#a friend sent a message to the discord server and it took me way too long to formulate an answer that would make sende
antennatoheaven · 4 months
its always so funny when someone who doesnt know anything about ultrakill stumbles upon anything remotely sexual and assumes its just something weird from the fandom. like, buddy, you dont want to know what the actual game devs and artists are up to
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duckies27 · 6 months
I'm not one to normally interact with drama, but at this point, I have waited way too long to just sit here in silence. There is a creator on this platform named Hamlet Unfortunately, also known as Kenny, and I can’t just stay sitting on this.
I despise this man for multiple reasons, and I'll get into all of them here. In my opinion, it's not fair that he continues to do this sort of thing and just gets away with it, getting love and attention while doing so. All while other people similar to me get 5 to 10 likes on some of our work. I don't want to spend this entire time just completely thrashing him. However, there’s too much evidence to just ignore.
My friend Dork (@zestfeast ) and I are on a server with another Discord friend (who I won't name for their own sake, I don't want to drag them into this whole thing). I met the two of them on the fan-made Stinky Dragon discord, and we bonded pretty quickly over our love of the characters and our love of the cast. The show was something we bonded over and we wanted to spend as much time together by talking about it, without other people getting in the way. So the third party made a server and invited the two of us. We had a great time for the first two and a half weeks. It was a safe space with all the people that I trusted. We are all afab and personally, that makes me more comfortable as someone who is a cis woman. We talked about all sorts of things mainly relating to our enjoyment of the characters, coming up with AUs, and coming up with stories, all of which were pretty fun. At the time of the start of the server, I was personally barely baby 18, while the other two were and are still minors. This may not seem like a problem, but the problem came when. Kenny or Hamlet Unfortunately, as you know him, joined the server.
He was a friend with the third party and both me and Dork were completely comfortable with him joining. It wasn't our place to choose considering it is the third party's actual server. We sat and talked for a little bit, but after joining he didn't say anything. I didn't think anything of it, I'm also pretty shy but he was just awkward. Once again, I didn't think anything of it but then we started talking more. He started talking more. I wasn't a part of this conversation simply because I was at work at the times he was more vocal. I'm super busy, I work from 3:00 to 7:00 every single day right after school and it's too much hands-on work for me to come and check Discord all the time. A lot of the big conversations would happen when I wasn't there, and while I was currently doing things that took my full attention. I am a custodian worker at a middle school, I'm constantly working around kids, I'm constantly working around other people and it makes it hard to be on my phone. I missed the majority of these conversations, but to make sure that this was fully correct, I made sure to read back to all of the things that he said. It's not fair to judge a book by its cover without fully reading the contents. I read over 600 messages all sent over the course of a few weeks and I'll be dead honest, they were pretty terrifying to read back. Especially someone who has been around victims of the jokes he was mentioning. These included sexual content, drug jokes, and stuff that no person should ever joke about, especially not with minors.
It started simple enough. We just were talking about art relating to the characters and I'll be honest, some things weren't exactly always super family-friendly. We try to keep it light and airy the majority of the time within the server, but we had a few dedicated chats for the not-so-family-friendly stuff that includes some maybe more suggestive fan art. Most of the time it was and is pretty clean. We tried our best to censor what wasn't, especially because we had two minors on the server and people could always glance over our shoulders. I was in, particular, very aware of this and made sure that I didn't post anything without censoring first. One of the first things Kenny said to one of our minors on the server was "I'll suck your dick", when talking about fan art that Dork had done. Dork is very young compared to me or possibly him. I don't know how old he is but I just know that this comment made me uncomfortable reading back on it, especially because Dork is like a brother to me. I would protect him with my life if I could. I love this kid and would unironically do anything for him. They continued talking and he was incredibly mean to Dork, often calling him stupid and often acting as if his actions were childish and not as important as Kenny’s actions. When Dork tried to bring up another subject, relating to theater, not only did Kenny call him a fool, but he also said “I don't want to suck your dick anymore" continuing the uncomfortable, NSFW environment that he was starting to form.
As many of you who've read my page know, I like writing angst but I also enjoy writing stuff that's not so family friendly. I like pushing my boundaries and learning how to write, as an adult now, because it's a way of expressing myself that people don't need to see. It was a personal server thing that I kept it censored to protect people who didn't want to see it at that time. At one point I put out a request question saying I would write anything anyone wanted smut, angst, or fluff. I like writing requests and I like writing gifts for friends. It's a personal love language of mine. Kenny stumbled around for a bit, trying to come up with an idea before eventually asking me for Sliqueborg smut. I don't like the ship. It's not my thing, I'm more into BrinkBorg or the canon Lynn Mer and Kyborg. So I asked, “what are your headcanons?” I might as well be proper when I write this story. I don't want to come up with some idea that he didn’t agree with. He went to the headcanon channel and gave me one of the most inappropriate and jarring strings of sentences I have ever heard. Not only did he make our beloved wood elf incredibly abusive, but he also took Slique’s character and destroyed it. It was horrible to listen to and even more horrible to read back. I am 18, a barely illegal adult and the other two are minors on this server. I was terrified to see that he willingly put this down on paper for anyone to see. He only censored the thing because I had personally asked him earlier on.
I already was feeling uncomfortable with this guy. He was being pushy and mean and a lot of his headcanons were hard to swallow, and more and more times he brought up sexual things. I have a personal headcanon for the Groethe crew that relates to the musical instruments they would play. Ella plays violin, Mathilde sings, Barney plays flute, and Chip plays French horn. I thought it was a cute thing because of how Ella and Chip would very well complement each other, but Kenny took the opportunity to make a very inappropriate joke. That made me very uncomfortable because it was about Chip, who I see as a close similarity to my father. Chip acts and says things like my father would, so hearing this very sexual joke automatically took me out of the conversation. I hated it. I hated the idea of it. Not only that but there was one point in time when Dork was opening up about something very personal (which I won't share here) However, I came in at the worst possible time because I was on break. It happened to be insanely out of context, so of course I was like “What the hell?” But I didn't say it in a mean way. I meant it in a kind, confused way, similar to how an older sibling would walk into a conversation that you're having, that happens to be weird. Kenny continued to then look down at Dork, calling them dear and darling as if they didn't understand what I was saying. I came in and I was like “Wow this is kind of weird”, but that was it. I didn't push or prod. I didn't judge them beyond just that it was a weird message to get out of context and went back to work. Kenny belittled Dork for another 20 minutes after I went back to work.
Dork came to me the next day or so, in tears. They were terrified. They felt horrible. Kenny was being such an asshole to him and he couldn't do anything about it. It's a third party’s server and Kenny was a friend to the third party member. We didn't feel comfortable talking right to her right away. So instead the two of us hopped on a 2-hour long call on Discord to talk about our grievances. I helped Dork write a message to Kenny but instead of apologizing in response, he just said that it was his humor, a mask to protect himself. As someone who uses a mask constantly to protect myself from trauma, this pissed me off. His mask was being a jerk, his mask was being mean, and most importantly his mask was being overly sexual when it wasn't required.
Another thing that he often did was make fun of drug culture. Make fun of the “druggies”, including snorting pain pills and other issues that should not be joked about, while talking about his headcanons relating to Slique and Kyborg. He also mentioned rape, which I am completely uncomfortable with as a cis woman who has dealt with uncomfortable situations that deal with my body. I hated this. He came in as a cis male (based on what he said himself) completely invading a comfortable and safe space. Kenny is not the type of person I would leave my drink with at a party. I felt uncomfortable talking to him the majority of the time but I didn't want to bring it up because I didn't want to hurt the third party's feelings. After Dork came to me in tears, I said enough is enough and I reached out to her anyway. Thankfully the third party was kind, kicked him out of the server and I haven't had to interact with him since.
However, I've seen issues within the Tumblr fandom, the fandom that's taken me so warmly and held me to a higher standard than I've held myself for years. I love to see the community interacting with my posts and I love seeing my moots talk to me in such a kind and happy way. However, I know there are multiple people within the community, one who I talked to and wishes not to be named, has had issues with him. Most people see SliqueBorg as a very abusive and toxic ship due to his headcanons. He's ruined a ship, that though I don't agree with, is valid. Not only that, but he also still ships Mudd with multiple characters including Gum Gum (This is just vague posting and suggestive tagging, but it's very easy to see him doing something like this). which is a huge issue on its own. He doesn't care about if someone is a minor and if they would even want to be in a relationship.
During the whole “Mudd Gate '', which is what I'm calling the one actual problem we've ever had within this community, when actual Aro ace people were coming out and talking about how they didn't like how Mudd was being shipped with characters. A lot of people agreed, including me, but Kenny came onto the server and started complaining along with the third party (who will again, stay unnamed). Both of them came with swinging swords, dragging down the entire Tumblr community saying it was unfair for them to completely block out a ship component just because of a canon sexuality given by Jon himself. It took me a little bit to feel comfortable within it as someone who's Demi who was personally was seeing Mudd as Demi. But now I see the issues of my ways. How little aro ace representation there really is in the world, that is untouched by fandoms. Just look at Alstor from Hazbin Hotel. He's constantly shipped with people despite being a canon Aro ace character.
Through this all, I just want to say that we should stop supporting him. We should stop giving him a platform. Not only is he a fake fan just with how he characterizes Kyborg but he also has issues with sensitive topics that he will continue to joke about until the very day that he dies. I can tell that he thinks a lot of people are sensitive. Just saying things are offensive for clout or some other reasons, but a lot of the things that he actually says are very offensive and very inappropriate around the people he's been around. His actions almost took Dork away from this fandom. It isn't as bad as some other things that have come up in the past relating to other communities (*cough cough* Wilbur *cough cough*) If you hate me for making this post then I'll just say I don't care. I am planning on blocking him after I finish this post or at least until after he can react. I don't want to just completely block him from seeing his criticism but I will stop supporting any posts I have seen. I will make sure that he is no longer on my dash because he has done things that I am severely uncomfortable with. He does not bring good vibes to this community and he especially should not be allowed to continue being in the fandom if he's going to spread such hate. This is a kind and loving fandom that has taken me and others with open arms in times of struggle and times of pain. He has made it uncomfortable to be in. I cannot support him and I implore the rest of you to do the same after his actions.
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fleet-of-fiction · 10 months
My Truth
Allow me to introduce myself. Hi...
My name is Lucie. You might remember me from my old blog, lightmylove-gvf. It started out as a really fun, wholesome space. Full of love and laughter. I shared pictures and gif sets and works of fiction. Made so many wonderful connections with many different people. It really was a wonderful place to be. Until it wasn't. And although I've tried my best to step away from certain controversies, it seems that people still have an issue with me and still have my name in their mouth. So I'd like to take this opportunity to set the record straight. Maybe move past some untruths and you can all make informed decisions on whether you'd like to continue following me here on my current blog. Which is also a place of peace and love, I might add. And always has been.
Anyway, read on if you'd like. And if not, that's ok too.
I think it's fair to say that I've always been one of the more "controversial" writers around here. I have never shied away from difficult storytelling, and I never will. But what started out as a completely separate issue quickly snowballed into what could only be described as a personal vendetta.
I'm happy to discuss anything within my writing that might be of issue to a reader. A particular blog took offence to a scene I had written in a chapter of my fic, Backstage. I happened to disagree with this blog, and I tried my best to let them know whilst I understood their stance I did not agree with their point of view. I took this opinion to a discord server I was part of along with several other blogs here to see if they could shed more light on the issue.
The scene in question involved a fictionalised version of Josh and the reader in bed. They had gone to bed together with the full narrative of the reader known. How she was in love with him and wanted nothing more than to make love with him. They had been growing close. And Josh began to touch reader as they slept side by side. We get an insight into the readers thoughts during this moment, and they are very much with consent and enjoying the experience. It's meant to be a nod to what is to come. That their bodies are in tune with each other, even if their words are yet to speak of it. I think a lot of experiences in life play out like that. Where we don't always know what to say, but find ourselves in situations where our bodies can do the talking. Anyway, I digress...
