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of all the stuff going on with me, I don't think ocd is one of them. however, I definitely have enough obsessive tendencies (that honestly I think more accurately line up with anxiety) - like mentally going in circles over similar moral conundrums nobody else actually cares about, factchecking anything and everything before I say it in case I make some obscure or poorly-timed faux pas, never posting anything mean or personal or even critical in a public forum because what if the subject saw it, getting stressed out by being misinterpreted or misunderstood in a negative way, feeling that being suspiciously happy for too long means something inconvenient/bad is gonna happen next to offset that, taking twice as long as I should to leave the house because I need to make sure I switched every light and appliance off and locked every door and stopped every tap, opening and closing said doors multiple times e.g. the washing machine - that experiences like this do occasionally make me go. hm.
#and I think this website has helped None of it btw#don't get me wrong I'm glad I'm here and that I have my little peergroups & there's experiences I couldn't have gotten anywhere else. but..#could be worse I suppose. I could've been active on twitter#I definitely think it's an anxiety-related thing tho#I think it's just the part of you that keeps you open-minded and humble and wiling to consider other people's views and feelings#misfiring horribly and making you feel like an unforgivable demon instead of. normal
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Hoe het leven een project werd
Mijn 'peergroup' is radicaal veranderd, zonder dat ik daar lang erg in had. Vreemd eigenlijk dat 'peergroup' altijd verbonden wordt aan de ontwikkelingsfase van kinderen en jongvolwassenen. Alsof de ouderdom geen ontwikkelingsfase is! Ik las een interview met de tachtigjarige Anja Meulenbelt. 'Geef mij nog tien jaar,' zei ze tegen de geriater. Als een van de zeer weinigen in haar woongroep voor ouderen werkt ze nog elke dag, en hecht daar zeer aan. Zoals ik dat op mijn drieënzeventigste ook doe. En toen dacht ik aan Didier Eribons boek over zijn moeder, dat als ondertitel heeft: 'Leven, ouderdom en sterven'.*
Als Eribon student is, maakt een uitspraak van Jean Paul Sartre diepe indruk op hem: "Wat men van je gemaakt heeft is minder belangrijk dan wat je zelf doet met wat men van je heeft gemaakt.' Eribon leest de zin als een die je vleugels geeft, een 'die voortschrijdt in een aura van emancipatorische kracht..." Maar zegt hij ook, dat is alleen mogelijk in een open tijdsperspectief, waarin een 'project' mogelijk is, individueel of collectief. Hij haalt ook Simone de Beauvoir aan: "Er is geen andere rechtvaardiging voor de existentie dan zijn expansie naar een open en onbepaalde toekomst". Desondanks is De Beauvoir een van de zeer weinige denkers met een oog voor de ouderdom. Want wat als bijvoorbeeld bij hoge ouderdom er geen open en onbepaalde toekomst meer is?, vraagt Eribon terecht. Ja, dacht ik: wat als ik geen project meer heb!
En nu lees ik 'Wat we gemeen hebben – Een filosofie van de meenten' van Thijs Lijster.* In zijn boek houdt hij een pleidooi voor 'commons' of 'meenten' in het Nederlands, van oorsprong een stuk grond dat door iedereen die deel uitmaakt van een gemeenschap gebruikt kan worden. Om de teloorgang van het begrip in brede zin te begrijpen zet hij eerst de invloed van het kapitalisme en het neoliberalisme uiteen. Aanvankelijk een politieke wind werd het neo-liberalisme gaandeweg concreet beleid, gebeiteld in de hardste steen: onteigening en privatisering van gemeenschappelijk bezit en openbare diensten, uitholling van de verzorgingsstaat, herverdeling naar boven, marktwerking als oplosmiddel. Lijster haalt Michel Foucault aan, die schrijft hoe het neoliberalisme gaandeweg een cultuurverandering teweegbracht waardoor we onszelf zijn gaan zien als een vorm van menselijk kapitaal, als "een ondernemer van zichzelf, die zelf zijn eigen kapitaal is, zijn eigen producent, zijn eigen bron van inkomsten”. Het hele léven is daarmee een project geworden. Maar zo ben ik helemaal niet!, zullen de meeste mensen roepen. En toch schuilt er meer waarheid in dan me lief is.
