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Yesterday we started week 2 of our #activemetime #mastermind and we are learning how to let go and how to manage some of the negative emotions that weight us down in the process of getting what we want. Life is made of so many emotions and it's so good to live them and experience them all, but when they weight us down or when they manage us, it's time to fin ways to manage them! #manageemotions #emotionrecognition #emotionsmatter #dealwithemotions #timelinetherapy #lifecoaching #lifecoach #businesscoaching #businesscoach https://www.instagram.com/p/CLW9IB9ptn8/?igshid=1976j4s8dxjdj
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How do you make sure you create a habit? Do you decide one morning that today you will run and go for a run? The next morning you decide that you will eat healthy? The next morning you decide you will journal or meditate? I know one of the best things to start with a ritual is just doing it! But in order to really transform that ritual into a habit you need to design it, have a framework for it, measure it and make yourself do it with the help of motivation or different strategies. So, who is ready to create healthy habits? We had to postpone our #activemetime mastermind start to the 8th of February and we have only 2 places left! Who wants to join? Check more details here or in my bio: www.uptitude.it/activemetime (at Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKlkuSNJCfX/?igshid=1kzoav81auxxe
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What is not #activemetime and what is #activemetime! #getresults #metime #takecareofyourself #newyearsresolutions #doitnow #noexcuses #justdoit #lifecoach #lifecoaching #womenhealth #smallbusiness #mompreneur #momslife #womanentrepreneur (at Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKeuOmmpgG8/?igshid=o0zv49bxrrl2
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Guess who is supporting you in your 8 weeks journey to make time for yourself and create healthy habits? Yes, 3 coaches! We will be there available all the time when you need our help and support. I will be constantly in the group and @ivanfisio and @carmebt12 will join when needed! You still need to understand what we do during those 8 weeks? Or you have questions? You can always drop me a message, it’s only a second! We start in January 25th, so hurry up!! #activemetime #selfconfidence #loveyourself #mentalhealth #physicalhealth #emotionalhealth #mastermind #gethealthy #healthyhabits #takecareofyourself #metime #momslife #mompreneur #bossmom #bossmomlife #giveyourselftime (at Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKUFvxKJYfJ/?igshid=1vvczc5j84raq
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Ready for the first call with this new #activemetime #mastermind! We have 5 calls during these 8 weeks: 📱Call 1: Get to know each other and checking the SMART Objectives 📱Call 2: Time Line Therapy live session where we eliminate the guilt and the fear, the two negative emotions that have a big influence on taking time for ourselves 📱Call 3: Meeting your future self, a coaching visualization process that gives you a great perspective into the future, where each of the ladies meets her older and wiser version of herself and has a chance to have a chat 📱Call 4: healing the inner child and discovering what were the active activities that made the child have fun and enjoy 📱Call 5: celebrating the results and closing the program with an objectives check If you put together all the calls, it’s more than 750 EUR value that these girls are getting in 8 weeks time! So, do you think it’s worth it to be part of a mastermind like this? 🤪 #activemetime #mastermind #getresults #newyearsobjectives #womencoaching #groupcoaching #getinshape #metime #maketime #loveyourself #livelife #loseweightnow #createhealthyhabits #healthyhabits #eliminatenegative #negativeemotions #limitingbeliefs #timemanagementtips #zoomcall #firstcall (at Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJv-95Ap2_K/?igshid=q16edemu1ivf
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And we just started today a new #activemetime #mastermind. The ladies are already getting to know each other and we are all excited of this new 8 weeks journey in getting time for ourselves and being active! 1. The first week we define the SMART objectives and we get motivated in starting this journey 2. Week 2 - we go deep and work on eliminating negative emotions and we have a #timelinetherapy coaching session 3. Week 3 - we discover and eliminate some of the limiting beliefs regarding getting things done or making time for what’s important and we meet our future self in a coaching call 4. Week 4 - we work in perfection and how to find the right balance to have results and higher self-esteem 5. Week 5 - we go and work intensively on #timemanagement and focusing on important and priorities 6. Week 6 - we get @carmebt12 in the group, our nutrition coach, and she will help us with this sensitive topic 7. Week 7 - we have a healing the inner child week and a coaching call to discover those activities that help us find joy when being active or doing sports 8. Week 8 - and we finally work on rewarding and celebrating like this we create a habit in celebrating the small wins too. All of this will be with the help of @ivanfisio that will always support us as a very experienced sports coach! I am soooo excited and ready to give my best to help you ladies reach your objectives! Enjoy the work! #getresults #reachyourobjectives #metime #ladiesprogram #objectivesmastermind #newyearsresolutions #noexcuses #loveyourself #lifecoaching #nutritioncoach #sportscoach (at Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJn89lIJSSY/?igshid=1gywjadzcxad1
