#this is all true
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stickybowl · 3 months ago
in my head carlos doesn’t even know oscar followed him because oscar followed him even before oscar got to f1 so carlos doesn’t know this random kid who followed him but then. oscar’s beside him in his last presscon as a ferrari driver and the entire grid goes to dinner together and maybe they talked about padel and oh oscar plays padel? i should ask to play with him next time carlos goes back to his hotel and thinks have i followed oscar? i should follow oscar- oh. he’s already following me?
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morgan-n-cheese-91 · 5 months ago
100% Rex drives like Anakin and Ahsoka. Which Ahsoka drives like Anakin and Padme
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check please lied to me because there’s literally no way bitty got his tooth fixed that fast post winning the frozen four.
like maybe they put in the implant screws around the time of the frozen four finals but also i dont think so given that he was concussed and they give you full anaesthesia when they put implant screws in and full anaesthesia plus a concussion does not sound like a good medical choice.
all this to say: our boy would’ve had a little retainer with a resin tooth for at least 3 months post tooth-gets-knocked-out, to make sure theres no damage to the gums and that there’s no swelling when the implant crown gets put in. now i’m giggling at the mental image of bitty having a little tooth retainer he can pop in and out.
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arrowmaker15 · 1 year ago
(Batman and Batwoman in the Batcave interrogation room)
Batman: Why are you here?
Lord Death-Man: To be your greatest nyemesis!
Batwoman, looking at Batman: Really?
Also Batwoman, turning to Lord Death-Man: And what special skills would you use to do that?
Lord Death-Man: I would use my mastery of yyyyoga.
Lord Death-Man: And my excellent memorization of all Pokémon and their evolutions!
Batwoman: Hood!
Red Hood, kicking the door open, gun in hand: On it!
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duckies27 · 11 months ago
I'm not one to normally interact with drama, but at this point, I have waited way too long to just sit here in silence. There is a creator on this platform named Hamlet Unfortunately, also known as Kenny, and I can’t just stay sitting on this.
I despise this man for multiple reasons, and I'll get into all of them here. In my opinion, it's not fair that he continues to do this sort of thing and just gets away with it, getting love and attention while doing so. All while other people similar to me get 5 to 10 likes on some of our work. I don't want to spend this entire time just completely thrashing him. However, there’s too much evidence to just ignore.
My friend Dork (@zestfeast ) and I are on a server with another Discord friend (who I won't name for their own sake, I don't want to drag them into this whole thing). I met the two of them on the fan-made Stinky Dragon discord, and we bonded pretty quickly over our love of the characters and our love of the cast. The show was something we bonded over and we wanted to spend as much time together by talking about it, without other people getting in the way. So the third party made a server and invited the two of us. We had a great time for the first two and a half weeks. It was a safe space with all the people that I trusted. We are all afab and personally, that makes me more comfortable as someone who is a cis woman. We talked about all sorts of things mainly relating to our enjoyment of the characters, coming up with AUs, and coming up with stories, all of which were pretty fun. At the time of the start of the server, I was personally barely baby 18, while the other two were and are still minors. This may not seem like a problem, but the problem came when. Kenny or Hamlet Unfortunately, as you know him, joined the server.
He was a friend with the third party and both me and Dork were completely comfortable with him joining. It wasn't our place to choose considering it is the third party's actual server. We sat and talked for a little bit, but after joining he didn't say anything. I didn't think anything of it, I'm also pretty shy but he was just awkward. Once again, I didn't think anything of it but then we started talking more. He started talking more. I wasn't a part of this conversation simply because I was at work at the times he was more vocal. I'm super busy, I work from 3:00 to 7:00 every single day right after school and it's too much hands-on work for me to come and check Discord all the time. A lot of the big conversations would happen when I wasn't there, and while I was currently doing things that took my full attention. I am a custodian worker at a middle school, I'm constantly working around kids, I'm constantly working around other people and it makes it hard to be on my phone. I missed the majority of these conversations, but to make sure that this was fully correct, I made sure to read back to all of the things that he said. It's not fair to judge a book by its cover without fully reading the contents. I read over 600 messages all sent over the course of a few weeks and I'll be dead honest, they were pretty terrifying to read back. Especially someone who has been around victims of the jokes he was mentioning. These included sexual content, drug jokes, and stuff that no person should ever joke about, especially not with minors.
