#a/b/o dynamic headcanon
thehusbandoden · 6 months
Alpha!Bakugo Katsuki x Female!Omega!Reader Headcannons
A/n: aha I'm alive! Let see how long it lasts this time :P
Besides all the smutty stuff others write (which I don't and won't read), I actually like A/B/O dynamics. I would love it if there was more fluffy goodness (and angst 😋).
Let me know if you want more A/B/O and I will happily deliver <3
Genral info:
Genre: fluff/comfort(??) \\ wc: 653 \\ format: headcannons \\ posted: 03/13/24
Warnings!: A/B/O (alpha, beta, omega) dynamics, extreme jealousy, tsundere in the beginning (it's Bakugo.. what do you expect lol), umm mentions of pregnancy? Mentions of marking (not detailed), mentions of y/n's father/father figure, slightly traditional values, idk what else? Ohhh nvm, Bakugo hurting himself (briefly), brief mention of crying, umm extreme guilt? Pls let me know if I miss any! I don't want to accidentally trigger anyone!! <33
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Alpha!Bakugo who said that he would never claim an omega.
Alpha!Bakugo who almost fell apart when he first smelt your sweet scent.
Alpha!Bakugo who would glare at any other alpha who dared look at you.
Alpha!Bakugo who smells like sweet caramel.
Alpha!Bakugo whose sweet caramel scent turned into a nasty scent of burning sugar when he saw another alpha ask you out.
Alpha!Bakugo who basically sprinted to the scene, growling and glaring at the other alpha, pushing himself in-between the two of you.
Alpha!Bakugo who almost threw a punch at the smug man’s face.
Alpha!Bakugo who immediately calmed down when he felt your gentle touch on his shoulder.
Alpha!Bakugo whose scent immediately went back to normal when you cooed at him, telling him it was okay.
Alpha!Bakugo who couldn’t do anything but stare at your gorgeous e/c eyes.
Alpha!Bakugo who fell harder than he thought possible.
Alpha!Bakugo who gave you his hoodies and shirts to use in your nest.
Alpha!Bakugo who “accidentally” bumps into you, spreading his scent on top of yours.
Alpha!Bakugo who left a hand crafted “hunting” knife on your desk –with a note- as a courting gift.
“Protect my girl no matter what, you hear? I would hate to kill anyone in my way to get to you and those scoundrels who I would end up torturing to death.”
Alpha!Bakguo who would do anything for his little omega.
Alpha!Bakugo who beat the group of alphas who made fun of you.
Alpha!Bakugo who gave you his everything before you even became his.
Alpha!Bakugo who purred when you officially accepted his courtship.
Alpha!Bakugo who sweat like crazy when he was meeting your parents.
Alpha!Bakugo who made an amazing impression on your father/father figure.
Alpha!Bakugo who asked permission before officially marking you as is.
Alpha!Bakugo who proudly stared at your bond mark.
Alpha!Bakugo who caressed the mark on your neck fondly, kissing your forehead as a thank you for being his.
Alpha!Bakugo who gave you his entire soul.
Alpha!Bakugo who refused to let either of you leave without drowning in the other’s scent.
Alpha!Bakugo who drowned you in his scent when he got jealous.
Alpha!Bakugo who would growl and pull you to his chest whenever he sees another alpha looking at you for too long.
Alpha!Bakugo who got in several fights over other alphas staring at you and/or commenting on your figure.
Alpha!Bakugo who could and would tear the throat out of anyone who dared touch his omega.
Alpha!Bakugo who purred loudly as he watched you nest for the first time.
Alpha!Bakugo who treated your nest with the utter most respect when you let him in your nest for the first time.
Alpha!Bakugo who purred, scenting you lightly in gratitude as he curled up with you in your newly built nest.
Alpha!Bakugo who gave you his pups, purring proudly as he watched your belly grow.
Alpha!Bakugo who would simply lay with you, caressing your swollen belly as he scents you fondly.
Alpha!Bakugo who grew even more protective when you were pregnant with his pups.
Alpha!Bakugo who went overboard when it came to protecting you.
Alpha!Bakugo who would do anything and everything for you.
Alpha!Bakugo who whimpers and begs for forgiveness when he messes up.
Alpha!Bakugo who punched his own jaw when he saw your beautiful e/c eyes fill with tears.
Alpha!Bakugo who backed away from your tender touch, saying he didn’t deserve your concern as you try to check his jaw for bruising.
Alpha!Bakugo who begged for your forgiveness, tears in his own eyes.
Alpha!Bakugo who grew even more concerned as you sobbed into his chest.
Alpha!Bakugo who comforts you whenever and however you need.
Alpha!Bakugo who fired his omega assistant for looking at him too intimately.
Alpha!Bakugo who would rather die a horrid death than ever even look at another omega the way he looks at you.
Alpha!Bakugo who would truly put his life on the line for you in a heartbeat.
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Reblogs and feedback are always appreciated!
Don't be afraid to request anything at any time. I'm always free to message if you need to vent/talk. <3
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 2 months
YanAlpha!Klaus M. Mates the Last Omega
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Klaus meets an Omega while searching for wolves to make Hybrids. She’s the first Omega he has seen in Hundreds of years and he knows he has to have her…even if it takes some intense patience on his part
Warning:This is a Yandere Headcanon and it is labeled that way for a reason, the behavior exhibited by Klaus is dark, demented, and extremely manipulative. Proceed with Caution. DD:DNE
It started out as a Headcanon but it didn’t end that way so I’m not sure what to call it at this point
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~Klaus met you after finding out he needed Elena's blood to change his Hybrids
•The Hybrid had gone off by himself, leaving his sister behind, to find a new pack of werewolves and since he already knew where to look it didn't take long
•Klaus had walked right into the camp, startling the wolves who saw him before looking to their Alpha as the Hybrid knew they would.
•'I am Dane, Alpha of this pack and I'm sorry to say we don't allow outsiders in this camp, you may find the Shadow Moon pack to be more welcoming, they're about 12 miles southeast.  Leave this pack, now.'  The Alpha demanded and though he really wanted to laugh, he contained it, noting how so many of the wolves were shifting to a certain area as if protecting one specific tent. The tent being away from all of the others and clearly the largest one in the camp making Klaus extra curious though he would deal with the insolent Alpha first.
'That's good to know for later, thank you.  What is this pack called if I might ask?' He inquired, wondering if he should come up with a name for his own pack now, though that thought quickly fled his mind. Naming his pack would be inconsequential, he would just call it his Army.
'This is the Lycan Blood pack, and it is time for you to go, I am the Alpha of this pack.  You have no business here.'
'Oh, but that's where you're wrong.  I do have business here.  My name is Klaus, perhaps you've heard of me?' Everyone became noticeably stiff, once again shifting between him and the far tent.
'You're the hybrid.'
'Oh, you have heard of me.  Wonderful!' He grinned and suddenly the girl who had named him turned to the Alpha.
'Take care of her quickly.' He was officially intrigued when the Alpha took off to the tent and 4 of the wolves lunged at him at once.  It was far too easy to dispatch them, feeding them his blood and knocking the rest of the pack and the humans unconscious before following the Alpha to the tent.
'Please no?!  I haven't done anything wrong Alpha!'
'I know but I can't let him have you, you need to understand!  I have to do this!' Klaus peeked his head into the tent, seeing the Alpha with a dagger in hand, pinning another wolf to the ground, knees on her arms to keep her still as she still tried to kick him, tears streaming down her face.  The hybrid grabbed him by the back of the neck and hauled him off of her, quickly shoving a bloody wrist into the Alpha-soon to be Betas-mouth and snapped his neck.
