#a lot of shit happend but i am doing everything that i can
mistress-light · 10 months
Whelp, I am officially overworked since last week. Had a breakdown, couldn’t think, felt empty as hell. But, here I am getting there.
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lukaherehelp · 10 months
Playboyy EP3 - Sacrificing Yourself
okey had my girl dinner, I'm going in!
Just like I did last week, instead of a full commentary, we are going through some pointers, which are A LOT in this third episode.
Ladies, gentlemen and nonbinary dieties, we can all take the clown makeup off, we can leave the river Denial, it was roleplay!
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I swear motherfuckers I spend the whole week in distressed thinking this was for real, you assholes! You are still the cutest tho
Let's start with them, shall we?
Soong & First
We dodge the bullet of Soong being an actual psyco and jump into "problems in paradise" which FAIR, cause we've barely seen any communication between this two for this first two episodes. Mind you, it could have being off screen, this roleplay adventures had to be talked about at some point... But I feel like that was the extent of their communication.
I want to remind y'all that the Baddie Bunch is a group of young rich kids (all of them are 21), so the Playboyys are bound to have much higher street smarts and wisdom when it comes to life that the twinks. Soong, in specific, is 3 years older than First.
Why am I remarking this? Because First is clearly drunk in love with Soong but his "love" for him is purely based on them being sexually compatible. Is there anything else that they enjoy apart from rough sex? We don't know, fuck I don't even think they know!
And that's were the whole "we can have normal sex for once?!" thing comes from. Soong seems to like First back, to the point of allowing this now broke kid to stay with him even tho he can barely provide for the two of them. That's also the reason why Soong probably is taking more clients than before, even if that means spendid less time with First and paying less attention to him. First calling him a leech when First is now the leech was so ironic...
But First is so drunk on love that he cannot compute Soong not being there with him physically and mentally 24/7. Again, this kid lived in a golden cage for 21 years of his life, he thinks he knows but doesn't know shit about how real life works, even less so when you are at the lower ranks.
If they want to work out, First needs to have a reality check and grow up, learn that a relationship like the one he wants cannot be based soly on roleplay. And learn that life outside his cage is tough and requires "sacrifices".
Staying with them for another second, we need to talk about this:
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Now, we are going wild. Rightfully so, this is the first hint we get that is not attached to Nont's investigation. So I wanna throw my two cents about it:
I don't think this is hinting that Soong was involved in whatever happend to Nant. You see, we have being especulating about Nant doing sex work, obviously, but I don't think he ever actually worked at Playboyy at any point. In any case, I don't think this scene hints at that.
My theory is that he probably was doing sex work in a room in the same apartment building where Soong lives. Could have being during one of the first sessions with Dog Man or maybe another client that went way too far. Either way, my two cents is that Soong probably met Nant after aiding him against a problematic client and that's why First crying in distress triggerd the memory: Nant seems like he's pleading, so maybe he thought Soong would rat him out, not knowing that Soong is also a sex worker.
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He could have also asked Soong to not tell anybody about what happend, scared that his "secret life" would come out. I'm staying in that theory for now.
We don't have much about this two afterwards: Soong missing First and First being angry and heartbroken about the whole ordeal. So yeah, moving on!
Now, to the Lovebirds™
Teena & Zouey
Oh lord this was hard to watch... But let's talk about it.
Everything starts good, everything gucci. Teena is acting like a "top-tier" boyfriend see what I did there to Zouey even in front of the Baddie Bunch.
And then we get them being cute in private. You know, cuddleling, kiking about Zouey's friends where did I hear the "do you care about my friends?" line before /s. You know, boyfie behaviour... although they are not dating. Nothing wrong about that. All good.
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Things start to fall apart as soon as this two sit up and Zouey goes "be my boyfriend! I'm ready to have sex now!". Oh lord.
Zouey clearly likes Teena and wants to be with him. And Teena also seems to like Zouey back. The thing is, due to the Baddie Bunch, Zouey has gotten this unspoken idea (to us) in his mind that to keep Teena, to be his boyfriend, they have to sleep together. But as much as he "thinks" he is ready, Teena and us clearly see that he is not. Teena tells him again that they don't need to have sex, that he doesn't need to "sacrifice himself" for them to be together.
But Zouey pushes through, saying that he "is in the mood", that Teena has "succeeded in making Zouey want him". Baby boy, you have been wanting this man since you first layed eyes on him, you are just cautious, which I applaud you for. But, with a second assertion from Zoueys part, we have Teena taking the lead and being sweet and slowly easing Zouey into what's about to happen:
picking him up to sit him on his lap while he kisses Zouey's temple
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observing how Zouey is still cautiolsy touching him
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the tiny kiss to the nose
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Teena spends the whole time reasuring Zouey that he would not mock him, he knows how inexperienced Zouey is. He's making sure Zouey feels save.
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Now, the downfall starts the moment Teena introduces a safe word. Which is always a good thing to have, but no to relay on solely with a first timer, buddy. also wanna point out how I kept singing red lights by skz everytime teena said red light because I'm that unserious
So, when we are "at the gates" of this taking further, hell breaks loose. Zouey asks Teena to go one step further but quickly regrets it. Now, I'm a girly that firmly believes that anything apart from a yes is a no, so Teena being a little pushy after Zouey shows discomfort already made me go nah uh buddy, but I can see where Teena is coming from...?
Zouey is freaking out, as he has done many times and is trying to make him relax again... but it doesn't work. And that's when the unfortunate phrase comes in:
" If we're going to be a couple, we'll have to do this someday. "
First of all, bullshit. You can have a serious relationship with somebody without the need of getting sexual. HOWEVER, and I can't believe I'm about to say this, I have to side with Teena here for a second.
HEAR ME OUT BEFORE THROWING STONES AT ME! Their relationship has being highly sexual from day one, period. Does that mean that the prospect of taking it all the way someday is there? It doesn't... But Zouey did start this encounter with "be my boyfriend! I'm ready to have sex now!". He's the one that put out there that if they date they will get intimate, not Teena.
Now, it wasn't fortunate from Teena's part to be "we should just do it" as if they were treating this like it was a fear to bungee jumping.
And Zouey, again, uses words that have never came from Teena's mouth (that we know of) to express his discomfort with the situation. Yes, Teena said that they didn't need to have sex if Zouey didn't want to. But Teena never said that they couldn't date because they didn't have sex. That last part, has only happend on Zoueys head. And why? Because that's what he has being hearing from the Baddie Bunch.
The scene ends with Zouey asking Teena to leave and Teena, not wanting to upset Zouey any further, going along with his request.
The last we see on the matter is Zouey and First day drinking at uni (god, I miss sneaking beers into art school lmao) while they compare their heartbreak and talk about abuse and consent. That's a whole post on its own and I still have another two couples to talk about to we closing here.
Keen & Captain
Lord baby jesus, we starting strong with this couple.
That "test" to join the rugby team: fuckin disgusting, I hate men. I don't care if it was for the hahas, nah uh. I'm leaving the gym. Fuck this team. But the team being homophobic... Are we surprised? Maybe is my own experience talking, but I didn't expect less from an sports team of a private university lmao
To light up this post a little, I gotta say: couples that share kinks stay together, so that in my eyes makes KeenCaptain endgame no matter the drama that the future holds for us. I'm going back to Delululand.
They are already giving me Brat Captain and I'm thriving, I signed up for this and I'm getting my moneys worth. Also this:
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This sneaky little bitch is recording it and, again, are we surprised, we already knew that was going to happen. WHAT I DIDN'T EXPECT was Captain already releasing the fuckin think and hilariously backfiring on him a comedy I tell you. I fear that tape might get out of the confitment of the rugby team and get Keen, whoms both the team captain AND coach, in deep shit. However, I cannot wait to see what Captain will do with the wig and makeup he requested from Nont.
