#a pack of tissues ofc. MANY SUCH NEEDS
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pixelatedraindrops · 1 year ago
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Hello everyone!! Today I grow a year older :3 (and I hate it lmao) FEEL FREE TO REPLY BIRTHDAY WISHES IF YOU WANT :3
So, over the time I've come back here, I've become pretty confident and proud of my once hidden passion about sick characters, sickfics and sick comfort/whump... 🌡️
And you all have been so supportive and sweet despite my weirdness so I thank you for that. You helped me feel more confident in my otherwise weird fixation <3 So, for my birthday I thought I'd try and make up a little drawing challenge for anyone who wants to give it a try... There are soo many talented artists on this site (and in this fandom)
So... It's your turn to target your faves now. You will see how fun it is and hopefully understand why I love doing it so much. 😈🌡️
(plus it's my birthday and I require some sustenance LMAO JKJK)
But yeah anyone can join in. This is just for fun though! You don't have to if you don't want to! I think its okay to ask for some food on my birthday though...right?? X'D So if you wanna do sth for my birthday...then... 👉👈 💦
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(Mmmmkay, I am lying to myself when I say this isn't mostly aimed at the RainCode community... X'D Can't help myself. But anyone can join regardless of the fandom!!)
So here's the challenge and the rules!! (featuring my two main lil targets ofc :3)
Regardless of who it is, put your fave through some sickness hell >:3c I'd love to see it! Make em' as miserable as you want!
destroy them 😈 jkjk XD
If you're in the RainCode community you can target anyone, but as you know, my main targets are Yuma and Makoto. If they're also your faves and who you decide to use, that will make me extra happy!
Some tips for anyone new to drawing a sick day scenario art. A few things that make it look convincing are the following:
Pajamas or Loungewear
Messy Bed Hair
Fever flushed face w sweat or at least a red nose
Tired Eye bags
Shivery body
Ice Pack or a Compress on the head
Thermometer sticking from their mouth
Tissues or medicine surrounding them
Tea or Soup (or both)
Those are just to name some from the top of my head. If you'd like some pointers on how to make a character look ill, check out my Fever Coloring Guide. This is for digital artists but traditional artists can try it too!
You can add injury or angst to the scene but I'd like illness to be the main focus of it.
The scene can be anything you want to, it can be fluffy and wholesome (with a caretaker) it can be angsty, or it can be silly. Its all up to you! Do it for the sake of fluff! Caretaking scenes are the best for any kind of relationship >w<
Either way, have fun with it!! I look forward to see what people make if they decide to give it a try! It doesn't even have to be a full on picture! Doodles and sketches are fine too! Just show me something >w<
(feel free to tag me and say happy b-day and mention my challenge, I am proud to be known for this and would love for many to participate :3) I wanna see you take a go at it :3 Show me your style! :D
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(wow look at me misspelling the word writing on text when I did it fine with my own hands lol)
Now, I know not everyone can draw...
Well never fear! I accept writing as well! ✍️✍️✍️
(hi vivia lol sorry for giving you a cold, at least you have an excuse to read and do nothing now haha x3)
Sickfics are one of the biggest things I live for! Any little drabbles or full fics with more than one chapter are welcome! Again target who you want any fandom you want, but I'll def be super happy if you make a RainCode fic. And even happier if you target my faves as well, but again, anything will do! Just make a cute story about your fave being miserable and being tended to! Trust me, it's super fun!
You can add injury or angst to the scene but I'd like illness to be the main focus of it.
Feel free to post your writing here and tag me or mention my AO3!
If you need a start to your fic, look on my blog for illness prompts! Maybe it can help give you a good start or give some inspiration! (thats why I share 'em :3)
I look forward to anything you try to write!
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That's about all!! I hope you decide to participate! ✨
Good luck, have fun, and godspeed you future whumpers! 😈
(nah jk XD)
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carmillatism · 2 years ago
hello! i hope this ask finds you well <3
i’m just looking for a bit of advice and i saw one of your posts about being disabled so i figured i might ask;
(to preface: i am not disabled) but sometimes my right hip does a weird thing and hurts for a bit on and off and i can’t really walk (my hips have always been weird - they pop really easily and hurt if i lay down on them for too long) and i was curious if you might have advice on how to deal with that? (though granted i don’t actually know what kind of physical disability you have so this might just be headed out into the aether)
(sorry if this is the wrong blog to ask!)
hello! sorry for getting back so late; i had school! and yes, you came to the right place! want to preface this with a disclaimer by saying i'm not a professional, and i recommend you talk with a doctor if possible. i also recommend doing your own research as i don't know you like you know you!
that aside, i have pots and hsd, both which cause me chronic pain. hsd, or hypermobikity spectrum disorder, causes me chronic joint pain. and good for you, my most common place of pain is in my hips, so i have a lot of experience with what your describing.
my biggest recommendation, other than talking with a doctor, is for you to try and stay off of it when it hurts. you can also apply heat or cold (with an ice pack, heating pad, etc.) to the area that hurts. that usually makes me feel better. i also recommend taking otc (over-the-counter) pain meds. take the dose it tells you to take, and that will usually help soothe the pain!
i also recommend that you keep your mind open to the idea that you could be disabled. if this pain is pretty common for you (as in it happens a couple times a week) and has lasted for at least 3 months with common occurrences, then it's considered chronic pain. if you have chronic pain, you are disabled. ofc i don't know you and can't say for certain! but keeping your mind open to the idea can help you more easily make that transition in the future if you are diagnosed with a disability or your symptoms become disabilitating.
i also recommend getting a cane if possible! canes help a lot with getting weight off of the leg that's hurting, thus allowing the pain to decrease. do not worry about "faking" being disabled. if you need a cane to lessen the pain you feel whilst walking or to support your walking, then use it! you would use your left (opposite of hurt leg) hand for the cane. you don't have to get one, of course, but they are a pretty cheap investment if you get them at a pharmacy or online, and they are extremely helpful.
but again, i can't recommend it anymore for you to see a medical professional. what you are describing sounds similar to my experiences with chronic pain, plus having pain flareups for seemingly no reason pretty consistently along with your hip feeling out of place or popping out of place, sounds like something to bring up to your doctor. based on the limited symptoms you gave, i recommend looking into heds, hypermobile ehlers-danlos syndromes (plus the other versions of eds), or hsd (which is what i have. both are hypermobility from a connective tissue disorder that causes a slew of symptoms, but a major one is joint instability and chronic pain. hsd is sort of a different part of the spectrum of eds, or just a different but similar disorder (scientists really don't know)).
some good medical websites that i use a lot for info on my own health as well as my medical science interst are the cleveland clinic, the nhs website, and mayo clinic. these have digestible pages of information about many different disorders and problems.
i also recommend keeping a list of your symptoms that don't seem entirely normal or healthy. also, keeping a journal of your pain flares and describing when and why it happens can help you track it and see if it worsens or gets better. i also recommend using these to look into possible disorders that you may have. advice given for any type of similar disorders with symptoms similar to yours (or that you might have) can greatly benefit you if you want more advice!
if you have any more questions you can dm me, use my ask box again, or ask someone else for another point of view! talking about it with many different people can give you many different and helpful perspectives that can help you figure out what's going on. i wish you all the best!
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bonespired · 2 years ago
Cleaning Bones: The Cheap Burying Method
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When I decided to jump into this skull-collecting hobby, I kind of made a roadmap for myself. Good thing it is simple! I just needed to:
Find bones.
Clean them.
The first step is done I found my bones in the ways I talked about in the longer post I made about how and where to find bones when you are living in the city, so that part is done - now I am happily owning several stinky, rotting and disease-infected bones. Now I just have to clean them!
(Just to be sure: in this post under the words "cleaning bones" I strictly mean get rid of the meat/other soft tissue, not degreasing and disinfecting! Degreasing already has its own beginner-friendly post - which was reblogged so many times, I couldn't believe it!
This is easier to say than do because there are several options for cleaning bones from bugs to chemicals:
The complete list looks like this - you can clean bones by:
letting them rot on the surface
macerate it, which means let them rot in a bucket of water
boil them
toss them to the bugs - beetle colony
bury them
Not every method is suitable for every individual or even for every bone. Someone living in a busy neighbourhood on the 6th floor probably won't let the head rot naturally or start a beetle colony. So let's start simple and talk about the
Rot Pot aka. The Burying Method
The burying method basically means you bury your bones under ground and leave them to do their things naturally. There are some pros and cons to this method:
it is doable in a flat (will tell you how!)
it has zero smell - nothing!
it is cheap!
doesn't require your time or effort at all (during rotting)
Did you just say I can rot carcasses in my flat without ANY smell and constant health department visits????
I did! You can totally rot away things even if you don't live in the middle of the forest - all you need is a plant pot that is big enough for your carcass, soil, some pebbles if you like (explaining in a sec), a plant if you like it, maggots if you feel like and you are good to go!
So the very basic equation for this is the carcass + pot + soil = bones. Your starter pack can be only the pot and soil. You grab the pot, fill it with one layer of soil - I like to make it quite thick to make a carcass sandwich here: I want my skull to be in the middle, so I am aiming for circa the same amount of soil on the bottom and on the top as well. Put your carcass into the pot and cover it with more soil. Keep it moist, so water it, like you'd water a plant and you are done.
For dirt, you can have plant dirt, bought in a store or you can bring some dirt in from nature. Pro, nature dirt has all the nice living bacteria colonies in it, hungry for some meat. Con, it can look weird if you start to shovel up the dirt of your local park. If you can get natural dirt, go for it!
If you wanna go fancy, you can put some pebbles into the pot as the first layer, so pebbles -> soil -> carcass -> soil. The pebbles' job is to ensure drainage. Drainage, you may ask? What kind of drainage? Well, water ofc and eh... body juices. Do not worry, nothing nasty will come out of your rot pot! But you have to let the rot pot drain, it won't be like a flood, trust me, I buried several things and no horror scene happened, ever. It is more for the water than the juice, just like for any plant case.
As for the maggots, you can go to a fish store - like a fishermen's store? To the store where you can buy rods and such things? Where do people go to get their baits for fishing? Idk what it is named in English, so go to the fish bait store and ask for maggots. We call them "bony"s over here, they eat rotting things. You can sprinkle these guys as sugar confetti over your bones and bury them with it! They will be fine, happily munching away on the flesh - maybe some of them will be outraged, disagreeing with being buried alive and they climb around on the surface, but once they realise the good thing is under them, they will deep dive into the ground. In this case, however, keep your pot outside. These guys become flies over 2-3 days and then they will be ready to discover the world, so they will be swarming and you definitely do not want to keep them in your living quarters.
You can also get free maggots by leaving the carcass out in the open for a day or two as a peace offering to the Fly Gods, but your carcass will definitely smell during the offering.
You can plant a plant(??? English ffs) over it, making it fancy. That is just for the fanciness.
And that's it, job done! You can totally forget about the pot, except for the watering and you can chill around.
But, like every method, this also has cons:
the waiting time: it won't be done tomorrow
not knowing when it is done
stains. on the bones. from dirt.
small bones are falling apart
oh and you have to skin your carcass!
Ah, yessss..... You know, skin is problematic. But the real asshole here is creatine. Creatine is the stuff that builds up nails, whiskers and fur and they refuse to rot away easily. It takes a significantly long amount of time to dig out a corpse fully cleaned, with no flesh and fur. Ain't have years to wait for that, so to avoid rotting skin with still attached creatin to it - also skin loves to stick to the bones like a glove, especially on the head, I swear to God.... - you have to get rid of it beforehand. This means you have to skin your carcass. Your possibly smelly carcass. Not everyone has the stomach for it or the heart. I skinned a fresh rat I had found outside - and I am obsessed with rats. I seriously adore them, I have pet rats, I rescued rats, I supported our local wild rat colony with rat-friendly food during winter, and I love the buggers. I basically worship them. I did some anatomy studies of them for my art and I love biology, but there is a difference between actually skinning the animal you love and drawing the muscles. So I really wanted a rat skull, because I draw lots of rats, need a reference. And I have a rat carcass. But I love rats. But if I let it rot I am risking losing the rat and the skin will be a problem. So I made the decision of skinning. But not only skinning, oh no. You see, I only needed the head. Everything else is just too small for me to put together. So I not only needed to skin the animal I love I also needed to cut the head off of it. And I did exactly that. I wanted the skull more than I wanted to adore and feel sorry for the poor rat. How was it going? I constantly asked her forgiveness - she was dead for hours, I didn't kill her, a cat did - and once I was done and buried and cleaned up, I cried for 20 minutes, thinking about how horrible a rat parent am I because I just skinned a rat and buried its head. It was with me for days. The psychological effect is definitely something you have to think about. Maybe you will find a cat and you are into vulture culture, but also a cat person: then what? Skinning animals, especially the ones we keep as pets can be challenging.
The waiting is over... or is it not?
The other cons factor is the waiting time. It differs from carcass to carcass, how meaty it was, whether was it skinned before, and how big the carcass is.... my rat skull (skinned) was done in under 2 weeks, but a bigger animal, like a skinned sheep, can take a month - month and a half. The bigger the skull is, the more soft tissues it has due to its size, the longer it will be under the ground. But how can you be sure about the end of the process? That's it, you cannot! You have to check it out manually, you have to dig it out to see yourself. And digging out early, well, that is not a pleasant experience.
Dirt causes some brown discolouring in the bones. Personally, I like it, I think it is a cool colour! But if you want museum-quality, well, burying is probably not the best method. You can still use H2O2 ofc, but there is the chance some stains stay.
The 3D puzzle problem
And lastly, the problem I hate the most: if you bury a small skull, it will fall apart. Period. Every time. I saw people pulling out fully attached big skulls, but I buried small skulls - you cannot macerate rodents, so I guessed my rat goes into the pot to avoid this problem! And now I have this nice 3D puzzle to put together - yes, I am crying inside.
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My rabbit doesn't look better either.
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You wouldn't even think how fragile, thin and small pieces are part of a skull. And now I have the luck to know. Yaaaaay.
If you wanna get into bone restoration, this is a great starter package for you, but if not, then once again: burying is not for you.
Overall, burying is indeed a flat-friendly method, and takes little effort - well, not counting the skinning - smell-free, which is a big pro. I did not lose a tooth with burying, everything rots away wonderfully - even too well. But there is the skinning, there is the small skull problem, and staining can be a problem for many... personally, I will ditch this method because I did not want to get into restoring small skulls, but now I have to. For small skulls, I rather secure them somewhere and let nature take its course. (I never want to skin a rat ever again, so I will do my best to restore that skull.)
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loveisnotovertae · 1 year ago
Love is Not Over
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Love Is Not Over
✏️Taehyung x OFC ✏️Friends to Lover AU 🛑 Rated 18+ 📖WC: 2018 ⚠️Mentally abusive and controlling ex, stalking, mention of anxiety cheating, COVID, drinking, drunk hookup, masturbation, oral, accidental marriage, accidental pregnancy⚠️
Mae always wanted to go to South Korea and visit all the places her Aunt and Uncle used to tell her stories about. So after catching her fiancè cheating, she did just that. Her two month trip turned into a permanent stay thanks to covid lockdown. A friendly neighbor turned best friend, who just so happened to be part of the biggest music group in the world. A drunken night that changed her life forever.
Chapter 9
“What time did Jin say dinner was?” D asked.
“In a couple of hours. He has the passcode to get to my apartment, I told him to just head over whenever he needed to,” Mae answered while the women walked around the gift shop.
It was Mae’s last night having her three best friends by her side. Tomorrow morning they’d be traveling back to the States. She already missed them. The past two weeks of them being in Seoul filled a hole in her heart that she didn’t realize was there.
“Mae, are you coming?” Kimberleigh cocked an eyebrow at her friend who was still standing outside the elevator.
The four of them were at the Seoul Tower. They’d spent the past few days exploring in and around the big city. Their days were packed, but it didn’t bother them. They wanted to do as many things as possible.
“Come on, I’ll hold your hand the whole time.” Veronica grabbed Mae’s hand once she’d finally snapped out of her daze and joined them.
“I don’t need you to hold my hand, Ronnie,” Mae chuckled.
“You hate elevators, which we are currently in. You also hate heights and we are about to be really high up,” Veronica pointed out. “You’re going to be grabbing for someone's hand, so you might as well start holding mine now,”
“What am I going to do without the three of you? I’ve gotten so used to having you by my side again.”
“The same thing you’ve been doing the past three years, Giant.” Veronica turned to look at Mae. “No, wait I take that back. Because the only companion you've had these past three years are the toys in your nightstand. You, my friend, are going to finally put yourself out there into the world. No more fear, no more self doubt. There’s plenty of gorgeous men here and you need to find someone who will love and cherish you like the goddess you are.”
“Veronica, you’re making her cry.” Kimberleigh sighed and got a package of Kleenex out of her bag.
“It’s not her fault I’m an emotional mess right now.” Mae said, taking a tissue to dry her tears. “Ugh, stupid PMS.”
“Let’s go before we all start crying.” D said once the door opened.
The four women exited the elevator and walked onto the viewing platform that was at the top of the tower. The view of Seoul shining brightly in the night was breathtaking.
The women spend the better part of an hour enjoying the view and chatting. Mae didn’t let go of Veronica’s hand until they were back on the ground floor and her anxiety settled as they visited the shops one last time.
“Ah, I can finally feel my fingers again.” Veronica said, flexing her right hand as the women walked outside.
“I wasn’t holding it that hard, Ronnie.” Mae rolled her eyes. “Stop being so dramatic.”
“Yes you were. Look!” Veronica stopped in front of the group and pointed at her hand. “I’ve already got a bruise forming.”
The three women laughed and walked past her to start the long trek down the hill to the parking lot.
“Do you think Jin will be offended if we grab some snacks before we get there?” D asked Mae as they waited for the other two to finish up in the restroom.
“Not if we bring him some,” Mae answered, stretching her sore body. “I could go for a hotteok or two.”
The both of them turned toward the sound of the other two women laughing.
“What could you two possibly find so funny in a bathroom?” Mae asked.
“There are two women in there yelling at each other,” Kimberleigh laughed.
“I think they might actually start throwing punches soon,” a laughing Veronica added.
“Come on,” Mae said, hooking her arm though Kimberleigh’s, “We are grabbing snacks. You two can tell us while we walk.”
With their arms linked, the four women exited the parking lot and entered the busy street.
“So,” Kimberleigh said while they waited in line for Sotteok Sotteok. “There we were washing our hands when these two women walked in yelling at each other. They stopped long enough to look at Ronnie and I. Evidently, they didn’t know we spoke Korean, because they just started back up.”
“They were arguing about an idol.” Veronica laughed, recalling what happened in the bathroom. “There’s a rumor going around that a male idol ran off to Jeju last week with a mystery woman and got married at one of those ‘drive-thru chapels’ like in Vegas.”
“There’s rumors like that going around all the time,” Mae said before telling the vendor ‘thank you’ and taking the box of food. “You learn to just ignore them after a while.”
“The funniest thing was these two women were arguing with each other even in the stalls.” Kimberleigh said as they walked to their last stop. “One kept yelling ‘YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW WHO IT’S ABOUT YET! STOP FREAKING OUT!’ and the other one would just ramble on about how she knows who it is because she ‘can feel it in her bones’.”
“Who does she think it is?” D asked.
“She never said his name, just kept calling him ‘my love’. We hurried and left when we heard the stalls unlock. But heard the other one yell at her to get her shit together and to get out of her delusional brain!”
Mae rolled her eyes as she listened to what they heard in the bathroom. Everyday there seemed to be a new rumor about either an idol or actor. She never understood why people were so concerned with what they did in their personal time. As long as it wasn’t illegal or dangerous, she didn’t think it was anyone's business. They might be in the public eye but they deserved a private life too.
“Honey, we’re home!” Mae yelled, opening her apartment door.
The four women shared a concerned look while taking off their shoes when nobody answered. Mae had texted Seokjin before they left the parking lot thirty minutes prior. He told her that the food was ready and they’d all be waiting for them.
Mae’s apartment was quiet except for the sounds the women were making. If it wasn’t for the fact that their shoes were in the entryway no one would ever know that there were seven other people there.
“Guys?” Mae’s concerned voice echoed around the silent apartment as they walked into the living room. “Hello?”