Plotseling krijgt dat eerst zo verhelderende woord een veel negatievere lading. Wat is mijn leven zonder project?, vraagt dit kind van haar tijd zich af. Maar dwars daar doorheen vertrouwt dat kind – ik dus – erop dat zelfs in een beperkt tijdsperspectief dat leven volwaardig zal zijn. Terugkijken zonder bitterheid, blijven geven wat je te geven hebt, doorvoelde berusting, dat alles is dan niet langer een project maar een existentiële noodzaak.
* zie de vos op maandag van 14 oktober 2024
** 'Wat we gemeen hebben – Een filosofie van de meenten'| Thijs Lijster | uitgeverij De Bezige Bij 2023
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06. Februar 2024
RCS kennt zwar niemand, aber es kann Gruppen und so kann man Alles-außer-WhatsApp-Verweigernden doch etwas anderes unterjubeln
Schon seit vielen Jahren nutze ich kein WhatsApp mehr und fahre damit in aller Regel sehr gut. Heißt hier: Leider leider nicht an Elterngruppen teilnehmen zu können ist ein Feature und kein Bug. Probiert das mal aus, es ist eine herrliche Ruhe. Ich erreiche, seit es sie gibt, die meisten regelmäßigen Kontakte über Threema und fast alle anderen über Signal oder halt gar nicht bzw. notfalls per SMS. Das funktioniert erstaunlich gut und hat den angenehmen Nebeneffekt, dass meine Handynummer nicht unkontrolliert bei Leuten kursiert, denen ich sie eigentlich nicht geben möchte.
Leute, die Telegram nutzen, sind mir zu nah an diesen Leuten, die Telegram nutzen und ich habe weder Lust mich auch nur in die Nähe von Querdenker-Kreisen zu begeben, noch habe ich mehr Osteuropabezug als die tägliche Kriegsberichterstattung bei YouTube, die laufend darauf hinweist, dass sie dieses oder jenes Video auf dieser Plattform nicht zeigen können, man sich aber bei Telegram den ganzen Schrecken geben kann. Ich verzichte dankend auf authentischen Videocontent von in Einzelteilen durch die Gegend fliegenden Soldaten, denn unscharfe Drohnenaufnahmen von explodierenden Panzerfahrzeugen sind schon mehr, als ich eigentlich jemals in meinem Leben sehen wollte. Was ist das bloß für eine Welt?
Nun gibt es aber noch immer Leute, die der Auffassung sind, dass WhatsApp halt der eine Standard sei und wenn das alle nutzen würden, gäbe es keine Probleme mehr. Je nach Peergroup stimmt das oder auch nicht, ignoriert aber geflissentlich, dass die allermeisten Leute mindestens zwei Messenger benutzen, weil die Messenger-Fragmentierung schon lange Realität ist. Und diese Leute weigern sich folglich hartnäckig, irgendeinen anderen Kanal für schriftliche Echtzeitkommunikation zu nutzen. Diesen Leuten schreibe ich für gewöhnlich SMS und das fühlt sich schlimm rückwärtsgewandt an. Andererseits sitze ich im Glashaus, denn ich weigere mich hier im Techniktagebuch ja selber, den Redaktionschat im Facebook-Messenger zu nutzen und zwinge Kathrin damit auf, über Direktnachrichten bei Mastodon (früher bei Twitter) mit mir zu kommunizieren und mir dort Dinge auszurichten. Das ist zwar nicht rückwärtsgewandt, aber doch eine unnötige Extrawurst.
