#acid fascism
soggiepocketz · 3 months
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hii so a couple years ago i bought these pants second hand, they were just a plain pair of camo pants, and i honestly hated them cause they weren’t even good camo, they were just ugly camo, but being the size i am i take what i can get usually. it only took wearing them for less than 10 days before they started to completely fall apart…i am autistic so i find comfort in wearing the same thing over and over. i was wondering why they had come apart so fast, and i noticed the tag on them said “fashion nova”. in 10 days, the inner thighs and crotch/butt had been entirely worn away by my walking, the back of the pants had somehow ripped apart, the belt loops broke. i don’t have a lot of pants that fit comfortably. especially since gaining more weight. but even though these pants are absolute fucking shit, im going to keep wearing them and trying to fix them and make them last as long as i possibly can. cuz im too fucking broke to buy any new pants and almost all the ones i have don’t fit anymore. i will patch them up everytime they start to rip apart and i will add my own stuff to them to make them unique. so far there have been several patches added to cover up the places that were becoming nonexistent, as well as other handmade patches for bands i love including doom scroll, acid bath, we the heathens, amigo the devil, the used, bridge city sinners, a couple local hardcore band patches there as well as some anti-fascist ones too. on the top lip of both pockets on either side of the pants i’ve sewn on a zipper and some spikes from another pair of pants, and there are two black jean straps hanging from either side of the pants that have been splattered in bleach. and they’re not pants anymore either btw cuz i cut them into shorts. gotta love giving clothes new life when they were made to be thrown in the dump within a WEEK BRO…long live new flesh death 2 old skin. fuck you fast fashion and fuck u capitalism forever.
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metamatar · 1 year
What is fascist about astrology? It feels like you're demeaning what fascism is by using it so loosely?
astrology seeks to explain all human behaviour as inborn and predetermined by stars that humans have no influence on. this is identical to fascist deployment of racial categories: unchangeable, essential and given primary explanatory power while rejecting socioeconomic explanations. modern astrology is also often used quite transparently to justify prejudice as rational, aligning itself directly with the ongoing fascist reaction.
fascism and its use of the occult to whip up reactionary fervor have been documented by nicholas clarke in the occult roots of nazism. here's a more recent piece drawing out the the popularity of new age mysticism and the far right.
in vedic astrology, which has immense amounts of social power and legitimacy in hindu society unlike in the west – all interpretation of the stars is done by unverifiable statements delivered by priests whose social power cannot be challenged. this tends to happen in any field of study that is basically obscurantism. godmen often then become centres of fascist reaction. these patterns are reflected in the way astrology gurus create local cults of personality around themselves.
sure, astrology and mysticism predate fascism. my claim is that their revival in modernity is often because their ideological and philosophical commitments align so obviously with fascism that it is inevitable they will end up laundering fascist ideology even when their practitioners are not fascist.
i am a godless communist in a country where there is little mysticism and religious practice that is not put to fascist use. i know i am very harsh on this stuff, but little is changing my mind atm.
eta: probably the more accurate term would be to say astrology is protofascist.
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justalittlesolarpunk · 2 months
Hey, so, if you didn’t know, there are legit racist pogroms happening in the UK, primarily targeting Muslim and South Asian communities especially refugees and immigrants. So for those of you who, like me, have the misfortune to live on rainy fascist island, and might want to help, here’s my list of advice. If any of this is unhelpful, POC please feel free to correct me as I want to be as accurate and useful as possible.
Disclaimer: this is written from my perspective as a white person with full citizenship. Asylum seekers and communities of colour don’t need my advice, and know best what they need and how to practice their own care and mutual aid. This is for people not directly targeted by the riots who want to show solidarity. So,
1) listen to those most impacted and be led by their needs and wants.
2) if there’s disorder going on in your local area, mobilise with other anti-fascists to outnumber and counterprotest the rioters so they can’t attack individuals or institutions trying to help migrants or local minority communities
3) similarly, volunteer on local cleanup and donations if places like Mosques, libraries, advice bureaus or refugee housing is targeted where you live
4) join a local mutual aid network to build cohesion and solidarity in your community and be able to respond rapidly to evolving emergency situations
5) donate money to charities or organisations that work to protect and care for immigrants, refugees, religious minorities and people of colour in the UK
6) learn street first aid, including how to help someone after an acid attack
7) write to your MP, mayor and councillors and ask them to stand up vocally against racism and to take action to stamp out fascism in your community. Arrange a meeting to discuss your concerns if possible
8) donate blood in anticipation of further violence
9) don’t be a bystander if you see individual hate incidents, there have been repeated cases of lone POC being cornered by racist mobs. Be ready to step in or seek help but don’t make stupid decisions that will just put the person (or you!) in further danger
10) make an effort to educate yourself more on other cultures and spend time with neighbours who come from a different background than you
11) learn about systemic racism and the legacy of fascism and colonialism that has made the UK the kind of place where this happens
12) this is also about your own safety, but put together a go bag and have an evacuation plan for you and your family/friends/neighbours in case of local violence
13) organise a solidarity rally in your town
14) argue with your racist relatives, have difficult conversations, hold them to account and make it crystal clear that these attitudes and behaviours are absolutely unacceptable
15) send complaints in to media outlets when they refer inaccurately to ‘protests’, ‘anti-immigration rallies’, ‘pro-British groups’ and ‘legitimate concerns’, when discussing fascist pogroms, or when they imply communities of colour organising in self-defence is equally dangerous and violent
16) check in with your friends who are more likely to be targeted and offer to help in any way that’s useful, but understand they might just want time and space to process and for you to leave them alone
17) donate money to the effort to rebuild Spellow library
18) carry a spare scarf or jumper to offer to any hijabis who might have their hijab torn off
That’s everything I can think of. Let me know if you can think of anything else or if any of these suggestions aren’t useful. Stay safe out there folks, solidarity with POC and as ever, fuck the fash.
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tanadrin · 2 years
[epistemic status: a bunch of semi-related thoughts I am trying to work out aloud] It has been noted countless times that reactionary politics rely on a feeling of threat: our enemies are strong and we are weak (but we are virtuous and they are not, which is why they’re our enemies!); we must defend ourselves, we must not be afraid of doing what needs to be done; we must not shie away from power generally, and violence specifically.
And there are lots of contexts--like when talking about the appeal of reactionary politics in the US before and at the beginning of Trump’s rise to prominence, or when talking about hard-on-crime policies that are a springboard to police militarization, or (the central example of all this in the 21st century) the post 9/11 PATRIOT-act terrorism paranoia that was a boon to authoritarians everywhere, and spurred a massive expansion of both control and surveillance in everyday life--where critics of reactionary rhetoric are chastised for their failure to appeal to the other side, because they come off as callous towards their concerns and their real fears and anxieties.
And while this might not be strategically correct, frankly, I think there’s a sense in which it is justified to be callous towards those concerns. Because those concerns are lies. They may be lies borne out of a seed of real experience (9/11 did happen, of course), but the way that seed is cultivated by focused paranoia, by contempt toward cultivating any sense of proportionality or any honest comparison of risk, the way it is dragooned into the service of completely orthogonal political goals (”the CIA/NSA/FBI must be able to monitor all private communications everywhere in the world, just in case it might prevent another 9/11″) chokes off any possible sympathy I might otherwise feel. American paranoia about another couple thousand lives being lost in a 9/11 like event resulted in a number of deaths literally multiple orders of magnitude larger in Iraq and Afghanistan. During the former, some years Iraq was suffering the equivalent of six or seven 9/11s a year.
