#a real fucking legacy
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Voted most likely to run away with you
Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 2.7k Major tags: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, post book/movie, established relationship, fluff, morning sex, porn with feelings, they are stupid and beautiful and in love and that's really all you need to know
Okay so writing a firstprince fic definitely wasn't on my bingo card for 2023, but what can you do — these lovesick homosexuals are just that powerful.
This might be the softest thing I have ever written, and also 1000% self-indulgent, and I have zero regrets (even though I was hungover while I wrote it). ✨ The biggest thank you smooch to my wisest and fluffiest owl @sparkagrace for cheering me on with this one 💖 💖 💖
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Alex drifts into consciousness in a bed full of tangled limbs and warm, sleep-rumpled skin. He’s lying half on his stomach and half on his side, the shoulder smushed against the bed protesting in a way that tells him he’s going to have a crick in his neck for the rest of the day.  But fuck if he cares, with Henry stirring next to him, one of his long legs draped over the back of Alex’s thigh. Alex doesn’t need to open his eyes to know the room is hazy with filtered sunlight, spilling pale yellow through the carelessly drawn curtains. 
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smoakandstar · 2 years
a real fucking legacy | mia + bucky
Mia crashed hard the night after the fire and slept through half the next day. Her throat still felt raw from the smoke, her muscles aching from the effort of helping drunks out of the building. Nobody had been seriously hurt. Her father would have been proud, and that stung more than the fresh burn on her arm. She could feel it closing in on her as she paced around her empty room. Without a shift to work that evening, she felt restless and adrift, and the longing to be out of Sallow Hills was stronger than ever--as was the bitter knowledge that she truly was stuck here.
She made regular use of the gym in town, but as long as the weather cooperated, she preferred the woods. It was quieter and had less traffic, with one or two obvious exceptions. Steve and Bucky knew where she trained and sometimes stopped by to say hello when they heard her out there. She'd been methodically shooting arrows and throwing knives for at least an hour, her muscles burning in protest, before her feelings finally caught up with her. The Prince was gone. Her dad was gone. Her hopes of getting back to her brother again might as well be gone too.
She'd have denied sitting on the freezing ground and sobbing like a child to anyone who asked, but she was too deep in her meltdown to even look up at the sound of footsteps. She had no doubt Bucky could sneak up on her if he wanted, and she recognized his deliberate steps. If someone had to witness her falling apart, he was probably the least offensive option. There was something dadlike about both of the soldier mechanics, and she had a feeling they would have made easy friends with Oliver.
He’d been concerned after the fire at the Prince, glad to know that Mia hadn’t been seriously physically hurt. The rest was up for debate, but he doubted that she would really show anyone that she was hurting if she could avoid it. With what he’d learned of her, he figured that she would make her way to the woods when the lack of a work shift got to her, so he made his way where he knew he would find her.
The sound of sobbing made his heart wrench, but he didn’t quicken his steps in worry. It would do no good here. Instead, he made himself absolutely, clearly known, taking careful steps that made noises with each one that she would hear. He made his way to her and crouched down in front of her, within reach but not invading her space.
“I’m here,” was all he said, but he knew it was probably all that he actually needed to say. It wasn’t a small offer, not when he was making it. Slowly, he reached out to brush a hand lightly over her hair with a soft question, “May I?”
She hadn't expected it to hit her so hard. It shouldn't hurt so much to lose some random job in a town she didn't even want to stay in, but Mia knew it was more than that to her. The Prince was the only place in Sallow Hills where she really felt like herself and like no one expected anything different from her. She didn't have to pretend to be happy or heroic or anything else.
She also knew that if that was the only thing, she wouldn't be crying about it. This had much more to do with Oliver than it did with the fire. Everything she hadn't allowed herself to feel since the funeral was welling up inside of her, sharp-edged and ugly. It refused to be shoved back down again, even when he knelt in front of her.
If anything, the offer just made her cry harder. She nodded without looking up, not moving out from under that soft touch. She hadn't given Bucky--or anyone here--any reason to be that kind to her. She didn't deserve it, but she didn't have the energy to keep pushing everyone away right now.