Und so eine Extrawurst bin ich aktuell bei genau einer Person aus meinen regelmäßigen Sozialkontakten bereit zu braten. Und das auch nur, weil es sich seltsam anfühlt, in einer Zwei-Paare-Konstellation zu dritt eine Signal-Gruppe zu betreiben und die vierte Person auszuschließen. Wenn der Berg also nicht zum Propheten kommt, aber es gibt ja keine SMS Gruppen… Aber was ist eigentlich mit diesem seltsamen SMS-Nachfolger RCS, der vor allem dadurch auffällt, dass die SMS-App manchmal ungefragt darauf umschaltet und man die Nachricht dann nicht zugestellt bekommt und irgendwo in den Einstellungen wieder auf SMS zurückschalten muss? Ich versuche also einfach mal, eine Gruppe in Google Messages zu eröffnen und tatsächlich klappt das einfach so. Allerdings weist eine Meldung darauf hin, dass die Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung nicht aktiviert werden kann, weil die Messenger-App von meiner Frau (die von Samsung und nicht von Google stammt) das nicht unterstützt. Nachdem ich Google Messages auch dort installiert und als Standardapp für Messaging eingestellt habe, aktiviert sich die Verschlüsselung sofort und ich recherchiere kurz nach: Das ist eine über den RCS-Standard hinausgehende Implementierung von Google, die das Verschlüsselungsverfahren von Signal nutzt. Das ist überwiegend eine gute Nachricht, denn diese Implementierung gilt als besonders gut und Messaging ohne Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung ist schlicht nicht mehr zeitgemäß. Nicht so gut ist die einseitige Erweiterung über den Standard hinaus, aber das ist mir in dem einen Fall egal, solange es funktioniert.
Alles in allem habe ich jetzt also doch eine Gruppe mit einer Person, die eigentlich nichts außer WhatsApp nutzen möchte, um ihr Leben einfacher zu gestalten und ich muss zugeben, dass mir das eine kleine diebische Freude bereitet. Denn wenn alles Erklären nichts bringt, entfaltet das Schaffen von Fakten manchmal eine wunderbar normative Kraft.
(Gregor Meyer)
#Gregor Meyer#WhatsApp#Instant Messenger#Signal#Threema#RCS#SMS#Extrawurst#Gruppenchat#Facebook Messenger#Kommunikation#Google#Rich Communication Services#erstes Mal
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Wo wir gerade schon im 3-Stunden-Film-Modus waren, befassten wir uns gleich noch mit dem Leben von Adèle. Als Teenager mit etwas doofer Peergroup probiert sie es mal mit einem netten Jungen, interessiert sich aber mehr für die blauhaarige Kunststudentin Emma, mit der sie vielbeachteten lauten und ausgiebigen Sex hat, was für den Fokus der Filmbesprechungen nicht ganz ideal war, aber das ist natürlich auch nicht das Happy-Ende, sondern das Leben kommt ihnen dazwischen. Es ist ein großes Schauspiel-Fest und sehr bewegend, geht einem nach und entzieht sich jeder Beschreibung, weshalb ich jetzt aufhöre.
#La Vie d'Adèle#Adèle Exarchopoulos#Léa Seydoux#Jérémie Laheurte#Film gesehen#Abdellatif Kechiche#Der französische Film der Woche
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Schön von den Römern angelegt, die 260m hohen künstlichen Wasserfälle. Ein absolutes Highlight des gesamten Franziskus Weg!

Das Wasser wird nur zweimal am Tag so abgelassen. Ansonsten dient es zur Stromerzeugung.
Gemeinsam mit meiner Peergroup der letzten Tage hatten wir soviel Spaß 😂

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So my American ass keeps being surprised every time she finds another friend with no microwave, so I have a set of questions I have attempted to make into a poll:
Do you have a microwave, if not do you have another small multi-purpose heating apparatus like a toaster oven or air fryer that you use similarly to how someone might use a microwave (speed/convenience/not heating the whole house/compact space), and is it (by your perception) normal for someone in your area/peergroup to have a microwave?
I probably missed or duped a combo but this is just a random thought anyway XD
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This also goes double if you're non-neurotypical. I had _lots_ of very cross-age friendships as a talkative 'I will download my special interests at you because social intelligence confuses me' child who preferred striking up friendships with adults multiple decades older than me because I could understand and predict their behaviour better than I could that of my neurotypical similar age peergroups, especially as a child and teenager. But as I became a teenager, while yes I had cringefully intense crushes I could not deal with sensibly on people my own age, because I seem to get so many crushes at once (3 to 5 at at time, even now as a grown ass adult) , I also got cringefully intense crushes on some of these older people that I had formed 'oh, you like my special interest conversations' friendships with. Some of these people were relatives, some of these people were family friends, some were schoolteachers. I was immensely lucky that all of them were not exploitative/deflected my intensity safely/did not exploit, but looking back I can see how it would have been so easy to overstep bounds and exploit my naivety. And that's as a cis male. Far more minefieldy a thing as a cis female or trans/gender diverse person growing up with cross peer and age group social contact.
