#about Panthea
Muireann Uais
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Age: physically around 25 in ARR to 29 in EW (she was soul-snatched in Shadowbringers, age is a little funky)
Gender // pronouns: demigirl but not bothered to correct assumptions // she/her
Notable physical features not supported by in-game character creation:
lightning marks that start on the backs of her shoulders and spread down her back like wings.
Allagan channelling tattoos on her hands, arms, and legs.
Aether-burn scar on her chest as a result of frequent overuse of the dreadwyrm trance following the Archbishop's flee from the Vault.
Quirks/other things to note:
she has heightened hearing that is comparable to, though not quite as good as, Miq'ote hearing.
Her eyes are somewhat reflective in low light. She is bisexual and polyamorous, but she's also incapable of flirting once actual feelings are involved.
Muireann has an invisible disability in that she has ~fantasy lupus & fibro~ (I'm not arsed coming up with a ffxiv name for it) this mainly impacts her with chronic pain, fatigue, and light sensitivity. She manages this with the help of her many aetheric constructs and support from those closest to her.
Martial Skills: Allagan summoner, Nymian scholar and marine, marine status is derived from the warrior questline (using Bahamut as the Inner Beast), archer with some bardic knowledge, monk-in-training
Additional skills: she can tap into the dragonsong chorus after Shadowbringers, she has a unique manifestation of the Echo which is similar to Krile in that she can sense emotions. Muireann can also convey her own emotions and intent. These skills are largely limited to creatures and attempts to use them on another person will rapidly drain her of energy.
Family (biological): Silvairre (father) and Illiette (mother) Canaux. Somewhat estranged for most of the MSQ, reconnection timeline is wishy-washy. Additional extended family somewhere in Werlyt.
Family (adopted) (Muireann is the one who did the adopting): Raer Angathril (brother) and Haname Angathril (maternal figure) buth @azure-dragonsinger, Jehantel (grandfatherly or uncle figure), Ramuh (grandfather figure)
Partners (current and historic, multiple flavours - not all romantic/sexual): Haurchefant Greystone, Y'shtola Rhul, Hien Rijin, Runar, at least half of the marauder's guild, technically Shin Bokairo @accidentaloracle (legal wives, technically platonic)
Warrior Bonds(tm): Match Munroe @a-soul-full-of-stars, Alka Zolka, Surito Curito, Y'mhitra Rhul
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Panthea - architect and creations consultant at the Bureau of the Architect specialising in apex predators. Her parents returned to the star when Panthea was still quite young and she was hurt that they did not view supporting and caring for her as part of their life work. She suppressed her grief and hurt for countless years after this in order to fit in and started designing and creating extremely deadly and vicious creatures in part to try and examine her relationship to death and in part to force herself to let her emotions out through fear. She is responsible for several of the creatures in Pandaemonium including the protocarbuncle.
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Laisirhfíona - real name unknown. Laisirfhíona was a mage on the reflection that fell to lightning causing the second umbral calamity on the Source. In the lead-up to the catastrophic event that spelled the reflection's final doom, Laisirfhíona was manipulated by Ascians who granted her knowledge of more advanced magic than was known to her and the wizard she was apprenticed to. Foregoing her healing magic for ones forbidden in her world she broke down the doors to the tower that staged the final battle for the shard. She was tricked into dooming her home while believing she was saving everyone.
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Pandora Brooks - chief administrator of the Azys Lla research facility. Pandora (begrudgingly) worked alongside Amon and others bringing the horrific fruits of the research facility to life. With the knowledge of how to entrap an eikon and harvest its power granted to them by the Ascians, Pandora perfected the method through which tempered worshipers of the eikons could be preserved to ensure that the devotees would never die, nor would they be so comfortable that they would cease their prayers for deliverance from the pain they endured. She oversaw the project to automate the summoning arts, killing Sari's followers to gain his cooperation and initiating the order that led to Sari's eventual death.
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Ufufu Ufu - a Nymian scholar during the War of the Magi. When the Green Death arrived on Nymian soil Ufufu was amongst the scholars tasked with treating the victims and finding a cure. Seemingly immune to the affliction herself, she remained in Nym keeping the entonberried comfortable and placated while others risked their lives to find a cure elsewhere. She diligently maintained the wards on the Wanderer's Palace until the Sixth Umbral Calamity destroyed her city. Her final known act was to seal her codex, soul stone containing her fairy Bluebell, and a report on all those sealed within Wanderer's Palace in a secure container should any of her colleagues survive the flood.
