omegastorms · 13 days
Thoughts on Scents
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So I wanted to just give my thoughts on some interesting scent options, because no hate to sandalwood, it seems like everyone always smells like it in fics. And since I also have an indie perfume obsession, I wanted to share some scents that may broaden people's horizons. I may do a part two depending on how well I like how this turned out.
Pine resin, with hints of wood smoke, and warm brandy.
The smell of damp fresh earth after a summer rain.
Palo santo, dry desert grasses, and sage
Amber, laudanum, and frankincense
Tobacco, burnt grasses, with hints of citrus
Pine needles, forest floor, and stone
Saltwater, ambergris, fresh rain, beach sand
Stone, oakmoss, clay, and wet concrete
Animal fur musk, mulled wine, and a cold winter breeze
Freshly washed linen, lemon cakes, and black tea
Coconut, dark rum, and sugarcane
Leather bound books, a dying fire, and cedar
A crisp fall evening, apple orchards, and toasted marshmallows
Magnolias, Spanish moss, and honeysuckle
Sun warmed earth, tomato plants, and iced tea
Cactus flowers, sweet grass, and wood dry vanilla
Lemon grass, heliotrope, and sugar cookies
Dead leaves, dry hay, and cognac
And that's no even touching on all the different kinds of plants, flowers, and foods. I could go on for a very long time.
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omegastorms · 1 month
I was thinking about how much I like magic tattoos, and the soulmate mark trope. Which gave me this interesting idea.
What if bonds, not just mating bonds but all bonds even the ones that are between platonic friends, results in some kind of tattoo that appears on the body representing that person they bonded with. So when you look at someone, you aren't only seeing that person but you see who they're close to.
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omegastorms · 2 months
I always feel conflicted when it comes to alpha commands because on one hand, free will is sacred and commands that aren't fully binding, as in can be resisted or don't work unless you're close to the alpha are a good thing. However, the angst potential that comes with commands always ending up being obeyed whether the omega wants to or not are just so good.
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omegastorms · 4 months
Something I will never get tired of in fic is when the omega struggles to except their presentation for whatever reason and just learning to accept and grow into their status.
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omegastorms · 4 months
Pack Structure
I've decided to start putting up some of what I've nailed down for my own au since I enjoy reading others so much. This seemed like a good place to start. This is a high fantasy setting with shifters, so take note of that.
Dynamic Make Up
While each secondary has typical roles and behaviors associated with them that doesn't mean that everyone fits in the typical roles as it's a spectrum. Individuals will be funneled into roles that suit their strengths, whether or not it's associated with their secondary gender for the good of the collective.
Generally, the breakdown for how many of each designation is: 40% Betas, 35% Alphas, 25% Omegas.
Living Spaces
For the most part, packs are large usually having at least 20 individuals usually more. Most packs will have a large central base that anyone can use, with smaller houses surrounding it for clans or mated pairs who want more privacy.
Prime Alphas
There is only one prime alpha in every pack that typically leads. It is a position the collective can elevate an alpha of their choosing to, or take away if they feel they aren't doing a good job. There are several small differences between a prime alpha and a regular one. However, the biggest difference is a prime alphas commands work on everyone, including alphas.
Governing Councils
Each designation has a council that oversees it and helps advise individuals as well as tackles any smaller disagreements happening within the pack. They're typically made up of highly respected elders. They also appoint advisors to the prime alpha.
Alpha Roles
Alphas typically handle security and most fighting based needs. However because they're stronger then betas and omegas they also help with heavy lifting and construction.
Beta Roles
Betas are mainly archivists, strategists, and historians. They are also very keen hunters so many times they are out hunting to help provide food.
Omega Roles
Omegas are usually seen as the emotional centers/glue that holds everything together. However they usually stay close to home (though not all do). Some choose to float into beta roles. But most of them are tailors, weavers, gardeners, and armorists.
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omegastorms · 5 months
Something I've been thinking about recently is that I feel like medical or doctor office/hospital anxiety seems like it would be very common in the omega very. The scent aspect alone seems very overwhelming, and unlike other public places you also get the strong disinfectant smell, as well as varying levels of distress to some degree. Much less laying prone to be poked and prodded by strangers.
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