One thing that I am very thankful for was that my mother started breaking the mould by giving her female and male children the _same_ 'here's how to avoid predators' talk, rather than the usual 'we give this talk to the girls but don't really say much to the boys' version.
reminder to all 14-19 year olds girls. that grown man does not like you. you are a victim
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It is really dangerous as parents not to notice changes in behaviour or attitude of your teenage children, this stage in their lives demands your presence in all ramifications without being domineering but judgement-free zone where they feel safe and ready to open up to you life challenges they are going through. Families are bedrock of every society, it is through that lens that leadership is carved, sustainable values and progressive society, where it has foundational problems, it spreads across all other sectors. The world is not what it used to be in terms of transition in generations and how modern innovations have changed certain approaches, teenage children worry about aesthetics appearances more than actually reality, and that blight how they navigate through life challenges.
Parents should be able to maintain and pass down good family traditions to the children, that’s how they build their confidence. Teenage children are facing the pressure of having good academic records, dealing with peer influence, mental health challenges and issue of making right decisions. These are cumulative problems they are facing. While approach may differ pertaining to male and female teenagers, it is imperative to understand how they react to the life challenges, same approach for two may not really work as they are built differently to understand the environment. Female teenagers need constant reaffirmation of how good they are, adopting low tone when admonishing without being harsh will help them to navigate smoothly without feeling less of themselves.
Female teenagers will not handle rejection very well especially when they are trying to fit in into particular group of females, parents need to get in reassure them how good they are and should focus on having best academic success, and comport themselves modestly, with that you may not need to rush to that groups you’re in dire to join, rather you will compel them to notice you and give you the respect you deserve. While adopting soft and gentle approach towards helping female teenagers in navigating through life challenges will perfectly work, the approach for male teenagers may differ, as they are more likely to show masculinity and prefer to talk to them on that terms, they are already proving how strong they are by participating in different sports activities.
The fastest way to get on with your self-confidence as male teenagers is to be good in any sport of your choice, with that you will be able to fit in properly without any form of isolation. It is different for male teenagers who are not necessarily good in sport but more of a nerd, they might experience bullying or isolation from male groups. As parents you need to teach them to understand that you don’t have to good in sport to gain your peers’ respect, and it is enough to find your passion in different areas of profession and still command respect, it is through this conversation that will build their resistance to bully and form group of likeminds to share common goals just like sports groups.
#teenagerslife #teenage #teenmentalhealth #teenagedream #parenting #peergroup
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Ein Land wird couchtüchtig
Manova: »Die am weitesten fortgeschrittene Form autoritärer Herrschaft in Deutschland kann als „Diktatur der Normalität“ bezeichnet werden. Gemäß der weltweiten Agenda des „Mental Health in and for All Policies“ (1) sollen vom psychotherapeutischen Komplex in Deutschland immer mehr Menschen als pathologisch diagnostiziert und im Anschluss mehr oder weniger leitliniengetreu therapiert werden. Die wirkmächtigen Lobbyverbände, die massenhaft schizoid wirkenden Peergroup-Beeinflusser auf TikTok, die neuen auf „Künstlicher Intelligenz“ basierenden Digitalen Gesundheitsanwendungen (DiGAs) sowie die flächendeckend eingesetzten Kinder-, Förderschul- und Migrationspsychologen dynamisieren diese Entwicklung in besorgniserregender Form. Dem „Smartphone als Therapiezentrum“ wurde dabei zur Steuerung des Patientenstroms und automatisierten Dauerbehandlung eine entscheidende Rolle zugewiesen. Derweil bewahrheitete sich die kritische Hypothese, dass es in der boomenden Branche viel zu oft Fälle von Scharlatanerie, Machtmissbrauch und Gewalt gibt, erst jüngst durch die Vorgehensweisen von Dr. Michael Winterhoff und Taleb Jawad al-Abulmohsen. http://dlvr.it/TJPVCq «