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yloiseconeillants · 3 months
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We'll meet again Don't know where Don't know when But I know we'll meet again Some sunny day
Finally posed that rooftop party I have been threatening to pose since I moved to pc, with 15 minutes to spare before maintenance, even. The GAP and friends are (first photo, left to right):
Outis @mythandral
Mnemosyne @hermits-hovel
Hades, our Collective OC
Minthe @tallbluelady
Daedalus @azure-dragonsinger
Erasmos @azure-dragonsinger
Icarus @hermits-hovel
Kytheon @mythandral
Timoria @lilbittymonster
Panthea @whatsthisascianbullshit
Ares Nemo @abyssalmermaiden
Iris and Ariadne are my awful clowns
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lizaoverlord · 3 months
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Cleric Nora (tiefling) casts Zone of Truth. This spell forces the ones affected by it to only be able to tell the truth. Warlock Deimos (dark elf), while under the effect of this spell, calmly ensured everyone he did not want to see any of them get hurt. He added that he thought they have become a very competent group.
Deimos then stated he could tell them more, but rather not while under the effect of this Truth spell. He asked Nora to end the spell, but she did not, angering Deimos intensely.
Panthea (air genasi) then spoke up, "Who is Vannatir?" Faeyra (firbolg) brought up that they had all heard the name Vannatir before, from the snake familiar Fellthran who referred to this person as 'the master'.
[cue Deimos panic]
Ijech (deepgnome) pleaded with Nora to drop the Zone of Truth spell, but Nora said she needed to make sure Deimos can be trusted. Ijech then got angry as well, asking what Nora's problem was. Nora opened up a bit about what happened in her past: she lived in a beautiful village where everyone seemed to adore her, but one day they all turned against her and her parents, during a mysterious ceremony. It taught her that not everyone and everything can be trusted.
By now the party knows the following:
Deimos gets his magic powers from Vannatir.
Deimos is tasked to place an arcane sigil to channel magical essence for Vannatir, his warlock patron.
Deimos tried to ensure everyone this was also his own plan. But the GM (Game Master) then intervened, since that was technically a lie. So, due to the magic of Zone of Truth, the line "It was my plan." turned into "It was not my plan."
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thesmallmeggles · 7 months
🐍More Polytheus Thoughts🐍
Because no one can stop me >:)
🐍 Workaholic. One may need to physically drag him away from whatever he's doing before he burns out
🐍 Sells gossip. He loves spilling the tea, especially if it benefits him in someway
🐍 Since Poly is part snake, making him cold blooded, he prefers to sleep near something (or someone) warm. He gets really sleepy following a meal. Has a dedicated napping nook with pillows and bedding for colder months
🐍 He doesn't need to eat all that often. Mainly eats fish and (maybe) slugs/snails. He fears being hungry because it leads to him acting more on instinct
🐍 Related to this, being part snake bestows him with a powerful sense of smell. His least favorite scents are sulfuric, citrusy, or spicy in nature - which is why he avoids kitchens and pantries
🐍 What if the reason Polytheus dislikes most soups is because most of them are made with onions and/or garlic?
🐍 Polytheus has attempted to fish barehanded before... It didn't end well
🐍 Polytheus enjoyed messing with Panthea because he knew he could get a reaction out of her and also because she couldn't harm him in any significant way
🐍 He makes his own maps or he might have only made this one he's holding in the screenshot below. Otherwise, maybe he bought it from a Dark Elf
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//Image Description: Screenshot from Mia And Me Season 1 Episode 11 depicting Polytheus in a forest holding a map scroll. The map has a stylized metal snake handle//
🐍 There's one episode where Polytheus says he doesn't sell weapons or potions. Given how interested he was in Rixel's mind control substance - potions might be a case of, "wouldn't sell regularly, but if someone were in the market then why not?" Weapons are a hard no; they remind him of bad times :(
🐍 Speaking on that point, there was a time when elves treated him worse than what we've seen in canon. Line of thinking goes: “Dark Elves are our enemies. They work with snakes. Therefore, this snake man is an enemy.”
🐍 He can talk to snakes. They're really only useful to him for learning about current island events, and sometimes, not even that
🐍 Season 2, Episode 12 introduces us to the "Friendship Crystal" Cave, created by the Crystal Unicorn. Allegedly, the crystals in this cave will reveal one's best friend - something Polytheus himself wasn't aware of until traveling through there with the Trio + Onchao.
