#ability to open my door
lamboficarus · 3 months
God i wish i knew and had the money to install a cat door. I say money because my current door might straight up just require replacement to do anything with it.
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a-most-beloved-fool · 1 month
has anyone ever made a clip of leeta's sad dog noises from when she thought rom was going to get executed by the dominion, or will i have to do that myself?
Rom: I'm going to die soon
Leeta: whhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnneeee
This fucker
apparently you can't add videos when reblogging so i had to just edit it
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almea · 2 years
I love thinking about how if Blake went up to Yang right now and told her "I love you," I don't... think Yang would know how to react to it. Not in a silly, "oh what a gay disaster" way, but in a "Yang has abandonment issues and has never been loved in the deep, all-encompassing way Blake loves her, which she absolutely reciprocates, so would she even know how to accept that love for herself" kind of way.
Blake and Yang need to talk about Yang's abandonment issues and the way she values the people she loves over herself to her own detriment before their relationship can move forward and that's why I was so anti-reunion kiss and why I don't expect them to kiss before the last half or third of the volume. They can continue being stupidly cute together before then though, so I don't even mind.
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variousqueerthings · 9 months
finished reading "tell me I'm worthless," which was an interesting experience. I think there's something really good for you in your soul to be able to understand the genre conventions you're in and the kinds of structures and language and character that can be explored in these genres. I think about how people tend to -- with fiction about marginalisation and/or about people who are marginalised as a blanket whole, regardless of the story -- operate on a checklist of dos and donts, but mainly donts: don't ever tell us a deadname, don't ever use these "problematic" words to describe them/or have them describe themselves in this way, don't ever describe negative emotions or "problematic" emotions, don't let the characters have harmful traits (either towards themselves or others), don't hurt your characters at all actually, don't make your characters politically uncomfortable or "problematically" complicated in their political outlook and/or journey, don't make your characters be assholes ever, certainly don't traumatise your characters, and under no circumstance do you kill your characters!
which of course, this book does praaaactically every one of these things, thank goodness
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petz5 · 2 years
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grabs him by the scruff of his neck like a kitten
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Had another wild dream
There was a festival, the biggest one of the year. Where everyone comes together to celebrate. Everyone in this world has a hidden ability, like a talent but a bit more magical. This celebration shows off the most magical of them all, like the one who can take reindeer by just touching them, or the dude who can play any instrument without ever seeing said instrument before, etc etc. some are simple powers like reading fast, or able to draw anything, or even just a very good worker, but apparently I don’t have an ability and am seen as worthless. Anyway, There are many people who are invited to this festival, but in this world there are monsters, who trap and kill people in many different ways. This is important for later. Each person invited to the festival, if they are related to one of the performers, must help out in some way shape or form. Last year I tried and failed to help, by being the end flag for the army race, where the soldiers who are invited, race to see who is the fastest. I was told to hold the flag and change it when 10, 20, 30, minutes have passed, while also stopping the clock when the winner passes me. However they never told me that last part and I got in trouble. So this year they want me to just hold a plate of mashed potatoes and hand it out.
So while we are waiting for things to start we need to find our seats. Me and my siblings are sat somewhere up higher, however there are only three seats. So I’m told to just “sit near them” on the ground, but don’t literally sit on the ground cause it’ll make the place look bad. After I join the walk with my mashed potatoes, about half way through I’m out and tell the Sargent and he says “we’ll go get more from up front” which btw this walk is like walking around a mega church building. So yeah, I get pissed and walk back with everyone looking at me. I get back and decide fuck it I’m going to just sit and not do anything. So I climb in the seats where my siblings are, get yelled at by a dude who I have to pass by when getting to these seats cause “you should know better than to walk on my seat” bro it’s literally the only way to the other seats, if you know another path please show me. He just grumbles and says that I should know of another path. I ignore him and get to the seats and stand nearby cause my sibs are sitting there. The show starts then and that’s my siblings cue to leave their seats so they can be carried away to perform. So I’m left in the middle of the path that also acts as the stage and I just quickly get over to the side cause wtf else do I do. Only to get reprimanded by my aunt and mother that “I should be in my seat and not basically on the stage” I just glare at them and say “well maybe somebody should make sure there are ENOUGH seats for us then” only for them to say that there were and that I’m being unhelpful and just want to complain. I finally snap and just walk along the path/stage, backwards. I’m heading to my car and just running away cause I can’t deal with these shits.
Anyway, Remember the monsters? Once outside I see a few roaming around, they are different sizes and different creatures. I don’t care and just keep walking. Apparently last year I ran into one, it grabbed me and I thought that was it, but it just rubbed my head and cooed before putting me down, chasing another person, and then eating them. So I didn’t care cause I felt pretty safe around them, which is saying something when the step on a car and it explodes.