His heart ached for her, the normally angry and fierce young woman finally letting herself feel something. It was hard to hold up a front sometimes, and all it ever took was one real trigger. He’d had his own meltdowns in similar fashion. All the physical exertion and ignoring it in the world wouldn’t help for long.
Seeing her nod, he shifted to sit next to her, his hand never breaking contact with her. “Come here,” he murmured, his hand drifting softly over her hair in comfort. He had done it before with Rey, and long, long ago with his sister. Everyone needed a safe place and a person to turn to. If she was going to let him be that for her, even for a moment, he would.
Mia could handle a lot, but someone being kind to her in the middle of her breakdown wasn't one of those things. If he'd yelled at her, she could have gotten angry, and that would have been so much easier. Instead, she just had to feel this, all the way through. She leaned against him, tucking her face into his shoulder as she cried. She imagined it was how being comforted by a dad would feel, but she wouldn't know. Oliver hadn't been there for most of her life, and never for anything like this.
There was something black and awful rising up in her, the source of all this pain. She couldn't stop it from coming out, but still, it felt like choking on the words, like she was pulling out something sharp that had been lodged deep for a long time. Nevermind that she'd never once mentioned the Green Arrow to anyone in Sallow Hills, and there was no context for this conversation. Then again, Mia had daddy issues written all over her.
"Why did he have to die?" she sobbed, clinging to him. "I just got him back. Why did he care more about being a hero than being my dad? He'd rather die for the whole world than stay alive for me." She wasn't being fair; she knew that. A whole world against one sad little girl would never balance. But he'd always made that choice. It was the reason she'd grown up without him. Why did it always have to be him? Why couldn't he choose her, just once?
He waited patiently for her to choose to curl into him, hoping she would take at least some of the comfort he was willing to give her. When she tucked her face into his shoulder, his arm slid around her while the other slid over her hair. It wouldn’t surprise him to learn just how much she had buried, how much she hadn’t really dealt with. Trauma was nothing easy to process even if you wanted to.
Staying silent, he let her get it out, just making sure he held tight to her. Sometimes the hardest thing to process was someone actually being there for you when you weren’t used to it. His throat went tight with the realization that she was the daughter of someone like Steve, someone so good that they made the hard sacrifices. It made him that more determined to stay as retired as the universe would let them.
“I’m sure he wanted to be with you, sweetheart, more than anything. But if the choice was him or you, that’s no choice,” the words were a soft murmur into her hair. “He chose you, in the hardest way, I bet. I’m sorry he’s not with you. It isn’t fair to you, at all.”
Even if Mia had wanted to face this, there hadn't been time. She'd barely made it through Oliver's funeral before she was here. She'd thrown all her energy into escaping instead of grieving, and she'd failed at both. It should have been William and her mom, all of them holding each other other through this. Instead, she was at the mercy of kind strangers, but at least they were kind.
Steve and Bucky had hero type written all over them, Steve especially. It had made her resistant to their offers of friendship, but it was really hard not to like them, even for Mia who didn't want to like anyone. "He never chose me. It wasn’t supposed to be him. Someone else could have..." It came out a broken sob because even Mia knew it couldn't have been anyone else. It was why she hated the whole hero deal. They were made like that, so ready to die for the right cause instead of living for their families.
"I barely got to know him," she whispered, wiping away tears with the back of her hand, more seeping out to take their place. "He died when I was a kid. When my brother and I got sent back, I thought maybe..." She thought maybe they'd have a chance to change it, and they had. Everything had changed, except that. Even venturing into Purgatory for Oliver's soul hadn’t changed anything in the end. "I thought we could be a family."
His heart ached harder for her and it made him selfishly glad that he and Steve hadn't had the opportunity for anything like a family until they were all but forced into retirement by a bubbled town in Wales. She deserved to have her actual family to grieve with her, rather than someone she didn't want around, but he was who was there. The least he could do was grieve for her and support her however much she might let him.
