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Acne No More: The Ultimate Holistic Solution for Clear Skin That’s Transforming Lives Worldwide
Why Is "Acne No More" the Best-Selling Holistic Acne Book in Internet History, with Thousands of Satisfied (and Now Acne-Free) Users in 131 Countries?
"Acne No More" stands as the #1 best-selling acne eBook on the Internet for a compelling reason…
See More about "Acne No More" Here!
Countless women and men, across all age groups, have successfully eradicated their acne and achieved long-lasting clear skin naturally. They’ve done so without resorting to drugs, over-the-counter creams, or so-called "magic potions." The secret to their success lies in the clinically proven, scientifically sound, step-by-step method detailed in this remarkable acne freedom guide.
Authored by Mike Walden, a certified nutritionist and health consultant, "Acne No More" is more than just another "acne cure" program in an already saturated market. It’s best described as the "Acne Bible"—an exhaustive, precise, and comprehensive guide to achieving acne freedom. But what sets it apart from other clear skin guides available today?
Click Here to Download PDF "Acne No More" eBook by Mike Walden!
A Holistic Approach to Acne Cure
Unlike typical acne relief or skin care programs, "Acne No More" takes a holistic approach to curing acne. At first glance, this may seem like mere wordplay, but once you delve into the initial chapters, you’ll realize that aiming for "acne relief" alone might be why you’ve struggled to maintain an acne-free life. This guide goes beyond symptom masking, providing a road-map to fix the internal issues causing your acne, ensuring a permanent solution.
In-Depth and Comprehensive Coverage
What truly distinguishes "Acne No More" is its meticulous attention to every element necessary for permanent acne relief and overall hormonal and toxic balance. The book doesn’t just debunk the myths and misconceptions surrounding acne—it also provides the most detailed exploration of acne, blackheads, hormonal health, and inner balance ever written.
The guide is extensive, offering 223 pages of solid content focused on 100% natural acne treatment. You won’t find recommendations for harsh prescription drugs with harmful side effects here. The core formula, known as the "5 Pillars," is thoroughly explained, with each step laid out in a precise chronological order. To aid your journey, the guide includes detailed charts and checklists, making it easy to track your progress through the program.
A Complete Holistic Solution
"Acne No More" is not a quick-fix or fairy tale solution. It’s a comprehensive holistic approach designed to eliminate the root cause of acne and digestive disorders, no matter how severe. This method requires commitment and effort—success is achieved through persistence. As Mike Walden puts it, "The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work."
Who Will Benefit Most from "Acne No More"?
Simply put, anyone struggling with acne or seeking to restore their natural inner balance will find immense value in "Acne No More." This eBook is for everyone—even those without acne—offering a total health rejuvenation program that surpasses 98% of the nutrition and alternative health books on the market.
Professional Design and User Experience
"Acne No More" is presented as a clean, professionally formatted PDF eBook, making it easy to read and print from the comfort of your home. The design is user-friendly, ensuring a seamless experience as you navigate through the extensive content.
The Bottom Line
If you’re searching for a quick-fix acne solution, magic pills, or over-the-counter remedies, "Acne No More" might not be for you. However, if you’re ready to uncover the truth about acne, commit to lifestyle changes, and invest in a method that offers lasting results, "Acne No More" could be the best decision you ever make.
Click here to learn more about Mike Walden's "Acne No More" and begin your journey to clear, healthy skin today!
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Are you suffering from Eczema, Acne, Hyperpigmentation or extremely dry skin? No worries we’ve got you covered -Our on the go organic spa bars are fresh, ready to cleanse, heal, and nourish your skin!!
We will be at the Virginia Beach Farmers Market Friday (Next to Butcher Shop)
10 am - 4 pm
Looking for that special Easter gift!
No worries- We’ve got you covered!!! Our Organic Spa Bar Multi Packs are buy 2 get one free!!
Meet us at the market! That’s the Virginia Beach Farmers Market!
3640 Dam Neck Road
Virginia Beach Virginia
10 am - 4 pm Friday!!!
We currently have:
Blue Tansy Organic Facial Oil
Fresh Lavender - Anti Aging Spa Bar
Sensitive Skin - Fragrance Free Spa Bar
Stress Away Organic Spa Bar- Limited Edition
Sweet Hibiscus - Dragonfruit Spa Bar -
Bali Coffee - Cellulite Scrub Spa Bar
Oatmeal Milk and Honey - Eczema Fighter Spa Bar
Pink Sea Salt - Crystal Infused Spa Bar
Orange and Patchouli - Anti Inflammatory Spa Bar
Turmeric & Ginger - Acne & Allergy Fighter Spa Bar
Koji Hyperpigmentation Spa Bar
Duck Fat Shaving Soap
Puppy Paw Shampoo Bar
Can’t wait to see you soon!!!!
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Cara Membersihkan Bekas Jerawat dan Meningkatkan Kulit Anda
Jerawat bisa menjadi masalah kulit yang mempengaruhi banyak orang, terutama selama masa remaja. Ketika jerawat sembuh, mereka sering meninggalkan bekas yang disebut bekas jerawat. Bekas jerawat dapat mempengaruhi kepercayaan diri Anda dan membuat kulit terlihat tidak merata. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan menjelaskan cara membersihkan bekas jerawat dan meningkatkan kesehatan kulit Anda.
1. Gunakan Produk Perawatan Kulit yang Tepat
Pilih produk perawatan kulit yang mengandung bahan-bahan seperti asam salisilat, asam alfa hidroksi (AHA), atau asam beta hidroksi (BHA). Bahan-bahan ini membantu mengangkat sel-sel kulit mati dan merangsang pertumbuhan sel kulit baru. Selain itu, produk dengan retinol dapat membantu menghilangkan bekas jerawat dengan merangsang produksi kolagen, yang memperbaiki tekstur kulit.
2. Jangan Memencet Jerawat
Ini adalah salah satu hal yang paling penting untuk dihindari. Memencet jerawat dapat merusak jaringan di sekitarnya dan meninggalkan bekas. Selain itu, dapat menyebabkan infeksi lebih lanjut dan peradangan yang lebih parah.
3. Melakukan Peeling Kulit
Peeling kimia atau eksfoliasi kulit dapat membantu menghilangkan lapisan atas sel-sel kulit mati, memudarkan bekas jerawat, dan merangsang pertumbuhan sel kulit baru. Anda dapat menggunakan produk peeling yang mengandung asam glikolat, asam laktat, atau asam salisilat, atau Anda dapat melakukan perawatan peeling kulit di klinik kecantikan.
4. Perhatikan Kelembapan Kulit
Memastikan kulit Anda terhidrasi adalah bagian penting dari perawatan kulit yang baik. Gunakan pelembap yang cocok untuk jenis kulit Anda setiap hari. Kulit yang sehat dan terhidrasi lebih mampu memperbaiki diri dan mengurangi bekas jerawat.
5. Gunakan Tabir Surya
Paparan sinar matahari dapat membuat bekas jerawat lebih gelap dan sulit dihilangkan. Gunakan tabir surya dengan SPF yang cukup setiap hari, terutama jika Anda akan berada di luar ruangan. Ini juga membantu melindungi kulit Anda dari kerusakan lebih lanjut.
6. Konsultasikan dengan Dokter Kulit
Jika Anda memiliki bekas jerawat yang sangat parah atau sulit diatasi dengan produk perawatan kulit over-the-counter, konsultasikan dengan dokter kulit. Mereka dapat meresepkan perawatan yang lebih kuat seperti retinoid topikal, prosedur pengelupasan kimia, atau terapi laser.
7. Perhatikan Diet Anda
Makan makanan sehat dan menjaga tubuh Anda terhidrasi dapat membantu kesehatan kulit Anda secara keseluruhan. Banyak orang melihat perbaikan pada kulit mereka setelah mengurangi konsumsi makanan berlemak tinggi, gula, dan makanan olahan.
8. Hindari Produk Perawatan yang Terlalu Keras
Produk perawatan kulit yang terlalu keras atau mengandung bahan-bahan yang menyebabkan iritasi dapat memperburuk kondisi kulit Anda. Jika produk tertentu membuat kulit Anda merah, gatal, atau terasa terbakar, hentikan penggunaannya.
9. Bersabar
Pemulihan dari bekas jerawat memerlukan waktu. Tidak ada perawatan ajaib yang akan menghilangkan bekas jerawat dalam semalam. Bersabar dan konsisten dalam perawatan kulit Anda adalah kunci untuk hasil yang baik.
10. Jangan Merokok dan Hindari Alkohol Berlebihan
Merokok dan alkohol berlebihan dapat merusak kesehatan kulit Anda dan memperlambat proses penyembuhan. Hindari kedua hal ini untuk mendukung perbaikan kulit Anda.