ANOTHER THING before I get into the last couple:
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the gasp I gasped, y'all. Kaya, remind me this weekend to make the kiss/fuck count post, I feel like we are going to need another graphic by the end of this series.
Prom & Nont
Nont is slipping, bruh. To a degree and at a speed I'm starting to get stressed.
Almost getting caught by Captain when he's threatening Phop with penknife, asking for the wrong drink at the house, the accidental slap to Zouey and how not in control he is everytime he's with Prom when he clearly doesn't have ANY control on the situation. Honey, you pretty face and cunty ass is not going to work with Master, sorry to break this to you.
That being said, let's focus on the investigation:
Phop had Nant's laptop but is not truly clear to us where he got it since they got interrupted by Captain before Phop could spill the beans.
Nant was obviously doing webcam.
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Now, tell me why Nont is adamant that the person that threw the laptop away was Nant's boyfriend? When did we stablished that Nant had a boyfriend? Nont fits right in into this friend group, another clueless boy that lived in a golden cage and is now seeing the darker side of the world.
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the name here is Nant's btw
Here we are introduced with Nuth whom let me pull my guide real quick is described as:
Nuth dreams of becoming a sucessful film director one day, but with the lost of a family member, he has become introverted, depressed and unmotivated, making him currently unemployed. This has made him dive head first into the world of webcam. [...]
Nont, whom clearly has a modus operandi with his way of investigating, jumps right into creating his own account in the webcam site and getting in contact with Nuth after seeing that Nuth and Nant used to text throw the website.
Now, Nuth points out some of his fantasies to Nont:
" Meeting strangers, having sex with twins in a small room, the twins make out and lick all over my body, I wear a mask and I'll make them moan like a dog with the camera on. "
Sounds exactly like Dog Man, doesn't it? Way too soon to be suspicious of him tho, so I'm also putting this under the category of red herring. Nuth does panick the moment he sees Nont's face and blocks him, but I'm not speaking on that for now. Too many posibilities.
With Captain's help, Nont is able to recover the video of Nant with Dog Man and I guess he indeed gets stabbed in the video. I cannot imagine what that has to be like. Seeing something so horrible happen to someone that looks exactly like you... But I guess is not a deadly wound since Nont keeps assuming that Nant is not dead? He could be in denial, that too.
Nont, however, still in the mood to go see Master Prom and I cannot blame him and my brother keeps sliping in front of this man whom clearly knows that he's being lied too but clearly is having fun seeing Nont trip on his feet.
"You used to hate it here", "I had to convince you to come", "I thought you've changed enough to drink wine"... Prom is us, we are Prom. We sharing a braincell with this man, whom clearly is the only motherfucker holding a braincell.
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god, now I want wine but I don't have any... sad
The "I can have sex in real life, why do I need to join a call?" line? Sir, I'm free anytime you want me too. I don't have any other responsibility than to please you. What can I say, I'm a simple woman.
"I'll make you moan like a dog". Yeah, I would also get triggered after so many dog references pointing at your brother's disappearance, Nont. That being said, Prom catching that Nont has become terrified and keeps making him more scared... He's making his move in this 3D chess they are playing.
This is him pushing Nont to see for how much longer he can keep the façade. But this leads into a really important frame.
I don't know the rest of y'all, but from my friends that are into heavy bdsm stuff I have learned many things and one is that all the toys, props, accessories, ropes, EVERYTHING is stored in the same place. Is more convenient that way and easier to hide from the prying eye.
So unless it got blood on it and had to be thown away, no dog mask for Prom. Neither the harness for what I can see.
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we have a full face mask and I feel like that's the mask he was talking about here and in the foreplay video.
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And with that being said, seems like next week we have more heartbreak but also a lot of mix-and-match and I cannot wait. See y'all next week.
Luka out!
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I just got done re-reading the main story of whb and I have have come to the realisation that everything happend in only a week at max.
Everything between Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 happened in the same day. Then we fell asleep due to Mammon's curse song thing and we were unconcious for an undisclosed amount of time (though I doupt it was more than a day).
Then Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 happen one after another without any stop in the middle, we get kidnapped by the Hades crew and we go to Hades (again, undisclosed amount of time, but still, probably no more than a day at most)
In Chapter 5 we have some rest time, but still not a lot since Leviathan really wants to go find the original seed of the tree of knowledge, so, again, I doupt that someone like Leviathan would just sit around doing jack shit while hell was under threat and he thinks he found a solution.
So, at most, the whole story so far happened in about a week. It honestly feels like there should be more, but I can't find any indicators suggesting time passing that aren't the ones I mentioned above.
We have been told repeatedly that time in Hell and time on Earth are different, which kind of makes this whole thing even more terrifing. From Minhyeok's perpective we've been gone for weeks or months, but from our POV we just got here.
When I first read Bimet's H-scene, I thought him saying "you're loose" was kind of a haha pun because MC fucked a lot of demons before him, but if we go off the timeline of events, we got done fucking Mammon like 3 hours ago.
I am very confused and I am putting this here to kind of see if anyone in this community can enlighten me.
Admitadly, it would be very funny if everything happened in one day. We should keep this going, cause I want to see how much stuff they can fit in so little time.
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 7 months
Currently Watching - March
aka The Masterlist
Because I love a good little list - in alphabetical order! 😊
Regularly updated during the month, latest update 30.03.2024
A little link to my favorite bl-tropes-collection 💙
I am happy about gif-requests 🌼
Here you can find all of my gifs.
Tracking: #josistag
At the end you can have a look at what we can expect in January with a MDL link and a link for a trailer (if avaible).
This is guaranteed to contain spoilers!
1. Cityboy_Log (11/? on Youtube - Korean)
Soon-to-be Idols, actors and models vlog their days of photo shoots and meetups and how they fall in love with each other. It is surprisingly good and the acting is excellent. It really feels like a "real" vlog and that is what we are all here for. I really enjoy those four men on my screen.
2. Deep Night (3/8 on iQiyi - Thai)
This is everything I was expecting, so it didn't disappoint, I guess. To be honest, I watch this for First. I guess he would have chemistry with a stick, soooo this is nice. And I hope the story, at least stays like this and won't get worse... Update: This show is a mess 😂 there is so much going on all at once and at the same time nothing really happens? It is so confusing, yet very entertaining. But Wela, my dear, it is totally okay to be pissed if one fucks with you, while you are so drunk you can't remember shit the next day... Just a thought.
3. Jazz For Two (2/8 on Gaga - Korean)
I love bls about music and about traumatic pasts. I really enjoyed the first episodes and I like the characters. Especially because they tricked us in believing something was going on in the practice room. I am really curious about the character developement and story! I know all the episodes are out on iQiyi, but because I can't watch it there (VPN does not work for me), I have to wait for GagaOOLala to air the episodes weekly...
4. Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto (4/6 on Gaga - Japanese)
Guess I am hooked and wish I just waited until it is finished airing, because I want to watch their story now! I want to know what happend in the past and how they both deal with each other in the present and what brings the future and will poor little Yuto find his happy ending too! Because I love him, but he is just a support and needs to keep his hands away from senpai!
5. My Strawberry Film (6/8 on Gaga - Japanese)
This is what I call a love triangle. And the fact that the screenwriters worked for Eien No Kinou or Jack o'Frost is promising some heartbreak and teenage angst. The acting is good, the story for me interesting. I feel so bad for Ryo. The heartbreak is so real and he still manage to do things for his best friend and his first love, just for him to be happy. I really don't know how this will end.