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I did not really look at myself in the mirror in the last 6 years . And the lockdown only made visible what was already there regarding my personal struggles to get time for myself. . So, I kind of messed it up because I forgot about me and the woman inside, I forgot about my body and taking care of my mind and my soul. I forgot taking care of me. . Giving all of me was not the best strategy and when we got out of the lockdown I felt it! I looked in the mirror and I could not recognize myself... it’s like I did not really look in the past 6 years. 😳 And yes, time passed so quickly without even realizing it. . When lockdown was over I felt the need to get out, take a bit of air; I started running. First a 4 minutes light jog 😩, the second day a 3 km light jog. . But then after 3 weeks things started being easier, I reached 6km jog after a month and I felt good: inspired, full of energy, enthusiastic, smiling: it started becoming easier. . But the motivation was slowly fading away. So I used my coaching knowledge to create a strategy for myself: I looked for a peer group to support and keep me accountable. And this is how the #activemetime was born. . With the 15 women that we had in the first mastermind group we supported each other and I also created a framework with some of the topics that most influence this area, like: setting objectives, time management, perfection and self-esteem, reducing negative emotions like guilt, eliminating limiting beliefs, working with the inner child, nutrition and celebrating and rewarding. . And it worked! My motivation grew in the 8 weeks program. And I am really happy with the results! And the ladies in the group are too! . If you also want to take care of yourself and create healthy habits, I encourage you to join us now as on August 31st we start a new #activemetime group! I can already tell you that we have a very international group, people from Italy, Belgium, UK, Romania, Spain. . And this mastermind will also have the great support of a sports and nutrition coach to cover some of the technicalities that I am not so familiar with. . Want to be part of it or you know anyone that might benefit from this?Join us! (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEZ7Kv4KwAX/?igshid=gc6udo38hqt1
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#27habit Move your body! Exercise, walk, dance, jog, play with your kids, pilates class, garden, bike, hike in nature… . Anything you do, your mind and body will thank you! . If it’s really hard to find time to move then start with small steps and with one activity that you really enjoy. Do 10 minutes of exercise today, maybe next week it will be 15 minutes and next month 20. But do it, don’t think about it too much, it does not need to be perfect and you don’t need much to start. The small steps that help you build the big habits. . If you are in the office, take an exercise break, do a walking meeting with your colleague or instead of having that call laying down or sitting down, just go for a walk while talking with your client or with your friend. Don't just grab another cup of coffee, get up and move. Maybe you can do some deep lunges or stretches. . Did you know that if you have many mood changes, just 30 minutes of walking five times a week may help keep the blues at bay? . To make it easier, focus on the goal as “movement” rather than “working out,” you can find ways to incorporate motion into your daily life in a way that feels good. Soon you will feel the benefits of motion and feel good while doing it. . What’s your favorite way of moving your body? . Check in the comments 5 super important benefits of moving your body. . #31healthyhabits #uptitude #uptitudechallenge #activemetime #lidiadogaru #lifecoach #businesscoach #loveyourself #metime #timeforyourself #noexcuses #moveyourbody #takethestairs #movethatass #moveyourass (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEZEUb1KwmG/?igshid=yhn8h01kx9fe
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Hurry up, only 4 places left! Time is my biggest currency! . My clients know that I help them in getting result, that I value my time and their time and that I give more than 100% in the coaching sessions and the company workshops. And all this is an investment in growing and getting where you want. . So do the math: - one get to know each other meeting with me before the program starts - you have my time for 8 weeks anytime you need - 8 recorded training sessions on the topics of the #activemetime program - 5 live calls (7.5 hours in total) - one individual coaching session with me as a prize - and then add all the support that is being created by the mastermind group. . And all this is money back guarantee: if you don’t think it’s the right thing for you, after 4 weeks you get your first rate of 97 eur back and you get out of the group, but you can keep all the first four weeks of the program. . What do you think about it? If you want more details or to read the testimonials of the first group, check the page or write me. We start on Monday, August 31st . Hurry up! Only 4 places left! . www.uptitude.it/activemetime Link in bio . #uptitude #uptitudechallenge #lidiadogaru #lifecoach #businesscoach #timemanagement #manageyourtime #manageemotions #reachyourobjectives #timeforyourself #loveyourself #productiveentrepeneur #getactive #noexcuses #getthingsdone #perfection #innerchild #freecoaching #reachobjectives (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEUbh_xqg47/?igshid=s1nk5zn66ghg
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#6habit Be Mindful and try meditation. It can mean meditating or simply stopping to smell the roses. However you do it, studies show that mindfulness reduces stress, relieves pain and improves your mood. And scientists are beginning to understand how. One study found that 8 weeks of regular meditation can change parts of your brain related to emotions, learning, and memory. Even washing dishes can be good for your brain, as long as you do it mindfully. :) . Mindfulness describes practices that anchor you to the present moment. It can help combat the anxiety effects of negative thinking or spinning thoughts in a busy mind. There are several methods for increasing mindfulness, including mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, mindfulness-based stress reduction, yoga and meditation. A recent study in college students suggested that mindfulness may help increase self-esteem, which in turn lessens symptoms of anxiety and depression. . Decide how many minutes you are willing to practice mindfulness, meditate or do yoga every day. You can simply start with 5 minutes or 10 minutes in order to install the habit. . In the comments I will share some tools for you to start with, tools that I have already experienced. . #31healthyhabits #mindfulness #meditation #uptitude #uptitudechallenge #loveyourself #selfcare #metime #activemetime #calmmetime #lidiadogaru #lifecoach #businesscoach #startmeditation (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDjR0PPKfKJ/?igshid=1kr44yf1q0kf9
