#abandoned loneliness
creatively-cosmic · 6 months
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VERY overdue missing numbers leaf ref
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themissingnumbers · 17 days
Note: well, it's all downhill from here. also FUCK its 2am again. WARNINGS: Scopophobia, Disturbing Imagery, Blood. FIRST || PREV | NEXT ["I was just wondering if you were ready to go!"]
Thinking quickly, you decide to just play innocent. If you can't lie, why not just... Avoid the truth?
"I was just wondering if you were ready to go!" you exclaim, folding your hands behind your back and smiling down at him. He looks up at you, quirking an eyebrow. He looks like he wants to question you further, but... He sighs, and just shakes his head.
"Not yet bud. Sorry," he replies simply. "You can go on ahead, though. I'll be fine. 'sides, I didn't exactly ask you to come in the first place, did I?"
You feel your cheeks heat up a bit. He's got you there- you had really insisted on tagging along, and here you are, wandering off and trying to drag him away before he wants to leave... How rude!
He must notice how you're quietly kicking yourself, because his expression softens into a warm smile.
"Hey- don't sweat it. Remember, we're neighbors, Leaf. You can come and bug me any time you want. Promise."
That gets you to calm down a little. Sometimes you forget, you'll admit... You're lucky that Blue turned out to be so patient with you, despite everything.
You're grateful to have him by your side.
"You got it!" you finally chime in reply. "Well... I guess in that case- I'll see you soon, okay? I'll make sure to come over!"
He nods, standing up before you get on your way. You can see him mulling something over in his mind, judging by the look on his face...
Before you can question, he leans in, squeezing you tight in a hug.
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The worry of oh Gods what if he feels the bag flashes across your mind, but...
You can tell that's not what he's doing. You relax into your friends arms, returning the gesture with all the warmth you can muster.
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After a long moment, Blue pulls away, averting his gaze and rubbing a hand over his eyes.
"Alllllright, get outta here," he insists, "And don't tell anyone I'm going soft, you got that?!"
You beam and nod quickly. "Course! Big Bad Blue Oak being a hugger... Your secret's safe with me!" you chime, before turning to jog off towards the exit.
"I'll come visit soon!!!" you call over your shoulder, waving goodbye. You see him wave back at you, before you lose sight of him as you hop down the stairs.
Once you're outside of the tower, you call out your Dragonite, and fly home. You hope to visit Blue tomorrow... But for now, you've got an Eevee to take care of.
Two weeks pass.
Trying to nurse the Eevee back to health has been more difficult than you anticipated. You've tried everything. You've fed and watered it well, played with it, slept with it, tried a whole variety of medicines and home remedies.
No matter what you tried, its condition just won't improve, and it looks just like how you found it, if not worse. Worried about deeper ailments, you even managed to drag it into a Pokemon center last week, in spite of its screams and protests. The nurses did a checkup and everything- nothing abnormal came up, other than the stuff you already knew, that it was scrawny and runty and whatever. The only remarkable things you took away from the visit was the surprising strength of the claws on the little bugger, and that weirdo Nurse Joy who told you to "be careful with a Pokemon like that."
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It's like they assumed you just waltzed in with an untrained wild Eevee!
It frustrated you so much that you just went back to trying to treat it yourself. Of course, Eevee calmed down as soon as you got home, and you've barely left the house since then- you can't bear to leave it alone for how bad its separation anxiety is.
At least it doesn't act up at home like it did in the Center... Other than that one day, it's been nothing but a little angel for you.
... You're regretting not getting out more, and you wish so badly you could just take it with- especially to visit your friend, like you keep meaning to... But you've noticed, every time you mentioned visiting your neighbor, Eevee freaks out and hides. You figure it's one of those abused Pokemon that's afraid of men, honestly. The thought makes you chuckle- a cruel means of gender affirmation for the boy, if you could tell him. But... You've decided to continue keeping its care a secret from him for now.
Still, not leaving the house as much as you do usually is taking a toll. You feel like you're coming down with some kind of awful cabin fever- For one, you've started losing your appetite... Add on general weakness, sleeping in later and going to bed earlier, and increasingly frequent headaches, and you'd have already been worried.