There was a lot of opinions flying around in the server. Some were in favour of my opinion, others opposed it and were in favour of the anon who had sent me alot of hateful messages regarding their view that this scene was nothing more than sexual harassment. I explained in the server that I myself had been the victim of sexual assault/harassment. That I knew what it felt like to get into bed with someone I thought that I could trust only to have them break that trust in the most heinous way. I tried to explain that I didn't think this particular scene was that.
One sentence that I said was screenshotted and shared around with absolutely zero context to it and nothing of the rest of the conversation added to the screenshot. Just one sentence that I'd said which pertained to saying that I agreed that people should be able to get in bed with others and have full rights to their own bodies. I was AGREEING with that. It's there in black and white. But the narrative was skewed by people who didn't want to understand me. I tried to explain about how my personal experiences often lied within power imbalances when it came to things like S/H. But in the end, they gave me no chance to explain myself properly. They didn't want to. They'd seen and heard enough and made up their mind.
But it didn't stop there. People who I thought were my friends blocked me. Told me I was disgusting. Told me I was playing the victim. Because I didn't issue a grovelling apology. But how could I? I wasn't sorry. I hadn't done anything wrong. I'd poured my heart out to them about my trauma and abuse and how in my own experience I didn't view it as the same as what I'd written. I'd put trigger warnings. I'd made sure people had the right to information before proceeding!
I had blogs who had never interacted with me block me. Call me disgusting. Tell me fuck myself. I had anons telling me to kill myself. Anons telling me that I was a rapist and...for some reason...a peadophile sympathiser? I didn't deserve that. Nobody deserves that. I literally wrote two consenting adults touching each other in a bed they'd both gotten into...consentingly.... with very obvious (although unspoken at that point) feelings for each other. But now, that wasn't the issue. The issue was my own personal feelings on sexual harassment.
I'm the first to admit that I am perhaps not an easily digestable person to some. But I know that I am kind. I know that I have spent hours proof reading and editing fics for other writers on here because they asked for my help. I've supported people though personal issues, and I've championed the work of other writers because I truly believed that this space was a wonderful space for creativity. I still do, to some degree. I am not perfect, and I know that sometimes I can be a little head strong when it comes to protecting people's rights to free speech. I understand that I'm not palatable as a person to people who don't agree that the freedom to write should come with the freedom to write anything.
To those of you who never ever spoke to me and are still sharing things about me with the hash tag #fuck you lucie.... to you I say why have you jumped on that bandwagon? You do not know me. You know only what you've heard from people who were intent on pushing a narrative that was their own. Not mine. You don't know that these people were once my friends. And they shared my work and enjoyed it as I enjoyed theirs. They told me things about themselves and I was happy to know them. These people who then decided I was a terrible human being. Based on one thing I said that was taken completely out of context. It's almost as if they have shared it so many times now with their own backstory that it's a canon truth. I'm the worst human to ever walk the earth. Forget about all the good things I did for you. I'm scum.
If you're still reading this, you're probably thinking boo hoo what a victim complex. Maybe you're right. Maybe I do have a victim complex. Like everyone else here I have mental health problems and I'm on the spectrum. I have trauma. As part of my adhd I have rejection sensitivity which means when I'm cornered I tend to fight back with justifications as to why I behaved the way I did. I guess that's what I'm doing now. Trying to explain myself. Again. Although what good it'll do, I dont know. And I think right now, it no longer matters.
And yet I still see that I'm being talked about. I'm still getting accused of sending anons to other blogs when I was literally just existing here in my peaceful little corner, everyone who had ever taken issue with me blocked or unfollowed. I didn't know what was going on over there, I was trying to just enjoy reading and writing. My anxiety could never cope with sending a hateful anon, I know there's ways of finding out where they come from and revealing the blogs who send them and it's like that story we're all told about peeing in the pool and turning the water a different colour. I don't fuck with that shit.
If, for any particular reason, I've ever hurt anyone here to them I do issue a heartfelt apology because it has never been and never will be my intention. I said some awful things in the heat of the moment when I was receiving alot of hate and death threats regarding the AI edit a friend of mine made with audio from one of my fics. I was under so much pressure. I wanted it all to just stop. I just wanted everyone to be able to enjoy whatever made them happy. I am sorry for the things I said during that time. Im a human being. I am flawed. However..
I do not believe that people lose their rights to their body the minute they climb into bed with someone. And that's precisely what I say in the infamous screenshot. I just hope for anyone who has seen it that they now understand that it was said with love and understanding and support. I would never disregard anyones trauma or triggers. Never. And that is why I believe in giving people all the information they require before consuming media and art.
With all this said, I sincerely hope that it's clear that all I want to do is write. It's all ive ever done and all I will ever really be any good at doing. I'm proud of the fics I've put out here on my old blog and this one too. I don't care about how many notes they get, just that one or two people read it and enjoy it. And I hope you all know that I'm a nice person, too. So are a lot of blogs who have been villainised recently. This witch hunt has got to stop. We have got to start listening to each other with peace and understanding and not jump to conclusions. Not make people out to be something they simply aren't.
I want to curate a loving space here. A safe and nurturing space for anyone to feel free within. I want people to know they can jump in my asks and know that I will love them. I want everyone, of every race and every gender and ever creed of this world to know they are welcome and accepted here. Like a wise man that we all know and love once said. I'm not the person they say I am. I never was. And I think some of them know that. It is my greatest hope that any of you who wish to stick around get to know me for yourselves.
It is my greatest wish that those blogs who are still spouting hate about me really grow and heal. Or even better, pop on over and get to know me? I think it's important to understand why you might hate someone and not just from unreliable sources. If you think that I am some sort of s/a supporter who revels in writing that sort of thing then I'd be glad to dispel that myth.
I'm not going to speak on this again because I feel that I've moved on. This blog is my creative outlet and always will be. And as I've stated above its a safe and loving space for all. I'm reclaiming the fun. And hopefully some of you will stick around for it. And if not, I bid you a farewell. With nothing but love in my heart.
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alexblue29 · 1 year
hey, you're cool.
oddly the therapist possum has a request!!
so, er.
ghost of chicago by noah floersch.
then, add
lovesick foolish!?
here's that idea, idk :,)
Olay that song is so good though, thanks for making me obsessed with it! I made this pretty fucking angsty sooooo sorry? And let me know if y'all want more angst cause it's kinda fun to write! I wrote this in 45 minutes btw.
Foolish Gamers x Fem!Reader
It's angsty with a happy ending, unrequited love but not really, Foolish is a lovesick, kicked puppy, Foolish is called Noah although it.
Ghost Of Her
Noah sighed as he let himself fall into his chair. He looked over his setup, his monitors and computer were turned on with a discord call going. He had been chatting with Tina and Mouse before starting his stream. He rubbed at his face as he unmuted himself and picked up his cup of coffee.
His throat closed up for a second as he took his first sip, he missed her. She would always ask him what he was drinking and she'd have the same answer everytime he'd offer his reply,
"Honestly, people who drink their coffee black have to be psycopaths or something. Are you a psycopath, Foosh?" She'd laugh.
He quickly put his cup down as he stumbled into a coughing fit. His friends laughed at him, they asked him what happened.
"Nothing," he rasped out before clearing his throat, "Nothing, coffee just went down the wrong pipe."
He took his time getting his breath back and quickly redirected the conversation,
"I'm gonna start stream, see y'all on the server!"
Streaming did not help get his mind off of her, it never did. He would try to focus on his build but get distracted by his own thoughts. His chat, observant as ever, could tell he wasn't fully himself.
How could he be?
She's getting married tomorrow.
Noah rubbed his face roughly as he stood from his desk, he stretched, his joints popping as he did. He needed to clear his head and, even though it was nearing ten p.m., he grabbed his phone and made his way outside.
He walked for what felt like forever until he stumbled upon a familiar park, he made his way to it. As he walked, his feet guided him to the fountain in the very middle. He could see her, sitting by his side on the edge of it. A memory he cherishes of when she came to visit him for his birthday.
He remembers it like he still was there. A cold night, much like this one, he'd given her his sweater to keep her warm and tried to not melt every time his eyes found her. It was the perfect night. He should've said it. Why couldn't he just express his emotions like she could?
He frowned as he turned his back to the fountain and made his way away from it as fast as he could. His phone vibrated in his pocket, he reached for it and pulled it out.
Bad was calling him.
That was strange. They never called each other with their personal numbers, they exchanged them in case of an emergency. Before he realized it, the call had ceased. He didn'f reject it, he just waited too long.
Bad messaged him,
From: Bad (Dumbass)
I know you're looking at your phone.
It was all the warning he got before Bad called again. Noah retained a sigh as he answered,
"What's wrong?" his friend questioned right away.
"I have no idea what you mean, Bad."
He heard Bad scoff, Noah had always been a bad liar. "Tina and Mouse both messaged me saying you were being all weird and moppy this morning and I've watched your stream."
A moment of silence passed. Noah found his way on a stray bench before he whispered,
"She gets married tomorrow."
His voice broke in the middle, he couldn't bring himself to care.
He heard clicking noises from the other end before his phone vibrated again. He pulled it away from his ear and looked at the file Bad had sent him, a plane ticket?
"Bad, why did you-?"
"Because you are both idiots who refuse to be happy. Go get her, Foolish."
"I can't just barge into her wedding!"
"Says who?" Silence. Bad spoke again, "She's not happy, Foolish. Go get her."
And so here he was, in a taxi on his way to the wedding. It wasn't starting until twelve, it was currently ten-thirty. He couldn't fuck this up.
He thanked the driver as he closed the door. He saw her sister clock him immediately, he saw the way her eyes lit up with hope. She excused herself from a conversation and made his way to him.
"Noah! Thank god you're here, she's in the bride's room. Fifth door to the left, she's alone," She clapped him on the shoulder and lightly pushed him towards the building.
He thanked her quietly and quickly made his way to the room, he stopped before the door and raised a hesitant hand to knock.
"Angie? Is that you?" His heart lurched as her voice made its way to his ears.
"No, but she sent me to you."
He heard her inhale, he heard her quick steps to the door before she opened it, "Noah."
She let him in without a second thought. He took his time to look at her as she closed to door behind him. She'd barely changed from the last time he'd seen her. She already had her hair and makeup done for the wedding, but she was still in her white robe.
Noah couldn't take it, he took two large steps toward her and wrapped her in a tight hug that she reciprocated immediately. She was smudging her makeup on his shirt and he was definitely messing up up her hair as he gently grabbed the back of her head.
"Don't marry him," he muttered as he nuzzled into the top of her head, "Please, don't marry him."
"I can't just leave," she whispered to him.
He swallowed, "Bad bought my ticket to come get you, and two more to go back. One for me, and one for you," she looked up at him. "Your sister is on your side, she'll help you get your stuff if you need."
He caressed her cheek gently and whispered, "Come home to me, my clementine."
He could see her melt. He could see her ghost melt and finally letting the her he knew out again. She nodded. His heart was beating out of him chest. She broke away from his, went into the bathroom. He gathered all her things in her bag as he waited.
When she stepped out, her hair was up in a ponytail, her makeup off and she'd changed into some joggers and one of his old t-shirts she must have stolen when she visited him.
With her bag in his hand, he gently grabbed her hand and guided her away from the wedding. Together they made their way to the airport. She texted her sister and thank you and asked for her help to which her sister immediately agreed.
As they were flying back to Noah's home, he took a selfie of the both of them and sent it to their discord server with all their friends with a single message,
"Thank you, Bad."
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For the mun from a curious anon: What got you into Minecraft askblogging of all fandoms? Is it an interest in a certain type of Mob? Inspired by a veteran mcaskblogger? For fun/curiosity? Or something else? Thank you!
[Yesss, I was hoping you'd drop into my inbox, curious anon! Let me tell you!
I got into Minecraft in 2012, back before I got into high school. My very first Minecraft OC was Celina, but her appearance was much different. Here's a little doodle I did of Alpha/my first version of Celina:
Tumblr media
Celina was originally my MC persona, and I wanted to draw a story about her making friends in Minecraft. She made friends with my version of Steve, and then...