•He had changed your Alpha that was trying to kill you before realizing what you were and the smell that filled his senses was like nothing he had ever experienced, made even stronger by the fact that he is in your tent that holds your nest (something he had only ever heard of before), he was obsessed with it immediately.  He knew as an Omega it would be hard for you to resist obeying an Alpha now that yours was gone and he knew he could take advantage of that as he watched you crawl away from him and up into the colorful, very well padded nest
•'Don't be afraid sweet girl, I won't harm you.' You looked up at him, tears in your eyes that Klaus wanted to wipe away but he wouldn't push you so far as to enter your nest this quickly, before looking down at your old Alphas dead body.  'I've given him a gift, he's a Hybrid now, never again bound to the moon.  You're a smart girl, you know that stronger Alphas will take over other packs, that's all this is, he's not your Alpha anymore sweet girl, I am, and I intend to protect you.' As he moved forward you suddenly hissed, swinging your claws out at him making him jump back to see he had nearly entered your nest and while the Original Hybrid felt he should be welcomed into the sweet smelling snuggly bed he also had heard how protective Omegas were of their nests and knew that if he bided his time you would be dragging him in before long, therefore he controlled himself...for now.
~He knew it would take time to get you to trust him and view him as your Alpha but he was willing to wait for you
•He eventually got you to relax enough to sleep, snuggled up in your nest and drifting off, allowing him to take care of the rest of the wolves, turning them and feeding them the Doppelgänger blood before getting rid of the humans and packing up everything his new pack would need to keep.  He woke you a few hours later and helped you begrudgingly pack up your nest and load it into his car to transport you to the next pack he had been told about
•He kept you safe in his house upon returning to Mystic Falls a few days later, having given you the master bedroom to set your nest in and that's where you stayed.  He would sit with you for hours, the first 2 days just consisted of him staring at you before he finally got you to talk to him which he counted as a win, quiet as you were.  He knew you eventually would, an Omega needs other wolves more than any Beta or Alpha does, they don't function well alone and he was going to make you completely dependent on him as your Alpha…no matter what he had to do
•'Eat my sweet girl, your Alpha made it especially for you.' He always referred to himself like this, knowing it would make you associate him with the head of your pack, as he hadn't changed you into a Hybrid yet, wanting you to be dependent on him first.
'Thank you...it's good.' You mumbled, reaching for your drink and touching his hand, the skin contact sending a feeling of warmth shooting up your body and making you needy.  Omegas are naturally needy and cuddly with their Alphas and your wolf has been quickly searching for a new Alpha to follow and you knew Klaus knew that.  It's why he isolated you and never left you alone but it was finally too much as you felt your wolf in the back of your head purring, your Alpha finally touching her after leaving her needy for days. 
Klaus watched your eyes glaze over and he knew your wolf was at the forefront of your mind, exactly what he was waiting for.  Klaus had only ever heard rumors about Omegas and since meeting you he did all the research he could, even compelling your old Alpha to tell him everything about you and how you behaved so he was prepared for whatever you needed.  'Alpha...'. you whined and he smiled, taking your hand and caressing the back of it with his thumb.
'Alphas here, Omega.  It's okay.  You're safe here, Alpha will protect you.' You whined again, dropping the plate of food and crawling forward, out of your nest and into his lap, nuzzling under his chin.  'Well, aren't you a snuggly thing.  My sweet girl, Alphas here.' Klaus was delighted by your attitude, wrapping his arms around you before picking up your plate.  'Eat Omega, your Alpha needs to make sure you're taken care of, don't I?' He fed her a bite of her pasta, digging his face into her neck as he heard her moan before the purr erupted from her throat.  The sound ran a chill down his spine straight to his cock, which was instantly hard pressed against her ass on his lap.
'Alpha?' She wondered and he nipped at her flesh.
'It's alright.  Alpha will take care of you, sweet girl.  Taste just as sweet as you smell, fuck!' His head began to feel foggy now and while Klaus didn't appreciate not feeling in control of himself, the overall feeling was quite...amazing.  He tossed the plate away knowing someone would clean it later, turning her to straddle his lap and pressing his lips to hers for the first time, his lips feeling like he had eaten pop rocks, a feeling that spread the more his skin touched hers.  He fell in love with her whines and whimpers as she pulled him closer, tugging at his shirt which he tried to keep her from removing before she ripped it straight down the front to get her hands on her Alphas strong chest.  'Such a needy little thing, aren't you?' His hand wrapped around her throat and pulled her up from where she tried to kiss his neck to look him in the eyes which were now golden and possessive.  'Did your last Alpha let you rip his clothes like this, or did he put you in your place.'
'Never touched me.' She choked and he tilted his head, confused.  'Said 'Mega's get in your head and make it cloudy...he only-only needed me to build the pack-Alpha please?' She pulled at his hand and while he knew he wasn't hurting her or even really cutting off her airway he eased his grip until his hand just touched her skin.
Klaus knew that Betas were more inclined to join a pack with an Omega, Omegas providing a feeling of safety which is what all wolves searching for a pack are in need of, of course he used her to help build his pack but not mating her?  Klaus had been curious about that but now he understood.  Many Alphas hundreds of years ago believed Omegas had the ability to control their Alphas because, as she had just demonstrated, their scent and touch can make their Alpha feel foggy but they feel it too, it enhances the experience of mating.  However, he knew that many Alphas some 5-600 years ago killed Omegas to keep them from "controlling their minds and stealing their packs".  While Klaus knew it to be a crazy superstition, it had seemingly worked out for him since the idiot "Alpha" hadn't touched his Omega.
'Alpha won't do that to you sweet girl, I will always give you what you need.' Klaus rocked his hips upwards against hers and his Omega practically wailed in need, his hard length pressing up against her through his jeans, though her pajama shorts that covered very little of her didn't do much to offer her protection with whatever kind of panties she had on.  His hands settled on her waist and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, face digging into his neck as she panted needily as he continued rocking up into her.  'There you go Omega, just feel me, such a good girl.' Another whimper followed that and he smirked as she nibbled on a spot at his neck.  Klaus only needed to rock his hips up against hers a few more times before she all but howled out her release, his arms tightening around her and holding her close as she settled down, knowing the more she touched him and breathed in his scent at a moment like this the needier she would be for him.  He wanted her needy, wanted her riled up and desperate as it would push her body to her heat faster because he knew the moment that happened it would be the nail in the coffin, she would give herself to him and there would be no going back.
'Nest Alpha, snuggle.' She all but demanded and he smiled, finding her adorable.  Klaus lifted her up and moved her to her nest, settling her down inside of it and handing her one of the stuffed creatures inside of it.  'Alpha, come.  Need you-'
'Not now Omega, Alpha has things to do.  I'll come and check on you in a bit, okay?' She shook her head quickly.
'No, want you in my nest!  Come!' Now she was demanding and he growled low in his chest making her squirm.
'Watch your tone Omega.  I will be back.' As he went to leave she caught his torn shirt and tugged at it, not meeting his eyes letting him know exactly what she wants which caused a smile to grow on his face and he pulled the tattered shirt off so that she could keep his scent in her nest before grabbing a clean shirt and leaving her to her inevitable nap.
•It's not like Klaus didn't want to be in her nest, he wanted it more than Anything!  But he knew that the second he crawled in he wouldn't be crawling out.  He needed to control himself and being surrounded by his Omegas nest, encased in her scent, wouldn't allow him to think of anything but mounting her and before that happened he needed her to be well and truly desperate for him.  He needed her to choose him when she goes into her heat.
~He kept on like that for a while, holding her and giving her bits and pieces of pleasure, but never more than that
•Klaus did feel a bit bad for it, he was truly falling in love with this sweet creature and she just wanted him to love on her the way her instincts insisted on but he wouldn't.  When he had come back later that night her nest was completely different, she had disassembled it and remade it in a different way, clearly thinking that her Alpha hadn't been satisfied with it and that's why he wouldn't enter it.  It looked incredibly comfortable and Klaus wanted more than anything to crawl in and never come out again, out of the nest or out of his Omega, but he couldn't. Not yet.
