, but this character isn't." Just think about that for a minute. Being gay is such a big deal to these people that they couldn't fathom their character being queer. This characters sexuality was never brought up or confirmed, so why is people saying they think they're queer so shocking and wrong, but them saying that character is completely straight is just the natural accepted truth. Why is a character being queer an "other" or "special" thing? Why can't that character be casually queer? Why are they all so resistant to it? If it's not a big deal like they claim, why do they get so defensive when it's brought up? Why do they get so upset when a character with an unconfirmed sexuality is perceived as queer by fans? When their character is shipped with the opposite sex, they don't care, they laugh and joke about it. When they're shipped with a same sex character, it's "Oh that's definitely not true." They see straight as the default, and the idea that a character they feel connected to could be queer, is literally mind blowing to them and they immediately reject it. It's widely accepted homophobia that's almost never talked about. The immediate shock when being queer is mentioned is because society has drilled into these people's heads that being queer is big deal that makes someone wildly different and unrecognizable. To them, if their character was queer, it wouldn't be their character anymore. They hold onto their straight identity so tightly, that they see anything else as a personal attack. And they get away with it because they quickly try to cover it up with " Oh there's nothing wrong with being queer my character just definitely isn’t." Or "Oh it's actually an insult to real gay people to suggest my character is gay when they aren't." They'll find any excuse. So their character couldn't possible be gay, and neither could the next, and neither could the next, and neither could the next, etc. Because none of these straight people can cope with the possibility that someone they feel connected to could be queer. And I don't believe they're even aware of it, it's a knee-jerk reaction society has drilled into them and they don't even recognize they're doing it. And that's why we need to call these things out. Ask them, "Why is it so upsetting to you to imagine this character as queer, when they have no confirmed sexuality? Why do you automatically assume they're straight and find anything else inconceivable?" Straight is not the default, and the idea that a character might be queer does not change their entire identity, it is not the huge deal they are making it out to be. Queer people can exist casually. The truth of the matter is that they still view us as "other", and as different. The fact that we're queer is so unrelatable that the idea of their character being queer automatically ruins it them. Homophobia is alive and well in the intertanment industry, and we see it casually every single day from our favourite writers/actors/directors.
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I will give Robert Sean Leonard some credit because he seems like he hates his characters being shipped with almost ANYONE that they're not canonically involved with. It's just his weird little thing. Guys gotta protect his peace ig
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stvrpng · 1 month
be real w me should I watch house md
I would say yes but it also depends on what kind of media you like! It's a great show and a very interesting character study of a really messed up man made before that really became a trope. I think the mysterious medical cases paired with the character development we get during the show is balanced really well for a really fun show. I know I personally talk a lot about Hilson so I will say, they aren't canon but I do think they are queercoded. I could make a whole long post about that but tldr they are very important to each other and their relationship is central to the show.
It is also a quite good depiction of addiction and disability, specifically when it comes to House. The characters surrounding him have various opinions on it, ranging from good to bad, but that is also realistic. Obviously no depiction is ever perfect, but based on posts i have seen from people with disabilities, it's overall well received. Hugh Laurie is not physically disabled himself, so that's like the biggest negative i've seen ppl talk about when it comes to House's disabilities and their portrayal. also yes he uses his cane wrong, this is actually talked about in the show too. (if anyone who is disabled/struggles with addiction sees this and disagrees, definitely feel free to comment on this!)
However, despite all the good, there are things that range from just meh to straight up Yikes. Some of the stuff hasn't generally aged well and the offensive type of humor that House uses isn't really considered Great nowadays. It is also a show that was made for TV and a lot of the episodes are quite formulaic, especially early on. There is an overarching plot tho and the characters do change as the show goes on.
there was a discussion about the episodes that are particularly offensive on househeritageposts, that could be something you wanna check out. you can make your own call on if those eps are skippable for you or not. (I do personally like the house n wilson moments in Softer Side a lot)
In conclusion! It is a fantastic, well-acted medical mystery show that won awards for a reason, and it's also a show that ran from 2004 to 2012. I personally really like it and I would tell you to just watch a couple eps! The colour grading in the pilot is weird as hell but they don't keep that for the actual show.
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Results are in for poll #2
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I’m honestly not too shocked by the answers that were given and, let’s just say relieved that others weren’t given is an understatement.
I figured the best way to respond would be to go one by one and explain more to help educate:
1. “I love the actress, no matter the role, so her taking a Jewish role was fine”
Unfortunately no matter how talented someone is, they can’t change their ethnicity on screen. It would be like saying that you love Angelina Jolie no matter what and it was fine that she played an Afro-Latino in Pearl, or if they had Tom Holland play a Latino character. Loving someone doesn’t make it okay to erase a minority.
2. “I didn’t know “Jewish” was an ethnicity and not just tied to a religion.”
This having a lot of votes didn’t surprise me at all. Jewish is very much an ethnicity, and actually there are a few different Jewish backgrounds. There’s Ashkenazic (Eastern Europe), Sephardic (Spain, Portugal, Italy, Turkey, Iberia), Mizrahi (Oriental), Ethiopia (and I’m assuming the rest of Africa?). So not only is Jewish itself an ethnicity, but further than that, depending on what Jewish background you have, everything could be different. Judaism is the religion and a Jew is a part of the ethnoreligion. Meaning that the two are intertwined. A Jew may not be religious, but they may keep traditions that are a part of the culture or they may do absolutely nothing and are still just as Jewish as someone who goes to services every week. You’re a part of a tiny little (but strong) tribe of people, being Jewish is literally in your blood (yes, that includes you converts, you have Jewish blood and soul too).