I discovered Herobrine.
I'll continue under the cut, because this is gonna get long!
Herobrine was a legend of MC that didn't scare me as a kid, and when I saw Minecraft videos and movies on YouTube of him being scary, my thought was, "Well, what if he's just misunderstood? What if something happened to him that made him this way?"
So, I started working on my traditional art comic, "The Real Herobrine," which I later renamed to, "The Broken Flame." It was focused on Celina and Steve making friends with their server's Herobrine, who is now my boy, Brine.
After a few years of working on this, I found Tumblr through a FanFiction writer I'm friends with named BlackDragon41. I didn't have an account until I was 14 or 15, but at first, I just sent anon messages to nice ask blogs. I made friends with a few of them, and decided to make my very first Tumblr blog, askcelinasteveandbrine.
It took place some time after the events of my comic that I eneded up turning into a fanfic of the same name. It was focused on Celina, Steve, and Brine, with some of their friends and family as background characters.
I went on with my original blog for a few years, before someone started some drama that made me leave the fandom for a few years and turn all my MC OCs into fandomless OCs. However, I kept playing Minecraft, as it holds a special place in my heart.
I was on and off of Tumblr for some years, before I made my old OCs and my newer OCs into Minecraft OCs and rejoined the fandom. I ended up coming back to Tumblr a little before this, and my personal blog was originally an Apex Legends ask blog.
Then, I came back to the Minecraft Tumblr fandom after finding my current style. I really got inspired to come back by the mod of twinsinminecraft, the mod of hexavexen, and the mod of ask-toby-and-vulcan, mostly.
As I jumped back into the MC ask blogging scene, I met a bunch of old friends who I hadn't talked to since my original deviantart account from years ago, and the mod of askendy started the MC ask blog Discord server, and I reconnected with people in there, too!
I love this fandom, everyone in it, and everyone's OCs in it, and I'm so glad I returned to my roots of Tumblr and Minecraft. I've met so many people and my friends and OCs have changed my life by being in the Minecraft ask blogging community. I love everyone here, and I'm never giving up my MC dreams.
I know 14 year old me would be proud to see how far I've come with my Minecraft stuff. <3]
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worldwright · 7 months
good evening ! im more and more early nowadays but that's bc i have shitty days and i love our asks <3
the strong will to kill myself is still here full force and now i want to slit my throat open :) what a great way to start today's ask BUT GREAT NEWS I CAN STILL GET ANGRY
it's been over a fucking month at least that i corrected someone's spelling in a fic because they butchered a bit too much a french word and I -a native french speaker- thought it'd be good to say to the guy to correct it, i was nice and all -normally i don't really care at all but it was too bad not to correct it yk LOL WRONG THE WRITER HAD THE FUCKING STUPIDITY TO RESPOND TO MY COMMENT AND NOT CORRECTING THE FUCKING SPELLING
it's a fucking spelling, everyone misspells from time to time for fuck's sake, just correct it ????? BUT NOPE. KEEP BEING AN IDIOT
and why would i remember that now ??? because a fucker that i don't even know, the only thing Im sure about him it's he's a friend of one of my friends by the fact he's on a friends' discord server where we all know each other IRL. we were all debating about AI videos (OpenAI Sora exists and that's hell) and i was talking about nsfw deepfakes and he went "never saw that", which isn't a fucking argument, and we were debating
and i said so, because that's not a fucking argument. and he said he knew that and i just went "okay /gen" and he didn't understand, so i explained to him what it meant what id just sent, because we use tone indicators in the server to avoid any misunderstandings, and a friend dropped a link to the most used tone indicators, so a short list, because she's nice and because we're all here to learn and all, AND THAT FUCKING ASSHOLE JUST WENT "LMAO IM NOT READING ALL OF THAT" WELL YOU FUCKER JUST GET OUT IF YOU WANT TO FUCKING ACT LIKE THAT
so. i didn't know i could still have the energy to be angry, but apparently i can :))))) my favorite feeling :)))) like it is not one of the FUCKING reasons i have so many traumas because my family FUCKING REFUSES THAT I HAVE NOT EVEN A BIT OF A LOUD EMOTION BECAUSE IM THE FUCKING PERFECT CHILD AND THAT I TRIED TO FUCKING KILL MYSELF ON A FUCKIN WHIM
so, to be short, ive never learned to live with emotions :))) normally that's Leo's and A.'s job to have strong emotions :)))) and now we all understand why my main occupation of the day is to fucking flee from my emotions because im a fucking mess
have a wonderful morning my friend im gonna go and read some fics, wanted to continue mine today but that's not happening if i can feel anger (it can lead to self-harm pretty easily and fast, so that's a big no)
oh god, many sympathies, that sucks :'))))))))))
ugh some people just aren't worth arguing with. they're not trying to discuss anything, they're just trying to be a dick and refuse to change their views on literally anything
I'm in my friends' apartment!!!!! trip took a lot longer than planned last night due to train delays, but I made it!!!! had some alcohol and had a fantastic time :33333 we're going out to do fun stuff today :3333333333
gonna get groceries, get food, perhaps get ice cream, there's a really good bakery we can go to....... I'm havin a great time :3
my friend is doing better now!! still not fully recovered, but able to hang out
headed to the farmers market now!! hope you find a good fic to cool off with <3 <3 <3
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solar--system · 9 months
I was thinking about when we owned a discord server and I ended up befriending and falling for one of the people who joined. I never told him how I felt cause soon after I figured out my feelings, I watched another guy fall for him and they started flirting then dating. I squashed my feelings down and was happy for them. But not long after my friend disappeared for two months, leaving without a word to me or his boyfriend. I was left taking care of his boyfriend, trying to reassure him that my friends disappearance wasn’t his fault. After two months he returned, and we fell right back into our friendship. He came out to me as aromantic and I had to crush my feelings down to a whole new level. I cared for him romantically and never wanted to impose those feelings on him. So we continued being friends, but I had stepped away a bit. Not much but there were other people in my life besides him. It took a lot for me to erase those feelings and as I started hanging out with more people I realized I didn’t like the way I felt when we hung out. I felt like I was walking on eggshells with every conversation. I tried to be accommodating to his needs while ignoring my own (as I’m known to do apparently). James noticed it too, and completely cut contact with that friend. We had introduced him to our irl friend, and when James cut contact he reached out to them to ask about me. They didn’t understand and James wasn’t the best at explaining. It ended after about a week or two when my old friend sent me a last message. It was along the lines of how it was wrong of me to just ghost him and how we can’t go back to being friends. And that pissed James off. We looked after his boyfriend for two months for him to return and breakup with his boyfriend, and we disappeared for a week or two and we can’t return to being friends.
Anyways I realized today that I still know the old friends tumblr blog, and part of me wants to message him and apologize, but if James was here he’d probably yell at me. It almost seems worth it if it’d bring James out of dormancy.
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entomjinx · 2 years
No worries. Tumblr has its own quirks and moods. Nothing we can do about it.
Sometimes it really is just awkward.
But yeah, we talked on/off (timezones, heh, even though you were sometimes up early/late - always hard to tell xD). And, idk, I thought I had gathered some strength after the trauma and all that crap. Fun times. So I took the gamble. In a way, why am I still messaging like this? But at the same time, idk.
One Piece is one of those mangas I will complete one day. I'm still very behind even though my ship is there since the beginning. 😂 and it's just so engaging! But at the same time I feel like I wouldn't be able to write fic for it. I guess I'm easily scared lol
Oh, I'm still stuck in gratsu. OTP and all that. I get the bunnies but writing sure has gotten super difficult. And then I catch another handful of bunnies before having finished one story and it's a lot of wips. Doesn't help that I'm feeling so bummed about my writing and that RL stuff has been bad. Gotta love a writing crisis. Which, btw, better not go your way. Just time and spoons for you.
Tumblr will always be just one step to the left of fully functioning, and that's how we like it here I suppose.
Sometimes messaging and replying though anon is easier. It a way to be slightly detached and not too invested, while still going out of your comfort zone to talk to the people you want to, especially after everything that happened in that server... At least, that's how it makes sense to me. Should you ever decide to just outright message me, I'd answer the second I saw it, but for now, if this is what you're comfy with, keep doing it!
Also sorry it keeps taking me so long to respond. College is very hectic at the moment. (also this got long oops)
One Piece is super engaging! the latest chapters are absolutely wild, especially the one this week. Holy shit. I have been more anxious writing for One Piece than I was for Fairy Tail, but the fandom is genuinly a much nicer and kinder space so far. I didn't fully realize how awful the FT fandom had treated me until I posted my first OP work... The difference is staggering. And most people I've spoken to have been much less insistant on only focusing on what's "canon." It's been wonderful so far.
That doesn't mean the FT fandom didn't leave such an impact on me that I'm not anxiously awaiting the switch up and rage to be sent my way, but I'm trying to tell myself that it's a set of irrational thoughts.
I still adore Gray/Natsu and I plan to finish some of the WIPs I have for them, as well as Phenomenon eventually, but I think most of the things I make outside of that will be kept to myself and close friends.
I have! so many plot bunnies! I finally came up with the idea to make a discord server where each channel is a plotline, and once I'd reached the limit for how many channels I could have in a category (per fandom) I have to finish something before I can make another one. It keeps me in check while also letting me keep a decently high number of ideas so that I don't get stuck with writers block.
I'm sorry stuff has been hectic in real life, and I hope things start to look up soon. Your writing has always been wonderful in my opinion, but I fully understand being bummed about it too. I can never really look at my own writing without feeling like it's missing something. Every artist is their own worst critic after all, so remember that others don't see what you think is missing, they see only the wonderful things you have created and shared.
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lovearne · 2 years
Discord - Jake Martin x reader
Tumblr media
Word count: 1.3k
Prompt used: Person B traveling long distances just to see Person A.
Warnings: anxiety, fluff, online friendships
As usual 18+ only, minnors please do not interact
Just like the rest of the world, these past 2 years you haven't seen much of anybody. Around the first week of the pandemic, you joined multiple different discord servers. Just to have people to talk to. You live alone, and now, you work from home too.
One of the discords you joined were servers that just wanted to connect with people, genuinely.
That's where you met him. The man you can now proudly call your best friend. He's been there for you for 2 years now, you've been through breakups, job losses and all the happier moments with him. Within a week of being on the server, you guys had friended each other, and were dming. The two of you almost instantly clicked, the only downfall is he lived so far away.
Through your friendship, you referred to him as Q, his user on discord was iammqueen, he had said it was in reference to one of his favorite movies, cars. So you took to calling him Q, instead of his screen name. The two of you never shared your real names, or really any personal information. Just your ages and birthdays.
Q's birthday is upcoming, and all he said he wanted from you is a hug and a horror movie marathon, because he loves them but is terrified of watching them alone. He bought you the plane ticket.
Up until now, you two have only chatted online, no calls, and no faces. This is a huge step in your friendship.
Q had given you his cell phone number to call when you got to the airport. Sitting at the gate, waiting for your airplane to start boarding, you stare at your phone. Almost pressing the call button next to a picture of lightening McQueen. Your hands start to shake very bad. Feeling almost sick to your stomach, your nerves were getting the best of you.
The announcement was made as you had just pressed the call button. Quickly hanging up, as you wouldn't be able to talk. Handing your ticket to the boarding attendant you are seated without issue. A nice elderly lady was seated next to you. She had noticed your nerves and offered to teach you how to knit. Letting you have a set of needles and a ball of yarn. You told her of your friends birthday, and she showed you how to make a beanie. Told you to give it to him for his birthday.
Your plane ride had been pretty amazing, with the elderly lady talking to you and helping you the whole way along. Offloading the plane, you sit in your nervousness, awaiting your luggage at the belt. Staring at your phone, you contemplate calling him. Knowing that's the only way you are going to be able to see him. As you are looking at your phone, the notif for his discord pops up. Pressing the bubble you read what he has to say.