The four women jumped when a concerned looking Taehyung exited the kitchen with his phone pressed to the side of his ear. Mae couldn’t read his eyes when he quickly glanced her way before greeting the person on the other end and closing Mae’s bedroom door for some privacy.
“Guys, what's wrong?” Mae asked when she and the other three women entered the kitchen.
“Oh, hello ladies.” Seokjin said with a smile, looking up from the phone that he and the other five men were huddled around, next to the sink. “Sorry, we didn’t hear you come in. Are those the snacks you picked up?” he asked, handing the phone to Namjoon before making his way around the island.
“No, Sir.” Kimberleigh said, swatting at his hand and placing the food further away from him on the table. “Not until one of you tells us what’s going on.”
“We just didn’t hear you come in.”
“Something very interesting must be on that phone. With as loud as Mae yelled when we came in, there’s no way you didn’t hear her.”
Mae’s eyes flickered between Kimberleigh and Seokjin. Seokjin was having an internal war on whether or not he should tell them what was on the phone, and Kimberleigh’s eyes were letting him know that if he didn’t tell them, she wasn’t going to let him anywhere near the food they’d brought back.
“Why don’t we eat and talk about it afterwards?” Namjoon said calmly.
“You guys are acting strange.” Mae said, watching Jungkook smile sweetly at Kimberleigh as he took the bags of food away.
“It’s just work stuff. No need to worry.”
“I TOLD YOU TO FUCK HIM, NOT MARRY HIM!!” Everyone turned toward Veronica who’d just interrupted Jimin.
“Who are you talking to?” D asked the woman standing in the entryway, looking at her phone.
“Mae!” Veronica screeched and pointed to her taller friend.
“Me?” Mae pointed at herself and asked in confusion. “I didn’t marry anyone. What the fuck are you talking about?”
“It’s right here on the cover of Dispatch, “V of BTS runs off to Jeju and marries a mystery woman””.
“Veronica, it's just a rumor,” Hoseok said as he helped set the table. “We were just looking at the email from the company. They have no proof. Tae is on the phone now with them to see if they should release a statement or not.”
“They do have proof!” Veronica said standing beside him. “Look at the pictures they released. You can’t see her face because her phone is blocking it, but that’s the outfit I picked out for her to wear and they are coming out of a chapel!”
Mae sat down as the world around her began to spin. Although she could remember some of the things that happened the night she and Taehyung went out to the Jazz club, there were still chunks missing.
As the voices of her friends faded into the background she racked her brain and tried to force herself to remember. There’s no way the two of them would’ve gotten married. There’s no way they would’ve been so careless.
Veronica said her phone was in her face, so that meant there were pictures. She needed to get the SD card from her old phone. She didn’t take it with her when she went to get her new phone so it was still in her bag.
The room fell silent when the loud sound of Mae’s chair sliding across the floor echoed throughout the kitchen. She needed to find her phone and get the card out of it. Hopefully it still worked and she’d be able to prove them wrong, for her sake and Taehyung’s.
Mae’s friends yelled her name while she hurried out of the kitchen and down the hall. She flung open the door to her room, just as Taehyung was ending his phone call.
“Mae, what are you doing?” he asked, watching her.
“I need my old phone,” she said while tossing her bag on the bed next to him. “I need to see if the SD card still works. Veronica said I had my phone and that means I was taking pictures. Hopefully it still works and there’s something on there that can prove it all wrong.”
“Mae, how much do you remember from that night?” Taehyung asked as she threw clothes from her bag. He’d seen the pictures while on the phone.
“Only what I’ve told you. Most of it is just a giant black hole.” Mae stopped her search and looked at him. “What do you remember?”
“I remember the club, then we took a taxi back to the house. I also remember going to lay down on the couch but missing it.”
“Well at least we were careful getting home.” Mae’s eyes widened when she stuck her hand in one of the pockets and pulled out her phone.
“Where are you going now?” Taehyung asked, following her out of the room.
“My computer is in the living room,” she yelled over her shoulder.
Taehyung took her phone from her and sat on the couch while she set her computer on the coffee table and turned it on. The group that was in the kitchen were now laying out a blanket on the floor and bringing in food, while they watched the two of them argue as they tried to get the memory card out.
This wasn’t how they planned to eat their group dinner or spend their night, but considering the new circumstances it would be better this way.
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psychelis-new · 1 year ago
Hi lys, how are you?
Overnight bag and pizza<3
Hello I'm kinda okay thanks, wby?
[overnight bag] what’s in your bag? In my bag (backpack more likely) there's my wallet, keys, a pack of tissues, hand sanitizer, a chestnut, a pocket mirror (just cause it has german shepherds on lol) and probably random receipts and papers. It's a bit messy there rn lol
[pizza] share a recipe you’ve been loving lately! Hmm there are a few recipes I like tbh so IDK which one to focus on (like pasta, rice, soup, meat, cakes/biscuits...). I know it's already winter but I'll mention rice and pumpkin. Take an onion and cut a part of it (it depends on how much you like it and how many people will eat) in small pieces. Put it with a bit of oil in a pan and let it turn gold. Take a pumpkin, clean it and cut it and put it in with the onion and let it roast for a little without letting it burn ofc. Add vegetable broth or water and let it all boil for 20 mins (the pumpkin needs to be easily smashable). Then in another pan put some rice to toast for a few minutes (ofc you can wash it first), add a small amount of white wine and let it evaporate. When it's done, you can pour the rice in with the pumpkin. Let the rice cook for around 20 mins and add more broth/water as necessary. When you'll have a not too watery rice (unless you like it that way), you can turn it off and add some butter and grated cheese and ofc some more broth if you rather. You can adjust salt at this point or add some stock pot with the broth.
Thanks for sending, have a lovely day/night<3
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frogbeansss · 2 years ago
I’m new to Silent Witness and the loveliness that is Jack and Nikki. Trying to work through old episodes, but there’s A LOT !!!
So my question is what episodes should I absolutely watch for Jack and Nikki ???
Oh hello, welcome to the fandom!❤
Also just fyi if you're interested, we got a Silent Witness Discord sever (https://discord.gg/PpCzT4KNTG) and new people are always welcome!☺
Ofc basically every episode with Nikki and Jack is great and I might be slightly biased with my answers, but imo these are really good and/or important episodes when it comes to Nikki and Jack's relationships:
S16E01/02 - Change
This is Jack's first episode, so we see them getting to know each other and sniffing out how the other ticks so to speak.
Generally I could recommend you the whole of S16 (and every other series) because that's when they get to know each other and learn what makes them tick and in each episode they have bonded a little more.
S16E09/10 - Greater Love
The finale of S16 is pretty intense and we see many smaller moments between Nikki and Jack and, compared to the first ep of S16, we see how their relationship has already evolved.
S17E05/06 - In a Lonely Place
These eps are set in Scotland and since only Nikki and Jack go there, we see a lot of them. It also shows some important moments of Jack being vulnerable and opening up to Nikki.
S17E09/10 - Fraternity
Again, as typical for a lot of finales, there is a lot happening and here we get an insight into Jack's family and again he lets himself be vulnerable with Nikki and also how important he is to her already.
S18E09/10 - One of Our Own
There aren't too many major Jakki moments in here I'd say, but there are some that give us an insight into how they secretly feel about the other.
S19E01/02 - After the Fall
In this one we see Jack being incredibly loyal and supportive to Nikki and there are honestly some very cute moments in there.
S19E09/10 - River's Edge
We get some very cool scenes in here, a lot of Nikki and Jack investigating together and ofc there's also some tension in there! Also let me tell you, you will declare a certain set of bushes your sworn enemy in this episode!
S20E09/10 - Awakening
This one is one of the most important Jakki episodes, but I'd definitely recommend you watch some of their first episodes first, only that the angst feels even more intense!
I don't want to say too much here because idk how much you know already, but these two episodes are very intense and you should definitely pack some tissues. Also Emilia's and David's acting is incredible and they deserve an award for this!
S21E01/02 - Moment of Surrender
We see how what happened in Awakening has impacted the relationship between Nikki and Jack and how they are dealing with things.
S21E03/04 - Duty of Candour
In these episodes we still see Nikki and Jack dealing with the consequences of Awakening and also get an insight into how they respectively try to cope with what happened.
S22E05/06 - To Brighton, to Brighton
There are some terribly cute moments between Nikki and Jack in here and also some conversations that go a little deeper and show how they can communicate without needing too many words. It also shows it subtle ways how they care about each other.
S22E09/10 - Betrayal
This one is very Nikki-centric but it also shows how Jack cares about her and how the Lyell team sticks together.
S23E09/10 - The Greater Good
Again a series finale that's heavy on the angst, but very well done. We see Jack in danger and Nikki worrying about him and gosh I love them.
S24, 25 & what we have so far of S26
Honestly from S24 onwards I can recommend you watch pretty much every episode because they really feed us there!
These are just what I consider significant Jakki episodes and I can really recommend you watch them all because SW is just an amazing show, but I hope my little list helps you get into them a bit!☺
Happy watching and thank you for your message!❤
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cutaepatootie · 6 years ago
Cold Iced Americano - 01
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Pairing: Yoongi | Reader Genre: underground rapper yoongi | enemies to lovers au | fluff | angst | future smut ofc *wink wink* Word Count: 12k
→ 01 | 02 | 03 | 04
Warnings: too many sarcasm, as always.
A/N: Happy Birthday to the boy who makes my heart shake. Talented, kind, big-hearted, that is our Yoongo <3 This is a story I’ve been writing for quite some time, but what better time to post it than on Yoongi’s day? It will have four parts, each one of them portraits a different year of university and a different stage of the relationship between Yoongi and the reader. Enjoy!
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It is lazy Sunday mornings like this, when you remember him the most.
Clouds covering the sky and casting grey shadows all over the still awakening city. The rain hitting rhythmically the glass of the small window of your room, just like his fingers hit the keys of his beloved piano. And, outside the little world that is your room, you can hear the relaxing sounds of birds and the angry horns of cars, such a contrast between heaven and hell, just like his cold iced americano in the middle of December. Just like him.
Tangled in your white sheets, you think of him every lazy Sunday morning like this.
You think of him while the strong scent of freshly made coffee fills your nostrils, while you stretch in bed trying to awaken your limbs, while you open your eyes getting rid of your blurry vision.
You think of him as an old rap song starts playing on the radio, the sounds of the beats blending in with the sound of the rain hitting the window, the happy birds and the angry horns of the cars outside your small room.
And just like every other lazy Sunday morning like this, while you remember him, you think of all the things that brought you together and that tore you apart.
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You guess everything started on your first day of university.
As you ran – nearly half an hour late you must admit – to your first class, you wondered how could you have ended up like that despite all the planning you had been doing the previous week.
You blamed it all to the torn map in your hands. The paper was so damaged that you could barely distinguish the different buildings from the green areas that were the gardens of your campus.
“Shit,” you murmured under your breath, taking a sharp turn to the left just as you were about to enter the Physics building instead of the History one – the one you had been looking for the past fifteen minutes.
But the torn map wasn’t the only responsible of your delay.
The old alarm clock you had brought with you to your dorm decided to stop functioning that same night at 3 AM, so it didn’t ring at 7 AM as it was supposed to do. Your first class didn’t start until 9 AM, but you wanted to take a walk around the campus first so you could get familiar with the place and, luckily, pick a good seat at your first class. All those plans went o out of the window the moment you opened your eyes at 8:30 AM.
After a ton of “shits” and “fucks” you woke up from bed and went to your wardrobe so you could pick a decent outfit for the day. To your surprise, the wardrobe was completely empty. And as you murmured another round of “shits” and “fucks” through clenched teeth you remembered that you had been so tired the previous day that you had decided to go straight to bed instead of organizing your new room.
The idea of the nice outfit and makeup went out of the window with the rest of your plans as you chose the first hoodie and pair of jeans you found in your suitcase.
But, of course, that wasn’t the end of your misfortune that September morning. That was just the beginning.
While you were stepping into your shower and your feet touched the freezing water, you remembered you hadn’t turned the water heater on the previous night either, so the water of the shower was as cold as the iceberg that sunk the Titanic. After ten long minutes under freezing water, you finally dried and dressed yourself, not even bothering in washing your hair.
“I still have fifteen minutes to eat some breakfast and still be on time for my first class” you thought as you grabbed your backpack and closed the door to your dorm, sighing, because everything that could have gone wrong that morning had already happened, so, what else could go wrong? Nothing, right?
Well, it turns out you were wrong.
“He dumped me!” the girl at the other side of the counter said, sniffling as she waved her arms dramatically in the air.
“What a bastard!” the other girl exclaimed, pouring some coffee in a small cup.
“Can you believe it? Him? Dumping me? It should have been the other way around, he is such an asshole. I don’t even know why I was with him in the first place!” the first girl continues her monologue in between angry and sad tears – and you say angry and sad at the same time because you couldn’t quite decipher if the girl was sad or angry.
You cleared your throat, indicating you were there.
“Oh! Excuse me sweetie! What do you want?” the girl said, wiping her tears away as she looked at you.
Fuck those fifteen minutes and fuck being on time for your first class.
Of course, you had to miss the bus that would take you to the campus - which was only a fifteen-minute walk from your dorm, but those precious fifteen minutes had been snatched from your hands by the barista who had been dumped by her boyfriend, breaking their two-year relationship.
While you waited for the next bus, you opened your backpack, trying to find the map of the campus that you had put in there. It was only when you emptied the whole backpack, that you found the map. It was there, lying in the depths of your old, black backpack, torn from the weight of the notebooks and laptop that had been lying on top of it.
You tried not to cry – and not to punch someone in the face at the same time – as you stepped on the next bus.
And that’s why you were entering the History building at 9:35 AM on your first day of university, because of the broken alarm clock, the empty wardrobe, the cold shower, the crying barista, the missed bus and the torn map. Such a long list of coincidences that led you to that exact same moment in which you bumped with a hard, unknown object, in the empty corridors of the History building.
“Ouch!” you exclaimed as you felt a cold liquid splashing on your hoodie.
At the sound of the deep voice, you lifted your eyes from your stained hoodie to find that the hard, unknown object was, in fact, a boy.  
“Oh, I’m sorry!” you said, your eyes widening as you saw that the boy’s t-shirt was definitely more damaged by the collision than your hoodie.
The boy looked at you with angry, dark eyes, as he held his empty cup of Starbucks, the iced americano that had been in it now splattered all over his Stranger Things t-shirt.
“Shit…” the boy repeated, averting his eyes from you and examining his stained t-shirt.
“I’m so sorry,” you said as you quickly searched for a pack of tissues in your backpack.
Once you grabbed the pack of tissues, you handed the boy one tissue with trembling hands.
“I’m truly sorry…” you kept saying, anxiously looking at the boy, who looked angrier by each passing second.
Eventually, he stopped trying to clean his t-shirt with your tissues and lifted his eyes to you.
You went to hand him another tissue, but he refused, signalling you to stop with his empty hand.
“Leave it,” he sighed. “It’s useless.”
“I’m so sorry, really…” you repeated. “I can give you money for another coffee, or money for another t-shirt… Or for both!”
You started searching for your small wallet in your backpack.
“No,” the boy said, shaking his head, trying to calm his temper.
“No, no. Here, take it, you’ll have enough for both things,” you said, handing him some money.
He refused but you didn’t give up and kept offering the money to him.
“Stop! I told you I don’t want your stupid money or your stupid tissues!” he said, raising his voice and making your eyes snap up to him.
You observed him properly for the first time since you had bumped into him.
He was small, barely taller than you by a few inches, and despite that, he made you feel as if you were Frodo Baggins next to him. His sharp, dark eyes piercing into you with a glaring fury, his presence, imposing.
“You should fucking look where you’re going, instead,” he spat, making you frown.
“I could say the same to you,” your voice turned serious, all softness disappearing from it. “Two doesn’t bump if one of them is looking where they’re going.”
The boy scoffed, and you scoffed back, holding his gaze while he tried to intimidate you. You had tried to be nice to him and apologise for bumping into him – which had been an accident, not a murder as he was making it out to be – but your morning was already being shit, and the last thing you needed was for a rude asshole to ruin it even more, so you didn’t budge.
“Fucking great, my morning’s going fucking great!” he cursed, finally looking away from you, pulling from his t-shirt angrily and then, letting go from the damp material.
You put the pack of tissues and your wallet back into your backpack and adjusted it on your back.
“Here,” you forcefully shoved the money on his hands. “Buy some manners along with a new t-shirt and a coffee.”
And with that, you averted your eyes from the boy and strolled past him and down the corridor towards your History of Art class, cursing under your breath.
. . .
It turns out you weren’t the only whose alarm clock had decided to stop functioning that day.
You were sitting on the last row at the back of the lecture hall, picking your laptop from your backpack, when a girl entered the lecture hall from the back door – just the same way you had done it just five minutes before.
“What have I missed?” she asked as she breathlessly plopped down on the seat next to yours.
“Uh… Sorry, but I’ve arrived late too, and I have no idea what the professor’s talking about,” you whispered, smiling softly.
She looked at you for a moment, as if she was examining you thoroughly.
“You arrived late on your first day of college?” she asked finally, narrowing her eyes. The smile disappeared from your face and you were about to ask her who was she to ask you something like that, when she spoke again. “I thought I was going to be the only one, phew… We need to be best friends.”
And that’s how you met Max, a whirlwind of laughs, screams and life. She made you feel as if you could be yourself without being judged, with your stupid comments and silly laughs, and you both connected immediately.
Of course, it wouldn’t be the last day one of you arrived nearly an hour late to class.
From that day on, you became inseparables.
If you arrived late to class, Max arrived late with you. If you needed some books from the library to do some research for your Romanticism essay, Max helped you find them. If you felt like grabbing some coffee before class, Max grabbed some coffee with you. If you wanted to go to the cinema and watch the last Marvel movie, Max went with you. If you didn’t feel like going to class that day, Max skipped class with you. If you wanted to buy a new pair of Vans, Max bought another pair of Vans with you. If you wanted to go the bathroom, Max went with you.
And precisely, going to the bathroom is how you met the third member of your crazy, but lovely, group of friends.
“I hate her so fucking much,” you said, opening the tap and washing your hands with the horrible university soap that smells like bathroom floor with pee all over it.
“Ugh,” Max said, rolling her eyes and not even thinking about washing her hands with that disgusting soap. “Leaving that bitch aside… How can you wash your hands with that shit? I would rather stick them into a toilet.”
You lifted your hands and brought them to your nose, so you could smell them. When the scent of the chip soap filled your nostrils, you scrunched up your face in disgust. “I don’t even know, but the thought of all those bacteria running through my hands makes me sick.”
“Well, I’m sure there’s plenty more bacteria on your hands after washing them with that soap,” Max said, throwing you a roll of toilet paper for you to dry your hands with it.
“Ew! Please, don’t mention the soap anymore!” you said as you struggled to grab the roll of toilet paper in the air as Max threw it to you.
“Okay, what I’m gonna mention is Mrs. I-Kang-Fucking-Know-Everything,” Max scoffed as she mentioned Kang Seulgi, the known-it-all from your class.
“And don’t forget to mention how we have an exam next week because of her,” you said, smiling sarcastically.
“Ugh!” Max screamed, dramatically clasping her hands over her face. “I can’t stand her. She’s always so perfect and arrogant. She sits with her back straight, I mean, who the fuck sits with their back straight?”
“Someone who doesn’t want to get scoliosis,” a voice said as a girl emerged from one of the closed stalls of the bathroom.
You and Max both fell silent as you observed Kang Seulgi herself walking towards the sinks, her bangs perfectly falling over her forehead as always, her hair shiny and so straight.
“Fuck,” you heard Max murmur under her breath.
You stood there, not knowing what to do or say as you observed Kang Seulgi washing her hands, the roll of toilet paper still in your hands.
“Can you pass me the toilet paper?” Kang Seulgi asked once she finished washing her hands.
“I… I…” you stuttered. “I… Of course,” you ended up saying, handing her the roll of toilet paper delicately.
Kang Seulgi grabbed it from your hands in a harsh movement and dried her hands.
The lump in your throat was becoming uncomfortable, and the tension in the bathroom was going to make all the mirrors and fucking sinks explode. You could still feel embarrassment all over your body and heat on your cheeks, and just the thought of Kang Seulgi walking out of the bathroom knowing that she was important enough to piss two other girls off, was unbearable to you. That arrogant bitch wasn’t going to sleep that night knowing she had two more enemies in her long black list.