I’m making my way to my car when I hear that apparently my family is looking for me already. I’m like “shit” so start running across the town/city to get to my car. But once again the town is being swarmed by monsters. I get to an area where this grass tentacle monster thing is sitting, and there’s a group of others trying to figure out how to pass it with getting caught. I tell them just don’t get hit by the end of the grass thorn tentacle thing, cause that’s what’ll grab you, as I start causally climbing over the already grown tentacles. A few tentacles have fallen apart and I grab a few and say “check this out” before chucking them into a body of water. The tentacle then grow and form another monster, the exact same kind of monster that we just passed. I rub it’s little head and say it’s a good boy and needs to stay there until it’s big enough to leave the pond. The group is horrified that I just made more monsters and most run away from me in fear.
The more brave parts of the group quickly joins me and hopes I can get them to safety and I mention that the house next to the library has a spell on it that repels all monsters, and that I’ll be walking in that direction anyway so they can join me. Anyway we continue walking through the snow and crowds of people who are scurrying off to do whatever when another monster appears. This one is a classic giant who is seen chasing someone, he sees me and for a brief second considers going for me before returning to his original target. I don’t get to see if he successfully catches them or not.
Eventually we get to the house and I drop them off before going to the library cause it’s a bit closer to my destination. I get yoinked in by someone who is panicking cause there’s a monster running the library. I look over and it’s this little sand vampire lady monster. I recognize her cause a few years back she successfully trapped me in her sandpit. She started sucking out my youth before stopping and realizing that I wasn’t getting older, but she was still getting younger. She is confused and asks what’s going on and I just shrug and say that I have no idea but if she want she can keep trying until she feels she is at the youthful age she wants. She does and I still don’t age, I then tell her if she acts human and doesn’t attack anyone else, that I’ll help her maintain her youth…at least until I die. She agrees and starts to work in the library. She looks human but if you look closely you see her skin is actually sand. Anyway the person is freaking out and I just say hi to the librarian and ask how it’s going. She said fine and that she needs a little pick me up, so I allow her. Much to the horror of the other person.
We chat for a bit before another smaller monster runs in and grabs me and the shocked person shouting that another giant monster needs a sacrifice. He is this fur covered monster with horns and he rushes out, despite the librarian’s shouts. Then we see the a new monster, this giant tall skinny monster, their skin swirling with different darker colors (like dark blue, deep violet, black, and a hint of dark green too)
That’s when the monster carrying us puts us down and is about to shout at this bigger monster that he brought a sacrifice but freezes for two reasons, 1: monsters are not against attacking smaller monsters and mr fluff here was hoping to get on this big dudes good side but just witnessed the big guy rip another monster apart, and 2: he looks at me and says that I shouldn’t be there and that he messed up by bringing me. I’m still confused before it clicks in my brain. I’m not useless, I do have an ability and a very rare one at that. I have a monster ability, it’s why I don’t get attacked, it’s why I can walk by them, it’s why they hesitate and change their mind, it’s why their attacks don’t affect me and why I know so much about them despite not seeing some of these monsters. I stare at the monster who was holding me cause we both realized what I am, just then the giant dark creature is looking at us with bright violet eyes. I’m not scared and walk forward placing my hand in the middle of his face… I then wake up.
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soni-dragon · 1 month
Never ever EVER buy household appliances with ai in them. Most ridiculous things I’ve ever encountered
#to be clear i did not buy one but had to use one to do a load of laundry (who needs ai in a laundry machine??) and let me tell you it was#useless.#first the thing apparently ‘senses the dirty ness of your clothes to calculate the wash cycle’ which then would only ever decide to do a#cycle that took 4. freaking. hours. never have i encountered a washer that takes longer than an hour to wash your clothes.#and without the ability to manually say you want it to be a specific time? makes no sense. who has that kind of time in their day.#NEXT we go to dry the clothes and it also wants to run it for an insane amount of time. so we click it anyways (horrible decision)#and think oh we’ll just open it halfway through#well. upon stopping the cycle halfway through the damn thing says that the door is locked because it’s ‘too hot.’#never have i seen something that thinks i’m going to burn myself on my hot clothes. like cmon#also cause opening the door would be a surefire way to cool the clothes down you’d think??#so we try all sorts of troubleshooting things and even unplugging it and it STILL WOULDNT UNLOCK.#the damn thing is still locked btw. dunno if ill ever get those clothes back#so glad this at least isn’t actually a dryer we spent money on and just one that was here while we’re traveling and need to do laundry#but like. cmon#there’s no reason we shouldn’t be able to decide how long to wash our clothes for and instead let a ‘smart’ (hint: it’s not smart) machine#do it for us#(hint part 2: this isn’t just about the clothes)#soni rambles#more like soni RANTS#i was already angry about the idea of ai in appliances but experiencing first hand how bad they are makes me even more angry#and a little scared for the future#now it’s 2am and the laundry is still stuck and im too upset to go to sleep. gah#and i don’t get mad easily.#oh and did i mention that to dry your clothes it wouldn’t let you select a temperature?? that it only said it would sense it itself??#see i like to dry all my clothes on low heat cause ive had a history of them shrinking#so not only are they trapped in the machine but it’s ‘too hot’ because it wouldn’t let us select a lower temperature.#luckily i didn’t put anything in that’s a material that usually shrinks
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Me: you know tbh I haven’t rly experienced a lot of speech loss or sensory issues, sometimes I can handle my sensory triggers fine, maybe it’s weird that I have an AAC, maybe I don’t need it and I’m just faking all my symptoms and if I pushed through it-
*fire alarm sounds*
*literally crumples into a ball on the floor with my ears covered, cannot move for several minutes despite desperately trying to, cannot talk for over an hour*
Me: …okay so maybe that was the internalized ableism talking
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dykexenomorph · 7 months
I WATCH barbarian. doors in this movie CONTINUOUSLY close and open w/o charas seeing how. my CAT randomly LEAPS onto the back of my desk chair and SCARES THE SHIT OUT OF OF ME. i TURN AROUND confused. my door (thought to be CLOSED) is OPEN. cool. great.