•He tried his best to keep her from thinking that he didn't like it but over the next few days as he could smell her getting closer to her heat she changed the nest 5 more times in hopes that he would like it. 3 days after he got her off for the first time, she finally hit her heat and he could smell it instantly
•The entire pack could smell it honestly, and all of them were quite stiff and unsure that day, watching Klaus as if waiting for him to snap. He didn't let her sit alone for long, not willing to leave her in pain when he could relieve it, but there was one more thing that needed done
•Klaus had planned to allow one of his Betas up the stairs to scare his mate a bit and make her all the more dependent on him but it seems the Beta he intended to use had beaten him to it when he thought his Alpha was distracted. He heard the Beta creeping to the door to his Omegas room slowly and quietly before Klaus turned to Mindy, one of his strongest Betas, and had her clear everyone out of the house for the night. He moved up the stairs behind his stupid Hybrid and he could see how desperate this wolf was for his Omega. He allowed the boy to enter his Omegas room without any complaint from him and he could see that the idiot boy was clearly excited. All of his Hybrids had been whispering since he brought his Omega back here, about what he's really going to do with her since any normal Alpha would have marked her by now. Some of them say he's just using her to his own ends like their old Alpha, some are saying he's going to kill her to keep her from having a hold on him, and some seem to believe that he just needs to keep her but that he's going to let one of his pack members have her since he doesn't want her...to Klaus, that was the stupidest conclusion they had come up with. But here this idiot Beta was, walking into his Omegas room as if he belonged there without a second thought. He cannot allow his pack to be full of men who would try and touch his Omega...he also can't have Betas in his pack that are this fucking stupid! Yes, it's true that he was going to have this Beta scare his Omega a bit like this anyway, but Klaus actually had hope that the Beta would be smart enough not to fall for it...apparently not. Klaus had known exactly which one of his Hybrids would be dumb enough to try something and there was nothing that could save him now…
•Klaus stood by the door, listening carefully as he heard his girl groan before smelling the air and whimpering as she realized the person who walked in was not her Alpha.
'Get out.' Y/n mumbled, writhing against the blankets uncomfortably. Klaus knew she was uncomfortable and scared now that this idiot was in her room and he desperately wanted to comfort her, however he knew that “saving her” would benefit him in the end. He was however quite happy with the fact that she only wanted him, rejecting this other wolf. Even after Klaus hadn’t given her what she wanted all this time, she still would only accept her Alpha. Klaus was fully confident that she was as in love with him as he was with her.
'It's okay Omega...I won't hurt you.' Klaus heard her let out a loud, angry hiss and he was actually impressed by his girl. As overwhelmed by her heat as she is, she is pushing through the brain fog to continue rejecting this idiot Beta. 'Alpha isn't here, he's not coming...but I'm here. I'll take care of you, Angel. I'll make you feel so good you won't even think about him again.' Klaus actually finds himself shocked at how stupid this Beta is, he knew he was an idiot and he had been meaning to get rid of him for a while, but if he's really this stupid he wants him away from his Omega now-Plans be damned!
'Alpha is gonna kill you for this.' She warned, and though it only came out a quiet mumble Klaus found himself smiling at how strongly he'd made his Omega believe in him.
'He doesn't care about you. All this time he could have mated you but he didn't, he doesn't want to Omega.' Klaus noted the Betas footsteps, not willing to let him actually get close enough to touch his Omega or to enter her nest. 'We've all been talking about it since he locked you up here...what's so wrong with that Omega that an Alpha doesn't want to mate her?' She whimpered sadly, the noise yanking on Klaus' heartstrings. 'Dane always said you were too needy, too desperate for this nest and for his attention. Personally I think he had the right idea, minus the not fucking you bit.'
'If you touch my nest I'll claw your eyes out!' She threatened but he snorted.
'You think you're stronger than me? Especially now? No Omega, now you're gonna put the claws away and do as you're told or I'm gonna do what Dane did when you misbehaved and I'm gonna take this nest away from you.' Klaus found himself shocked by that, Y/n hadn't told him of her old Alpha taking away her nest…maybe she hadn’t wanted to risk giving him the idea? That is one of the worst things that can be done, something the Hybrid would never even consider doing to his Omega and this idiot was threatening to do it during her heat! If Klaus hadn't already killed Dane several days ago (having been overly possessive after touching his Omega the first time), he would be killing him now…though now he wishes he’d made the idiot suffer a bit more.
'Get away from me!' As Klaus now heard the fear in his Omegas voice, he finally stepped into the room, rumbling a loud growl from his chest and startling the Beta who jumped back from the nest. 'Alpha! Please make him stop?! Please?!' His girl pleaded and Klaus felt his wolf howling in the back of his mind as he was overcome by the smell of his Omegas heat.
'What do you think you're doing in here?' Klaus asked, as calmly as he could which startled the Beta more.
'You aren't mating her, and if you're not going to, someone should.' The boy explained, trying to keep up his cocky attitude but being unable to keep the waver out of his voice as he grew more nervous.
'So you thought you would sneak in here while I was out, like a rat, and assault my Omega while she's in heat...if you truly think any Omega anywhere deserves that kind of treatment...then the world is damn lucky that you're not an Alpha.'
'I'd make a better Alpha than you! You leave her here alone every day to suffer-'
'Suffer?! She has everything she could ever need, she has her own room that no one else can enter and force her to smell other wolves, she has a nest full of everything she could want and I continue adding to it every day! I bring her meals and snacks, entertainment and I stay by her side everyday! Just because I don't force myself on her and make her take me as her Alpha doesn't mean she is suffering!' Klaus wrapped his hand around the Betas throat, pinning him to the wall and baring his fangs in his face, him whimpering like a scared little boy. 'You tried to hurt my Omega-'
'I didn't-'
'You threatened to take her nest from her for not giving you what you want. You threatened her...and I cannot let that go unpunished. No one hurts my Omega.' Just as he shoved his hand into the Hybrids chest his wolf began howling in the back of his brain once again, the loud purr that was coming from behind him was setting all of Klaus' nerve endings on fire. He felt the goosebumps rise on his flesh, every inch of his skin feeling tingly as he was overwhelmed by the scent of his Omega in heat and the sound of her purring just for him.
'Alpha...?' He turned his head to see her sat in her nest, her perfect soft skin now on display as she had stripped herself of her clothes, looking at him with a hopeful, pleading look. The sheen of sweat over her pale flesh seemed to remind him of how uncomfortable she must be and he jerked his hand back, tearing the mans heart from his chest and dropping it to the ground after using his shirt to wipe his hand off.  'Please don't leave me again...fixed the nest for you so you'll like it now...please stay?'
'You don't need to beg Omega, your Alpha is here.'  Klaus moved quickly, dragging the Betas body out the door before shutting it and moving back towards her, her scent overwhelming his senses as his mind became foggy once again.  He could see that her eyes were glazed over again, her heat taking its toll on her.  Klaus pulled his shirt over his head quickly, stripping his pants off as well as his boxer briefs to leave him completely bare as he crawls into her nest finally, being an instant relief to the both of them. Klaus grabs ahold of her ankle, pulling her towards himself roughly so that she’s laid out on her back now for him to touch as he pleases. ‘So perfect Omega, look at you…’ he hums, crawling over her and pressing his forehead to hers. ‘All mine now, aren’t you?’ She nodded quickly, moving her head to kiss him but he pulled back. ‘Say it Babygirl.’
‘Alphas! All Alphas now, no one else, never again! My Alpha…love my Alpha!’ She grabbed the back of his neck and pressed her lips to his now.
‘1000 years I’ve been waiting, you are never getting away from me now. And I will slaughter anyone who dares touch my Omega.’ He swore, lips still pressed to hers as he did. As he touched her Klaus found himself briefly wondering if this is what being on drugs felt like-every touch, every small brush of skin felt electrified and almost explosive. If this is what sex with his Omega feels like every time, he could never imagine wanting another women ever again, no other sex could top this feeling and he wasn’t even inside of her yet-though his Omega aimed to change that quickly.
‘Please?’ She whined, lifting her hips and rubbing her slick against his hard cock.
‘Please what, Omega? What do you need from your Alpha?’ He grabbed the backs of her knees and pulled her legs to wrap around his waist, her dripping cunt now pinned against him.