11. Cobalah Perawatan Alami
Beberapa orang telah melihat hasil positif dengan menggunakan perawatan alami seperti minyak tea tree atau lidah buaya. Namun, pastikan untuk menguji produk ini pada bagian kecil kulit terlebih dahulu untuk memastikan tidak ada reaksi alergi.
12. Hindari Stres Berlebihan
Stres dapat memicu peradangan dalam tubuh, yang dapat memperburuk kondisi kulit Anda. Cobalah teknik relaksasi seperti meditasi atau yoga untuk mengurangi stres.
Membersihkan bekas jerawat memerlukan waktu dan kesabaran, tetapi dengan perawatan yang tepat, Anda dapat mencapai kulit yang lebih halus dan bebas dari bekas jerawat. Penting untuk mengikuti rutinitas perawatan kulit yang konsisten dan menjaga kesehatan kulit Anda secara keseluruhan dengan menjalani gaya hidup yang sehat. Jika Anda memiliki kekhawatiran khusus tentang bekas jerawat Anda, konsultasikan dengan dokter kulit yang berpengalaman untuk mendapatkan saran yang sesuai.
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felt like drawing the silly!
#also yes he has a tooth gap#and crooked teeth#and chub#and freckles and or acne#street fighter#capcom#dan hibiki#street fighter dan#fanart#ishi art
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Secret Santa for just_snakess for "Meg giving a piano performance" and "Meg sees Apollo's true form for the first time" MCD for the last part
For @just_snakess from @femmefangirl
When Meg was very small, before the word pain had any meaning other than the prick of thorns or a scraped knee, her father had told her stories. There were many stories that he would tell her, most of which she had long forgotten. The rest she had kept with her, close to her heart where everything she could remember about Philip McCaffrey lay.
Except for one
Nero doesn’t like stories. He tells them of his greatest feats and pretends away his failures, but he never tells them stories and even though Meg saw him kill her father, it’s the lack of stories that give him away. That made her not trust him.
She’s his favorite, she knows this because he told her that himself. He tells them all their rankings in his mind, tells them that it’s for the greater good, that it will make them better fighters, better soldiers, better weapons. It’s what Luguselwa says anyway, and she trusts her more than she trusts Nero. Luguselwa doesn’t tell her stories though, except for once.
When Meg was six, just before her first gladiator match, Luguselwa tells her a story. It’s a different sort of story because this story Luguselwa tells her is true. She talks about the earliest memory she had, of her and her mother and her father and her brother. Luguselwa tells her about the way the flowers danced in the wind; the feeling of the breeze in her hair; the way the sounds of life within the settlement held her as she went to sleep every night. Meg didn’t understand then (and she doesn’t now) why Luguselwa told the story.
But Luguselwa became Lu after that nonetheless.
The first very first time Nero tells her a story, it is about the snake that lives in the basement. It doesn’t actually live in the basement, he says, it just lives in a metaphorical basement. Meg nods her head in understanding even though she doesn’t understand because not understanding angers The Beast. She doesn’t like The Beast; it brings fire and blood and screams with it.
“There is a snake. A very old and very powerful snake who can see things that you as a mortal cannot. His powers are even grander than mine.” Nero lowers his voice to a whisper as he adds on “At least that’s what he believes.” And that’s what Meg believes as well, because Nero is the most powerful man she’s ever met. “This snake is called Python, my dear. He was defeated by the Sun god Apollo after he came out of his mother’s womb because even as a baby, Apollo was arrogant. The only reason Python was defeated was because he never expected a baby to defeat him and so he got careless.”
Nero kneels down and looks at her blue-grey on black-brown. He takes one of his fingers, light as a feather, and caresses the freshly bandaged gash on her face. “I do hope you won’t get careless Meg.” There’s a threat not-hiding in those words.
Nonetheless, Nero gets split into her kindly stepfather and the monstrous Beast.
The first time Lester tells Meg that he’s the god Apollo, she doesn’t believe him.
In her defense, who would? The whole acne-riddled, baby giraffe look doesn’t scream God. It also doesn’t scream the Sun, Archery, Music, Poetry, Disease, Truth, Healing, Light and a bunch of other things she can’t remember. His nose looks twice as large as it should be and there’s a layer of dirt on him with garbage juice stains on his shirt and jeans.
Besides, he doesn’t even say it to her. He said it to the two jerks that were beating him up, the two jerks that she saved him from. Meg says as much to him and then he explains his situation to her, asking a bit about herself in the process.
Then he implies that her mother is a garbage goddess which. It adds to the whole ‘I’m a god’ thing he has going on. She says some things and he says some things, most of which she tunes out because his voice is grating. Nails-on-chalkboard sort of grating, all whiny and high-pitched. Annoying.
Meg is seriously considering beating the guy up and taking all his money because neither does she fully trust him, nor does she fully believe him. The only reason she’s still considering him at all is because there was a crack of lightning before he appeared, giant and painful, and the fact that he came from nowhere. There’s also something about him, the air around him is shimmery, or maybe hazy.
If he is the God Apollo, then Nero would be happy with her if she informs him about it. The Beast might not be unleashed if Meg brings Nero something to appease him, a sort of distraction from the fact she ran away. It’s not like she’s going to go back though.
And maybe he can defeat Python. After all, he defeated Python when he was like, a baby, and now he’s an adult which means he’s more powerful so even though Python is also super powerful there’s a chance.
What catches her attention in the end plants a seed of thought in her mind is him saying that “Usually Zeus requires me to work as a slave for some important demigod.” Goddy powers would be helpful in Hell’s Kitchen, but it’s not the usefulness that makes her ask her next question, cutting his rambling, it’s something else. Something to the left.
“How do you know which demigod?”
“What?” Meg notices that his neck goes forward in a twitch whenever he seems confused.
“Which demigod you’re supposed to serve.” She says, rolling her eyes (but only a little). Meg tacks on a ‘dummy’ at the end there, to make sure he knows that it was an obvious question.
“I…uh. Well, it’s usually obvious. I just sort of run into them. That’s why I want to get to the Upper East Side. My new master will claim my service and—” His explanation really boils down to ‘first come, first serve’ and so she’ll get served first.
She sort of knew that this day would change her life, but never would she have expected how much.
When Lester – Apollo – came back all immortal and goddy back again Meg thinks it’s goodbye. Going off to fight isn’t a goodbye because she ordered Apollo to come back to her, and as long as he was mortal he’d have to listen to that order. So that meant he had to win. Simple. Easy.
Once, a four-year-old Meg had planted her very first seed and she’d sat down in front of it, waiting for it to the Opuntia to grow. She sat in front of it for the whole day, her father finding her only when the sun started to stain Aeithales a pretty orangish red. Philip McCaffrey had asked her what she was doing, to which she only said waiting. Four-year-old Meg didn’t have much of a vocabulary, her sentences made up of very few syllables.
Her father had laughed then, smile lines stretching in a practiced motion, but then he’d apologized after seeing her pout, so she forgave him for that. He told her things in the way he often did, with a story.
“Long ago,” he begins like usual. “There was a warrior named Odysseus. He had lots of adventures but we’re not talking about him today. Today we’re talking about his wife Penelope.”
“Penelope was the Queen of an island called Ithaca. Her husband, Odysseus was naturally, its King. They had a son whom they named Telemachus and for a few months they were happy. And then news came of a war, a war that Odysseus was invited to fight in. The King of Ithaca wanted to refuse at first, the desire to stay with his family was strong, but in those days the honor of war overshadowed this desire. And so, Penelope and little Telemachus waved Odysseus and the soldiers of Ithaca off, wishing them a swift victory.”
“The victory was not swift. It was long and sad and violent but eventually Odysseus and his men prevailed. They beat the other side, and they were glad, because now they could return home. However, for reasons he, and only he because his men died in the war and later the journey back to their homeland, came back twenty years later. Penelope, who had to raise Telemachus with the help of her servants and not her husband could have chosen a new husband, a different one. But she didn’t, because she knew Odysseus would come back and so she waited twenty long years with suitors vying for her hand in marriage. She waited and she waited and. She. Waited.”
“Anyone else would have lost hope, lost patience but Penelope waited. And then she got him back. Odysseus returned home and he came back to her and to his son.”
Meg thinks twenty years is too long and she doesn’t want to wait that long for the plant to grow. She plans on saying as much to her father when he holds out a hand, signaling her to listen to him first. She does, but her legs shake in anticipation to speak all the same.
“Meg. I’m not saying the Opuntia will take twenty years to grow. I’m saying that it takes a while for things to happen. Nothing big ever starts and finishes in a day, no matter how much you want it to. It’ll take a while for your plant to grow, but patience is important, and so, you must wait.”
She nods her head at him which gets her one of his smiles. The smiles of Philip McCaffrey are the most common thing around, but each one directed at her is as precious as diamonds and water.
It is this memory she thinks of whenever her skin itches with the need to know. When the ants come crawling out of nowhere and decide that they’re going to creep around on her.