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How to Succeed Without a Bilingual Preschool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb1NB4InTeg Is your… https://ift.tt/XyJNH3v How to Succeed Without a Bilingual Preschool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb1NB4InTeg Is your child a majority language preschool environment? Discover proven strategies for maintaining strong minority language development during ages 4-5. Learn how to bridge school and home language, create engaging bilingual activities, and build supportive language communities for your child’s success. In this video you will learn: 👉 How to maintain bilingual language development when your child starts preschool 👉 Ways to create effective minority language zones and bridge school-home communication 👉 Practical methods for building pre-reading skills in your target language 🔔 Ready to boost your child’s language skills? Subscribe for engaging tips, everyday activities, and proven techniques to raise a confident bilingual! https://www.youtube.com/@raised-in-thailand/?sub_confirmation=1 ✅ Important Links to Follow 🔗DOWNLOAD GUIDES FOR PARENTS OF INFANTS : https://bit.ly/resources_signup (Look for: Youtube - MINORITY LANGUAGE SUCCESS - Part 4) 🛒Help your child master a new language with our recommended language learning kits! https://amzn.to/3REXEY7 🔗 Support Us Here! ✨Patreon: https://ift.tt/oI4QDkH 🔔 Ready to boost your child’s language skills? Subscribe for engaging tips, everyday activities, and proven techniques to raise a confident bilingual! https://www.youtube.com/@raised-in-thailand/?sub_confirmation=1 ✅ Stay Connected With Us. 👉 Facebook: https://ift.tt/1rFlmqz 📩 For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= 🎬 HIGLY RELEVANT CONTENT: Podcast deep dive: How to Succeed without a Bilingual Preschool (ages 4-5) https://youtu.be/0RsLv1ozk88 🎬 Recommended Playlists 👉The Minority Language Success Series https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL78IFurfr0UvjX_96toT3xxB5TY4ye8Aq 👉 Multilingual Learning https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL78IFurfr0UsADSSJjIWu6Slk1yXbyzPn 🎬 WATCH OUR OTHER VIDEOS: 👉 Why Multilingual Kids Are More Empathetic? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVOOnLSezrU 👉How Your Children Can Become Multilingual Easily - Start From Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJU-ptCbQjQ ============================= #bilingualprogram #bilingual #multilingualparenting #multilingualsupport #raisedinthailand #bilingualchildren #peergroups ⚠️ DISCLAIMER: Links may or may not contain affiliate cookies that tribute the channel with a percentage of the sale. In any case, it does not raise the purchase price. We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your research. ✖️ Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Raised in Thailand. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided. © Raised in Thailand via Raised in Thailand https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaWObCWkmj1ClicpCjdk1rw February 23, 2025 at 08:00PM via Raised in Thailand https://ift.tt/T8DsHcR February 23, 2025 at 08:40PM
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Trouvez la beauté de la nature sous mutant-distraction. Pour éviter les antibiotiques cherchez sous maladies inflammatoires MICI.
Il ne faut pas oublier la rencontre avec Adeline, la tarte aux poireaux. Des restaurants de top qualité parlent de la cessation d'activités.
le GD38 (Durchschnitt) des banques permet une tendance positive. La situation reste pourtant exceptionnelle.
le vélo électrique pliable chez la FNAC
à 50% chez Seat 125- autonomie 133km, 95 km/h, batterie de 41 kg
Lycke Leo90 à la Fnac à 4.889euro, 2batteries 2x70km autonomie.
le budget de certains constructeurs s'approche de légères difficultés
le Peergroup Siemens sous boerse.de : expliquerz moi la crise?
Il est rare que ces reproches sont argumentées correctement ! J'espère que les enfants ont au moins le droit à un Lycée en France.
le secteur phamaceutique a fait des pertes sur 6mois, il redémarrera. Les entrepreneurs de petite taille ont des craintes pour les impôts.