So, any fear-driven policy must not (for example) say “to prevent disaster X happening again, we’re going to make it happen 270 times over to someone else.” That’s not reasonable. And “fear is a bad basis for crafting policy” is not exactly a revolutionary observation. There’s that probably-apocryphal story of a Chinese professor responding to Blackstone’s Ratio--you know, “better that ten guilty persons go free than one innocent person suffer”--with “better for whom?” Which is supposed to be this trenchant and penetrating question that makes you reexamine your assumptions. But it’s always struck me as idiotic. Better for society! For everyone! Because the law only functions well if it is seen as a source of order and justice, not as an authoritarian cudgel; because a society in which anxiety drives policymaking and legal responses to social ills is one that is in the process of actively devouring itself; because flooding the public discourse with language that dehumanizes criminals and makes it easy to separate the individual from universal principles like civil rights is an acid that destroys the social fabric.
Fear as a germ of reactionary politics manifests itself in lots of ways outside of both historical examples, like fascism, or more recent examples, like US foreign policy during the war on terror. Fear and its link to purity-attitudes, with a low level of scientific literacy in general, drives stuff like the organized anti-vaccine movement. In the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram of political tendencies, I’d argue it’s a big factor in the wellness-to-Qanon track. It’s a big part of tough-on-crime rhetoric, which in the American instance in particular also draws on an especially racialized form (cf. the “Willie Horton” ad). Fear and purity and anti-contamination anxieties are even big in opposition to nuclear power, because most of the public just has a really bad sense of what the comparative dangers of nuclear vs fossil fuel are; and because the former has been culturally salient since 1945 in a way the latter hasn’t, nuclear contamination feels much more threatening than fossil fuel waste, despite by any measurable harm the latter causing far worse problems, even before you factor in any risks from climate change.
I would like to argue in particular that true crime as an entertainment genre, and wellness culture, and fears about child abuse all contribute to reactionary politics--they are in themselves major reactionary political currents--in a way that cuts across the political spectrum because they are not strongly marked for political factionalism. A lot of the rhetoric both from and around true crime entertainment promotes the idea that violent crime exists, or at least can flourish, because of an insufficiently punitive attitude toward crime; one that can only be fixed by centering victims’ desire (or putative desire) for retribution in the legal process, by eroding the civil rights of the accused, and by giving the police and prosecutors more power. Obviously, this is just 80s and 90s tough on crime rhetoric repackaged for millennials; it centers individual experience a bit more and deemphasizes the racial component that made the “Willie Horton” ad so successful, but it posits that there is only one cause for crime, a spontaneous choice by criminals that has no causal relationship with the rest of the world, and only one solution, which is authoritarianism.
Wellness culture leverages purity concerns and scientific illiteracy in ways which are so grifty and so transparently stupid that it’s by far the least interesting thing on this list to me; its most direct harm is in giving an environment for the anti-vaccine movement to flourish, and I’m always incredibly annoyed when people talk about how the medical establishment needs to do more to reassure the public about vaccines’ safety and efficacy. Again, strategically, this may be correct; people dying of preventable disease is really bad. But doctors as a body didn’t promote Andrew Wakefield’s nonsense; doctors as a body didn’t run breathless article after breathless article about vaccines maybe causing autism; doctors as a body didn’t scare the bejezus out of folks in the 90s and then act all surprised when preventable childhood diseases started breaking out all over the place.
Although outside the whole anti-vax thing, I think there are lots of other harms that wellness culture creates. It tends to be fairly antiscientific; in order to sell people nonsense (because as a subculture it exists almost exclusively to sell people things) it has to discredit anything that might point out that it is selling nonsense. Whether the anti-intellectualism that flourishes in these quarters is a result of intentional deceit or just a kind of natural rhetorical evolution probably varies. But it is an important component of wellness culture to be able to play a shell game between “big pharma doesn’t have your best interests at heart,” “you don’t need your anti-depressants,” and “laetrile cures cancer.”
The way in which fears of child abuse are turned into a reactionary political cudgel probably actually annoys me the most; whether it’s Wayfair conspiracy theories, conservatives trying to turn “groomer” into an anti-queer slur, or just antis on tumblr, the portrayal of sadistic sexual threat aimed at children from an outside malevolent force is compelling only because the vast majority of child abuse and CSA comes from within families and within culturally privileged structures of authority like churches, and this fact makes everyone really uncomfortable, and no one wants to talk about it. I remember getting really annoyed during the Obama years when the White House wanted to talk about bullying and anti-LGBT bullying in particular, while studiously avoiding blaming parents and teachers in any way for it, despite the fact that all the coming out horror stories I know are from people’s parents turning on them.
Now, very conservative politics have always opposed dilution of a kind of privilege for the family structure; they envision a family structure which is patriarchal, and so dilution of this privilege is dilution of the status of patriarch. Very insular communities which cannot survive their members having many options or alternative viewpoints available to them, including controlling religions but also just abusive parents who want to retain control over their kids, also bristle at the idea of any kind of general society-wide capacity for people to notice how parents treat their children. But beyond that, I think our society still treats parents as having a right of possession over their children and their children’s identities, especially when they’re young, and bolsters that idea with an idea that the purity of children is constantly under threat from the outside world, and it is the parents’ job to safeguard that purity. The result is the nuclear family as a kind of sacred structure which the rest of society has no right to observe or pry open; and this is a massive engine of enabling the abuse of children. To no other relationship in our society do we apply this idea, that it should be free from “interference” (read: basic accountability) from the rest of society.
Moreover, the idea of childhood as a time of purity and innocence, which not only must be protected from but during which children must be actively lied to about major aspects of how the world works, is one of the last ways remaining to an increasingly secular culture to justify censorious and puritanical Victorian morality. It is hard to advocate for censorship to protect the Morals of the Christian Public, when nobody believes in the Morals of the Christian Public anymore; but “think of the children!” still works as a rallying cry, because of this nagging sense we have that age-appropriate conversations with children about adult topics will cause them to melt or explode.
In many ways, these anxieties on behalf of theoretical children are the ones I am most contemptuous of. Not because child abuse isn’t a serious problem--it is--but because the vector imagined for it is almost entirely opposite the one it actually tends to occur along. People who pretend that the primary danger to children is from strangers are usually woefully misinformed; people who pretend it is from media are either idiots or liars seeking a cover for their craving for censorship.
In conclusion: while it’s not possible to exorcise all our neuroses from our politics, anymore than we will ever exercise all our neuroses from our aesthetics, there are some we should be especially on guard against. A sense of threat, and anxieties which tie into concerns about purity and fears of contamination, are two big ones. These produce policies that are not only badly correlated with the outcomes they ostensibly want, but actually and severely destructive to them, in the same way that invading Iraq was actively destructive to any notion of preventing terrorism, saving American or Iraqi lives, or promoting political stability in the Middle East. And we should hold in healthy suspicion anybody whose politics seem to be driven by similar neuroses. Some merely believe very harmful things. Some are actually actively deceptive. None will achieve any of the higher aims they claim as justification for their beliefs.
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er1chartmann · 5 months
Adolf Hitler's death
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These are some facts and curiosities about Adolf Hitler's death:
It occurred on 30 April 1945, in the final phase of the Battle of Berlin, by suicide with a gunshot to the head at his Führerbunker in Berlin.
During April 29, Hitler learned of the death of his ally Benito Mussolini, whose body was then hung in Piazzale Loreto in Milan and exposed to public ridicule.