It is this memory that’s playing in her head when she sees her best friend (brother) again.
He looks the same, but also different. The acne isn’t fresh anymore but instead a crater of scars against a tan face; there’s a confidence lining his body turning him from freshy born animal to ballet dancer; his eyes, which were perpetually wide and anxious are half-closed in an easy way that reminds her of a sleeping cat. He looks content even with the undercurrent of nervousness in him.
“You’re back.” She breathes out, joy written so clearly in her voice that she would be able to read it.
He smiles at her, and she can see how he’s the Sun God because it’s so warm. Warm like the orangish red that bathes the greenhouse sometimes. “You’re sunburned.” Apollo says pointedly.
She orders him to come even though she knows it’s fruitless, he knows it too, but he comes back to her anyway. Meg should remember the rest of the day better but the only thing she can know for sure is the feeling of a huge weight lifted from her chest after seeing him alive and well. Her brother-best friend is back and that’s all that really matters anyway.
There’s something to be said about her siblings in that each and every one of them came to see her perform, even though it was just an opening for a band in a hole-in-the-wall SoCal café. Cassius, Lucius, Aemilia, Lityerses, Billie, Miranda and even Katie were visible in the crowd. They were bunched together like grapes and looked like clothing patches on jeans with how mismatched they were.
Cassius was in a Camp Half-Blood shirt and wearing a neon green maxi skirt; Lucius with orange bell bottoms and gothic frills was nothing in comparison to Aemilia’s dark, dramatic makeup and a white sundress. Billie, Miranda, and Lityerses looked like they both came straight from weeding a garden, dirt and all which isn’t unbelievable, if you can believe it. Katie was wearing a nice yellow sunflower skirt and a simple black top, which was miles better than what everyone wore.
A keyboard sat on the rickety wooden stage, a spotlight highlighting it and eventually her for everyone to see. It’s all been set up so that Meg doesn’t have to do anything other than just go out there and knock everyone’s socks off with how good she is. And she’s good.
Apollo had told her that after her very first piano lesson, most people don’t get it quickly, but she does. In fact, his exact words were “Anyone can play the piano Meg. Instruments are meant to be played and everyone who starts an instrument knows that. But you, Meg, shouldn’t settle for playing piano. You should perform it, make an art out of that piano.” To this day she doesn’t understand what his words meant but Apollo doesn’t give out compliments of greatness all the time. Goodness, yes, he’s nice like that but he doesn’t often sound awed by people.
That memory brings a smile to her lips. Apollo had magicked a dark green suit for her, with a dark orange bowtie as per her request. He’d pursed his lips and there was judgement in his face which if she’s being honest with herself is the reason she chose the color combination in the first place. His disgusted-horrified face is the funniest thing, especially if he looks concerned for her health.
An inhale and exhale later, Meg’s walking towards the keyboard, a cheap and plasticky thing. Even before she starts playing there’s applause from the crowd, Meg doesn’t even have to look at them to see it’s her siblings and also Apollo who’s posing as a bartender. A flush rises to her cheeks, Gods they are so embarrassing, she thinks as she plays the opening of Chopin’s Etude op. 10 No. 4.
Later on, she’d deny it but there’s a smile on her face the whole time.
There’s a sun on her grave.
Meg has been dead for two years and the apple tree that had been fertilized by her ashes looks healthy and strong. Lots of things can be said about the fact that she’s here and not in Elysium (like the fact that Nico owes her far too many favors) and she doesn’t want to say any of them. Living for a whole century is a considerable feat but it was wholly expected.
She had felt like there was something just to the side that kept tumors, diabetes, blood pressure and other medical illnesses that come with age at bay. Healing her left, right and center; she knew what, or to be specific, who it was, and it was that who who wept fiery tears on her grave.
At first Meg had thought it was the sun itself in humanoid form but the longer she looks at it, the more it seems like a rainbow, but only a pale silver, a monochromatic rainbow if you will. The edges of the form don’t flicker and dance in the way fire does but dilate and enlarge in a rhythmic manner like a heart does. The tears that fall are like glowing moon drops, all shimmer and shine.
Instinct that shouldn’t be there tells her that this is Apollo, that this amalgamation of light and melancholy is her brother. Her mind rages against the thought because he’d never, ever looks so not put together. The very same shouldn’t-be-there instinct tells her that this is Apollo’s rawest form, that if she weren’t already dead, she very well would be.
“Hey ‘pollo.” She whispers, words carried onwards by the breeze.
He whips around, quick as the Bach Prelude in C Minor, face morphing into several thing before settling on what she’s lovingly dubbed ‘Lesterpollo’. It’s a combination of his favored Apollo look and Lester Papadopoulos, which includes big brown sheep eyes and banana slug yellow curls. His acne has turned into scars, and they along with freckles and two moles shift constantly making different constellations. Her shoulders loosen up seeing his familiar face but then immediately tighten up when she sees tears as clear as her glasses well up inside his eyes.
“Mind a hug?” Apollo chokes out, she doesn’t even have to nod, just clench her jaw in a way and he’s hugging her like she doesn’t need to breathe. Which she doesn’t.
It takes an age and a day for the hug to stop, and she doesn’t want it to because a hug from Apollo God of the Sun and also Light and a bunch of other things is the warmest thing you’ll ever feel in your life. In every sense of the word warm, it will be warm. Even before Meg had died at the ripe old age of one hundred, she had been perpetually cold.
Apollo wipes the tears from his eyes, but the shifting patterns of dots do little to mask some rapidly oncoming tears stains.
“How –”
“Nico owes me a bunch of favours. Cassius is still here, and I was – I was waiting for him to kick the bucket so.” She cuts him off with her waterfall of words and shoves her liver-spotted hands into her burnt umber handmade satin coat she got from her youngest daughter.
“Younger siblings. Huh?” Apollo asks her, a dry joke that makes her want to cry and laugh at the same time because she’ll perpetually look like Apollo’s grandmother, and she likes looking old. It makes her feel happy and proud and fuzzy all over but there had been a point in her mid-forty’s where when she and her brother went out for something or the other and they’d been mistaken for mother and son. They’d laughed about it immediately afterwards, but she thinks of it in the most randomest moments.
A peaceful silence settles itself cozily between them as they watch the sun makes its descent downwards. She’ll be here till her youngest brother turns 101 years old because he competitive little shit and see more sunsets in this ghostly form, but she’ll always have company.
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I just discovered I am bipolar, and I started taking lithium last week. But also, since last week I've been experiencing weakness (even walking up stairs I have to support myself somehow) and tremors. Do you think it could be from the lithium? And if so, is there a way to keep taking it or some other medicine that works just as good? I'm scared because I really wanted to give it a shot and see if I get better, and since it's only been a week I haven't even had any effects yet 😭😭
Sorry for the long ask, and if you can't answer it it's totally fine as well!
thank you for stopping by.
First of all, take it easy. I mean, this is huge news. Utterly life-changing. And since you were immediately put on lithium, I can assume you had an intense episode at the very least.
So, with that, lithium definitely causes tremors. But other side effects may take time to develop and time to disappear (tremors included). Mine went away with proper hydration and return when I'm dehydrated.
Of course, everyone is different, and I'm a huge lithium advocate, but it's worth saying that whatever meds you take, you need to wait at least a couple of weeks, or months in the case of lithium.
If you are just freshly out of an episode, I'd consider the weakness as a result of said episode. For example, I experienced fatigue when stable after a manic episode, always. And, of course, even mild depression triggers weakness.
So, this is valid, and I advise you to bring it up with your psychiatrist, ask about the dose, and share this concern. Unfortunately, there is a period of adjustment with any medication. Lithium is notoriously hard to get adjusted to, with an array of possible side effects.
I know we all want a med that works, yet comes side effects free. But it's virtually impossible. And the more meds you take, the more uncomfortable side effects you risk. Though there are instances when a medication is introduced to combat side effects like acne, nausea, tremors...
I really wish I could offer more, and I am truly sorry you have to go through this mess. I felt the exact same way in the beginning, and I cannot put in words the unbearable need to just feel normal again. Please urge your doctor to help you find a solution and remember to take it easy and be patient. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is stability.
Best of luck to you, and if you need anything else, let me know. You are a fighter, be proud.