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Okay look, I’m exhausted and a little bit drunk but have this niche meme that will make me cry in 7-12 business minutes.
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Based on true events
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bcdwclves · 11 months
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love that me, as a chromed-out super freak with gorilla arms, simply cannot rip out that measly wrought-iron fence with my bare hands. like, pls. I CAN TURN THAT SHIT INTO SPAGHETTI WITHOUT EVEN TRYING, BUT I NEED TECHNICAL ABILITY TO """""BREAK""""" THAT RINKY-DINK FENCE?!?!?!?!!?
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zeussim · 2 years
I've had an epiphany about my masters. I'm not gonna do bioinformatics. It's not for me, I can't see myself doing it for the rest of my life. I really don't want to. It fills me with dread. SO, I'm going back to my first idea, the reason for me wanting to study biology in the first place. Marine microbiology!! The thing I have added though is that I'll take some bioinformatic courses along with it to be ✨️extra✨️(let's not forget I've already taken bioinformatic courses)
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littledragonkana · 1 year
Why can my mom not knock? Or open doors quietly???? Or talk in indoor voice after opening doors?? I just almost had a heart attack!
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witchblade · 1 year
i took such an awful agonizing nap the entire time i dreamt i was dying
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
The amount of people who seem to enjoy spending time with a lot of people for a long period of time baffles the shit out of me man
#like gatherings and such#don’t get me wrong; if i’m functioning at above 80% of myself i can happily spend time with my friends or pleasant people for many hours#especially if there is alcohol and i am sitting in a comfortable chair. never underestimate the power of the comfortable chair#you put me in a stool and i’m bowing out an hour in. give me an armchair? i’ll still be there 8 hours later flirting with someone ineptly#you make me stand? i’ll walk away in 5 minutes or less#anyway what prompted this was my mom is currently at an all day; 12 hour long wedding#it’s all happening at one fucking venue. ceremony; meals; drinks; everything#in fact i think it was technically 14 hours because doors open at 10:30am and you don’t have to leave until 12:30am#the way i’m so glad i wasn’t invited. i would’ve rsvp’d saying unless you can pay for 14 hours of therapy i will not be spending 14 hours#in PUBLIC. fucking HORRIBLE#imagine choosing that for your wedding though. imagine thinking. i know what i want to do. spend FOURTEEN HOURS with not only my closest#friends and family; but also a couple hundred of the biggest randos we can dredge up#you had the ability to plan Everything and you were like. yep. let’s make it fourteen hours long#bro i’m too much of a loser to ever get married; but if i did it would start to finish take an hour#you get 5 minutes to get your ass in the venue and sit the fuck down and then i’m walking down the aisle. if you’re late you’re not coming#ceremony takes like 10 minutes then for 45 minutes we’re having drinks of some sort and maybe an ice cream van#and stay if you want but i’m leaving an hour after i arrived. i don’t care if the minister was delayed an hour and i’m not actually married#yet. i allocated an hour. it’s taking an hour. don’t hug me. i’m going hone#*home#a fourteen hour party is incomprehensible to me. i would rather do just about anything else for 14 hours#personal
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t4tstarvingdog · 2 years
I really really get you wanted to do the right thing but I'm looking around and so many people are hurt and triggered because of it being on the dash. Like I never ever would have known that fic existed and can't unsee. Idk
that's fair, and i am deeply sorry you saw that post and that it hurt you, and i feel very guilty about the others that have been hurt and triggered because of it.
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