Anyway, Poly gains one friend at the end of the day.
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//Image Description: Screenshot from Season 2, Episode 12 depicting Polytheus staring into a crystal showing a smiling Mo//
My question is: Does the cave have a generous standard for who it considers someone's best friend or is receiving a gift with no strings attached once is enough for Polytheus to consider someone a best friend? (Mia must not have shown up because reviving that plant in Season 1 was so Buttercup could eat. Not an action that directly impacts Polytheus.)
If it's the second thing... He must be really lonely 💔
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yumomia · 2 months
So now I obviously know what Mia, Mo, and Yuko all look like.
But I know for certain people they might vision them differently in their own head/fic stories.
So in your Mia and Me fanfics what am I supposed to be picturing when thinking of more specifically Yuko and Mo. Mo especially I’m interested to know.. like every little detail so please do describe them all to me 😭what’s his hair type? Did you make his skin darker? (Brown would look lovely if u ask me) what’s his nose shape like? Any beauty marks? Same for Yuko?? What’s going on appearance wise?
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roughly, this is what the trio looks like, including mia's human form! but i'll do a quick rundown of specifics!!
mia: mia is the SPITTING IMAGE of her father, especially when she's in the human world. she has loose brown curls that reach down to about her upper back and her ears pierced. light brown freckles are on her cheeks, and she has a bigger beauty mark on her right cheek (the picrew i used didn't have that option lol). she's the shortest of the trio. in the human world, she has little pink streaks running through her hair that she usually has to use a spell to cover. there's a scar that can be seen stretching above her elf dress (which is the same as canon), almost reaching her neck, from fighting panthea. she likes to wear long sleeves to cover her bracelet, but as it's the middle of summer where we currently are in the story, she doesn't get that option much. her ears are a LITTLE bit pointed in the story when she's in the human world, and her wings are light pink, like in canon!
yuko: yuko is lithe and muscular. she has red hair that just brushes her shoulders when she lets it down, though she never does. she has a small mark shaped like a sun on her right cheek. it's not as obvious as her star from canon is, it glows gold when yuko uses a lot of magic. it's shaped like this!
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her eyes are sapphire blue, and she tends to wear small blue gemstones in her hair. just because she's a badass warrior doesn't mean she can't look cute! she's also the only one (in canon as well) that wears real shoes! yuko wears gladiator sandals that lace up around her calves (whereas mia basically wears thigh-high socks and mo has half his foot out). when she can, she likes painting things on herself, like poetry and other little doodles, though she tends to only do that if she knows she won't have to fight anytime soon, so mia hasn't gotten to see the doodles. yuko has a roman nose, because i have a roman nose and i WILL project onto every one of these characters, so she has the small bump in the bridge of her nose. she has the most scars as well, from hundreds of fights over the years. her wings are the same yellowy-orange as from canon, though they are longer than mia's. she's the second-tallest in the group.
mo: mo is the one i changed the most, obviously. he's got dark brown skin (as does mayla, btw. they aren't blood related but in my heart mayla has dark skin and wears her hair in long braids). his curls are about 3b and his hair is like canon, so black it's almost blue. he has a rounder face than yuko does. his nose is flatter than the other two (and as stated in s1e20, they think it's adorable). he has way less scars than yuko. most of his tend to be on his hands from muncs' snakebites. technically, he's supposed to be wearing his crown everywhere, but mayla and raynor realized long ago that that's a lost cause and gave up lol. he's the tallest of the trio, beating yuko by about two inches, but his wings are shorter than hers, longer than mia's. his eyes are an indigo-sort of purple, the same as his friendship ring. he fidgets when he's uncomfortable, most often playing with his friendship ring or opening and closing his water glare. he wears ear cuffs up by the tips of his pointed ears as well, most of the time.
i hope this helped!! i got this less than a minute after you sent it so i've been making sure to include everything i can think of!!
story they're referencing
picrew i used
star tattoo source
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justforbooks · 4 months
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Trina Robbins
American cartoonist and author whose pioneering work in comics included being the first female artist to draw Wonder Woman
The American illustrator and writer Trina Robbins, who has died aged 85, began her career in comics in her native New York in the 1960s as a contributor to the counterculture newspaper East Village Other. She also drew and wrote strips for Gothic Blimp Works, an underground comic.