“Kang Seulgi,” you called her as she was about to exit the bathroom. “I fucking hate you and your arrogance, and because of your know-it-all attitude we all have an exam next week.”
When those words left you, your felt two things: the first one was the need to pee because you were really nervous – you had never faced someone like that before. And the other was relief, because you had nothing to hide anymore and you could be clear to her from then on.
“I’m just saying that, in case you go around there thinking or saying that we speak behind your back,” you continued, not knowing how to interpret the look on Kang Seulgi’s face. “Well, we don’t, I just told you what we both think. I hope you don’t take that as an insult and more as constructive criticism instead.”
Kang Seulgi stood there, in the threshold of the bathroom door, a perplexed look on her face. Max was just as perplexed as Kang Seulgi was, and she couldn’t stop looking at you with her eyes and mouth wide open.
“I…” Kang Seulgi stuttered.
Suddenly, her bitchy known-it-all attitude was down and there was just a pretty girl left on its place.
You flinched when you saw the girl starting to walk towards you in a fast pace. You closed your eyes and clenched your teeth as you waited for the harsh slap to arrive. But it never did.
Instead of slapping you, Kang Seulgi hugged you and laughed.
You blinked a few times, looking at Max, who was observing it all as if she was in some sort of out-of-body experience.
“Thank you,” Kang Seulgi sighed as she broke the hug.
You stood still like a statue as the girl took a step back and smiled at you with a hand on her chest.
“T… Thank you for w-what?” you stuttered, blinking a few times.
“Thank you for saying what everyone thinks but never tells me,” she said.
You frowned. You had just said you hated her, that she was arrogant, and a bitch and she was… She was thanking you? It had to be the fucking university soap that smelled like bathroom floor with pee all over it. You had smelled it and you were now hallucinating.
“I’m so done with all those fake friends telling me how funny and clever I am. I know I’m fucking funny and clever, I don’t need a reminder of it,” Kang Seulgi kept saying. “I’m arrogant, and I’m a know-it-all because I know it all and I take pride in it and I take pride in fucking other people up because of that.”
You blinked a few times. You were never going to wash your hands with that fucking soap ever again, let alone smell it.
“That’s what I need a reminder of, because I sometimes forget how much I can fuck people up with my words and actions. Like this morning, for example, when I told Mr. Kwon how you all plotted against him and his subject yesterday through the group chat.”
And that’s how you met Seulgi, an arrogant bitch and a know-it-all, but also, the funniest and kindest girl you had ever met. That kind girl was just hidden beneath layers of arrogance and beauty – and designer clothes – that Max and you slowly took off – you’re obviously talking about the layers of arrogance and beauty here, not about her clothes. You fell in love with her ability to brighten up your mood even in the cloudiest days, and with the way she always told you the truth, even when it hurt.
You guess everything started on your first day of university because, if your old alarm clock hadn’t stopped functioning, if you had tidied up your dorm the day before, if that barista hadn’t broken up with her boyfriend, it you hadn’t missed the bus, if you hadn’t arrived late to your first day of class and bumped into that asshole, you wouldn’t have met Max, and you wouldn’t have met Seulgi, your main source of support through your university years.
. . .
In the blink of an eye, it suddenly was February and your first final exams were over.
With Seulgi’s help – because she still was a know-it-all and the most intelligent girl you knew – you passed all your exams. You struggled a bit with Mr. Kwon’s subject because that first exam fucked you up so badly, but you still passed.
“No…” Seulgi sighed for the tenth time as she tried to explain something to Max. “It wasn’t in 1491, Michelangelo finished the Sistine Chapel in 1481.”
“So what?” Max pouted. “Why do I need to know the date of the year in which Michelangelo finished the Sistine Chapel?”
“Why the fuck are you studying History then?” Seulgi asked.
“Because she didn’t know what career she wanted to study, so she flipped a coin to decide which career she would study, and History was the chosen one,” you said in a bored tone as you scrolled through your Twitter timeline. Max had already told you the story of how she chose History as her career a thousand times, so you knew it even better than your own.
“Not all of us are passionate about History, okay?” Max said. “Respect that.”
You shook your head as Max and Seulgi kept arguing about Michelangelo and his divine Sistine Chapel, an incredible work of art.
“Speaking of works of art…” Seulgi said in her usual devilish tone that made your eyes snap up from your phone and look at whatever – or whoever – had caught her attention.
You followed her eyes until you found a small group of boys walking through the doors of the library and towards an empty table not far from yours.
You rolled your eyes as you recognised the boys.
“Seulgi… You have no solution,” you sighed, focusing on your phone once more and laughing at the video of a dog barking as if it was Beyoncé. “Look at this dog.”
Max leaned towards you and grabbed the headphone you were handing out to her so she could watch the video that was playing on your phone and she laughed lowly at it, the both of you ignoring Seulgi and whatever she was saying.
“Never mind,” you both heard her say before watching her standing up and starting to walk towards the table in which the boys were sitting at.
“Seulgi!” you whispered as you eyed the librarian from the corner of your eye – you didn’t want her scolding you once again and kicking you out of the library.
But Seulgi was way too occupied with her new mission to pay attention to your hushed calls of her name.
“Oh God…” Max whispered, letting her head fall onto her hands.
You shook your head as you observed your friend placing both of her hands loudly on top of the table, startling the boy who was her target: Park Jimin.
She had been crushing on the boy ever since the first day she had seen him at campus. “Look how handsome Park Jimin is.” “Look how nice he dresses.” “Look how good his hair looks today.” “Look how hot he is.” “I can’t help but think of dirty things as I look at those plump lips.” Park Jimin this, Park Jimin that…
And, even though Seulgi had told you it was nothing but sexual tension what she felt for him, you knew it was a little bit further from that. You could see it the first time she approached him at the cafeteria and returned to your table with sparkling eyes. You could see it every time she spoke to him or every time you walked past him in the corridors.
Kang Seulgi, the cold and heartless queen who wasn’t looking for a relationship, only no-strings-attached flings, was catching feelings for Park Jimin, the sweet – yet hot – boy every girl drooled over at campus.
Him and his group of friends weren’t exactly the typical group of boys who spent their university days drinking at random parties and hooking up with every girl on campus. They were more on the laid-back, chill group of cool and handsome guys side, the ones who ignored drama and gossip. But still, you could see through that chill façade that made all the girls crazy for them, and the further away you were from them, the better.
You kept observing your friend. She grabbed a strand of hair that had fallen from her messy ponytail and started playing with it, twisting and untwisting it around her finger as she giggled and spoke with Park Jimin.
After what seemed like an eternity, Seulgi walked back to your table and sat on her previous seat with a smirk on her face.
“Girls, we have plans for this Friday night,” she said, winking at Max and you.
. . .
“It isn’t fair,” you protested, stepping out of the taxi while glaring at Seulgi, who was impatiently waiting for Max and you to get out of the taxi.
“Oh, c’mon…” Seulgi said, rolling her eyes. “As If you had anything better to do.”
“Yeah!” you protested. “I had something better to do!”
“What?” Seulgi asked, daring you with her feline eyes.
You narrowed your eyes at her. “Watch the new episode of Criminal Minds, duh.”
Seulgi rolled her eyes and grabbed your wrists, dragging you towards the bar, pub, club… Whatever it was.
“What’s this place?” you asked, looking at the neon lights that hung above the front door with judging eyes.
“A bar.”
“Hey! Thanks for waiting…” Max said sarcastically, running to catch you both up.
“Sorry, I was so excited to enter the pub that I couldn’t even wait you,” you said, with equally as much sarcasm as your friend.
“It’s not a pub, it’s a bar!” Seulgi protested.
“It’s leviosa, no leviosá,” Max joked, teasing Seulgi as you both laughed.
Finally, you entered the bar – which looked like a pub and not like a bar, to be honest.
The first thing you could see was a neon sign that said Verse – just like the one above the front door outside- hanging from the wall. A security guard asked for your ID cards before you walked through two thick velvet curtains.
Immediately, Hip-Hop music filled your ears along with the voices of the people that were sitting at the different tables of the bar. The lights were dim, and it smelled like beer and smoke.
From the walls hung all sort of Hip-Hop posters. Pictures of Jay-Z, Kanye West, Nas, Dr.Dre, Eminem… filled the glass shelves behind bar counter. The bartenders mixed drinks and poured beer on big glasses. People spoke animatedly while sipping on their drinks and sitting at the black leather couches spread all over the bar.
In the middle of the room, a round scenario was empty, only a stool and a microphone on it.
“Hey!” you heard a soft voice say amongst the noise of the bar.
The three of you turned your heads to find Park Jimin waving at you. He was smiling, his eyes forming two small slits as he held a big glass of beer with his vacant hand.
Seulgi glared at you both as you started approaching the group of boys.
“Don’t say anything I wouldn’t say,” she said to Max and you through clenched teeth, smiling at Park Jimin as if she hadn’t just threatened her two best friends.
You looked at Max and smiled devilishly just to tease Seulgi.
“Sure,” you shrugged.
“Trust us,” Max said, winking at you.
Throwing a last glare towards you, Seulgi greeted Jimin with a hug, they boy’s hands lingering on her waist more than they should have.
You glared at the boy, warning him with your eyes. But either he ignored your silent threat or he was to stupid to get it.
“These are my friends,” Seulgi introduced you to Jimin, though she had already introduced you to him a couple of times. “Max and Y/N.”
“Hi,” you and Max politely greeted him, too politely for Seulgi’s liking.
You were plotting something behind her back, she was sure of it.
“Hey, nice to meet you,” he said, sending you one of his bright smiles. “Lemme introduce you to my friends.”
You followed him to a small table surrounded by two black leather couches. The table was full of empty glasses of beer and some jars.
“Hey guys!” Jimin announced. “These are Seulgi and her friends, Max and Y/N.”
The three of you smiled awkwardly as Jimin introduced you to Seokjin, Hoseok and Namjoon, the last one sending you a dimpled smile that nearly sent you flying against one of the leather couches. You hadn’t seen them around campus. But he then introduced you to Taehyung and Jungkook, the ones you always saw with the shorter boy.
Seulgi quickly sat with Jimin on a more secluded couch, and Max, being the social butterfly she was, started playing Clash of Clans with Taehyung, Hoseok and Jungkook, leaving you alone on a couch, taking small sips from your drink as you glanced at the dimpled boy out of the corner of your eye.
“Hey,” he greeted you once the other boy, the one named Seokjin, disappeared with a girl. “Y/N, right?”
“Yeah, and you were… Namjoon?”
“That’s my name,” he said, sending you another one of those smiles. “So, you know Jimin?”
“Not really” you said, shrugging.
Seeing the doubt in the boy’s eyes, you went to explain yourself.
“We go to the same university as Jimin. Seulgi and him have spoken a few times,” you quickly explained, not wanting to get into much detail about it.
“Oh,” Namjoon nodded, taking a sip from his beer. “And what are you studying?”
“History of Art.”
“Whoa, cool.”
“Yeah,” you smiled.
“I’ve always loved art, and history too, so the two of them combined… It must be so cool to study that.”
“It is,” you nodded.
Why couldn’t you articulate more that two words each time the handsome boy spoke to you?
“I will ask you to go with me to a museum one of this days and give me a tour.”
“Okay,” you agreed. “But it won’t be free.”
Namjoon arched a brow and you averted your eyes from him shyly. Was he flirting with you? Were you really flirting back with him? Whoa.
“I’ll invite you to have dinner afterwards then,” he said in a playful tone.
“Sounds good as long as there is good food involved,” you answered, still not being able to look him in the eye, afraid he would see your reddened cheeks.
A man stepped into the empty stage suddenly and started checking the mic, making Namjoon and you turn your heads towards the stage and stop flirting with each other.
“Hey, hello… Can you hear me?” the man said.
“Yeah!” the crowd cheered.
“Okay!” the young man said animatedly. “How are you feeling tonight!?”
The crowd screamed something that sounded like “great!”.
“The week has finally ended and what a better way to start the weekend than with a free mic night!” the man screamed through the mic.
“Who’s ready for tonight?!”
The crowd kept cheering as the man introduced the names of the participants of the rap battle. You had never been in a place like that, and you were enjoying its cheerful and chill atmosphere.
You rested your back on the back of the couch, clapping when the crowd did and cheering when the crowd did.
“Okay, okay,” the man said. “Our first participant of the night is the King of tongue technology himself. We’ve had the pleasure of hearing him before and we can’t wait to hear him again tonight! Suga, ladies and gentlemen!”
The crowd clapped and cheered like crazy, and you followed them, clapping as you observed a small, dark-haired boy stepping into the stage
“What’s this?” you asked Namjoon, raising your voice a bit above all the noise. “Some sort of competition?”
“No, it’s a free mic night,” he said. “Whoever wants, can step into the stage and rap. You can sing too, but since this is a Hip-Hop bar I don’t think you would be very welcomed…”
“I wasn’t planning on stepping into the stage and singing, but thanks,” you laughed softly.
The boy who was climbing on the stage, was wearing a black hat on top of his head. It was one of those hats old people use when they go fishing, and you were sure you would have hated it had it not been for the style with which the boy was wearing it. Style? Swag? What was the word? The hat and his black fringe blocked the view of his eyes and nearly half of his face, as the lights casted shadows all over it. Still, you could glimpse his plump, rosy lips and his round features. His small frame was covered by baggy clothes that looked too big for him. A black hoodie and ripped jeans.
The crowd went silent as that boy named Suga cleared his throat.
The music started playing, a loud bass followed by the electronic sounds of a keyboard, and then, a voice. It filled the entire room and it made you swing your body to the rhythm unconsciously.
It was as if you had suddenly been bewitched and you couldn’t control your movements, only the voice could. It was deep, strong, powerful… It was hypnotizing.
You couldn’t keep your eyes off the boy, not even when you felt Namjoon leaning towards you.
“That’s Yoongi,” Namjoon whispered in your ear. “He’s another friend of us.”
You could only nod at his words, as you were still too mesmerized by the boy’s voice to be able to form any coherent words.
Each movement, each word… trapped you more and more until you found yourself sitting on an empty room. Namjoon had disappeared, the rest of the people had disappeared, the tables, the leather couches, the posters on the walls… Everything was black, dark, except for the bright lights that lit the stage in which the boy was pouring his soul onto every word.
You could hear his raspy voice on the highest notes. You could hear his anger, his emotion, his passion, and they were all so vivid you felt as if you could reach out and touch them.
The song came to an end too fast for your liking, and suddenly all lights were back, Namjoon was by your side again and everyone was on their seats, or standing up, clapping. The posters were back, the tables, the leather couches… But your eyes could only stare at the boy who was now putting back the mic on its tripod and waving at the crowd awkwardly.
You clapped, still in a daze. You were a huge lover of music, of Hip-Hop specifically, but you had never felt like that while listening to any song or anyone rapping.
“He’s good, isn’t he?” Namjoon said, looking at you with his eyebrows raised, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Yeah, he is…” you whispered, your cheeks turning red because you had been caught red handed.
The boy stepped out of the stage and greeted a couple of people on his way towards your table.
As he arrived, Namjoon stood up, just like the rest of the boys, to greet and congratulate him. You stood up too.
“That was amazing man!” Namjoon said, punching the other boy in the chest with one of those stupid greetings boys use.
The smaller boy returned the gesture, and you silently observed behind the shadows how he took off his hat… And all the magic disappeared.
You had seen that face before. It was way sweatier than when you had first seen it, but that permanent scowl on his features and that hunched figure… You would have recognised it anywhere.
Ever since that fatidic day you bumped into him and spilled his iced americano all over his Stranger Things t-shirt, you hadn’t seen him again, nor around campus, nor around anywhere. And really, you weren’t expecting to see him again – or wanting or hoping. Not at all.
You gritted your teeth as you contemplated him, wondering how someone who had just rapped like that, with so much emotion and passion, someone who was being hugged by friends and being congratulated, could still look so grumpy and annoyed.  
“Man, this is Y/N,” Namjoon said, pointing at you with his hand as you gave him a quick nod of the head as your greeting.
His dark, small eyes fell on you and you saw recognition washing over the pale boy’s features before they returned to their usual impassible-angry-annoyed self.
“Hmm,” he simply nodded, before turning around and facing his back to you, turning his attention to the other boys.
“Err…” Namjoon said awkwardly, seeing the blush on your cheeks – mistaking it as an embarrassment blush, when it was an angry one. “Forgive him, he’s still high from his performance.”
“Sure,” you shrugged, sitting back on your couch and taking a long sip from your beer.
. . .
You rolled your eyes again as you walked down the corridors of your History of Art building. Again. Because Seulgi was speaking about Jimin. Again.
Wasn’t there a topic that had nothing to do with Park Jimin and his friends? Apparently, no.
Sure, they were nice, and Namjoon looked like he was an interesting guy, but you would rather drown in bitter iced americano than see that Yoongi guy once again.
He was boring, unpleasant and rude, and you had to refuse the urge to spill another drink all over him as he stood all Friday night on his phone, rudely ignoring you and your friends.
“He’s just the sweetest,” Seulgi kept saying.
“He’s the sweetest because he knows he still doesn’t have you in the palm of his hand. Once he has you all over him, he won’t be that sweet, believe me,” you said in a low tone of voice, a bitterness hidden behind your words.
“Whoa, you’re moody today. Didn’t you sleep last night or what?” Seulgi asked, looking at you with wide eyes.
You shrugged. “I just don’t get it. They are normal guys, nothing out of the blue, why are you so obsessed with them?”
“I had fun with them,” Max added.
“Yeah, and they were nice to us, they even paid for our drinks.”
You rolled your eyes. Again.
“So, if a guy invites you to a few drinks he automatically wins your heart?” you said, looking at Seulgi.
“Hmm… Yeah? Not everyone invites you to a few drinks these days,” she said, arching a brow. “Why are you like this all of the sudden? I thought you liked Namjoon?”
“And I did, he was cool, but that doesn’t mean I want to marry him and bring his children to this world.”
Now, it was Max and Seulgi’s turn to roll their eyes.
“I guess you won’t be coming to my party on Thursday, then,” Seulgi said.
“Why would I miss your party?” you asked, frowning.
When had you missed one of your friend’s parties? It wasn’t that you loved partying, but you did love a good party at a good house.
“Because I’m inviting them all.”
“What? Why?” you dramatically cried. “Why would you do that?”
“Because it’s my party and I choose who I invite and who I don’t.”
“And you’re choosing those boys over me?”
“No,” Seulgi simply shrugged. “I’m just inviting you both.”
You crossed your arms over your chest. “That’s unfair, you’ll be paying attention to the boys and I’ll be left alone.”
“You can talk to Namjoon, I see future in there,” Max chimed in, winking an eye at you.
. . .
“I see future in there,” you mocked Max’s voice as you walked towards your next class, books clutched under your arms and your eyes fixed in the screen of your phone. “They’re choosing a bunch of boys over me, their best friend…”
You were grumbling under your breath like an old woman, but you just couldn’t believe that Seulgi was throwing a party and that she was willing to let you out of it because of Jimin and his friends. Fuck Park Jimin and fuck his stupid friends.
So absorbed in your own thoughts and checking your Instagram feed, which sucked a bit lately, you barely had enough time to sense a body approaching you with no intentions of dodging you.
The collision was unavoidable, and you clashed harshly against a body no bigger than yours.
As your books fell to the floor, you felt a cold liquid soaking your jumper.
“Ouch,” you said, looking at your books on the floor helplessly.
Lifting your eyes from the mess on the floor, you gasped as your eyes found those tiny, angry eyes that belonged to Min Yoongi.
“What’s wrong with you?” he spat, his empty cup of Starbucks in one hand as the other pulled from his white hoodie.
Who wears a white hoodie while drinking coffee anyways? It’s like he was asking for it, provoking the stains. Pff.
“With me? What’s wrong with you?! You get lost in the feeling each time you drink iced americano and don’t pay attention to where you’re walking or what?”
“Yeah, I do!” Yoongi said brusquely as he looked down at his ruined hoodie. “Fuck, I’m wearing this hoodie for the first time!”
“Well, what a pity,” you shrugged, crouching on the floor to collect your coffee stained books.
You could sense Yoongi’s glare from your crouched position on the floor. You opted for ignoring it and checking how damaged your books were.