6. Only Boo (1/12 on Youtube - Thai)
I don't know what to think of this one right now. I cringed a lot during the first episode and at the same time it is cute? My emotions are very conflicted about this one. I don't know if I can keep up with this weekly or if I just wait and binge it. What is it with these sunday shows that they are this awkward lately.
7. Unknown (7/12 on Youku, Taiwanese)
The story about found family, childhood trauma and struggling topped with a lovestory between "brothers". They aren't really brothers so I really don't care and just enjoy this forbidden and hurtful lovestory to the fullest. This is exactly what I hoped for! The longing, tension and hurt is so good! I feel the pain in both of them and I can't wait for the next episodes!!!
Finished in March
Perfect Propose
I liked this one very much! I enjoyed the episodes, the chemistry between the couple and the whole story and it wants to tell us. Work is not everything a good and healthy meal is important! Kai was my little favorite and I was happy seeing him vulnerable in the end. I don't know what it is, but this type of japanese series are always hitting the right spot in my heart and I can't see any flaws (I now there are some, but I decide not to see them). A 10 out of 10 for me.
Cherry Magic
I do love the japanese version very dearly and I tried not to compare these two with each other, because it wouldn't be fair. This was such a wholesome watch! Those two talked to each other and solved their "problems" with a good communication. All of them are total green flags and it was a delight to watch the main cp and the side cps falling in love. It was funny and heartwarming and, I am honest, I never thought we would see the chemistry chemistrying like this between TayNew! I am still in awww with episode 11! And the whole proposal was the sweetest, most perfect shit ever! A clear 10 out of 10 for me!
Dead Friend Forever
Usually I don't watch horror-stuff, but this was quite okay, nothing really scary, but it was an intense ride nevertheless. The story was good and the acting was good too, most of the times. I needed some time to find a way into it, but in the end, I had a great time and there was Ta's naked ass on my screen, whic was unexpected, but I don't complain, because it was a nice ass! The only thing I really hated was what they did to White... I give it a good 7,5 out of 10.
Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka
This one was a fine show, but nothing special. If you want to get hungry and crave some delicious-looking japanese dishes, you're not going to be disappointed! If you want a nice romance story with two handsome and kinda quirky guys fall in love with each other, go ahead, this is yours! Something was missing for me, but that is just me and I can't really pin out, what exactly was missing. But because of that missing feeling I can't give this more than a 6,5 out of 10.
Kimi ni wa Todokanai. aka I cannot reach you.
This was such a wholesome and fast watch. Really a sweet little show about first love and best friends and being true to yourself. I had such a good time watching it. It is well written and well played and the characters are very lovely. I enjoyed this very much. It is funny how easy and wholesome some of japanese bls are and how flawless in my eyes. I give this a sweet little 10 out of 10.
Anti Reset
The premise was promising and I love how obvisiously attracted both were to each other. The story about the AI Ever Nine who turns the life of an emotionless professor upside down has a really nice start. But after a while it got boring and they overpowered the romance aspect a little bit. I love romance, but this was not my kind of show. It was too heavy and the show itself was too clean and to sterile. I don't know how to explain it, but it feels a little bit too artificial. I get why some might like this, but for me it is a 5,5 out of 10.
Short Film
Dropped in March
1000 Years old (2/13 on Gaga - Thai)
Let's be real for a moment, I won't catch up with this. I keep this to binge watch later, so I can fast-forward the boring parts. It started quite cute, but lost my interest on its way. For now, it is on-hold.
Looking forward to in March
Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto aka Love is Better the Second Time Around (March 5th)
Born to be Y (probably cancelled) - Trailer (March 6th)
Deep Night - Trailer (March 7th)
23.5 - Trailer (March 8th)
Two Worlds - Pilot (March 21st)
High Demand (March 23rd)
The Star (March 28th)
Only Boo - Trailer (March 31st)
Wuju Bakery - I don't know how many times this was on this looking forward list... I don't know if we will see it sometime soon... But for the moment it should be out in March...
Blossom Campus - sometime in March...
Jazz for Two - Trailer (March 27th)
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osoreee · 3 months
Please read before interacting
First Post?
Scary...🎀 hehe qwq
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Well hello there! You must've traveled... or maybe scrolled..A long way to find me here:3 My name is Osore! (Not irl name however I'm not comfortable to use it here) and I am the host of my system :> I'm veryyy new to Tumblr so I don't get everything thats happening here just yet! I'll do my best to make the whole blog very interesting though!
What can you expect to see?
Controversial opinions that is for sure :> If you're a younger system with hundreds of headmates and Introjects then prepare yourself to get triggered :3 I know I'm gonna get a lot of shit from community here but... oh well!!
Please, please, please though let's be respectful. My blogs aren't here to attack anyone, they are the opposite, their purpose is to spike up a polite discussion about topics. I won't be disrespectful towards you and I expect the same (Even if my opinions may be triggering)
Crumbs about my system!
As you know I am the host and I go by the name Osore and she/her pronouncs
I'm gonna be the main person who posts because my alters front only when I'm intensly triggered. Unless they would like to express their opinion then I will speak for them.
One of the main alters are
Olivia she/her
Ashley she/they
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We have 4 more alters however the communication in my system is not working out perfectly mainly because my system discovery happend only.. 6 months ago? I'm still very unsure about everything however I really want to share my experiences and find people that I can relate to!!
My system has a total of..... 0 introjects!!! The topic of introjects/factives etc etc. Will be veryy controversial here. So be careful - I warned you!
All of my alters are brain made and based on traumatic events that I went through.
I don't consider myself to be an alter. I dont want to be seen as an alter. My alters are just parts of me. Parts of me that had to split in order to protect me from terrible life events that I went through at very young age.
Therefore, I will be taking full responsibility for things that my alters may say. At the end of the day they are all me. They are my opinions split into different personalities however they are still mine.
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Thank you :3
I do not support (But it doesn't mean that I immediately fakeclaim) people like...
Systems with headmate count over 20 that are under the age of 15
Systems with headmate count over 60
Heavy number of introjects/factives systems
Systems that make their alters seem quirky (e.g. I switched and alter X ordered a pizza omg so funny guys hihihi)
Systems that act as if headspace was a physical place where alters hang out
Systems under 13 years old (that claim to know everything about their system)
People that claim to have every disorder possible
Building alters? Wtf even is that? The whole alter market
Systems that most of the alters aren't brain made
TransID or whatever this bs is.. you don't want a disorder or disability wtf is wrong with you
Acting as if DID was disorder where alters RP with each other...
There is no DNI list. I may not support you however you can still discuss with me. Please just be respectful, I'm not scared of blocking.
I'm a diagnosed Dyslexic person so I apologise for my grammar and spelling mistakes in advance! I'm trying to change if I spelt anything wrong however I cant always see each spelling mistake. This is the only diagnosis I will be open about here. The rest of my medical history will stay private.
