#Zee A green
Feathers and Fur pt.1
Everything had always been normal. A normal world. Normal life. Normal toddler. Though by now that toddler barely remembers when things had ever been normal. The last thing he remembered outside of this hell he lives in, was his mother's screams when she saw the wings that sprouted from his back. He wasn’t normal. So they took him away. They were hidden. There had to be hundreds of them, but no one knew. All the kids inside knew was the treatment they had been given, and the training. They were meant to be super weapons for war. So when one was too weak, They would be killed off. This was all Zee had ever known. He had learned to get used to it. He got used to barely knowing any knowledge about the outside world, or even how it worked. Only being learned how to kill in the most effective ways, while nearly being killed himself.
Zee sighs softly as he enters what he was told was his bedroom, but it was more like a cell, after a longer training than he had hoped. Everyone else was already asleep. He sat on what was called a bed, but was just a mattress on the floor, with a few thin sheets as blankets as he looked at the blinding white of the rest of his room, that matched the uniform he was given, and his wings drooped ever so slightly.
then suddenly, a portal opened in the middle of his room. it was see-through, but slightly obscured what was on the other side. so he saw the blurry outline of a bedroom, and... a girl. she stepped through, who appeared to have.. wolf ears on the top of her head... she had two differently colored eyes, the right was white, with an odd, star-shaped pupil, and the other was blue, and a wolf tail to match her ears. freckles dotted her cheeks like stars. she tilted her head at him carefully, a curious, playful look in her eyes. Zee's eyes furrowed, and his wings puffed out slightly. cautious about the girl, though not hostile.
the girl only smiled and offered her hand for him to shake "Hi! I'm Chi. what's your dar??" her tail perked up a little, friendly, and curious about him. Zee's eyebrows furrowed slightly
"Sorry, my what..?" he backed away from her carefully.
she furrows her eyebrows, tilting her head slightly, one ear flopping as she did so. "your dar? gift from the stars..?"
he shakes his head quickly "Gift? No- no these are a curse!" he lets out a soft, dry laugh.
she blinks, before furrowing her eyebrows more, looking around, starting to realize how absurd the surroundings were. this- blinding white room, with nothing but a dirty, years and years old mattress on the floor, with old, ripped sheets... locked secure door, and a large window as the wall for the outer wall, showing a hallway full of rooms just like it, with more kids. most sleeping, getting ready for the long days ahead of them, dreading they aren't good enough to be kept alive.
she looks back at him "What is this place?"
Zee quickly shakes his head "Whoa- back up. Where did you come from?" he was so incredibly confused. he had never seen another person his age so cheery. the most cherry was the kids around 5, old enough to have almost forgotten how they were taken, but too young to really understand the gravity of their situation. plus, he had no idea where she had come from. for all he knew, this was a weird hallucination. he also still couldn't wrap his head around the whole "dar" thing.
the girl shrugs "Fair enough." she smiles "Another universe! I was in my high school dorm before now."
he shakes his head "No- no- that doesn't make sense. how is there... another... universe?"
she hums softly "It's hard to explain? honestly, I'm still new to it myself.."
he whines and looks down, shaking his head ever so softly.
"do... you want to come back with me?" when she said that, it shocked him. there was a slight hope in his eye, that this could be better than what he had. but also... if things were this bad here, how much worse could they be out there? but... what could be worse than this? maybe.. he would just check things out. see if things were safe for everyone else. he would have to come back for them though...
he nods, ever so carefully. She grins and offers her hand, her tail wagging.
he takes it softly, and the first thing she notices is how rough, and callaced his hands were. like he had been a blue-collar worker for 40 years. "I'm... Zee.."
she smiles warmly, and takes him through the portal, which feels like walking into the freezer section at a Costco. a cold chill across his body.
stay tuned for pt 2!!
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stevetwisp · 1 year
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zee and carol for a friend c: 
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chocochurrozz · 5 months
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Did I unlock a memory for you guys?
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respectthepetty · 10 months
My tiny color-coded cringe baby is about to get his boy!
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The way Sprite maintained eye contact when he was kneeling down to tie First's shoe *bites knuckles*
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Sprite had me and First fucked up.
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This was a sexual awakening for God's strongest solider.
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All's I know is if Sprite would have told First he was the most special-est boy ONE. MORE. TIME. First would have pushed him against those lockers Between Us style.
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Blue + Yellow =
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And I'm red-dy for Zee to mess this all up.
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spittyfishy · 1 year
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Little screen shot redraw from DC Superhero Girls! It’s such a fun show and tbh one of the best examples of how enjoyable DC can be when they really try, 10/10 would recommend lol
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rontra · 1 year
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why is that third one 203 mb ,,.calm down its just leafs
Helena Wayne Eventually Forced Into The Spotlight Despite Her Best Efforts.png
uhh these are for my AU so dont worry about the details. i think theres a couple things in here i havent talked about even for the people who Have been following the au posting hahaha
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totaled-drama · 1 year
Morse you draw jcu chase ripper and Zee in the saw bathroom please. And the bro moment they had
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Fun fact I have never seen a Saw movie before. Not sure what happens in the bathroom in those films but I’m glad these guys got their bonding moment I guess ajdhsjdhsh
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zees-little-blog · 1 year
saw a few people making these so i made my own!!
