#vegetable mareep
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Hi can I have a Pokémon recommendation?
I am a coordinator that would love a Pokémon to do contests with me and Pincurchin. So it needs to be compatible with my timid Pincurchin.
I like to sew, preferribly stuffed animals, also collect them. I’m good at math and I like horror/thriller and sci-fi. I love with both white milk and chocolate milk it’s super delicious! I love vegetables, with my favorite being broccoli or cucumber. Then I guess I could call myself a little lazy but not to the point where it effects my life.
I dislike being hot and cold, but would rather be cold than hot. I have allergies to all nuts and seasonal allergies. I dislike fruits except pears.
I am a shy introvert, though I do want to make friends. I run track. I like to watch and photograph wild Pokémon/Nature. I am looking for a friend that I won’t be to overwhelmed with. I am in nature a lot so I think it would be beneficial if they tolerate it as well. I am capable of providing their grooming needs from bushing to clipping nails.
Can you help me? :)
Hmm, Pokémon that share a type tend to have an easier time getting along than Pokémon who don’t, so how about another Electric-type? Maybe...a Mareep?
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Mareep are known for their docile yet friendly dispositions, so I have no doubts that one would get along shockingly well with you and Pincurchin. They aren’t super active, but they do enjoy being outside, so you’ll have a companion for all your treks out into nature. And to top it all off, honestly, who can resist all that fluff and cuteness?
While many people may look at a Mareep and think “oh Arceus, that thing must need constant grooming,” they really couldn’t be farther from the truth. Mareep usually only need full-on grooming (or shearing) once a year, though they should have their hooves trimmed every six-to-ten weeks. It’s also important to note that Mareep don’t actually need to be brushed, and doing so can, in fact, damage their wool.
Mareep tend to scare easily, so you should never approach one from behind (which is a blind spot) unless it knows that you’re there, as doing so can lead to you getting kicked and/or shocked. They also don’t do too well alone, so make sure you have somebody available to keep your fluffy friend company whenever you can’t be with them.
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prof-cycad · 3 months ago
Garlic, onion and shallots are notorious for being very toxic to Pokémon but are often the subject of a significant misunderstanding. While it is always recommended to err on the side of caution, these vegetables are not actually toxic to a few Pokémon.
A vast number of Pokémon species seem to despise the scent and flavor of these vegetables. Ranging from Gabite to Kangaskhan to Mareep, something about the vegetables make them very upset. Gulpin, which will typically eat anything that can fit in their gaping maws, seem to simply avoid a common shallot!
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espers-n-espurrs · 7 months ago
What human food is safe to give your current mon anyways?
good question, ill just list a few for each i suppose.
fauna (deerling): damn near nothing. “human foods” (i am taking this to mean processed food/cooked food) tend to be processed/cooked/seasoned in certain ways that make the digestion process incredibly difficult for deerling and sawsbuck to eat. i can never give her stuff im eating unless its fruits, vegetables, etc.
harley (maschiff): a whole lot more than fauna or taffeta. as long as it doesnt have grapes, chocolate, coffee, and just generally the stuff that is toxic for dog pkmn she can possibly have it. though i dont tend to feed her too much of what im eating because i dont want her to start going against her training and begin begging.
taffeta (mareep): kind of a similar story as fauna.
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lentilandgreens · 1 year ago
Following is a recording of a stream
[Stream starts, a goofy animation of a chef and a mareep silhouette pulling out a pie, then "hello! Welcome to my dinner time stream, tonight we're making somthing special, a casserole with an ingredient from hoen! Isn't that exciting?" A pair of well manicured hands appears in screen, showing its a top down view of some sort of counter top, a mareep is heard bleating "oh? Your right, we need the cutting board"] the stream goes on like this, a basic cooking video, comments about ingredients used and spices, all the way until a strange looking vegetable is set on the cutting board ["now, this is what's gona be at the center of our dish tonight! Apparently it's a favorite of water specialists and mudkips so I'm looking forward to trying it" the chef cuts a chunk off and munches on it, it's crunchy "Huh. Kinda bitter with a bit of ...background sweetness, this will go well with the mushrooms I procured!" And the stream continues] eventually the casserole is put in the oven so the chef, lentil begins talking to the viewers for a bit and swaps the stream over to ...a gaming set up? A keyboard cam and all, they then play a game for about an hour or so before an alarm is heard. Indicating the food was ready...after the first bite it's a pretty basic stream
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raitrolling · 2 years ago
Lucy too ofc ◓
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Lucy is also not much of a Pokemon trainer, he knows how to battle but has little interest in doing so unless push comes to shove. To him, his Pokemon are his companions as he continues to operate the lighthouse and look after Vernrot Harbour. While he does have some 'pet' Pokemon, at least half of his team are focused on assisting with performing odd jobs and supporting him with manual labour, and of course they get rewarded with some of the best homemade meals he can offer.
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Heracross is Lucy's signature Pokemon, and was also his starter. Being a fighting type, Heracross is well-suited for heavy lifting and assisting Lucy with chopping up wood for the fireplace or building furniture. He also enjoys battling, but is very efficient in his fights. One megahorn or close combat and it's usually over.
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Flaaffy is another Pokemon Lucy has owned for a very long time, and also raised from a Mareep. He enjoys helping out with the lighthouse duties, and can operate as a replacement for the lamp in a pinch. He also likes to accompany Lucy while he paints or cooks, and sometimes Lucy wonders if his Pokemon wishes he had opposable thumbs to be able to hold a paintbrush or chop up vegetables with how engrossed he gets watching him.
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Golduck was originally found causing trouble in town, bothering tourists with his psychic powers, so Lucy ended up catching him to relocate him. It turned out that Golduck was just bored and a little under-stimulated from a lack of any real challenge, so getting to assist Lucy with jobs and occasionally battle his Heracross helped calm him down and find good distractions for his restlessness.
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Lampent was found haunting the lighthouse, and Lucy caught her to try and tame her so she'd also stop causing trouble. Look, she's... Probably slowly draining his life force as ghost types like the Litwick line tend to do, but Lucy can't help an innate part of a Pokemon's nature. The best he can do is make sure she's happy and getting her needs met, and she enjoys sticking around him because he's so kind to her.
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Larvesta was found in Lucy's shed, sheltering from the constant rainstorm. Lucy doesn't know how she ended up in Vernrot to begin with, but wasn't going to leave her out in the cold and the wet. Nowadays, she looks after the fireplace to make sure the hive is always toasty warm, and likes to rest on Lucy's lap like a living hot water bottle whenever he's relaxing on the couch.
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Corsola was found on Vernrot's beach, and Lucy wasn't even sure if she was still alive when he found her. But after tossing her back into the ocean to try and 'revive' her, she swam back to shore, curious about this bizarre trainer she found. She can't really do much to help Lucy out, but she does like to accompany him whenever he goes for walks along the beach.
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starsaver94 · 2 years ago
I don't know why I thought of this but take it-
Fatal Error trying to assimilate Pokepasta code! (and failing horribly)
Attempting to consume Lost Silver's code will cause his consciousness to experience something similar to their after life, just more personalized to him, with no real affect on his body. He must willingly separate their code from himself to be free.
Attempting to consume Glitchy Red's or Fallen Leaf's code will basically cause him to have an actual fatal error, blue screening while his body goes limp and melts into jumbled code, along with his consciousness. His now goopy body would just have either of them slip free and separate from Fatal, if he didn't spit them out earlier.
Attempting to consume Fran will give him super heartburn that lasts forever. He'd probably throw him up-
Attempting to consume S.o.M.S. Gold's code will force his body te experience hyperthermia at an advance rate and to an extreme degree.
Attempting to Consume DISABELED's code will make him go mute and incapable of having any form other than his true form, and incapable of assimilating any more code.
I like to think Melody's love for Z is so strong that attempting to consume her will just have her posses his body and use it to try and keep Z to herself, with Fatal eventually getting his body back after a struggle to kick her out. Similar results will occur upon trying to consume S.S.S. Hop, because of his extraordinary (Read: Insane) Drive and ambition. (I know he's more in universe than the rest but shhhhh)
Attempting to consume S!3V3N's code will give him super depression-
Attempting to consume the code of a Vegetable Mareep/Lamb Berry will cause Mareeps to grow all over him, eventually immobilizing him.
That actually does make sense. Since Fatal Error feeds on/gains power from code, it would make sense that absorbing glitched, corrupted, or haunted code would damage him in some way.
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ashley-kins · 1 year ago
Pokémon that may actually be edible and delicious
Oddish. It's literally a radish pokemon
All Slowpoke evolutions/forms. I mean, even in the games they say that Slowpoke has a delicious tail.
Farfetch'd and Sirfetch'd. It's literally a duck holding a vegetable.
Krabby and Kingler. Crab legs, anyone?
Exeggcute. Eggs.
Tauros. Burger meat.
Mareep evolution line. Yummy lamb.
Sunkern. Sunflower seeds in salt for a snack.
Octillery. Yes, in game the ink is delicious, but also we can't forget the tentacles are probably just as edible.
Stanler and Wyrdeer. Venison is good.
Miltank. Burger meat 2.
Celebi. It looks like an onion.
Torchic evolution line. I imagine it tastes like spicy chicken.
Seedot. It's literally an acorn.
Spoink and Grumpig. Porkchop.
Cacnea and Cacturn. Yes, they are cactus, and yes cactus is edible.
