#a “not like other girls” syndrome but for species.
tommyssupercoolblog · 6 months
humans need to be littol animals which means we have to play pretend and we have to eat and sleep and sit in the sun like "woaoew" and we need to play (in general) and make silly noises all day long and feel things and let ourselves be soft silly little creatures.
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kar01an3-13wizz · 14 days
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Karolane's biography:
Name: Karolane
Full Name: Karolane June Lewis
Label: The Sweet and Chill Anime Girl
Nationality: French/British
Aliases: Karo, Karo-chan, Tori, Tori-chan
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 16-17
Height: 4'11 (150 cm)
Species: Human
Subspecies: Neko/Demon
Sexuality: Bisexual/Asexual
Appearence: Karolane has brown hair tied to a ponytail with a white ribbon, she has blue eyes, she has freckles on her face with a scar on her left eye, she wears a school uniform, a white sock with pink stripes on her right foot, and a rainbow sock shorter than the left sock, on the left foot. She also has black shoes.
In her demon form, she has the same outfit but she has light purple skin, with small black horns, with big bat wings, she also has a demon tail. She has claws, red glowing eyes and sharp teeths.
In Total Dramarama, Karolane's outfit is inspired by Hello Kitty, due to the small red ribbon.
In Total Drama Reunion, her outfit is inspired by Hatsune Miku. She has two long pigtails tied to blue ribbons, she has a small mic, she wears a sailor shirt with a blue bow, she has blue ribbons on her arms, she wears fishnet tights on her arms, she has a ring on her right middle finger, she also wears a black skirt witha blue belt, sha wears long blue striped socks, with black shoes and blue leggings.
In her swimsuit, she wears a rainbow patterned two-piece swimsuit, with pink and white laces, and with purple hearts on the top and on the bottom. Her swimsuit reveals her black-polished nails, and her three heart-shaped birthmarks on her thigh.
Mental disorders: She has ADHD, PTSD, arachnophobia, depression, athazagoraphobia, social anxiety, school phobia, obsessive love disorder, schizophrenia, autism, insomnia, dissociative syndrome, Peter Pan syndrome, hyperventilation, Balint syndrome and dementia.
Personnality: Karolane is a kind-hearted, sweet, kind of a cat personnality, tsundere, yandere girl. She's also very dumb and her brain never works.
Karolane's interests:
Likes: Animes, cats, drawing, videogames, eating, sleeping, cosplay, baby-doll style, Ezekiel, blood, horror movies, her adoptive dad aka Chef.
Dislikes: Her disorders, being forgotten
◾ Karolane's is Chef's adoptive daughter.
◾ Karolane's BFF is Euphoria (by @jovialeuphoria).
◾ When Karolane starts being insane, she's in her demon form, and red glitchy eyes.
◾ She's friends with everyone in the island, especially Scary Girl, Sadie and Katie.
◾ She doesn't know what's emotions.
◾ She naturally has a cat mouth.
◾ Her love interest is Ezekiel.
◾ The cat is her favorite animal.
◾ She has A LOT of cat plushies.
◾ She's a cosplayer.
◾ She's very popular due to her kindness and her cosplays.
◾ Karolane's bedroom only has Ezekiel images. There's a wall with Ezekiel's face, she has t-shirts of Ezekiel, she even has a BIG shrine of him. She also has his toothbrush, a photo of Ezekiel, an empty can of Ezekiel, and a lot more of him.
◾ Karolane's is 17 years old.
◾ In Total Drama Reunion, she's married to Ezekiel.
◾ She's homeschooled since more than 2 years, due to school phobia.
◾ Her birthday is the 4th of September.
◾ She's 4'11 tall.
◾ She's obssessed with Ezekiel.
◾ She's a tsundere and a yandere.
◾ She won all the TDi seasons.
◾ She has a lot of hallucinations.
◾ She can be really depressed a lot.
◾ When Ezekiel isn't here, she instantly cries.
◾ When Duncan makes jokes about Ezekiel "d3ad" or other jokes about Ezekiel, Karolane cries until and when Ezekiel come in, but sometimes, when Ezekiel is here, she's still crying.
◾ She can have horrible visions about Ezekiel, like seeing Ezekiel with another girl or other things like that.
◾ Her parents abandonned her when she was a baby, and she's now adopted by Chef.
◾ She's afraid of spiders.
◾ She's a sugar addict.
◾ Her favorite drink is bubble tea.
◾ She loves animes.
◾ She's not really human, she's a neko when in love or a demon when psycho or angry.
Powers/Abilities: Immortality, Telepathy, Flying, and more.
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luxapollo · 3 months
Been thinking about gender, clothing, Turner's syndrome and nonhumanity lately and how they're kinda all intertwined with me.
Like, I've never felt terribly feminine. Even as a kid, I never really liked dresses, I still only really wear them during heatwaves when I need to be cooler- I prefer being covered up, preferably in my staple jeans and shirt + a jacket during winter. I like practical clothes! Leather, denim, things that both look good, are made of natural materials and will last. I also love to decorate myself with jewelry- but it must be good-qaulity, I choose gold and sterling silver and similar metals that will withstand daily wear, not irritate my skin, and actually last long. I don't typically like overly feminine, glitzy stuff, I favour practicality and personal expression in what I wear. The only makeup I wear is the gold eyeshadow I've gotten attached to, but even that was only recently; I simply don't have the time or care for anything further than that. I've never felt attached to stereotypical Western feminity in a true sense, but I'd never considered myself very masculine or even nonbinary, either.
I've always been obsessed with animals for as long as I can remember. I can recall desperately wanting to be a phoenix when I was around eight, I was always reading and researching- by sixth grade, I could write down entire pages of scientific names by heart. Upon adulthood, I chose a double-degree of science and art majoring in zoology/evolutionary biology and classical studies to satiate my need to learn about animals and history/mythology alike. It was incredibly satsfying to learn everything I did, even if the job market is sadly atrocious and I never did end up getting a relevant job in either field.
All throughout my childhood, I was determined to figure out what animal my true self was- and I never could decide, even though it's always been so important for me! I've always been obsessed with Animorphs, Gaurdians of Ga'Hoole, Warriors, His Dark Materials, etc as my favourite fiction- anything that connects human and animal.
I only learned about nonhumanity fairly recently, and right now, being an otherlinker is what seems to call to me the most. I find there's a certain power and autonomy in /choosing/ your nonhuman identity, especially when you're as indecisive as myself. The canary, the Arctic fox, the peahen, the lioness- I find power in drawing strength from all of these species. Not that I don't enjoy my human self, too! I love that my body allows me to make art, to express my personality in my fashion choices, to look after other animals, to learn with an insatiable brain. That is powerful, too.