‘Knot! Please-Please Alpha?! Need your knot!’ His Omega was begging, she was a desperate little slut in need of his knot inside of her and the wolf in his mind was banging on its cage in his brain trying to get out.
‘You’ll have it precious, it’s all yours-‘
‘Mine! My Alpha! My Knot! All Mine!’ Her possessive behavior shocked him a bit, never having had a women under him before that would even think to claim him as her own. He was the Hybrid, he belonged to no one-but just as he thought this he was overcome with a heavy weight in his mind, his fangs pushing out of his gums as his eyes shifted to that familiar gold, dark veins forming below them. He felt no control in himself anymore as his wolf was now in the forefront of his mind.
‘That’s right pup, Alpha is all yours. No one else’s, not ever again. My pretty Omega, look at you, such a needy Little Wolf for me, need your Alpha to make it all better, hmm?’ She nodded, tears leaking from her eyes as she was completely overwhelmed. ‘It’s alright Omega, your Alpha is gonna take care of you so good. All mine.’ The growl that his voice had taken on clearly made his girl happy as she began purring quite loudly. ‘Scream for your Alpha, baby. Let all of them hear you in your pleasure, let them know who’s cunt this is!’ He shifted his hips back before pushing himself forward and filling his Omega with his cock for the first time. She squeaked a bit at the feeling of the stretch before moaning, claws digging into Klaus’ flesh on his back which only served to send a new shot of pleasure down his spine.
He began thrusting up into her at a borderline painful pace but her little whines and whimpers were driving him on. His wolf was content for the first time since smelling his Omega, driving his hips forward, fangs bared as he shoved his face into her neck and continued fucking his Omega. ‘Oh God! Alpha! Please?! Please Alpha?!’
‘Shh, hush now Little Wolf, I’ve got you.’ Klaus could feel how close she was, desperate to cum just as he was and as he felt his knot beginning to swell he pulled out of her slick hole and flipped her over. He ignored her whining as he lifted her ass up, presenting her to himself and shoving his cock back into her cunt. ‘Such a pretty Omega, aren’t you? Perfect little holes for your Alpha, I can have them all, can’t I? You wouldn’t deny me these lovely holes, would you?’ She shook her head, whining desperately and Klaus could feel her squeeze his cock, knowing she is going to cum.
‘Knot…Knot Alpha-Need-‘
‘I know Omega, Alphas gonna knot you up so good. Gonna be so full of me you’ll be carrying around my pups tomorrow-‘
‘Oh God! Yes-Yes! Please Alpha?!’
‘Does my Little Wolf want her mate to fill her with his babies? Fuck, you’ll look so gorgeous with your belly swollen with my pups,gonna be so sexy-I’ll never be able to stop fucking you Omega!’ Klaus felt his knot swelling as he knew he was close, needing to feel his Omegas pussy squeeze him the way he had always wanted. He trailed his hand down her spine, squeezing her ass and pressing his thumb against her tight little hole, receiving a loud squeal. ‘Cum for your Alpha, Little Wolf, squeeze my cock nice and tight and I’ll give you what you want.’
‘Yes! Yes Alpha! Oh Fuck!’ In that moment Klaus knew he had never felt anything more perfect than her sweet little cunt as she squeezed the life out of his cock, his knot expanding fully inside of her just as he buried his fangs into her neck roughly, finally marking her as his. His cock filled her almost violently with more cum than he would ever think he could, his orgasm lasting more than double what it usually did before they both collapsed.
His wolf had receded from his mind for the moment and he was slightly more aware of his surroundings, hearing his mate whine and realizing the uncomfortable position they were in as they had both collapsed awkwardly. He moved carefully onto his side and helped her move with him, his knot still trapped inside of her as it would be for at least the next 15 minutes, making him hold her hips to his gently so he didn’t hurt them both before holding her back to his chest and nuzzling her neck with a hand cupping her breast. ‘You did so good for me, Omega. Gave yourself to me so perfect, my good girl.’ He praised, kissing her neck over the mating mark he had gifted her and enjoying the soft purr he was rewarded with.
‘Don’t leave…’ she mumbled as her eyes drifted shut against her will, knowing she needed to sleep as her body was driven to rest as his seed attempted to take hold inside of her. They would be mating like this at the very least every few hours for the next 5-7 days during her heat, and even if he knew it would never happen, the Alpha inside of him was desperate to fill her with his pups as many times as he could during her heat.
‘You think I would leave you like this? What kind of terrible Alpha do you take me for Omega? I am not leaving your side once until your heat is over and you’re so full of my cum that you look knocked up already…I’m sorry that I can’t give you that…but we can have fun trying for the rest of eternity.’ He teased, nipping her ear and enjoying her soft whine.
‘Just want you Alpha…don’t need anything else if I have you.’
‘You will always have me Babygirl, I will never let you go. Never.’ He growled, thrusting up into her and enjoying her loud whimper as she felt his knot move. ‘Sleep Omega, Alpha will wake you soon when I will fuck you again before I feed my little mate and I fuck you in the kitchen. Just sleep little mate, you’re safe now. Alpha has you.’
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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absurdthirst · 2 months
I know that a/b/o isn't everybody's cup of tea, but... maybe headcanons about (alpha) Pedro boys getting home from work and finding omega reader in heat? Pretty please?
Coming Home to Find You In Heat:
*** When reblogging or talking about Omegaverse, please remember that ‘a/b/o’ without the slash punctuation marks (/) is considered a slur for the Aboriginal people in Australia.
**Female Reader
Javier Peña: There isn't a day that Javier doesn't come home thinking about fucking you. It's programmed into his DNA. However, the second he hits the door, he smells it. The intoxicating scent of your pheromones filling the house. Second only to the scent of your cum on his cock as his favorite. His entire body is throbbing as he calls your name. Walking through the door to see you whimpering his name with the toy you have buzzing between your legs. "Oh 'mega." He groans, ripping off the suit jacket and tossing it aside. "Don't stop. I'll be inside you soon enough. Let me get undressed."
Ezra: He isn't even aware that you are in heat until he removes the sealed helmet from his head. You had stayed in the tent because you weren't feeling well, so Ezra had decided to dig by himself. Coming back earlier than normal so he can check on you, he had decontaminated and had just unsealed his helmet when that intoxicating aroma fills his nostrils. "Kevva." He groans, eyes darkening as you sweat and suffer. "Little gem, you should have let me know of your plight far before now." He hums as he starts to strip himself of his suit. "It my humblest undertaking as your alpha to see to your comfort during the trying times of the burden of your nature." He is practically panting already, thinking of the ways he will take you and make sure you are knotted properly. "Push two fingers inside that deprived pussy, gem. Gratify yourself until I can accommodate you suitably with my cock."
Mando: He immediately sets a course for a hospitable planet, one he knows will be safe for you and the kid. He knows that he will be get very little sleep over the next few days, making sure the kid is taken care of and out of trouble as well as taking care of you. The little sleeping nook isn't big enough for your nest, so he moves containers and crates to create a private area for you to build a nest with the blankets and padding he has on hand. As soon as he has landed, the safety protocols for the ship are engaged and he has every light turned off, plunging it into darkness so he can remove his armor and helmet. "Don't worry, cyarika." His unmodulated voice is warm as he reaches for you. "You will be crying in pleasure soon."
Frankie Morales: Heats after kids is difficult. He knows you are in pain and suffering so he calls his mom, begging her to take the kids. He has to give you a quick orgasm on his fingers before he takes them over to her, so desperate to feel your alpha that it makes him a little bigheaded. He's stopping by the pizza place to grab some food to make it easy for you as well. His weekend get together plans with the boys are cancelled, he has more important things to do, like you.
Pero Tovar: You think that this man isn't going to smell you the second he stops his horse? Think again. The smell of your need calls to him and he is rushing through bedding down his horse and stripping down to wash in the barrel next to the door. You don't like it when he tries to fuck you when he's dirty. Not that he cares. All he cares about is that his omega needs his cock. He won't even stop to eat the food you had managed to prepare before you had taken to your bed, barring the door and growling when he sees you in the bed. "Omega." He growls, knowing that he will be taking care of you until the heat has passed.