It is likely that these events strengthened Hitler's resolve not to allow himself or his wife Eva Braun to suffer the same fate
In order to test the potency of the cyanide capsules, Hitler ordered Dr. Werner Haase to test them on his dog Blondi, who died immediately.
At around 3.30pm, Hitler's valet Heinz Linge, with Bormann at his side, opened the study door and noticed a smell of burnt almonds, a common observation made in the presence of prussic acid, the aqueous form of hydrogen cyanide
Hitler's adjutant, SS Sturmbannführer Otto Günsche, also entered the study and found the lifeless bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun on the sofa
After his death there were several conspiracy theories that believed he was alive, mostly spread by the Soviets.
Wikipedia: Hitler's death
Hitler and his loyalists by Paul Roland
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Rammstein mention by Slavoj Žižek
Dutch newspaper 'de Volkskrant' has a weekend magazine which every week invites a person who is known in their own field of interest to list some of their favorites in categories they are free to choose. The person then elaborates on what they mean to them, how they 'discovered them, or anything else they would like to add.
This week (2024-01-20) it is Slavoj Žižek who is interviewed, Slovenian philosopher, cultural theorist and public intellectual.
And surprise (or maybe not, as Mr Žižek is no stranger to provocation himself), one of his favorites is Rammstein (in the Music category).
i'll try to translate accurately 🌺
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"Rammstein doesn't preach fascism, but makes fun of it"
"Musically, I am extremely conservative. Almost everything I find interesting happened between 1965 and 1975. And I don't just mean The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, but also acid rock from Jefferson Airplane.
I hardly know anything from after that time, except for my great love Rammstein. So I was shocked that certain idiotic leftists are claiming that Rammstein preaches fascism. Such bullshit. Listening to Rammstein is the best medicine against fascism. Far-right people actually hate Rammstein. I suspect that your Geert Wilders 1) will have no use for it either.
See, Rammstein does adopt 'totalitarian rituals', with their costumes and shouting. In fact, they imitate fascism in the most extreme, fanatical way possible. But that makes you realize how ridiculous and absurd it all is. Basically they are doing the same thing as what Charlie Chaplin does with Adolf Hitler in The Great Dictator. They make fun of fascism. If you are afraid that not everyone will see this, you are seriously underestimating the 'ordinary man'."
1) Geert Wilders is the leader of the dutch political party PVV which for dutch standards is extreme-right, the party won the recent elections in the Netherlands and is now involved (with a few other parties, because in the NL one party never manages to get a majority by itself) in trying to establish a new government.
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randomvarious · 3 months
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Today's compilation:
Teknoir 1999 Rhythmic Noise / Experimental / Industrial / IDM
Oh boy! Here's a late 90s double-disc sampler from German label Hymen Records, whose name, yes, of course, is making reference to a part of the vagina! Founded in 1997 as a sub-label of Ant-Zen, Hymen bills itself as 'technoid noises for collapsing people,' which is a description that will make a whole lot more sense to you if you actually listen to this album.
Now, I didn't like most of what's served up on this thing; I'm not really a noisenik or a rhythmic noisenik, and I don't go for much in the way of industrial music, either. BUT, at the points when this album steers a little bit away from German avantgardist weirdness, and more towards genres that are a tad more conventional like IDM and breakbeat-based stuff, that's when I fully latch on to a solid handful of these tracks 😋.
But before we dive into all of that, we also need to address a certain elephant in the room when it comes to industrial music writ large; and that elephant is fascism. Now, I am certainly no fan of this purely rotten political ideology, but there is no doubt that because industrial music has a hard, abrasive, and martial quality to it, that it can definitely attract a certain goose-stepping type. And being that we're talking about Germany specifically here—where fascism once again appears to be rearing its very ugly head, as the once-fringe AfD party continues to gain seats in the Bundestag (German parliament), and vocal criticism of an apartheid state that is pretty clearly currently committing genocide is forcefully stifled—you have to wonder, are the people who are making this music sympathetic to fascism themselves?
And the answer to that question would appear to be a pretty full-throated "no," as evidenced by a wild track from Substanz T called "Industrial Music for Industrial People (Live)." On this tune, Substanz T loop up a quote from a guy who passionately says, "and if you don't like fascism, don't play industrial music." And so, taking clever heed of those words, with this track on an album that's surrounded by a whole lot of industrial music otherwise, Substanz T decide to play a diabolical brand of hardcore acid jungle instead, so as to say, "yeah, we're not fascists, man, so we're not gonna play industrial music for your ass. Here's this dance genre that a whole lot of black people have played a significant role in building instead, you fuckin' prick! 🖕🤘"
Gotta love it!
But while I certainly dig the messaging of that song itself, I don't think that that one is my absolute favorite here. And to be honest with you all, I don't know which of these is actually my favorite, because the front half of the second disc offers up a bunch of terrific choices, like the chilly and dub-brained IDM of Architect's "Pastgate," the sublimely splattery and drill n' bassy "Listen to the Call" by Beefcake, the Goldilocks-level-of-Gary-Numanesque-synths-crossed-with-bludgeoning-percussion that is Somatic Responses' "Oblique," and the sort of 80s retrofuturistic distorted nu-electro of Klangstabil's "Regelkreisauslöser." All seriously uniquely brilliant electronic tunes!
And this leads me to my final point, which feels like maybe the ten millionth time that I'm making it: No matter how bad or unfit to your own personal taste an album might seem, don't dump out of it until it's over, because you really might miss out on something remarkable. I say this so many times because it's happened to me so many times. Outside of that anti-fash Substanz T song, the first disc on this comp really did not end up bearing much fruit, and as a result, I *really* was not looking forward to having to endure the second disc. But had I decided to call it quits at that halfway point, I would've missed pretty much the entire cream of this release's crop, and that simply would've sucked, because there actually happen to be a whole bunch of unexpected marvels on that second disc! 🤩
Not Breathing - "Kissy (Pre M.R.I. Mix)" Substanz T - "Industrial Music for Industrial People (Live)"
Architect - "Pastgate" Bochumwelt - "La Pensée" Beefcake - "Listen to the Call" Somatic Responses - "Olblique" Klangstabil - "Regelkreisauslöser" Mother Destruction - "Odr"
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hustlerose · 1 year
finally finished FILTH by irvine welsh. i stand by what i said abt it before. this book would put 99% of puritanical twitter geeks in the fucking hospital
if the middle third (or even the middle half) of it was removed or reduced, this might be my new favorite novel. as it stands, there's so little plot in there, it really drags. until the ending, of course, which is the best thing i've read in a long time
i can see the argument that the lack of plot is a positive, though. filth is a study of bruce robertson as a character. the murder mystery plot is secondary. and the directionlessness serves to donstrate that bruce's life fucking sucks. this is the life you get when you act like robbo: hollow, dull, aggrivating, gross, full of petty bullshit, and slowly getting worse.
if he actually did his job, or had deep relationships with other people, this would be a normal detective novel. instead, it's an experimental scottish acid trip. it's a slow drop down a bottomless pit
and i love this character. he really is good enough to make you keep reading, plot or no plot, just to see him do stuff. he starts already depraved, and only gets worse. he is disgusting in very ordinary, human ways, even while everything ramps up to absurdity. every aspect of him is horribly plausible. i saw myself in him sometimes, and felt sick
thats whats so compelling abt characters like humbert humbert or patrick bateman. you hate him, obviously, but we've all been that guy once or twice, just a little bit
no spoilers, but the ending is amazing. it reminded me of lolita in a lot of ways. its the same sudden gut punch, where we see what other ppl really think of the main character. he thought he was soooo smart, so in control, the master manipulator. he thought everyone would see him as the most masculine, powerful, interesting guy in the world. what a fuckin joke
btw someone on the disco elysium team was definitely a big fan of this book. the fascism, the loser cop archetype, the divorce, the focus on character over plot, the dreamlike introspective stuff. the mix of comedy and tragedy, condemnation and empathy. it all fits so well. it would be pretty easy to make a hdb who's basically an alternate universe robbocop
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hero-israel · 8 months
Hi, how are you? Wishing you the best.