Corphish and Crawdaunt. Red lobster would definitely cook them up.
Tropius. At least the banana beard.
Combee and Vespiquen. They definitely taste like honeycomb.
Cherubi. It's literally just a berry.
Mamoswine. If mammoth was good for our ancestors, Mamoswine is too.
Tepig evolution line. Porkchop 2.
Unfezant. Probably tastes like a pheasant.
Maractus. It too is a cactus.
Ducklett. Yummy duck.
Vanillite evolution line. They are literally just ice cream.
Deerling and Sawsbuck. Venison 2
Foongus and Amoongus. They maybe can get you high.
Xerneas. Venison 3
Bounsweet. Berry 2.
Wooloo and Dubwool. Lambchop 2
Applin evolution line. Literally full apple, apple slices, apple pie, and caramel apple.
Grapploct. Tentacles might be delicious.
Sinistea, Polteageist, Sinischa, and Polchageist. They are just tea.
Milcery and Alcremie. They are literally frosting.
Quaxly evolution line. More duck.
Lechonk and Oinkologne. Porkchop 3
Fidough and Dachsbun. They are bread.
Smoliv. Just an olive.
Nacli evolution line. They are quite literally salt.
Klawf. Crab leg 2
Scovillain. Peppers!
Tatsugiri. Sushi anyone?
Literally every fish Pokémon.
Literally every bunny Pokémon.
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Hello and Welcome!!
Hi! Welcome to the Official Ask The Ghost Types ask blog! Feel free to ask any questions to these dead people, as much as they would loved to answer your questions, they'd like to see what you'll come up with!
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A frequent question you may ask, who are the Ghost Types?:
To answer that, The Ghost Types are a group of Pokemon Trainers that are related to popular Pokepastas!
Blake and Mt. Red - Easter Egg: Snow on Mt. Silver Silv - Lost Silver Steven - Strangled Red Marigold - A fanmade character made by @orofunny Sorrow - Abandoned By Loneliness Mini and Dexter - Minus Versions of LS and SoMS by Starryidol Echo - Journey's End Blue - Blue Tears Dawn - Memory Platinum Glitch - Glitchy Red Calem - Vegetable Mareep Sullivan - Blake's little brother Jax - One of Blake's Best Friend
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You have free will to ask them anything you want! New characters will appear in future posts, and will be in the remaining time for this blog! Thank you, and have a great one!
Have fun with this guys!
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laertive · 2 years ago
Adding onto this with some pokepastas!
Lost Silver: You ship preciousmetalshipping and/or have read pokespe! This is not up for debate. Or you joined this fandom in 2022 and play fnf.
Tarnished Gold: Same as above, but you're here to be a little niche bastard.
Strangled Red: You know everything about him and won't shut the hell up and keep drawing him strangling his brother.
Glitchy Red: I'm not sure how to mock you for this one to be honest. You're pretty fucking normal.
EEeEE: Can I please see your edgy eeveelution ocs?
Snow on Mt. Silver: You're a fnf fan that's drawn him with other variations of Gold Creepypastas. I see you.
The Vegetable Mareep of Kalos: Get out of here you hipster ass bitch, you just needed another pokepasta.
Buried Alive: Did you fall for the mew under the truck too?
Lost Soul Silver: please did we really need another killer creepypasta? oh murderer ghosts? how original.
Blue Tears: Okay yea no you're okay. Maybe a genwunner, but okay.
Judging you based off your favorite creepypasta
Jeff the Killer: You're literally every other bitch, and you often get in pointless arguments you never win without gaslighting someone
Jane the Killer: You're not straight don't you fucking lie me.
Homicidal Liu: We get it, you like him. Please shut the fuck up about him ._.
Eyeless Jack: You watch true crime horror shit and you are dangerously close to actually condoning cannibals
Toby Rogers: You are the prime example of anxiety, and you are very fucking sick of the dumbass waffle joke /neg
Nina the Killer: You exist?
Sally Williams: You have low empathy for existing people and high empathy for fictional characters.
Ben Drowned: Ur a lazy piece of shit and you listen you Starbomb
Sully: YOU EXIST?????
Clockwork: Let me guess you can't tell time on non-digital clocks.
Kagekao: You only like him just to be different.
Bloody Painter: You're either a piece of shit artist or a friendly artist. Either way ur an artist
Lulu: Again, you only like her just to be different.
Masky/Tim: Marble Hornets is literally the only thing you talk about and you will slaughter anyone who even utters "cheesecake" around you.
Hoodie/Brian: Are you okay?
Slenderman: Tentacles. That's literally the only thing you like about him. Whore.
Zalgo: You don't exist.
Smile Dogs: You are a dog person
Grinny Cat: You are a cat person.
Seedeater: You like birds with teeth.
Laughing Jack: 👹<- you use that emoji way to much
Puppeteer: You're actually a normal fucking person (or ur a Ghost fucker...)
X-Virus: You most likely joked about him being the reason for COVID-19 at LEAST once.
(Do not take these seriously these are jokes plea-)
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imthepunchlord · 2 years ago
I don't anticipate it ever happening, but man, one spin off Pokemon game I'd love to exist and play is a pokemon farming game.
Like, there's so much promising potential in the concept.
There's a variety of berries you can grow, and there are real world vegetables and fruits to add in and grow. It can be challenging to grow crops because pokemon will want to sneak onto your farm and eat them so you have to figure out ways to ward them away. You could have a rivalry with a Snorlax who lives close by. Or have to deal with raiding pokemon like Rattata.
You can have rivalries with other wild pokemon, like Sabeleye will try to eat rare gems that you're looking for while mining. Bigger water and flying pokemon may try to eat your smaller catches when you're fishing. Flying pokemon will try to grab any bug pokemon you're trying to catch and collect.
And maybe some wild pokemon are open to helping people, like Lapras will ferry you around, Audino and Chansey line will heal up hurt pokemon, and Drampa will fly you back to town.
Having certain pokemon that can give you items every day. You can have Miltank for milk. Farfetch'd to grow leeks. A pig pokemon to find truffles. Mareep and Wooloo for wool. Flabebe to grow flowers, ect.
There could be some fun pokemon that have unique perks if you catch and own them, like... Klefki will steal the keys of townies at random, and you have the chance to return the key and get relationship points or take this chance to break in and check out their place (though don't get caught). Meowth will bring you random items. Have a boss/pack leader sort like Dragapult or Houndoom or Honchkrow and their pre evos will come to your farm and guard it at night (though they'll expect food as payment).
You're starter I think should become a mount later, and each should have some unique perk to offer. Like... a fire starter could melt the snow in winter so you could grow any crop you want. Water would help with watering crops and ferry you across the water. Grass starter will boost crop quality just by being there. Having a flying starter will discourage bug and grass pokemon from coming onto your farm and snacking on your crops. A ground starter would insta till the earth for you so you can get right to planting.
Romance options I think it'd be fun if there was one for every type, so 9 guys and 9 girls (which can vary if they want to include some theys). Could be fun to see what sort of personality or theme each could have, like dark could be a fortune teller who comes by town at night and has an Absol, fairy could be a baker who runs a cafe for people to sit and relax at and has a Jigglypuff that likes to sneak in and sing to the customers, ect.. And it could open up people to connect to their favorite types in pokemon. One romance option could even be the local Gym Leader and maybe for fun, potentially a grunt or Admin of an evil team, seeking a legendary that may be in the area (could even be on your farm).
This is just listing ideas off the top of my head, but man, concept wise, this is promising and a lot of fun to think about. It's a game I'd love to exist and play.
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moshi-roulette · 3 years ago
Requests from someone on Instagram: Part 2
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Basically it's art for multiple requests from someone on Instagram to create Happypasta versions of different Pokepasta characters
Artist Red = Strangled Red
Happy End = Journey's End
Morning Gloria = Gloria
Morning Gloria = Gloria
Morning Gloria = Gloria
Calem Mareep = The Vegetable Mareep of Kalos
Floral Leaf = Fallen Leaf
Platinum Turtwig = "You Forgot Us"
Frontrooms Silver = Backrooms Silver
Snow on Mount Mystic = "Snow on Mount Silver" (Version 2)
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tack-tick · 4 years ago
Dream SMP Pokémon Take Two!
Basically, a while back I made a list of matching pokemon to SMP members and I decided to redo it! No real lore in this, this is just a list matching pokemon to SMP members and notes on each of them. Nobody shares lives or anything, just ignore the stuff from my previous post. Also no images this time. Also it is very long.
Primeape- Chosen because it’s the pokemon that gets so pissed that it dies, which I think fits perfectly. His main pokemon. Nicknamed Clementine. Was imprisoned by Dream from Tommy’s exile until Dream was sent to prison. Has as hot of a temper as it’s trainer.
Miltank- You know, cows. The first Pokemon Tommy got on the SMP. Might be dead but got brought back to life. Didn’t die again because fuck that. Nicknamed Henry.
Linoone- Was hiding out in Techno’s basement when Tommy found it as a Zigzaggon. Was Tommy’s only pokemon for a while because Clementine got taken by Dream when he was exiled. Evolved during the final fight with Dream. Got called Thief by Techno and it responds to that as it’s nickname
Timburr- Saw Tommy building his hotel and wanted to help. His youngest pokemon. Nicknamed Ellie.