Agent Whiskey: There is nothing that Jack likes more than a needy, whiny omega, begging for his cock. Especially with it's his own omega. A trail of clothes is left through the house as he makes his way to the bedroom. Pausing at the end of the bed to watch as you try to pleasure yourself with your fingers in the middle of your bed, surrounded by the scent of your alpha, but it's not enough. His cock is already hard and leaking, his hand wrapped around it. "Sugar, you look mighty lonely in that pretty nest of yours." He coos, grinning at you. "Why don't you let your alpha take care of you and fill that needy pussy up?"
Marcus Pike: Marcus knows before he gets home. He can hear it in your voice and he keeps track of your heat cycles. He hated having to travel so close to the time, but he had hoped he would make it back in time. On the way home from the airport, he is calling for takeout to be delivered, knowing that you will need him to knot you, then you will need to eat. You forget to eat in the haze of lust unless he makes sure you do. On the drive home, he is talking to you, soothing you over the phone and talking you through using one of your toys while you are wearing his academy shirt that smells like him.
Max Phillips: This is one cocky motherfucker. An alpha and a vampire? He knew that you were going to be in heat before he ever even left on his fucking business trip. The iron levels in your blood changed. So when he hits the door, this man is already a puffed up, primed alpha. He's on you before you even know he's in the house. Groaning over your scent and burying his face in your cunt to get you ready to take him. His inhuman abilities will have your pain pushed away in no time and your sweet omega cries filling his ears.
Dave York: FERAL. This man is absolutely feral when he learns you are in heat. The animalistic urge to wreck you is always there, right beneath the surface, but when your hormones go wild and your heat sends out those heady pheromones, he takes it to another level. Your comfort is best determined by having your legs up on his shoulders, his cock buried inside you with his knot locking him in place while you scream his name until you are hoarse.
Oberyn Martell: Oberyn is actually slightly upset at you. There are other alphas, even betas, that you could have used to help you until he arrived. Ellaria lets him know that you are in your nest, suffering needlessly. He's even more upset that you haven't taken the potion he had been working with the maester of Dorne to help ease your heats. But he can't be too upset at you when you whimper his name and beg him to put a baby in you. He will stay right there until every second of your heat has passed and you're satisfied.
Zach Wellison: Zach is an attentive alpha, he's honestly so guilt ridden that he had been working on Ms. Martinez's water heater issues when your heat started. He's rushing to you and cooing, apologizing while he strips down and climbs into the bed with you. "I'm so sorry, baby, you should have called me." He is kissing and comforting you, pulling you into his arms and immediately starting to get you ready for his cock to take the ache away.
Max Lord: Max comes home, completely distracted by the fact that his company is failing. He smells something, but he is pouring over the reports and obsessing over the meetings that hadn't gone the way he had hoped them too. Unaware of your plight until he walks into the bedroom to change out of that uncomfortable suit and he is smacked in the face with your scent and sees you whining in the bed. His instinct is to take care of you and he will, but he's a little annoyed that he must right now. It's not the best time.
Marcus Moreno: He's nervous, this is the first time he has had to care for an omega since he lost his late wife. Not like you haven't had sex, but this is the first heat. It is his job to take care of you. He calls his mom and asks her to pick Missy up, aware that while his daughter knows what is going on, he needs to focus on you. Reminding you and himself that it will be okay and he will make sure that you are comfortable. Perhaps a little unsure of himself to start, but as soon as he comes into that alpha headspace, you remember why this man leads the Heroics team and is the perfect alpha for you.
Dieter Bravo: The fact that this man is an alpha is still the biggest surprise of your entire life, especially when he's your alpha. "Honey I'm hooooooooome!" Is the almost irritating greeting you get from the doorway, shouted through the house, but today he's yelping as soon as he hits the door. "Fuck! Where's that natural lube? Are you naked yet?" You can hear him banging around downstairs and slamming doors in a near state of panic. "I'm coming! Then - you're gonna cum! I promise! Fuck, I love when you are in heat!" Despite his chaos, Dieter loves noooooothing more than forgetting there is anything outside of the little nest you fix and the need to be buried inside you.
Javi Gutierrez: Javi was never away from you to begin with. He writes in the office with the door open and the second the first grunt of pain is heard, he is shutting down the laptop and coming to you. He knows that you are going into heat and immediately starts to reassure you that he will be right there for you. Whatever you need and however many times you need it, he will take care of it. Urging you to strip out of your itchy, irritating clothes and to climb into the bed that you will share for the next few days.
Tim Rockford: You have to call this motherfucker home. It's another late night for him. Chinese take-out cartons, cigarettes and stale coffee had been how his evening had looked as he worked well past the time other officers went home, burning another quart of that midnight oil. He had been startled when the phone rang, but when he hear your desperate, pained voice begging him to come home, he's grabbing his coat and racing out the door.
Joel Miller: Going into heat on the road is not easy, or convenient. If you think that his stress levels are high normally, they go through the roof right now. You will be so vulnerable, and his attention has to be focused on taking care of you. Joel will have to ignore the needs of your body, and his, until he can find a safe place for you to hole up. Somewhere Ellie can block out the "gross sounds", because let's face it, who wants to hear their chosen parents fuck? There's also the problem with needing more calories and water during this time. It's a lot to deal with, but Joel will take care of you, he hasn't let you down yet - but he has got to get you somewhere to dick you down before you feel like you're going to die.
Marcus Acacius: The entire encampment knows you are in heat. The tents are not thick enough to keep the cloying scent of your need and arousal contained to his tent. Alphas will be sniffing around and the only thing that protects you is the clear knowledge that any alpha that lays a hand on you will be die a slow and agonizing death at the general's hands. He is pulled from a strategy meeting by one of his servants, a loyal beta, who informs him of your plight. Making him hurry back, hearing your calls for him long before he reaches the tent to join you. Once he is inside, he is in complete control and the war will just have to go on without him, or there will be a tentative peace while he cares for you.
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angelic-omega · 4 months
✨Omegas ✨
Present early traits in childhood such as loving to play hide and seek, wishing to be chased, playful with young alphas, may exhibit nuzzling or nesting behaviors too!
Into tween years they start having soft heats in which they begin nesting and longing to develop a pack outside of their family pack
Tween omegas may even exhibit stronger heats depending on how early they begin getting their cycles
Teen omegas having their first heats, nesting, seeking out alphas, and potentially making poor decisions in their heats
Teen omegas needing educated on how to handle their heats on their own and heavily discouraged against taking an alpha until they mature
Teen omegas taking part in false courting and even potentially sharing non bonding heats with alphas
Mature omegas 20-30 having their heats become more manageable and less intense. Feeling the strong desire to leave their family pack and start a pack of their own if they haven’t already made a platonic pack of friends in their teen years!
Mature omegas choosing this stage of their life to spend heats with potential mates and properly being courted.
20-30 year old omegas typically bonding around this time in their life with alphas of their choosing
40-50 year old omegas having their cycles slowly become less intense as their body stops trying to mate and breed.
60+ omegas reverting back to softer heats or no heats at all while still nesting as they normally would if they were still having heats.
Elderly omegas still having cycles but heats begin to look less and less intense until heats are only then being extra clingy towards their mate.
Elderly omegas and alphas forgetting everything but the bond between their mate when they get dementia symptoms. Maybe even getting shy or blush around their partner when they are having a bad day and don’t know who they are.
Elderly omegas being protective of their grandkids, being reminded of what it was like to be a young omega.
Bonded pairs dying within days of one another due to the close ties of the bond.
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aboredindividual · 5 months
People think that because of the dominant insticts and whatnot, the alphas are the strongest and will easily beat you up if they wanted but not realise the absolute POTENTIAL omegas have for fucking someone up. Like! Lets look at it biologically, Omegas are basically constructed to be the amazing childbearers and blah blah blah, BUT! what people not realise is that nature would not let the mother be completely defenceless against predators and would equip them with some attributes that would allow them to protect their children amiright?