I'm really interested to hear what you think about the Nexus definition of antisemitism. It sounds like it has some valid contributions in theory but unfortunately many of the people that I saw endorse it before 10/7 went mask off later on during the war (or on October 8). Specifically, the "double standard" bit which some people weaponize to hold Israel to a higher standard because, according to what it says it's not prima fascie of antisemitism as people can care more about Israel because of its special relationship with US (this might also be a strawman argument as I don't recall the IHRA say criticism of Israel as prima fascie either). Anyhow, I'm also wary because I often hear BDS supporters and Corbynites cite this definition in opposition to the 3Ds of antisemitism and IHRA, and I've seen the proponents of the definition itself go out of their way to contextualize people's anti-Israel remarks (like Ilhan Omar herself) saying things like "Hatred against Israel is different from Hatred against Jews" which I'm like uhm actually.
Sorry for rambling, would love to hear your thoughts! Take care :)
The IHRA definition is perfectly fine as-is.
The problem is that ANY definition of antisemitism as advanced by actual normative Jews - ANY definition which says "something goes too far" - will become "controversial," as the IHRA definition purportedly is. And so then you have a working group and a position paper and an interim committee and a comment period and a referendum needing a quorum and an advisory board doing the work of integrating the synthesis of input from all stakeholders and just every last bit of it should be waterboarded with sulfuric acid.
Nexus added more wiggle room to when "criticism" does or doesn't become antisemitism, but it was all in vain because the point of antisemitism is that nothing is antisemitism, it's all just "criticism" and Jews may never complain about it or codify methods to stop it. The more people insist they need to fine-tune and finagle the definitions, the less likely they would ever care about it. Remember when Trump was first elected, and there were all those posts about how the way to undermine a system without LOOKING LIKE you are undermining it is to seem like you're going along loyally with it but to raise all kinds of procedural points and keep repeating old debates so that nothing ends up being done? It's like that. And they would probably be comfortable telling you that defining antisemitism is fascism.
As for the "my taxes pay for this, of course I'm mad" concept, right from the outset we can note that this is ruled out for any non-Americans, so the Corbynites and French street pogromists have no such fig leaf. American taxes go all over the world, to people of all colors and backgrounds, and countries with all kinds of human rights nightmares in their closets (or, usually, on their front lawns in broad daylight). How long do you think it would take for an obsessively negative fixation on Egypt or Afghanistan among mixed company to be called Islamophobia? Our taxes have certainly gone to Palestine, funding "pay-for-slay" and UNRWA.
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First Ukraine, then Palestine, and now @bogleech recently reblogged a post saying that Argentina’s in danger, too. 🤦🏻‍♀️
I’m just… so done with all this killing and fascism and genocide and whatever other words that would describe it.
And since I’ve been getting back into Humans-B-Gone again, I’m very, very tempted to project my frustrations onto the yellow crazy ants, who are themselves genocidal dictators. The difference is that they don’t need guns or bombs to be dangerous, because they’re a specific kind of ant that can shoot acid, which would mean that they can’t be disarmed in a conventional sense.
It was when I first asked about why the ants think they’re better than the other macrovolutes that Rev revealed, without directly using the word “genocide”, that the yellow crazy ants committed genocide against multiple other species of macrovolutes prior to the beginning of the story. It would seem that their rule over macrovolute society has gone unchallenged ever since.
And really, is the IDF any different? Is the Kremlin any different? Aren’t HBG’s ants pretty much living the dream of those two organizations? And, like with the IDF and the Kremlin, the betterment of macrovolute society depends on the ants being removed from power. But the question is how? They’ve got strength in numbers and built-in projectile weaponry. Fighting them would be a suicide mission!
Likewise, the solution to the threats posed by the real-life fascists seems similarly unreachable. But they’re not invincible, right? Right?!
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altar-ov-plagues · 1 year
Burn your illusions. Everything is about looks. There is no romance. Sex seems to be the key for everything. Burn all your poetry books. Watch a model becoming victim of an acid attack to her/his face and see how many of those who love them will gradually vanish from their lives.
And burn your utopian political heaven ideals. Some of you who preach about the "good for all" are the same who slack at work and leave more for your fellow comrades. Some of you who preach about common good are some of most untrustworthy and worst people i've ever met.
There are no nazis or communists in the modern days. Just fascists and fascists painted in red trying to impose their ways unto others. The same fascist who tries to justify their ways and calls you a fancy evil name is the same that is responsible for supporting politics that created a few common graves on ukranian soil with body parts of women and children. Apparently some forms of fascism are worst than the others depending on how you paint them, even though they produce the exact same outcome to innocent lives.
Looking at internet comments it seems being anti logic and anti freedom is the new trend. Some of you are so pathetic and don't even have the physical and mental discipline to survive in the same political utopias you support.
So fuck all of you and your groupies. Atheists they say lol you are all just fruits of christianity, denying all factual reality to justify your weakness. Man the fuck up. At least have some integrity to your flesh vessel and accept the creature that you really are. A jealous organism screaming "me!" and "more!".
If we had to create a metaphor, then look at a +36 year old with vans and a fred durst looking hat at hardcore shows still with a teenage mentality beating younger kids on moshpits and coming with ways to justify it. We get it. The beast inside needs release. It is simply as that.
Let's just admit how rotten we really are and stop pretending we care. We are all the same.
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mass reporting someone who disagrees with you politically and getting them booted off this website is censorship. y’all hate fascism and censorship until someone doesn’t wanna vote blue no matter who and then it’s totally fine to silence your political opponents. go fucking find out how edible battery acid is you absolute fascist
Hello again, @vague-humanoid! It seems while I was typing out my response, you'd made a third ask, now calling me a fascist for not supporting an extermination. How delightful!
And no, I haven't reported you once. Or even blocked you. I think you mightve blocked me, though, because I can't seem to actually tag you. I'm getting poor reception at the moment, so that may be the cause of whatever problem you're having.
I don't think I'm silencing political opponents by actively and openly engaging their ideals (matter of fact, heres where this argument started). That sounds like the opposite to me.