At nineteen, I was diagnosed with Turner's Syndrome. This is an intersex condition wherein you are born with only one sex chromosome- always a single X- instead of two Xs or an X and Y. My hormones are not very powerful most of the time due to ovarian failure (I'm on the pill both to control my period and ensure I have enough estrogen to keep my bones healthy); I am very small; I have multiple health issues associated with TS, such as Coeliac disease and a small malformation in the heart. And I'm wondering if that has contributed to my relationship with femininity despite reaching adulthood without knowing about my genetic status. I feel like a girl in a rather loose way, more in an animal way than a human way. I am female the way a canary hen is, the way a peahen is, the way a vixen or lioness is- a simple state of being, rather than a performance. I have only half my sex chromosomes, so I feel only loosely female- it is important to me, it is how I identify, but I don't /care/ about performing femininity the way the other women in my life typically do. Performing in a masuline way doesn't feel right, either, neither does the label 'nonbinary' fit me in the way it does for my best friend. My classically female name does not irk me, I respond well to she/her pronouns, I love the label 'sapphic' (probably because I'm obsessed with Classics). I just think a little more neutrality would be nice, too, a little more vagueness- you know how lots of people switch between 'its' and gendered pronouns for an animal? I think that sort of switching would feel good to me. This doesn't mean all intersex people feel similarly! Many intersex folk have much stronger gender identies than I do; we can be as cis or as trans as perisex people, with all the variety that entails. This is just my personal experience.
Anyway. Thanks for looking at my rambling if you've made it this far.
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maaarine · 3 months
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Getting past ‘it’s IBS’ (Xi Chen, Aeon, June 04 2024)
"In the late 1980s, aged 12, Taryn was taken to her doctor’s office with cramping, bloating, and constipation after eating, and was told that she had ‘a nervous stomach’.
As a white girl growing up in New Jersey, she met a stereotype, and when initial bloodwork and imaging was negative for evidence of a ‘real’, or organic disease in her gut, one of Taryn’s doctors began writing in her charts that she had irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a misdiagnosis that would follow Taryn for life.
At the time, IBS was considered by many to be a medically unexplained and therefore controversial illness, keeping company with conditions such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.
As a result, it carried the stigma of being a psychosomatic illness, caused primarily by stress and anxiety, and Taryn was sent home with prescriptions for diet and exercise. (…)
Today, unlike in the 1990s, it is well established that conditions like IBS, collectively known as disorders of gut-brain interaction (DGBIs), are real diseases that disrupt the communication between the nervous system of the brain and spine, and the nervous system of the intestines.
First mentioned in the book The Irritable Gut (1979) by the gastroenterologist W Grant Thompson, the conditions were labelled ‘functional’ disorders – characterised not by structural damage to the hardware of the gut, but by a glitch in its ‘software’, in other words, its nervous system, charged with processing, receiving or relaying information coming in or going out.
Software is not as easily observed as hardware, however, and much of academic medicine views the mind and the body as two separate and distinct entities, a viewpoint called mind-body dualism.
Over time, and despite the more nuanced meaning intended by Thompson, the term ‘functional’ became associated exclusively with disorders of the mind.
This is part of the reason why there is still stigma against conditions like IBS, and why attempts to establish diagnostic criteria for IBS in particular suffered from vagueness. (…)
When academics read that IBS patients have higher rates of anxiety and depression, or that antidepressants are a treatment for IBS, many assume that this is because psychiatric symptoms cause symptoms of IBS without considering the inverse, that chronic undiagnosed abdominal pain predisposes patients to having mood disorders.
The real reason these drugs are effective, however, is that, in utero, the precursor cells for our gut and our brain actually share the same nervous system, and only later separate in embryonic development.
As a result, the two nervous systems utilise the same neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, to send messages between neurons.
This is why we sometimes feel butterflies in our stomach when we’re nervous, and why stress and anxiety often worsen symptoms of IBS, but do not necessarily cause it.
As Brown’s quote above implies, the stereotype of the anxious patient in pain applies not only to IBS but all patients who present to clinics with vague abdominal distress (including those with non-gastrointestinal conditions like endometriosis, who experience delayed diagnosis because providers take women’s pain less seriously than men’s).
A classic example is peptic ulcer disease, a cause of severe abdominal pain that for decades was denounced as a psychosomatic illness until Barry Marshall and Robin Warren discovered in 1983 that it was caused by a species of bacteria.
Before their findings, peptic ulcers were managed with diet and, frequently, surgery, when what patients needed were antibiotics. (…)
In my opinion, the root of the problem is medical education itself.
Unless a medical trainee becomes a gastroenterologist, it is unlikely that they will receive any specialised education in IBS, let alone the history of IBS research proving it to be an organic condition, despite 40 per cent of the general population having functional gastrointestinal disorders.
Partly, this is because a majority of medical education in countries including the US, the UK and Canada takes place in academic centres associated with hospitals, where medical students will probably never encounter a patient for whom their IBS symptoms are the primary reason for them appearing in the emergency room, and especially not for their admission to the hospital itself.
As a consequence, medical students also don’t get their knowledge of IBS tested by board examinations.
This speaks to the fact that, echoing Osler, IBS generally doesn’t kill patients, and our current healthcare system values measures of mortality and cure in response to acute complaints more than quality of life and the management of suffering from chronic issues such as IBS.
The same could be said about long COVID (which, to this day, is sometimes challenged as illegitimate) and chronic fatigue syndrome, where sufferers are often sent off to a psychiatrist for care.
The thinking is that these ongoing problems, where there is no mainstream route for testing and treatment, are not as important for medical students to know about compared with, say, a patient crashing after a cardiac arrest, even though most of the global disease burden across the developed and the developing world is caused by chronic, not acute, illness. (…)
These demographic patterns don’t explain who really has the disease – they just reveal medical and social bias and entrenched stereotypes: women are perceived as hysterical and diagnosis-seeking, while men are stoic and avoidant, for instance; or white women are thought to tolerate less pain than people of colour.
None of this, in reality, is true – but it is part of the reason why so many patients assume that what they suffer from won’t be justified by the presence of organic disease and therefore doesn’t warrant a doctor’s visit in the first place.
Such patients, treated so poorly within the medical mainstream, now have a community and identity of their own in the Wild West of alternative medicine that flourishes online.
Such groups, seeking to empower themselves and especially hoping to get well, today stand at loggerheads with the practices and physicians they have left behind.
Some accuse their former doctors of gaslighting them, and they deserve to be heard.
Much of what I have discussed regarding misdiagnoses of IBS assumes that healthcare providers, even when in error, always have good intentions and are sincere about using the diagnosis to clarify the patient’s medical case.
There were several elements of Taryn’s story, however, and in my own experiences of how DGBIs are taught in medical school, that make it difficult for me to believe that this assumption holds in most doctor visits.
Although one could argue that the blasé diagnoses of IBS and disordered eating for Taryn could be down to simple carelessness and negligence, honest errors, or someone being ‘just a bad doctor’, it’s obvious to me that a pattern was developing with Taryn’s interactions with different providers who weren’t taking her lived experience itself seriously, just as I had stopped taking my own experiences seriously.
What holds our stories together, I believe, is this phenomenon where both of our perceptions of our own ability to know what’s true or not were put into question."