Hey sweetheart, I'm a bit tied up at the garage right now, but I'm sending a taxi to the airport, it'll bring you to me. I can't wait to see you!!
After reading that, all your doubts wash away. No need to be insecure, Q is a good guy. He's geninue and he's honest. He's not gonna look at you and decide you aren't worth it. You focus on your breathing, retrieving your suitcase from the belt, and heding over to the lobby of the airport. Seeing one person with a sign that says to my sunshine, from Q, you get I to the backseat of the cab and the driver puts your luggage inside the trunk.
You message him as you are being drove, you had taken a picture of the whiteboard, and sent it via discord. Maybe I should just change my name to sunshine, yeah? His icon gets the little green icon, telling you he's probably read the message. You look back at your older convos, looking at the description message he sent you, about what he looks like, even though you have that memorized by now. Smiling as you see his arguing between himself as he describes his eyes. Fighting between green and gray with a ring of brown around his iris. That bit always makes you smile, it's been pinned ever since he sent it. And it's one of your favorite pinned messages.
Well, being that I don't know your name, unless you want my last name ;)/j
Q had always used his tone indicators, after you had politely asked that he did. And he's never forgotten to since. Is that a proposal Q? What happened to the ideal proposal with the lightening McQueen ring from a happy meal?/j
This happened quite commonly, you'd learned this is the way he shows his love and appreciation. He loves to flirt and be flirted with, and when you realized he was flirting with you and not just joking, it's made you go bright red each time. He's been your biggest rock since the pandemic started. Now with all vaccines you need and having quarantined for 2 weeks prior, you were finally ready to meet him.
The cab pulls up outside a big garage type office, the driver stepping out and retrieving your things from the trunk. And you send Q a quick message, hey Q, the cab just dropped me off, where do I go? Waiting for a reply you sit on your suitcase, looking around the street you sat on. Oh shit! I'm still in this meeting, you can just walk in and ask for Beth, she's very nice and she will be able to help you. Walking into the entrance of this building, you spot a desk, with a nice looking lady standing at it. Her hair a very pretty colour and nicely curled. You walk up to the desk, "Hi, uhm. I really don't know what I'm doing here, but I was told to ask for somebody named Beth." They lady smiles big at me. "That's me, how may I help you?" You sit with Beth for a while telling her about how you met a guy online this past 2 years, and have chatted each and every day, and you were finally meeting him. You keep each other entertained for another 15 minutes before a shorter, man comes out from the door behind her, "Oh, we have a visitor, hi my name is Kevin, I'm the team manager here. And who are you?" He reaches his hand out for a handshake, you shake your head, denying him the shake. "Sorry, I'm a bit touchy with the pandemic and all." He nods his head, moving onto talking to Beth.
A blonde man walks out behind him, dressed in a casual yeow shirt a backwards ball cap on his head, and the prettiest eyes you have ever seen. A nice mixture of brown, green and grey. "Q?" The man's attention snaps to you, "Sunshine?!" You nod at the man, big smiles on both of your faces, he pulls you up and into a big bear hug, reciprocated by you. Holding on tight to his shoulders.
The hug lasts for a bit longer than socially acceptable. He pulls his head back, taking yours in his hands, studying your face for a good few minutes, you doing the same getting lost in his eyes. He smiles, and you decide that is the best thing you've ever seen. "You are much prettier than I imagined, I can't believe you are here!" He picks you up and spins you around in a circle. Your hands latch onto the back of his neck, terrified of the lift in the air.
He sets you back down on the ground, "I'm Jake, I am a Nascar driver." You giggle at him, "Jake suits you, it really does, but I'm gonna continue to call you Q, is that alright?" The man nods, and hugs you again. "My name is Y/n, it's so nice to actually meet you face to face."
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
I got in a similar situation with that anon that was trauma dumping, except I had been in that server for more than a year. I was cancelled, had a sleuth of real life problems, and usually would just announce them and then take time off. Never went into detail or asked anything out of them, nor dumped too much information they didn't want to hear or that they didn't ask for.
It took me a while to come to the conclusion that they really didn't care at all about me when I realized that I was always DMing them, always checking in on them if they weren't online for a couple of days, leaving comments under their works to make them feel better, and other people in the server would talk about how the others were always so kind to them, so nice, "They DM'd me"/"They left long comments"/"They gifted me a fic", and... when it came to me, no one gave a shit.
I did an experiment and told them that I was going through a shit period because of a very personal issue (I didn't make it up, it actually was), and left Ao3, left Tumblr, left Discord all together, not deleting them, but not updating anything nor messaging anyone. I literally disappeared. I was in complete silence for months, not interacting with anyone.
No one cared.
I didn't hear from any of them for months in a row, and when I finally decided to try and interact again and bring up how hurt I was that the people who would keep telling me they were my friends couldn't be bothered to send me a single message in months, I was accused of trauma dumping on them, being unreasonably mean, being downright evil to people who had done everything they could to support me. When I asked them what they had done to support me or show me they were actually my friends, something they kept repeating to try and guilt trip me into apologizing to them, they kept changing the topic and accusing me of being horrible.
When I left the server, they told me they were happy I had finally left. Thank god they were my fandom friends.
Yeesh. Yeah, those aren't friends. You're better off out of there.
TBH, a lot of fandom friends won't usually DM you or check in that much. I have some fandom friends I've met in recent years, gotten close to quickly, and spent a lot of time talking to in discord PMs. If they go silent, I usually assume they're busy. I don't think it would occur to me to keep close tabs on them like you're describing. It would feel a bit presumptuous. Though I guess if I sent them a few "look at this funny link from today" messages and heard nothing, I might eventually go "Hey, are you okay?"
But if this was a common practice in the server aside from you, then it probably did mean something. It's possible they just didn't like your fic for non-personal reasons, but that this led to less overall interaction with you and fewer positive feelings about you without anyone really realizing. It's also possible they were just jerks.
Regardless, you were putting in a lot of effort that you weren't getting back, and that always sucks.
Either they were taking advantage and not holding up their end of the friendship or you were being pushy with people who weren't interested and who don't express friendship the same way you do. I genuinely have no way to tell. Both situations are very common, and it's not always easy to tell when one is in the situation oneself.
But it doesn't matter because both result in you feeling used and abandoned. In either case, you're better off now, out of that server and looking for other friends with whom it will be more mutual.
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marauder-exe · 4 years
Self care- p!Tommyinnit x reader
i wish i was bsfriends w tommy :’)
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings:themes of depression, nothing too deep
A/N: Taking Tommy and Wilbur requests!! u cant tell me tommy doesn’t do the classic british X’s on txts to his friends
It had been a rough stream, 8 hours sat in the same chair putting on the same happy face, it was unbelievably exhausting some days. You took of your headset and set it down after pressing ‘end stream’, you ruffled your hair and took in a deep breath, throwing a glance at the clock on your computer. 5am. You tried to throw caution to the wind, maybe it was an off day? But no, you could feel it, deep inside, another episode. You looked directly into the webcam, your face scrunching up as you take note of your appearance, your ruffled hair, your dark eye bags. It felt like hours, just staring at yourself, your famous thousand-yard stare painted across the screen. Suddenly, your phone vibrated from its place on the desk. You lethargically picked it up as the bright screen illuminated your otherwise dark room. It was Tommy.
Big T: ‘bedwars stream tmrw? : ) x’  
You really didn't feel up to it in all honesty, but you didn’t want to let Tommy down like that, he loves bedwars. A sad smile made its way to your face as you drafted your text back.
Gremlin: ‘only if were on duos together : ) x’
Big T: ‘5pm? X’ You responded with a simple yeee.
You discarded your phone to the side and stood up for the first time in hours. Your bones ached as you outstretched your limbs. Pain. You walked over to your bed and sat on the edge, eyes scouring the room, even though you weren't sure what you were looking for, an escape maybe? It wasn’t even like you had anything to be upset over, great friends, successful streamer, everything was going great, but alas, depression does not give a shit. You crawled into bed, putting your phone on charge and grabbed all of your covers over your head, a long sigh making its way from your lips.
The next day/  
Tommy loaded up minecraft on his computer, reading to slay game at bedwars with you. He got unusually excited when he played minecraft with you, even more excited than normal. There was something about you man, but he just couldn’t figure it out. Youd met in high school, same town and everything, and since then you were like a drug. Not a day had gone by since year 9 that you didn’t talk. He decided to drop you a message as you hadn't texted first. He asked if you were still up for bedwars. Surprisingly though, he didn’t receive a response. He waited. Just 5 minutes he said. And then 10. And then 20. Then 30. He decided to ring you just to check. Plus, he wanted to hear your voice. It rang thrice and nothing. His eyebrows drew together in confusion. You were almost always online. He tried not to overthink, but this is Tommy were talking about. Maybe you were still asleep? He wanted to believe that, but there was an itch, in his brain, that told him not to. Just to make sure, he decided to ask some of your mutual friends on the server. He clicked onto the group discord and noticed Wilbur, philza and Nikki in a vc.  
“Hello Hoes and Homies alike” He bellowed when he joined the vc. Wilbur drew a confused look.
“I thought you were doing duo bed wars with (Y/N) today?” Tommy scoffed.
“Well yah, Wilburrrrr, if you let me get a word out” He joked light heartedly “No seriously though has anyone heard from her since her stream last night” They all looked confused and shook their heads. This made him even more concerned than he was. He quickly thanked them before disconnecting. His mind was running rampant. He quickly decided to throw his shoes on, you didn’t live that far, only a bus ride away on the otherside of town. He grabbed his keys and his jacket and rushed down the stairs.
“Going over to (Y/N)s for a bit” He shouted to Motherinnit as he slammed the door shut.  
You were straing at the roof in a pit of self loathing when you heard your phone ring. Ugh. It seemed so much work to pick it up. Your hand made its way from under the mountain of covers and snatched your phonr from the side. Tommy. You felt a sting in the back of your eyes and tossed your phone on the bed, turning over and curling up in the covers. You stared at the inside of your covers for minutes on end. Your doorbell sent a sharp chime through the house as your mother went to answer it.
“Hello Tommy, what a surprise" He threw her a quickly greeted her and got straight to the point.
“Is (Y/N) in?”
“Shes upstairs I think, I havent heard from her all day though. Go on up” She stood to the side and let him pass.
You heard the entire conversation through your open window, and let out a heavy sigh, although you were secretly thanking Tommy in uour head for checking up on you. You heard his converse hit the steps as your door was threw open. Tommy immediately regretted his actions, wondering if you were asleep as he took note of the heap of covers on the bed. He let out a quiet whisper.
You didn’t really feel like talking, but you let out a quiet ‘yeah’. He rushed over to your side upon hearing your weak response.
“is everything alright? We were meant to be playing bedwars like an hour ago” This prompted you to pull the covers off your head and look at him. He took note of your puffy red eyes, and the dark eye bgs lying underneath. He looked around your room, empty energy drink cand and food containers littered your room. It suddenly clicked to him. You weren't doing okay. He looked back at you deeply, something about that look just caused the floodgates to open. Your eyes were glassy, as Tommy practically melted. He hated seeing you like this. Sure he had the bit of him being a big man with no emotions, but you where his weakness. “Hey, cmon don’t cry” He whispered as he opened his arms, welcoming you into a hug. In an instant you where in his arms, leaving tear stains on his TShirt. He didn’t seem to mind though. After a moment of silence, only broken by your sobs, he piped up. “How about, we forget about the stream for today, and ill go to the corner shop and get us some snacks, and marshmallows and whipped cream, and we can have those killer hot chocolates your mom makes. We can watch a bunch of movies, and ill even let you put one of those stupid facemasks on me, yeah?” This caused a laugh to pierce your sobs, which started to lighten up. You sniffled and pulled back from his hug, a huge smile making its way onto your face, the first genuine smile in a while.
“Thats my girl, that’s what I love to see” He matched your smile. You quickly threw your arms around him and pulled him into a long hug.
“Thank you Tommy” You said sincerely.