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One of my main #lovelanguages is #qualitytime. So if I get quality time with my family or with my partner or friends, my “love tank” is filling with love. . The same with time with myself: if I get the chance to spend quality time with myself doing the things I enjoy like jogging, reading, having a massage or drinking my coffee with calm, I get to feel loved and feel better with myself. . What about you? What’s your love language and how do you fill your love tank? . . #lovelanguage #metime #loveyourself #qualitytimewithfamily #activemetime #seaside #uptitude #uptitudecoaching #lifecoach #lifecoaching #lovecoaching #expatinspain #expatsinspain #momslife #momsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CDI2E6-qTKw/?igshid=awmvg7q84yrw
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I just achieved an objective and my first thought was “what’s next?” . It wasn’t “very good, Lidia, you got it” or “congratulations!”... it wasn’t celebrating and congratulating myself. It wasn’t rewarding myself with some nice words... . . How many times do we just get things done and then simply move to the next thing without taking a moment to be #grateful or acknowledge that we reached our objective? How many times do we forget about #celebrating? Celebrating and #rewarding ourselves don’t come easy, we are faster in punishing ourselves for the things that we don’t do right that celebrating what we do well. But waiting for the big things to happen, waiting to reach that big objective and postponing our #happiness for that moment means losing valuable time and not really enjoying every moment. . So celebrating is actually a #healthyhabit that we should train, like any habit that we want to create in our lives. . Why should we create this habit? Because it’s totally worth it! Scientists discovered that noticing and celebrating the #smallwins every day will put us on the pathway to #success and #happiness and it will be even easier to reach our big #objectives then. (Or if not easier at least more enjoyable ☺️) . . What objectives of the week can you celebrate now during the #weekend? . I celebrated the closing of the #activemetime #mastermind challenges with a dance and #qualitytime with my family without thinking of work. . . #celebrate #gratitude #smallobjectives #smallmomentsofhappiness #loveyourself #uptitudecoaching #uptitude #lidiadogaru #lifecoach #lifecoaching #lifecoachingtips https://www.instagram.com/p/CDEW_oxKO5Z/?igshid=17t1rpa5rabg8
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#smallmomentsofhappiness Having the closing call of the 8 weeks of #activemetime #mastermind at the seaside! Such a beautiful energy and so many achievements shared! I am #grateful for the small improvements all of them had every day! I am grateful for the big wins they had in these 2 months of challenges! I am grateful for the breakthroughs, for the discoveries, for the shares, for the struggles, for the trust and the honesty, for the friendship, for the community spirit that we got the chance to live! The #peergroup will continue with me inside it and the girls will continue supporting each other and challenging with new objectives and topics. I am really happy with what you have accomplished and please remember to celebrate your beautiful results! Good luck! #smallwins #bigwins #success #challenges #struggles #metime #trust #friendship #coaching #lifecoaching #lifecoach #groupcoaching #breakthrough #uptitude #uptitudecoaching #discovery https://www.instagram.com/p/CDBif9pqlqe/?igshid=1skqg357rqs03
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Do you always say that you will do it tomorrow or Monday or after holiday? But at the end you don’t start? Need a kick of motivation? 92% of people don’t follow through on their objectives because of lack of support or lack of framework! do you want to be part of the 8%? We have the perfect combination between framework, content and support from the #peergroup in the #activemetime group. . We have only 5 places left for the #activemetime #mastermind that starts on August 31st. Join us! DM me for details. #makeachange #noexcuses #uptitudecoaching #uptitudechallenge #uptitude #loveyourself #metime https://www.instagram.com/p/CC3EpAOqgvi/?igshid=1x5u3ezyow9ir
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When is the best time to plant a tree? . 20 years ago! . And the second best time? . NOW! . (Chinese proverb) . When is the best moment for you to start taking time and take care of your mind, body and soul? A while ago! Second best time? Now! . Join us tomorrow, only 24 hours left for our #activemetime #freewebinar. What will you get? Simple, powerful strategies to get time and focus on the important things and create healthy habits! Link to register in my bio. . . #lifecoach #momslife #busylife #entrepeneurlife #busyentrepeneur #managerlife #metime #focusonyou #lifecoaching #mastermind #freecourse (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCseXArKgSQ/?igshid=9rpzgnnadn3h
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Besides the #coaching sessions and the call I have with the #activemetime #mastermind group on #innerchild, this is how my next days will look like! See you at the webinar that will help you get more time for yourself and make that time count with movement! Join us on Friday 17th at 10:30 AM CET. Link in bio. . #busylife #busypeople #selflove #metime #freewebinar #loveyourself #lifecoaching #limitingbeliefs #timemanagement #innerchildjourney #nutrition #energy #mindbodysoul #negativeemotions #perfectionism #sportmotivation (presso Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCnuPtZqGhc/?igshid=fygp2mdntuql
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