La chute dans les voitures est un peu vite, le secteur redémarrera. Le secteur de l'énergie,le transport sont des marchès avec des besoins.
avec 50 poules une famille de personnes est bien servi pour 6 mois
Bravo, il faut avoir du courage dans l'éducation avec les guerres. Le CAC40 et le NASDAQ ont formé en août 2024 un canal croissant! Vous avez les vélos électriques pliables sous Amazon, Décathlon ...
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How to Succeed Without a Bilingual Preschool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb1NB4InTeg Is your… https://ift.tt/BUYkZqE How to Succeed Without a Bilingual Preschool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb1NB4InTeg Is your child a majority language preschool environment? Discover proven strategies for maintaining strong minority language development during ages 4-5. Learn how to bridge school and home language, create engaging bilingual activities, and build supportive language communities for your child’s success. In this video you will learn: 👉 How to maintain bilingual language development when your child starts preschool 👉 Ways to create effective minority language zones and bridge school-home communication 👉 Practical methods for building pre-reading skills in your target language 🔔 Ready to boost your child’s language skills? Subscribe for engaging tips, everyday activities, and proven techniques to raise a confident bilingual! https://www.youtube.com/@raised-in-thailand/?sub_confirmation=1 ✅ Important Links to Follow 🔗DOWNLOAD GUIDES FOR PARENTS OF INFANTS : https://bit.ly/resources_signup (Look for: Youtube - MINORITY LANGUAGE SUCCESS - Part 4) 🛒Help your child master a new language with our recommended language learning kits! https://amzn.to/3REXEY7 🔗 Support Us Here! ✨Patreon: https://ift.tt/oI4QDkH 🔔 Ready to boost your child’s language skills? Subscribe for engaging tips, everyday activities, and proven techniques to raise a confident bilingual! https://www.youtube.com/@raised-in-thailand/?sub_confirmation=1 ✅ Stay Connected With Us. 👉 Facebook: https://ift.tt/1rFlmqz 📩 For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= 🎬 HIGLY RELEVANT CONTENT: Podcast deep dive: How to Succeed without a Bilingual Preschool (ages 4-5) https://youtu.be/0RsLv1ozk88 🎬 Recommended Playlists 👉The Minority Language Success Series https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL78IFurfr0UvjX_96toT3xxB5TY4ye8Aq 👉 Multilingual Learning https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL78IFurfr0UsADSSJjIWu6Slk1yXbyzPn 🎬 WATCH OUR OTHER VIDEOS: 👉 Why Multilingual Kids Are More Empathetic? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVOOnLSezrU 👉How Your Children Can Become Multilingual Easily - Start From Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJU-ptCbQjQ ============================= #bilingualprogram #bilingual #multilingualparenting #multilingualsupport #raisedinthailand #bilingualchildren #peergroups ⚠️ DISCLAIMER: Links may or may not contain affiliate cookies that tribute the channel with a percentage of the sale. In any case, it does not raise the purchase price. We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your research. ✖️ Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Raised in Thailand. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided. © Raised in Thailand via Raised in Thailand https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaWObCWkmj1ClicpCjdk1rw February 23, 2025 at 08:00PM via Raised in Thailand https://ift.tt/3ap7ysQ February 23, 2025 at 08:40PM
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How to Succeed Without a Bilingual Preschool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb1NB4InTeg Is your… https://ift.tt/6wqhsmc How to Succeed Without a Bilingual Preschool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb1NB4InTeg Is your child a majority language preschool environment? Discover proven strategies for maintaining strong minority language development during ages 4-5. Learn how to bridge school and home language, create engaging bilingual activities, and build supportive language communities for your child’s success. In this video you will learn: 👉 How to maintain bilingual language development when your child starts preschool 👉 Ways to create effective minority language zones and bridge school-home communication 👉 Practical methods for building pre-reading skills in your target language 🔔 Ready to boost your child’s language skills? Subscribe for engaging tips, everyday activities, and proven techniques to raise a confident bilingual! https://www.youtube.com/@raised-in-thailand/?sub_confirmation=1 ✅ Important Links to Follow 🔗DOWNLOAD GUIDES FOR PARENTS OF INFANTS : https://bit.ly/resources_signup (Look for: Youtube - MINORITY LANGUAGE SUCCESS - Part 4) 🛒Help your child master a new language with our recommended language learning kits! https://amzn.to/3REXEY7 🔗 Support Us Here! ✨Patreon: https://ift.tt/oI4QDkH 🔔 Ready to boost your child’s language skills? Subscribe for engaging tips, everyday activities, and proven techniques to raise a confident bilingual! https://www.youtube.com/@raised-in-thailand/?sub_confirmation=1 ✅ Stay Connected With Us. 