It started simple enough. We just were talking about art relating to the characters and I'll be honest, some things weren't exactly always super family-friendly. We try to keep it light and airy the majority of the time within the server, but we had a few dedicated chats for the not-so-family-friendly stuff that includes some maybe more suggestive fan art. Most of the time it was and is pretty clean. We tried our best to censor what wasn't, especially because we had two minors on the server and people could always glance over our shoulders. I was in, particular, very aware of this and made sure that I didn't post anything without censoring first. One of the first things Kenny said to one of our minors on the server was "I'll suck your dick", when talking about fan art that Dork had done. Dork is very young compared to me or possibly him. I don't know how old he is but I just know that this comment made me uncomfortable reading back on it, especially because Dork is like a brother to me. I would protect him with my life if I could. I love this kid and would unironically do anything for him. They continued talking and he was incredibly mean to Dork, often calling him stupid and often acting as if his actions were childish and not as important as Kenny’s actions. When Dork tried to bring up another subject, relating to theater, not only did Kenny call him a fool, but he also said “I don't want to suck your dick anymore" continuing the uncomfortable, NSFW environment that he was starting to form.
As many of you who've read my page know, I like writing angst but I also enjoy writing stuff that's not so family friendly. I like pushing my boundaries and learning how to write, as an adult now, because it's a way of expressing myself that people don't need to see. It was a personal server thing that I kept it censored to protect people who didn't want to see it at that time. At one point I put out a request question saying I would write anything anyone wanted smut, angst, or fluff. I like writing requests and I like writing gifts for friends. It's a personal love language of mine. Kenny stumbled around for a bit, trying to come up with an idea before eventually asking me for Sliqueborg smut. I don't like the ship. It's not my thing, I'm more into BrinkBorg or the canon Lynn Mer and Kyborg. So I asked, “what are your headcanons?�� I might as well be proper when I write this story. I don't want to come up with some idea that he didn’t agree with. He went to the headcanon channel and gave me one of the most inappropriate and jarring strings of sentences I have ever heard. Not only did he make our beloved wood elf incredibly abusive, but he also took Slique’s character and destroyed it. It was horrible to listen to and even more horrible to read back. I am 18, a barely illegal adult and the other two are minors on this server. I was terrified to see that he willingly put this down on paper for anyone to see. He only censored the thing because I had personally asked him earlier on.
I already was feeling uncomfortable with this guy. He was being pushy and mean and a lot of his headcanons were hard to swallow, and more and more times he brought up sexual things. I have a personal headcanon for the Groethe crew that relates to the musical instruments they would play. Ella plays violin, Mathilde sings, Barney plays flute, and Chip plays French horn. I thought it was a cute thing because of how Ella and Chip would very well complement each other, but Kenny took the opportunity to make a very inappropriate joke. That made me very uncomfortable because it was about Chip, who I see as a close similarity to my father. Chip acts and says things like my father would, so hearing this very sexual joke automatically took me out of the conversation. I hated it. I hated the idea of it. Not only that but there was one point in time when Dork was opening up about something very personal (which I won't share here) However, I came in at the worst possible time because I was on break. It happened to be insanely out of context, so of course I was like “What the hell?” But I didn't say it in a mean way. I meant it in a kind, confused way, similar to how an older sibling would walk into a conversation that you're having, that happens to be weird. Kenny continued to then look down at Dork, calling them dear and darling as if they didn't understand what I was saying. I came in and I was like “Wow this is kind of weird”, but that was it. I didn't push or prod. I didn't judge them beyond just that it was a weird message to get out of context and went back to work. Kenny belittled Dork for another 20 minutes after I went back to work.
Dork came to me the next day or so, in tears. They were terrified. They felt horrible. Kenny was being such an asshole to him and he couldn't do anything about it. It's a third party’s server and Kenny was a friend to the third party member. We didn't feel comfortable talking right to her right away. So instead the two of us hopped on a 2-hour long call on Discord to talk about our grievances. I helped Dork write a message to Kenny but instead of apologizing in response, he just said that it was his humor, a mask to protect himself. As someone who uses a mask constantly to protect myself from trauma, this pissed me off. His mask was being a jerk, his mask was being mean, and most importantly his mask was being overly sexual when it wasn't required.