“Anything for my favourite girl” He smiled, as he pulled back from the hug. “Maybe while im gone you could try to shower?” He knew how tough some simple things where when you felt like this. You nodded smally and sat up. He leapt from the bed and smiled. “Okay, I wont be long!” And with that, he dashed out of the room.  
You lay back on your bed. You werent okay, but that’s okay, because Tommyinnit is your best friend :)
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charspnp · 4 years
Hey can I request a really fluffy Karl imagine? Where they’ve been friends for ages and realise they like each other or something
- anonymous
not a kissing booth
「 karl jacobs x g/n!reader 」
a/n: i feel like i didn't really fulfill the request fully djddjf but i hope you like it! :)
saying goodbye always was and always will be the hardest part of moving. it doesn't matter if you're moving a mile away or a thousand miles away, having to say goodbye to someone you love is borderline unbearable.
but... saying bye to karl was... different… why? well, who knows, really. maybe it was because you've known each other your whole life? or maybe it's because you spend pretty much every day together talking and talking but never running out of things to talk about?
or, perhaps, the reason saying bye to karl was so different is because you were in love with him. 
the hug you shared wasn't like any other hug you'd shared with the man. it was tight, comforting, a silent plea to stay in touch, to call or text him every day (as if you weren't going to already). then the very insistent, repeated, spoken plea to call or text him every day came and, for some reason, that's when you couldn't hold back your tears any longer.
as soon as he saw the first tear fall, karl grabbed your face softly and wiped it away.
"no, no, no, don't cry," he spoke softly, "don't-don't cry cause we're not saying goodbye, okay? we're-we're gonna talk every day, alright? every single day, i don't care what time it is for me cause i'll pick up, i'll answer. always. okay?" though he was asking for you not to cry, he started tearing up himself. he nodded to you, asking for an affirmation that you knew he would always be there. you nodded back and put your hands softly on his, leaning into is touch. you nodded once again, confirmation to yourself that he would be there. 
from behind the two of you, your mother honked the car horn to signal that you had to go. glancing back at the car then back to your best friend, you let go of his hands and wrapped them around his middle tightly. he returned the sentiment just as affectionately. 
"call me when you get there, okay?"
"hey," he pulled away but still kept you close, "i love you, okay? and-and i'll miss you."
yes, goodbyes are hard, but the two of you kept your promise. although, it wasn't too hard when the both of you became streamers and played together 24/7. you and karl just had small names in the community before karl got picked up by mr beast and dream with his server. after the dream smp blew up, so did karl. any other person would've felt left in the dust or forgotten, but with you it was quite the opposite. you were happy for karl, ecstatic that he grew to fame and had so many loyal fans.
every time karl asked if you wanted to be on the smp, you declined, though, no matter how badly you wanted to accept. it was because of those loyal fans that you always declined. you were scared that they would psychoanalyze you and your behavior and find out about your crush on karl. yup. it's a stupid thought, but valid at the same time. you don't know when you started having this crush, whether it started when you two were in grade school or if it was recent, but it's the and you hate it. you hate having to hide your feelings from your best friend and lying to him when he asked for the reason as to why you didn't want to join the smp.
"but whyyyy," karl whined, hoping you would give a different reason as to not stream with him (or maybe even finally agree).
"because! that's a lot of eyes on me, karl. it's scary." liar.
"dude, you're a streamer, you have eyes on you anyways! you can't say you never thought you'd get over 1k viewers at a time."
"yes i can! because i never thought my best friend would get so famous so fast and suddenly have, like, over 60, or even 100k viewers at a time!"
"c'mon, just- please? please play on the smp with me? stream with me- for me?" he begged with his stupid, cute puppy dog eyes you can never say no to. bastard.
you huffed, "fine- fine! i'll play on the dream smp with you."
karl's face lit and as he bounced around his room, yelling, "yes! yes! finally!" 
you chuckled and shook your head at him, "yeah, yeah."
karl stopped hopping around and leaned down to his mic to speak, "when can you play?"
"just, whenever."
"tomorrow?" he grinned widely, excitement noticeable in his eyes even from across the country.
"t-tomorrow?" you weren't expecting it to be that early, but still, you couldn't let down karl. "s-sure. yeah, tomorrow's fine. what time?"
"3pm, my time." though he had calmed himself for the most part, you could still see him jittering and fidgeting with excitement.
"o-okay. sounds good," you spoke warily. changing the subject, the two of you continued talking all night.
when the next day came, you were immediately reminded of what was to come later that day when karl sent you your daily good morning text. reading through the small message, you ran a hand through your hair and sighed, turning to your pillow to just lay there. though it wasn't until the afternoon, you were already stressing how it would go.
after about 10 minutes of just lying there in bed, you responded to karl with your own good morning text then turned off your phone. running your hands down your face, you got up out of bed to start the day.
"how ya feelin?" karl asked, seeing how much you were fidgeting.
"nervous," you responded truthfully. karl already had his 'starting soon' screen up and you were yet to even begin yours. "i don't want them to hate me, y'know."
"dude, they're not gonna hate you, i promise. even if they don't like you, they'll see how much i love you and they'll learn to accept it."
you blushed at his words, knowing he didn't have a clue as to what they did to you. "y-yeah. yeah, i hope."
finally starting your stream with your own 'starting soon' screen, you tweeted out that you're gonna be playing on the dream smp, and almost immediately your viewership was more than it ever has been. taking a deep breath, you waited until karl turned on the facecam to his stream.
"hi! hello, everyone!" karl began, "welcome! welcome to the stream!"
while he made small talk with his stream, you changed your screen from 'starting soon' to your facecam. you deafened yourself on discord and began welcoming your stream as well. you explained what was happening and what you were gonna be doing when karl started spamming "UNDEAFEN" in your chat. you chuckled before undeafening, only to hear karl making a monotone "aaaahhhhhh" sound. you called his name a couple times and when he didn't stop, you turned on your funny mic to get his attention.
"KARL!" you yelled, the audio coming out distorted as all hell. he finally acknowledged you by breaking character and laughing. "let's get this show on the road, shall we?"
about an hour and a half and a whole lotta laughter later, karl took you over to a large red building in the shape of a heart. glancing at your chat, all you saw was "DON'T GO IN" but you just laughed it off.
"okay, y/n, this is not a kissing booth," karl explained.
"not a kissing booth?" 
"yes, definitely-definitely not a kissing booth. now wait-wait here," he instructed you before his character moved around the side of the building. you gave your camera a questioning look as you waited for whatever karl told you to wait for. as you were looking up at the building, you saw karl's character go inside the pink, glass heart. your jaw dropped at the adorable sight.
"karl! that's so cute!" you said as you crouched at his character.
"thank you," he giggled wildly (what you didn't know was that he was blushing profusely). "now," he exited the heart and came back around to you, "come in here."
he walked into the building and you followed, taking a quick moment to read the signs on the outside. you stood on the inside of the kissing booth, the crafting tables on the ground making you laugh quietly.
karl flipped a lever on one side of the room, "okay, so these are called the levers of consent. it takes two parties to consent, so mine is already down. if you consent, flip your lever."
you shook your head, but agreed anyways, "okay, i consent." you flipped the lever and suddenly the whole room went dark. you looked over to karl's character, only to see him crouching, slowly making his way over to you. you crouched back at him so you were eye level to him. your characters were close to touching before you got close to your mic and said, "are we about to kiss right now?"
his character stopped crouching as he started laughing wildly again, his giggles high pitched and absolutely adorable. our face split into a grin at the sound and your chat spammed your guys' ship name they came up with as well as "SIMP" which, in their defense, was very accurate.
deciding to mess with him a little, you looked karl's character in the eyes before saying, "karl, i'd say the s-word and get banned for you."
his giggles started up again, becoming high pitched and muffled as he covered his face. "no, no, stop, y/n please."
you giggled at him before pressing your character against his and making an over exaggerated "mwah!" sound.
to be expected, yours and karl's ship name was trending #1 on twitter with thousands of supporters.
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ramen-rambles · 4 years
Quid Pro Quo
Pairing: Kirishima Eijirou x Reader
Warnings: 18+, mutual masturbation, suggestive texts 
Word Count: 2.7K
Summary: From being a total stranger you met on a dead Discord server, to literally becoming one of your best friends — Kirishima was one of the most amazing things to ever happen in your life. But what happens when you accidentally screenshot his nudes?!
A/N: My first BNHarem server collab! I was really close to naming this fic Penis Pals, if I’m being honest LOL It’s a lot shorter than I wanted but I hope I did my baby justice. Thank you to my fellow Bakugou Fanclub members for hyping me up and helping me edit this piece. I literally couldn’t have done it without you guys, ILYSM! Read all the other amazing fics in this collab, here.
Taglist: @lady-bakuhoe @bratwritings @redbeanteax
♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。.
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Ever since you were in high school, you had always looked up to Crimson Riot — a pro hero who’s strong, manly, and fearless. I mean, who wouldn’t like him? Now that you were in college, there have been many other heroes worthy of being called the best, but Crimson Riot was still going to be Number 1 in your eyes. So, to pay homage to your all time favorite hero, you decided to join a Crimson Riot Discord server. 
You had started looking for any server invites through all platforms of social media. Google, Twitter, Tumblr, but nothing came up. You had started to lose hope, until you stumbled upon a very old server link on an equally old Reddit thread. You looked at the date it was posted and it seemed to have been made all the way back when you were in high school. You clicked on the link hesitantly, definitely not expecting it to work. However, much to your surprise, the link brought you straight to the server! 
“Finally! Something that actually fucking worked!” You thought to yourself, after hours of scrolling though numerous pages of the internet. 
You were a bit hesitant at first, not really knowing what to expect. Were people going to think you were weird for being such a nerd? What if people thought you were annoying? Or worse, what if no one liked you? 
But that didn’t seem to be much of a problem… Considering that the server was rather dead. 
You clicked through the channels — #general, #merch, #photos, #announcements; the last time anyone really said anything was nearly six months ago. “God dammit.” You should have known. All you wanted was a place to fangirl over Crimson Riot, was that too much to ask for?! You got all your hopes up, just for it to all come crashing down. Feeling a bit dejected, it seemed like you had no choice but to leave the server. Not like there was much of a point in staying anyways. 
But then you saw a notification pop up on your screen.
RED RIOT [Today at 7:56 PM] 
@Y/N Hey! How are you doing? I’m the admin for this Crimson Riot Discord. The name’s Kirishima. It’s nice to see a fresh face here :^) 
Y/N [Today at 7:56 PM] 
Oh hi! I’m doing good! I found your discord link on a really old Reddit thread so forgive me for asking but… Is this server still active? I was scrolling through the channels and everything seemed kind of dead tbh LOL
RED RIOT [Today at 7:57 PM]
Well, if I’m being honest, it’s fucking dead LMAO 
Y/N [Today at 7:57 PM]
RED RIOT [Today at 7:58 PM]
It used to be pretty active before but people just kind of... stopped. I made this server back when I was in high school because I just LOVED Crimson Riot so much, ya know? He was the one person I really looked up to. Anyways, how did you even find this link? You must have looked real hard LOL
Y/N [Today at 7:58 PM]
HAHA I did, actually! Took me for-fucking-ever to find a server link that actually worked :( I’ve looked up to him since I was a kid too and so I really just wanted a place to express my gratitude for the role he played in my life. Sorry LOL I’m getting cheesy 
RED RIOT [Today at 7:59 PM]
Well Y/N, I’m glad you found this server! You sound like a really great person and I’d love nothing more than to talk to you about our shared love for Crimson Riot, but this server is whack as fuck. Are you down to move to DMs instead?
Y/N [Today at 8:01 PM]
Fuck it. Why not? 
You and Kirishima had been talking for a while now. Ever since you came across his Crimson Riot server, you two would talk almost every single day. You learned that he actually lived near you too. Call it fate. Exchanging phone numbers, following each other on social media, starting Snapchat streaks, meeting up with each other — the chemistry between you two made it seem like you’ve known each other your entire lives. The both of you had practically become best friends. 