👉 Facebook: https://ift.tt/1rFlmqz 📩 For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= 🎬 HIGLY RELEVANT CONTENT: Podcast deep dive: How to Succeed without a Bilingual Preschool (ages 4-5) https://youtu.be/0RsLv1ozk88 🎬 Recommended Playlists 👉The Minority Language Success Series https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL78IFurfr0UvjX_96toT3xxB5TY4ye8Aq 👉 Multilingual Learning https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL78IFurfr0UsADSSJjIWu6Slk1yXbyzPn 🎬 WATCH OUR OTHER VIDEOS: 👉 Why Multilingual Kids Are More Empathetic? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVOOnLSezrU 👉How Your Children Can Become Multilingual Easily - Start From Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJU-ptCbQjQ ============================= #bilingualprogram #bilingual #multilingualparenting #multilingualsupport #raisedinthailand #bilingualchildren #peergroups ⚠️ DISCLAIMER: Links may or may not contain affiliate cookies that tribute the channel with a percentage of the sale. In any case, it does not raise the purchase price. We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your research. ✖️ Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Raised in Thailand. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided. © Raised in Thailand via Raised in Thailand https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaWObCWkmj1ClicpCjdk1rw February 23, 2025 at 08:00PM via Raised in Thailand https://ift.tt/AmaeQG3 February 23, 2025 at 08:40PM
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How to Succeed Without a Bilingual Preschool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb1NB4InTeg Is your… https://ift.tt/loIv3QM How to Succeed Without a Bilingual Preschool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb1NB4InTeg Is your child a majority language preschool environment? Discover proven strategies for maintaining strong minority language development during ages 4-5. Learn how to bridge school and home language, create engaging bilingual activities, and build supportive language communities for your child’s success. In this video you will learn: 👉 How to maintain bilingual language development when your child starts preschool 👉 Ways to create effective minority language zones and bridge school-home communication 👉 Practical methods for building pre-reading skills in your target language 🔔 Ready to boost your child’s language skills? Subscribe for engaging tips, everyday activities, and proven techniques to raise a confident bilingual! https://www.youtube.com/@raised-in-thailand/?sub_confirmation=1 ✅ Important Links to Follow 🔗DOWNLOAD GUIDES FOR PARENTS OF INFANTS : https://bit.ly/resources_signup (Look for: Youtube - MINORITY LANGUAGE SUCCESS - Part 4) 🛒Help your child master a new language with our recommended language learning kits! https://amzn.to/3REXEY7 🔗 Support Us Here! ✨Patreon: https://ift.tt/oI4QDkH 🔔 Ready to boost your child’s language skills? Subscribe for engaging tips, everyday activities, and proven techniques to raise a confident bilingual! https://www.youtube.com/@raised-in-thailand/?sub_confirmation=1 ✅ Stay Connected With Us. 👉 Facebook: https://ift.tt/1rFlmqz 📩 For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= 🎬 HIGLY RELEVANT CONTENT: Podcast deep dive: How to Succeed without a Bilingual Preschool (ages 4-5) https://youtu.be/0RsLv1ozk88 🎬 Recommended Playlists 👉The Minority Language Success Series https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL78IFurfr0UvjX_96toT3xxB5TY4ye8Aq 👉 Multilingual Learning https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL78IFurfr0UsADSSJjIWu6Slk1yXbyzPn 🎬 WATCH OUR OTHER VIDEOS: 👉 Why Multilingual Kids Are More Empathetic? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVOOnLSezrU 👉How Your Children Can Become Multilingual Easily - Start From Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJU-ptCbQjQ ============================= #bilingualprogram #bilingual #multilingualparenting #multilingualsupport #raisedinthailand #bilingualchildren #peergroups ⚠️ DISCLAIMER: Links may or may not contain affiliate cookies that tribute the channel with a percentage of the sale. In any case, it does not raise the purchase price. We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your research. ✖️ Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Raised in Thailand. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided. © Raised in Thailand via Raised in Thailand https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaWObCWkmj1ClicpCjdk1rw February 23, 2025 at 08:00PM via Raised in Thailand https://ift.tt/W6CLRxb February 23, 2025 at 08:40PM