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systastic · 2 months
ty for this blog! can we request three lvl3 werewolf alters who go together?
meow :( dogs… but oki!! the more friends the merrier <3 -🍥
i know you said werewolf, buuuut werewolf pictures are damn hard to find. so i went with three shifters instead :] -🌳
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name :: vellatrix, trixie, bellatrix, xenia, hendrix, lux, maddox
age :: 21 to 24
pronouns :: they/them, xe/xer, shx/hxr, it/its, nim/nims, fang/fangs
roles :: verbal protector, janusian,
species :: werewolf / vampire hybrid
gender identity :: panea, soluperic, transmascthing
orientation :: sapphic / skoliosexual (may be controversial, use w caution!)
source :: brainmade
aesthetic :: goth punk, grunge
appearance description :: being an albino bat/wolf hybrid, xenia has pure-white skin, white fur, and red eyes. xe often has to stay in a semi-transformed state specifically to avoid sunburn and wears sunglasses outside to prevent eye irritation, but plays this off as though it’s a faulty gene or something. it’s only at night that it can transform fully into a bat, wolf, or human — though it sometimes likes to mix and match xer attributes for the “aesthetic”. hendrix’s choice of fashion is mostly strapped clothes, flannel, ripped jeans, platform shoes due to their measly height of five foot zero, and huge dangly earrings that glimmer in the moonlight. vellatrix doesn’t want to cover up fangs albinism; to fang, it’s a mark of pride that makes them stand out from the others.
personality description :: bellatrix is what the kids would call a “little shit”. a troublemaker. an absolute gremlin. a full-blown creacher. it lives up to the name with its eccentric personality and chaotic way of composing itself, as well as its commitment to breaking several laws over and barely even batting an eye. xenia wouldn’t murder someone, granted — but a little bit of arson? jaywalking? owning several raccoons and referring to them as trash puppies? oh, yeah. they’d do that. it is genuinely hard to tell if xena even knows that these are crimes or if theyre doing it on accident. the open tab of “weirdest crimes in america” in their browser might suggest otherwise...
likes :: albino rats, spooky dudes, funky little guys, collecting bones and scraps of old letters, raccoons (trash pandas), snakes, any weird or commonly disliked animal, other hybrid species, people who upset the status quo (reasonably so, not like literal serial killers), anarchy, attending riots, cherry-flavored anything, chapell roan, and sucking the red color out of things to feed on (vegan moment!)
dislikes :: straight-laced people, goody-two-shoes (brad and chelsea are exceptions!), snitches, serial killers, people with main character syndrome, being compared to the manic pixie dream girl stereotype (it is NOT a pixie, it’s a werewolf vampire obviously), ableism, twitter, drama forums, taking shit from other people, unwritten rules (if they didn’t want people to break them, they should write it down!)
front triggers :: lists of rules it has to follow, tired gender norms, debates or arguments, anything chappell roan
signoff :: 🦴, 🐁, or 🩻
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name :: bell/bella, britney, kiara, madeline (mads), hailey, caitlyn, audrey, chelsea
age :: 23 to 27
pronouns :: she/her, occasionally they/them
roles :: protector, coach, athlete, physical protector, coltenoir, anger holder
species :: werewolf
gender identity :: girldiun, ludovigirl // wolf emsoul, knightsensus (not genders but part of her identity)
orientation :: heterosexual
source :: brainmade
aesthetic :: vsco preppy, basic girl, bubblegum dance
appearance description :: kiara has blond-dyed brown hair that’s slowly growing out back to its natural color. hailey is extremely toned and has abs hard as rock. like — literally. people who try to punch her in the stomach might end up breaking their fist or worse if they go toe to toe with audrey. she stands at an imposing six feet and two inches tall, towering over most of her friends and relatives. mads has been blessed (or cursed, depending on how you look at it) with a severe case of resting bitch face that could curdle milk with a single glance. she isn’t trying to be mean all of the time — it’s just the way her face looks! fortunately, the people who are close to her know this and don’t take her looks to heart.
personality description :: blunt, sarcastic, rude, and gruff: those are the four perfect words to describe caitlyn. she doesn’t beat around the bush and tells people how it is straight up, no bullshitting. why lie? lying only makes shit worse. their overly dry and snarky sense of humor can get audrey into hot water — not that they really care. they shrug it off like nothing ever happened. her bluntness can come off as being rude to others, as does her generally gruff way of speaking. cora tries to hold it back for her friends and family, but it still slips through on occasion. god help you if you insult their friends; you’ll be pounded into a pancake faster than you can say ‘sorry’.
likes :: sports (especially basketball), getting fit, maintaining her figure, savory foods like steak, cooking on the grill, weightlifting, hitting the gym with her friends, showing off her muscles, proving her strength, defending her friends and family from assholes, starting arguments, infighting among her six (yes, six!) siblings, wrestling matches, family dinners, and spending time with her loved ones
dislikes :: sugar-heavy foods like cakes or donuts, anything that’s overly rich in carbs unless she needs to carbo-load, vegetarian meals aka “rabbit food”, karens (eugh), entitled people, those who have no sense of respect or patience, bastards, her brothers (sometimes), being called a “sweet girl” or “adorable” unless you’re a grandma (cus damn you, she’s a woman! put some respect on her name!), criminals, people with no sense of justice, chaos for chaos’ sake
front triggers :: physical activity and working out, mealtimes (especially if the body is super hungry), and bouts of exhaustion (she supplements the energy to keep going)
signoff :: 🏀, 💪, or 🏋️
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name :: kai, kyle, kodiak (kodi/kody), danny, drew, dave, aiden, cole, brad, chad, billy
age :: 16 to 18
pronouns :: he/him, rarely bark/barks
roles :: happiness holder, mood booster, advocate, caesian, confidence holder
species :: human-dog shifter
gender identity :: demiboy
orientation :: bisexual!!
source :: brainmade
aesthetic :: athlete, himbocore
appearance description :: brad has fluffy black and white hair, bright brown eyes and a face with an eternal smile on it. he’s really muscular and has tanned skin due to constantly being outside and running around. chad has a stupidly floofy tail right above his hindquarters and floppy ears that hang down on either side of his head. these ears and tail are an actual part of his body — so pulling, pinching, yanking, cutting, or even just touching it will definitely get a reaction. he is almost always in sportswear and ready to rumble with whatever the activity of the day is. frisbee? heck yeah! rafting? bring it on! it’s more of a challenge to find anything he doesn’t want to or is willing to do. with the right group of friends, chad is down for literally anything.
personality description :: it may or may not be obvious by now, but billy is a himbo. as in, very much a himbo. he is not very bright when it comes to passive perception, academics, the arts, or basically anything that doesn’t involve physical activity. he is the kind of guy who peaked in high school but genuinely has not realized it yet (and you really don’t want to tell him because damn it, he’s so darn cute and you wouldn’t wanna break his heart!) he loves his friends and family so very much to the point of sacrificing his own life for them. in his mind, it’s better to have his companions be safe instead of himself. if he has to fight a bear to do that - which everyone but him knows that he is no match for - then so be it! heck, danny still isn’t aware of the fact his friends are werewolves and not other dog shifters. he just assumes they’re all the same because big dog = the good friendly sniff smell.