They all temporarily stay with Tubbo and Ranboo while Tommy is dead in the prison
Vesiqueen- His main. A strict but reasonable commander to the rest of the team. Raised with Beedrill. Nicknamed Spins
Beedrill- Got caught as a weedle shortly after L’Manberg was founded. Nicknamed Spunz. Tubbo found a mega stone for it and they���re training with Puffy in order to master mega evolution. Serves as co commander along with Spins. More carefree
Alolan Vulpix- Tubbo found it alone in it’s nest shortly after he moved to Snowchester. It didn’t have an family around so Tubbo kept it. Nicknamed Snowball
Koffing- Tubbo found it after he launched his first nuke at the test site. It was eating the radiation and decided to stick with Tubbo in order to get more. Has a tendency to explode at bad times. Nicknamed Nuke.
Chatot- His main Pokémon. Nicknamed Chatterbox. Helps Ranboo remember things by squawking words to him like a parrot. Thought bitch was a common greeting to people at the beginning due to hanging out with Tommy. This resulted in poor Ranboo who was already nervous about meeting Techno and Philza. Then, Chatterbox just flew up, looked them in the eyes, and said “Hello, bitches!” To the embarrassment of Ranboo. Sassy and mouthy, especially to Dream.
Glaceon- Came to Ranboo as an Eevee becasue it noticed that Ranboo had an ice stone in its house it needed to evolve. It got along with Chatterbox so Ranboo took it in. Nicknamed Jonald. One of the calmer pokemon on the server and likes to meditate in the snow
Torchic- His only pokemon right now. Nicknamed Torchy by Michael. Tubbo and Ranboo’s pokemon are very protective of it. The youngest pokemon to be owned on the server.
Drampa- Philza’s main Pokémon. Nicknamed Gramps. About as old as Philza is but still plenty strong. You don’t mess with Special attack of 135. Acts as a father figure to pokemon it is friends with.
Honchcrow- Nicknamed Kristin. Philza claims it is named after a person he knows. No one knows who that is though. Has bossy tendencies and loves to be praised
Rookidee- Saw Kristin flying and admired it. Followed it home and came into Philza’s house. Philza thought it had a good amount of determination and decided to train it. Not nicknamed yet because it’s new.
A murder of Murkorws- A horde of Murkrows who follow Kristin’s and Philza’s command. Philza calls them Chat. They come and go. They like to bring shiny things to Philza’s house.
Emboar- Nicknamed Floof, in his offense he was like five when came up with that nickname. His main. Raised it from a Tepig. Calls it Emboar during more serious situations. Very close to Gramps. Just as cocky as Techno is but is also one of the strongest pokemon on the server.
Mudsdale- Nicknamed Carl. Got him as a mudbray soon after he came to the SMP. Evolved right before The Red Festival. Would like to retire but is still willing to fight. Loves to take Techno on fast rides on the snowy plains.
Cubchoo- Got it after he left to the snow biome. It just showed up at his door every day. and wouldn’t leave. So, Techno named it Steve and trained it. Steve got taken hostage by The Butcher Army. Is having trouble evolving but still tries to threaten pokemon that are way bigger/stronger than it is.
Braviary- Nicknamed Hamilton. Wilbur’s main and only pokemon. Technically belonged to Phil after Wilbur died but it disappeared until Doomsday. Came back at Doomsday to defend L’Manberg. Stayed with Ghostbur and then Wilbur again when he came back to life
Mareep- Nicknamed Friend. Ghostbur’s only pokemon. Belongs to Wilbur since Ghostbur is gone.
Ditto- Nicknamed Spirit. Dream’s only pokemon becasue he didn’t want too many attachments. Dream wasn’t treating it well after he sent Tommy to exile. It ran away after Dream was sent to prison. The poor thing was found in the woods by Puffy and is staying with her.
Aegislash- Nicknamed Lancelot. Eret’s main. Has the attitude of a knight. If it could talk, would have a French accent
Serperior- Nicknamed Jade. Heard of this king as a servine and wanted to be a royal. Quickly learned that it wasn’t all glamour. Haughty but has a good heart. Evolved right before Doomsday.
Fomantis- A former friend of Jade who wants do evolve. Eret named it Ruby and took it in. Shy and prefers the quiet. Gets easily startled.
Houndoom- Nicknamed Rat. Bad’s main Pokémon. A softy and a bit of a scaredy-cat despite its appearance. Is acting more aggressive than normal after getting possessed by The Egg. Doesn’t have the training to mega evolve.
Exeggcute- Bad saw if after getting possessed by The Egg and immediately took it in because eggs. It doesn’t really care what Bad does as long as it is cared for. Nicknamed Sunny. Not possessed but doesn’t give a crap
Yveltal- Might have a vague connection with Bad? If anything’s gonna be in The Egg it’s this thing. It’s inside The Egg and ready to hatch out.
Sableye- Skeppy’s main. Nicknamed Fluffy. Best friends with Bad’s Rat. Used to be energetic and mischievous with a love of pranks. Got possessed and now is much more mellow and apathetic. Doesn’t have the training to mega evolve
Carbink- Skeppy saved it when he found it lost in the mines. Thinks of itself as Skeppy’s butler to some extent. Used to be a voice of reason to Fluffy and Skeppy. Nicknamed Alfred. Has become apathetic like Fluffy and Skeppy after getting possessed.
Galarian Rapidash- Karl’s main Pokémon. Nicknamed Socks. It’s mane sometimes turns white due to traveling with Karl. While Karl has tried to leave it behind before it always comes with him. Has a love of exploring. Optimistic.
Xatu- A Pokémon that came to Karl after he started time traveling. Nicknamed Rutabaga. Generally friendly but acts aloof and strange at times. Seems to not like The In Between that much.
Celebi- Only appears to Karl in the In Between and wherever he time travels to. Serves as a kind of guide to him and helps defend him, such as at The Masquerade. Has never appeared to him in the main SMP.
Slaking- George’s main. Nicknamed Beckerson. Could be one of the most powerful Pokémon on the server if it bothered to train. Very protective of Glow and Spirit.
Morelull- Gifted to George by DreamXD. Nicknamed Glow. Sleepy and absent minded.
Rotom- Sam’s main. Nicknamed Pandora. Has the prison named after it. Loves zipping through red stone wires. Can serves as emergency control of The Prison if needed. Sam fears Pandora will get hurt if he tries this so he hasn’t let Pandora do much with the prison’s red stone. Pandora is very disappointed by this.
Midday Lycanrock- Nicknamed Fran. An old stray that Sam found. Can’t fight very well but is very good with emotional support.
Magearna- Built by Sam to protect Tommy and his Pokémon. Nicknamed Nook by Tommy. Naturally protects and supports Tommy. Helps to build the hotel. Is a strong fighter but would much rather talk things out. Motherly to Tommy’s Pokémon.
Pyroar- Sapnap’s main. Nicknamed Mars. Will intimidate other Pokémon by swallowing Magicarp live and in one gulp in front of them. Still sits in Sapnap’s lap sometimes like it’s a Litleo and crushes him every time.
Pangoro- Gained as a Pancham when Sapnap first came to the SMP. Nicknamed Sketchers. Loves to spar with Sapnap and Mars.
They’re both protective of Spirit after it was abandoned
Alcremie- Niki’s main Pokémon. Ruby swirl with strawberry sweet. Nicknamed Fungi. A sweetheart but can still fight very well. Especially if you’re a dragon type
Floette- Was gifted to Niki by Puffy as an egg. Nicknamed Niki Jr. Delicate and has a love of growing flowers and edible plants. Provides fruits and vegetables for Niki to cook with. Vaguely remembers Puffy but it misses her
Meowth- Nicknamed Shy. Contrary to the name, it’s very energetic and has a love of gold. Stole a ton of golden apples from Techno one time during a syndicate meeting.
Jack Manifold
Magnezone- Jack’s main Pokémon. Nicknamed Godzilla. Tough and helps Jack try to strike Tommy with lighting. Almost always misses. Temporarily stayed with Ant until Jack came back. Hah rhyming!
Golett- Started hanging around Jack after he was revived and Jack caught it because why not? Nicknamed Robo. A bit creepy.
Wobbuffet- Nicknamed Rocket. Found alongside Niki’s Shy. The two of them are very close. A bit unintelligent but it is loyal to it’s friends.
Empolean- Quackity’s main. Nicknamed Ossium. Generally fun loving but can show a serious side. Froze Schaltt’s feet to the ground once and still has no regrets. Holds a grudge against Karl for forgetting Quackity.
Ducklett- Was owned by Quackity before he came to the SMP. Nicknamed Chip. Refuses to evolve. Serves as a mascot of sorts for The Casino. Doesn’t get into many fights but is good for scouting.
Sandile- Saw a poster asking for tough bodyguards for the casino and showed up at Quackity’s house. Quackity hopes to evolve it to an insanely tough Krookodile. Nicknamed it Wild Card. Very tough and always looking for a fight.
Ossium and Chip used to be close with Karl and Sapnap’s pokemon but they’ve drifted apart due to circumstances
None of them helped Quackity torture Dream because Quackity didn’t want them to get involved in case it got dangerous
Delfox- Fundy’s main. Nicknamed Sally after his mom. Was given to him as a Fennekin by his mom. Tends to have nightmares like Fundy does. Used to look up to Hamilton before it left. Holds a grudge against Wilbur. Loves to do magic tricks with fire.
Munna- Fundy woke up to it floating beside his bed. After freaking out for a little bit, he realized it liked to eat his dreams because of their flavor. Decided to catch it. Nicknamed Leonard or Leo for short. Likes to sleep and sometimes gets blown by the wind too hard and floats away. Helps Fundy sleep.