#ask#bipolar disorder#actuallybipolar#manic depression#lithium bipolar#actually bipolar#actually mentally ill#manic depressive#actually manic#bipolar mania#bipolar 1#bipolar 2
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is everyone revealing ocs now??? hi welcome to my top ten facts about my ocs
no.1 Halbert K. Robinson
1. he has viltigo and hides it by wearing his mask a lot
2 .works as a janitor to clean the base
3. was forced to resort to working in a crime due to skin condition, he was framed for a crime he didn’t commit and because people thought he looked weird COUGHS. i wonder who said that ?? huh
4. ex-fire fighter, all his training went down the drain
5. hes 37 and is 5’4” ft tall
6. is actually matt engarde from aa!/j
7. seen as a lower class because of his mask, but in reality he once lifted a whole ass couch just to clean under it
8. the “K” in his name stands for “Karl”
9. he has keys to every room/area in the base so he can clean
10. was hired because he had a “criminal history”, he had to beg to live and only had an option to join mary (he was hired before he knew larry was in control)
btw guys im still figuring out his lore idk guys
no.2 Riktor V. Markov
1. speaks russian and BARELY understands english
2. has a translator to help him understand (will be mentioned next)
3. looks very intimidating, but hes rarely soft to people sometimes
4. his dad was a godfather for a mafia back in russia, he eventually got arrested and riktor had to migrate to robloxia with his soon to be his translator
5. 5’8” ft tall and is 42 years old
6. uses his bonesaw as defense
7. his hair isnt gray, his hair is ashy blonde
8. the “V” in his name is “Victor”
9. his mom got executed by another mafia that was against his father and he was forced to witness it with his bare eyes
10. his favorite medical tool is the bonesaw
no.3 Feliks Novikov
1. he is half russian and half american
2. is riktors translator, hes actually helped riktor migrate away and have been childhood friends. they were bullies before
3. has actually been hired by larry in the past, once retired when larry was defeated, later has been recruited by mary
4. convinced mary to hire riktor for medic
5. 5’4” ft tall, 40
6. has a family of 2 and is married, he has a son and a baby daughter.
7. loves jazz he even plays the saxophone
8. plays in a band with the other henchmen in the evil base, hes the lead
9. hes a gentleman and respects his higherups
10. was actually favored a lot by larry
no.4 Scary Autry (Autry P. Harrington)
1. his face in the past had scarring and acne (his face is greasy, one of the reasons why he hides his face)
2. bffs with barry, cabbage (another break in oc), and danry (also another break in oc). they are known as the “alphabet fourlets”
3. his mom left him few months after he was born, he was raised by his dad and grew up with toxic masculinity OH NO WHO SAID THAT AHH!!
4. hates mary and larry A LOT. he hates larry for defending mary and he hates mary for trying to reveal his own face COUGHC OUGH (rreference to my fanfic about his backstory)
5. 6’4” ft tall, he is 68 years old
6. he knows karate, kung fu, and bare knuckle boxing
7. seems to be really harsh but just blocks out feelings
8. loves wearing boots.
9. the weapon he uses are golden brass knuckles
10. hes TERRIBLE at playing instruments, he was failing music class during his origin phase
no.5 oswald the hacker/guest
1. his real name/username is Guest0091288
2. he listens to ivycomb and babymetal
3. he was once a guest, he had a lot of good progress while playing other games throughout roblox, until they banned guests. oswald did not accept losing his progress and took things the hard way by somehow reviving his guest account, he fleed to break in to blend in by the guest role, he was caught few weeks ago but managed to still escape by becoming a different role in which he didnt even pay for (hacker role)
4. he has an illumina instead of the classic sword, he uses his phone to spawn holograms tthat act like a shield
5. he is 5’1” and is ageless
6. he hates wearing the caps guests wore, he didnt like how it felt
7. he does not speak, he uses tts (text to speech). the tts program he uses is the alpha moonbase tts
8. loooves making fun of people, even when hes successful to get away with it
9. can impersonate/shapeshift into other characters and users, however his tts voice still remains the same
10. very unpredictable.
no.6 Carter J. Dickgum (self insert)
1. married to bradley beans
2. almost had a divorce arc Thanks for hanging out with me!
3. named “Carter” instead of “Karter” because of his curved smile (get it)
5. 5’5” ft tall and 45 years old
6. shaves and HATES HAVING A Stubblle
7. doesnt like working out most of the time
8. his emotions appear to be VERY obvious, he is very expressive
9. works as a cashier at tacobell
10. wears mismatched socks everyday.
Okay guys thansk for tunkng in chatn! ‘My sunshine students
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fighting style + describe your muse’s laugh + skills and special talents + disabilities or illnesses + did your muse grow up too fast? for Madison and Gia?
Thank you so much!!
Character Headcanons
Fighting Style:
Madison: She's very mutation-focused and favors fighting with her knives. She's eclectic when she fights: always moving, blinking in and out of sight with her mutation, accompanied by quick, clean strikes with her knives. She's much better at fighting with her knives than she is bare-handed, though Alex has made it a point to teach her how to throw a proper punch. As she spends more time with the other X-Men, both learning more and growing more comfortable with her mutations, her fighting style tightens up and becomes more technical.
Gia: Technically speaking, whatever you'd call the HYDRA-trained fighting style: very brutal, rapid takedowns and throws, incredibly efficient without many extraneous movements. However, she doesn't enjoy fighting, and to an extent doesn't even realize how well she can fight - she knows HYDRA trained her and the muscle memory will kick in if she's genuinely in danger, but couldn't replicate the movements without that adrenaline. She also tends to favor upper-body movements to kicks or jumps, to avoid imbalance on her prosthetic.
Describe Your Muse's Laugh:
Madison: Oh, she's got a pretty rowdy laugh! If she really finds something funny, she'll tend to have one surprised peak that then peters out into a few softer beats - HA! heh-heh-heh... And if she really gets going, sometimes she'll snort-laugh.
Gia: She's a giggler, for sure! She tends to have a fairly gentle, feminine laugh. The main real sign that she finds something especially funny isn't that her laughter gets any louder, but that she'll almost start to duck away from it and hide her mouth behind her hands. She's got a cute laugh.
Man, it's really tough to describe a person's laughter through text alone...
Skills and Special Talents:
Madison: She's an incredibly skilled survivalist, a talented woodcarver (which starts as a hobby, but she'll eventually make a career of it!), and an incredible swimmer even without her mutation. She also enjoys baking, though she'd call that more of a hobby than a talent.
Gia: She's a very skilled florist and knows her way around many different plants and flowers, is a very good fighter even though she tends to avoid violence, and is a pretty decent painter! She also has a skill with customer service - she can come across as a little anxious most of the time, but overall has a very friendly, patient outward presence.
Disabilities or Illnesses:
Madison: She doesn't struggle extensively with disabilities or illnesses, though there are some things from her time in the wilderness that she'll occasionally get echoes of - an ankle that aches with an old sprain when it gets cold out, unpredictable changes in appetite after being malnourished for so long, etc.
Gia: She's missing her left leg at the knee after a failed HYDRA experiment, and fluctuations in her clover's health also lead to fluctuations in her own health. It acts as a sort of chronic illness - some days she's fine, other days she's too weak to get out of bed, and while there may be trigger or patterns there's nothing she can do to completely prevent those flare-ups from happening. Other conditions that affect her clover can also affect her, such as the "acne" scars on her face and neck actually being from a bout of sooty blotch.
Did Your Muse Grow Up Too Fast?
Madison: Yes and no. She did get to enjoy most of her childhood, and while she did have a fair amount of expectations placed on her, those were typical for the time she grew up in. However, she was 15 when she was assaulted and later ran off to live in the wilderness, and that forced her into a very rapid, specific, and even unhealthy sort of maturity that she struggled to break away from even once she found another stable home.
Gia: Kind of a similar answer, actually: she had a happy childhood for the most part, but experiences a series of traumas in her teenage years that meant she never really got to have that awkward teen, early dating, "finding your tribe" stage of things.
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Hi, there, Siren, hope you're doing well! If you're still taking dndads ship requests, how about maybe 35 for Cheerkicks/Oakli (not entirely sure on the name here, but. Link and Normal. You get it), please? Feeling in a silly rarepair mood today hehe 💚💚💚
Bullet Holes and Acne Scars (and Other Wounds to Heal)
35. kissing their bruises and scars
from the touch prompts list!
I WAITED A MONTH TO START ON THIS HELP 😭 trust me though ive been so excited about this one, oakicks makes me ill /pos (and also im glad i waited bc i got to use the latest episode as context for this scene!)
cw: violence (including gun violence), blood and injury
also on ao3!
Normal never would’ve taken Lincoln as a fighter, at first.
Ever since they were young, Lincoln has been timid, uptight, the type to go rigid if you get too close to him. Or maybe that’s just in Normal’s case. They’re working on it, though. He thinks. He hopes.
He never would've thought that the sweet kid he used to see kicking rocks in the corner or a soccer ball on a field would one day be kicking FBI agents and military soldiers on the battlefield. With the force of a beast.
Normal thinks he understands, now, why Lincoln’s dads tried to shelter their son so much.
But he also thinks he understands, as he’s too distracted looking at Lincoln to succeed at the spell he’s currently casting, the way he feels. He may not understand what it’s like to be unconditionally loved by his parents (something that arouses a deeply-rooted feeling of envy in him towards his friend, but that’s another thing he’s working on), but he understands what it’s like to feel pressured by his parents. And he thinks, in their own loving way, Lincoln’s dads have pressured him too much. And this is his release. His rebellion. Like a caged animal set free.