“Aren’t you going to apologize or something?” he angrily asked as you stood up.
“No,” you simply said, shaking some coffee off one of the books.
Yoongi looked flabbergasted, and angry, really angry. If he was waiting for you to waste your time in apologizing to him like you had done the first time, he could sit and wait.
“Well, rude.”
“Aren’t you going to apologize or something?” you repeated, mocking his tone.
“We’re even, then,” you said, nodding, with the intention of running towards the toilets to clean your jumper – which you were also wearing for the first time, the dark stain on its front making you want to cry – but you would never admit that in front of Min Yoongi.
“We’re not even!” he said once you had started walking away.
Rolling your eyes, you stopped dead on your tracks and turned around to look at him.
The scene almost made you pee yourself on the spot.
There he was, powerful – yet small – Min Yoongi, piano teacher by day, underground rapper by night, standing in a pool of spilled iced americano, with an empty cup in one hand, a huge stain on his oversized white hoodie, and a scowl over his soft features. You had to keep a straight face and nod towards him.
“I’m not giving you any money again!” you said back. “You clashed against me just like I clashed against you!”
People looked at the two of you as they passed by your side, staring weirdly at Yoongi, and ever weirder at you.
“I hadn’t even started drinking my americano, and I need coffee to function during the day!” he answered.
You shrugged and faked a look of pity.
“So? Go buy yourself another one,” you said, starting to lose patience because you were going to arrive late to class.
Yoongi scoffed, as if he couldn’t believe what you had just said. “I would, but I only brought five bucks with me this morning and I spent them all in that coffee and a muffin.”
“Well, that’s what happens when you buy in Starbucks, you become poor.”
“I’m being serious. You spilled my coffee, for the second time. You owe me.”
“I gave you money last time I spilled your coffee, and you nearly spat on it.”
You didn’t know if it was Yoongi’s glares or the glares of the people that passed by and that winced every time you two screamed at each other from opposite sides of the corridor, but you ended up missing your Prehistorical Art class and going with Min Yoongi to Starbucks to buy him another iced americano.
“There you have it,” you angrily said, handing him his large iced americano – he couldn’t buy a small or a medium one, no, he had to buy a fucking cauldron of coffee.
He didn’t even thank you, as he grabbed the plastic cup from your hands and took a large sip, all while still glaring at you. You grabbed a straw and followed Yoongi towards one of the tables at the back of the cafeteria.
“Why are you following me?” Yoongi said, taking a seat on the nicer and softer armchair, leaving you to sit on the wooden, hard, and uncomfortable chair.
“Well, excuse me but because you so desperately needed your coffee, I had to skip class, and I’m not going to sit around doing nothing, so I’ll drink a warm chai tea latte, thanks.”
Yoongi grumbled something under his breath as he just stared blankly at the ice cubes floating around the dark liquid in his vase.
You observed him, the scent of your hot tea relaxing you. Maybe that was why you decided to start a conversation with Min Yoongi.
“Can I ask you a question?” you asked, taking off your coat and relaxing on your chair.
Yoongi lifted his eyes from his coffee and looked at you with questioning eyes. “It depends.”
“Can I or can I not?”
“Go ahead,” he ended sighing.
“Okay,” you cleared your throat, trying to add some intrigue to the situation. “Why the heck are you drinking iced coffee in the middle of February?”
It was brief, but you swore Min Yoongi was struggling to keep a straight face. However, he swallowed saliva and returned to his usual poker face.
“Because I want to.”
“Okay… Rude,” you mumbled, taking a long sip from your tea.
You winced when the liquid went down your throat. Fuck, Starbucks, is it necessary to serve your beverages boiling?
You both kept drinking your respective beverages, an awkward silence surrounding you both. Your eyes were focused on the table as you thought about how different you and Min Yoongi were from each other. You only had to look at your drinks to realise it.
While he was a cold, dark and strong iced americano, you were a warm, sweet and soft chai tea latte – or so you wanted to think.
The clearing of a throat brought you out of your comparisons.
“Err…” Yoongi awkwardly said. “So… You study at university?”
You looked at him with wide eyes. Was he really trying to start a conversation…? With you? Was he drinking coffee or pure whiskey?
“No, I just enjoy walking around campus and spilling people’s beverages all over their clothes,” you answered sarcastically.
Yoongi scoffed and leaned his back on the armchair he was sitting on, clearly putting distance between you both.
“Gosh, I was just joking,” you said, laughing softly. “Don’t you have a sense of humour, Min Yoongi?”
“I do have sense of humour, I just choose whom I show it to, and whom I don’t.”
You rolled your eyes dramatically.
“Okay, since you clearly don’t want to show it to me, I’ll answer your question like a boring person would. I study at university, yes.”
“Hmm,” he hummed, taking a sip from his iced americano.
“And you?” you asked, already knowing the question, since Namjoon told you about Yoongi on Friday night.
“No, I’m too old for university.”
“I have to agree with you in that.”
Yoongi glared at you, but you simply sent him one of your best smiles.
“I was joking, again, I tend to joke a lot, but I always forget you don’t,” you added. “It’s never too late to study or do anything you really want to do.”
“And what are you studying?” he asked, clearly trying to change the topic.
“History of Art,” you answered, swirling your straw around the paper cup.
“Ah, cool,” is the only thing he said before silence surrounded you once again.
Not being able to bear awkward silences, you said the first thing that came to your mind and kept talking about your life as if Min Yoongi was an old friend and you were just catching up.
“But, if I’m being honest, that’s what my mother wanted me to study since she’s a history teacher,” you said, your gaze lost in the magical beige colour of your chai tea latte. “I always wanted to be a writer and publish my own series of books… Like J.K. Rowling or maybe George R. R. Martin. Just something amongst the lines of fantasy. You know, create my own world, somewhere I could immerse myself into, evade from reality in it and let people do the same. Then create its characters, their stories, maybe invent some language for them and just show it all to the world”
“That’s ambitious,” Yoongi said, looking at you intently.
His eyes were piercing into yours with so much force you were starting to think he wasn’t that cold and uninterested boy any more. You noticed they weren’t as dark or small as they seemed, and that they had a lively shine you had never seen before, but that he used to keep bottled up in the depths of his poker face.
“But impossible, too,” he added, averting his eyes from yours and returning to his I-don’t-give-a-flying-fuck persona.
“Well, thanks,” you sarcastically said, his words somehow reminding you of your mother’s.
“You’re welcome. It’s the truth,” he simply said. “In five years, you’ll thank your mother for making you study a degree.”
He quickly finished his iced americano, making some uncomfortable and loud noises with his straw. Leaving the empty cup on the table, he stood up from his seat.
“Well…” he said. “Enjoy the rest of your tea.”
And just like that, Min Yoongi left the cafeteria after practically inviting himself, leaving you with a wallet four bucks emptier, a nearly cold chai tea latte and a stain of iced americano on your new jumper. Oh, and a crushed dream.
. . .
You usually enjoyed Seulgi’s parties the most. They weren’t too crowded, nor were they too loud. Seulgi’s apartment wasn’t too big, but it was far better than your single room at the dorms of Max parents’ house.
Instead of getting pissed drunk, people focused more on meeting new people, talking and playing nerdy board games – which, you must admit, you were a huge fan of. There was always pizza and mojitos involved, and soft music played on the background.
But that night, you weren’t specially enjoying yourself.
Sitting on the couch and taking small bites from your four-cheese slice of pizza, you couldn’t keep your eyes off the group of seven boys standing around Seulgi’s kitchen island. As you glared at them, a bitter feeling filled your whole body.
There they were, your two best friends, who had denied you when you had asked them to play Twister with you, ignoring you as they laughed at whatever story Hoseok was telling them. They had obviously chosen boys over their best friend, and that was against the world’s rules.
The thoughts swirling around your mind kept making you more and more bitter, to the point where it looked like you could stand from the couch at any moment, grab a knife and stab each one of them.
But then, your eyes landed on a dark figure slumped on the kitchen counter, apart from the rest of the group. A beer in hand, a black hat darkening his features and another one of his oversized hoodies, Min Yoongi observed the group in front of him with an equal bitter expression.
Scoffing you finished your slice of pizza and stood up to grab another one.
“Y/N!” You heard your name being called just when you were stealing a piece of bacon from another pizza and stuffing it in your mouth, your free hand holding the other two new slices of pizza you had grabbed.
Without moving from your position, you turned to look at the place where the sound of your name had come from.
You found Seulgi waving at you, smile wide as ever.
“Hehe,” you faked a laugh when a girl that was grabbing a slice of pizza looked at you weirdly. “Just grabbing some slices for my friends.”
The girl raised her brows and then, turned her attention to the pizzas. Awkwardly, you took advantage of the situation and walked towards the group of people formed by your two friends and the other seven boys – all of them looking at you.
As you arrived to their group, you placed both slices on a napkin and continued to munch on them.
“Hey,” you greeted them with a nod of your head, smiling softly when you looked at Namjoon.
While the rest of them greeted you back, Seulgi grabbed you by the arm – acting as if she was just giving you a friendly hug – and pulled you towards her.
“What are you doing?” She asked you through clenched teeth, while smiling to the rest.
“Eating pizza,” you answered, knowing fully well that wasn’t what she was asking you. “You want some?”
You shoved the pizza in Seulgi’s face and she quickly slapped your hand – and the slice of pizza – away.
“I don’t want your fucking pizza,” she growled, pulling you even closer to her. “All I want is for my best friend to act like one.”
“Oh, sorry,” you feigned concern. “Am I being a bad friend for not kissing the floor these guys walk on like the rest of you are doing?”
“Yeah,” she said, ignoring your sarcasm. “Why can’t you act around them the same way you act around us. You look like a cold stuck up bitch, when you’re far from that.”
“And why would I want to act cool in front of these guys? I owe them nothing.”
“But you owe me, your friend.”
You sighed and looked at her, who was looking back at you with puppy eyes.
“Fine,” you ended up giving in. “But just because you’ve invited me to that sushi place I like so much… Next Saturday. Yeah, I think I’m free then.”
“What? I haven’t invited you to any… Oh, oh!” Seulgi glared at you when she realised what you had just done. “I hate you.”
“And I hate your boyfriend’s friends,” you shrugged.
“He’s not my boyfr - “ she said, raising her voice and turning everyone’s attention to you. “I’ll call the restaurant tomorrow and book a table for two.”
“Nice!” You clapped, already thinking about those delicious avocado maki.
“Book a table just for two? And what about me!” Max protested, she had clearly overheard your conversation.
“You can FaceTime us, that restaurant is expensive as hell and I’m not inviting anyone else.”
Max kept protesting, but eventually, they stopped paying attention to you and you were finally left alone with your two slices of pizza. Caressing the delicious melted cheese with your fingertips, you let yourself salivate at the sight of the food in front of you.
“Hey,” you heard a voice saying, making you lift your gaze from your beloved pizza.
As you looked upwards and found Namjoon’s eyes staring into yours, you saw a dark shadow moving behind the taller boy. You almost laughed at the thought of Min Yoongi always looking like a dark shadow luring around, but you kept a straight face and observed how Min Yoongi’s features hardened as he stopped to look at the two of you, then he gave a sharp turn and walked away from you.
Was it possible that he had tried to approach you and talk to you?
Nah, he had probably been mad that you were blocking his way. That’s all.
“Hey,” you smiled back at Namjoon.
“I didn’t even know you were here.”
“Yeah, I was just eating pizza over there,” you said, pointing towards the couch where you had previously been sitting on.
Namjoon laughed softly and nodded his head towards your slice of pizza. “I see,” he said.
“It’s the best thing about Seulgi’s parties, you want some?” You asked, offering him your other untouched slice of pizza.
“Yeah, sure,” he said, accepting the slice you were offering him and devouring it in just a couple of minutes.
A silence filled the space between the two of you as you ate your pizzas. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence or an awkward one, it was a friendly one and you felt comfortable in it.
“Anyways,” Namjoon said, breaking the silence. “How’s your week been?”
“Boring,” you shrugged. “The only day I did something other than going to class or the library was on Monday.”
You paused when you remembered what had happened on Monday, and why you had broken your routine and went out for one of your beloved chai tea lattes.
“Oh my God,” you said, laughing as you remembered the incident with the iced americano and Min Yoongi. “I spilled Yoongi’s coffee all over his hoodie once again, and he made me go to Starbucks and buy him another one.”
“Wait, what?” Namjoon said, confusedly looking at you. “You spilled Yoongi’s americano all over him?”
Namjoon burst out laughing and you soon followed him.
“He must have gotten mad like hell!”
“He did,” you said in between laughs. “But the other time was worst, to be honest.”
“What other time?”
You frowned. “On the first day of uni, I was running late and I bumped into him and spilled his coffee all over his t-shirt. He was an asshole, basically.”
Namjoon laughed even harder.
“You didn’t know?”
“No, he didn’t tell us anything.”
“Oh,” you murmured.
“Don’t think too much about it, Yoongi never tells us anything,” Namjoon said as he observed your confused expression. “But now it makes sense, why he treated you so coldly last Friday. He holds grudges over everything, but he doesn’t want to show it. He’s probably still bitter over it.”
“Well, he acts like a five-year-old kid, then.”
“He’s a nice guy, though, I just don’t know why he acts this way when other people are around. When it’s just the seven of us, he’s the coolest guy, really laid-back and funny.”
“Funny? Min Yoongi? Are you sure we’re both talking about the same person?”
Namjoon laughed at your words and you followed him.
“Wait until he gets comfortable around you, and you’ll see.”
You looked around the room and spotted Yoongi sitting on one of the couches, the same one you had been sitting on previously.
“That’s if he ever gets comfortable around me…” you thought to yourself.
It looked as if he felt out of place, his beer still on one hand as he looked around the room with bored eyes. For a moment, you felt your heart swell at the idea of the lonely boy.
As if sensing someone was staring at him, Yoongi turned his head towards you and his sharp eyes found yours, but you quickly averted your eyes from him, too shy to hold his gaze.
“And you? How was your week?” You asked Namjoon, ignoring that feeling in the back of your neck of being stared at.
. . .
You were biting your lip, doubtfully looking at Yoongi’s figure slumped on the couch.
You weren’t one to approach guys first, but something about Yoongi dragged you in, made you want to know him more, better, discover what was under all those layers of cold façade and indifference.
You had been chatting with Namjoon most of the evening, and you were having a great time, but you couldn’t help it, your eyes searched for a certain small boy every two minutes. You wanted to blame it all on the alcohol, but you hadn’t had any, unless four-cheese pizza had some vodka topping.
“I’m going to the bathroom,” Namjoon had announced after finishing your last round of The Wolves.
The rest of the people had stood from the small circle you had formed on the floor of the corridor and they dispersed, leaving just you and Namjoon. But now that Namjoon had also disappeared, you were left alone.
It was your last chance. The boy was alone, you were alone, and no one was paying attention to either of you. You would regret it later if you didn’t approach him, you knew it. But you would regret it even more if you approached the boy and he ran away…
“Stop being a coward, Y/N,” you scoffed to yourself.
Slowly standing up from the floor, you started thinking about the pros and cons about approaching Min Yoongi. Namjoon had told you he was actually cool and funny once you got to know him better, weren’t you also like that? People usually misjudged you and thought you were distant and cold, but once you started being comfortable around them, you started being yourself and they… Well, they eventually thought you were distant and cold, but also funny and nice. Plus, you had seen him trying to approach you in the kitchen when Namjoon greeted you, you were pretty sure you hadn’t made that up.
“Fuck it, he’s just a boy,” you encouraged yourself. “You’re just trying to be friendly with him… For Seulgi.”
And taking a deep breath, you walked towards Min Yoongi. You were tired of liking boys, and because of your shyness, insecurities and fear of being rejected, never approaching them to just regret it later when you were alone, in the dorms, eating pop-corn and watching old episodes of CSI Miami.
Hey, it’s not that you liked Min Yoongi… You just wanted to approach him.
“Hey,” you said, smiling at Yoongi as you took a seat by his side on the couch.
The boy lifted his eyes from the screen of his phone and looked at you. You saw a flash of surprise in his sharp eyes before they went to their usual uninterested self.
“By any means, you don’t happen to have an iced americano around here that I can spill all over your clothes, do you?” You joked.
Yoongi just stared at you with that same bored expression.
You frowned as his eyes went back to the screen of his phone. What was wrong with that boy?
“Relax, I was just kidding,” you said, trying to lighten the mood.
But the mood was as thick as those mirrors they use in interrogatory rooms. Those bulletproof and soundproof and everything-proof mirrors. You frowned, confused by the change in Yoongi’s behaviour. Sure, he wasn’t the funniest person you knew, but the other day at the café he had seemed… Nice.
“Don’t you wanna play The Wolves?” You asked, trying again.
“Does it look like I play that stupid game?” He answered brusquely, not even tearing his eyes away from his phone.
You felt something inside you deflate. Maybe it was your pride, maybe your illusions, maybe the fact that you had been brave enough to approach someone for once and you had been slapped across the face… Either way, fuck the mood and fuck Min Yoongi. You had tried to be friendly with him more than you had ever tried with anyone else, and each time, he had been rude to you. Fuck him.
“Oh, sorry,” you answered, your tone now bitter and harsh, just like his. “I forgot you’re an underground rapper, you’re too cool to play The Wolves,” you mocked him.
Yoongi finally looked at you, but his eyes were a bit aggressive as they stared at you. Your nostrils flared as you held his gaze.
“What do you want?” He spat.
“I just wanted to be friendly with you because Seulgi asked me to be friendly with Jimin’s friends, but I see it’s impossible to be friendly with someone like you,” you spat the word ‘you’.
“Phew,” he dramatically said. “You finally realised it.”
If looks could kill, Min Yoongi would have died that night, on Seulgi’s couch, under your cold glare.
“Well, if you insist on having coffee with me, it’s a bit difficult to realise anything.”
“I didn’t want to have coffee with you, I just wanted you to buy me another coffee, because you spilled the one I had bought for myself. It’s not my fault you misunderstood everything and followed me to my table.”
You went to answer something, the first thing that had come to your mind, but you bite your tongue. It wasn’t worth to waste any saliva on Min Yoongi. Your cheeks were crimson red, and your skin felt hot from humiliation and anger. While you were fuming, crumbling down, Min Yoongi looked so calm and composed. You guessed you had been wrong, he had nothing behind those layers because he was all those layers. He was distant, cold and rude.
“You’re right, I misunderstood you then, but I don’t tend to make the same mistakes twice,” you said, standing up from the couch as composed and relaxed as you could.
But your ego – which was a bit big, let’s be honest – had been damaged, and it was making your body tense and slow as you stood before him. Damn, that’s why you never approached guys first.
“Don’t misunderstand me now, Min Yoongi,” you spat, looking down at him from where you stood. “Go fuck yourself.”
And with that, you turned around and disappeared from the rapper’s sight.
. . .
That night at Seulgi’s apartment would just be the beginning of your stormy ‘relationship’ with Min Yoongi.
After that first Friday, and the meeting at Seulgi’s party, meetings at the bar became a routine for your group of friends and the other seven boys – unluckily for you and Yoongi. You would finish your classes after three, meet with Namjoon at the library to study for a while, and go to the bar where the rest of the boys, Max and Seulgi would be waiting.
At first, you weren’t too fond of that new routine, but one Friday passed, and then two, three, four… And suddenly, four months had passed, and summer holidays had begun.
You started liking Seokjin’s dad jokes, Hoseok’s loud screams of excitement, Namjoon’s random facts about life, Jimin’s clumsiness – and the love glances he threw Seulgi’s way – Taehyung’s weird but unique taste in clothing and Jungkook’s unending energy. And suddenly, you had started calling them ‘your friends’ and not ‘Park Jimin’s stupid group of friends’.
Of course, you couldn’t say the same about Min Yoongi.
He was still cold, rude and boring. He always looked bitter and uninterested, and every time you would say something out loud – whether it was something funny, anecdotic or random – he would scoff and avert his eyes hastily from you. You, of course, wouldn’t stay quiet and would sent some snarky remark his way, which would lead to an unceasing battle of snarky comments and rolls of eyes – to the point where the rest of the group was so used to it that they wouldn’t even try to stop you anymore and would continue minding their own business as you two argued.
That summer, you fled home to see your parents and spent all summer holidays there, bathing in the warmth of the sun and nature of your hometown.