"What would the world, your life, have become if he hadn't?" The question was soft and careful, wanting to try and figure out how best to help get her through this. He knew that he would sacrifice himself time and time again for the people he loved if it meant their world stayed intact and safe, that they stayed safe.
He held her just a little tighter, reaching a hand to gently brush tears away and keep her hair from getting stuck. "I'm sorry that your second chance didn't work out the way you hoped."
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wecalleverythinglove · 5 months
yuri on ice: we were born to make history
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peachducy · 4 months
azran legacy spoilers!!
oh hershel... guy who suddenly seemed to gain abandonment issues he never knew he had that all seem to be centered on a guy he met only like 2 months ago at this point
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desmond voice Fuuuuuck maybe he actually does have issues from having to leave his only family left when he was 7 Oops
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lanabenikosdoormat · 11 days
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@terrific-fish this is literally the funniest thing that’s ever happened to me. When I made him two years ago I was so obsessed with Jed I was like “we should just tell everyone he’s real.” So me and my irls would have this recurring bit where we’d say he was our favorite character. And now people don’t even tag him as an oc. They’ll just tag Jed Solaris. I’m in awe that this has even happened, I’m so proud of my stupid stupid son. Thank you for literally making my evening yesterday I cannot get over it.
jed art (jart) by ata @parseolegacy
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autisticrosewilson · 21 days
So do you guys actually think that Jason's entire story, relationship to the others, and philosophy amounts to him being a rebellious teen who wants his dad's attention? Like are you 100% serious? I thought you were joking about that but too many of you are saying it with your whole chest.
And what the fuck is this "Bruce antagonizing Jason is fanon!" Shit I've been seeing? You guys are aware that a parent can love their kid and still be a shit parent right? I know you guys don't want to fathom the thought that maybe your blorbo might also occasionally have to face responsibility for consistently endangering children but let's not start being delusional now.
Bruce does love his kids, that doesn't mean that he hasn't hurt them. And I'd also argue that for the most part he feels in the right for it, and he's said multiple times that he believes it's for their own good, so you can't even argue that he's sorry about it. It's okay for you guys to admit that your PERSONAL INTERPRETATION of the character wouldn't do that but don't sit here and pretend that it's not a facet of the source.
#you can argue meta until you're blue in the face#but I can't ignore the ingerent abuse of Batman and Robin because DC is always drawing attention to it#Stephanie and Jason directly died because of Robin#Stephanie wanted to impress Bruce to live up to his idea of a sidekick and prove her worth#Sheila only sold Jason out when she found out he was Robin#Damians life certainly got worse when he became Robin/moved with Bruce#if you bring up racist retcons I'll kill you btw#how are we supposed to read children dying and being tortured and traumatized constantly#and just ignore that these are children#I can ignore the reality of child sidekicks in campy light hearted early comics#but if DC wants to deal with serious topic they're going to have to deal with some serious implications too#Also that post that's going around about “Bruce loves Jason and it's Jason who's causing all the animosity” is such bullshit#what the fuck are you even talking about#and let's not act like Jason is the ONLY one at fault and Bruce is just a poor loving father#is Bruce spreading that utter bullshit about Jason's death and who he was not an act of violence?#was he not the one to cast the first stone by disgracing Jason's legacy and using a version of him that never existed as a cautionary tale#and I know some of you are going to argue that with most of the kids there's nothing Bruce could have done to stop them#and this is the one time in which I will ignore all the very real ways that he could have#but I still think that in universe the characters have a right to be angry about it#Jason always since his debut as red hood been a vehicle for calling out Bruce#he's so heavily steeped in meta narrative because his run is when they started dealing with the real BAD cases#The Cult Garzonas onscreen murders were getting more common#AND NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME THAT BEING ROBIN DIDN'T MAKE JASON'S LIFE WORSE#THERE WAS NO REASON TO MAKE HIM ROBIN HE COULD HAVE BEEN VERY HAPPY AS JUST A NORMAL KID#But Bruce made having a place in his home synonymous with being Robin because the narrative dictated it had to be#what was homeless orphan Jason going to do? say no?#it was basically coercion and it doomed him and he has every right to blame the adult that put him in that position#dc#bruce wayne critical#bat family
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tolerateit · 8 months
what is your favorite lyric from your favorite taylor swift song?