And Normal does believe he deserves this. However. It also concerns him greatly.
Because the paladin is moving so quickly, so aggressively, and the cleric is barely able to even keep an eye on him but it sounds like he's breathing heavily and at one point he thinks he catches a glimmer of something in his eye. And it all keeps distracting him from helping out in the battle himself.
Normal just narrowly avoids another incoming attack. Focus, Normal, fucking focus! He shakes his head, his heart pounding irregularly in his chest, trying to pay attention to anything other than Lincoln, Lincoln, is Lincoln okay—
“Norm!” Scary’s voice calls from a ways away, blasting a fireball directly into a man’s face. “Taylor could use your help!”
“No, I—!” Taylor immediately snaps back from where he stands off, holding a soldier back with their weapons clashed. “Uh, I mean… Yeah! Normie! We need you!”
Normal leaps straight into action, fueled by his friends’ words and ready to defend them, but realizes while he’s charging his spell just what’s going on. Something burns within him, something that has settled deep within his veins and has been repeatedly threatening to burst through these days. Do you really need my help, or do you just want to feel better about being such a dick to me lately?
His spell fizzles out in failure again, and he clutches his head and growls to himself. Lincoln, get out of my damn head!
“Norm— Augh!” Scary, in her distraction, takes a blunt melee attack to the head, knocking her down.
Taylor swivels around with a slash to his opponent to face Scary’s assailant. “What the hell?!” He jabs his sword toward the FBI agent. “Normal! What’s with the weaksauce spells?”
The blood is roaring in Normal’s ears so loudly that he can't even hear himself stuttering. He dizzily looks between Scary on the ground, Taylor standing off against the agent, and Lincoln, off in the distance, surrounded by soldiers. He's paralyzed. His lungs feel compressed tightly in his chest, and not even the strong emotion shooting through his blood is enough to awaken any magic.
Scary, thank the metaphorical heavens and not the godawful place they all visited earlier, manages to make it back onto her feet, but not without great effort. “You're—” She coughs. “You're good, Norm, you're good.”
The squeezing feeling in Normal’s chest somehow worsens. Stop it, don't say that. Why am I even here? I'm no help at all!
He stumbles backwards, and his back bumps into somebody. Before he can turn around to face them, a pair of burly arms are slung around his neck. Already short of breath, the cleric is easy to choke out, and his hands fly up to scratch at their sleeves. Panicking, he looks to Taylor, the closest nearby person, and cries out, “Help!”
Without a moment’s hesitation, Taylor drops what he’s doing and, like a true hero, blindly sprints over to slice the back of Normal’s attacker. The arms release him from the chokehold, and he falls to the ground, heaving for air.
But he isn't able to recover for long, because somebody is yanking him back up by his collar. He braces himself this time, but finds himself face-to-face with Taylor. His expression is twisted in anger, the way he looked at him the last time they argued.
“What the fuck was that, dude?! You can't even use a spell to help me, but you can use me to help you?” He shoves him, nearly toppling him back to the ground.
He… I used a Command on Taylor, didn't I? He didn't even realize. It was just instinct, of course he wouldn't just use his friend like that…
You only ever want to help yourself, a familiar voice scolds him in his head.
“Taylor, quit it, he’s already been…!” Scary is beginning to argue with him now, but Normal can't even pay attention to that anymore.
Lincoln is now fighting Agent Shmegan.
The man is trying to resist his attacks, shielding his body with his arms and trying to talk to him, but the paladin will not let up. “Kid, if you could just— You're making this harder than it needs to be, we just want—”
“I don't care what you want!” Lincoln roars, the first words Normal has heard him say during this entire fight. “I'm not going to listen to you anymore! I hate you adults! Fuck you!” He kicks him again, and again, and he's starting to lose his momentum with each swing but he refuses to give up. “Fuck you! Fuck you!”
Normal knows Lincoln has a history with this man, but he also can tell that this is not just about him and Taylor’s kidnapping.
“Li-Wilson— Please just get a hold of yourself and your friends—” Schmegan orders through grunts of pain. Normal knows Lincoln has been training hard to perfect his soccer kicks, so that can't feel good to take.
“Shut up! That’s Mr. Kicks to you!” The soccer player utilizes a swift kick to the crotch as emphasis.
While the FBI agent is finally doubled over in pain, unable to make any more demands, Lincoln’s body heaves with effort. He looks like he’s preparing another kick, but he’s cut short when a loud gunshot fires out, and he stumbles backwards.
“Link!” Normal shrieks, his body finally allowing him to move again, and he dives over to where his friend has fallen. As he gets close, it becomes apparent to him that Lincoln is crying, and he’s crying hard.
“Sir, let's get out of here.” Another agent, holding the gun used to shoot Lincoln, rushes over to Shmegan’s aid, helping him to lean on his shoulder and escort him back to their helicopter. “Freeman kept us from capturing the King, but we have him and his buddies as hostages for later. We need to retreat for now.”
Shmegan’s face contorts in pain and anger. “That better include Wilson. I have some words for that man about his son.”
The other agent chuckles wryly. “Oh, yes, sir. He’s been incapacitated since the fight began.” He looks down at where Lincoln sits, with no sense of remorse. “Seems we’re not the only ones disturbed by that kid’s violence.”
Normal is crouched by Lincoln’s side, trembling just as bad as he is. “Link, it’s Normal. Normal’s here.” God, that must be the least comforting thing he could hear right now. He must be the last person he wants to help him.
Normal’s hands are on Lincoln’s hands. Lincoln’s hands are on his knee. Lincoln’s blood is on his hands, on his knee, on his clothes, on the ground…
“Dad,” Lincoln sobs weakly. “Dad.”
All of Lincoln’s fight has left him. Now he’s just a scared, powerless little kid.
And so is Normal, now that he’s drained of magic. He can't cast any more spells. He used the last one to help himself. He can't heal his friend. And dear god, Lincoln’s still crying for his dad. But Grant has been captured. And so have the rest of their dads, it sounds.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck!
He presses down harder on the wound, but he can't tell if it’s even helping to stop the bleeding, or if it’s just him trying to squeeze Lincoln’s hands to help himself calm down. God fucking damn it, I'm so selfish, even as my friend is sitting here with an actual bullet wound… Can’t do shit for him…
He dares to look back up at Lincoln’s face, and finds it even worse to look at than all the blood. His eyes are scrunched up, leaking a river of tears down his face, his lips quivering with each shaking breath. It reminds him of when he got to see this boy as a baby, and how he promised him that it was going to be alright. He has to make this alright again, if it’s the last thing he does.
With one hand still pressing against his knee, Normal uses the other one to carefully lean forward and stroke his cheek again, wiping away some of his tears.
Lincoln opens his eyes, and when they meet Normal’s it’s clear that they are bloodshot and unfocused. “D-Dad…” he still whimpers. “Help…”
It hurts, knowing that he doesn't want Normal, but he tries to put himself in his shoes. What would I want from my dad, if I were him?
He knows Grant wouldn't know any healing spells. But he does know that he was very tender and affectionate with his son. He seems like he’s very gentle in how he cares for him, like he feels like his own dad has the potential to be.
He knows what he wanted his dad to do for him when he got hurt when he was younger. Grant seems like the type to care unconditionally, though. So, unlike his own dad, he ignores the disturbing and gross nature of this situation, and with all the love (and lack of magic) in his heart, he presses his lips lovingly against Lincoln’s knee as if it was simply the scraped knee of a child.
Lincoln gasps at the feeling, and Normal instantly regrets it, feeling like an utter idiot, He has an literal hole in his knee, I can't just kiss it better, this must be hurting him so bad—
“Normal,” Lincoln chokes at last. He grabs one of his friend’s hands and squeezes it with enough strength to break him. “Normal.”
The cleric lets out a squeak from the strong grip, but watches as a golden light begins to slowly, slowly glow from underneath the paladin’s other hand, which is still on his knee. He’s casting Lay on Hands on himself. Oh, Normal didn't even think about the fact that Lincoln hasn't been using any magic, so he probably could've…
But no, Lincoln wasn't able to help himself before, was he? It wasn't until Normal kissed him that that something in his eyes cleared, like a fog being lifted. Did Normal actually help? Or is he just being selfish, just taking credit for something that had nothing to do with—
“Thank you, Normal,” Lincoln breathes. The words he’s been wanting to hear all this time. Normal’s heart squeezes at the sound.
“Did you…” Normal’s own voice feels thick in his throat, and he realized just then that he has tears dripping down his face as well. “Did you even realize what you were doing? How hard you were fighting?”