likes :: head pats, scratches between his ears, playing with his pals, frisbee, chasing things down, dog parks, walks, exercise, playing in the backyard, sniffing weird shit (yes, this includes other people’s butts), yapping about his current interests and hobbies, making new friends, meeting up with old friends, fun activities, action and adventure, and hanging out with vellatrix and britney!!
dislikes :: people yelling at him over small mistakes, thunder and lightning, being told to shut up, betrayal, getting kicked out of his bed, taking naps, losing his stuff, people stealing things from his giant hoard of toys, fireworks (they are very “unpoggers” as he puts it), being misled (when someone says they threw the ball but they didn’t actually throw it…), and being blamed for stuff he didn’t do.
front triggers :: being called a “good boy”, ultimate frisbee, interesting smells, and being left alone with large quantities of food (yes, he will try to eat it all)
signoff :: 🐕, 🐾, or 🍗
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bimbo-bah · 3 months
{Alternative Alter~!}
𓆩♡𓆪 Alter Type: Brainmade
𓆩♡𓆪 Source: N/A
𓆩♡𓆪 System Role(s): Hold urges to S/H, Cringe Holder
𓆩♡𓆪 Name(s): Molly, Mavis, Vamp, Vis the Haunter (creepypasta name)
𓆩♡𓆪 Species: Human (TransVampire, TransGhost)
𓆩♡𓆪 Gender: Vampgirl Gothcoric Bloodgender Voidgxrl Ghostpuelle
𓆩♡𓆪 Pronouns: She/Goth/Gore/Blood/Dull/Emo/Edge/Cut
𓆩♡𓆪 Sexuality: Selfharmsexual Creepypastasexual
𓆩♡𓆪 Age: 19 (Permateen)
𓆩♡𓆪 CisIDs: CisEmo, CisAlt, CisSHScars, CisSuicidal, CisASPD, CisLowEmpathy, CisHighschooler, CisTrueCrimeFan, CisOnlyChild, CisUnderweight, CisBPD, CisGPS (Ghost Pipe Syndrome), CisMPD (Mirroring Personality Disorder), CisCVPD (Compulsive Victim Personality Disorder) CisIEPD (Inverted Empathy Personality Disorder), CisNEPD (Never-Ending Personality Disorder)
𓆩♡𓆪 TransIDs: Transvampire, Permateen, TransSchoolShootingVictim, TransLittleSister, TransConsang, TransLove, TransYandere, TransKidnapped, TransStockholmSyndrome, TransInnocent, Trans2000's, TransACSA, TransCreepypasta, TransGhost, TransDead, TransCultSacrifice, TransMLPFan, TransCPD (Cabaliosis Personality Disorder), TransBloodyTears, IterFluttershy
𓆩♡𓆪 Paras: Chronophilia (Attracted to anyone older than her), Incestophile, Emapihtophile, Hoplophile, Canine Zoo, Antiphile, Masochist
𓆩♡𓆪 Personality: Introvert. Vis is you're stereotypical 2000's edgy girl, being a pessimist and a 'gore obsessed weirdo'. She personally finds self-harm sexually arousing/attractive, and enjoys, hurting herself, or watching others hurt themself. She also believes that she should be a creepypasta since they were a huge comfort to her in her childhood, and believes she should be the ghost of a cult sacrifice or a school shooting victim who haunts and kills random people.
𓆩♡𓆪 Likes: Creepypastas, being online, the dark, gore, drawing, S/H, True crime
𓆩♡𓆪 Dislikes: Bright colors, being told she's alive, socializing, going outside
𓆩♡𓆪 Aesthetic(s): Emocore, Pastelcore
𓆩♡𓆪 Typing Quirk(s): N/A
𓆩♡𓆪 Face Claim:
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cresvalkyrie · 5 months
Electra, the Lost Warrior
>>> Basic Info Name: Electra Alias: Gallant (by Marianette) Species: Human (Garufan) Magic: Steel, Time Specialty: Dragon/Steel Host: Aevia Age: 17 (physical) Gender: Female Pronouns: she/her Birthday: May 19 Height: 5'8" Attribute: Resolve Trainer Class: Lost Warrior
>>> Gallery
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>>> Backstory
TW: Human experimentation, exploitation, terminal illness, murder, amnesia, loss of sanity
Electra was a citizen of Eclysia in the era of the Old World. She was as happy and normal as you can imagine: loving parents, popular in school and surrounded by friends, her family well-off enough to live comfortably. She had her life all on track, and her future was bright. What more could a girl even ask for?
That is, until humanity declared war on Arceus and his followers, the Aura Wielders. The war raged on for months, ravaging the entire continent and leaving it in ruins, until humanity just barely scraped a victory by constructing an ultimate weapon using the remains of a Legendary Pokemon - one said to be on par with Arceus itself - and slew their god with it, ending the war once and for all.
What remained of Arceus's forces retreated, taking with them the golden arch that the god had left behind after its annihilation, and went into hiding. Humanity won, and they all rejoiced... or so they thought. It did not take long for them to realise that their victory was short-lived, when strange phenomena began to occur throughout the land.
The winds no longer blew. Rain and snow no longer fell. The seas stilled. The sun no longer shone. And the earth turned barren. But what was most alarming, was that Pokemon were disappearing, reduced to the same black particles Arceus did in its dying moments in front of their very eyes and it was clear humanity would be the next to suffer this grim fate.
Electra's family, like countless others, suffered immensely from this cruel war. They went from living comfortably in relative luxury, to having to starve and beg for scraps in debris just to survive. Things grew even more dire when her mother fell terribly ill one day, desperately needing medical treatment if she were to recover from it.
Out of desperation, Electra signed herself up for Garufa Inc.'s volunteer program, hoping to get the medical benefits and money she would receive as a volunteer for her mother. She had no idea just what would happen to her, but what she experienced went beyond her expectations.
For her short time as a volunteer, Electra was subject to countless cruel experiments as a host for the Archetype. And through being its vessel, she eventually gained the attributes of the Legendary Pokemon Dialga, although she was unable to display it for long periods of time. Regardless, she was thought to held promise despite being marked off as a failed vessel, and so upon her inevitable death by Genesis Syndrome, her soul was harvested and stored away to be repurposed for the Interceptor Program.
Thousands of years later, after Reset Zero had erased the Old World and built the new world over its ruins, Electra was revived as the Interceptor, taking the place of Aevia. However, being in stasis as a disembodied soul for so long had taken its toll on her, causing to lose most of her memories except for vague recollections of her old happy life in the Old World before the war happened.
Driven by these fragments of her old memories, she journeyed to find out the truth on why she was put here on Aevium, and to find a way back home. Of course, she eventually would find the truth of the Old World, and the discovery sent her off the edge so much that it drove her made from despair and grief. That was when she went down on the path of oblivion and never looked back, grasping onto the faint hope that maybe, just maybe, that if she destroyed the new world, there could be a chance that the Old World would return and she could be reunited with her family again.