And I think that's it.... Thanks for reading this yapping post!! I hope you'll have fun:>
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oliverwolfboy · 1 year
Where are my bsd tma crossovers and aus!? Like what the fuck are you guys doing this has so much unexplored potential. I don't care if you do it with abilities or without, I just want my bsd tma au fics, and not just trying to make the bsd characters into the archive staff, or just having the bsd characters show up in the archive and beat everythings ass including the entities somehow even though the entities can't be beat EVEN with gravity, because Oh mY gOD sO sTroNg. No no no no I want to see them struggle, I want to see one of them get trapped, taken by the buried, went to the circus of the other and never come out, or something that is new and not one of the avatars from the og podcast, just something, even better don't have Ranpo figuring it out immediately, because number 1) that is just unrealistic even by Ranpo standereds, Ranpo is a man of logic, even if he does make some lapses in logic, but those lapses are possible to the world they are in, and we only really take them as lapses because we can't see Ranpo's process of thought, if we could see his thoughts then these lapses would probably make sense, however metaphysical entities (or possibly just one entity with a lot of variation) made of the fear of all living beings is nowhere near logical even in a world with abilites, which is another problem for Ranpo, because any avatars or weird shit could be blamed on abilites, of course it can't just be blamed on abilites forever, there are archives after all (archives and not archive because in the canon of tma there are shown to be multiple archives, which also brings up the possiblity of multiple archivists at the same time, which is something i chose to believe in) and there wouldn't be archives or at least not to the public, if none thought what they saw was supernatural. Ranpo also wouldn't have access to the actual archive only the library where there is barely anything of actaul note, which brings me to number 2) it could make Ranpo an eye avatar, now why isn't Ranpo already an eye avatar? Because he's never actually had to try, he always figures it out in just a few seconds so he's never really felt that drive to know, never had that feeling of curiosity or the need to know even if it kills you, because he has always known, but now he doesn't, there is to much missing, he can try and find solutions that might work but none of them feel right, like there is some missing puzzle piece that he can't for the life wrap his head around, this has never happend before even with Dazai, though he struggle figured out most of it at least, not this time, this time he has nothing, no idea of what is going on, he is stuck in a desert and ever time he thinks he sees water, or just some kind of salvation it turns out to be a hallucination, a concoction from the mind of a desperate man, and this is where shame sets in, because if he can't solve something so simple then could he really call the greatest detective, and this shame transforms into that need, that need to know even if it kills him. Now there is a lot of places you can take this idea, will Ranpo go to his local spooky eye place? Will he be a freelancer? Well it is almost a guarantee that he will drive away the other members of the detective agency with his obsession. Of course you can come up with your own ideas. This is just one of many ideas i have, and i am probably also going to post some of them too. Now onto a real question how are avatars going to attack ability users, well the entities are very adaptable, in the og podcast they just had to deal with normal humans, now however since there are gifted they are most likely going to make stronger avatars, plus because of gifted the avatars will have to be smarter about how they go about their hunting, also there are probably also going to be gifted avatars, but case and point the entities and avatars are going to adapt, so they will always be at the top of the good chain. Also Hunt avatar bram gooo bruh
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cultbusters · 7 months
Exposing the Discord Cult of TheDarkMoonKing
My source has provided me with screen shots and a Reddit link to the cult leaders social media accounts.
I have provided them below so that you, the people, can decide for yourselves.
Not going to lie...this guy seems sketchy
Below are photos of cult mastermind TheDarkMoonKing on his reddit
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Below is a post made by TheDarkMoonKing to his 'folowers' on discord. The language used to address those he 'loves' seems...cold and demeaning.
"mundane and non-special" hmmm
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I was approached by someone and was asked to share their story
Below the cut is someone's personal experience being on the inside of this cult.
Be safe and aware, ego plays a key role in losing touch with reality
Picture this, me minding my own business on a Wednesday afternoon.
I'm enjoying my lunch break when I get a message from a friend.
They inform me that they have stumbled upon what appears to be a discord cult in the making.
Seeing as I had nothing better to do with my Wednesday evening I agreed
Thus my infiltration began.
I enter the discord and see many different threads of information. All pertaining to the occult, deities, magic, etc.
So being the nosy fucker I am, I did a bit of a deep dive.
You see, so much of the lore that Cult King was teaching came from videos games, D&D, Dresden files, and so much more.
The Cult King claimed this knowledge is true and factual.
He had at one point shared with some of his followers that he had been given a quest to find a magic dragon egg and deliver it to someone in Chicago, it happend to be Thor himself.
Odin, the allfather you see, rewarded the Cult King with 10mil.
What I find hilarious is that the Cult King wants to start 'covens' or communes of ONLY 13 people. These covens will be all around the world (apparently) and the Cult King will pay for everyone and everything, but there is a donations thread in the discord to help fund the whole thing. So he won't be paying for anything his 'followers' will.
So I'm guessing the 10mil from Odin fell through or something.
I and also noticed a post the cult King made to his followers a lot for.the language used spoke to the reader like this " no matter how mundane and bland you are know that your king loves you".
Also, and this is what concerns me most, a lot of the followers this dude has are underage. While some of this shit is hilarious, cults can get crazy quick.
So I knew my time in the server was coming to an end.
To my keyboard I went.
To my intrigue someone else in that chat had already begun to ask him questions about these...plans of theirs.
I had my in, and it was time to stir the pot.
Being the polite folk that I am I basically said that these ideas seem creative but not realistic or based in reality.
Oh man, the hive began to buzz my dudes.
I had angered the swarm.
The Cult King kept deleting the messages they didn't agree with. Completely sensoring any opinions that differed from theirs, and mine wasn't the only one.
The Cult King kept preaching that this was a place of respect and different opinions would be tolerated only if they met the Cult Kings RULES!!
The Cult came for me hard.
Although, some were sweet and tried to convince me this King of theirs was legit.
Others came at me phallac insult first.
I have been called all manner of holes and bits of the lower human public region.
It was thrilling to watch the hypocisry of their own words take place.
I am not usually one to judge or troll other people, especially on their personal beliefs...but this is wild.
Eventually the Cult King stepped back in and ordered everyone to be silent by typing in bold 'ENOUGH',
followed by,
'You are disturbing my peace'.
I was still typing what was actually going to be a de-escalation kind of message when this dumpster fire of a King called me out by my discord name and ordered me to be quiet.
You see, I don't appreciate anyone trying to sensor or control people PERIOD.
So I decided it was time to die on that hill.
Some valiant souls joined in and voiced their concerns and as the cult was hurling insults,
The server was gone.
I had been booted.
But this is not where the story ends.
You see there are people in the discord server that have been following this King for years.
Before this cult the Dumpster King had tried to start another cult, unsuccessfully might I add.
The Dishonest King claimed to descend from moon people or something, and was an immortal vampire.
Shockingly the Vamp King shut down the discord server because the followers had found out the truth of his backstory and revolted like the true champs they are.
And years later the Fairytale King has once again tried to start a following.
Because I can't leave well enough alone, I found a reddit thread where this Scam King was trying to share 'factual information' about all the knowledge they have.
I found a reddit thread where someone was asking about a stone, and the Gem King claimed that this mineral or rock was SUPER dangerous and rare and that they had encountered it only a few times in their existence, and that it could only be found in the back market. Deathstone people.
So you know I did another deep dive.
And guess what I found evidence of this mineral from Marvel, D&D, Dresden files, but it is not an actual element that exists on the planet earth.
So I asked a question in the reddit threads.
I was moonlighting at this point, trying to appear a Marvel fan that fell down a rabbit hole and was now politely fact checking.
The Ego King truly believes in the bs that comes through the keyboard.
Maybe I am an asshole, I am in the eyes of the 'Kingdom' , but I honestly don't care.
I like to think that everything done in the shadows eventually comes to light.
The King will get what's coming to him, everything has its time.
But if anyone was skeptical in the chat or felt unsure I hope I planted a seed of critical thinking.
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk
Thank you for being brave and sharing your story!
That is what 1-800-Bust-A-Cult is for!
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millysastroblog · 2 years
What I think about ur zodiac placements/ ~PT 3~
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Hello guys we have finally reached our final destination.