Nickit- Got caught stealing from Fundy one too many times. Eventually, Fundy noticed it was sick and took care of it. They got along and Fundy decided to take it in. Nicknamed Apples. Still likes to steal just not from Fundy. Thinks of itself as a master thief.
Sharpedo- Foolish’s main. Nicknamed King Toad. Very old but still very strong. One of the few Pokémon on the server capable of fully utilizing Mega Evolution.
Cofagrigus- Been with Foolish for as long as King Toad has been. Nicknamed Cleopatra. Married to King Toad. They’re good at battling together.
Tirtouga- A fossil that Foolish revived. Nicknamed Foolish Jr. Still learning how to battle from King Toad and Cleopatra. Feels guilt for being unable to protect Foolish at The Red Banquet.
Kyogre- Foolish also owns The Blue Orb which allows him to have a partnership of sorts with Kyogre. He can use it to attempt to summon it from the seas. Wether Kyogre decides to come or not is basically random.
Audino- Puffy’s main. Nicknamed Cottonball. The closest thing to a therapist this server’s gonna get. Can effectively use Mega Evolution and did it at The Red Banquet.
Swirlix- Gifted to Puffy as an egg by Niki. Nicknamed Bubbles. Loves to eat. Misses Niki’s treats
Dhelmise- A Pokémon that mysteriously showed up at Puffy’s house one day. It led her to her old ship. Appears to know more about Puffy’s past than it lets on. Nicknamed Blitz.
Currently has ownership of Spirit after Dream was put in prison.
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tumblunni · 6 years ago
My ideas if Wales gets referenced in this new britain region which is probably unlikely but we can hope:
* Another sheep pokemon/a mareep regional variant/just mareep being common over here
* llamhigyn y dwr regional variant of gligar! As a kid i always thought gligar was meant to be one of those! Its a mytholigical flying frog with a scorpion tail, and really the only reason i dont think gligar is based on it is because its ground instead of water type. Like its really specifically similar right down to the wings being webs under the arms!
* Welsh Lady pokemon! (The traditional costume kids wear at eisteddfods)
* Maybe instead some sort of legendary based on eisteddfods in general? Theyre a poetry/art festival where the winner gets "the chairing of the bard" aka just imagine ur average school contest except if ur in wales u literally get knighted with a fake sword, crown and The School's Personal Throne. Its very weird in retrospect but it just seemed normal when i was a kid. I won it once and i was so anxious having to go thru the big celebration thing!! Like aaa just let me take my certificate and run! XD So yeah maybe a legendary based on the eisteddfod throne itself? Its called a throne but its more of a fancy wooden chair with patterns carved into it. So some sort of wooden dragon! And the legend would be that only the most talented bards can ride it and it bucks off anyone it thinks isnt purehearted enough. And maybe it could have a lovespoon for a tail cos thats also another wooden welsh thing. (Fancy carved spoons for good luck and/or romantic gifts)
* welsh cake pokemon!! Theyre just a sweetened scone with raisins in it, but i think it could be really cute as a design. Im thinking a rock type that just coincidentally looks like a cake with raisins, and it rolls around sideways like a big goofy crab~
* or if you wanna go for other local foods maybe mix the kelpie with bara bryth? (Seaweed bread paste stuff) So its just a loaf of bread that evolves into a badass horse and it would make no sense to anyone except brits, lol.
* perhaps a legandary based on the bard taliesin? It could be similar to nebby in starting off with a weak baby form but then becoming a badass! Cos his origin story was that he wasnt naturally all super cool so talented at singing that he could make literal magic happen just by sheer creativity. Instead he accidentally drank a magic potion of creativity that a witch made, and his abilities came at the cos of Pissing Her Off Forevermore. So maybe the baby form cpuld be a witch's cauldron? And have a tail made of chains to symbolize how he was enslaved as that witch's assistant and managed to escape with her most valuable prize. And then his ethereal fancy humanoid form could maybe be similar to meloetta's living music thing but more with calligraphy instead? But perhaps still have a similar chain tail to show his origins, except now the links in the chain are all fancy calligraphy Os, lol
* accompanying legendary possibilities: ceridwen (the evil witch from that story) or morfran (her innocent son) Morfran did nothing wrong but is often painted as more of the villain of the story than she is, simply because he was black. Yeah there's racism even back in our mythology, ugh...! I always felt so depressed for morfran cos the story is that ceridwen only made this super magical potion of being the best bard ever cos everyone said her son was the ugliest man on earth and EVEN SHE AGREED so she thought she had to give him some magic powers to stop people from hating him. And instead taliesin steals it and goes off to be the most powerful and respected and also handsome man ever, the end. And seriously the ONLY THING they mention about why this child is ugly is that he was "black like a crow" and also his name means evil crow. And thats just the end of his story forever, being some other dude's origin story and then forgotten into the void :( So like hey a pokemon criticizing that part of the myth wouls be great too! Like maybe have morfran be a counterpart legendary like latias to latios and he just looks equally beautiful with a reversed colourscheme of dark skin and white calligraphy patterns. And maybe the pokedex entry could be like "taliesinmon got its powers thru a magical gift from meloetta" and "morfranmon worked really hard for its powers all on its own and also is very socially anxious and relateable and tumblr user tumblunni's favourote character in all british mythologies despite also representing the worst part of our nation but hey its not this man's fault please rescue him ok" Srsly its not like its common to see taliesin referenced in fiction but morfran is even more forgotten and i think he needs at least one positive fictional depiction to make up for being screwed over in the original myth.
* Another myth with unintended bad messages is the one of Blodeuwedd or Dwedd (friends may recognize that i named my Gourgeist after her!) Her story is that she was an artificial human created out of plants in order to be some guy's sex toy basically. Yet she's the villain of the story cos she refused to marry him and ran off with another guy. Like seriously she was BORN to marry this dude! Even if he's the big mythological prince we're supposed to root for, with modern morality perspectives its kinda impossible to see it that way. At least unlike morfran she actually does do other stuff to establish her as a villain other than just existing, she comes back with her new boyfriend to kill the dude who made her and thus set the course of history awry cos he was A Really Inportant Destiny Prince And All. But seriously dude this is 100% your own fault for being creepy enough to not want to date real women and instead have some messed up preprogrammed woman who'd do whatever you want. "The only reason she wouldnt obey like he wanted must be because the seed of evil was in her heart" yeah no maybe it was the seed of free will u bastard. Anyway they have a funny sequence where prince douche mc douchebag is prophesized to never be killed by etc etc etc so dwedd and her new boyf have to trick him into THE MOST CONTRIVED CIRCUMSTANCE EVER to find a loophole. I think it was something like one foot on a goat and one on a bucket while at the border line between two countries at the crack of dawn? And as fitting a standard boring hero story of course eeeevil dwedd gets thwarted and prince pompous is ressurected and she's punished forever by being turned into an immortal owl for some reason.
* SO YEAH! Plant owl legendary! I just thought this myth in particular would be cool cos a female plant legendary with a disney villain aesthetic instead of the cliche pretty sexy thing everyone would probably expect. Make her bombastic and badass and terrifying!!! The pumpkaboo line is the closest thing so far cos bat pumpkin is KINDA close to daffodil owl. At least in terms of spooky aesthetic, lol
* oh and also her boyfriend was named gronw pebr and honestly he barely does anything in the whole story but he has a really cool name so i felt like mentioning it
* our national flower is the daffodil and our national vegetable is the leek so maybe a farfetch'd variation with a daffodil? Or maybe a saucepan or somethin. It could kinda work with farfetch'd origin, plus one of our most famous nursery rhymes is about saucepans. AR GATH WEDI SCRAPU GROOKEY BACH
* our national animal is actually the dragon not the sheep! So definately give us some good dragon types!! Our flag is a dragon so maybe our legendary could be that? And perhaps reference the whole "red dragon beats the white dragon symbolizing how much england sucks" legend by having it have two forms like minior or darmanitan and the weaker cowardly defensive one is england. Just sayin!!
* i dont think you can really make a pokemon personification of england conquering and literally owning us and us taking so long to even get considered a separate country again and be able to have our native language in schools except it was already so many generations passed of it being forbidden to be spoken that barely anyone still knew it and even nowadays when we have billingual road signs the rate of billingualism is incredibly low and im really jealous of my sister growing up in a school that taught it from a young age cos i was thrown into intermediate level welsh without having the basic lessons and thus nevee managed to learn it at all and felt both stupid and disconnected from my ancestors irretreiveably
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fluff-factory · 8 years ago
Rules: Answer questions and tag 20 people awesome followers you would like to know better
Name: Marie Nickname: Mareep, Anubis Birth Month: September Height: 5′7″ (174cm) Ethnicity: European flavours :P (Romanian, Irish, Scottish, some mutty mix no doubt). Basically white Australian.  Orientation: Mostly straight, but I’m kinda fluid.  Favorite Vegetable: Pumpkin, it roasts so well! ^^ Favorite Book: The Amulet of Samarkand (and the rest of the trilogy, its a great story in my opinion) Favorite Season: Autumn!! So mild ^^ Favorite Scent: Sheep and lavender  Favorite Animal(s): I have a soft spot for Cheetahs. And Deer.  Favorite Beverage: TEA <---YES!! (I have like a million teas) Average Hours Of Sleep: 6-9hrs ;P Favorite Fictional Character: Ender Wiggins, because he’s so messed up. Its wonderful.  Number Of Blankets You Sleep With: Two. Dream Trip: Canada for skiing. My tame Aussie ass has never seen snow.  Blog Created: First post was in September 2016 xP I have been so slack with keeping this blog alive though. >~< People I tag: @chozophilosopher @leah-tard (I don’t have any other followers >.<) 
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mysidewriting · 8 years ago
Through the Storm
Note: I coded through this chapter super fast and barely read through it (not feeling so great, way too long of a week[lol jk i mean semester]) so if you see any nasty mistakes either with formatting or wording or whatever else - please let me know! I would really appreciate it! c:
From the start–>Previous chapter
Chapter Eight
Gladion had taken it upon himself to find out more about the charizard attacks. Saying he had the time and resources to take on a personal project. I felt a little better about the whole ordeal knowing that he was looking into it.