Then came comic strips, covers and spot illustrations for the underground publications Berkeley Tribe and It Ain’t Me, Babe, often described as the first feminist newspaper, before before she put together an all-women comic, It Ain’t Me, Babe Comix (1970), followed by the anthology All Girl Thrills (1971) and the solo comic Girl Fight Comics (1972).
Her black heroine, Fox, was serialised in Good Times (1971) and another of her characters, Panthea, who first appeared in Gothic Blimp Works (1969), was a regular in Comix Book (1974-76).
She also became one of the 10 founders of Wimmen’s Comix, an all-female underground comics anthology published from 1972 to 1992, and in the late 70s was a contributor to High Times, Heavy Metal, National Lampoon and Playboy.
Later she adapted the 1919 novel Dope, by Sax Rohmer, for Eclipse Comics (1981-83) and wrote and drew Meet Misty (1985-86) for Marvel. She was also the first woman to draw Wonder Woman, in The Legend of Wonder Woman (1986).
Robbins’ wider interest in the history of girls’ comics led her to co-write a book about the genre, Women and the Comics (1986), with Catherine Yronwode, and later A Century of Women Cartoonists (1993), followed by a number of biographies of female comic pioneers, including Nell Brinkley, Lily Renée, Gladys Parker and Tarpé Mills.
Born in Brooklyn, she grew up in Queens, where her mother, Bessie (nee Roseman) was a teacher. Her father, Max Perlson, was a tailor who later wrote for Yiddish-language newspapers and published a collection of stories, A Minyen Yidn (1938), that was turned by Trina into a comic anthology in 2017.
At the age of 10 she graduated from reading wholesome animal comics to Millie the Model, Patsy Walker and others with female protagonists. The Katy Keene comic was especially influential, as it encouraged Robbins to make paper dolls and design clothing for them. She was also a huge fan of the jungle adventuress Sheena.
Having discovered science fiction at 14, Robbins began attending conventions, and at one such gathering she met the short story writer Harlan Ellison. At 21 he was five years her senior, but they dated briefly and he later wrote her into his film The Oscar (1966) as Trina Yale, played by Edie Adams.
Trina attended Queens College before studying drawing at Cooper Union, although she dropped out after a year. In 1957 she married the cartoonist Art Castillo; they moved to the Bay area of Los Angeles until he disappeared to Mexico and the relationship ended.
Working for a time as a model for men’s magazines, she was a cinema usherette when she met Paul Robbins, whom she married in 1962 following Castillo’s death. Her new husband wrote for the LA Free Press, which gave her access to the Byrds, Bob Dylan and other musicians, and she began making clothing to sell to musician friends, including Mama Cass.
Returning alone to New York in 1966 (she and Robbins eventually divorced, in 1972), she opened a boutique called Broccoli on East 4th Street, making clothes for exotic customers and having flings with a number of them, including the Doors’ singer Jim Morrison and the activist Abbie Hoffman; she also had longer relationships with Paul Williams, editor of Crawdaddy magazine, and the cartoonist Kim Deitch, with whom she set up a cartoon art museum on East 9th Street.
Her clothes-making got her into a song by Joni Mitchell, who wrote in Ladies of the Canyon that “Trina wears her wampum beads / She fills her drawing book with line / Sewing lace on widows’ weeds / And filigree on leaf and vine”.
After she had sold her boutique in 1969 and began to make her living in comics, there was no looking back.
Apart from her writing and illustrating activities over the years, in 1994 she became one of the founders of Friends of Lulu, a US-based charity that promotes the reading of comic books by women and the participation of women in the comic book industry.
Her later work on the history of women in comics produced three further books, From Girls to Grrrlz (1996), The Great Women Cartoonists (2001) and Pretty in Ink (2013).
She also wrote a number of books for children, starting with Catswalk: The Growing of Girl (1990), and including the Chicagoland Detective Agency series (2010-14) of bizarre high school mystery adventures.
For adults she wrote The Great Women Superheroes (1996), Eternally Bad: Goddesses With Attitude (2001), Tender Murderers: Women Who Kill (2003) and Wild Irish Roses: Tales of Brigits, Kathleens and Warrior Queens (2004).
Her most recent comic was Won’t Back Down (2024), a pro-choice anthology.
She is survived by her partner, Steve Leialoha, a daughter, Casey, from her relationship with Dietch, and her sister Harriet.