The beginning of your second year was much different from the beginning of your first year.
The night before, you prepared everything so your alarm clock sounded at seven AM, your clothes were are neatly folded inside your wardrobe and ready for you to pick them, your shower ran properly – with warm water – and you had breakfast in a different cafeteria you had discovered with Namjoon the year before after a long morning in the library. Because of all that, you didn’t run towards your first class, and you didn’t storm into the History building like you had done the previous year.
That morning, you didn’t bump into a certain grumpy boy and you arrived early to class.
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wonofwoo · 6 years ago
i’m thinking about going to singapore next year, maybe in the summer? do u have any food/cafe/shopping etc recommendations? any general tips? i want a local perspective. thanks! :)
thanks for the opportunity, i’ve always wanted to do this lololol. here’s a compact insider’s guide to singapore (from my perspective).
warning: word vomit ahead
food — my palate’s very.... chinese / north asian so most of my recs will be around those flavours (also bc i’m not very good with recommending indian / malay cuisines but i’ve listed blogs below you can search from....)
hawker centres are a huge deal. among the many places, i’d rec:
maxwell food centre 1, 2 my favourites there are the Hainanese Curry Rice — the crispy pork chop is addictive, Popo & Nana’s because it’s not a common hawker cuisine and they’re really homely / hearty meals, Fu Shun for roast meats — my personal golden trio is always roast duck, char siew and sio bak (crispy pork belly)
hong lim food centre has a couple of stalls that have been awarded the michelin bib gourmand. if i could only rec 2 things to try, it’d be the tai wah minced pork noodles (mee kia noodles are the way to go ) and this stall called cantonese delights — i go wild and get the laksa yong tau foo + fried chicken because laksa is not adventurous enough ahaha
other hawker favourites: oyster omelette (it’s hard to find one that has the right amount of crisp without being too starchy, so i swear by this hawker, they’re in a accessible location but not the most central), hokkien mee, carrot cake, kway chap — u can get some of these at newtown food centre which is a very touristy place for local food, just be careful with seafood orders as you wouldn’t want a surprise trap :x
tips: both locations are very near many offices so i say walk around chinatown in the morning and go for a early lunch ~11.30am. because all are very awesome places, they may sell out on certain things by afternoon...
it’s also not uncommon to use ur belongings to “reserve” a table, esp during lunch hr. people either grab seats by putting tissue packets on the entire table or leaving cards on the seats — it’s normal to do that at a hawker centre.
zi char is a huge part of sg’s food culture, it’s called 煮炒 which lol, literally means cook / fry. but it’s basically a place where you order sharing dishes, each zi char place usually has a couple of signature dishes as their claim to fame. these are some of the most famous ones here: kok sen, tian wai tian (swear by their prawns + egg tofu in this chilli crab sauce like gravy), uncle leong (chilli crab!!!!!! they’re a good alternative to jumbo seafood and a little more merciful on the wallet).
tips: zi char places are usually open at night, and they get crowded through the weekends. try reserving a table if you can or you might need to wait for long. the other trick is to turn up early or a lot later than usual dinner time.
cafes — there are so many in singapore now, but here are some of my favourites 
the glasshouse my go-to for iced white + oat milk, their toasts are also pretty good!,
curious palette food’s ok but it’s their cold brew - white magic - mind-blowing!!!!!! also has the potential to keep you up till 4am lol),
nylon coffee remains one of the best coffees i’ve had, they don’t serve food,
oriole coffee cold brew is awesome, also has this signature called death by cream love it!!!,
old hen coffee i used to buy their white cold brew by 1/2 dozens per visit lol,
bundt by the backyard bakers fckin awesome cookies and coffee, i walked there every other day when i worked around the area. seating is really limited, it’s really more of a grab and go walk somemore place...,
ps cafe they’re well known for truffle fries and their sticky date pudding, a bit mainstream regular cafe food with some asian twists but my all-time fave is their club sandwich — literally who cares if they’re mainstream if they serve that.
honorary food mention: two men bagel house bc fck, best mutated versions of a bagel burger cross i’ve had.
given our hawker culture, cafes are not cheap at all but these are some of the places are worth a visit and are quite accessible. if you’re looking to do more research on food, you can try ieatishootipost (more old sch recs) and burpple (as chosen by young people).
shopping — is secondary lol, but you could see if your trip coincides with public garden, check out the national gallery, walk around chinatown / little india / haji lane / marina bay sands, visit gardens by the bay (they have a hawker area nearby called satay by the bay — and ofc, u then need to try satay which is grilled meat skewers with peanut sauce), visit don don donki if you like browsing in hypermarts bc there are lots of things to look at, the cooked food section is good enough to mesmerise..... it’s a bit lame like why a japanese % store in sg but it’s really fun!!!! also u can pack sashimi back or desserts or cooked snacks back for supper  🤤
we’re a concrete jungle so more often than not, shopping’s usually in malls — if you’re interested in designer brands, you can check out DSM but that’s pretty much all there is there, and a couple of expensive places to eat (you can try PS Cafe there too).
omg....... i hope this helps!! u can also pm me if there’s anything else u want to ask!
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My Spongebob Squarepants Experience!
I saw spongebob 8/11/18 with the OBC except Christina Sajous as Sandy and Catherine Ricofort was Karen . (This has been sitting in my drafts I totally forgot to publish it oops) I sat in the fifth row of the first mezzanine. These are just some things that happened on stage that I liked :)
🍍This was probably the best turn off your cellphone notice (besides once on this island ofc)
🍍On the middle of the stage there is a mini construction of their houses they lift it up and the screen behind them is transformed into a pineapple
🍍They flip the model over revealing ethan who is sleeping he is shaken awake by his alarm
🍍 Gary is on a skateboard bless
🍍He brushes Gary’s eyeball and not is teeth
🍍Spongebob actually named all the things that rhyme with rock for Patrick and one of them was “pop and lock” —- Hello strobes
🍍 When they introduce sandy a projection of a squirrel with a cowboy hat appears
🍍After sandy sings her part in bikini bottom day they hear their first tremor
Spongebob says he likes the tremor lol
🍍Plankton is sitting in a chum bucket lol.
🍍Wesley has a tiny plankton puppet in his hand and in his other hand he has a telescope that puppet plankton is looking through.
🍍Karen puts a magnifying glass over plankton
🍍Patrick and sandy actually come into the mezz during the dialogue in this song
🍍Spongebob actually puts his hand on the grill when he’s talking to squidward and squidward is like YOUR HAND and spongebob is like oh! And he takes his spatula and flips his head
🍍ALEX GIBSON WAS PERCH (I love Alex Gibson sm, because the TGC and he was literally the SWEETEST at the spongebob/ comet stage door)
🍍 Sandy has a whiteboard and a stick as she explains what’s gonna happen
🍍Ethan slater did a crazy split during the end of No Control
🍍During BFF spongebob actually pulls out a piece of cheese from behind Patrick’s couch.
🍍they have a LoT of fun with that sofa lol.
🍍 The words bff come on stage
🍍It takes Karen a while to give Plankton a beat he actually likes and when she does , When the Going gets Tough happens.
🍍 Karen bets plankton that he can’t rap lol
🍍Wesley killed it I love him wow
🍍 I was sooo surprised by the speed rap GUNS AND SHIPS WHAT??
🍍Wesley actually puts a lil plankton on his foot after his giant dance
🍍I LoVE subtle shots at the government
🍍 Tentacle Spectacle the Musical lol I love squidward
🍍when mr krabs calls spongebob a simple sponge he keeps whisper/echos sponge as he slowly sinks off stage
🍍 There are glow in the dark sponges around spongbob as he sings not a simple sponge
🍍when mr krabs comes back and says just a simple sponge the sponges leave the stage. They all come back when he starts singing again at the climax
🍍Perch tells everyone that the apocalypse is today and they all freak out but then he says he misread it and the day to tomorrow
🍍Mrs. Puff plans to drink herself into oblivion with kelp juice before the apocalypse and then she says Carpe Diem and her barista yells ‘who are you calling a carp”
🍍old man Jenkins is kinda horrible lol. He just wants someone to blame and they decide to blame sandy
🍍Pearl comes on stage with two dresses and Krabs takes them from her and hands them to spongebob who puts one around his neck so it looks like he’s wearing it he’s so cute
🍍I wanna know how krabs costume works bc he’s picking stuff up so those claws no way he could
🍍 Jai’Len what the fuck yes I need a recording with her the fuck
🍍when pearl says he has dollars in his eyes he puts the money bags in front of his face
🍍she pulls these things out of her pockets and when she cries she puts them to her face and tears squeeze out
🍍Spongebob comforts Pearl as she’s crying
🍍”oh karen as I look into your screen I can feel the very earth quake”
🍍the bolder that first falls is actually a rubber ball and it comes down this contraption stage right
🍍When Spongebob goes to get Patrick he finds him on the sofa with his navel scratcher
🍍””Life smells weird””
🍍sandy runs across stage trying to get away from the angry mob who’s looking for her with pitchforks
🍍 There is a sign that says “LAND MAMELS GO HOME” and it’s spray painted and sandy gets rlly discouraged Sandy :(
🍍 Sandy has got some sick pink nunchaku
🍍She packs up her stuff and Patbob Spongerick convinces her not to go and Hero is my Middle Name happens
🍍The whiteboard is back and so is the stick and planning YES SANDY
🍍 Squidward loves his mama and he says “I’m a pretty squid mama”
🍍Karen and Plankton share a moment over spongebob while he is frozen and Karen’s screen has a fire on it (whenever Karen and plankton are on stage everything freezes as they scheme)
🍍The Sardines (?) come up to Patrick and sing their bopping song
🍍They actually bake Patrick a cake
🍍They have church fans with Patrick’s face on it
🍍They give Patrick a robe and a crown
🍍The next boulders fall from the contraption stage right but this time there are a lOT of tiny bolders
🍍hello patchy
🍍security comes and forces Patchy and the other pirates off stage again lol
🍍Spongbob said he had a nightmare that he and Patrick weren’t friends anymore AHHH I WAS SO SAD BC HE WAS LIKE NOOOOOOOOO and they had the voice that says “1 hour later” and the lights would blink out and it eventually gets to fifteen years later and he has a white beard lol.
🍍let’s just clap for the conductor bc she literally hands and takes a ton of props from the actors
🍍The government is getting worse and the mayor says “you’re either with me or against me”
🍍Armageddon rich Lol
🍍They’ve got a cool box that glows when it opens with Sandy’s invention in it
🍍they should just give plankton and Karen another song
🍍the electric skates are on skateboards and skates
🍍idek if it was supposed to happen but one of them (green Hair dude) fell off his board when he was doing a cool stunt thing 😬
🍍Squidward has tissue in his ears while they’re singing
🍍red head dude just shouts “rOCk and rOlL”
🍍these bitches give poor squidward the most ridicilous list and they told him if he got it all he would be able to open for them THEY DONT EVEN HOLD UP THEIR END OF THE DEAL UGHH
🍍Chop to the top was lit. Also Ethan is like a rubber band he just twists and sings upside down and stretches
🍍Patrick gets a thrown and these sardines are worshipping
🍍IiiIiiIieeeieiii GUESS I MISS YOUuuUuUu
🍍”Sheldon sounds so small. Maybe you could call me something else like...... big guy?” “big guy??” “YES BIG GUY SAY IT AGAIN” “big guy” “ahh” “BIG GUY” *strange sexual noise, jumps into planktons arms, they make out and hearts appear in the background*
🍍shook is the wrong word to describe how I felt when Gavin lee started rap dancing with four legs WTF. I wish they performed something else at the tony awards but WOWOW HES SO GOOD
🍍Perch Shows the rubble that is bikini bottom on the news
🍍the mayor makes me want to poke my eyes out
🍍Another bolder falls, Larry goes crazy and old man Jenkins gets flattened
🍍As they narrate spongbob and sandy climbing the mounts they use cabbage patch kinda lol
🍍Patrick comes in on the ceiling, flying bc of Sandy’s jet pack
🍍I love spongbob and Patrick I need a best friend like that “WE ARE BACK AND THIS IS THE BACK DANCE”
🍍the volcano is made of ladders
🍍so many turns and twists ETHAN SINGS UPSIDEDOWN
🍍it’s complete chaos when they all get back down from the mountain
🍍the mayor and the press (perch) hate each other and perch is tied up and ballgagged Lol
🍍they’re all holding hands waiting for the end and then bubbles fall bc sandy is a success bby squirrel
🍍plankton reveals that this was an evil schemes
🍍plankton and krabs are arguing and their curses are blocked out by dolphin squeals
🍍Spongebob gets his uke from the conductor and he screams are you ready to rock and he does an air split thing and starts playing bikini bottom day sps track l
🍍Audience is sprayed with confetti and other fun stuff and then they throw out beach balls and sing the theme song. It’s such a fun show I wish a lot more people would give it a show. If I’m being honest I enjoyed it much more than I enjoyed Hamilton when I saw it in chi.
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scuzmunkie · 7 years ago
Love is Blind: Chapter 5
A/N: STOP!! Before you read this chapter listen to ‘The Bed Song’ by Amanda Palmer!!! Pretty please with a cherry on top!! 
I am so sorry i didn’t post this yesterday, I have family in town and I spent the day with them!! Thanks for being patient!! 
Ok, now that I’ve gotten that outta the way, you guys are AMAZING!! Thank you all so much for the love you keep showing this lil ol’ story!! As I mentioned before I was crazy nervous about posting my story but now I’m so happy I did! You all have shown me so much support and love! Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart!! You all know the drill, lmk if there are any mistakes and lmk if you’d like to be added to the tag list!! Without further ado, here’s chapter 5, enjoy!!
*Bold lettering represents texts  Seth Rollins x Blind OFC Warnings: Language & Major sad feels! (grab some tissues) Word Count: 3000+ Summary: Seth was Lily’s world, she was foolish enough to think that she was his. That is until he leaves her behind in pursuit of his dreams. What happens when fate throws them together again years after the heartache and tears? How can Lily see past the pain of the past when she can’t see at all?     +++ “Please... don’t leave like this, s-stay with me.” “I promise I’ll stay in touch...” Lily shot up in bed, gasping for air, wiping angrily at her tears. Even after five years, she was still plagued by nightmares of the love she once had. Seth had kept his promise, for the first couple months that is. He called every night and even visited a few times. But then, the calls came less and the visits ceased. When he did call, their conversations were brief and usually one sided. Eventually they stopped all together. She wasn’t foolish, she knew when things were over. As much as it killed her, she closed that chapter of her life and moved on. She kept in touch with Renee, who to this day remains one of her closest friends, and learned that she and Dean got married, Roman found himself a gorgeous wife as well and is a father. She would check in on Seth every so often through Renee. She knew when he became the first NXT champion, was overly excited when he, Roman and Dean formed the shield, taking the WWE by storm, angry when he backstabbed his brothers and cried when he became WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He had finally gotten what he wanted, even if it meant letting go of her. It hurt to know how easy it was for him to forget about her. The first month without him in her life was pure hell. She stopped going to classes, stopped taking care of herself and cut herself off from everyone around her, that was until a certain singer damn near kicked down her door. —- Lily laid on her bed in nothing but Seth’s shirt. She felt numb... just a shell. She hadn’t realized just how many tears the human body was capable of producing til now. She heard knocking on her door but didn’t have the gumption to answer it, whoever it was would eventually give up. Or so she thought. “If you don’t open this damn door right now, Lillian Penelope Adams, I will bust this bitch down!!” Amanda yelled through the door. Lily knew she wouldn’t let up, so she begrudgingly got up and opened the door, silently walking back to her room. But before she reached her destination, Amanda wrestled her to the ground, straddling her hips. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” Lily spouted, trying to push Amanda off of her. “I have been so worried SICK about you, ya dumb bitch!! You don’t answer your phone, your texts, hell I even tried emailing you! EMAILING for shit’s sake!! I thought you were hurt or worse, DEAD!!” Amanda shouted through tears. “You should’ve told me what happened! Instead I found out through your friend Renee!! Why didn’t you call me?! I would’ve been on the first plane out here.” Amanda held her friend close. By now, both girls were bawling. “I’m s-sorry, I didn’t know what to do. I d-didn’t want to face to truth. That he-” Lily said, hiccuping. “That he doesn’t want or need me....” She said, her voice barely above a whisper. Amanda’s heart was breaking for her best friend. She kissed her forehead and stood up, pulling Lily up with her. “Ok, first things first, you are going to shower, I’ll order dinner, we’ll clean up your apartment and then you, missy, are going to call your dean and beg him not to throw you out!! Now scoot!” Amanda said, ushering Lily towards the bathroom. Amanda spent the next month helping Lily get her life back in order and got her back on her feet. It took a shit ton of hard work, blood, sweat and tears, but with Amanda’s help, Lily got her grades up and moved on, graduating with honors and eventually became a piano teacher working from the comfort of her home. She had been on the occasional date but no one could fill the void left by Seth so she swore off dating altogether. —- Lily said goodbye to her last student of the day, 9 year old James, when her phone went off. She smiled, recognizing Amanda’s ringtone. “Hello m’dear, how are yo-“ She was cut off by Amanda’s panicked voice. “I need your help! I broke my hand.” “Oh my hell. Ok, I’m on the next flight out! How long will I be taking care of you?” “No! That’s not what I mean, I um.... Ineedyoutocomeontourwithmeandbemypianistplease!!!” She yelled, frantically. “Ummmm.... come again?” Lily laughed out. “I said I need you to come on tour with me and be my pianist..... please” she stopped taking a small breath “pretty please with a cherry on top?” Lily was stunned. She had a job, a life, what about her students? But then again, what about the adventure? She had never done something like this. Why not be a little selfish, just this once? “What the hell, I’ll be there!!” She said, excitement coursing through her body. “Really?! Oh my gosh, you have no idea how much this means to me!!” “Of course, it’ll be fun. I’ll be there as soon as I can, I just need to pack and buy a ticket.” “So, funny you should mention a ticket because, I already bought you one. I was really really really hoping you’d say ‘yes’. Check your email.” Sure enough, when Lily called for Alexa to read her emails, there was a first class ticket waiting for her. “After all these years you still spoil me.” “It’s what I’m best at. Plus, it’s your birthday, you deserve to be spoiled!! Now get your ass packed! I can’t wait to see you!!” Amanda squealed. “Can you FaceTime me and help me pick out what clothes you want me to bring to best represent ‪Amanda Palmer‬?” “Oh screw that, just pack a few essentials and I’ll take you shopping when you get here!” With that they said their goodbyes and Lily quickly made the proper arrangements letting the parents of her students know that she’d be leaving for a while, having her mom come house sit, packed a small bag and was on her way. —- Renee sighed, Seth was in a pisser of a mood tonight.... again. He was getting short with the backstage staff, arguing with other superstars and being difficult to work with. Looking at her phone, she realized why he was being such a dick, it was Lily’s birthday. She inwardly groaned, knowing that this was only the beginning to the shit show that was to come. Just then Dean and Roman came around the corner. They stood next to Renee watching as Seth was slowly unraveling. Roman was still pissed about the way things went down. Lily held a special place in his heart and Seth simply let her go. Well, to be fair, he did it because he thought it’s what was best for her. Seth felt that because he was so far away 95% of the time he wasn’t good enough for her. He couldn’t be the man that she needed. Because, y’know, she obviously wasn’t a perfectly grown adult capable of making decisions all on her own. Roman and Dean had to hold back Renee when they all found out what had happened. —- Roman, Dean and Seth were stretching in the NXT performance center weight room when a severely enraged Renee came storming in. Looking around the room, her eyes finally found their target. She marched right over to Seth and, with surprising strength, pushed him to the floor. Roman and Dean were on her immediately, holding her back from throttling a very guilty looking Seth. “What were you THINKING?!” She screamed at him. “In what universe did you think it would be ok to do that to Lily?!” At the mention of Lily’s name, Roman’s head snapped in Seth’s direction. He let go of Renee and stalked towards Seth. “What did you do?” He asked, an eerie calmness in his voice. “I, uh, I broke things off with Lily.” He said, unable to meet the Samoan in the eyes. “Oh, you “broke things off”? Is that what you did?!” Renee asked, making air quotes with her fingers. “Why don’t you tell them what you really did? Better yet, let me read it straight from the source?!” She said angrily, ripping her phone from her back pocket. Seth’s eyes widened in horror. “This is from a month and a half ago: ‘I don’t know what’s happened. He hasn’t called me, text me or anything for weeks now! Is he ok? I’m just really worried about him.’ This gem is from a month ago: ‘Did I do something to upset him? Oh no, is he having trouble sleeping again?’ And this one, this is the nail on the coffin: ‘I get it now. I’m the problem, I almost always am. I thought he’d be different but such is life I guess. Do me a favor, just keep an eye on him for me. Let me know how he’s doing from time to time.’ UGH!!! Even when she’s hurting she still cares about your sorry ass!!” Renee finished, trying to lunge at him again. Dean was half tempted to let her go. Seth could feel his heart shatter with every word Renee read. He wanted nothing more than the earth to open up and swallow him whole. “What in the ever living hell were you thinkin’, man?” Dean asked through gritted teeth. “She was perfect for you!” Roman was still glaring at Seth, arms folded over his chest, debating on whether to pummel him or simply let Renee do it. With a heavy sigh he quietly said “Explain yourself. Now.” “I’m no good for her, she needs someone who can be there for her all the time. I’m not that guy.” He said, finally making eye contact with them. “That wasn’t your decision to make by yourself!! You should’ve handled that a hell of a lot better than taking the coward’s way out.” Venom dripped from Renee’s mouth. “You should’ve talked to her. She deserved that m-much.” Her voice breaking at the end. She had come to think of Lily like a sister and her heart broke because of the pain she’s going through alone. “She deserved better.” With that she left the room. Dean and Roman stood there just staring at Seth in utter disbelief. Finally Roman stepped forward, offering his hand to Seth, helping him up. The three of them sat on a near by bench in silence for a while. It was Dean who finally broke the drowning silence. “You know we love you man and, even tho shit hit the fan, if you feel like you did the right thing then we’re here with you.” He said patting his shoulder. “It just could’ve been handled better.” Roman said standing up. He and Dean left, leaving Seth alone with his thoughts. He made the right decision, didn’t he? She needs someone better to be there for her, even if that someone wasn’t him. —- Seth was walking down the hallway, having just gone off on a stage hand for bumping into him, when he heard something he hadn’t heard in years, something he didn’t think he’d ever hear again. Something that used to lull him to sleep but now plagued his nightmares. He looked around and saw Bayley and Sasha huddled over a laptop. “Oh my gosh, this is the saddest song, EVER!” Bayley said, Sasha nodding in agreement, both girls wiping their eyes. Just then Nia walked by, joining the girls. “What are you girlies watching?” She asked, getting lost in the video. Seth knew that song, he’d heard it a thousand times, still haunting him to this day. “The Bed Song” He whispered. “It’s called ‘The Bed Song’ by ‪Amanda Palmer‬.” Sasha answered. “Oh I love her!! Her ‘Who Killed ‪Amanda Palmer‬’ album is amazing!” “Right?” Bayley said, “She finally made a music video for ‘The Bed Song’!” Seth couldn’t breath, he ran to his dressing room, slamming the door behind him. He kicked a small table, sending it flying, grabbed a chair, throwing it across the room, screaming all the while. This had become a ritual for him as of late. He finally flopped down on the couch, covering his face with his hands. He grabbed his duffel bag, fished out his phone and a small box. He pulled up the only thing that calmed him. He stared at the photo from their first night together Renee had text him all those years ago. Looking at that photo for millionth time, he wished so badly he could go back in time and just live in that moment with his Lily. He stared at the tiny object in his hand. How could something so small feel so heavy? It represented the biggest regret in his life. Opening it, he pulled out a small ring with a modest diamond, on the inside it had the inscription ‘Soulmate’.... in braille. —- Lily felt her heart beating a thousand beats per minute. She felt Amanda put her good arm around her shoulders. “You’re gonna be great!! You’re the only person I trust to do this!! You’re gonna rock the shit outta the stadium!!” She said, shaking her slightly. “Hey, who’s a badass?” Without hesitation, Lily screamed “I’M A BADASS!!” They hugged and made their way on stage, a crew member guiding Lily to the keyboard. As she pounded on the keys of each note of every song she felt exhilarated!! It was like a natural high, she couldn’t believe that she almost said ‘no’! Then came the song she was dreading the most. She couldn’t help but relate to every word, every sad note. As Lily played, listening to Amanda’s voice sing each haunting word, it felt like Amanda was singing it solely for her. She couldn’t stop the tears from staining her cheeks, tears of a love that once was, a love that could’ve been. Snapping out of her thoughts, she heard Amanda thanking the crowd then asked Lily to stand. “Guys, as many of you know, I had a little spill and broke my hand. I couldn’t have been here tonight performing for you all of it wasn’t for my amazing friend, Lily Adams!! Give her some love!!” Lily was smiling like a fool at the crowd’s loud response. Yeah, she made the right choice. —- Renee laid next to Dean in their hotel room, stroking his hair while scrolling through Instagram, when she got a text from Lily. “Hey, so I took your advice and did something crazy!” “What did you do?” Renee asked, slightly afraid of the answer. There were many levels of crazy. “So Amanda injured her hand and asked me to go on tour with her as her pianist and I said YES! We’ve been on tour for almost three months now!” Renee was beyond ecstatic for Lily, she both needed and deserved this! Although Lily didn’t out right say it, she knew that she still missed Seth. “Oh babe, I’m so happy for you!” She immediately jumped on Amanda’s twitter page and sure enough, there was a video! “Dean!” She said, shaking him. “Wha...?” Sleep evident in his voice. “Look! It’s Lily!!” She hit play and shared her phone with Dean. “Stand that cute ass of yours up Lily!” Lily stood, a smile plastered on her face. “As always, I have to thank my amazing friend, and pianist, Lily Adams!! Give her some love!!” Lily waved to the audience and blew a kiss before Amanda took her hand. Both women bowed, then left the stage. “She looks great!” Dean groggily said. “Say, where they playin’ anyway?” She text Lily, asking Dean’s question. “We’re currently in Nevada!” She replied. “They’re in Nevada.” She told Dean. “Holy shit, she’s only a couple hours from here.” He said, his head snapping up. “Well, don’t tell Seth that. He’d flip a gasket if he knew just how close she was. Lily’s moved on by now, the last thing she needs is him screwing all that up.” But just as the words left her mouth, there was a knock at their door. Dean got up and opened it revealing Roman and a very flustered Hunter. “What’s up, Ro, boss man?” Dean asked, inviting them in. “Sorry to bug you guys, but because you’re all close with Seth I need some answers. I’ve noticed he’s been behaving erratically as of late. From what I’ve heard from other superstars, he hasn’t been sleeping much and has been riddled with headaches. Cesaro walked in on him punching the wall for shit’s sake, and I won’t even tell you the state of his hotel room. Do any of you have a clue as to what’s going on or have any solutions?” Hunter asked, desperately. The three of them exchanged a knowing look. This all felt like déjà vu. “Um, we might have a few.” Dean said, not breaking eye contact with Renee, who subtly shook her head ‘no’. “I’m all ears.” He said, exhaustion evident on his face. “Well-“ Dean continued but was cut off by Renee. “Well, we need to talk about it and, I promise, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. But for now, get some sleep. You look like you could use it.” She said with a friendly smile. He rubbed his eyes, nodding. “Yeah, I’ve been stressing over Seth. I really appreciate your help with this. Keep me posted kiddos.” With that, he left the hotel room. Dean and Roman both looked at Renee. “You know what we have to do.” Roman said. “Absolutely not!” Renee shook her head. “That’s cruel to ask of her.” “I know, doll, but she’s the only one who can bring him outta this.” Dean told her. “No, I won’t put her through that. She’s our friend too you guys! We can’t ask her to open those wounds again.” “Renee, I love her just as much as you do, but as much as I hate to admit it, she’s the only light that can bring Seth out of the dark.” Roman said. “I-I can’t...” She sniffled. “I can’t hurt her like that.” Dean pulled her close, “Babe, we need to try. The way Seth is going, it’s only a matter of time before hurts himself or worse, someone else.” He held her tight as she sobbed. After a few minutes she pulled away and dried her eyes, letting out a defeated sigh. She knew there was no other way. She picked up her phone, hands shaking as she called her friend who’s heart she was about to break all over again. “Please forgive me Lily.” She whispered, a bastard tear falling from her eye. She couldn’t do this alone, so she put it on speaker. They all held they’re breath as the phone began to ring. “H-Hello?” Lily’s sleepily answered. Renee couldn’t find her voice. “Renee?” Dean and Roman were motioning for her to say something. Sighing, she closed her eyes and bit the bullet. “He needs you.”
@panda-girl1999 @lost-in-the-stories @team-elias
@haven-raven012591 @wrestlingfae @neversatisfiedgirl @hanaslay @calwitch
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lysyuta · 7 years ago
Girl In Luv — Kim Taehyung
Anon said: can you write a scenario where the reader is a rebel and is mean but whenever she sees taehyung she freezes and loses her train of thought. then one day she gets hurt during a fight bc she sees him. after that she starts acting different (tae doesn’t like that) and doesn’t act out but people call her weak and stuff. sorry if it’s too specific. you’re the writer so you can change it ofc :)) lots of angst a fluff ending please. ily and your writings. I wish I could support you :( sorry I can’t
Thank you so much for requesting this! It was so fun to write! And don’t worry, I️ completely get it! Having your support as a reader is enough! ❤️
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(I do not own this gif, creds to the owner❤️)
Words: 3,507
Warnings: High school au + fluff
Description: You’ve always been the thought girl in school, but there was one person who always made you soft—Kim Taehyung, your crush.
How stupid can someone be when it comes to love?
The answer is: not as stupid as you.
When it came to love, you were a complete idiot.
You haven’t really been in love so many times, but the times that you were, it was a disaster. You always ended up with your heart broken or getting your feelings hurt.
After your heart was broken for the last time, you told yourself that you wouldn’t fall in love again until you were older and had your shit together.
That was a big, big lie.
Because sadly, you can’t really control whether you fall in love or not. So as a result, you did end up falling in love again.
You fell in love with a close friend—well—he was more of your brother’s close friend, but he was also your friend.
Kim Taehyung.
He was so amazing. Whenever you spoke to him, you felt like you could listen to his voice for hours.
You fell in love with everything about him. His smile. His chuckle. His laugh. His eyes. The way his eyes look when he’s standing out in the sun. He was beautiful.
You just wished that he saw you the same way.
He didn’t know that you were madly in love with him. No one knew except for you. You were good at hiding your feelings, but also terrible at it.
Whenever you saw Taehyung, you were like a deer in headlights. You froze. You don’t know why he had this sort of affect on you.
When you saw him, you just stopped everything and started blushing like crazy. Whenever he walked into a room that you were in, you couldn’t help but stare. He was just so good looking. How could you not?
You’ve been in love with him for the past year and a half. Surely he should’ve known by now, but you’re way too afraid to admit your feelings. You’re scared that he’ll reject you and you’d get your heart broken once again, since that’s what always seems to happen.
Maybe if you had a bit more courage, you could admit it to him, but sadly, all the courage you normally had disappeared when it came to Taehyung. You could barely think straight when he was around.
And that’s what made you such an idiot.
“Skipping classes again? Are you actually trying to get in trouble with mom and dad again?” Your brother asked you as he started driving his car.
You sat in the passengers seat, playing on your phone and not really paying attention to your brother who was trying to scold you. “They won’t find out.” You say.
“If you keep doing it then they will. Why do you keep skipping important classes? You know you need to pass History to graduate right?”
“That’s stupid. Why do I need to learn about most of that stuff? Maybe if they taught us how to get a job and how to pay taxes in school, then I’d actually consider going.” You explained. “And don’t act like you’ve never skipped a class, Jin.”
“I don’t skip as much as you do. And don’t try to turn this on me. Do I have to remind you that I graduate in four months? I already have all my shit together.” Your brother says.
You rolled your eyes.
“Jin, don’t be so hard on her. I’m sure that last year we all skipped just as much classes as she did.” A voice came from the backseat, reminding you that there was another person in the car.
Hearing his voice sent butterflies to your stomach. You just kept looking at your phone, trying your hardest not to turn around and look at the beauty that was sat one row behind you.
“Sure, we skipped. But that’s not the only bad thing y/n has done. She’s always getting into fights and getting in trouble. Y/n, I wish you weren’t such a rebel all the time.” Your brother tells you.
“What can I say? I hate listening to other people.” You commented.
“Everyone gets into a little trouble during high school.” Taehyung says. “Besides, I think that y/n being a rebel is really cool.”
You almost forgot how to breathe after he let out that last sentence. He complimented you! Sure, this wasn’t a new thing, but whenever he did it, it made you feel like you were an angel.
“All I’m saying is that maybe y/n should at least try to focus on school. How are you supposed to graduate next year if you’re always in trouble and barely in class?” Jin asks.
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.” You said. You were never worried about graduating. You knew that it would happen eventually.
Yeah, you skipped class a lot, but you were actually really smart. You’ve failed some classes, but you’ve always gotten your grades back up. You weren’t a straight A student, but you weren’t failing every class and that’s what matters.
“You need to be more like y/n, Jin. She’s so cool and laid back. You’re always worried about something. Y/n is always relaxed and calm about everything.” Taehyung complimented you yet again.
You smiled and blushed, but tried your best to hide it.
Why did he have such an affect on you by barely doing anything?
Your phone fell out of your hands and dropped to your lap as a volleyball suddenly hit your hand.
You were sitting on the bleachers outside of school, bored, while some girls on the volleyball team were practicing.
“Watch out!” And annoying voice calls. “Emma.” You groaned. You absolutely despised her. She always did anything she could to piss you off.
“Why would you say ‘watch out’ after the ball hit me, idiot?” You asked, grabbing the ball that had previously hit you.
“Oops. My bad.” Emma says, giggling.
“You’re such a bitch, you know that?” You asked, standing up from where you were seated on the bleachers and walking down to the ground.
“Whatever, just give the ball back so we can finish our game.” She rolled her eyes.
“Of course, Emma.” You put on the fakest smile you could before tossing the ball at her, “accidentally” hitting her in the face.
The ball fell to the ground and the look on Emma’s face was hilarious. She looked so pissed off. Payback, bitch.
“Y/n, you’re gonna get it!” Emma yells, running to you and slapping you.
She shouldn’t have done that.
Your parents always said “don’t start a fight with anyone unless they hit you first. If they’re the first one to make a move, then you have our permission to send them back to whatever hell they came from.”
“You don’t know what you just started.” Was all you said before pushing her to the ground.
Emma grabbed you, pulling you to the ground with her, sending punches and kicks your way.
“Let go of me!” You tell her as she grabbed a fist full of your hair.
“Bitch!” Emma yelled, not letting go.
You two fought. You were at an advance, getting on top of her and trying to get her to stop hitting you. You’re pretty sure she even tried to bite you.
“Calm down, crazy.” You said, hitting her after she had hit you.
By now, a crowd had gathered around the two of you, enjoying the “entertainment”.
“Y/n!” You heard someone call.
You held down Emma’s arms and turned your head to see who the person was.
Taehyung. Of course, it was Taehyung.
Your eyes widened and you lost your train of thought for a second. What were you doing again?
Oh right, fighting.
Just as you were about to turn back to face Emma, who was still underneath you, she freed her arm from your grasp and punched you, in the face.
You yelled, letting go of her and holding your nose, which was now bleeding.
You held your nose with one hand, and almost punched her with the other, but then you were pulled away by someone.
“Y/n, stop!” You hear your brother yell as he pulled you away from the girl. “The fuck is wrong with you?” Jin asked, turning to Emma, who was being checked on by her friends.
Jin turned you around to face him and his eyes widened. “Jesus Christ, y/n. Why are you always getting yourself in trouble?” He asked, taking a tissue out of his book bag and handing it to you.
“She started it.” You said, placing the tissue on your nose.
Taehyung stood beside Jin, watching you. “Y/n, are you okay? Does it hurt?” He asks.
“I’m fine. Don’t worry.”
“Good. Even though you’re bleeding, you still beat her ass.” Taehyung says, putting his fist out for you to bump it with your fist. “She deserved everything she got.”
You smiled and put your fist out when Jin pushed your hand away and sighed. “Taehyung! Stop encouraging her!” Jin hit Taehyung on the back of his head.
Taehyung just laughed and looked at you, winking.
You tried to hold back your blushing. He had such an impact on you. How could he make you blush in just a matter of seconds?
“Y/n, I️ think you need a big ice pack. Your whole face is turning red. And—gross! I think your nose is throbbing!” Your brother tells you.
Your nose wasn’t the only thing throbbing, but also your heart. Maybe you needed a big ice pack for your heart too.
“So your making dinner tonight?” You asked your brother as you two walked down the hallways of your high school.
“Yep. Mom put me in charge of making dinner. I️ know I️ won’t disappoint.” Your brother smiles, feeling a little too confident in himself.
You laughed. “You better not.”
“I️ won’t. You know how well I️ cook. You love it when I️ cook.”
“You’re cooking?” You hear a voice.
He approached the two of you and began walking with you.
“Yeah. Y/n, tell Tae how good of a cook I️ am.” Jin says.
“He—Jin—he makes—y-yeah. He’s a good cook.” You stuttered, mentally facepalming yourself.
“Aw yeah! I’m definitely coming over tonight.” Tae announced as you three approached your locker.
Looking at your locker, you saw that there was a piece of paper on it. Written on the piece of paper, in big red letters: “you got beat up by Emma. Guess you’re not so tough after all?”
Your jaw dropped and Jin and Taehyung read the paper also, wanting to know what had you so shocked.
People who passed by your locker saw the note and laughed. They laughed at you.
Your brother ripped the note off of your locker. “Who the hell wrote this?” He asked, yelling in the hallway. No one answered. Who would? “Who did it?”
“Jin. Just forget it.” You sighed, taking the note from his hands and crumpling it up. You placed it in the nearby trash can and opened your locker.
As soon as you opened your locker, another note caught your eye.
“You’re weak. Y/n y/l/n is weak. Emma beat you up.”
“What the fuck.” Jin says. “Who the fuck is doing this?”
You just grabbed the note and threw it in the trash, just like you had done with the other one.
You got your books and closed your locker, turning to face the two boys that stood in front of you.
“Is that y/n?” You hear some girl ask her friend. The girl stood on the other side of the hallway. “I’m surprised she came to school today. I️ would be embarrassed to show my face in school if I️ got beat up by Emma.”
“I️ know right.” The girl’s friend replied. “I️ would call it bravery, but let’s be honest, y/n is a coward.”
“I️ heard she started yelling at Emma and then hit her. That’s why Emma started fighting her. Well, she got beat up. It serves her right for hitting Emma first.”
You felt tears build up in your eyes. Why were they talking about you so openly like this?
You quickly wiped your eyes, hoping no one would see.
“Y/n…” Your brother trailed off. As he was about to speak again, the bell rung, signaling that class was starting soon.
“I️ have to get to class. I’ll see you later, okay?”
You rushed to your class, not waiting for your brother or his friend to say anything else.
You were so embarrassed.
“Y/n.” You hear someone call. You were walking in the hallway in between classes because you had to get something from your locker.
You turned to see who the voice was coming from. It was a girl. Her name was Melanie. She wasn’t a friend of yours, mainly because the way she treated people was terrible. You always decided to just stay away from her.
“I️ can’t really talk right now. I️ have to hurry and get back to class.” You say, reaching your locker.
“I’ll make it short then.” She says, catching up to you. Melanie stood in front of you. She was taller than you, so she towered above you, looking down at you.
“I️ heard from someone that you wanted to fight me. Is that true? Because we could fight right now if you really want to.” She says.
“What? I️ never said that.” You tell her.
“Are you sure? The person that told me this wouldn’t lie to me. I️ know that. Why won’t you just admit that you want to fight me? You scared?” Melanie asked.
“No. I️ don’t want to fight you. Look, I️ really need to get back to—”
Before you could finish your sentence, you felt a sharp smack on your left cheek.
“What the hell?” You asked.
“That’s for telling people you want to fight me. You act so tough with other people, but your not so tough now, are you?” She asks.
You put your hand on your cheek. “I️ never said I️ wanted to fight you. This is stupid.”
“So now you’re calling me stupid?”
“I️ didn’t say that.” You sighed. “Can you just leave? I️ need to get back to class.” You started to walk away, not bothering to get anything out of your locker anymore.