SO, In previous posts i said that omegas have small canines but sharpest ones of all secondary genders and the same can be said about nails. They have agile body and better developed lower body muscles. Their sense of smell is the most developed and sensitive with good eyesight to boot.
With all this information in mind, I cannot NOT picture Omega who is super pissed of or thinks that their kits are in danger and absolutely demolishes an alpha that fucked around enough to find out. Like full dropkick and mafia curbstomp. And even if they try to run away the omega can still hunt them down like Nyla from ATLA.
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I think that ,,Mama bear mode'' would be more instictual and the omegas would be very protective of their young and mate, having the urge to fuck someone up who dares to even breath in direction of their child. That instinct would of course fade after some time of course but it still would be funny.
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alphas being tender with their new pups. alphas scenting their newborn pups face-to face, nose to nose, chuffing softly. alphas enamored with their new little one. alphas’ scents going soft and warm and bright when their pup is nearby. alphas who live for their families, who love their friends and other people of course, but who feel no greater joy than when they’re cleaning their little one’s face after a meal or curled up with their mate. alphas at home surrounded by love and safety and feeling the joy and relief of being able to give of themselves to lift their loved ones up.
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omegaversetheory · 5 months
Types of Omegaverses
Traditional - rigid social norms and hierarchies (ex: you can't do that you're an omega!), scents, animalistic heats/ruts, packs, war, dynamic > gender, mating, traditional gender roles are imposed (even if your characters actively fight against them), majority polyamory or familial based packs. Knotting = mating bond, mating bites can be present.
Contemporary - semi-flexible but present social /dynamic hierarchies (They are an alpha, it's respectful to listen to what they have to say), dating and courtship either anywhere between traditional and modern, polyamory common, dynamic is slightly more important than gender in society, familial/harem/community-based packs, fantastical heats/ruts/and mating, knotting and mating are not the same thing, mating bites, soulmates/soul marks.
Modern-dynamic hierarchy used to be a thing but is no longer the way society is structured, some dynamic and gender-based social norms (ex. I can't believe that alpha is a kindergarten teacher, i wonder what their parents think!), modern/nearly modern dating and courtship, traditional gender roles in the background, dynamic and gender are equally important in society, found family packs, polyamory uncommon, realistic heats/ruts (no rut rage, no wildly uncontrollable urges that last for days, no fountains of slick, etc.. these are just quirky biological processes, the increased mating drive does not become "fantastical"), mating bond = emotional commitment.
Post-Modern - the coexistence and explicit mention of multiple countries, multiple languages, multiple cultures, and customs that inform feelings towards dynamics. Mating, packs, and social hierarchies, neither dynamic nor gender is the focus of the characters or the plot, heats/ruts more biological than sexual, present-futuristic time period.
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ghetto-omega · 6 months
‎‧₊˚✿Omegaverse Quirks✿˚₊‧
𑁍 The entire house is their nest. Whole house is covered in their favorite texture and color and their scent and blankets and and and
𑁍 Constant purring/churring/trilling. They're just so happy to be in their nest or with their pack or maybe they're eating their favorite food. They just can't help it
𑁍 On the flip side, doesn't purr at all. Just not really vocal
𑁍 Unexpressive face but a scent that fluctuates rapidly to show how they're feeling
𑁍 Rarely scenting, and only scenting if asked to.
𑁍 Barks back at dogs/meows back at cats
𑁍 Sensitive nose and/or sensitive ears
𑁍 Has to roll around for a few minutes before they go to bed or else they can't get comfortable
𑁍 Abnormally sharp claws or canines that peak over their lips
𑁍 Prefers crunchy or hard foods. They love to gnaw on anything they can get their hands on
𑁍 Messy eater. No matter what it is they somehow manage to get it on their clothes
𑁍 All of their furniture is tall/loves to be in high places. The type of person to always choose the stools at restaurants
𑁍 Big puppy eyes, they don't even have to be sad and they still get whatever they want
‎‧₊˚✿feel free to add your own✿˚₊‧
Come be my mutual V⁠●⁠ᴥ⁠●⁠V
I'm still learning about terms/myself so please be like soooo patient with me
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sweetheart4you · 4 months
Hiii so I have an idea for a request~ how about illumi with a male reader (preferably cis) who can transform into someone else by drinking their blood? Btw he has to keep drinking that person's blood because a drop does that he can only be that person for one hour (if he drinks multiple people's within the same time period blood he can switch between them)
How about he's sly and flirty, but the moment someone gives him a compliment he freezes not knowing how to react... Also you know what I'm going to ask for.. he has boob windows in most of his clothes
I'm gonna make this A/B/O, I hope you dont mind :). Other than that, I don't have anything to say, so...
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When he first met you, he didn't care, mostly because you had been in disguise and hadn't smelt like, looked like, or been yourself.
The second time Illumi met you, you were yourself, though with extremely strong scent blockers.
He couldn't help but adore you immediately. You were a strong, capable, beautiful omega. What's there not to love?
Illumi started to stalk you, trying to understand you more. Which is how he got the scent of your pheromones. God, he loved that smell and needed more.
Stalking is also how he figured out how your power worked. He fell more in love with you and finally knew the perfect gift to give you!
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You stepped outside your house to find a package that you didn't order. “Hm? Where'd this come from?.."
You took the package inside your house and opened it. Inside was a minty chocolate scented oversized hoodie, a vial of blood, and some of your favorite snacks.
There was a note at the bottom that you picked up and read.
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“Hello my dear. You are the most perfect omega I've ever seen. I have sent you some courting gifts; one of my scented hoodies, some of my blood, and snacks I have seen you have an affinity for. I hope you will agree to my courtship.”
I am so sorry not all of the things you asked for were specifically mentioned, but I got inspo and ran with it (╥﹏╥)
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stevieschrodinger · 1 year
Just Eddie and Steve getting mauled by bats and them getting like, upside down rabies or something.
Eddie doesn't register the changes to his body because he's out cold for a week after they kill Vecna and shut the upside down. Steve thinks he's just hurt, at first. Dismisses the fever and him just being run down and injured and everything being way too fucking much. But then he freaks out when his canine teeth go pointy in his mouth when he gets pissed off. Runs and hides.
Can't hide the fact that his eyes flash red though. Everyone's freaking out and Steve's locked himself in a bathroom and is more concerned with how hot and itchy the base of his fucking dick is. Because that's the most concerning symptom here, like, by far, especially when it starts to feel swollen.
Doesn't help that in the middle of everyone freaking out (quietly though, they are in the hallway of the hospital) Hoppers eyeing them suspiciously and is there to tell them Munson has woken up and doesn't that just flip a fucking switch in Steve.
He's out the bathroom and down the hall before anyone can stop him.
They all see it then though, clear as anything, when Steve's eyes bleed to red and Eddie's answer with gold. When they're both nuzzling and fucking purring at each other and in the doorway is squeezed the whole party and no one has a single fucking clue what the hell is going on.
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liuwithheadcanons · 7 months
Lil habit Headcanons
Alphas love wearing socks. They’re naturally quite cold, so socks help keep the warmth within.
Omegas naturally will try to make their hair look a bit shaggy. Just because it makes their heads feel cooler as omegas are naturally warm
Because of Betas’ sensitivity to smell, they scrunch their noises often, especially to newer smells
Alphas are very good at climbing trees due to their need to scent above spaces
Omegas are actually the best swimmers out of the dynamics and many are inclined to water!
Betas have a knack for walking for hours and hours without needing to stop
Omegas talk with their hands a lot
Alphas nose a lot of things, even more so than Betas and their whole thing is their noses!