Hope u will enjoy yourself while reading! 😚
Side note : This post is LONG so take ur time or come back later if u feel exhausted bc I’m already tried writing 😫🤦🏾‍♀️!
So let’s dive into the last 4 zodiac signs and my experience with them :)
Sagittarius 😋:
Ooohhhhh here we have the DORA THE EXPOLRER’s of the zodiac 😂!!!!Sagittarius is like Aries an overly fiery, direct and fun sign. These ppl are really cool too hang around. I feel like bc Sagittarius is a mutable sign they have the ability to give u different sides of themselves that are so surprising and exciting 😊. Sagittarius individuals don’t take life for granted, they life in the moment babyyyyyy , no time to be sad , no time to be bitching about the smallest things , let’s go out and do a road trip on a hot summer day and camp outside in the wildnesssszzzz 🦨 🤠; like they don’t give a fuck about the mundane typical life, experimenting , learning, traveling are things they really enjoy and need to feel alive. bc these ppl get bored so easily!! They have a such unnerving energy that is ready for everything at the moment. these are one of the wildest ppl outside that are soooooooooooooooooo fucking spontaneous with everything in life , like how do guys do that , this is a greater superpower they possess (especially mars in Sagittarius ppl.) They tend to be very quick and short tempered when shit hits the fan … like it’s so fucking sudden and unexpected like whhhaaaaattt !😨 just happend 🫣. Ah i really like Sagittarius ppl because the are an experience on its own 🤩. Very open minded to different cultures, ideas 💡they love to just learn .live itself is a school and these Mf excel at it !!. NOWWWW let’s get to the fact that u guys lack patienccczzeee like they can’t slow down they’re always on the gooo doing things, aren’t y’all tired and exhausted?? They hate to wait, they hate to not respond if they feel like someone is coming for them on social media. Uuuuuuuu I wouldn’t advise anybody to get into an argument with them bc once ur in it , there is NO going back 🤞🏽 . They actually love a debate it really boosts their ego to just share knowledge, roast your ass and make u look stupid 😩. Y’all can be sometimes very blunnnt and honest to the point of being inconsiderate of other ppl feelings 🫤! You’ll probably start crying after they have read your ass to filth 😿. They have a very strong moral code that is hard to crack!! For them the TRUTH is really important just like for Scorpios . It’s hard to bs or manipulate them. But all in all sag ppl are cool and spontaneous ✌🏽🤗.
Capricorn 🥵😚:
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh gosh , I freaking love and admire caps so fucking much !!!!! I personally am Saturn dominant so I get caps very much . So where to start but with the fact that u guys don’t play around generally in life. They are ultimately the opposite of Sagittarius. No time to play, fight and argue ppl bc we gotta go and work !!!. They are Sooooo sarcastic honestly every joke they make is involved with some sadness , self pity, and facts that are overcompensate with fun Humore 🙂. As we all know Capricorns are very steady and practical, they don’t like to be vulnerable bc most of them had a strict upbringing. It’s hard for them to truly express themselves or their emotions so they repress a lot .which makes them look very stand-offish and cold in front of ppl they just met. Capricorn is actually not that much of a superficial sign where everything has to do about ( social status, money and work). They can care for friends and family just like a cancer and offer their help, guidance, support at any given time IF THEY FEEL LIKE U DEERVE IT! They love too take up the father / daddy role and provide for their loved once 🤞🏽💕. Capricorns are well know to be perfectionist they aim to be the best that they can but with that being said , the need to feel the best or good comes from a place of insecurity 😢. THEY ARE SOO HARD ON THEMSELVES, just breath and say to yourself that everything is fine u are perfect the way u are 💕💕💕 pls 🥹!!! CAPRICORN DADDYS AND MOMMYS are one of the most galactic Finnest BEINGS out there like how is it possible to walk in a room with this strong , dominanting energy and just attract all ppls attention whether it’ll good or bad. Capricorns get misunderstood a lot because they know how to put a hard exterior that is not so easy to crack !!! Capricorns are also very ambitious, high achievers, LOYAL, respectful. Now CAPS we must confess that we like to be in control a lot the time. if there is one zodiac sign that would most likely want to be GOD then they would be first one to raise their hand 🖐 ( like choose me , pick meeeee 😩). They don’t like chaos so if u fuck shit up in their personal life, relationship or job ooooohhhh god u need to stay alert bc they don’t come for u , THEY COME BACK AT U !!! 👿👿 🤞🏽/ ohhh yeah they believe in karma daddy Saturn doesn’t play ! and it will probably hit you really bad if you are not careful ( I am just saying 🤷🏽‍♀️!) . So yeah the negative side of them is being controlling, overly critical , perfectionist, nit picky, bitter, insecure, negative moods constantly, moody, unforgiving, jealous, power and CONTROL ⛓⛓⛓ !!
Aquarius 🥴:
I have always liked Aquarius ppl bc they are some cool and unique bitches, like aquas are not afraid to be themselves, they don’t give a fuck about what ppl have to say about them , like whaaaatttt, they will be the first to literally do the opposite of what the teachers in school tell them. Aquarius also often feel misunderstood and weird from others , they have ideas and thoughts that the majority of ppl would not even come across. These where the philosophers & authors that we’re killed bc they expressed and stated an opinion or idea that actually results to be a true fact. They have very powerful minds that are so incredibly to analyse. They are also very creative in a innovative way. They are good at socializing and getting to know other ppl. They are Very accepting of ppl that are different or not consider normal. They love fwb situation or lovers to friends type of relationships bc that is where they feel the most comfortable 😌!! Buuuuuutttt one thing that I can say confidently about Aquarius is their SUPERIORITY COMPLEX, GOD COMPLEX and KNOW IT ALL COMPLEX like they have huge ego just like Leo’s!!! YES for real thought they are soooooooooooooooooosooooooooo fucking stubborn even more than a Taurus , they feel very protective and defensive when someone doesn’t agree with their opinion or challenges them in an intellectual way. They hate to admit being wrong 😑. NOOOO BABES pls don’t entertain an argument with them unless u got some air, sag or Aquarius plc yourself. They don’t care if it’s war outside ☄️☄️💥 in the streets and ppl running for their life’s , they will still argue with u 💀and stick to what they think. they possess the mind and stubbornness of not a rock like Taurus but of an ASTEROID !!🪨🪨🪨🪨🪨🪨🪨 😣😣😂. Also Aquarius ppl have also hard time being vulnerable or emotionally in touch bc they rationalize everything in their head to the point of coming accros as robotic 🤖!!
Pisces 🐳😗:
Ahhh we have finally reached the last sign which is obviously Pisces the dreamer, all day long sleeper, the ppl that have two double life’s( EARTH& Imagination). We Pisces are one of the most kind, companionate, caring ppl . We love to live in an abstract way. Life is a Movie a Book a story we create in our minds. We are very much “in the background type of ppl”. We don’t like that much attention or exposure in the public eyes. But I must say that we unconsciously attract attention without even trying bc of our mesmerizing, neptunian, mysterious energy. Pisces is humanitarian people pleasers I SWEAR IF WE COULD HELP EVERY PERSON ON THIS PLANET WE would probably take that mission sincerely on. We just like to be of service to people but less in a practical way and more so in an emotional and spiritual way. We are definitely the ultimate Zodiac therapist FOR FREE 💵💵 . Pisces is a sign that has a lot empathy for humans so they attract a lot of ppl that need their healing and understanding energy. They give ppl the space to be their truest selves. We are very intuitive and guided by the universe so we unterstand certain things without any facts , we just know but don’t really say that to other people. we can feel what other ppls are going through once we are in their presence #highly sensitive. We are also very much attracted to energy vampires / narcissists bc of our empathetic energy!! NOWWE GUYS the dark side of Pisces can actually go really dark so I am just gonna bring out facts that we all know , Pisces live more in their head ( imagination) rather than in reality so we then to neglect things that are important in our life’s , THE VICTIM / MARTYR COMPLEX is prominent with Pisces placements bc we have a hard time living in reality and accepting things for what they are and lastly I have called Geminis out for being twisted, fake and confusing but Pisces can make people believe that they are something while it’s not true. The shapeshifting personality effect they carry can be used against other ppl when not careful !!!! But we still love Pisces ( Right guys???) YEAAAAAJHH COME ON !! 😉😅😂.