I’d taken a couple recovery days after the traumatic experience to let my mind and nerves settle out before I really got down to my tasks in Johto. I spent a lot of time on the hard motel bed with my Pokémon surrounding me and talking to various people over the phone.
Lillie had asked me to stay longer, she didn’t think I was ready to go on to a new region alone after seeing something so horrible. But the tickets taking me to new regions were prepaid and predetermined so I had to use them. I would otherwise have to spend extra money and I had no interest in wasting anything. So instead we just spent plenty of time on the phone talking things out.
As much as I didn’t want to admit it though, I was glad to leave Kanto after that. I had a feeling that staying around would only make me feel worse and more stressed. I had so much more stuff to do and focus on in Johto now that I could get over things much easier than I would have in Kanto.
My, what I liked to call, first steps into the region were in Goldenrod city. One of the largest towns in Johto. It wasn’t as crowded as Celadon but had a similar vibe. I once again found myself not loving or hating it but I certainly didn’t want to stay at the motel any longer.
I wandered aimlessly in the area around Goldenrod, getting an idea of what type of Pokémon resided in the grass. A lot of the creatures I happened upon were totally foreign and new to me. I wasn’t due for working with the professor for a week and the amount of time between here and then was intimidating. Aside from meeting and catching new Pokémon, I wasn’t sure what to do.
The champion of this region, Gold, was much busier and more elusive than Red had been. I doubted I’d even see the man unless I absolutely had too. It was disappointing to think that I wouldn’t meet him as it likely meant I wouldn’t meet all that many people in this region in general.
After exploring both north and south of Goldenrod I returned to the motel and grabbed a map of the region from the front desk as well as one of those cheesy tour guide pamphlets. I’d stay one more night in this town before finding somewhere else to go. Back in the room I flopped onto that hard bed and called my mom. She barely picked up in time and was surprise to hear it was me calling. I told her I was in Johto now and wasn’t sure what to do with my time. She laughed at that.
“Are you kidding, hon? There’s so much to do in Johto! Go explore! Learn about the history! It’s beautiful there.” She claimed.
She told me some places to visit, including Ecrueteak City, The Ruins of Alph, Lake of Rage, and Ilex Forest. She recommended I bring a camera with me and begged I showed her pictures. She had apparently went to hangout in Johto very frequently when she was younger. She thought Kanto was the boring place… it made sense that she would think so, the reason I enjoyed myself so much there was because of Lillie, Red, and Green - not anything to do with the actual region.
I asked about Dad and she sounded frustrated as she explained the divorce progress had slowed exponentially. Dad wouldn’t do anything about the paperwork so she was trying her best to get things moving on his side. I apologized and wished her the best, she claimed she still wasn’t upset and thought she never really would be as upset as she thought. It’s not like it was bad to be so positive and strong in the situation, just strange.
She had to go after another twenty minutes of just chatting about random things together. We made a quick promise with each other to talk more frequently now that I wasn’t constantly with friends and I was happy to think I’d talk with her more.
Between the shit I’d seen last night, the fact that my parents were divorcing, and that I was now away from all my friends for 5 months straight, I was surprised I hadn’t broken down yet. I flipped onto my back and stared up at the popcorn textured ceiling, trying to continue staying calm as the weight of my stressors crashed on top of me. My eyes filled with tears and I blinked them away, repeating this process until Kai and Null popped out of their balls and poked and prodded at me until I moved.
I laughed as the two Pokémon hopped between each other and nipped and yanked on my clothes until I was on my feet. Null’s cold metal mask pressed against my back as it shoved me towards the door again, I yelped and attempted to stop before I was forced out into the hallway. My own struggle did not work though, as the two beasts cooperated to get me back out into the city.
Night had fallen, a full moon arching high into the starless sky. I stared up at the celestial giant, thinking of Cecil who I had sent to the pokepelago with my other new friends from Kanto. Null and Kai stood on either side of me, gaze up to the sky as well. I sucked in a deep breath of the night air, clouded by the smell of the town. I headed towards the south, waving for my two Pokémon to follow after me as I worked my way out of the city.
Just south of Goldenrod was a daycare for Pokémon. An old couple was outside watering plants around the yard, a small group of mareep bounded around the two calling out their sweet cries. I smiled as I watched the old couple giggle and play with the electric Pokémon. Kai was running up and down the fence, making whimpering noises, clearly interested in playing as well.
I had her continue to follow after me as I walked down further along the path, gaze out on the water bordering the trail. The moon reflected beautifully across the rippling surface, a distorted mirror of the real image. Johto had to be known for its scenery, it felt like I was walking through a painting.
I pulled out my phone and started snapping pictures with my mother in mind. There was just enough light from the moon that most images came out beautifully lit with a perfect contrast of shadow. I focused a lot of effort into taking high quality pictures. I could make a scrapbook for mom out of these if I get enough good shots around the region. I grinned at the thought, that was something to fill my time before meeting professor Elm next week.
The trail became heavily wooded as I continued. Tall pines and oaks stretched towards the black sky, their leaves shaking in the gentle rolling breeze that blew off the water nearby. A sign thickly covered in moss told me I was entering Ilex woods and a pinch of excitement sparked in my heart. This was one the places Mom had told me to visit just a little while ago. I understood why she had been so excited for me to see it, the forest was absolutely gorgeous.
Kai and Null burst through the underbrush, excited to see the towering trees as well. There was nothing like this back in Alola, the closest to it being a rainforest, so it had to be absolutely stunning to them. I was thankful I’d decided to bring the two along and felt slightly remorseful for not bringing everyone with. Nimbus, my Decidueye would freak out if he saw all this vegetation.
The deeper I went the less the moon broke through the tree tops. Yet it didn’t grow any darker in the woods. Small spores floated through the air, reflecting their own bioluminescent light onto the dark trunks of the trees. Kai attempted to catch the floating specks in her mouth but Null stopped her, likely aware of the poisonous properties that could be found in the spores. I told both of them to be careful and try to not disturb any sleeping Pokémon and I attempted to frame a picture of the gravel path twisting though the magical looking woods.
A ruckus of shouts and chatters erupted from the bushes next to me. I span fast and was surprised to see neither of my Pokémon purposefully disobeying my orders. Null and Kai stood behind me, attention locked on the bush as well.
Suddenly about ten eevee exploded from the leafage, young ones - babies. They scattered around me and charged deeper into the woods with loud squeaks of fear. Overhead I heard heavy flaps of wings and a ‘hoo’ very similar to Nimbus’s cry. A darker shadow in the shape of a bird flew off in the same direction as the eevee, clasped in its shadowed claws was another small, silver creature.
“Kai! Stop that Pokémon!” I shouted, quickly jumping to my feet and chasing after the fleeing bird and eevee. Null and Kai’s paws pounded behind me as I ran, Kai jumped at my back and used that extra height to jump further upwards towards the bird. Her jaws clamped around the beasts talon, the one not holding its prey, and a spine chilling screech shattered my ear drums.
Kai fell back towards the ground, somehow managing to land on its paws effortlessly. The silver creature flew out of the bird’s grasp and plummeted towards the ground, its captor suddenly changing direction and fleeing the woods quickly. I rushed to catch the falling critter and it landed safely in my arms. A tiny pile of silver and white fur curled up against my chest, a long ear twitching and its small body trembling.
Kai limped towards me and I realized that her fall hadn’t been so graceful and effortless as her paw was injured. Yet the Pokémon sat at my feet and sniffed curiously at the baby cradled in my arms. I pat her head, careful to not drop the Pokémon I was holding. “Thank you, Kai. Let’s get you to a Pokémon center asap.”
She grumbled reassuringly and her ears twitched. Looking towards the path as a few of the startled eevee returned, wide brown eyes staring up at me. One of them, slightly larger than the others cooed and the bundle of fur in my arms stirred.
It’s head appeared, unfurling from the ball it had curled up in in defense. An eevee? A silver eevee? It made sense that it had been the first to be snapped up, its color was so much brighter than the rest. “Hello there.” I said with a small smirk in direction of the Pokémon. It looked up to me, those gray eyes huge and confused.
“You’re okay now! Kai saved you.” I said, directing my hands so the baby could see my lycanroc. She licked the small eevee after yipping quietly.
Eevee cried out, the sound joyful and adorable. I set the small fox-like baby down on the ground and pat its head, a smile burst across the critters face and I struggled to wave my goodbye. I couldn’t let Kai sit in pain any longer and the other small eevee were already hopping over, excited to see the almost lost one.