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brookston · 19 days
Holidays 9.8
Actor’s Day
Asturias Day (Spain)
Blondie Day
Blue’s Clues Day
Colorism Awareness Day
The Commemoration of the Two Sieges (Malta)
Community Day (Extramadura, Spain)
Coronation Anniversary of Vytautas the Great (Lithuania)
Day of Aid Workers
Day of Asturias (Spain)
Day of the Battle of Borodino (Russia)
Extramadura Day (Spain)
Father’s Day (Latvia)
Festa Della Rificolona ends (Paper Lantern Festival; Florence, Italy)
Fiestas de Santa Fe begins with the burning of the Zozobra (New Mexico)
Financier’s Day (Russia)
Grandparents’ & Family Caregivers’ Day (Florida)
Hazelnut Day (French Republic)
Iguana Awareness Day
International Day of Journalists
International Literacy Day (UN)
Kosrae Liberation Day (Micronesia)
La Vierge de Meritxell (Feast of Our Lady of Meritxell; Andorra)
Mariä Geburt (Liechtenstein)
Martyrs’ Day (a.k.a. Massoud Day; held on Shahrivar 18) [Can be 9.8 or 9.9]
Matki Boskiej Zielnej (a.k.a. Fest of Greenery; Poland)
Meritxell Day (Andorra)
National Actors Day
National Ampersand Day
National David Day
National Dog Walker Appreciation Day
National Double Merle Awareness Day
National Essential Medicine Shortages Awareness Day
National Iguana Awareness Day
National Lissencephaly Awareness Day
National Neighborhood Day
National Pardon Day
908 Day
Nuakhai (Odisha, India)
Onam ends (India)
Pardon Me Day
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Day
Pledge of Allegiance Day
Sirona Asteroid Day
Solidarity Day of World Heritage Cities
Star Trek Day
Tank Crewman’s Day (Russia)
Turkmen Bakhshi Day (Turkmenistan)
Victory Day (Malta)
Volunteer Day (Spain)
World Gravity Day
World Physical Therapy Day
Worldwide Cystic Fibrosis Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bacon Burger Day
Date Nut Bread Day
International Day of Papaya
International Food Delivery Day
National Merlot Day (South Africa)
Independence & Related Days
Alsann (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Andorra (Nation founded, 1728)
Macedonia (from Yugoslavia, 1991)
Seybold (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
2nd Sunday in September
Auditor's Day (Scientology) [2nd Sunday]
Day of Lake Baikal (Russia) [2nd Sunday]
Day of Open Monuments (Germany) [2nd Sunday]
Day of the Homeland (Germany) [2nd Sunday]
Education Day (UK) [2nd Sunday]
Family Day (Kazakhstan) [2nd Sunday]
Fjord Day (Denmark) [2nd Sunday]
Grandparent's Day (Canada) [Sunday after 1st Monday]
Great Procession of Tournai (Belgium) [2nd Sunday]
Hug Your Hound Day [2nd Sunday]
Joust of the Quintana: La Rivincita (The Rematch; Italy) [2nd or 3rd Sunday, Pt. 1 in July]
National Bilby Day (Australia) [2nd Sunday]
National Dementia Carers Day (UK) [2nd Sunday]
National Education Sunday (UK) [2nd Sunday]
National Firefighters’ Memorial Day (Canada) [2nd Sunday]
National Pet Memorial Day [2nd Sunday]
PBC (Primary Biliary Cholangitis) Awareness Day [2nd Sunday]
Racial Justice Sunday [2nd Sunday]
Remembrance Day for Victims of Fascism [2nd Sunday]
Road Workers Day (Tajikistan) [2nd Sunday]
Sandwich Sunday [2nd Sunday of Each Month]
Sleepy Sunday [2nd Sunday of Each Month]
Seven For Sunday [Every Sunday]
Sundae Sunday [Every Sunday]
Sunday Funday [Every Sunday]
Survey Sunday [2nd Sunday of Each Month]
Sustainable House Day (Australia) [2nd Sunday]
Turkmen Bakshy Day [2nd Sunday]
Vanavanemate Päev (Estonia) [2nd Sunday]
Workers of Natural Gas and Petroleum Industry Day (Ukraine) [2nd Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning September 8 (2nd Full Week of September)
Folic Acid Awareness Week (thru 9.14)
Healthcare Environmental Services Week (thru 9.14) [2nd Full Week]
International Housekeepers Week (thru 9.14) [2nd Full Week]
National Arts in Education Weeks (thru 9.14) [From 2nd Sunday]
National Assisted Living Week (thru 9.14) [2nd Full Week]
National Beauty and Barber Week (thru 9.14) [2nd Full Week]
National Biscuit and Gravy Week (thru 9.14) [2nd Full Week]
National Compassionate Leadership Week (thru 9.14) [2nd Full Week]
National Environmental Services Week (thru 9.14) [2nd Full Week]
National Nephrology Nurses Week (thru 9.14) [2nd Full Week]
National Suicide Prevention Week (thru 9.14) [2nd Full Week]
Festivals Beginning September 8, 2024
Austin Chronicle Hot Sauce Festival (Austin, Texas)
Bean Soup Festival & Fair (McClure, Pennsylvania) [thru 9.14]
Bloemencorso Lichtenvoorde (Lichtenvoorde, Netherlands)
Bloemencorso Loenhout (Loenhout, Belgium)
Cambridge Carnival (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Fiddles Vittles and Vino (Colorado Springs, Colorado)
Heritage Fire (Willamette Valley, Oregon)
International Alexandrinsky Theatre Festival (Saint Petersburg, Russia) [thru 10.30]
Manifesta [European Nomadic Biennial] (Barcelona, Spain) [thru 11.24]
Feast Days
Adrian and Natalia of Nicomedia (Roman Catholic Church)
Adrian of Nicomedia (Christian; Saint Feast Day) [brewers, middle England's brewers guild] *
Ann Beattie (Writerism)
Archie Goodwin (Artology)
Carnot (Positivist; Saint)
Corbinian (Christian; Saint)
Disibod (a.k.a. Disen or Disbode; Christian; Saint)
Eusebius, Nestablus, Zeno, and Nestor (Christian; Martyrs)
Feast of Honor for Lada and Leda (Bread & Harvest Festival; Slavic Pagan/Asatru)
Feast of ‘Izzat (Might; Baha’i)
Feast of Papa-Lea (God of Kava Drinking)
Frédéric Mistral (Writerism)
Il-Vittorja (a.k.a. Feast of Our Lady of Victories; Malta)
Jill St. John Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Mead Day (Pagan)
Michael Frayn (Writerism)
Mimi Parent (Artology)
Monti Fest (Mangalorean Catholic; Parts of India)
Morty Moot Mope (Muppetism)
Nativity of Mary (Roman Catholic Church, Anglo-Catholicism)
Our Lady of Charity (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Covadonga (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Good Health of Vailankanni (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Meritxell (Andorra; Christian; Saint)
Ozias Humphry (Artology)
Paradoxically Non-Paradoxical Day (Pastafarian)
Sergius I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Theosophy Day
Vicious Sex Day (Pastafarian)
Virgin Mary Day
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [36 of 53]
Prime Number Day: 251 [54 of 72]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Ally McBeal (TV Series; 1997)
Betty Crocker's Cookbook, by the Betty Crocker Editors (Cookbook; 1950)
Blue’s Clues (Children’s TV Series; 1996)
Bone Machine, by Tom Waits (Album; 1992)
Boys Town (Film; 1938)
The Breadwinner (Animated Film; 2017)
Brigadoon (Film; 1954)
Carnival Courage (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1945)
Cat's Cradle, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (Novel; 1963)
Catty-Cornered (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1966)
Cold Comfort Farm, by Stella Gibbons (Novel; 1932)
Cosmicomics, by Italo Calvino (Short Stories; 1965)
The Cyberiad, by Stanisław Lem (Short Stories; 1965)
The Eagle Has Landed, by Jack Higgins (Novel; 1975)
Everglade Raid (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1958)
Frank Sinatra Sings for Only the Lonely, by Frank Sinatra (Album; 1958)
God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (Novel; 1965)
Havana, by Camila Cabello (Song; 2017)
Hitchhiker, by Neil Young (Album; 2017)
Hold Your Fire, by Rush (Album; 1987)
iCarly (TV Series; 2007)
I Just Can’t Get You Out of My Head, by Kylie Minogue (Song; 2001)
It (Film; 2017)
Jeannie (Animated TV Series; 1973)
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke (Novel; 2004)
The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles, by Julie Andrews Edwards (Children’s Book; 1974)
Lost in Space (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Film; 1973)
Lovelorn Leghorn (WB LT Cartoon; 1951)
Make Me, 20th Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2015)
Mouse-Warming (WB LT Cartoon; 1952)
Never for Ever, by Kate Bush (Album; 1980)
Nurse Betty (Film; 2000)
The Oprah Winfrey Show (Daytime TV Series; 1986)
Psycho (Film; 1960)
The Pure and the Impure, by Colette (Novel; 1932)
Purr-Chance to Dream (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1967)