I’m so happy to be done with this series. I really hope u guys like it. More Astrology content coming soon make sure to follow,share and like 👍☺️!
Love Milly 💋💋💋💕
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mikka-minns · 1 year
I know I'm very much the "they changed it so it sucks" person when it comes to mk12, but I really don't understand a lot of the choices they're making. Like, I don't trust nrs's writing on a good day, but-
I'm afraid they won't actually explore the consequences of the stuff they're changing? Like, they're REALLY unwilling to commit to their story changes, as we've seen by the way they retcon the shit out of the story when they feel like it and reboot the whole fucking thing when they write themselves into a corner
Like, how am I supposed to care about your game's story when I'm constantly thinking "they're just going to start from the beginning when they get tired of trying to figure out where to go with this story"?
Maybe I'm just too picky and old-at-heart, though
No, no, i feel the exact same way.
I LIKE some changes cuz they seem intresting. I mean, why make a new timeline if you dont explorer new things. But thats the thing, im afraid the WONT explore the new timeline and these new takes on the characters.
They can do something intresting with Raiden and his relationship with Liu Kang. Does Raiden know he was once a god? Have he and Liu Kang known each other before or did they Just meet in this timeline? (i think they Just met cuz of the first trailer, but im not 100% sure) Im afraid they might just make him the new Liu Kang and make Liu the new Raiden and give us nothing new, but i do hope they do something intresting. We haven't seen them interact so that might mean their relationship id either realy important or realy non-existant. 😭
And everyone is intrested in Mileena and what her story may be but she Also might just be the first bad guy that gets killed off. I would like her to be there till the second half (at least) and have some important role and an arc, but i dont even think they added her cuz they like her, but cuz they didnt want to upset the fans. Tho that just might be my paranoia.
And, yes, they are most likely not done with changing the timelines. If we are unlicky enough, they will change it mid-story and make another mk11 plot.
After everything, i dont trust nrs only Jeremy.
Im REALY hoping they pick up on some things fans like. Give characters good dynamics and some intresting motives. It looks like Johnny and Kenshi will have a 'rivals to friends' so im hoping they dont drop that the moment their chapter ends. Also, it would be nice if they showed Kenshi's little journey of relearning self-worth after he loses his sight since this is the first time in the games that it doesnt happend off screen.
They Also might not kill off Kung Lao in this game and finaly let him live😭 but im sceptical about that😭
I have hope, but im keeping it low so i dont get TOO dissapointed.
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onlyjaeyun · 1 year
I have an exam tommorow but I dropped everything when I saw that you are backk and mannn I've finished reading chap32 10 mins ago and was to stunned to speak..like baby i thingk you should write an acutal book, and than have it made into a movie!!!!!!
pretry girl I am so in love with you and your writing, and you seem like such a nice and kindhearted person and I want you to be my best friend man
and for the chap32, IT HAPPEND, im so happy it finnaly hapeend, and it was perfect, they are so in love with each other, i think that we all feel it because of the way you write..and its just makes me feel so happy that they aare happy and in love and i cant wait to read more, anni live in fear everyday waiting for you to update and break my heart when hoonie finds out, like i just know it gonna be painfol for all of them and us, but i also want it to be so angsty for me to cry my eyes and heart out and i just keeep on rambling so im gonna stop now because i dont make any sense anymore and thats what you dod to me angelll
also, can i be the 🐼 anon, i just know im gonna be here a lot sooo..yeah
AAAH DONT GET ME ALL FLUSTERED LIKE RHAT 🥺🥺🩷 i hope the exam went well my love, you probably rocked it 💪🏼💪🏼 and pls call me pretty girl one more time and i will marry you i fear, i love and appreciate you so so much 🥺🩷
and tbh knowing you guys can feel their deep connection and love so well makes me SO happy urgh you have no idea what your words do to my heart, thank you for taking the time out of your day to send me this, it's everything to me 😭🩷 sending you a shit tom of kisses!!!!💞💗💓🧸
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rodbei · 7 days
Barbecue bacon burger
Øhm ok i wanted to do this before the party yesterday but now im doing on the train on my way home home on the train
Yesterdayyyy i woke up gave red their fucking vacumm back and we went to school its fucking foggy all the time rn
We had film to start of with we learnt about editing, and omg were watching bits of this one movie AND I WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENDS am going insane. But we were in a group of me red a dude who ive become freinds with calleddddd "mail" cause its funny we had the edit this one clip and omg its was so funny me and red had to be acting togheter and holy shit we cant act omg. But theyre was this one girl in our class omg i felt so bad they dont say a lot at all and suddenly they just dissapeered and red was talking about how they werent talking alot and they were scared of keeping them iut if the projekt i added it was their own peoblem and suddenly they emerge from behind this cirner say they were sorry they dident talk alot and we felt so badd ahhhh red tried to comfort them but i think they went home after class wa.
They we had history it was fine i understood more this time but i still hate the way it teached cause it such an intresting subjeckt SO WHY DONT I UNDERSTAND SHIT UR SAYING.
Then we had math and i drew smallish beans and red said we should cosplay hermitcraft togheter i hope we can do it could be so fuuuunn.
After school i found out my back bike whell of my bike WITH UNBREAKABLE wheels had a fucking punctured wheel im screaming mail fixes it but the air was out before we were homing and omg i was sweating on my way home it gets 10 degress varmer on the way home every day so its super cold and then its super varm so im always SWEATING on the way home.
But i got home and procrastinated taking a shower for two hours on tiktok when i finally took a shower i realised it hink im losing weight?! And i dont know how to feel about it. At boarding school always felt horrible cause they gave us so much food and we never really did anything physical so i always felt bad eating wich is fucking stupid and now its like im never really hungry in the same was also i bike 10 km every day so i guess its nice but also wtf.
Anyway after my shower i made the best pb and j with banana ever and called my bf to watch 2 episodes of stranger things YIPPE we also just yapped alot and i hung up my posters i live my bf hes so cute.
I was also weirdly overstimulated after my shower but not overwhelmed more in the way that i could feel my hair in my face, my clothes touching my skin and just EVERYTHING also my toes touching and that everything was sticking to my feet ew ew ew.
But i put a hat on some comfy clothes and socks and it was only a midly horrible.
Then i died for tan hour tryin to figure out what to wear to the party cause it was fucking childs birthday themed. I landed on twd shirt with short pants funky socks and converse yippe.
Then i struggeld to find kale to go to rema but o found them we struggeld to find ea who had a car or somthing. And then mail the whimsical just kinda s p a w n e d. But the car dident car so we just walked to rema and i got some smirnoff and energy drink and alchohol and an AMERICAN lollypop i mean it fit the theme but mail kept saying i was patriotic?! BARBECUE BACON BURGER we go tot the party and then we left to make mails gross gross microwave burger and his choclate milk 😭 i had a LOT of energy oh and red spawned even tho they dislike parties. I went back and fourth frlm the party to them and i drank some smirnoff and here it gets a bittt blurry me and mail had a bit with BARBECUE BACON BURGER cause both him and red dont drink so they were just following me around eventually i got a drink from the bar and omfg shit just tasted like straight up vodka omfg it was eww i also paid some one for a party hat but i paid them with the rest of my lollipop pls wtf😭 i also called viggo at some point and me and mail kept screaming BARBECUE BACON BURGER at eachother omg.