And to that end, Electra used her privilege as the Interceptor to craft tools and equipment to aid her. The first being the Red Chain, that she used to subdue Spacea and Tiempa, weakening them before killing them and taking their Cores with some (unwanted) assistance from M2. Upon absorbing the Diamond Core, she gained the full powers of a Dialga, allowing her to not only manipulate time freely but also temporarily gain the form of a Dialga in battle.
The second being a killing spell, one that would permanently erase a soul from existence... but not remove other people's memories of them. This spell would later serve as the prototype for "End of Night", after it was further refined and perfected using combat data collected from the Gauntlet of Sorrow.
Either way, she was successful in her endeavours... but failed to consider that the destruction of the new world also meant her own destruction. So in the end, all her efforts were for naught, and she ultimately faded away into oblivion. And after her demise, Karma activated its protocol and rebooted the Core, resetting the world back to its original state and awaiting a new Interceptor - a new Player - to enter the script.
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ryemiffie · 6 months
Vox is not a fucking shark!! Great opening line I know. But someone was trying to claim that Vox, the tv headed bitch, is also a shark?? That on top of being a tv demon he's also a shark demon, which is just obviously wrong, so today I will be dis-proving that theory.
They tried to justify the theory with varying features of his, most of which were literally just his outfit which has nothing to do with species obviously. They tried to claim the line design on his hat was meant to signify shark teeth, it does not it's actually meant to be a wavelength. The next claim was that his sharp teeth and claws are also signifiers of him being a shark demon, but most sinners actually have these so I don't think they actually hold any meaning to this claim. They also said the stripes on the suit could be a shark pattern, nope, it's just cause Vivziepop clearly has same suit syndrome when it comes to designing male outfits. They also said the wifi symbols obviously had the double-meaning of being gills?? Which is also pretty clearly just not actual evidence, their wifi symbols, just that, cause he's a tv and technology is his thing. They also said his pointy shoes are supposed to be fins?? They're heels! They're pointy because they are heels. They listed some more pretty minor things about his outfit that are supposedly more evidence but none of them really have any actual substance to them. One of their claims that was the craziest was that him having pet sharks are evidence that he's a shark?? Which I don't think I need to explain why that's fucking dumb.
They said that they were presenting this "fact" because some people were mad that Vox didn't have an animal that he was based on. But fun fact everybody! Not all sinners have an animal base!! There are multiple sinners who aren't animals, Velvette is a good example of this cause she's a doll, also Charlie is a puppet, and not to mention like everyone in cannibal town who is just kinda regular people but with no eyes?? For some reason?? There are also plenty more background character who clearly don't have any animal counterparts, yes they are clearly based on other things, but not animals, as I will present here:
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You have a sugar skeleton girl of some kind, some sort of Egyptian themed lady, just a clown, and some yellow thing. None of which are animals but are all sinners, clear evidence that that not all sinners have animal bases!! Vox isn't a shark, he doesn't need to be, he's a tv demon!!
Sinners with tv heads actually seem to be their own category of sinner, since we can see multiple tv headed sinners who aren't vox within the pilot episode, which I will show here:
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And these aren't Vox because we see Vox later in the episode with a design similar to his final one:
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Those other tv headed demons also don't exhibit any animal based features. Tv headed demons clearly seem to be their own type of sinner, making it clear that Vox is just a tv demon, not a fucking shark!!
I rest my case.
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kingofdersecest-2 · 4 months
i want to ask your thoughts on which homestuck ships do you think should have been canon at the end of homestuck?
Whoo boy. I could be a smartass and say something like "Every girl gets with Dave" because Dave is the best partner for every girl, and I can prove it with science and logic. Or I could say Dersecest, cause thats my OTP. But ill take this more seriously and look to what I think could be the ships closest to canon that arent just fucked up. Let GOOOOOOOO. Ships I like DaveJade - Yep, we're starting off strong with this one. Good ole fashioned Davejade. They like each other, have good history together, have good on-screen history too. They kinda got together in HS2, but in this version theres no dog dick, they do have Yiffany, though they call her Ruby instead. They have a nice satisfying life together. Good vibes. JohnRoxy - More good vibes. Sometimes just having two people who genuinely like each other and have good chemistry is all you need in a ship. You dont need problematic or spicy ships. Neither of them are trans obviously, because as it turns out, letting someone who finds a candy bar in a cave somewhere randomly change the gender identity of a character is retarded, actually. VrisRezi - Toxic co-dependant girlfriend ships LESSSSGOOOOO. Terezi and Vriska are in such a weird fucking will they/wont they phase throughout the entire comic. They did kind of get together, at least dead versions of them, who I think just died? I dont remember. Anyway, yeah the living versions get together and make each other miserable and happy at the same time. Meerkat - HS2 sold me on this ship. I dont know why, but I like Meenah and karkat together for some reason. Ships I dont like, but canon circumstances would make them get together anyway. Rosemary - Ugh...the worst ship in homestuck. The boring spice lesbians. The ship that expects you to have read every rosemary fic on Ao3 to stand in for the ships development because theres hardly any in canon, and these motherfuckers got married. As if the canon stuff wasnt boring, the meta about these two creates the most insane discourse. Rose is bisexual, but thats often erased to make her full gay. Kanaya is.....a member of an alien race that does not even know what a lesbian is, but somehow still is one. Yeah, sure ok. Kanaya's questionable sexuality breaks the lore of her own species. Thats impressive. DirkJake - My two least favorite characters in homestuck. I hate dirk and jake, so naturally they should be together. Characters I couldnt figure out, so they are forever alone. Jane - Man, I used to like Jane. Then the writers caught Trump Derangement Syndrome and decided to turn her into him for some fucking reason. I have no sympathy for the Homestuck 2 team and they deserved every bad thing that happened to them for the travesty that was Jane's character assassination. Fuck em. Pre-HS 2 Jane was awesome and she was so goddamn cute when she blushed at Dave saying she was hot. I think DaveJane is a good ship, but he is with Jade. Idk, maybe they can share him. Is that weird? Probably! Jane is too good for Jake because he sucks. And theres no one else i like with her. So yeah.
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pinkniz · 11 months
Hi im insane so I got a weird hc going on
Freddy suffers from winter wolf syndrome
The winter wolf syndrome is a seasonal behaviour change caused by a change in hormones when winter come by. In male wolves, this causes them to become a lot more aggressive, specially towards other males regardless of species because their testosterone goes higher and every other male becomes their enemy.
So basically when winter starts you can see how Freddy gradually becomes more hostile and competetive than usual, specially more towards other men around him. Its not necessarily on purpose, he simply gets a lot more competitive and territorial than usual.
During winter the men of the Shadow Decree tend to avoid Freddy more because of how difficult it is to have any sort of peaceful interaction with him. Freddy is either very grumpy and hostile towards them or TOO friendly, constantly trying to get them to fight him, he always wants to fight and to prove himself stronger than others but during winter its very hard to talk to him without him trying to fight you at the end.
Because of how hard it is to work with Freddy during winter he gets a particular "treatment" when it comes to missions. Given to his testosterone running wild hes a lot stronger, more energetic and more destructive so this is his most productive time of the year, so of course, they HAVE to take advantage of his state. So to prevent comflicts during missions Freddy is almost exclusively sent to missions with teams of women.