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floorpancakes · 6 months
ok but im rly into the idea of till having a new era that brings the light back to his eyes and drives him forward if he gets to escape the arena. idk where he'd go from there but i want to see ivans sacrifice both haunt him and drive him to actually live his damn life after being the captured bird refusing freedom cause of mizi. once he knows she's alive with the resistance he might be able to actually experience other things and widen his world and if that happens and he puts his personal sense of rebellion towards the human cause OR settles into finding some other way to feel fulfilment that isn't a single person that could be deeply fascinating to me i think
#alien stage#ramble#idk#till alien stage#as an xxxholic fan i want to see caged birds fly and all the fear and loss and grit and progress that comes with it#till era would be so fucking fun#especially when characters r built arnd one person or one goal or something you want to see them find new things to suffer or thrive abt (?)#random inconsequential thought imagine till hooking up with hyunas besties and they become a resistance throuple#idk i just want till to experience the wider world as the one that was the most restrained by his heart AND literally#cause even compared to the other anakt kids he suffered so much in those damn buildings and labs#i wanna see him freed and what that means for ivans legacy as the person who was unseen but someone who both contributed to and desperately#tried to stop his pain and confinement no matter what#honestly the thing i wanna see most rn off the top of my head is#till coming to terms with what he knows and sees about ivan now#no matter how he feels about it i think ivan wont be forgotten that easily#i want to know whats going thru tills head rn immediately in this moment#cause this snapped him in some way and he is acutely aware of things he didnt even notice before#while handling the mizi desth thing#that he assumed was happening#if he is assumedly saved i want to see the explosion that is knowung mizi is alive#knowing ivan is dead and how ivan felt#and knowing he has a way out of the cage#because its a triple whammy#i want to see his brain exploding in real time thinking abt all these things#and what sort of person the revelations will make him become#also i want to see mizi and till have like an actual conversation cause itd be a wildcard especially right now
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buttclench-ryugazaki · 3 months
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dreamsinthewitchouse · 7 months
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And I searched for you in the cyclone
Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 2k Major tags: Alex/Henry, post book/movie, porn without plot (but with lots of feelings), Henry finally gets what he wants (which is getting rawed by Alex)
I mean — why wouldn't this idea live in my head, absolutely rent free? So, this is what happens after With the forever that I feel inside ✌🏼
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Later, as it turns out, is around six a.m.  The air in the room is still close and muggy from the night before, the light trickling through the curtains brittle and pale.  Alex blinks heavily, his brain struggling to catch up as he yawns into Henry’s shoulder, slowly taking in how closely he’s slotted against Henry’s back.
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ilostyou · 11 months
i don’t think you guys get it. when the silence came we were shaking blind and hazy (how the hell did we lose sight of us again?) sobbing with your head in your hands (ain’t that the way shit always ends?) you were standing hollow eyed in the hallway (carnations you had thought were roses, that’s us) i feel you no matter what the rubies that i gave up and i lost you the one i was dancing with in new york no shoes looked up at the sky and it was the burgundy on my tshirt when you splashed your wine into me and how the blood rushed into my cheeks so scarlet it was maroon
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panicsimss · 27 days
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Wedding night! Come on, guys- get a move on with the babies already! I ain't got all day
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reyreadersblog · 29 days
Dear lord, make me unsee what i just saw🙏🏻🙏🏻
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lemoonthetwink · 4 months
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Hehe Felix being Felix
I swear I'm normal about him (no)
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arson-09 · 2 months
“-they have a set of religious rituals that they adhere to- and this is right up Tamlins alley- we have a mating ritual, a fertility ritual-”
(this is from caricanreads summary of House of Flame and Shadow at roughly the 2:50:00 mark)
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septembersghost · 2 years
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so scarlet it was maroon is actually about them
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