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Something different today… yesterday we went for our regular walk around the neighbourhood and I saw the biggest rainbow ever. We a look so saw some really great kangaroo paw plants in port Noarlunga. Great source of inspiration for my work. Enjoy your Sunday my friends 🤗 . . . #sundayvibes✨ #neighborhoodwalks #rainbowsky #rainbow #coastalstyle #weekendwalks #artistinspiration #greatoutdoorsadventure #isabel_lopes_artist #adelaideartist #southaustraliabeaches #southaustraliacoast #fleurieupeninsula #australiancoast #winterrainbow #theartofslowliving #slowlivingforlife #smallmomentsofhappiness (at Aldinga Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChOMwxGpERA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#smallmomentsofhappiness Balloons and daddy. #whatmatters #fatherdaughter https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn_gObSBPG8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=o35es372k8q7
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Appreciate small moments of happiness . . . . . #asurvivornotavictim #gratitude #gratitudes #gratitudechallenge #positivevibes #positivevibesallday #happy #happyness #happiness #happylife #behappy #livehappy #livehappylife #appreciate #appreciateeverything #appreciatethesmallthings #smallthingsmatter #smallmomentsmatter #smallmoments #smallmomentsofhappiness #smallmomentsofcalm #smallmomentslikethese #smallmomentsofjoy #happinessishere #happinessquotes #gratitudequotes #ॐ
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How are you being more productive? Is it by being always busy busy? Or by getting yourself some time to plan, stop, observe, learn and also enjoy the #smallmomentsofhappiness and #smallmomentsofcalm? (at Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNP4R8tp1tB/?igshid=fa1td16jho5t
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#7habit Enjoy the Small Moments of Happiness . You all know how dear are to me the small moments of #joy, the #smallthings that give us pleasure, #happiness. They helped me come out of a bad period and find again joy in living the every day life. Because when you observe them, look for them and add them up you will feel better and be happier. . Scientists have discovered that if you wait to be happy until you will get that car, that house, that dream job, that partner or until you will reach a specific objective, you actually postpone your happiness. And when you finally got there you will feel satisfied, but it will not last long as you will move forward to another objective. . You will be happier and have more success if while you work on reaching your objectives, you enjoy every moment, every day. And like this you are also enjoying the journey, not only the destination! . My #challenge for you: create a habit in noticing the small things that make you happy and talk about them, take photos, share them with your dear ones. Sharing happiness creates more happiness! And why not, share them online tagging us @uptitude and #smallmomentsofhappiness . #31healthyhabits #uptitude #uptitudechallenge #lidiadogaru #lifecoach #businesscoach #thescienceofhappiness #health #loveyoursef #sharethehappiness (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDmY3xvKxb3/?igshid=kqrhu83k4o1f
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Today I would love to be here! Where would you like to be today? #holidaymood #smallmomentsofhappiness (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDQnfOWqwgs/?igshid=b2kfxo9wxukz
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I just achieved an objective and my first thought was “what’s next?” . It wasn’t “very good, Lidia, you got it” or “congratulations!”... it wasn’t celebrating and congratulating myself. It wasn’t rewarding myself with some nice words... . . How many times do we just get things done and then simply move to the next thing without taking a moment to be #grateful or acknowledge that we reached our objective? How many times do we forget about #celebrating? Celebrating and #rewarding ourselves don’t come easy, we are faster in punishing ourselves for the things that we don’t do right that celebrating what we do well. But waiting for the big things to happen, waiting to reach that big objective and postponing our #happiness for that moment means losing valuable time and not really enjoying every moment. . So celebrating is actually a #healthyhabit that we should train, like any habit that we want to create in our lives. . Why should we create this habit? Because it’s totally worth it! Scientists discovered that noticing and celebrating the #smallwins every day will put us on the pathway to #success and #happiness and it will be even easier to reach our big #objectives then. (Or if not easier at least more enjoyable ☺️) . . What objectives of the week can you celebrate now during the #weekend? . I celebrated the closing of the #activemetime #mastermind challenges with a dance and #qualitytime with my family without thinking of work. . . #celebrate #gratitude #smallobjectives #smallmomentsofhappiness #loveyourself #uptitudecoaching #uptitude #lidiadogaru #lifecoach #lifecoaching #lifecoachingtips https://www.instagram.com/p/CDEW_oxKO5Z/?igshid=17t1rpa5rabg8