More tears begin to roll down Lincoln’s cheeks. “It… There was no pain… At first… Only anger…”
He squeezes his friend’s hand back, but it’s not nearly as strong. Not as strong as Lincoln, never. “I was so worried, it felt like losing you…”
Lincoln’s face crumples again, and Normal can hardly bear to look at it. “Normal…”
His eyes wander over Lincoln’s body, realizing that there are other spots of blood not just from the gunshot. All sorts of cuts and bruises, all of which look very painful, but Lincoln hasn't acknowledged any of them. That “zone” that he seems to get into, that rush of adrenaline, that thrill of violence, must be a very, very dangerous place for him to be in. He never wants to lose his friend to that darkness again.
So he shows him the light. He leans in close to each wound, trailing the gentlest of kisses over the dark spots on his legs and the nasty gashes on his arms, never once shying away from the blood or the hair or the sweat or the filth because it's all normal to him, and even though he knows it's selfish to give Lincoln what he wants for himself, he wants to love Lincoln like he’s perfectly new.
“Normal,” is all Lincoln can say now, through his continued crying. “Normal, Normal…” The way he’s whimpering his name, like a prayer upon his lips, only fuels him further, the way it feels to have replenished magic surging through his veins.
It isn't until he gets tugged away by his hair that he realizes he should probably stop. But Lincoln's hand doesn’t move from the back of his head, and when he looks up at him, Lincoln just stares back, his pupils wide. “Normal,” he whispers again.
Lincoln’s gaze is roaming over his face, and especially over the blood drying on his mouth. Normal can taste it, he realizes self-consciously.
“How can you still be so nice to me?” His eyes shine with a horrible, heart-wrenching guilt, a guilt that Normal can feel himself as he fights the overwhelming need to kiss the one little cut that he missed, the one he’s been avoiding, because he knows it would be too selfish of him.
The one on his lip.
“I'm… so sorry.” Lincoln’s fingers loosen in his hair, but Normal still leans his head into his hand before he can decide to let go entirely. “For how I've… I've been so…”
“It's okay, Link,” Normal murmurs, even though he doesn't know if it's true. It’s just hard to focus on the long-term pain this boy has caused him when said boy is caressing the back of his neck so delicately that it makes him melt.
“No. You're my friend. You're my husband.” The certainty with which he says it brings Normal a shiver. “I need to make it up to you.”
This time, Lincoln is the one leaning forward. Normal freezes up, his face flushing red as his husband’s lips land on his cheek.
But Normal doesn't understand. He doesn't need healing, he doesn't have any scars. Not on the outside, anyway.
Is he… kissing my tears away?
Another kiss. And another. Each touch of his lips to his face leaves him with a feeling of warmth and light. Lincoln even reaches with his bloody hands to brush the sweaty hair sticking to Normal’s skin out of the way, and begins to leave kisses on his forehead as well.
Oh. He’s kissing his acne scars.
More tears run down where Lincoln has kissed. Nobody has ever… He's always been told that he's gross, that his acne is a problem, something to be ashamed of. He has spent countless hours staring at himself in the mirror, popping pimples and picking at scabs (despite his sister’s warnings), wondering why he has to look like this and if anyone could ever love him like this. His parents would never do something like this for him.
But Lincoln is. Lincoln, the one he’s been trying to win over for years. Lincoln, the kid he always wanted to play with but wasn't allowed to. Lincoln, the friend who always seemed to shut him down no matter how hard he tried to love him. That same guy is here, sitting on the ground in literal Hell, a bullet in his knee and blood on his clothes, his fingers curling in his greasy hair and his lips kissing his pockmarked face.
“I'm sorry,” Lincoln whispers tearfully against his skin. “Thank you for… for being my friend. For being you.”
As he pulls back, Normal pushes forward, resting his forehead against Lincoln’s. “I love you,” he sighs, selfishly but honestly. He hopes it brings Lincoln as much catharsis as it does him.
Lincoln glances up from where his eyes sat downcast at the blood on the ground, to stare into his husband’s eyes. His hand on Normal’s neck drifts to his jaw. Eyes still glittering sadly, he offers a smile, but the stretching of his lips opens his cut and makes him wince away in pain.
Normal reaches forward with a careful hand, and catches Lincoln’s chin. He really hopes this isn't going too far, too fast, too bold, like he always seems to be going without realizing it. “Let me…?” He can't even finish the question, can't bear another rejection.
But Lincoln beats him to it, kisses him first, kisses him better. Cradles him with such love and care that you’d think he’s the one being nursed back to health.
And it is undoubtedly healing. Something Normal has needed for a long time. Something that tastes like blood and grime and filth, something that tastes so normal and familiar that it feels like coming home. Feels like being blessed by an angel visiting Hell.
After all, Normal always thought Lincoln was more of a lover than a fighter.
#oakicks#cheerkicks#normal oak#lincoln li wilson#dndads#dndads fanfic#dndads fic#my fic#touch prompts
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How to be like: Zendaya!
Zendaya Coleman is a literal queen, everything about her is amazing, she not only looks gorgeous but her personality and confidence makes her even more inspiring. Here are some tips to be like her:
𝚉𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚢𝚊'𝚜 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢:
Zendaya is an incredibly hardworking and dedicated person, so try to be as diligent as she is. The results of your hard work will pay off greatly in your school/work life.
She is confident and proud of her body and herself, something we could all learn from her. If you struggle with body issues or just don't feel confidence, try standing in front of the mirror, looking directly at yourself and say "i'm beautiful, im hot and im a boss." I know you might not believe the words the first (twenty) times you say it, but trust me it works so much.
Zendaya is proud of her heritage and takes it upon herself to be culturally aware. Be proud of your ethnicity and race, whether you are white, black, biracial, brown, latinx, and from the asian community. No need of feeling down on yourself.
Try be more determined and competitive- but do it in a healthy manner. Zendaya as seen in interviews is a supportive friend and very humble, but she has an end goal and she does not stray from it.
𝚉𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚢𝚊'𝚜 𝚂𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎:
Zendaya has flawless glowing skin and she uses products which are suitable to her skin type.
She basically has clear skin which is mostly acne free.
Zendaya supposedly uses: Truly’s 24K Gold Black Soap Impurity Cleanser, which is an acne fighter and prevents and cleans clogged pores. It is $36 dollars, which compared to most skin care is pretty cheap. She usually uses this as a face wash when she is getting rid of makeup as she doesn't like to keep it on her face longer than necessary.
The next step in her skin care routine is using toner which removes any other dirt, bacteria and makeup however also provides deep hydration for soft skin. She uses a toner from rose water and witch hazel, and applies it on a cotton pad before using it on her skin. I would recommend Truly's Jelly Booster Pigment Body Potion and yes, it is good to put it on the face.
Zendaya then uses Vitamin E oil to make her skin look soft and glowing. Vitamin E oil can be used to remove acne scars and pigmentation as well. The Truly’s Glazed Donut Facial Serum, is the Vitamin E oil I would recommend.
She also uses an oil free moisturiser with green tree extract and aloe vera after she applies the Vitamin E serum on her face- which I totally agree, moisturiser is something everybody needs for their skin. I would recommend Paula's Choice CLEAR Oil-Free Night Cream moisturiser with Vitamin B3 and blueberry. Many users also use this during the day.
SPF is negotiable as we all need to protect ourselves from UV rays. I, with the same skin colour as Zendaya, uses tinted sunscreen because otherwise I look like Edward Cullen.
𝚉𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚢𝚊'𝚜 𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚄𝚙:
Zendaya usually wear warm and neutral shades for her day to day life.
She sticks with Lancôme products the most and uses a day to night eyeshadow palette.
Her lipstick shade is a gorgeous nude like colour which is a combo of Lancôme Le Lip Liner and the Lancôme L'Absolu Rouge Creme Lipstick. Using lipliner makes a big difference
She uses mascara whenever she goes out so if you want to, apply some mascara. Zendaya uses mascaras from Lancôme however they are slightly pricey, up to $25, but any volumising and curling mascara will do.
Overall, she keeps it more natural now, when she was younger she used more makeup, but now, she relies more on a good skincare routine- and so should you!
𝚉𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚢𝚊'𝚜 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚜𝚎𝚝:
She receives unnecessary hate but she still continues on with a happy attitude because she knows that not everybody will like you and that's okay because you are not meant for other people, you are meant for yourself.
Be strong in your beliefs! Despite Zendaya always being happy, she does not allow nonsense to happen. For example, when she was body shamed for 'encouraging eating disorders due to her skinniness' she sent one tweet back encouraging all women to be proud of their bodies. When people say rude stuff, ignore them, but don't let them always get away with it. You have a voice that you should use.
Be true to yourself and your heart.
“I don’t mind if people look at me like I’m crazy. I’m just being me.” – Zendaya
Always keeps your standards high, because as Zendaya said: “I have standards I don’t plan on lowering for anybody… including myself.” – Zendaya
Try to be nice to everyone, because Zendaya once said, you have no idea what's going on in someone else's life.