Another thing that he often did was make fun of drug culture. Make fun of the “druggies”, including snorting pain pills and other issues that should not be joked about, while talking about his headcanons relating to Slique and Kyborg. He also mentioned rape, which I am completely uncomfortable with as a cis woman who has dealt with uncomfortable situations that deal with my body. I hated this. He came in as a cis male (based on what he said himself) completely invading a comfortable and safe space. Kenny is not the type of person I would leave my drink with at a party. I felt uncomfortable talking to him the majority of the time but I didn't want to bring it up because I didn't want to hurt the third party's feelings. After Dork came to me in tears, I said enough is enough and I reached out to her anyway. Thankfully the third party was kind, kicked him out of the server and I haven't had to interact with him since.
However, I've seen issues within the Tumblr fandom, the fandom that's taken me so warmly and held me to a higher standard than I've held myself for years. I love to see the community interacting with my posts and I love seeing my moots talk to me in such a kind and happy way. However, I know there are multiple people within the community, one who I talked to and wishes not to be named, has had issues with him. Most people see SliqueBorg as a very abusive and toxic ship due to his headcanons. He's ruined a ship, that though I don't agree with, is valid. Not only that, but he also still ships Mudd with multiple characters including Gum Gum (This is just vague posting and suggestive tagging, but it's very easy to see him doing something like this). which is a huge issue on its own. He doesn't care about if someone is a minor and if they would even want to be in a relationship.
During the whole “Mudd Gate '', which is what I'm calling the one actual problem we've ever had within this community, when actual Aro ace people were coming out and talking about how they didn't like how Mudd was being shipped with characters. A lot of people agreed, including me, but Kenny came onto the server and started complaining along with the third party (who will again, stay unnamed). Both of them came with swinging swords, dragging down the entire Tumblr community saying it was unfair for them to completely block out a ship component just because of a canon sexuality given by Jon himself. It took me a little bit to feel comfortable within it as someone who's Demi who was personally was seeing Mudd as Demi. But now I see the issues of my ways. How little aro ace representation there really is in the world, that is untouched by fandoms. Just look at Alstor from Hazbin Hotel. He's constantly shipped with people despite being a canon Aro ace character.
Through this all, I just want to say that we should stop supporting him. We should stop giving him a platform. Not only is he a fake fan just with how he characterizes Kyborg but he also has issues with sensitive topics that he will continue to joke about until the very day that he dies. I can tell that he thinks a lot of people are sensitive. Just saying things are offensive for clout or some other reasons, but a lot of the things that he actually says are very offensive and very inappropriate around the people he's been around. His actions almost took Dork away from this fandom. It isn't as bad as some other things that have come up in the past relating to other communities (*cough cough* Wilbur *cough cough*) If you hate me for making this post then I'll just say I don't care. I am planning on blocking him after I finish this post or at least until after he can react. I don't want to just completely block him from seeing his criticism but I will stop supporting any posts I have seen. I will make sure that he is no longer on my dash because he has done things that I am severely uncomfortable with. He does not bring good vibes to this community and he especially should not be allowed to continue being in the fandom if he's going to spread such hate. This is a kind and loving fandom that has taken me and others with open arms in times of struggle and times of pain. He has made it uncomfortable to be in. I cannot support him and I implore the rest of you to do the same after his actions.
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msexcelfractal · 7 months ago
The youtube ad says I should talk to my doctor about Tremfya (Gusulkumab). It was developed in Belgium in 2016. The chemical formula is C₆₄₀₂H₉₈₆₄N₁₆₇₆O₁₉₉₄S₄₂ and each dose costs $10000
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forestkodama · 5 months ago
Yeah, you could say I'm a lot like Buffy Summers. I'm a kick ass blonde with a great sense of fashion and driving motivation to save the world. Except instead of being punished every time I have sex, every time I tell my therapist I'm doing better and no longer need her services, something personally traumatic occurs soon after.
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little-flowers · 1 year ago
I love how im like “I had a tomboy phase” when in reality I was a daughter of Persephone or Iris, and I knew for a fact I wouldn’t fight anyone.