Scalp Treatment (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1952)
Second Foundation, by Isaac Asimov (Novel; 1953) [Foundation #3]
The Sirens of Titan, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (Novel; 1959)
Slicked-Up Pup (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1951)
Song of Victory (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1942)
Star Trek (TV Series; 1966)
Suffer, by Bad Religion (Album; 1988)
Today’s Name Days
Adrian, Mariä Geburt (Austria)
Hadrijan, Maja, Marija, Sergije (Croatia)
Mariana (Czech Republic)
Maria (Denmark)
Mariann, Marianna, Marianne (Estonia)
Taimi (Finland)
Adrien, Béline (France)
Adrian, Mariä Geburt, Otmar (Germany)
Despoina, Genethlios, Skiadeni, Tsampika (Greece)
Adrienn, Mária (Hungary)
Immacolata, Maria (Italy)
Amirs, Ilga, Ilgonis, Nelda (Latvia)
Daumantė, Klementina, Liaugaudas, Vytautas (Lithuania)
Allan, Alma, Amalie (Norway)
Adrian, Adrianna, Klementyna, Maria, Nestor, Radosław, Radosława (Poland)
Natalia (Russia)
Miriama (Slovakia)
Cinta, Covadonga, Fuensanta, Meritxell, Natividad, Nazaret, Nuria, Sagrario, Sergio (Spain)
Alma, Hulda (Sweden)
Maria, Mary (Ukraine)
Adria, Adrian, Adriana, Adrianna, Adrien, Adrienne, Hadria, Hadrian, Hadrien, Joachim, Joakima, Joaquin, Joaquina (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 252 of 2024; 114 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of Week 36 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guy-You), Day 6 (Yi-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 5 Elul 5784
Islamic: 4 Rabi I 1446
J Cal: 12 Gold; Fryday [11 of 30]
Julian: 26 August 2024
Moon: 25%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 28 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Mont]
Runic Half Month: Ken (Illumination) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 81 of 94)
Week: 2nd Full Week of September
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 18 of 32)
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gaykarstaagforever · 4 months
The Xenomorphs aren't scary the 47th time we defeat them with guns and explosions.
Alien was a horror movie about a cartoonishly evil space company and its buffoonish security detail, blundering into a civilization-ending threat that uses our own sociableness and bodies against us. And Weyland-Yutani's and the Marines' total inability to properly assess that threat, due to typical human failings, led to it killing nearly everyone. Ripley only barely survived and destroyed it because of the two fundamental human virtues, tenacity and ingenuity.
The whole reason the Xenomorphs are scary is because in that movie, they use EVERYTHING we are against us. We are their perfect prey. At least until everything but our basic survival skills are the only things in play, and then one person JUST BARELY makes it. We even have advanced androids and space ships. And it doesn't matter. The penis bug monsters with acid blood are very nearly too much. And they've destroyed bigger species than us. The fight is elemental and almost hopeless. Until hope is basically all Ripley has left, a terrified, desperate, enraged hope to kill this damn thing and survive. She is a lonely naked hominid up against a hungry cheetah, and all she has left is hiding and a rock.
You can't do a franchise with that. It robs it of any meaning. The Xenomorphs stop being horrifying if the buffoons are capable of shooting them to death. And what's the point of that? What are you getting out of it? Why bother?
All this later franchise focus on the Colonial Marines and the company. They are idiots! They fail! All the time! Their whole point is to show that our coporate and military might, with its rules and bravado and weapons, literally melts the second we run into an enemy that "fights" by consuming us, in its way. The Colonial Marines aren't badass heroes, fighting for a just cause. They're a pear-shaped joke used by selfish dipshits for bad reasons, that just makes everything worse. That's their entire point.
"The new Alien movies are bad."
Aliens was fine, but it was basically just an action remake of the first one, so it wasn't as good. And all of them have been unnecessary.
You like the Xenomorphs because they're genuinely horrifying, in the original context. Outside of that, they're just stupid space monsters with weird heads. Why ruin them? What thrill is there in seeing tons of them, all these different types, aside from just looking at someone's cool fanart and going, "yeah, neat"?
Why make movies out of that? It's devoid of everything that makes them WHAT THEY ARE.
I just don't get it. You like a thing so much you pay people to immediately ruin it...?
We do this with everything, including vampires and werewolves and elves, so it makes sense we'd do it with Xenomorphs, especially now that fucking Disney owns them. But there's no "mystery" why so much of the Aliens franchise is mid or shit. It directly contradicts the entire point of the thing.
It's like the Silent Hill 2 thing. You aren't going to "recapture" a vibe that was only a vibe because it was a one-time, unique new idea that knew what it was and was done well.
Make another scary space movie with a well-thought-out alien antagonist. THAT'S what you liked. Do that. Don't turn it into an army man playset.
Starship Troopers is the army man playset. And even that is just Paul Verhoeven making fun of how you still like army man playsets, idiot. Nice fascism you have there, stupid. Hope beating the bugs was worth the loss of basic human rights.
Also, in both the case of the Xenomorphs and the Bugs, WE STARTED IT. We ALWAYS start it. Because we're big selfish buffoons. Like the Ready Player Ones who keep paying for more bad Aliens movies.
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Get the whole action playset today! By Kenner! Maybe you can use one as a sex toy! Will that fill the void?!
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nobotderiz · 1 year
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Burn and watch... Holy cows might give no milk!
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Lots of pain in the last week eh? Lots of lessons to learn from a burn through. Can try to point blame, poor you... No one would have taken seriously an evacuation plan in Hawaii.
Nature gonna fix you all.
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These will work until Elon find an excuse or decides for you. Me all I know is that if I can think about it, someone else probably did already. The prize to win was great for a gambler eh? Me I do not gamble.
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Started at zero, now at one... Do I have to explain it all or you can use computers to figure it out? How would you create an undetectable signal on a large amplitude modulation?
You need an analogic device, chumps. The goal is to create an imprint in a neural without it being seen as such.
It seeds nothing else than confusion in one: Rare disease, underlying sickness, cancer... A trigger.
Fantastic realm? Look at em trends. Figure out who is trying to not be pinpointed and for what reason. Question is, who wants to keep at it and for what benefit, if ever?
You do know about the flotilla of floating objects packed with tech gear and mirrors eh? Still no news as to who is the owner. Is that a 'Shut, can't say...'?
Anyone figured out what can measure conjectures in time? You know that many of you carry a big powered inductance in your pockets eh.
You used it to pretend doing something doing what in fact?
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Tiny Acid Circumcised sausages in a can. You know it's alright to keep secrets, but profiteering and abusing from them it's not.
Anyone heard about Tiny Inbred Cojacents? They look like sum larvae but they good ITY.
'Do not destroy what you do not understand'; for my part I do not understand why fascism and defrauding is normal, should these be allowed?
Define parasites, baitswill. There is no beneficial relation in paraZiting. If a strain that lead can be removed or attenuated, it shall.
This one's in for your souls.