To you, maybe it felt a little bit more than just friends. 
Currently, you were mindlessly scrolling through your Twitter feed when you saw that you had received a Snapchat notification, from, you guessed it. Kirishima. You were expecting it to just be a bland streak of his room or something but you saw something that made your fucking jaw drop.
A picture of Kirishima in a tight fitting tank top and a very noticeable bulge that was covered by a pair of dark grey sweatpants. 
You felt your cheeks heat up, a red blush painting across your entire face. In a state of panic, you fumbled the phone in your hands and in the process you had heard a very audible click. You fucking screenshotted his snap.
You quickly went into your messages and texted him to try and explain yourself. 
Replying almost immediately, you anxiously waited for what Kirishima had to say about your little mishap. You were seriously hoping that he was just going to let it go and you could both just act like nothing happened.
Wow, I didn’t think you’d be the type to screenshot people’s snaps like that, Y/N :( 
You telling me you didn’t like what you saw? 
Okay, fine, you looked good, SUE ME. Is that what you wanted to hear?
It’s only fair you send me one back, don’t you think?
You stared at your phone. What the actual fuck. Was Kirishima asking you to send him a fucking nude? You knew it shouldn’t have, but the thought of Kirishima wanting to see your body turned you on. A small shiver running down your spine at the possibility that he liked you in return. 
Excuse me, sir. I am NOT sending you a nude. 
I didn’t ask for a nude, all I said was that you return the favor. Quid pro quo, ya know? 
Using big words like ‘quid pro quo’, smh. Since when did you become such a politician? 
But, if you want to send a nude, who am I to say no? ;)
Fucking fine. If I show you one, will you shut up?
On what, exactly?
On how good it is
Your eyes narrowed at his response. What does he even mean by that, ‘how good it is’? He should be grateful that you even considered sending him one! Based on your replies, it seemed like you were pissed, but in reality, your heart beat faster with every passing minute. You were never the type of girl to send nudes to anyone, but for Kirishima, you were willing to make a small exception. 
You got up from your bed and rummaged through your closet, looking for something that was a bit more provocative. You picked out a red lace bodysuit that hugged your curves and cupped your perky breasts. Sitting in front of your mirror, you touched up your makeup and fixed your hair, checking yourself out one last time before you started taking pictures. You opened up Snapchat and tried multiple poses, making sure the camera captured your sultriness and how good your tits looked. To mock his teasing from earlier you captioned the photo, “Quid pro quo, my ass.” before hitting the ‘send’ button. 
Was that good enough for you? 
You heard no response from him for a good five minutes. You started worrying. “Shit. Was that too much? Did I push it too far?” You chewed on the inside of your lip, anxiously waiting for any sort of reaction. 
And then, your screen lit up again. Another Snapchat notification from Kirishima. But this time, it was way more revealing. He had sent you a picture of him palming his erection, and all it said was, “You’re not even here, and look what you did to me :(“ 
Feeling cocky and with a sudden burst of confidence, you cheekily replied, “Why don’t you come here then?” 
In all honesty, Kirishima didn’t live that far from you. You two were only 15 minutes away from each other, meaning that he frequented your apartment whenever he felt like it. He came over a million times in the past, but this time was different. Very different, in fact. Anticipation was building at the pit of your stomach, but so was a familiar heat that began pooling in the middle of your underwear. 
You tried denying your feelings for Kirishima but you couldn’t help it! Everything about him was perfect. His personality, his humor, his voice, his face, his body… You could go on and on about all the things you loved about Kirishima. 
You would have been lying to yourself if you said that you’ve never thought about him with your hands in between your thighs. Thinking about his massive cock fucking your tight pussy, his fingers rubbing your clit in all the right places, or the way his tongue would feel sucking on your hardened nipples. 
You’d always wonder if he ever felt the same way but he didn’t really seem like he was. 
That was, until tonight. 
You stared at the clock on your wall and saw that 10 minutes had passed, a loud knock on your door making you wake up from the dream like trance you seemed to be trapped in. You quickly turned the doorknob, letting Kirishima inside of your apartment. 
Without saying a word, he pushed your back against the wall and began to roughly grab the side of your face. He captured your lips with his, meeting his kiss with the same aggressiveness, making your head spin at how good it felt to finally get a taste of him.
“Do you know how long I’ve waited for us to do this?” He panted, moving down to place sloppy kisses against the crook of your neck, leaving sharp bite marks and dark bruises littered all over your pretty skin.  
“Haaaa, that should be my line” you moaned, “You know how many times I’ve touched myself to the thought of you?” You whispered teasingly, biting the soft flesh of his earlobes. “How many times I wished it was your fingers inside of me instead?” You trailed your fingers down to his, intertwining them with one another before you dragged him into your bedroom. 
You pushed him down onto the mattress, gently getting on top of him and straddling his waist. Grabbing his hands, you placed them on top of your tits, giving them a rough squeeze before you began grinding your wet heat against his clothed cock. 
”Fuck, Y/N, are you sure?” He groaned, “As much as I want this, I don’t want you to do anything you’re not comfortable with —“ 
“Eiji, shut up. If I didn’t want this, would I be this wet for you?” You slipped your panties off to the side, two of your fingers dipping into your cunt, showing off the slick that stringed in between your digits. “Here, see for yourself.” You brought your coated fingers up to his mouth, making him suck it until not a drop was left. 
“Shit, you taste so fucking good,” He smirked, “Why don’t you show me how you touch yourself, princess?” 
You slowly made your way off of him, leaning back to position your body against the plush sheets. Slowly spreading your legs, you made sure he got a good view, your pussy practically dripping from how aroused you had become. You snaked your hands down back against your thighs, fingers finding its way onto your throbbing clit. Kirishima was sitting in front of you, all of his clothes still on.
That didn’t seem very fair, now did it? 
“Stroke your cock for me, Eijirou. Quid pro quo, right?” You said wickedly. You stood up quickly to remove the rest of your lingerie, Eijirou’s eyes glued to your body, watching your every move as you moved your hands back to their previous position. 
Kirishima let out a small laugh before he finally stripped himself of his clothing, pulling down his boxers to reveal his impressive length that was already oozing precum. “Is this what you wanted to see?” You nodded desperately. 
“You wanted to see me jerk off while I watch you touch that pretty pussy of yours?” Kirishima began moving his hand against his girth, gathering spit in his mouth before letting it drip onto the head. Lubricating his cock with a mix of precum and spit, he slowly started moving up and down his length. Matching your rhythm, as he watched intensely at the fingers that were still stuffed inside of your cunt. 
Soft moans started escaping your plush lips, the collective sound of small whines, and frantic gasps beginning to fill the room. “Fuck, Eiji. You look so hot stroking your cock like that. Do you imagine that it was my pussy, instead?” You say, panting intensely. 
“Fuuuuck. I’m gonna pound your tight little cunt so hard that you’re not going to be able to walk for days.” He sped up his pace, you quickly following suit. Your fingers pumping vigorously, you continued to rub tight circles over your sensitive clit. 
You were getting closer and closer to the orgasm you craved so much, and the look that Kirishima had on his face indicated that he was too. Your cunt clenched tightly around your digits while Kirishima’s fist held a vice grip on his cock. You had been waiting for this moment for so long, the intensity of your orgasm was surely going to rip through you like a plundering tidal wave.
 “A-ah, Eijirou! I’m so fucking close for you.” Your eyes squeezed shut as you felt yourself cum all over your fingers, your arousal gushing onto the bed sheets and covering the inside of your thighs. 
Kirishima quickened his strokes, the sight of your pleasure the catalyst for his own release as he continued to jack hammer his cock at an animalistic pace. “Please, baby, cum for me, I wanna see you cum all over yourself.” You whined, watching closely as you patiently waited for him to reach his end. Your filthy words were the last push he needed. 
“F-fuck Y/N! I love you so fucking much” he groaned loudly. A few more pumps, and ropes of his cum started painting his chest white, covering his sweaty body, as the remnants of both your orgasms stained the bed. 
You both looked at each other with half lidded eyes, still trying to come down from your intense highs. Breathing heavily, you looked at him greedily and whispered, “You know, I’ve always wondered how good it would feel to fuck myself on your cock.” 
“Well, I did say that I’d pound your cunt so hard you wouldn’t be able to walk for days...” Kirishima cooed as he ran his fingers along your exposed thigh,
“I’d be more than happy to show you, Princess.” 
♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。.
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47-shades-of-hitman · 4 years
Seven days of Valentine with Agent 47 | Day 2 [GN]
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Day 2 - What is love? | SFW 
You try to explain the concept of being in love to Agent 47.
Warnings: None
Link to my Hitman-related Discord server
Today was Valentine’s Day and that meant a whole day of a tell-tale knot in your stomach. Not that you hated love or this particular day itself, but because the person you were head over heels with was utterly oblivious about everything to do with love.
Agent 47 was in no shape or form able to tell that you were in love with him. Or he was just very good at hiding that he knew, but you doubted it. For years now, you had found yourself drowning in his eyes occasionally, or daydreaming about what he’d do if you’d decide to kiss him out of the blue.
You still wanted to try that one day, if you were only brave enough. But you couldn’t imagine the hurt it would bring you. So you admired him in silence, from a distance, hoping for him to catch on one day, even though you knew deep down that he wouldn’t.
The only person you had trusted with your secret was Diana. Well, it wasn’t completely voluntary, but she had caught you crying in the sleeping quarters one day while on a mission, and she wouldn’t leave before she knew what was causing you such sorrow.
The confession had caused Diana to smile a little, followed by a statement that she had been having an inkling for a while. She also reassured you that everything would be alright, but your heart felt no lighter in the knowledge that 47 was just unable to realise it by himself.
Today, you wanted to make a move, but you weren’t sure how. Diana had decided to help you out by handing you a bunch of files you had to deliver to 47, and it sent your stomach into a raging pit of butterflies.
And so you stood in front of the door, fingers trembling as they rapped against it. Your heart crawled into your throat at the muffled “Come in.” of his gravelly voice.
You pushed open the door and found him standing next to his bed, on which he had stacked out all of his weaponry in order to prepare for the next mission. “I have some files for you.” you said, voice smaller than intended. “Diana asked me to bring them to you.”
“Couldn’t she send them to my device?”
You swallowed thickly. “I don’t know, I’m just a bringer of the message.” “Yes, of course.” he took the documents from you and quickly flipped through them.
You folded your hands on your back. “So, have you already decided what to bring yet?”
“Hm… Krugermeier. Lockpick. Still have to decide whether I should bring some poison or explosives, since I can’t bring both.” He looked up from the papers, “Are you wearing new perfume?”
Your cheeks flushed – you hadn’t expected him to notice. “Yes.” you squeaked, “I decided to change it up a bit. Can’t hurt every once in a while.”
47 hummed. “Good choice. It smells good on you.”
Even more blood rose to your cheeks and you felt like you might faint, mind replaying especially the last part of that compliment: on you. On you particularly. As if the wearer would be able to change what it smelt like…
“Thank you.” you whispered. “Valentine’s Day seemed like a great day to do something else.”
47 placed the papers onto the neatly made bed, next to the fibre wire. “What is it with people and Valentine? I’ve never understood.”
“Well, Valentine or the concept of love?” you quizzed. He looked at you and your pulse quickened more than it already had. “Both, I guess? What is it like to be in love?”
You gulped.
“Well, you know what it feels like to have a friend, right? Like Diana, Lucas… Me…” “You hesitated before mentioning yourself.” Your eyes flicked everywhere but to his. “I… I didn’t intend to do so, it’s just…” “You’re my friend, too.”
Stomach tightening, you took a deep breath. That’s exactly the problem, 47! you thought to yourself.