So I forced my goodbye and wished the eevee clan good luck before recalling both Kai and Null to their balls and heading towards town once again. I can’t believe that was a shiny! I hope it’s okay, I hope that bird doesn’t come back for it…
The door of the pokecenter dinged and I quickly brought Kai’s ball to the counter for it to heal. I explained what had happened and the nurse nodded, saying it would be about twenty minutes.
She leaned over the counter then, “oh, does your eevee need a rest too?” She questioned and I looked down fast, shocked to see the eevee standing near my feet. Its gaze locked on mine with an eager smile.
I grinned. “Do you want to come with me, eevee?”
It hopped in place. Of course it wanted to come with me, wasn’t that how all stories like this ended? Someone saves the struggling Pokémon and it decided last minute that it didn’t want to go back home after being saved. I offered up a pokeball and the eevee willingly went in, putting up no fight against the capture.
“Yes.” I told the nurse, “I’d like to have my eevee healed.”
Clearly the answer to why Hau kept calling me would come if I actually picked up the phone. But I had no interest in hearing his overly energetic voice while I was in the middle of work. Yet no matter how many times I forced his call to go to voicemail, my phone kept ringing. Eventually I couldn’t take it anymore and I ran back to my room to drop the thing on my desk.
Whatever the hell it is, it can wait.
Back at the conservation deck one of the employees was trying to feed a stubborn stufful that struggled to eat by it’s self. It’d been abandoned by its mother for having a deformed ear, or so we supposed, and couldn’t eat unless it was hand fed a certain way. After watching the failed attempts of the man I offered to take over and he gave it up fairly easily. The stufful had no issues with me for some reason and the food was gone within a few minutes. I brought the stufful back to its little dug out on the opposite side of the deck and let it down next to another Pokémon of the same species.
“You must have a magic touch, sir. I’ve never been able to get that guy to eat.”
I glanced at the employee who had spoken and simply shrugged in response, “there’s a trick to it.” I muttered and gave the man a quick nod before moving onto the bigger issues.
Some of the researches who had worked on the mareanie population project were testing their hypothesis on regrowth. Wild Pokémon we’re currently residing in the biggest pool on the floor and required a lot of special attention to assure their and the faculties safety. I hovered near the edge of the pool, watching the strange aquatic creatures react to the stimuli the researchers provided.
I couldn’t focus on anything beyond these simple tasks. There were far more important things I could have been doing with my required hours on the deck, like restoring the damaged areas from the most recent turtonator incident… or testing new diets for the sick pokemon in the quarantine section. But all those tasks would call for actual focus and thought which was something I couldn’t put into work at the moment.
My mind was stuck in thoughts about my own project. Trying to figure out who and why someone was sending these charizards to attack champions. Tracking what patterns there were in the research to figure out if Moon or the champion of Johto were in trouble next. There was barely any information available, I would have to call police departments and possibly the already attacked champions in order to pull more out of what I had. That would have been a far more useful way to spend my time than just standing near a pool of wild Pokémon to prevent safety issues.
One of the mareanie floated over near the edge I stood by, its lazy yellow eyes peering up at me from below the clear water. I stared back at it, chewing on my bottom lip as I tried to think of a way to get that Sinnoh woman’s contact information. Its small toothy grin grew as it watched me and I cringed, I really didn’t like the look of these Pokémon. They reminded me of team skull for some reason, specifically of Plumeria.
In fact, one of the grunts who couldn’t seem to leave me alone even after two years had said she had a toxapex now… that had to have been why I was unconsciously relating the two.
“President Gladion.” I glanced over my shoulder to see one of the receptionists standing on the walkway and waiting patiently for me. I nodded, encouraging her to continue. “Someone is here to see you.”
Who the hell…?
My arms crossed my chest and I looked away. “Tell them I’m busy.” I stated flatly.
“I tried that already, sir. He refuses to leave until he sees you.” She replied, her tone of voice giving away her stress.
My face scrunched, “who is it?” I couldn’t think of anyone who needed to see me that urgently right now.
“Please just come with me, sir.” She said, and turned to head towards the elevator.
I hopped back up onto the walkway and quickly followed after her, fumbling to take off my lab coat and hang it up before riding the elevator down with the receptionist.
A primarina and alolan raichu were in the middle of the entranceway, both suited for battle. I understood why the woman had been so urgent and stressed to bring me down, though my annoyance to see those specific Pokémon here was extreme. I slowly approached the familiar beasts, hands stuffed in my jeans pockets.
“Hau, what the hell are you doing.” I snapped, shooting him a glare as he appeared from behind his primarina.
The guy’s hair was a mess, down from its normal ponytail and more frazzled than the expression on his face. It looked like he’d ran all the way here even though that wasn’t possible considering Aether was just an over glorified boat.
“Why didn’t you answer my calls!” He shouted in response, his arms flailing in exasperation. “I need your help with something!”
“This isn’t the way to ask for my help, Hau.” I growled, crossing my arms over my chest. “Put your pokemon away and stop scaring the shit out of my employees.”
He groaned, over animated as always as he recalled both his Pokémon to their respective balls. Now that there wasn’t a barrier of battle ready beasts between us he quickly closed the distance and grabbed my arms attempting to yank me towards the exit.
I pulled my arms away, taking a few steps back. “What do you need, Hau? Use your damn words.” I rooted my feet.
His eyes rolled, “We don’t have time!” He whined, groaning again as I didn’t move. “It has to do with Moon, there! Now will you come with me already?”
My face fell, what could he mean… Moon is in Johto… I swore. Or he’s just saying shit to get me to come with him… What did it even matter, there was no point in risking it. “Let me go get Silvally. Then we can go.”
“Thank you!” He shouted as I quickly went to grab my Pokémon.
Hau brought me to Melemele island, shoring near professor Kukui’s ramshackle of a lab. He gave me no chance to ask what was going on and charged quickly towards a small house resting farther off the coast. My eyes rolled as I followed after him, purposefully moving much slower in order to make the anxious kid wait a bit longer. The closer I got, though, the louder a distinctly and cringe worthy familiar voice was audible to me.
I nearly turned tides and hiked it back to Aether when I saw the man standing near the house Hau had ran too. Tall and swimming in oversized clothes, a messy top of white hair and a red x taped across the old skull logo on the back of the man’s sweater. Hau yelled after me as I started heading down the path to the city and I cringed as Guzma echoed Hau’s call.
“Boy, is that really you?” Guzma said with a sly grin as I approached the two, a scowl across my own face.
The last person I wanted to see after ditching skull was the man who had started it himself. He’d never been personally rude to me but there were so many negative memories and thoughts that lingered around his crazed face.
I shoved my hands into my pockets and refused to make direct eye contact with him. He chuckled, “Wow, look how much older ya are, kid. Finally got that mop of yours styled, eh?”
“Why did you bring me here, Hau?” I hissed towards him, feeling no guilt about directing the excess irritation his way.
Hau bounced in place, his face contorted in worry. “He won’t leave.” He stage whispered.
“What?” I snapped
Guzma exploded into laughter and both Hau and I jumped back in surprise. A loud bang cut the chortle short and all three of us turned to look at the woman who had stepped out onto the porch. Her eyes were bagged and the creases in her skin gave away not only her age but also the stress she was undergoing.
Something about her was painstakingly familiar but I just couldn’t place why I felt that way. I knew I’d never seen the woman in my life and I didn’t leave Aether frequently enough for it to be due to just general proximity to each other. The name was resting on the tip of my tongue but I just couldn’t figure it out.
Suddenly the front of my shirt was clenched in Guzma’s shaking fist, his face inches from mine as he spat at me, “Where’s that bitch of a mother of yours at, kid? I have a couple words to speak at 'er.”
I shoved the man, stumbling as he released me and pushed me back as well. I conspicuously released Silvally, the beast appearing behind me and roaring upon seeing Guzma. “You have no business with Lusamine, Guzma.” I snapped at him, readying myself as the man reached for his own pokeballs.
“Oh believe me, I do.” He retorted, his voice oddly calm.
“Stop!” The woman on the porch shouted. I froze, the muscles in my body locking as it finally clicked in my head who this person was. Shit, she’s going to hate me. “Enough about bitchy mothers. Guzma, you need to leave my property before I call the police.”
Hau started bouncing in place again, he grabbed my shoulder and if I hadn’t been under the gaze of this woman specifically I probably would have slapped him away. “I’m so sorry, Auntie! I tried to get him to leave before, and then I got Gladion thinking that would work… but it’s not working.” Auntie? Seriously?
“This isn’t your fault, Hau.” The woman stepped down the porch steps, now on equal ground I was surprised to see how short she was. Apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree then. “I know your mom too, Guzma, and I know she’s waiting anxiously for you to go see her.”
He scoffed in response. “You don’t know anythin’ about my home life, chick. I just need you to understand the bullshit your daughter put me through.”
His hand rose and I motioned for Silvally to pin the man to the ground before his muscles could even receive the impulse to strike the woman. Now, splayed across the ground under the weight of my seven foot friend, he looked far less intimidating. I bared over him, a steady glare on his shocked face.
“Leave and do not come back to this house.” I snapped, silvally hung its head closer to Guzma, a growl rumbling from its chest and it’s cheek plate glowing red as fire built up inside its mouth. “Never ever come back here.”
Guzma stared at the beast looking over him, actually scared for his life. His gaze met mine. “Damn kid, when did your balls drop?”