I also called viggo at somepoint THEN I WON IN UNO AGAIN RED AND MAIL YIPPE im a god at uno fr fr. I ran around a lot it was fun i also did reds dishesss?? And mail walked me home at like 23 or somthing and called viggo and went to beddd. OH SHIT RED TOOK A VIDEO OF ME OH NO i tried to do the HOTTOGO dance and i failed oh noooooo
Song of yesterday was the meme BARBECUE BACON BURGER
- Redbei 09:06 21 sep on a train so so eepy
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theddude · 1 month
Best friends, soul mates, lovers,...
Always, every moment of the day I was bussy with you on my mind, had to restrain myself to app, snap, every second,... this hasnt changed for me, the only thing is, we don't talk anymore,... not because I didnt wanted to tho...
Always was I thinking how you where doing, are you okay, are you having a tough day, an okay day, a shit day, a traumatizing day, a fun day, an okay day, a painfull day, a miserable day, a lovely day, or just an fucking lovely day,.. I tried to figure that out, through text, app, snap, phonecalls,... talking, cuddeling, loving, caring,... now i still want to,... but,..
Always I hoped i could be there enough for you, have a good time with you, be as good a best friend, soul mate, lover and partner to be as can be,... now i still want to,.. but,..
I always wanted to try my best to feel what you feel, to understand what you are going trough, to imagine how it triggers stuff with you, hope to be as best as a shoulder i could be, and did my best to never be to much but always enough what you needed and wanted,... i respected your bounderies, if you wanted me to cross them i did only if you was okey with it,..
And it was not only giving but also a very much receiving love from you, in any way shape or form,...we respected each other, very much,... we committed ourselfs together,.. you where also committed to someone else, now you choose him above me,.. i dont gett that, why?
Because if i did you wrong i've never heard it,.. if i treated you badly i've never heard it,.. if i wasnt respectfull, loveable, considerable with you i've never heard it,...and we talked about everything,..
I know that we also where lovers, as best friends that is the greatest thing imaginable,... we where going to be together always,.. i wasn't single anymore, i was committed to you,... and i love you so much, respect you so much, trust you so much...
Now we are separated, it all happend very disturbing, hurtfull and not respectfully,... and most of all so not you,.. it is just so not you,. It is just so not you,..
I noticed that you are now lost, so am i, i'm lost because i miss you,.. there is not a moment i don't think of you, miss you, long for you,.. want you back,.. i cant imagine you are okay with it, that we are not together anymore,.. what we had was gold,.. you knew it, whe knew it, fuck even your relatives knew it,..
The big question is,.. do you want me back? And will you fight for us, to be back again somehow?...
I will be patient with you, because its difficult when you are committed like you are now,.. i don't imagine it changed for the better for you at home,.. or is it?... anyway I am patient, because i am what ive stated above, but most of all you are the love of my life,.. the one i don't want to life without,.. And i dont care how we will be together again, if i life with you, you with me or anything else you like,.. as long as we are together its gold again...
Today was a difficult day again, like all days last months without you,.. ive got lots of people worry about me,..but i don't want to be treated like a patient or be fooled with (fake) care and love or pleasing,... no,.. i want us back,..
And i know you, you are not doing okay now,... maybe you hope we will be together again too, i know you miss me, you love me, you like me,..and i trust you with my future because my heart is still in your safekeeping,..
worry a lot about you, love everything you send,.. miss you very fucking much,.. long for you very much,..
Your patiently waiting love, bestie, soul mate,..
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c3berus · 3 months
Thank you for clarifying everything! <3
And yes, the abused becomes the abuser in some part of their lives. But in the end I am happy they (sort of and maybe) began to understand that they need to work on that as the last line said they fell asleep in eachother's arms and happily so. I mean, I understand Ghost as he was abused by his father and all of that traumatic shit happend changing him a lot but we can't really escape from the trouble we cause. As I say, you can use your mental state as an explenation but you can't use it as an excuse to hurt the other.
Deep down I truly believe he doesn't want to hurt reader but he just doesn't know how to fight his own problems that come to the surface while being with R.
(And R yes, he is a shitty person too in this context)
C3berus let me tell you, I have to say that you are one hella of a person to portray trauma like this and liked it a lot! It shows how even the coldest and heartless of soldiers can still be a human being inside that need to work and glue themselves back Together 👏🏼.
this made me so happy to read honestly. the end was to hint at them getting their shit together because the love and craving to get better finally overweighed feeling comfortable in the miserableness. it’s always an uncomfortable journey when traveling the mind and undressing trauma. I never want to try to glorify trauma and abuse in a relationship but no one ever always has the “picket fence relationship”. simon always feels like shit after hurting the reader and vice versa, if they truly hated each other im sure they would’ve split completely before even wedding off. you’re completely correct, R is also a shitty person we’ll never let them off the hook 😂, I like to say that simon likes to surpress and forget anything that makes him feel like the victim (even though he was) because he often thinks everything was his fault and has convinced himself that over the years, R does the opposite (though it’s morally right on their part they do it in spiteful and shitty ways to provoke him so it makes them just as bad.)
thank you very much for your support! I love to see my readers feeling comfortable with my works. everyone deserves a chance to be whole again!
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BG3 Playthrough: cleaning up
I'll stop marking these posts as spoilers as we're still quite early in Act I, but the rest of my post is under the cut for people who still haven't played the game.
So basically now we're doing everything we were supposed to do before rescuing Halsin.
cleared the Goblin camp, looted a bunch of stuff
killed the harpies near the the druid grove - apparently the dead Tiefling kid there could have been alive if we discovered this sooner
killed the lvl 5 spider underneath the small abandoned village so fast it never had a chance to attack (we're still lvl 4 though)
Resting at camp has been interesting these past few nights:
My (dark urge) butler has arrived and I tried to tell him that I'm not as evil as he thinks I am, but apparently (I use this word quite often lol) that's what I always say after losing my memory. Well dude, maybe there's some truth to it? Maybe I don't wanna be evil??
I still accept the cape he's giving because ... well, I like free shit I guess.
Where's my owl bear though? We told it to go to our camp and so far, it hasn't arrived :(
Gale has snacked his maximum number of magical items and finally told me what's the matter with him. Asked me if I wanna expell him from the camp. My friend, I murdered Alfira, I'm in no position to say anything here. I'm happy you guys didn't kill ME.
After talking to me, Gale has decided he wants to make love to me. A natural progression of things. Sir, I'm flattered, but you're still pining for your goddess. Also, I'm pining for Astarion, so, well, this is awkward.
His puppy eyes afterwards made me regret my decision a bit. In another playthrough, I'll romance you, I swear. I still love you a lot.
Speaking of Astarion:
He finally warms up to me! As I'm writing this I'm still neutral in his eyes, BUT!
I know about his past as a slave
He finally tried to bite me, which was weird due to the fact that he already flat out told me he's a vampire, but in this scene we both pretended this never happend and what can I say? My boy now has the "Happy!"-Buff and that's nice.
Him saying "Shit." after I wake up while he tries to bite me is priceless
We found the amethyst to open the evil book we found in the wizard's cellar and Astarion wanted to have it. What could possibly go wrong? He has it and he's kinda happy about that. Again, I'm in no position to judge anyone in this camp.