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leebtwxx · 7 months ago
i agree with all of this
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yello-friggin-dies · 2 years ago
Hello it’s my birthday today so my little treat for myself is some Monstrumologist headcanons
- On Halloween Pellinore and Will Henry carve jack o lanterns… Except the catch is that Pellinore buys like 30+ pumpkins and has Will Henry carve every. Single. One. Why? To work on his knife skills, obviously. How’s he gonna carve out the guts of a monster if he can’t even carve a proper face in a pumpkin? Either way, by the end of the day they’re both COVERED in pumpkin guts from head to toe as if they committed a mass murder (technically they did?) and there’s now a giant pile of the most horrifying looking pumpkins out on the front yard that passersby have trouble comprehending
- Pellinore typically prefers to work through his birthday (unless it was the magic 30 apparently) but by accident or just subconsciously, he and Will Henry always manage to gather in the parlor for tea and raspberry scones as Pellinore laments on the unimportance of birthdays and why they shouldn’t be celebrated and used as an excuse not to work while Will Henry listens and thinks “Damn this guy can’t even appreciate getting old huh”
- For Will Henry’s birthday it’s usually about the same deal, except Will Henry would tend to find a little muffin with a lit candle (Warthrop doesn’t care quite enough for proper fire safety) sitting on a plate by the ladder down from his loft. I think once though when they happened to be at Von Helrung’s and it was Will’s birthday, Von Helrung threw a huge party with a feast and gifts and cake and everything and Warthrop sat through it with the most sour expression (even though it was him who told von Helrung about it)
- Warthrop’s magic thirty is what caused him to be so against alcohol. Bro partied a little too long and a little too hard and was probably found by Von Helrung passed out and hanging out of a trashcan partially naked in some shady alleyway after being missing for two days. The minute Warthrop woke up he quit drinking all together and told Von Helrung that if he ever found him drunk, to shoot him right there and then.
- Von Helrung is the kinda person who can accurately sense a person’s like inner psyche purely based on vibes or some random telltale sign that he claims always works (even though Warthrop calls him a fool for actually believing in that ability). He probably met Kearns for the first time while out on an expedition and immediately saw through him just by his eyes.
- (Book three spoilers) During Pellinore’s time at the asylum, he was forced to participate in activities to try to get him out of his room from time to time and one of those activities was taking care of a potted plant and giving it a name. Warthrop denounced the activity and called it every synonym for stupid but nonetheless he did name his plant Warthrop the 3rd and kept it somewhat alive and took it with him when he was rescued. He later gave it to Von Helrung to take home and threatened to shoot him if he said anything else about it. He probably did pick it up after he came home though and it lives somewhere in his study now and Will Henry has to water it from time to time
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therelentless · 2 years ago
how do strangers perceive you?
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green with envy
valentine's day. feeling breathless beside the ocean. the ambiguous time between late spring early summer. pastel, clean colors and alphabetical organization. you're more than a little intimidating. your best feature is probably your hair. to many, you look perfect. you're good at putting on a brave face, good at pretending to have it all together. you're afraid people won't love you if they see your flaws. let me tell you a secret: they will love you more.
tagged;; by no one tagging;; @gui1lermodelacruz + @fcllederage + @mortange + @kurjaks + @thesellsword + you ; )
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puzzlekinq · 2 years ago
edward wants me so bad ^_^
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little-flowers · 2 years ago
My heads so infatuated with the idea of loving something inexistent.
Your not real. I’ve known that all along. Since the second my head grasped the slight idea of you. I’ve known you weren’t real.
I didn’t meet you at a theme park, or at my new school. I never met you at all.
Your face is unknown, your words are my own, but oh I wish there was a universe where I know you.
I thought this was one. Your hand in mine us against the world. All these pieces fit together.
I thought our peices fit together.
But my heads a pretty good liar.
So I’ll go back to loving the nonexistent.
Loving someone I’ll never know.
Because what good is reality when your head believes it all.
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andisupreme · 6 months ago
At the company retreat, one extremely drunk girl asked what my pronouns were. (Eventually, it took her a while to word the question.) After the whole conversation was done, she goes- "YEAHHH GURL, Get on with--with THY bad self! See what I did?? They/them/thy."
I was almost holding back tears from trying not to laugh as I told her yes that's great you nailed it honey. Thank you very much I am feeling the love.
Anyway I've been assigned Thee/Thine at Supportive Drunk Girl
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gamejoypod · 10 months ago
Amaury "Chocolate Guy" Guichon is undoubtedly an extremely skilled sculptor in chocolate but I think my favorite thing about a lot of his videos is the effort he puts into putting actual dessert food under the sculpture work
So many of his desserts & pastries have at least 5 layers of different textures & flavors. Fruit jams, caramel, cake, creams, mousse, cookies, meringue, crumb layers etc
That's what makes his work truly impressive to me, especially as someone who quickly got tired of the "knife that turns everything into cake" thing, where it was all basic chocolate cake buried under 13 layers of fondant
It takes amaury's work from an impressive stunt to "if I ate that, it would probably be the best thing I'd eat in my whole life"
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