He left, head hanging low in embarrassment as he did so. After his figure had retreated far beyond the horizon I released a heavy breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. The tension in my arms and legs slowly dispersing as I looked to the now giddy Hau repeatedly thanking me for taking care of that mess.
My eyes narrowed as I spoke up, trying to keep my voice at a volume so only he could hear me. “Don’t involve me with any other ex-skulls. I already have enough to deal with.”
His head cocked to the side, strikingly similar to a growlithe. “But you’re an ex-skull too.”
My eyes rolled and I nearly retorted that my situation was far different than any of the other former team members, but the owner of the house cut me off. “Thank you, both of you.” She said, “He’s been rather bothersome lately.”
Hau grinned, “No problem at all, Ms. Hillel.”
I fumbled over my words, way too worried about striking a decent impression on Moon’s mother than I should have been. “Anytime.” Shit, why would you say that? It makes it sound like it’ll happen again!
She turned to me and held out a hand, “I’m sorry, I don’t know your name!”
I shook her hand, the acids in my stomach churning and swishing around in nerves. “I’m Gladion, current head of the Aether Foundation.”
“Oh!” She called, throwing a hand up in the air. “I know you then, Moon has told me plenty about you!”
That stomach acid was suddenly in my throat and I struggled to swallow it down. Hau snickered quietly next to me and I figured he was laughing at the color rising to my cheeks. “D-did she?” Why are you stuttering, idiot.
“Yes, of course!” A smile broke out across her face. Her posture shifted and suddenly she was inviting both Hau and I inside for a drink. Hau rushed in, clearly unfazed.
I probably would have denied the offer if he hadn’t already accepted it for both of us. Moon’s mom walked into the house and I followed behind slowly, nerves making every step feel like an earthquake as I entered the doorway.
Quaint was the only way I could describe the still new looking house. A lot of effort had been put into making the building feel like a home, plants stood in almost every corner and piles of blankets mounded on the couches in the living room. A collage of framed family pictures hung on the far wall of the room and I desperately wanted to go look, but I felt intrusive just wandering Moon’s house - even if her mother had invited me in. A plump Kantonian meowth was sprawled across the back of one of the couches and watched lazily, stretching and yawning, as I walked by. Everything about the place just felt warm, it was such a nice vibe. Something I’ve never felt.
Hau had disappeared down the one hallway in the house and it seemed Moon’s mom was bringing me that way as well. It was the first time ever that I felt envious of Hau… he felt so welcome in this house that he had abandoned all manners… not that he ever had any… he was just so comfortable, clearly had been here many many times.
The kitchen that I was led to was charming, well-used despite that the house had only stood for two years. The air was rich with the scent of sweets and home cooked meals. The wooden counter top dented and stained from many uses. Hau was seated at that countertop, pouring himself a glass of lemonade and humming.
Moon’s mother handed me a glass. “Would you like lemonade? Or something else?” She asked with an overtly kind smile on her face.
“Lemonade is fine.” I said with a forced smile back to her, hoping that it didn’t look to fake or dishonest. I let Hau fill up the glass and took a seat at the counter as well, feeling like a magikarp out of water in the middle of the room.
There was a stack of photos on the counter and I could just barely see that the top picture was of Moon. I so desperately wanted to leaf through the pictures but couldn’t bring myself to do anything other than move the cup of lemonade to my lips and back down.
Hau must have noticed them at the same time I did as he was suddenly boasting to the woman pulling out a cookie jar. “Are those pictures of Moon?! Can I see?”
“Those are photos from Oak actually!” She sat on the other side of the counter, snaking on a chocolate chip cookie. “I guess he took and collected some pictures of her while she was in Kanto and sent those to me! So sweet. Feel free to look through them!” She pushed the jar of homemade cookies our way. Hau dug his hand in and took out three cookies.
He half whispered to me, “these are the best cookies.”
My jaw clenched and I pulled one out for myself, figuring it was only polite to accept the offer. Shit these are good. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a homemade cookie… at least not one this good. There were a few lame attempts at cookie baking by the skull grunts but those always came out black and brick like at the best.
Hau placed the pictures between us, flipping through varying shots of Moon grinning at the camera. One specific picture resulted in Hau letting out a loud 'whoa!’ and Moon’s mom grinning.
The picture was framed behind Moon, her hood pulled up and hiding her face. She was on the back of a lapras and spread in front of her was a huge blue bird. The articuno she had been talking about a week or so ago.
“Isn’t that an awesome shot?” Ms. Hillel said, “I guess Lillie took that one.”
Hau’s eyes lit up, his already beaming smile somehow growing larger at the mention of my younger sister. “Lillie is so good with cameras!”
I continued flipping through, covering the grin that spread across my mouth as I saw another picture of Moon in those ice caves, she was standing with Lillie and both were making stupid faces towards the camera. I was just happy to see Moon still using my old beat up sweater, after two years of her trying to give it back.
Hau stayed at Moon’s mother’s house for another hour and a half and I stuck around with him if only because I didn’t want to be rude. I busied myself with inspecting the Kantonian meowth and trying to keep up with conversations between the two people in the house.
Eventually we left and both Hau and I walked through Hau'oli City to the marina. The sun was falling and I felt horrible for missing out on work for most of the day. I’d be lucky to get even forty minutes of sleep tonight with the amount of work I’d have to make up. I rubbed at my eyes, internally cringing at the thought of staying up long enough to see the sun rise. The only bright side was that I could maybe talk with Moon again, it’d been a few days and when we did talk it was short and quick… business related and nothing beyond.
Hau’s elbow was suddenly in my ribs and I flinched, putting more space between the two of us and shooting him a glare.
“Moon’s mom is pretty cool, isn’t she? I love hanging out with her!” He said, grinning.
I only nodded in response, not wanting to facilitate the conversation. As much as I hated the idea of going back to Aether for work, it was far superior to being alone with the human ball of energy. I could handle him in a group setting, or through text or call when necessary, but anything beyond that was just a bit too much for me.
“Have you talked to Moon, recently? I haven’t heard from her…” He looked down, “but I guess I haven’t reached out to her recently so that’s probably why.”
“Yes, I’ve talked to her. I’m sure she’ll be responsive if you message her.” I muttered, stuffing my hands in my pockets. Why even answer that question?
“What about Lillie? Have you talked to her?” Hau prodded.
I sighed, “Infrequently, yes.”
“We talk every day.” He said, gaze to the sky and his arms folded behind his head. “I hope you don’t mind if I date your sister.”
I stopped. “What?”
Hau’s grin turned nervous, “I have a thing for Lillie and I think I’m going to ask her out soon!”
My eyes rolled, “okay, great for you.”
“That’s all you have to say to that? 'Great for you’?” He huffed, “can’t you like… approve it?”
I grimaced and turned to face him, my arms crossing my chest. “First, asking for 'approval’ is a marriage thing and I’m not her dad. Second, how do you even know she’d date you anyway?”
He flinched as I spoke but retaliated fairly quickly, “I think she likes me back!” His confidence was surprising.
I hesitated, still not sure exactly what he wanted from me. So I shrugged and just said, “Go ahead and date my sister. You’re not total shit so I don’t care.”
He blanked, clearly confused by my choice of words. While he was stunned I gave him a curt nod and turned heel towards the marina, ready to be back at Aether already. I can’t imagine those two actually dating, but I guess I haven’t actually talked to Lillie for a while. She could be head over heels for Hau and I wouldn’t know anything about it. Maybe it was time to attempt to make amends with Lillie. Whatever it was that was still bothering her… whether it be stuff with mom, or anything else. I was kind of tired of the bickering.
She couldn’t be that mad if she was still talking to me though, and calling me stupid names…
Hau shouted my name and caught up with me, I sighed. “What now? I need to get back to work.” I snapped as I span to face him.
“Did you ask Moon out yet? She’s like my cousin you know, so I approve of it!” He beamed at me.
I stared blankly at him, grateful that my face wasn’t growing red from his question. I considered responding… but just turned and left instead. What I do and when I do it is none of his business anyway.
Work had me glued to my desk until around 3 am and even after that I tried to factor in time for the champion attack research. I was hitting nothing but walls with that and would need to actually make calls soon if I planned on making progress.
I let my head drop to the desk, the single moment of rest enough for my exhausted eyes to droop and the wave of sleep start to yank my consciousness away. The cold wooden desk was uncomfortable but I couldn’t bring myself to care. I struggled to remember the last time I’d slept in my own bed. I’d spent the last two weeks’ worth of nights on the couch in the office - sleeping long enough to function for at least half the day. My phone, resting on the edge of the desk and charging, started vibrating. The sound of it amplified against the hardwood that my ear was also resting on. I flinched and sat upright with a groan, reaching for the shaking plastic.
“Oy.” I grumbled as I answered the call, fighting back the yawn that was pushing up my throat.
“Goodnight!” Moon’s giggle over the line brought some energy into me. “You sound half asleep… go rest, dork.” I grinned, glad she had called out of nowhere.
“Nah, I can sleep when I’m dead.” I intended to joke but my voice was far to steady for it to sound like a joke.
“Stop. How are you supposed to be the president of a huge environmental organization if you don’t even get good sleep?” She asked.
“Well clearly exactly the way I’m doing it now. Considering Aether is fine.” I replied, resting my head back on the desk and letting my eyes close.
“But are you fine?”
I scoffed, “same as always, Moon.” Fine, fine, fine.
“I wish you wouldn’t do this to yourself.” She said with a heavy sigh, “you’ll get sick or something.”