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#smallmomentsofhappiness Having the closing call of the 8 weeks of #activemetime #mastermind at the seaside! Such a beautiful energy and so many achievements shared! I am #grateful for the small improvements all of them had every day! I am grateful for the big wins they had in these 2 months of challenges! I am grateful for the breakthroughs, for the discoveries, for the shares, for the struggles, for the trust and the honesty, for the friendship, for the community spirit that we got the chance to live! The #peergroup will continue with me inside it and the girls will continue supporting each other and challenging with new objectives and topics. I am really happy with what you have accomplished and please remember to celebrate your beautiful results! Good luck! #smallwins #bigwins #success #challenges #struggles #metime #trust #friendship #coaching #lifecoaching #lifecoach #groupcoaching #breakthrough #uptitude #uptitudecoaching #discovery https://www.instagram.com/p/CDBif9pqlqe/?igshid=1skqg357rqs03
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20 things about me, to get closer to you 1. I love experiencing in the kitchen 2. My best cooked foods never come out the same as I don’t take notes of the quantities and I get creative every time 3. I love my coffee in the morning, only one per day, and it’s more about the ritual than the taste 4. My favorite books are the romance and investigation novels, that keep me engaged. And if there is a hero struggling and coming out of ugly situations stronger and growing, it’s even better 5. The TV serials that I prefer are also the ones that keep me engaged and wanting for more, but I don’t have time for Netflix 6. I have two wonderful little daughters that totally changed me 7. Life for me is divided in BC and AC (“before children” and “after children”) :) 8. My partner is one of the most supportive and amazing people. Is there for me when I have a new idea and start a journey, but he is also one of the toughest critics I got the chance to meet 9. Life for me is more than making money to get a life…It’s having a life and make some money to enjoy it 10. I prefer doing some free coaching than letting someone in difficulty if they cannot afford it . 11. I totally love anything that is connected to #happiness, like #smallmomentsofhappiness or #actsofkindess or the #science behind it 12. Normally I am quite spontaneous 13. I have lots of friends all over the world and if anyone invites us over, guess what, we really go there! 14. Health is my primary value in this period of my life 15. Love is my second value: doing everything out of love, for my partner, children, friends, family, clients 16. I loved living in Italy, but I love living in Spain too ☺️ 17. The mountain relaxes me, charges me, but I would love to live near the sea 18. I love talking in public and I charge myself with the audience energy, but it does not mean that I am not nervous 19. They say I have a lot of patience (ha ha!) 20. I love jogging alone, but I need a motivator (music, app or a support group! . One more thing about me in my Story: check it out! . Now tell me something about you! I also want to know you. What do you like? Who are you? I will read your comment! . #beauthentic #bereal (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCbo0NMqCP1/?igshid=5rxzlvsv1smq
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A #coaching or a #growthjourney is like a #hike in the mountains: you have ups and downs, a lot to learn, you have a lot to walk and to put quite an effort to reach the peak or your #objective, but it’s totally worth it. . You have moments when you feel like you can’t do it anymore but you manage to reach for inner #resources that you had no idea they were inside. And if you need more #motivation, knowing that others did it will help you. Having someone next to you to prepare you or tell you about the upcoming challenges, to guide you and to encourage you and maybe give you a sip of water when you need it... or give you strategies to manage your resources or learn more about your #innerstrengths, is the most valuable thing. Happy hiking or growing for the ones that this summer decided to go to the mountains or have a coaching journey! . . . #lifecoaching #hiking #smallmomentsofhappiness #lifecoaching #coachingmetaphor #uptitude #uptitudecoaching #learning #longlifelearning #activemetime #coachingjourney #lifecoach #freecoachingcall #summer2020 (at Parque Natural del Moncayo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCRjpm0K6i1/?igshid=1iympjiduhvs7
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7 years ago, same smiles, many struggles, ups and downs, lows and highs, many #smallmomentsofhappiness and soooo many travels. Two extra souls to cherish and love every day! And even if sometimes we need to make extra efforts and invest time in taking care of each other and fill in our “love tanks”, it’s totally worth the journey! Happy more to come! (at Passignano sul Trasimeno) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBwIFldK3qW/?igshid=1krzhpfjx0un7