Increase your confidence in life by not only telling it, but by dressing the part
“You can’t grow and gain confidence from wearing the same thing every day.”- Zendaya
𝙳𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚢 𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚢𝚕𝚎:
A healthy diet is something Zendaya has in her life. She has been on a plant-based diet since the age of eleven and tries to consume low fat foods and focus more on healthy proteins. Despite being a vegetarian she hates vegetables, so she tries to find other foods like rice salads or satéés her veggies to make them more tasty and beneficial to eat. She however DOES NOT underreat and neither should you!
A good workout routine is something Zendaya does, less for the end results, but more as a stress relieve and as a hobby. Her workout routines is a combination of hiking, yoga and boxing. If you have/want muscle, I'd suggest boxing and if you are a beginner to working out and would like something which is still challenging but less scary looking, try yoga. Hiking is a more high tolerance workout but very enjoyable.
Display all of your height as Zendaya is a tall person, standing at 5"10 (178 cm.). She has been shamed before for her height, but honestly, she looks freaking gorgeous and flexes all her inches by wearing heels and jeans which show off her legs. As a short person, I can't relate much, however do try exercises to get a better posture, but mainly be comfortable with your body. If you are short, don't be scared if heels dont create a significant difference- remember it doesn't matter, you are the boss and you are gorgeous.
Moral of the story: Be confident, Be kind, You are Pretty, You are a Boss
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Hello, Achiever Fam! 🌟 Are you ready to dive into the world of Manuka Honey and its astonishing benefits?
Yes, we're talking about the gold mine of health benefits harvested straight from the vibrant landscapes of New Zealand. So buckle up, as we explore “6 Stunning Benefits of Raw New Zealand Manuka Honey.” Don’t forget to hit subscribe to stay updated with all things supercharged and natural! 🍯✨ Oral Health Champion: Dive into how Manuka Honey fights off the bad bacteria causing plaque, gum inflammation, and tooth decay, keeping your smile bright and healthy. 🦷🌟 Master Healer: Discover Manuka Honey's incredible ability to accelerate the healing of wounds, burns, and ulcers, acting as nature's own regenerative bandage. 🩹💪 Cough Suppressor: Learn how this miraculous honey can soothe your throat better than many over-the-counter remedies, making it a must-have during flu season. 🤧🍯 Gastric Ulcer Fighter: Uncover the soothing properties of Manuka Honey on stomach ulcers, reducing pain and promoting a healthier digestive system. 🤕💖 Digestive Aid: Find out how Manuka Honey could be the natural solution to combating Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and other gastrointestinal issues. 🚫👾 Acne Remedy?: Delve into the debate around Manuka Honey's effectiveness in battling acne – is it a skincare superhero or just hype? We'll look at what science says. 🤔🔬 Each spoonful of Manuka Honey carries not just sweetness but a bundle of health benefits, making it a worthy addition to your wellness routine. Which benefit surprised you the most, or do you have any Manuka Honey stories to share? Drop your thoughts and experiences in the comments below! That’s all for today's honey-dipped insights.
If you're intrigued by the unique wonders of Manuka Honey, make sure you're subscribed for more deep dives into nature's marvels. See you in the next video, Achievers! 📹👋🍯
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Xyraan has a hard time adjusting to life on Odessen. There weren't exactly many jobs for civilians on the military base, even fewer for individuals whose resumés consisted of modelling or sugaring. She brought up the idea of modelling for any propaganda posters or even fighter nose art with Jarrok, once. She immediately broke into a fit of laughter seeing all sorts of emotions cross his face. She didn't bring it up again.
Odessen wasn't exactly a fashion capital either, and worse of all her skin had been protesting since she arrived. She was too accustomed to the humidity of Dromund Kaas (which, to be fair, was the second most humid planet in the galaxy, right behind Manaan) and there was no where near enough lotion or moisturizer to combat where her skin began breaking out. (How humiliating, to have acne when her skin was so dry! It really couldn't make up its mind!)
But she knew how she felt when she saw him stepping off the Gravestone after a long mission. More importantly, she knew how he felt to see her.
That was more than enough reason to stay.
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Ok so I'm 5'3 with a chubbier build and I have a little bit of acne
My hair is medium length, kinda shaggy almost like a mullet(??) and it's black
My eyes are kinda a mix of doe eyes and dead eyes, and they're a dark blueish gray
My aesthetic is a mix between the unhinged older brother in a 2000s movie, and a grungish/vintage style??
Im bisexual and Im like heavily autistic 😭 Im like constantly talking about my hyper fixations and I ramble WAY too much to the point it's really annoying to my friends and stuff
My music taste is Midwest emo/divorced dad and a little bit of other genres idk the names to;
Car seat headrest (obv my name LOL)
Alex g
The front bottoms
Foo fighters
The smiths
Weezer (omg that's actually kinda embarrassing.)
Tyler the creator
lil peep
Ghost Mane
Lana del rey
Faye Webster (real men cry while listening to Faye Webster)
My humor is stupid stuff like niche references and stupid Pinterest memes, and also silly quotes like "I hardly know her"
I love love loveeee Pinterest, like I'm on it 24/7 it's actually suchhhh a problem 😭😭
My love language is physical touch, like always holding hands, constantly asking for kisses stuff like ESPECIALLY if im high which is a lot
I've been told I'm a golden retriever bf, but I've also been told I give off goldfish vibes?? idk what that means but do with that what you will 😭 LMAO
Always worried about being annoying, lowkey always in need of validation but I CANNOT ask for it for the life of me
(Again don't have to do this no pressure!! But Tysm if u dooo!)
oooo this one was a bit harder for me but I ship you with Kyle!
idk why I had such a hard time picking! I think maybe because you give off lots of different vibes? I almost went with Tate, and then I almost went with Jimmy, but finally settled on Kyle.
would love to sit and listen to you talk about your fixations for hours. He wouldn’t even really necessarily talk about them with you, more just listening intently.
music taste. He loves it. Always asks to play your playlists and albums that you listen to. He loves music and finds you in your music taste. It’s his way of getting to know you better.
His humor is awful and he laughs at the dumbest things, but that’s what makes him so funny! You could tell him the dumbest joke and he’d crack up. It wouldn’t even be a fake laugh, he would actually find it funny.
Would always peek over your shoulder while you’re on Pinterest, just watching you scroll and pointing at certain pins every once in a while.
physical touch is Kyle’s biggest love language 100%. It’s the easiest way for him to express himself and feel loved. Loves snuggles, cuddles, any sort of touch he’s loving it.
Goldfish vibes omg 😭 Ngl kyle too. He’s the biggest golden retriever baby in the world but also is so so stupid. Even before his death.
Has trouble validating with his words, but shows it through his actions. Always trying to make sure you know you’re loved and that you’re happy.
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*The door to where Pit is kept opens. Instead of Daddy Longlegs again like he expects, a greasy ass teenager walks in. Slicked back hair and terrible acne, he’s followed by Anna (pit doesn’t know who this is but shush) who’s carrying what looks like a blowtorch and metal pole*
Well well well! If it isn’t my favorite penguin!
Why penguin? You could’ve said like chicken or something and it’d have been more accurate.
Shut the fuck up, Anna.
I’m just saying Judas, if you’re gonna call him a flightless bird, at least make it his type of color scheme.
Just… just shut up. We have things to do that isn’t argue about birds.
*she sticks her tongue out at him*
Alright, Pit. I’m gonna level with ya, I’m going to enjoy this.
That’s a bit fucked up.
Just hand me the brander.
Branding iron.
Anna, I swear…
*She hands him the branding iron and blowtorch he brought in*
Let’s see if this works on something like him!
*he starts heating the iron, forcing Pit to watch*
*looking at it, the iron says “useless” on it*
Seriously?! Judas, this is exceptionally cruel…
Yeah, but it’s fun. Plus it’ll get his friends to come faster if they know he’s harmed. Dark Pit will tell them. They’ll come in without a proper plan and voila! We capture a bunch of the best fighters in one fell swoop!
Okay. Counterpoint, I don’t like this.
Counterpoint, you let your partner die.
*Anna gives Judas a death stare*
I’m gonna go wait outside so I don’t bring your ass with my foot right now.
Have fun! I know I will.
*Anna leaves the room and Judas looks Pit in the eyes*
What do you wanna talk about while we wait? Cause I doubt you’ll be doing much talking when I’m done with you.
Y-you're not really gonna use that, are you?
[PIT looks scared. He starts frantically trying to escape]
#of COURSE the most evil character is named Judas!#may as well have named him Satan!#he's way worse than Puyo Puyo's Satan#but these are greek mytholgy characters so they won't get the name reference#but to the audience that name alone is a HUGE red flag#mafia arc#my baby NOOOOOOOOO#cw torture#tw torture#non omori characters#omori food administration
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Master Your Fitness Journey with the Power of Tri Tren
Physical trainers and athletes are always on the lookout for a way to enrich their repositories and break barriers that exist in the world of fitness. Of the many compounds that are being sought out by fitness enthusiasts everywhere, Tri Tren is a fabulous tool in the fighters’ arsenal should they decide to maximize their strength and endurance as well as overall mass. Do you know what Tri Tren is and how it will help you take over your fitness training?