“If I went to bed at a decent time I wouldn’t be talking to you right now, or hardly ever.” The overhead lights flicked on, startling me and making my bagged eyes burn with the sudden flash of brightness. I glanced to the doorway to see Wicke.
I held up a finger, signaling for her to wait. Then pointing to my phone. “Aw do you stay up just to talk to me?” Moon’s voice was oozing sarcasm, she knew I stayed up for work. But she’s not entirely wrong. I was always hoping to get a chance to hear her voice when I was up this late.
“Maybe that’s part of it.” I said, surprised I could hint at anything without wimping out.
I met Wicke’s gaze as Moon suddenly went silent on the other end. Cocking an eyebrow to encourage the woman to talk.
“Oh, sir, I’m sorry to interrupt. I wanted to inform you about the current progress reports and suggestions, but we can hold them off until tomorrow if you so please.” She said, eyes switching to look at the phone against my ear and a small smile appearing on her face.
Progress reports… that’d take an hour and a half to go through at the least. I had plenty stacked on my plate for the next day already, meaning that would likely be shoved off until later in the night tomorrow as well… forcing another long and grueling day… but I didn’t want to hang up on Moon, I wanted to actually talk with her tonight. A frown depend across my face, but that needs to get done and sent back asap.
“Did I tell you about my new Pokémon?” Moon’s voice said over the speaker near my ear. “I can’t remember if I did.”
My gaze hit the floor. “We’ll do it tomorrow.” Wicke said with a reassuring smile and an understanding wink. “Have a good night, sir.”
I was thankful she made the decision herself. “Thanks, Wicke.” I replied with a smirk as she ducked back out of the room. The lights stayed on but I didn’t much mind, it provoked me to actually go to my own room. “No you didn’t tell me about your new Pokémon.” I replied to Moon, stretching my free hand over my head until my shoulder cracked.
Moon talked about her little adventures in Johto so far, going on without needing much input from me. I spaced out more than I would like to admit but her voice, rising and falling with the emotions and reactions to her own stories, was so soothing to me. I eventually wandered back to my room, the small space feeling foreign after so many days away from it. Silvally had somehow made its way into the room and was sleeping in the corner. It’s large body squished between the wall and dresser and the position looked so awkward and uncomfortable that it made me laugh. Moon, startled to hear the noise, begged for a picture once I explained the beast’s unappealing choice for a sleeping spot.
I’d made the mistake of laying on my bed while we were still talking. The feeling of the soft mattress and the kinks in my neck and spine evening out made it hard to focus on Moon. She kept calling my name, bringing me back from the first stage of sleep repeatedly.
“Gladion!” She called again with an underlying laugh that struck me as slightly annoyed.
“Hmm, sorry.” I muttered, I sat up a bit hoping it would clear the sticky webs of sleep from my head.
“Sleep already, dork. We can talk next time your free.” My tired mind formed an image of her smiling as she said that, her ocean blue eyes rolling. I wasn’t sure why everyone was using strange terms in reference to me… Lilly with bub and Hau with… Arceus, I don’t even want to think about it… It was aggravating. Moon, though, calling me a dork whenever I did something she didn’t approve of… just the way she said it every time made my heart pick up pace just a little bit and caused a small grin to twist my lips.
“So tomorrow at four in the morning?” I forced a laugh, the sound breathy.
“Or when you take a break at work or something!” She sighed, “You know, I don’t understand why you’re so so busy with work all of a sudden. Before I left for my trip you had plenty of time to do things and talk almost whenever.”
“I took on more jobs. That’s why.”
“So what, you wrote yourself onto so many more experiments that you’re working yourself to the bone? It’s not healthy!” She sighed, “You need to stop with some of them.”
“I’m not signing off research projects. The whole team would be upset to see the president of Aether giving up on them.” I said through a yawn.
“You won’t be of any help if you end up sick though!” She said, sounding exasperated. I was surprised to hear her so upset about it. She’d said something about my lack of sleep and completely shot sleeping schedule almost every time we talked lately, but I didn’t think much about it… other than that it was sweet she was worrying about something so trivial.
“Why are you so worried about my sleep?” I asked, genuinely confused.
“Do I need to say it again? Didn’t I just tell you like two weeks ago?” She said, her words causing even more confusion.
“What? You never told me why…?”
“Because I care about you! I don’t want you working yourself to death or sick.” She said, her voice almost a shout. “Please try to get more sleep, even if it means we can’t talk for a while. Finish your infinitive amount of projects and sleep like a normal person again.”
I flushed, rubbing my warm cheeks as I formed my response to her. She did say that over text, after bombarding me with questions over getting drunk. It took a moment of me regaining my composure to actually speak, “The extra work fills the time until I can talk to you. It’s fine. I’ll figure out sleep at some point.”
She paused for a moment too. The acids in my stomach were churning and bubbling, she’s going to figure out how I feel about her if I keep dropping hints like this. I wasn’t sure if I wanted her to know yet… “Is that really how you see it?” She barely rose above a whisper.
“It is.” I muttered.
I waited for her to question why it was so important we talked. Waited for her to ask why I took on extra work just to fill my time. I waited for any sign of her understanding what was going on in my head and heart for the past year and a half, but she said nothing. I felt a strange mix of relief and disappointment over her not acknowledging those things. “Ok… well please plan some time for you too, Gladion. Time to rest.”
“I’ll try.” I laid back down, letting my eyes close.
“I have to go check on the eggs in Elm’s lab before I can go to bed. So I’m going to go do that now.” She muttered, sounding distracted - like her mind was focused on things other than what was coming out of her mouth. “Goodnight, Gladion.”
“Goodnight, Moon.” I muttered just before she ended the call. The length of time I was on the line flashed on my screen momentarily - well over an hour. I shoved the device onto the side table and pulled the lamp’s light out.
She’s going to figure it out. She has too…
Note: So I hope the length makes up for the fact that most of this chapter is just 'almost filler’/some fluff. Everything here matters, it just isnt AS important as other things. Oops~ Anyway, hope you enjoy! Thanks as always c:
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victoryroadhq · 6 years ago
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AGE: Twenty-four. BIRTHDAY: October 2nd. HOMETOWN: Paniola Town, Alola. OCCUPATION: Cook. STARTER: Magby, male, Modest. FACECLAIM: Keiynan Lonsdale. STATUS: Open.  
As a youngster growing up in Paniola Town, basically the only option given to Declan Gilmore was to become a cowboy. The problem was that he wasn’t particularly good at the family business, Pokemon ranching just didn’t fall into his skill set. He tended to be a clumsy farmer at best, cracking the eggs he’d gathered from Combuskens and spilling any Moomoo milk he successfully gathered from Miltanks. The Mareeps didn’t find him a particularly skilled groomer, shocking him rather than let him take their fleece like his father did easily. And when he tried to saddle up a Tauros and take it for a ride, it quickly bucked him off. If Declan had the true spirit of a cowboy he might have resisted but deep down he was scared of the Bull Pokemon and it’s ability to jab him with it’s mighty horns and worse he was pretty sure all the Tauros knew it. He was also pretty terrified of getting kicked by the Mudbray on the farm, despite his father’s attempts to get him to groom their shoes. He’d read that there were people out there who had gotten kicked by a Mudsdale and had their spine misaligned, Declan wasn’t taking any chances with it’s offspring.
As it turned out, the only Pokemon on his family farm that liked Declan well-enough was the family Lillipup. And the real reason the puppy Pokemon was interested in him wasn’t for his affection or presence, but for his table scraps. Declan had started a small vegetable garden near his house as a child and had started messing around with other ingredients from the farm, and while he couldn’t harvest eggs reliably he could sure crack them. He always made sure his parents were well-fed when they came in from a hard day of work on the ranch. Declan knew even as a teenager that what he really wanted to do was become a world-class cook. He just didn’t know how to break it to his father who, despite all his short-comings, still believed his son would follow in his footsteps and take over the family’s ranch. When he graduated from high school, Declan enlisted the help of his mother to break the news to his father. While Mr. Gilmore was disappointed, the gruff man agreed that perhaps there was no future for his son being a cowboy and it was his own fault for not wanting to see that a long time ago.With the burden of his father’s approval off his chest, Declan began working at a local restaurant in Paniola where he was given his very own Magby to assist him. He quickly learned the ropes of cooking for the ranchers though, you could slather anything with cheese or butter and they’d gobble it down fast. 
While at first Declan was thrilled to be doing what he loved, after a few years he was bored out of his mind with the same routine recipes. He made the same things constantly, steaks, fried eggs, and mashed potatoes with heaps of gravy with little variation. He started wandering out on to Route 5 to collect ingredients for new dishes. Although he had little success selling these new and inventive daily specials, he began taking on grass- and bug-type Pokemon and beating them easily. He was in the middle of one such encounter when he was Mallow of Lush Jungle. Declan was surprised by her presence, letting a wild Caterpie scatter away in the distraction, and started apologizing. Mallow shook off his apologies, telling him that he had talent as a trainer. When Declan told her that he really dreamed of being a chef, the Trial Captain said she herself had traveled throughout Alola when she was younger in order to learn from it’s other culinary masters. She then suggested he might be interested in doing the same in Kanto where Professor Oak was currently staging a Pokedex Challenge. With her encouragement, he booked a ship to Vermilion City. While shifting regions was kind of a scary change when Declan had never been off of Akala Island, he was excited for all the new things he would eat in Kanto.
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