But these past few days have gotten... Severe.
You think you're starting to hallucinate.
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White figures peering through your windows. Whispers in the back of your mind. Bloodstains throughout your house.
You've decided this has gotten bad enough. You're going to the hospital.
You roll out of bed. Trudge over to your closet- throw on the simplest clothes you can find- a comfortable black dress with pockets, black slippers, and your trusty old bucket hat. You just grab your wallet and turn to leave, half-dazed as you start towards downstairs before something grabs at your legs.
Don't leave me.
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You look down at the Eevee, as it chirps, cries, and paws at you fearfully. In the exhausted state you're in, you'd almost forgotten about your little buddy.
Despite how much it hates leaving the house...
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Hello and Welcome!!
Hi! Welcome to the Official Ask The Ghost Types ask blog! Feel free to ask any questions to these dead people, as much as they would loved to answer your questions, they'd like to see what you'll come up with!
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A frequent question you may ask, who are the Ghost Types?:
To answer that, The Ghost Types are a group of Pokemon Trainers that are related to popular Pokepastas!
Blake and Mt. Red - Easter Egg: Snow on Mt. Silver Silv - Lost Silver Steven - Strangled Red Marigold - A fanmade character made by @orofunny Sorrow - Abandoned By Loneliness Mini and Dexter - Minus Versions of LS and SoMS by Starryidol Echo - Journey's End Blue - Blue Tears Dawn - Memory Platinum Glitch - Glitchy Red Calem - Vegetable Mareep Sullivan - Blake's little brother Jax - One of Blake's Best Friend
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You have free will to ask them anything you want! New characters will appear in future posts, and will be in the remaining time for this blog! Thank you, and have a great one!
Have fun with this guys!
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canopystims · 1 year
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Abandoned Loneliness from Pokepasta with chocolate for anon!
🍫 | 🌁 | 🍫
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🍫 | 🌁 | 🍫
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chaoscroissant · 1 year
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kimiko24 · 1 month
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[ Lost without you, left to grieve ]
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but like... think of the implications of Gabriel being so quick to drop all connections to heaven after a few years of knowing Beelzebub. He has been heaven's #1 guy for all of time but he was given a gift by a demon and he's ready to abandon God for hell
demons may not trust each other but at least they have a common enemy, a shared trauma. But what do the angels even have keeping them together? They have been left so lonely and devoid of kindness - the structure of heaven honestly seems like it'd crumble under the weight of a feather
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loveyourlovelysoul · 1 year
Sometimes we desire a relationship cause we think we may heal everything about us through it. We think the other person has all the answers for us, and will solve our own puzzle. Truth is, the other person is just another person exactly like us, with their own issues and life to live, and we cannot expect them to heal us too. We can surely ask for help, for support, as we can give ours to them, but... most of the work is still up to us. We need to do our part: we need to come closer to them too, to compromise (on what we can), to stand our ground too when necessary, and to be fair, vulnerable and open. No matter what we learned in our childhood (very likely when we had to take care of our emotionally unstable/immature caregivers), we cannot have someone else doing all the job for us. No matter how much we want to feel less alone, we also need to give others the chance to get inside of our world. We need to let down some walls in order for this to happen for real. We need to learn to trust again (and trust that we're strong enough to survive if by any chance the other will leave us -it doesn't have to be our fault anyway, it can be just life).
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storybookprincess · 9 months
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top ten panels that so perfectly tell you everything you need to know about gon that it makes you physically ill
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creatively-cosmic · 10 months
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recent shitposts
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themissingnumbers · 16 days
WARNINGS: Scopophobia, Disturbing Imagery, Blood. FIRST || PREV | NEXT [Take it with you.]
A strange feeling washes over you as you stare down at the Eevee. Those whispers in the back of your mind, demanding that you leave it behind. But looking into those wide, scared eyes... You swear, you can see them welling up with tears.
You don't have it in you to go without it.