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#i had to console my feminist friend who was rejected from her peergroup because she was not in poverty and her parents were still married #which to her peers meant she didnt have enough problems to qualify as being able to empathize with others #i couldnt believe it #they actually had the balls after all this feminist women for women shit and then they turned around and did this
honestly if you only have compassion for oppressed people's suffering because they are in a sufficiently oppressed class, thats a problem. anti-oppressive activism is useless if it ends up as "these people deserve compassion because they are in the Right Group" instead of "everyone deserves compassion and injustice and cruelty is never okay for anyone". anything else is doomed to repeat the very systems it wants to destroy.
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How to Succeed Without a Bilingual Preschool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb1NB4InTeg Is your… https://ift.tt/ikyzqXQ How to Succeed Without a Bilingual Preschool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb1NB4InTeg Is your child a majority language preschool environment? Discover proven strategies for maintaining strong minority language development during ages 4-5. Learn how to bridge school and home language, create engaging bilingual activities, and build supportive language communities for your child’s success. In this video you will learn: 👉 How to maintain bilingual language development when your child starts preschool 👉 Ways to create effective minority language zones and bridge school-home communication 👉 Practical methods for building pre-reading skills in your target language 🔔 Ready to boost your child’s language skills? Subscribe for engaging tips, everyday activities, and proven techniques to raise a confident bilingual! https://www.youtube.com/@raised-in-thailand/?sub_confirmation=1 ✅ Important Links to Follow 🔗DOWNLOAD GUIDES FOR PARENTS OF INFANTS : https://bit.ly/resources_signup (Look for: Youtube - MINORITY LANGUAGE SUCCESS - Part 4) 🛒Help your child master a new language with our recommended language learning kits! https://amzn.to/3REXEY7 🔗 Support Us Here! ✨Patreon: https://ift.tt/oI4QDkH 🔔 Ready to boost your child’s language skills? Subscribe for engaging tips, everyday activities, and proven techniques to raise a confident bilingual! https://www.youtube.com/@raised-in-thailand/?sub_confirmation=1 ✅ Stay Connected With Us. 👉 Facebook: https://ift.tt/1rFlmqz 📩 For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= 🎬 HIGLY RELEVANT CONTENT: Podcast deep dive: How to Succeed without a Bilingual Preschool (ages 4-5) https://youtu.be/0RsLv1ozk88 🎬 Recommended Playlists 👉The Minority Language Success Series https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL78IFurfr0UvjX_96toT3xxB5TY4ye8Aq 👉 Multilingual Learning https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL78IFurfr0UsADSSJjIWu6Slk1yXbyzPn 🎬 WATCH OUR OTHER VIDEOS: 👉 Why Multilingual Kids Are More Empathetic? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVOOnLSezrU 👉How Your Children Can Become Multilingual Easily - Start From Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJU-ptCbQjQ ============================= #bilingualprogram #bilingual #multilingualparenting #multilingualsupport #raisedinthailand #bilingualchildren #peergroups ⚠️ DISCLAIMER: Links may or may not contain affiliate cookies that tribute the channel with a percentage of the sale. In any case, it does not raise the purchase price. We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your research. ✖️ Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Raised in Thailand. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided. © Raised in Thailand via Raised in Thailand https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaWObCWkmj1ClicpCjdk1rw February 23, 2025 at 08:00PM via Raised in Thailand https://ift.tt/YNlD0z5 February 23, 2025 at 08:40PM
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