“Hey!” Melanie called after you. “Don’t walk away. I’m talking to you.” She says, grabbing a fistful of your shirt and slamming you against a nearby set of lockers.
“Let go of me.” You tell her.
“Or else what? What are you gonna do about it? Fight me?” She asks, laughing.
“Just leave me alone.” You say.
“What? You gonna cry? I️ heard that’s what you did when you fought Emma.” Melanie chuckles.
“I️ didn’t cry when I️ fought her. I’m not gonna cry now. Now let me go and leave me alone.” You tried to walk away again but Melanie slammed you against the lockers again. This time, you hit your head on one of the lockers.
You held your head in pain and yelled. You weren’t that loud, so you’re sure that no one in any classroom heard you.
“Let go of her!” You heard a voice shout. A familiar voice.
As if this day couldn’t get worse, Taehyung ran over to where Melanie had you pinned to a locker.
“Let her go, Melanie.” He says.
“Whatever.” Melanie rolled her eyes, letting go of you and walking away. “This isn’t over, y/n.” She called.
“Yes, it is over.” Tae said to her. Melanie stopped walking and turned to face the two of you.
“Wow, y/n. You need someone to stand up for you? Is it because you’re too weak to stand up for yourself? How pathetic. I️ thought you were better than that, y/n.” She laughed before waking away saying, “wait til’ the rest of the school hears about this.”
Taehyung turned to face you. He saw you holding your head and moved closer to you, inspecting your head. He must’ve seen nothing there because you just looked back at you, sighing.
“Y/n, are you okay?” He asks, looking you in your eyes.
“Why did you do that?” You asked. “Why did you come over here?”
“She was hurting you.” He says.
“You made it worse. Now she’s just gonna tell the whole school that I’m too much of a loser to stand up for myself.” You tell him.
“How were you even supposed to stand up for yourself if she had you pinned against a locker?” Tae asked. “It doesn’t matter. You shouldn’t have come.” You sighed.
“Y/n. She was hurting you. What was I️ supposed to do? Just stand there and watch you get hurt?”
“Why do you care? Why can you just leave it alone, Taehyung?”
“Because I️ don’t like to see you like this. People are picking on you, and you’re letting them. You’ve changed, y/n. Ever since you got into that fight with Emma. People are calling you weak and you’re starting to believe them.” He explained.
“Maybe I️ am weak. Maybe everything they say about me is true.” You said, looking down at the floor.
“Are you stupid? Y/n, you’re not weak. You’re one of the strongest girls I️ know.”
“You’re just saying that because you don’t want me to feel bad.”
“No. I’m saying it because it’s true.” He says. “I️ need you to stop letting people walk all over you. This isn’t you, y/n. The real you would curse someone out before they even try to bully you. The real y/n is not weak.”
You turned around, not wanting him to see you. You didn’t want him to see the tears that poured down your face right now.
“You’re not weak, y/n. I️ know you’re not. Your brother knows your not.”
“But the whole school thinks I️ am.” You wiped your tears with the sleeves of the shirt you wore.
“Since when do you care what the people in school think?” He asked.
He was right. You never cared about what the rest of the school thought until recently.
Taehyung was right. You are changing.
You tried to wipe the rest of your tears away but they kept coming.
“Y/n, look at me.” Tae says.
You shook your head. “I️ don’t want you to see me cry.”
“You think I️ care?” Tae asks, placing his hands on your shoulders and turning you around to face him.
Taehyung used both of this thumbs to wipe away your tears as he looked you in your eyes.
“I️ know who you are, y/n. I️ know you’re strong. You’re not weak, no matter what anyone says.” He says.
You just looked up at him, not knowing what to say.
“You know,” Tae starts, looking at the floor before looking back up at you. “even when you’re crying, you’re still so pretty.”
His words caught you off guard. Did he just—?
“I'm—what?” You asked.
Taehyung smiles at your cluelessness. “You’re pretty. Do I️ have to say it again? Because I️ will if I️ have to.”
You looked up at him, blinking several times just to make sure you weren’t dreaming.
“You’re so cute.” He smiles after seconds of you just looking up at him with doe eyes. “Come here.” He says, pulling you in for a hug. He hugged you tight. You didn’t know what to do. You wrapped your arms loosely around him, still shocked at what was happening.
“You think that I️ don’t know about your little crush on me, right?” He whispered in your ears.
You gasped, eyes widening and Taehyung chuckled.
“You know?” You asked, quietly.
“Yes I️ know.” He says, looking at you. “I’ve always known.” He smiles.
“So what now? You’re going to tease me forever for having a crush on you?” You ask.
Taehyung chuckles once again. “If people get teased for having crushes then I️ think I️ should get teased as well because I️ have this huge crush on the girl standing in front of me.”
Your eyes widened once again. “What?”
“You’re so adorable. How about we go get some ice cream or something after school? I’m sure Jin won’t mind.” Taehyung suggested.
You nodded, not trusting your voice to speak.
Taehyung smiles and placed a quick peck on your nose, sending butterflies down your stomach.
“Great! Then I’ll see you after last period.” He says, taking his hands off of you and starting to walk away, leaving you by the lockers, a shocked mess.
“Wait.” He says, stopping and turning back around. “I️ think I’m forgetting something.” He says, walking back towards you.
Before you could even process what was going on, soft lips had attached themselves to yours. Soft, warm lips. They felt amazing.
Taehyung pulled away and smiled.
“Okay. Now I’m ready to go back to class. See you later, babe.”
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hornsbeforehalos · 7 years ago
Hunter And Arrow: Ten Years Later [Epilogue]
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x OFC
Warnings:  Language, the fact that I wrote it, violence, death,
A/N: I do not own TWD or any of it’s characters besides the OFC’s I’ve created. Do not repost my work anywhere without my permission.
Sorry this took so much longer than I originally anticipated. Having a ‘blah’ moment. :/ <3 
TAGS: @make-things-beautiful2 @reigningqueenofwords@srj1990@jesbakescookies @aquivercactus  @daddy-kink-confirmed@kellyn1604@reedusteinrambles @dragongirl420 @addiction-survivor25@through-thesilver-lining  @redm81@jodiereedus22@docharleythegeekqueen
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“Daaaaad! Wake up! Wake. Up!” Arrow whined, shaking her father’s arm as hard as she could. He jolted up, blinking a couple of times as he assessed his surroundings. Realizing he was in his own home, and not in the place of his nightmares, he grunted as he rubbed his eyes, “What?”
“We’re supposed to go hunting today, Ol’ man, get up.” Arrow commanded him, dropping his bow to the floor at his feet.
“Man, I been waitin’ on you.”
“Sure you have, you ready?” Arrow snorted, a smirk playing on her lips as her dad continued to rub the sleep from his eyes. 
“Yeah, where’s yer mama?” Daryl grunted, voice still thick with sleep.
“In the kitchen fixin’ breakfast for us to take, come on, Daddy, get up.” She replied with another whine, reaching down and grasping his hand to pull him to his feet. He grunted as he stood, his bones cracking as he stretched his limbs out from their stiff positions. 
“Gettin’ too ol’ for this shit, Aare. You’s gon’ have to get yer mama to take you next time.”
“Whatever, ol’ man.” Hunter snorted as she finished loading their Tubbaware dishes down with bacon and eggs and toast as they entered the kitchen. She continued to pack them away as Daryl came up behind her to kiss her cheek and squeeze her waist, earning him a gagging sound from their thirteen year old daughter. 
“Gross.” She spat, sticking her tongue out and scrunching her nose. 
“Yer gross.” Daryl retorted, flipping the girl off who returned the favor as he nuzzled into his wife’s neck, “Thank it’s time she learn how babies is made, wife?”
“I already know, asshole, I live in the same house as you too fuck rabbits.”
“Watch yer mouth, Arrow Rae.” Hunter barked, the smile on her face betraying the snap she intended as her husband continued tickling her neck and face with his stubbly chin. She ducked her neck away from him and used her ass to push him away as she moved to the other side of the kitchen to put the pans in the sink, “Quit damagin’ yer daughter, Daryl. Gon’ give her the wrong idea.”
“About what? She knows what’ll happen if she brangs a boy to this house. Even though I don’ thank tha’s gon’ be the prollem we have...”Daryl teased, smirking smugly at his daughter as he watched her face turn redder than her hair. Arrow looked anywhere but at her parents.
“Mmhmm, I see the way you and Judith look at each other, don’ thank I don’ know, girl. Bes’ watch ya’llselves, though,” Daryl quirked, pointing a finger at her as he stole a piece of bacon from Hunter’s plate, ignoring the swat she gave his hand as he stuffed it into his mouth, “Too young to do more than those looks ya givin’ ‘er, you hear me?”
Arrow rolled her eyes and ignored her mother’s snort, “Whatever, dad. Can we go yet?”
“Ya’ll git outta my house, go play in the woods.” Hunter urged, pushing them towards the door after they grabbed their gear. She smiled as she watched them both flip her off in unison before climbing on the back of his bike and heading towards the gates of the community.
“I got it! I friggin’ got it!” Jerry exclaimed, jumping out of his seat and throwing his hands up in triumph as he turned to his assistant, “Quick, go get His Majesty and tell him to hurry!” 
A lot of things had changed in the 9 years since Jerry had created the vaccine using Arrow’s blood that had begun to save the lives of the remaining population. They had encountered many more enemies once word spread of the growing community of Alexandria and their miracle cure, but each battle that Daryl and Hunter went into side by side always ended in them being the victors. They still didn’t have a lot of the old luxuries that they’d once enjoyed before the world went to shit, but just the fact that they had a way to keep the dead actually dead and protect people from turning was enough hope for everyone. 
Daryl and Arrow were basically inseparable, her being attached to her daddy’s hip from the first time he deemed her big enough for the back of his motorcycle. It was very rare for you to see Daryl Dixon and him not have his fiery, snappy, feisty pouf of red hair following close behind. They would go on runs to the other communities together, to set arrangements with new settlements they’d hear about and to help find lost ones that were seeking refuge and a home. They were the perfect team, especially doing their favorite thing to do together, hunting. 
After spending all day in the thick forest, they’d chosen to spend the night outside the walls, Radioing in to Hunter that they’d be home the next day. Hunter of course made them promise to be careful, knowing that even though that while the dead ones that walked were significantly less in numbers as they had been, it still wasn’t completely safe yet. They’d assured her that they’d be home in time for dinner and sent her kisses goodnight before enjoying each other’s company in front of the fire they’d created.
They were silent a long time before Arrow decided to ask her father the one thing she’d been worried about all day, “You really don’ care that I’m...”
“What, gay?” Daryl grunted, smirking a little as he let out a chuckle through his nose.
"I guess...” She trailed off, her voice quiet.
“Are you gay?”
“I don’ know, daddy. I feel...”
“Yeah...I guess that’s the best way to describe it.”
“Look, I ain’ no good at shit like this, you know. But I ain’t give a fuck if you like girls.” Daryl assured, lighting a cigarette before turning to face her. Her blue eyes sparkled in the fire light and matched his, relief flooding through her irises as she nodded her head at her father’s acceptance. 
After another bout of quiet Arrow spoke again, “I have another question,”
“What?” Her father rasped.
“Mama tol’ me one time about Paul having a crush on you?”
Daryl couldn’t help the snort that spewed from his nose, almost choking on the smoke that had been residing in his lungs from his latest drag off his cigarette, “Of course she did.”
“So.... did he?”
“I wouldn’t necessarily call it a crush.”
“Then what was it?” Arrow asked quietly, confusion furrowing her brows as she looked at her father. 
“Me and Paul...we were close.”
“How close?” Arrow inquired, eyeing him suspiciously. 
Daryl sighed, not exactly sure if he was ready for his own self-revelation, “We never did what yer thankin’, but...There was somethin’.”
Arrow’s eyes widened upon realization, her breath hitching back a gasp as her mouth opened and closed wordlessly. She didn’t want to push past what he’d already confessed, the knowledge that her dad had dealt with the confusing feelings she was going through was enough to help her feel better. She scooted closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder as he took another drag off his smoke before she stole it from his fingers to take one for herself.
“You better not never tell yer mama I let you smoke.” 
“I’m thirteen, dad, I’m not stupid.”
“Yeah, but I’m stupid for lettin’ you. You cured the dead desease, not Cancer.”
“Fuck you, ol’ man.” She snorted, bringing the stick to her lips and inhaling the toxic smoke.
“Don’ ever tell yer mama what I jus’ told you, either.” Daryl grunted, snatching the cigarette back from her fingers.
“Why not?”
“She’d flip her shit.”
“She already knows, dad.” Arrow replied, cocking her head against his shoulder and nudging him.
“What?” Daryl choked, jerking away from her.
“She knows. I heard her teasing Jesus one day at the Hilltop about it.” 
Daryl exhaled sharply though his nose, his nostrils flaring as he shook his head, “He saved my life, ya know? I thought ya mama was was long dead. Anytime I ever let anyone close to me and they’d die. I never let him get that close, but we had...I dunno, like I said, something.”
“Do you still have that...something?”
Daryl exhaled the last drag of smoke from his lungs, flicking it into the fire as he shook his head again, “Nah. Yer mama’s all I ever needed. I can’t love someone like I love her.”
“I’m certain I got the formulation correct. We just need a test subject, your Majesty.” Jerry mused, his eyes darting around the room as everyone gazed upon the vile in his fingers. The vile that could contain the answer to the world’s biggest problem.
“And who, pray tell, should we have as the test subject?” the King answered sarcastically, “Who is going to want to let themselves be violated by one of the abominations?”
There was silence for a minute before Daryl’s gruff voice could be heard speaking up behind everyone, “I’ll do it.”
Daryl’s thumb ran over the scar on his other hand, the tissue raised and mutilated, but healed. His eyes slid over his daughter’s sleeping form, her red ringlets scattered across her face and mouth slightly ajar to accommodate the soft snores fluttering from her lips. He grinned, she looked just like her mama when she slept. The past ten years with her had brought him so much joy, so much worry, and so much heartache. He still didn’t think he was the father she deserved, that anyone deserved, but the fact that he wasn’t scared of her like he was of his own father made him believe he wasn’t fucking up too bad. The terror in her eyes when he had let the walker bite him all those years ago was embedded in his mind, though, and he’d vowed to never see her that afraid again, even if it was for the greater good. 
He lit another cigarette as he continued to watch her sleep, his ears sharply trained on any danger that might stumble upon them that he would need to protect her from. He’d always known that humans were stupid, selfish, things that only gave a damn about themselves and what someone else could do for them, but even he, the ever cautious and suspicious one, hadn’t even been prepared for the ruthlessness of people after the vaccine was created. People just like Negan and just like Gregory came from all over hoping to use his little girl, but every time a new threat showed themselves, his beautiful wife was there to rip out their throats. 
He remembered when he finally came to understand what made his wife so blood-thirsty when it came to their child. The feeling in his chest when he’d seen a man hold a gun to his seven year old daughter’s head, the look of a pure predator on Hunter’s face as she aimed the sniper rifle at the man’s head. The connection that was almost electric between his two girls, Arrow knowing just when to move her head slightly to the right to avoid the bullet that planted itself between the man’s eyes. 
Hunter Christine Dixon was an anomaly all in her own. She’d changed so much within the time that they were apart in the beginning but in so many ways stayed the same as well. Now, she was an even greater, wiser woman but still just as ruthless as ever. Daryl would fall in love with her over and over and over again for the rest of his life, he thought, no matter how many times they’d threatened to kill each other. She was the light of his life, second only to the sleeping girl who he quietly laid down beside after making sure her blanket covered her properly, the closest thing he could do now that she was so much older to tucking her in. He kept himself alert as he drifted off to sleep in a way that only he could, content with what his life had brought him.
The duo returned back to Alexandria the next day, a large buck with an impressive spread of antlers hoisted up over Daryl’s shoulders, and a small doe being held up by Arrow. They made their way to the front porch where Hunter was waiting, and they each shrugged off the kills at her feet like some kind of offering. 
“You tryna court me ‘er somethin’, Daryl Dixon?” Hunter grinned as he looked up at her proudly, their daughter choking back a laugh as she rolled her eyes.
“Pffft, I shot that one, mama.” Arrow confirmed what her mother already assumed, earning the girl a shove from her father as she climbed the steps.
“Never can let yer ol’ man have anything, can you, banshee?” Daryl complained, hands on his hips.
“Fuck off, dad.” She chuckled as she stood behind Hunter and flipped him off
“Watch that mouth, girl.” Daryl scolded, pointing a finger at her as she stuck out her tongue in his direction before flipping him off again and heading inside to take a shower. 
“You gon’ help me gut these things, girl?” Daryl asked as he pulled the large blade he would be using from it’s place on his hip.
“Not on my front porch, I’m not.” Hunter replied, walking down the steps to hoist the doe up, “I got everything set up ‘round back, come on.” 
Daryl watched her for a moment with the same amazement as he always did as she pulled the deer up onto her shoulders, her tight ass swaying with the weight as she moved the thing around the side of the house. 
“You comin’ ‘er are ya gon’ stand around holdin’ yer dick all day, Dixon?” She called to him teasingly, knowing he was staring at her. 
He reeled himself back into his mind and quickly chased after her, the heat in his groin making him forget all about the buck left on the steps.
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maximuswolf · 4 years ago
🌟🌟🌟Piercing care mega post 🌟🌟🌟 via /r/piercing
🌟🌟🌟Piercing care mega post 🌟🌟🌟
I noticed my links from before weren’t working since this is a reply to another post so I’m adding it here as plain text please correct me if there’s any issues!!!
Ugh I wrote such a long explanation and it was all deleted so here I’ll write it again kk!! I’m currently working on my university degree in biology and I work with bacteria and viruses all the time so I’ll give you a simple straightforward explanation okay!! (I’ve added onto this to use again lol)
Let’s start! You didn’t have an infection!!!!!!! An infection is a very hot ear with white yellow or green pus you may run a fever or develop a pimple looking pustule. To clear an infection you can only use two things: your immune system and/or antibiotics if needed. Anything else is ineffective. What you had is an irritation bump!!!!!!!!
Now what’s an irritation bump? An irritation bump is a little hard discoloured bump that develops around the sight of the piercing it happens for these few common reasons
1.) you’re allergic to the jewelry!! Always pierce with implant grade titanium
You have BAD jewelry always pierce with internally threaded titanium NEVER EXTERNAL
2a almost every piercing is pierced with a flat back labret jewelry (a stud that screws on) it’s a straight barbell NOT RINGS
2b here are some locations where they use a curved bar: rook, anti tragus’ navel eyebrow
2c. For navels make sure your tummy rolls do not collapse on your belly button if you do you must get a floating navel or you WILL get a bump from your ring constantly being squished and pushed upwards
2d. bar length!! The bar was too short to accommodate swelling ORRR you didn’t downsize after the swelling went down and the bar began to catch on things
3.) you were pierced at a bad angle sometimes bad angles have trouble healing because they go through more skin and or they’re in a position where it’s constantly catching in things
3a you should almost always be pierced perpendicular to your anatomy it should be at a 90 degree angle!!!! 3b) pierced on the surface they eventually reject anyways 3c) NEVER LET ANYONE PIERCE YOU WITH A GUN. Piercers should autoclave your jewelry and the needle should come in a sterile pack google what an autoclave is and look for it
4) you slept on it (get a travel pillow ofc)
5) your hair got caught in it (headbands are great solutions)
6) incorrect cleaning!!! Rinse with sterile saline or wound wash it should have no additives!! Pat dry with non woven gauze but personally the shitty brown paper towels work just fine You do not need to soak it and do not use your own salt water but saline !!!