Yes I am aware that Gale's condition stems from an evil book, thank you very much, game
So, yeah, not a lot happening in terms of main story right now. We're going after the swamp hag next, let's hope there's more opportunities to please Astarion. Yes, I admit, I spoilered myself a bit at this point, but that's normal for me.
btw: I find Astarion to genuinely be a useful character. Having someone who can lockpick is always nice and he deals quite a lot of damage. Maybe I'll give him Ranger as second class though? Sounds like a smart combination.
As for my cleric, I'm still trying to figure out how to play her best. She's weird.
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quillandrapier · 2 years
You asked for it so here's the state of constant 'i don't actually want that' that i have been in for a while.
I like to stay at my family's cabin in the middle of the woods and play boardgames, learn new things about people and be dumb.
I don't like how i'm not precieved as i am even by the people who're supposed to know me. My brother said to me that i cry a lot. I did that only once more than a year ago because i was physically very hurt. So hurt that i had to go to sleep, i remember it was like i had been up for days. I knew i was seriously injured then because i had never gotten tired from an injury before, but nothing was bleeding so i was pretty sure things were okay. Still i can't stress enough how scary it was to finally close my eyes and fall asleep, still it was the only thing i could do, but that not so little voice in my head feared that if i closed my eyes i would not wake up anymore. Obviously i was mostly fine but still it stresses me to think about that.
Then that thing i hope will never repeat again because it was so fucking innoying and uncalled for and it managed to make me look like a fool too. Nothing, absolutely nothing happend to cause that reactions. Curse her.
And then there's this field i chose, i like the work of a mechanic, it's interesting and i want to know more about it but i have this creeping suspision that i might not be going good here. I don't think it the fault of the people here and we've got some really good equipment and a lot of workspace. The averege of days in a week where i can't even move to go in there is about 1 or 2, witch is just too many. It's nice when i do, not when i think of how lacking my sbilities are.
It would be a dream to work on a boat or a cruise liner or a cargo ship, but as it turns out, i would have needed to hsve gone to school for those, they also cost money and time. If i could get eccepted into somewhere where i could get the skills needed i would go. But now that's not much of sn option. I have told everyone 'things are going great' because what else could i do? They slready think i'm not suited to do this. If i can get out of this in two years i want to go be a sailor, if i can, if i get eccepted, if i even get out of this.
Why are things so complicated. I should have though of this before. Only a year ago i was happy i got eccepted to be a mecanic, now i just try and mostly fail to pretend like i know anything. Working has never, ever been a dream of mine and it still isn't.
And then some people think i can't handle socal situations because, an example they always use is, if i am at a store with someone, they are the one's who'll go and pay and be social, not me, i pack. Of cource i can handle it, over 90% of my trips to stores i do by myself and i handle all the interactions there just fine with no problems. They just weren't there to see it because that's the whole point! What they think of me are just tiny shrapnels of very specific situations from two years ago witch pain me as someone who can't do with people, can't do with stress, can't do with uncertanty and as someone who needs help. I do not. I have said this to them. I have proof. The proof is that i have been in these situations multiple times and have been absolutely fine. But they continue to talk about the things that aren't true anymore, they weren't even true then.
I am tired of everything, i just want to be comfortable, i don't want to think of this shit because it's useless and amounts to nothing.
I hope you'll have a nice restfull sleep
I understand greatly the idea of being perceived as someone you no longer are. I have a lot of trouble communicating with my mum because it feels like she still see me at my lowest and worst self, my teenaged self and its hurts and its frustrating and means every time she says a anything vaugley postive I feel its backhanded.
But somehow you have to pay it no mind. Almost as if "That's interesting you seem me like this but I don't think that's accurate." and move on. Live like it doesn't bother you and hope the maturity of it will change their opinions. It's not fair or right but it's all you can do. Other people don't like when people change, it means they have to change themeselves and how they interact with you. But at some point they won't be able to deny it anymore.
For your career thing. Maybe voice this to someone else around you, see if it can be made any easier? Again, more skills and stuff are transferable to other industries than you think and you don't have to be beholden to the person who made that decision a year ago. Take stock and fight for what's best for you despite what's hard or seems impossible.
I think you are so vaild in wanting to be comfortable but our society makes it so hard, maybe think about your image of comfortable and the steps you need to realistically achieve it?
I hope you sleep well too, and I hope you feel lighter too. If you want feel free to dm me. I know im not a therapist and I may not wholly understand but I relate a lot to this and I also wish you the best.
Ask me, I won't say no, how could I?
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cybernightwanderer · 2 years
The feeling of being held hostage emotionally.
So all that dishwashing shit happend this morning, im not feeling well. Im sending cv's again , trying to distract myself and find a way out. Its 14 pm, i sent about 30 to anything and everything that i can think off, including some restaurants ... wich will probably cause a chain reaction and ill just jump on the train lane or something. Wich is not bad tbh. So begining the morning until now, my suicide tendancies are spiking. in the morning she ordered me to do a quiche for lunch.. the dough wasnt unfrozen yet, but im sitting here, i wanna watch a movie or smthing to distract myself a bit from my thoughs, and i cant, because i know as soon as i start, she will burst in here mad ordering me to make the quiche. I get up and got to the kitchen, again a lot of dishes in the sink somehow... I noticed she "washed" the orange juice maker and i say with the " because its all dirty with pieces of orange still attached.... I washed the new found dishes in the dirty water, and i proceed to make the "mixed egg" quiche, wich is not really a quiche if you do 4 eggs for a medium size frame, but thats how she likes to do it, and if i saw otherwise she will go mad. I ask her what she wants in it, she tells me to put whatever vegetables i feel like, i ask again and she repeats her awnser ( get ready ), i ask how many eggs she wants , she says 4, i ask again, she confirms 4 only. I do the quich, the 4 eggs again.. and as usual are not enough, i tell her i dont think the eggs are enough, she starts getting mad, she comes over, looks at the quiche and starts yelling " where are the eggs " and i tell her, they are inside the quiche, she then asks why i put these vegetables, i told her " you told me to use the ones of my choosing ", she goes on a rant about how i couldve used others , i used pepper, onion, and thats pretty much what fits in the fucking quiche, specially with the 4 eggs. There was a 5th egg missing, she asks why i didnt put that one, and i told her " well you always complain whenever i ask you to put more or if i tell you 4 is not enought " , she goes on ranting about how i am in a bad mood and how its impossible to talk to me , i tell her " well you shouldnt have screamed at me early morning , i didnt even get a chanse to eat breakfast " , she goes on ranting " i didnt yell " ... Then continues to rant about the eggs and why i didnt put the last one, i again tell her beacause she always complains if i put more... The proceeds to say and i quote " its impossible to speak to you ", i repeat this back and her and ask her " impossible to speak to me ? " you yelled at me this morning non stop and you are again. And she goes " i didnt say that ", and i ask her " what didnt you say?" She goes " i didnt say it was impossible to speak to you " ... and i start repeating over and over again " you did just now " And she dismisses the conversation again with " i didnt say that, why didnt you put the last egg in?? why only these vegetables ", at this point im getting really angry... She then goes " why are you doing the quiche wrong on purpose " and i tell her, im doing exacly as you told me and exacly as you always fucking tell me to make it... ________ Im not even gonna continue this post, coz this went on for a few minutes until i completly gave up and just said " ok ok ".
Now im sitting in this chair trying to contain the anger of breaking something or punching myself in the face in rage, so im just writting here in hopes that i dont do anything.
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