But the biggest reason why this answer doesn’t surprise me, is that on TV or in movies, Jewish characters are never allowed to just exist. It always has to be tied into a Jewish plot. Sometimes that’s playing them for a joke, other times they’re a WW2 victim, other times they’re extremely religious. Jews are so rarely ever shown just being people without the religious aspects tied in. So it’s not surprising that non-Jews don’t know that a lot of Jews aren’t even religious, hell there are a shit ton of Jews who are outspokenly Atheist but super duper Jewish. If films or shows had Jewish characters that didn’t have any sort of religious connection, it would show that Jews are more than a bagel, a Torah, a lawyer/doctor/banker, Orthodox, etc.
That’s why RWRB erasing a Jewish character who was accidentally an amazing example of a 22 year old explicitly Jewish girl who was just Jewish without being overtly religious in any way would’ve been groundbreaking.
3. “Other answer, I’ll explain more…” Please do!!
4. “I didn’t know “Jew-Face” and Jew-erasure in the media was a big deal.”
Sarah Silverman coined the term Jew-face to give a name to when a non-Jewish actor is cast to play a Jewish actor, based on their physical features. Take Rachel Sennott in Shiva Baby or Patti LuPone in like 5 different things. They’re both Italian. But the term has evolved to cover any non-Jew playing a Jew. Much like Black-face, Yellow-face, and Red-face, this is something that is clearly not okay. That’s why performers don’t do any of the latter 3 any more, yet because many don’t understand that Jewish is an ethnicity or why it’s bad to erase Jews, it continues. 9/10 a Jewish character you see on TV or in a movie isn’t a Jewish actor. Most of the Marvelous Mrs Maisel cast— not Jewish. Most of The Goldbergs cast— not Jewish. Most of the Transparent cast— Not Jewish. The new Spielberg movie— Not Jewish. You see what I’m getting at? There may be a few Jews here and there, mainly in comedies or just by happenstance that the actor was Jewish and they ran with it, but explicitly Jewish roles are normally always given to non-Jewish actors. That would never be the case with any other ethnicity in 2023.
5. “I like Nora being a POC and I didn’t know Jews could be Black (or any race).”
Another answer that really didn’t surprise me. This is because on TV and in movies 1: you rarely see any actual Jews, and 2: You definitely never see Jews of more diverse colors and backgrounds. Jews can be Asian, Black, Hispanic, literally anything you can imagine. Some by conversion, but a lotttttttt were just born Jewish. I don’t want to speak over any Jew of color, but I can make the likely true assumption that it probably fucking sucks for people to assume they aren’t Jewish simply because of what they look like. I’m grateful I was raised Reform, so I grew up surrounded by diverse Jews as far as the eye could see, but unfortunately since Jews are a minority anyway and Jews of color are only a small fraction of an already small fraction… It’s not shocking that people think they don’t exist. What RWRB could’ve done, if they wanted Nora to be played by an African-American actress, is they could have found a girl who was Jewish and Black. I promise, they exist.
6. “I understand that it’s wrong! Changing my mind! RWRB did something bad!”
Amazing! So glad! Please post about it or reblog any of my posts. What they did was really not okay and we can’t let this slide.
7. “I didn’t know the rest of the cast was accurately portraying their ethnicities.”
To the absolute best of my knowledge, every other actor cast in the film who has a character with a minority background is of that background. South East Asian playing South East Asian. Mexican-American playing Mexican-American. Etc. It seems that the only character not portrayed accurately is the only character with a Jewish ethnicity, and even if she wasn’t the only one, hopefully you understand why it would be wrong in any production.
As always, if you have questions, comments, or concerns… DM, Anon, Comment, or leave ‘em in the tags
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v-tired-queer · 11 months
"Describe Red, White & Royal Blue in 30 seconds"
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lexicrvg · 2 years
so neil perry somehow survived but his dad told everyone that he was dead. neil went to harvard as promised and when he got there he realized that he could be whoever he wanted, away from his father's gaze. he changes his name, but he's already too deep into med school to drop it, so he specializes in oncology and becomes one of the best oncologist in new jersey, where he came to live after college. he's living well until 2000 when he meets doctor gregory house and his life turns upside down.
seven years after that he passes by doctor robert chase in the hallway of the hospital and overhears him telling foreman about some patient who might have cancer and who they're calling "mr. anderson". his mind immediately associated it with todd but that would be too much of a coincidence... right?
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local-maenad · 2 years
No hate to Xochitl Gomez at all she’s a very good actress and does well as America Chavez but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want
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HER to be America.
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warlenys · 8 months
people involved in house md who shipped hilson: hugh laurie (actor), doris egan (writer), liz friedman and sara hess (lesbian writers), whoever was in charge of choosing the songs that play over their scenes (we might kiss when we’re alone, love will make you do right/wrong, that one porny john mayer one during “i was worried your wings might melt” that starts playing when house leans back against the door of wilson’s office and makes the whole scene feel violently sensual and like they’re actually genuinely gonna fuck), hugh laurie (director), hugh laurie (executive producer), lin manuel miranda
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