7) you were messing with it. Piercings heal by forming a fistula around the ring. This is scar tissue you need to leave it still so it can form this scar tissue if you twist it or push it around your essentially ripping your fistula apart
7a) don’t take out piercings while healing other than to downsize the bar. it will irritate the wound and it can just close if you take it out for a while
Let’s move on to the rest :)
When you’re healing a wound you want to keep it dry as in you don’t wanna submerge it in water or leave it moist long enough for bacteria to fester and grow. however you want to maintain your skins natural moisture levels. When you use alcohol it evaporates water in your skin and dries it out too much when it’s this dries your skin cells die out and it doesn’t heal as well. Alcohol is great for cleaning unbroken skin or maybe even a minor scrape and cuts and abrasions (anything on the first layer of skin is fine) but not for piercing wounds they’re very deep and you pierce through your actual flesh. Your flesh is very fragile to harsh chemicals like alcohol
Now like I said earlier you want to maintain your skins natural moisture so no creams or oils!!!! In fact creams and oils are often nutrient rich and WET and will attract more bacteria. they’ll also trap dirt and the skin cells your skin is attempting to shed. Never put them directly on piercings. Now neosporin is a papular cream for minor cuts and abrasions but you don’t need it it’s just a mini antibiotic your body heals fine on it’s own and honestly sometimes Vaseline does the damn job for burns and stuff.
Onto keloids!!! Rule of thumb If you think you have a keloid no you don’t. A keloid is genetic scarring disorder you are born with it and you usually know since someone in your family might OR you’re a person of colour darker skinned people like black people tend to have keloids genetically. And they NEVER go away without clinical treatment sometimes they grow forever. Now if you did have a keloid you would be receiving rounds of corticosteroids under clinical supervision depending on your case. Some doctors will cut it off freeze it off or laser it off but I guarantee your store bought cream did not do the job.
Saline rinses great point there let’s look into it!! Saline isn’t really SUPPOSED to do anything that’s like the whole point if you know what I mean. Saline is great because your human body has the same salt concentration as saline so again you are maintaining your natural body’s composition. It’s called homeostasis if you wanna learn more!! What it does is just give your piercing a good rinse and bring it back to the usual. And what’s cool is salt is antimicrobial too!!! But the perfect amount of salt just for you eh! and let me also mention some people get “saline solutions” that have other stuff in them you don’t want any additives it should only have sodium chloride (chemical name for salt) and water!! So who knows
There are many side effects to what you did here but somehow by the grace of god it helped you and love that for you but who knows if it was all the stuff you did or that you have a freaking amazing immune system
Here’s a food for though if you’ve ever had your wisdom teeth out a surgery or anything like that think what would you do and what would your doctor say about it
Thanks for reading !!!
Submitted October 01, 2020 at 10:16AM by buttercupbeuaty via reddit https://ift.tt/34dX225
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mocacheezy · 5 years ago
Okay let me freak about this for a lil bit. Say what you want, but MegOp became a ship that screamed at me as soon as I started rewatching TFPrime.
And listen, I am a huge sucker for the "I have a soft spot for you and only you" trope.
I did not know I was also a huge sucker for "I am not as law abiding as I seem X I am not as dumb as I make it seem" with a huge amount of WE SHALL BRING DOWN THE OPRESSORS. Neither did I know I was a sucker for the "dystopian world forced everyone to become ruthless but there is hope because we have eachother" because dystopian world full of pain and suffering never seemed like my jam.
This fic? This fic is short. Depends on who you ask ofc, but 20 chapters? With the way this story flows? With the way these two and so many other great characters are written? Guys... I didn't even know when I got to chapter 17. And the darn thing packs a punch! It packs such a punch I was incredibly glad ch. 20 is there. Because with how it ends (I mean, you see it coming, boy, if you know Orion Pax/Optimus Prime you know this poor transformer cannot catch a break)... Yeah that chapter was very needed and I am glad it is there.
Before this gets too long, lemme just say:
Read the tags on the fic, give it a shot, and sit back for an adventure... Prepare tissues if you are an emotional wreck of a reader like me.
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Present for my lovely @darklordofcutlets  ^_^ For her amazing fic Ride Eternal
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redheadedwhat · 8 years ago
Visitation pt II
Thanks to everyone who has been liking/reblogging this story and the other one! I really appreciate it. Let me know if I should put up the next part a bit quicker than I did with this one, as I have said before: I have no idea what I am doing! If you haven’t read part 1: here it is! Part 3 - Part 4
Title: Visitation 
Pairing: Negan x OFC
Rating: SFW (violence and some swearing) 
Later that day Rick asked Michonne to accompany him while he talked to Tallulah. The girl didn't seem like much of a threat, but their past experiences had taught them that it was better to be safe than sorry. They would find out as much as they could about her before deciding whether or not she would be allowed to stay.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.” Rick smiled as he passed the woman a bottle of water. “Do you…uh…need anything?” He asked, motioning awkwardly to her swollen abdomen. He was raised to be a nice, Southern gentleman and there was still enough of that deep down inside him to not want a pregnant woman to be uncomfortable in any way, but the fact that she was carrying the spawn of Negan made him feel a bit awkward about it. “I’m fine, thank you.” Tallulah answered. “So, is this my interview? Audition?” She glanced warily at Michonne’s katana, “Interrogation, maybe?” “Think of it more as getting to know you.” Rick said with a reassuring smile. “I’m not saying we think you’re dangerous, but we like to be smart about who we let into our community.” He looked back at Michonne to see if she had anything to add, but the woman just stood there with her steely gaze locked on the newcomer. I guess we’re playing good cop/bad cop, he thought to himself before focusing back on Tallulah. “Why don’t you just tell us your story. Anyone that’s survived this long has got to have a story, right?” Tallulah took a deep breath while rubbing her stomach, as if the child she was carrying could somehow calm her nerves. It usually worked, ‘Just remember the baby’ had been her mantra for the last few months while she tried to find a safe way out of the sanctuary. Taking a deep, steadying breath she began. “I’m from New Jersey, a bit outside of New York City. When the outbreak started getting really bad we were urged to go to relief centers, but we had waited too long and they were absolutely packed. New Jersey had the highest population density of all 50 states, or at least that’s the one thing I remember from 4th grade geography. Anyway it’s a lot of people in a very tiny space and as you can guess it was not pretty.” “Who’s “we”?” Rick interrupted to ask, “Were you with family? Friends?” Tallulah shook her head, “No, not really. Just the neighbors from my apartment complex. We knew one another well enough to say ‘hello’ when we passed and stuff like that, but we weren’t really friends,” she explained before getting back into her story. “A few of my neighbors had already been up to the roof to check out the surrounding area. You could see the city pretty well from up there and my neighbor Frankie was either really into astronomy or had a really creepy nighttime hobby because he had this super expensive, powerful telescope. Manhattan was absolutely mobbed and our neighborhood wasn’t much better. We were pretty much playing by horror movie rules by that point. I mean people were eating each other on the street, so the plan was to get somewhere less populated.” Wow, this was more difficult than she thought it would be. Tallulah hadn’t spoken about this since she met up with Negan and had tried to keep her mind off of it ever since. Perhaps it wasn’t the healthiest way to cope, but who had time for that? Mental health was a luxury these days. “You alright?” Rick asked softly, holding out a box of tissues for her. It was only then that Tallulah realized that she had stopped talking and had begun tearing up a bit. “Yeah, I’m sorry.” She took the tissues from him with a small smile. “I’m gonna blame this on the pregnancy hormones.” “Do you need a break?” He asked, looking back at Michonne to see if the woman had any objections. Rick, like many men, wasn’t always sure what to do about crying women. Tallulah didn’t seem like she was trying to be manipulative, but he was glad that he had Michonne with him for the second opinion. She still hadn’t said anything or even moved, but her silence spoke volumes. “No.” Tallulah shook her head, trying to clear away the cobwebs in her mind. She didn’t want to sit and stew on this for a long period of time. She just needed to get it over with quickly. Quick and painless, like removing a band-aid. “No, I’m fine. Anyway, a few of my neighbors got the idea to get a boat and try to get to one of the islands in the Hudson, which didn’t sound so bad in theory, but not one of them knew how to operate a boat. I mean, it’s not like we could just hop on a ferry or something.” She sighed. She still felt a bit guilty that she didn’t try harder to argue her point of view, but she had always hated confrontation, especially when she wasn’t sure that her position was the right one. “That’s where we split up. Most people decided that the boat was the way to go, except for my neighbor Tony and myself.” “Wait a second.” Rick interrupted trying not to grin. “You were in New Jersey and your neighbors were Frankie and Tony? This sounds like an episode of The Sopranos.” Tallulah surprised herself by actually laughing. She hadn’t laughed in months. “Most of the guys in my area were Frankie, or Tony. We had a lot of Richie’s, too. So, you’d fit right in,” she teased. “Luckily Tony was more of the survivalist type than the mobster type. He had all sorts of multitools, hunting gear, food, and even canned water which I didn’t even know was a thing. We grabbed as much as we could and loaded it into his truck and off we went.” Tony was a good guy. She hadn’t known him very well beforehand, but he hadn’t thought twice of sharing his things with her and taking her along with him. She truly believed that she wouldn’t be alive today if not for him. “Did you ever find out what happened to your other neighbors?” Rick asked. He was trying not to interrupt her too much, but he couldn’t help but be curious. “I have no idea.” Tallulah admitted sadly. “Maybe they’re all alive and well on an island somewhere, hanging with Gilligan and the Skipper, but more than likely they’re a bunch of zombies floating on a boat in the middle of the ocean. If they ever even made it off the dock.” Rick nodded in understanding and even Michonne looked a bit sympathetic. While losing people was difficult, sometimes it’s the not knowing that’s even worse. “Tony had a brother that moved to some little fishing town in Virginia and was apparently an even bigger survivalist than Tony was. He said if anyone could survive the end of the world it was his brother, ” Tallulah continued. “It made sense at the time: the town was small and rural, so not a lot of people and if it came down to it Tony’s brother had a boat and actually knew how to operate it. Besides, we would only be a few hours from DC and if anyone was going to cure this thing it would be scientists at the capital, right?” Her story checked out so far. Rick had thought the same thing himself for awhile, until Eugene had proven himself to be a fraud and the illusion of an end to this crisis had been shattered. “It was fine for a little while. We would drive during the day and park somewhere to sleep at night. He taught me stuff about survival and I made some ‘go-bags’ in case we needed to leave the truck quickly. It was slow moving because of all the cars stranded on the roads and the occasional zombie attack, the trip usually only took between six to eight hours, but it was better than walking.” Tallulah took a long drink from the water bottle in front of her, steeling herself for the next part of her story. It was almost over.
“One morning, just about an hour or so after we started driving again, we hit a roadblock. When Tony went to clear it, a group of men came out of the woods and demanded he give over his truck, his belongings, and me in exchange for his life.” As much as she tried, Tallulah couldn’t stop the tears from filling her eyes. “He yelled for me to run as he tried to fight the guys off, but there were too many. They killed him, but I was able to grab a ‘go-bag’ and get away.” “Were they The Saviors?” Michonne’s voice startled both Tallulah and Rick. She had been absolutely silent until now, so much so that Tallulah had almost forgotten about the intense woman. “What? No. I have no idea who they were. I didn’t stick around to find out, honestly. I was too scared.” She admitted, somewhat ashamed. Tony had done so much for her and she had just left him. “After that I was mostly on my own. I had no idea where I was and the running had taken a lot out of me. I have issues with my spine and back,” she explained somewhat hesitantly. Usually when people found out that she wasn’t completely able-bodied they decided she was more trouble than she was worth. “I had surgery a few years before the outbreak and I was probably going to have to get another, but it never happened, for the obvious reasons. I ran into a few groups along the way and they would keep me with them for awhile either out of pity or because I had some helpful ideas for scavenging and the like, but when the going got tough and it came time to run, I always got left behind. I was too slow, too damaged. Not an asset.” She tried not to be bitter, but it was difficult. Realistically she understood why they had done that. She wasn’t anyone to those people. She wasn’t a relative, a loved one, or even a friend. She was just a hanger-on and not a very useful one at that. No one was going to risk their life for her. She understood, but it still hurt. “What do you mean you had ‘helpful ideas?’” Michonne asked. “What kind of things did you help with when you came across a group?” “I’ve watched a lot of horror movies.” Tallulah admitted sheepishly. “Especially zombie movies. I know it sounds stupid, but zombie lore was kind of helpful. I was also pretty good at finding stuff. My go-to advice was raiding a gas station for maps of the area and a copy of the yellow pages. Then you could make a plan instead of blindly searching for shit.” “Those are pretty good ideas,” Michonne admitted, “but if you couldn’t fight, could barely even run, how on earth did you manage to survive this long?” She wasn’t trying to be mean, she wasn’t even all that suspicious of the woman anymore, but if there’s anything this world had taught her it was that only the strong survived. If you weren’t strong, you’d better have strong people watching out for you. This girl seemed to have survive for a long period of time without either. “Honestly? Pure dumb luck and my natural charm.” Tallulah gave them a self-deprecating grin. “I was cautious. I wasn’t able to kill many of the dead, but I learned pretty early on that as long as I could kill one or two unnoticed I could hide under them until the rest had gone.” As much as Rick was interested in her story, he was suitably convinced that there was nothing in her pre-Negan days that he needed to worry about. It was time to get to the crux of the problem. “How did you meet Negan?” Rick finally inquired. Tallulah smiled, if a bit tensely. This is the part where she’d need to be careful. She didn’t believe that she had done anything wrong, but these people had been badly hurt by Negan and showing too much sympathy for him could put them off. “I had grown disillusioned with finding other groups, so I decided to set up a safe house of my own,” she began. “I took over a room in a motor lodge, you know, one of those motels where all the rooms are accessible from the outside,” she explained. “Even though I had been able to keep hold of my go-bag. the supplies were dwindling. I was going through the other rooms one day, raiding the minibars and checking to see if anyone had left anything behind and stuff like that when Negan and The Saviors pulled up.” Tallulah had been scared shitless when she saw them. She hadn’t trusted rough-looking men all that much before the world had ended, but now that there were no more laws keeping people in check? She tried her damnedest to stay as far away from them as possible. “They went through the motel, took what they needed and offered to take me along with them.” Well, ‘offered’ was a nice way to put it. Negan had asked her to come along, but she really doubted she had much of a choice in the matter. “I wasn’t particularly interested at first, but like I said, I was low on supplies. In between the motel and The Sanctuary we encountered a herd. I prepared myself to be left behind again, but Negan protected me. He pulled me with him and carried me when my legs finally gave out.” Tallulah had been floored by that. She’d only known him for a day or two by that point and he’d gone out of his way to help her, even knowing about her physical limitations. Sure, he’d been hoping to sleep with her, but he wasn’t the first man in the apocalypse that had tried to fuck her. He was the first one since Tony that had tried to save her. “Obviously, we made it out alive. When we got to the Sanctuary he explained the rules and asked me if I’d be interested in being his wife and that was that.” Michonne finally moved from her place against the wall to sit in front of her. Leaning forward with her elbows on her knees she asked, “So you prostituted yourself for an easier life. Didn’t you find that degrading?” “No, but I was never the type to see sex work as inherently degrading even before all this,” Tallulah answered, trying to keep her cool. “What I found degrading was shitting in the woods with only whatever was lying around to clean myself up with and never being able to relieve myself alone in case of attack. It was degrading to have to choose between bleeding all over myself or sticking dirty rags into my underwear every month when I had my period, not to mention how all that dried blood would stay on me for days because there was nowhere to bathe.” Tallulah was trembling now, trying not to let her emotions get the best of her, but having a difficult time keeping her mouth shut. She was tired, hungry, and uncomfortably pregnant. There was only so much a woman could take. “Eating bugs or disgusting, expired food that I normally wouldn’t have fed to my dog was degrading. Fucking a guy that I quite honestly would have fucked anyway, in exchange for him taking care of me and keeping me safe?” Tallulah was looking Michonne directly in the eyes at this point. There was no doubt that this woman could kick her ass three ways ‘til Sunday. She was stronger, tougher, and better cut out for this world than Tallulah was by a long shot, but Tallulah wanted to let them know that she would not be insulted and she would not be pushed around. “That, I did not find degrading in the least.” Michonne sat back without another word and gave Rick a significant look. The two seemed to have a silent conversation while Tallulah just sat there wondering if she had just gone too far with her attitude. Finally Rick turned from his near-telepathic communication to ask, “Why do you want to stay in Alexandria?” Ok, so maybe she didn’t ruin things. Perhaps honesty is the best policy, after all. “Well, this baby is Negan’s. I figured he had a right to know. I’m not asking you to let him out or anything like that, I just want to talk to him.” Rick nodded, glad that she wasn’t going to protest his imprisonment or demand his release. “Why not just go to a different community and start over?” he asked curiously. “The world isn’t all that big anymore,” she pointed out. “No matter what community I go to someone is going to remember me as one of Negan’s wives and put two and two together. At least if I’m here, my child can have some visitation with their father.” “And what makes you think we’re going to let Negan see his child?” Rick inquired. “Do you think he would do the same for me if the roles were reversed?” This is what Tallulah was afraid of. Everyone made Rick Grimes out to be a fair man, but it was also common knowledge that he and Negan did not see eye to eye. Well, that was being polite. Rick downright hated the guy. Why should he have any sympathy for him or his child? “I don’t know,” Tallulah answered honestly, “but you’re supposed to be the good guys. The reason he is sitting in prison and not six feet under is proof of that. You and your people are more merciful and humane and if this prison sentence is about rehabilitation then letting him see his kid is a part of that. Hell, even prisoners on death row used to be allowed visitation.” “And what if we have him locked up for nothing but good, old-fashioned revenge?” Rick countered. “Well, then what could be worse than letting him see his kid and reminding him every day that he won’t be getting out to raise them?” Tallulah really didn’t want to give anyone in Alexandria ammunition to fuck with Negan, but she was getting desperate. “I know Negan has hurt you. He’s a dick, I’m not going to try to deny that fact. We aren’t star-crossed lovers or some fucked up post-apocalyptic Bonnie and Clyde, I’m not going to try to break him out or convince you to let him out or anything of the sort.” Tallulah could see Rick and Michonne weren’t entirely sold yet, so she was just going to lay it all out on the table. If it didn’t work, at least she’d know that she’d tried everything. “I basically followed Jesus around the entire time he was at The Sanctuary, jumped into his car and refused to leave until he agreed to bring me here because I knew this was the only place left for me. There is a good chance that having this baby will kill me.” Tallulah didn’t even try to fight back the tears this time. Although she had known it since the beginning, this was the first time she’d admitted out loud. In this day and age an unplanned pregnancy could easily be a death sentence and almost every woman in her family had needed a C-section since the beginning of medical intervention. Perhaps she’d be as lucky as her great granny Molly McDermott who’d birthed a dozen children with only a few pints of Guinness and a midwife for help, but she wasn’t overly hopeful. “Even if it doesn’t, the weight it’s putting on my back and the trauma from birth could easily incapacitate me for good. I’m not saying this for sympathy. I just want you to understand where I’m coming from. My child shares half of its DNA with one of the most hated men in the region. There is no way he or she is going to get a fair shake and it’s going to be even harder for them if I’m not around. At least if they’re here they will be able to have some contact with family, even if that family is…well, Negan.” She gave a wry laugh. Negan was many things, some good, some bad, but father of the year material he was not. “I’m not asking you to like him, or forgive him or even look at things from his point of view, but everyone has a story. You said that, Rick,” she reminded as she locked her watery gaze on him. “And I know you’re not bad people, but to have survived this long and protected your people so successfully there must be someone out there that considers you their Big Bad Wolf.” Rick looked away, slightly uncomfortable. She was right, except for the fact that most people who crossed him and his family didn’t live to tell the tale, let alone have him become the monster that hides under their beds. He looked to Michonne to make sure they were on the same page and saw reluctant acceptance in her eyes. There was only one thing left to do. Looking back at Tallulah he offered her a comforting smile and began to ask, “How many Walkers have you killed?”
Thanks to @kijilinn for beta-ing and @ladylorelitany for helping me out! Thanks everyone for reading and feel free to send me questions/comments/critiques/whatnot! If you liked it, share it with your friends!
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junghoseoks · 8 years ago
Yeah, I didn't plan on doing any trip, but then I found out I could see BTS 😂 Omg ikr, the concert day is so soon!!!!! I'll make sure to tell you all about it (unless you don't want to be completely spoiled)! I tried to avoid looking at the Seoul stuff so I didn't spoil myself, but yeah, it'll probably be different. Especially since they can't bring those kind of stage props. Omg, I'm excited about everything, I can't choose one! Seeing them, hearing their voices live, choreos, everything!!!
I’m so excited! And ofc I want to hear about it(I need to know how many tissue packs I should bring) it’s going to be so weird seeing them live and now like over a computer screen!? Like I literally might have a heart attack and die at the concert but at least I got to see them. 😂
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