While he still wants to fight everyone he's much more easier to handle for women, just like real life wolves, he gets along better with girls because they dont have as much testosterone, they're smaller and they usually arent as loud mannered as men, which in a wolf's eyes means they aren't an enemy. During winter Freddy gets sent to work with female espers and the girls either find him insanely annoying or they're having the time of their life.
When Freddy is under the effects of the winter wolf syndrome the women of the Shadow Decree like to take the opportunity and hang out with him in and out of missions. Some people wrongfully think Freddy is getting all the ladies and such when in reality he basically becomes the Shadow Decree's token male friend of the girls. They gossip to him, they do his fur, they train and fight with him, they compliment his clothes or ask him for his opinion on theirs, they take advantage of him by making him carry heavy stuff that they cant or don't wanna lift and he loves the attention.
During winter its very common to see Freddy surrounded by women while they gossip together, GOD FORBIDS someone says a single bad thing about a guy in his presence because he will not hesitate to go after him for wronging one of his friends. Freddy is a lot more intense during winter and the thing is that the girls that work with him during winter are not only a pack for him, but they're a safespace for HIM. Freddy is always getting ignored, scolded or getting told how dumb and annoying he is but during winter theres people who treat him nicer, the problem with this is that if a guy comes close to these girls Freddy gets a lot more hostile and violent, in his mind they're a threat to his safespace.
Once winter ends the syndrome subsides things get back to normal, his hormones decrease and he's allowed to work with men again. Surprisingly, he apologises to some of the guys if he went too far with them during winter, he still tries to fight them BUT now its in a more playful way. He still chats with the girls that stayed with him during winter but now its not as exclusive.
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lilicohirukoma · 2 years
(fanmade sister school to Night Raven College from Twisted Wonderland)
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The Twilight Forest Institute is a prestigious, all-girls school for students with the potential for becoming powerful witches. The application process is simple, every application has pixie dust sprinkled over it. If the paper stays the same the student has been rejected, if the paper changes color corresponding with one of the dorms the student has been both selected and sorted.
Neninglam. Dorm colors Light Blue and Lilac. Based on The Pseudo King (Prince John), this dorm stands for choosing for what you want and keeping your best interests in mind even it if were to hurt others. Students in the dorm tend to value their independence and their intuition above all else. Members have a tendency to favoring gold jewelry over any other metals.
Caouldain. Dorm colors Green and Red. Based on The Ruler of the Ressurected (The Horned King), this dorm is all about creativity and craftmanship and students in this dorm tend to excel and things like art and sciene. Members commonly don’t have a sense of humor and take everything seriously.
Hayubashan. Dorm colors Brown and Grey. Based on The Snowfall Conqueror (Shan Yu), this dorm works together as a team and places importance on strength and loyalty. Also known for being fierce protectors of gender equality. Most members prefer being around their pets (and animals in general) over humans.
Troldronning. Dorm colors Dark Blue and Purple. Based on The Thirteenth Prince (Prince Hans), the students in the dorm tend to be isolated amongst their own considering they will do anything to get ahead of others, loyalty is not something known to them and they will gladly change sides to ensure their own prosperity. Members of this dorm commonly enjoy lemons and lemon flavored things
Seonittor. Dorm colors Orange and Black. Based on The Maharaja of the Jungle (Shere Khan), the students tend to have a scary reputation but carry themselves with grace and confidence. They are very cautious and prefer to keep things the way they are. Members typically are scared of fire.
Jolieroger. Dorm colors Pink and Red. Based on The Captain (Captain Hook), these students can only be described as lawful evil. They will listen to the rules but exploit every word in it to fit in with what they actually want to do. This dorm has a higher than usual amount of members who are left-handed.
Chronospire. Dorm colors Black and Purple. Based on The Boss (Ratigan), if you get sorted into this dorm you have an organized mind and are extremely intelligent. You are charming, egostistical and scheming. Members are noted for their dark sense of humor.
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New Lands introduced along with the new school...
The Anglians, a military kingdom that’s constantly on the move. Their official queen Rhiannon Goldendefense is currently occupied on war with The Anglian Republic. The current acting head of the country is her younger sister Princess Josephine, who’s currently attending The Twilight Forest Institute.
Kadeir Teyrnon, an ancient country that is isolated from most civilization. The country houses a rare species of people who are descended from the Ruler of the Ressurected’s army, they are skeletal and often ill but as long as the Black Cauldron is active they will live forever.
Saker Tundra, a cold country with a small population. The people are strong and know how to fight, they live in small collected tribes and act as a community. All people have a pet and are closely connected with them.
Port Peninsula, a country with a polar climate. Mythology states that after the 13th prince betrayed the Snow Queen she froze over his kingdom and disappeared. A rare disease known as ‘Frozen Heart Syndrome’ has only had cases reported here.
The Wildfire Jungle, a wild tropical kingdom under rule of the strongest of all. A ruler has had to defeat the former ruler and they will reign as long as they can defeat and challengers. The current Maharani is Shakti Agni, she’s enrolled in The Twilight Forest Institute and her mother is ruling in her absence.
Nowayland, a country thought by most to be fictional when they are children (excluding the inhabitants.) They have one of the biggest mermaid communes and pirate fleets in the world. The country has a rainbow that is always present and visible, no official explanation for this has been given.
Barremount, a small country that mainly consists of a huge 30ft mountain which has multiple inhabitants on the inside, there is also a small village closeby for those with a fear of heights. It’s mainly surrounded in darkness, only around 5 hours of sunlight a day. They have magical bells that toll when the sunlight arrives.
Joyride Haven, an island that’s mainly seen as a tourist attraction. With the relaxed laws and little government interference it’s a hotspot for criminal activity. It’s a popular vacation spot for many but visitors are told to keep a very sharp eye out on basically everything.
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That’s all folks! I will get to the dorms and their respective members asap but please feel free to let me know what you think so far :)
Update: Neninglam is posted and linked above
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mortiium · 6 months
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     𝐰𝐡𝐨  𝐢𝐬  ..  𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒂𝒏𝒆 𝒐'𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒚 ? 
tip  of  the  iceberg. 
full  name :   sloane  dierdre  o’malley
age / dob :   twenty - four  /  june  sixth  ( gemini  ass  bitch ) 
gender / pronouns :   cis woman  /  she + her
sexuality :   queer 
species :   human - hunter , empath
dwelling :   locke row ,  spark park
occupation :   clerk at age of vintage 
in  a  word. 
ardent. convincing. headstrong. sharp.  stubborn. loyal to a fault. selectively apathetic. tough. thrill seeking. snarky. prideful. thick - skinned.
strangely laid back. attention starved vs attention disgusted. complex. complains about things before she's even tried them. bit as a child, not really above it now.
scraping your knuckles on the sidewalk, wedging yourself between a rock and a hard place, playing a never ending game of catchup, middle child syndrome, balancing relationships on a thumbtack, you don’t recognize yourself anymore, growing up too fast, your legs were never long enough, broken hairbrushes, diy piercings, rolling down a hill, weightless, flipping a coin and changing your face, wearing shoes that are too big and hand me downs that are too old, kicking up dirt, mud pies 
let’s  talk  about  sloane. 