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You gonna be full scanalyzer.
Chumps, you agreed to give a break to who first?
'Save money first' Then what? Billions defrauded, fake businesses billions spent for business started on presumptions; businesses who never had a shot at making a cent without creating inflation in the overhead... Ben oui, vous êtes tous à plusieurs dedans... All useless from the reality point of view.
All these people who defrauded society while people were sick, what would they do if no fraud available for them? Ask raelitz what it think between two back scratching session while on coke. For who on this planet is all a show to profit from really? The fucking cream?
Chumps, I really do not think that Ai can be owned. You think of anyone and say you trust them to be in control of it.
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Wanna know why crypto is nullified? It's because it's not encryption, it's a ponzi.
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You flick switch and stay mute, think you are intelligent. Flick switches, to prevent what? If at least it was to prevent the worst...
Anyways, lots of têtes de marde.
'Bait a wit... Bait a wit..'
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You crypto clowns got real greedy with them dummies, and mean with the rest... Like them aphorisms that leads to de factos?
Pas d'excuses pour les riches qui savaient. Tous ceux qui ont compris que le tout est oppressé par les mêmes...
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Figured it out yet? Not supposed to? Les yeux sont le reflet de l'âme.
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Oh lé rabats joie. America, do you hear the sound of the tiny flûte in your head yet? You know the best way to get away with treason is to do it as if casual.
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You do what you want, it's now proven that yes it can be done. As soon as the quantum codex got initialized, it started to fix what was wrong. How much fix gets done is up to not you really. It can be paused indefinitely but not stopped. The earth is round, intelligence on it will end up at same point; pause or run.
Ça commence à bien faire le calisse de taponiaisage. When will be the constat that resume that psychiatry is a pseudo science? When psychorats run out of pills to give?
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Ground truth until it's sneeze powder.
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Cook brain of sneezer once powder sneezed.
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Imprint a disinfect
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'...Sorry, I can't quack still...'
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'Faut pas enlever le couvercle du crockpot qui siffle'
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cherribloods · 2 years
"Radical feminism is a fascist movement!"
Fascism, while hard to define, boils down to a far-right ideology with an extra emphasis on nationalism. It espouses dictatorships and an autocracy, the eradication of individual goals, needs, and interests for the nation/state, a belief in an inherent social hierarchy (e.g. anti-Semitism, patriarchy, racism), and a dirigiste economy.
As neither radical feminists nor TRAs are particularly able to establish this kind of government nor are they inclined to, this is not a reasonable comparison to make. However, TRAs are particularly fond of calling women on the Internet fascists - so I am more than willing to humor them.
Let's compare the TRA movement to fascism as per these common features identified and defined by Umberto Eco, taken from his essay Ur-Fascism.
1. The cult of tradition
Gender roles are established fiercely: that men are masculine and women are feminine. A woman, defined by TRAs, is a person with a womanly essence within them, who performs femininity and enjoys makeup, dresses, as well as heels.
Women who do not conform are often treated as trans - they have their pronouns questioned even though they are blatantly female, because a woman not appearing as feminine surely must mean that she is not a woman - which is not a polite thing to do as many TRAs think it to be. It is an insult. It is as if saying that a woman is not a woman because she does not look like what a woman is supposed to look like. It is classic misogyny.
A woman is a woman because she is an adult human female, that is, she is of the sex that produces or has the potential to produce ova. There is no list of requirements that a woman has to fulfill, in order to be a woman, other than being an adult human female.
Trans identified males, so-called trans "women", only enforce gender roles with their talk of artificial/supplemental estrogen making them "dumber", how wearing skirts and lingerie is the epitome of womanhood, and that a vaginal canal is simply a wound carved in the male body.
Calling the results of a penile inversion a "neo-vagina" is an insult to the female organ. The vaginal canal is not a rotting mess that accumulates feces, mucus, bacteria, and hair. It is self-cleaning and acidic enough to bleach fabric, and certainly enough to rid itself of harmful bacteria. It does not need to be dilated every day in order to prevent the body from healing the damage. The two are not comparable.
By perpetuating the myth that women are simply modified men, TRAs are also perpetuating the myth of gender - and subsequently gender roles - the very thing they claim to destroy with their ideology. It is a dissonance for them to hear that their ideology is an ideology, because many of them are brainwashed or simply delusional, and so they are especially susceptible to broadcasting their belief without critical thinking or, really, thinking at all. As gender roles and the patriarchy has been around for as long as males have been around, this fits the criterion of "cult of tradition" very well.
2. The rejection of modernism
The abolition of gender roles has been staunchly opposed for as long as it has been worked on. Referring back to the first point, equality between the sexes is modern compared to the millennia that men have spent oppressing, disenfranchising, hegemonising, and persecuting women for the crime of being women.
This is seen as immoral and - simply - bad, as all feminist movements have been perceived and treated as. TRAs have now stepped up to the mantle of opposing women the way plain old men, without the autogynephilia, had, against the suffragettes.
3. The cult of action for action's sake
When the TRA movement is observed, a lack of thinking can be spotted quite easily - especially by a keen eye. This is caused both by the fact that a large amount of this movement consists of children and naïve young adults, and also by the fact that men largely do not engage in rational thought.
Protests are thoughtless and often aimless, such as leaving urine in bottles and urinating everywhere in one particular incident. They also prefer to fight for non-existent problems and erode other people's rights in the process, such as female bathrooms being replaced with "gender-neutral" bathrooms and the men's bathrooms being untouched.
There is a history to the sex segregation of public bathrooms, and that is because women's needs were not considered in public places, and bathrooms used to be single sex: for males. They could not use these facilities because they would get assaulted or worse, and women frequently suffered from UTIs or incontinence due to this inhumane treatment. Removing female bathrooms is the start of reviving this tradition of blatant misogyny, and undoing the fight our foremothers fought and won - along with the rampant denial of reality.
Misogyny is well and alive because our culture has not dismantled the patriarchy yet, and so every impulsive or idiotic TRA act is shaped by, driven by, encouraged by, and benefits men, without the majority of the TRA movement even noticing.
4. Disagreement is treason
The most blatant example. In the heydays of dyscourse (dysphoria discourse, where the terms "tucute" and "transmed" were widely used), discussion was at least still somewhat encouraged, though radical feminists have always been demonized and silenced throughout history. Civil discussions of the TRA movement were not an immediate ticket to being branded a bigot, and while it was not particularly productive, differences in opinion was not as widely persecuted as it is now.
Questioning something about the TRA movement these days gets a person harassed and insulted, even in good faith. The entitlement of TRAs lead them to act in uncouth ways towards well-meaning people, and still they demand subservience, because an unfounded accusation of "transphobia" can ruin a life nowadays - and that accusation can stem from anywhere between refusing to use neopronouns or outright violence, usually not even transphobic violence. It is too wide a term to have such weight.
You are expected to blindly follow and have faith in the TRA movement without question - lest your life is ruined and you are yelled at for daring to think - even ridiculous parts must be regarded as acceptable. You must follow their worldview, faith, and religion, and alter your own worldview and map of reality to be in accordance with the one deemed acceptable by the TRA movement.
Reprogramming your pattern recognition to ignore secondary sex characteristics, and to feed into the delusions of TRAs better, is not only a prerequisite of the foundations - only foundations, beginnings - of being a "good ally", it is also a prerequisite of what makes you a "good person". Morality is now defined by whether or not you submit to the whims and constantly-moving goalposts of the TRA movement, and agree with them.