You walk back across your room, grabbing your bag lazily hanging off your desk chair. Eevee eagerly follows after you, still trembling but starting to wag its tail- you figure it knows what you're doing. As soon as you open the bag up and kneel down, it jumps inside, quickly nestling up in the pillow and fuzzy blanket you've lined the bottom with- this had quickly become its favorite way to stay at your side, so you'd at least had enough sense to make it a bit more comfortable... It makes it impossible to close it in, but you haven't needed to hide it, and you figure that won't change- there's only one person you're deliberately hiding it from, anyways...
You sling the bag over your shoulder, ruffling a hand through the fur on Eevee's head. It purrs, rubbing against you.
With that, you're pretty sure you've got everything you need... You walk downstairs tiredly, only dully noticing how Miss Hazel isn't in the kitchen or living room like she'd usually be right now... Probably out on some errand, you think, as you continue on towards the front door and swing it open.
You're met face to face with a certain young man, his hand raised awkwardly, apparently going to knock just as you'd opened the door.
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Blue Oak stares at you, almost dumbfounded at your impeccable timing.
"... Uh... Hey, Leaf- I'm, uh. I'm sorry to bother you," he starts, bringing his hand down to rub over his arms. "I was starting to... Worry, I- I hadn't- I haven't seen you since... And I was thinking, like, that's not like her, but I didn't want to....."
He trails off. Looks away. Blue was never the most open of books, and you watch with tired eyes as he searches for his words. He opens his mouth, shuts it- he looks you up and down, expression seeming to toe the line between confusion and concern as he processes the state you're in.
Discomfort, anxiety, awkwardness- you watch the tension shatter into a frozen, mortified horror as his gaze locks onto your bag.
Confusion briefly crosses your mind as to what could possibly illicit that reaction from him, but as Blue steps backwards, it hits you all at once:
Your bag is wide open. Eevee stares up at him, bristling and snarling at the boy.
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You suck in a breath through your teeth, hurrying to try and explain yourself and that it really isn't aggressive, it's just scared, but Blue speaks before you can get a single word out:
"You need to get rid of that thing."
"What?!" you exclaim, instantly echoing the whirl of confusion in your mind. "You can't- Blue, you're joking, right?"
You can already tell he's not joking. That's what confuses you the most. He's trembling as if he saw a ghost, all the color drained from his face and his fingernails practically tearing into the armbands he always wore.
A voice in the back of your mind chides; he's right, you know. You ignore it.
"Leaf- Leaf, please, you have to listen to me-" he stammers out, his unsteady voice dropping to a near whisper as he backs further away. "Please- that Eevee, it's- it's a-"
You move forward, wanting to soothe and listen to him in spite of your confusion.
When you step out of your front door, you are not in Palette Town.
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Blue is gone. The afternoon sunshine is gone. The buildings outside your home are gone. The green grass and dirt pathways are gone.
You look behind you. Even your home is suddenly dark, and completely empty. As if it's been abandoned for years.
You look back to your surroundings, fear rising in your chest and stinging like bile.
A dense fog shrouds the area, blinding and suffocating. You can barely see your own two feet. You squint, trying to forcibly steady your breathing as you take a hesitant step forward.
... You nearly run face-first into a fence. You hold onto the wooden posts, trying to gather your wits and see what's going on. It's a tall fence, painted white... It's too tall to reasonably climb over- certainly not with the dew from the fog slicking it up, and while it has gaps big enough to see through, they're more than narrow enough to keep you or even Eevee from squeezing through.
Dully, you imagine the bars of a jail cell. You shiver.
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Looking a bit closer, you can faintly make out trees on the outside. It seems like... The autumn leaves have come in. You watch the fuzzy shapes of leaves dancing through the air and onto the ground, one landing close enough for you to make out the dazzling red. It compliments the wilted, brown grass well, you think bitterly.
... That's all you're able to gather, though. You turn to your right, seeing that the fence seems to connect to the house that way...
It's the opposite direction that seems to open up, making a narrow dirt path, fully enclosed by white wood.