Alphas are natrually docile at times of rest and in this state they usually will be like a golden retriever
Pups blow their cheeks up natrually to try and appear more threatening
Betas teeth are the most sensitive and so you’ll often see them taking more careful bites than the other dynamics
Omegas are more often likely to chirp and call at random things because it’s easier than talking
Alphas feet are quite heavy when they walk and many are self conscious about that
Pups whenever they rub noses with individuals (nose tapping) will often remember the distinct motion of that person. This is because of paternal/maternal bonding
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omegastorms · 17 days
Thoughts on Scents
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So I wanted to just give my thoughts on some interesting scent options, because no hate to sandalwood, it seems like everyone always smells like it in fics. And since I also have an indie perfume obsession, I wanted to share some scents that may broaden people's horizons. I may do a part two depending on how well I like how this turned out.
Pine resin, with hints of wood smoke, and warm brandy.
The smell of damp fresh earth after a summer rain.
Palo santo, dry desert grasses, and sage
Amber, laudanum, and frankincense
Tobacco, burnt grasses, with hints of citrus
Pine needles, forest floor, and stone
Saltwater, ambergris, fresh rain, beach sand
Stone, oakmoss, clay, and wet concrete
Animal fur musk, mulled wine, and a cold winter breeze
Freshly washed linen, lemon cakes, and black tea
Coconut, dark rum, and sugarcane
Leather bound books, a dying fire, and cedar
A crisp fall evening, apple orchards, and toasted marshmallows
Magnolias, Spanish moss, and honeysuckle
Sun warmed earth, tomato plants, and iced tea
Cactus flowers, sweet grass, and wood dry vanilla
Lemon grass, heliotrope, and sugar cookies
Dead leaves, dry hay, and cognac
And that's no even touching on all the different kinds of plants, flowers, and foods. I could go on for a very long time.
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gemini-sensei · 6 months
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Imagine alpha!Hawk coming home only to find his mate omega!Moon comforting her friend omega!Reader. The omegas are on the couch with Reader's head on Moon's lap, crying softly. Hawk doesn't ask what's happened, worried that it will only upset Reader more. It doesn't come to light what happened until Reader cries herself to sleep and Moon slipped away to talk to her mate
Turns out Reader's alpha partner cheated and kicked her out. That would explain the luggage by the door. She came straight to Moon because she didn't know where else to go. And Moon being Moon of course took her in. And Hawk won't say no to her ever so when Moon asks if Reader can stay until she can get her own place, of course he says yes.
However, as the days pass, Moon realizes that Reader is struggling to sleep alone at night. She had gotten used to sleeping with her partner and sleeping alone for the omega is hard with the sudden loss. She tosses and turns all night long and she gets no good sleep, that is if she falls asleep to begin with. It becomes so bad that Reader loses her job next, which isn't helpful to her emotionally at all.
So Moon talks to Hawk and suggests letting Reader sleep with them in their bed until she feels better. She's such a caring omega and doesn't see a problem with this idea, and Hawk agrees to it because his omega is so optimistic about it. However, when Moon suggests the idea to Reader, she is resistant at first. "I don't want to get between you and your mate. It's bad enough that I'm even here and you two are worrying over me to begin with..."
"There is nothing bad about you being here, Reader," Moon assures her. She hugs her and tells her that they just want what's best for her. "Try it for one night. You're not gonna bother or get between us."
Except that is literally what ends up happening. The three of them can't get comfortable for the life of them until Reader is in between the couple. She tries to keep to herself, arms tucked in and trying to make herself as small as possible. However, she falls asleep a lot easier like Moon thought she would and by morning, she and Moon are cuddled up, arms wound around each other and legs entangled.
As the nights like these continue, Hawk is in on the cuddling in no time. Reader's back to his chest, both omegas in his arms. He keeps telling himself this is temporary, that Reader will go back to the guest room at some point - maybe not soon, but eventually - failing to realize that he and his mate are steadily falling for the abandoned omega...
This goes on for months without the couple realizing it or anything else for that matter. They don't see how long its been, how they take to caring for Reader like she's their partner. They don't make her look for a job, don't pressure her or even bring up the idea of her moving out. It's as if this was how things were supposed to be the whole time. Nothing is wrong, but they aren't talking about it either. The situation just is what it is.
Until one night Reader is squirming and whining. She wakes up in the middle of the night with burning pain in her abdomen. It hurts so bad, she can't stand it, but doesn't want to disturb Moon or Hawk. Unfortunately, she can't keep quiet. So despite her trying her damnedest to keep still, her unmuffled whines and chirps wake Moon, who tries to shush her, still half asleep. "It's okay, Reader... what's the matter?"
"It hurts..." Reader mumbles.
Moon is confused at first until she picks up on the scent of the omega's full-on heat. She opens her eyes and looks at her. "Oh my- Reader, you didn't present a pre heat..."
"I don't have them," Reader informs her between whines. "I-I never have. They just- just show up."
She's close to tears from the burning need. Moon wipes her tears away and comforts her, pulling her close. "It's gonna be okay. I've got you. You don't have to worry about anything."
And she means it as she pushes her hand into Reader's pajama shorts. She rubs her fingers over Reader wet panties, realizing she's coated in slick.
"Aww, baby, how long have you been laying here like this?"
"Too long..."
Moon pushes her panties aside and slips two fingers into Reader's cunt easily. She finger fucks her as Hawk manages to stay asleep after a long day of hard, tiring work. She pleasures Reader, finding her clit with her thumb and pressing it as she curled her fingers. Reader buries her face in Moon's neck, moaning and whining as it helps relieve the aches and pain. She whimpers as she quickly reaches her climax and comes all over Moon's hand. But the little fun Moon had playing with her slick soaked folds wasn't enough to keep her at bay for long.
Moon is soon shaking Hawk away. "Hawk... Hawk... Eli!"
His eyes snap open and he's overwhelmed with the smell of heat and slick. "Holy shit, are you in heat?"
She shakes her head and looks down at Reader between them. "No but Reader is. And she needs an alpha..."
He blinks as he realizes what she's saying. Suddenly, he's wishing they had that conversation way before now. "Are you sure?"
Reader looks up at him, twisted up in her sweat soaked pajamas with a needy look in her eyes. "Alpha?"
He pets her hair and shushes her gently, his instincts taking over. "It's okay, omega."
"Yes, Hawk, I'm sure," Moon tells him, sitting up more. She starts undressing Reader, who whines the whole time. She peppers kisses all over her omega "friend" and whispers assurances that it's going to be okay.
At the same time, Hawk it pushing his sweats off with his boxers. Soon, the two are mostly nude and Reader is begging for the pain to go away.
Moon lays down again and pulls Reader's leg over her hip, shushing her. Hawk turns onto his side, his cock hard from the smell of heat and the whines of a needy omega. He slots his cock against her folds, slick immediately wetting his cock. He hardly needs to do anything to prep before Moon is guiding his tip to Reader's cunt and he's pushing into her.
Reader throws her head back against his chest, letting out a drawn out moan. Her eyes flutter closed as he pushes his length into her with ease, bottoming out sooner than he expected, his knot pressed against her stretched out pussy lips. He doesn't sit there for long, knowing that her heat won't be satiated like that. He set a steady, easy pace that she whined and whimpered for him to quicken. He was in no state to deny her what she needed, the pace quickly becoming fast and rough.
As he pounded her cunt, Reader almost didn't realize Moon was playing with her tits. As they bounced she grabbed hold of them and brought one of her pert nipples into her mouth, sucking on it hard. It made Reader moan loudly, embraced in pleasure all over. Hawk squeezed her pudgy belly, holding her in place as he pummeled her gushing cunt.
It wasn't long before she was babbling about how she was going to come, to which Moon responded aptly. She snaked her hand down to Reader's clit while she kept sucking on her tits. Her fingers met her clit again and drew quick circles against it, making Reader squirt hard. Slick and hot fluid gushed from her cunt as Hawk groaned, feeling her velvet walls constrict around his heavy cock. He kept pounding her, hips meeting her fat ass. Her squirting made it easy for his pulsing knot to pop into her and she came again once that happened, her whole body shaking.