sloane is the middle o'malley sibling. born just a couple years apart each, sean is her older brother and fia is their younger sister. her parents divorced when she was in elementary school - and things were difficult financially for the family ever since.
sloane's older brother, sean, began work as a hunter almost by accident - picking up odd jobs from the men that used to hang around their father's apartment. with the three siblings living in a cramped trailer in spark park, sean saw it as taking care of his family in a way his alcoholic father wasn't. sloane resents her father to this day for this.
sloane's abilities as an empath were never something she shared, except with her sister fia whom she shared a room with. they scared her, more than anything. the things she sometimes felt she could do. for so long, all sloane knew was a general lingering fear.
that terror would come to a head the night they all lost sean. it was a job gone wrong - the young adult now pushed beyond his limits with no abilities to protect him and no proper training to fall back on. that was the day sloane vowed to pick up where her brother had left off. to never allow anyone to take anything from her again.
so she's a hunter. and .. she's kind of really good at it. there is a rage that lives in sloane that is near primal and never quenched. i mean .. like. she's a girl. so.
doesn't really acknowledge she's an empath because it is unsettling to her. tries really hard to convince herself other people's emotions don't overwhelm her. also always trying to make people laugh and lighten the mood so she's receiving positive feedback. parties a lot when not on a job ( tbh also when on a job ) perhaps because it dulls her senses. perhaps she has a big reckoning coming with that little detail.
besides having a strange and kind of fucked life, she does like to have fun and friends and hobbies, etc. etc. she skateboards and raves. steals things to feel something. etc.
repressed the hell out of everything that has ever gone bad in her life because she's too busy being drained by other people's emotions to feel her own fr fr.
hi  sexy.  yes  ...  u  reading  this  ...  i’m  alli  and  this  is  sloane.  tldr  she’s  really  chaotic and quite frankly a problem.  i love her.
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rowenabean · 2 years
Inspired by @thestuffedalligator 's wonderful post: please enjoy the first installment of the Weird and Wonderfuls Ward: Sleeping Beauty Syndrome!
(I don't know if there will ever be any other installments, but this concept grasped me like a rattlesnake and wouldn't let go. No, I've never been grasped by a rattlesnake so I don't actually know what that's like. I feel like I'm only beginning to get to the interesting bits, but I have a low-key migraine and I decided the better part of valour is avoiding being on my computer when I have a migraine.)
“Hi!” the girl in front of Larissa said brightly. “You’re our new intern? Welcome to the Weird and Wonderfuls Ward!”
Larissa blinked. “Uh – I was expecting ward 4?”
“That’s us!” she said. “We just call it that. You know, it takes a lot to be managing some of this stuff, so it’s better to be cheerful about it! I’m the fellow here, we do have a consultant but he’s in and out so mostly it’ll be just you and me. Marie. Where have you come from?”
Larissa seized on the last question with the grasp of a drowning man.
“Just been on general surgery. It was my first run, so medicine is all brand new! Hoping it’ll be a bit of a change of pace.”
Marie squinted. “That’s optimistic? Dr Faustus should be in this morning, so we’ll see. Good luck? Probably best to grab the notes now, he moves pretty fast.”
“Ah – yes!” Larissa gulped. “Where are they?” She looked around. This wasn’t at all like the previous wards she’d worked on. For a start, she’d had to come underground to get here, which was the first time she thought she might have taken a wrong turning. She’d been expecting the tunnel to pop back up to the surface, but it had merely kept going down until she felt like she might be in some kind of wartime bunker. For some reason, there were still windows in some of the walls, but they looked out on excavated earth around 10cm from the glass, which did nothing to help her discomfort. This room appeared to be the nurses station, and it did have the classic whiteboard bearing patient details, but beside each name was a collection of sigils that bore no resemblance to the terms she’d learned in medical school.
At the back of the room she located a stack of binders. The first one had a name on the front, and she flipped open to reveal the first page. Yes, that was their ID details, and it looked like there were clinical notes behind her. Upstairs they had moved to computers, but the hospital she’d trained at had paper notes, and this looked sufficiently familiar to work with. She went to close the notes, but stopped as something caught her eye. Why was there a space for “species” on the registration form? And what the hell was a trow?
A door slammed behind her, and Larissa turned with a squeak. A dark-haired man had entered the room, his face narrow and tapering to a pointed chin with a small tuft of black beard. He wore a pair of tiny round glasses perched on his aquiline nose, and a long dark gown in place of her white coat.
“Ah, fresh meat,” he said, and held out a hand with an unpleasant smile. “Dr Faustus.”
Larissa concentrated on keeping poise, but her hand still trembled as she held it out to shake. “Larissa. I believe I’m your new house officer?” Her voice cracked on the question. “Marie was just – introducing me to the ward?”
He nodded curtly. “Hand me your pager,” he said.
Larissa slipped it from her belt and passed it over, confused. Dr Faustus passed his hand over it in a complicated motion, then handed it back. “There you are. That should be more useful now.” He turned and walked out the door without further comment. Larissa blinked after him stupidly. It wasn’t until Marie hissed “Ward round!” that Larissa gathered herself and the teetering stack of patient notes – seriously, computer was much more convenient – and followed him out the door.
The ward round was an uncomfortable flashback to her first day as a surgical house officer, straight from medical school. With a stack of a dozen folders to sort, it often took her several minutes to find the correct patient, by which point Dr Faustus was walking out of the patient cubicle and expected her to be ready to see the next. She tried to at least write down the diagnosis, but that was a flurry of half-understood words in itself – “bog-standard lycanthropy,” he said at one, “full moon’s tomorrow so just make sure he’s somewhere safe,” and then the next was “that’s a simple curse, just send down the curse-breakers and they’ll have her on her feet in no time.” The only case she recognised was the second to last. Dr Faustus stoped in front of the patient and talked for a minute, then turned to the nurse manager in disgust.
“This one’s just Lyme disease. Why is she here? Get her back upstairs.”
The patient behind him tried to say something, but she was cut off by his protests, as was the nurse manager.
“Not everything weird is us, you know. This isn’t supernatural at all. Those general physicians, trying to get out of their responsibilities. I don’t want to see her here when I come back.”
Marie poked Larissa quietly. “That’s you, you know. You’ll have to call upstairs to make it happen.”
At the end of the ward round, Dr Faustus stalked away upstairs, and Larissa sat down with relief. She still had no idea what was happening, but at least she had a moment to figure it out. Her list of jobs was intense – beginning with “write down nine tenths of the ward round notes” and leading through such gems as “figure out who the curse-breakers are” and “where do we find a silver pentangle” to “try and persuade the physicians they want to listen to a lowly house officer about taking over a patient,” but she’d done this before, she reminded herself. It wasn’t like the surgeons hadn’t made her work above her pay grade at times.
Marie disappeared at some point while Larissa was still sorting out the notes. She hunted around the ward for a bit, and eventually managed to find a nurse who might be able to help her figure out what was going on.