5. Fear of difference
Similar to the previous feature, anyone who disagrees or does not hold the beliefs deemed acceptable by the TRA movement is shunned and feared. For example: Buck Angel and Blaire White, two very prominent trans people, are often demonized and called bigoted, despite being extremely pro-trans.
There is also the slightly amusing trend of the extreme lengths that the younger, female crowd of the TRA movement goes to in order to be unique (e.g. adopting strange names, microlabels, neopronouns, and even psychiatric disorders), and ending up a monolith of appropriation and crude opinions combined with the most embarrassing time of one's youth. They fear being different the same way they crave it. It is a rather strange contradiction, but those are common in TRA circles.
6. Appeal to social frustration
One of the things that the TRA movement has done successfully is indoctrinating young women and girls into their ideology in the guise of feminism and social justice.
True feminism - i.e. radical feminism - is frowned upon and seen as too, well, radical, and TRA-brand activism is just socially acceptable enough that the cage of the patriarchy looks gilded and shiny. Women and girls experience our oppression, and recognize it as oppression; and when given the chance to do something about it in a safe manner, even without actually making any progress, most would likely accept.
It is not cowardice that I am describing necessarily, but fear. I do not blame women and girls for not wanting to partake in socially unacceptable behaviors and campaigning for their rights, when women's rights are seen as socially unacceptable, because conformity is safe, and in some ways, more comfortable, in the same way a jail cell is comfortable because it is familiar. It is not true comfort. Being chained to a wall and allowed to wander for as far as the chain will allow is not freedom, either - and this kind of faux-freedom is what the TRA movement is offering to people.
7. The obsession with a plot
TRAs always feel under attack, and they say as such. There are always people who are "transphobic" when they state realities - such as J.K. Rowling's initial statement, which was that she acknowledged biological sex whilst still supporting trans people.
Even acknowledging a simple reality is offensive. There is always a nefarious reason behind every single statement that goes against their beliefs, and there is always a nefarious group of the "other" that are covertly taking away rights or killing people.
Trans people are often murdered or assaulted due to homophobia or misogyny. There is no "transphobic violence", because TIMs are identified as homosexual males and TIFs are identified as homosexual females by anyone assaulting them. This risk is increased if they are prostituted. As an addendum, men are in the overwhelming majority of people that assault trans people.
8. The enemy is both weak and strong
Radical feminists are literally killing trans people, but radical feminists are also NEETs on the Internet who don't participate in real life activism scenes at all, and J.K. Rowling is only running her mouth on Twitter, but J.K. Rowling is also single-handedly removing trans people's rights, and the US Govt. is putting laws in place that are bad for trans people, but they're also ineffective... et cetera.
9. Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy
TRAs condemn holding a neutral stance towards radical feminists. It is always black or white, bad or good, and even agreeing with one post by someone branded a radical feminist on Tumblr is enough to send a barrage of anonymous messages towards someone - for the crime of agreeing with someone who is the enemy, even unknowingly. There is no middle ground. It is disallowed.
The Shinigami Eyes extension (made by an alleged rapist, by the way) is a particularly blatant example of this kind of extremism. All posts by potential radical feminists and "transphobes" must be avoided at all costs - or else, you are also "transphobic" by association.
10. Contempt for the weak
Again, TRAs are expected to always have reactionary and violent responses at the ready to be aimed at any radical feminist or "transphobe". Rape and death threats are amongst the most common, as are threats of assault, bodily harm, and doxxing. TRAs who do not act like this or have a moral aversion to these behaviors are often accused as sympathizers or encouraged to betray their morals, and to view radical feminists as subhuman.
Dehumanizing the enemy is an effective way to enact cruelty against them without feeling remorse.
11. Everybody is educated to become a hero
Any TRA can become a figurehead. This position falls mostly to males - although some women come close to it - spokespersons and advocates, Internet personalities, and such, are all considered "heroes". And there are many of them.
Dylan Mulvaney is a good example of this phenomenon. He went to the White House to speak for all trans people, TRAs, and especially TIMs; encouraging transition for children and representing the entire TRA movement to the president of one of the most powerful countries in the world. Regardless of your opinions on the USA - mine are absolutely negative - this is an irrefutable truth, and a truth I wish was not true.
The fact that a man pretending to be a woman for a few months is enough to buy him a ticket to the White House is utterly ridiculous, and it shows that anyone can potentially become him, and the males do, at the expense of themselves and others. The women? Well, they sacrifice themselves for the movement for a fraction of the glory the men get.
12. Machismo and weaponry
TIMs and AGPs are often middle-aged white males with children, a wife, a house in the suburbs, and guns. Feel free to scroll through every Reddit MtF selfie thread for five minutes to prove my point. They also commit a lot of violent crime such as rape, assault, and murder. I must admit, I have seen a post by a TRA comparing radical feminism to this very same list - and they omitted this point, conceding that nothing that radical feminists do can be twisted to fit. And yet this is, by far, the easiest point on this entire list for myself to talk about.
Men are - which is what TIMs are - prone to violence that is sexual and dominating in nature, because of the very nature of the patriarchy and the way it oppresses women.
When they started castrating themselves via synthetic estrogen and can no longer get an erection, the threats and violence both discussed and enacted freely against women (on the Internet, usually against the group of women for whom violence is encouraged; radical feminists) fit perfectly into the "ersatz phallic exercise" mentioned in the original Ur-Fascism essay.
We are also witnessing a new kind of machismo, the kind that still forces the penis onto every woman; genital "preference" discourse. Not desiring male genitalia is "transphobic" and TRAs have gone on witch hunts to harass, condemn, and threaten any woman who expresses such non-desire, let alone active repulsion.
It is a moral failing to not be attracted to the male body - or the mutilated male body, even - in a way that uses morality and guilt-tripping techniques alongside the threat of social ostracism.
13. Selective populism
Men want this to happen. Men have had this happen in their favor for the majority of human civilization. By association, TRAs also want this to happen, and so they push for it, such as with the aforementioned Mulvaney example. Women's voices are being drowned out by men skinwalking as women, and the TRA movement is encouraging this, as this is exactly what the patriarchy wants.
14. Newspeak
Catchy TikTok slang. Easily memorized mantras, such as "trans women are women." It is easy to spot if one knows what one is looking for, because it is so repetitive and brainless that it rings completely hollow - "punch a TERF" is also included in here, along with the word "TERF" itself. Terms like "TMA" and "TME" also count. Even Twitter's limited word count forces TRAs to crunch their thoughts and eliminate all nuance from their ideology in order to be able to fit it into one, snappy, viral Tweet.
As I have established, critical thinking is completely discouraged and regarded as a "transphobic" behavior - even if indirectly - and this then encourages the younger side of the TRA movement to abandon it entirely. This is an effective way to "limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning", such as mentioned in the Ur-Fascism essay itself.
There is a commentary to be made about the new generation of Internet slang in general, but that deserves its own post - a post I cannot be bothered to make at the moment. Its problems are the most prominent with the TRA movement and its blatant disdain for any kind of freedom regarding freedom of speech and opinion; radical feminism is not hate speech, and painting it as bigotry with quick, short slogans akin to advertisements, is the reason why people are so opposed to radical feminism without even knowing what radical feminists stand for.
Which is our problem, and has always been our problem. TRAs refuse to understand radical feminism, its core tenets, the way radical feminists are very well acquainted with TRA talking points. They will not have people supporting the movement otherwise. The trans rights activist movement is simply illogical and oppressive.
Don't be fucking lazy, read the entire thing. Theory should be read and engaged with and not "consumed" only via snippets and short quotes.
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