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example using al who you have never seen on another blog ever:
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please tag me or rb from this post if you use it!! i’d love to see what you do with it!! ^w^
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envy-stims · 9 months
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🥤 • 🍃 • 🌈 • 🍭 • 🧡
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“I’ve never been this high before…”
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zee (total drama) stimboard
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dollvernz · 2 months
Phantom House screenshot drawovers!
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We have Colle as Eda, Sabre as Luz, Therapist Green (Jade) as Willow {mostly} , M (Morgan) as Amity, Shadow Sabre as Vee, and Galaxy (specifically the Steve Saga one) as The Collector
We also have Owl Beast Colle!
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karaemberedits · 9 months
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Merry Christmas 💫🌟🎄🎅🎄🌟💫
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Feathers & Fur, pt.2
Zee closed his eyes and held his breath slightly as he went through the portal, opening his eyes slowly and blinking away the dark spots. He found himself in a nicely furnished bedroom with posters lining the walls and a girl sitting on the bed.
she was super short. maybe 4'11. crimson eyes, black hair, that was super long. fell onto the bed, and down, reaching the floor, with... at least a few feet more of hair. she had long, scaly dragon wings more than twice her height. She also had this- inky substance covering the right half of her body and face. she had an arm-length glove on the right side, and a thigh-high boot on that same side.
despite the girl, Zee completely glazed over her, mesmerized in the room itself. "your room is- woah- I- I've never-"
Chi smiles as she steps through the portal behind him, nodding a little. "not bad, isn't it? we're hoping we get to keep the same dorm all 4 years-"
Zee's eyes were sparkling, still trying to take it all in, as Chi tilted her head, one ear slightly flopping to the side.
"I'm sorry, I just- this- I've never seen a room this cool!"
"no? I honestly think It could be better with time, but it is kinda nice?"
Zee looked at her with a look of complete confusion "Better? 'kinda' nice?? how could you do any better than this-?? I don't- even remember the last time I saw a bedframe-"
"oh- er- I suppose. we have to share the bed, swapping out for the couch. we're hoping to get a bunk bed..." when Chi said this, it made his eyes light up even more
"you have a couch? like- all to yourself? and- you can be on it after sleeping hours?"
she smiles "Yeah- and a lot of other stuff..."
Zee finally finds himself calming down, if only slightly, his wings shifting slightly. "wow... things really are a lot different here, huh?"
"so- then what are things like there..?"
"not like this, that's for sure... you saw my bedroom- I've had that same mattress since I got there. and I was 3 then."
Chi's ears droop ever so slightly "Aw- that's no good."
"a-and- I mean- what did you call these things again-?" he gestures to his wings "I've only ever heard them be called 'genetic mutations'..."
"oh- dars! I'm honestly not sure if all the legends are true- cause- I mean, I have the ability of Darce- but I mean, what other explanation is there for where they came from?"
he shifts slightly to look out a window. "so... there's.... others?"
Chi nods. "not one person who doesn't have one these days. about 50 years ago the last few who were thought to have no dar at all were confirmed to have minor ones. we're learning about it in history right now, actually."
he looks back at her, hope in his eyes, and a slight flutter in his heart. "everyone? that- you can't be serious, right?"
she grins happily at him "Why would I lie?"
he shrugs "People lie for a lot of reasons, I guess. most of the time just to make me look stupid."
"Well, I'm not like those people."
he relaxes slightly. "so you aren't being- trained?"
she hums "Well I chose the hero course, so I am, kinda. but Eji didn't. she's doing culinary."
he looks down. "all of us are being trained. to kill in war. they call us 'super weapons'... if you aren't strong enough, aren't able to kill with your power, or can't heal with your power, you're killed. well- I guess Kai is an exception. she's more of a tracker."
Chi hums and thinks "You've not been to school?" Zee responds by shaking his head, his wings drooping a little, looking down, slightly embarrassed. Chi smiles "Well- you wanna enroll here? I could tutor you, and help you catch up... technically you would need a boy's dorm, but it's only like- a 5-minute walk."
he looks at her "Oh... yeah, I think I'd like that.."
she grins and nods a bit.
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zeebee-jeebies · 2 years
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shiwei · 1 year
Super Hero Girls vs. Cheetah
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deimosbreakfrost · 6 months
"everyone is making TD band au-"
Ripper, Chase and Zee are Green Day in the Dookie era, cry about it if you don't agree🙄
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nvrmorxxi · 21 days
today i saw the end of the world
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first day of the 100 day challenge: Zak Headshot Zee showing his little boy son the end of a world (dramatically called the world), its a harsh truth of reality that sometimes things can't be saved in the sense that is keeps living. Sometimes things have to die and have to go and its fine! Its just apart of life. Theres sometimes beauty in it...
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