🔔 Trina Robbins, writer and illustrator, born 17 August 1938; died 10 April 2024
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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overlord-of-fantasy · 7 months
Evil powerful lesbians!
So, I watched this show for kids, "Mia and me", because someone on Watty kept making jokes about it and wow... I love the villains. That evil queen (Panthea) and her general (Gargona) have such an awsome dynamic. The perfect mixture of powerabuse, arguing like an old married couple and glimpses of real admiration and care (like the fact that Panthea only takes her mask off in front of Gargona) (and that scene, where they litteraly ride on the same dragon, like some teen couple on a motorbike). It is a trope I love for villains *cough-Angbang-cough*. I soooo ship those dramatic evil girls!!!
I see them like:
Gargona: When you said 'Magic in Bed', I wasn't expecting this... Panthea: *weird glowing dark ritual, killing all plants in a 10 mile radius* Gargona, blushing: Oh wow-
Panthea: There's no way she likes me back. Rendom servant: General Gargona would throw herself of the tower for you, my queen. Panthea: Gargona would throw herself of the tower out of pure foolishness.
(So as long as I don´t get Angbang interaction in canon I´m just imagining Melkor and Mairon as them :) )
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I literally can't stop thinking about the fact that my girl literally died thinking she was the ugliest being on Earth. Oh god.
And I'm also considering the fact that Panthea and Gargona would have been an amazing couple if the creators weren't pussies. Like generalxqueen? Please 😔
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abyssalmermaiden · 1 year
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@cantspelldragoonwithoutgoon @yloiseconeillants
To Daedalus's credit, he did try. And Pan tried too! Part of Viola's character is she's embracing her doomed trajectory with far too much enthusiasm.
Her end is in a way, less tragic than the original concept for it. To put it bluntly: she was no one. She was supposed to wander into a battle as the calamity began and die in the crossfire, unnoticed and unmourned.
Instead she has a several people who at least feel bad/relate to her on some level- Daedalus, Medusa. ANd Pandora/Panthea who didn't really know Viola but knew Ares! and did offer to get her out of the tower.
And she has a friend! She has Cesario! beloved Ces! ;u; They care about each other for who they are now. In this life. and their whole situation is so fucked up but at least they can have tea and board game nights. (Yes we have discussed that she most likely witnesses his death and is killed shortly afterwards maybe bleeding out next to his body so in some ways yeah its actually worse)
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parvulous-writings · 6 months
BG3 Fanfic Sneak Peek
So, as I've mentioned previously, I'm also working on a bigger fanfic for Baldur's Gate (It's currently unnamed, but I'm working on it!) I thought I'd give you all a sneak peak of the first chapter, which will be under the cut here! It's from an early part of Chapter 1, though not directly the beginning, so as to not spoil anything! It's more of a focus on the initial dynamic between characters! If you'd prefer to go in to the fanfic blind, that's totally okay! Don't feel pressured to read this!
The pair walked for about ten minutes, in complete silence. Shadowheart did not want to talk, and Renton was too nervous to even consider starting a conversation. It wasn't until they started to near the end of the stretch of beach that anything worth talking about actually caught the attention of the pair. About 50 yards ahead of them, crouched in front of an old wooden door, was the dis coil horned, dusk skinned Tiefling that Renton and Shadowheart had first met whilst on the Nautiloid. Clearly, she had woken up much quicker than either of them. The young woman hadn't noticed their presence as they approached her, continuing to just mutter quietly to herself as she gave another attempt. "Almost… Almost…" She murmured, over and over again, as the tiny clink of a lock sounded, before a resounding clunk, and the near unmistakable snap of metal. "… Mrag." She spat, slowly pushing herself up from her crouched position. Dusting herself off, she started to turn, jumping a little bit when Renton and Shadowheart finally caught her eye. "Panthea!" Renton called gleefully, picking up his pace a little bit to pull ahead of Shadowheart. Panthea offered the man a mildly crooked smile as he approached. "Ah, there you are… I thought the two of you had…" She waved her hand in a circular motion, as if she were trying to conjure the word she was looking for into her mind. "Perished in the crash?" Shadowheart offered, folding her arms over her chest as she spoke, the metal of her breastplate clunking quietly as the metal of her vambraces came into contact with it. It was clear, even with Shadowheart's usual behaviour being snide and snappy, that she did not like the dusk skinned woman standing before them. "I was hoping to phrase it slightly more… Tactfully than that, but yes." Panthea chuckled hollowly.