His knot swelled and trapped him inside her before he started to come, filling her with heavy ropes of cum. She moaned as she already felt full just from his cock and know. His cock seemed to go off like a firehose, filling her with so much cum that she thought she was going to pop. However, it wasn't really a concern for her heat riddled mind. If anything, the thought made it all the better.
"So much..." she moaned, looking over her shoulder at Hawk as he humped her ass.
He growled as he looked down at her. He licked his lips, too high headed to say anything to her. He only buried his face in her neck and breathed in her scent, teeth grazing her bond spot. Moon watched him, then giggled and pushed his head away.
"Now is so not the time for that," she reminded him. They did not need to bond with their omega "friend" while she was in the throws of heat. It could end badly for all of them, not that the idea of her joining their relationship upset Moon. As she lay with them, she realized it was all she wanted.
Satiated or not, Reader ground her ass back against Hawk's ceaseless hips. She moaned, begging for more. "Alpha... need you."
"I just fucked you," he laughed.
"Need you to fuck me again, hard," she told him.
Moon smirked. "You heard her. Fuck her hard, alpha."
So despite his knot still swollen in her tight cunt, Hawk fucked her. He rut into Reader hard and fast, making her cream all over his cock and knot. The cum leaked out from around the tight seal they created and he knew he was going to have to fill her again and again and again, for as long as her heat lasted.
The sun was rising when they finished round two and Reader fell asleep. Hawk wrapped his arms around the omega and scented her so she'd feel comforted by his musky, protective scent when she woke up in another needy state. Moon slipped out of bed to call their workplaces and inform them that they wouldn't be in due to an unexpected heat. She didn't tell them it wasn't her heat because it was none of their business. Then she got to work making breakfast, knowing her mate and their hopefully soon-to-be mate would need their energy for all the fucking they were about to embark on.
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absurdthirst · 1 month
Do you think you could do one with the Pedro boys who are a/b/o and who have a omega reader in heat but she doesn't want to spend it with them but just be alone? If not that's totally cool and I love your writing:)
When You're In Heat & Want Nothing To Do With Him:
*** When reblogging or talking about Omegaverse, please remember that ‘a/b/o’ without the slash punctuation marks (/) is considered a slur for the Aboriginal people in Australia.
**Female Reader
Javier Peña: Pouty for sure. He had even told Steve he was taking off work, dreaming of having you on his cock the entire time. Now his ass is traveling back to Medellín with Murphy in the passenger seat. Deciding that getting out of town was the best option.
Ezra: Now that's just not going to work for him, little bird. The aphrodisiac that your body produces calls to him like a siren. Beckoning him to take what your very nature wishes to give him. In that tent, there's no privacy. While Ezra might not lay a hand on you, he will not shut up about what he would do if you would give him permission.
The Mandalorian: Takes the kid, engages the ground security protocols on the Razor Crest and leaves. He will be back in 3-5 business days, with multiple bounties to throw into carbonite and then takes off for the next world on his parsec tour. He doesn't even seem mad about it, it just is what it is.
Pero Tovar: He still expects you to ride your horse. If you aren't needing to be holed up in a nest with his body wedged between your thighs, then you must be moving. He cannot lose more time on this journey to the East and you are attracting more alphas that he will just have to kill.
Frankie Morales: Confused. Wondering if everything that has happened has made you think that he's no longer your alpha or maybe not the alpha you want. He wants to talk to you about it, but he knows that you are vulnerable right now, so he packs up the kids and they all go stay at Uncle Benny's for a few days so you can be alone like you want.
Marcus Pike: He's disappointed. He had everything planned. He was going to make sure that your every need was met and you were in as little pain as possible as you worked through you heat. Instead of being able to do it in person, he decides that it might be best to sleep at the office until it passes so he doesn't overstep. However, he has meals delivered to you and your favorite ones at that.
Max Phillips: Tilts his head at you and gives you that fake pouty look. The one that says he doesn't believe you for a second. You don't want orgasm after orgasm? That's strange, and people said he's the one without a beating heart.
Dave York: Angry. He is not happy that you want nothing to do with him. He needs to take care of you and you are denying him that. In a huff, he takes on a target and takes his aggression out on them. It's a little more messy than his normal jobs.
Oberyn Martell: Finds it fascinating. You are a mystery. An omega who doesn't wish to be cared for by an alpha. He sighs, thinking that it's a pity, it would have been fun, but he leaves you in peace. He will spent the time in the whorehouse, drinking and fucking while you have your wish.
Zach Wellison: It hurts. It makes him think that he's not good enough and it will definitely tap into that inferiority complex that he had. But he will give you what you want, you won't see him for days while you are going through your heat.
Marcus Moreno: Doesn't understand it, but that's not for him to decide. If you don't want him around, he needs to figure out a game plan. Do you want to stay somewhere else? Do you want him and Missy to go to his moms? Once you tell him exactly what you want, he's doing that and nothing more.
Max Lord: You were in heat? He didn't even notice. He was too busy trying to save his company.
Javi Gutierrez: Heartbroken that he cannot take care of you himself. He wants to pamper you and comfort you. Instead, he sends you to one of the best resorts for Omegas who wish to ride out a heat without an Alpha. Leaving them to pamper you.
Dieter Bravo: Whiny. He can smell how horny you are. How can you not want him to fuck you? Keep you full of his cock and cum? Aren't you about to tear your skin off???? You actually have to throw him out of the damn house in order to have a moment's peace.
Tim Rockford: Honestly? That's a relief. He's got this case that is eating up the hours and he doesn't have time to focus on you. He ends up sleeping at the office for two weeks straight and you have to call him to come home.
Joel Miller: He thinks you're stupid. He knows you will suffer more, but if that's what you want, be stubborn. He will give you the space you need, but he will also be standing guard around the decrepit house you are holed up in, making sure that no other alpha gets a whiff of you.
Marcus Acacius: Doesn't understand why you would not want him to be around you. But he's not going to fight you on this. He has his most trusted guards posted around his villa, they are betas so you will not be harassed by them. They will protect you because he has already been called before the emperors to discuss yet another bloody campaign on behalf of Rome's glory.
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sensei-venus · 7 months
Kinda digging the idea of Omega!Reader who is pregnant but doesn’t know it just yet.
She starts nesting a lot more. The small nest in her and her mates room doubles in size within days. More and more clothes seem to find their way out of their closet and hampers. All of it going straight into her nest. It’s made into the flooring and sides, blankets cover most of it and bulk up the inside. Pillows are thrown all over the place but at the same time for her they are perfectly positioned.
She doesn’t even notice she is doing it and finds herself sitting inside of it.
Never thinking much of it after that but the nest just keeps growing until it just stops.
Then it’s her lazing around in the soft fortes for hours. Some times it’s just long naps other times it’s her just sitting or laying down. It’s not something that is normal to her but it just feels right.
Then comes the part where she’s more clingy and begging her mate to stay with her. Allowing them to come in to her nest. Something that it privet and personal to an omega. Even for a mate. All she wants is for them to stay in the nest with her for long periods of time. To hold and cuddle her, or just sit with her at the very most.
It’s only a matter of time before her mate starts to really question what is going on with her.
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aboredindividual · 4 months
Male omega anatomy
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Here is my poorly drawn version of male omega's anatomy :)
In my mind i picture that when growing up, the omega's testis stop growing past certain age and when near presentation they will gradually slithers back up from the sack and settle internally. The testiless sack then will slowly be reabsorbed to the body.
The penis will be the smallest of all the other dynamics (picture the biggest omegan phallus will be comparable to average beta ones)
I kinda detest the version where their uterus is connected to rectum because of ✨sanitary reasons✨so i made my own version.
When it comes to fertility the male omegas ability to impregnate is very diminished as previously mentioned, the testis are not developed enough to create sufficient amount of sperm to secure concievement. Yet they compensate it by their very fertile ovaries who are highly efficient at their job. While female betas' pregnancy will result in only one child with twins and triplets being out of norm, the omegas regardless of sex will carry litters of 2-3 children on average.The male gender will have predispositions to having just two babies at a time because of the strain but the pregnancy will be no different from others.
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