The nurse was called Joseph. He was a slightly-built younger man, wearing the standard hospital nursing uniform, apart from one thing: he had no shoes. Instead, his legs protruding from the sensible polyester trousers ended in goats hooves. They made a faint clopping sound as he walked, like the finer grade of court heels that Larissa had long-since decided to avoid in the echoing hospital corridors.
He ran over her list with a practiced eye. “Curse-breaker’s easy – they’ll be here for MDT anyway in an hour – ah yes, I’ll show you were we keep the silver items. That werewolf’s just staying till the full moon and then going home? Ok, we’ll pop him down the end, there’s a single room he should enjoy in the daytime, and it’s not like the moonlight gets down here. Best part of the location. You’ll have to figure out the physicians yourself, I’m afraid, I try not to go upstairs. It’s a whole hassle putting the concealment spells on my feet.”
By mid-morning, Larissa had moved the patient with Lyme disease upstairs – her one triumph, in that it was the only thing she managed to achieve on her own – and had found the silver gear. Marie eventually returned, and she managed to corner her to show her what to actually do with it – “they don’t teach this any more in medical school?” and they took it down to that patient, who was screaming in pain. The touch of the silver left a faint burn mark – although it was neither hot nor cold – but the pain left her, and Marie pronounced her cured. Or rather, exorcised. Larissa completed her discharge paperwork, and was just starting to feel on top of things when her pager rang.
It took her a moment to realise it was the pager. Whatever Dr Faustus had done to it, it wasn’t beeping in the usual way; instead, a squeaky voice said “Emergency! Emergency! Your presence required! Emergency!” and then was interrupted by Dr Faustus himself.
“Incoming patients in ED. Spell gone wrong - looks like a sleeping beauty situation. There’s at least ten victims in transit at the moment, likely there's more we can't find yet. All hands needed in ED.”
Larissa looked down at her list. It was starting to look more manageable than it had, but she had been counting on having the rest of the day to get all her paperwork done (even the weird and wonderfuls ward had paperwork), and being on call hadn't entered her radar. She hadn't seen any other doctors down here, though, so maybe it was just the one team. She gulped. What a thought.
Marie started running for ED, and Larissa followed her. It took a while to get there - up and up through the subterranean corridors, and when they rose to ground level they were still on the far side of the hospital - dodging around elderly ladies on walkers and young kids in moonboots, as well as the hordes of doctors going around their own ward rounds upstairs. Marie glimpsed her old surgical team, new intern in tow, but didn't stop the helter-skelter run through the corridors. She sped up next to Marie.
"What's the hurry? What does sleeping beauty mean?"
"Sleeping - beauty," Marie huffed, "patients not - technically - alive. No pulse - not breathing for themselves. One person breathing for them all - if they stop breathing - everyone dies."
Larissa swallowed. "And do they stop breathing?"
“Don’t – know” Marie said. “I’ve only seen a source once. Usually we just see the blast radius.”
“What do you do then?” Larissa asked, then corrected herself. “We. What do we do?”
“If we can – get them breathing – we can get them stable enough to break it. Usually. It’s not an easy one to break.”
They arrived at ED, and Marie led Larissa to the side. There was a curtain there that Larissa had never glanced twice at, and Marie led her behind it. In front of them was a whole second department. It had the same clear-glass cubicles with the same flimsy privacy curtains, and the same air of barely-contained chaos. The similarities ended there. Half the staff were dressed in long robes instead of scrubs, and candles and incense burned around each of the monitors in the staff workstation. She could see more of the sigils from below, and actually recognised a silver pentangle that was a larger counterpart of the one Marie had shown her downstairs. In one corner, a tired-looking paramedic was wheeling in a patient on a stretcher. Even from here she could see that they were uncomfortably blue-tinged, and their chest was rising in a forced, stilted manner, as if they were on a ventilator, even though there was no machine anywhere near their mouth.
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csmeanerr · 9 months
Never fails to amuse me how people will come to you, the "all CS are bad by principle" blog, and have the gall to still try and promote their CS. Or ask how they can be the CS that doesn't fuck up. Real "not like other girls" syndrome. Just make an open species you daft fucks
post related
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mrs-bluemarine · 1 year
sorry i stole your girlfriend, simple & clean, and monster >:3c <- with intention of reading all 50 aus
• SORRY I STOLE YOUR GIRLFRIEND :: Did you or your f/o have any relationship experience before getting together?
We don't talk about Wes' past romantic history
Jay Kay has a rather colorful history, with enough experience for the both of them. Her relationship with Wes is probably the healthiest one she's had, though ouchie.
• SIMPLE AND CLEAN :: How would your f/o speak about you to someone else?
This probably goes for both Wes and Blackmore hehe.
They... get this lil glint in their eye, and there's no shutting them up when they get to talk about their ladies and they get so animated. They'd probably over exaggerate a little bit, talking about how wonderfully perfect their girls are and how they're both so beautiful and perfect and the camera spins around to show two blonde goblins
• MONSTER :: Do you have any AUs for your ship? If so, any notable details about any of them?
Ok so fur this scenario I have u tied up and bound to a chair in my basement with no desire to untie you until after I'm done.
So there's the pirates enemies to lovers, there's the pirate captain x sailor au, the pirate x cowboy au (all enemies to lovers bee tee dubs) my yellow submarine au, idk how to explain it but it's like deity x worshiper thing where Wes is literally Obsessed and Jay Kay is a sexy mermaid sea goddess, The Little Mermaid, the Western au, the mafia one, the one where Wes is a priest, the other one where Wes is a priest AND it's set in a post apocalypse, the other post apocalypse au, the zombie au, the villain x super hero au, the Pokemon au, babysitter au, my cul de sac one where its strangers to lovers, hurt/comfort au, werewolf au, vamp au, demon slayer (dont ask or do I'd be eager to explain myself), witch x knight au, THE MINOTAUR ONE. These are all for the same character btw
The Yellow Submarine one is inspired by the Octonauts show which I was OBSESSED WITH as a kid, basically the prison gang all work underwater and discover new deep sea species and also a very pretty octopus hybrid lady that is victim to deep sea gigantism :3c and Wes is into that
The apocalypse ones:
Cul de sac one is just kinda cute :3c we love sad lonely old single fathers on this account
The hurt/comfort is so indulgent. U know nightingale syndrome? It's that. basically I have a savior complex and this is the proof anyway
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moshi-roulette · 1 year
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It’s a real pleasure to meet you!
General Info
Cassandra, Flowery, Flora
May 20
Personal Facts
A very sweet girl who loves gardening and anything floral. She can be a bit shy at times and isn’t the type to try and pick fights. She mostly wants to live her life in the most peaceful way possible and not stir up any trouble. Though that doesn’t mean she can’t fight. She's very kind and helps whenever she can. She also enjoys romance novels and will even fantasize about her scenarios. She’s also strangely a bit… dirty-minded. Though what do you expect to get when you hang out with the embodiment of lust?
Gardening, Flower Arranging
Fun Facts
Her skin feels like fresh leaves/flower petals
“Hanahaki Syndrome” by Shiki Miyoshino
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