“Well, that’s good. Anyway, whenever you have a friend, it may occur that you feel something else for them. Something running deeper than that friendship, a stronger connection. It only takes a second sometimes. To fall in love, I mean. Ah… You suddenly feel all bubbly inside your stomach whenever they’re around and… Your heart beats faster whenever they’re close. You might also get nervous or shy around them, even though you were completely cool before you were in love with them… And you can’t stop thinking about them all day. You might get the urge to touch or kiss them whenever they’re near, or to hold them, or feel the need to protect them against all danger in the world because you can’t see a life without them, and…”
Your voice trailed off and you cast your gaze downward before wryly smiling. “Love is weird, isn’t it?”
Agent 47 huffed. “It is. I can see why it is deeper than friendship on an emotional level. Have you ever been in love?”
“O-Of course.” was your answer. “I never… I never told them, though.” “Why?” You blinked a few times, fighting against the tightening of your throat. “Because I was afraid that he wouldn’t love me back.”
47 was silent for a few seconds before asking another question:
“Are you in love right now, then?” “Yes.” you whispered softly. “With whom?” “I-I’m not telling.” “Why?” “Because I’m afraid that he won’t love me back.” “Why? You’re a great person, anyone would be lucky to have you.”
Your eyes shot up to his like a deer in the headlights, widened as they locked with the deep pools of blue staring back at you.
“You really think so?” “Of course.” 47 replied. “I think you should just tell him.”
You let your fingers fiddle with each other in front of you, nerves surging through your veins as you did a step in his direction. “It’s complicated. I really shouldn’t, and…” you shook your head and smiled, “I shouldn’t.”
He stared at you for a second.
And then you did it, anyway. Without paying it another thought, you stood on your tiptoes and brushed your lips against his for no longer than a second before immediately pulling back and turning away, embarrassed.
It couldn’t even be called a quick peck, really. Before you could walk away, a hand on your wrist stopped you. “Wait.”
Agent 47 spun you around so you would face them, and he didn’t give you any space to speak up, because he cupped your cheeks and kissed you.
Soon enough, you felt yourself respond against his mouth, butterflies spreading through the top of your head and the tips of your fingers. You wrapped your hands around his arms and leaned into him, softly sighing against his lips.
You had imagined countless times what it would be like to kiss him. Nothing had ever come close to the real thing.
You were sure that it wouldn’t be a one time thing, and there was a lot to discuss after this.
For example, how it could be that you had just perfectly described the way that Agent 47 felt around you - he had been wholly unfamiliar with the emotion, nearly unable to comprehend it. Now it seemed to click. But for now, you melted into him, relishing in the fact that you were kissing 47.
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limelocked · 4 years
Sundial blurbs
So most of my part of the Sundial au has been locked into general au chat on our server in the form of joking, theorising and sometimes writing as much as the discord character limit allows me to. I did the two first blurbs in this post today and @pomodoko commanded i actually post it and tag them so here they are, sorted into story chronological order and not the order in which i wrote them
Also this is the link to the document with general information on the AU
--- Dreams POV, the inciting incident
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8- NINE It has been ten seconds since Fundy landed at the bottom of the stairs at the lowest level of the building, there had been a noticeable thud that sounded distinctly unpleasant but Dream hadn't picked up on any cracking noise that'd indicate broken bones. Not that it'd be easy to hear over the commotion that led to later events.
Because it'd been seven seconds since Techno had lost his balance because of the falling fox mentioned and seven seconds since he stood back straight, almost brushing against Wilburs taller frame. It had only been five short seconds, that might have felt like weeks to others, since Wilbur in turn furrowed his brow and geared up for retaliation. Four seconds ago techno had been pushed. Three, Wilbur had gone into the wrong portal. Two, Philza had with Fundy still leaning on his shoulder tried to stop them both. One, they were gone.
It was surreal. The room had been filled with chatter before the fight, louder during the fight and now it was quiet. One second in the future, after it had all happened, the silence broke by no one who had seen it happen but by Tommy, babbling on about something with Fundy that didn't matter to anyone but himself. He quieted down when the person he was intending to talk to was nowhere to be found, confused. "Where'd Fundy go?"
"He and Wilbur already went through" the lack of effort it took for Dream to bend that truth would be concerning if not for his record, and technically they already had. "Oh-" an unsatisfactory answer but not one that would send him towards the throat of Noxite. "You can just talk to them back home. Come on." The portal after the hermits was supposed to be theirs, something quickly confirmed as they enter the community house with a crisis averted, or rather pushed back until a later date, and two people lost to another server.
--- Omniscient/Unknown POV, the dreamsmp aftermath
un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf... sept, huit, neuf... sept, huit... Seven hours later was when the lie couldn't hold anymore. Tommy already didn't trust Dream much but Tubbo had been a help in convincing him that Wilbur and Fundy were just away building or something. But the truth comes eventually. He sent a clear message of; <TommyInnIt> stop lying to me
Hour eight was the worst, accusations being thrown and swords being drawn. Screaming and explanations that never really felt enough. The ninth hour was bad in another way, depressing. Tommy's anger had simmered into bargaining as if Dream, George or Tubbo had the power to do anything of substance. It never got to begging, Tommy's pride forbade that but the things he put on the line for help that he couldn't get made it almost seem like it.
Noxcrew was contacted and they confirmed that the hemits had talked to them about the guests. Solutions were suggested and just as quickly rebuffed. Hour ten was a loss and the eleventh hour was one where Tommy and Tubbo got to speak alone.
"Can't you just use your powers or whatever to make the portals take us to hermitcraft" he was exhausted. "It doesn't work like that, probably, and Noxite has probably already tried it" "Yeah but Tubbo could you do it?" "I mean... maybe?" To that something glinted in Tommys eye, hope that Tubbo didn't want to extinguish as fast as it needed to be. "But I'm not allowed into the MCC world anyways so it wouldn't work" "FUCKING CHRIST TUBBO everyone here's useless!"
--- Technos POV, first night on hermitcraft
It's the first night and bones tower above him.
There were other buildings around, and the area was lit up well but eyes followed him from the darkness, eying the stone tools he'd manage to scrape up while leaving the group now probably settled in a warm house far away. This world scared him, the monsters and the way his sword hit differently, and the fact that the air itself felt new.
A pair of eyes glowed at him from it's place under one of the ribs of a beast too huge to want to think about. Techno readied his sword, but the dog decided that it'd rather go back to sleep. This world scared him and he just knew he'd gotten lost now because his goal had been to retrace his steps, the path that Xisuma and Bdoubleo had shown them to the little village far away by boat, to find the house cleft in two and then head straight out to sea until he could find a better place to stay than the tension thick cabin that their hosts had suggested.
Another dog offered a quiet bark in his direction and with an embarrassed sssh, covering fright, he continued forward. He had found the water, true, and he remembered something vague about a neighbour... but... No. No he decided that he'd choose a direction and if there weren't any light he'd just have to turn around or dock and make a little cave to live out of. It wouldn't be glorious but neither is 5 million potatoes.
A boat is placed into the water at the straight of Joebralta and a pig starts to row.
Clang. He is confused. The boat shakes in the middle of open water, he's been turned around. Clang. A trident, something he's only really seen in Skyblockle, shoots into the air a meter to the right of his boat. He speeds up. Clang. It misses, but he has decided that the sea is no longer safe.
--- Technos and Ethos POV, the first days in hermitcraft
He's starting to feel bad for leaving. Still justified, but also bad. He felt horrible the instant the championship room disappeared from right in front of his eyes with Wilbur still in it, and still worse when Wilbur then Phil and Fundy appeared next to him in this world, all statues as unseen confused messages fill the communicators of the worlds inhabitants.
When they arrived he was surprised that a lot of the hermits knew about them, or at least him, from the returning cast of hermits that played in MCC and their apparent tendency to tell stories as soon as there was space for it. It'd made it less awkward but the looks from the others stopped him from talking much about his side of the tournaments.
This was perhaps night four? He had stepped ashore in a jungle a bit from an area he could almost feel at home in with its skyscrapers reminiscent of some survival games arenas. But it was built by someone and someone should be avoided so he had trudged through plains and deserts walking around it only to find more tall buildings in another jungle.
The jungle was... safe? Safe from people at least, less so mobs. He had a little cave with a bed now that kept the hot and humid air out most of the time and while small and cramped and utterly horrible it felt far safer than returning to the others... even though he could practically hear Phils calm and nonchalant reassurances.
Leaving the small home he searches for the water he remembers spotting nearby. The bright orange tracksuit wasn't something he wanted to wear but there wasn't much of anything else and it still needed to be washed of stone dust and sweat no matter how much he disliked it. He leaves with a compass and map to find his way back, and around other peoples territory. And water is found easily with these. Stone, coal and redstone is scrubbed away in the freshwater lake that's only relatively cold, but it still feels nice, like the wind on his island in skyblock or in the skywars arenas.
Not too far away a man is working in a terrarium of his own design containing no animals but currents in thin snakes coiling around comparators and observers. The change to the nether has been an exciting one but it did come with problems for the technicians and thankfully for this one the Google hasn't broken too far beyond belief and is back in functioning order faster than expected.
Satisfied he looks at the path that he paradoxically want to end and to continue and decides to wait, flying up to sit near his portal instead to think about it and access the expansions he's already made. Something bright orange is spotted in the distance which at first is ignored, it can wait, until the realization of a possible abandoned shulker, so very common in this group, grabs him and almost instantly leaves as it moves around.
Several seconds later the orange turns brighter and the idea of lava pops in and out of his head in a flash.
<Etho> Beef have to lost an orange llama? <VintageBeef> no? <VintageBeef> at least I dont think so...? <Etho> o_o
He's been keeping out of the way for a while, like usual, and only knew some of the news about new people on the server. That they'd gotten there with Rendogs sports gang by accident and that they'd been living mostly over at Bdubs' place to avoid having them be excluded to their own little village. Apparently something had happened, he'd missed the details but it was looking like there was a manhunt for someone or something that he should by all means be more invested in.
Curious he misses the orange go out of view in favour of finding out about this missing thing in case he's found it. A person and a description, hidden deep in other messages. His height, human pig hybrid, last seen wearing...
Does he want to do this? He knows his way around a jungle but it's still annoying and Xisuma lives close by... but he's most likely AFK. Well, you make a good first impression on the new guys if you find their missing friend.
--- Omniscient/Unclear POV, Technos time with Etho
Silence is golden in silver light. The hermits can stay up days on end without sleep, working through nights when it’s needed and even with guests this doesn’t change. Like the sliver of moon in the sky, Ethos hair glows radiant from inside the redstone machine he calls the Googler and Techno does nothing but look on as repeaters are moved and redstone is smeared in new paths into blocks he has never seen before, something he’s had to get used to lately.
His host works in silence until a question breaks the jungles chime and an answer is given with the rhythm. The redstone had changed and he thought he had fixed it, an unhelpful follow up is posed and a pause is moved into a somewhat oversimplified version of the circuit. They both know that Techno is no help here, but the company is nice and something is learned.
Etho in the day when working the fortress tells Techno about the old days and in turn Techno admits to never having left those old days for long. Etho talks about Pause and Beef. Techno fails to talk about his own team.
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firefly464 · 4 years
The Real World - Chapter 11
Ok so this ones a bit more of a slightly slower chapter and kinda does a bit more world building sooooo yeah. BUT ALSO THERES SOME WHOLESOME FRIENDSHIP MOMENTS SO THATS GOOD
Made in collaboration with @i-have-this-now​ Thank you to @rivys​ for beta reading and editing!
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Silence. Complete and total silence fell over the call as both Tubbo and Wilbur tried to process what Tommy was saying. The moment was tense, and loaded with unanswered questions. 
“Fuck…” Wilbur muttered. He didn’t know what else to say. He was in a state of shock. What was he supposed to do? He had just learned that two of his friends were trapped in another dimension, and that said dimension was going to be destroyed because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. 
“Yeah. I feel like that sums it up pretty well.” Tommy had no idea what he was supposed to be doing, or even feeling. There were so many emotions raging through his mind. Anger at Wilbur for talking to Dream. Relief that Tubbo and Wilbur weren’t screaming at him. Fear that his home was going to be destroyed.