Shadowheart did not look impressed at Panthea's attempt to lighten the mood of the conversation. Her lips had turned to a scowl, and her nose had started to scrunch slightly with the movement. Renton, on the other hand, looked practically over the moon at the survival of his newfound friend. "You should come with us-" He began, completely oblivious to Shadowheart's disdain for the Tiefling. "We're going to go find somewhere with a healer… Or try to at least; Shadowheart thinks there may be a settlement nearby." Renton couldn't help himself from filling Panthea in on what he and the half-elf had discussed. Panthea nodded, almost sagely, in response. "Oh, yes, I'd say so… If these ruins are anything to go by, at least." She pointed behind her as she spoke, to the old wooden door she had been trying to pick the lock of. "They may be deserted, but I'd wager there's at least something still nearby… Even if it's small." She told Renton, whose gaze had turned and trailed up the massive stone wall that was behind the Tiefling. "That's possibly the smartest thing I've heard you say," Shadowheart commented snidely. Panthea just chuckled; "Oh, believe me, stick with me for a little while and you'll see that I'm absolutely full of smart ideas…" "Why were you trying to break in to here?" Renton asked, interrupting the building argument of the two women. "It looks entirely deserted…" "I know - that's half of the reason." Panthea replied, almost gleefully. "A building, standing this tall after Gods know how many years of abandonment? It was built with care - and with purpose. There has to be something inside, there simply has to be." She told Renton, as her gaze flitted to the old lock once more. Typically, Panthea had no issue prising apart the mechanisms of any lock presented to her - half the reason she was able to stock her small curio shop back in the city was because even though half the world was seemingly locked away from her, she was able to break through. "And - to be entirely honest with you my friend - I would rather take my chances in a musty old ruin, then try and make my way through the burning wreck of that Nautiloid. In my humble, but quite often correct opinion, this would be our best option of survival." Renton heard a scoff from behind him as soon as the words had left the Tiefling's lips. "Correct opinion?" Shadowheart spat, almost mockingly. "I doubt that. Renton had to convince you to even give me a second glance back there," It was clear that the half-elf was very much holding a grudge, and rightly so. Had it not been for Renton's good nature, it was almost certain that Shadowheart would have been left in the pod upon the Nautiloid, to die in the crash, or worse - become a mindflayer. Lae'zel - the group's Githyanki companion for a few hours before the crash - had no opinion on the rescue of the cleric, she had merely wished to leave the Nautiloid as soon as physically possible. Panthea, on the other hand, had actively tried to convince Renton to just leave the woman there in the pod. "It was a matter of survival, nothing more… I'm sure you understand, hm?" Panthea replied, a blasé edge to her voice. A few beats of silence fell over the group, as the two women glared holes into one another's faces, and Renton just stood there, awkwardness just radiating off of him.
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bellaboo2164 · 6 months
I’ve been being a useless member of society for the last two weeks (being stressed and then away from my friends does that sometimes) but I have been brainstorming ideas for shorter Mia and Me fics (I’m trying to hype myself up to be able to actually write my first actual long fic) and I have a great idea for one.
The entire concept of one hinges on the idea that Mia would have gone to Centopia more than is shown and not just for the Trumptus; that she also occasionally just gave general warnings through the oracles. Such as, maybe… I dunno… warnings about battles and sacrifices?
It would also take place during season one (during Panthea times), which is why I decided to type this out. I’m really just half-asleep right now and I’m not sure if any of this was needed or even makes any sense but I’m posting it anyway because I feel terrible today.
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how did they spend their summers/free time as a child? (for panthea, please!)
This has been sitting in here forever and a day because I could not and still struggle to think of her before her middle manager office job that provides structure to her days and an acceptable answer for the "so what do you do?" question as social events.
Panthea lost "celebrated her parents' return to the star" at an age too young to fully understand and vocalise her upset but old enough that she should know better because it's always beautiful. There was a considerable amount of time spent at a counselling school (for want of a better description) where the goal was to get her to see returning to the star as the wonderful thing it was in the time of the ancients, and to stop seeing it as her parents abandoning her because she wasn't important enough to them.
A lot of the rest of the time would have been sitting quietly at her aunt's desk at the reception of the debate halls. Watching people argue their strong opinions around her. It definitely informed her job selection: high enough up that people are impressed, not important enough that people take notice of her enough to have expectations.