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#smallmomentsofhappiness Last night while in bed I heard it started pouring, a lot of rain just falling from the sky, a storm with thunders and lightning. And I really love the smell of sudden rain, so even if I was almost falling asleep I decided to open the window. Back in bed, I had a beautiful moment of #mindfulness: all my senses where awake! The fresh air entering the room after a hot day, listening to the sound of the rain falling on concrete and the water draining in the pipes, the smell of dust (or how they call it, #petrichor) that started filling the room. The diffuse light from the street lightning that made it all magic... All my senses were paying attention, all my muscles were relaxing and my mind was busy only with this: the present moment... I went to bed smiling and quickly fell asleep! Did not take a photo, just enjoyed this #smallmomentofhappiness. How many moments like this just pass by without paying attention? How many moments when we can simply relax and enjoy? . Did you practice mindfulness or did you have similar experiences? If yes, tell me about it! . . #uptitudecoaching #learnmindfulness #learntorelax #enjoythemoment #coachingtools #coaching #uptitude (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA8fcRiK1zd/?igshid=1do88995ygbjm
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What could this photo mean for you in one word? For me is #curiosity . . . #uptitudechallenge #uptitude #smallmomentsofhappiness (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAlcFJSqCd1/?igshid=6zkop6i8flgg
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No matter how much I try to provide #healthyfood and ensure conditions for a #healthlifestyle in my family, sometimes I need to keep a #flexible attitude and allow for some treats. This attitude is actually healthier as like this I help them know the world as it is and direct them in making good choices. If I am too rigid it’s hard to progress, it’s hard to see other points of view and shift perspective when in a moment of crisis. It’s the same in #business and life: keep your values in mind, but be ready to be flexible, #adapt to new conditions, learn from others, give yourself the possibility to #grow by not being rigid! In this world your business will not survive because it’s big or has the best product, but because it’s flexible and adapts quickly. Need help on changing perspective and working on being more flexible? Book though a DM a #discoverycoachingsession. In the photo is my yummy healthy breakfast with #chiapudding made with almond milk, crispy cereals and fruits. Inspired by @patri_liza And in the other photo is Iris with the #nutella jar after she tried my breakfast. Seeing her mom and sister eating the chia breakfast, at the end she decided to mix them together adding enough Nutella to make it worth of her attention. 😂 And Nutella is fenomenal!!! #coaching #uptitudecoaching #freecoachingsession #freecoachingcall #nutellatreat #smallmomentsofhappiness (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAN_naHqT9O/?igshid=jvrggefebo7u
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For me, this #quarantine is about #growth and #progress, I realize this now. Even if at beginning I would have chosen to freeze instead of fight or flight. At the end we all had to do something to survive, to adapt and grow. It could have been growing in the #parenting role, in the #relationship as a better partner, in the #business inventing new ways of surviving in the closing market, in your #job adapting and changing your way of working, in the kitchen creating or focusing more on your #wellness or on your #newskills... we all did something even if you feel that you did not move at all. It’s like a plant we put in the ground two months ago. Now it has fruits. Looking closely, what fruits do you have? In the photo today, the cherry tomatoes I planted exactly 2 months ago! #uptitude #uptitudecpaching #quarantinelife #covid19learnings #learnings #expatinspain #smallmomentsofhappiness #gardenvegetables (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAGLwc2KDk1/?igshid=9g1pje9lnedb
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The #lockdown has taught us a lot of interesting things. And some people really learned skills that are useful for the future! One of the many things I learned was trimming my daughters’ hair. In the photos, while her sister was getting a #haircut, Iris was reading in the “waiting room”. What about you? What did you learn or what #skill did you start learning during this #quarantine? #uptitude #learnnewthings #smallmomentsofhappiness #expatinspain #quarantinelife #quarantineskills (at Zaragoza, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CABQ-9yqT1_/?igshid=ukw7mscq74ej
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