What is Tri Tren 150mg?
Tri Tren 150mg is a potent blend of three trenbolone esters: Trenbolone acetate, trenbolone enanthate, and trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate are the three forms of the drug. These esters act in concert to give both, the immediate as well as prolonged action and are thus highly favored among intense athletes and bodybuilders. Trenbolone on its own is an anabolic steroids for sale, which is actually considered to build muscles and reduce fat content significantly.
But all these esters enhance the overall performance so if your aim is to bulk up, lose some fats, or become better athletes, Tri Tren 150mg pill gets the job done fast.
Key Benefits of Tri Tren
Rapid Muscle Growth
Tri Tren 150mg has been recommended for people seeking to build a massive amount of muscles in the recount. That’s because it optimizes nitrogen retention, thus maximizing protein synthesis, which is an essential condition for hypertrophy. This makes it particularly useful to bodybuilders who want to mass up their muscle tone within a short period of time.
Enhanced Strength and Power
Penonolanized strength lifts are characteristic to the Tri Tren 150mg usage. Whether you’re lifting more weight or working on your power or explosive power this compound means you can always grow past your current performance.
Improved Fat Loss
Aside from the muscle increase functionality, Tri Tren 150mg influences fat biosynthesis function. It makes the body burn fat deposits therefore highly fit for use during cutting phases. The result? Better muscle definition and tone as well as a slim mode look.
Increased Endurance and Recovery
Tri Tren 150mg increases the number of red blood cells that in turn increases oxygen supply to muscles during exercises. This not only increases stamina but also recover faster after workouts, use this as a benefit of being able to work out harder and more often.
Flexibility in the Outcome of the Fitness Programs
Regardless of whether you are focusing on increasing mass, losing body fat, or increasing performance, Tri Tren 150mg can be an easily integrated supplement into any training regime. Perfect for short-wearing along with coordinated long-acting esters that help you maintain steady results during your cycle.
How to Use Tri Tren
Although the side effects are rather rare, the correct application of having Tri Tren 150mg guarantees optimal outcomes. Here are some general guidelines:
Dosage: Newbies usually take between 100 and 200mg in a week while the experienced ones take 200 to 300mg a week.
Cycle Length: The cycle is normally best estimated to be a range of between 6 to 10 weeks on average. Longer cycles therefore should be approached with a lot of concern since they can lead to increased cases of health complications.
Stacking Options: It is frequently combined with other products for example; Tri Tren 150mg and Testosterone or Winstrol. However, stacking should only be done in consultation with professionals because it involves planning.
Possible Risks and Measures
Like other performance-enhancing substances, Tri Tren 150mg has it side effects that the user is bound to experience. Common side effects may include:
The most common sign is sometimes the patient might become more aggressive or easily irritated than normal.
Night sweats
Inhibition of the body function which produces testosterone.
To reduce these risks, users should use post-cycle therapy and should ensure they have their medical status checked as they begin the cycle. In addition, potential users of this product should consult their healthcare providers before using Tri Tren 150mg.
Can You Take Tri Tren 150mg?
The substance Tri Tren 150mg is especially useful for those people who want to get the maximum effect in training and improve their physical shape. But for some, it’s not. This is not good for beginners dealing with anabolic compounds or anyone dealing with health problems.
For professional users, who dream of reaching a new level of their performance, the Tri Tren 150mg will provide the Guinness record level of opportunities. Combined with a rigorous training program, a nutrient-rich diet, and adequate rest, it can help you dominate your fitness journey like never before.
Tri Tren 150mg is more than just a supplement; it’s a catalyst for transformation. With its ability to enhance strength, promote muscle growth, and aid in fat loss, it remains a go-to choice for seasoned athletes and bodybuilders. Remember, success in fitness is about consistency, discipline, and making informed choices. If you decide to incorporate Tri Tren 150mg into your regimen, do so wisely and watch your fitness journey reach new heights.
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Why Your Acne Won't Clear Up: Common Mistakes
Acne is a prevalent skin disease that can severely affect self-esteem and quality of life, particularly when it's persistent. However, effective solutions like acne treatment in Delhi are widely available; many people continue to suffer from stubborn breakouts. Why? Often, it's because of some mistakes or misconceptions about acne care. Let's discuss common mistakes that might be keeping your acne from clearing up and how to avoid them for healthier, clearer skin.
Common Mistakes that Are not Letting Your Acne Clear Up
Failure to Follow Proper Skincare
Maintaining consistency when dealing with acne is very essential. Skipping a routine or following an inappropriate routine suited for your type of skin would hinder the overall progress. Not cleaning the face regularly would accumulate excess oil, dirt, and makeup in the pores, making them worse.
Solution: Adopt the gentle yet effective skincare approach, using a mild cleanser, oil-free moisturizer, and sunscreen. Using non-comedogenic products will reduce the risk of pore blockage even more.
Wrong Application
Many people misuse aggressive products that promise quick results. Ingredients such as alcohol or strong scrubs tend to clear the skin from its natural oils, resulting in the overproduction of sebum and exacerbating breakouts.
Solution: Keep a check on products containing proven acne fighters, such as salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or niacinamide, and steer clear of heavy, oil-based cosmetics.
Washing or Exfoliating Too Much
Overwashing or over-exfoliating might seem like just the thing for scrubbing the acne off, but in truth, this often irritates your skin further.
Solution: Cleanse your face twice daily. Exfoliate only 1-2 times a week using gentle exfoliants for the acne-prone skin.
Picking or Popping Acne
Picking and popping pimples is the worst habit because, besides spreading bacteria, it also leads to inflammation, scars, and delayed healing.
Solution: Avoid popping zits. Instead, use patches or over-the-counter spot treatments with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.
Paying No Mind to Lifestyle Variables
Your diet, level of stress, and sleep pattern determine your skin condition. For example, excessive sugar intake and dairy products have been associated with extreme acne.
Solution: Maintain a balanced diet that mainly includes fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and omega-3 fatty acids. Reduce stress through activities such as practicing yoga or meditation and sleep for 7-8 hours at night.
Not Seeking Specialist Advice
DIY treatments and over-the-counter medications have limited effectiveness. Many people put off obtaining expert help, exacerbating their acne.
Solution: To treat persistent or severe acne, see a dermatologist. They can offer a personalized treatment plan that includes prescription drugs and sophisticated therapies.
Avoiding Sunscreen
Some people believe sunscreen causes acne, so they avoid it altogether. However, missing sunscreen can cause hyperpigmentation and exacerbate post-acne scars.
Solution: Select an oil-free, non-comedogenic sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 30 or higher. This will ensure your skin is protected from the sun without clogging pores.
Inconsistent Treatment
Acne treatments require time to provide results. Stopping or switching products too quickly can impede progress.
Solution: Maintain patience and consistency with your treatment plan. Most acne treatments take at least 6-8 weeks to produce noticeable results.
Using Too Many Products at Once
Layering various acne products is a sure bet to irritate your skin and break down the natural barrier. It will actually make your acne worse.
Solution: Simplify your regimen. Use only products your dermatologist recommends or those with scientifically proven acne-fighting ingredients.
Underlying Conditions Not Addressed
Hormonal imbalances can cause acne and make it continue to persist despite treatment, for example, when a woman suffers from PCOS.
Solution: If you feel that there might be a serious health problem, consult a doctor. Hormonal acne is also usually treated with oral medications.
Conclusion: Consult a Professional for Long-Term Relief
Overcoming persistent acne can be difficult, especially if frequent blunders are exacerbating the problem. Fortunately, professional treatments can target the underlying reasons for your breakouts and deliver long-lasting relief.
If you are looking for skilled skin specialists, you can visit Delhi Wellness Clinics. The experienced skin doctors at the facility provide a wide range of acne treatments suited to your condition, including topical oral medication and therapies such as Topical drugs: Benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, Vitamin A derivatives, sulfur, and antibiotics. Oral drugs: Antibiotics, corticosteroids, hormone-based drugs, and isotretinoin. Therapies treatments: Light and laser therapies, chemical peels, and injections with corticosteroids.
Let not persistent acne hold you back. Visit the Best Skin Clinic in Delhi to help you achieve the clearer, healthier skin you seek with customized care from leading dermatologists.
Original Source:- https://www.articleted.com/article/894457/314414/Why-Your-Acne-Won-t-Clear-Up--Common-Mistakes
#Acne Treatment#Acne Common Mistakes#Acne Treatment In Delhi#Best Skin Clinic In Delhi#Delhi Wellness Clinics
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