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yloiseconeillants · 11 months
the quick post (endwalker spoilers i guess?)
but just to get everyone caught up on a bit of lore i did not in fact ever talk about here but Mide Alexander Raids FFXIV is ALSO a shard of my ancient, Ariadne. Yes she is contemporaneous with my Warrior of Light (whose brother is ALSO a shard of my ancient Ariadne).
I justify this because there was this time that Ariadne sundered herself early by hitting the healer lb3* in Amaurot during the Final Days and splintered into countless shards of light (ALONG WITH HER FRIEND PANTHEA HER FRIEND-) and that's why scholars get Faeries (they are the results of those motes of light).
*it wasn't dynamis. it was aether. she fucked up big time-
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 11 months
So I readied your one shot book, and apparently I found a very interesting AU. One that relates to “Mia and Me” or “49. 💀&🔥” in your one shot book, and I want to know if you have more ideas about it? 🤩, heck can you draw both Ortho and Idia in this AU too please :). Also please tell me they and their friends defeated Panthea too. It really is that interesting and cool!
:0 the childhood show! :D
Tbh this one is PACKED with lore. I have like a whole history of the whole thing, biology lessons and the different species of elfs and unicorns. There is just A LOT to unpack. Again is one of those aus people saying that's simple and straightforward, without knowing just how big it is. I do have a smol list of such aus :'3
Unfortunately, I don't currently have my tablet, where I did have a sketch that I'm not that proud of. I'm actually more proud about the wings. I actually do love how Mia and me has it's world and beings look so colorful, despite some being meant to emulate darkness. It's always shades of blue and green and pink and that pretty purple. I did contemplate on making a sort of style study of the artstyle in the show with a more revamped and show-loyal sketch. :v
As for the oneshot itself, it does end up with the whole centopia being released back in twisted wonderland. So there is a lot of cultural and biological shock at first. We also have our situation at NRC, where Kalim, Silver, Rook and Adeuce have to be housed in until the Shroud bros find out where tf did centopia spawn on the map or where in the world is Panthea or if she got some magic boost and is off to conquer ✨za World✨
There's also a lot of changes around. I actually did want to do a part 2, but alas, no inspiration for the moment. Which means I also can't divulge the end of the Au plotline. :'3
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thesmallmeggles · 7 months
🐍 Polytheus Headcanons + Observations 🐍
First Up: The differences between Season 1 and Season 2 Polytheus. He got pretty boy-ed up! (Not a criticism by any means, but I do miss the pink cheek lines from S1)
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//Image Description: Four screenshots of Polytheus from the tv show Mia & Me. The top two are from season 1 and the bottom two are from season 2//
Bonus Season 3 Polytheus
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//Image Description: A screenshot of Polytheus from Season 3 of Mia & Me//
👇More Thoughts Under The Cut👇
Going back to "Magic Experiment" theory, Polytheus started out as a mundane snake, then changed either pre or post hatching
Snakes are born precocial (fully developed and independent from birth) - in other words, Baby Polytheus could not be contained. He went anywhere and EVERYWHERE. Once he ended up in the Treasury and that's when he first fell in love with 👑treasure 👑
His more human traits - speech, critical thinking, socializing, etc - took longer to develop
He was adopted by one of Panthea's servants, who later abandoned him. (Not intentionally) He's been alone ever since (if you don't count Buttercup)
Apart from supporting his desire for more shiny trinkets, being a merchant ensures that Polytheus will always be needed by Centopia- and being useful to Centopia ensures his continued survival. Especially considering his track record when it comes to both helping and hindering in equal measure.
Poly's shop is technically open all the time. About the only time he's closed is during shedding time. Do NOT Disturb Him (He won't attack. More likely rattle while giving the stink eye)
He doesn't have fangs, so presumably non-venomous? Therefore, constrictor. Not that he particularly enjoys doing so. It's a last resort tactic for him
Once nocturnal, adapted his sleep schedule to the elves. Maybe. (Nocturnal snakes have slitted pupils so that's what I'm basing this on)
Commissioned the elves to construct his home. Its design was his idea.
Believed Buttercup was male for years until she laid a clutch of eggs between S2-S3
He's a cuddler, I will die on this hill
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yumomia · 9 months
i don't think we talk about how lucky it is that panthea happened to keep the mouthpiece of the trumptus. imagine if she had kept some random part that just goes in the middle of the instrument, and then it's the big final battle, and phuddle has to carry around a sack of the disconnected pieces bc they don't fit together yet
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