A part of you wants to optimistically think that at least you're not trapped, but you... You don't know how much you really believe that. But no matter what you want to think, one thing is clear:
There's only one way to go.
You start walking.
... The path seems to stretch on, but you find yourself grateful that it's straightforward. With this awful fog, you'd only feel queasier about any unpredictability... And there's the little things- lazily running one hand along the wood keeps you on a straightforward path and the cool dew on your skin helps to keep you alert.
You think it's been more than a few minutes of walking, though. Maybe this strange place can read you, somehow, because just as you're starting to space out, you spot something in the distance-
A person...! You instantly perk up, recognizing some kind of human silhouette through the fog ahead. They seem to be sitting cross-legged on the ground, slumped back against the fence behind them, but you're sure of it- you're sure of it. Someone else is here!
You pick up the pace a bit, eager to have company, or answers, or anything. You ignore Eevee's whimpering as your approach the stranger.
... As you get closer, though, you start to understand its worry.
You begin to make out details on them as you close the gap between you and the stranger.
Or... Lack thereof.
This is not a human.
You slow to a stop in front of them. You can feel your legs shaking, that primal part of your mind screaming to run.
Its body seems to be that of an older man's- you think vaguely of those gamblers you fought outside of Vermilion City... That's where the traces of humanity seem to end, though. The ghastly man is vaguely see-through, he seems to have no mouth, and he's completely void of color, every last feature a stark and unnatural white.
He's like a ghost, you think to yourself. But you don't think he's noticed you... You start to back away to continue down the path, hoping to avoid whatever danger this thing might pose.
Too late, though. He suddenly opens his eyes.
Seems like you were wrong about one thing, you think as you feel your mouth run dry.
A crimson gaze bores into you, and you watch in horror as the place where his mouth should have been rips open- all so he can flash you an awful, bright red smile. Blood trickles from his lips and bulging eyes, as if it weren't truly parts of his face, but open wounds.
Your paralyzing terror only increases as he sneers at you, motioning to the trembling Eevee in your bag.
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daughterofcainnnn · 8 months
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am i making you feel sick?
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If some other magicless person got stuck in Twisted Wonderland and tried to take my place, I'd simply let them. Yeah, bitch, now you take care of these motherfuckers and deal with Crowley's bullshit, see if I fuckin care. Have fun babysitting a bunch of sunovabitches who barely even remember you exist half the time.
I love the angst of "they pushed the Prefect away and replaced them only to miss them when they finally leave", but, also, if I were Yuu, I'd absolutely just let it happen. Call me a pushover, but I ain't shedding a tear for friends who left for the newest shiny thing. And it would relieve me from all the trouble. Guess who's not fighting Overblots anymore? This bastard, that's who.
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fuwaprince · 9 months
Shout out to the people without families. To the people who don't get good morning hugs and goodnight texts. To the people who don't get happy birthday cards or parties. To the people who cry themselves to sleep at night due to utter loneliness and isolation. To who don't get invited to reunions. Who feel forgotten. Who have been ostracized or abandoned. Who have to take themselves to the hospital because nobody else will. Who turn to healthcare professionals because they have nobody willing to listen, nobody to even try to provide them with the most basic amounts of humanity/care, no other choice for support. Who have turned to watching streams just to feel some kind of connection. Who don't feel like they're loved. Who go underappreciated. Who feel like they're going to die alone. Who have been rejected for things out of their control. I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you. You didn't bring yourself into this world. I'm sorry you're alone now but you're still worthy of love and I hope you experience it some day very soon. Sending you the courage to get through another day. Keep going
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some days i want to spit me out, the whole mess of me, but mostly i am good and quiet
Heather Havrilesky Ask Polly: Help, I'm the Loneliest Person in the World! / unknown / unknown / The Smiths There Is a Light That Never Goes Out / unknown / unknown / Marina Tsvetaeva On Love / Christa Wolf (tr. Jan van Heurck) Cassandra: A Novel and Four Essays / Celeste Ng Little Fires Everywhere / Camille Rankine Emergency Management
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