God, he was sick of being afraid. He had felt nothing but fear and terror for a week straight, and thought that he had grown numb to it. He had thought wrong. The raw terror that coursed through his veins in that moment was nothing like he had ever felt before. It was cold and numbing. It made him want to just crawl into his bed and lay there. He felt completely and unbelievably hopeless. At least during the war there had been a small sliver of hope. A tiny beacon of light in all the darkness. It had been what kept him going. Now, there was nothing. He had no way of fighting back. No way of even contacting his friends and seeing if they were safe. He hated it.
“So. What’s the plan?” Tubbo’s voice shook Tommy from his intrusive thoughts. He couldn’t help but feel grateful for Tubbo’s optimism, despite the fact that he knew it was hopeless. “How are we gonna stop him?” 
“What do you mean?” he asked, his voice quiet. 
“We’re not just going to let him kill all those people, right? There's gotta be something we can do. Some way that we can stop him.”
“Tubbo, I-” “No, he’s right.” Will interjected. “We aren’t just going to sit around and do nothing. Besides, if what you said is true, then our Tommy and Dream are stuck there as well. We’re not just going to let them die.” 
“You guys don’t get it, do you…?” Tommy muttered. He knew his friends were trying their best, but the hopelessness of the situation was suffocating. It was like he was standing in a pool of quicksand, slowly being dragged down. Each time he struggled and tried to resist, he was only dragged down farther. He was tired of fighting it. “You can’t stop him. We don’t even know where he is.” Tubbo was silent for a moment. “What if we switched you guys back? We could figure out the command that swapped you in the first place and just run it again.”
“I mean, you can try. But wouldn’t you need Dream’s computer?” 
A sly grin spread across Tubbo’s face. “Who says I need access to his computer to access the server? Just give me a few minutes.” The sound of typing echoed through Tommy’s headphones.
He frowned, confused as to what was going on. “What are you doing?”
“Trying to access the server.” He didn’t offer any more information.
“While he’s doing that, maybe you could tell us more about what happened to you. How did you even end up involved with Dream? From the sounds of it, he's fucking terrifying,” Wilbur asked. He figured that the more they knew about what was going on, the easier it would be to try and solve their issue. 
“I… He used to disappear for really long periods of time. Eventually I got curious. I saw him leaving and tried to follow. He caught me pretty quickly. He… he said that he would kill everyone in L’Manberg if I didn’t go with him and do what he said.”
Wilbur’s eyes narrowed. That didn’t make any sense. Why on earth would Dream force Tommy to go with him if he hadn’t gone far? Something wasn’t adding up. “What-”
“I’M IN!” Tubbo yelled out, cutting off Will’s question. 
“You’re in?” Tommy asked.
“I have access to the server.” Tubbo explained. “Maybe I can try and contact them.”
“Wait, what do you mean you have access to the server?” Wilbur said.
“I have the console open, wait- here.” Tubbo started sharing his screen on Discord. 
A black background filled with white text that neither Wilbur nor Tommy could understand appeared on the screen. It was filled with coordinates and commands that were constantly being updated every couple of seconds. A waterfall of white text was filling Tubbo’s screen. He could see a grayed out command that read ‘/msg TommyInnit hello?’.
“Hey, wait a second,” Wilbur said. “Tubbo’s commands aren’t working.”
“Do you think it could be some sort of activation key?” Tommy asked, but it sounded more like a statement.
“...Exactly. How did you know?” Tubbo asked.
“I think I may know where that is.”
“What the fuck?” Tommy held the wooden bow in his hands, staring at the blinking light. “Have either of you ever seen this kinda thing before?”
“Why the hell would I know anything? I’ve been here as long as you have,” Dream remarked as he took another drink from the glass bottle. 
“I dunno, maybe because you’re the server owner?”
“Just because I’m the server owner doesn’t mean I know what's happening.” 
“Well, maybe you should.”
Dream only rolled his eyes. Tubbo squirmed a bit. Seeing Dream acting so casual was… unnerving. The lack of a mask only made it ten times worse. Until an hour ago, he had never even seen the man’s face. It was always just the blank mask, cold and emotionless. Seeing the raw emotions on his face was somehow scarier than not seeing them at all. A shudder ran down his spine. 
“Tubbo? Any ideas?” 
Tubbo jumped slightly, caught off guard by the sudden question. “Huh? O-oh! No, I don’t know. Sorry man, I’ve never seen anything like this before.” 
A sigh escaped him as he ran a hand over the leather wrapped grip. The blinking light stared up at him, almost taunting him in a way. That was when he felt it. A small raised section of the grip, right where his finger would sit if he were holding it normally. He frowned. “what the fuck?” 
“What? What is it?” Dream asked quickly. 
“I dunno. It’s just a weird bump…”
“Oh. That's it? It's probably just from the other Tommy making his bow wrong or something.” 
Tubbo shook his head, quick to defend his best friend. “No… Tommy was really good at making weapons. He wouldn’t have done something like that. It’s not like him.” 
Tommy’s brow furrowed as he ran his finger over the strange button. On a whim, he pressed down. 
A scream was torn from his throat as a robotic voice played in his ears. “Hello?” it said. 
“What the fuck?!” 
“Tommy?! Tommy are you ok?! What happened?!” Tubbo was instantly on his feet, trying to check on his friend. His instincts kicked in. Everything that had kept him and his friends alive during the war came rushing back to him as he frantically checked Tommy for any wounds or injuries. Nothing. No visible cuts or bruises. Maybe it was mental? Or a type of potion. Or maybe even- 
“Tubbo, Tubbo! I’m fine! I promise. Just a bit startled.” Tommy’s voice brought his train of thought to an abrupt halt. Tubbo sat back down, his face burning with shame. 
Dream stared at them in concern. “What happened?”
“Did you not hear it?” he furrowed his brow, trying to put the pieces together.
“Hear what?” 
“That weird voice thingy. I pressed the little button and the robot lady started talking.”
“You’re hearing voices now? Are you alright?” 
“Yes, Dream! I’m fine!” he cried out in exasperation. The blinking light on the grip of the bow had gone dark, leaving nothing but a regular wooden bow.
“How do you even know that they’re in your world?” Wilbur asked. Tubbo had already set the command in the server, and now the three of them were just waiting for some sort of results. Now, they were all just sitting around, trying to get more answers out of Tommy. “I mean, for all we know they could be floating out in the empty void of nothing.”
“No, I’m sure that your Tommy and Dream are in my world. Dream seemed really confident about it. He said something about it already being tested or whatever. 
“Tested? Tested on what?”
“I don’t know. He never told me. All he said was that the test had worked.”
“Alright, I’m just gonna be the one to say it, thats sketchy as fuck.” Tommy couldn’t help but jump. Tubbo had been so quiet while they were talking, he had forgotten that he was even there. “I mean, I get that he’s a sketchy guy, but that's just weird.”
Tommy took a deep breath to try and calm his racing heart. “Yeah… It really is. I learned pretty quickly not to question him though. He was fucking terifying whenever he got asked too many questions.” A shudder ran down his spine as he remembered the blank, emotionless mask. God, he hated that fucking mask. Every night, he was plagued with nightmares about it. 
“Tubbo, I think your command went through” Wilbur said, his voice cutting through the fog that was starting to build in Tommy’s mind. He looked at the screen. Sure enough, the grayed out text was now gone, replaced with a blank text box. 
“Someone must have found the trigger. Hopefully it was your Tommy and Dream. I’m not sure what would happen if someone else managed to get their hands on it.” 
“Either way, it should have only sent the message to Tommy, right?” Tubbo asked.
“I don’t fucking know. I wasn’t allowed anywhere near the console.”
“Probably because you’re a little gremlin child.” Will couldn’t help but make the snide comment. Maybe he just wanted to pretend, if only for a moment that nothing had changed. Maybe he was searching for a way to lighten the mood. He wasn’t sure. 
Either way, the comment earned him a cry of protest. “The fuck is that supposed to mean?!” 
“It means that you are a little gremlin boy. What else would it mean?” Despite his best attempts, he couldn’t quite keep the smile out of his voice.
“Alright, you son of a bitch, you listen here. I could beat your fucking ass in a fight, no questions asked.” Despite the harsh words, Tommy couldn’t help but grin. The friendly banter was familiar to him, and he couldn’t help but be thankful for it. In a world where everything was strange and foreign, it felt nice to have something that stayed consistent. 
“Oh yeah? Prove it”
“Alright. Next time I see you, how about we 1v1? Me versus you.” “Uh, I don’t think that's a really good idea,” Tubbo interjected.
“What? Why not? I’ve beaten him before, I’ll do it again.” Tommy’s voice was dripping with confidence. He may not have been nearly as strong here as he was back in his home world, but he still knew how to fight. Not to mention, he had spent most of the past week trying to get his strength back. 
“I don’t doubt it, it’s just that fighting someone is generally considered not good here”
“Are you serious? That's so lame! Back at home we used to spar all the time!” 
“Yeah, not here. Unless you’re in a fighting style sport, sparring just isn’t something that you do here” 
“Ughhhh, that’s so dumb.” he grumbled.
“So, uh, what’s the plan now?” Tubbo asked. On the screen, another /msg command was pulled up, ready to be sent. The message section itself was blank, but it was clear that Tubbo was itching to try and communicate with his best friend. 
“We just input the command, right? We swap you back, you guys could go home, and we get our Tommy and Dream back. Boom, problem solved.” Wilbur couldn’t help but feel slightly confused. Hadn’t that been the plan from the start? 
“I uh… I don’t know the command that he used,” Tommy admitted. 
“Fuck.”  The three sat in silence, trying to figure out what to do. Tommy couldn’t help but feel like hopelessness starting to drag him down again, pulling him down into the pit of quicksand. 
“What if we brought them to the console? That way they could actually respond and we might be able to come up with some sort of plan?” Tubbo suggested. 
He weighed his options. On one hand, it was the best bet they had. Hell, he was about 99 percent sure that Dream would have left some sort of clue as to what the command was, if only because he enjoyed the thrill of the danger. On the other, who knew what kind of trap Dream had set up. Knowing him, he would have expected them to do exactly this. No. No he couldn’t think like that. This was their one chance. It was his only chance at saving his home, at saving his friends. 
Swallowing his fear, he nodded. “Yeah. Alright, that sounds good.” 
“What the fuck?! Why is it blinking again?!” The small red light was back, blinking up at the blonde teenager annoyingly. 
“Press the button again?” Dream offered helpfully. 
“What? No! I’m not pressing that fucking button again! You press it if you’re so curious!” he tossed the bow onto the table carelessly, the loud noise making Tubbo flinch. 
Dream grabbed the weapon and looked over it. “Alright, maybe I will. Where did you say it was?” 
“On the grip, right next to the little light. It's really small though, you have to feel it.” 
“Got it!” with a soft click, Dream pressed down on the button. 
Instantly, the robotic voice echoed through Tommy’s mind once more. The voice was cold and metallic, with no emotion whatsoever. It reminded Tommy of pretty much every computer generated voice he had ever heard, only this time, it echoed through his skull. He could feel his teeth vibrating from the sheer volume of it. His eyes shook, causing the world to vibrate and jitter. It reminded him of when the bell had been rung, only this time he was the only one could hear it. 
“Hey Tommy, it's Tubbo. This other Tommy just told me and Wilbur everything that’s been going on. Don’t worry, we’re gonna get you out of there, alright? Apparently the other Dream is going to really fuck everything up if we don’t stop him. And by that I mean he’s going to delete the server and most likely kill all of you and I really don’t want that to happen. So we’re gonna stop it!”
The voice continued for a bit, explaining what the plan was and where he and Dream needed to go, and Tommy did his best to keep track of Tubbo’s directions. “... Anyways, we really miss you man. I swear, we’re gonna figure something out and get you guys home. Yours truly, big T.” The voice stopped, and Tommy blinked. Tears pricked at his eyes.
He didn’t really understand what was going on, but he did understand one thing: there was hope. He might be able to go home. Tubbo and Wilbur were going to bring them home. 
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